P'fPPIPWFS JL T77 a istf'V iirur AVAILABLE tt hs D Dawes Idea ft co-erdlna- I tceiwmifii . vxivnairw I tment sxpenene an i.mer,siratea Ability, ana win aces in... -" mitf wim cennnv tffi "character ind substantial etandlntv lh '".,. I.KfMBK OmCK "tlALK COAL COMPANX Nlnktnt rand Nettee &!!!? VXTSuWSA ST 'l,K.SfiA Interest W KIDELITY THOBT COMPANY Bubttttuted Trusts WM. 'P, OKST. President. ... ... 'i.-.u.J e ini9 .n.j.nh I. r,.irnu-ii . ..-. te TIIH 110I.DKKS OK . THE AUTOCAR, fOHFANX V Cenwrtlbla Geld Danda KaullaWa Truat Company e .TE .WIiim under The Auteca PH i '.vii.hi Trust Company of New it Trustee undar, Tne Autecar Com Com eort. ..'.;'?:..-... rfnlMt Mav 1. 1059. ' Bffby lv notice that It will Purcnaae K&. ; el the above Issue for the Slnkln N W .?'. .nM Mertrare te an amount i HKi.i .. nearly aa mar h te exhauat SrEnnlM held . in aa d 8 nkln Pund en Biiembrr 15, IBM. aIi nnnui J" i. Ih. hnMn t ihtch efftra ahull, however. In Fn'S?. I - .n nnrt of the t eaai caae. e benne ae K I &ii Ne Imnda will be accepted at a price aiKdlnir principal ana a premium or eeven !S SieMlf per cent. d'A) thereof, and am I.PJV V"..r..i in lh rfl. of riurchaM. e date or .rrrucu ivi"i -rtr.i in nh Tfiii frru )ff(ra bendi. the effera. of .which are ae- mntid mint be aurrenuereii te tne Trustee for redemption ami cancellation net later for lEQUffin COMPANY By I.YMAN RIIOADCS. Vlce-Preeldent. in BcriPiinL'T . w. --, Bitrd New Yerk. N. Y.. September 1. 1022. THE AMKBICAN PIPE SIANUKAC TUKIXO COMPANY 6 COLI.AT nnAI. TRUST CKHTiriCATEH, BERIKS "A," DUB O0TOP.KB 1, J027 Notlce la hereby ulven that purauant (e terma of the truat agreement, dated b terma October l 1(107. DU.uut ex uie aDeie car ie.at. numDereu aA below, have been l...Hn rni reiiemntlnn at !02 and accrued bitrt. R" of October I. 11)22. out of moneys Kin pavable te Slnklna; Vund. vli.i IT 112 21.1 302 400 502 004 72a 809 4" 120 230 320 421 B2T 020 7.13 820 tO 111.1 2KI1 342 44r, Q43 041 7411 812 M 170 2T4 305 407 BOO CM 77.1 80.1 0 193 280 380 400 088 07.1 701 tiV Forty-five certificate for 11000 each. D04 044 11X10 1022 1007 000 083 1008 10.14 1075 Ten certificate 'for 1300 each. The abrne certificate, with all unmatured coupons attached, aheuld.be nreaented for tmrment at the office of Iho Truatee en or after October 1. 1022. wtien all Interest there en will reaee. The following bends remain unpaid: called J Or October 1, 1018. 1053, for SSOO: October .1021. 300. for S1000. OIRAnn TRUST COMPANY, Truatee THOMAS S. HOPKINS. Treasurer. Philadelphia. Pa. Heptemhrr 7. 1022. rropeanla THE PITTSBURG, CINCINNATI, CHICAGO & ST. LOUIS RAIL. ROAD COMPANY TREASURY DEPARTMENT. rutiburitli. Pa., atptember 1. 1022. Consolidated Mortgage Bend OF The Pittsburg, Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Leuis Railway Ce. te in axKrcgate coat of fl.lRS.USO.ill will be iurchareil tur the Hlnklna Fund. Uiteber 2. C'. at fie agency of this Company. The armers' Lean and Truat Company, New erk City, under the following crovlslen af Uie mertsaces , "Sealed proposals for the sale of aalU bend will be received nt the auency of the said Hull- v.ay Company In tne City of New Yerk, and bends offered at the Ien eat prlie. but net exceeding par. will be accepted I and paid for. Should benda of dlfterent holders be offered at tre same price, the number of benda be purchased shall be en a pre rata basis, aa neat aa practicable. In proportion" te ttie whele number of benda offered." Tne word "price" aa used In the merttraca la construed te mean the coat te the Sinking Fund, beliii: tut principal price plus arcrued inieresi iu ucieDer u, unieaa tne bonus aie offered "Hat." l3endav of series "A" and "11" are purchased for the Slnklnc Fund with one day's accrued Interest, ex. ttie October 1st coupon. .Proposals te sell bends te the Sinking fund must be In the hands of the Farmers tain and Truat Company before cjeae ef business, three n'clfick P. 51.. Friday, fteptrmbrr 20. 1022, and must state the tries letter of the bends iffercd. llnnds accented must be delivered en October 2d or tcurlty furnished Unit dav. if required, that eelhery will he mide within ten days. T. H. B. McKNIGHT, Treasurer. r. THE TOLEDO. COLUMBUS & OHIO RIVER RAILROAD COMPANY OFFICII OF TUB TRKAHrRKR Plttsburch. Pa , September 1. 1022. First Mortgage Bends OP Tin: Teledo, Walhonding Valley &. Ohie Railroad Company te an axirenate con of Lift. Union win be turchaBed for the Sinking; Fund, October 2. 1022. from the leent bidders, at a price ret te exceed par nnd Interest, Sealed prnpeasle te seli benda must be In tre hands nf Hie Partners' I.enn and Tiust .empany. New Yerk CJtv, before close of business, neon, Saturday. September 30, 1022, ind mu.t stnte the series lettei of the bends elfered Ponds nccepted must be delivered en October 2d or aerunty furnished that dsy. If required, that delivery will be made with in ten davs. T. H. B. McKNIGHT, Treasurer: SKAIJ'.I) PROPOSALS' Will. IIP. RE. celveil and ntihll, lv miene.l l.i. ih, Til-.i..n. et the U. H. Veterans' Durcnu In the enire 91 Ijiy guarterinnater (lenerul. Itnem 2308 Kuniuenn uuiininii. vv nsnini?ien. n. r nt i n. .it,, rtcpicmner & (tructlen of Veterans' lOJ2. fnr the rAn. Uureau Hospital at .lurinnmpinn. .iinsa. vverK Includes con. siructien or nonts-feur (24) buildings, built f re-enforced concrete nnd brick, complete m.(ri. nw,er' ,wa,,'.r .and "BhtlnsT systems, reads and walks (foetlnt-n for nine bulldlnES -ew under contract) P ana and apeclflca apeclflca tlens may be obtained, after Ausrust 13th. gpen deposit of, $ioe from the eftlce of the nulldlnr Wnbhlnstdn. 