V P HELP WANTED IA DIB MAKERS MACHINISTS i Thirty men for bench and machine, wetk Must have tools Steady Jeb te men who can qualify Ne strike, trouble 7:.10 te B V M. 13 o'clock Saturday all year round AMERICAN MOTOH RODT CO. 10TJI AND HUNTINGDON STS. .DRIVER en bakery wagons only experienced man who must knew Jewish and English. jrraun. nzn N. eth at. DRAFTSMAN Experienced architectural draftsman by engineering cencern: mat "ilerlen.e. salary oxpectod and reference. j- w.n. i.e(iger utnce ELECTRICIAN and helper. experienced. Apply -Inn Lancaster ave. KNORAVER flood tel and copper-plnte engrverl man who can eperate engrnvlmr machine, mate salary expected and send snmples In first letter. M Ma. Ledger OITIce . ESTIMATOR We have a permanent position open for one experienced in eatlmatlnir lumber and mill work from extractors' lists and blu prima) knovvledge of frntue-house construction de sirable. ADDRESS E 82. I O. BOX 3500. ESTIMATOR for plumbing and heating e tabllshment; capable of designing heating Installation, experience, references, salary expected. A (101). Ledger Offlce. ESTIMATOR ROOFINO. AND SHEETMETAL Must nae acquaintance of architects and hulldera State age. experience and salary expected A 707 ledger Offlce rAIlMEll Want a marrlcd-man ns working foreman en a fruit farm in New Jersey. It inlleu from Phlln , liuit hne references and extrlence, houe Is completely furnished with electric lights bath and all conveni ence will pay Reed salary te the right man. A li. I-edger Office "TLOORMAN for htgh-grade specialty heuse: piefer a mm with exP'rlence tall and of evl arP"rinc st-ite age experience and talar il sire I M M 7 )..dgr Office. (ll.Mtl)S fcr out of town; ex -icrvke and ex-pellcemen lireferrel g1e nge, height and weight. A .1"0 1 egr Off le e TlEIPKK in bikcry te de general work, Hi tun ran N nth st Ii:i.PEH wnntfd Montgomery Iren and 'iltel I e "I llerk st HDLHEWejltlv .Man mid wife white pref.. 3 ir fnmllj. rfrrencs .'00 Ithjl line. rnwd .Montgemtrj Count) Pa Phent CinmJ Mi, LABORER?. ITIORERS (WHITE) TOR TRACK WORK IS 50 TER DAT STRAIGHT TIME. RAIN OR SHINE FREE TRANSPORTATION BOARD ADVANCED cali, a. c n. r or N. J. FREE EMn.OTMENT OFTICB 123 NORTH 16TH STREET LAP.ORF.ItS Apply J S Rogers Ce . 10th nnd Indiana ne Ll'MHKH COf.NTERS anl laborers wantel Pearson & Lud isrher Lumber Ce . West West mereland st snd Delanarn Hlver MACHINISTS ROILERiLMiERS CAR INSPECTORS FOR RAILROAD WORK STEADY EMPI.OTMEVT AT bTANDARD WAGES PLENTY OP OVERTIME FREE HOARD AND TRANSPORTATION APPLY TO COMPANY OFFICE 113 N. 13TII 8T. PHILADELPHIA. PA. CENTRL RAILROD OF NEW JERSEY OPEN DAILY. 7 A M. TO 3 P. M. Mai HI.NI. and sticker hinds flrst eia- Pearson .- Ludiischer Lumter e"e Wist tnenlinl st ard Delaeenre River MAN I sm leek ng for i pirtl ular t i rf man who Is .nher, mly honest who mn fai hfully ippnunt in ergnnlxuti.n fni t en i' leputietl m an! re.erl regai llepi if uur pr snt oc cupation v ,ii mny bu 'net tvp, or nirti who n I un n i In a pesihiii t ' irn ni' ims than S'Oen prr veji MR GRI!IGIE ..i I.anl rt BII- J AN whi i m se I wfi is net afrj.d of working long hours div In an I day out xe e I" willing in wnrli seierjl weeks for numluil inriin wnllu learning e'ir prepel tlen fun be etn le ni entinizer for na na t'eml lenefltUi association this Is n rel niinertunltv with i-rmmient pnsitle-i an j rnnlnil ilniwitig runt whh ling ins slble eirni-is ler ill. rlcu- m,in Arplj in 41 A M VInneHWe,liesfa r ljliluy 31 N w mi a mnn w rn cin take cbargn of the uT'ce .nl re'rut snlenun t, -ell III Issue j' ft !, n H roeperitiVI li in ea I, nil hlvhiiss and estibllshd i nniaiiv w ih evei 1." 00f assits M Sill 1 eflgr(ff f MXN-peenl nut, le n ,rk I i-M s -let 1J we, kiv ci mniNsli n unusual i-rmsn ei itn i 'ii ir nipt a Kiin 'men! Appl 1" I. A 1 Vliimlm ln,sju or Fndi ( i I- IIH 1111 U e i jt t MAN Design ng department of enrpet mill wants a iung in in muer he huh sehnel gindunte w ih Irawug ah .lt some knowl edge of (lesiriltM nr,'frr, I Afctp y Roxbury enrret i Su.n l (s 1'N VNll V tl K u i g n, ra h ia w77-k Ineluliim u in In i, tr.,. uishiri family ef 1 en P II It Mrtln Line statu Of exierlrnie and wages nn I wanted P eL'W 3 einer filee MVN AVI) Win: whit Miter nnd eoek, Plls betw in i a . J P M Monday. bpl If .'"II D I en ev plac MI'S . N1ED STICKER HANDS HARD.. RE FITTERS APPLY TICTOR TM.KIVO MACHINE CO. APPi.icv neN erncu 31 COOPER FT. CAMDEN NEW JERSEY MEN with executive ability wanted by a large In ternational organization Call between 10 A M and 4 P M lOiu Colonial Trust Bide EN De ou want a permanent pesltltin with a fast growing rencenif All It re quires Is a luan cut man between the age f 25 and tiO who knows the value of truih and also possessing iletermlnatien te ri te the top unlimited ndvnncement experlen e net ntcessary Applv utter lit A M te riB Vandsm Hldg li)Ql Market, st EN - Positions open in u Isrge mfg, plant for 2 bright men te act ns necretnrv nnd treasurer, with scme capital present nsaets ever nSe.OOO and a money-maker, with new bleed anl live, wlre M 815 Uilntr Office EN An International organltatlen has ssvtral openings ter men who wish te Mtter their positions tn llfs, references rs oulred Call Roem 1228. Wldsner nidi., JF.4B A. M te 4 P M OTFICB ROYS ll TEARS OP AGE Excellent opportunity te advance te a mere responsible position HEARS. ROF711UCIC AND CO 40 Roeterelt Poulevard WW HELP WANTED KALE MILLWRI011T Carpenter, general con cen con atructlen end repair work In rarer mill. n. T. Moorhouse Taper Ce . nrldte .and Thompson sts . ltrldeshurg. t'hllg. PHYSICIAN A local Industrial concern desires tha serv ices ei a. plant pnjsicinn, industrial experi ence preferred, but net essential; hours 8 80 ft 15 finn. rti.ll., avaa... iBiihiIahi In Panll t - -.ww... un.aj, ,At,vt ,u,,j- .,. - kindly glve brief summary of experience and approximate remuneration which would be expected. ADDRESS D 30. P O. BOX 3500 PLASTERERS vvnntcd, $la day. Apply 217 Cricket ave Phene Anlmore 730-W. piiinti.ne salesman One of Philadelphia's largest printing plants, doing the better tlass of catalog and color work, has nn opening for nn additional salesman, this should lx a rp.endid opper tunlly for an experienced printing salesman who feels that he can expand his sales with the backing of a large, wcll-equlppped plant! Interviews will be arranged In confidence. n..t ieuer tjrnce. HOOPERS. 