5?ttrt' :"HJ 26 W, BVEHING tJIfriO LEDaEl-PHllLADBLPHlA, TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 1922 SEAL ESTATE JOK gAJMj AI MTATB TO BAM REAL ESTATB JOK BAL18 rjgjf rAirriiPAiig sittjatkwb wAimre female TJ8ED AT770M0SIX.XS VSD ATJTOMOBlUES HEAL ESTATE JOB BAL vrmr rmKAnrxntiA PF.NNWYT.VARtA BPBPBnAN PKNNWV1.VANIA Ht7WnBllAN mVD SPES" 0 eorperitton cilr v- w.Ii'i'Aien'i,7.nt' im1' P' account; rtderal and Stats reperln. A 483, !(!, Off.' ;i'CJ'( $.' west nin.ADKf.rmA l T" fc' branea, r WsWEaTO ' i gerunuMsaiiu stACEBIOrai KAcanNnTS jgjjyae m jumiead work ' ITSA1TT BURJTlfflMT flTAKDAJtD WJUHSB AtJTHOXiraD BT unrrjsD wrxttM SAXUIOAO IABO& BOAR ATKT TO enmtAi! railroad 00V7AKT OF IfJIW JBRSBT ' c B, CBAMBBRB. tTJFT. gfttin txetbr aet boetpment reMKY crnr. w. J. I WAHTED FOR 8ERV1CB ON HWIHJERW JAOJTO RAILWAT UACBOMm MBS8MOBR CARMBM : FRtHOHT CARMBN BOIZfRUAKSRfl , nASOCERSMlTBS BLACK SMITHS TINNERS PIPEFITTERS AT WAOE3 AUTHORIZED BT BKrrrtD sTATBa railway LABOR BOARD TRANSPORTATION WILL. BE FURNISRXD APPLT ROOM 804. FOtANCB BLDO. 14:8 8. PENN SOTARE PHILADELPHIA WANTED BT ttt BALTIMORE k OHIO RAILROAD CO. tOti PERMANENT POSITIONS AT STANDARD LABOR BOARD RATES MACIIIML8TS BOILERMAKERS BLACKSMITHS . . CAR REPAIRMEN ILtCWIO AND ACETYLENE WELDERS us or it. sn pi" ji . ..-'.-r ." --. !R rAJ.HNDAR DAt e paid all MAciirNmaiii. neu,. PP5 eA5J,D.SVKSMITrfd WHO IN IN SERVICE 30 DAYS OR MORE tUM jm ens half for nvsrtlm: frss beard ci 'Wfirtatten: travail! r tlm allened; M tt llvlnc conditions. AdpW Chestnut st ntrnr. ?v PASSENOBR STATION. 3lh and Chestnut sts. Company's reuretenlatlva. w.. . TARN SALESMAN rS. '' established trade wool and Z"d,Vrnsi with Philadelphia weavers Fi" """" M 71B, Lerteer ernre. fK.? ?IAJI wnted. 10 te IS years, geed i2ri5t,,r' appearance and education, for ibiiii ru.ln lar0 corperation: permanent JHS! Ln1 unusual oppertunllles for ad li, .I?l! r,pllr ,n own handwriting, statlnit inr i'V.?l' je'rence and experlcnce, If ya-A- MO. Ledger Office ' uu MAN, trteh .., 5V." ""r...'."' '." .""" '" V"""- lit hVi.. "" 'g in nerinern section SimK IV 0.m, P"lnce preferred Write, "iiX, '? tticat.l0T1' ePlence and sulary W.'lu .W. '" n large concern, about 2S. Mnali, V.St' Tduat. one familiar with MiVr efn nanuwruine, r 74, iUUnO MAN tn Alt In nfft n,l mhi,.. l K.l? 'nf'1? "'"' alnry. exp. Write Mm. TexUIl Ce" -3-"7 Tranltferd WRNO MANri liitini i '- ",BU "cnoei xrnauaip, ier ' sHrhnM . lHCerv proauclJen enic, ex- niliffiV.1, yeni; norm. nnrthftnr aertlnn nf ArfK.- V 801. Ledger Offlca. MAN wantsd. Wl5i71T.;UDI,l.v heusp. hla-h. school or col cel miwate preferr.,1 i ftlfl. i.eil)tr Oftica, Oeneral Rn QREENEWALD'S i-rrafit-ii P.?P.r m ijiiper mm, n roeflna- mschlnerr la.i-.'' liV.'.TTV'signer Jigs, gs, tools dlcii, punches Mr f.,. T00!1- tekers. piping, etc. HrWfl. ant nubile utilities co 4CC-NTivTeK Verrc"tad Purch. dept H!STaiW8.' "nlf. JUn- C V A. concern. tUXtuP&mi Wl: tra'neJ Interviewer. WSsit-M ,.i1p. hlgh-grade printing. I7B. Plicatien: ,.ol,l1c',ter."' e I'cters, salary basis 9cutivi, n llclteJ for efflca and factory routs (.hC0lle9, Bni1 technical men. en B 8 lith ""jctlcs! experlencei no ethers, g "" Ne enrollment charges Oeneral MEN AMBITIOUS 2? taabtt ever 2; connection with heuie ;."' (arneit ..:;.vl """" "wrnellftnt ' """"'"i " inwm uvu uy i til's u rtiiin.c i rac,?r rather than expnrlence '"iiMl Inveatlgate without obligation nod by rapid t iR??i' V0', wiDKNEn ni.ne 10 1 30 A, M. or 8 30 te B P. M. 'EACH YOU TO DRIVE AND REPAIR te'nCAYen' "" "" ee tt'ltlen? flTrlS.', rl'e' men te qualify for " IS fite oemtallo and Ionian ship imm'n iiSJl80! monthly! xp. unnecessary! 