tiM&Xu r. . THE WEATHER 'ST ' M ' M ' , Wr -KTfT rri Y V U. BBBFI WIGHT rlniidv anil rentlnucil rnel tenlcht: Wednesday unsettled with iirobable showers; moderate enslcily winds. 'n-aipm -ft nn ,r each Hern --& i) no iTii-.i 1 1 1 n i .- rrr.-ri "nsTii" net ii tes urn 7i) I i i i t? EXTRA X i VOL. IX. NO. 5 tlnlered ns Set.en(l.ri Mttr t tl reslnfnr. at rhtladelphla. T. Under the Act of Jfrch 8. 1810 X PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1922 rubllsbed Dsily nrnt Sunday. Subrrrtptlen Prlry tO a Ter by Mall. Cepj right, 102.'. by I'ublle Ledger Company PRICE TWO CENTS 1 Jwuiauuj fuuuvwuyu n ARREST IIS HALL MURDER IS HINTED BY PROSECUTOR; GRUESOME CLUE IS FOUND Short Affidavit Alleging Suspicion Drawn Against Man f MOTHER MAN PLACED UNDER SURVEILLANCE Oman's Handkerchief, Bloody, Powder-Burned and Marked : by Bullets, Found FAMILIES OF VICTIMS U Vii i en car nilFSTinNINR V,HUUUU I wii wsw-s, . ,..,,,.,, iVeman Believed te Have Clawed Recter -and Choir Singer Before Man Shet Them fj a Staff Corretpendutt New Brunswick, X. J., Sept. 19. An arrest already may have been made in the" mysterious murder of (he Rev. Edward Wheeler Hall and Mre. Eleaner Rcinhardt Mills, ac cording te a hint this afternoon from Assistant Frofccuter Toelan. "An arrest will be made befetc t In lay li ever en a short affidavit elinrp; ins suspicion of murder--if an ar rest has net been made already," laid the Assistant Pre? editor sip; niflcantly. Mr. Toelan would net explain what he meant. Ner would he indicate he the man was he admitted it res a man against whom the "short nflidavit" was te be ledged. Second Man Under Suneillancc Anether sensational development, idmitted by the authorities, was that a man outside Middlesex County Mi under surveillance by authorities of a neighboring county. He is the second suspect under surveillance. Detectives in Middlesex County admitted that a man within their jurisdiction was being dogged con stantly by watchers. One ether bit et' evidence, sin riling In its possibilities, v is the finding of n bleed-stained nnd bullrt-rittdhd woman's liundkcrchif in n held near th place where th bodies, of tin1 elrgv raan, rector of St. .lelin the K.niigelist's Epifcepal Church, mid Mia. Mills ihelr ilDrer and sexten'fi wife, were found Siturdey morning. Geerge l)eler, nineteen renri old. n hicfa school student. nmd' the find nnd took the liandkcrchirf te ilie prose cutor's eflice lierf. It .t a mnll, cheap seman's hamlkcreliipf, ith h touch attfmiit nt rnibreidm in one cermr. Otnnenifi Lviilnnadens Adanced It was ditply Mninrd -vs 1 1 li bleed. Thtre wrrn powder marks en it. But neit Icnltu'nnl of all, thcre wevr tluce IcIh iilt. Te riiconie e.Tplnnotieni bne been ndranciMWer the bullet hole. One iH that the "hnndkrehipf wns folded nnd (Ingle fhet fired through it Inte Mrs. Milli. Anether Is that it was nwl te corer the inuzlp of the gun tthen the thru shots ere fired into Mr. Hall's hud. The use of n handkeri'hirf, t lie UTettlgaters think, may indlentn an nt tempt te prevent powder bums that jwuld mark bullets tired from point Mink range. The bej who found the handkerchief Mid It was nbeut fifteen jard from tb ipet where the bodies laj. It was near a path leadinc back toward the treets of New Brunswick. It was learned that two persons wcre questioned mint of last night In tli Prpsocuter's ofliee. Ona of tlieni, it is Mia. was Willie SHeven, pcecnlrlu 'ether of Mi-, l'rances Hall, the ciMgyman's widow. Rumer is busy in tlie town again. TJ whisper that Mr. Hull nnd Mm. Muls wcre about te olep, perhaps pinnL-.g te go te Japan, wne, rrvind n ?iyV l "ns rumred aUe that Mr. nail had withdrawn a large suni of neney from a bank last Wednesday Indignation at Iaw's Delay LATEST PICTURE OF SLAIN CHORISTER Thin phetngrapli was taken net long before the injsterleus Ma fug or Mrs. Kle.iner Mills, u va,s feuna dead bcslde tbe Ijedv of die. Km. Kdnaiil Wheeler Hall, New Brunswick dergjnian, lm also was murdered Find' 'the Other Weman" The Big Task New in Murder Mystery Who waa the "ether woman" who saw the murder of the lcv. Edward Wheeler Hall and Mrs. Eleaner Rcinhardt Mills? Examination of the bodies disclosed that a woman's naih had clawed the face3 of the two victims before they -Aero shot te death. A mark en Mrs. Mills' neck suggested, tee, that a powerful acid might have been thrown upon her a woman's act, the police agi