rjtf f.s w ii . e k I Mflll 1 Tfi TnrilTAII JOT CHANNEL URGED Mayer Dennelly Is Principal Speaker at Waterways Con vention in Portland, Me. , AWAIT FEDERAL ACTION fptdnl Plwteh te tCvrnlne Publle Ltiatr Portland, Me., Sept. 14. A twenty- tit feet channel between Philadelphia no Trenten was adocatert by Mayer i Frederick W. Dennelly, of Trenten, in an nilJrcs nt the fifteenth nnnunl con cen con Tcntlen of the Atlantic Deeper Water wars Awelntl011 here today. The con tention, of which "Mayer Moere, of Philadelphia, is president, will close tomorrow. Chariet K. Hemmltt. who 1b here with the Trenten delegation, spoke in favor of the development of great mtlenal historic nark where Geerge Wliiniten crecd the Delaware. Election of officers and the choice of the next convention city will be made fnmorrew. Newark. N. .1., und Ner folk, Va., are Mrengcst contender, nl-ttni-h heth Miami, Fin., and Provi dence, It. I., have put In claime. In his i-peeeh Mnjer Dennelly paid: "Our trims-State ship canal project, OTC of the met vital and important links of the entire intra-ceautnl hj-b-tra, hn advanced as fnr as New Jerncy ca forward It without the aid of the Federal (ievcinment. Our State hns met every condition Imposed upon It that If destined te bring te reality thp great avenue of transportation which is 'e connect file gigantic ports ef New Voik and Philadelphia and Baltimore. "This route of this proposed canal tut has been siincjcd and menumenled rre' the State. Our State Legislature Jibs nDimmrlnteil kmmhujwi for tne purchase of the right of way, te be culailuated as seen as the Federal Gov ernment sIiewr an inclination te begin the work. There lemnitiH no substantial ' hindrance that I ran free, new that the war is ever, te cause further retarda tion of thli project. "The New .Iersy Ship Canal un dertaking has the approval of our State's rnngrc'slonel iepreentnthes, and I leek le them te prod en the pow ers that he' for the ettilj comir.emc cemir.emc ment of this work. The project lias the apprnal of the Federal Goern Geern ment and has been Indorsed by the leading nual authorities and O. K.'d by the I'nlted Stntes War Department engineers. Yeu ran well understand under lhee clreumstan -es why I, as Its anient champion, nin optimistic of the future.. The evidence In belinlf of the project is betli inrontreertlble and voluminous. Tlie New Jersey ship canal is assured. "Trenten is new reaping the full fruition of this lmpreemcnt. That the rlter is utilised te Its utmost pos sibilities Is manifested by "(be nu merous applications new before our city commission, which, parenthetically ipeaklng, is the constituted hnrber beard of Trenten, from tinusnortutlen cempaniis for leases for wharfage priv ileges. "We are net Futiifled, however, te rest content with our present accom plishment. Already we hiue set the flheels a-turnlni; for u greater project, the deielepment of a twenty-five-feet channdt fieit. Philadelphia te Tren Tren eon. With n united ritv new espousing thin undertaking and the lending water flays associations of the Kast recom mending it. Trenten feel" safe in the aasurnnee thnt this channel of greater depth wl I be rensummnted in time te give the Delaware th same depth as the prepnf-ed New Jersey ship canal . will ha when completed. "With the completion of both these lmprereinrnts w( w op jn n ,0ltten te cnnveigc the influence nf our State On the derelpment of the proposed New ei tn linltimere ocean te bay waterwaj. AVe will show bow the ad ministrative and technical forces and a large pnrt of the skilled and un skilled labor for this wi.rl; mev be re cruited te great advantage fiem gov gev ctnmentnl Industries. "The New Jersey ship fnnnl and Iho Improved Delaware Hlver will afford adequate irnnnH te in me the wisdom tad miIii of this petintinl waterway tome fi Mm New Yerk te Ilnlrimerc." Mnver