1 attia. IiXJV"" -V 111 , 7i tr . r H B iV m i .V M i i IWRII S ' ,iMWu&r1AHVJV&j7 . tJTO1' ' " w "28 ' C Fermer N. Y. Bank Official Avers Alleged Father Was Bacheler fly Assoeletad Prru New Yerk. Sept. 13. Uricrlr Harris, former lice nreililrnt of Nntiennl Cits Bnnk. who Is sppkinc MitlmAnt nt lit a M n ! 1 c A ATI flirt PMII 1. '. . ,v W." ""'"?.. ''." a." ;" , inai HIS vute miTi-prpriiivu ner mm- I ll and trup stntlen In llfe before their ' WlMlnn lii 5t T en In lii miS eator. TrMdine in St. l.euis in ii;. eater - GBJ. IllCd n supiiirumnini nuiuiirn im- pertlnir te Indicate tbat she Yns of II- CiinT.. V.I..H. legitimate birth. . , , According te his cemplnint. he told Mm before mnrrinee thnt she tins the j:7.u.- f c..1,. T, ,.!,- f prominent fnmlh. nnd n nieec of HH hayner. nl-e of hlph seclnl itnmlinR in Memphis. T01111 Mr. Harris nllecc that his inetl!:ntieni hnve revenled Stackler I-ee died n bnrheler Mrs. IlirrN. thrnuch her attorneys. denied she ever claimed Stacker I.ee as her father, and stited "defendant it new Informed and believes that her mother married one Pimuel C. I.ee. ivhe vns related te said I.ee family in Memphis." The cemplilnt set forth that Mr Harris belief 01 his wife te be the daughter of Mrs. Saluda Ann Harris Lee. third tvife nnd widow of Samuel O. Lee, who died in 1S7. Mr. Harris further allesed tMt at one time Mrs Harris 6ere thit she was born in 1803. ii-rTi r AKiriAnni c cvu niTe 1 UHllLC HiNunrrLCCAniDiie FEATURE MT. HOLLY FAIR BAM ase, SMS S 4 aaa I I V1 atev V 4 M I .aa .. m in- inn t-iiiiMii- F WIFE'S PARENTAGE fcens 231 S 4th at Maa of reyj 1'ri a s Politicians' Day Expected te Bring Mars 3 Church 1 3 . :i mt Hei 1 r sa Out Great Crowd Tomorrow jeiiet ad-m.ni: 1 biecd aj fe. of . . , . , ., Themas T J ret die! "pt 1. H'. ' Mount ITell, N. J., Sept IT I he , Liroetlsn, N Y ...,. Mount Holh fair th seir ,hei.s that ! rrgri 1. tr.l Dlirlinsten I'eunti Is bocenilllK one of unznV and aen "' ' "enne and 1'. 1-d-the greatest fnnt-produeing counties nrd Lartarty nlntue nrl frlanla ac In the t-nltcjl Vares. .apeclillv in the h jD!.t PeMce myeM ..tanlf n, production of apples hu t epenetl w Market at "eirn re ilem r-iaa n vcterdni there is presented the linet Church of Immaculate Ce- -itmn 1 M "dlsplai of npples thnt hi ever been IntT KUl!V -s'pPrtl v vnY r dauch- r made nt till- fnir Theri nre new en of late Mlllnm and MrRnrit I -ahs Re' 1 nhibltmn the best npplM tint twenty I wdfrl.. inut-ttefur.r .ri, cemmerdnl growers in the leunts 1 nn ' v0 l3j .solemn reqUim msa at s produce - .illchael'a Church 10 A M Int .New Catu .neiner uunp inni niinciwi ni'IUM nrtpunnn i rne rini snow ine n- ( ln1 nftrnfmii mi tlita tnu tiuttnn tt tr. dlsplni of HeKteln-l'nesi.nis from the Rani ecas Stock Varm Hnrlinirten - ...... Count (Hinmon nlvi hive t,one fine cows, heifpr and bulla ill ()f which are attracting attrntien There ! alie n Durei swine exhibit from the Rin cocas StecK I'arins It is expected that politicians' div tomorrow will be one of the biggest in the history of the ftur TTnlted Mites emter Frehnchineen. Gubernatorial (,'andldjte William Runyon. .Itidge Mirer and the nrieus ceunti Ieadcts and wenj'is will be present. JIDeatljd BAin On pt 12 1122 riLIZAPHTH f . . ntdew of K na Flair Helatlve. aiJ frlenda are lnUted l" tlie srli" .n Touir Teuir day eseninu at s e e a at the realdn:e nt ner daurnt'jr Jlrs 1 c i1lr t I aOy of ne-nri r-u-cn nt te e cue, inior inier inior Hdreten Apt 42d an I rarkld ae In'"--' -icnt at Hels Cress Cemetry ment at Barj Kurylns oreund, Lancia- UcCANN It Atlantle City. N J. Sept. ter Cj P a ini MARY ANN belesel svl' of Cor- HAINITZ-At Dclance N J ert 11. tH-l'ja McC.rntne. ON'"'1 j?."'?.' f "the MARY JANK wlf of the lat 1a-en J frlenda al-e Altar 'e"...'." fuslted Sarnltz Funeral services Frl JP M late 5acred Heart M Sedalltv are Iiisitea residence Deverls read near I- irce N J , e attend runersl hur. S 30 AM In Int Monument Cem . Bever s N J I her lite '? .5""B, S rnml. 4 , BROW.N-S.pt ,1 1022. EMM V b-lesed , '.""chu-Vh 10 Tifprec M,iw IM N.w kiin ei in iii.is nrnwn ivp hi fi unit i BURN'' -epr 12 1922 ANNA MARY I svlfa of Janiea A Inrm ine VeCnareni la). of Upland la Due nelc cf fjneral from her late residence 2ii Merrla t CANON-sent 11 ,, r-.i.i.n t vi. rf.M.k... ai.. "n C. c;.i... t. ,,,,":.' rl Anar(iTn.nt csi-nrii.T: itr.ppi.nn CANON In hia 70ih i-ir Tuneri eervtc at St Peters (hi h Wasne ase anl Harsey st Germantesn. Wed at 11 A M. Int. prlsete CARTER ept 11 Rev WILLIAM E CARTER C it Peerenl e'erev relnt ves and frlenda irs Incite i te attenl fureral, Friday mcrninx Divine (ttlee ti 10 A M aelemn renulem ma-s it 10 A M t Vin cent a Seminars ctar Int In Seminal y vault New errf BroeKlyn and Buffalo vapors please cops COLESBERRY It I in- less p. Pa. en apt. 10 1022 ALPXANtER REYNOLDS , ken of the ate Alxan1ar P Ce estwrrv Relatlvea and friends are Irslted te the service en Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock, at tba residence of hla sister. Mrs Frank MP 'anion 2303 Spruce at Inter ment p"4s e cer. it IN-On Rerf 10 1022. BRID OET ! ss doss of 11 III un Ceus'i.in Rela. tlsea and rr enda nra InUta I te the funeral en Thuradav mernlnir a( 10 e clec t fr ei her realdee e. 4825 Parrish a Solemn re. I qulem n tea at Our Msther -f -r) Church at 10 o'clock Interment at O d Cathedral Cemeters I Cr.AW'FORP - On Sept 11.1022 GEOP.1E B.. husband c' Carrie E Crawford Rel i- tlves and frlenda alae Uineinnatus Council Ne. SID O of I A and Philailt.uhla IxiUe I Ne. r,l LOOM are Inslted te tl.e ser I Ice en rndey afternoon at 2 e clec at hla late residence 117 Merlin ase Nirberil Pa Interment Drlsatu Frln1a mav call Thursday esenina: from 7 te 0 e clock DAVIti Mi Sept ,. 