10, capable, of doing slats work. Apply N. gd at. SALES MANAGER EXECUTIVE OR GANIZI.lt. PERSONAL. RESULT OETTER ON MERIT INDIVIDUALLY AND EX , ECUTIVK1.V A young man wholly unafraid, confidence te prove he Is made of pioneer stuff, decent in personal living, helpful In thought nnd con duct toward ethers, has an extraordinary opportunity te be considered executive of ficer of manufacturing preject new or er ganising In very nttrnctlve way as one of the ers'anlzers. Itlcr nnd eertAln future The seung man who will be chosen will net de seeaing te ploy" a new chance against something ha has or hne done, he will knew when his iloer of opportunity swings open. no win te net mere man in years oennger lift -) Priteatent Christian, a big man In the miking possessing Initiative cetirige and ) r eptl, n faithfulness te ultlmate nc c imp!lbment he will sta sine when the unusual comes his way in big advancement an I returns Technical knowledge of me chanics espcclillv building lines, very help ful tlieukh net essential, If practical generally. Kur such a young fellow the advertiser has eiened an unusuil deer looking future wurd Give full pTrtltulars .M Ms 1 KIHll.lt OFFICE ; I.E MNGEUS Experienced crew sales rranagers wanted the world s lirgeit ninufnturers of cne stvle ere quality silk hrslerj direct, bncked ny national advertis ing campaign from ' Mills te Millions." E M Icvelund Real bhk Hoslery Mills, 1:17 Wldener 11 dg SAI K UEPREHENTAriVE wanted for ex ex pert anl Impert concern stnte qualifica tions and territory Atrerlcan Merchandis ing Ce Seattle ISA SALESMAN A well-known firm nanufactu-lng plumbers' bras goods which are sold oil te Jobbers, wishes te secure the exclusive services of a salesman of prev -n abtltt In this line, the goods and prices are right and the man we want can make 15,000 u J ear. DRAWINO ACCOUNT Details of experience will be kept etrlctlv confidential and present connections will net be Jeopardized. M b03, Ledger Office SALESMAN WE NEED A PALKSIN ivp fcTRONO PERSON VI IT TO REM U iliSTUAl Ts AMI SECURE NEW IIUSINESs WE SELL A I IVA.NCIAL SERVICE TO LARGE MET. rANrili: CON-PERNS iVD CAN OITKII THE RIGHT MVN A 1 K1!V DESIRAUI K Cl'.NTKACI APPLY 0 10 TO ! A M . 1 10 TO i P M . MR. RYAN ROOM 117. 437 CHESTNUT ST SALESMAN WANTED Widely-known printing machinery company ve I I eng Ige salesman in i uunueipnia ap pi cant sheuM be perfecth skllle,! in mod ern pressroom prirtlc-s thoroughly versed In thilr knewledgi of modern printing ma chlner we will consider enlv such us have intimate cese up to-Inte acquaintance with printers In Phllndelphle nnd surrounding ceun' es mm between ." ami 4 jenre of nee exceptional, cean-eut qu ck thinners I SUCH OS Clin Kile e ivrcinrj iruw preiieu- emp'ejers nere etrers position will jieid large, permantnt reienues 31 BOO ledger Office SALESMAN Paper local mil! pre! icing gcti-ral line rf r,n-si larers and speclni t es needs ictlve man tf , ill en larg eon een sumers In northeast seetlnn of Phlladelphii, salar anl rommis-len stnte use und expert- ence A 711 I dger ' tflie sAl.l"sMN Old es'abllsVed tin plate and beet metal heu-e requires experleneerl snlesman Eastern Centrtl Pennsslvanls ter rt en iiprl cat ens whleh will be eonsllere 1 c nllentiil should give full pirtlculars ,is p experience Mq- Lidger Office S M nsisr ski k .nl b net. of ah llty and pre 1 inleKritv e e theve ste rfs of the II ilndi ih i M ti if iirlni- I i ri nrntinn. with i f '"" i I'niiaiieipni i rHe,iiiig Ilnsrc f r ixpunsiun replies cunfldcntUt p Phtladelphl i reeding -j l e IK'. ' iiiv sAI.I.'-M'iN anmintel with aut mnhu , arrlige and v nn trndes In l'lilladniphi l ...... i. ..., ,. Kan.l tm frrtMlni,t mjnntfie in,', ,, - '- t ' - - ... turer s In" f cms s Celers. 60 .Murray st Nev rk -All.sMVN wnn'"l te cirry out linn of huts aid caps through 'nnslvanla and Olie Write Derf & e . 515 E liultimore st Hii'im rt Md : I I SMAN Twe nn for Philadelphia en , xi I jmv 1" 1 1 5fti m 2 ceuntli s also e:n natlunal going concern permanent cenneg- tlm Sslnut 1104 for appointment bAIfSMAN wantee. for llaltlmere City in rubber d-ugglst sundr.es line, must have pxpretrt Addrc-13 J04- Abcll ave., Balti more Ml bU !:ilN-litiirst mnnu typ-wrtter supp les his at prep for city silesn.an. r xp l r f s t ati fu I par A 03 L Ige rOf ALEMAN ib'eck Balesnan wanted le r I stisk t going textile mill en com- mi-s ei basis P 01 0 Lt-di-er Ofrlre " SALESMEN L"idlng manuf icturur et hlshb succssful I ne for soda fountain trade requires several xpertenrej salesmen 21 'e 40 venrs must l- ,iinbl steid and willing w irke-s pi--vleus sxurlenre calling en d-ug intiiti s id fountain or soft drink trade essentinl no I in II, r llllimaii, ....... . , ... r ..r mn full time preposition saUrj and rx K.n.. Thrt Vnrtpx Mfg Ci 421 Ne West ern avenue Chicago 111 BALE"MEf Most Men are looking for an hnnt chsnes te earn an heni st place of pner and distinction Me.t Men will work hard nr-n convinced tnelr werit ts pajlng ttnem xv ell and tent ing them sonit-where We Plnd It Se nut frnnklj nev ,le veu knew of any et-enlng whtre it man can determine ht own ir eme bv his work while bulldlrg h inse f Inte a bis place u!redd waiting for him? WE DO Tl unusual dimnnds of our organ! ration for man-lower of tfre high est tjp open the deer te suecess for ejiy able inin who will wer for what he wants The Plrst Siep Is up te you Me cm help en nil the ethers Write and we can tal It ever Pass this by and we an t Thcse men grasped the opportunity Just as jeu see R new. Tbelr records arn representative of many nnd are being duplicated regularly among us Yeu can de the same If jeu will JJ A. L Had a Jewelri business of m own that wub paving me gt-c! money but eeuld net go ax high as my ambition caliee, Never reld before In my life Cama Inte this organization May 10 1022. Average earnings 1150 per week. Promoted Aug. 1st te Sales Executive " M fl. "Was many years In profes sional work Desiring business experience I struck into selling, as the surest read te blgser things In business Found my present connection last March, as salesman. In lust six months ap pointed a Personnel Manager," J. II. R "Han averajred llflO 00 per week since he entered en J,uly 17t.i." If you will writ living enough details of jeurself tu warrant an Interview, an appointment will be made, M 810, Ledger Offlcs i v " i 1 lV hi - ' EVENING PUBLIC HELP WANTED MALE I , SALESMEN . .ThJj8et.a ,tecK. Preposition. A $1,000,000 Corporation, with a real ales tropesltlon wants two llve wires te work out of local Lranch efnre. ejr line hns n wonderful appeal te merchants when every th ng slumps, therefore It sells nnd our nL'""m"1 make big money, many going above M?? a months we nre nn old. vvell-estnh-llshed, high-rated concern nnd want men with records for honesty and capable of doing real work! special trnlnlng! guaran teed territories nnd commissions en mall or ders also unusual record of sates rnade en advertising Inquiries: our line gees In towns of all sites; new devlce gives tissurince of geed business throughout 1022, Apply 32J Lafavette Illdg,, Monday only. SALESMEN Tf f Ail hat a mA .!..... t . .... nK"v.. , unru werK, we nave me meet exceptional opportunity te offer von Results amply if warded en straight cemmls slen basis. M 814, Ledaer OHIc. SALESMEN e have openings for a limited number of high-grade salesmen In Phlln and radius of . 100 miles te sell a 10-vear guaranteed reefing service: our best season Is new en, connection Permanent nnd highly lucrative, with weekly drawing account tnn..i. t-ii -,." . "'"'res ter interview ImperHI I iber Treducta Company, 1500 Arch S'V.'V,.?:EN.iTT"0. T""- '"" Important, ......I " "'" ln west j'niiAneipnn f.W..,Jlbur L" .J'tf". '" appearing nn I dv lletter llrushes Ine . . nin p,n.i m,i SALESMEN. j;eck Prolltable emplevment fop Severn! h ffh.pMil- .. ,i...t hours evenings, also require full-time men. Annie rnnm Mntn.1 TV...... r ... .llin np at IlnnM Hna ,. . . . . SALESMENStoek sniesmer.. prnlVble emp t -JZT. J?y?i . ''"h-grnde men during rire 1u ?J.tfnl",f?i.,li"2. requira full time men ApdIj Consolidated Tente Cenner Ce .21 N Junlperst ,I"in.jl.0'L.!.A. M. te (1 P M !?'ViI;'"'NVI ,l0 wires, te sell Ferd cars P,n.n.,1nl,cc"!.erlc', H '- " !' 'J SA,!'sel-'. ,w.n",cd ,JM-"-""pk J?