Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 09, 1922, Night Extra, Page 4, Image 4

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A in IIT'l 1 ".i, UT .
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Geneva Speakers Declare Inter
national Bedy Has Sur
vived Opposition
Hu Asittciattd Prtts
Geneva, Hfpt P 'In the resumption
'f the cencrnl tlebntp en the work of
the J.cngue of Nations tedny, Amntle
Glmene y Cnbnns, of Spnin, told the
League Assembly thnt the Lookup wns
yeunc, but thnt nlrenily Its underlyinR
Erlnciplcs were deeply rooted nnd the
cacue must endure. It hnd nlready
edtllvnl many niherse predictions.
it was forecast that the Genea ten-
ference would produce nn organisatien were summoned te her bedsl
te nuper.ede the League, snld the
peakcr, but this had net been done.
Conference come and go. he added,
but the League continues te live.
Paul Hymans, of Itelglum, deplored
the warlike atmosphere which exists in i
Hiany countries!. !
"We nigncd peace." he said, "but
We did net make peace. Warlike sen
timents survive In many state. I am
net pessimistic, however. The League
will de its work and through the League
peace will finally come."
Regis de Olivicra. of Brazil, who
followed M. Hymans. assured the as
sembly that net only Brazil but all ,
Ketith America was in full sympathy
with the effort of the League te re-
Mere Austria.
visit the White Heuse. They obtain
Jicrmiti te pass through the famous
due, Red and Green Reems, and te
inspect the big Kast Roem of historic
memories. Frequently Mrs. Harding
will appear from her own quarters in
the White Heuse, nppreach tourists in
formally, introduce herself and pass
from one group te another shaking
hands and exchanging pleasantries.
She is particularly fend of children.
The younger generation is always sure
of n greeting.
In her younger days Mrs. Harding
was extremely active jintl fend of out-
uoer exercise. Horseback riding was
her favorite diversion. Her physical
condition in recent years has prohibited
this form of exercise, and her oppor
tunities for outdoor life have been
further restricted since she entered the
White Heuse. She walks about the
White Heuse grounds, however, and
takes great interest in the garden.
In 1010, when Mrs. Harding had n
severe attack of kldncv trouble, from
which she is new suffering, it was Dr.
Charles E. S.iwrnr. wlin tuillm! Imr
through. Mr. nnd Mrs. Harding have
had implicit confidence in him since.
It has never wnvereil In her nrncxtif
illness. Drs. Finney, Maye and Iloenc
Ide. ns con-
i.... . ii .t. ;v .?-'v "7 v ,w;t t.isyw r..s
,VUl,-TV l itWSi-rJ'Y. , ' ---,) -
. ( ZTZ Z -I ' i ZZ 1 Z ' : : . i
suiting specialists, mere te satisfy nub
lie opinion than because of a belief
that they could de mere for her thnn
Dr. Sawyer, who has treated her for
Mrs. Harding's unceasing activity
since Mr. Harding became President
Is probably responsible for her last
recent attack. In the langunge of
Marlen, she is "always en the go."
She visits the sick nnd injured soldiers
at Walter Heed Hospital, receives a
constant stream of callers at the White
Heuse, accompanies the President en all
his trip, regularly supervises the White
Heuse menu' and directs the cook in
preparing special dishes Mr. Harding
likes, personally arranges the flowers
In the hite Heuse en many occasions,
"Miss Columbus"
Is'Beauty Winner
Continued from face One
Mrs. Herman Campbell, Is n graduate
of Columbus Fast High Scheel, and will
enter Ohie State University in the fall,
taking the course in arts.
Her bathing suit Inst night was a
rich orange Annette Kellermann, which
is, as one who hns lived through ft
strenuous pageant knows, n two-piece
bathing suit that fits as tightly as a
one-piece bathing suit, but gets by the
Heard el t cnsersiilp. 'llie suit
trimmed with black piping.
Selection of Miss Campbell proved
no cinch for the eight artists. After the
spectacular bathers' revue of late yes
terday afternoon, the bathing queens
parKed at tne enu or the Steel rier.
did it without having hnd dinner.
Their smiles" were n little less brilliant.
their gyrations a little less supple, but
they remained dauntless. They sylphed
about, te the mrjedy of n jazz orches
tra, nnd the cheers of comfortably fed
men, women and cMldrcn. "Miss
Macen" seemed te be the fnverltc nt a
late hour en Steel Pier, and when the
final three wcre in the end selected the
nudlcnce scbitp n rear of disapproval.
