VlU-- '"W ,'!pr" i ;vft.t7(; .. ! "")f "V "" 3.T.er.vTTrs-v. tffiXf ;nv it- a -'.V J.ti ?.' ryv; Wivj' tu , iiutui: r , r ,&' S . .k. ' jp y UUi. EVENING PUBLIC LEDG-EB- PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 192 , rr Nfi v M?- " i.'YV'gW--' '' V -SX If int'iv JL,ft ft THE PEOPLE'S FORUM Letters te the Editor Are We Really Gettlnrj Warmer7 Te the Edllcr of the Evenlne Public Ledger: Sir ;In the unii8ml Setitenibcr ilnys through which ttiln part of the United Etatrs nt lenst Is new pneslns It Is In terestlnjc te note Hint n contributor te the Londen Dully Mull holds that the Northern llinlsplicrc Is RettliiR warmer and dryer. This contributor regrets thnt thcr thcr Biemcters nrc of recent Invention, nnd that weather records nre still mere re cent, for he is certain thnt were rec ords nvnllnble beck te the beginning el the Chrlstlnn crn we vheuh! find Ills theory tlmt the Northern ilemlsiiriere Is Retting warmer nnd dryer con firmed But he cites such rererds ns nrc J vnllnhln lln tmtPM t hut in Cnrsnr s i account of the Gallic wars we find fre quent mention of frosts se intense irm whole armies were nble te cress grent ' rivers en the ice. whereas new the Hlver 1 Seine, for example, docs net freeze up mere thnn once or twice In n hundred years, lie discovers ninny iniiurmeiis thnt the (ieriunn winters of nn enrly period were nlmet Arctic In their cverity. wlille ns late ns the sixteenth centurv the Knpllsh winter wns net un like thnt of Northern fnlted States. Coming te mere recent times, the Londen man notes that the records 01 the Hudsen May Company, giving In every ense the date of the freeze-up of the 'northern rivers nnd the date of the breaking up of the ice. show thnt in i!00 years the period between has de creased bv ten dajs. Further, the glneiers of Kurepe arc till reccdlnj the Aletsch at the date of fiftv feet yearly, and the (trnnd Desert at the rate of nearly 101) feet j early. Anil, finally, according te thi- writer, the ice fringes of the polar regions have retreated some forty miles in the com paratively brlpf period Inei man first began te visit these regions. The difficult) of disproving such theo ries adds te the interest in them. Thus li.i.. it lu fii",.wf.i1 tlmt tin pnrtli is lewlv tiltlng'"'t!ird the pole, thus Changing longitude reikeningx. or that Itnrs is trying te signal the earth, we are all attention, net se much ne cause we are ready te accei t such no tions without question, but becau-e there nn1 always enough of possibilities In them te mnke u curious as te what mar be snitf about them. Many nn old-timer in Knstern Penn sylvania bus insisted that we de net knew the severe winters of ether days, and most persons have been dispened te luugh nt him. Hut along cenuw one of rather scicntlhV turn of mind, with an arruv of indications that are hnrdly te be Ignored, nnd we nre nt once set te wondering whether or net there may be something in it. Frem notions thnt have seemed fan tastic a geed deal of what Is new set down ns certain knowledge has come. Perhnp bv the time we have followed out nil th lends suggested bv the mediwt contributor te the Louden Mail it shall be found that the climate of our hemi sphere is ictually changing. W. C. TEMPLKTON. Ilarrisburg. Pn., September (I, 1D2. Paradoxes In Nature tte thz Editor el the Evening Public Ledger: Sir "The unusual news hu trans pired," rends a newspaper notation I hnvc just finished reading, "that the standard Hritish yard, which for thirty years bus been kept in a sealed box in the Commens, lias 'grown' one ten thousandth of an Inch longer thnn the standard kept by the Heard of Trade; and. apparently net te be outdone, the standnrd Hritish pound, made of plati num. It reported te have gained '1 Mj grains in weight." All of which is interesting. Hut what the Hritish pound gained in weight it lest in purchasing power, and all the time the yard stick grew longer skirts grew shorter. CALVIN. Philadelphia, September 0. 11)2. Movies in the Schools l"e the Editor e the Kvenine Public Ledger: Sir Your remarks as te movies in the schools seem te invite some Informa tion en the matter. The need fur m.nliwil ln nnnnrntllx in snell Tl!lH (' W:l. foreseen some years uge and s.i plied b . small machines using iiims of acetate of cellulose instead of celluloid. Thse films are both narrower and shorter thnn the regulnr. Thcj are pieduced from the regulnr negatives b uitaiis i of a reducer. The cost Is y.lglillj mere r . . L A. 1 .. !.,.. -.-. tl 1 ! 1 Net mi'y is the tilui "nen-inllnm-Diable." but the lamrK are of k.-e J lower. If left en the film, thry cnue t te shrivel and curl, but it docs net blaze. The width and perforations be ing different prevent the u. e of the professional films. These small ma chines are admitted te lx wife te u-e without booths or with eighten-,venr-eld licensed operators. On this account they can be moved from room te room and used where desired. , This make. them well ndnpteik for schools mid mall societies like churches nnd Sunuuji schools. The big nrgu.nent ngainst them v thnt the libraries which supply them are few and small. This is becoming less true every day. Several seuries of supplv arc available nt very reasona ble riites. It may be true that the nrc net se up te date ns the profes sionals but educative things de net get old se fast tliut tills Is un objection. As the demand grows the supply will be st hand. Since both nre made from the same negative, there is no reason te" prevent. The abec is the result of mere thnn a year of use in hundny-hciioei wcrK. I will gladly give mere definite infor mation en application. I have no con nection with the trnde. CIIAS. K. DUItYCA. Philadelphia, September 4, lt)U' Will Clethes Tame the Soviet? fe the Editor of the Kventne Public Ledger: Si,On the authority of Mether Geese "four and twenty tailors went te kill a snnll." The expedition