EyENIN'PtfBBICi IDGBB-PaflfADEagHIA, FBfeAY, "SEPTEMBER 15; "J922 . I , ' ' i i J' V Schoolboys in Athletics ' ' V 'I ' 1 1 ' rl N- NO! A SINGLE VEI 7 '''&& m ;t AT E Coach Snyder Faces a Tough Problem, Although Having Plenty of Material REGULARS BACK BACKATNORTHEAS LANSDQWN Suburban Eleven Should Make' u Geed Showing en Grid This Year HAS A TOUGH SCHEDULE rCvcr. SOCCER OUTLOOK BRIGHT Coneh Snyiler. of tlie Northeast IIIrIi BHinel foetbnll tetim. Is certninly fftplii? n teiiRli preposition nt piecnt. lie ssiird u call for Rrlilirnn camlitlntes jc fcnlay iifirriioen ami iipprexlnmtcly n prntiu'y of .eiiiiKsttrs lici-ili'tl his call. However, tills is net what Is worry lug tlie veteran lender of tlie Archives. Out of tin' hiimtifil players, there Is net a Miis'e eterun back from last jmr's eleven. Kveii the captain for the routing Hen son Is net out for the eleven. In ether voids. Snjdei' taunt itart a H.vstem of rebuilding One whole year has been ,ivt with no results eh, allied whatso ever. Snjder Is Inking the problem In hand In ail optimistic manner and realizes tin r lie ciiimet leufid out a ehnmplon ehnmplen iiliip eleven fre.n the grcii material. Hut lmpes te have a team that will -be a crrdlt te the reputation of the selioe'... This is nil he wants, and If he can 'n half of the games te lie plajcd lit) will be mere than well satisfied. The material for the i leven, fremvthc opening day glance, h'imum te be fiivor fiiver nble. but you cannot always juilje .1 iienk by its cover. Is Aggressive There aie many husk) -looking oung eung fllcis who are willing te give, their be.t for tlielr school. I'.y the way they por per por fermi'd their minute details jcsterd.iy, ptmder will at least have an aggressive e ( veil if net a winning one. .Iiilinii Duidup, who was appelulcd captain of the loetb.ill team for this Le.iMiii. iini net lctuined te school. He li,i- jjiwii up scheid work and has gout te liittle his wnj tlireugh the world. Tlie enlj possible (aiidldate ni a leader for the squad is Stevens, who ji'iivid fiillliiK'k last ,v ear. An clrctliin will b" lii'hl Minns day next week 10 11 'i unit a captain. Snjiler sent the green p'.a.vers tlimucli only the fundamentals of the . m .M'slciday. I'liss-lng tlie ball, tlie pmper ini'tlieil of canning tlie pigskin, dli'l HifM'ng. were Mime of tlie miner dit.iil- which In? epl.tined te them. ilih'iiterc Hint The Mr-t casualty of the f-i'iiMin ci 1 Hired late in the altcinoen viheu ilileireic, a new comer, spi.iincd M'V f.il muscles in his leg while tackling, lie !i:id le lie iiiriieil fiem the Held and v ill hum piebnbi.v be unable te ice furiher .ntien lielele the opening ei tin fieib.ill -iumih two weeks hence. Seaie of tlie plu.vers vhe showed up ii!' in tlie eiiening pr.ictlce weie ( was. c.indid.ite for the captaincy Mil 11 substitute last jear. who is t ,v liu for the fullback positien: I'ewcm t'lil Liggett, .second string mil men of llIM m-.imiii : Mllllelli'J, a llllltbllck I t'sinil, iinetlier halfback; Weeks and li;iiuli',, iiunitei backs; llenden, a sub e'li'M of Inst .ve.ir. who Is tr.ving for t;i l,e; l!"ll, tinkle; Kicdeiicks, guard; fiiei). (enter, and (irater, a giiaid; The lir-t game of tlie season will be pl.i.ved with the Coatesvllle Mich nine iv) the Verthc.ist Flvlil, Twenty-ninth ii'id fimbria stuets, en Septemlier JM Sk Public High Scheul League I. Hues niiil Wlllianisen Trades Scheel, T in- Sihoel and "famden Hlgluiom Hlgluiem rl le the silieduli'. finer I'respects High Park as the prospects arc for a win ning eleven, the snecer team Is just tlie opposite. Four veterans nre bnck from Ihm v