i.'T'.TvtTJtiiVTTVBVJi 16 ' - r,. -v i'-v;f F I I '' I r I September IS, 1972 M'i I 9 s I NEW ISSUE $1,000,000 The Autecar Company 8 Per Cent Cumulative Preferred Stock Preferred at te auetand dividends (Par $100 Per Share) (Callable at f 115) In due ceurte application will be made te Hit this Preferred Stock en the New Yerk Stock Exchange THE COMPANY, which was incorporated in Pennsylvania in 1899, wan established in 1897, and is engaged in the manufacture and sale of commercial automobile trucks of y te 6 tens capacity. Over 90 per cent of the Company's output is sold direct te customers through its Branch Sales and Service Stations, which arc located in 35 cities. Autecar trucks are in use by mere than 10,000 owners. Over 600 of the present 680 stockholders are employees of the Company. Capitalization First Mortgage Sinking Fund 7 Per Cent Convertible Geld AUTllORirKD Bends due in 1937 $3,500,000 8 Per Cent Cumulative Preferred Stock 5,000,000 Common Stock '. 10,000,000 OUTSTANDIMd $2,500,000 "5,072,866 Properties The Main Plant of the Company, located at Ardmore, Pennsylvania, embracing its real estate, buildings and machinery, is carried en the Company's boek3 at a valuation of $2,840,504.78. Day & Zhnmermann, Inc., under date of April 19, 1922, appraised the reproduction cost of this plant, less depreciation, at $3,499,275, and thi3 property is subject te the First Mortgage Sinking Fund 7 Per Cent Convertible Geld Bends, of which there are new $2,500,000 outstanding, due in 1937. In addition te the above, but net subject te the lien of the above mentioned mortgage bends, the Company and its Subsidiaries own land and buildings csed as Sales and Service Stations, which, with their machinery, etc., are valued at $1,287,624, subject te mortgage liens of $403,500. Net Quick Assets as of June 30, -1922, amounted te $2,995,597, ever all current liabilities. Copy of state ment will be sent upon request. ', Net Factory Sales have grown steadily from $1,017,052 in 1909 te $9,373,480 in 1921, and for the 8 months of 1922 have been in excess of $6,500,000. , Net Earnings Net Earnings for seven years ending December 31, 1921, after deducting all in terest, depreciation and inventory adjustments, and the net less of $635,000 during 1)21, but before Federal taxes, were $3,850,847 ,. Less Federal taxes, including Excess Profit taxes 1,025,674 $2,825,173 Yearly average for seven years (available for dividends) '.' 7 7 $403,596 The first 8 months' operations assure us of a satisfactory profit for the year 1922, ever and above all interest charges and dividend requirements. An issue of $5,000,000 of Eight Per Cent Cumulative Preferred Stock, par value $100 per share, was authorized en July 17, 1922. Of this issue $3,500,000 is reserved for bondholders' conversion privilege; $500,000 is reserved for stockholders' and employees' subscriptions. The Company is new offering the remaining $1,000,000 te the public. Price $102 per share All paid subscriptions received en or before September 15, 1922, will be issued as of September 15th, after which certificates will be issued as of the date of receipt of payment. Dividends payable quarterly, December 15th, March 15th, June 15th and September 15th. Any certificates issued and which have net been outstanding a full quarter will be entitled te their proportionate share when dividends are declared. All subscriptions must be accompanied by checks and will be given preference in order received. Subscriptions should be addressed and checks drawn te the order of W. T. Saveye, Treasurer, The Autecar Company Ardmore, Pa. Manufacturers of Moter Trucks established 1897 J rnirf"T"T"M ).W.'S.WJRHtl Mry Pesial ITeeetuiph becomes mm ayeswyjer iaxgsgACiaagrj',mi;xwiLflijir ( iJ - J.r ir ii fi rin fnaftrfi iin nn jLaiet Line A U 4, IftU-fljS JAR1A W u tej vwsu vvauv w .CCESS keless eemm call-box iegrams Radiograms are new made available te the public everywhere. The Radie Corporation of America, whose stations are the most powerful and modern in the world, has concluded an arrange