The Judges gnve the prize te "Miss
Columbus," "Miss . Nashville" Sue
Ilurten, and " Miss New Yerk," in
that order, nnd honernhln mention first
i te "Miss Macen" nnd second, te "Miss
i'i.i t.--i.. 1,1.1
was ' ' ' .ijii iiKiiisun,
hen 'Honorable Mention" te 'Mlsa
Macen" was shouted te the sepctaters,
nnd she In her red and black suit hewel
Igralensly her acknowledgment te their
I applause, they began a clnpplng that
pageant committeemen couldn't step.
much they believed 'Miss Macen"
elese bv the iudees. who were Hnunrrt rer "Te minutes tney tmwleU
Chandler Christy. Celes Philllns. Wlllv i damped and clapped te indlcnte
regany, .lescpn uummings (.hnc, vt
Arneld Itenthe. Nerman Rockwell. I ?110"l "ave received first prize. Rut
Heyworth Campbell and Chairman Au- JdM "rc nunment, nnd besides. It was
gust William llulaf. all artists. i i",.ffirnthS mt ilci' repair te Yeung's
jien, women ami ennuren swarmed
ine League. lie win. will earn and is fend of havlns house guests from
well-merited gratitude from humanity I home.
u it saves mis old source or renneu
President's Wife
Improved Today
Otntinued from race One
times te almost agony she has shown
as her lirt concern the comfort and re
pose of the-e about her.
The fact that she was resting ensler
today, became some of the pressure hud
Cosgrave Chesen
Dail Eireann Head
Continued from rase One
felf for the present n minister of fi
nance. He said that these of the new minis
try who were serving In the army would
shortly be released.
The only anti-treaty member present
uhen the session began was Lawrence
the pier's end nnd tried te influence the
jury by Inordlnnte yelling. The audi
ence had its own favorites.
The jury eliminated all but three in
tercity beauties, "Miss New Yerk,"
Dorethy Hughes; "Miss Columbus,"
nnd "Mis Macen, Frances Gurr.
This was at 7 P. M., the audience
being particularly cautioned te under
stand that which of these lntercltv
beauties were te be first, second nnd
third, would be announced at the 8
o'clock meeting en the plur. The jury
proceeded then te select three prize
winners from the amateur bathing
sylphs, and three from the profes
sionals. And Miss Gladys Grcena
myer, of 01.r8 Hnverferd nvenue,
Philadelphia, received first prize silver
cup among amateurs.
She appeared in n two in one-piece
lavender bathing suit. She is n gradu
ate of West Philadelphia High Scheel,
and is a blend, with blue eyes. Her
hair is net bobbed. She is" five feet
seven nnd a half inches tall and weighs
135 pounds. The second nwurd went
te Mary Elizabeth Kdwards. of Vlnr
land. N. .7., the third te Kstelle Marks,
, or Atlantic . iiy.
Miss Dorethy Knnpp, of New Yerk,
Ian eighteen-year-old model for James
Montgomery Flag. Perhyn Stnnslaws
i and ethers, wen first prize among pro pre
i fesslenal beauties. She is a brown
I haired maiden with hazel eyes, weighs
I IL'5 pounds, and stands five feet four
I inches In her silk stockings.
Second and tnird
,, i.i .,,. ... -. .- - ... uiuii ,.t ,,., ,, , lhw i'vvuiiu nut, it, nit iiiiri went 10
been relieved durini the night, ua Glnnell. The rnrimis mllitnri- rMfj. ! fi Pnulinn viwini iii.i c i-.i.
taken as a geed indication medically , including Richard Mulcahy and Owen ' Ambey, eighteen jeurs old. and Swlnev
that nature a- helping in some degree CV Duffy, were In civilian clothes, the ' Neben. of Indianapolis, eighteen 'vears
te relieve the obstruction nnd might j only uniform seen being worn bv Cap- ' old, both of them in the "Passing
continue te contribute valuable nid te tain Senn McCmrrv. Nearlv everv pre- Shew of 1022." new plnvlng here.
tne surgeons during tlie next twenty- . treaty, indenendent and labor memhnr , According te regulations, first nrizes
was present. I In the intercity, the amateur and the
Prof. Mlrhnel ITnve, n ie,t i profi-siennl divisions of the bathers
Speaker without opposition. Lawrence
four or forty -eight hour.