5' toeoV Jp'1?01 catlen essential! only men lrwa SfrJLe,.r n,d PI'lVi If wllllnn nnd ?1l4i ftLm?k'?f. roijnecllen wnrth while, iSilsn s2?ul nW,,atlei "latlna- present frrrjg-'W Phllsrt.ini, i inn t. WuStef p!a.nt ani ntrl stations. VM E.aiiA,t'). y'1 mlntn enmpany !iLtR5i,.Ii;J!fuli centrste, bids-, con, TsiCTT'ltQfrurSratln M..U , inM ..rllI!i,1-.Pev tl ciarlts. carrlerst LSt-ren iilr. 8"lf 'or exn anat en) 5T Auk VkL'J1 VOMPLKTli couree 21 Il'M-.aP MOHT CLAHUBH. Oren Hundliye. fiZ-UJlfllli IflOl in lllla Nurlnv fl.a.n at APARTMENT Ttnunn Mimnun Hv you n opening whera you can mi competent exe-mitlve, nbove avers, Intel lect, conscientious, without any neurm- A mnnatfAt e,.jtl,l. SI. ..... i.- chart of a Urge, first-class apartment IfSSf.ti.ViF'"8 "W' e' 1100.000 etc annum? Reference, and bend. Rlenelleu Apartments, 1IU Sprue. EeOKipHJPERnll offlce manager of proved nblllty Is own for position requirln a TOun woman possessing unusual nperlenca and Initiative. A 430. r-rtger OfrTcn. MPiJlRSEK'-.!'"'"!"' wa.hlna;. ati - ' lrn,Jim.)ir. virtwen nefin, uiin'wArniau, WKiruUfflUy ,xp. In Iat ""'"I "t-"m ?" t-VIUU'h A Oil, mm. OfT, YOJJNO LADY We daslr. te murt e pnUi pnUi lien for a win lady new In our employ 1 secretary te the executive efficer: ahe la exceptional ability And Is thorough y re re laele: h haa an Insllnctlye business eense. i ilmrt co-operative, mid has a eleaelnit personality, which combined with real nd mlnlatrntlva ability enables nor le success fully direct the work of ether and te make an excellent Impression In meeting: the pub lic, vvnie me ecun te., mi urexel 13 d . Philadelphia. SITTJATIONB WANTED MALE ACCOUNTANT, exnert, will Iteep hoeka. IJV Mkly. AIll. Aprminlnnt T 7 n 5,.'l COOK. Japaneee. experienced, dealres pe. tlnn In nrlvatn fArnllv; hnv imj -13i- encea. Haal, 400 H. nth. Plmne Wal. 7aM EKECUTIVE Tale nrnduafn. law if.i.j A yean present position, district mnnnuer! seeks connection with high-class firm: mar rled. B2. Pretectant, at 721. fdger nfn".. MAN, SO, clcricnl and Heme sales exp,, de sires opportunity, v uiir, leujrer ernce. 8ALE8 JIANAOKll Teun man. B4. mar- rled. with ten years of Intensive mer- chandlzlnic cxperlence. covering both retrtll field werlc. flji wnll ns irnnftml fjtrfnr aalna manager, desires position r sales manager or assisianc te some dijiv execuuvs with sales and advertlslnir nrehlems. An nn- lytlcat mind, plus pbllltv te create original eelllng plans, backed hy a prienalltv thnt secures results from salesmen, are my chief aeieis. a. ivi, l.euger (juice. AGENTS FOLLOW the dollars 830 te 8100 per week, the money jeurs: something new, net an old. worneut Propesition: field unteuched: ex perience unnecessary: takes everybedy by sterm: money rolls in; ehew BO, poll 10: demenstrntcd In nne minute: sells en demon demen demon strateon: the new Inkleas fountain Pen. the twentieth century wender: never leaks or spills: with this pen no mere use for the Ink bettle: sample pen SOe: this preposition Is 18 karat: menev back It net as reprcaented; agent's profit 200 nr cent: exclusive terri tery! sand for agency today Inkiest Foun tain Pen Ce , 1R22 8th fit.. Des Moines, In. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES MB H. SMEDLET ST Ilutlen Agencyha.-i flntr-clnin help fei nil cnnacltle. Hur. desiring; positions torpther. additional help wanted, nrai-ciaHs uiiuunur-e nna girls te go together. E. O. HAIIVBY, 1010 Itlttnheiie sq He liable help for every cop : all natlennl!Ua, rererence rcquirrn COOICS, chambermaids, waltreaes and hwlt. Tli nn.t I"' it lull 1IJ Kirm. uuit i.u viu. lum ui.uru uve. BOOMS FOB BENT CHESTNUT ST., 3010 (the Iloherta) Reems with rrhnte bath or running water: ftli conveniences; meals optienal: home cooking," Bar, 8042. CHESTNUT BT . 