V'i,?f'' rT4i;i k$n ?: y.y l i U ai rift t iJ U . - 'IMffi J 1 1 Ti ..f. -Tm-M. Bends Short Term Notes Acceptances OFFERINGS will be submitted en request. The National City Company Philadelphia 1417 Chestnut St. Atlantic City Chnltents Dleck 1225 Boardwalk Hydro-Electric First Mortgage 7s Secured by a direct first mortgage en all property of the Orange County Hydro-Electric Corpora tion new owned or here after acquired. A fifty-year contract with the Orange County Pub lic Service Corporation guarantees net earnings after all operating ex penses, maintenance charges, taxes and depre ciation, equal at least te twice annual bend inter est and sinking fund re quirements. In addition the bends are guaranteed uncondition ally as te principal, inter est and sinking fund. Descriptive circular and price upon request. Hemphill, Noyes C&, Ce. Members New Yerk Stock Exchange Franklin Bk. Bldg., Philadelphia New Yerk Pittsburgh Bosten Rcranten Les Angeles Albany Syracuse Baltimore Wilmington Bridccrvrt CONFIDENCE Yeu can rely upon u te suggest dependable securities. It is te our advantage te see that your money is safely and profitably invested. COMMERCIAL TRUST COMPANY Member Federal Reserve System City Hall Square If There Is a Market We Can Find It We held sales of stocks and bends every Wednes day, charging $1.50 en trance fee for each item. Our weekly catalogues and post card service reach every mar ket. We take pleasure in furnishing quotations. Barnes & Lefland im block Ilrekpr 117 S. ii nil XuLtlenetr. 4th St. BOND TRADER Wanted An opening with a present and a future for a high-class man. Bown & Company INVESTMENT BONDS 1 ntmHm lli.11.lln. 5th Cliestnut Mrreta We Specialize in Pennsylvania Municipal Issues Biddle & Henry 104 SOUTH FIFTH ST. !f EtVRsrr Bre s. &. Ce. BANKERS MtMttRS FHIIASCIPHI UTOCK t"'-MN0t Investment Securities 1421 CUE3TNUT STREKT PHILADELPHIA NEWBURGER, HENDERSON & LOEB Members New Yerk and Philadelphia Stock Exchanges 1512 Walnut St. 'I "i: t GEO. A. HUHN & SONS Mrmberk et the 1'hlluilelulila. New Yerk and ( hlrae Stuik I.jtrhuiiies. New Yerk t'otten Kirlianxe. STOCKS & BONDS bought mUiI uld ''." t-'Hl' Ft curried en inin.rruthe margin. UelbMue Court llhK.. HIS Walnut Ht. N. V. Ill llreiidwnj i.. "C. S. PATTON & CO. 311 CHI'slTNTT KTS. BANKERS Hiicresnerii te NAII.KII , HTKVKN80N lleniN mid steiku lieiiBnt und Mild I ( ' .! u.i. iriianB ttmrm i-"iii rn- - ---.-. -. - r i; ' um i ' r,J - ' ' i-"i 'V A W e n 1 n ' Oavmg$ Utpartmtnt I it H I RrstKatienalBank k 1 ex Philadelphia I V" . - I SUmSTKVTtT If MARKET BROADENS AS STOCKS RALLY Sales 430 203 2103 5900 833 203 503 300 2700 1000 3233 100 503 630 100 430 1100 233 400 500 200 203 7530 4200 300 100 200 5700 2600 100 1030 103 900 2803 15633 16030 300 100 500 200 11900 103 103 100 2700 100 1030 2600 100 4 1200 500 1700 100 1100 203 14530 3403 430 1100 100 2C0 533 600 100 103 3J0 1430 100 1200 6'J0 200 1200 2330 8830 13i0 1000 2200 1403 100 500 2830 3300 1103 100 Cencerted Buying Again Made Specialty Movements an Out standing Feature New Yerk. Sent. S. Continued im prevement in the Imlustrlnl nml mil- reiid Htrlke situation, relatively easy 1 money nmrket condition nml n tlrflp In commercial failures te tlie lowest