araj,.iWiww(iTO. vj OTF.5HrifFi f ...-. ; vjjrM.rev "jTi'V-A'' 1 ' r.A"j..v w v 1 HEAIi ESTATE 1?0R SALE WEST PHlT.AllEIJ'HiA Merchants FOR SALE r, STORES AND ,5-ROOM APARTMENTS en Garrett Read. Large let, frentage en two streets, In best business block in 69th Strcdt section, well financed. NEW APARTMENTS, containing 4 separate apartments total rental approximately $4G0 monthly. square te terminal. An unexcelled investment. STORE AND APARTMENT en West Chester Read will be completed te suit purchaser. Bargain if purchased before com- P'Ct VACANT GROUND for business or dwellings In 69th Street Section and nil adjacent suburban localities. W. M. HAWTHORNE 69th St. ineatre mag. bwTAYLOR & SON-fl 4222 Pine St. i.ntv twin nioeern appointments; Zitn.r nnd nervnnts rooms 4th fir.! excellent preposition and admlrablr Soeted for apartments! 110,500; a bartaln. 4521 Walnut St. j.itr. twin: med and handsomely ap pointed, adapted ter apartments; II0.B00; offer. 438 S. 44th St. Cor. southern ems M rear Sd-stv. perch; thoroughly moderns MR.OOOs price, location and surroundings can not be duplicated. S. 45 th Near Spruce a-ty twin. 4 rms. and bath 2d fir.. cpVr i hall. elc.. $14,000. Chestnut St. Vr 4tth: opposite. Netherlands, as- fe.Pttht: newly $800Q Offer H 43rl and Baltimore ave.. nr. Clark U n iVn and purreundlnri; an opper B YnIr li HIV., Pieu. UIllILri IC1 1UUA' ,umi $9500 Hf.lvllle ht Dutch hall, elrc . het vater ht etc refine ed residential section, $8000 or Less Esnfem st , e. 44th: newly papered anil Tainted; elec; 4 rms. and bath M "r S. 44th St. Vr. rin 3 sty., rtc hall. 2 baths. c . a most attractle home; priced tinueuall lew: offer. 4613 Chester Ave. TltaiiMfut cer : lurm let; Harass rrlvllu: vacuum hent. elc : sacri ficing: nl SIS D00 te tettle estate. Iwiii,i27 & 29 S. 40th St. wnmmmir: SujijTniKrujii'iii-j-LiiuiiiniiiiiiiiiuniiuiJiiiuiiiiiuiuiiuniiiiKH'iiuHLinnnT , ATTRACTIVE DWELLINGS g flOfiS Allmnu street t1M Sj 1101)2 Allnian street ... 54700 g 2513 K. Shl-lds street 40n H 4M Lancaster nve ISOOO g I D21 8 r-ixen street jnwjn M)3 Hlnh'irt street JS4.iO 8221 Itestimnnt rtreit ... IMS s. Ml street.. t072 K1nefn3iliis; ava. . . . 1221 R 4nth street. . . . toeoo $8150 $fin75 18800 17500 J8009 soeon ij MOO Warrington ave.. rer H r03il KliiR"rlnir ave. . . . j 112ns r.2d street K 8171 Lebanon ave . 18000 ...,$io,eno gar. $11,500 . ..$12,000 .. $1.1.000 tn.aoe J'Jill H. fiarl street, enr .. IW18 SprlntfleM av : cer 1230 S Met street 173 S. r.Sth street .. 1101 .1. fl.M st . rer . . . ?AH v ivi I ,..( Drowns MilK fur hunftalew $AeOO Sfcane, Delaware Ce . 3 ncres. bun- sslew, enraite. fruit, etc $5501) Twe leta at Farad uv P.irk nt Morten ll.vnne Station $700 DONALD V. REDDING r;'D & rnEPTEn avenuk 'Woodland 03S3 E5ii;irmura.uFn!HminrjnriOTni7i:msiiaB!m:i!nirffwin"nniifiirijmHij!inujmu,l $8500 WILLOWS AVENUE Between f)8th St. and Cobbs Creek Boulevard thrw-Herv. perch-front Uwelllnsa. with 0 ttl clumbers, pnrter. dlnlns; room, kitchen, Uundry, hirdnroed flenri. elertrlc Unlit and rs light. nn- combination fixtures, modern Pliimblri. poed het-air heatlnc sslem nenly pulnted and papered. In the renter of a most attractive nebrhhoi nebrhhei nebrhhoi heod. (h schenli rhurches. store. Parlt and rarkirny. tennis club etc . n charnilt; Wmmunlty center. Ter ale em rns" trrnis ntid without unnec sinry exneinei In lnancttuc. C PEMBERTON. Jr., Owner Harrison Bldg., S. 15th Street INVESTMENT A block of 20 houses. Geed location. All rented. Will sell for 2550 each. Small amount of cash required. RICHARD PURDY Apply between 12 and I Cobbs Creek Title & Trust Ce. also 1 hetr Pike, Darby Phene Darhj- 2SO S. W. Cor. 38th & Chestnut Sts. fiO feet en Chestnut st. 1H0 fee: en B8th St. Finest Location in Philadelphia for Housekeeping or Hetel Apartments BSSK'-'nY ciIS.iiel5iV,,oer! I2 mlnut" ,0 JOH. ( KNOX, HI 8. 