Whl'e a Mirglral operation
m'ans et rellet in
revue were te compete with MK
caes, ether considerations fre- , Uinnt'Il. having refused te slcn the roll i . . ' , """", "ullu"'i l u-n-
make it InndMsable, In the! of het lie cnlW n "foreign" parlla- ! "' ",", Vi Zu,?r,"V,n
nlen of the Mirgeen. and hetlier It , ment, and having shouted several times ' J.A V'.hii.V .i" ' . i. " ' V
be resterted te for Mr. Harding his objections te the nreceedlnes. . ""-'-'''" ' iuen ins-rmaid.
ds en the develepmetn of. tLc en motion of William Cosgrave. veied ' '.L.',.," ?' . J " r".. ;,n"r.lfl,c"
t day and the determination of the excluded from the Heuse. Aftnr iIia . V. 'V ., . "",":'.... i" '';"' -
g surgeons when they assem- adoption of till motion three men for" , -1 ,r.", m,." "LJ,.V , .. J '"n"lens
' .., .,,.. n- ... llbli remevetl Ginnell. audience that they would de se at S
Crowd Grews Mere Impatient
Ilut at S o'clock, no jurors presented
themselves. At l o'clock, with a tre
mendous crowd growing mere nnd imvc
impatient, still no jurors fame.
At it.15. a committeeman informed
the house that the intercity beauties
had vigorously protested the selection
of the three of their number and that
the judgs were trying the business all
ever again en Garden Pier.
At !..'i0, the judge appeared en
Steel Pier, bringing with them an aug
mented and reconsidered list of lnter-
Isesldes the thre
the artists were
samt'neted a head of the Previsional Free ' troubling their weary heads ever five
I State Government, and lie wn. earlv I ethers. .".Alls -Nashville. "Miss Haiti-
remained at the ( named among the new candidates for! mere." "Miss Dayton." "Miss Port Pert
hour last night, 'the leadership. 'land." and "Miss Seattle."
of the dnv then March -' 1020, the new leader wns. And these eight charmers curveted
William T. Cosgrave is n Dublin
( uusines man. who has devoted much
i time te politics and has served as an
,' iiidennan many years,
1 Appointed ns Minister of Lecal Gov
ernment, he did away with the work
house sjstem. which was declared te
be one of the most corrupt nnd costly
i social institutions In Ireland. He mr.de
employment for thousand nnd thus cut
j down the expense of workhouse main
, tenance.
Cosgrave i a witty and fenrless de-
placed under
rebellion and
arrest for complicity in
wns sentenced te death.'
and curtlsled and
stnge once again.
The Amazing Story
Clara Downin!
nlly accounted
Fer the first time since the Harding
entered the White Heuse the house was
barred tedny from the historic man
sion. The gates te the grounds were
thrown open a few hours after Mr.
Harding wns inaugurated, nnd from
thnt time, within ienenable hours.
tourists were permitted te inspeet most
of the rooms en the lower tloer. the
executive offices an dether points of es
pecial interest.
President Harding, who hns made it
an invariable custom te ze immediatelv
after breakfast te the adjoining execu-' bater, and ha dealt out many a tongue
tlvn nfTtee. remained in the White ! lushing te his opponents.
Heuse nrener tedr.v In nuler te be cle-e I Since the dramatic death of Michael i city Aphretlltles
te the sickbed. His enzacement book . Cellins and Arthur Griffith. Cosgrave I already selected
was kept e'ear today with the
object In view.
President Harding
bedside until a late
after spending much
yesterday, nnd it was said lie would
forge nil official duties today unless ,
Mrs. Harding's condition took n de- '
elded change for the better. '
Secretary Christian stayed at the '
White Heuse until n late hour last ni'jht
; Dr. Geerge T. Harding, of Columbus,
a brother of President Harding, was en
.his way here today in response te u
summons from the White Heuse.
Dr. Curl W. Sawyer, of Marlen
eon of lirigadler General Smtr, ar- j
rlvd for consultation yesterday, and
Dr. Joel r. Heene, naval medi nl offi
cer en the yacht Mayflower, nlse is
in attendance. j
Critically III- Refore
Secretary Denby, of the Navy De- I
partment. returned te Washington late '
yesterday from the Orient. He called.
at the White Heuse immediately upon '
learning of the illness of Mrs. Harding
te Inquire as te iier condition and te
xpres his sympathy te the President.
Since llH.'i. when Mrs. Harding un
' derwent n surgical operation, she has
suffered from Intermittent kidney at- I
tucks, and en one occasion, about seven
j ears age, shortly after she came te
Washington with her husband, then
newly elected Senater from Ohie, she
lay critically ill for six weeks. '
Little alarm ever her condition was i
felt early In the week, and she appar
ently had se far recovered from the
cold wliich sent her te bed after her
return from the Mayflower trip that she
was up and about the White Heuse for a
couple of days. The recurrence of the '
kidney affection, however, forced her
back te btsl, and Dr. Sawyer, who has
attended her during similar u'tuck. '
became seriously concerned ever her i
condition late Wednesday.