-', "ew man "400-Egu.tah.e 'l,id', . "R'jr "IS" SECURITY SALESMEN hiil,ri!0irS,0irpern,,?n.1'n n branch In Philadelphia, enjoying one of the lW5 " 'u"n""i? of Its kind In Pie city, effera an unusually nttrsctlve liropesltlon Ip a few select security Sn'r?8mr.?ii.?ub,,nm-,,..,"d! . fumlshc 1 5,n?i-,.ul"l' coeperollon given: this bB?inel. ', """ latabllshed since 1870. 41 j ears, nnd has apent ap- Pnre5lJrll.li,. 'rr f2ur million delnrs 1021 turnover alieut $2.000, OOOi It cn cn es nn cnvlabe reputation nnd Is known nationally with the highest of ii?Skli,i ."", commercial references live nnd Intelllcent sa esmen can earn in-V'.,.1' -0(! "" Fer furthc? Information and appointment for pe' fP.r"M - Interview address Geerges. 15 W. 34th St.. New Yerk City. . , SECURITY SM.ESMEM w. sclL.,;nt'rtr"0. natlennllv known with numerous branches In lend ing metropolitan eltics. and a 1 usl 2r,f.?,l"lll"u;, arBe. fronts. Is pur ruil? .v.1 rM"lc,v of expansion and Ss7?ml.hn ",''" t u few securltv lC9men of parts, the right i nil- ,,"7i?i..mac"nFarn s-en and mere S i ilv .Bn l,ln 3 ""n subst.m t lal leads nnd the closest m eper" ,1- nt l,h0 .cempanv: the rorpori rerpori rorperi tlon s splendid record cevtrlng a : '-"".:. ",,: , eiirn up rir-M'Mit ;, , ,r,u.mi wv!i" . i riH i -.--..... ..,-.1, ur,r nun ine en, in ,i rcputatUn It enjevs. ns well ni Its n" ,-n. "rr7" ','t'n- ""' I villn,- i tlvn oreiosltlons for n live m irlrv salesman presented in Pits t.rrl U.rv In vears Fer further Inim mitlen anl nn annelntriM' for pi r--enal Intervlew. address E M C te -lub of Phi adelphla. S"...E'A''K7.y -Thnreuchly exferierTced: -,JteMNi "''.'.""l B00j lnry te one who dv ""L'y v," fii n,er " for i-itur" re n30MrchV,tunt.t.Ulnke""",a bhee ! SOLICITOR -A central realTatTrfTrrsT; th2n,.SV"inr .f0r an "frl-nced solMter'm in rent department splendid oppertur tv for Ledl'erflce fr the rUfct m" A 23L STrNCMlRAPiTER ,tlen fflcT siilarv $1100 a jear nli- n,f mul . rl. enc PNJ1I.edijerOrflcl ' SUPERINTENDENT Factory , rerTn7e"nT .-uTf.'ii'i1"''''' """terv mmiger c?nt"l" S,mi.fiu". t"'r"' "'I" cmminlcitlenn cenfi dentltl we mnufneture Wds te,ning an i jtee furniture Cenmunk it,, with II D p i.ghertv & Ce 17th ami In II nn nv WANTED ROILERMAKERS BLACKSMITHS MACHINISTS CAR REPAIRMEN" & KILLED IV RAILROAD WORK STEADY EMPLOYMENT STANDARD WAGES AUTHORIZED RY UNITED STATES RAILROAD LABOR BOARD APPLY TO CENTRAL RAILROAD COMPXSv, i r NEW JEltSEY C. E CHAMHER3 UPT MOTIVE POWER AND EQUir.MI.Nr JERSEY C1TT N I WANTED FOR UERVIf E S NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY MACHINISTS PASSENOER CARMPV FREIGHT CARMEN ROILERMAKERS HAMMERSMITHS BLACKSMITHS TINNERS PIPEFITTERS AT WAGES AUTHORIZED nY UNITED STATES RAILWAY LABOR ROARD TRANSPORTATION WILL RE FURNISHED APPLY ROOM 800. FINANCE BLDO. 1420 H. PENN SQUARE PHILADELPHIA V ' V'V kfiMi J, rSTP rtJ ivJ iffiri'i p ts JV " ft ' " ty T LEDGER - HIKADELPHIA; MONDAY, HELP WANTED IflALE TOY SALESMAN te get In en ground fleer Ith a new nll-year-areund teyi equipment ready and 1000 articles made: 13000 required! ?S. '""-re. nnd references exchanged, ' H17, ledger Office. , kOUyxj MAN. evor lq. te work In photo graph studio, one living In northern section nnd having seme experience preferred, Write, stating age, education, evxierlrnee and salary ,, ,mi. . tn, i,eqger unice, YOUNG MAN, about 18 jeirs, with selllnr ability, for order and sales department In manufacturing corporation! send name for application blank, p 82R, Ledger Office. $3000 A YEAR MAN WANTED We nre seeking the man who be lieves he Is worth $5000 per ear but never had nn opportunity te demonstrate It. This Is net n school or a get-rleh-qulck scheme, but Is n gen line nt tempt by nn executive te obtain competent assistance In carrying out bread selling line, sales rx rx perlence Is desirable but net es sential, applicants must have geed cduratlen, net ever 43, nfiil be able te shoulder respon sibilities, you may address In renflden.ee. stating whether married or single and when you can leave your position. 1' 013, ledgcr Office. General IF YOU ARE 23 OR OVEn New Is the time te obtain a position that will serure veur future, If 50u nre nmbl tlnus nnd willing te work bnrd a life-long position nnd rnpld ndvnncement nre assured! reference required, ("all personally for Inter view Roem 710. Vldener Illdg, 0 te 11 A M , or 3 30 te 3 P M. , , SHALL I STAY- SHALL I 007 I ofe-e making a change find out If you nrn en lie rlitht track. Te knew what Jeur life work should be Is a rtart 'n fhe right direc tion The trained nmlvst will knew from , rtuly of jour face the orntlen for you. Till study li bned en srlentlfe laws! no psvi hoi igienl tests no trvle tests. Aslt us ill about It llmklet "II en request. MERTON INSTITUTE 170J Wtlnut ft. Plana Spruce 020" WE rEACll Ot! TO DRIVE AND REPAIR A1TOM01ULE.S PRACTICAL WORIC ONLY: P.Y OUR MET HDD YOU CAN LEARN' QUICKER AMI HETTER THAN IN ANY OTHER si iimii, is nur Mi. Satiter for explinntlen) .' FOR Vl'A, & COMPI F.TP course J2i !VY AND NIGHT CLASSES Open Sundnjs, svrTM.R lildl te till", Spilng Garden st. TRAN.sPOItrATWiN WORK. Traffic Asso-t-iatlen wnnts reliable men te qualify for pestil ms directing domestic and foreign shlp ling J25n te Jioe menthlj . cxp unnecessary: en nmn flehn.il education essential only men of MieJ character need applv. If willing and desirous of making connection worth, while, write without nbllgitlen, stating present pos tlen age Philadelphia P O nex 414. Pt'siNESS SPRVICE CO 1114 Lard Title i t , 'i , i,'.i lax expi ri ier 1'iin acci r I I tKs- ledger U.lllng tr., $18-$21 VNirlt Me,-h central htatlen exn , '2400. PURCH V.SINO Afst. In depirtment. 1K0e. SM.ES ENGR Fxp concrete desl-m. $1S0 i STFVOORAl IIERSOiber positions epv.n In nnnigeriiii engineering and riles, L'RIt KLAYFRM carpenters and bullders winted, send for free book "Hew te Reid PI leprlnts," Just ejt, Inclese 10c In stampi for p' ens of bung Hew and ether drawings .llrcjs Hulldlnc Dept. Ne 2114 Chicago 1"-h 2721 S Mlihlgin nve . Chlcage1lll. MEN WA.NIED'lO RECOME DRAFTSMEN si,ir $JS0 f 300 monthly when cempetent: chief dnftsmnn will train veu at our home, also furnish free nil tools training given until In position at above salary Address Chief Draftsmin Delw, 4001 Ilreadwny. Dlv. 2J2 Chlrige SM.KSMFN -x. tltes for list of lines and full Pirtbulnrs earn J2500 te 10 000 vearl blL demanl for m"n. Inep"rlenccd or e x terl'rceil. cts or traveling Nnt'l Sieli s m c s Tr As-n DeM277 jChlnge. WORK If seu are looking for work of any kind, any place wrlte us what ieu would ,11 e te de Real Servlce Ce., Bex 208, Tnhnstewn, Pi MEN reliihle te se'l guirnnteed nurser stock nnd appoint agents, geed rny, heevy demind stealv work new methods Htrrlck Niirerv Compan Rochester N Y TYPIST EarrT $23 $100 weekTy. spare time, tvplntf author s manuscripts Wrlte It J eirnes, Authers' agent, Tallapoosa, Gi , f r pirtlculars. EARN S2'i weeklv sn ire time writing for newspapers mignlnes exn unne,-, de'nlls fr-e PressSvndlc ite 32S st LoulsMe MEN winted. Gevt postal clerks carriers writ, fir Instruction part Immed for np np pllrailen Oct 1 P 1 121 Ledger Office SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE SI, VI -.. .in. f r u hse. ni I i. lrf nil IBID Ppr pr M,jla!lSiin LMXI'l .Mrt l,' " l' ' I cxprl"nrcJ 2J1 1 ml ulnn st . --., L, -ll.ltA .,1 te n ludj, LAI VDHPSS colored hns larre j-nrd would llke te hnn fmillv wish te ti,e home reed refereices. A 70 J Ixid. Off LAI NUltr.