failed utterly when "the best man among them durst net touch her tail." Four times twenty tailors are en their way te HusMa te see what tliev can de te the Helsheviki in the way of crened 'pants nnd cullnrs that set right. It is 1 a tlnring venture, conceived and finance,! bv American garment workers 1 , practical contribution te thn pence I of nations, with a little co operative 'IfSutatni'MH investment en the side. I de net possess a grent amount of " tBlll Inforinntien nbetit the lioNlio lieNlio lioNlie c , lki. nltheiiBh Mrs. Engnn'v iirtk-les in . the Bntnrdny nvenlnc Peet haw ln-cn tl- iurolnfltery In ninny regnnls. nml irem them nnl cisewhr-re I linve gleiinrc! thnt mens Iht'lr attrtbiilcs la nn nhseiice of Intrrent in tlie general stibjert of pnntJ and cellars. On n baxls of Miei-r utility punts fccm n matter of cmirce, whlli a cellar 1 regnrded iih n luxury and pos pes fbly a Mnlwter symbol of suspected Ireiirpenbi lennlngs, The beauty that lice in pnntu, their noble HneB, the artful fall ever the shoe top, the cuff, the youthful college bnl bnl bnl loen leg or the nifty business form- Tb I'eeple'a Forum will appear dally la ih rrenln l't Mr. and jlae m tha.Mandnjrl'ul'He Ider. I'fttera XuH.l t,mlv ln ii will ns nrlnted. Vreil rmueeted peemg, and queatlea af aeawraj n letereat will ba aeawera. , Letters te the Editor should be n brief nnj, te the peln ns possible, avoiding anything that would open a denominational or sectarian dis cussion. Ne attention will be paid te anony mous letters. Names nnd addresses must be signed ns nn ovldence of reed fnlth. although names will net be Drlnted If request Is made that Irrv be emitted. The publication of a letter Is net te be token as nn Indersemcrt of Its views by this paper. Communications will net be re turned unices nccempanled by post age, nor will manuscript be saved. fitting garment se attractively idmwn In the ndvertivements, all these things one has understood te he M-ernfiillr outside the purview of a gemiiiu', nil led, full full vejeed iirulctnrlan. Tluw eighty heroic men may have their work cut out en a mile for which they lime no r.ntterns. Yit. In tlw u. it.jite chance of success who can say whether IteNhevls-m arrayed in "our ....,.-... i.iu imi'rni3 nnu rminrti et me crude elegance of shnbblncsM will net e another stimuli shout uf his locks. Certainly if the Soviet appears en the I streets of Moscow In the. inconspicuous . uniform of the American clerk the spell iWW be broken nnd the people rrnllze tile llllllim lliwu i( rtinin iti'iitftuwlntia Clethes may mnke the innii, but they will be the ruin of the movement. .TAJIKS K. 11AKKINCTON. I'lnlndelphln, September 1, 1W22. Questions Answered The Festive "Skeeter" Te the Editor at the Evening I'ublle Ledger: Sir Will ou kindly tell n sufferer what Is th- best llculd te use te prevent moqulte liUvnl miii:kwheu. West rhtliiKlphln, Svptember u. IU'.'2. Arcenlln.? te the Unlteil .Statu Depart ment of Acrlculture. spirits of c.impher rubbed en th faoe anil hanOt nr en the pillow nt nlsht will keep nuiHqullee away for a limn. oil of pmnyrev.il hai thu property nnj. slUhtly diluted with iilrohel, Is sometimes found an effevtlNu li f iihv nealnst the "pesky crlttrii ' until It cp orates. Cltremlla also Is one of the best subntanrin for the use of these who de net object te its odor. England's Lending and Borrowing Te the Editor nf the Evening Public Ledger: Sir Did HnRlaml lend money te the Al lien in the great war ami then turn around and borrow from the United States? IXQL'IUKIt. Philadelphia, September 4, 10'J2. Oreat Urltaln lent her allies IP 4S 33H -OOU. She borrowed from the United States ll.U7T.000.OUO. "Deg Days" Te the Editor of the Evening Puhlle Ledf-r- Mr Pleaie state In thn People's I'erum when the ' deg days" occur nnd whv they are se called C. A. N Philadelphia. September .1, 1022. The se-call'd "dej das" comprise a teried from f ur te six weeks variously placed b twen th" early part of July nnj the ,.irlv part of Sept- mber This Is si desltrnatid btcause it w.m reckem-d In an 1 n, Mmi trum the rising of the deK star. ' hl..l..a STE.MS" NOTICK8 I'llllf. AIRIAT1C ( l.l.TK KVI.TIC ti:uitic , . . Sept. 10 Oct. 14 Nev. Sept. J Oft. 21 Ne. Sept. 30 Oi t. 2H Nn. Oct. T Nev. 4 Dec. 1 ,w MtKli TO azeki:s.. C.inKAI.TAU. NAl'l.i: AM tIKXOA Kl IV sept. 2.1 Net. II j Allit "ft- 1' i-iiii..i)i:i.puiA Livr.ni'OHi, niK K ii tvriii ekii ;"t. i PlTT'iliriKdl tnew) Oft. . Cabin nnd third rbins n-'kinser-, c.irrlfd. I.KVI.VNI) INl I'lllLADIXl'IlIA MAMIIF.STr.lt Mi:i)IAN sent. 1" vji.ttifTii.ciiinuMU-ne.'AvVTwr.HP Fni.XM) H''Pt. HI Oct. 21 ".; KKOONI.ANH Sept. M 0t. 2S IJec. 2 ,PI.MI ent. 30 m. 4 Dec. II r,OTIII,MI (direct) (let. 7 KIMVM) 0t. 14 Ne IS Dec. 23 Samlnnil (thlrd-fhis p.ienBcrs mil) )Sept.l3 I'reicbt for Dnnrlir enl. Mnnlnttan Sent. 10 M r lilcun Oct. 3 M-cklniw Sept. 20 Xlnl.in Ort. in Missouri l. 2- m iNriiriti.v 14 Oet. 2(1 MINNI.kahi" '"'"..Hi.., 'Y.-JSJ III.Xilll.l. Oft. r, 0. II 12 .Ot. 1U ji,in,attiin ' scut, in MIcIiIkuii Oct. 3 Murjiind Tn wsphiit mm! I'fu'l.Anr.i.i'Ui v t.oxnex Menondnee Jjnt.iJ jnlaii )ct. in ' Mrkl,,JRni.i.AM.A0i:iiii : A 'i.ixr. c'- "" , i"JLAii:i.iMiiA-ieeTTriiiiAM oe I u 1IIPI IIIM knill tf P .,! ...-.-- llred ..... ",' s International Mercantile Marine Ce. 12(1 Tt:.Mi:it- 1 31)11.000 tens raengrr IlllUe. 1310 Walnut M I'll In. TrrlKlit Office. 105-4 1 1 Bourne lllilg.. 