2021 Furnished room. prl. vnte bath, second deer, electrlcltt. refer ence, OIRAKD AVf3.. 1210 Second fleer, furn , nice clean room, next hath. Pep nise. SPRUCE. 2100 Deslr suites, prlv. bath: single rooms near bath: pref, offlces; tire 16TH, t. ISO (HOTEL HURIC Ontil, shopping district, near stations; beautiful turn, rms.. nice. I spetlsis: UI (y. wkly. rstss 18TH. S., 24 Hoems for cnt, furnlshfd or uniurnisnte, D AND SPRUCE. VICINITY Will rent 2 or 8 rooms and bath In exclusln nrlvnte home te permanent people; references. Pheno locust 5M1Q, EXCLUSIVE private hem, adult, will rent room te PreteBtant man who Is used te the bst; psrm't. l'hens Ovlik.. 208a W PHYSICIAN'S) or ili'ntlat's suit, excellent ull.n M'&at TltlnHlnhlfl -nflnn.l n.l. vatn fnmliv. P 8U. Iditwr Ofdre TWO nicely furnlsned roemi. semi.prlvate hath vtrlnltv 4Ath nnd Chestnut. In ilrst. elans apt.; 1 block from L Cull Prei. .1778 M WIWT nULADET.rilM BOTH, 3., 13t Unfurnished second-story front room, modern cemenlences, with fnmllv of '.'. Owner. LOCUHT, 4048 I)slrabl rooms In com fortably fuinlsbd home; shower, break fa st jiptlenal. Preston .1514 W, CEDAR AVI-., 4818 Dei, front and slnili rooms, IM fleer; gentlemen, Wdld filliH J. WALNTT, 300S Nicely furn. room beam. loc ; nenr cars, elec. l'resten 1237 W 411'H ST.. S., 4J0IJslrabte room for yetinc man lii reflned home Wnedlnn.l 0143 J. BOARDING BTRUCK ST. 4.040 Attmctlia home; ldMl loc; excellent table . builneii people prf. i MM ij 411U Klni locution, bright rooms; steam heat, het water, oed table; rsf. srencet. Harlnu' 0507. BOARDING rKNNHVLVA lA-fl IKIRnAN . COLONIAL INN. MontKemory ay., ."rrn Jl" r-one of 'th.) meit attrnctlve plaie en the Main Line suite 3 rooms and bath. sulte 2 rooms nnd b-th, aliiBle rooms with and without prhai e hat h OERMANTOWN Cemfnrtanle home Ufa in dee rati resiaeniiai i"raiii. t.y.vi " im beard. Miss MS,ralhn,lSS,.nTPr.f rs. Open Sept. 6. Fer Kntmtl?t. wit svs. WILL beard children from 4 months te a years. Pheno Tleta C873 J . USED AUTOMOBILES Used Cars of Quality PACK A III) TWIN SIX Spert Medi'l LOCOMOBILE PASSENGER Spert Medel COLE ROADS! Ell COLE 4 PASSENGER DANIELS TOWN CAR Penna- Meters, Inc. Ilelli Ueiicc Dint 2Kst nnd Chestnut Sts. Phene Spruce VJ77 in CAI1IL1.AO coup", 4 new uiei ent cendi bin. J ISO dewn: 1 anee If deslrf d IIrnjjJjOiPN1 4 new tiles, enrel- ear ier ltreTiU iu2t 00 CAIHLI-VO seean. e new cord llrcs. terms Da tineaensTir. 4 roll's. 040 N llreid st foil ClIANDLL'R Hedan, 7 ialn. K'ni dnun, biance ' IIAIION'H 00N.JJ 7 pass ; real bar- i 1 year. iTtOAU r-i i mill Ci 7 pasnrer, luxu, a-i con LnAlNULLMN (1,tt)n pr;e low for uuldi .le. Call V A llrunl1Pti!dar3J.I iiievntiLET 4-00 teurlnir iar... nrw. r,u'' U1O0 1 mlkV. rJst 151IS. will e 1 tn euiclt I,,,!"? "-- "" ''hena Heruee llltl. . c'OLK Hldan. I pass,, mntif"t " '"r1 .. ., i-s.il dewn: easy terms nrranged. low as I-30 uewn, e y 1022 I1UHANT ',!eu,rln,?rt' iflUO. terms. I( desired eurlnu- demonstruter, savi 040 N 11R0ADHT. rv'frepeKriim. Hiutz Aniy1g05!a,--liI,,-!u ' VT"vu'PI iTiiinv eerles, trade our cer 111 iTrn;.,, PAl'KAHU. iwi'l' i"""""t - rlrtC RrAON!H"jll0 NmiOAI) v." t lulril . rlrtce prlja: tr.rn ""' iIaIIOn'S" fl40NI)RpAD ,. iTOAMirirTeTvn Car. f X'SWl BTnAHNS-ItNIOHT 1li20. teurlnir rebuilt i A Hrunl. I'nP. iV'Vii. i'TKVrTTili)KllAKKn blan. Hunt e. 1 "EeTh 3Vjril'u, ifOeq iirc( "" abie- ; innrinat car 0-pasienuer capacity, li. . r in exielleiit mecliaiilcil statu! L? raUJ, e HTUT ter will pa sevei"! - VntlllKllOU0 Slieia "'".'