1)7 c. or from the efflce of the f'enstrucllnir Quartcrmaaler. tehnn.tr..'" Ce'""''lrt? ulldlnr. NorthHmn NerthHmn B.."nii en exhibition nt the following S Whii.OTic8tiSen,,r.ucUnS Quartermaster. 5." !Th ''Dall tlldic.. New Yerk City: rufl.e j-ensirucune Dunrtermaster. Armv Hunnlir ',ml,,?,!ion' Saaa.: OIlce Quartermaster Lupp y Offlccr Chlcaae. Ill Int.Vmi.ii.Tl irVnH,Br" Pf"h'rA ?A ChlcareT Fcett Mel-J.-irellevYlle'. Til."8 """."maater. nirldends tOMPiV-1HAU lf"MAB UATTUHY .OMl'AN, AllcEheiir uve. tt )0ih st. Th. .. . .. "'Ha.i, Sept. 0th. 1022. m?.i. .iI'c,er". have declared, a dlvldend of Accurn'M.i't1,"" l-1&) ' allure from the tZi. u'nula'0'l Surpms of the Company en the 'IL .'Pre "'et without nemlnSl or" pa? v.iu2 lhVi, pJ.f.r,,.', au!k et ,-5'un iin.i,h iLu'' P.nJable October 2d, 1U2. te t "f btmkV.' ft."?0"1 J P0"1 et tnc" tl"'" I br 13th ii.,.,he c!?'.8 i huslnesa en Septem- tseerna ' .frii'hT!1 ,0 tbn.' wh0 subsequently -MAl.Tltn O. HnNniCnsON. Treasurer. cnnivivaniB Paiii.. t. iti n Cewuintive PrtrrA atn.t, i-.ij .t Ptfl II recerii ., .k"",9 Preferred stockholders r 15, 1022. cl"e et bul"e Septem- jfr ; " M. WALTER Treq.urer t)lrcVteV.KK7JJ'1, 0P-Tili: HOARD OF Jlffi fnd TrSl. X10 ContlnentuI.Equltnble . le"" . .,.lC1n"'.,,l"'i M fieetember " rtrtf ?i,ar,.;rLy dividend of four per JjatergJJVU'gUOHNBr. Treasurer. MtlCAN WAV?3. dMX COMPANY ei,..!U0"Jwa. en I ll.. ii .ilUKU ll( m.n.t (:Pmnny hai ne Ainer ewer Payment n.?!"""" "" been declared fei fi5ffl?!nt Orlelltr 2. 1022. te Di-afei-r.il Jln.L for 6HmUr 15'C1022at t,,B Cl0' et tu"lnMS A. C. RAY. Treasurer. Annna) Meellnsa fir? MRKTIN'd OP TIIK m km mats tIrrh P,VlnL'i,"il,"i Ur .Mlaalen'irf nnd H Idlna- nn mIJS"1 "'-.nem at tie Wiiev Vi act'len nn".' . P'Ol'rnber IHth. te an iJa'S".,.0" In, revision of the Cnnatllu. ! lien it KB neif tin"' B" ,0 rxecuJe Mnrtaaite M- K. "Phiiirt, S IP"'" '..Bt, Phillips "ts. phiii;- " K. corner, V and T iota i H. MACK. Secretary. Nn.el.1 lir..ina P5VUAJ'T- T0 RKSOLUTION OF ;i r.: v P .' inMAWniAli ; f c. " y Sited April 2. 1017. invites, proposals r IJnfi,e sals te the ilOr!iilet sulne lent fc "S'im V!rt" MertirM 0 Oela Depds of the 5. IJ rVv.ii Company te eshauat ttta sum of W Vfh&ua proposals te bt addreeeec) te th S ll&.'tee at " eBlc. W 82S-J81 Chestnut i? I,ttVSladlPhla.a te opened and acted ft .in -Thursday, Heptember ,14. JIM, at la if l,K.Sf,'.A Interest will b aecapteil. . rv ana invitea esaicq entrg II 8tret. New .Yerk City, before audi Jkfh dr of September. 1022. for the sale of i tnnraer raoeetleir. ahr"andiar 1"SrrT? "dividend" of one PennsJlvV,niUia.,'ve Preferred stock of the been i d.ell i1 ?w,r L'Bnt Company has ieS ulared for payment en Orlnhrr 2. ' ren th.. ru ei uircctera, nonce u iiereny 1 Ke.4?rJ r,ftth.fci.almf?'P,?' f9 J,oclt J,eclt r May wiPi li.u 1 .pl ,,',U Mrewlns: fem ' anr a . h Si1 Aa nmees of th, Cem. the8iriJStTpen. Lr'' JSilladalrihia. WMLAi rJepfember, lXt. at 0 PRICED ISSUES FAVORITES ON CURB Schulte Cigar Stores Touches' New TepGulf Oil Erratic. Cimbel Bres. Off New Yerk, Sent. 8. Renewed strength wns shown en the Curb after the opening thin morning, with fur ther dlinrp upturns In many of the hljrh-prfced Issues. SchtiUe Cigar ,1 I'"" a8n,n one of the features with a further upturn of 0 points, te we, n new high, later reacting n point en realizing. Durnnt issues moved up "Ugstnntlnliy onifelrly active trading. Htandard Oil of Indiana advanced 2 points; New Yerk 2; Imperial Oil of Canada I'; Kentucky Vt. and Inter Inter nntlenal lVtrecum n sharp fraction. Ulmbcl Urethcrs shaded off fraction ally. INDUSTRIALS 1nn . -, . Hlh IXJW P.M. i zee Acme Ceal se- ik en ,nJS Acme Paeklnn ... 3Se 5S2Amal .Leathe? ... oft 400 Atlantic Fruit ... 2 1200Iluddy Buda ,..",. J JC "Onhlcaae Nipple iff ,Je Cleveland Aute .. seli ""O Columbia Emer .. 0Sc iSnSem. lvnts "V 4ni l?nr,enlcy Tin Feil.. 13' 7J2Cent .Meters .... BOO Daniel Met litE OOOIlubller C ft R . 7(J 222nurnt Ml 4SH OOODurant Met of Ind 10 200q;mlel Ilres 4SH leOOImbel Pres pf .,102 30fj girn Alden Ceal . , 0i 300 Oeldwyn Pie ... 04 200 Hudsen Man 12 J Inter Carben .... iHi loe Aluminum pr ...,ioe SflOOeth Hteel pf ... OS U 800 Car Lltht Pf 6S , !22 Si"5riye K Mr .. OS 1f22 5s ft i 100 C A O pf 0Mt 10OIe.hlh Power ... 17 ine Llbby McNeill new 7'4 JO" Lincoln Meters A. 24 lOOMeaabl Iren 12 ..,.5Hw,J"'elr zlne 1R4H 12r.N Y Tel nf 100 300 Packard Moter ... 14t? 100 Packard Met pf .. 01 '00 Pt.rl Atoters . . BHH 000 PhlllD Merrl 10 .2S5Eu.i K"v N J pf.-ion 3800 Prima Radie l,V 700 Radie com 4H 700nadle pf si e?225'J Me,or Truck . 13i J00O Hchulte Stores . . 05 1000 fieuthsrn C A I . . 42c 3 gt Lawr Feldsfar 10'4 20 flwlft & Ce 104 300 Technical Pred ... fj'i SOOTenn HI Power . 14U 200 Tobacco Pred ... 7 Vil T.lm.k'n n" Hear. 30'4 ml! .8', .,iy"'I""n "et wanay. Hit 1.V10 Wayne Ceal 4 en inland steel , , 300 Alacy Ce 300 Macy Ce nf . , , 300 Mllllken Tract . D314 .1071? ine National Ice e 10 Ner 8t Power pf ., UHt4 100 N Y Air Hr rts... 2 200 N Y Air Hr pf ... 50 HTANDARD OILS 300 Anle-Am Oil .... 20',i 20 Oalena Hlnnul .... (18 20', 37 20 ; 37 ei.. imp un Canada .i.ll.Tj lis H" in aeuth p l J. or, os os 24D0 Stand Oil Ky . . T.107'i 10t4 10I1V4 21700 Slfttid Oil Ind .. 7 110 117?! 20 Stand Oil N Y ...153 453 4M 112 433 470 20 Vacuum O.I .,471 470 INDEPENDENT OILS 1O0 Alcan i; 14c , 78c nit 103 2V4 lHc 14' inA 1A 17c 22; r.4- 7000 lloene Oil 800 Ilosten Wyoming- 200 Carlb fljn 120 Cities Hervlce . . 000 Cent Rcf 15000 Unirlneers Pet . 10O Kqulty Pete pf , 1000 Federal Oil loon Fenaland lOIIOUtcnrcclc Oil ... POOD Hudsen Oil .. ,. 