ce. There were powder burns also en Mrs. Mills' face, indicating that the revolver was held close up. Did a woman, the peliee ask, pinion the unfertunate victim te the ground, while a man fired the fatal shot? Then neighbors say they heard tve women's voices screaming in the night. At Inst only one woman's voice rang out piercingly, nnd ended in n wailing mean. Did the "ether woman" who was present go out planning merely te disfigure her victim, then scream in terror when a man companion turned vengeful violence into murder? The police say that the answer te these questions will contain the solution of the crime. DETERMINED PARENT BALKS TWO ELOPERS Mamma Uses Telephone te Advan tage and Wedding Dells Peal Net Through the rjitir-k nrtlen of hrr parents, who instuirted Uicriffw of two reuntlei te prevent the iimrrlngi! nf Annn Klrehner, !!!1 North Edguwoed Htreet, the girl and her prospective hus band, Chailes Curry, of New Yeik, were compelled te return home today in single blessedness. Miss Klrehner and Curry arrived at rtkten early jeUerday afternoon. Wetd bad been sent in ndvanee by Mr. Kirchner telling Sheriff Giffeid tttat the wcddjng wan opposed. Gifferd detained the couple in his office until 7 o'cleek last night te await the arrival nf Mr. nnd Mr. Kiicliner. They failed te appear nt that hour. The shetift pel -initted the couple te go. Mis Klrehner, htlll determined, nid. "We'll tj an other plare." They hired an automobile and went te Chestcrtewn. ' Shortly after the girl's parents and her brother ai lived by automobile et i:ikten. On hearing that the couple were en the way te Uiestertewn, Mrs. Kirchner then wired the .sheriff there te held them. He followed order? and held them until the anival of the girl s patents. fhe and t'utiv returned with Mi nml Mik. Klnlmei fM morning. JURY GETS BRUNEN CASE THURSDAY Ellis Parker Believes Evidence Will Held Three Suspect "Honest Jehn" Bninen's murder in Riverside, N. J.. March 11 last will bn eensidererl by the Burlington Coun Ceun tv Grand .luri neja Thursday nt Ml. Helly. Mrs. Pens Briinen. wife of the mur dered man: her brother . Harry Mehr. and Charles M. Powell, former rm rm tilnje of ii rin us owned bv J trillion. hue been in Sit ltnll jiil ter ixeml months awaiting the grand-jur.i 's :irtinti ill I he ,"a-e I'.llis Parker. Burlington '"iiut ! trill',, nnd famous sober of murder IllJiteilPg, is piepared te J.0 liefeie (lie grand jurj with eideiiep he fenls ('r tain will riult in tlxj holding of nil thiee for trial. I he trial ltelf, IfMrne bills are, found, probably will take place ejirly in October. 'Che Grand .Tuty, after rensldeilng tlie Ut linen eld,'iice, will take up nnntber murder wbleh nivsllfied the pelire for ten days. It is tint of Jonas K. Vi, jitney drner of AVrlghtsfewn, X. .1.. whose bedj was found, paitl, burin d, In a pateh of burned-eter weed- near Hnliicspert, N. J. Detective Packer, after inning out various elui"., ariet ei Krnipt Mnn. a di'erter fieni I'limii DI. who is paid le hni' eenl'essed. Tin; ' murder of U'irtle 1'ibber. a Negro, alee w Ml be linestigated. Cushion Stout, likewlsi u Negro, Is licensed of the Kill -ltiS. PHILA. BRIDE ACCUSES HUSBAND OF BIGAMY n HARDING'S VETO OF BONUS READY FORHOUSETODAY ! ROBBERS FAILED VALENTINO HAD 10 President Discusses Message te Congress With His Cabinet FURTHER CONFERENCES WITH SEVERAL SENATORS Heuse Will Take Ne Action en Repassage Until Tomorrow Fj .tllOf fltf'l I'K.I Washington. Sept. 10. President Harding' ineatnge rleing the Seldleis Rnnus Hill w I- lOinplelrd tills fore, neon nnd it wn Indliiitrd nt th" 'hiie lleue tlmi It would be sent te the Heuse piebabh befme I P. M. The Prenl"nt iscii"-''d llie mesagq with bis ('abiiut, wbiih assembled nt II A. M Before meeting with lu eflb inl fam ily the neeiille lenlinucd his eon een ferenres wiib Senater.'. Ins rollers In eludmg Sennteis Cameion. of Arizena: Norb"-k, of Seuth Daketa: OddK of Nevada, and Stanlield, of Oregon, who ei for the 'ieiiiis in the Senate. The four Senators were understood te line gene le the White Heuse, nt the Imitation el the President, who. It was l-iild. nked Ibeni te gil" erleiiSi eon een siib'ralimi te figures lie planned te pre peni ;is le the fiiiiiuri il nndltinu of the Gen innient nnd tbedinin wbleh would b imperd en the tiriisun by th" bonus llmi-.e lenders bid ai ringed in tlie viii of e eie te defr until tomorrow the ine'e in irpns lb" bill. 