-n nrii crim ineir,s wishing tiilJlere prlee ri-nsennble irgen Rfldil LAUNDRE-'b, white llflftll, B Un,l, r. , home call deliver refs A Ml Li-1 (iff N'l'RSl. Mid II aged nurSL pr.n Ural would Ilk ii pesltlin te attind un Invalid luij. A 70" I.edg r Office eri'ICE MAN Gril Yeung worn in -lt Jirjl.viw i.ii.iM.-n ii'-rnn in ,,re- ' tary cipibl- iisjniiiir i hirge lurg- otTIre or mper'ant rrUui w ,rk di sires tm-ltlen I will consider rnv p sltlen offering advance- ni nt A 718 I Ige, llfflu; SIENOIIRAIIH R I'esires a poslllen with nn estiblishcl and reliable concern ex peibmctd. two 21 Address A Jl Ledher Off en Teacher Ai-IIER- trilm 1 anl experl,nr, W( arkward chlldri.ii wishes position A fl"7 l-f,r Offl' ' bar Id TYPIST wp-urs Evrnv. work te no at hh.r OFPICE OR AT HOME. PHONE OREGON 3SJS W. WIAN, mldlle ih( 1 uneneumfiere 1. excel virr . nxpc.uilve nbl gee 1 penman, sreks emilnjllient of Jru't nil I r spoil A 0JI L0. "lOl NO vviiviAN cultures wnnis positien: ifflrlent nrln'l nurse, tnptble In nil do de nientl lines plrtslng fomninlen fair nt billge. chess and rending lest references. lill.li salary A 608 I edgcr Office. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE ACCOUNTANT for corporation desires eve ning engagements smalt sets of accounts. IV Inrnl and state reprrts 4.1 1 Led Off ACCOUNTANT exn rt will kiep Iweks. J5 wkl Addrs Aweuntam POt Pox .TiOO. "Tu- SALESMAN with mercli'indi'.jng brains wants tes U in 1 hlU .7U1 I "l-;er Off. ficiOICKEEI'1-R Wharten Scheel graduate, wants work 2 or 3 nights a week. A 025, Ledger Ofl'ce i 11 UFPEl l'.-m-chsnli wishes prh pes: 11 vears i h gb grade curs rarefui drlverbt rf A 7.n Iniger Orflee rnvPPI'El'R '0 mechanic desires prlvate -'L.w , niinied but r. A 01.' l.fd Off, EPCPTIE icceuntant. efflee manager. "roilectleni, 0 vears In present position (builder), nnrrled, Uj. I'rutestunt A B20. Ledger Offlee. i W Coier d for hiiiseman henemi, se- brlvtv cur wash painted wells nil kinds of rleinlng. cvre of bvater. cl i reference A tilt l"ISr lItk u. MAN 21 four jeurs txpfrienre msurance I iTiee IIISiriH l'rinuii in ii,, (Nllllu 1,1 lmkers'ffl'e 710 Lejger f nice PR1VT11 s-iretir in c rflre maniger cul tured gentlfriiin .'7 tnirrlel tialneil of ef ilru mm nrci unt int tv 1 1st legil tr-ilnlng. I nli-cepal Msinnian n iw rashler ,u I office riii Urge icillv ionere Atlanta s,eks ac crptab.2lS!sl''lli llvwlre a 711 L O. MES MAN with cur held' i uf .' ruitlnnal rV-erlH, dcli.H hinge A 70H Mi Off. fOI's'O MAS i'i uruluite f Muiuin Pvo Pve nln'g Scheel I vears nxp nsslsiant book keeper of large institution desires position ns junior accountant ur position with lurge Hrmreferen.es M MIS. Le''.-. r Office v,-.iv. MAN J graduit uf Whartin Eve Scheel 1 ycirs i xp rbnm us ussitsant Loekkeeiier of I irge Institution d'slrfs post pest ttnn us Junier accountant or position with I ir B , Jlrm rifrene. M kek U Igcr Off y7Ts(i"maN attending rellegi In Phlla de- sires niirt-tlme unpliivment nrternems anl SutiirduiB (r In ev ning "fflcint ttmog ttmeg ttmog "iilliei or ciu elflu. insist M he I led Olf. AGENTS I'OLI.OvV the dollars 350 te ,"1100 per week, the money yours seiiiuth'ng new net nn niil worneut preposition, nebi untouched ex c rlence unneceasary. lakes everybody by storm money rolls In: show 50 soil 10, demonstrated In un mlnute. sells en demon demen stratlim. the new Inkless beuntaln Pen. the twentieth century wonder never leaks or Mj.i.L ..,i,v, ti.iu inn no mere use for tlm Inir bottle, aampla ln 50c this preposition Is 1 karat, money back If net us n presented, agents prent -u" per -ii. -;i.iivii ierri ierri terv send for agency teduy Inkliss Poun Peun ilin Pen "e 1522 nth st. Tin Moines. Iu. I WANT liu men and women quid te make S75 te $100 a week taking nrdeia for Cemer raincoats, McCrary aveiaged i;e a wiek imdi IH100 lust ciir liurnes made 523 In 30 days. Pi 111.0 took 3 irleis In an hour. 10 a clay snare tlme new fall and early 192J stjles, wonderful bargains direct from factory te wearer no dillv ring or collecting we tell jeu what te uav whire te be, hew te make big menej. sample coat rree te hustlers, write ciulck for lllnral offer. The Cerner MfC, Ce,, Dept. O, 1381, Day. ten. O. iGO rilNE--- olue vrahnte wlhe j si I I tlen In prlvite f imil cemptent teacbr p 1 fhs'i rnn nn l rnmpinhn A 11211 Led tirr I GO PRNE'-tS Vis tut , m Trench n-rmin I t-nell-h i-rhnel hnn e rer A r.ll l. n 'Jl'I, T-.r-PEtll.-; will nr.. iner- eugniy iiiviii", tin', , unutrti- in tietniis nflce (.et-up und msnagement 5 veirs' ,x I Ptrlence desires Lhinge of msltien, will consider enlv pesl Ien of rcspenslbllltv with I oiMiertuntts for auvnncement. A 001. Ledger i OtTie,. . I HlTv'BiWv AGENTS TAILORING AOENTB SELL SIMPSON $30 MADE-TO-ORDF.R HUI rS AND OVERCOATS DIRECT TO WEARER FOR $2B.50 WONdViIFUL VALUES: RICH FAHHIC ASSORTMENTS PROTECTED TERRITORY? Hie MONEY FOR HUSTLERS WHITE J. 1 .SIMPSON. INI-!.. 11KPT. '1. Ml iu ' Vn?fn'W' INC., DEPT, 233, CHIUAUU ."- i kAynta ai,i JUST OUT. Nelka Waleh n.'.n. ....,.. -.ni?.'i n2IcI' H..0'1 Invention! demonstrator v. '..' 1'" iinicn cnain: 14-xnrat. geld Plated! guaranteed: BO cents: every watch 'i'fiT 1nnJerM,,"1i eVry,. "" " Prospect! Jlr-iln and exclusive territory, send for par ticulars. NELKA MFG. CO. Inc.. ir,70 Sill waukeft ave... third fleer. Chicago. II. I.'!"TM9...,'AY DOM.ARB demmTtriUmg .-.u... . .. i "17. mree-peund nddlng ma- ch nei retails $13! work equals $300 ma cl net ndds subtracts, multiplies, divides nulematlc-illy, speedy accurst, durable, handsome, fi.yenr guarantee! tremendous do de mnnd evenwherei nmarlng profits main or side line, experience unnecessary: write quick for liberal trial offer nnd protected territory. Hanllls Ml h C" V"'U S' arnnd SALI-TfTMEN GOODYEAR JIFO CO, 13-C UOODYEAR I1LDG.. Kansas" City. Me . hns opening for salesmen te take orders for tailored te-fit rainceats: no experience reeded big commissions In ndvancc we de Iver and collect; complete outfit nnd sales Instructions FREE. IF OU IIA K the ublllly. appearance nnd rduentleti le talk te doctors we have a spcclalti thev buy readily nt $13. paving you 1.1 73 in order, one for druggists sells for -.?. Bnl1 .mi Jeu .,1 nn order, samples, selling helns nnd tralnlnir free jert,im ,le- falls as te age experience nnd reference te J It LU'l'INCOrr re , p. e llex 157H. RISK, a POSTAL 'and learn hew te start preiltnble. business without capital or ex perience, $00 weekly ensv. silvering mirrors, reilnlshlng fnblewere. renccfers. plillng, complete outfit furnished. International Laboratories. Dept. 131. 301) 5th ,HJ . New erk AGENTS Rig money taking orders over ever cents i ient. blanketscllrcct woeolcn will te wearer big values, Dohahue mnde J103 first week, Plneccl makes J200 weekly, no cnpnnl required, complete outfit free Tni- Inr Wells, 27 IJ N Paulina, Chicago AGF.N I s j i Melly drcs-cs are qui k sell eis gee 1 repenters every vveiunn wants one or mere, eoinplete line new reidj , ne cnpltel required, no cxperlenee necessary: commlss'ens ailvanced. Demestic Predueta ee .s jsl)avjcs Hlrtg.. Dnton e HErtr selling spec'nlty ever efTered. agents making Jt te $13 dilly, positive proof nnd free evmple te workers, no delivering. Write Eastern Aluminum Ce., 32 N. Washington st , Hnsten Mns bALEMILN Newly patented pewdar puff: n i.id "ill lu without It. fortune selling It te drug lepartment stores, etc. Waiters Siecnitv Ci 1J17 N. l'nu'lna st . Depart ment 1 CI li II Ef DISIRIIII rulti quleklj develop ownlndT ewnlndT pendent Laziness hnndllng fccntmlnts Yenst Candy, n -w Ferd nutomeblle free: exclusive terrller'. Scetmlnts Ce , 023 fccetmlnts 171 dg Jrrsej etv N J MAKE SlOll IN TEN DAYS Pelllni .Migii Murvel Washing Compound new seit llnles end bluing pid 1 e, biggest sellers steniv 1(KI- piellt builnefs. free sump i s Mitilull e e 11HJ E illit. Chlrige HA1.I smi.n --i urv or cnrnmtsslen, experl eticnl n i ultv silermm with nute pre ferred earnings Jinu te JflOO.menthly. Wrlte Dlrecinr of !