1S2J LLivSAUD 11 DAVIS, husband of Oertrudn Hatle.i-li Ijavis Relatlvea and frlenda ar linked te ibe aervlce. en r'rlday nfternoen nt e ele-k. at bla realdence -ji W" (.rt.nwer 1 ave , Lanadewne Interment rrlMte DONOHO ejt 11 1022 I HARI.E8 J , en of lit llanhess ind Ann Iioneho Rein tlves and fr.eiiln ins led te 'uner u Tv.urs 8 30 A. M from lata resi enca 35.' Uer mantessn as Solemn rfi ilam nias St Btephen a cl.urch 10 A M Int New (.alie, drnl Cem DREDOE luddeply 9ept 11 LOl'tin wife of the late Ed ard J Dradne Rela tives and frlenls are Inslted te attend tuneral arslcc Thura 2 P II at her iate residence 271S N" 11arner t Int (orthweod ' cm Erlenda mas ail W'ed eve DRt-iFlri 'ept 1.' i I.r.IA H widow of Meriz Drefua Re a Kes and frlenda are Inslted te funeral urn ea Thura 10 30 A M piec selj .it her late realln'-e 1721 MemerU) Use Iut Mt hmil Cem. Kindly emit flewera FARM Y en Sept n 1122 MAR OARB.T J daughter of Jane and the late J'ranclu Knrley Relatlvei and frlenda are invited te the aersl-e en Thuradas after neon, at 3 e cln.k at the niu.r H Bal Blila" ISin Ch''nut at Interment trlsnte FIELDING Kilied at Be Ivllle III Sat urday, sept 8 H'ULD, . ' lames M and Florence Ftelllnir In his 27ih year Relatlses and fnenij Insuel te f ineral en I Tnursday afternoon 2 I M from hl lite rasieeme 181 Mirkley at Norrutenn iu , resld interment prlsite HA.". IV On faect 11. VIOI.A NOFEn FIUNT7 v ife nf iviihur Pmtiti aed a Relatives and trends Inslted te funeral en J'hursdny a' 1 m I1 M from her late real- ence a24 1 .Uth st Reading Pa Inter menl prlsate FL'RIIY --At U'lldwoed N J s.pt 0 ANNIE svldew f Demits Furev Reutlsaa and frlendt lisited 10 funernl Thura h ?0 A. SI, late resldenee Jim s Cleseland ve Solemn requiem maaa at Church of St. Stenlra 10 A M precisely Int. New Cathedral Cem ORAHASI On Sept 10 1022 the Rev JOHN GRAHAM D D husband of Frnma Slahaffey Oraham Relatlses and frlenda are Invited te the serslce. nn IVedneadas venlnK. at S e clock at hla realdence IIM Hlchland ase Chester. Pa A'se services en Thuraday mernlna. at 1" 10 0 clock l the Oliver If Hair Wite 1S20 Chestnut at . Philadelphia Interment private ..ORAFFEN-Of 'lOOli flinteii ,it en Sept ". if' aaiiAii jiaiiiii, I. uiwru..s Tea. en Thursday, nt llermk neon at the Oliver H Buir Hide lnji) Cheatnut rt Interment prlsate CnAVFR hept 10 A1IANP1 F. wife of Andrew Orasei Funeral a, rs lree en Wednesdas at 2 P SI from her lite re denee, 4210 R.de nve r.ds f -. uyieill Interment private Frlenda may call lues day evening Ol'I.ICK Al lit Hn)l N J r-ett 11 THOMAS 1 Ot'I 1' K nged 7S Funeri Krl . 2 V 11 from residence of snn-ln la v Jeahua H hievvart 70 Pine st Int Brether heed Cem Viewing Thurs eve OWIN At Pitman Kept 11 KTIIEI. C OWIN (nee Cassadv) wife of Hanse H Qsvln ReaMses and '"". Is nlee llnnle. yukee Council Nn 10(1 F anlP of Liberty also IMtman Council Ne sh n of A In vlted te attend serslces at her Inte rasl dence 11' ( e,n nse mi Phirediv at 2 V. M Hrenls mas call 11'elnesdiy esenina Interment Frlen UMp Ctmateri HAOOAItTY III Ala C ts N J in llept 10 10ZS AON'KS K widow nf Cornelius ilntnarty Sr Relatives end frtenda are Invited tn u'le eelemn renin te base at 8t James' Reman Catholic Church, I. IB. CO, 81th. auid Cheatnut eta., en Thur- friends, also rnemi era of li.hi Instist i VeFl.HEN'NEY s'Pt 12 C.VTHEriN"E Church nnd mmers e' Lads Gorden ard rLIZABLTH enlv n 1 of 'ehn anl Mnrj Clan OotUen lidse Ne 1DU are Inslted i henney aeed ft ninths ." dasa It( i i te funera! Thura 2PM from her late i..,'. .ml 'nen 1- ate 1 ltcd te at,-l fi residence 1210 N Rerr at Remains mayi...,i ersl es Thu-a P M. at the ri b vlesed Wed ee int Oreenmeunt Cem i "- cf her parents 1210 S 2eth st I niim diy Kept 14 et U A M tnt'rmnt pri vate 1IA,"RS - Near t.umbcrten, N. J Hint 12 1 22 r.t.I.l n wMm nl n widow of Zebedee i lfnlnee ATnrl no ltiner"a1 Thura . 1 P M fren resldencn uf aen-ln lass Albert Pew noir Lumberton, X J Int Co'estesvn (ra HA I KV On Sept IS 101.' Hi Y n son ' of FJ-vli a nnd Mm i: Hily ned 32 sram nelntlsea ant friends nr Inslted te the e-rslec. en Frldns nftarnoen. at 3 ill 1 clock, at his re-eldenee 1121 N r.Ttli ' , Tntern-nt nt I'armvoed Ccmrterv 1 rlend mnv call Thursday evening, from T te e o'clock .. . i HAYDtmN SfPt 10 JOHN J hus"snnd of .Mary A, Hayburn (nce Tlnney) Rail- flv.t nnA f.l.mli nl.iv st nrMrr T 1 h f.eclety nnd Heb Nime oeeiets nnl 11'eat lark llenef Asse arc Ins It'll te alien 1 fu neral, Thura 8 .10 A t . lain residence 1108 Master at Solemn reeulem nine at !t Oreanrs'a Church 10 A M lnt f itvilrl fern 1IEATON SOPl II MAHY a nnuBnie Cithc.lml C-m KENNY -Sep 11 1022 JOANNA Blfa of the lite Krnmla 1 Kenn (nee Kulllan II' ntHfa and frlen la nre rn lie 1 te ntten flinPM Vfl 8 v m frnn, tne rr,l(i.nr . pf her mn In I in Ainveii" I. Mcuinen" jin i Susx at uioueeMnr cit v j Illsh maaa fit Mm a Churih n A M int st Mn Cm lUmalna nny be Weed 'Thura eve H.pnTKn . ert 12, ruAliKTH Hen TF.ll H-ntues and trienea inwie.i 10 aery 'ce Thtir 2 r 31 parlera et