'I be pro gram tedm enlkil ter in t ion en im port nit lenfereiien report" and ether inen,e,rPK r,hiei It w.is desired te dl" pni of mfni the perlblill' of the Ins" of a working cpieriim. J'neiids of the bc'iius nppehred con fident that mere thnu the nece'snrv two twe tliinN majenlj could be obtained In tlie Heuse, but thi did net jeepi te be nnv tee hopeful about the eituiitien in tiie Senate Opponents of the beium claimed te liae In that body nt least two mere than the nercs5nr one-third te sus tain a veto and ixpiespd belief that before the roll call there would be nt leaist U,e mere additions te their runk.s. OHIO TO VOTE ON PROPOSAL TO LEGALIZE BEER AND WINE Court Orders State Constitutional Amendment Submitted te Electors ( elmnliii-,, O.. Sept I'i i H A.P.i Oil e, lit tin NeM'lilber elictlen. will State roiistitiitleiml amend ment te r-nip tin. tii.iiiufaeluie and "ali1 of llglit v itie nnd In er MM... ..'. .. i. .. . . ... i ne ri.iu ,-iiprenie i diiri led.iy or- .sei'iilan et M,tt! Smith lu iji. Grief-Ridden Relatives of Dead Toilers Await Bodies Frem Mine Pit Jacksen Is Scene of Sorrow and Silence as Lest Miners' Brave but Futile Battle Agaiiisl Fumes Is Told by Would-Be Rescuing Crews FflANG OPPOSES WAR ON TURKS; T N M Hu ttiei altd Pies Jacksen. Calif.. Sept. 10. Jacksen. a mn.ng town ,n tne J etner ..ea, -.. , ipxlw,t tclCFrnpili;, reuntry, has paid the tell demanded of proffer" of nssi&tnnre. The Kenncdj tuose who de ve in tlie earth ter go in. jr n n? Cemtian. oneratera ei an un ship of minen bunging hearty offers of i-ervtcc from nil who euld get te .lack sr.n. Mining temnatiieH in distant deied E n.ll.. LI. I. M-Al.n A-f I I . eurnicr iTiifca mcicii nn.nicu .u w.j(te en n W. McVeigh Three Months Age Airy. JannM V Mi Veigli. Inimeily Miss Helen Mi .Men, r,-i:;" AddNeii street, a bride of I line inentli. i iued her husband-, airest in Allnnile Citv when slie dlsiexered, she ms, that be haw another wlte in thl eltj . MeWigli nnd the former Miss Ie.len vreie married June :i nt Media b. Jiisttie of the Pence Williamson. The newly-weds went te Atlantic l'itj. .. I.ha . I... i.in.li. ,lii.ir lnitnn n I1T nil. ir ini; iimi.i ..-...- ... I I'olsem avenue. McVeigh Is empeed In the I nleii Ti.msfer Cempnm .n the sheie. 'llie boiienieon was bla-ted. 'he tor ter mer Miss Mcec itssc-rts. when she di di ceiered tbiit McVeigh Is tin husband of Mrs. Mni Me eigh, ivje Seuth ,. e. ......!. f r.,i ,.:,.!. nnocieiL sllt(L, iiiiini .-I .,-,, inu .-. . ..ii -i.i . i.ii. i ' 'ic ii -i' ii -urn mi'i. ,i J.., i... i. ...... ... At-.u i ... .i 'li' 1 lie nrili' m' in 'e .unuii .nil, i..iu ( . Mil- slrn't Mis, Is0 eiI,h rpln. brutes her Ill'Jd blitbdin f niitit insr tin and stands unafraid but net dry-eyed today. I'erty-seven of Jncksen'6 men die-J in the Argonaut mine early en the morning of August 2g jt ,U1S injirned Inst night, and tednv the town awaits the bringing ul their bodies lretn tin lock tunnel, vnlled in with llim v bulkheads of their own buildin;. that had been their tomb for ihvee weeks Hut JncWu i unafraid, for hci m'li showed th"j knew hew te die More over, these it, Im diil net inert that fate jbewed thr knew hew te live, for tliev gave of them&'lves without stint In the effort te gave their entombed fellow? It was Callfurnii's worst mine dis aster, in one of California'! greatest geld producers, and it wn the hardest blew Jackuen mr hai had te puffer. Threp weeks age lit Sundn uigbt men deep in the Argennut iielieed tiiej fraelleil smoke A shift bes took two men nnd went te investigate. They found the fbnft ntir nt the .".WO-feet level, chanced deith from gas nnd wm cnrrieil through Hi" firr tj-, the top of the mine. Then 1 gan the work of tire bghting Trlijeh prrentlv merged into one of res, ue for tin men below . for the fire blocked the nhaft and prevented the rv ape of tlie miners. Men enme from all ever the West te offer their scrvieps,, the curious Hlnw - joining shaft, sunk the bitterness of n law suit in its willingness te be of sen ice and leaned all its property and facilities te the work of icseue. Ter many weary days, disappointed some times bv unexpected dlnicultie" and hearten-d some times by ceuall Ulievpccted bits of geed lliek. ICfciic rrers Hree llireugh the choked ttllini'1 that once hail connected the two mines or biilered nt the rock separating en" of the Kennedy's dvf'i from the Argo naut's V.'W-feet lee. Knrlv jesterdav a drill wis driven through tlie lust Lar nr of rock into the Argonaut Risk Their Own Uves 1 Sweating tiheulilerf. and unbreakable villa drove stel picks at the rock until this hole hid been enlarged enough te I permit a man te pass. ie men made a bastv and unautheri.ed etploi.itlen j of part of the Argonaut, seeking cur I ivers at the imminent rUk of their own lives, -j up opening was enlarged e t lint- a tcseup i row reul pass, nnd nil d.ii nxploratlen lepiilt . llie leieis were fieir. mere n.is no sifn of am miner left in iIimii. citliei dead or alive. 