ment with the progressive Postal Telegraph-Cable Company, which gives the American public everywhere the full benefit of international radio communication. Beginning immediately, every Postal Telegraph office in the 1 t" United States, wherever located, will receive Radiograms for ' all parts of Europe, Africa, India and the Near East Whether from this country te foreign countries, from shore te ship, from ship te shore or ship te ship, JMark your message "via ICjfl Every Postal Telegraph office throughout the United States becomes an agency for the Radie Corporation of America. The Radie Corporation will continue te maintain its own offices and complete collection ana distribution service in New Yerk, San Francisce and Washington. The arrangement gives bankers, merchants, manufacturers, and the public generally, throughout the country, complete use of the Postal Tele graph service, with its land lines, call-boxes, and all ether facilities for collection and distribution of Radiograms. Yeu can telephone te the nearest Postal Telegraph office, ring one of their call-boxes, or step into one of their offices and send your message by radio. Radiograms arc a new business asset for men of action and modern sales methods. They reduce distances, quicken communication, stimulate foreign trade and insure accuracy, as well as economy. When President Hnrdtnft sent Rndiegram of geed -will from IUd(e Central nt Recky Point, Leng Ialand newest and most powerful radio jtntien in the world, constructed and operated by the Radie Corporation of America twenty .ene foreign countries re ceived and recorded it butanta neeuily. That Radiogram made radio history. It dgnalized Amerlca'a complete participation in the field of IntsrnMlenal communication anil 1 vherj tha national interest of the IJm::cIS:at hitherto had hna jubetdmttt tn the interests ei'frtlj$n ceuitiles. It meant that no fet'iljn siatien ever again could intwfiM with Anwrica'i frce inter inter cemmutiiaticn with the rest of duvrald. diolwCerboration . w. t m ei America . 333 Broadway, New Yerk IU1 wt. ..... rr. s Tstmsm a nm i ir it it n traj rAimtwrvv fi I It TU Medtn Way n KtU I I 333 Broadway, New Yerk te : ML . v qJCSSSSiSiiiSi ''fr- ' J ' 1- i J 1 GOSSIP OF THE STREET money been a Although It could net be Bald that aciunny "E"W -e, -, y dlbtlnctly firmer local money market ler Bcverni ui " - There Is virtually ,Jtm,0.m0Veyutr 4t per cent and alt nixty te ninety day leans have been made at that rate. Meney up te sir months commands ? per cent. Some leans have been re ported recently nt 4Vi Per ccht. but these were either special caw, or ter short-term maturity, mostly thirty-aa ""in'beth banking and business circles this Is rcRnrded a favorable ymplitn. bcrauM It Is the first direct Klectle of nn lncrensInK deinnnd of funds from commercial nnd Industrial Interests, it confirms the predictions made earlier 1 J the summer by bnnk efflclnls, who statetl the settlement of the labor troubles i vwi rcrtaln te be followed by n RC"""1 qiilckenln of business activity, .wh'cii. In turn, would wen absorb .whatever Idle funds there would be in the banui banui ef the leaning institutions. Iren Industry Coming Hack Fast nnt..t t.,mnn rnmmntlen by steel tempanles Is coming mero "npldly I limn in me mew .; - .", ..,i,u lH.s the Iren Age in Its weekly review ,of the steel Industry. ' ,lltrlturIf'Vl Youngntewn. Cleveland, Chicago nm 1 Hastcrn Pennsylvania report flftee ' furnaces started In the pnst week nntl Indications are all August l"fef,c?; ty-slx furnaces will be made up ny iinnther week or ten dm 8. , "Such nn Increase In plK Iren pro duction points te n corresponding easier situation in the tienr future in tehpect te steel deliveries. awi. handicap of Insufflcient car ; supi r for moving of certain rolling mill Prod"f Pred"f Prod"f "nmbargees nnneunced by various railroads in the past week have had no Impertunt effect as yet en steel Miip- "In the past week special efforts haye been made te expedite delivery of rail, read steel. With much equipment in