62D ST. R m 5042 CEDAR AVE.i 3 STY .10 ROOMS. 2 IUT1IS. EI.EC. im; YARD. LOT 0x110 Open Today 2 te 5 P. M. KUUMI W & CnOWI., ,'15 rhesinut ti aaaigj! JIuslnetM rrenertles mid Stores Jmmwmwwmwmwmwmm N Un busy Woodland Avnni n9tn n3rt ana nith sts. A New Operation Modern oteres anrl Dwplline? i t- e E eleclrln H.i. ' 1 1,e,l'r"'"it and .bath. let.wlnilgli', l'f'loed floors anj nnln."rt0 ,'ff' "" 10x80 ft.i if wivi. m. KNATZ, INC. H ,1UT" AND IKVINO STS. - 'iHiiuii' 1111111 i,i ii MHiTnii i:niiinriuniiimn in.Ttitiitiiininiiiiiinit mn . : "'""'wi.imiiniffliMiiuiiiiraiiiiiiiiinimiM.ntiaiiiim iymmmmmmmmmmmm WestPhiladelphia's Newest DUsineSS DVAlorkmenf NEW STORES AND APARTMENTS -2d 6c Chester Avoniie m'X3, 'IK"". A rOBNBIl) rm .-- ui'ixiriiiniiv WM. M. KNATZ, INC flOIll ANf) mVINO OTS, g'MiiMiMimiiiiiiiiiMMiaumfflajiM,! feSR tasS5irta n " REAL E3TATbVer SALE AVkbt rnn,AnKi,pmA - Investors Lansdowne 2051 niaiMAXTOWN glllllMl "Gergnantevtrn"' Something New $6500 .infct.tV"0.n"w homer with $iriE" ..T' 4!) ,or R2 trolley te J?i5eri " rmerly Btenten ave.), WmU J ."'"," north te Heist eperi atlen. Ant en premises. $6600 u?'l0TY "fml bunualen- type SW'iiJfA !l'!C lu,'; parage, n rooms and tiled buth. Ifet-water heaL iras cXnt'i!"' hardW00, "00" 6" Pelham Read Tlrand-new Colonial typfl home, 5 brtrenms and J baths, containing all edvanced features. Near trolley and Carpenter Station. Last one lift of operation. Act quickly. Price, $11,300. Cresheim Read Blngle dwelling, near Allen Lsna 4BftV.en'S:nn,iv?n,la nred. U a baths: all modern features. Cheap- rht..i!J5f1?fiiiheu?. '" Oerrnantewn. Chestnut IIIll stctlen. Price, 13,B0O. Lincoln Drive t i!?i'i-,:9iWnt or buy tnla attractive Unceln Drlve corner Contains 8 bedrooms and 2 baths, 3 perches (enrt sleeping perch), Karaite rind every iiiuurrn icniure. una property is lh In A;l,cld'i0,J: fhene us and arrant H Smith, Dalgliesh & Russ B601 QEnilANTOWN AVE. Germantown 004D i;eiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiramii3!ini!i!iLi,j!iiainiiij.ii!L'iM',i; ffsmwinnimiiinnnniMiniiiinnniinTiinniniimnnDinnnnnifiiin IN GERMANTOWN 404 Manheim Street AHpnilllA Mn-w.. . ... ...... U..t..u tu.iiei rrujirriy, opposite u llArmnnteii. r',,b.t ri... n . . El frontetres. stene residence. 12 rooms. 2 hatha: tars stable and aar.iBe: let llexlil,', old nhade, hrubb?ry. etc. West Side A scml-dtech"d heuse for $11 BOO n-tth let 211x181: one Meck from xvaynn anu and 2 blocks from Cheltcn Ae Rtatlen, Tenna neart Chestnut Hill Attractlve senil-rtetarhed hnm. 0 bedrooms. 