2.1U0 Int Petrel . . iOOfl Keyatene Ranger 100 Klrby Pete .. .. OS 30 Gulf Oil 373 10 Maanella I'.it it (uu i,ivins;sien i'i-i lOOMnracalbe Oil ... 4U0 Merrltt Oil 3200 Mutual Ref 700 N Y Oil 800 New Kniland Fuel. 1000 Neblo Oil 2100 Omar Oil 400 Petineck Oil . . . . 100 Pcnn Jlex 400 Salt Creek Pred... nOO Shell Union w I.. if: si : 0 10H 22 I1A 78 10c IS 7 28i iVs 18 zmeu mmms l'et .Ann u....u l. ,-.... t-i. bip 100 Spencer Pet 21 471)0 Texan O & I. 03c lOOTurman lit 200 Wilcox Oil 34 1000 Y O.I 13c 10110 Alar-Dr Cel 3 2000 Uelchir Ext 0c 00(i Ilia; Ledxe ... 10c 8000 Bosten . Ment ... 14c (1800 Iloiten Ment Cens. S8c 10(10 Canada t'ep 4c 700 Canalre Cooper .. 2 11000 Candelarta M 43c 38000 C'ertez Silver ... 1 1000 Dlvlde Kxt . . . 14c 200 Doleres Hsperanza. 2'i 8000 El Salvader 13c 3000 rcmnvi Sliver 2c 00U0 Kuieka Croesus . . 27c 10000 Fertuna 14n 2.1000 Oeld Dev Stc 4000 Oeldfleld Florence. 21 2000 Geld one Se 1300 Hill Tep Nev . 1 00 000 Helllnier 13't 2000 Independ Iad . . . 37e 1000 Cerk Province . . . 20e 3000 l)cnn Cens . .. .48c 1000 Oeld niue Hell..,. 8c 3000 Hinrletta Silver ,. 07c 1000 dim llutler c 20O .Minna Csp 82W 3000 Nat Tin 20e 7000 Nevada Ophlr .... 22c 1000 New Dem 8Vi 100 Nlplaslne ,"H 1000 Ohie Copper 18c 1000 Pitts Mount 27c 20OO llay Hercules .... 2'i 1000 Rex Cens 10e 1000 Rochester Silver. . . 17e 7000 Red Hills e 2000 Sll M of Amer... 14e 1000 Stewart Mln 7e 8000 sunoratltlen . . . 7e OflOO Teck HuBhea .... 80c SOOToneoah Divide 80c 100 Trinity Cep .. l' (100 Tueiumnn 71c 200 United Kaatern . 1J4 1100 West End Cen . 1H HONDS 3000 Allied Pack 8s ..01 21O0O Am l.lirht T Ua .10SJ4 1 BOOOAm Tel 0s. '24..101S 1 1000 Anaconda 7a. '20.103 1 1000 Anle-Am Oil TUa.lOBJf 1 lOOOAimeur 4 C.7S' ,l2JJ 1000 At Oulf ft W I Be. B8W (lOOOWeth Steel 7a, 2.I.10JJ, 1 4O0OUeth Steel 7s, '80.108W 1 D00O illilyn Un Oas Us. JIB 1 0000 Cent Steel Be .JPS 4000 Cens Uas Halt Us.lOJTi 1 18000 Cem Power da . . JJO 2000 East Cub Sus 7Vss,100',i 1 S;.n,. tfnir n n iia.ten l eali 108 101 J4 1037t 108-t 104 S8 107. 103V4 11(1 10114; 102's 00 100'i 1UO 103',, lOTVs lull 3000 Goedrich Tire 7s,.103.4 8000 Or Trunk OW a . . . 107 iOOOGray A Davis 7s.. 100 1071 100 yeuu neO(i nuur '""xi7? S!r 101H XOOO Humble Oil 7s . .lpOVi 100 1000 Inter BTh ....) 05 7s . ,100V 100V4 loeVs ve 100 102K 104 118H 100 101W 08 BOOOKInts Ce Lt OHs.lOOW 100 O00O I.aclede uaa (S ,.JU24 i"i'" 1000 LtKOtt vv vv (s..iu HOOOMuama Cep 7s J..118V4 10000 1) O Der Ce 7a,,,100 'lOOO Detroit Clt O 0...101H 5O0OONatl Acme 7V4S.. 0SJ 1O0OO Nat lather b . ' 104 117 100 101 r4 07f, 00 a, llll". hU',4 102 ieili lOJTt 100,14 leus ieyt 10074 100 102 103H 101 OU74 1084 108 U4U U)'i 00 110' eoeowr . ' ".?.: C 300O P.llla 71ee ba Ills'" IU3 8000 Phillip Pet 70s ww.lOiH 102 3000 flears-Ree 7a. '23.10HI 101, 4000 Seuthvvcst Jl 7s. JSrwr Jl i ell 7 . '20. ir.nn u M V V 7a. '20..10IIV4 1UII 8000 S O N Y 7s, '27,,10(IH lOHH 1000 S O N Y 7s, '30.. 1084 aoeus e n y 7s, 'ai.-jwi 310OO SONY 8V4JI.....10J IOOOO Hwlft 4 Ce 7s 23.102 noeo swift ft Ce Ts.'ai.tess 2000 tin Oil Pred 8S...101 10O00 Vulvorlne 7s 4000 Vacuum Oil 7s...ip8's 2200O Weat Olee 7 ,10'$ 0001) I It T 8a ctfa... . 04Vj 1000 Slees Sheffield Os. V0i 2000 U S Rubber Os,... OOVi 10874 100 U 100 102 103h 101 oev; 1084 JU 04H 00 1'0t4 l'OR ION 1I0NDS 10(H) Can H S 7s.. ... 250IW KIliB Nether Os nOOO Mex Gert 3s. ... 2O00O Jlex Oeit Os... 1O0O0 )ti of Peru Ss 200O Swiss Uevt Mis. IOOOO U S Mex 4s.... 85V4 0(1 US 05 i 0(1 0.V,, Oil 11'4 BOM 11111 IM1 f .100 10U 103 .105U , 111 U leau U 31li 31W U. 8. Certificates and Treasury Notes Maturlnc Uate ,W4 Oct,, 1022 100 Dec, 1022. ...100 Dec 1022.... 1O0 17-32 Mch., 1023.,.. 100 0-32 June. 1023. ..100 1-10 Aakeil Yield Te yield 3.23 Te yield H.83 Te vleld 8 8A 100 13-82 3.87 100 3-16 8.48 T'ftn June, jv.imm'v-'.. K Sept.', 1024.... 162 0.10 i.jl? h 11)".'. 1018-10 June. 1024.... 102 74 101 10-10 4,03 iu 2i 4,07 101 11.12 4.17 1 '' -"'. T.. --- - .a .m am I.. ... 4(4 Dae, J"-". "? ;r?s JXX At ..L ..u' tn".a 101 11. 16 100 27, S2 100 11-18 4.18 12 4, IT ill H.et. 10.8.... 100 6-82 1WB-8J 4.15 Exempt from Federal normal incerna tax. tAcceptable, for payment of income tax due n date of maturity, :wvwssk , a1 ' - . 'Mn.v ja,Ti . ' tr '. j-r 13 -, . .j -i? t. f " jjsCir,F Ttiit' m " 'rj a s Reining' puSiiic iBMkimtemml frida'' COMPLETE NEW YORKBOND TRANSACTIONiS P.anse since Date of Issue ' Ifl-rh Dat. Lew 102. BO 101.40 101.08 101.80 100.80 100.04 102.00 101.78 101.40 101.00 10O.8O 101.00 100,80 101, B0 101,02 100.08 100,00 Date Mav 22, '10 Sfl.OO sb'.oe .88.80 81.40 St. DO 00,00 84.0(1 84.00 81.40 88. no 83.60 82.41 82.44 28.00 04.70 04.08 June 2, 21 21 20 AUK, July July July July July Julv July July July July July July July May Apr. 1. 'M Julr 11. 28. '22 25, '22 24, '22 23, '22 14. '22 20, rt 24, '22 24. '22 23. '22 0 in. 28l '22 27. '22 28. '22 20, '22 8, '22 May May Mav Mav 10. '20 20, '20 21. '20 4. '20 21. '20 HO. '20 SO. '20 28. '20 June Mav Julv May Dee. Dee. May Mav. May May May se, -an 10. l, '20 0, '20 0. 'SO 20, 20. 20. '23 21. '20 (RALUfl IN 110001 FOREIGN RONDH Arsa Rep'c 7s 1.... 102H 1.... 102 8(flat) 102 1.... 10'.i ft.... 102 I.... 102H -3.... 102,4 1 (flat) 00V4 Klnrdem Ner CO., 00 V4 ooh OO'i 06 T4 0044 OOH Ofli 00 9041 07 r way ct 8s 3.... 113 3.... 113 1,... 112,4 1..., 112U 2.. 02.. 87.. 0., n.. 30.. 33., 1., K Sweden Os 23,... 1034 ft.... 1034 0.... 103i 1.... 1054 12,... 108 Chinese Oeve't H-K Rly r,s 1 r.sw City of Rersen 8a rets 2,... 109 :.. Dutch K Ind's rets '02 Paris-Lyens M 2 B 38 78 8 0sale) 03 H 90 98 OOH 00 Vt OOH Cs wl City Uerd'x Re 3.. 