i.iritctie Tuln J014-1I1 V jlren 1 at It MMVI -dn sft IJ lli.'J I'HARt r T llt'MMni i IMI War r ten i 11m me nnl frU ite are Inxltxl t th "oil . n Trbl-w afternoon it J e i tk nt hM ri n'. t7 N t'imv at ITcrment rrit- nt v miment i emeteri nrn IH t'n;itrll - uieni "ein 11 lunMnd or lie en M Hiinanerknr net. Aiceraatt Il"latlca an 1 -ri, ma 1111" n tel te ittepd funrnl erlie- Ihur 2 r M late reldencc 313 N Darltn at Int r-l'ite MewinF Wed ce JVCKKI At Ocean Ctt N T Sept 11. HAKKY 1' aen of the late Ouatnve en 1 nitzibeth Jickel (nea I.ubahn). nged 31 iw Uattea nnd frlenda Aeolian teun- c'l Ne 17 F P A Un tct 1 te tunerai aer- f 1 . ' . . - 1 n M lit the rune-ai neme Jehn C K rrm'r e t. "ena 2121 2T V lireail I -t Int rrlnte Frnoed Vlewins 1 rl J . "KSON rt 11. nt Trec, n I mn ninti.4 nn.t 'i enla nlej miniper of ihn 0.1 t.nlles H rr- WUs nemlnt. In Mtcl te funeril Th ira 2 r M (la.ltsM -1 G -1 IK' a "T inert Ml u K Church Int wm I'tnn. ifnmnes Pert 10 in:2. AUCH JFN- N1NC3S. no itlsea and frlenda nre 1 ltd '1 attenj funa-nl Thur- D A M precl.e from the amrtmen of Andrew Fbei 1 - lEDERBACH-On W 11 1P22 1VV .M or H?nr rjait-rbic'i nu i ve ani I Thura rliil ar n itr(! fO lh f'lrTul ;,; ??. rtaUEh -, o-nnem n.e a . 111 a . rtat f'e.rtm n rail ter Mn nun in I n- r Solemn ree i er m vaa Mi(nhn a Church at 11 e l k 1 ln "'TlNDSAY 'Dt 10 MATTHHW he nsed hu-band of Sarin Lindsay (n-e Hrnwni Helatlses and f-ends jiUn cmplejea of P V. 1 Ce nnd Phlln I edae Ne 34 I. O O. M ar Insltid te ittcnd funnrl T m-a . P M late residence 1341 S. 20th at. Int lt Vtriah C-m. Fnnda mai call W eJ. ee IOID "JP' 12 J-HANK M . hue nnd 't Ler -i Lcld n IlidBwaj aire I 14 Funera Trl . P M li'e residence 4101) Mea ' 1 ire (.amlcn v J In Arlington ieni Trlerda mm ci I Thura ae IINCH n !- WIMIVMJ bv 1 huhand of Juu I.i rich tne G mere) Item Uvea ard frin 'e inM el te a'end funera Frl s 30 s. M from his late realdence 4311 N 1 h et Se'eu n maaa e' reculem it Chu-c'h of Incarnation 10 A II Int. He y Sepjichre mcAN'A.VT On rt 1" 1922 nHHXirT vide" of Jir"- Mc.Vnnns nelatlse. nnl frlenda are lns.tel te the fureral. en Thurs lay mernlnt it s 30 e clock from the real lance- of her 'i M chal MeAnani 111 N Hw'fleld s-.l rn requiem mass at C Jr lllbur. .-. . Mt Merlah (.em Fr cne maj call 1 el. e;e MTNSTl.R It Hrla'O, 1 p ..t 1 10i2 EM.W'OOD 11 I I 1 1 M' JetJhlne I" aid n e' trt and William . Mlnsfr , N hJ ed f ,a i urlssa lUUt se and Je J nil frlerls a -3 uriaiei wt Ne 070 B " 1 A M. r. d' ' w:. . Burka Ie.d..e Ne inn L e e si jiriat lir Ce Ne 1 anl nil ether n- -all m sit'i whlih 'he decaed ss i atf itel a e insiiel te atienl fur'ral srsl e at h a il rcsHlenca -Jl P. a.' ' st H- a' . P-. Sat Sept 10 3 P M. Idas e sa i lin) 1-t Bristel m BrU 1 In pRKr. "en j" .n " " ' - tanl et Anra Parke ree Iliui irfed HI a ae .hjs Na y Helitlsen anu i'i and V-aper Beat i 1 ibs Thll i R 1e lb s i ce. is el : V M is ta te IUIlni rt t late reellerce 11 apier istnue below Taber read lnt rrnjte i aurei ji u i em Neis lerk ard Atuntlc (.Its papers please CpVATTON -er 11 JESSIE R dauuhf dauuhf ef ate Jamea end i'ars r Patten aped 1 i F-iraral aerslcea at 1011 Las'er a E C" C" maitessn M'ed 3PM lnt prhate Re mains mas m siessd fu- eve PEIKCE At santn Parbara California en Ju v 10 1122 OrertOF PEIRE In hla 7Mh sear Tunerai rervlcea at Let Ne Si" iiV.inn Y North I nurel Hill Cernell rv nn Wednesday September 13. at 3 P M It Is requested trat nu dessers b seit. t rem-K -C pneiimenn en Sieit 11 lO'J FRSN'K S PIFRCL' Relative a d friend also II P O F. IM of it-d rmik V J are nslted te the Merce n l r. ds fcft'rnoen it I i rt ck at the i, nor II Ilalr 111 la 1R2" ( be.tmlt at rlCKFTT Spl 11. HARRY E PICK --TT R ti es and frl nds Inslted te "rvic., en "htirsdas 2 P M at his la a raildem-e .01H N 2fth st Interment private PI RDY srt 1- ANNIF sd'e f Ute Rel- H PJr s Re'ithee nnd Un-A n lnslt 1 te itiml funeral nervlr ( r r 11 late reiHenee l.'.ns y 2ltti t let r 'ns'oel Cem Frlenda mny call Th jr- e KAf? H In C,pe Mas N J r, , 11 102J 1 IRGINIA MORGAN rtaui ht r ' ntte nnl Alallne Raus h if 1415 N i ti nt ai"1 sears aid d months P.t . and f l-rda ; e Ins ted ti t"-i ars' i Th is'ii a"rre n at 1 e clock it oil er I! t' " lj) )K 1Si0 ' '""'nut -i In'erment prlsnte (.hlld may 1 ev i i Wetnesday cerln .. t . . PEES frept 11 HENRY O busbtnd f r-hurlett- A Reea Relatls-a n-d 'r -Is . M..wa.. nf Qt Alhan j (M- f 1 F and A M I'nlversliy R A ' i-M-r Ne 23 errplesas of t G I i Brete nnd Atlan'te R n n I n ( a' sltid te fanerdl. Thjra 2 P M fi n - a late realdence 23'1 6 Hu knell s lit Mont-ere Cem Remania may be Uew 1 FFYNOLDB Sept 11. ISAPFI I . r'fe of i he late Jeseph Resne'di if R k , Ce n'v Tsrene Irelind n- 1 il" Re a- mil fr enla also -t Gabr el B I (lal tv anl Langua of thi barrel Hur' th Inv ted te attend f ireral Fn R A M fro n tier late r elder e 20BH Re' I "' ' emi hlKh mass of i-ji-m at St Gaji a (h r-h 1 1 M Int Hey rirs Ctn RuOElia ep u jum.s si o"e h the lute Samue, I. ard Mallndi R' pe-a in hla 31d senr R' an es ind frlen!" l'J In'ependent F re Ce Ne j of J nk it n are Invited te ittn t funeral eeivte.F r " P M fren ha sl-'e-a rerfel-e 1 - Ilei Jnmln Strlnae- 1.13 E fn1 ee mantewn Fr n iray ca.l ,h ra h 10 '0 P M 1 i-CIIEID f-ept la l.nil'ArD H h haI j nf jeeepli'ni irhl I (nee The e p- nr, anif friends also E.t Fr 11 I S 1 0f jt Henlfaclus Chun h are