te;if mmr-t SiVt t-mKrr,vi:T, w Srrt Ky e vw' 'V X mi f I ' IE OFFERINGS OF OILS ON CURB Uarlera in Croup Off Sharp Fractions Upturn In Magma: Copper jftw Yerk, Sept. 11. The Curb mnr tt oVctepcd nn Irregular tone After At eptnlng. especially in the All Mutrcs which, were offered" rather freely. Standard Oil of Indlnna yielded mere thin 11 P0'"1 na Kentucky, Interna- 'ilenal Petroleum and Imerlnl Oil of Canada were off sharp fractien1, ulmbel Brethers nes under pond support at n nbatantial upturn, while H. II. Macy ijrinird mere than n point. Duraiit Itvuss were frnctlenrtllv lower. Cities Service ndvnncrd It point", nhlle a geed demand wart shown (or Mmi Copper at nn upturn of sere t.en a point. INDV5TBIAM lAem Ceal lSW ACRI4 Packlne . . . . ItOAmtr Li(ht 100 Atlantic Fruit .... sMBKlyn City Rr.... MOO Ruddy Huda IN Of Light tee I'hinee Nipple . . . sje Cleveland Aute ... fM Columbia Emerald. TmCw solvents ''A". I6 com Solvents ;rr, 4CnUr Tin Fell... MOO Cent Melen BeODurent Malar ... . Toe jpurant M of lnd . JOO Gardner Meters... SOOfllmbel Bres ieniftt 8 n 1MOIn Alden Cel... fAOAaeldwyn Picture! . 100 urini .iu.'r . High , 7e . (As Me : Stt :el row 42)4 ism 4n in 12 EVENING PUBLIC LEDGERr-PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1922 ! : ! s r- r 100 St Law Feldspar. 10H 10 iei 107 10T 107 STANDARD OILS 200 Angle-Am Oil .... seu lu Buckeye P I.....:: 5a' lOOalena Signal ... .mi Ma&'E1"4.. Can.lllU Ml 20't nn 88 11.1 ideMiZATAtWVl'iU m... ??.. 411 man Oil of N T...4A2 480 482 lOVacuumOtl 472 472 472 INDEPENDENT OILS anne Allied Oil SH ,len Wyoming.., en, i.w urn com un lrtoecarlb Bynd . 14Q Cities Service .101 200 Cities Serv II rtf ?iik lOOCItles Servbe pref Tfl'J 80e OOOO Engineers Petrel . . "On 100 faulty Pate pref.. 14S 20OIdrnl Oil iX 10O Ulenreck Oil .. .. 11, POOO Hudsen Oil 17r 2000 Int Petrel 2214 lilOO Keystone. Ranger . 47c 2l)0Clt,ea Serv 11 pf.. 8H no Onlf oil 380 100(1 Livingston Oil .... 2e 200 Llvlngstn-i Pet .... 1 1.100 tonne Pole OVi 100 .Merrill Oil 814 8im Mountain Preil ... 11H 1700 Mutual Kef 10 2e j." t en 2m 800 New England Fuel 71", 100 Nncn Oil 2. luwiemar un 300 Pennock Oil . . . Mieii It'll nanke tee Halt Creek Pred tOOSftpulpn. Kef .. 18IHI Shell Union vr 1 nun Blmmi l'et v'A 80 80c Sft 201 31 70"i ldc 147 A 1'k 17e 32 47.1 8V4 87". 12c 1 ARC v It' 9 24c '85 'S?: J -J'. 1A J' 8a 8"c 86 201 21 Ji "Ota 211c Ml 224 473 nu r.se 120 t OBc ftV 14V4 104 78 i 01, ae I (1000 Armour A Ce 7...104?i lOOO Ati UUlf W I 81. 8WU 1000 iieth ateti 7i. '23. .leeU 2O06!ltth titeel 7,, '35.1014 00U0 ctn Mat rty ei 7. lit 20OO Cent Hteel N, le7 2(100 CltHi Serv 7i U.. tlrti 1000 Cel Graph 8e ctfa 80, 4000 Cent (la, lUlt Ce.,lU2S toeo I'em Power ei.,.00U WK Cep Exp 8. '24. .102 tiiiOO Deere ft Ce 74e.,102!4 1O00 Kmp n A O ns.,,101 2000(Ulfnn M O 7e...l08U .1000 arey A DaMi 7I..100 82000 Oulf Oil 71 104U 00O0 Inter n T 8 08 4OO0 Mclede Om 7,.. 102, 80OAMBtn. Cep 7 ...110 1000 Mnnltet 1'ew 7.. B'J 1O00 Merrli A Ce 7H.l08S 20(10 Am l.lht ll uw.lOl 8000CltlM Herv l. I00'4 1(1000 Netl Acme 7Ua..100 floeo Net leether 7e...idO lOOiietli Hteel 7'4e.... 0.1 loenftPuh Hr N 1 7a.. 104', JOOOllebt (lair 7a 88' 8000 fleara.ltna 7e. '23.102 200(1 Hlmuaneen In ...10(1 104ft SDH 100H 8), 101 111 107 I02U te i02U 101.. JiwV 100,, 104U 1024 1I8U ien1, llll 85? 1U2 Mil 10 luun 018K 111 01 00 80 10'Jtt no 102, lllf-fc 103U I'".. loll "?.. leii 119 HI! ten!, 101 10" Vi ioe 101 102 ion. lOOOBeuth Pen 7a . ,t08W 108U 103 100O0 H e N Y 7a. '27. 0Vi 10114 H'nv! ; ON' Y 7a. '28. .107"? 107 1074 !"n2" J1 c' T.'21.101i 1014 1014 21)000 Swift A Ce 7,'81.1034 103 101 BOO Bouthern Htatea oil 10 ATOMTexee O iuk) Turmen . . 2100 Wllux Oil A L,. 04c 14 3 'elt 184 62a 'A 11" 04c lfi MINING 280 230 40Herte wni toner I.leht nr UOA C A O rleMi ref. lean Kuppenhelmer. (no n 1 nf.Mth Valley 804 3H " ,oeA 87 loon Kuppenhelmer pf.101 40O inter Runper enfl tHleh Ptrr 80(1 Mercer Met v r,H 8a 2011 t . . iu lOOMeaaW Iren....... 114 Kn i x ifil prvi iuiih 1 10 Philip Merrla ..... in JflOPub etrv N 3 preMOO 1 (OORadle pref 8 A MOI fehulte Stnrea .... 88 irtOTechnlral Pred ... 84 iaT.nn r. rvrr 14VI lOMTlmken Rell Bear. SOU I0UB h A H ll ' jne un rrer nnar new loeern lti canny.. ., wWavne Ceal . . . . 100Wet Tnd Cen. 1M Willy Cerp ... .. MMJluey Ce 100 iv C nref. . . . JieMIHIken Traclftr IMV T A' n rlthta. tlM Prima TUrile .. . 74 7 7 . fl'i ei n; . 8'i 84 at; . 70e "Oc 70c . 21 21 21 .107 107i 107S . at :'i .2 2 1 . 14 14 1H 4c 4e tc 84 8H as 21 24 24 1 14 14 14c lta Ite 63n 81c tic 4c 4c J" 24 14 24 42c 42c 42c 14 14 14 24 24 a 4 mc lflc lne ir.c ISc in 2c 2r 2c 2lc 20c 20e 14c t8c 13c B2n 1c f,2e tic 8c 8c 1,1', 134 184 34 34 34 B4c 80c Rile 34 100O Am Cem 10OAJai-Ur Cel ... 200 Ansle Am 700 Am Explerat .. 7000 ttett A Montane 2000 neatnn Ment (.one. b3n 14000 Canada Cep 400 Canarle Cep 8000 Candelarln. M . . . 200 Cortex Sliver . . . 200 Creeeen Celd . . . !00 Divide Extension . . 1000 Kl Salvader .. 81100 Emma Silver . . . . 10(10 Kureka Creesua . . MOO Kertuna linn Geld Det 1000 bold Zena 1400 Heiilncer 200 Howe Hound ... . 3400 Independ Ind . . . 200 Jereme Verde Dlv. 400 Kerr I.ak 2000 Cerk Trevlnce . . lene Dein Oena 2OO0 old Deep . . . . 2000 Henrietta Silver .. nnne Red una nor . . loon Send Kendall 8000 Hllver M of Am innn Tonepoh Ovpay flu. 700 Menma Cep 400 Micon Valley R000 atlenal Tin . . . . 8000 Nevada Ophlr . . 1100 New Dominion ... 80O Nlplaalne- . 4700 Ray Herculea . . . . 6000 Rex Cena 1O0O Recheeter Silver . . 1800 Teek Huahea .... 10400 Tonopah Divide . . BOO Ten Ext cx-dlv . , 000 Tonopah Mln 2ne United Kaatern . . 100 United Verda .. . 4000 1Veat End C ... . 300 Yuken Geld nONDS lOOOOAm T.lslit T H...07i MT'( inneAmTcins -22.. loe me inenlm Tel 0s, '21. ...101 mi 20O0 Anaconda Cep fla.1024 1024 1 40e 4c 70e Oc 8c Mr 2C ll 20e 41c 4c 07e nr 3c 14c Si 20c 4nc 4c 70c 0" 3a 14c 2C 814 324 884 14 1i 1 20r 27c 21c 22c 21c 22c 84 84 34 e'l n4 U 14 14 14 1 Oc Oc Oc iac IRc 18c 80c 88c S8c 80c 8flc S7c 24 8A 24 2A 24 24 14 14 14 2 20 20 A 1A 1A 30c 00c nec 107 inn 101 10.14 21)00 Tidal Oaaxe 103 iuuu un tin rreil M...10I 700O VaUerlne 7a .... OflS 4?en9JjM Elcc 7 ...1084 2000 t 11 T 8a ctfa 0.1 2u00 U B Rubber ,... 