'I he reeiir. t.-en Inm pned bv their eTTgti helmets nnd the i beat of the underground weikinrc, Political and Military Moves in Near East Crisis went en without there any turned their attention te etnlering the rcnllnad en Tat- Trnlj--twn. column On 7 LAST-MINUTE NEWS T 0 SCARE WOMAN Bookkeeper in Darby Milk Sta tion ,Lengs te "Get Her Hands en Them" "NEVER WILL FORGET THEM" PAR I fl I Mrs. Ada Wallace, bookkeeper at the Supplce-Wills-Jenes milk depot in ParM, is longing te "get her hands' en the two bandits who invaded the office icsterdnj ami eseaprd with 5C000. "I will nerer forget the fenturea et , . ........ . f nmftrl nil,! thum rmr with the growing nimers is u rising I 0f lO.fHjO," she 6nld tedny ns she nar rated tlie swlitlj moving cveniB ei uie ludlgnatinn thnt arrests hae net been M. Many persons in the town who new the persons invehed in the mur r declare the police haie been awnie worn the first who committed the crime. ,'!!?.'i'n)eiU B expressed thnt no one is PUIelv known te be in cuMedi. Th Hall and .Mills families were , !"lenJ today te attend a conference .,, .? 1'r,'',5',','"e"-'s eilice, thfie te lie qwtlnned one bv one and in detail rrlw' ''''inistanres that led te the Thee onto, cnee. In the idbce of Pme. vr.. Ur"r- Middlesex Count. fUB.ni"l7"1 ,n ,,,10 ),",f' f",' the ral this mernli.g of Mrs. MilK ter?n,Was ,l.,,rlf'd .,rem "" nndertaker's ff'f' VlU nh ,l trw ""''"'lies d ia his VhmVh ,nrscly nucmIC(i It? ,"Vsht nB'ther JameH Mills, the MWl bnsband ; Mrs. Halt. ,.'". . at,, tl.c J , i3 children. Ch.niotte, "V'sll eaii, Oil. Mill 11,11, In ' III,... ..." -' ' "!'- Iml.l .1111 "T wnsn't unred." she continued. "I suppose you might Hn T was keyed up with nervous exntenicnt and wntched tin robbers with the detachment of some one at a pla." Mrs. Wallace untied and added: 'I neer saw nienej go cu last in niy life." ,.,.,, Tli' police arc eemlnieil tlint tlie rebbiTN. ciigineeicil lie nulnino nulnine bllc liii'inlits. was pl.inned In some one familiar with the depot, perhaps a for mer enipteje His Attorney Says Company Feared Werk Would Be Handicapped WEEKLY SALARY IS $1250 New Yerk, Sept. 10. Itodelph Val Val entieo sat two hours among Uie aud itors in the Supreme Court yesterday while his lawyer, Arthur Btitlrr Graham, delivired a twentv-fenr-reel complaint te Justice Wasscriegel ngeinst the Famous Players-1, isky Cor poration. If Valentine registered anything, it was impassivity. Ills lawyer supplied the emotion. nr. wrnnam s dellverr wn rinri,i le Atedln nnd told District Atlnim'. la.Mer of tnc mar riages, .liisiicc Willinuisnii issued n wnrianl chaiging blgam .mil Mcelgh was nriesteil last Sundae, liitcctnc fC'I'oele. et Debiwnic I 'until . went te the slieie hist night nnd identified M, -Veigh. 'I he nccii-cil biisbind has linn reb'.ivil in SIOiiU bail, pending t ic ,i;. rlal of miulsiiien papers. KEPHART GIVES BAIL Puts Up $5000 for Hearing at Har risburg Tomorrow Evening llarilsbing. Pa.. Sept. 10.- 1'urmer State Ticnsiirer lliiiniuii M. Ketibait 1 tednv nicepted Sfrvtte of the w.uraut issued at the liistainc et tin- Attorney tienernl. charging him with misi, ineniinr In eilice and nitercl ,"iilii bad for n heuing tommiew niht '1 In for mer Treasurer went te the etitic of l derntnn W I,. Windser. Jr . mid in i ss thin tle niln.utc, (lie detail 'ire gene through Willi. Ills counsel dcclnrcd theic would be no waning of n hearing and thai b" was pn pared te cente.st the ensi WIDOWER WILL RESUME SfUDY FOR PRIESTHOOD im- piopesn en tne n met in. a nnn d.iinus nctien bietigbt bj i'. itsiorhlieu opposed te lehibifiiui. sponsors of the ameiidmeiii, i,fter the Sceietatv lind re fused le ei'rtlf.i tin' amendnietit for , vote. The Alitl-Sltloen I.e.igne will appeal te tin I iiitcd State Supicme Cem l. 101-POUND BIRTHDAY CAKE IS