10.. 0.. 2., n.. 1.. 3.. 7.. 2.. 764 707 7H 70S 704 70 H 704 70H .70 H 70H n 824 t 83 1 82 ; Cty Chrls'n, 8s 1.... 108V4 1.... 100T4 City of Copen Cepen hsxen 5V4s 1 03v. 2 03V4 3 03H 10. OOtt OOH 00 1; oev ooh ooh 00H OOH 08 ooh nes Ofli OOH t nn4 2... B... 17... 8... O I'.'.', 7, , , C... 1... 24,., b!.! 10.., t.., 8.. 1.. 0.. 21. Prarus 7H S 12 R3K 1 88H 8 83H 7(t.) B3U City Mara's C.t 7.,... 824 1. ... 824 1 83 Cty of Monte video 7s Queensland As S.... 103H Queensland 7s 1 034 1.... Hl4 4 03 Cty ltle de Ja perle ct Rs 0014 Republic Dell- OOH n4 90S via 8s 'V.l 10 ORH 2 ORH 1 OOH 1 08H r, ORH 2 08 H 1.... 100H 0.... 100H Oeve't rrench 8.... 101U n 7Hs rets '.'.... 10P4 2.... 101V4 1.... 101V4 8 OR. 10... 1... a... n... 1. . OR"! 0R4 ORH 984 Rep CTille '20 Cty Sae Paule 2.... 10.U 1.... 102H 1. . IO2V4- 8s wl 1. ... OO'i 08 H 1... . 00l 1 00 17 084 PJep Chile '41 Cnve't F R Ra 1. .. 101 2.. , 1034 1.... 103; City of Bels- 1014 sons 9s 2.. 1.. S.. 1.. r... 7.. 1.. n.. 1R. 1.. n.. 101T4 1014 Rep Chile '40 1.. 1.. 1.. 2.. 1.. 80 70T4 101 I.... 104H 1.... 10414 R Cuba Da '04 1. ... 03 70S 1014 70'i 70T4 1014 101. 1014 10li iet; Ttep'e of Uru 7 80 Cempnnla guay 8s 8.... 10OH S Perte n Sue 7s rets 2.... 102 Itnte Rie O'e Du Sel 8s 1.... 10014 Kflat) 100'i, Slate of Sae Paule ct Rs 1.... 101 O(sale) 101 1.... 101U Axucarea Ea- 10t(, raaua 7a n.... 10ft4 B.... 1004 101 i Jap Oeve't 1st 1 044 Jap Geve't 2d 1.1 04 2 04 ' 2 04 Jap Coven't 4s 20 R14 2 R1T4 2 81 V4 1R. .. Si Ti 3 82 10 ... Rl,'4 20... . 82 B R2U 10 82 1.. . R14 K ReliE'm 7Ar 2. . . . 10Bi 1.... 1B4 2.... 103 10(aale) 103 4.... 10",; n.... ien'4 1,,.. lenu 1.... ion; 8.... 100 K Delglum R 2 ... 104 Ti 13 1044 1.... 104H Klnitdem Den mark Os wl 1 00. 1.. .. 094 Ktnxdem Den Mark ct R 1.... 110H 1.. . 1104 I.... UO'i O(anle) 110H K of Nether lands OS C7echo-Slevak Rep'c 8a wl 00 1 10- n. 1 en en 00 05 B.. 08 Denmnrk Cen ct A 8s Swltz'd Cen 8s 2. .. 121 3.... 121 1.... 121 V K Ot tlrlt ft I'd 1920 12.... 107; 10... 1074 u k at nrit tt I'd 1037 1.... 103 2 103 U 8 Bra 7e wl 1 91H 0 01H Un'd S Rrnzll 7Hs rets U RS 1. .. lOOH 3(sale) inn',4 4.... 110 Dent Seine 7s B... . OO'i 2. ... OOIJ 10.. .. tlOif, 1 oey. n 00 D Canada '20 1.... 100H 1.... ien'4 D Canada '20 2 . . 102'i 23. . 1024 1 102'4 Di Can 5s of 32 wl n... 1... 3... R... 87 '4 RS 88 88 10.. 2 . n.. 70 5. 4.. 1.. 00 00 , 00"4 00t V 8 Uracil Rs 1.... 101 H 13.... 101H 1... I01H 1.... 101H 0(sate)10lH 00 S 00 09', 0. Dem Republle ct 5'4s 7 no 1. 1. si 1. 8. 1. 2 101H .. 1011 .. 101i . .. 1014 . .. 10l4 . . 101H ... 101H . . ieiy. Mrxlcn 3s ... 30 ... BO Dutch K Ind's rets '47 1. . OO'I OC'i 00U 27.. 15... (10... 3.. 1.. 1.. 2.. 23.. 14. 1. 95', en 0.14 03 14 07 03 74 V S 2... 001, 01', 0.14 3 1 4 (flat) 904 DOMESTIC RONDS Ajax Rub'r 8a 1... . 074 0 .. . (7 4 .. . 07 1. ... 98 2 08 2 . . S Am'n Aitr'c ft Chem 7Ha 2 103 2 .. 105 1.... 105 0. .. 1044 1 . . 1044 Ilkn KUI Ce 3 Chl t Nun sm B... . OOH 5 91 Chl A N Wwn 5s of '87 4 ... 108U Chicago Rail ways Be .1. ... R2H 1 82 74 2 82H Chl Reck It Paclfi fd 4 85 1 R44 1 . .. HO Chile Cep'r (Is 7 04H 10 . 100 Ilkn i:dl Ce Os 1 103T4 Ilkn Kdl Ce 8a 1. .. 103' Dl.n Rap T 4s 2 ... 58 nkn Rsp T 7s 4 80 Dkn Rap Tran ct 7s st'd 10 85 Amerlc'n Smll Rroek'n Union ft Ret' Bs Gss 7s 1 . .. 044 1.... 117'4 1... . 0'4 1 03U B Ter'l B n Chile Cep'r 7s 3 04H 5.. . 10.1 12 100 C N Y 4HsT,3 10 ... 10RU C N Y 4Ha'04 4.... 104 Cole ft S 4Ht 1 .. . 90 1 no American Sus Canad'n Nthn Ret's; Cs OH a rets 2.... 114 2, . 2.. 0.. 4.. 1.. 1.. Am ''. 1.. 2 . 1044 1044 2.. 114H . 104H Csradlan N 7a , 101 2 113 , 104S 2.... 114H , 101 1 ..115 ft T clt Carfa'n Pan 4s Columbia O ft ,. 01 , . OS ,. 93 2,. .. 82T4 Klco lvt Hl'd 1. .. 82'4 4 OOH 4 10. .'. . 824, Cem Cable 4a A Tel ft Te 3s Canada S'n Bs 1 . .. 78 100 1 .. 101 Cemp'a- Tab ft 1... . 00 n. .. 100 Cent'I Pac 1st Re'c Oa 1. ... 98 10.. .. 90 A Tel ft Tel 6a Ct'l P 3 L 4i Cen'd Ceal Ce 4.... 117 e .. . fin of Md Ca 4,. 02 1 92 Amer'n Water 0.. 80 Werka 5s 1 .. S1H 0 . 81H Cere de Pas'e Cep'r 8s 1. 120 Cuba Ce Sus 8a ata'd 1. .03 Anten Jursena V Mam W OS C ft O cv 4Hs 10 .... OOH 20 . ., ftOt Cuba ItR 7Ha 8 ROV4 2 . . hOU 3.. SO 1. 100H 1 . 00 Del ft Hud cv Ohes'e ft Ohie 15 . . 90 4 . 99 Den ft R Ci fd 3.. .. 48 Den ft n O Da 10 Rl Ann Arber 4a cv 3s 1 2 18... 10 n. . . 9SH 1 .... 71 Armour 4 '4s 3.. . 014 1 914 n 01H 10. ... 92 OSH . ORH . . OSH . 08 Drt Kdl 5a '40 Chl ft Afn 3a 4 .... 07 1... 4 .. 1 . 2... .. BOU .. Bfll, . . BO . 50 nn D Match 7Hs A T ft S Fe 4s 5,... 107H 4 034 1 03H 1 03V4 Dener 7s wl B .... 91 5... . 04 7 Atlanta ft Bir chi & At sHs D de Nemours mingham 4s 1. ... 00 33H 30H Pvdr 7Hs 8,... 107 7'sale) 107 1.... 108'i Atl'c Ref'a- 8a . S4 . 304 2 OOH Dslt uhle ev Chl ft Q Ba Empire Oas ft 0.. 1.. 1.. 1.. 1.. 8,. 3 . . SOU . 80H ,. 80K . 86H . 80 Vi . 80 H . 80H 4. 101H Fuel 7Hs Chl ft a w 4s 135 H7H 8 38 H 5R4 27... . 07U Erie Oenl Lien Oil Ind ft Le 1 OB Ksal.) SOU 6s of '68 5.... 102 Krle HR ev A Dslt ft O RHs Chi llll ft Pet ... 52H 4.. 4 . 03H 05H Sound 4s 2, ... .74H I) 74H 1 t4H 9... . 74H Krle RR cv B 2 Bl 1 01 '4 2 61 Dslt ft Ohie 4s 1 8T Rait ft Ohie Sa Erie RR cv D 2 91 Chlcsxe Mil A a 55 1 01 1 51'i Halt ft Ohie 6s St P d 4a 1 87 1 07 4 07 1 OOH 1.... 102 H A O P I. K Erie R 1st en ft V Va 4a 2 .... 88H n 834 n 8SH 1.... 100U Erie RR Ce 4s Chlcase Mil ft IB 87 St P 4s '23 2 R4H 2... . 8.1 1 80 U Oene'l Else Cs narnsd'll C'erp 1.... 10S A 8S 1.... 10O Oene'l Elee Os 1.... 108 13.... 100U Deth Stssl fd Chlcace Mil ft 1 OI 2 07U 1 Oiti SIP fd4Hs B F Goedrich 0 08 68 68 68 Ce 6H a rcta 3.... 