Insitnl a tl.n fjneral Thura 30 A M r a b r i)-,7 7i,t m, oak lint Hiuh maes hur h n j,, Uny Angela 10 A M Int Ne Cathe dmi ( m MUM R 'apt 10 1 VIIirRlvR SI Wt, 0f ssiiinm H "nine- ,ed -n n , , t an j fnMH, Rl 1 an r N I V f nr n u t n 1 f ine- ' ; , j j jr p tr ipuni'iis s ' jj ij rsts 1111 N Ur nl n Ii II ,1 1, Cem Ren ilna nav b Kul - s ,uf Hazlet 11 i.ipe-a p ia cui s MiIItKn Sent If 1.11 RA 1 ( 'tv I of b,JiIIT,uil Shirk, s RelHlls." anl fr e u r invi,,i .0 liter 1 fui 1 nl Thure 1 I' M at her ree leu j4l r si etn use In Tilmer cem brlenda mt lie I sf'er i P II MM1 Sept 11 ROHKRl I u' and of the lain '-ainli J tilnu In Hla k'iti i "telativea nnd frl nils ala l r i i i lej e Ne -Ml I md A 11 r I oetje Ne 'Si I 1 O I' anl N ir ami e-ti rrlb" N's 43 I O R SI i lusl I te funril i rvlcia Prldis p p J ut . real !enc Jin Belirn l h 1 t-nne-' II frlinlnate- fern t rv I- rlenda iua 1 nuraeai nf er P It rA UP' LI" -' il et in n.'J Iiivt' I j luibud J' Anna R 1'n liiiele ria a Hv a and friends ara Invll d ih fin rsi tNIH'RTIKI.KS gAjaajaJfJaVsltWa W r LERS ;a.JJlig1- DROAD a'me DIAMOHD it. i a; ,inie Jrae """.'; ",.'. ,.iVr.tni Church Mt A r af 10 e'c eck Interment .. niln Ilelntl e ml frlc da united te nt en 1 '",t,, s,puirhre Cemeterv tne I funeral rrl . M" A M Inte realdenc fl'T'enn Sid lnl t wiMven.l N J (HI- 1420 r 12th et "elemn iniM.nl .'fitilfn! ,.r..,r v . f t,.i.k .., .hi i... ...I j Church of St Mall hi 10 V M Int. Oil J"'"""" .1 .c ,," ..i." ...i i gWMKt9. 4 H I as i iln -irtfT , rT Ul ? mj rfJ3!Wi?f 1. EVENING PUBLIC' LEDaBRr-jPHlLADELPHIA; DKATim en IVtdnerdis m ritnsr. nt ) 10 o'clock, from his rellenc 2111 S 13th at Solemn rcciulcm tnnaj nt M Menlci'a Church nt 10 t-rrll e elOOK inicrr"eni rriyme uTrtwAnnv ntilii.-niv. Rent n. katK Af wife of Ilrnest J, htelwagnn Relative" I j and frlcnla Invlttd te attend funeral aorv aerv Ice, ihurmlav 2 I' M from her lat rl rtence. 1212 N Mh at Friend' call Vi1 ee S te n. lnt West Laurel Hill Cem hTllATHll On Pept. 11 IP 'I tf.NnT H laimhter of Jamea nnd Jenrt w fitrathle of New Yerk Interment erlvite Hept 11 1H22 Krlenda frouthweatern llurlal O round i'hlladelphla KTnvvr.n ept 12 it22 riev d ,t n PTHAYHn aped 12 HerMcea n' 'he C.eerKC Nunent Heme .'21 V Jchnaen l Herman town Wei, 2 30 T M Int nt Saltllle, Vi ' 1IRA1H On Sip! 12 102.' i:.N-HQIT M h'iflne'1 of C n Tlrade (nee Oreb'el i aa-ed -10 enr n i-itle nnd frlenda n' ltilted te 'tt funeral, en Thuradnj mernlnix at S 10 e clock from the reldnc of hla hrethn In le.n 120 E Durham at . Mt Alr ine iieiv ite" fr'en1 brnham 1 Ineeln Camn Ne 30. s of v and lecal I'-oth"rheod et raintera. Ne .I!" VIldoed I ecil Ne 1)04, 1'nlntera' Aa aerlntlnn Ins tel te funeral fcnlrea, Thura i V M from realdence 10 II N 2tUh at Int private Frlenda may cill Wed ee ' titnic 7 te v o'clock I IOYF Bept 10 WATVrrrt TOYS nirel rj Frlenda miv slew remalna Wed ee I nt A c Staner'a 4340 Frankford nse ' Furril nn1 Interment prhate 1 TRAtNiin Pt 11 FIlANCIrt J. eon I I of Harr nnd the late Mars Trilner. Hell ltlea an 1 'rlen la ale loupe Men a RediltN pf tl 1 ru i'e ps lie I te Mtend ritnen' Thjr- v'l I M relleni 1 "01 N 11th 1 at Pe'emn req nci mnaa ( hur. ,i of (lean I ! 10 M Int H I -epit chre Cem I I tri 't iiii- n sad at en hepi I in 1 : IFWM SI MMHItl, liuabnnd of the Int Mnri ( a er W'caaela nelatlxe and frlenla olae i.enant L,oe;a no 430 F nnd A M , Lerlnthlnn Chapter. Ne 20 H A M &t Aibnn Cemmnndery. Ne 47 K T. nre !n1trd te the jerslce, en Wednej rlnj afternoon at e clock at the Ollser H Hair Dld 120 Ch'alnut at Interm-nt prlsnte Hen Una may b viewed Tuesday W1I.KINS -At Moorestown. N J.. Pent 0 HAHHi husband of Marptnret Wllklna ir..nFnl eri'ea it hla late rexldenrn .11 W '.'d at Thura 2 P M. Frlenda may cnll 1Ve1. esc Int Colemenn Cem. FARM ANT3 GARDEN Deuble Value This Menth te dlaneae n e n i c k I r na peaalble of in rnormetia Hol Hel land imperta tiens. Tlieae arc nice elump linll ter full Plantlne, and perfrrtl Fiiariiiiteeil. , 11 hethei -rfectlr antlafncten. bulba nre ftiaruiiteeil. unetner enr erucr ia rer m , or flu or f S10O, teii cnn aclect a I ke amount na n frrc preaent If inn return this nils 25 Single Tulips JJ'fe" n,lxrd a" ,0 25 Deuble Tulips V;e1r,,ul'',tl 25 Late Daruin Tulips d 15 Hyacinths WSiSlSf ' 10 Large Hyacinths HUlS'JfSi $1 15 Trumpet Narcissus $1 , 12 Deuble Daffodils $1 l 40 Giant Crocus $1 1 Km ember for each SI worth erdrred from thla rus, sei cnn aelect nn eitrn SI worth free. Thla Brent etTer can't be bent In n theuaaml 'P"t" sa tell your friend' and end i sour rnicr NOW CLARENCE B. FARGO UFiK I FRENCHTOWN. N. J. frue'cnfccrf flrlii'rry. ifdeilrrd, lie extra HSWlS C Send a postal today rKKJC for FREE copy of MAULE'S BULB CATALOG I Full line of choicest bulbs nnd plants for fall plant ins. Complete planting and cultural instructions IUM UL-IJUV Mlll V Ine I'ept. .1. Klst 1 inn. UL.HUI iiinuui. uiurrn Ht, I'hlU sacawagm iiiib m PARCEL POST HAND CARVED UK WHITE COLD M0UNTINC. THE MOST SENSATIONAL RING OFFER EVES MADE. Husk of iticTia brilliant trclblatscttUiotdlNBieDdimasiri) lir s Kcrrt prec.u in a ititisi ei iui.ui PLATINUM fet ae closely teijether t at nly close Inaoectlen will Ulstlngu h It from aUJK solitaire. TEN DAYS' FREE TRIAL Yen tils no clant. If It la net aatl.fic t ry at the end of ten days, or It e j can dupllcate this cnulne diamond rincin any Jewelry atom for leas than 47e 00,yourdip(i.ltwlllbr(au(!tJte70a. Send enlr (2 00 and the ring r iei " you In a bandteme sift let, tbarjti paid, A U c'l KUaranteq bend us te quality and valun accompanies each nn Aftr ten-day trial pay balance, ? I 05 a month, (or ten months. I'rlce only $18.50. FREE ROYAL BARGAIN BULLETIN ILLUSTRATES AND DESCRIBES OVER BOO SPECIAL OFFERS IN DIAMONDS, WATfHES AND JEWFLKY 'V'llCll ARC MAKING THIS MONTH FROM I J2.O0O.O0O STOCK. 