.. .Hn.l rte M.VnlUI l,"-? "jy.,,; rcoeditlo.c.r fects! Pn" """',, no aitency Imehed. for aula yy 0l."Ii..Viieii by temmunl- ArraiiKO .rer 'rj"y-& ettU . for enilnir with P Bl'lJT. touring anu J'JfV.Ani.h.d, exrep. ther'iy nv"hH. casa'er farms. 8j Mr. A1?. 'SrutS''ncTVa N. Uread .t. aster. an inoeern PEERLESS USED CARS Are Net Abused Cars In every instance where we- offer a used PEERLESS Car for re-sale te Consumer Patrons, we have previously determined by scrupulous mechanical inspection, the care and attention which that particular used PEERLESS has had during ita previous service. As a result of this careful examination, correc tion and repair made by us, we knew we can sell, and you can buy, that particular used PEERLESS ,car in full confidence that it will render PEERLESS service and prove it is the best possible value at its price. ' It is the policy of this house te offer for resale te Consumer Patrons only such used cars as shall measure up te a high standard in condition te render excellent service. This safe dependable policy has resulted in our new having a waiting list en some PEERLESS models. AUTOMOBILE COMPANY Peerlets Diatributert 2314-16-18 CHESTNUT ST. Spruce 1446 DEPENDABLE USED CARS Ask any Cadillac owner regarding permanence of value, and he will tell you he has the meat dependable meter car built. We have Cadillacs in all models at attractive prices. Alse the following used cars of ether makes : 1921 BU1CK Coupe 1921 COLE Touring 1920 CHANDLER Coupe 1920 HUDSON Touring 1918 NATIONAL Sedan 1920 STANDARD 8 Phuuten NEEL-CADILLAC COMPANY 142 North Bread Street Phene Spruce 0210 BRANCHES: Reading, Pa. Pottsville, Pa. Camden, N. J. 1022 WILLS Ht Clelrs teurln; il dlse wheels te py. auto acci:nn)Riks $2 T I R E $3 mall orders STORIO 8IB Seuth read st l'hlla .near J?hrsriB 'riRllS.lifeil solid tires tit very low prlct Christian ces 1414 'Mount Wrnen st Te Itjre . w imiiv Inp 0 and 7 pnsaenifer teurlnif J a" and, li";."Jncf . II Stl r hour up. Phene Poplar 1111. I'urlt 41HH BUSINESS OPrORTUNITIES r7iUA7uirACri'REilH pntentees and eth er'Jiieid estubllKhed Ixinden rm of mer rhanta wall eraanlred and with extensile 'SJJIrtleiis. reuulres sole sell nB, "Kencles of cennetui"'". .-, ,.,. . v e nin. Llew. ''50' .e.rnn's Leadenhali et lonnen fvH.lnTNTIAI. Arm of Iniperlery of canned l nmdiire desires airenclei, Jioe.ls nrf .sol direct t ...nHt.1 "Write ll' Rvan & Ce, Ltd.. 140 ...m i.ru 14 1 lMlIIini II1U IIIIIJI I I'll n I J .furhurch sl. Len A en, Kngla ml PAIl-rNTTTl wanted with W' 1 VurltV A 518. Ledger Uflke rtnl estate " " DIAMONDS BOUGHT AVD l'AWN TICKKTS roil DIAMONDS u..ii. . second fleer our J hllds Rest 1MB TlOMH of pulnted and decorated furnl tire. We paint and decerate or fin Ish natural jour tljnlU.lXvt'Xfep 3 l'"1" I'eplnr 18dX. Race 3884 AI.KX.- k'et In important aureeable developments, teuth nllh me CHARLIE HAROLD TEEN r sn.a. (1t34. S2; all lamer sIms up te 7x5. IV If one of these usd tires proves unsat unsat i.fipterr wllhlii HO days, return with re i'.nt and b" another for half price, no III PERSONALS :.... t , r-AFT AV HPJK- OerAP ;; de.u AMKULeip te ullukas' te. 