CUT FOR MRS. DYSON Aged Weman Celebrates Occasion Without Usual Family Reunion pound for even ve-n-: Thnt is blitlnlM , ik, weighing llil pounds. Mrs. ngiline 1)miii. of I'M I Hen- GERMANS MArTE PR-WAK DEUT PAYMENT BERLIN, Stpt. 19. The Government, iceeidmg te the news papers, has paid te thu Allies 10.000,00'J f-elrl marks ns pan of thu JUat.illm' nt of JJS.'IOO.OOO tlm- in liquklatien et Get ninny's private pre wai debts, te .illrcd tuitiens. COAL CARLOADINGS TAKE JUMP WASHINGTON, Sept. 10. Iueuateb in the number et uii luaded ler labt Friday are: bituminous, f,:7,07l cais, an incteast ever the piecedinj day of 018 cars nnd au ineunw ever tlie avcrayc daily luadtujj m September list yrais of U'JIl ciis. ja. tbracitt, leadiuys tetalled -1701 caih, in incrudse ever the jm M. 11-. 1...- -. tQi'l ..... C-.A ry ,-v ,. .. .,' . .. viuiuj, uy u. visjvj iau uui fit tara icjs cnaa tuc dally jverarrr i for Se'Titcninir luut year, 2 OPERATORS CUT UR E KANSAS LABOR 'ti- MA A L PRICE COURT LAW FOR U (eminent centin,' her field It is believe,! tlie arrival of Lord SCnzen. tin itritish Foreign Secretan who is tipectcd tonight from Londen 'will probably t-su!t in 'a Haiice-Hiltl' accord (Londen advices, apparentl ih sbe wiis b"lli.. uiiil her etic lcirrct is that she his te be in bed, due te n. slight Imlispositieii, nnd i.innet h.ne the i eleluiitie i sin lnd Inst ynir. Hi r iih.iucs number mere than L'00, iiiul include tm generation -I. Air- Ises daughter. Mrs. Ilenr. i'lsber. with whom she IUc, bus cut tin cuke wiih its Migi.r icing urn fcnt .i plcri, te inch iilntiic. A sptclnl piece was ent te Mrs. Catherine liu chnnan, pightj -'en n je.iis old, wlie wns ring bearer ut Mr. DysenN wed ding eight -four 'earn age. POLICE IN DRUG RAID lllte. Other Big Producers of Anthra cite, However, Announce In creases of 10 te 50 Cents BOARD TO MEET THURSDAY dustrial Statute te Railroad Business Is Begun B'ILL BEFORE CONGRESS Prices of hard coal .it the minrs prob ably will be ned In the PennsyUanli Puel Commission at i meeting te be held here Thin iluv t the ime time " 1' Hurts lipe" c'lts'k- Ung up en prices nargen nj i", ai com Animal Property of Weman Addict, dealers. -iemners i1 PCT DCT IAUITC dat '"'' ' 'mnilleiiers win i Utl rtl WHITE RATjfrnm inestigaiers win I'n of the Cemmiss,iin an neunced in Hnrrishurg tedni tint as railroad indiisMi Im. b,.ii -,,r,n,t .. 'net's in i ,,, f , One of Four Persons Held I mil nlligcfi tiriig addicts nnd a the result of il ries of cnnlere white rat were the net ret-ult of a raid i the State Capitel, two of the l)lggrt j In police late lat night upon a house anthracite coal producing companies in en lentil street noee lireen The ml Edward J. Oyer Years Age Left Seminary te Enter Business 4 ... lin-ltir Clll1lrll fj. tlin iihi. t. . . --..-..,. t.n ' ii urn l Ul liii""ti -i 'itin M iwi i it " l t '" Him wie receiiimcni, or a leng-nifrerlng ' beuil enh te enter business and main actor turn ng at last en his pcrsi-mter! en leaiing tb seminar, lldwnid .1 "C,: ' i 'V,'l'"r Miewii etiieiwlM, ns ine.l'',l,Mf-' tHineus witi' llet, qutotienctl later. Prosecutor llick llick be'n nb0lllI,ft unty. Ains present utSew" rvuntB i ,ie jIun 'M Crime "IUcnlulnrled,, Weman fllrlnm.lv ,,.!.. I . r taUinJS'. Mills, befern'tan;' wnc ten"'. i. ,r,l,,B ,0 " reeiin'liiic. rt, "" ''''I'1"'. " woman tucd her mills n their ' Continued lll and declaring thnt !1;,0 a week is net eneugn, espccmil wlicii Anlcntine I ml te pay n renl bull-tighter insti in ler is.'O a week out el Iiif own pe, Krl That was mil one of l,e inniplunts "This eorpeiatioii lollewnl t, 0n-. ilinwii out method nf In,.,,!.,,,,. .I.",. 'I he perfect timing of the lubber te , man." (iraliam inniplnliied. te ninke take plnee just after route collectors) linn mm iracianie ter the neit tbiee ru.irs i .1. , ... .1.,. .tnnnl un.l lenfalt..l He ClntlllCil flint 'n tun I I .. I I I ail nriiMii "" "'i"" " '""x -- -- ...... ,,,, uenn nccenleii their week's enlleclliniB Is tbe baslb for , subjected te mistreatment following his I'a lie tins belief, but after working en the cane marriage te Mln Iludnul. the ecu porn- six' icir all of last nlglit, no urne-is nam yei i """ uiiipinnip nun re temi nis tirlde te been made. I the I.nst two daii after the marriage, "The enh thing we are certain of." fro bhe would net interfere with his work Count v Det'eetiie O. N. Smith (.aid tbisl In tlm