5ENT FREE! Aidreti Dent. 60S Eita 4 O C t NO. 44 Clre. jeu a feeling of real i cvimuFi snriii. insurants ofprfelpret li nT1, i rcl. g cr n .,K games of any Ulnd All elastic . Will net r- J e h a f e I tf ..v. ouch.. MttSfiS et . ODeniPir T t front lleuka k.ft.,4 ,t-.-r 'I W.. MW(-M.rUa .. , MM -I i TWO WEEKS YUIftl (trlalal fat i t,l-. tury rfturn anti money Ill he refund M.lfd en ratain or price fet.mais want meaiurtment THE WALTf R T. WAUC COMI'AHV, Dent. 1 1030 Spring Street (above Race) Philadelphia I Fer ml alto at Sporting Gecdm and Drvn Stertt 'PATENTS 5,fW WILLIAMSON & WILLIAMSON Imiemis "25 ARCH ST., PHILA. Dally, 0 te Bi Man. and Thurs, Era., 7 te 0 un .Hih rniiifm mnna ai r III I ' l 1 1 1 -.t i i i- i -a iHi'liiivr n lit i ! A r ! jal 1 1 ; HiW worth f; Wk WILMf $1 Order ? Sivt XuXrKSsirzi '",n0,e n ttv i ni mfizi i c K T iih lvWiS nWA'.y twaalble of m VvA JlT&iWr rnormetia Hel- bj&:lxjV 1 " ml Impertn- Cf le!a ayaBjtLfxESB 1-kV JtIPVMSamWm!ZAimmmmmWjCSCBtWl vj u&Syr,3SbK!i r7 4 il iXv if J f' rHKl SelitaireW B Set in AtJmtW 1 : num MW BM RED wf mn?E r-iy xa.ar "" ; , m M DELAYi I" i?J t'U . v - f JWJTW "V- mT 5 2u4y 3$Jr e i V.E J DUR j b 1895 PABOEL POST laHRj IWIWAW During This Clearance SALE ANY ITEM IN OUR CATALOG 33H Off 'mmsmmmm I. Pnrler Plnln Hnem Hccemfcl Ihurl Trent Hcdrceni Hi'l cr I'i ni 1 IV.. Wc ure niiisiuir te n i and niru ., nMiirirr. In n. few sseeha nnd ni-i c'rarliiE out our entire stock at tills enormous reduction rather than pny meslnff chareee. hresskare. etc. Order by Mail Sttlifsctiec Assured Fafe ilellvery cuamnteed. sc j gi.oe for peatflKC. visit Our bhowreomi 1 RBM FOR CATALOOCK & 5 23 N. 10th St.. 2d Fleer f jeVVErtl'.VX $1.00 Special Offer 1 Chinese Sewing Basket, decorated with beads, rings, tassels and ten- uine CLincse money. 3 cakes of fine perfumed toilet soap. 1 box of high-grade face powder. 1 can of line talcum powder. 1 small vanity case, with mirror and pevsderpult. All this fcr $1 00, pest prepaid. A. W. POMEAN & CO. 1640 Gcrmantewn Ave , Phila., Pa. 'RUSH 50ur nal' ' nnd sse sslll ted ou 11011 seu can Ret this Preier ha Is or trnl . peisdcr Ihjx hair mc-tser Isers b"er ss It i beat hair rur uH Inch be- -i 1 i- tii mi mi rer H Ini ser p-"- l in a t t .j cat.e ABSOLUTELY FREE RemenUr sstth our rlan it WON'T coat seu i cent VM1ITI. AT ON' r. TOP. TTtlX HRrl II M7T PI IN HOME SUPPLY COMPANY S 113 Nnaam It., Dent 02H New rk Clls We ii 111 Coit sour old reef at sm.ill cost and gunrintea It 1'lfteflti (15) Years Or ssill sell the Coating ready for Ube $1.00 Per Gallen, or Five Gallens, $3.50 Wnie for Fst iin.it and Circular ROBERT A. MAYS l.M'LUT IN UOOriNG 1212.I2II N.-lbtli. l'bene Poplar 3041 ecnDuriiTrniMP. M 3 0 fhe Higher Oiade Sil'lMfl.iii li'eMihtructliiB. Ildlnlthles Mt III lluL Year Old I'ir.ir luinliura JfLU'llK) l'JMl te new -M'Kn.I, 1W "jPf 1'"IC,'S DlltlM. 'I.I'T. IHrSFiJ ew LiiK-rse010 Furniture SviixlsVaJ Latent styl-3 In beiutlfully rr" mJJi3 ee t.ned Tatestrl's flnurs ' 1? and Mehalr-I'lushea tu erdei at man ifacturcra Price. B'droem and Dining Roem Furniture lU.n.NlhHLI) AND rOMHIir.1) 0 .di it Palntlna, and Hardisec 1 1 inlahlng Dene by Eire" Mechanics Slip Cesera Made 10 Order 11 OKK-MANSIIIl' (Jl ARANTimn Fstlmutea Klsen cheerfully en request. Quaker City Upholstering Ce. l.nmbsrd45'0 '.'"0-802 rhe.tntlt HU "DfAMONDS BUUbttT "."matter hat ether, t.fl seu they are "iy,h'payt5USoPreC?lSo'oo,foyrOUe.c,n,di.mona mere tnun ethers pay f-.a ua and be eenslnced lie buy nny erre. shape or ceinr i, iiekata for dlamenda beuarht 1 VI ?Y CO C ILL 032 ClIFSTNTT BT. 'linnet iviln.it Till ..l;e 1-S p.'ir "." nWre "ii leer y .CHM.j 'JTIeaj. HOME VICTOR WATHR HCATER FOP. COIL s pr r.c pie constant aue' , .4 te 3 KaiKrs ntn r .d ntnfa t 0 1 n .. . w ln.t na 20 - v f r Boeklot Manfra Moses h j I urea .1 ' "r , nf bs The Lelrani't & rtJOTGU Reeves Steve Foundry Cc. AC--7,,V !H s M l'Mli 'w-. -t 1 1 V C't ! -e.,nfler (' n-len V I Geed Werk Lew Prices lie cu ir uilee yne nitUfiictlnn nnd rainless Dentistry erf-rVfea. (I !r 'i. u 'Wire Your Heme," New! "Pay in 10 Months" Our Meri, of llsturea la ( implete Hhewrmm Open ,ieniit(s lie 'Mil ca I ' e'le-ne. las or evening DAYLYTE ELECTRIC CO. 2IO'l Hlllfll' M w f.,ii.mlle 11UK n. PAPEJ 4 5ai ' i t' !-; riiirtimm. Tatn a iai, i .Wilt K t,ti( in l'.Mrrr llinipn ii a H, t ill urmi.H. V ipn l.Un. M rl;nch ind rape! 1'tlrr ( i nr. Ir rruim Mexr'H Wwx I'ntier ERA LEViNSON, 26 SOUTH 5TH Pbenei TemHard 3t7 Mln SS7B . m only f j V" A Ai Hi iRiS $i ( $i ummm ummrnB L " XDRESSER SETj fEtDOTIMClli 1 1 K-. 1C .'. ,S - .re IV., ml Z I 111 in &m i f IM f Dr. Hyman L yJW 0th &) Market J3 -tl und llrnnclie. 