103 4.... 102 3... 1... ft... 3... 1... D Steel Bs '86 1 94 3 04 H 1 8H Qoedyear T ft 08 H Rub'r '81 3.... 100H 1..,. 10044 It.. ..100H 11..., 1004 ...... IO0H 68 H Heth Steel 6s ChlcaftJ Mil ft .... 100H 1,.., 1004 .... .... St P cv Bs 9 78 .i .... LIBERTY BONDS AND VICTORY NOTES Ranare. '22 Hlsh Lew . Isau , Liberty 8V4s, 1S82-47.. Liberty 8ft , reirlatered. Liberty 1st CV 4a 11182-47 Liberty 1ft cv 4s res; Liberty 2d 4s 1027-42 i: W Ht'W.y w v -ASM. Ubertr 1st cV 44 s 1932-4T Llhertv 1st e 4Ja rM.,., Liberty 2d cv 4Hs 1B27-42. Liberty 2d ev, H? rer..,. Liberty Hd 4 i a 1028 Liberty 8d 4Us res..... Liberty 4th 4'4s 1088-88, Liberty 4th 'Ha re t Victory 4Vt 1022-28 Victory 4S4 rca-.... 101,28 04.S4 1111.04 101.08 101.80 100.80 100.34 102.00 llll. 78 101,40 101.011 100.80 101.00 100.80 101.80 101.02 04.82 05.70 07.80 03.00 on.ne 08.00 U8.ne 08 80 OS.itH 08.08 1(0.74 f4.72 93.81) 0V70 100,02 00.84 Qoedyear T ft Rub'r '41 1.... 110 1.... 115H Oreat Nerlh'n Rly DHs 4.... 104H 1.... 104V4 Oreat North' n Rall'y 7 2.... 113H 4.... 113 Havana' E Lgt ft Pwr Bs 1 87 ' ITetland-Am'n Line 6a 10 88 4 88 3 88'i 3,.... 08 1 60 Int'l Pap b Ss Me pac 5s '05 1 80 "4 1 03H Iowa Centl 8s Me Pacific un 1 81 H 1.... 102H 1.... 102X4 Kan C ft.B 3s 8 71V Ment a Pwr Os Kan C ft S Bs 1 00 3..... 01H 1 91 Nat R R Ce of Mex 4Hs '57 20 31 K C T Rly 4s A 83 3 R4H 22 88 New Eng'd Tel Ce Os wl 1 OOH Lack Steel '00 N Y Ct'l 4Hs l...v. 02 '4 20 SOH N T Cent'I Ss Lehigh Vat 6s 1 104 4. a. 20. 00. MS. 10. 7. - 1. N T 2. 3. 00 Leng ll'd R fd ... OOH ... OOH ..., OOH .. 09 ... no ... en ... ooh Cent'I Os .. 107 .. 107 .. 107 . . 107H . . 107 !.... S8H Uud A Man fd 2 87 '4 Ills Central fd L ft J Odte 4S 1 83H Msrket St Illy 1 01 '4 S Fran 1st 8 88H 1 88H Ills Ct St L ft N Or Jt B Os 4 00 Market St ltl Info Met'n ct S Fran Os 1 01 Sta'd 4Hs 14. 1. 20 15U Mex Petr'm 8s Intbore R T fd 1.... 100H 20. 73H Mln ft St L 4s N Y Hdl'n Ce OHs rets 1.. . 112r 10... 10.. 25... 10... 40... B... B... 8... 1... A... 73H 2 43 M StP A S Sts Male 4a 10 90U 78 H 73 H 73 73 H New Y N It ft It SHs '04 a eitt a eiH 2 02 Me Kan A Tex 73 73 72'4 78 ai wl 0... 27... 10... 0... lb... 10... 7. . . 1.. 17... 4... nH (144 04H U4H 04 OIH 04 04 64 04 H N Yk Rly 4i 1 88 N Y Tele 4Hs R 03 73 73 0.. Intbore Rapid Tran Ca wl 7 80H N Y Tele'a '41 10. 107H 107 1074, 107 107 107 3.. 2.. B.. 1.. Int R T fd ct 10.. . 73 23. . 73 Me Kan A Tex Intern' I Asr'e 4a wl IS.... 1.. cod n Os 2 . .. R2 73H A Tex 87H 88 88 88 N Yk W C A Me Kan Beat 4 Ha 1... . 81H Os wl IB,... 12.... 20.... B..., 15.... 15.... 2. 07 2... . 82 1.... 2.... 1.... 2... Norfolk ev Os 40.... 10 . . 3.1.... 30... 23.. . 10.... 30.... 30 70.... 10. .. 15.... 07 07 H 07 U B7 A Wn 123H 123H 123 124 123H 1214 121 124 124 124 124 124 Intr'l ft Oreat N'n nj wl 18. 54H 80.. IB... 10.. , 100... 10. . 1..0. 10.. 10..., 04 88 88 B4T, 54 '4 Me Kan A Tex A3 05 a wl 23 OR 10 07 04 H 04 4 55 Me Pacific Is 2. 09 H no OOH 08 ORH OS J. 08 Int'l ft Great 1... 1... 2. . 2... 2... 3. N'n ct Os 7... ORH I M Marine 6s A . . 03 2 . 03 NEWS FOR INVESTORS Car loadings for the week ended Au gust 'JO totaled 81)0,838 enrs, nn In crease ever the previous week of 34,011) cars, according; te reports just received by the Car Service Division of the American Hallway Association. This was the largest number of cars' leaded during any one week since October 1, 1021. The total for the week of Au gust 2 exceeded the corresponding week of 1021 by 01,053 cars, but It repre sented a decrease of 110,470 cars, as compared with the same week of 1020. The Philadelphia Sterk Kxchange has bought two of Its membcrxhlps, muklni; clKht in nil, which it has token under authorl7ntien of the Governing Com mittee te purchase ten nt $2,100 each. The two just taken belonged te William F. Oeenner. Johnstown, 1'n., nnd the estate of C. I. Hudsen. The mem berships were net tnken ever for can cellation, but for nn investment. The iiverngp price of the twenty ac tive industrials ndvnnccd .35 per cent jencrdny te 101.03, and the twentj railroads advanced .00 per cent te 02.10. Heperts nrc circulated in the New Yerk financial distilct that negotiation are belnc cnrrled en between interests connected with the Ue.val Dutch Shell Company of Helland, nnd .1. S. Cosden for control of the Cosden Oil and He fining Company. . The Pacific Gn& nnd Electric Com Cem pnny. in Its report for the fiist seven months of the year, shows gresb earn ings amounting te .$22,725,894, an in crease of $771, 307, as compared with the first seven month of 1021. After all deductions the rcneit showed sur plus nf $1,002,754, an increase of $358,353 ever a year age. The Ilaldwin Locomotive Works has received nn order from the St. Louis Leuis Louis Sen Francisce Railroad for fifty loco motives valued at approximately $2,750,000.- The order includes thirty live heavy Mikade type freight engines and fifteen heavy mountain type pus pus tenser engines. The directors of the Continental Equitable Trust Company In declaring n quarterly dividend of 4 per cent. In creased the annual rate ftein 12 te 10 per cent. Fer the first half of the current cal endar year 'Imports and experts of sti ver were fairly evenlv balanced. Im ports being $34,801,000 nnd experts $32,10(1. S73, nn excess of imports of $2,731,117. During August the Government mnde leans te railroads amounting te $27, 802, bringing1 the total for two months of the current liscal jear te $018,725. Liberty Bend issues were practlcnlly unchanged during August, the first lean being reduced only $100. the second loon by $7100, the third lean bv $100 nnd the fourth lean bv $200. Victeiy eies outstanding were reduced $142, 530,700, of which $141,553,700 repre sented n refunding operation, being the amount of new 4',i per cent feur-jenr Treasury notes Issued In exchange for Alctery notes. Of $1,833,507,000 Vic tory notes outstanding en August 31, $000,050,050 have beeu called for re demption December 15. 