004 rORKKlN neNi 7, 103 1"1.. 034 108' 1014 lOIVi J4 4 ll4 004 004 ier. mi unK 10h, 108-H (t lUh BliOO Arcentlne iuuiioe iteriin ta loeono llremen 44 ii 3S0OO Cun S S 7e 1OO0 Klnr Nether Sa.., 1000 Kin of Serba 8a, 1004 1004 100, liic J.tC .c 20' U4 88c en 004 064 84 8Sc Oil 0(.1 BiY, j 8a.,.100Vi; 100U 16J4 FIRE MORE BLAST FURNACES 21000 Rep of Tern .siude nwiaa uevi 1BVI JOOU b Mex 4a Improved Ceal 8upply Parmlta Re Re aumptlen In Youngatewn Dlatrict Younfrtewn, 0., Hept. 11. A marked improvement in cenl supply, permlttlnc the resumption of mere blast furnaces and ether units, was announced today by independent steel opernters here. The nrlcr Hill Steel Company will start Its third blast furnace today, and the Trumbull Cliffs furnace will resume Wednesday, bringing iron production up trt 60 per rent of the YoungNtew n district's rated rapacity. Other re sumptions are expected alw among the Itepublic Iren and Steel Company's furnaces. With fuel conditions improving all the by-product coke evcnH of the Imcr Hill Steel Company, the Itepublic Iren and Steel Cempnny and the loungstewn Sheet and Tube Company are expected te be eperatlni? tomorrow. The Tlrler Hill plant ulll then be working nt vir tually 100 per cent. All the blast furnaces new In opera tion, with one exception, are Retting their fuel from by-product coke evens, showing that the snertnge of Connells ville coke has net been broken. Uncommon Sense : Lending te Tomorrow Or JOHN HLAKE EVE1Y hour w from tomorrow. astcd is borrowed Every extra hour well cmnlered te day is leaned te tomorrow. Tomorrow la a hnrd creditor, but it is a reliable borrower. It always pays geed interest for every lean made te It. THE hundred-thousand-dollar man who exists In surprisingly large numbers is drawing Interest en leans like these. He was pnld In his youth for the eight hours or the ten noun that he spent en his job. But he was net afraid te invest a few mere hours in the future. And these hours, like bread cast en the waters, have returned many fold. A friend of the writer's was em ployed up te the time lie was forty yearn old aa an engineer for an lin- fiertant company engaged in the build ng trade. Mr work was purely that of an en gineer, and he did it competently and successfully. But he was net content te work for n salary. He wanted te ertn a business of his own. Te dn that he knew It untild be neceianry te knew mere about business methods than his engineer's training hnd taught him. S h HE spent his nights etudylng business, and his extra hours In cultivating the acquaintance of impor tant business men and asking them questions. Most successful men ar? glad te talk te Intelligent Inquirers. They make no secret of their success'. Having learned something about busi ness, this man, at n sacrifice of sal nry, went into the business end of (he same concern. After a year or two he found a small filant, bought It en credit and conducted t se successfully thnt he made It a big plant and himself a big man. TODAY he Is merethan a hundred-thniiHand-dollar-a"yeer man, and deea net work overly hard any mere. The time that he leaned te tomorrow Is paying about 2000 per cent Interest. It was a pretty fair Investment In his case, aa it will be In the case of any man who has the pluck te make the sac rifices and the intelligence te make the right sort of leans. CepyrieM. till A LANDLADY TO TIIE NATIONS In Waahlneten there la a sentleneman who bullda ralacee and rente them te for fer elan embaeelea An account of "EmbaMy Avenue" appear! In the Meg-axlne Section nt the Sunday Pcsuc Lamia. "Make It a. Habit." 4fi. $3,500,000 B. KUPPENHEIMER & CO., Inc. (TO BE INCORPORATED UNpER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS) SEVEN PER CENT. CUMULATIVE PREFERRED STOCK Preferred as te Dividends and Asset Redeemable in whole or in part at $115 per share and accrued Dividends Under present 'laws shares free of Personal Property Tax in " Illiaeir and dividends free of Federal Nermal Income Tax On or before December 1, 192S, and annually thereafter, from out of surplus and net earnings, at least 3 of the largest amount in par value of the preferred stock that shall have been at any one time outstanding, shall be acquired by the Company by redemption or by purchase at net te exceed $115 per share and accrued dividends. Application has been or will be made te list both the Preferred and Common Stock en the New Yerk and Chicago Stock Exchanges. IN MBMORIAM KNNIB. MAntON CONWAY, wae called te Ged Sept. 11, 1010, age 17. MOTKKR. riKATTtn PARCEL POST DEBT. Sept. 8. CONnAD. beloved hua band of the late Dorethea Peat. Relative, and friend, are Invited te funeral eervlcee. Men i 1 JVM,, from hla late realdence. 12th at. nnd Valley read. Melruae Park. Int. prl vale, IVeatmlnaler Cem ..... 1UBHEU. Hent. , 111,1. V FRANCBU nilJIlim (ne Welnert) wife of l.vnn W Illeber. of 20 Ccdnrcrnft live., Aiiiuben. N. .1. Kunefnl services and Int. at llejernfurd, Pa, 11ITTLE. Sept, 8. 1022. .1KNNIE. dnimh ler of thn lete Wllllnm an I Jan initie, l'uncral eervlcea Men . 2 P M.. at Int" real (lento, 7 Eagie read. Mnnea, Uemum Ce., Pa. Int. Lutheran Cem., Ardrrere. Pit. neaas, Bept. g, Elizabeth m... wife of Richard K. liea-a. lielatlvea and friend;, alae Robt. Alerrla Chanter. Ne. 219. O. 13. B'SLadlee' Auxiliary.. Keran Urotte. Ne. 6L llv!?..10. aervleej. 'Iuee. 2 P. M.. realdence, 6748 Walten ae. Int. crhate. Frlenda may call Men eve. I1R1TT. ept. 10 JOHN 3. huaband of Mary C. Mrltt (nee Guckln). helalltea and rrlenda. alae Commedore Harry Council, ! 78, K. of C,! Hely Name Society. . V. il biiilallty pf the Acenalen C.iurch and all ether aec'etlea of which he waa a member, are Invited te attend funeral Wed.. t:30 A. M. from late residence. 