4C 1 MHvn ijiiiwpm TKT.KTW 'f - l - v - " -.., - " WEDNESDAY, PARCEIi POST ARDWARE OMPANV 2 BIG STORES Ridge and Midvale Aves. 5838 Gcrmantewn Ave. Help Your Mail Man Don't hnse alub! mail aheved under our deer te ba lest er mislaid. Oet one of t li e Rustproof. Slermii reef Mall Henes for real mall protection Stamped tteel In blnck enamel finish. Hlnpred deer with lock and 2 ksys. Brass name plate, ness apapar clip. H e I c h t 11 Inches, svldth 1U inches nue eun PRICE TRICB $1.50 90c nsiir-Ft. POST. 10c EXTRA Pnme hex aa nlese. but of unlsnnlied tren in ft.Ui is m (Inlah UJ.R $2.00 YB $1.15 PARCFL POST. 10c FXTRA Letter Bex Plates In eelld brnsa. Size 4x214 Inclica. In pel Ished b r a a, brush braes or nntlaua copper flnlahes. Cem plete, wlth.creir- and Inside Plate). nce. m 9 5 eun-. imtfr !.-' PR1CIB 75c PARCF.I. TOST, Be KXTRA Inside Glass Knob Sets Mertise YS'lth two nnl kes eacutcheena nnd two re.etlea tse rlaas km ba an I one bit kes In polished or dull braes or antique copper. De net confuse these, seta svlth these of in f e r I e r quality offered nt loner prlcea. Reeiilar $2.50 Our $1.65 Pr ce i vviicr.L pest, ioe nxTif. Brass Knobs Theae 'eta In llexen I.nta nt S18 SO PARCEL 1'f'Sr eO EXTRA PER DOZ. TAPER PINS Handy et nsaertm-nt 12 alzea. 25 pins te eicn alr rual 300 pins Sizes irxl Osl 1x1 lxl1 2m. ixi nl"j Sx2 4iv 4X.". 1x2H, ixi. Manufacture' I standard Teel Ce "; $12.00 m !,$S.OO pari rr. reir. 2-e extra Glass Doer Knobs complete svlth spindles Per pair. ?::,. $2.50 Our $1.15 Prlcft PARCEL POT 10c EXTRA PER PAIR llicac Knnba S12 10 Per Dezen Pair. PARf r t l-usT .'5c EXTRA The "Elgin" Vise Jaws M.a a 'pipe slse' out et esers sue wall t a exirn act of jasvs lleldj pjpe or am hiiu round blB or little. His ans slee bl. or 1 ttle Rett fjQc linelPest Our 3QC l rice Fvtra Price Carben Scrapers ' ' (C '120 Renuler atindard roeIs IVoed handles tl rp h- u ustrnieu IU" S 1 00 evn 40c I Mi r ,,ulJ PRICE " r ni it vi .t in fv rn i The 4-in-l Screw Driver 11 T e ip rempl rrfv, drUer in en M 1 rt l t p id ! hishly pellahel ar 1 I el t rte J 1 pp ia 1 adni rl for i'i motorist, m it mi i ml m pn up er llttle reni i in 'erl I i in bn carried in '"- $1.25 wnF. 40c PI Il I , I e EXTRA Felt Weather Strip 'ma (oil Pruenla Drnuchta I'er i "e per It. . 51.71 !' je prr rt 2 no ' i'ir ft .. . . S BO 4l in l ft X BO fie eer fl & ." i'j Inch i Inch 1 Inch li'i Inrh IV lllili ( nt In 1 or I rclchl ft linrth. rnt by Kxurcaa f lirepfc I Mlert Universal Slip-In Brake Lining 1 OK 1 I. 1 ORI ( BS -1 In si tnnn 10 mln.- m ni, le transmla- 1 i v" rrn Hn-e their fan l e n pi i' utea ultheat dnn rover M I SWlhln ft Seir. t. .Tu.l fnMew Bimtle drci un i ii furnished svlth .R''! eet 'a. 'a'-ii r giiaranteed. Price $2.25 Per Set I VIK II I r r ie-i TRA Free City Delivery telephone Your Order Ilell I 1 n II Ke HI' 1110 0141 pasHAiiDyAiiEjpt 2 BIG STORES Ridge and Midvale Aves. 5838 Germantown Ave. immtmrnmsm m.) iiiEimiMiit nn nf r?, H ninth Inelmllng V !i iluat .irnuf tel t us la- Mi M menu Heuv l.rn.f Rj i met U in nil tin- U Cj &, '"lirai wired L! t J ruiiiiilrtp. Hit Kl M :n 1.1 aauiire Iteaili a Kl i" , . mil ,iirn iitiiv r. iHIM . iinv ik lis li Vwi , liirni nre illv- LJ i n i spnii fur "" II lllu iinluln" I nlteil I.IiIKIek 1 Isti'rc e nc 2S0 flowery, N. Y, 0. Hept. 108 iSMm fiWlVl''"Vffia ltaklliavVC HI .V. 'm. mmmmJmmM Zj iil',li.ja '.il KSSg - iiulV ' ' r ' ir ' ".1 Ew -affjua' iiira i.in.iMgim asr1 VfivJ SL m-b w m T 0 t ? n i X - L - lKSf. HVSXfXU. f J&SQflZ?-, I jijwz Hvavy - M " "' r"4i' .yr - ' ' x lSEPTEM6EIt 13, 19?2 PARCEL POST I?D17i7. A liUU.Yeur full naine engraved without eharee. in geld, xw fc A Bfi Parcel Peat, including war tax, prepaid. PHILIP SANDER r,:"'435 ALL LEADING MAKES OF FOUNTAIN PENS SOLD AND REPAIRED mm f $135 te $190 a Menth for Life . L. wltk ..11 imrwrflQ J.vcry aecenii wren wi ",.,.M "" u.,ii. "laj effa" because of trtkei. peer busi ness, etc. sure pay rapid advancement .te higher positions, city Rndeeuntry r" dents atand same chanee. Common sense education aumclent no political Influence. Examlnatlena likely In every city very 0f (XNniDATKS PRRrATlK nKB Wrltn for free acliedule of cemln examin ation rlncea Eiery diy'a delay mean much ieaa eenchln ae svrlte nt once. FRANKLIN INSTITUTE. .. J-508. Reeheater, N. ATTENTION Our Stere la Oven Erenlnrs Until T. If. OONrEOTIOMXEV m A1 We carry the best brands of confection ary that are made In th U. 8. AT 0UX PRICES Including Lewnej's. Wilburs, Nevce, ucrsbey Bres,, llunte Bres , King s, Baker's. Peter's, Nestles, Ardmore, Hen ry's, Ludee's, Hinlth Bres, lltilley's, Adams. Beuzlas, Old Glory, Londen. Head ley's, Ureenueld's, Whitman's, llrjn Slawr, Iserr'a, 11 or Id's Fair. A-l, Bnchrean's, Knickerbocker Chec. American. Klein s, la a word, If H'a worth having, we hoe It. Obeo. Fep'mlnts (Henry's), ...130 s I .01 Aaat. Fudae (Old Olery) ISO's M Chec. Bpenaa 120's Wilbur Tablets 100'a Ifersher Bres.' OUnf'Choe Bars 180'a Toetsla Bells KO'i Meney Bwset Fotateos(Ardmore)liO s 'Hershey Bres." Bl Wlk Blocks !4's Heney Coeoanut Bars (Old Olery) St'1 0. M. Mountains Mi Wriitley's Beearmlnt Oum JO's "Oalere" Bus (Art mete) Bi'a Red, White ft Blue Asst. Chec. 84 a ;? .at .es .61 .71 ,s I .7S 131 Btllevue Asst. Choeolatas ....alb. Items with star () contain oeuoons. A layer of 84 Toetsle BelU rea I I with every 8 boxes ptirchaiea. 1 CONrECTIONIKS' SUPPLIES, Taffy Btleka 1000 te box 1.60 Taffy Stlcks(hardwoed)10 000 te box BOO Taffy Sticks (bevel) . .10,000 te box 4 00 ,'Aloe" Oluoese,.110 1b te ke U .M "Aloe" Olucese.. 03 1b te ke lb. .04H Surtr Molasses 110-10 keas le Suaar Molasses B5-lb htn New Orleans Surar... 