1022, nnd the remaining $031,040,450 mature May 20, 1023. Public debt retirements chargeable against erdlnury lecelptH in August included $3,522,250 for sinking fund nnd $7500 representing forfeitures, gifts, etc. Jehn T. Cenner Company directors yesterday voted te offer 18,000 shart'H of common stock at $15 per share te common stockholders of record Septem ber 20 In ther atle of one share of new for five held as of thut date. Subscriptions will be pujuble In full en or before October 10 and new stock will carry the full January 1 dividend payment. August sales of Schulte Ketull Stores totaled $1,005,223. an incieose of $244,002 ever August, 1021. The Tedd Shipyards Corporation, for the year ended March 31, reports net profits of $420,387 after Interest, depreciation and taxes, equivalent te $2 share earned en the 200,552 out standing shares of capital stock of no par value, as compared with net pieflts of $3,094,327; or $14.81 a share lu the previous year. Jeseph de V. Kcefe has been elected a member of the Philadelphia Stock Exchange, The par value of the stock of the Indlahema Refining Company, new $5 n share, will be changed te $25 a share If a plan new being considered bv the directors is ratified by the shareholders. If the plan Is adopted, the present stock will be exchanged en. the oasis of five, shares for one of new. Adoption et the plan would reduce the number of shares from 1,000,000 te 200,000. tfifi jttwht.-'jX tMifcjM'v'V-j,-', fW ,rmvi Net chse. ,. t. . (..., ,, : : : : : :.: .. Illlh 100.70 100,70 ,'.34 100.84 100.34 100 1 no,74 100.44 100.31' loe.'ai 100.10 100.72 100.00 100.44 100.28 100,'SO 100.10 100.04 1(10,111 1UV, 100, .28 ::!. loe.so 100.10 100.08 100.70 100'.70 100.70 2.... 10.... 20.... 10,... 134 123', 124H 124 124 10 :i.. , 84 84H F In 78 78 H 7ft 78 78 79 78J4 70 1 07 Stan Mil 0 Bs St L ft S 10 e 11 01 ir en 2... . R 2 12 , 0 10. ... 1 37. N A Edls'n Ce Stand'd Oil of 6a rets Calif 7a 1.... ion '!.... 10574 S,... 100H R... 2... n... 2... 08 00 nn 08 OOH no 1 Third Ava al Sll, a Fraa r. 07T4 12(sale) 08 18 8 12 OS B 08 3. 0. Series A S3 27 10 13 0 1 2 1 1 OOH 75 70H 73 78 70H Kerth Western Dell T 7s 2.... 107 N Ohie Trae A Lltht 6s 1 07 Third Ave 4s 1 00 8 OOH 1 07 70 70 78 N Paclfle R 3s Teledo St L A 1 0U 70 H W'n 3Hs A 03 N Paclfle R 4s StL ft S Fran 1..... 90 1 OOVI N Pae R Bs wl B 90 Series D Teledo St L A B 89H StL A S Fran Weafn 4s B 7.1 Union Pax A Paper 6s 20 nn Union Pse cv 1 03 18 03 B 03 Union Pac fd 0 00 Union Pac 4s 1 93 Series O N Pacific It 6s 4.... 100 20.... 110 10.... 110 6.... 110 1.. 110 10.... 100H StL A 8 Fraa OHs wl 7. ... OOH 4 OOH St L Sew'n en Ora-W R II ft Nav Ce 4s 1 R4H 0 80H 0. 2. 2. 10. 84 , R3 St L Sew'n Bs 1.... R8U 1 (flat) 88 R4'4 84 Union Pac Oi Saks ft Ce 7a 0.... 101 Unt'd Drue Bs 8.... 112 Pae O ft 2 (flat) S.... Pac T ft 3, rcta 1.. . 3. ... 8 ... 3. . . p. ; 1.... 100H 04 04 04 Ran Antonie A A P Rly 4a 1 70 Unt'd Fuel A Oas 6s 8 OR Ui'd Rly I Ce S' Fran Os 1 89 V B Rubb-r 3s 3..:.. ooh 2 neH 3 OOH 23 90 1 OOH U S Rub 7Hs B.... 109 U'd S Steel 5s 4.... 103 1.... 103 1.... 103 Utah P ft L Ss 1 03 Va-C Ch et 7 T Ba Seab'd A L a) 0... . 20 10 20 3 20 3 20 04 08 4)4 04 Senb'd A L fd Packard Moter .1 40 25 40 Ca Ce 7s .. . Hills Seab'd A I, As 21. ... 00 10 (10 '4 10 ... 89 3 ... 107 2.... 0 Pan-A Petr'm ft A Ce 8s 1.... 102 2 09H 0 OOH Pit n rm 4Ha Sinclair C Oil 0 .... 04H Cerp 7s rets Penna R nHa 10.. 0.. 4,. 0.. oe.. 1 . 4.. 101H I.... Ill 11.... Ill 3 ... Ill 101' 101 101 '4 101 101 na4 renna R R 7s 1 ... 112'4 Vs-C ch 7Hs 3 105 !.... 118 7 . 118H 4 118 Phlla Cnty fd 2(anle) 1014 Hsale) 101H Phlladel Rail way 4 s 4 ... 71 Peoria ft H in 2 .... 3R 1... . 88 Preduc A Jt Rs 6.... 102H 1.... 102 Punta Allexre Sus Ce 7s 0 ... 108 101 101 Va-O Chem ev 4.. war'd 7H 3 07'4 1 97 2 07H Sinclair C Oil Cep 7Ha 0. 103 103 103 103 105 10.1 0.. 0.. 3 . R . Va Rwy Ce Ss 10 .... 00 10 00 Va A Swn rn 0 RRH 2 87 3... . H7H Sinclair Crude O P Ce OHs 2 90 S Rell Tel Os 2 9R4 1 OOH Warner Susar Ref'e 8s 1.... 103H 2(sale) 102H Se'n Pacific fd West'n Md 4s 004 00 00 ni 01 21 08 4.... 100'i Wes'n Pae 1st 1 80H Re-vdlnc Ce 4s 2 80 Iteck ll'd A ft Loul's, 4Hs 1 84 St I. I'D Mt ft e.. 10.. s.. e.. 7.. 3 R7 West'n Pae 6s 2 07 ni ni Went Shere 4s 2 84 Se'n Pacific 4s W Union 4Hs 4 88 1 03 8 Rly 4s Sn Hallway 4a Weatlnxhs'e K 110 2 71 ft Mfe 7s 2.... 107 St L I 3It ft S Sn Rallwav r. R ft O dlv 4, 2 30 1 00 2 .... 00 Wllaen Ce cv 1.. P0 1 .. . Oflti 10., 8 . 1. St I, 10 . e 1.. e . i.. . . 88 . 80 . . 80', 3 F al . . 84 . . 84 H . . R4'4 ., R4 .. R4, .. 84H Wllaen Ce 1st Sn Rall'y OHs 2.. ..102 1.... 102 1 104 3 .. 104 2.. 104 2 . 104 2. . 104 Wilsen C 7Hs 4. 107 107H 107 1117'; 107 107 1.. 8.. 3.. 0. 8 Sparta 4s 3 01 Stan Ot 1:111 GAIN IN COTTON GINNINGS Total te Sept. 1, 817,171 Bales, Against 485,787 Last Year Washington, Sept. 8. Cotten ginned prier te September 1 amounted te 817, 171 running bales, including 25,953 round bales counted ns half bales, com pared with 485,787 bales, Including 30,027 round bnle.s te September 1. last year, and 351.5S0 bales, including 17.