Monre will lene Portland te morrow mil n.oter tu l'liiliidelphlii ever tte MnluwU tinil Most nf tin- Phlla (le'phh iiicmiiers nf ili. nsocIitlen will goby till te Itotiten and tin lire by beat te their Imme ritj . arriving en Alentlnt ruins. A fw. however, are taking no mine i banres with the sea and will go home b. mil, arriving Sun day. VICTIM OF AUTOMOBILE CRASH IS IDENTIFIED Martin Conners Dies After Accident at Thirtieth and Allegheny The mnn found unconsrieiis near n wreckeil automobile at Thirtieth street tart Alhghin. avenue jesterday. and who dM intei in the Samaritan Hos pital, hn- lieen identified as Martin Con Cen Con rei twentj-llve veins old, of 3133 North 'I hirtj-fifth street, The (.nl was stolen, police sav. from . tied lord, s.ilrs nmtinrpr f cemem cenip.mj. nt Thirty-ninth and walnut Mieets. Police bdleve Conners ! ,n lll(; ''' at the time of the crash and vvim huilrd out. The possibility tl.' ll"w"wl- 'hat he was struck by racspt cdlng iar before it upset. fki,5flr'h ifnr ,h" elIlcr "'tupant has Wis fur been unsuccessful. Hospitals nve b..M warned te notify the police it am ,int- applies for treatment of cuts ana bruin , JbnvSavinsBanh 2l,,5BalairieJ. j j n- ; (.MJtiwn jt. i'- U UitkKUmAM.1.. into rest freixtnt HILA KtmUTT A l"''fc"U'aaWeMeaaaaaaMaMMaajafagaiMt.JlJ laaaaHsmuB BHfikatal lWwlvjWdUBBalBaaaaaaalU I 177 VD 1 r Ar V H-YEAR-OLD GLOBE TROTTER SEEKS NEW FIELDS TO SCAN Jane Smith, Bqm in Japan, Wants te Sec Canada and Then Ge Bach te Orient She "Hears the East n.Cn11hi' and Cant Heed Nethin' Else," Despite Philadelphia Heme A sweet, childish veice: n huhh! of ImiRhter followed by the entrance of n miss of eleven years, who dignified shaken hands solemnly and bows her head gravely! Then, forgetting that she is really "crown up," she pushes back into the depths of a big dmlr and swings her legi happily as she speaks of her travels which have taken her "one nud a half times around the world." She is Jane Smith, 6110 Germantown nvenue, who was born in Japan, daugh ter of the Rev., and Mrs. Frlsbv h. Smith. When only n year and u' half old she was breturht te Phlliul.lnlitn !. her narenta and taken bark a venr later ' te Teklo. where she lived until her re turn te Philadelphia lest jear. Despite her lack of j'cars, she lias crossed the Pacific twice, and en her last vejagc home came by wav rf Kng land and the Atlantic, thus circling the glebe and having half a trip around again te her credit. In a few minutes, tired of sitting still and with the polite desire te Interest her visitor, she sprang tip and hurried up stairs te come heck with her arms full of bright -colored sllka and In her hands treasures of the Irnnd of the Uising Sun which she calls home. "See," she said, slipping en the gorgeously flowered kimono ever her ihert pongee dress and unfurling the cilmsen snsh, "thm Is mv kimono' pirouetting around. "And this Is my haeri." she hesitated and then ex plained tactfully. "That is what the Japanese wear for n wrap, jeu Knew uy this time Jane was flourishing 'sticks in the air, which she matter actly acknowledged that blic could use, The blue-giay looked rather tlllnw flu uhn longingly out of the window none ei .nipan. -it s home te me, OK "It's home te sue sam quaintly, "leu born there. It is my home.' see, I was .Tnne loves te tavel. and.she Is hoping that her father, who Is a missionary, will go te Canada and take her with him. $500,000 REMBRANDT ONCE OFFERED FOR $1000 "Descent Frem Cress" Net Appreci ated by Art Levers of 1840 Hcnbrnmlt a "Descent Frem fli the lress, which Jesenli n. W liener. of this city, hna just acrjulred for mere than S.'OO.OOO. was offered for sn! nt unrisnes, in Londen, in 1840 for Slene. Art connoisseurs refused te pnv such a toiiuieus price" for the painting and lta owner, .1. A lieaver. retained the painting until his death, when his heirs disposer! or ll te ij. v. Parker, of Sklr with Abbey. Cumberland. FnTlnml. In 1000 the canvas was again eTered ter saie anrt was bought bv F. Klcin- berger. a Aew lerk dealer, who seen disposed of it te Simen, a nerlin bank er, who, in turn, disposed of It te Ven wans, a t ranKtert. tiermanv, colleeter. The latter, it is understood, paid SL'(M). 