100 lb. baas 3S 3 Chocolate Liquor 10-lb. cakes Tlnn.ll. Put,. 1000 1000 .82 lie alto hare a run line oz colors ana flavors In liquid and In paste form. SCHOOL 3UPPUZS Old Reliable Mete Beeks dot. S .36 100 Paae Composition Beeks ....dot. .43 Biz t Pencil Tablets Set. .42 Red and Orar Erasers sTTess .94 Imported Steel Pencil Sharpeners dot. .81 Tin Ted Pencils dot. .85 Adjustable Penellt das. .78 Pen Helders, Me 10 dot. .86 Scheel Straps dot. .41 0 ir 04 page catalog will be of great as- su in maaing veur selections 00 Business Boosters, which from ever Is FREE I PUNCH BOARDS, FTC. SOOO-Hel Coin Beards(brlnr J150)ea.. .8 00 Poker Beards (bring 118 60) ..dot. IN Ssln.tho-Tei Beards'brtng S3). dot. 4 90 Tertune Telling Bcardstbrlug S60)each 2 00 30C0-Hole Coin Beardslbring 3160)each 8 90 I Our business Increased 35rte ever last I ar There certainly must be a reasenl I STORE FIXTURES Cooper Wire Chairs saeh $2 25 Oak Tep Tables each 6 60 3 ft Counter Cases eaeh 10,60 Oak Counters .. eaeh 12 00 Nickel Sausage Boilers (Daisy)...,.. 9 00 Copper Sausaire Boilers (3 oempartm s) 18 00 Wall Cases svlth mirror & slid doers ft. C 00 Computing Cheese Cutters 19 60 8-1 b Computing Scales (beautiful) . . 0 80 204b Hanging Scales 6 78 lie furnish estimates en cemplete fitting up of fJtturei CIOARS CIGARETTES. ETC. "400" Ciaars (Sumatra wrapper) 60'a $1.7t "Senate Clears (semeth'g geed) 60's 171 Flftvrifty Cigars BO's 1.73 liftr-FlftY Cigars 83's .67 Hand Mules 60'a 3 60 Hand Made Seconds eO'i 190 La Fallna Cigars 80s 3 67 Beld Cigars 80's 8 86 Oirard Cigars BO's 3 64 'Stellar ' Cigars (clatiy) BO's 2 48 Adlen Cigars ... , BO's 3 01 Clnoenettetdlttle clgaraTTOte pkg KO'a 2 00 Piedmonts, 10'a and 20 s 1000 0 80 Sweet Caporal Cigarettes. COi . 1000 0 39 Recruits KQJ 7 Se Fntlma.s 1000 7 32 National Cigarettes 1000 6 46 Buckingham Tobacco dot. ,85 Qbeld Tobacco lOe tins dot 140 Safety Matches gross ,78 We tmke orders for Benk Matches with veur advertisement en Write for particulars City Deiiserlea1 Wed , i of Market: Thurs , N. of Market; Trl , W. P. and Otn. Lakoff Bres. 322 Market St., Phila., Pa. WHOLESALE GENERAL MERCHANDISE AT CUT PRICES Out-of-town orders will reeelve prompt attention if accompanied try remittances, Lembard 8073 1074-C410 Main 6174 WE SELL FOR CASH ONLY Before the Fruit Season Is Over Get a Water-Sealed Bung and Save the Full Quality of Your Fa vorite Beverage Allows gates te paas off freely thru water, let keepa container airtight Inaurea full strength, natural flavor and uniform product Presents evaporation Yeu need It for proper ageing and te get full riunllty when you rack oft or aeal Ktg or Jug. Order new state whether for keg or Jug. Price $0.75 each Twe for $1.25, postpaid DELTA CORPORATION 616 Real Estate Trust Bldg. PHILADELPHIA OLD PARLOR SUITS MADE EQUAL TO NKW R a c e nstreetad, u p h e latered and polished, S15 na UD Flrat - claa work guaranteed hllp Cevera Made te Order We carry a large stock et uphel stering matirlala at whelesale prices. American Upholstery Ce. Oldest and Largrtt Heuse of It Kind 125 S. Second St. Write or Phene iximinril II i 17 w r w " .Li wnen in jljvuui.- ABOUT PRINTING CALL OREGON 8702-W I ittcrhruds, lllllienda, Fnveleprs. Ru.l. nra Ctrds, lloeklita, lleuae Orgnna, 1U! CnlrndnrN Catalogue mid Multlgrnplilng, Anything and Everything That Van He Set in Type (nil or Write for llepreaentatli-e The I) & M Printing Ce. n,n s. I" level ind Ale., rhlll.. Pn. i i mf Razor Blades Re-sharpened SINGLE 2c DOUIILB c Regular Itasnra fl round & Honed, 33s Complete (lrlndlng F.stabllshment THE FIM1EHT GltlNIHNO CO. 1X20 Filbert Ht.. Phlln,. Pa. I Dent SDBBII3 AvK v 3aWafckat"iA raTTIiri 1 H jaURKgi I 'fYeur Old 7Cc i II l I lnllril "" r-irn ICHAS. CARPEN, PATtCEtt POST Famous A. A. .Waterman Fountain Pen (Net Connected With Ik E. Waterman Ce.) NOW $1.50 Market Street Mail This Coupon Writ. Plainly m writ riainiy UMltBeforaYeuLoMJt riwtH LaUvXS, 111 fcilaU l"a ""aw III r cTtiI.7 ill AW.IU Cawtaanal Jefca -! (') . .IUIIwit Mril CWli (l00 h. KM0) retteflU Oarii (11400 leJJOO) . Pcut.. ct( hi;;;!' ..RmI Mail C- (jllOOSSMOO) rm assaasa.ii"a"' ' A. SCHMERUNG & CO. MILLWORK & LUMBER S.Wxer. 12th & Spring Garden Sts. PhlUdclnhln. Pa. Special 500,000 ft. Plaster Beard at $32.50 1000 ft. Wall Beard at $25 1000 ft Millwork and Lumber Columns, Railing, Newell Pests, Deers and Sash, etc., at low prices. Shectreck and Beaver Beard. Alse full line of plumbing supplies at moderate prices. S.W.cer.l2th & Spring Garden Sts. 1 DarTSVPACEAL lUVJJiEAMOSni l ABSOLUTELY fJlEE -F KUaH lour name un' sa 7 addreaa a n (1 sv . i f will tell ou HOW you cat get thie HADIO SET ADSO- L.I i r.i.t i hi i. RADIO SET cornea te you complete, svitn single slide tuning cell crystal detector and phone rendenser. And Dntible Ilenil rhenea. Ne batteries required, no ex perience I ree Itndle Plan Heme bupply Ce., 110 Nnaaitf ht iiept. urn Genuine White Celluloid I Toilet Seats With linvy nlekrl-plntrd fittings $7.00 Parrel Pest. 35e Estrn Gelden Oak or Mahogany, $9.75 With Peat Hinge. Parcel Peat 2Bc Extra Anything in Plumbing; W Havs It Prompt Attention Given Mail Orders Lew attractive prlcea en all materials Gitemer-Millcr & Ce. S0,?llfil,.,J,V Oj.P WE MAKE Nfe ALL SIZES OF XQ-T DISKS FOR MILK VO BOTTLES.TOILET JARS. FILLETS FOR ALL TIN METAL TOPS, ETC. CARDBOARD DISKS