-ilcs 1111 w 1 lth. I'loveland O LOOK' LOOK! Toilet speeinities. qiucit easy selling reml Illations samples free te prove It United snip Works, 77 Park plice n. Y ACIIE MVN WANTED te book ord"er71er nurserv stock nnd hire iments highest comnil-slens exclusive terrlterj The Wnne Nurseries lne New a.rk N Y AGEV1S ft spiece for revcrsiliie 2l"iiTi nl, weather raincoat orders, wear either wn.: amnjlng seller, snmpln free;. Parker MfgCe 117 !!e st Dav ten. O AGENTS Miki big menej . sell pearl neck ,..''," '1"..,J 0Hn. agents or direct consumers, write W.itnnibe te. Importers. 381 Hush st nn 1 rini Isco POLMI T PHI lMIt.NO Clvfu cleans all metals 1 ni igli gets enthusiastic alter, top, sells fust nt 2 i simple free l" ir Gnle Ce , 17 EdlnlKire st B, , , f I'. II.., ... . .. " " -' Hosten. l i ny ti it . n.,. T rrTC77 '. Lri,V.V,iVyr..Vr.,.:irL?U," nrcessliies llgreieatirs wrlte telny liue en I)pi r 11 n Atllri. N. Y '-"-' ilde .i iini ii m i,n.ii,T,I-.r - .. -" ,- . "" , in in u reii mrnei nuker. Kit nirtlpiilnrn ,ihiin .,. terrlten li ten Albert MI'ls, Gin 'tgr 8102 Amerl nn Illdg . Cincinnati e ' AUI..MH yume tug menes sell peirl nrck Iicps te own agents or direct cnnumerH Write Wnumnte Ce. Importers. .Ist ii,,,h M.LNjnnPincLs.cf! uu'n AllLNTS M-ike big mnnei m,.i ;,T ..i. , .. .. . i. ' ' MAN with cir. wn huve menev making I roneltlon nn senn nrei'iipfa. !,, , I repe missions nil veir business Jnck's 1'ieducts Ce . 110 Little Hldg Hosten Ins SALI s.MAN wanted with cir. sdl no tires lulls te inr owners guirnnleed in writ ing fTperbnce unneiesiry lllj lepimls I ii Id vnt-kl) Mnniici r llll nb ishtjilcegd' SAI.I.-MEN te sell en lipment te --chfiel f.uiiiu riiupui. i--rinii iiuerni nrone- sltien Lnlen Scho d 1' : urnlshlrg Ce , nixm Dipt . lu.tl W. in Un en t . Chlcnge. Ill AGP.Mf te baiwll our product In Philalel- I nin eaiar. nn 1 veininlsliui leads fur- nlsli il, reiinDie men enlv, rrferi nces re niilred jdrtrcs Eagle JnkCii. N w Yerk LVLRROIY EATS J30week introducing Mether llublurd fm dr dlr'it .e cunsumer fl.'ie wi rth of tceds free, nUe free uuint Adim Injhiitit V5il t'ongre"j' Chli ngi AGEN'lb Make n dollar nn Mrr.dets a I itent patch Instantlv mpmii nil utHnslls. snmple free. t.n..H. .... J1ENUI.I rii Amsterdam '. Y .-El. I. S(iK.. S1 eniracis! v75 MliVEY HI. QUIRED I.IMtfl ivi ' DE- PM.1MI.ST 111, ST LOUIS MO 57 MILL-, lr gillun nude with new nt nteil giisellm vnpnrlir Wrlte fur pirtbulnrs "-irnnskv nperlzlng Ce Pukvv inn S I) ' AiiBNrs make lets of money selling inv lieiicirls ti ster.kitrers big s-llcra oviwvhere Krinti Itergcjrifleld .v, j II MilVEYM KIVG spicilltles lit,, frrT- mnnufar er. Il i 'J. Richmond Hill, N i EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES .1 HARMIY Pi III Rlltenbotise sqimr, able beli . I nntl'innlltle s wnntid , ini-MM i jrs s thnmherm lids wait- rii-s s ana cot t ir 1 enks. S,n in i,m kit' hnn mild for npirtment, Wush-Ini-teii Ii i I j'lers knowledge general mills mother 1 l,is nc.com.me.tiitrr,, -m S.lik, lvl -II .. ..i.l ... ... .' ' MIH01Ksftu:.ti'!i!, iffi 1ng'llT PrnVi? t,..!rVeksU'M"urs'n;Vtre',l,hLmV": mauls laur 1 e, child's nurses heitsa- work qlrln , t uml r of llrst-clnM white li Ip wnn.rl in il fiim I lies this Mend u MRS KAVI Ml s Ulth St., ph. in. i-prueq il.M sltnit is w mud. Enlluh !--,., cstiint creks butlers vv iltresses, Ui imb, r- miu ih iiiiiii in hihh ciiiiu h nurses, house work girls . tuniter of first i l.isi ,.,hii helpvvantel In n 1 .aiucltli's this Men lay nAMiii-en.ru JT.it. Cath ciekr kllch, n mills nrlnr mulrls wflllmq,. rhnmlermil Is v he fin m Ist-cluss Inun dresi,es pintrv in . Ik 'vcdlsh cooks and d coekv lullirs h-iimnii.il, leuples, rer. rea Mts R 4rr 117 .mil S VNll. H 1 .d h maid chiimberimld. l'rmestints ,itrii,3 leeks. 1 1 pi Iluln brldee WAVIED-i in. ii nt help in everv cs Ji'ltj rifn ik, required 1019 Iluln bridge i.t MRS Ilili.I'ltS 117 -.. supplle 1 nn 1 vinel .(ith Rillable h"li J0GIRLs i rhimherinnld wsltress" wish pos cts t--t iff call 1010 Christian. ROOMS FOR RENT liltOWN 1111- I n HrRe wnim, front room r- t ii m ownershene sunny f I 50 CH vkui;i,ijii 'i-. Newlv d-cer eke, "! Jf n' r ' 1 line. Pel ' CI1ES1NI r 1.1 I urnlhed large front emniU2l! atlng i un ilse single room OJSNEH si ii ,,ir,t, nnl woodland ave ) urn rtn fr ni elec prlv owner OSAC1E AVI I ..'-D's fnrge 2d frenL furn .' g'i iltiif i r I us i euple all cenv. PI.NE II.'. N i Hi r me! ft 0 and 7 nrB-.-H-'--" r " Akent 121 S lllh st, PINE. -I'lTa liiirm turn front" room for buslnersmin i n I r.nvs Pres 170H J PINE sej Heur . i ri, furnished room HUllTllll JOI 2 f rsrriK PISH i.fl iTbf i i iw Ty ei ened pip"" pilntd ebe n r ji hslqg sale dble "PRUCE 5512 M, v fqrn "mom" n'dlelnlng lmthnwnir in irh fiinlly (.rntleman. WALNl'T. .'.n5 I ntnrn 2 rooms bath kitchen, ti, tii r ii-H furn. new. mod med em n f n t. j i , r t. r WALNL'T ST l"iii-rius people, sin noun ir im turning water, cenv. le cars rensenntli Hiring 7120 fTH N ail Pirn livlne im k bedrm , run water spit j ru bitheler,, phone flfl! ST N S'5 I urge ni wlv furTT front rm for gentlitnm i Iv fam Din 0515 J, 15111 ST M His -. nub room for gentle- innn running w iter r ference required 10TII ST N jq.e Twe nlcij large furn .'d siiirv rms f r gem rV family, ur: rrwienbli i nveni' t le tialns and trellevs WTJI. N IV HI TIM. lU'RIO CVntral shopping district ip,,,- utitiens beautiful ' '-' speiless ilajjijwljly. rtes lliTll. S dl V ii t vi re.in with "prlvati batb all "i'i . h slnule room refs 21ST S 111 Lnri Crst'floer lueir7nr heus lentrni nil conveniences, suitable fei stlldle ei ' fll e i'D AND Sl'lll i L KMNIIY vTile7v . or a rooms and huh In ixcluslve prlviti home te peitnniit.ni imopie, references Pheqs I ecust BMO PIIRNISIII.I) fr'nt rem with or without beatd only 1 dli s need applj (1.' Washington uve PHYSICIANS , r d. ntlst'K suite, excelbnt location West phi adilplila refined nil- vate family PM, Ijdgsr OfOce 11TH ST 8 .-IH! (The Perrln) Single ami double vf esncles private suite, nttractlvely furn sheil reasonable Walnut 71(15 AT ritAt Tl VE furn opts some linusekp-t HhJ...isl Vpl Air rev V VValnut st. nIM I'llll.AIII'.LI'lllA IMH. rt. 1.0 Amai live room In refined home for gentliman, ileeirln PKNN S YL AN IA s JRII '" Y, ,l','n) Large rm ,furn. or SC flTN furn . all cunvs Wiemlng 0020 J. .ciuicinen ur ceugn I-,.. v-f . V f a " --! Ai SEfcTEMtiER 18, 1&22 , BOARDING PINE. 4110 Flnf location! bright room! steam heat, het water! geed tablet ref erence Raring 0507. . , .' WILL beard little girl 2 le 1 years! private fimlly 3141 Rnnstead st. 10TH N, ln4R Uenutlful 2d story front rms S. It., elec. . PENNSYLVANIA BflltmnAN COLONIAL INNTSTerYhSt attractive places nn the Main line! suite, 8 rooms nnd bntli: suite. 