822 E Tleat "t. Helemn requiem mala at the Church of Hie Aacenalen, 10 A, M. Int. Nw Cathediul tJp.AMPRFLt,. Bept. 10 HAWAII CAJIP- neuatrlal Heme for Ullnd Women, 3827 rJr'JS?,,".' ,nl rrnoed ('cm ..CAHSION. On Sept H. CHAtlLllS HCOH. i?.n.f uh und Man ('nanlen. aued 2 veara rJiWI1" T,u.l,ft- 1 1' SI., 'rem parenta' lealdcnce, (,02 jr. St. llernanl st. Interment fnvptfd Cemetery. llelatlea and friends hliAhK.5,ept. 8 1022. JAMES CLARK. Uvea and frlcnda. aln emnleve. of Dellnlare lnlted te aerUcea. Wed . 2 30 P. M.. late euant Tax Office and Garfield Club, are In- i.ldencc Edpe HIM read and llradlleld e . i w J'K"U rune-ai aervlcee, Men., is:u itnaivn. ra int tiiiiauie t.m NEW Hept. 7. ANNA, wile or iieerE" v New (nee lllle). ailed 0(5 Funeral Men . 2 P. M., reildeice. Mil Ceral et. Int. rth. woen Ceni NORMUCK Sept 0, AMANDA widow of Jacob Nerb'ck and daughter of the late lieerse and Catharine Myera Relatlvea and frlenda are Imlieil te attend funeral, Men., 2 P. M . late reldence 2008 Federal at tervlrea at Trinity Lutheran Church 18th and Wolf eta , 3 P. M. Int. Trinity Lutheran O'CONNOR Sept 7, NELLIE, wife of Dennla J. O Cenner and dauahter of Jehn and Ellrabeth Dneley. of Dunirarvln. Ceuntv Waterford Ireland, nved 3J yearn. Ilela tlea and frlenda alae Dlv. 30. L. A., A O 11 . II V M, Sodality, Invited te funeral. Men . 8 30 A. M . 2710 N. Garnet at Solemn requiem mana ht Cel urn be'. 10 a .M. int. Hely Sepulchre Cem. New Yerk paeera pleas copy O'tlKOAS.- Sent B. MARIA, widow of Jemea O Ilean Due notice of funeral from ler ten'a realdence, Daniel O'Rexan. Ocentz. rVe i;TrUe"denc?'tV40OON 'JaA ltelelS: I PVATrHRI.t.-ln Weat Chealer. P... en terment at Mount Merlah Cemetery. I B'P ,02s- KDWAnD W. PATCHBLI. , EDWARDM Sept. 0 ' IlMMA. wife of the I" '" Bftth, ear. ltelatlvea and frlenda. alan l?I? Hn 'iwarda. -fefmeMy of Bprlnafleld' l-'ena Ledge. Ne Oil. Until, T are In pel Ce , Pa. HelatUes. frlenda and family ilted te the aerv cea en Monday afternoon, imlted te funeral aervlcee. Tuea . 2 1", .11, , Sept. 11. at 2 o'clock (atandard time), from ?i V .?".'' feaiaence. Heward Edwarda, , nis late resieence. nui n. aietmck at. Inter- " "" v"-. n,. Tuea.. 8:30 A. M., from hla late residence, Uftl M. Iltr, a, fl.1,1 nml Mriter Sth.J, High maaa 10 A. M . St, Heae of Lima , (Jiiurcn int prlvn'e McCALL 3ent 8, SUSAN, wife of Wil liam McCall (nee Deuuherty) of 3017 Snrlnir Garden at. Kelutlvea and frlenda Invited te funeral. Wed., 8:10 A M from Jehn K llyrne (undertal ir), 3SI2 Hprlnw Garden at. High renulem maaa at St AgnthVe Clmrcli 10 A M Int llelv Ciebs Cem McCANN. At Atlantic City. N J.. .Kept 0. 1022, 81 ART ANN. blned wife of Cir- ncliua McCann (nee (I'Nelil) lielatlvea ana frlenda, alae Altar hecl'ty. League pf lh nacree neart, li v M seunntv are wii-,i te attend funeral. Thurs. 8 10 A M,. fiein her late realdence, BOOH Woodland vc Solemn requiem maaa nt St Frnnrla e Halca' Churih 10 A .V uriclaely Int Na' Oil I hed rn I Cem. MclAITIOAV Sent 10 CATHKRINTJ. nlfe of lute Dinlel .MiGatlinaii lielatlvea nnd frlenda United te funeral, Med ,8.10 A M,. from her late realdtnic 3S31) Mena yunk ate. Wlaaahltlten. Solemn rcnulem maaa nt St Jehn the lispllat Church, Mana Mana eunk. 10 A JI Int Weatmlnater tern McKANNAN. Sept. 1, 1022 HELEN W.. nlfe of William J Mclvannnn tnee rulteii) Funeral aervlces Men., 2 P. II preclaely. at her huabend'e naidenre, W, Van llpynl nve.. Hoxberouah. 'nt Harren Mill Cem. MrNEi'. Suddenly. Sept n. JOHN J. Mc NEY. Relative and frlenda, alae St Michael's T. A II. Society and Hely Name Society of St. Verenlca'a Church, are In vited te funeral, Tuee.. 8-30 A, M... frjim nephew', residence, William M'-Ney. (114 V. Mayfield at Hlah innai of requiem at Ht Verenlca'a Church 10 A. M. Int. New Cathedral Cem. , MILLER. At her residence . 4008 Bprurn at . en Hept 8. 1112.'. ANNIE Rt-'LC-V (laughter of the late William II. and Lllza Leth A Miller Serlcea en Monday morning, at 10 o'cieck, at M Mnry'a Cliurch inirl ninth and Lecuat sta Interment at Vvcod Vvced landa Cemetery , , MOtll.CY Sent. 10. EDWIN IE. hBAanl of Ida Eckert Mobley. Relatives. and frlenda OrUln-ter a IIKN'TAL HPrCIAMtTi of DR. MOSES (III. cl(T AIR" Method of Painted Extractiea of Teeth s.fe an aleen Ne ealn or dan- emr. JiLt the thin for nenml ueenle. Ne III effect, fellow l(a uae S. E. Cor. 7th & Market Stf. farmnrtv en aleiT "t prominent lletptlal .w LOST AND FOUND DetJ Leut, bridle bulldog, nnawera te n line of "Teddj" while around neck and hreaai spot en tail, r,uard Cill Poplar mill, et mil 12 IH JV 1 Ath at liiKIK liat, 2 German police deg piinple 3 months old, dark In color, male and fi'inale, nmule havlntr 2 uhlle hind fe-t Itewnnl If icturned te H U C 'lreir iViMaiirlnK. Iloaement I'a WATCH FOR Ixiat, HnturdaiT geld watch fob, Maaenlc and fraternity emblems, re ward. A f.OJ, I.eiUer Office GI.ASSEH. tortelaa ahell. fiHtli A Wdld. av It. w I! JO "vji1 HELP WANT 'p: ' FEMALI; fPFRATORB wanted In work en coats i geed working condition Apply the Hnelllngburg Clothing Ce., Bread and Wallace sta. leat Sat, night N. lllh. 2d n 11ATEAC Lest, green bateau nt Delalr. Re ward 313 Master al Phene Kens 1,13.1, HELP WANTED FEMALE RON RON DIITER eelllng experience. P.) 311,1 Woodland experienced, alae with mu,t be neat, geed e P. M , at hla late residence. 1144 Frankfi "" - crivaie. !:3Q erU i'r.ivn"tt m- 4.1 . . .. eii.1??2, JOSEPHINE, widow of William M twltth "."".J1'. Ralslites nnd friend, nr; Invited te attend funeral aervlces. Men . 2 I. M. (standard time), nt residence of hei sen-in-lsw, Alfred Ilewne, near Vlncentewn. N- '..'nt Mt. lleltv Cem. v..S9X,.-;8P' 10". WALTER C. hue- f Leretta Cox and son of Sallle and n,8, late Jehn C. Vex. aged 31. Relatlvea and friends, also Richmond Council. F, P. V : "..?.4ur Invited te funeral services Tuee . 2 30 P. M.. at hla late residence. .112.1 Salmen st. Int Oakland Cem Remains may be , Mewed Men . 