2 baths: het-water heei. electric light: $0300. . Church Lane All stone, new seml-detarhed resi dence with irsrase privilege 15 bed rooms, 2 baths. hut-water heat, electric IlKht. Washington Lane & McCallum Street New Colonial houses, SM story, with B bedrooms, 2 baths; every modern convenience; $12, BOO. G LYNDON PRIESTMAM E R M A N T O WM r.l!07 OTN. AVH. Tel. Oln. 0410 H Member l'hlla. Ileal j;state Heard H liMIEOillllBBEK 5ersraaEtcwn Realfty S. W. Cor. C.recne & Walnut lane Detnrh(.,1 nlnrrt pfblAnrn n hnn.. S hers. S beths. Let 101x180, This property is conveniently located In one of the finest pectlem of German town. Fee prompt sale will be geld below market nluc. Attractive terms Residential restriction. 0838 Wayne ne. below Curpenlcr st. Semi-detached residence In this cnmlnir section; 0 rooms, bath, elec tricity het-wator heat: open flro flre place: larce let, attractive price. m 827 High street, west of Morten; at tractive eeml-detached residence, con venient location. 8 rooms, bath. Property In excellent condition. Will Ml completely furnished or unfur nished, North side Carpenter lane, east of Wlsahleken ave, new detaehed Dutch Colonial residence; substantial construction; residential restrictiens: 4 tedchmbcre. 2 baths; modern and U H up te date in detail throughout. Oar- age. Ixit a:xl2S. i-rice J,),DUU. 0(112 Cln are dm 0301 ii'iiHiiiiii'Bii'iiiiiMiiwiriii'iiiiiiiraiiMiraiiici RiirariiiiiiiiiBiraiiEiriiiciiiii Sedg'wicK THK MOST DKRIRAllI.n tesldentlal section of Oerniantewn. new detnehed and semi-detached stone dwelling of IS and H roemi, :i nnd 3 batln. hnt waier heat olectrlelty, parriuet floors, open fireplaces, perches, Inclesed and heated, simile and 2-car carnuee. These houses hae been constructed Willi the theusht of fiirulshlnir you with a real home net merely n heune. Xfay e he n.i Uiceh prnpertlen en Ardlflsh st north of Ids' Mt I' ant hc They are Just 1 muare from Hedgwlck atatlen Chestnut Hill. Philadelphia und Reading Sedg'wicli Farms Ce. 70I4 Beyer St. Gtm. I'HONK Or.V 0748 IK1B . v- kA. m CJTV ODUV i'iiu.-mk jr.N 0748 M fllll!lll SIEiffMffiMM ff .r.... va tm t3 Htrkly ? Merris a H 3 n yy Street vA j H $ Twe Cerner Hemes H l 9 One can be altered te preTldi Q fl a itore; txoeptleDnl location let H M (3 meats, fruits, proTtileni or B J.J E dry feed. R H t: TbM Ueumi bars T res m P and bath, enclosed bttd PI fti erebi snd carac. H XCPtlOD8l TlU. B p yrsjns ;nc, VJ ata, frMB pq W kuilat lr. 113 tralas & Pt dsllr. ei ear Na, OS oe lath F3 ra it. te Wsjas Ate. aud Dsrk. Q 1 urfcpfeM!rtiL"MHta B MOLTER . M a-j ON THE PREMISES EUm mm lmmmmks. Syili. teVENING PUBLIC LEDGER- PHIIiADBLPBflAV VEDNESD, REAL ESTATE POB BAI.B OBRMANTOWN "l I ii i I 1 I n i'iHIi in II i iliniil Ii i ' " 1. 1;! iji.'l t.ifs'l Right en Lincoln Drive, near Mt. Airy Avenue, and close te the Allen Lane Station of the Pennsylvania Railroad. New homes en Philadelphia's most noted Residential Drive. Up the famous Wissahickon Drive te your home, a succession of twisting, winding ways through vistas of rocks and trees and water. The noisy city seems miles and miles away yet it's just around the corner. These homes contain 3 baths. Between these homes and the houses en the opposite- side of this bread dr've thore is an open space of 180 feet. Quite unusual, isn't it? A McClatchy Built Heme Is "Different" A Jehn H. McClntchy home has in it all the needed things plus the hoped for things you never cxpectedl Westingheuse Sr. Radie Phenes in Each Heuse Entire Heuse Metal Weather Stripped All-Copper Gutters and Spouting Cedar-Lined Clethes Closet Six Closets en Second Fleer Priced $16,000 te $25,500 Terms te suit your convenience. liy Aute Up the Beautiful Wissahickon Drive te Lincoln