2 rooms and bath: sin gle rooms with and without private bath GERMANTOWN Comfertablo Ifeme life In deslrable residential lecality: 120 per week with beard. Miss MacOrath. ISO Maplewood ave. Open Sept. B Fer gentlemen! rf. . SPEND jour fall vacation among tha beau tiful Lancaster County hills: rates reason able; farm life Invigorating; electrle lights nnd bath. Maple Farm, Akren, Pn. USED AUTOMOBILES WHEN TEETH ON YOUR FLYWHEEL ARE BROKEN DON'T BUY A NEW ONE nnd develop clutch trouble Snd jour old flywheel te BATTLER'S. We will put a new steel band of teeth en It and guarantce It for the llfe of the enr QUICK SERVICE Yeu can have jour flywheel 3 hours nfter we receive It. SATTLER'S 1001 SPRINQ GARDEN ST. MACK TRUCKS ALL SIZES ALL STYLES VAN. STAKE. PLATFORM DR DUMP 1IODIES MACK INTERNATIONAL 2300 CHESTNUT ST. nniwin MACK TRUCKS All types of bedies: Immediate de livery. fj General Moter Truck Cerp. 'J 20TH AND MOHRKJ STS 5jl!i!iiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiii!iiiriiiii!,iiiiiiiiii iiiinii iiiiiiiuiiii mi1 un itiuiituiiiIi CHANDLER COUPE Just overhauled and repilnted less thin two jenrs old. fully eiiulpp- I. his flve wire wheels; Westlnghouse nheck absorbers orig inal cost. I3S0O: will sacrifice for approxl apprexl matelj enc-thlrd of cost sublect te dem onstration M, S. Hew man ll'i Union ave.. Hula. .Telephene "(I'l Cvnvvvd AFTOMOim.E MECIIVNICS. owners garage- men, repilrmm. send rnr rree copy America's popular meter migailne: contains helpful, instructive Information en repair ing, everhiullng, Ignition inrburetnrs, bat teries, etc Automobile Digest, UJU Ilutlcr Pldg.. Cincinnati. RIDDLE -piss Duscnberg moter: fast car, excellent condition, new tires nnd eaulp mnnt: private owner Diamond 2007 J, BITICK touring, late medel: 1475: $250 cash; tertnii nrrnnged Rojal Maxwell Chalmers Agency i.je N. Ilreidst Hl'lt'K hlx 7 pass , neirly punted, for sale, cheap 2iill N Orlanni st If PICK I Illuehlrd. must sacrifice Pheno Poplar 3072 20 Ml llrenn st CADILLAC irterli coupe 5 geed tires, a very beiutlful cir In stceI. mcchnnlcnl rend . will deiniinsir il P 010. Led Office 1010 CADILLAC rniuie 1 new tires, excel lent condition llfie down 1 venr for bal ance If desired Huren s UIO N llrnnl. ! uiiA.NiiuJii, sport mnasi, urst i3.iq tnges ', u line- icrmi. iiuiu .viuxweu lhh mers Agency n:e V Hread st. ' 1UJ1 c" "-NDI.EII Fedin 7pBsenKeri birgaln $.'."10 down bilance one Un ren s fiie N Hread reil j ear. CHEVROLEl' muring I'i.'l", Just nalntel and nvr rhiuled, m vv tires must tell, 5100, 'erms If desired. 0333 Uustlet.m ave. llus- "PlD3 ,li?. . - - . fl"0 -'-E sedan, 7-pas-enger ' low as $250 down, easy ten Iliren's. 040 N. Hr. nd mnn r-,,1 t- aahh . 1 . r I'liuurunn; ns Tms arranged. DODGE sdin: cannot be told from I this Is a beauty. S210 tnkns It. hnl new; ancb 'erms. Rojal Maxwell Chalmers Agcncj. 020 N Hread at. DODGE touring li:.!. Just llke new; fullj Hi'" i v n, wn n s mi win nmnte riioneMr Elen, P.oxtireugh 1070 J DOIK.E, teui ng Hun v rv tend cutidltlnn tires prni I, allv new guaranted, prlte ' ' .spru 0121 DON'T trade your old car In let Pavnmps "iverinui n ler jeu .i menins gunrani, JUST LIKE NEW Dla 171, Park 3.'.'3 --'-u -N alnrshall st 1022 Dl'RANT 1 teurlni-: demonstrator:.save 1.100. terms if ilt-slred 1110 N. HROAD ST PORD trucks Inte models, In rerfect con dition, with panel express or furniture Imdles, geed rubber, price re irenable terms lf d'slrnl the Southwestern Poid Aecne i fid an I niltlmore ave l'OHD We are heHdauirters for used fords nil me lels sidins, coupes touring de- llvrrles flfie up, terms arranged enen lun ilnj nnd evenings O-irnge ijni Wenj st Pdltl) teurings late miHlels with starters thoreughb evcrhnulml geed rubber, will t-ell cheap The Seuthwestirn Perd Agency, Mil anl Raltlmere av POlll) HhDAN In lnst c nllllen miitei nr. fict: leeks and runs fine go 1 1 t res JI50 '"" down, ballince te suit ou H533 Eus- ll" "IV1 Husileten 81 P juiiii rncennnut. i-izt me lei special built , bedv, A-l Ke!lv..prlngtl"ld tires mechnnl Cilll perfect extras $1.'5 The '-.iiutliwest-ern Tord Agenev rjllnnilll ililtnere nve PORD ln.'ii in l-l new tin lutienTTind t'ns iiilce rcasennbl, l ill elastnut PORD delivery H ten, "pnnel eV ""expTe"s bodles, will sell cheap 'I hi, Soulhwestern i eru vkpiicv e 1 1 iiihi nniiiinote av. r'el" ,"" '" nrs'i.vsT 'ondmeTT: rt,!!,"1- tires, guirnnleed. prlc, I ill, Spiuce ,-rn . 77TT. : tOIII). touring PIJJ. prlce f ine Spruce 0121 PORD TOPRINO. OOOI) enhim; N 111 II ST. SMS POR SALl" Plorce-Arrew touring 7 pisa , 48 II P : first-class condition Wi sting house shock nbserbers l.'niin Can be sien lietwtcn 11 and 12 and 'J and 4, Elsenlehr a trlvatn garage 1222 Ludlow st. POR SALE AT A tin in lT,UtlTAIs PACKARD CAR I WIN s 7 PAS1ENOER I'llil, MPRIUV lie 1 nor JPMOI1ILE California 11111, tin,, condition, price i-esent!e 22T N Ilille. at price resser 1020 IIlIIsOi sedan. 7 piss nss -tne devvn, .i40N Hread; 1 eir 10 Pav nanm s MAXWELL touring In rerf'ct meehiinlctl cenillliuili nil 11,'iv urn. 11 g'l'i 1 Duj, fli S225 $00 down and balance te suit pur chaser 0511 llustlcten nve Itustleien Pa Phene Ilustlijen SltS fO-'J "MAXWELL touring, cannot Im tel 1 from new, purchised lune, wl I sicrlflce time pint s arranged H-iron's Oil) , nre id OM. King leuring car with 2.1 11 f ( lllii-ltia, in,., ,, ,,, b ". t.winiiiK inqiiitlen and 1 Packard limousine, can li seen un te 0 JO A M and after tl P. M. at .l.'.ii N Syibnb im t OVERLAND touring dark green bniTj vvlih vellew wheels mechanically right ' 1150 fll) down and balance te suit nil! Huii. ten nve llustjeten Pa Ph Duttletnn KI4S OVERLAND tniirlng. almost new, first HT"! takes it terms Royal Maxwell Chaliiip Agencj i20 N Ilrend st v-""",les lli.M-20 PACKARD twin Teurings at e. rlflce irices. terms IJ.iren s. 040 N Ilrend st 1u " PACKARD twin roadster Revni inr,i ..srr ek must l- sold, fTT5 1I05Wiiiii "t l'M-KAIII) touring, li" olinie . lltu. etT.lnTT paint geed, etc . xrleeJiiHi Merlen rliili fARlE 7 J iiH inuring, IH.'umede TvTei lint mechnnlrni cend geed paint anil rub Irr winter Inclnsei ire Call fltn 1 "1 0 7 1 I'Ali.E touring HMO. lenaiit tondTleiTTin't uf ixlras $ 1 10 1 WhihI hi, "" ,,,;.I!1iiiI1!,',!78i W,? 1 920 R0AMER.?,5r ,rTS?.r,,fc ,?D RARON'ff 040 N RrendJ SI'.llAN H'-'l mndtl evielleut , eTiTfiTlTT value 12000 prlrn U0O. Pheno !?? 101,4 V l"475?n-2IDHLi "aring llT'Jj'Hri-'pEHAKER sedan llghrTxTiTb iutely llke new, terms arrunted iiaren"2 010 N Hread ru" HI I'l. teuring: geed lendltliin. must se'lT rh'iin l'h.ini- Llanerih in J "-' VIM TRUCK, "j ten express bpdy;iTinrnr ter Im insure gee I lneclnnlcal con 1111 ,n geed tires, J175 J 50 down and 1, .1,' , ',' " suit 053S nustleten jive. Ilusjllen,,, sl jH" Wll l.yS-WNIdlll' tiiuiliig cut, 11120 inoilel pilvut own 1 1 all Ardm ri'jj""' 1 WANT te buy for cash n Ilulck or similar tp. i.ibilelit or small close I cur that has net lecn used muih, one fit for u lady ti, drive M 7110, I.edner Oftlie. y ,u " 'In Hire " TO HIRE New 5 and 7 passenger touring cars and linieuslnia. til 50 pr hour ue Pliunu I'eplnr 1017 Park 1150 v' PAINTING PAPEBHANQINQ 'AliUlAI't,ll nimc wu luur unil IMtr hanging: 5e single roll un, with or without rdera. Prister, 71H Woedbind nve be PAINTIMI, piprhangng, dene rlglu ih.an Jr,f(miin IH50. tlln uve Call c j,,'.; ROOMS pai.uie.1 and nulnted. inattilul Incl 5 Putter 1030 PranclM 1.1. Peniar Vjeii. CONSTABLES' SALES LOT OP TANKS, ote., ssled for rsnrat 1205-07 Hamilton St.. Men.lnv h.,i.. M - . si k M " " s,p...uvr giO. v " artnv r t v 'a. TMf A ' fob! bale WINTER BLANKETS CLEARANCE HALE BOO PAIRS AT DIO 8AVINOH IN PRICE $2.25 TO $10.50 PAIR W.,'H. SMITH & SONS 914 WALNUT ST. All Sizes Het-Water and Steam BOILERS AND RADIATORS WE HAVE A FEW I.AIUIIJ STEAM- i Ann e 'Hlf-eV nL " CREOON li.v e. ein or.., num. Iis74 TYPEWRITERS RENTED VISII1LE ft' MOS , $0 30 AND UP Factory Rebuilt Typewriters ALL MAKES AOENTS FOn RE3HNaTON rORTADLta American Writing Machine Ce. fin rifteiTMtlT RT. WAT,VTTT 24Rft MAIN 42M ui;sKH, filing devicea. tniues. cnnirj. ii-ir-rhene broths, partition, fireproof safes i nnd ntfier cempleta equipment of every description and In great vnrletyi this mnteriil has been used by the Oeverrment it Hei Island, hut vve renni'iit nna ueiiyer ii ns beuu " nt prices that will plense you no extra chnrge for finishing or dellverj. Hughes, lltn HIHI llllUUIIWIHIH nitrtTnTlt-ylflviA T. HAT.TT We shall move en Nev. 1 tn 218 8. 