point Mnee the beginning of the year sup plied the MlmuhiH for the continuation of the forward movement In today's stork miirket. Concentration of specu lative activity Jn a limited number of selected issues once mere gave the market a "spotty" appearance, but the advancing prices extended ever u bread list. The constructive forces evidently found much encouragement In the re ported American Federation's vote , against n general strike. The apparent ! earnest eunrti ni tlie union s repre sentative and the railroad executives te negotiate separate agreements also placed a much mere hopeful coloring en the shepmen's dispute. Advices from the anthracite miner' convention like wise sei-mcd te insure n successful ter mination of tlie one remaining obstacle In the way of building up general busi ness. While nil of this nrjt;etlenabIy Mip plied mere pleasing lilgli lljlits te the market picture It was quite obvious the principal propelling power was still derived from tin same two sources which have, mere or less, been the dominating inlluei ce through the cur rent week. These were renewed peel activities and covering of an Ill-timed short Interest created by another f-erl-eus liiNiudgiueiir 01 the actual mar ket position. Nevertheless, the peu":1 behind the throne was unquestionably well organized and with substantial backing. There was at all time; a great deal of prelit-takiic, but the market'" abferpiiun powers evidently were unlimited. Demestic oils, equipment nnd meter accessory share were the mere promi nent speculative attractions. Net as groups, hut In individual representa tions. In the three classes gains of 2 te nearly 4 points were scored by Standard Oil of New Jerer. l'ullmnn. Huldu-ln Locomotive. Ituilway Steel Spring. Kislicr Bedy. International Harvester, du I'ent, United Drug. Cen tral Leather preferred and l.erlllnrd Tobacco. Apart from the further ad vance In Norfolk nnd Western, move ment of the rails remains narrow. BANK CLEARINGS Hank cWrincs today compared with cor cer cor reipendlni; dav last two fnra. 1nI2 1021 1020 N v . r.rm.noe.oon .'i34.tini),oen nni.T2i.fin3 l'hlla $73 OOU.Oml SU3.0UO.UO0 J77.slO.liU FOREIGN EXCHANGE Va... Vnili ti...,, W It I.... 2J0 1200 L33U 1833 5433 100 830 4200 100 203 4100 330 300 103 100 103 10J0 503 100 600 930 100 330 7J0 1203 500 11033 2630 3530 in the foreign exchange market today i where changed, were lower. Sterling; we down s : franc down 4. lire down i 1. Hclglans down I1... Danish down (i. Norway down 2. inid marks down 1. Swiss, pesetas. Swedish and Dutch were unchanged. The market retained a speculative flavor and business was en a moderate scale. I Quotations were: j Sterling cables 4.4". demand I ,4.1."'...: franc cables 7.74'i, checks' "T.'iLj; lielgiun cables 7. 111. checks' 7 IIO'i : lire cables 4.:ir, checks 4.H'.. ; , Swist. cables IS.'.lS, checks IS. !.": pe- ' seta cables l.i.-l.s. checks l.i.4(i; Danish cables i!l..'l!. checks ''t..'!4; Norway cables Kl.fU!, checks If,..": Swedish cables "(t.."iO. checks 2(1.45: guilder ca joles ..S.!)t). checks ttS.sr, ; marks .07. j YUSTCKDAY'S CLOSING QUOTATIONS ' Strllnir rraiv s Mm Guilder. i Demand -t.-t.l'T 7 71 4 31 3(1.8.1 kables . 4 43,t 7.7T 4. 