tauwp fr7Wv P iVfl i ;'i 1 t'flf IP t IV T- i I hi I: i m i t . -i ' - IB Eueninrj JubKe ffieicjer PHIUABEIPHIA. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 16. 19221 ittjiftSiPiM PUNTIV, r" i Mr "F mi m K it Im iine ( nmpl of J' n or PATHTNO RFAUTIES i.i- Mi Vit nca." who is Mu invnq, Oti'n pesp ma A A-vyvt , , M-H, C"' ""J"-- v. iraM ifcw::- - J" wis v..v-i-r.i.,i'r.vLte',3v''jj . ' i.ii .. h -i i"nrtir ON THE GREENS AT MF.RION GOI.F CLUB. Hundreds followed J. H. Tayler nnd Sandy Herd, of Enftlnnd, who were matched In exhibition piny nRalnst Frnncls Ouimet nnd Max Marsten &, ( ?4 "tl. Jv,-S , , ' va:? rAtA ' tlA $yk (yip. &, lib'' Hk v ,..' r W i, III aft 1 fmmm mmtmti mW&M OFF TO PITTSBURGH. The rnlny team of the Curtis Country Chih, necempanled by their elmpernn, Jin. Hnrry MrGrath. Thov tnke pnrt In meet today. Left te li'dht, Jean Ktelnhaitser, Rese I.lney, Nell Drnehey, Mt. MrGrnth nnd Anna Mulhcrn JKrfJVJ immtMmi$2w v t ' i4.irfi.vwsr isw v ' m& ' 's:-c. '$&2'JJ mmf mr W&S$ ' r w 'fv anr iMilM i. 1 T "I" fer " i';t.S? ' 'i n t i '- r ife n irin ( " -n, MR MAX MM' T -" ('pftl nrl Ipr rr t ' r iri-e MRS FRFH RRTCF MRS VICTOR C M THrH niKwr hefa .' rr n r intcrvatiexai, pole mat itn ai the PIHl UnPTlTA ( OUNTRY CWB THHV DIDN'T MI' A THIN'! Palina Weed nnd Marparet Weed, who nre ceinln,, pcoped at the pnln mntrh from a cemfnrtnhlp piare en the prim .Jb1!. ssawa ,v(V g r::. ; "v V .r S-9V ATAVw- rfe&wc , Jl W. .X"X V t 4 l'i E i. v,v " 'vS?Hs' M L?iC i&r; 'y?KW?rc&-i?rZ Wrf.'55&? ... .r ' ' .r';i:vi2'tvi?Y;.T.r'rfivv'v.v a'erj;1 .Mlrf iBiMIMrf:! ffiSSiS vr.l'.;.V'.' !. F -t '.'aV .J IjjJvIKi'U J'y- -s ivwc:.,h ' HfiV"V . i.Li-jf.'yr-eijnv! , .1 i"FirA'5rf ' ?v e-AJP.' Jfa . J X I.T'fcvS:UW-tSW7'Fv! "' i - w&n&.&t. wmMmjmf'' &.aay;:-f rsi 'v u. vbss .al : S'vfl "fcft2; i s,-S3 . i.fe i.yh.visia . cz?-J..'t:s& -..''Ast'nL. am "Bft-aHW 8sp"-jsB SS riORrirp RY "DOCTOR" Ytir- SRF.4.T rtnri n,OWR Th- i Nw Yerk polireme" n'- Jaj a mrter" ca'V ' or '-- R" a I ' .'20 i! ""- "i? -T ''lOW, put N Yrrk ijn' ce dpi- f"1 i f $ ism m wWwW'i' C P -POrFORD rT ape -t hi i i i n bi ip , r t I .i (' iflNi;" THI P. I FTS r)n the h'rl Per of the new efflc h I - 1 ard fur lv ivrr n at the nijht is epp' t' M fs te the "catehei" k Ms 7 II MM 4 Mr $i W ' r yrTfT WT" j?r -3a. .' ', VsXXSi". W&? k WW E &" j wMfi a&p1 ami fiTSsSa i5s.i' . . "iteiaawM' - "",&. gPJMR? - lW3 , 5?ft'if j 5MJ.' . '. v -1. vjY. . r?;v ONLY WOV X f OMPETITOR WINS OVER MANY MEN. Mlii Hele- Pi'rhie pn'ri; n cr the last jump at Rreadlands P irk, England, in th epfn juminrtr nitc' t vn-i.Sf' t ' 'i .9'st.V' v4? -'SC . . Vi-Sffi'X-! 