1'lillu. CUNARD; ane ANCHOR UNBS F T,oJf.i..,:"eiii,oTiVuuV.i.n I A Q U IT A N I A nt. 13 Oft. 3 Oet. 3 IU-KKNf.HI 'nt. il Ort. 13 Ner. 31 Vll HPTVMA "(nt. 30 Ne. 7 N! V te riimeuth. Cherbourg, and Hnmburj CMteMA Oct. X Nn. I Icc. 0 sON I A Oct. II Ne. 30 y t f0bh (Queenstown) and Liverpool i'tlHHMl sent. I ')ct. 13 - ' I "Till ne Sent. 3 Oct. 30 ICONIA (ne ) t. Trav- (OMM1I1A "' 0(" ' Nev " Al.flKICIA r?rwi. ? Tt'i'Ni (nr) 'I't. .l' tiiiitnMl lne) Ort. 7 ,..',..... ,-.. , (.. ..ml . rii,.u..n... AS1KI. . . f"- Is notion te Queenntewii and Liverpool TYKHIIKN'I V (ne1 . .Vpt. 20 Phlladelrhla te I.enrtun VIIKiII.IV Oct 3 1'hll.i te Olbraltnr Malta Alexandria lielrut Tripoli ana Kamaiiinia i vprun) hivi:ii itXRS 'rut. 1:1 Sen ve'ir Ipal rtJWrtD r write C'l NAKI) A ANCIIOK sTi:AMltlf I IXi:., eN.rncer Orllce 1300 Will nut M 1'hllu. crfliht emce. Ilniime Hitler.. I'll Hit. xlmpress Express Reuto Te EUROPE Via the St, Lawrence te CnETnOlJUG SOUTHAMPTON H A M U IJ H G By the .plrmMIr t ppeintej E rprcJioSetlanJ"nd hmpTut of Franca, " Quebec le Liverpool "Emprtu af Brtfatn, " Full, Sec&ecJ eed Third CUm. Montreal le Liverpool Gloagenv, Southmplen and Antwerp tit apkadid Oee.cl.u Cinidun rc6c tteimiliiae. Only About 4 Days of Open Sea Rtttt and all information en request It. C CLAYTON. City laaa. Aal. 670 ChMtnut St., Philadelphia t. T. 8TKHU1NO, Oen. AgU, I'a. Iet. Uadlten Ave., at 41th 81., New Torb CANADIAN PACIFIC mw mm aria at-a Ukir' Operating V. S. Gov, Shipt Sailings Frem Philadelphia FOR HAMBURG SS "City of Flint" (USSB)...SfPl. 9 SS "CkUkiww" (USSB)...0cl. 21 HUDSOff SHIPPINC (JO.,! Inc., Agli. 32k Cheatnut St., riilia. N. V. TO C'IU:itUlinCsejTIIAMI;TON MA4ITIC tnew) Sept. 10 Oct. . lct. JS OlA'I'lf .sept. 2.t Oct. 14 e. llOMTTtIC (new) "rut. It" Oct. 21 Ne. II v i t nillll lOflXSMUlVM A I.IM..' &mmam urns X.V.TOHAMUnu.V.XP..VM0tTAXl. fc - w - LLembareV 1264-S Mm 7dl !! EDUCATIONAL Until Hrirs DREXEL Drexel Institute, rcnra-nnlxeil, re. ilrcnriitril n nil refurnished, offers thorough technical trnlnlng in Civil, Klertrlcul, Meclmnlciil. Ce-operative Engineering Alternating- clnssc In Instruction nnd practice. Heme Economics Demestic Science, Demestic Art, Dietetics, Drrssmuldna-, .Millinery, Costume Deslgp, Library Science All plinn?s if Mbrnrliin' work. Secretarial Courses Fitting for Frlviite Secretaries nnd flnp paying positions. Address Are Yeu Grewing? Train veurelf for a Iwtter )osltlen without UiterferlnB with our pres ent work. Telrc evenlns rnur-es offer prnetl cat thotenrh Instruction In Dinlnew Ailmlnl-trntien cenuntlnir. (Innera I in-lnc". Salesmanship. 8tcne"raPh md In Secretarial and Tcather Tralninu. I).i 'choel New Open Nlelit Sclienl Opens Sept. IS PEIRCE SCHOOL cf Business Administration ll'rlte for SStli Year Heek l'lne M. Wet of llrnnd "A Touch of the Country In the Heart of the City" A melern school, mill ever two cen turies of worthy traditions, for bevs und K.rls from the primary Rrades up tireuch the hlBh school. Cel ee Preparatory & General Courses Large p'nysieunds. Abundance of ' B'it ard air Kmitiasls en loead Beneral culture nnd Imple Christian IH'nir. with rc I'd te tne needs nnd nntltude of eich punll. lleslns Ninth .Menth ISth. New open : r lnrpectlen and enrollment (Cii'tIebs ) FRIENDS' SELECT SCHOOL The I'arkwitT Cherry nnd tdth Sis. " i ' n II M lrlpie.1 JBAMMS mt irrtVTMrvrMrterii SU&lfVJ&i$& Day Scheel COLLEGE Night school TKAIN HERE! Are veu loeklns for th let In husiness eduratlen' Then It will pa you well te lnes1:it thli f .meus instiiutien or uusinebi. 1200 Wiilnut St. Plilh'dclphl.t 'ymrj-mniwv wr STKAMMlir NOTICKS fSTHMAN STEAMSHIP UJS Philippines East Indies Service DIRECT SAILINGS FROM FHBLADELPHiA TO DUTCH EAST INDIES and PHILIPPINES Penang, Belawan-Deli, Pert Swet- tenham, Singapore, Batavia, Samarang, Seerabaya, AND MANILA and ILOILO S S "Fairfield City" Sailed S S "Mobile City" Sept. 30 S S "Steel Traveler" . . . Oct. 30 Fer retea and partlculnr apply t NORTON, LILLY & CO. GENERAL AGENTS, Bourse Bide., PhilndelphU Lembard 6271 Main 244i Mwl&ik te Se&tlli America ei U.S.Qovarnmenteliips New Reduced Rates Fastest Time te Rie dr Janeiro, Montevideo, and Duenes Aires. Finest ships American service American Feed American comforts. Sell ings from Pier l.Hobeken. S. S. Southern Cress V . Sept. 16th S. S. American Legien . Sept. 30th S. S. Pan America . . . Oct 14th S. S. Western World . . Oct. 28th Fortnightly thereafter Fer deacriptive booklet, address Munson Steamship Lines 67 Wall St. New Yerk City Mnnafllmt Operators for nOarrm JOINT SCHVICe WITH X, HAMBURG AMERICAN LINE TO rLYMOUTH. nOULOCNE UAMUUUG Br New Annicu.FUi Stumcn KIISOI.L'TK et. 1 Oct. 17 Hi:i.IAN(I-)it. 3 Ort. al TO IIAMBUnG DIRECT SaDinus every Thur ly. by the popu lar steamers Mount Clay, Mount Car Car eoll, Mount Clinten, Hanea, Uayern. Wuerttemberx, with special cabin and improved third class accommodations. United American Lints, inc. :( Ilreudwiiy, N. Y. or l.ecul Acent COIVIEVIERCIAL" STEAMSHIP LINES (Operating V. S Oevt Ships) rillLAMiXt'lllA 1 tlMlli. lll'IIMN. llr.l.TAM'. ItiNDONHI.IlltV A IKNIT hM , 'slIOOTIJKh' lsl-ANIl" Sent. St) Sriiiiulniilnn anil lljltlc 1'ertn XH "J-.AMT MIIE" ent. 10 Other Torts aa riufllclent Carvri Offers M00RE and McCORMACK, INC. 444.46 Bourse Bldg., Phile. Lemb. 0585 iMain 75iy CUmthaUa ET: 1 ast U. U. Mull a.a, bU.SUirA. VUNTUllA. 1U.UU0 tuns." Lloyd's A-l lewialsr. UeUvbt. lul kervlce. bdney Sert Line. Samoa (HONOLULU 1220 H. T.l. l'acllle leurs I52S. 1st class. ,0 VENTURA sails Sspt. 10 BONOM A sail Oct. IT Oceania Line I Pin St.. San Franclse. fal., or. , H. E. Durnstt. Aat.. it Battery Plan, N. x Mid lEesfifyte I K. G. Mathcjen, LL.D., President B I PHILADELPHIA I Phene PREsten 5325 x I I Sr I I ? x U. S. Shipping heard j KtHTCATlONAf. Ileth Hextn . Srexel Tinching Anether reason why Drexel Evening Scheel graduates make geed in your business. The man or woman who must get an education while working should have the best possible teaching. The whole Drexel System of Action Training is built en this principle.. It is true "Action Teaching." Scheel of .Business Accounting Salesmanship Real Estate Traffic Management Finance and Investment Business Law ard Many Related Subjects Engineering Mechanical Electrical Civil Chemistry Mathematics Drawing and Many Related Subjects Enrollment Open New XEL SCHOOL