000. In the opinion of Oermnn nrf nrlftnn Mr. Wldener. by his acquisition of tlie inmeus painting, has made his collection represcmauve or the uutch master's art in mi iin pnnncs. MISSING GIRL, 13. IS FOUND Detective Gees te Chicago te Bring Anna Fuchtcr Heme Anna Fuchtcr, thirteen years old, who disappeared several days age from her nnme, ilhi :ertn .Marshall street, has been found In Chicago, according te iniormnueii reRcning the uetective Bu- reau nere CUSTOM-MADE WAISTS FIT GL'ARANTEED- ..M - ' .--, inAviiiiiiiiiiirill. i flaav KiaajHsaik wt ftf r yiJHaiya iS8sliillHB .TANK SMITH City Council Clerk Returns William A. Feiten, chief clerk of City Council, who hns been suffering irem a nervous uieaauewn, returned te his office in City Hall, much improved In health. cireltc,S6lA V kwmxifflt wmma " r I ft mevare &-& i BT V UUULf! jr n snf?,!?ain sssMsxr isiftewa A -,v - r-rflnktti Wt SromundiVSenr u W ZVn (38BMANTOWWAVH. i lrl'g:: zz ' lil a I clme(lteiirme I 111 w "" I CI V nKAt'TIFUI. iti-Llile A 'HI v llxturpii mnkn jour T n I X ln ienr Kl U f Liahlinn UJ W m Fixtures ffl n l v ll tl ... .1.- . sa Ml ll u iiuiii in. inunuiac- Ml E I fJLU turrr Insure.- high- W ll I SiHw rred werkmnniihlD m H I Srwiv en''1 careful Install- M l umr iivii, v.ur uxiur nil u IT I J ftl all ennstru-ted of m ri I Mr y neuu urais unn mair ij L I feeaa dnnlrns or- nrlirlnnl u Ml fl ni dldtlnctlve f 1 I Term tn Suit Your Cnnttmrnc r I KOfii r.vtu. 'til 10 Ft. 1S03 m MANN & DlLKS U02 CHESTNUT STREET Women's and Misses Suits, Ceals. Dresses. ' - New Fall Styl es DIXVILLE DRESSES Ptqunteen and Peiret Twill one college . .....uu,, c,ud ana nil outdoor wear, alie the ebble-knit and Velour-knit fabrici. new re ENGLISH TOP COATS Smart exclusive models in a wide range of mix turei. everplaid and plaid-back woeleni and fleecea uiiuuie ,or me atreet, travel, tilll i HUDDERSFIELD FABRICS Plain Tailored English Tweed Suita for Ladies and Misaei m the new colorings and mixtures. TAILORED HATS The new hats in all the latest shapes and mate rials moderately priced. "GRIP-KNIT" KNICKERS The new Knickers with the "Grip-Knit" Cull thnt fits without buttons or buckles. A variety of fab rics plain colors and checks moderately priced" -FABRICS mm IAKKINHIUN ANSWERS KIPLING American Novelist Points Inconsistency of British er's Attack te New Yerk, Sept. ! t.-Boetli Tarl: Ington replies ns fellows. In part, te the charges of Hudyard Kipling, made through an alleged Interview with Clare Sheridan, that America entered the World War tee late And new has all the ''Mr. Sheridan says that Mr. Kip ling net long age spoke te her bitterly of America. She telW us that he said the United Stntes came into the war 'two years seven months rnd four tin? a tee late.' Moreover, the I'nlted Stntes forced the Allies inta making peace nt the firt opportunity Itistend of in sisting upon finishing in Berlin.' She rcnerts I hat he said of us Auerieans: They have get the geld of the world.' and of the British, by tentrnst, 'But we have sved our souls.' "We have often been told rather sketchlly Jliat we 'came tee late.' e wondered about It. Just when would our coming net have been 'tee late ? If we had conic into the war in 1010. would that afterward have been called 'tee leU-'V Would 101") have been call ed 'tee IMp'? Rvidentlj. Ter Mr. Kipling makes ilenr te ns that anv day after" the Allies began te fight would hove been 'tee late.' "Having come into the war tee late, we forced the Allies te make penre ten seen and prevented them from finish ing the war In Berlin. Thnt Is, we wire tee late In one wny and tee earl.v in another; tee slew te begin lighting and tee undy te quit. "We quit 'at the first opportunity A JUDICIOUS use of color improves most printed matter. A geed printer knows where te draw the line. The Helmes Press, 'Prinitrt 1315.29 Cherrr Street Philadelphia J Assure the clearest tones from your receiving set, whether you use a crystal set, ampli fier or loud speaker. The Automatic Electric HEAD SET is the perfected product of tele- ever thirty years S" exnftrianea. 