.)- wj'jrzwr&m W'VwV "tr 5j;vm &TikIrt rsi ?j i 7"' rv ".'"" I,-" vs. X 11M t T n&-vw (3P ' ? . ' 4 i w U-J GffTO jtii MI a. - -- - . w,T , J . -'&-' w WV BBBBf a, :-., " .f..A.A i.. l . B r MM' " v ' fcuenimj )ubUc illeftgcr 5PHItJlDiPHIAr SATURDAYS SEPTEMBER" 0.- M2 Aliening -puDiic weuger nr. -. - w v v i uM ' "TBI jjJ "MISS PHILADELPHIA' "MISS ALASKA" "MISS DETROIT" "MISS NEW YORK" "MISS AMERICA" of 1921 "MISS CAMDEN" "MISS INDIANAPOLIS" "MISS CHESTER" 'Ml jj'Sllj (kitty Melmeux) (Hclmnr Liedcrman) (Beth Madsen) (Dorethy Hughes) (Margaret German) (Eleaner Lindley) (Thelma Blessem) (Anna Marie Burk) 3 l!)f IN BATTLE FOR BATHING CROWN, A FEW OF THE FIFTY-SEVEN BEAUTIES FROM MANY SECTIONS OF THE COUNTRY WHO PARADED THE SANDS AT ATLANTIC CITY AS THOUSANDS CHEERED THEM JM !VH "r WATCHING THE TENNIS. Miss Susan Nerria, of Bryn Mawr, iQLS IflvMlfcVVM BKfgMHpf GIRLS SEEK WALLACE JOHNSON'S AUTOGRAPH. The' R&V H'H f ' W ''v and her guest, Mrs. Alec Wheeler, of Londen, among the specta- gfj "v tNBgB -KB- 'H WpO'yi Cymvyd Club player was surrounded after he had defeated WKW&'fbfi&'JmlR SERGEANT WOOD FILL, American here of the World War, is new a carpenter A LOT OF SPEED. During the five-mile motorcycle race at the Philadelphia County Fair at Bybcrry. It was wen by Gene Walker, the Newark, N. J., speed artist THE GALLERY. There were many thrills andNipills in the motorcycle program of the Byberry Fair. The spectators enjoyed it all, for there were no serious results te the accidents THEY'VE ADOPTED A DAUGHTER. The fester parents are Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Reid. The Reids have a son who is five years old. Their new child was Betty Anne Mummert CHARGED WITH SELLIJV ALCOHOL. Mrs. Aueujw Cehan, n Hruorerlst. Held JO Grand Jury in Central Statiwj 1&J3&& .4CiAl---&&?i'- ftgA&afX35Mfe&ft THEY'RE WAITING FOR THE BELL. Girte in line at the Birney Scheel, Ninth street and Lindley avenue, en the first day of the 1D22-23 term CAN YOU RECALL THIS BIT OF OLD PHILADELPHIA? ONE OP THE OLD GUARD HOUSES AT FORT MIFFLIN as it looked thirty years age. If you have any old Philadelphia photographs, please send them te the Evenine Public Ledger II!'M&4MKBP1MBH0H !1L vi': ::aivH ni ' ijtf. r.' , WVYil 2 tmZi M COMPARING REGISTRATION CARDS. Vivian Cester. Rebecca Albrecht and Anna Zidevitz met along the Birney school fence VIEW OF P. R. R. WRECK AT LENOLA, N. J. Coach jumped from track and rested en a heisting engine. Photograph by Dr. Jeseph Stokes, of MoerutowB A LESSON IN VOLLEY-BALL SERVING. This team has been playing a fast game for a Seuth Philadelphia playground. The girl at the left is telling her teammates the proper way te sheet the ball ever the net MISS DOROTHY KNAPP, of New Yerk, chosen as the prettiest in the professional class at Atlantic City ALICE DE FORD, as a gypsy -n utiuue3 BETTY SALINOFF danced 4 Tf a tHGlYn?Ev,IN ?Hf CLpSING PROGRAM at the La Grangs at Glenside, where hundreds of Philadelnhl airi nBnt vacation I duvlnv h aumiM " 7f r pw'w tHi c y m j-' 1 KT'f v Vv .'-vi4 Li'i.iiWAV)-,