Business Education In I'hli.idelphln nenrly everjliedv Known fn thn superiority of Stnoer's liuslnesti Cully,;'. If ou cl(slr Imslne1!! training of any Idml d.i "r eU'iilnir. be nuie te ttet Par ticuliira lnin Striker's before maUns iletlnilp iiiranu'f'mcniB. nun ua a'ui nmn RtU'irnte ihi type Mvrltfi' H Gelil Mel.iU wen list Near. S' r ulur'H Shorthand. TjnewrltlnB. il'in1 l.e Mmi Aceuntlnir, IVnniimhlp, Ariiuineuc i.nsiiii una eiiiesm.insnip. Strayer's Business College Hm rliehtnnt trfrt Wnlni't D.t-Bt NEFF COLLEGE Ici'lep, all iiewrs, rh memory think inu. rentltlpnrH etc. nmnves I 'ear nnd Se t Ceiifc1nupncti. Imiirevea KxpreHHlen In Coin- tHiitleii. Oratory. Ulocutlen. Tirainattr1 Art etc Ii.v. Aft. I-ie. Courses, clai and t rtate. CNur en for CIuIih IerreeH, InpNirnnR -' il'-lrn Sat. Merr. Irinte r rrvl'w f.llr iture. Wrtte. cull, I'lOIT n-1ire 'Jis 1730 Chestnut Street Mil CAN ii:r A (lOIHM'AYIMi I'OMTION 1'bere In u (eu'ttuntly Incieaaln? demand f ) wll-tralned loeKUieperH. Our ceurFen n Ixieklifi'l'IriK nid acceuiitancy che the eunir man cr vninan Hludent t'.int kind ei uroundwe-k which In necessary te ncccpt it tiositlen of reiprjimlblllty Day and NlKht latM!" lr.rinnal instruction. C'.ill for tnnr,ievv aim t.uaieir una innpect our well- equipppfi classroom!,. Ullir A Ill'i.lVt'k ,, t iiu. li and V'elli'Kr of C'eiunicrce 17IO M.irket St.. I'lill nlrlnlila Wanamaker Institute 23d and Walnut Streets OPEN'S Pa Sfhnel. .September 11 Afternoon X' T. enlnr Scheel. September 30 wnrTF. Feri cataixi Telephone Ixirunt 8149 i-'!.'Jri43BB m WwWmKkmWkWBkmmWkWm MENDS' CENTRAL SCHOOL. SYSTEM 781 II KH OI'hNS hKI'T. lflTII I UMrON THOMAS. I'rln. I S t Ii ft liner nt.. INTESIOH aSCORATING Twe Courses. IS weeks mch ene for ttie h m'inaker nnd nmateur the ether deallnu wi'h the BUbJert mere profeselenally, com cem t'iiiir Ft'Pt " r-enil for catalog. 1..M.I.A., 1013 Lehlfib At., Sid li Sunaem Sta. mMuvmi imniMJUiaammMtMmmamtiaat AM1I) THE HUTS 01' Ill.MNEhS 1 .le eplnt; your tanabllltlea In our ri-ev; Hnertl.nnd, Teut rtiunii, Hookkeei) Heokkeei) Hoekkeei) iiii; riLMretarl.il Ceuims hpeclal oppor eppor opper i iiiiiius tur hiKh nuioei students, 'day or i l..1 Unroll new. I I IJ , T A VUlIt MIIIHU.. jlina .Market Ht. .spi,f;.M)ii ruMrie.N.i i eic iiuuieim m I'vniia.. Md . N. J and N . schools ler heptemuer are new Iwlriit filled, free reBla- rull"jieuKiiN Ti:.rin:it,s' iii'heau 11)02 .Murket htreet MISS WOODS SCHOOL tfer Ksrentlenal Children LANOIIOItNK. PA. CcrsultJPubUu Joiner Hureau for nartleulara. THE FARNUM SCHOOL 1H07 PINE ST. Will IteePHi oil .Meiulii). Oct. 2d (,lrU. I.lltle llnjM. Kindergarten GERMANT0WN .....siIekcb mill) riermintnun Ate, DY AND NjUJIIT LAff,KS Pnr Infnrmiitlnn "II: flerninntewn 0730 1IIK JIHUIAN HUIUUI,. JUJ Itulllllt Ol. (JERMANTOWN FRIENDS Scheel Year Opens September 19th STANLEY II. YARNAIX. PrlnelpiU Palms Business CeUege lln Phertband. DoekkeoplnB. Secretarial, Tuui Typewriting. tr nay a kvc iniivui. instrua 30-DAY?; BUSINESS COLLEGE rk & SiiMiurlinnnn Atrs, iinni'n iim ,i,-:i i.:n r: EMILIE KRIDER N0RR1S Si'hoel of expression and state uri Publla speaklnir. EnKllsh, voice. peire, story tplllmr. Ilklt. Ulnleraa. 1714 Chestnut street. Suite 401, Hnruwe 3IB2 1'ruuu. Museum, school nt Industrial Art, liread & l'lne. Opens 3ept,20. Iteg. days. ftpt, IS te 2n, Ea. Solieol opens Oct. 'J. tw. Eves . Kurt. 28. 37. a T-tt P. U. NI'MMEK Tiilerlnit for C'ellern. Scheel nnd LW. Mlher I'ren.. 11B S "lltll St . I'hlln. Yeung Men and Ileys IIKfMVN I'll EI'., llrnnd und Surlni Unrdta Hts Phlla., prepares student for any ceu Use, or professional ("tool, th; State Beard exams, and for buelr.es, 40th year bealna Sept. 18. Enrel! new. DUE E!?EH nmttiATinnAfr frllnlll Hn UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA Evening Scheel of Accounts and Finance Will Yeu Ever Be at the Head of Your Own Business? EVENING COURSES OPEN TO MEN AND WOMEN Accounting AdvcrtUIn Dutineta Corretpendenc Business tocegraphy Commercial Law Corporate Taxes Corporation Flnanca, Economics Employment Management Foreign Trade and Shipping Government Regulation el Business Industrial Management Insurance . Meney and Credit Markets and Price Real Estate Railroad Traffic and Rates Salesmanship Send thi coupon today. Pmftlens begin Oct. 2. Rritlstm (Inn iliiy. rnt. S te 23, In rlunlte. ilimr. 0 A. M. te 5 I. M. nnd 7 te 0 1'. SI. ililllri Kiitunl.iM. 0 te 1, Annlv Keem KIH, I.nimn llnll, Vnlcraltr of rrntiMlvnnln. rhene. Daring 100, Htilllen 23!). Yeung Men nnd rieyn aBcxxx,xi: fa 117 1 HU'l'i a yv enenan military Acaaemy 1 8 Hi 8 Our Ideal Is te Cultivate "A T(Vdv business or for college. All our teaching seeks te give the fundamentals of a sound education. Ideal location, 12 miles from Philadelphia. Large Athletic Field. Splendid Gym. Separate Dept. for Juniors, 11 years old and ever. Write for Catalog and View Boek Lewer Scheel, $650 Upper Scheel, $750 Majer C. A. SNYDER, Supt. Capt. C. M. Lorence, Cemdt. ! S3 V V f: Bex E, WENONAH, NEW JERSEY KJ CkxX'-:rv:i:e:: ENGINEERING COURSES These courses are planned for the young man who is anxious te get into the engineering field as seen as possible, without sacrificing training nnd who cannot afford either time or money te take a four-year course. Our course is covered in two years and has been approved by leading engineers and instructors. Philadelphia Mechanical & Electrical Schools & Sheps, Inc. "The Scheel of Opportunity" Sll-10 N. llread St. rhene. I'enlnr 8333 Sprlnc Harden ft. Entrance 014-18 llrnnn St. I'lmnc. Market 3321 C'ntl, tcrlfc or 'phone for details. ACCOUNTING Three-year diploma course flttlnjt for the C. I'. A. examinations and ter business udvuncemuu: First Yp.ir Acieuntlnc Principles rirsi i ear nUBiekH ,nw lliihlnrhs Finance Rpj-nnrl Yenr Aerenntliiir Ireblem bocena tr llsllleM ,nw Tiirtert Oricanlxatlen and Muntieement Third Year