7 te 0 P. M fc,,?V,J5 s" B' 1M. ELMER E.. husband of Dsrtha Deal. Service en Tuesday t..'rrne-?,'V at 2 o'clock, at the oilier If. prlvat " Chestnut at. Interment vPrMr,nPAT70n 8 'B"i MAROARET , nl(F.?i!AM ,n.'.s Carlln). wife of Samuel U I J DeOreat. IlelstUes ar.d'frlende are Invited te CAPITALIZATION Te be presently authorized $3,500,000 SEVEN PER CENT. CUMULATIVE PREFERRED STOCK (Par Value $100).... umeends payable quarterly, cumulative from Sept. 1. 1922. COMMON STOCK (Par Value $5) 110,000 shares Te be presently isaued $3,500,000 100,000 shares We summarize in part as fellows from a letter of Mr. Leuis B. Kuppenheimer, President of the Company, copies of which may be had from the undersigned upon request. BUSINESS In the year 1876, with a capital of $150,000, Bernard Kuppenheimer, together with his sons Jonas and Leuis B started at Chicago the manufacture and sale of men's clothing at wholesale. In each year since its inception the business has operated at a profit, and with the exception of the original amount paid in, all of the present net worth has been accumulated out of earnings. In addition, since 1911, when the business was incorporated, it has paid out in dividends te its stockholders a total of $2,247,000. The product of the company reaches con sumers throughout the United States and many foreign lands, where there has been established geed will and a high regard for "Kuppenheimer Geed Clethes." MANAGEMENT The actual management and control of the business of the new Corporation will continue in the hands of these who created its success in the past. The manufacturing operations are conducted in five work shops, all located in the City of Chicago, in which there are about 4,500 employees. These shops are of the latest and most approved types and equipped with machinery and fixtures of the latest design. SALES AND PROFITS The Net Sales of the Company for the five years and six months ending April 30, 1922, and its Net Profits before deducting Income and Profit Taxes paid, but after giving effect te Taxes at 1922 rates, as certified by Messrs. Price, Waterhouse & Company, Public Accountants, have been as follews: Tear Ending October 31 1917 . 1918 . 1919 , 1920 . 1921 . Six months ending April 30, 1922 Net fifties $ 7,885,175.96 10,828,050.84 11,176,573.81 23,879,822.56 M.573,957.39 8,186,231.64 Net rreflta before deducting Income nnd Preflsa Taxes paid but after alvlnjr effect te Tajcea at mflcates $ 537,738.30 1,235,895.16 568,230.97 1,613,125.87 690,873.56 200,069.63 The Net Profits for the five years and six months ending April 30, 1922, before deducting Income and Profits Taxes paid, but after giving effect te taxes at 1922 rates, were at the rate of $881,078.82 per annum or ever 3Vi times the annual dividend requirements en the total issue of $3,500,000 of Preferred Stock. The Net Sales for the six months ending April 30, 1922, amounted te $8,186,231.64 as compared with $5,727,283 for the corresponding period in 1921. Net Profits after deducting Income and Profits Taxes for the six months ending April 30, 1922, were $200,069.63 compared with Net Profits after Taxes at 1922 rates of $53,710.25 for the corresponding period ending April 30, 1921. All legal details in connection with this issue will be subject te the approval of Messrs. Sullivan & Crom well, representing the bankers, and Messrs. Rese & Paskus, representing the Company, and this offering is in all respects subject te such approval. Price $100 per share and accrued dividend This offering is made when, as and if issued and accepted by us and subject te approval of counsel. It is expected that delivery of the stock will be made en or about October 2, 1922, en two days previous notice, at the office of Geldman, Sachs & Ce., 30 Pine Street, New Yerk, N. Y., in the form of temporary stock certifi cates (or interim receipts) exchangeable for definitive stock certificates when prepared. We reserve the right te reject any or all subscriptions, te allot less than the amount applied for, and te close the subscription books at any time without notice. GOLDMAN, SACHS & CO. LEHMAN BROTHERS AMES, EMERICH & CO. MITCHELL, HUTCHINS & CO., Inc. The above information, while net guaranteed, has been obtained from seureea which wt believe be reliable. . - k : r - - 1hllat nM.ln. . Ka . - sir' JC " iiii t lies iim msi XIW?, !!." te 10 P M. Int. private i-e!l,.lf.e et "ward Ullleti. iu.Mn.v IL..e Dth ln,t- Funeral at convenience of arniiy. r.f,Il:iAu.i,.uV"llrfc.,s",, " AONES. wife rLMfJW Mlc.n? frnen (nee O'Kane). of ivJ,.".1 .U,r.ry' $'and. HelatUes and frlenda invited te att.nd funeral, Tuesday. 10 A. M . from her late realdence. 20.12 W Stella at. lfl0e,lVrsepumc"h,r;S, Columba, U A. M. Int. FISH. On Rant Q m4 wrr rtiw a hi ahand of Mayma E F,h. Relatlvea and friend,, also all aecletlee of which he was ?.rm .,r' Ve Imlted te the aervlces, en f.!ne,S?y f,,n",?n. - "'deck, at the ?nl.H. IVlr nla' ,82 Chestnut at Interment rrHate. FITZPATRirK S.pt 0 DEtlORAH. be !?J Mlf ?,f, -Jer'e J- Fltzpatr.ck. ReU. nl-lenu 'r"n1" l2 Kt A"' I-adlea' t.,"!'1 .BIV' .'mlted te attend funeral. Tuea, 8.30 A. M realdence. 40Oij Qrlicem St.. Frankford Solemn requiem maaa at St. Joachim's Church 10 A. M. Int. St. Deminic's Cem v-it'iy Wlldwoed. N J . Sept. 0. AN NIE, widow of Dennis Furey. Dua notice will be given from her late residence, 2501 3 Cleelnnd ave . OOLDT At Mt Helly. N J. Sent 0, 10.-2. HELLEN. widow or Wllllnm henry Oeldy. aged 78 Services at her late real dence. 80 Tine at. Int. Mt. Helly. N. J.. 7.uf .-.'. 'r- Idayllght-iavlng tlmel. Int. Uaptlat Cem. GRAHAM On Sept. 10. 1622 the Rev. JOHN GRAHAM. D. D.. huaband of Emma Mahaffey Oraham. Relatlvea and friends are Invited te the services, en Wednesday evening, at 8 o'clock, at hla realdence. 