'Aerz. ill BFT nn r-w Ueeit. ButziG Upi, BceM fM-lOIN i, ) s? e (Rtf-: i 7 , r uv j AROUMD CP-l s, , sT r ll i i ie.ni i a r U .. . ' PI 1920 STUTZ Touring 1918 BUICK Roadster 1920 STEARNS Coupe 1920 DANIELS Limousine 191G PACKARD Twin-G Phaeton 1915 PIERCE-ARROW Limousine MONEY TO LOAN HOUSEKEEPERS GET A LOAN $15 TO $300 FROM THIS LICKNSHD. RONDKD. HANK 1NU DKI'ARTMKNT SUI'IJIU IS11D CO FILL YOUR COAL BIN NOW Very easy terms. Payments artauned te ..t, vntir ronvenUnca Ne fees nf im ttifni eharaed only Interest at tlie rata preMdsd i by law An Inquiry puta ou te no axranes ' ami ueei urn uuimuia ,Uu hi any wa i.ii ' (in. , i r ii in u au.i-iDi niirri iiba i,.,!!."1' -- 1hn IjOf list 71137 l'AY ALL YOUR SUAI.L OITTSTNDIN'O UILI.a AND OWE RUT ON'It CO.WKRN HOUSEHOLD LOAN CO. 240 Seuth 15th Street Second Kleer. Roem 201, Ciess llnlldlnf Member rhllsdelehlu Chamlsir of Commerce PAINTING PAPEmiANQINQ ROOMH papered or palmed 15 de iny inn werlt 1'estal or call Ceuruir), '.0J2 Toplar st WALL I'AI'KR HAMl De jour own papei liineln. Be Hlntile roll up. wuh or nitlieut borders I'rocter. 4710 Woodland a IlOffMS papered nnd painted, "materlaTlncI ii l'etter. 1030 Frnncls st Toplar ilOOb, WANTED KILVTHHR beils, belsters, pillows, hlKh pos prices Meyers, IU30 N, Hread. fop, 27S7 CLOTIUNlJ. all deserlpUena, beunht and sol 1 llenjuniln, 0110 N. Frent st Market 4iU1 WAN'IKD Newspmiera, .10 per 1007 maia maia ilnea, racs, drop postal. 471-' Market at. CONSTABLES' SALES ON THL'RHDAY, HKIT. 12 11 A M Hhnw i-ssis stock and fixtures of millinery slurs 1111 .-i llllh at I UeuJ. eeu-! 1 (V.V MTTLt. I roa - rea - m) JA Uivf M M An Unusual Opportunity Cobbs CreeK ParRway at 62nd Street Unusually attractive three-story twin houses, 11 rooms and 2 baths (marble shower), break fast and refrigerator rooms, large closets, garage, southwestern exposure and opposite Cobbs Creek Park. Building costs are going higher. We will sell the last three houses in this choice develop ment for 30 less than they can be built today. Lew Price $18,750 By auto west en Walnut street te C3il street (Cobbs Creek Parkway), tben south te houses. Sample Heuse open, 6207 Cobbs Creek Parkway; examine today. J. HarRer CbadwicK 2123 Land Title Bldg. STORAGE AND MOVING STORAGE Br- MOVING Lewest Ratcs nieTiTri Estimates PALMING Given Aute Van Service SHIPPING Hum sn,t Canl Claii-.l Sreurwl. SlOfJ Continental bterage Warehouses 20TH ST.. ABOVE CHESTNUT " MOTOR VAN SERVICE TO AN'Y DISTANT POINT Weekly serxlce for small 'lilumenta between Philadelphia and Washington The Big 4 Transfer Ce., Inc. S7th and Market sts Rartn 1201. HECURirY'TOUAOn CO Ical and long ' ... .nit,cr rt mi te New Yerk. At- I isi tic City. Baltimore. Washington. Bosten land Wrmedlat.. points; 120. I , 40 all Bends In.ured ..renlnr K27 . av Phene JDUitiend 32CHI JJVnljtht.l(140P.ldKe 1 PITM7I 1TV HtoreKn and Wareheusa Ce. IrlULLllI 1R0(i 1SU and 1HI1 Market. Jeifflpl'iiAr'LKa Victory storage f;n FILBERT. Pien Belmont 4(170 for elml'SMje-sjnjJ'a'-klng and orating The Jehn RheaaS Ce. Lancaster ave EtoMJ5JLaj:klnaIeiins-.r'HrpetC,lean Ing MERCANTILE win-house. cl"in aa V'"ir hem: cheap rates for n'r spac. Alkt. 17.. I. Jee Blelltzskv,10jg-2j2L An"'X!i" - PACKING 1.0N'0-n;BTANPK MO VI NO WALLACE 2r,3 CIIURCII LANE. OTN FOR SALE OFKIl'lI ri'H.N'ITI'Iin Orentest assortment of slightly used detlts. Illes. tables, chairs partition, telephone booths, fireproof sarei end ether comph'te enulpment nf pery de de errlptlen eer oil. red In l'lillanelphla Spe cial mention of n Inrae double-ileor tlrepioef snfe nllli burnlar-piu.it mun"V chut Inside, used bv pasmnsier at IIek Island I his nmlerlil Is all In splendid lundltlnu and Is reaseiinhl) priced Ne xtru ihui.'e for d llierv or shipment ' i irni rjSi. m 1 1 a ndji ci no n wee n CLOCii, chlmlnif, nnheeunv. wonderful lene perfect timepiece Kieat map te eulcl buyi-r. Ter appointment evenings or Sunday, call Wyoming 1'0..l OlTKIl fresh ilpe pfneiipples. nlcelv packed Hat crutes I'l t"i' trale (ash with order iiiK oreci:ry whop. lllarln llle. H (' UIAMOS'I) RINO. Iad's. le'imtlful pint Irm.n