11th st j vve new efTer nur entire J210.000 stock of rugs at nbselulelj v I elesTle prices, P. O. ROGERS . CO . Wheli sale tmnertsrs, located here 20 venrs nt 101B Filbert st. Third fleer, nlcvater. . SHOW CASES STORE P1XTURES All kinds nn band nnd mule te erder. STAR SHOW CASE -MFO. CO 12t. 12th st. Phene Spruce 4121. . OPPER fresh Flerida grnpefrult. nicely packed flat crntck. at ?1 per crate; cash with erd'r. The Grocery Shep Plackvllin . u. OrFER fresh rlne pineapples, nicely .Packed flat trntes, $1.50 per crate: cash with order. THE GROCERY SHOP. niarkvllle, B C. , DIAMOND RING, lady s, neautlful platinum mounting, about 2 carats, blue-white dli- frend: will sacrlflce for 1500. P 815, Ledger OfOcp . IHLLIARD hend'iuarters billiard tables new nnd second hand: howling nllcys nnd supplies Iirunswlclt - Halke Cnllendcr Ce,, 1002 Arch st. , REFRIGERATORS SfiftTHSSf R. T. Randnll ft Ce . 331 N 2d st. HO '-AIR HEATER large nl7e: will heat 10 rooms, nt 1102 N. 10th st. Phene Pep. 2011 tv CLOAK, made In Hagdnd; u-,lau silk and silver opera cleik. Call 100 S. 22d st. Pheno Locust 02.10 , DINING-ROOM PURVITURE Cost J2100 will sell rhap. Termlntl Storage. 1510 Celnmbin ave REPRIOERAIORS. B deer butter box. re frigerator counters, comp. scales, pliers n ml snfes 500 Cnllevvrllt st. , OKPICE furniture, partitions railings, stere fixtures desks, nilng cnblnets.chalrs tables, h'l-h grnde low price Weiss. 1017Ilnre OVERCOATS VII unredeemed overceits, $5 UP. Rleder's Inn Office. 12S Mnrket st . 2200 Seeth st nnd Ridge nve. nnd Oxford nt. GUNS 100 single & deuhle-birrel guns, pump guns & rifles, nil lending makes i giuKes.tS up al tcr's Ixan Offlee.S E cer. 11th A Arch flEI RfOEUATOHS. 5-deer butter box. re- frlgerater counters, comp. sales, sllcers and sa fes ''O'l Cnllnvvhlll sf. TWELVE geed fountains te be sold nt a sarrlOce, must be moved Immediately. Metropolitan Stere 100O Market st SIX leather-bound vel . nute Eng books, worth 75, for snle cheap. Apply 2131 N. Park nve C P C. TYPEWRITER sllgntlv used, A-l condition. for reasonible sum Phene Ardmore 735 HOUSEHOLD furniture ter sale no dealers Phene Woodland 1842 J. Ev enlngs H-7. D1MNG-RM suit, mer vvnlnut. $105. value 1173 Rerfcer BJSfl Markyt Heliren' 0210. Clill register nnd meat sllcer stilt, pike. 5430 I ecuit st Woodland 0134 T HEDItOOVI suit, Amer walnut. 10 pes 411(1. Herger i2iil Markit II Iment Q2"0 HAITS fireproof, closing out ,10 "sllghtlv iled nil sizes styles makes. 70 N. Peurth SAPES II In hlg -00; Tl In high. J40: im, In high. 125 5011 Cvllewhlll st. LADIEh white geld bracelet watch. 17. Rleder's 1 ein Office 12S Mrkit st GL'Ns l.arrn nssiirtn nt of uniedeenTed guns Illeiler's Lean Office. 12S Market st PUR"- l.iidv'a Ceney reit, In geed cend 7l2"i, viltie $7 Rleder's l.enn Ofllc". 12s Mnrket. fiEATril. plpefess. cheap 2134 Market stret El. EC Plxtures n vv, lergc secctlen, Atner llnnuty Irons chiap 5718 Spruce Open eve. MACHINERY AND TOOLS Machinery Bargains Rellers cheap. 2 150 II. P.. before remeval: Feneraters direct connected te engines 212.1 K W 2300 volt. 3 phases. 00 cvcle. Fert Wnyne O E te Erie City -i-valve engines, a filter tanks tlxd nnd 8x0. MOTORS AND DYNAMOS ALL SIZES Gee. Sachsenmaier & Ce. Office, 926 North Third St. WAREHOUSE AND SHOP 028 30 3 J NORTH Till HI) STREET ELECTRIC MOTORS ELECTRICAL REPAIR WORK IR IC W. Oenerat Elec. Ralnnclng Set. IS K. W 110 A 2 JO volt Wcstinglieuse Qen. ANDREW I. MEHAN CO. 119 North Third St. PHONE MARKET 0110 NEW mill ng cuttus, m nub blj have jusi uij one jeu want at a uig saving, send for list Arrew Michj. Ce 211 N 4th COMPRESSION COPPLINOM PULLEYS. IIANOEHS SHA1TI.NC. lll.I.TI.NC. HVI.h PRICE MOTOR E.NCHANC.E. 3J7 N. JD STORAQEANrjMOVINO MOTOR VAN SERVICE- TO ANY DISTANT POINT Weekly service for small shipments Ictween Philadelphia und Washington The Big 4 Transfer Ce., Inc. 37th and Market sts Ilarlug 1201 VICTORY STORAGE 5200 PILHPRT. Phene Relmnnt 4070 for estimates Moter vans. Packing and cmtinu- The Jehn Rhoads Ce., "": Storage Packing Moving I nrpet ('leaning MONARCH STORAGE CO 1170 LANCAS- TER AVE APTl) SERVICE VTORAUE. PACKINO 1 ON(l DISTANCE MOVlNtl MtviifiV 1 i'lJt)i,serj !.. - .. 11 . .vi -ni( j -t. 1 in.i.-) )1lhi a iunt illSltince melnff Tiny ph Toplar 43SM, nUht iih nnte 3K24 H Jarrett. 1022 CArnhrhliri. V OlitAitD fatoruse 018 Olrnnl MaTnv, puclc WAIIAPF man n" snrfi Urt-AwL. -,, rIa,n(.H ,ANI- CiTN. DOQS AND BIRDS "STftOMlHEART" thrilled 5011 with his c,m,'.r"1"u,,n,r,f"rI,?an.i:.,,1?- '"The. Sliint ... .... iiiii'Mihrin, rn nrffi no Ke detr r.?JK,. W.VJJL .nct "' J-""1 "f." with the r,UV... -''"" iiwiraing ni 'Streng liea l" docs vv hut veu buy a deg buy ens that can mil will r-nder servlre In the time of ned. bring the . hlldren tn Victory Parma ',',. H. "x-e?,"'' .7?"" JiMfiryu 0? '!no!e"r Illllnng" NAOMI J CONUDON. C'U"', DOD OWNER'S Uxthoeh 7,7,- .-...' V ce nn proper urn tralnlnt. riin ' fie,, with a me'n.hs' .Ma, subs" Up.' t, f Am"?,' ca's iiipitl-ii deg hunting mngai Semi "5e -. --' - 1 MV.1111111 1 AIREDALhS ihiunnien bred. he-,i.i".. X.. 4 mi "MV, ..",.. nfl l.'5."c IV Rurke Plvmeuth Meeting, Pa. ''lieniiiit Hlli and Norrlsteiv (between 11 1 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS" PIANOS 185 cash JO", one dollar vvieTTTeTe mienlflci-nt S'l-.ii piano been useil di Metf biirgaln 11 j) Tndd 1,100 Areli.11, Mi.ndav Prl'lny end Saturday evenli-,0"" 1iil.,l.V,I'AreV,1 wltl1 " '" " I' Tecerds XI) ,11, real luig n II 1,, Tedd 11 111 Arch s and 1023 ( h.-stnut st tin. . til ' da.PrlLa.ml St'urdav n.g,1 '" J,0,, ( OI.l'.MIHA UrnfoneTa l.Tll in7T7",T will, (J 10 in double fn "d re erd's ' 'e' lectiens). R 11 ',;,, nun ArVh , r. Menda,Prld.y and HatJrd "veSlng1. 0i"'n PIANO. Lester upright flfie cwVTim 1,11111 genl tend II R t ,1,1 ,,!,, V u yniMen , rrlil Sat iv. ,',?" Arth PI All ER PIANO Regcnt" 1 .en7;,T7r,n ."r usl new 1010. II n Ted"i lirfif Li"t' On. n .Men i rl and Sat " V.,ning " Arch st IIOI.SIEI.NS POR PARMKIIS-(lrcn7et"n7i lertiiulty ever offered, ,e,t bred Hel..,.? In America U be snld nn Octeher J i.tvi'l" lery Karma. 1) .ylestewn Pa , spleiidlil fe' mules f.0111 world famous families ',i,flv ?