808 Highland ave.. Chester. Pa. Alse services en Thursday morning, at 10 Se o'clock, at the OIKer H. Ralr Hldg.. 1820 Chestnut st,. Philadelphia. Interment private ORIBHEN Sept. 0. WILLIAM, husband of Mary C. Orlbben (nee Connelly). Relathes and friends are Imlted te attend funeral Wed. 8 30 A M. lata realdence. College Farm, 8arlhmnre, pa. Silemn requiem maaa Church of Our Lady of Perpetual Help Morten. Ta.. 10 A. M. Int Cahary Cem.. Media Pa URINIIAM. Sept. 0 JAMES V . husband of Amelia Urlnh-im. RlatHea nml tilemls alae Union Aaaembly Ne 30, A O M I and empleyes of Nelsen Vahe Ce . are In lled te attend funeral ser1c-a Tuea. n P. M at hla late relden e 2117 N Cluil wick at Int. Arlington Cem. Frlenda may call Men GRIST. Suddenly. Sept. 7. at Stroud-, burg. Pa. ANNIE K.. wife of William H Orlat Servlcea Men , 2 P M . at her late realdence, 33 Mlllbeurne ave., Mlllbeurne, it est I'nua,, ,-a, HANSEN Suddenlv. at Moerslown N J.. Sept. 8 ANNIE C . widow of llei.iv A Hansen Funeral arlcea Men , 2 30 P M . nt her Hte residence. 84 E Central ate . Monreetewn N. J. Int private HARDING Suddenlj, Sept rt WILLIAM C , husband of Pmllne Harding (n-e Hnhiii and son et Samuel and Itahell Harding aitel 12 Relntie. and frlenda are Intlt'd te funeral servlcea Tuea. 2 10 P. M Utn residence. 3(13tt Appletree st Int Montrese Cem HARRINGTON Sept H. MART A . wife of Martin Harrington Relatnes and friends are imiteti 10 intend runrni. Tuea b te A M . from her Ute realdence nilfl E Uleid st. Germnnteuii. Solemn maaa of re qulem Immnculnte Conception Church 10 A. M Int, Helv epui-hr Cem. HART 'Sept. 10. JOHN 11 son of late Geerge and Rebecca Hart, need 72 Relatlvea ana menus are inwteii te funeral aervlces. ment at Oreenmeunt Cemetert PEIRCE At Santa hMrbarn California, en July 30, 1022. GEORGE TE1RCE, In his 7.1th ear. Funeral rerlres at Let Ne 73, Hectlen Y, North Laurel Hill Cemterv, en Wcdneadaj, September 13, at 3 P. M It Is requested that no flnwera he kent. PORTER.-Sept 8. 1022. MARY, widow of Jehn O Perter Relatives nnd frlenda are Invited te ntlend funernl. Tuea , 3 P. M.. from her son's residence Chnrlea A. Perter 110 E. Wlngohecklng st Int Greenmount Cem RAMEY Of Sharen Hill Pa. en Sept. 8. 1022. EDITH C RAMEY (nee Hawley). wife of Joeeph .11 Itamey Service and In terment private from the Oliver H. Balr Bide 1820 Chestnut at . en Tuesday. READ. At Gloucester. Mass. Sept, 7. Rev. WALTER GEORGE READ, rector et St Margaret'e Church Brighten, and for merly a realdcnt et this city, aged S3 ears HEIUrcil-llADES IARAII. wlte of Henn W. Relber. Sr (nen Ten Reeldence. 027 W Dauphin at Due notice of the funeral will be given. RHpADS r JOSEPH F RHOADS. eve apeclailat, en Frldnt Sept 8 at hla late residence. 1201 N 2d at.. Hnrrtsburg. Pa. Funernl Mendav Sept 11, at 2 P l. RICHARDSON (Nee Farr), Sept. 0. ELLA C . beloved wife of Walter Rlchard Rlchard aen Relatives and frlenda are Invited te attend funeral. Tueadnv, 8 80 A. M . from her late realdence, 2733 Jnaper at High maaa of req. 10 A. M Church of the Vial tatlnn 11 V M Int private P.OD1NSON Sept 8. EMMA T , wldevr of Samuel T Robinson Relatlv-s ar.d frlenda Invited te funeral Tuea, 1.30 P M,, Itts residence. 3J21 Mantua ave Int. Mt. Merlah Cem. ROSE Sept 7. G. PAUL husband of Reatrlce Rese avert 40 Relatives and frlenda are Invited te attend funeral aerv lcee, Men., 1 30 I'. M . at hla late realdence 20 Kathmere id . Ilroekllne Int. private. Hillside Cem iiUAri.UA euaaeniv. t.epi, n 1.EO, eon IIOOKKEEPER.STENOORAPHER Hlh echenl irrnduate preferred: established bust ncsa. centrally located, dealrea young woman ulih Initiative and ability te aaalat with boeka and train for executive poaltlen Ad dress In en handwriting, elating age, nx Inr!enct, references nnd salary desired, A 421. (ydter (Khce. CASHIERS N SNT-LLENIU'RO f, CO HAVE VACAN CIES IOR YOUNG 11 OMEN UP THE HET 'IER TYPE, PAST 21 YEARS Ol' AGE FOR CASHIER POSITIONS. APPLY ANY TIME DCRINO THE DAY IIUREAt' OF EMPLOYMENT, FIFTH FLOOR, SUL'1 II UUILDINO. N. PNELLENRURO A CO MARKET. 11TII T(J 12TH STS. CASHIERS Teunp women. 18 te 2.1 eara, with at least 1 jear'a blah school education are being consider, d a a (uehlcMnapoclers If ou hove ability te htndle figures arturatelj and nre Interested In being trained for i geed Mendy position. Apply Bureau of Employment WANAMAKER'S CHILDNURSE, vvlilte. Preteatant bntHcn 2.1 and 40, for 21 uctive girls 24 and -Pi enra, muat have ioed reference Phen Jlerlen 111.1, Tuesday afternoon and Wednea dav morning CLERK About 18 cra of age for malhematicM and clerical work In englneerlns department (live full Information ns tu education und UJalincatluns ADDRESS E B3 P. O I50. 3.100 CLERK Permanent ro'lt'en for 11 euns Udv in sales auditing department, must 1.0 Hbl te ungrate orieto teter reterncrs required. Apply Dcpt e Accounts B 1" l. vyes II.'.1 21 CIlNStnUt st CLERK Familiar with title and real vs tute business with refeien'.e. permuneui pusltlen 1 433 Ledger Offce SALESWOMEN WE ARE NOW SOLICITING APPLIC TIO.MS FOIt HA1.KSWHMRN OF T BETTER TYPE FOR THE FOLLOW1 DEPARTMENTS COATS SUITS GOWNS SHOES JEWELRY LEATHER GOODS HATE VACANCIES IN OTHER DEPART MENTS FOR DESIRABLE SALESWOMEN! PERMANENT POSITIONS AND LIRERAtj SALARY INDUCEMENTS TO ..THOSE POSSESSING THE NECESSARY QUALlI C1TIONS APPLY AT THE IIUREA1I. OT EMPLOYMENT. FIFTH FLOOR, ANY TIME DURING THE DAY N. SNKLLENIIURO A CO MARKET. 11TII TO 12TII ST8. SALESWOMEN LIT BROTHER REQUIRE S1I.E8 WOMEN FOR VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS. FORMER EMPLOYES WILL BE GIVEN THE PREFERENCE. APPLY BUREAU OF EMPI1YMENT 2D FLOOR, 7TH 4 FILBERT iSTS, SALESWOMEN There are a number of vacancies In our felling force which should le filled In ad vance of the senaen. we will be glad te consider theae who have had experience. App'y Emplnvment Bureau fourth fleer. OIMBEL BROTHERS SALESWOMEN for women a fin weiring apparel appli cants muat be women of refinement, plena lug perannalltj and aelllnrr nbllltv. Experience In meeting an exrluali. llnl la caaentlnl, these are exceptional epenlnaa for exceptional people Applj Bureau of Emplewnrnt WANAMAKER s SALESWOMEN. 