Drive and Mount Airy Avenue Tiy Electric' Train Pennsylvania R. R. te Allen Lan Station. Representative at Houses Weekdays and Sundays ra mk JOHN H. BUILDER The New Moss - Mess - i;;:;!::;f;vfV Iffa GensnaitewiiL Are selling ns rapidly as they are completed; the buildinc; situation presents itself that homes will be higher, especially en a wide and main avenue as Crifttemden Street Bet. PRICE and HAINES STREETS Six rooms and tile bath with shower, large pedestal washstand, twin cement perches, hardwood floors, het-water heat, real open fireplace, basement laundry, large lets, 16 ft. 2 in. wide by 80 ft. deep. These homes canuet be duplicated at this price. Why miss this opportunity. 5500 Take trolley en Yerk Read or Gormnntewn Avenue nasi evor fhelten Avenue te Stenton Avenue. Sample Heuso 6802 Crittenden Street, one block north. Je Harl&eip 2123 Land Title Bldg. i!l''!!;!!lli:il!!!!l!llll!il!!!!lll!!!!IIIIIIi:i!lfflDIIII1CIIIIII!lii;iill!lllStlli!llli:il!B5 EAST GERMANTOWN Cerner stete, Church lane and Ileyer St.; large lleht. modern, new, excel lent location for Krecrfrlns, drugs, etc : upper floeia can be ftnlthed off In 'i upaittnenta Don't mlM this. HERBERT HOPE r.nei n imciAD st wvomine 4.137 g; lll!3llilII!ll!:!liai:i!!lll!ieii;ji:!!:rJ!llU!!l!lllIDn leiiracrariiiiiiiirKciiiraitiiiJwiiiiiiiiiiips EAST GERMANTOWN Church lane. Btenten ave,, Ilnyer st : new, modern 0-room, bath and trarags homes from JB0OO ta J00t0. Convenient cars, schools and stores, HERBERT HOPE B004 N. I.'KOAD ST. WVOMINO ST afflTiWIIlKW AJse e adTrrtlsrmenta In small trpe In following column. 1,00 AN THREE OF THESE UNUSUAL HOMES UNSOLD jinn T11U.M rcN uaii.t Slerplni: pr. lies. sarai!.H. Inclesed front porchea en esv with the llvltiK tecrr , 4 Trench doeii between, bi ,clc llruplnces and careful nlluntleii te di'tall. uhl.h add tu the sum total of a beautiful home. $8750 $1000 CASH 10TH BELOW WYOMING Just above Ueuleviinl nnd Huntln? I'arlt. Terms Arranged S. C. ABERNETHY 1 a ? r rrtr:TVt)T kt 41124 n tnTif ST. AIhe e adcrrllirmrnts In small type In fellow Inn celunins. OAK I.ANi; -i csiTiiiVn!i3ii7nRBP OAK LANE SECTION SUHUIU1AN IIOMKS r I000O TO I4S.O0U P HERBERT HOPE ' I 5P01N IVItOAD riT. WYOAII.NO 4S3T E OAK LANE tiaia N CAMAC ST Three sterv twin house, 3SxBI, 0 rooms. baths, barKaln. HERBERT HOPE B0O4 K Dread st. W)emlna 4S3T Alan sea adrrrtlsements In small Ina In follewlns reliinma. OI.NBY wiiMiiiiepijnDm!iiiii!iirnrjiiiiiiiiir.raii!iimwaiirirjniiiBiia nr nky w OI.NBY AVI!. AND I1TH RT. New modern attractive 0-room. bath ana nrHe; nnvta, nears tnroUKneut: tile bath; 2 minutes Taber station, 40 trains dallyi aeaessltile 4 tral llnss;; eee sample house, only 18009. HERBERT HOPE MMlJlt&S Alse see ndtertiMmenti) tu small trpe hi fnllenlna inlumns. KKKN HOOK FERN ROCK BBOO BLOCK PAHK AVH. Twin brick. Or. and bath, 40x118. 2-ear arar.i doctor's bem. HERBERT HOPE r MNX.Sreaaat, WreaUatrfUMf w. BBAIi ESTATE FOR BALE OEHMANTOWN t i '! h'V, ': i,1 1 1'. ; .'. '' i I .11 ! .! Kill mi "M !', il-.Ti I i m m m !P i.f ll k !,: m m I !.! McCLATCHY OF HOMES Busilt Busilt cs Cliadwicli Phene, Spruce 0397 FWNHYr.VANIAtIllTnnAi wmmmmmmmmxsmwnmml ELKINS PARK hl.avJ 2 nf ,n Quaintest Old ierk read, en a thor ther v5.yhi """e'-d street. Si.Bb1, ,or Purchase at pfdrint.11. floeme are all large, with '""h"""' ,Jnlh threuithSut. nefraturSr8 n'W and .7?,' " - "U RrAiTcrtc; AKcillL07PP- "ATION "-" eaR I. ana 22ije k OAKJfONT BffiSffi55' naneei rce let .... .,,, uiiiiqay NORWOOD l2. Winona a. home In best reaid.n'ii.T i. '4 -story xl.10 ft : ih.,!.'