bad order railroads are urging car works te make deliveries, since new equipment will operate for ; a consid erable period without needing attention- . , .n "LocemotUe works also arc expe diting deliveries en the unusual vol ume of business they have booked re- CC"'sVeel Corporation Inget production this week Is nt mere than 00 per cent (apncltv. nnd several independent com panies are again clese te CO per cent, with prospects of tome further increase." S. O. After Traducing Properties Apropos te the stntement published In this column yesterday, relative te the negotiations for the purchases of the Producers nnd Refiners prepcrtv by the Standard Oil Interests through one of the underlying cempnnles, it was stated yesterday by a usually re liable authority that negotiations arc under wnv for several ether prominent oil-producing properties in this coun try, particularly these with light oil re serves. It is stated offers have been made for Philips Petroleum, Cosden nnd Mnrland. , The aggressive policy of Standard Oil in booking control of oil-producing prop erties fellows the disclosure nt the Scn ntn'a nil Invpstlcntien that Standard Oil nunq nnlv nhmit 20 ncr cent of the oil production of this country, where 80 per cent of the world's oil is produced. This percentage Is regarded as tee small vnen ceinp.iircu un mnmiuru -mi n ic- fininir nnd marketing onerntlens. tellupse of production in .Mexico, where Standard Oil In recent years lias secured large quantities of cheap oil for its Gulf nnd Atlantic seaboard refiner ies, mnkes it imperative that the re lining inpnclly be safeguarded by secur ing production in this country. It is bcl!ced that several of these negotiations will be closed shortly, pnr- 'tli'iilarly ns the Royal Dutch-Shell Ureup, wnicn is also snort et oil as a icsult of declining Mexican production, is competing with Standard Oil for acquisition of American producing prop erties. Widening of Teel ActMtles If was n matter of gener.il comment after the clc-c jesterda that the market, te a great extent, had again become one directed by peel activities, nnd these stocks in which concentrated efforts were made for thc-e recently formed peels must be expected te tnke a prominent position in price move ments for some tllne te come. Leading Interests, however, insisted these peel nitlvltles constituted only a small por tion of security trading and the grent volume of bullish ncthlty lb conducted In important Mecks for dertnlte purpose These who hnve been .cencrrncu ... l . cent trad'ng in rumnnn vjiui"j v--r Btcady nnd continuous buyers of that S although there were occ"len when nrefit-tnTtlng entered Inte the sit uation te a substantial degree, supply ing the demand from strong wurcfiin reusing recessions after advances were ""These rcccs-lens nnd profit-takings were welcomed ns furnish ng ei'P'"; nlty by which desired additions could be made te present holdings, of "locks In The hands of controlling Interests, and predictions were mnde before n sui stantlnl reaction occurs Pullman win sell far above lf0. .i... It was brought forward thnt these concerned In the movement In VMman arc net making any effort te Induce outside buvliiK becnu-e they de net de sire nny following or the creation of any extensive speculative ncceunts in It at the present time. New Street Railway Equipment cj. i,..ii,nitnn nf the manner In which public utilities operating inter- I urban nnd suburban railways each year i take care of the traffic demnnds placed upon them mny be had In n recent com pilation of figures which shows thnt be tween .Tnnunry 1 and the middle of Tune. 1022, mere than 1000 pnssenger enrs were ordered bv r-trcet ritilwn.v companies. Tins is yjrz cars meru uum the number purchased In the cerre- i spendlnc period last yenr. and induu induu tjens point te n mere extensive purchase of new equipment from new up te nnd including the fall seiiMin. Of the equipment ordered, the pur chases were split into the following classes: -14:1 safety cars, 107 special type one-man enrs, 401 ether types of