'it'-, 3!.D1 TODAVa OPKNINU QUOTATIONS Strllnij Francs I.i.-p Guilder Demand ... . 4T.Vj 7 73Hi 4 34i3 3S.S.1 fables . 4 l.Vj 7 7t 4 33 3S.t'u 20300 DIVIDENDS DECLARED '.ilifnrnla l'etreleum Company, quarterly of J 1.7.1 en preferred pijable October 1 Boeki close Scrtemtwr l!" Amcrlenn i:tpris Cempanv, nuarterlv of $2 pav.ibln October te stock of rtcerd 74D0 100 3530 830 400 900 100 433 C030 733 400 703 300 10J 14 JO 330 1230 310 700 100 5030 200 503 430 1100 700 18 JO 8)3 100 4030 10J0 100 42030 600 no 300 UJ 383J 030 100 100 1500 100 103 45 'J 1430 1C0J 13J0 230 303 533 2200 500 100 7 JO 100 8703 100 1800 1900 100 100 2600 200 2400 Siptmbr it I II J rtonelils Toba'e Cn.-nnanv. nuir- !" y of 3 pr cent en "A ' and "B" om em ( mnn and of l3 per cent en preferred, all j ranbie October 2 te RiutA of record Sep ' e tnbrr IS Mack Truck r'nn pjm' quarterly $1,7.1 en flrn ,,nd nee.ind preferred iMth pavthle Oc tober 1 te HtOc! wf rtcnrd Hrtemr 20. AmTban Pnx.-r and I.lnht Company, quarterly lla Pr cent en preferred payable October 'J tj ste. k of record September 15. American Exchange Mccurltle Corporation. euarter! - per cent en clars A shares, pay able October 1 te stock of record Septem , ic- lrt ' "ew Tork. Chicago and '5t. Leuis Hall read (.enipanj. two dlvldendx of 1 ' percent each en common. na.ble Sept'niber 30 and D- i comber 30 te me. It of record September 13 l unit rweember Hi rencetiel. I Columbia Petroleum Company, n nub- , nldlarv of the Southern Ht.ilei en company, 'monthly 1 per ent. pavable October 1 te atecl; of rterd September liO J t IVnnn ' empa quarterly SI 7ft en lprefrn 1. paable September 30 te stock of I rteerd September 20 Pennjlv.itila Tower and I.lKht Cempanv, quarterlv tl 7". en cumulatle preferred. I eavabla uctuber - tu stOi.k of record Scptem- i...n i?h Valley Ceal Sales Company, quar terly $.' paab!e October a te stock of rec ord S.piember 1 1 1 Warren Brethers Compani. quarterly 7." erta en first preferred and SiH en second I preferred l-elh payable Octuber 2 te stock 'uf r"ierd September 23 LIVESTOCK QUOTATIONS I'lttshnritli. Hept 8 HOGS ItenelpH, :inn hemt IIlBher Heales. 10 WBn.T.V he. jerkeri. in.30f 1" 53 Merit erkera, , jy 7.-. n le, piK in frie KO 1 PHEEI AND LAMHh Rerrtpti 110'j head. I Sheep 7 .10 stee'ly. lamhs $13 ST.. (nuher I CALVKr1 Receipts ltih heuO ."-(aUy. Tep, J13 30 i r.nst IlilfTule. fcept M rATn.i:-Ite-eelits. fl7." heart Jei;iI siemlj . eonimen. Mull CBlet recelrt" 00 head. 'lelnK slew r.Oe hluher, J.'itZl.'. I IIUOP--Kec Irtr. '.'"On heail .Stead te Ifn higher, heay. t '.T.yin mixed. inr 'nil'. ;eiker. Iiu IS ru-;, IIOWIO 15, I roughs 10 "tt rtHi-s $U.'i fHCKP AND 1.A.MHS Herelptj. 'JSOO 'head. I.ambH. attlve. 15c htuhcr. $0tfl4; i jearllnes. JO JO. I f hleaite. HeP. s - CATTI.K Hec'lpts. 31100 head. Geed and .helr cattle scarce Tnn Uuh utters. 11(1 11." liu'ic of nun IV and einilltleii te sell ut tH Tftt In, train leads Weatern urassers. J7 S.t7 35. all clashes ic liern'U sled)' hulk heef eews and heifers J4 507 canners and cutters, laruely 11". 