ear's championship eleven and Ciaeh Oi-car (icrney expects the team I 1 c line through with Its second straight title. It vas the Initial workout of th Pci'ieh ciine plajers jesteiday also en (mother section of the field. (Jallen. titer ferwurd: I'.eiiller. lift halfback; Mulianic and faptalii .McDonald arc the veterans back. (iirsen, the star goal tender last mwiii. is still undecided as te whether li" will return te school. He has v "i kul nil summer ami is thinking ieiinii-,1) of sticking te his position. If h" does, the Archives will feel his less, leviielv feach tierney will have ipille a snuggle 10 (ill liis jilnie siiccessfullv. The ileveu wen the championship Inst season eulv after the hnrilcst et iliuggles. The West IMiihidelplila Hluh Sdieiil 1 lev en put up a stubborn light, but was finally subdued in two post pest h s(in games. Ferty-five littsky-loeklng IndlviditnlH Wprn found nnvnrfitif. nrmlmt tlin T.nnl- tlevvnc Hlgli Scheel football field yes-j tcnlny nftcrnoen. After close Inspection they were recognized ns candidates for this ear's I.nnsdewrne eleven. It wns their third day of practice. Conch Wcrlsch, who leeks nfter the siiund, wns at the lower end of the 11 t'lil instructing the new men in the, fundamentals of the gntiip. In (mother section of the gridiron the seven regulars of last year's cloven, with four substitutes, were pitted against n green eleven in scrimmngp. Signal work was nlse used Inter in the nftcrnoen, nml when Conch Wertsch was linnljy nbloate give his nsslwtnnce te the regulnrs 11 little tilt wns stnged without counting the srores. The plnvcrs looked te be In fine fettle, even censlding t lint only three prnc tlces hiive been held, mid rushed nnd tackled hi mid -season form. Veterans Help Coach Captain Stackhouse wns all ever the field. Along with .Tee nnd (Jeergp Wnl Wnl ten, both backlleld men. Hud I'almer. Schwartz, Fiaucis Miiliei: nnd I'ele Kicluirils, they helpeil tiic conch In In structing the newcomers. Following the scriininnge, punting, tackling the dummy and sprintlng'werc stime of the exercises engngeuNn by the (.quad. I.aniilewne hns a tough schedule this year, meeting St. Jeseph s l'rcp. .the champion" of tlie Catholic League fast .vear, in the opening game: IVriii flinr- I ter, chnmnietis of the Intcrncadeinic 1 I.engiie; Swiirthmerc High nnd their , suburbnn ilvuls, the Radner eleven. I The schedule of the team follews: , September ; HI Jn-ppli I'ren. nt home ! liitelipr II Chi jler ltlsli nt home O tnhnr 1.1 IVtm ('haitfr. nwiiy I liririln'r I'l' Chcllenlnm Htf;li. usa, i Or-liilirr 27 Il'ulnur Mleii awnv. Nevcnib'T t- t.nnr Mi r en iiwmv I Ncvinilir tt Itlillev l'uk linme. Niiveie'ier IS Darby Hl-tli, linnit- . Nnvnmbnr LTi Milln llinh, iuva Nevun'jcp 30 Swarthmiire HlBh, linme I Salesmanship A Practical Course taught by the intensive Drexel method of Action Teaching. Drexel has trained hun dreds of men for success in the science of salesmanship, and The Course is stronger today than ever before, by I reason of this experience. Enrollment Open New XEL EVE1H6 SCHOOL n "' ' ' ' ' " - "-- : " " . " -i"- ," 7pr '''t.T;; ;''.': 'n" BUY AT OUR FACTORY AND BANK THE RETAILER'S .PROFIT ALL-WOOL Suits and Overcoats ji , Alii1, TV i MV sell enlv coeit, linneiitlT iiliJi.1 mmip Indies) made ullli only line tliniiRlit In inliiil, Hint tlie nirn wlin Inn tlii'in will ret in ii, ami rii'ninnii'iiil tlirlr frli'iitlH te our farlerj (or (heir I'lelliliuc mill". Purchasing Agtnti' Order Accepted Come in even if il'j DKi cariesity that brings )eh. fff lk II A ' hAj I II Fmrilfnv ml vW ft J. Salsburg Sens & Ce. manu(acturers of Salce Clethes SALESROOMS r S. E. Cor. 9th & Sansom Sts. Minixn ixneit Open Saturday till 5:30 WSEMMimmtWSSmM tr.MumwummKMwii i WW m I. STYLE . -y . A Afi. 7 WW xtfS ifi .''