Mtidle. meruirig, "is i hut the bandits mine I lint in sit nn n,.i ren Philadelphia. The Philadelphia ' . - C Ml en .m-el police are working en the case Chief , A'cerding , , ln , (wrrr of Pehie nuchman and 1 Fpent all of 1'"'' cave him n dress, K rilnn, ',i "i i, e'niuiiig reserrfri for 'extra' n ters while in , stHr building reieral dressing rooms were ncant He aked (or a couch, 'there Is alwaja a couch In the star's room But the) gave him a table, a Moel nnd two small chalrn. H'hcn be came back te his dreesing room te lie down h vflR compelled te lie en the carpet "en the mnerete Meer, with nn oiercent rolled lip lllliirr in-, le.lll. I yer, tmmeri) ei mw cm, tuis i. sii'med his studies, ntul his mdinilimi will b mi'' et the lnsf dill, is el the lilght U"i Ml'bael ,1. Keies when the In 1 1 ei liei mill's llishei of tin i.i-iv,. ,.f Simiiiunh in at mi enrh dale. tci tbe ilr.it li of his wit, n'ni.il I c.i Is iu Mr l')cr dei idi d te ie-unie his studies for llie pilcslhoed and win I'pted nt ?st. incents Alibsi, lieatn, hinricii nis nrst leuj-e ort i icirs age. wnen lie cntein M Chailes ltoiremco Semlnan, Owrbroek Mr. I r has a .son who is mnriicd i diets were held under bill bv Magis trate Ceward in the Central Station te- I din and the white rat taken m ihargi h) Detect ie Mi llliams I aptaln et Police A an Hern re ccliei a tip a "dm; pirt)" wns in pregiess -it thc'lciith Street address, fie assigned I Ictecihes, c illlnin., Mc. pevitl nnd Clirk te make n nid 'Hie plnce is n lodging house, nnd the pro pre pro pneter rendih ndii'ittcd th" detectives, , In n room were found Fnriesi Kelly, I I'llie Kelh mid Annn Silicr It win declared nt ted.ii's henrinc all were nu der the iiitliinice of ir'n.s , snnll pilfkllge i milllllllllg 'ihnt l. belleipi In he herein w is leiind iinile, i ,1m, r In i biircini ilriwei wns a In h i mil out- , l',t I., tei, .1 ii k s.r-i w . nnesteil ni l'lght i and Jspiing 'iinlii "riet. I,, his oem wis feuml iuiit ilipr's nn i white rat and a nuantit) of powder be- ' increased the prlie leifrt te lie n mug plnlnn prices et m KU KLUX JURORS BARRED "Klansnien Can't Serve last night going eer eier.v detail of the case trying te disclose some line en which te work it t mini te fay when an arrest will be made." Lslng a stolen nutomebilo for which the police of Philadelphia had been searching all dnv, the bandlta nrrlied In front of the milk depot, et Heientn nnd Pine fctreetc. darby, about tt :.'!() o'clock j (.stcriiay afternoon Court," Chicago Judge Says hirage, Sept Ifi Membrrs el the Ku Kluv Wan were deehred hnnd from jur) erire befeie Judge PnM, jU the Superior Court esterda) uhen he examined t" panels of lemremeii railed te lienr eoiuaieii law cases As ench iurnr held up ,s r,K, iulnu (0 be SWOrn. .llldge Dmirl nim.it mn...l bim as te whether he waa a member of l lien iriesteii Anna Stherfiied, "I , den t mre what happens te mc but, please take cin- of niv little whtfe i,it jl home." Se Deteitiic McWilli.nns tenk the ef III i linri-, Ai the heirlng Silicr ir,e(j i,, ,n,, My nil thi blnnn , nnd nl. nl,,l w th ilv Pennsslvnnla haie ngreed ie sell coal at prices lower than 1'im Marcl . I'er the lirst hip In anthracite hi' hi' ferv the Philadelphia no I It' uling I'eil and Iren Cempini hi- finld te puhli-h itr usunl eiri'itl.T- timg iie pri, e of domestic sics ew j,r ,'c for sti-ani sizes w'ere .inneuncnl I'-nrdn hew eier, and are from tn,nii the cms te tlft) cents higher than i" Map h The new prices ran;'- ft-m '.' " .yt ter buckwheat, baric) and ri, si,,.. at the mines. The Delaware md I In, is n Ceal Company, one of the lnr;e pi rating rencems that uppli I inl mil almost entireh te the N'i'n 'Serk mail.et hiis anneiiuced a new pi i. c it Ss, -, tnn ter domestic sUcs n t'c i, nr. nk Is nn incrense et fir, i nn jenu ie lltteeii icnts eei In -i pi ins s" P 'billies K Scull, '.'ar e the Philadelphia Coel 1 v I n ni,l thu some of the lniepeud in operiiers lind II i I hn pi- I ten f ir a i enl Ien. ill pparentiy :ne no indiintleii of nn ncie- . incut, ns (ireat Hritnln remains firm Campaign for Adaptation of In-' "' I,,,r derision for military action i. Great Effert for Peace The greatest effort is being mnde te i aim thi fears cf (he Unlkan State". 