75 Hi 3 '.0. holenna hulls mostly 13 0U4 13. veal laHes tlu RDft 1- 73 HOGS llecelpts 10.000 he?.d Market slew Mostly 15 23c hlither bulk 180 te U20 pound averages. IM,(ISwO,73, lop. 10 73. hulk 230 le 23(1 pound butchers, IIMUMH no, 27(1 te 3(10 pound butchers J8 00ti 30, packlnB ses mostly 17 0 7 50 pIks strenu at the advance largely JR 2.".75, pis; packers de.nit little heavy IS 1100 50, me dium, 18(31170 IlKht J9 50n7O. Illiht lluhts H 75611 50; pnckins sews, smooth, 1111107 5(1; packlne sews, rough, (l.l07, kllllnir plB 17 738.7.1 BHBBr' Helpts. 13,000 head. Fat .I, Mlrr.nu te 13e hUher. Ten nulhe. 100 2100 200 1J0 100 8900 200 100 1730 500 3100 1300 1200 3i 500 300 1000 il2 73 te shippers r.nd city butrhers. $12 03 te packers, bulk mU.ves ll! 25 I'.Mlp. nerts Unlit; culm mena .n.i. ..., rw.... ..ubuihh. ten laiiiln, J12U0. sheep and feeders uen erallv steady best light native eives III SO. heavy mostly J3.B0. geed feeding lambs around 112.30. MONEY-LENDING RATES NKW VOKK Meney en call, belh classes of" te, lateral, opened today at per cent for lendlnir and renewln. i.iiii.AIH-.I.I'llI.V Call. 4 per rent; time. it tu 44 Per cent; commercial paper, :;.;. :' -i- mnniha. 4U te 4 IX. uer rent litndun-Meney, '.' per cent. . Dlsceu It.n, -t. 'Z tcday. rati" short, ana three months bills, per cent. of an Londen Metal Market tendon. Sept. 8,Stindaril copper, spot. copper Klect ni? n., futures. tuJ ls ", futiirM. 103 ls ,J. KlM'relytlc. ITO 10a; futuraa, 'C71 5. Till. U89 I tutSri'a. tM Ba. 'Jad apet. h ftst m. (SS Th d. iilnct, wet. t3l IDs; fu- I rn IBs. r' " spot. C70 !!. "ui" iOa. iu mures EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE TRANSACTIONS Only Afternoon Repert in Philadelphia Quoting Full Li$t Civ. in I frrOC'K lllh Adams Express T0H .. Advance numely... 2' .. AJnx Hubher '.. 4 Allied Chem & Dye. 03 V 4 Allln-Chftlmerf) .... S8H 7 Allls-ChnlmerB pf..10t .. Am Asrle chem.... 39 J4 .. Am Aerle Chem xt. 70 G Am Hesch Magneto 45 4 Am D S V .... 80 .. Am Can 63 ft 7 Am Can pf 109 H 12 Am Car ft Fdy 190 U .. Am Cotten Oil 28 .. Am DrtiE Syn 6' .. Am Hlde & I.cath pt 74 i 7 Am Ice 122 6 Am Ice pf 93 ft .. Am Internal Cerp.. 35 H 1 Am L,a France Eng 13 ft .. Am I.ttiBurd 35 ft Am Linseed pf 95 0 Am locomotive. .. .124ft 3 Am Metals 52ft .. Am Metal pf 112ft t Am Radiator 119ft .. Am Safety Razor.. 7 .. Am Ship & Cem.... 19ft .. Am Smelt 65 ft IS Am Snuff 156ft 3 Am Steel Foundries 4J ft 7 Am Steel Fdys pf,.105 .. Am Sugar Rcf 834 .. Am Sumatra 40 9 Am Tel & Tel 1I3ft .. Am Tel & Tel rts... 3ft 12 Am Tobacco 16Bft 13 Am Tobacco D 164 .. Am Waterworks... IBM .. Am Watrwks 6 pf 40 7 Am Woolen 102ft 7 Am Woolen pf 1 te .. Am Writ Paper pf. 32 .. Am Zinc Ld & S pf 45ft .. Anaconda Copper... 55ft .. Ann Arber 22s4 G Asse Oil 120fi Atch Tep & San Fe104ft .. Atlan Sir & Atlantic 3 7 Atlantic Coast L.lne119 .. Atlant'c Fruit ctfs.. 1ft . . Atl Oulf ft W I S S 31 H 6 AtlaH Powder pf.... 90 .. Austin Nichols 31 H 7 Austin Nichols pf.. 85ft 7 Daldtvln Locemotlve134 .. Baltlmore & Ohie... 58ft .. Harnett Leather.... t6ft .. Barnsdall Class A.. 37 H .. Bayuk Bres 54 ft . . Beechnut Packing. . 33 6 Beth Steel B 78M 8 Brooklyn Edisen... 122 .. Bklyn Rapid Transit i6 .. Bklyn K T ctfa of db 21 8 Brklyn Union Gas.. 121 .. Brown Shee 64 ft 7 Brown Shee pf 97 ft 10 Burns Bres 137 ft 2 Burns Bres B 48 H .. Eutte & Sup Cep... 3Cft 6 California Packing. E2ft .. California Petrel... t5i .. Cat Zinc nnd Lead.. 9 10 Canadian Pac'fle. . .148?i .. Case J I Threshing 43 ft .. Central Leather.... 