r. i' A. Theory Problems r. AndltlnE Allllltlnf Thmrv nnri i'rnctlre Tdht AcrnuntlnE riprrlalUrd Acrnuntlnc PRE-ACCOUNTING A special 4B-eesslen ceurre In nook neok noek keeslne for these who wunt te equip themselves quickly for entrance te this school, or for a practical knowl knewl knowl edite of Boekkceplnir. Bend for Catalnt Y. M. C. A. Scheel of Accounting and Business Administration 1421 Arch Street 1013 Lehigh Avenue 52tl & Sansom Sts. THE EPISCOPAL ACADEMY OVERBROOK llegular Scheel Sessions begla Thurs'lay. September 21at Re-Examlnatlena Wednesday, September 20th New boys report Tuesday, Sept. 19th Greville Haslam, B. S. Headmaster TORI DEPOSIT. MP. TOME SCHOOL FOR BOYS A NATIONAL neardlnr; Scheel en the Susquehanna, be tween Philadelphia and Balti more. Faculty of trained special ists. College Heard standards. Individual advisers for rtudents. Single rooms. Gymnasium, swimming peel, and all athletics. Thoroughly supervised. Nine-hole golf course. Modern granite buildings. Rate $1000. Fer catalog, address Murray Peabody Brush, Ph.D. Pert Deposit, Hit - KDWCATIONAt. Ynunr Men nnd liny The clerk becomes the manager only when he is mentally equipped te "man age." The head of a business is.the head because he is the BRAINS of the busi ness. Yeu MAY gain business knowl edge in the hard, slew school of Expe rience. But you can go faster and fur ther by building en the foundation of a practical business education. The University of Pennsylvania Evening Scheel offers you the opportunity te study business under the direction of members of the University faculty many of them nationally recognized authorities en business and financial subjects. Yeu are offered the opportu nity te study business methods under men who serve, in many cases, as busi ness advisers te great corporations and te the United States Government. Tlieoilern J. Orajraen, Director, Evening Scheel, U. of 1. Please send me catalogue describ ing Evening Scheel Courses. iVCtTHS , .... Yeung Slen anil llnra A 1 8 0 0 'i e f5 Sound Mind in a Sound Bedy" Our system makes for healthy, vigorous Beys. A U. S. Army Officer is detailed here by the War Dept. Our athletics are under Faculty direction. In our cla.ss rooms and study peri ods we teach our boys hew te THINK. Our courses nrenare for y CHESTNUT HILL ACADEMY A day nnd benrdlnir school for boys. Pre paration for cellciie a specialty. Special rat for e-ilav boarders. Supervised study and play In the afternoon for dav beya as well as boarders. Open September 30th. Cutaleuues en application. J. L. PATTIHtSON Headmaster MANMCB. N. T. MANLIUS ftste, , t . 2 ! ei Amenir the hills. 11 miles from Syracuse. Elaborate equipment. 19 bul'dlnss. 120 acres. Athletics. Umlnesa teuise. Alse J.Hl,.,0t,:t.n.5l; Fer 3i M um'er OEM. VM. VnnnKPK. Pre... nor 27. Manllus.N T iiertnEXTtnvN. n. j. nortnENTewN military institute Thoreuch preparation for college or bush nejs. ERlclent faculty. ?mall classes. Indi vidual attention. Military tralnlnir. 38th ear. Fer cataletrun address Drawjr C22. Cel. T. D. Landen, IJonlentewn, N. J. Principal nnd Cnir.rnnd.int Teunr Women nnd Girls MILLINERY; DRESSMAKING COSTUME DESIGN Practical courses. 12 Hteka each, expert Instructors, latest msib eds and styles, becln Sept. 11. Send for Catalog. Y. M. C. A. 1121 Arch St. 1013 Lehigh Av. 03d 4 Sansera MISS HILLS' SCHOOL Will Commence the Fall Term st 2204 Pine Street, September 28 The principals will be at the school after Sept. in. Oierlea Scheel, a .brunch of Mlea Hills' Scheel will rcepgn in the Hcd Cress Heuse, Paell, Seet. 1!7. Miss snywnrd'a Scheel ter Olrls. OverbrerA Fhlla., Pa, College preparatory and a retsrlal courses. Athletic. Doniestie Sclencs Carriage cr,ls for pupils In Uala. O-nwyJ. Met en and WynneffeM. Write Dept. L. MISH H. JAVKT BAVtVABn. PrlnclpiU Ml illreun'a Scheel far Klndercnrtism Junier. Senior and Graduate Course Primary methods. Practice kindergarten Address A. T. Illmnn. Prln. llex t, 40011 P1n f... Phllsrtslphla. Pa. THE PItOtlRESS SCHOOL 202.1 N. llread St. A medt-rn school. Public Scheel Curriculum. Short hours. Individual Instruction. Address Miss Peirgy ShlpMn L'rewther. 11744 X. nth st,. Oak l.anp, Phlla WEST CI IEHTER. PA . THE mitl.INOTON hEMIN'AII, INC. Junier Cellree Courses (a rnrs) Physical Education, Secretarial, Music, Art. Expression. Heme Economics. Collece Preparation (4 jrurn) Standard Courses for tlie best celleBes. Arademlc or IIIkIi Scheel (4 years) Liberal but thoreuuh tralnlnir for life. 'lirNlne V Hv I'rlnchinl, nx 1110 MUSICAL INSTRUCTION LEEFSON - HILLE ;e;rriv",ry ir,24.2n Chestnut SlSti?,U",e "'C' nsth Adeline nml Yerk Iteml National Hank HiiIIiIIiik. Luniulnnne REIH'ENS XKPTiaillEK IHTII AniJOTT. At Mnvs Lnndlnir. N. .1 Sept. Itelatles ani friends Invited te funeral services en hundav ufternoen, at 2 o'clock ' nt his Inte rcsldence Interment Union Ccnu i years. UlCry. .IIUIH i'UIIUIUK. HALL. Sept. .1. KirrURAH S.. wife nf David II. Hall, Relatives nml friends nlse H. of V. Auxiliary of Anna M Ress Camp Ne, 1. ar Invited te funeral services, Sat at 1 P. M., nt I, I'. Keller & Sens. N li' cer. 13th nnd Lehigh nve. Int. private Friends mny call Krl. eve. BUCK. Sept. 0. SOLOMON, hn ,,,, , late Marie Heck. Relatives nnd frlendB are Invited te attend funeral, Frl 1 0 A r late residence, 241U N. 18th st, Khnlnm Pern. Int. ile'def RETIIEL. At 8410 Himllten t., en Sept. 7, 1022. MARY ANNA, wife of Ren" nptl N. llethel, used 80 year, Netice of funeral later. 1IOEHM. Sept. 0, ROSE, wife of Adam Roehm, RelatUes nnd friends Invited te nttend funeral. Sat.. 7:30 A. M.. reuiii.n,... 001 Jeffersen st. Solemn requiem mass St Peter's Church, 0 A, M Int. Hely Redeemer Ce"t ROEHM. Sept. 7. 1022, RACHEL A ROEHM Funeral Saturday, 2 p. M.. from Union Heme for Old Ladles, 48ih and Lancaster ave. HOWMAN. Sept. 0, 1022. MAURICE WOODWARD, husband of Mellle F Ilow man Funerul services nnd Int. prUate. 