23 te 10 unencumbered, experienced in Wftlfnre work preferred, for sneclal educational field, must have person ality nnd Intelligence. prmanent positien: heuld advance te "tecutlve work within 8 te .1 months if capable a grand salary and carfare te start See Miss Oilman 1212 Llbertv K'dg Tuesday or Meqnesdav CLERKfe In enlarging our delicti fcrre this fa I we will have some unusunlly Inter-c-ting penllins for girls with high school training with or without experience. Ver the Inexperienced girl this Is an op. pertunlty te start en a business career, earn ing while learning, for the girl with some business training It la chance te get wltn n large oreanlxatlon and earn a permanent position Come in new and get ncquninted We can "'if leu lh" k'1"1 "' w,irlt veu "k'" nd in which u con nake goej I,et us have veur name en our Hat ., ,., LiU(S PATTO.V Curtis Publishing ,'e he 4 Sansom si CLERICAL Centrally located trust rnm pnv cn use pervlcea of eung woman with knowledge, of real estate settlem-ts f,n7n1un1,d"y,n0l5r stenography preferred. DOES THIS INTEREST TOU7 Wed , M , ..... r..i.... ..... . Frankford Int. Cedar Hill Cem HAYNES At Woedatown. N. J . Sept. 0 ALICE, wife of Thomaa Hajnea aged 00 jeara Relatives and friends Invited te funeral service, Men, Sept. 11, 7 P. M , standard time at husband a residence Woodstown Int private. Fleaaantvllle Cem. PleaBintvllie N J. HENRY.-'Sept 7. JOII." C . husband of ,im imiw i.tituiTOui .irur. fv.uitives ann friend Cen re Invite 1 te attend funeral Men ai . irem nia siaier a reaiuence. Mra 0204 Dlckena ave Int. Mt. Merlah HIRSCIILEir Sept 10 KATIE. wlf nr Jehn HlrHchllen (nee usbhardt), Relatlvea art (rlendi Invited te funeral services Med 2 P M . late resldence. S74J N. 7th at. Int" private. Oreenmeunt. Remains viewed Tues "' HUMES Sept 7 1P22 MARY JANE wife of William Humes and daughter et Elizabeth and the late lames Slnsn. Rela. lives and frlenda ere invited te funeral aerv tcee Men , 2 30 P M . at her late realdence 2088 East Thompson st Int North Cedar Hill Cem. HUTCHINSON Spt 7 ANNA Mc CLEARY, wife of the Isle Henry Veilum Hutchinson and daughter of the late William U and Anna Maria MrCleury Funeral services at her residence. 5 Bala ave , Bala Pa , Hen.. 11th Inst., at It A M. int private KB-RK Sept 7. EMMA O w ulnw r,f ,h lets Harry E Lerk. Funeral Mnn . 2 i M at her lata residence OJII S nth , Int Oreenmeunt Cem. ' KESSLER In Les Angeles Cillf . Sent 0 after a llnaerlnir lllne I'.vhi rV .V' wife of J. Millard Kesaler nnd dnuu'ln..,-' the lale Lewis Haehnlen H.ER1IAN A . lielatlves nnd Carmen, of America and Cablnetmekers of Ihe lale Lewis Haehnlen KLEIST bept in, 1022 ipann nda I huaband of Merttm W Kleist trienea aiae i.uertv lieu Ledge Nn MP, Hei,t PI Car Shen are Invited ,,. .,...., funeral i.ervlces Wed l 10 p M nt hi. I..,. ...1.1.... nn'i u- u... ." -n,a Northwood Cem I KYLE Sept. 0 SAR1H A w dnvv f lehn Kyle Punarel services st line resi dence. 211 Edgemont ave Ardmern P vvea a f. ai. int privme rrlenda may call Tuea , after 7 P. M. y L1FFKRTY Sept 10, E1UNUEI hns band of Merv Laffertv (ne.- Hagun) und ann of Catberlne ami late Edward f.Jffbi(" i"u", police of funeral, from hla lain reeldeiue 80h New Market tt LINDSAl Stnt 10 MATTHEW beleve.1 Van at ia 11 it nt Mnriah r InH.u, .... .VV I lielatlvea and friends, also emplnjca of pVlft 1. Ce. and Phlla. Ledge Ne M , e A M. nie linlttil te atieini funernl. 'rhura 'fl' M. late residence 1241 N !th .1 int Mt I'erlahC'm. I rl-nda rmv call Wed i , I.UWHKI1 aept. 7. MARY M. wife of the late Jehn P. Lnwrier, aged 74 Relatives and frlenda also Ladles of O. A, It Heme and Beard of Trustees are Invited te fu. neral services Mnn . 2.30 P. M . at the par. lore of David G. Trankenfleld Sens 322 N. 82d at Int, strictly private. tXJWK'N, Sept. 0. VICTORIA beloved wife of Bartholemew Lenen (nee Lernliardti In her 2d vaar. Relatlvea and friend, members of Hely Tamllv and Ladles AM of St Vincent's Orphan Aavlum, Invited in funernl. Tuea. 11 A. M. late realdence. 4 a W, Olrard ave. Solemn reeulem mars hi Piter's Church 10 A. M Int. Helv hepulcnr. Cem. MACAW. Sept 0. SARAH, widow of Duncan Macaw, aged 73 Relatives and frlenda are Invited tn intend funeral serv. Icea Tues . 3 P. M . late residence len and Silvan avea Norwood Pa Int Pern" weed Cem Frlenda nmv view remalna Mnn 7 te 0 P, M I MACUWAN sepl 7 OIXHIOE II , hua nanu 01 1 . Ai.ir..inmunn nice cneiv allnder 1 Funeral service, lien 2 p M nt his Int. residence 4)142 N Camne st Int prlvni. MARSHALL At Woedhurv, N J.. sPt 7. CHARLES F MARSHALL, aged ti Relutiteii and menu alto uil ledges of funeral, lien . 2 P. M. from hl line rest DcnvB, n, iitn'iviiii. si Euat View Cem . MASON nam . vllerf r.aldence. 214d E. Vale. Rslvue. nlAAWRI.I. PCPC Wnedbnrv cnirm, .". J N J te I. Int huaband of Florence P (nee HefTner), died at Reading Ta . Sent. 10, 122. Relnt ve. nrt frlenda Invited te attend funeral en Wed , Sept 13 at 2 o'clock, from the late realdence of Mra Emma Heffner. Limekiln pike, above Waverlv read, Olenalde. Pa, SC1INEEOAS3. Sept. 11. BERTHA L. (nee Uleettner), wife of William Schneegaas Relatlvea and frlenda also members of Came Ne. 116. P. O of A . are Invited te attend funernl services. Men , 1 P. M . late residence 2418 Sharawoed at. Int. private 8HFRMAN fcept 0. ANDREW J . hus I en,, a, IC1IU Uhnrmnn In. W...I-. t x.' notice of funeral from late residence. 