Announcement of the grave aspect of .
her ailment, first made Thursday night, '
was followed by a decision of Dr. Saw
yer te ibsue a bulletin en her condition i
twice daily. Several miner appoint- I
ments made for President Harding were
canceled by White Heuse attaches. I
Few of the returning attacks have I
been of mere than two or three days'
duration. Mrs. Harding, because of
her fighting spirit, has been able from
time te time te threw them off and re
sume her nrdueus duties, first as wife
uf a Senuter and then as the campaign I
aide of her husband nnd mere lately as I
mistress of thv White Heuse. It is
that fighting spirit upon which her
Shysiclan, Dr. Sawyer, 1 counting for
er recovery in the present instance.
minced all ever the
And most of them
Millien Dellar Pier with their three
firsts, te compare them with little 'Miss
America" for the golden mermaid.
The long dance hall, brilliant with
lights, was gay with the summer clothes
of thousands of enthusiastic men,
women and children. Rands sounded
rollicking airs, and KKlng Neptune and
his court of twenty Atlantic City bath
ing beauties nnd 'Miss America" sat en
n great shell throne, under varicolored
electric bulbs. When the judges arrived
with their three firsts, the Aphreditlcs
steed along with 'Miss America" before
Father Neptune. The nllurlng quartet
included Miss Knnpp, of the profes prefes profes
seonals: Mls Grecnameyer, of the nma-
' teurs, "Miss Columbus" nnd "Miss
America" of 1022.
I'nder the criticnl eyes of the judges,
I they steed for a tense moment nnd then
Announcer Hnyless shouted above the
I din of voices, the name of 'Miss Col Cel
'umbus," nnd that splendid young lady,
I in her striking orange suit, bowed in
gratiatingly. A moment later, the old
1 gentleman with the trident, handed ever
I the golden mermaid te her.
Rut it isn't really hers, and he dkln't
"hand" it. The thing is tee heavy, and
I beside, it doesn't belong te any one
. beauty peMinally until fehe wins it
three times. The newest Miss America's
name will be graven en one of the
I bronze shells nt the base of the golden
'Stattiettte. te remnln there se long ns
the blithesome golden uiermnld reclines
i en her pedestal of hard granite.
Presentation wns the signal for pyro
technics all nleng shore, nnd the open
ing of the merry night carnival spread
ijver twenty blocks of boardwalk. Rands
and jazz orchestras thundered nnd syn
copated, and many feet tripped the light
f?ntnstlc into the enrly hours of the
morning, iid'I out of the three days
Iiefere the net altogether satisfied
crowds squeezed out of the pier te the
Itnanlwalk. however, they viewed the
pr.ze beauty in the children's division
of the bathers' revue. She is three-and-n-lialf-year-eld
Ada R. Hendersen,
"f 402 Seuth Rread street. Philadel
phia. The chic little miss were n
slieekingly abbreviated ermine one
piece bnthing suit, nnd carried nn
ermine parasol ever herf head of tum
bling blend curls.
Ne one was dissatisfied with that
choice, praise he, although Ada can't
even cook. Tonight, nt a pest pageant
ball en Steel Pier, movie folks of the
country will meet the bnthing beauties
with a view toward securing new stars
for the silver screen. The Famous
Players-Laskey Corporation, in con
junction with the Stanley Corporation
of America, has agreed te offer the win
' ner of this contest an opportunity te
'display her talents in motion pictures.
The judges nre: Rebert T. Kane, di
rector Famous Players-Laskey Cor Cer Cor
eoration: Miss Anita Stewart and Lee
Shubert nnd Flo Zicgfeld.
"Tin: MTTi.i: ni:t school house"
The ancient bulwark of national education
, hat iome In for a Kreat deal nt overhauling
aril reconstruction of late. Dr Thoi. 13
I'lnigan. suevrlntemlent of Public Instriic.
lien telli of l'ennsvlvnnln a ureM advance
In education In tlie Magazine .Section of the
Siunilay i'liiLiu LubGCU. "ilake It a Habit,"
Sproul's Daughter
Arrested in Aute
Centlnnrd from Pe Ons
tjened Mrs. Hlnksen, who told them
she wns Governer Sproul's daughter.
Smith and Cerin decided te 'take the
party te the station house. Tyson
had the key for the ignition lock nn.l
refused te turn it ever. One of the
guards then summoned a patrol wagon,
nnd n tow line wns attached te the
dait.nged machine. It bere the license
number 777, n number issued te the
The red motorcar, with its right fen
der ripped off and its bumper bent, was
towed te the station house, trailed by
men nnd boys. Seme one recognized
the license number ns that of the Gov Gov
ereor. The announcement caused n
large crowd te surge about the station
when the party wns taken in.