- 451 round bale. In 1020, the Census Uureau announced today In Its first ginning report of the season. Ginnings bv States te September 1 this year and comparative figures for last year follew: Alabama. 56.252 and 12.008; Ar kansas, 7470 and 30(1; California. 51 nnd 173; Flerida. 047." and 387: Georgia. 143,047 and 47,803; Louisi ana, 15.000 and 2743; Mississippi. 14. 034 nnd 4144: North Carolina. 1202 and 77 : Oklahoma, 4305 nnd 1221 ; Seuth Carolina. 5241 and 1100: Ten nessee 47 and 2; Texas, 500,010 nnd 414.010; all ether States. Ill and 127. Federal Reserve Ratios Washington, Sept. 8. Ratios of total re. serves te net depealt and Federal Reserve note liabilities combined, for the twelve Federal Reaerve Danks and the entire svn. i tern, as of September rt. compared with is I 'JO DW. ' 1021 Sept 7 72 0 72.0 1.0,3 00.5 42 e 40.7 fiO.fl 07 4 88. fl no t 40. 1) 04.(1 00 2 Gulf ON Jumps te $580 a Share New Yerk. Sept rt Responding- te re. ports of capital readjustment. October 1 by which twelve ehares of 120 par-value would be exchanged for one share of the present $100 par-value ateck of the Oulf Oil Corporation advanced 80 points In today's curb msrket The new price was $080 n share The Oulf Company, which la own,i by tne Mellen Interests of PittHhurah, Is one ui wie larreai independent producer. n. t"r.t,".f "a proposed merger with the Stand. srd Oil Company of Indiana were recently officially den led Weel Demand Well Diversified Ment en. Sept, e The Commercial Ilulletin will say of the wool market tomerrow: "The demand for wool has continued nf fair pre. poi tlens during- the week nnd has been fairly well dlveralfled Prleen are ateadv, unlesa In the case of aeme holder of ferelru wool In hend. he may have te meet mntur-ln- drafts. The manufacturers and piece piece piece xoeda men. aa well aa the clethlns; trade, are comfortably situated for business, ul ul theuah no boom Is anywhere apparent. A speedy paesace et the tariff Is areatly de sired by the trade te help stabilise condl cendl tlnne. The foreign markets are verv flrm. with a tendency upward, Londen havlnir ad. vnneed ellshtly since the epenliur en all classes and the primary markets bid fair te rule very strenir." Sugar Market a Shade Easier New Yerk, Hept H. The ru susrar mar ket Is a. ahade easier In tone with Cuba. rer uepiemeer anipmeni quoted nt 3c cost ind iSe ireisni, ana rer urioeer shipment at BHp te flVic, coat and frelaht. cm terdi day cenalated et in, 000 baa Cubaa. ex-llahtera. In pert at 3a e, oeat and freight, te Arbuckle Ilrethers, The local refined market la rather quiet, the new price level at O.BOe. less 3 per cant for cash, sstabllshed vesterdar having ihua far failed te stimulate the Inquiry te any material extent. WONT WEAK Xni3I LONGKB With dally . news columns nilsd 'Ith for fsahlpn hints from Paris, there Is nsed II11Q j'r , previous week and a ear a te fel . Sept. II Au. HO Hoeten . . 74, S 7n 0 New Yerk . 81, s HO a Philadelphia 71 S 70 2 Cleveland . ... 71.1 70 0 Richmond . . . 7S.7 77 R Atlanta Sl.O M i- Chlcace .. . 8S 4 S7.S St. Leuie . 04. ,1 n.l.e Jrinntnpella . 74 e 71 1 Kansua City 04 4 tl,e Dallaa , 01 7 SO, 4 Ban I'ranclace (it 7 70 4 Total , . 7S ,1 7b"; eumiiQiia. .waiv m ivuuuiit in. organisatien, etna; formed te pr.aerve the J'knee hliti" skirt. It will be Interestlns: te watch ths outcome of this battle for American free dom. Fellow It, fa the news eelumns of the Pcsue Lspqss. "Wake It a Wiblt!''" r$&m$$. 'K'1922 SEPTEMBER TRADE OUTLOOK BRIGHTER Confidence Strengthened With Set tlement of Ceal Strike Trndorepertn for the last week arc particularly encouraging, says the re view of business conditions; In the Phila delphia district by K. (J. Dun & Ce. Confidence hns been strengthened by settlement of the coal strike nnd many lines nre reporting n betterment In the number of orders received. Many man ufacturers nrn operating their plants nt capacity. One drawback te even great er nctlvltlrs, which Is said te exist In virtually nil lines, Is difficulty In se curing practical mechanics. On account of the trnde net having bought worsted nnd woolen yarns In their usual requirements early In the season, large orders are new coming in for Immediate delivery. Indications nrc that business will be very geed. Continuing, the icvlew gees en te say: "Jobbers of electrical supplies nre Mill buying In rnther limited quanti ties in spite of prevailing low prices. err. i. im Distributor Wanted We are manufacturers of n popular and quick selling line of nutomebllo necessities nnd s-ufety appliances and pjnn te Immediately establish a dis tributor brnnch In Philadelphia te cover requirements of dealers, ga rages and consumers In this terri tory. This connection Is open te a capable man or Hrm flnanclally able te carry an Investment of from $5000 te $10,000 in quick turn-ever merchan dise te meet current orders. A strong national and local publlclt.v campaign Is new being started en one leading product of great eco nomic value and Importance te safety operation of meter chicles for protection of life nnd property, and as ever.v owner of n, passenger or commercial c r is a possible pur chaser, this campaign means a whirlwind of business for the man qualified te handle It. This one product Is et such Impor tance ns te warrant expectation of net profits, from a very small per centage of possible business, te run In excess of $30,000 for first year's distribution. We will extend unusual selling co operation with the intent and purpose te create a business building and permanent connection that will bring greater volume of sales and increased profits each year If you are qualified te associate In thlH connection personal interview will be anangeil with our executive representative Address at once for appointment Manufacturers A 40J, I.rdRer Offlce Cities Service Ce. A Iiii-rc, Mieeessful public utility h) Mum combined uitli exten sive, ilHcr.Nitieii oil nnd gas inlei evts un der unified luiuiage-iai.