?""'11 " ?n let 137 etores, churchaa iZZ l?,u,!l"f, near CJ. MITCHELL CO. &,. . Rac 057S. "" i'd ni i i.ivf 'r t r .. -'' ute i 0, ummmmswsy. HUNTINGDON VALLEY fnnfr nroem".,Uac?,.dH",el"n,t- "ntoln "nteln cunvenlen?es"' iua,h2' rX. niedern HERKNESS & STETSON J LA.VB TITLH nLDO. mmnmimmmtmmmvmmmmKiM nelldlnr Tvit. fxmmmmmmmwmmmmm Suburban Building Lets OLD YORK ROAD 100x180; DBSIKAIU.R IX)CATION Attractive Price HERKNESS & STETSON XANn TITt.K ffliimiiiniitiiiraiiiiijiiiarjiitn BAD.NOB NEW eppppivr. wi. ...iu , ti,.n i a.,.. i h8e&(&l lien stream. ..m : 1" V.'-V': IV, Tat TRSlnrt'"""'"- ".tow U S.J "CMULLIN W" "4-' iHUeT ULUO, M M i " ' ill i.!. ',' ' : i : I aMmwmmmmmmmmmtw& B I i gpiiniqieiiiiiiivii sJTl,fW(ltfflftrtmiiit.iri1.M- . wmi'mmimmiMmSmE RBAZi BTATB TOR 8AM twiiciiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiw McCallum St. nr. Lincoln Drive Attractive; large let 66'xl88'i no coal worries; ceintral heat; rtone dwg., 6 chambers, sleeping perch, 2 baths. Two Twe car stene garage. 'Price $22,600. At llpsal Station, P. B. R., and near Wayne Avenue Trelley. Every Modern Convenience C. HARRY 1420 CHESTNUT iiiiniiniiiinwi T-OOAN COMPLETE SUBURBAN HOME with all modern conveniences, electric lights, het water heat, large closets, elegant fixtures, shrubberya twin house. First Fleer large living room, dining room, kitchen Tvlth back stairs te second fleer and a large outside shed. Second .Fleer three large bedrooms, up-te-date bathroom and large hall. Third Fleer two bedrooms and storeroom. Basement and a built-in trunk room and preserve closet, nlae toilet and laundry. Heuse Fronts en Twe Main Streets 25 ft. front en 12th Street and extends thru te Wagner Avenue, with splendid location for a garage. Heuse is fully screened, also has shades for every window and cur tain fixtures. . , , , , This class of home in a suburb se close te the city Is becoming scarce and rapidly Increasing in price. Located within short walk of both trolley and train. UATTP c rATQ HAUL & UAVlD PKNNHVI.VANIA HUDimilAN isiraiiiiiimii It rrrr a 15 minutes from Bread St. Station A SUBURBAN COMMUNITY OF BEAUTIFUL HOMES $7200 te $19,000 Including numerous types and sizes of attractive homes from which you can surely make a satisfactory selection. Central plant heat insures you against coal troubles. a Send for Illustrated Booklet Today! tttuTfen&Bitmi L IZOe-ll LIBERTY BUILDIN3, BROAD Se CHESTNUT) PRIVATft BRANCH KXCHANaC.LOCU3T 7IOO wmnmianK SnJbjirfeai Wym. Sheffield Tepular-style Colonial home, brlek-and-plaster construction; center en trance hall. O chambers. S modern bal'.is; electricity, het-water heat, hardwood floors; let O0'x200': excel lent conditien: beautiful location. Over brook Georgian Colonial home, of stone construction, confer hall, 7 cham bers, sleeping perch, 3 baths; elec tricity, het-water heat, hardwood floors; excellent condition, large let; beautiful shade and shrubbery. 