Mrs. Hlnksen Falls te Givft Age
In describing herself as Dorethy
KIner, Mrs. Hlnksen gave no age.
"Adcle Gilpin" said she was thirty
eight nnd Tjsen gave his age ns thirty
two. Refere Magistrate O'Connor arrived
for the hearings this morning, Acting
Lieutenant Schad, of the Fourth street
and Snyder avenue stntien, said he did
net believe airs, llinlv-en nnd the ethers
would be nrrnlgncd.
Asked if he had been ndvlsed net te
have a hearing, Schnd said he was off
duty last nlghf nnd thnt Sergeant Mc Mc
Nichel was acting lieutennnt when the
three were brought in. It was Mc Mc
Nichel who brought copies of the charge
te Magistrate Teughlll.
Governer Sproul discussed the inci-'
dent. He said: ,
"My daughter and two of her friends,
n man nnd a woman, left here yester
day afternoon for n little drive. They
nre very denr, lifelong friends of hers
nnd live within three miles of this
".Mr daughter drove her red roadster,
Ne. 777, and they spent the afternoon
driving. Then they Tina supper to
gether in the city nnd my daughter
drove her car south en Rread street,
intending te take the old Island read
back home again. Meynmcnslng nvenue,
nt the point where you turn oft te take
Island read, has been closed te traffic
nnd my daughter swung out en the
cinder path. It was then that her
heavy car struck the trolley, ripping
off the fender.
Heard It Was Accident
"The party wns taken te the Fourth
nnd Snyder avenue station. I was
nlftlnv tinm readlnr n hovel en the
perch abeujt 0:80 o'clock when a friend
of mine called up from the navy yard
nnd told mc that he had heard my
daughter had met with nn nccldcnt. .
"About the snine time, the young
man in my daughter's party called up
ft ein the stntien house nnd said that
they had met with an accident.
"I turned te my ten, Jack, nnd said
'I guess we had better go in.' I found
the women in the station house. 'They
were rather hysterical, ns any women
would be under such conditions, nnd
I put them in my car nnd we drove
Peter May. lOltl N. Thlllp t.. and Henk
Tomek, 1010 N. 1'hlllp St.
Charles K. Themas, Downlnirtewn, Pa,, and
Laura II. Tayler, 1113 Ogdei) st.
Weslev D. Jtapp. C047 Carpenter St., nnd
licrtlm M. Freme. 6017 Carpenter st.
Samuel M, Franklin, Fnlrvlew, N. J., and
Frances Qlashefer, G20 Merris st.
Walter Jf Zllenkn, 43 W. Beymeur st and
.Mabel M. Hunsbcrcer, 181M1 Cayuga st,
Charles Hand. COS 8. 20th st and Elsie
llelden. COS S. 20th st.
Arthur 11. HUKhes, 2034 Wallacs St., and
May Themas. l!034 Wallace St.
Harry V. llctz. 201B N. Cth St.. and Mary
D. Tayler. 2015 N. Mh St.
Llppn. nesenjwelu. 202T N. Tark av., and
Imka Levy. 20J7 N. Tark ave.
Jehn De Fazie, I.ansdalc, Pa., and Angela
Hptnii, 1518 Latena st.
David, It. Dunlap. ISte Chestnut St., and
Ildlth F. Great. 4434 Dexter st.
-1 ' ' i jit.
!1eth Htxm
Beth gi'r
STEAMsnrr notices
ft AMIft&A UNE lT
Via Plymouth, Uoulecne-Sur-Mcr
.Sent. 16 Oct. 21 Net. 25
Kept. i Oct. M Dee. g
.Krut. 30 ev. 4 Dec. 0
..Del. 7 Nev. II Dec. Id
VOLKNDAM (new) Nev. 18,
PasHenrtler Otlirc. 1531 Walnut St.. I'hlla.
West Coast Freight
18 day$ te Let Angelet 24 days te Seattle
22 days te San Francisce 2S days te Portland
Express Freight Steamers, semi-monthly from
Philadelphia via Panama Canal, te
I.es Angeles, Snn FrnneUce, Oakland. Seattle. Portland
S. S. Lehigh Sept. 13 S. S. Wabash Oct. 6
S. S. Brush Sept. 20 S. S. Celd Harber Oct. 20
Team freight received dally nt Tier 19 North (Peot of Vine St.)