Printing en ntmnat nny site rnp. bend your sample for estlnutejs DELTA PRINT SHOP 1512Germantswn Ave. I'lilln , Pit. RUSH ; 0 naui ur. Yre will toil you UUW jeu uan g.l tins 4-wldi fun alzed i.hil tv bt.au tliuuy deierateU Dinner hrt Abavn lulely Jteel le net dslay tui-ile et once far i-rre Winner bet f'fau Heme Supply ( n,, I III Nea 111 St,, Uept. 00$ N. V. C. Lc-J "f $5 up te $150 Scarfs and Chokers Jn Hhlr Murlen, Mink, Fex N nnd llelf Fur Ceals, $50 up te $700 Finest (luulltj uleat Miles These oeods were left en our hands by a reliable rurrlrr Fridenberg'i, 37 N. 11th Phil iileleliln F U s R E-UPHOLSTERIN ?G As It Should Be Den llbai i (.. hi.ii reKRH te ennr.R Brass beds wlacauered. Bei and dining room furniture r r medeled and reflnlshed Ilka new. Bamples and estimatei CRfiwpl'uPHOISTFiJiWf; rn ati?s ftTy-CaajsJBaassjsa V MtWU VrX&Eirrn. 1232 Filbert St.J'.w w.uut8VJ tZSiiV PAHOEIi POBT 1.I.U.a..i4.U.ana.aLa...1 SPECIAL PRICES . ON White Oak Wine Kegs and Barrels 17 D 17 17 ?.0' Ift,et f Caill or write for It,' Telephone Your Orders Walnut 093b Main 6068 (YllwVVStVC of PENNA. 42 North 8th Street jnnXADELPHU, A. r7M'.VlHi1.LtLltl,,,lnM A COMPLETE SAWMILL Fer Your Heme Has a hundred dif ferent uses around jour home. General repair sverk, etc. Cuts IS Inch. Attach le lighting circuit And operate Complete sslth 1-0 H. P. Meat Meat Ingheuae meter. 143 00, ssltheut meter 814.60, When order ing state srtiether AC or DC meter. Adjustable te V enjl". .Fer all pur- TFrlte for Lileratvir poses Saw & Specialty Mfg. Ce. 1029-31 E Melen Street l'hlladelpbln Pa. EYES EXAMINED FREE" ISU IJUUl'S UOjU Ul EiVlrVLl Valua 1 S3.50 Bifocal Glasses Geld-Filled Frame (.perl il Value 0 00 2.50 All prescriptions tilled at a saving of li te 50 elnsses made en the prem ise while you wait. myersen Optical co. 8 NORTH 9TH ST. Open Men. & Sat. Evil. Till 9 P. H. Dees Your Tinier Give Trouble? The llalsh Ms. rete llreak- Tlmlr has no Metal Rats te sveir and ll "The Only Timer''' enulpped with "Direct Contact Tunssten Points' which absolutely does asv al with Friction Contact svhlcli means rub) te nny timer and produces a 'JerKy spark sv h I s n results In ' Peel Friction " "Net the Cheap eat Timer, but ths Heat" en (lie Max krt Tediy. PATKNTED DEPT. P. L,. . PWCE, $3.96 Parcel i'esr isc i.n. . BURNSTINE-WALSH, Inc. rhlln. Office 127 N. 10th t r BALFD WASTE PAPF.Rn BRINGS BIG MONEY Ask Any Paper Mill Hale Sour Paper and Osl 40c n Half Standard Waate $90 Paper Baler USi Thla la n Sprclal Reduced Price 1 cMlld can eierate it. Encourage neatiesa ana economy In schools ana Institutions Asel I fire tk ei n riitfAL PARfKI, Tllll l.r l'U'EB 12,000 alii eta, 41.ne 1? rolls for I u. within 10 Milieu of Phil ulelnlil i t CfiiWs fniirr and ThIms SYLVESTER S. GARRETT 259 Seuth Third Street, Phila. tytfi&t&ViV ntte-ace you il y h" ai N- nieiitlt. n Al.mil aJnniia MilflU Otl II. I t !.. Ih tPi. lOW II 1. Wnller'a Pinnaliun ' "" St. llendid ( the ( i mill uinnij r:. t. eZ LOST AND FOUND HAll-AU I.jst, green bntmu at Delalr, re ward J13 Master at Phene Ivvnslngtca inSD . DOOS Un, 2 Oeiman pelic, deg r"rpl. S merths old. dork in color, male ana firm, feninla haslnr 2 whlte hlni lUwnrd if returned te , IS C lrcxUf. i d-nrinir. Iifariuut Pa .. PERPLTCAI. PIRH policy Ne 31101 Is sued by the Vnlted Fliemen a In'aPfJ Ce . In the names of V'ni nn.l r""1' i Honderaen nmeunta J1il10 lleturn 10 -I nail ft Crivsferd 400 Walnut at - HELP WANTED FEMALL IiH.1. CI.CRK Competei t bill t lerk. with, knowledge of boukeephiR and " i "lerij cai experience In facterv eflUe kpI M' statu uv." txinleiicii nnd aUr u sirea, Aildieaa Nl I 0 JiexJilS4 - HO KIsKr.T'r.lt.blL.Vil.llU'lll.ll H'Jg achoel graduate preferrel estnl laheil 0U" nesa centrally located ilairia uni. svenisn with Initialise nnd nblllts le Jesml win lioeka anl train for ei cutli" pentl n A' diens in eim liandisiltlng statin, uee. Ivrlenci. lefeiences und mir dcsireJ, A 4 Jl ldaer Ollce CI.KRKS Whether seu art seeking a poll; tien new in sveuii me ie '"',"; ;,i thing for Uie ne ir futui". VSC I CI J"1- ':; re iniere leu in me uii",iiuin" , , iMe. i ... im. in int. niu.rii HVS'l' ubii ill eui frjaniJiiieii ier ei" .:Uk ,nr mirii'k . . "... awiil u v un r I idle, tlie-e limn c mul Hi l ii ur iitltrred v ) irn aeh ng J luillahln us ivneii v nl . I h ' s '" e Mil, nu mitt i ftx.r In d ml smi ' I! J PATTUN , ., Curtis Pul.llanlnif r-J ul " '" em!i EDl'CAriHi busliussllke woman K,n,i !' nam u a 111ns, natem und t n tacn in eili-m tnuny for irln' I er d U-9 mil h S.h l.tilt-r Olfi i . OlRl.1 We svnnt a fevc flne yejng lrla HJ ', '$, vei-a t lire for weil In our "'""i.a laiiment must ,Hvt it It i"t 1 siar e we cliel eu i ut en or kiuIsuUiii Aiply Ilureau of F.inp. iment WAN4MKKIt'H l.Allll 4 . iMhlim vverl. VvtlUll ertvr wfi; n npiieri -nlly tn niiince u i "-; nnndat tin inninncru wlie ir ,Vr'ftH(r, ' .,., .... i.i bii iti : fi' lave the iblllts and versenniiij j "--.ier. II ll'l I ll.it I VIII lllginli,i i' "' .:. , .iia sslll be interviewed rer periling"' V, sol nunt Aipi beiwit.il 10 nnd 1-,.'u iei)l 2 and 4 1' M at 702 Vundam II as . " Mi rki t Bt . i - I.AI MIR! IVhlli. women fnr ia,n'Jr??l' and flat-vserk Irenera hours .1 r "'.iiioe. n m noe.i wnL'ea nerniniient peim Apply New Wiiy bsstcm. HO'J Asrrn sa. JHM VBBmamYm 7WM Jnl "6 Hoepet, Gnrn- M muaHk k'V m V i-M: l? AL ttliy"lV .V.Ji