1 Ml lenhdenee is expressed bi elielnl here tlmt tlierc will be n pacific sn9. menr of the Near I'astcrn crisis. lord t urzen's task, press dispatch indicate, is te cenifnec Premier Pom Pem care that the P.ritjsh de net Inteml te make another Gibraltar of the Strnlt of Dardanelles thnt bigger issjpH tlmn Turk nre nr stake, and tliat the. whe'e future of the Mnlknns nnd the relations of .s-mlit Itiissm nub thu Near Kist depend iiikei safcgunrdiiig Consiaiiiinepln from Turkish occupa tion I'iceipr of further a iiraines that Miistnpba Kemal Pasha hne no Inien iiiui of ittncklng the nenti.il rene of thi Dardanelles or of einsiing te Thrice hfla scried te strengthen the l'rpnch nttl fide md It Is said here that Lord ( ur ur 7ei, tnr from renierting Premier Poln Peln iiie. it mere likel; te be com i rteij himself (.ii.iti. itr rs.i ( LIVIO.N A Tiirr t errespnnilfnt V.inln l'-b'lr I.rdcrr Cepuiwlil " hi ll I eilwr i empn ,j Washington, , pf je. xiie mm I'aign te h,n, i ,i prinf nlcs ,,f n,,. Kaiis is Industrial i e.i -r law ,i,,,pic I bv Cnngre. f,,r tin ngnlatini of the iciaiieiis et labor .im catnt.il ,e il in in elln. ..n, i . ... .. '-, .loin nincriier .iirn. et lanns, te Iepicsrntnt,0 iir,, Mr ,,r(! his llltrndli. e,l ,il In .he 'e-irr !ir.s, which npp,es ih , c, ,.,f t, xn' cns law te trnnp,,rl.it, en i;0icni..r Mien's letter makes ie ni kn! I s, . mg of the cffcstivcnr. f ,t K llVIl s.'svm ii; pie.ervnig indii-lml p. nee Tin- Kansas ln appl,,, , n dusnes essenni te ,,, ,,!,, vel(tiri I III I loch lull differs , ..... hoi,,,. i . ., ." ' n"'M 'I "" ''"I "' rne inilieniN aii-ptimi cm,,, ,,. , ,.H,,, n,,,u te detcinnie working -oudillens In e, ". disputes mr, ,, ,M,p,r, Ilieie, s v I'eji ., nr. ,,, ,,( Is llireinen, il Hid spin ll cir I I'll linglMrnie ie scpri l M.eis te all in flillltieii for cure md te er Ii i ni Sinn) trial for nil Thu wns refused r he Kelly s wcic held under SblMi bll as addicts, and tlm Mlwrs under JJOdii bnil euch. ehnrged with being addicts ,nnd with hiulng drugs Illegally In their 'pos'ejslen. nnd SI."- ter tlie lnigr -i 4 ceneiall) i queiei, in reinuers nere, "In one case," s,n,) t, , "a retailer is selling mhI nr V a ten for larger rWes, but is stipu itfng ,,,, th bill that if the price hn .11 . tiTi it th mine peimit hii.i i . n lower retail pi be he unl , ; MJ the difference. "Nobedi in the irl.il mil ', isniess knows it piesent what he will e , nlled en te ps for his snppj. se ti it ,, ,. impossible te say what the p'tiil price will be nt the present tinv ln the commission has lued prices t ,he tlllliee. if it (Iecs hX them, ine irtniler tnlb-.t.ic l!rg,ii,,j l,., ,.,, The n.-li ,.f .i.e-,,w. In, .-,,,, . , disiiu.ti, re e-,,f,i , ,,,. ,. ; ;, l"gnl giiii, ter eiganie,i .,,r ,.,, . the further right te a liumr rpeia., in ,l. hill ,he,ni ,,, :rcnt for lint uenl.1 .i.i.i..i. ... priuiipi,, b, h,ci, d.spn,,.; llllBilf ,; settled where ,,e nerhinj ,s f,xd .. ,iK, i ei inuiii, ninis ,e s,,,,, ,Wl.i enpln,. i ,,, si,,,, lev n ev ari te, III is declared, but picketins- ,,nd similar iii,en Mr He, h is n n,rn, ei bio and pressine t n n siren.the.iiiig ,1,,. inl w ill Im gi h eeine triun i. ku nn' innrends in, ,f the en r i liu. fi JMrer oe I'Bge Tme, leliiinii Twe VT & a jenr TiiEnn tOm advttrttaaA ln th. t04y A.CftM S: ARK JUlB 'Mm, COFFEE SCALDS FATAL Illlllls llieiiiil when he spilled II Clip of hut niflcc out In beic iiniM'd lh ileal h ledin el Knicst Liuilc, two .irais old, of '.Kill Dudley Mrret "When he wan acting in Mlleml nnd I? h,?!M l-"',''tT ,,l,(1 pnttleulni 1) of the Sand' llie) erected makeidiift dn"s K'. slllvK,""1 , . Ing loom ler liiiu In the mien wiiheut ' "'' '" '"leinte am n, , ,,, I will knew uhere he stands HORNE COMING TO U. S. a top in 1 1 1 in sun was I, inning het The w.ii u ii (.mill. The.i cue him si we as a puei who is ntbllnti d ATLANTIC I'rlced llei n half-banel upslde down as n "eat and I'"11""' ;i",,:I" ,.'. declared nr.Uh" ll0 '''Wd W thing, he could no t fcV' 'n1' .K.-.LJ . CITY'S HKMT MOmnUTII Uln Elberea.A. Iroauetfc i4v. Ctm)tnatlAnTwr9imd-4,tiB,CHBmn $1000 In Poultry Stelen Thices usiied the chiiken roost of II P Pnnceisi who 1 1, imIh, ts dj, Allendale fnnn neni inisew,i las, en nil) insc before me night nnd leek . I " low Is he, , p "mi it 11 i such in .'inn iraiicu into , , i m h w in i Ms I, Mem I uaicd ie ,-ei i emu n i.npn ..,. - -s.,s sll- 1,1... , , 1. . nVD, III" - llUllsl-liqi b iivfl'icu, is ia seu for tarn ,r I.. Heard III bin I f I llltl II 1 .111 .. or n stieng b.ni.l than ,Je the iu.rl.i rs tioieiner llPn snjR l)Pluil l.isfl ( it,, i ting as -..