-""".lS -,1'1 '. King Hcbi. Ceuntia Peurth' Johanna and May Pche Hvili" breeding ),,, a ,s,cny IinJ(, S'X'S lest. Kederal und State supejvlsle riJi, ij fiifertedi come and leek Ihetn ever: rSrra. teSn.'p!t! ' V1Clry Farn"' -WwlS- "Tr -i , . .I'M. IIAK'flV1 S ' V1 : ' MONEY TO X.OA1TX1 Will Lean Housekeepers UP, TO $300 h At the I repaying i lawful rate of Interest en 4 tfU-l te meet ve Ir indivlduaf1 fe Our service hat been helpful te ni ments. Our i thousands In this vicinity -wn nrft,. you. information cflj'' given JJ ' COMPANY ROOM 704. VANDAM RLDO, 1005 MARKET STREET 1 ..ftl Enlranes next te Woolworth's Pheno Pllbert 47111: Race 1008 OTHER OFFICES ' 2700 Oermantewn av. Phene Tlet 2.1d and Ridge Ave. Phene Diamond D2d and Mnrket sts. Phene Uelment HOUSEKEEPERS GET A LOAN $15 TO $30 r ivnai i ii in i.ii-j.t-iit, iiw,iiiu, rjAii INO DEPARTMENT HUPERVISI..D Ar, FILL YOUR COAL BIN NOWI very easy vcrinn uyiiieuui iirrangM suit jour convenience. Ne fees of inrll A.hbm.I nnlu InlAfAtl a( Ih Ml. .. .' by law. An Ineulry piits ou te no 1 mA il... Mi-t nhllfruln -.mi In tnw ,. a.. "?J TODAY, or If In a special hurry, um Phens Locust 7517. . . PAY ALL YOUR SMALL OUTSTANBtl HILLS AND OWE RUT ONE CONClW TTnTTSRHOT.n T.OAM 07? 240 Seuth 15th Street 'hi Second I'loer, Roem 201, Cress l!ullit i Member Philadelphia Chamber of CemaJLi 1V1UIXCI rtUVMlNLCU fi'i Te housekeepers or home ewnW J Ull t,c 'i,,lc,l,n n,,n,,-,ri iu null. yOtt SW I convenience. -T'SI In Amounts up te 300 Dollars $ k at lawful rates of Interest, ' CALL, WRITE OR PHONE SPRUCE net. Prompt attention given te all Inqulrta itlUll'Uv. JI1I1ISP, Confidential Courteous Treatment. Industrial Lean Service, Incj k. i. uitui'i'uit, lvigr. 308 FINANCE BLDG. 1428 H. PENN SQUARE Supervised by Pennn. Stats Hanking QUICK LOANS $15 TO $3C ON THE EASIEST TERMS te Heupni-ni.PisiiH Wt will mnkn Mill n Irtnn nn mip pnmpnt rlnn: we who ou pent of iH te pay the lean find chirye you only Wh fidtilnl IllA nil lts this. nteiiAiii n i. .. JT u auus -.' j-'m mi niv ii'iir;i nnn aUrOVl iriiii-i, in i iii'iuu r uuirt juu iu nu UAten80: VII fifTAM hA -1 rtWSP S-kAS n ..l- " l uuvi inu nji t'v-kt j vii uy Linn nerviCO, J HELL TELEPHONE PIUERT 2-0-1-1 SLLUKliY LOAN CO.h 11 14 CHESTNUT ST. ? 2d Fluer. Roem 20. Net te K""'-'- r,::,l I MUINtY IU LUAN LOW AS 2 OS DIAMONDS, STOCKS AND BONmI 128 MMtKP.T ST. I KlhUhKb BTJSINES3 OPPQBTUNITIEBm POR SALE Well-established chain efefJI meaem. wen r,iuii,ji--u innu eaKenet la large cltv In estern Pennsylvania: til business In In A-l condition and eimlng teed profits, this Is nn excellent opportunity te get Inte n large business with small Initial a l.. In Ha.l.pn TPnnav1, ..! .k- I Investment, deal will tenulre nbiut 135 cash. Address XY. Rel ort M McMu Ce . 022 5th nve.. New Yerk City. Century-Old Lecal Mfg. Concern well known reriulres additional enplttl: large nrellls made In p.tHt cull be iluplkatM: Investment se, urcii u. priority assets, tnl earnings, subtcrlutlens $1000 nnd uewirl aiii,urihru run expect safety of orlncleu mil spot ulatlve opLertunlt, with siiseiutsls i in., m lulintnlstrntlnn Par particulars idiiss A ill Itnget iirp-'n PATEN'IS Protect our rilhts: h-fers ltl fiiainn Invention wilte fu- boekbt uAt I blank form Evldeiiee of Conception, ts btl signed, witnessed ami leturnen vvitn retmi sktih or nieuei or our iefn. uruu recta et uhirh 1 will prompt i glve opinion 'il i -- .-.-.-.- - . ...- pat nt iliie naiuri ane insiruciitine; no cnirn ter prelim narv niivicc. uitiiusi- iei reri:i, prompt, persnnil nltt itlen 1 irer co O I rli reglslind patent liwjer 771 Suuihcrn Kit-, W.istiinLinn u v.- ln.ni,i,ut'VT.lTIVM ,i,ntnil In I'hlln.twlnSk vvhe tills en hotel and ustiiurant I rife te hindle commodity palng geed commit. POOD APPLIANCE MPO CORP. LOCKPORT. NY V AUTO nccossery and battery buslnrss en all Ilreid st . gasollne pump nnd tank, rtecil of tires nnd tubes and complete battery hel eniilement 'J2flm N Ilrend st ti ti r. te Snri0 la sufflclent te establish 1 In n cash busbies; no bad debts: fret Is formation. Dept. Ne 100, Paol Kae, IM Pre ulwiiy. .cw lera. DON T buv geed will I )me the bt tuw .1 .. rHIn In nli atllillpVin - Piere umi uniiiMi-s " " b"'""" -i a drug store CHARLES W. RUSilELU 10" Ileal Estate Rldg ROOMI.NO HOl'SE, J0 rms , filled; loe-ir . ..an. V,. , A.OA l.nu'l, .ilV AnlAk sale Owner 1T2I -Sp C.arden Pep 08 STORE ti C MtAOE ,1000 Ocrmantewn tvt.ll holds .'.0 cms, rental ?100. price J37 5M.1 Pranklln 11 Spltxer ft Ce 1000 W. Ventn-nLl ,,lt,AI IIIHI (MuviriJii, 11U.111U iuuii 1,, f.i ., long lease. 2114 S. Uread'y. ClleucesKr.KJB PERSONALS ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING l Vmi will take no rhnnce by having rfttfl china vnses or any ether work made JMJ lfinps te ten the man who knows about III 31) 11 lira experience. fs The Wm. Ineger Art Metal Works , 720 Oh. stnut st - DIAMONDS BOUGHT ' AND PAWN TICKETS FOR DIAMONMl Kt:i,l-i si 1 U 110- unesinut si Mt,A e 10 enrnnrt fleer ever Chtlds' Hlil TENSIONS for servlce during SpanIh.Pwi ippine war, act June n lu.-u. cenitHi Mlle II Stevens s co , Attorneys, mi 1 U',.hlntnn t-T.tnhllah.ll 1114. OID tOP Hl'Y brass beds mattresses tail box sprlngn at Continental Hetel sale tWtl Keek1 If no It will be te your nd.antuil te get In touch with us. Phene liar IIH,! THE HOME of painted nnd decorated fu Iture c paint and decorate or full natural tour rurniture. itogersen. iJiunn sve molar isi-; jtare 1S4 I 1IEREUY glve notice that I will net tespeiislhli for any accounts drawn unlM contracted by myself. i I ; I tNi;s t nAUt-it. MCKierviue. .-.. SALESMAN leivlng for Paclfle Coast deilf le connect with reputable concern us Mil, rnr..Antiilh A 7fin f..dffi'r Offlrn CAfiJI paid for old geld, silver and anllW clocks ltngeis 41 S 17th st '1 ASHEs and rubbish end coal re-nosed rreti cellars HtH Iluttonweod Ph, Market till. PURMTCRE repaired reflnlshed uphe'itjf "d and decorated 819 N. lbth Rate 3M WANTED Cast-Off Clothing Bought VV'A in Sh Inr man1, will t fl Xlt for nverCOltfcl $2 for trousers, J 1 for shoes, etc : full d il and tuxe.ie suits h'ghest prices paid -l ladles' clothing, Write, call or Phene Locust 2752 WE PAID A WOMAN tflfi F.rt ftw . Int nf rwir. mhts ha i nflAri1 lift fm f-linthpre. lipliic fiUT dU meniia anil Jewrlri te us, we cu-inJ-l run honest casn vaiu eetftDiisnefl iea. TIIOS U li:K & TO . 71J Walnut it VI'U'SPAPI-ntJ tnnmilnna r.itrB. rJlfMt 1 Iren, metale, e6ryihln In Junk line, trtl u once anl b convinced, Send nef! tenl Albert f.J0 HldKO ae . or phone DlareOMl iji rrunt uni nnnerfl M UHDAHnm fin.i ' nn--n-i. t l hnvil cent. will cull anywhere. 300.' N Oth (XI Tiega n7J,0 J Zi PIIR.VITPRE cash paid Wrlte or Tf wien. r & Wltkln 117-21 N d ilkt .!! PEAT HER bids, bolsters, pillows high. W) prlies Mevrs 1210 N ltread Pep 2'B CLOTHING, all descriptions, bought and fjlJ I'llt'lIC UWUA1,, .. -ju rent st. Market 4W iicuamlii U20 N. r JOTOJCYOLES AND BICYCLEfJ INDIAN MOTORCYCLE i AM) SIDE .'All JPST OVERHAULED A ruiiia r.isuii'j'iwu RAROXIN TO CASH lll'lUH L JOHNSON" ASHLAND. N. J. OLD aOLD OLD cold sliver u.atlnum plated wart, (via l-ni-l.v .na.t nlnfaa V.n,,V,t tfiV f.XM Est 117 J L Clark rsflnsr. X07 Sanse! SEWING MACHINES Ut-'WI Vti tninnlilna. IT.r.1.1 .l rand i red i exch Htrcher 708 Ar(h Lembard 7Vil TYPEWRITERS AND SUPPLlEl V.tllt rill lllllA Inn, nld l,,n,rlln hf SS innke evcihaiiieil ei tebullt le run I0 ii'iw mr a sinan ninoiiinriilleii, inn -, VVIIISIl, iuuu , .IM sl OAHPEJ OLEANINO . l- i " iw wr- M .WALLACE 3affiif,cJ.-a8. .tf l-r -r "tf. li Ve,v!.y -x .& - "V