1M2 I Callewhlll st ilIERIEL Sepi 7 at Pllmnn v r WILLIAM O. SHERTEL. aged 7S eare. Relative, nml friends Invited te funral Men , 2 P M., at Armstrong's, 1027-:e N Bread st. Int private. SMITH "aturdav Sept 0 1P22 st Overbroek WILLI M Rl'DOIjH SMITH In thn 71s: ear of his age Funernl services nt Chrlat Church S-cend st above Market Tuesdav. Sept 12 nt neon dnyllcht-savin time It Is reeuested that no flowers be sent SOMER" Sept 0 ANNA E ROMERS aged B4 nt the home of het grandson tnhr, I 8 Jehnsen. Glbhstnwn .N J t'uneral Tues. 1 P M Int Kcllncten cem SPROOEtrt. r-epi ( ROSANNV E til.lnu nr Mnrsh.tl Snrjinll nml riin.ht.. . the late Jehn and MiiRn-et Elhins. eg, 1! Ill, Relatives and friends are Invited te at land funeral rervlces Tues 2 P. M Utp resldenc-. ,inn E Hilten st. (Allegheny ave and D l Int pvt Mt. Merlah Cem Viewing this iMen 1 eve STEI.WAGON. Setdenlv en Sept p KATE A STEI.WAGON 1212 North Flftv ninth st. Due notice of funeral will h. given STEI.WAGON Suddenlv Sept 0 KATE A. wife-of Ernest J Stelwngen Relatives and frlenda Invited tn attend funeral serv lcea. Thursday 2 P .11 from her late res. rtence 1212 N .1lh st Friends rail Wed eve. 8 te II Int West Lvjrei HIM Cem SYKES Sem ii VIRGINIA I, wife of Wllllnm l Svkes acel 01 Funeral services nt 100 E, Brlnahutst st (irmsntnwn Tues 2 P M Int nrlvai Rem Una may be viewed Men 7 te 0 P M TAYLOR On Sen 0 1022 HELEN V .11 daughter of Mrs Mnrv J and the lal Ismes 8. Tailor Services nnd Interment private en Tuesdav. st 1820 Chestnut et THOMAS Sept II 10.".' MIRY A wf nf Jehn L Themas Relntlves and friends are Invited te attend funeral serilcs nt her late rraldnce 212 hlccum st Mt Alrv Tuea 2 P M Int private TIOIIB Sept 8 10J2 JAMES if hue band of Amanda L Tlgne Rlntives and frlenda, alae empleyes of Cerpersmlth Shep Phlla. Nnvy Yard are Invited te attend fu. nernl lues 8 30 A .11 . late residence U30 S 11th st. Solemn requiem mass nt the Church of Annunciation 10 A M lnt New Cathedral Cm VANSANT Suddenlv Sept 7 AMOS E . son of late Samuel and Trances Vansant aged 7,1. Relatives and friends are Invited te attend funeral serilces, Tues ,2PM ut son-in-law's realdence William II. Reb- erta 1022 cnurcn si irnnnreru int prl vale Cedar Hill tern Remains may be viewed Men eve WARD Sent R MARY J daughter of Wllllnm II and .Jennie E Wnid Funeral sen Ires Tuea 2 P II parents residence 221 N. Olive st Media Pa Int Media Cem WATSON bent 11 .it her resldenr 1 'd S 18th et . AGNEh .11 daughter or th late Rev, Benjamin Watsen D D an Lucv Wlllard Watsen runernl seivics nr the Church of the Atonement Miunnrinl rer. ner "f 47'h st ami KlnsKessing ave (c.ir 1.1 en Walnut at ) lu-nlav the 12th Inst et 11 , . J1 imrIUirill I'llVHIP It , STENOGRAPHER We have n pe--nanent peslil-'n te offer a brleht exper'enct-d stenographer with f ur enra' high schiel or lta equlnlent Villa position offers nn excellent opportunity SEARS ROEfU'CIC AND CO 4840 Roosevelt Boulevard STENOGRAFHER-TTPLST Yeung lad net ever 20 jeara. reijulra ments careful punctuation correct speller, neatness the work la light and pie isant; salnrj III Apply E II Few 1112 Wal nut st , between U and He clock STENOGRAPHER A desirable noalt'en 1 open In the office of the president of si large publishing house, the successful appli cant will be a eun- lady of geed education, a rapid and accurate stenographer, state experience and salary delred. P 718, Ledger Office STENOGRAPHER veung. lady. fnr high class refined central real eetnte office. ne net be experienced In stenography, but willing te take charge of telephone exchange end information high school rsdutte pre ferred salary tfiO n month 421 T.-l off. Funera Wed. 8 10 A M . from hli late . ' ' .W..'.,h", T er"'nln,r "if ''" hrlh "-"rnen TENOGRAPHER - Se, ret..rv. vocational dent 813 N.' 28th at. Solemn masa of re lvl,h lMlns Personality and geed Chirac nnnlvst seeks experl.n.ed atenegrtpher qulem at T St FraHcla Xav er Chu?ch. 10 A r """ UT "''"na-te work hntd te win ' " personality Address 1,1 own hnndwrltlng. M. Relatives and friends invited. Int. Hely V?Z!?,Z h" ,n l business of Inlern itlenil I stating experience nnd compensation ex ex Cress reputation if jnu tMnlt ou can qualify call peeled. P 727 Ledger Offlc- ISL'lll-i7.1C.I,e. A t.ULU .T SniRVT.'r.p - " .' uuua ST IVnilTI A VHKIt Kse II. n nn.l.ln.. M 710 WIDENER HLDG 0 te 10 30 A M or 3 30 te 5 P EDIPHOS-E OPERATOR wanted. ex'perT enced, female. Address all this week with 38f1,7r.ns;.'a,U'yDD,Par"nent- r' ' Draw" F'JK CLERK for downtown hanking office. ramlilar with card sjstem. must be quick and accurate: atnte ..n.,tn,. nn.i .ni . expected P. 720 Ledger Office MLINQ CLERK, with considerable experl- encebv large manufacturing concern, net ever 1. veara of age nppllianta will be in. Buhdlng Menda. 10-12. at 510 Widener GIRLS WANTED WHO HAVE HAD FACTORY EXPERIENCE APPLT IICIOR TALKING, MACHINE APPLICATION OFFICE 3.1 COOPER ST. C A II DEN. N. J. CO. rnr up-ie-ine-minuie gin must resiae in Nertri Philadelphia or Oermantewiv answer In own handwriting, stntlng experlence and salary expected Address p ill V Q Bnr 341.1 SECRETARY A desirable position la open In the office of the president of a large publishing home, the. successful applicant will be a jeuns lady of geed education. rapid and accurate stenographer, atste ex perience and salary desired P 717, Ledger Office TELEPHONE OPERATING AN EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY FOR YOUNG 11 OMEN" BETWEEN 18 AND 2.1. EXPERIENCE' LN NECIhARY SALARY PAID WHILE LEARNING THE TRAINING COURSE IS SHORT AND THOROUGH THE IIORK IS CLEAN AND AT TRACTIVE: THE SURROUNDINGS PLEASANT. ME1LS PERVTO AT LOW COST. SICK BENEriTb. ATPLY TO MISS STEVENSON THE BELL TELEPHONE COJLPANT 1631 ARCir ST. GIRLS Girls of neat appelant, who have arrived at th" age of HI jejrs 10 act hs store messengers while being trained for mere advanced pimtlen- Appl Emplement Bureau, fourth fleer UIM11EL BROTHERS GIRLS Wanted a few fine jeung girls 1 le lO1 Sears of age, for work in our Junier Depart ment, must have at lent 1 jears high school education or equlvaleni Appl Bureau of Emplevment WANAMAKER S TRAVELLNC! POSITION MUST RE FILLED MONDAY. SKKTEMBEH 11TH Reliable, nationally known Chicago corpora tlen wants an Intelligent woman as traveling Mprtsentatlve at once, applicant must be well educated and footloose se that they can leave Philadelphia within several dayai age 24 te 37. no Investment necessary. T successful uppltcants we will give an excel lent business training and pay 173 per week. Apply new ee .MISS KAT11ERINB EDIE Hetel Adelphla TYPIST Culcli and accurate permment position. AppIj Publle Ledger Compan th und Clirrlii'it eta. Ask for Mr Wiest TYPIST Dictaphone orerater. general efc ficu work hours 8.30 te S 30, atate sals an manufacturers office P 03.I.. Q. WAITRESS Refined Protestant!!, waitress In family emplelng dietitian and gov erness, na servants. Cedar Hill Farm, Read Ing. Pa It EAVERS Experienced, w 1 und narrow edgings v Sena Ce 4311 Wan ave . 