- IPrwell "flulens and they annet-.erval -BE ou ioekivc. ren. HELrr Londen. Sept 111 , it, p , s,,, llelieil Steiensen Hiine. I hmn ell..r t I the 1'tcl eflir. will he the h n I, ,j mem bei of ihc llrltisl, debt l ,. ,. , , ,n I, en mill n in vihll tlie I me I V - -SlWUtanjanOJs4;.rii.(u -3&t tlie I me I .stale. piirpn.se, it , America. October a root , nl r,., i,.,l ll... t...l.. .-,.!-.. ....'. "' ..,. .Miiiisiriai tour, in. rendiied fer-M-tue linpeitnnt de. i-eens win, h ,eat i" wng.s d wrtktng , ..millions n, ,l ni'listries .,, .,.,,,,, ,, ,, """I 'I I IH si ,iM lf l' line., h,i e in, u ,, i Ipleji . and ih, i in I !Ml pei icin f , brought by empleyes nere li t typical w- Soen nfter I. I si . ,t ' l"),l helh I y i'i"! i'ii f I'llie bein - wpicai in ' IaiiiIeii, Sept. Ill I Hi A P. i Thi lirilish I'ibinrt takes the nttitud" that (,reit Hrli'iln will undirtnke niilitiiry .ieiK.ii alone, if neeissnrv indepeiiden't of France and Italy , te protect the free dom of th" Dird.uil'is , wns nil thentnni" i stated after this forenoon a pretrm te.J Culinr meeting An i.raeliil ceiii,uiilii,e Issimd ffem 1 low ni, u street fills after, 10011 sns 1 "It ts stited in winie in w spapers thnt the se,m eflici il de l.irn t Inn of policy i.siie.l ,.. the preps siiui.a new is re ; ' I I- miftik.'ii in- de I ion rnuiPiit. I his .i iiem flit i. in i pi, T ' ni i llll nl 'no of ell' gnei, je the pt,s nnir..ii reperieil the de , isieiis ,f llj. -j 1 i lift of the prcilein dm i nd wns issued with tlm apprevnl et nl' the Ministers in Londen in order ihit public opinion throughout the em- ' pir should be left no doubt regarding tic alms nnd lnintieiiK of the i!ntlh (Jeiei nine, it en lie .piestnui of linperial pelici ie which t'le support el' the de I minions had been united bj telegram. t .Mtlslieil Nili Suppnit llie rnblnei i well sati-lipd with uie ., ppert ii'ieidi-d te it net niil- Ill's iiniii-i but in IV inmi,i,ijiis s ,.p. ute, ,n the itl.giam -rn, by lb. , limit i te th. Pi'ii . Mi, Isiri-. of usti il,a ami New e.iinni. i.sicrdn, the i nipir will nnt .ensen! te nacrlfice the le.ui, of the gnllant rtruggle nud dn'i.n,. ufierlsi of her -un-i m tb western fheatr, ' At ilns icinliig s mining et the rub inei Lord ' nrrni the S. cretnrv for r.ir.igu f n . i . ,. ninj li nn ) Instrue Instrue liens w 1 1, tilneii. e I,, ,,, , .,,,,MB ,. f,r,iic wiib Prnnwr Peiiniin The i'i thin the I'lcii. b weiid wlihdrmw ( ni.tbiuf.l en I' icr I iirnli (.,,. ( elitinn Tw lc Uetltrr. Ilt em of lh Slt ,iMiT t,n hfgunJ in UU car. eS wi bbS French Cabinet Approves "Pa cific" Policy Te Recall Troops Frem Asia Miner ENGLAND TO USE MILITARY FORCE ALONE IF NECESSARY Lloyd Geerge Determined te Protect Dardanelles Soldiers Entrench at Chanak JUGO-SLAVS MOBILIZED Strengthening of Engli&h De fense Forestalls Nationalist Coup, Is Belief 2 Gicat Britain will undertake mil itary action nlene if necessary te ruarri irecdeni of Dardanelles. I'rpticli Cabinet approves Peincare'n "pacific" policy and withdrawal of ''icnrh troops from Asia Miner. 1 irmly oppe'-n any military action. Italy decide te cnd back cenlintjpnt from neutral zone. British troops enticnch en A3iati side of straits. FJnprlish 3hipn niobeli7.c. Armed foiees believad te have forestalled Turkish coup. Jure-Slaua mebiii.c troepr f Utiard Thrace. Scores die of exposure in Smyrna. ' Rj Asteciatcd Ttfi raris. Sept. 10. The I"reneb Cab inet today unanimously nppreied wlmt li rbaineteris(l as "the pacific" policy of Prejuicr Pelncnrc in the Near l'ast and th withdrawal of all the French troops from Asia Miner te the I'rench ide of the Straits of the Dardanelles The Cnbinet wjnt firmly en record ni being opposed te any form of mill fary action as a means of 'ttlement In the Turoe-flrcel. situation. It em phasized the necessity of reaching an agreement through diplomatic channels and "rentunlly bj a peace conference. Thr order for the withdrawal of h French forces from Chatnk. th kr position of the southern shore of th straits of Dardanelles. w sent Iat i last night hi Premier Pelrjcar and will jbe carried out tonight or tomeirow. Th" French High Commissioner (leiieral , Pell, has men fetjt te Smyrna te con ifer with Mustnphn Kemal Pasha, in form lilin tlut France does net approve iieiugerent ntlltuu of tli Jlritlh nud that she Intends te efforts te the diplomatic m m n 1: iT I ! 1, 4 v.4 r.,V, sf:. . r