1 I1ROWN. Sept. II. 1022 JOHN H hus band et Ute Sarah A. Drewn, need 71 runral services Sat.. 2 P. M.. at his lata residence, 20 W. Provldejice read. Aldan. D(l. Ce.. Pa. Int. a. tCuinDerland Cem. Friends mav call Frl.. 7 te 0 p. M. I jJAPiTijiN. Buaueniy. at his res dence. KbO N 2Bth St.. en Sept. B. 1922. HARRY IF CANTlilN. naetlTO sears. Rela tit es and I friends, also Mutual Republican Club. Thir teenth Ward: empleyes of CUy Hollrlier' 1 Ofllce. nre Invited te the service, nn i.,-iia.. fenlnir. nt 8 o'clock, at tlie Oliver H. Hair Wld., 120 Chestnut st. Interment at Chester Ruraf Cemetery. .,rew L CARHN. Sept. B. 1022. EDWIM S hus. band of Elizabeth Stew Carlln. Relatives and friends are Invited te funeral services Frl,. P. M at his late residence, "li N 8d at., Camden. N. J. Int. private, Harleleh Cem. Friend may call 'ihure., 7 te 8 'COCHRAN. At his lesldence. Iielh Avres Pa . WILLIAM , COCHHAN. "ke 31. Due t.otlce of funeral w II be ulven COLEMAN, Sept. il. HARRY, husband nf Em Celeman aied 07 VeariV R'elni? e ani friends, also hannr Ceunell. Ne. 30 a, AD et A., are Invited te attend funeral, Saturi DKATHH clay. S P. M from his late residence, 2821 North Hcete st Int. nt North Cedar Hill llemnlna may be viewed Frl., fftw; 7 P. M. CrtANn. On fiept, ft. WTJ. MATILDA W. CHANG (nce Westen). yidev of IJenrv IlrlBhtwell Crane nnd mother of Arthur J... Crane, nged HO years, nelntlves nnd fr'""!;?' alre members of Ilelhnny Temple l.'resby terlnn church, are Invited te the service, nn Saturday afternoon, nt .1. o'clock, at 18 Chestnut st. Interment private. UllUHISll. llr i.111.1 I'OPinr ii n '"i''," ef-eii in nf,nn E 0. 1022. CHAnLCH E., husband of the lt; Lydn W. Cruser. Helatlves nnd friends, nlse 1'hlln. Hrnnch, Ne. 4, Ornnd V'raternltv. nre IBIO Invited. te the service, en FrhJ lay afternoon, o'cieck. at tne unver ii , jinn rlvnte U2e Chestnut at. Interment liAII.lIY. Stiriilenlv. Hent Chestnut at. Interment Private. ILEY, Suddenly. Hent0. HAIlAH M, of the Inte Martin bailey. Relative wife of the Inte Martin unller..elalIvS5 nnd friends lnvlled te funeral, Men.. RiSO A. H from her late residence, 20 N. Hor Her Hor ten at. llequlem high mass at Our Lady of the Rosary Church. 10 A. M, Int. Hely Cress Cem. . nAllM. Xt Pllmnn. N. J., en Sept. 8. CATHERINE , A. DAHE, wife .01,. Edgar uare. iieiaiivcn nna iricnus iiim " services en Monday nt 11 A. M.. at her tntA resilience. Hi Columbia nve. Interment prlvnte nt Old Stena Church Cemetery. ijavib. Munqeniy. nt iiiineuruii, i n,, Sept. 3, 1022, DAVID I,., son of William C. nnd the late Mnry A. D.ivls. Ilelntlves nnd friends nre Invited te nttend funeral services, a. ,, A r n. l.n -hnn.1 nf AtidrAiv .1. Half' Sen. Arch nnd lBth sts. Int. nHvnte, KciviiAirr. un cent. e. inwn i. nre Invited te funeral services en Saturday. Orape st., Manayunk, hi .1 i'. !.. nt iicr u at ner earenis rcsiucnue. - Intcrmept Leerlna- lull DiiKii;!,, . t i m ,,t l-leiIt.lt. nept. n. litxa. aiier a erici ni nes. Dr. PRANK FISHER, brother of Dr. Mary Fisher. Friends and members of all oreanlzatlen of which he wa a member are Invited te attend funeral services, Frl., 2 P. M., nt his late residence, 1911 Arch st. Int. private. FLOOD. Sudden V. Sept. 8. 1022. Rev, JOHN E. FLOOD, Supt. nf Parochial Scnoeis. iicintivcs, xrienns nna revercnu cleriry nre Invited te attend funeral. Sat., from St. Partlck'a Church., 20th nnd Locust sts. Divine offlce will brtjln 0:30 A, M., followed by srtlemn requiem mass, 10 A. M. Int. New Cnthedrat Cem. FORREST. Sept. 7. 1022. ATTAWAY IR WIN, wife of Henjamln Q, Ferrest, wrcd 49. Relntlxes and friend are Invited te attend funeral services. Sat., 2 P. M nt the resi dence of her husband, 17S S. Center ave., Merchnntvllle, N. J. Int. private, Arling ton Cem. FOX. Sept. 0. DORATHEA M.. daughter of Oeercc V. nnd Helen Fex- (nce Owen), need S. Relatives nnd friends Invited te funernl services. Sat., 12 M nt residence, 218 S. Ithnn st. int. nt i-nurel Hill com. Vlewlnir Frl.. 7 te 10 P. M. OARRETT. Sept. B. ANNA D. (nee Dent ler), wife of Hnrry W. Onrrett. nt her Inte residence. 212(1 N. Kith st. Relatives nnd frlendB, Invited le services, Sat,, nt 2 P. M., 7th St. M. E. Church, 7th nnd Norris st. Friends mny call Frl.. from 8 te 10 P. M. OLADINO. Sept. B. JOSEPH OLADINO. Relatives and friends, nlse member of St. Alban -Ledge. Ne. B29, F. nnd A, M. s Tcmple R, A. Chapter. Ne. 248: St. Alban Com Cem mandery, Ne, 47, K. T., and Masonle Vet erans of Pn., nre invited te ntlcnd funeral, Sat., 2 P. M.. from his Inte residence, 1110 Jackren st. Int. Seuth Laurel Hill Cem Ho He maln may be lewed Frl. eve. OREEN. Seet. 0. HORACE EVANS OREEN. Relatives and friends, nlse nil or- (ionizations or wnicn ne was a memDcr. in vited te services. Sat.. 2:30 P. M.. nt his Inte residence. 31)77 Queen lane, Falls of Schtivlklll. Int private. OREEltALaiI (nee Duirnn). Sent. 0, 1022. HESSIE. wife of James .T. OrcenhnlBh. Funeral Sat.. 8:10 A .!.. residence. l'-07 N. Iluckncil st. Solemn retiulem high mass St. Elizabeth's Church 10 A. M. Int. Hely i3cpul- chro.Cem. HACKK'rr. wept, n. ui-.uuui. it., Mr., Iiuili.mil of Hnnnnh Hackett (nee Throck morton), nKed 711. Relatives nnd friends nre Invited te nttend funeral. Sat., 1:30 P. M., from his late residence. 201!) N. American st. Int. Evercrcen Cem., Camden, N. J, Vlewlnir Frl.. nfter 7 P M. HAMILTON Of HIM N 10th St.. en Sept. 7. 1022. KIZIAH. wife of Peter ltnmiltnn Scrvlce en Sat.. 2 P. M.. nt the Oliver II. Dalr IJldR.. 1820 Chestnut st. Int private. HEFFEH1N. At Atlantic Cllv. N. J . Krt. 0. 