'lit"" W't&M.W v 7- M J&V; vX" rtf v -? . WXfti 4 . "'.Jt'M tr iiW JKlJSlf, '" ? .ft.-v. t. 'ISS HELEN WILLS, of California, who snrrmv .'- defended her iMe at C'ls' Sinples Champien, chat" with Man ' a"! no after her c mqi st at St Martini CAN YOU .RECALL THIS nif OP OLD PHllACELPHIAX abaaw. " jgsprigif .-!Uja . i t ?famKj MBMi-MKpnMa. . ! !, , , .mmwbmH I HI , , a (Mn ttttwf " ' -; f??SSEffl ,S" ." -ii & ,f liiSili. ss!8awrs TfWl. 'O'.Sff ftM,wsv BTOsnw'jS J .'j5?.fc x v-j PAYING THIRD INSTAI LMPNT OF INCOME TAX. Every available c'rk was put te work te handle the hi t mm i'. pjj0ri in the ineonie ta lii ion Hiitenhj 1 he line i uted at the v indew whera ci " p...n-nis veie jn'ide Patrick J. P( i i, ,i . f t the 'iisien1 at his dck eiian !-!'""" , " - -'WflKvfS WrStmrM " - l'x&mj;'."1"'&:M'.'i v&msxvm lis (Mi;!. f..vt; &sswi .? ' -,' v -,' v?y ' ." s -, ki aS2ac -- j,V 4 '', 7, -' . r-s, -& W ''A I At -ill -C-V!; JiM&frf t4$ iW JSSyfiSFwKk- THL GALLERY. They watched the hen wemn tennis players of the euntrv en the courts of the Philadelphia f n.-l et Clnh at St M.itin. Philadelphia ii having its share of the best kind of ti mils - ,',r"f"" " " f 1 9XifiJtiMrttiKtfAX2 fcfe rrs .JT; f" S t r-'rw5!!aSSLrt2' - ";;iTv -fts A PEAR ADMIP M H J. II f.I- Ml ll, t -t H of t'.n u i ' i ti'i'i ,, biti I in i ! in 1 of 1' .'. S ill1 ' n a J8 s t ' f Ft w v JiPw MISS KRNCES (iERHARD MISS ISABEL FRAZLR MISS JOAN MEALEY MISS (,lTNi:i F HICG We phinrtAii cviimtnir. Bhe'll enter national AMONG 1 HOSE PRESENT as Tilden and Johnsten qualified for the final match tournaments next year of the National fcint'les Tennis Tournament at Manheim today SHOT TOWER AND SURROUNDINGS, at Frent nnd Carpenter streets as they looked in 183. Send us your old Philadelphia phetORiaphs MISS DOROTHY MRS. WALTER MRS DNIPI VAIFN'TIVE FOUIKE MM MOT POLO LlLS 'J HE 1022 23 SOCIAL SI. .ON A START. 'hCjU folk v.ere found by the cameraman in bexen at Uala ( 1IIEF J. A. VOi.LK- SON tall.s of citv plan ninu in Editorial IMt'O intorvlew w cl , hi. & k Cc ii? in nlj Sa th: th. h ch' en the We e I It! lex liei r psi lea or f he SSi 'eq a' ig li T liu ft n i Ii IV ll irni llW -L