. aQ3 fti iK, :;-; wi" v(iH.7 rt,-A , a8 :V.vV m li'V V. v ; ; VrSJf'rri iVw'7 M&? i! .,-r,'f;v'.a V :t!ilsi l OSv . , ..,, WSPSj 33 PAGE SEVEN, I ASKS $100,000 rUfclmnmwJuu Truly Warner Is Granted Temporary mjmiumu" by Judge Banter mvATS MUST NOT USE NEW DISBUD One hundred thousand dollars feri The Recerd - 100,000 the imperial with the it is net for L. Tifnin r i .rn;iL uiivuuii crown v " .,,, Koh-i-neor diamond insci, dui u - stvle of masculine fall headgear I which is valued at tnai su.... Truly Warner of New iefk, v.uu of a chain of retail hat stores, for ...,.-- it, new stvle was designed wnum w- -- .L. .. . . and manufactured, wm .- -.. tien of putting it en sa.u i-p plaintiff in a civil suit in which dam ' e of $100,000 are asked, against B large hat rciaucr x Yerk, operator of another chain of hat stores; the firm of D. ELoewe & Ce., hat manuiacuirers ui .. L.... rf . Charles F. Yechum, a .'.ft,,r0r of hat blocks and: n. in Tlanbury, and individual ihu.k .--- T .. rmT,nri members ei me i.uu; "i- - INJUNCTION ORANTED Tha coats ; l" " ' , wn'.- ftia l:rj mm tb ftketscr; Lyft iitFZ Clipping frm Je Bosten ntreiM $100,000 seems like a let of money for one style, but when mere than 300,000 young men will select this "$100,000 Style" this month, it establishes Style Value and Style Leadership.that's what we . did last May with the Styl-Flash and that's what we'll de this September with the Styl-Judge. I knew they would all try te copy it when I put the hat this young man is wearing en my Five Feet Style Shelf, but I thought I was entitled te show you first the style I originated, and the Judge thought se, tee. That's why the Court issued an injunction te protect the design I created, and that's why I named it the Styl-Judge. The new famous "$100,000 Style" has a regular D'Orsey Derby "Curl" and it's the first time anyone ever used this Style Combination and put a Derby "curl" en a sdft hat. This model has a crown that is soft and light with mere fur blown into the brim te make it firm but flexible, and held the shape of the flange that it was "ironed" ever. New, I want you te be the Style Judge in this case, and if you prefer a different shape, don't forget I have fifty ether styles in all dimensions of crown and brim te fit every head, and ALL Celer Combinations te fit every face. But before you make the charge te the Jury, remember the charge for the "Styl-Judge" and every ether Style Combination in this case is $2.85. va. Kfli Cffeaaq UjOtW 5V I'.-l " i'i n w? warn wx. I 'I m m. SK &. : 5Er ''3 mm K$&Ai A PI tv 5?i-. The Styl-Judge HIZ25 2 rej 2W a birsra SMm n? cei 1307 Market Street (Opposite Wanamaker's) . ' '' " " TiMTtf g gfKrgrrrTrnTT-iiiM . n !PIIHIIIl!IIllllllll!III!lll!llllil!!!!i:! BIIIIIIIlili !irai""iiiiniiiiii niiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiw ih itii nf ittMun iiini mstiiuti iiiiiiiijint'iit iiiHiriinii t:ifi.' u' imirif HiniRi'irininniiiiiiiJMUfii UH:mriiiPj READ THE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS ON PAGES, 28, 29 and WBBKBIBQBBMBSfc3iJIC(BMBBMiiilWfcjMlTC.Kl nil ,i '! ('. 111 1 I,, " l i-'fafl llirillilillllllllllllllllllUUmiraiuniiniiiMgMiHBHM ,3 30 1 "- v' mmmMm mm iiiifUpillfllUIII.BllllllSl!JlllI IHMMIW iirairanimBraiiiiMiiiiiiiiirfflBiiUBiwi'iiiuffla V 2SfiW tm mmmmrnkmrnmrnkmrnammM H'j. ., I v s. n m i V '-'1mm WmmmmUiZtetei . m..,; . W,, ... ..m. L rf- BMMMMMjyBq,IXIT7' t-wa- , , ..a; sr"afff? :LJmmm