11122, ROBERT T . husband of Mnrv Ilcfferln. of 2000 Atlantic nve. Relatives nnd friends, nlse Trlnters nnd Pressmen's Union, nre Invited le nttend funeral. Snt., 8 A. M., from the parlors of Jehn L. Oorm Oerm ley, 270(1 Atlantic nvc. Solemn requiem mass at Our Lady Star of the Sen Church 8:3(1 A. M. Int. Hely Cress Cem., 11:30 A'nM:nnERT. sept. b. 1022. oeerqe d beloved huslmnd of Anna M. Herbert. Hell. uvea iiiiu lurniie i,,J.i, id, vj, j, ..,,, ,u. ,&,, and I'ennn. R. R. Voluntary Relief Dept.: waBhincten t;amp. ?. iui, 1. u. . nr., nnd Joel Parker Council. Ne. fia. Jr. O. U. A. M.. are Invited te funernl sprvlccs. Snt.. 1 P. M nt the residence of his ren-ln-law, William W. Lacy. 27 Thompson ave., Gloucester. N. J. Int. private. Columbus, N. J. Friends may cnll Frl. eve, HEYWOOD. On Sept. (I, 1022. HENRY. HEYWOOD, aeed 77 years. Relatives nnd friends, also Anslo-Saxen Ledve Ne. 13. Sens of St. Cleerce. nre Invited te the service. Bat., 2 P. M., ut the Oliver H. Pair Hidir.., 1820 Chestnut at. Int. at Ar lington Cem HUTCHINSON. Sept 7. nt Uala. ANNA McC'LEARY. wife of the Inte Henry Vellum Hutchinson nnd d.iuirhler et the Inte Wil liam H. 'nnd Anna Maria McClcnry. Netice of funeral later HUOHES. Sent 0. 1022. PETER J., hiu- band of Alice llUKhes. Relatives nnd friends. nlse Helv Name Society nnd emplejvs of Rtrawbrldie & Clothier, Invited te funeral, Mnn . 8:30 A. M.. from his Inte reslUetice, 802 W. Somerset st. Solemn requiem mass nt St Eduerd's Church 10 A. M. Int. Hely Sepulchre Cem. JAMES. At Rlvcrten. N. J.. Sept. 7. ANNA ELIZARETlt. widow of William Levi James. Funeral beruces Hat.. 2 r. M., at her late residence. Khcrten. N. J. Int. prhute. LEHMAN. Sept. 0, SUSANNA, widow nf William Lehman Relatives and friends In vited te funeral, Sat., 2 P. M.. from resi dence of her son-in-law. lllen Firth i!u Rlplia ae, M.inayunk. Services will be held In St. David's Church. 3 P. M. Int. private, Leverlnstten Cem.. Roxberoush. Friends may cnll Frl. after 7 P. M. LUDINOTON I'.THEL SATTUP LVD 1NOTON. wife of Charles II. Ludinaten. nt Snrnnnr Lake, N. Y., Sept. 7. Notlce of funernl here.ifter. MAOEE. On Sent. 7. 1022, MATILDA J , ulte of Rebert J. Macee (nee Parke), In her 43d jear. Relatives and friends Invited te funeral ervlces. en Monday, at 1:30, from her late residence. 2b24 Wllment St., llrldcs burn, Philadelphia. Interment private. MAGOWAN, Sept. 7. (lEORHi: It., bus band of F. Mae JIiikewiui (m n Cadviallailer), Due notlce of the funeral will l Klen from Ills late i evidence, 4012 N. Camnr st, MARSHALL. At Woodbury. N. J.. Sent, 7. CHARLES F. MARSHALL, aucd 74 Relatives nnd friends, also all ledges of which he was a member, lire Invited te funeral. Mnn,, 2 P. M.. from bis Inte resi dence, S7 Hepkins st . Woodbury. N. J. Int. East Vlew Cem.. Salem, N. .1. Friends may call Gun.. 7 te 0 I. M. McGregor. sem n. annie. wife of Peter McGregor. Relatives nnd friends nre Invited te nttend funernl. Sat. 8:30 A. M., residence, 2(123 Federal st. ilelemn liltrh mass Church of St. Antheny de Padua, 10 McIIENRY. Sept. 0. 1022. nt his reil dnre. 101 8th ae., Hadflen HeiKhts, N". J . DANIEL, husband of Mnry M. McIIeniy. Relatives and frlendu r.re Invited te services. Sit., nt 2 P. M.. In St. Mnry's I. i:. Church, Ilnililiin Helchls, N. J. Int. Private McKELVKY. Sept. 0. ANNIK v,lrV of late William McKclvcy (nee McVey). Rola Rela tlves and friends ate InMUil te attend fu neral, Sat., 7:3(1 A M , rekldcnce. r,2."i S. B7th st Solemn hluh mass of requiem Church of Trnnsllgurntlen 0 A. M. Int Cathedral Ctm. MILLER. Sept. B. MARGARET MOIt R1SON. wife of Alexander II. Miller, of 0048 Washington e. Friends are Invited te services, nt the Woodland Ilaptlst Church, 0.1th st and Woodland ae,, Frl., 2:30 P. M Int at Mt. Merlah. MILLS. Sept. 0, 1022, CLARA L' wife of Dr. Charles K. Mills. Funeral services Frl.. 2 P M.. nt her residence, 1001) Chest nut st Int. private. MORRIS. On Sent. 0. 1022. CHARLES S MORRIS. Ill his 80th year. Relatives and friends are Invited te the icrvlce, en iSatur. day mornlner, at 11 e clock, at his Inte rest, deuce. 2223 Sprlnc Garden st. Interment private. MURPHY. Sept. 0. 1022, ANNA E . .ii, um tin ui ..- ...ID u.ti. ,ii, .utirv ..lurpny Relatives and friends nre Invited te nttend funernl service. Sat.. 2 I M.. nt the par lors of Tltlew Ilres., I1B3 N. Rread at. (at HuntlnB Park ave.). Int private. MUTH. Sept. B. ANNIE W MUTir Dlver). wife of Oco.-ke F. Muth. eced 48 Relatives and friends Invited tn funeral Sat.. 7:30 A. M , from her husband1., .i! dence, 101 Cooper St., Westmont, N. j. Solemn reuuleni mass Our Mether of Ser- IU1VH tiiuiL-ii, I ,iiinticiiii, ij ,a , Int Cathedral Cem. Friends mav call rvi ' ufler 7 P. M. NELSON. Sept. 0. at the Methodist Enls. copal Heme. ELIZAIJETH NELSON atcl 82. Funeral services at the Heme. Relment and Edgely avc., Sat,, 10:30 A, M. Int I'ernwoed. NOHHECK Sept 0. AMANDA widow of Jacob Nerbeek and dauuhter of the Inte Genme and Catharine Myers. Relatives nnd friends aie Invited te attend funeral. Men 2 P. M.. lata resldence. 2008 Federal LV Services at Trinity Lutheran Church iMh nnd Wolf sts . it P, M. Int Trinity LiVtherin Cem Friends may call Hun.. S te 10 pm O'NEIL Stpt 0. 1022. ANNIE, widow e' Jehn O'Nell.. iUlatlves and friends nl.u Dlv. Ne. 18, Ladles' Auxiliary of A b II nnd Sacred Heart, Church uf Visitation' are Invited te intend funernl, Sat . T.nn A M.. residence, 2824 Ruth st. Selirnn requiem mass Church st Visitation 830 A. M Int. fat. Dominies. PORTER Suddenly, en Spt 0 mie EDWIN 11. PORTER Relatives T ard friend;' nlse the members nt America Council v,' SO. Frnternal Patriotic 'Americans? Invited te funeral, en Sat., at l :.li p M . from his late residence. 12111 nrevv V," 'm llreemvoed (K of P,) Cemetery. Remal is may bu viewed Friday evenlnir. "tmai" ..."O-YPSX-rr. A. WlliUvned. N. J. Sent n mss. iiAiiiiAiir.r a. I'ltove.ST. Ilelrni...- nnd friends are invited le, ntli-iul funeral services, In Chapel Wilmington and I randy wine Cem. Wllmltmien, Tl . Hat,, nt UNnKRTAKKHS S,lU BROAD aVie DIAMOND lil.KllAHT. un cepi, , .Mi'""'! daughter of Jehn nnd the Inte Laura Eck hart. Ilelntlves and friends, nlse Lvdla Darrah Council. Ne. 110, 8, and J), of Jj.. en,l thA TnlnllllA Hmincll. Ne. 4(1. D. Of P., VDKATHa niNOWALT. At her late r.TI Downingtown, Pa en Thur,?,da' J.1'-?.'