'gii Ej M HTTTTTTTJnTl E M dt A HAFNS ffl I ! rjtiMFiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiffiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii : ar. ttt, g s iiipiii'iiiii LANSDOWNE, PA. Larce corner let 10 rooms, 3 baths. SMULLEN IZOB-ll LIBERTY HL.DO., BROAD Suburban Properties In All the Leading Suburbs OVERBROOK. $23,500 nllar iPi? e?ra,I5J "n Shsrwoed rd. near 84th at., all-stone, brick, elas. hViid 1ph-tyl house, ilita Joerl TaVie '"d.nT'T; '"1" 'Wn room! .Jeoma. a baths, larire clessts: southern eareeure: wonderfully built !?mep"?r,unltjr ,0 Purchase a new nema at a low flirur. MERION, 317,500 White I!nrllnh.itvia h k L. rooms, 2 baths. Inclesed perch white finish: het-water heat, raras-e, laraa et. convenient te station, unusually i".T vi.iu iwr inis location WYNNEWOOD Aii-Mpn Colonial house. 13 rMn. a baths; renter hall, hirdwoed floors iiVi,.! '1ttl.";?.ny "Plh. "eell.nt "uslly ntlractUe property In a i...rn- """ ,alu" " "- CYNWYD. S18.00O Lxcallsnt location, stone and plaatsred Iinallah-style house, le rooms a baths. 6 bedroom. .i;,.iI20iD!l...3 Fa,An1.,Ac!1'10 "h, het-water heat" let Jflxne. Juat reduced In price ii. eeptlenally oed alu. early pessm- ' WYNCOTE, $18,000 rJsal sit (a I ten. sstnflrt an ..!. . In excellent condition. 14 room '? bedrooms, linen room, garage for k cars- eer ", acre; shadn and fruit trii Inw naif nniu..u. t . ...uvn yt.tvi 'ueaJiwl WClODer 1, CKarles J. Heed CO. Ce. (Merris Illd.l 1421 ClIKSTWftT e lugwjnwiwiisjsiBiiiiiiaiMKm HAt.A NEW DETACIIKD DWELLINO Central hall, modern Colonial r rooms. 8 baths, shots els. Latest med, ern rpnsenlem-.-., attractUniy tlnlilie'i lUrpusheut ,S--ar narada a chek'i r. strlcted section if llryn JliSr AS On uar above City Line, ip minutes by auto te llread St.. 2 mlnutss te n. atatten and street car. Open for inspection until IS P. jr. or H. F. BULLIVAN. Builder a SEPTEMBER J3. REAL EBTATM FOR 8ALB 1 JOHNSON l 7677 ST. Locust 7678 ( 7679 Race 7717 I.OC1AV 8336 Nrth Bread Philadelphia, Pcnnsyl 8336 North Bread Street vania PKNNHYI, VANIA PlIirunAV tei tjaetc Hemes Ell&ins Parh Colenlal-styla liome Just bclnir com cem pleted: located en let 75'xl7,V betneen train and trolley; contains center hall. 0 chambers, sleeping perch, a modern baths, electricity, het-water heat, hardwood floors, JenKintewn Attractive atone Colonial home, well located en corner let convenient te station; contains 7 chambers, dress ing room. 8 baths, shower; ei0. trlelty. tiet-water heat, hardwood floors, large let with old shade. Spruce 0261 HlIIlg Perch overlooks beautiful terraced garden. Artistic, well-planned Interior $25,000. (Q. BARRY A CHESTNt'T STS PHILA. IlKOIIKI.l.NK ONLY 2 Price $8800 TWIN HOUSES LOTS 25'xl25' RSC.K-n0l-'N'0 STl'CCO INTERIORS "!''" ,DE INDIVIDUAL CKMENT T???",!? I-AROU HEDneOMS I AND nnrkf UA,T" EXf'KI'TlONAL LIV1NO HASieIPvi.T,5 .,J?NE "nKPLACE: Kalhmere Read Brookline Take Ardmore car from (10th St. Ter minal te HrneMlne for one fare: alk north te blocks en Heu!eard te Pern. FRANK WILLIAMS & SON UuilrtAra nn1 rt.UKA.. n i J!arlTPATTHMnRE RD HHOOKLINE PA. ?r,-T..r"rR.rfer cernr homes new belnn constructed, yAHIlKBTIl niiraxinimimTOiiiiiaiai NARBERTII fi The llctnt run h.0" our .larB 'I"' "t desirable te ?S,ftXSnsl,",r i" BrlC8 from llneu ' ?B'?BB. we have an exceptional fS?y wf R'-.'i't1 """''" "n i in?SS! lrit.h ext'1l''l view en all aides. len.h.t2 of-0!" f?r K"r,"I. "e home iSJ?1"-"' .bedroom nnd bath en i,,- -; ". .t.'wi . eiucrij ttm; lnim.niiit.. . t.M ... , - -...-." H, .