nieiintlnn about '.' rirnts bliie-uhlie dli iiiind will sacrltlci fei 1S0O J' HI . Ltdser Of lie S'choel Desks KW $3.50 CHAIR HXCIIAN.li: Cur Mxth and Vine. OntFiRK CONflJNTrl of lO-roem huuse must beH)ld 1H00 I'lirltsld" ll(ILIAS'l) hel-iMit.r belber. sult.hln for 8 story house A-lcnnd l7-'l LedOff TVIT. presses and cutters: blr tiamulns lli I'rlntr' Mnptilv 1 q ,-..h st. HAKKS, flrepr closing out SO ullirhtly used " all sles. sH les malies 70 X 1'mirth. CARPET CLEANING " Telephone Kenslneten 2441 21S1 S007 QUAKER CITY CARPET CLEANING CO. ll!i tn 113T l.ast Columbia aieuus Cleaning and Dyeing ... i, ,i u., (blentjl and domestic rue if fttltl ti,I.if i'.hmur uinmiri iiuilie- , '.I , ,,,su i s liliinuetH curtains Damp Wash Laundry WALLACE is. mi .v jeni i cut'iteii lv.m: etn TYPEWRITERS AND SUPPLIES YOU CAN IIAN i: uur old tsi-wrltcr of hiiv malie .iM'ihniiK'd or ribullt te run like new fei a small consideration Themas J W ii Hh 100" H -'-1' ' LAUNDRIES IJAMP WABII wuntid, 80c 1 Ik bats, work aiiiraiiteed send pestnl 01s N l'lth REALESTA-XK FOR 3ALE cir SALH OR RKNT 2313 RIDGE AVE. TIIRKn-hlORY stera end dwelling lelnu Impreied eliclrkltj ml be njter SAMUEL COLDER i",:,;;'. V - IfclS - Tr46. pilIlllHIlllhlPi""1"""'"""""' in U'mmy we Nfiicra. WHiT HO MCT BCFeGe. - rAWTHP.wJ S 1.1 KYA C2J1C3LL-7 iThg. GfMi-Era- tt&Ee-', r f -Z -sL ma m iPJ r. n w XZ Ut i i " MwaaBm 1 I iiil Phene, Spruce 0897 m I & V. A E i PW Price $4000 $500 Cash BIO" block Ardlalgh st , Germantown, 2 story po-eh dwelllnBs, terrace frunts. 0 looms and bith, heater lctrlcltv. newly papered minted lnlrte and outside, Ini rnedlntu KieHeslen ene square east of Chelteii av Sample Houses. 5549-5551 Atffnt en premise or ul'plj te EDWARD F. McPEAK anal ritwiCFem, ami KENSINGTON 07'1 OR JAMES F. SMYTH jia.i KE.si.NO'iri i;. IaKNIINOTO.N 417U IMMEDIATE POSSESSION , 1010 W Hunt n. ' II M V Oih l 11000 ai iiv JO'.OO 21.44 N Mtll si ;70l, 19U1 Wfslmer ,1 15200 -,4.i'. N fltti st 10500 i iviendihin , .ie.h a it ,are.i sr i.nwndiie isnoe' umr n' mil ei iwhie 1012 U. lau III t.Ul.ll. 1 1 1 1 N 7th at I2,W. JH1 N llth st tli.tr.e lull N li.irln J-TiOiM tin Wlndrlm I70iiii I 12.M W Klrth J3000 ' DONNELLY & SUESS H1I LIRIIUII AVB TIOO 77C4 I iiiiitiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiniiiiiiiiuiiiitiiiiwiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiii 3000 block tiaiipliln si ii.'iiii IiIikIc limit He M '.' I (ill lilm'lt M 'Hat at 3 23ue l.lei k N Heward st -a J.'OO bleik W I Irlh st 3 18U0 hleck MsiWr si H WATCHORN 1! ! 302 RIOOK AF. il t Ul P II I !!l riWill I J I IH 1'SLH liniEllllffil'iniilfllllllWWltlU'lIK 1928 SANSOM ST. 334 SOUTH I6THST. Paul H tStuil. MerrU IlMff Hpruc 1021 AUn see inliertUemenlf In sin ill tj(tr. In .fnlleulinc uIiiijiiih. llurlniww lrnuprtlet nml Sterf-i ' SANSOM ST. WEST OF 17TII ST. LOT n'.'xll.l TO RKVR STRKKT I 0" I :.. I ON HA'II.Hr.U"10RV '1KR.MS JAMES D. WINCHELL 1TTII ASL .SXNSOM Sl'-i ' i Uu ttr uilfrll-.iMiu'nirt In hinall Mue In fellow lug ufjiiniii. ltrtnrlri Wureheuippt Munufarlurlnir I"1oer FACTORIES iihnuses. fliers factor slts J. L. Stevenson & Sen Land Title IlldK Factories, Warehouses & Sites J I. HI! I'ATTON'. Lincoln Rldj- Alse see ntllertls. inenN In emlll type In folltenling .eltiiuns. 