.J.5..lP?.,i!.renr. of her nV.' ?5S u. liinuvt ai.t, iiniiRhter of ih T-i ""v snmuel nnd Itjlsa "JlAe? Vinlf Cej '.Wet nnd friends, are InvllM i S'a-I servleeg en Monday, September ii1 o'clock, standard time. InteTrnJ.1' .' 'itJLsawpt' iSJ Lutheran . Cemetery, Friends kindly emit flewara. "". ! iM.f1,'SrFl-u?.Vi OBTTA'' dedgers: neUtive, andHJhd."1'.. dnllty of the H. V. M. of m Seft, fJw tlst Church, and Larlv vA,?!,.:?! the a .emti .MnniiyueK, e. ou, are lnvlliiv"! tend funeral. Sat.. 8:S0 A. M.T f rem ?t,.te' n. .- .' . ' -----,.: nr AtmM iiciice ui nor nreiner, James raa.. Balalgnae at., Wlsiahlcken. HeleSJf'IfLi mass at hi. jenn the Baptist ckS A. M. int. St. Jehn's Cem. a"'n nujiMii iuauu im Sent. w nitntsTOPHEn ncmtiirT.,,.'i Sat.. 2 P. M -at the Oliver H n'ai 1820 Chestnut st. Int. private lr niiAiiuui. un eept, n. 1 DANA M. SHATTtlnfr .i-j1!?. a...l. -! n,an i ' v .M VI VtrYi,.L-'"2.n pnrd In her 88th year. Service whi'vfl nt the- residence . nf - .I." Si ). i Sheppard, Jr.. 423 Haeil av." SiH dav, 2 P. M. Int, prlvat. ' Brnm tiiiiiri,!,. ai ritmnn, N. j ., , WILLIAM. O. SHERTEL buL'rSfli: funernl wlll.be given, from Arm,tr0,fi?J .'ii is. ureaa si. - i SMALL. bent. I. FRANK J s.i .. . Frnncls It. nnd Ellen Sm.ii 7i' ' J ? I Relntlves and friend, also liny tSJEf clety, empleye of. it. 8. Inland YEt rum uinssDiewers- union, are Iniitl nttend funernl. Sat., rje am ,n! W dence. BS24 Walten ave. Solemn bilk' J Af. rM?UlInn,.aI,Io5UCCrhe.0., "'""ra't? alies lfc SORT. Sept. T. MARTITA S Jnmes P. Sebv. In her 81st ear iSfK.1 and friend are. Invited te atlen'JiS service. Men., lltn.inst., nt 1 P tf1 her late residence. BOB N. Jlandelph'stT'i private, "' Bl hmw 1 ini.a a 'i rvlr. Mnn.. 1 1 1h . ln.t -T Sa ! STRAY. flent. S. 1025. JOHN, husband of Sarah ei raran Hirnv n-1.,,- Btray, friends, nlse Branch Ne. 1. ArnilTS. Iice Operntlves et America, and ftH ten Quoit Pub. ar invlle,! t' V.5.5!" iteia Ices, at 2 P.. M.. nt late residence sisWl U'i?rF"rV IS.' Northwood CeJn.aeKrliBa.hJ. STELLPFIAia. Sept. R. 102J y,? widow of Edward 8ieilpnuir in, "SSvl Relntlves and friends Invited te fnXSrMI ani,, o:ue a. m irem ner lata reiiiiiTTxl 0140 Reedlnnd st. Solemn high mais'!?, ivirnnnas' tjnurcn iu a, m. Int. it cress , pm. v I U,I1-I,1IM .NBnr . 1,,T T T T. ' hilsl Re n services. nin unumitvi, iin. .vuiiuni j, .uinrerd iauil Perter st. Int. North Cedar llfll Cem '"IJ TAYLOR. . Sent. 0. CATIIATti t TAYLOR, wife of the late Jamei ! C. TaivJi Funeral rervlces Frl.. 11 A. M,, i ZA late resiuence, uen tvissan:cken ave Isl"! private. Please emit flowers. ' ""l THOMPSON. ept. II. JOHN P.. huitsu'l nf thn loin Mnrtf I. Thnmn... ''.?''l nnd friends are Invited te attend fn.12?'. Sat., 8:30 A. M.. from his late resldm? ' B382 Chew st., Germantown. Solemn b2-' of requiem Immaculate Conception ci3 ttrinrrv rr aotem itnni. T?"! Instructor. Pcnnsylvnnln Unlversiw Ji9' Tuesday, hospital, San Antonie. Tex., iIS two months' Illness. Spent past yeiT Xl, Europe ns McFndden fellow. Seandlnnrur. ' 4IIIVI t uuimniiwiH r UMVI.1I ntlQ Mt parpntn home. Austin. Tex., Thuraday afll( nenn. iirineiiiurr WESTENREROER. Sept. 0. JAJTB. widow of Charlea L. Westenberger.- B5 live nnd friends Invited te funersl, git 1 P. M.. residence of sen-tn-lnw, Alenio b!" Alllier, HIJ niii uiHiiciw ,.v.. utiur, I'S, IM Mechanics Cem. Frlenda may call FrL m WILLIAMS. Sept. Oi FREDCntCK E2 hand of the late Margaret Williams, and ',1 -n TinlntlveH nnit friends n-A invit.1.. .M nttend funeral. Sat., 2 P. M., residence, tttl .1 S. Carlisle it. Int. Mt. Merlah Ca 1 Friends may -au ti. eve. ,,'Jl WOODWARD. On Sept. .m.iin npni. 7. 1112 irawas nODOERS WOODWARD. whnnWAiui nian.:.. T .".' f.lAnila nre Invited tn the servle :'-".--- ...i-.ii Ski. 1 IT' I 2 P. M.. at the residence of her da'uihuV'i Mrs. Frank R. Shattuck. 2423 S. Zlitit'l ?!.. Int. privnte. i WRIGHT. On Sept. C MARY RtJirV. LER. widow of Theodere Wrlnht. at k I late residence. Chestnut Hill, Pa. Ftutnl services private. PARCEL POST il Yeu Cnn't Beal: These Prlcai FREE! One taiety razor irtt with each eritr. SHAVING BET With Magnifying Mirror Reerse Side Regular Mirror. Shaving ma?e twlce as easy with this mirror. Reg. Price $2.50 Our Price Cash with Order $1.00 V. P. Prepaid C. O. D fl.10 MAGNIFYING MIRROR 4 ',4" tc B" In dlimtur.1 One side plain. iOne tide macnlfrlsg. I Adjustable te iuu pe- I iitiem. Has nickel pUttd frame and stand. Reg. Price $3.00. s Oar price cash with order $1.00 r. P. Prepaid C. O. D. tll J James L. Jacquette Dept. L. 2123 Summer lit.. Fall. Rell Phnnr. Spruce 1083 Fruit and Lard Presses Fer making jellies, etc In three sizes. 2qt. $6.50 $4.15, WJff.: 4qt. 9.50 6.7Blr&? IOqt. 15.50 10.35 j Free city delivery en all article rerttsed. Telephone your orders. Hell Phenes, Manayunk 1815; Keystone Phene, North Ol" Open Monday. Friday A- Saturday Km. Cat i sTTahdware Q RidandMialeAvcsJhih UP Men's .Overceati Walter's Pawn SW 904 VINE 51. eRONDEn TO THE CITV $5 up te $150 ' Scarfs and Chokers- In Sable. Marten, Mink, ft and Wolf Fur Coats, , $50 up te $700 , finest duality Lntest VW; These poeds m left en&r hands by a reliable FurrUfr Fridanberg's, 37 N. 1, Phllndrlniia EVENING CLOTHES- TO HlltK AND roil B,w; v., II und Tuirue.nuiis Cetuwnvs for "," .7 uuslltr ' Latest Medjl of lllsliejt aSffM SAMUEL COOPER iJiSrim Cutuwiiy. for Marnliif " .,. em .rr AVF uiv.. lUiU OIIAIW m "I COIN MACHINES Hell, Fruit and prnjri. OJ" Rtela 11022 Medel). J a ok ' Poker Card. Dewey:. 100 n,w and rebuilt. All bargain. S astern Olllee , . OVKtTY MM, CO. H2 N. 0th Ht. .... rnnnei lien, i-enisr i fQJV! "'KE ..... ..L'l.lfU IM'MOVKP WrlU or iihuna fat uill.f,lrr 4SUI I H v r VWkXI 11 II I 1 " fe - .50 A w F U R S m eyiJkkii uvMi&Lijmi C. SCHMITT. Mtr. "-? amMm hl. '.' 'Jte