(,IJUV, from st., '" ,n,n?, ?m'n'"' .walk ceallr J cViiir uu l0" el GEO. A. JONES ,8Fh NAHBKUTll lfTATIO. mntnsmis.nmJ.. 21!. .'"dv NARBERTH E!P. .Colonial home Just computed, ecated within l mln. wain irem station! het- water heat, else.. nara dwoed ass;:- ,wriu jlw'v.w.imj per ransa, conductors, i " ...... n.nne riiuc.) O0D- I anev enanc s mane rnr ni.ri.i- ,u. .-... nd rfiturSi T1.U home n" .ceJ,0,n5 VCI"V cenvanl- ?as " v,ch Gallagher & Kelly 2017 N, 63d St, Overbroek 1618 3 wJtJfi00 lvln roer"- dlnlngr room. 3 ty'ffr,cl1 ttncl butler's pan i !. H.!1C.1. fioer- stucco en hollow 1922 HEAL ESTATB gQR SAI.D rENNHVf.VAWtA WIUTnnAN m ,iiiiiiimnmiiiiiiiiiiiniiiininiiniiiiiiiiiiiniiiii FOREWORD Net te "sell" you. but te offer you the resources and servks of a firm tptelallclnr In Main Line Ileal Estate. HAVERFORD Brtek house, about half an .era of lawn and old shad. Near station and Mwrlen Cricket Club; fl cham bers and 3 baths; het-wnter heat, (as and lectrlc llflit 126,000, WYNNEWOOD An exclusive listing. Unustiallr desir able atonn-and-stucce Colonial house and a 2-car ffarare. wen - proper tlene llvlna room. e, fliiyn room, etc. 8 liedroemn, 8 baths, sleeping perch and Blaad-ln pereh: lata cup boards and closets. Possession Oct 1st. Owner leavln town. 120, COO. A. D. WARNOCK, 1 12 S. ! 6th Street AMMV. PARK ALDAN PaRK BpApriflpKBA tMmmmmmwmsmmlkrQkTmwmm WimWmVmBmWfSBmBmmWlWSmWmWBm? t :1M st-!MiEJiLBLHWaliMeMrltsiOr sTaA Dr tBMgVsMMBBBMsjj21Q WskmmmmmmmmmwmmisKkm'tkEfO MtlSM SB JhsMfiy Ps ' Sg IJIkHI B lffrfesT"WBiiTTBKfTia77rMftiI'niiMi ' BK('BBSKKX3B3sasKHIHHH9BBgaBjBS-fBaygagjia3m r""'X mmm SBBBBBBBSBCaWl2PsS"iSsBSSBSsiWsBSSSBSB Ridley Avenue, Aldan, Pa. CORNER HOUSE ONLY $8500. Fully financed. Detached, four bedrooms, break- fnst nook, hardwood floors, tile bath, open fireplace. Let 52x145 ft Opposite above houses, and facing park. Cannet be duplicated else where under $11,000. Agent en premises. ALDAN PARK Building Lets Terms te Suit $450 Tn Deat euy in Delaware County. Come nntl fee for yourself. A few Ridley Avenue Letn left 50x145 : nil impreveinents provided for. Onlv three nquares from Aldan trolley station. 14 mlniiten from Cflth St. Termlnel. Public end parochial schools, churcheii. pollen and fire protection. 1 It. Ii, nervlctv. Win help te flnince building; your house. Asrent always en premises, or ALDAN REALTY COMPANY OPPOSITE CLIETON'-AIDAN Ii R STATION UN3DOWNK H06-M oVFJinrtneK Dees the Ceal Situation Affect Yeu? ALL OF OUR HOMES ARE EQUIPPED WITH Central Plant Heat which, without question, is the greatest advance and convenience in modern home building today. Turned en and off like a spigot. Ne furnace, no ashes, no dust a clean, spotless basement. All the advantages of apartment housekeeping with the privacy of a house. Heat and het water furnished by a corporation, regulated by State Commission, at a cost lcs3 than nn ordinary coal bill. Sixty eight of our houses were suppllea with het water and heat at an average cost of J107.85. New Stene Overbroek Hemes THE FIXEST TXTO-BTORY HOUSES EVER BUILT 3 AKD 4 BEDROOMS, :-CAR GARAGE3 On riSrn Shwr LANSDOWNE AVE. n ejin eixeei te Lebanon ave. MOSS & TAYLOR Builders of Hemes for 30 Years Tags "W or surface cars te 03d st.. pass north te La.