10e Ask any up-te-date Radie dealer. With plus attached SlI.SO Automatic EEecMc Company Heme Office and Focteryi Chicago, U. S. A. Philadelphia Distributor! H. C. Roberts Electric Supply Ce. 1101 Race Street Hate - a, u - piece dreuei for achoel or celle lege Of THE BEST -" g III I S1 " i, ahi..' in nnif then? 1 4 and 'forced the Allies' te quit then. tee. But hew can this be? If we came tee late, and therefore were use less, hew did we obtain such weight with the Allies that we could force them te de what they did net wish te de? We were of no use te them, jet we kept them from going te Berlin. Hence, if we hnd net come into the jvar, the Allies would have genp te Ber lin i and the only effect of our coming In wna te prevent the Allies from con quering Germany. "We Americans have get the geld of the world ; but we hove lest our souls, Mr. Kipling is said te have told Mrs. Sheridan. De we lese our souls as n consequence of having the geld? The geld hns te he somewhere if we hnd fought a hard war witli Orrmaiiy years age ever Vonemeln, and if the 'geld of the world' hnd (enscqucntly migrated te Londen, would the British hne lest their souls? Without any difficulty at all we can Imagine what they would have said in rely If we hnd thoughtfully Informed them of such n less. "When a man hears bitter words sold of him, tlie natural tiling for him te feel is resentment, but the sensible tiling for him tn de Is te examine himself and find whether or net the bit ter words are hue. The truth of our going out te war is that we went bctaiive of our own qunrtel with tier many. We did net go because of the British quarrel with (ieriuntiy or be cause of the French quiinc! with Germany." r EAR-RINGS NEWLY IMPORTED TR0M PARIS Jade Cornelian Onyx Tourmaline and Crystal THE ONLY MEANS OF CONTACT en 'Why should I pay mere for my letter paper ?" asks the business man. " Even if Crane's paper is the best there is, why should I use it ? ' A fair question. The answer is that the best there is is net tee geed for your business or any business that re spects itself, desires the respect of its customers, realises that appearances go a long way, and knows that letters are the only means of contact the house has with many of its best customers. Further, the paper, even the best paper, is a very small part of the cost of a letter, tee small te be considered against the probable effect of that letter, in which effect the quality of the paper plays an important part. ioe selected new rag stec 121 years' experience Ban notes of 22 countries Paper money 0438,000,000 people Government bends of iS nations Crane's BUSINESS PAPERS iTTEEFsl nCX.JHJ i 1 Founded In 1894 1204 Chestnut St. 11 Seuth 15th St. 1119-21 Market St. Kirschbaum 2-Trouser Suits 34-50 Frem the Kirschbaum Shep & F. fca- JL fhc same Vc A Spr ture fix type et fabrics and workmanship which in suits with one pnir of trousers sold last season for 45. All new designs, just in from the Kirschbaum Sheps. Yeung mat's models Men's models All sizes UnMETM RflR QTftPP I AT 16TH AND CHESTNUT One Fakes Illness While Others Steal Dress Thrcn attractively dressed young women walked Inte the icewn shop of vi.,.i.,ni Mnv. nl Sixteenth and Chest- nut streets, shortly before closings tlme yesterdny and asked for n glass of j water for