Assistance given in discharging Team Freight
Otcncr nnd Apents V. B. Shipping Beard Btramers
136 S. Fourth St., Phila. Phene Lembard 5791-2-3; Main 7781-3
Courses for Teachers
Twe groups of regular courses, four and two
years in length, leading, respectively, te B. S. in
Education and Junier College certificate. Hours for
classes convenient for Philadelphia teachers. Medel
kindergarten, elementary and high schools for
observation and practice teaching. Junier College
certificate based en high school graduation and
generally recognized. Geed teachers in great
Heme Nursing and Hygiene
Industrial and Manual Art
Institutional and Household
Story Telling1
Vocational Hememaktng
1- Regular Courses for Teach
ers (B. S. in Ed. and Junier
Academic High Scheel
Commercial Education
Elementary Education
Heme Economics
Kindergarten Education
Physical Education
2. Special Courses for Teach
ing and the Trades
Educational Gymnastics
City ..
send mt
bulletin for th
Eve.' I'd" e-O.; j
Bread Street Belew Berks
Oak Lane Country Day Scheel
CSMjL-? J" "'S rsUEs!lsssssssH-i9
K'i?5t lis v-ttJVitkHniLLLHjIV "Vi
Is situated en a thlrty-acre estate en White Read, about half a mile, h,vn
Cltv Line. Oak T.mi. pmin imii.Kt. ,.. u ."t."...B..n Beyond I
airy rooms; adewate nlaTirreuhd-r Curr eum'mnLffA.-, I
auaptea te needs nnd Interests of children. 'banen
Upper Scheel Prepares for Colleges
Head Master, Onlt I.ane, riilln.
Bell Telephones! Melrose 807; Oalt Lane 1731
Acquitted by the
Justice yet for
"convicted" by the
Public Opinion.
Court of
20 years
Court of
ily e SfaiT Correspondent
WnsliliiKten, Sept. . Mrs. Ilnrtl
Ing's critlcul illness nnd the President's
constant nttemlnnce nt her bedside em
phnslze her interest and influence in
his affairs.
She hns been the driving force bnck
el Harding the editor, Hnrdinic the
Senater nnd Ilnrdlntf the Pretddcnt.
She Is a woman of wide Hympnthirs and
unfailing humanity, of Indomitable
courage and ambition and seemingly
limitless enerpy. Since slie has been
In the White Heuse she bun continued
her interest in peeple und things about
her, always without usurping the place
of her husband.
If elie recover from her present at
tack, as today's bulletins from the bed
side indicate she may. these who knew
her say it will be due te her tremendous
determination a will power thut re
fuses te accept defeat, the spirit of
"Never say die."
Mrs. Harding hns met thousands of
visitors passing through Wushingten en
cummer tours. These parties invariably
When the town folk in a small community are unanimous in their
hatred of the daughter of the town's former "great man," one
naturally expects their aversion, their organized avoidance of
any social intercourse, te be founded en the "truth."
A fire, a village here, a beautiful heroine, a house of mystery,
with a furtive watcher pacing up and down before its darkened
windows. Within the home, Clara Downing, the woman upon
whom the one, united and intense hatred of the town was
slumberingly expended.
They should have known the truth; but what does
truth matter when you desire te hate? What are
facts, when imagination will se much better serve
the purpose?
Te him, an outsider, who battered down the wall of reluctance,
was given te knew the TRUTH, which enabled Clara Downing te
bear her sentence of well-nigh universal scorn.
This remarkable tale is net fiction, but a statement of fact, by
a criminal lawyer, who terms it the most spectacular episode of
a crowded life.
Be sure te read this absorbing true story "A Little Matter
Like the Truth."
It is the center double-page spread feature of the
Magazine Section
Order your copy today at your newsdealers
"Make It a Habit"
CYRUS H. K. CURTIS, Publisher
Evergreens planted new
give your home dignity and charm
lieyend the pleasure ou lerle, EerureenH are n. permanent tmestment Thov
increase me value or Pinperty sreatly In exress of the tout of plantlnc. JUrr plants
... u..nUi ,'i.ni-w iui niuiuiiimn unu ui'uuiy. i neir fxireme naminess and rare
form la Brown Inte them through the fertllu soil et the most iirdductlc agricultural
2 ryrnmld.il Arbervltae, 14 ft.
1 Iea's (ielden Arlierltai 1' ft.
2 Silver-tipped Japan Cypress. 1 4 ft.
J Glebu Arbervltae, 12 by 12 lnrticn
Fullest harmony In color, layout and neneral beauty,
l'rcttllv centrantln? hap'" nnd co'ers. Will plant 12
te 10 ft, space. Upcnal price, including hailing en'J
burlapping, tls.SO, f.e.b.
"Suggettiens for Fall Planting," Free
Helpful Information and cultural di
rections for Hemn Owners wlie delluht
In halnt; beautiful and attractive
grounds. Will be tent with hi. hi.
ratnlei; of Uvenrrcens, Trees and
Shrubbery, and Includes list of bulbs,
etc, for fall planllns.
mW Alunys able
aw V rumllfy for
KM the finest
nf mlnlstrntli
H .Salesman!