cars te be used In cities, twelve intcr urban cars and fifty elevntcd cars. The district north of the Ohie and east of the Mississippi River has pur chased the greatest number efcars, the total being 1124. while the Mississippi district purchased 271 cars, the New England district 241 cars nnd the dis trict heuth of the Ohie River nnd cast of the Mississippi 17fi cars. Orders have been quite genernlly dis tributed eer the country. This Is con sidered as one of the best indications of the improved earnings position of the street railway industry. Lew-Priced Rail I)rles There Is considerable diversity of opinion as te the motive behind the re cent periodical drives against the lower priced railroad shares. The Erie, group came in for a pounding yesterday, nnd en Monday the Chicago and Great Western issues were subjected te a fce vere attack. There is no Information whatever Mint micht account for the vicious drives against tills claf-s of stocks. The Chicago and Great Western met the September interest payments promptly, and no ethers nre te be met for some months. The Krle. from all reports, is nlse in position te meet all the In terest obligations The case of the Chicago nnd Alten was n different prop prep osition, ns the read had been in default en its general mortgage bends for ti long time prier te the receivership decision. In the opinion of some market inter ests, the spasmodic attacks en the low priced rails are part nf the uregram of the bear element In their efforts te force a general reaction. It was pointed out the'e unsupported spots nre se lected with a fixed purpose of pieclpl tnting n geneinl celling movement. The maneuver-, thus far hnve been entirely unsuccessful. THE TRADER. ii iite. F TIB "I CONTINUITY: Uninterrupted connection In time, operation, or development. Niw Standard Dictltnary CONTINUITY OF POLICY and PERSONNEL AN oak many times transplanted will jf. never attain the same sturdy growth that would result were it allowed te develop unmolested. The history of Provident Trust Company of Philadelphia and its predecessor has been marked by unusual continuity of policy and personnel. In fifty-seven years, for example, the two offices most intimately affecting the management of their Trust business Presi dent and Trust Officer have had but two incumbents each. Today this institution, modern in organization and outlook, still adheres firmly te the wise and conservative policies of its founders. We invite you te make use of our complete Deposit, Safe-Deposit, and Trust facilities. PROVIDENT TRUST COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA Fourth and Chestnut Streets (Successor te the Deposit, Safe-Deposit, and Trust Departments of The Provident Life a Philadelphia A X. it I I ' .VS. Departments of The Provident Life and y l 'VS. Trust Company of Philadelphia) :umiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiSs Lake Superior Corporation Firnt Mtge. & Cell. Trust 5s, Due June 1, 1944 Authorized 110,000,000. Outntandine Jan, I. suit 1S.M7S.000. Itetirtd ti.73l,000 I Ktd'cmablr M I0S and interrst en our u tik' notice, Secured bv a firnt Urn en a portion of tnr Aloetna Steet Corporation and bu deposit of ZZ iSS eoe 000 Atoema Sled Corporation Pur- cfimc ilenrv bend At prr'rnt market price the vitld Is mere fiat fl per cent. Z ISAAC STARR, JR. & CO. 16TH & SANSOM STS., PHILADELPHIA Mriiibrri rhtlnilrlplita Hleck nxrhuncr 'm nrU C otten Kxchance UNUSUAL INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY Philadelphia manufacturer with International distribution of Its product offers unusual financial opportunity te pnrtles with $5000 te $10,000 te Invest Tlloreuph ln estimation Invited, bept bank reference Bien. Prin cipals only Address manufacturer. Bex A 534, Ledger Office iiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimmiifn r PTriAMMIIP NOTicr.s HTi:MSIIIP NOTirKH 3000 ENTER STATE COLLEGE Late Registrants Expected te In crease Total te 3300 State Cellcce, Vi Hcpt. 14. I'cnn Bjlvnnin State CeIIckc opened rester dav for If Hixty-ciclitli ear