-va-dem-na v.. or aurface cars Ne. 41 and 44: walk vmi, one fare. raiKKirajJKKiiniremiiira OVERBROOK In the Restricted Residential Section HOMES UNUSUAL WYNNEWOOD ROAD ABOVE LEDANON AVE. j On corner left four mera te be erected at once. ! THREn-STOUT SElIX-DETAClIEr STO.VE AND ST'JCCO BATHS AJOJ OARAOEJ I,RGB LOT And CENTRAL Heat WOODBINE AVE. AT 60TH ST. EIGHT "NEW IDEA" HOMES T0 V"' 5 Years in Advance of Frcscnt Building Triors S ROOMS. BATH AND GAUAOE ONE ALREl,VD' SOLD PINS AAILABI.r 82Sri7 WM. M. 60TH & IRVING STREETS J. A. MELONEY, Builder ererjitMiaiiMBiia7M:;imi BROOKLINE kQQf4nSmall amount if "-ash te pur P77VA chasa brand new Colonial OEN TEU HALL borne la ran poreh hardwood floors, living- room dlntnc room kltch'n. tuundrv. second fleer bedrooms, tile bath and shower, third tloer larae store roem: het-water hmt let 0143 ft . dense te rtstlen, stores und schools, every city convenience. DREXEL HILL DOnnw" financed, desirable sinale iJ)OiWrillnct, let 40.1VS t ttrt fleer, perch lling room dining room, kltehsn. laundrj . second fleer. 3 bed rooms, tile bnth third fleer, store room, hudes und screns Included In sale price HIGHLAND PARK ' ti "? (W Desirable brand-new single ' I J.VAA Colonial resblenc let Hn 130 ft . wU financed first fleer. Illnvi room, ainmi rrem aucnen. euiiutciU'ti, second fleer 4 bedrooms, tile bath third fleer, larae store room close ta statlun. stores and schools eery city convenience J. H. MECKE. JR. 60T1I AND MAIIKRT 8TH. Opposite Terminal Open Sunday Phene (IADS Sherwood DUOOKLZN'B 18,800 Nw, semi-detached, til reef. ... .. W"n. fireplace. 110.000 einale. 4 bedroems: Uaoe ... ... cashi financed !J!'$S2 ?ln"l. stone, financed. tll.&CO filnl. stone, Inclesed perch. . screens, ote. SIS.HOO Hlngle, 4 bedrooms. srst Ili.SUO rllntls, let 08 foil 5 Kd ... . rooms, (aiais 113,800 Hlntle. S btdroems, let 7li frnt front HJ.D00 Cerner bunrsiew tjpc I ldroems, 2 baths. 1VALTER A. McCLATCHY , N. W. cer. 70th and Market sts. I:fn!d..wn" -00 Pn ""HI H:8Q Wast 1107 . and all day Hunday REAI, ESTATE EOR 8ATijf I'KNNMVT.VANMriHTWBAN MERION Stone-end-sttteco house and ra several acres of ground WeJI-arj ranged first fleer. Inrludlna breakfast room and Inclesed perch, fl cham bers. 8 baths, large sleeping perrtt. Reasonably priced. Will also consider renting. STRAFFORD Kxc-optlenally attractive property ton ten slstln of brlck-and-stucce Colonial house, 2-ear garage with man's room, x Heuse contain 7 bedrooms, 3 baths, basldea usual first fleer rooms) S acres of weeds, lawns and Hardens. Early possession. DEVON An Old Engllsn Type, Well-shsdM rreunds and attract! nlthborheod! 10 rooms, n chambers, 3 batlis 3-var garage. Fer sale or rent. - AT.MN PARK $850 OVRIlflROdK 63D ST. I AT SHERWOOD IIOAD I Only 3 rtmaln unsold. 6Jnple beusa i new open. KNATZ, Inc. 55 le 1020 rainrjmrj!iffl,i,imiftj gmninwiiiiiiiiiaia ulu yukk. ROAD ATTRACTIVE COLONIAL HOUSE ef brick te rooms. 3 hsths h...i. HERKNESS & STETSON J .nei trtU TITI.K mnrr.1... W Lansdowne, Pa. Up-te-Datc Modern Dwelling wciiNUCKijbK 6c CO. 17TII HT HACK 303a, : s CYNIVVIJ ONLY ONE LEFT BALA-CYNWYD K'll IIIOHLANn AVE A new solid .Ions latroef leme HardHned floors, nr-in nr-vlftce. het wntr ia, 4 j mom and buth en second flenri J bedrooms and bath en third fleer, l-ear carats: let lBOxlae prlca IS.1,000 Terma te ylt. O. M. LONKT 30U T.lnceln Bid-, Phene Hpruce TJin m ipssiiwi m IMiili'MiiiilHB 'I ff RULY COlONIAlTHOMirl 4m baths, open flren lacesl Br' ''alifr JM Wen. 'iieTy isp, 'wftwj - y 5rj ,fi fca a m 1 M ii M ffi 14 il ft m j 1 , . - f ?i.iri" fJfiK, v, . ,, i,nt5.i2Li?M,.