Yeunr Men nnd Bem
ML. J Mssrs3MWSfiicra" i
Si m$MMI&
i m 1 1SH Bffl 1 4m II
1 BfifHip
lO sell VOUr BervICOS for n cnnrl unlnrv. eltvaf. kl. -
any better position that mnv effpr. vm win -t..,i,; -
rnilrcni P.mmi.Flnl UA.I.f r. - ',.,avu "e.?
rnlnutratlqnrc.-i'. KrSAZ"irlASwSxSil.:
Huslneis Men's Law. (Irammar Scheel, t'nhii i,ii.,u
Free I.iili(lsriiie Arrhltrrturiil Service
Information blank en request.
KEYSTONE NURSERIES, 107 Barr Bldg,, Lancaster, Pa.
llnth SrvM
the largest cemmerciQl art or
ganizatien in the field, offers veu
n different training. If you like te
draw, develop your talent Study thU
Eroctieel ceurse taught by this widely
newn institution, with twenty-two
years' success which each year sells te
advertisers ever ten thousand commer
cial drawings. Who else could give you
se wide an experience? Commercial art
is e highly paid, intensely interesting
profession, equally open te men ana
women Heme study instruction (let fact
before you enroll In any tchoel Write for our Il
lustrated hook, "YOUrA OPPORTUNITY," for
boehelf the cost e( mailing four cents In stampa.
12M Walnut Strait, Dtpt. 41
of Commercial Art "
In our evening classes studylns a eneBrnnhy.
tyrewrit nif. bc,ekkeepinB u,j ncceununcy
are a larca number of young men and
women employed Ir. ihe da time, but who
ara determined te cpt i.,,.. ;,i..- v
the future Our re r;.u , ;X' .'" .'"i'" '",
practical, with Indlvlduil Instruction; Cal
fpr catalog and lnsp t our imiilete faclll.
ties Monday. Tutiday and Thirsdnv vL
, ninKH
rinr,A. nrsiNKss (OM,r.aK
- 01 rue or ueinrarrc
I'll I
DIP Markrt St.
l'hene Ilrlmnnt 468H
Be n ileklirner nnd pattrrnmukrr nnfl earn
In Men'a,
tlen xuarunteeil or inuner rffumled. Cull day.
Hi) te loe i week. hiie lal rdemea I
Women a ujki ; miuren'H xai
i uurnientn. Nat
eienlnit or Mindav. (Hill N. ft2d htreel.
Friends' Select Scheel Rj
Tns a'ftrKwar. untrrr ana loin nia.
All arradea from Primary through II
(or thqreuKh work end
lattan character, Ileglna Ninth Me.. J a.
uueH. mnce open rer cenrarenca.
Walter V. itntlland. rrlnelnttl
tudrnta nrrrpterl ufter that date. Ciuasea
healn Ortelirr 2,
108 Leian Hall Phene Darin 10O 8ta, 230
Until Sern
Become a C. P. A.
relrca Evening Courten qualify
7,u,d v. a . rfv, j-xuiiuuatiens.
Practical day and eentnir courses
Rice In Ilunlness Admlntatrntlun,
Acceuntlnir. General lluslneBa. Hales.
mnnKhlp, Htenesraphy and In Becie
tarlal nnd Teacher Tralninu.
Pay Scheel Xew Open
Nlclit Slioel Ojicns Smt. 18
of Business Administration
Write for 58th Year Boek
Pine St. Went of llrejid
Yeun r Men and llcm
. An evenlnc nehoel of unlversltr rriili et-
rerlnc prnctlcal buslneas trnlnlnt for tan
ana women. Every course tausht by a nil
" cmniiini; in me nuiiness worm.
Accounting Scheel three-year diplo
ma ceurse ttttlnc for the C. P. A. M-
amlnatlens and for business advance
I Pre. Accounting a special 8-sesiIw
ceurse In Bookkeeping for these whs
want te equip themselves quickly rar
cntrance te this hchoel, or for a prac
tical knowlcriEe of Bookkeeping.
Business Administration Sehoel-threo-ycar
diploma ceurbe, provldlel
a mnreuKii practical preparation
Business success.
Thirty Certificate Ceurtes-rfM"
which the Btuuem may cheese.
Heal Citate
Sales letters
Business Principles
Huslnesa Finance
Cost Accounting
Credits & Collections
and ether speech defects corrected, Klnca
ethed tawtht by a itraduate ciasfeH form
Kept. 1ft. l'rlate Instruction by appoint
ment. Hates rasenable Unusual results
secured. Individual conference and demon
stration Invited
Address Central Y. M. C. A.