one or tnem ener t-xiiumuiK ( she wna ill. , While n saleswoman went te the rear of the store te get a tumbler, necem- I pnnled by the supposedly ill wemnn, the ether two quickly opened n show case and took a diess which tliey placed In n uiltcase. The less was net dis covered until after the trio departed. Clothing mid ether nppaicl, valued at MOO. were atelen some time yester day during the absence of Mrs. .1. M. ' Slmennn from her home nt Meylan , and NiiMiliee i-treers. ! Police of the ficrniantewn station are! looking for n youth who is believed te' have entered the home of Mrs S. Lew I at fi."4r Mntthews street nmi taken ?lfi0 worth of jew eli y. Police Hunt Aged Weman Belntlves of Mis James J. Wilkin son, seventy ears old. have nsked po lice te aid In Uniting the ngcjl woman who disappeared from her home nt MG Mifflin street yesterday. I I ORT 3 WOMEN ROB STORE (M 'mc in that "I'lt'tv-ciclu ear. n,l I ' M 0 T -,1c"h kec .S)i)5 a-v eneinir ilu lar-r- MK V-rOyO llll e"r 'ni5in,;5s U1 their hMer rt I ij nry . IIIB it i Mmph ua-cnt-tfi,!, ,.,(,ui, i. . i. i. .. i i mm l'eP. l ! "'"J-' Pe-iWc h llinn .. ..i ,...r i, .,IM. 'al fair g rtMM 1 JtF I 1119 pn"c' nn NCMvlt,,,n',ll-"i "" .mr:ci.irieri. Ij talmi Sl-J I IfV(H'arr net famil-.i. u t, ,,., mnmf. ,, j S Iff I I i ak IA., J HIS ,in ,hls sl'' "" 'I'-xi-c "in I j'1 . letiu, .in- t'i- lllll m ' jA F y M Uncst crr. Hi m t f'sl m JACOB REED'S SONS Ii Vlfl B 1 1424-I4SJ6 Ch.e3tn Street I I SI) Cedar Street Mnn Missing J Ilebert .1. Deegon, (wentj -seven ! Cedar titrcet near Wheat- years old, sheaf lane. Iiiih been m isslna fietu his- home since Inst Frldav night, pe Ice were informed. Decgiin was Inst seen In a restaurant at Kensington avenue and D street, talking te two inngcis. l'nrly Friday evening lie klsed his wife ami live rhlldieti goed-bv, savin? he wanled te go te Atiierlinn street, ,)eflrl)V( en hml nesH WM -VH y."A.'TSj-.rVV" "i -i "fwf ''IT? Warehouse Space FOR RENT We wish te Icpsc 10,000 square feet sterntf spare en ground fleer and 1Q00 square feet office space en second fleer of cur new warehouse building In Kensington. Streng concrete fleer, excel lent light, Pennsylvania K. H. siding, complete overhead traveling crane system, heat, night watchman and Janitor service. A 532, Ledger Office. H 7.50 SHOE VALUE "THAT CAPS THE CLIMAX" Ne qiiCKtlen about rl at slKht of thr shoe c 01 flrtrm nnil wrnr'ne n will mike it mere emph.it'i It ,- , Gtnuir.t tan Scotch grain. Welttd doable salt. Wing loot rubbrr heel. Solid Iratlier rnnstrurtien tlirniiRh ami 'lre'ich HjircPi hllttlnnK .idrt9 t, sr.,p anv shape holding ,,,, u I e : I 't ( Av- Wen.'' 1 "VV L - - N 7-500'' 1TATT XW ' P KUtFW V m l-WJLJLlAHANjQ LrKeSt Assortment K 0M:!"OErU I ASDING MACHINES S I VBufcTW"J& S COLLINS, 831 Chcslnut St. g , HMiVS Aaft S ".en,, ,!, 3173 g I SJi Sa5gE5g5HSg5HSH5a5ga5g5B52Sg5S! 1 111 ' Hmml 'iraW ' III imi II In nmsHHBiVBiiB KmtlKKrxr NhiVIBBHMHMH tl Mill hliS iilllll Effffimrn M mBR&Mi 1 HHIBhBm i$M3 &&$vmWt$M i I Wv I Survival of the Fittest II In 18-4 Jamb Rceii taitw-ii in the ileth- ll HI ing busmen in an unpretentious l.ishmn I I B down aieund F'nunh .mil M.iikct Street 8 If .aceb Kced's Sens i the licritae of that I fif Hit M.lllV heil?e liat. iemp in.! cr,w. I, R " Mi f. Last Three Days of PERRY'S Final Closing Sale At HALF PRICE Closing out finally thta week all that remain's of our Spring and Summer stock. At Exactly One-Half Their Fermer Regular Prices Still a geed selection of Suits and a few Over coats, Raincoats, etc. every one closed out this week at one-half its former regular price. Terms of Sale Cash Only Refunds Ne Exchanges During this week alterations will be permitted at cost. Perry & Ce. 16th and Chestnut SUPER - VALUES in Clethes for Men rJE5T25E525?.SH5Z5H5E5'52Sc5HSH5ESaOJ ?K JVJ 41 Mann & Dilks 1102 CHESTNUT STREET I SEE OUR WINDOWS