-iit Stocks and Bends Fer careful, discriminating investors We have ready for distribu tion a limited number of copies of an interesting booklet, entitled "Senior Oil Securities," which contains an analysis of property val ues and earning power of Cities Service Company, and its subsidiary, the Empire Gas and Fuel Company. The booklet also presents statistics and information concerning ether leaders in the petroleum industry. Tn'fc for Booklet OS- Henry L. Doherty & Ce. Securitiei Department 604 Merris Bldg. Pbila. Phene: Locust 1H0 BROOKE, STOKES & CO. Investment Securities PUUdtlpkU Waihinitea Baltimore ''iWc,, l,Wk' v.,ii'V. ,-y .- ' 1 . I 1 A better demarid. Is expected In the nenr future, "Thore Ifes been n 00 per cent In' crease In the manufacture of wnllpnper this year ever the same period n year age, with aulecrcnsc In prices of 15 per cent. The outlook is geed, as the pres ent supply Is low, making tin demand great and prices firm. "A steady business Is being done In the steel sash line, which Is nbeut nor mol and very satisfactory. "Uuslncss In the heating line is very geed nnd hnH been for 'the last six months, although there Is n shortage of boilers nnd radlnters nt this time. This is partly due te the coal strike. Other wise, business Is very geed. "There Is n very netlvc demand for lumber, particularly of the higher grades. A very much greater demand for lower grades cxlstH and higher prices nrc anticipated. "Retail trade Is geed for the season and n generally optimistic feeling is np parent. "A geed ninny exporters and Import ers report numerous Inquiries nnd u few orders." $1,000,000 OF THE NEW ISSUE OF 8 PER CENT CUMULATIVE PREFERRED STOCK OF THE AUTOCAR COMPANY (PAR $100 PER SHARE. CALLAOLC AT Offered for subscription at $102 per share. Stock certificates will be issued en September 15, 1922. All subscriptions must be accompanied by checks and will be given preference in order received. Temporary receipts will be issued bearing interest at rate of 6 per cent per annum until September 15, 1922. Subscriptions should be addressed and checks drawn te the order of W. T. Savey e, Treasurer. THE AUTOCAR COMPANY ARDMORE, PA. MANUFACTURERS OF MOTOR TRUCKS ESTABLISHED 1897 rjj Mr. R. H. Beaumont, President, R. H. Beaumont Company, Conveying Machinery, said te us: Philadelphia is the center of coal trade. It is also the center of the manufacture of machinery for conveying coal. Nearly one-half of the total tonnage of the rail roads in the United States is coal. It costs mere money te handle coal in the yard than the railroad gets from hauling it from mine te yard. Central National Bank of Philadelphia Chestnut Street at Fifth K Capital Surplus and Undivided 38 PAGES of the most interesting ahd informative matter ever prepared en New Yerk Curb Exchange stocks. This manual or guide should be in the hands of every man who is interested in America's second largest stock market and the divi dend and market possibili ties of the leading stocks listed and traded thereon. Ask for "Investors &Traders Guide" free Call, 'phone or write Jenes &. Baker Member New Yerk Curb Exchange Direct Private Wires Nw Yerk Cblcire Boxen rMlldtl.bh JNtiieurih Detroit Baltimore Cloches' PHILADELPHIA OFFICE Widener Building Telephones ?." locust -4730 p Kev.tens . Race 5661 BALTIMORE OFFICE 1.1 Equable Budding Tlvage Plata 84$t hauuiiiiii timmi'tijiitiwwMi iti,rwiij.ii3affljew-'iui-iiUi:,iii J i,t 'ffteg,, i ii v ' ' - '. LONDON STOCK MAHKrr List Irregular, With Dealing UfjV U Dellar Deecrlptten OuH 'vh Londen, Sept. 8. Oil shares Wi) a .... .4... -4i ,!... ,mI.w 1.4:...-', i . i Jl the turnover was net Janre Royal OstitA' .... - Wl Ul.ll T.nn.iu.rf hm.t "PmmJtlh" ing 4 nnd Mexican Eagle 8 7-i'U:' Heme rail were quiet nnd mixed. Dal, lee ilewrlntlmia rnnllnuetl dull. TJava' x. .. . t ... ..Ilt.. '-.f 1m.-II tattta ." K. VHn nieuL-raiu ramus; wi nigceiiinsi iissr v Industrials were strong In aptta. jh, II.wlcnn'M liar wnu (1 15-10. ftuMt H iHsncs were i crude article hnrder. but dull In sympathy with the), ntf le. The gilt-edged list M it changes were narrew. 4 Krench leans were easier, following I'nrls. Kaffirs were well maintained. Generally, the markets were irregular with dealings light. Prices Improve en Paris Bourse Paris. Sept, Peuree fedsr. R.i-Prlcea Improved en the Three per cent re ntes, elf tir.p. iCxrhAiiua en Lvnden. 37f 07c. per rent lean. 7flf 07c. The dollar quoted nt 12f 01c $t!5 OFFICERS rilARLHS U INGKItSOLL,, Pres. STANLEY K. WILSON, Vice Pres ARCHIE D. SWIFT, Vice Pres, Cashier DAVID R, CARSON. Asst. te Pres. ALBERT H, ASIIRY. Asst, Cashier WILLIAM POST, Chairman Executive Committee $1,000,000 Profits Earned Si,700,000 Havana Electric Ry. Light & Power Ce. Gen. Mtg. 5 Bends Due 1954 Company furnishes the en tire electric light, power, gas and street railway service in Havana. Net income nearly six time bend interest charges. Price te yield about 5.90 Circular upon request Harris. Ferbes & Ce Pins St.. Cor. William NEW YORK PHILADELPHIA OFFICE Wldtnar Blsjg. Telephone Spruce 7040 y WHY lias me Inreater rr MM M )$ lar al principal or later mm aM-'. seeurllr beasjbl vf B. W. Ofct-'iVi Write far one fcb f I lm " wr. - . r.- ,m S- W. STKAU1 ft CO, t.K . .TOA'awm' SIM 4 (V I'fvU I 4t. fIVSJ was- 1 I m i ! UlU