with mere thhn 3000 men and women Rtudentfl nlrcnih en hanil and with lnte reen trants' expected te swell the total te MOO. One theiiMii d freshmen have been admitted. The openlnc convocation wna held in the auditorium. .Jehn SI. Themas, president, welcomed the students. Cs2 ,, tw FatHtCTlmt Ac rat thm fmclfie APAN in JO clrS CMIEA in 14 days TZRngAty MANILA in l8 clays - " Frem Vancouver, B. C, via Victeria 3r majniflcent great Canadian Pacific Ocean Fliers ' Empress of Canada Em prow of Australia Empress of Russia Empress of Asia Apply te leatl aenf or CANADIAN PACIFIC v' WILSON PSICHBTT 8t CO, rNCOFOAT10 DON!) ASH STOCK ISSUES OV ATIONS V'M)KHWBITTr,N 1 Nenb Ameneut BulUinj, PhUelpbJ rJ afssrxssdj It. C Ct-ATTON. City Fm Art.. C20 Ch.itnut BU. rUledtlpbi 1. STliBULNO. Un. Asx., 1'lu. iJte., AUOUea Av. at 44U St., N Ya $545,000 City of Johnstown Cambria County, Pennsylvania 4Vz Per Cent. 30-Year Sewer Bends Dated July 1, 1922 Due July 1, 1952 Interest January 1 and July 1 Coupon Bends $1,000 Each, With Prevision for " Registration of Principal Tax Free in Pennsylvania Exempt from all Federal Income Taxes Ne Certificate of Ownership in Collecting Interest Required Legal Investment for Trust Funds in Pennsylvania FINANCIAL STATEMENT (as officially furnished) Actual Value of Taxable Property (estimated) $100,000,000.00 Assessed Valuation (1922) 68,013,675.00 Total Bended Debt (including this issue)... $2,561,500.00 Less Sinking Fund (Cash and Bends) 375,502.35 Net Bended Debt 2,185,997.65 Population (Census of 1920) 67,327 The legality of this issue hns been approved by Messrs. Hurffwin, Scully & Buirwui, of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Price 106.85 and Interest Te Net 4.10 Per Cent. Biddle & Henry Harrison, Smith &Ce. 1 04 Seuth Fifth Street 1 2 1 Seuth Fifth Street Philadelphia Seuth Fifth Street Philadelphia CROWELL & THURLOW INTERCOASTAL LINE Will Dispatch from PHILADELPHIA SS "WILLIAM A. McKEMNY" September 20 te LOS ANGELES HARBOR, SAN FRANCISCO, PORTLAND and SEATTLE Thnt Dills of Lading issued for San Diege, Oakland Asteria, Tacoma, Everett and Hawaiian Perta Leading Pert it: Phila. & Reeding R. R. Pier 21, North Wharves LAVBNO SHIPPING CO., AGENTS Bullitt Building Lembard 5G00 STEAMSHIP LINES Philippines East Indies Service DIRECT SAILINGS FROM PHILADELPHIA TO DUTCH EAST INDIES and PHILIPPINES Penang, Belawan Deli, Pert Swet- tenham, Singapore, Batavia, Samarang, Seerabaya, AND MANILA and ILOILO S S "Mobile City" ... .Oct 13 S S "Steel Traveler". . .Nev. 15 Fer rntr nnd pnrtlrtilnr npplj tn NORTON, LILLY & CO. GENERAL AGENTS Bourse Bldg.. Philadelphia Lembard 0076 Main 2445 BALTIMORE LINE Regular Service PHILADELPHIA te GLASGOW & AVONMOUTH SS "Monmouth". .Sept 15 GEYELIN tk CO., Inc. 108 S. 4th St., PhiU. Lembard 5144 Main 779 J I'lill wlrliitiln rrnt for BALTIMORE STEAMSHIP CO. Operating U. S. Gevt. Shipi fBLAKE LINES' Regular Service PHILADELPHIA te MANCHESTER ' it (xrtninnk Oct. UUItLin m tU,, Inc. 108 S. 4th St., Phllu. Lembard 5144 Main 770 1 l'hll irtrlplile cfnl for III Mil' A (CI In,. Operating U. S. Gov. Ships, m The Information and MntlMIca centalneil herein ha ben obtained from sources which we believe, tn be re'lah'e SOUTH AMERI m jPfMX QAjslwfjL n&k gffimmv Mmsmmmm : ra ALLORY TRANSPORT LINES, Inc. Operating U. S. Gov. Ships GENOA. LEGHORN, NAPLES MARSEILLES S S "Sintinnwn" .... Oct H GENOA, NAPLES, BARCELONA S S "Cnrence" Sept. 23 S S "Luxpallle'' Oct 2H GEYELIN ft CO.. Inc. -Mta.il; 108 S. Fourth St , PhlU. Lembard 6144 Main 77B1 I FORTNIGHTLY SAILINGS H.iunittl bf f.ineui "S.nU" Sl.mri Flne.'t Kntet erlc te I'Emi and CHU.i: vu the ranama f anal. All euilile run mi -- unex'-elled ruUlrn flaifur.if lnl iinwi'l Suulh-Amtrica Teurt 5rl. Tft.i,'rt 21 S.nta I llli, Orl 11 inula Ane, Orl i nl I uli,Ner GRACE LINE, Inc. 10 llnndeter Hnnnre Na Yerk O- Irl Aeent. MOLLANf 1 1 AMERICA UNI ft NEV YORK TO ItOTTGRDAM Via riineutli, llonlemie,Hur.Jlt Amaltrilam im .&?'. K ?' T a sT . hetttrdam , .Bfef. t Nn; J M 4 i i i I mm i( 11 1 it ' iH m & If . Y. mm sap :iM