11 lT I'llll tlll.l.l'llll r Overbioek Section rnitKiiL'i i i m I-, is il ti 1 sii.rv M'lnl-i'efd h I i-tlenie 0 (bam. hers and . inmlMti b he laiwe looms, alt In ;ie"f( i nrde sn i h'". expnsute oen een tlll heal Im Insul wmli i t 1 7 CATk cur ai.iuke 4 I , JAJ i bedrennitt if ii i iki ill int litsul perch are iiiitslatidina f 1'iifs uf ibis wnll. buiii, HpncifeiH up it, lime tinnS home price 4 I ". JW in m:i m t in s 4lx rooms utitl il Imtb amuse clege In i ars $Ssrt srn di: i m iir.n Ihliuv reidem e 5 iIiiihiih ,iij '2 h.ilbs ibnieiialilf n I, i u J- I A Cflfl are i Il tille. JiV,JW I P W"l ll'l I I ItKW x . sheet hulne ll i.itriis iitil " t. hath well il;i nn-.l i.uti i .tint H, It II II HCf Francis J. Lambeit pn III I st lii I l I I I I III I S I, .'111 si I e n nit 1777 I. II. t ti J I Illiniums I'reiiertles utid stur-s giii!iiiiii:iii'iiiii:niiii inn iiiii'iiiiiiiiiii iiiii i m'liiii i wvm ( a i uini West Philadelphia's Newest g Business Development S NEW STORES AND I APAlTMENTS 52d & Chester Avenue . M Y I I Ll'l il V . ."ItM-Iti Vn iilitisiut ti 1 i Imillv H WM. M. KNATZ, INC. p llu I II NM lll IS, I -I - K "Ihirnunl 17111 H Miiuiuiiiiiii iiniihiu wiiTiiiii.1 iitii'i mill ii iii iiii.'iiuin. nu ii'j uiiii fi Hareld Se, Bte..16. s yaee. QSerneji' Hal A r-iME. C!ifi 2f a'rudMV heuj PsTe V;inde "TlllteUJCCS L'S To Te CiRTUG?1 T7 trV? ,'?ll RFPeJ Is"3 34 SOLD ONLY 10 LEFT ' ' " of these wonderful little homes 'we are offering en Hertter St., at Germantown Ave. (6600 North) They are being finished for the purchnseis and we feel these advance aules speak volumes as te the excellent values offered. i $500 Cash .will purchase for you one of these thoroughly modern homes, and your total monthly carrying chnrgcVthereafter will be considerably less than rent. See Them Today! Smnttm&'Bnvvvi ISOcVII UBERTY BUILDINO,' BROAD A CHESTNUT RIVAT1 BRANCH rXCHANOB.'LOCUST 7IO0 liirjiiiimiiiijiimiiiiiffliiffliiinii piiramraiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiIniiniiiiiifiiiiniPiii'HiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.i Special Offering of New Hemes at Wynnewood In this beautiful, highly restiiett-d resulcntinl community we offer n large selection of beautiful homes just being completed. Tim choice of (IpsIrii location nntl prl.e n nrl)tl thnt It will urey pay you te lnjject tlieie plac'M b.fKf. iIili.IIhk ftnywher Full particular with i -t t --1 - -3 ISOS'll LIBERTY BUILDINO, BROAD Sc CHESTNUT' PRIVAT BRANCH H(CHANOSLOCUST 7IOO buuunniiumimniirmuafnuiigJiiiitmgiinii'naiiH niTiimmixtiiniLiMbjJinjutiimiriiinni.rii'jana miHTiMiiniii'i.irnmiifnii luiJijiMuniiiumjnpmiHUttnniiiiMtinniiTnnuTtumirrmTfS GENTLEMAN'S 27 ACRES Oht. .r n f iMiti ft nnl most Vt iiifnut" "e riillh(lrhtn i i.ii iJIrwi 'Jrt .iri nf ' reu nil 1 hih f oeillnno lar?e Ihmih lntHt ririeninrfi lar't ni,n). hhrilwniril ihroeirno J loom, br"t tt wfttrr huilnir hihI Jprtririu (JuiiiKt-' 1ieu"h MfiU nth i tmtbuilhn ditiiblft tenant 'ikum UII.I lsi:i.h Vi KSISJICO Oil t'NKniUsm:D ) m nhkih imrnHlfl'fl te jiiili Wuiihy of ihw-UKutiuri. i'lani enj partli ulvri RINGE & RINGE, 929 Chestnut St: IMlILADIil I'lllA I'A NKSIIA.MIS TVI.I.H T"e iBOATliV issssssssBsT Jy s SsSBBSktSsSBSk 4 TiligJI ii lrrfli FERGUSON'S NESHAMINY FALLS $50 UP BUILDING LOTS $50 UP I III. I I II I I. I'-M HAM K 1 sl unlade of tbu llAlLIUHI I II ui, s. 1 Mil' t.l ta Yini tuuld own 3 lets and s buniialen fm ivhst n lynui 1 net ou Im" en for 1 )i SeKlisrnliiv I alls hi il en en ureuuil- je enis ruiuniutaunn from Resdlnf lermlrai 1 hree ineie nrt nbiis opened "hole,, rl-rn. ,, ,, ,ellr , utinn ind crelc. l-'EHOrsON. FRONT AND YORK STS. ,, JTisae IV it nn .ibllKOiu... ". m- . ' ..men.i is rait Mi ill -i 1 me flee bu Il el Name . ... of KeiKiHun a Mulldinc le'i and Ilsne or billutalewa llies 1, M',sr i'iiii. Mir.i. nil MODERN HOMES HI, l I. riNANCHU Pemberton Realty Ce.. 112 H 'nil MSI' u-imni i'l ."