1 ilermantewn ave .tiled en tapes W Maurer near lbili and quested that no flowers be i-ent WHEELEN. bert II 1322 CATHIRLNE widow of Patllck Wheelen fle'atlves and friends are Incited te nttend funeral Wed s Uti , M late nsldence .1.13 W Hutu r t Solemn rrqnlcm mvss et St Verenuii's Cliurvh 10 A. M lnt St Je.irhlm s tm WIl.COV Vt Mlantlc Cltv N I H. nl 10 CATHERINE widow of Jam,., H, nx aged 80. nintrnl tt'J S 1 11 (mm her late residence 10 V G'in, i nie if i, muss nt Our Ladv Star, of the Set Church Kin A M lnt Cathedral 1 m I'hil nl 1 P WILDMAN Ninth Menth nth at her home 10(17 Chestnut st MARY F widow of Jehn Wlldmni of Greene Ceuntv nhln In her 82d ear . Funeral from the home of her son Edward EM lldmnn 4111 Osnae ave Second-day Ninth month 11th at 2 3D P. II Interment at btelma Ohie WILSON Sept 8 ELIZABETH wlf.nf William Wilsen and daughter of lale James 11 and Catherine Cunningham Funeral services, te which relatives and friends nre Invlled. We.1 , J P M late residence 2218 S. 2.1d st Int. private Viewing I uea eve WOODS, tent 1022 at Hurrlslmr- ra . MORGAN R WOODS Relatives am friends, also Relief nnd Veterans' Aase nf 1 HOSIERY r.xperlenced ten cutler en In-I I .. (?nl"'- eel'a. Aupls lltllhelm Knittlim Mills. 20th at and Indlnna uvc HOUSEKEEPER, working white wanted In ! I fam'ly of 2, geed home nnd attractive , surrounding., very plain cooking, whan ! writing name rector of church or family i lhslclan aa reference Addrtss P O Uea I - - s'.pav Ids Pa HOUSEWORK Experienced whll. girl wanted In apt. , geed home and wages, . In tamll 1309 Ruecemb al. Wemln HOUSEWORK Half-time. In afternoon ref . laundrj wages J(l Appl bun 1404 11 alnut at IMPROVERS vCnnted mllllnerj .long" season geed salary 1120 Columbia ave 1NSPEC TRESSES WE HAVE V1CANCIL.S FOR GIRLS PAST 1(1 OF HIE BETTER TYPE Ml) ACT AS LSSFECntESSES HOOD OPPOHTUNIIV T( QUALIFY FOR ADVANCED POSI- I lUeNCS N SNELLENRURG A CO MARKET. 11TH TO 12TH STS. y.' 'or stenographer bookkeeper and efllca mtrimar in ,h,,l..l. I, ,,),.. .m,. , ,,;.ul. ."-"" .tttvv, unite 111 ..iii.iiaiiiiun, WOMAN Exceptional opportunity for re. fined woman with acquaintance among there of th" better clnea te inake from S 100 t,i IJOu week no atevks liends inauranc, I nrks 01 ra! estate no rinviisslng from (loerto deer Phene Locust 8tcq for Interview WOMAN wanted witn force uf character and a dt-Hlre te till a position where she can be of service te ethers and earn a geed "CmeAddressA423 Ledger Office WOMAN of culture and refinement wanted, 10 te 4.1 preference given te one who through reverses finds U necessary te enter business exceptional eppnrlunlty for geed ImeniH nnipeunanencj P 7 1.1I.edgerOff. HUMAN of IntelTlgenre. mature dependable Ope pnmlhm offer, permancmy and ad vatnemeiii lu ep net essential Writ Vlavl co 1401 I'liinsvlviinla lliilldlna;. WOMEN while ever 21 for hand honing and flit work Ireneis In laundrv hours, fi P II tf 10 P II . cenil wages permanent pcsltlen Apnl New V,ny Sjblein, Inc. 4U0B Aa ien st , Pnlla , Pa, WOMEN, while for hand Ironing and flat work Irenera In laundr) , geed wages, per maivr.t iiesltlnn Aily New Way System, lnc IIO'I Aspen st Phlla . Ta. ""leie. in 1 mnamten. mini ha ejnai.1. funeral Vrr' Ices W.T''" JO P 11 '."rV.T.LtL0 'nlln corre.pendenco and 'oft ce reuiln. In r - - at the reldVii?e nf n Is snV Edrar II ' We,' S. f.?""?," "' '.V''F?1" '-,01' lnt-er Cffli. WOMEN -A large organisatien of "inTeT. 81.-0 Lnneilnwn nve. Phlla lnt WVeimln 'SrS. .ui,lllilr, ,,ut nn -";n,l1 .Al1 '. national scei requlrea women te work slur Cem. "iiiuii dress ailing experience und leferenve, Uev Inte executive position verv rapldlyi there" W'ORLEY Sent T M UlOI'r.ni n- 1. -J Lndlceii N 1 , fore we need women who are quick 10 !. Iielnveii wire nr jnnn VVirbv used IT maivkiib wanted first class nillllnerv nnlv nml l"'enils ere Invited tn aitin.i' thuse uicustumed te line work 1.120 i'e. Itelntlves und f ends nre Invited in .n.H.i funeral Tues . " M from the re idene.. of her fnther.ln-iw. Chnrles W, Wnrle. 24.14 Ingersnll at lnt, Weat Laurel Hill Cem. Remalna may be clewed Mun. eve. TJNDirnTAKr.BS BON. Sent. 8, JENNIE, widow of 1V Masen, Relatives and rrlenda are 'Tj te ftttend funeral. M&n 2 P, M.. lata Px nee 014,1 K. Ilellmnra sv lnl' ...I I ! Uellmere ave. Int.- url T.1MJ. JOHN i Jlelahasr ltawi llflallYa and friend Invited 'te funeral! huebenj-ef Jeannette Belahaw Maxwell. HOYLERS eOS DIAMOND lumbla ave MILLINERS First-class milliners" Apply H20 IValnutal , 2d fleer wanted. . , MILLINERY SALESWOMAN A large store requires a thorough) efficient saleswoman for Its millinery salons an opportunity tn obtain a permanent position Ottlce' "'"-"v. Addreaa P, 810, Ledg.r and wtui "wn apjuy tnetni-iiii jnrtlcll Mil' 'I'll ! ' IIVIII tU IU 4. lOIII Colonial Trust Rldg ' ' "" YOUNG LADYwanlei as asslslant In of. flee, one with experience In clerical dullest also stepegrsphy an I telephone nperntlnat: H.alr.hl. n.rmaii.1,1 M.lll.m I. ..., . .f I .al.r7iirp"808"leadB.rOft;c.: ""rr YOUNO LADY for efflret muat be geed at figure. p. O Bex 1018. " YOUNU W'OMEN of geed educutl m. appear. ance and per-nnallt te rail en, largest eon. cerna In the, rltyj a real gelling position. . net canvassing; commission basis, whieia i!-0eV.,.d. "!S5aJ,u 'rem Mtt ""k " 'Vm TOUN.a'wiDMCN fer.aeet , were i -ref,, ax. accurate ace -Li iffci ii - . , J-i ------ .s-b-f-m mwmm' ' .4 1 jzBrnrt, ,: m 1 ia '-if " -4l m Mail tr 2 4'aa. -x-v , -inAuiiaAu . VA ' .. T -i. -. . In '4.M.H A-Jayf 'f 1 M'WS.' IHNMMiV J , ..c r . J -tuiJm