Corrective Speech Scheel
1421 Arch St.
If Yeu Have Lest a ,ree,J position, or
write or telephone us today (Walnut 03-nti
for the story of Jehn I.ennen. who lest his
position with tha Itendlnir when the railroad
companies beeau reducing, etllce forces Mr,
Lennen ttien came back te Straser'a te make
himself meru expert, and Is new again with
the Heading at u substantial Increase In
salary, llurd times don't much treuble the
uraduates of 8TIIAYEII S the business
school that gunranteea geed positions, 807
Chestnut street.
Yeung Men nnd llnya
llerular Scheel Sesslena begin
Thursday, September 21st
Wednesday, September 20th
New boys report Tuesday, Sept. 10th
Greville Haslam, B. S.
The Franklin Institute
Scheel of Mechanical Arts
Drafting. Mathematics, Meclianlca, Machlns
Design. Structural Design. adenine
Naval Architecture
newatniiieii iiaiir in H. 71li St.. I'hiln,
..C. S" 5i'.u ?"'"" "5? 'or ley. r, ,
tllBl,u." ii tuii--i a rpvciaiiy, bpeclll rsl
I for 6-day boarders. Supervised aiii. iJ ft!
Hay in (ha afternoon for day bey'a M w?
a ueardera. Open Heplemler 20tuT M w
has gene into the
making of every Drexel
Evening Course.
It is only natural that
non-essentials and experi
ments have been eliminated.
Scheel of Business
Accounting Salesmanship
Traffic Management
Finance and Investment
Business Law Real Estate
Enrollment Open New
The Gorden-Roney Scheel
itufltnesa lttiri
Hunineflfl Law
Federal Tux Rt
ruir k havh'"'p, .
H....I I ,1 Claras KiMQlll I
, . 1 Ultllinillli ItllU ei"v "- - 1
rncierv uriranlzatler. and Manacemtui
rirrn n f wrn a I n
and jlanagement
Scjjfi for catalog te neartit
Y. M. C. A.
Arreuntlng nnd
1421ArchRt. 1013LehghAe. BMftSanseraSta
I.AItr.WDQI). x. j
lip 9al,
vaiaiuauea en application.
3. 1j. PATTiUlSON. Headmasttr
Onenlng Day, Thurailny Henteml.er 2Rih
(lasses , jvVlay ISleilSS
Sll Sarah. Ile.1,11 Mj,rl)n,,je llendml.tresH
VHITK for "Ihe IVnnlngtoirTdeirteTr
square education ter hnv. . 1.i.?!?.r.
Saint Jean's Schecl, Manliut
f fillpfr A PrunnrntflpT
Ameni: thA Mlfn. 1 1 miles
from Hvrftniina fahnriitft
equipment. ID hulldlnss. JL'O
ncrea. a tiatipy school me
with well-ordered recreation
find athletics. FeTmer stu
dents new attending 44 cel-
leKca and universities.
Iluslness course. Alse
Junier Scheel for boys 10
te 11. Knr .14 Anrn under
in i sent management, rur
retalnir nddresi .
HOY '7
Alamlus, N.
C'0XC0ltl, MABH. .
Concord Academy
A small beardlnir and day school tetltiUjt
the historic town of Concord, i'"ac. ..(..a
situated en the beautiful Samuel 'iear ,"' ,
The school life Is planned te dtyjww "
qualltlea or Initiative and eelf-reliai nw.
stimulate Intellectual curiosity. snV.,iw)
thorough preporatlen for cellsn. L'?J?n
ja request. Application ifbeuld be rn
Elsie Garland Hobsen, Ph. O.
Formerly head of the .Medel Hch"el et P"
Mimr College. ( iinfenl.MJj3
M'HOOI, 1 !'",s rnvir-
fltrenir CelleKO Preparatory W"
Alse General Course. 8f"Llar,i,P,:elnS'
Careful review for Cel ete .""
tlens Individual Instruction. Mt
Heme Atmosphere, l'ersenal co" .
viliti heada of school, TthytW"
Outdoor life. A sports. IIWi-
danclnir. Buburban Baltimore.
Hei 3.10 Catenstllle,
rnen. Slth vVT-. "r:.:"'.- V?I tt"
Ztckwer-llshn PhilBdclcJiia Musical I AejW
Jlaln srhoel, flr Niiriiee "!: " gipis
Jicaiiaiiaiiuii Lit'i'ictiii-Hii At -
her (1
Letran Conservatory
4UIO North Ureud tit.. Mil
at .. .. :i
&&. .
K " J?,
-, '
&. -L?1MiLlg
vJ '
&, j,iaiv23affaij