-'I iPPV TI. I 't P M Mm eee ndierllsemnts In snnll Him In fiillewlnr inliiniiis til. Mil ONE LEFr 5617 FAIRHILLST. llitaiitlful -' nten house Just rtn Isln ti teri lilt, I I It l't I rove meat II It, i tils baltl etltl In eleeed pinch birBe lul thrills lu suit el'flt till l an I W nines d fleni I i , ft tttlmr 1 us l ul l elriln nil Jll.-l.l II I I t 1M N 'elt l.iiiittlti lihlw $6400 E..cl i N-w IwomIei brick I tri Ii n het-wator heil , luc si bui rlaht off tlie pi in- l.e it 1 OLNEY REALTY CO. Villi N ."III SI i.illiliia .' 5606 N. 7TH ST. M rwuin nl bnlh het wi,tt 1 i .r I ! li.'.hiH let .W1J" I--1 'iir uf fi " idv nrrnt.il !i"i n r tuin nnd ' l API I ARROW REAUIT CO. . ,. ui vn w t(i hee mHf rlUt menl In tiimll p In felluwliif iuliiiniii Forgets; Lillums Frets Ceu G&c., Haix core. Te ,ic NAy eeret3if&-N6-.5- mb. ftLupys Dees - fiur e Uisui wPifci iluraray V " Aa. . NEEvOwS-HfsN!illl A BftfK TnPrF rfW5' , H, rVt fi s mkM N - . . . .v COUNTRY ESTATE AT SACRIFICE up te .! In int,rut hmcJ- iriMii rn In hti'1 tnilli' nirvlr QIXJXIAX .MANSION ir.ii Mropthrei In ath HUtbl-" hnrnfi rhl Ken N ' -II XMIN V l't.f.H BATHING FISHING . .'." 'Jf,Wf -'' I'l-R iiesril aNU and lei u lake ii up sfter wer I. (Hi . LOGAN 1 niiw Iuim n m I.'f a numbx t h rne-at il lr j l i; nnd ;i slot' nepeuf, with nil Muni, n lTnproem"ntH i onven enven 'M tu i-'iin nf trelle liuumiliiMp pet nw-iHlen ut r nin i an Iiv lnn nipolnr nipelnr mrriM can lit ni n tn niiik ln,peritten eT hoi!. ill ttr,, tirnt W. D. CHAMBERS IM 1 liROWJisI 1UMI.MS 0732 Ise sc IlllHTll-l'tlU'lllS III SIIIUll t)P tn 1 1 llnulne . Illllllllls I'CSNsl . M . HI RHW fP HI'. ill aI I1 Kith &i i I. nil !'! b- I .ul I 1 i d'-ep - ' J t' " . f.ls mcintb .tin lntlH 71 ft fl, tit l"i II nsh "7,"ill Nt n el tk ii- 4 l Iriii.tns Oil ll I kill I I I Ml II il-i-ll li.'.i'il I i Ii I i ,. , h i nrujt l I I tJlNKIe niHi Im 4 bei1- l turns deii Ifl II.' llllii -iiii, , i ,1 kiiiih rt)Oms , , , , , etitru ..iiiii. M. 'inn iiil-iitjniriilt ti I bedrooms !.' ,'iiu hiiikIv atom Mine let. ed hmlii l I tun ' or Hiii! I 1 1 ill ins shmver III Mill tingle all Mime ll bedrooms II mil Mnijle til stunt llle ifrl 'tt'ii .'tiui,u rKw I ii i tit JiHillli H ui tllielil , koed In lestlut nt V I I I n Mi l LAI I'll V N V i . Tllih Market Sis I .ih i ,w .'ii, i ii,n eiss until .10 "' I !" ll'l ell dsi Sunday hiiehki.im: Is seu ii hi. ml cbt.tibni tlln reef iii Oiiiilji,' IM mi Slnule I bidroems I2S0O t .ih tiliiiliretl II "iiil -tiimiH ktene nunncti II I ,M ti lnln m ms In. lustd perch, . i ens, i ii II. 'im iiiikI. b.iit eine carase II ' .inn slum, ,,t ,'ti.i feet (1 bed lOOinS h 11.11,'H I I I Miu Slnvle " Ifireiiiiia let 7S f 'Ot fliHH ll I 'iiui i ornre biimrslfw type, 4 lilieiims 2 baths ttllllll 1 I LA ICHY s l t 11 iti'li und NlJiaet sts iiii.i nin. .1101 iiimh,. U' until 8 30 tti 1 107 and all tin riundai "1 i)iii:.i:i. 1111 1. liimil Heiiil ileluh.d het . water heat deeii let Slimm Hlnule neu Ihernuilily med IOJOii 1'erriei llnancel ail.Miu Twe nnd en half stj slnsls Ii.Iiiii SltiKle net IheruUKhly med $1 I 110.1 tlnal. slune. 00-lmu front ll ItedroeuiM 1 17 Vm Mimle stunt, obi shade J. t ar tfniatfM t A I I'LR M,i LAI PUT S W Cm Tlllli 4 Market Sn I .iimdimiie 'JiMll Opi'ii ei us until 8.30 West 1107 and nil dm Hunday ! IM-'L-ir j vl 1 WMIIIIHIMM -;f I p j MAIN I.I.S'i: siiburhnn nstate- 11 I . ''I I L't iiill-s in I'hlbi , Jin acres, sleck , I (3 furm or jrntlHiuan's country home rfl g or would make Ideal uelf course, S I n rellluj i,rnund, weeds and walsri J if ' m Inr ire iranslen t.euin and IS smaller V' i houses I am with, stalling for 00 , head nf slncki prlca Inn, M TU. 1 I lidaT Offlv. v, I is .tie 74 1 W m i 3: 1 l' I 1 I 1 1 am .tVH 3 Mvi sr A V- ve ,