42ft .. C'cn Leather pf.... 82 .. Central of N J 200 .. Cerro-de-Pasco .... 41 6 Chandler Meters .. C3 4 Chesapeake & Ohie. 77 ft .. Chicago & Alten... 4ft .. Chicago & Alten pf 6ft .. Chicago &. E III 40 .. Chi & E 111 (new) pf C2ft .. Chi Mil & St P 33 ft .. Chi Mil & St P of 53 6 Chi & Northwestern 94 7 Chi & Northwest pf124ft 4 Chicago Pneu Teel. 16 ft .. Chi RI & Pac 8ft 6 Chi R I & Pac 6 Pf 67ft 7 Chi R I & Pac 7 Pf 98 .. Chlle Copper 24 . . Chine Copper 31 6 CW St P M & O 84 2 Clev CIn Chi & S L 78ft 5 Clev Cin r & S L pf 97 U 7 Cluett-Peabody pf..103 4 Coca-Cel.i 71 .. Cel Fuel & Iren.... 32ft HIS Net P. M. Che. Lew 78 20 1IH 89 58 Vl 101 39 H 70 43 M 79 63ti 109 190 27 H ew 72 121 93 H 35 13 35 5-i 55 122K 50 112 119Js 7 7X 64 i 156Ji 42 105 8315 37 1S.2W 78H H 21 V6-4- 13 89W 3994 70 - lit K 54 "y Y 44J4 IK 80 154 63H-T-, V 109H ' , 190 4194 28 Hi 7 74 54 -f 54 1W 2 54 54 54 'i4 254 H 54 194 5's 121 938 35H 1354 3554 55 -124 Ji - 50J4- 11254 119JJ 7 1891 64 94 156J4- 42 54 105 - 63 54- 39Ji 122H 3! 168 164 18)4 40 10154 110 32 1!4 54 154 54 254 !4 394 54 ii 3H H8 164 18U 40 101 110 32 45 rt 65 Vz 22 i 9Vt 1C3U 3 IIByj 1H 29 90 30 B5J4 . 131 k 57 ?f 6514 5714 54 yj 33 78 1217s -5 21 121 C3U 97 Y 1362 48j 30 81 U C4',2 OH 148 41 Ts 40 Ji 7814 200 40 t2'4 76 Vs 4 6' 40 6H4 i3 52 U 93 H 124J's t5A 47 Yt 86 H 98 23 X 30 H 83 78 U 97 J, 103 70 3194 49 t K5W 14 51 74 2!i H 143 11 90 1 1 8 Ji 49 U 97 99 V3 H 26 96 14('g 2414 140;e 133 153 09 Yz b& 9 40 7H 22 J.8V4 ism 25 !4 14 102 Yz 104JJ 59 115 95 12 23 66 J'2 102 t9 81 ?i 178 11, 84JJ :'-l2 85 14U i4 40 Ji IZ's 98 13 !'j 85 21 82 3 19 BJ 1114 112J4 3 9a 43 it 55 54 Z294 119 54 10414 3 H8V4 194- 31 90 3154 85 54- 133 54 5i 1 1 54 y H 1 254 94 H 254 H 66 C5 54 37 54 54 54 33 -70 9t - 122 25 94 21 - 121 64 54 97 74 137 5i 48b 3014 82 140J.2 43 54 4194 54 54 n y 54 154 "94 ii 154 54 ii 1 .. 154 ! H 94 154 80H 294 200 7 4074 C3 77 H 4 54 6 54 40 62 U 23 5-2 52 74 S4 12474 86 54 48 17J4 98 - 24 31 84 -t-78 '4 97 94 103 70 3294 4954 K554 S?4 14 54 74 94 1 1 24 54 h 54 54 " 14 ti Cel & Southern 4Sft Celum Gas & Elec.106 Celum Graphophene 3ft Cel Graphophene pt 14ft C Cemput Tab Kec... 75ft . . Consel Cigar -' . . Consel Cigar rts.... 3ft . . Consel 131s Ins 4 8 Consolidated Gas... 144ft ,i Consel Textiles.... lift . . Continental Can.... 91ft :i7 94 394 314 1 94 - 54 1 43 54 - 54 11 - 54 90 14 633 4 Cern Products Ref..119 11814 499 - 97 - 9914- 54- ?.6 -97 54 1454 2454 2H Cosden & Ce. 50 ft Cruplhla Steel i-7; 7 Crucible Steel pf... 99 '-j .. Crucible Steel rts.. . . Cuban Am Sugar... 26 7 Cuban Am Sugar pf 97 '4 . . Cuba Cane Sugar.. 14 ft . . Debecrs C Mln Ltd 24 ft 9 Delaware 4s Hudsen141 ft 6 Del Lack & West..' 36 S 8 Du Pent (K I) Ce..l54ft t; I.-u Pent 67e deb pf 90 6 Eaetman Kodak... 84 H . . nmcrsen-Brantlng . 9ft . . Emersen-Brunt pf . 40 3 Elcc Storage Bat... 40 . . Elk Hern Ceal 22 6 Kndleott-Jehnbon .. 9'z Trrle ' .. 11 IO ........ OCT' .. Erie 1st pf f5 ft .. Fairbanks ,'",,,. 8 Famous Players 0' 8 Famous Players pf,104ft G Fed Mln & Smelt pf 59 ft 10 Fisher Bedy U6ft 14154 1014 136H 3J4 153 54 90 -J 84 94 9J4-t 40 47 74 - 22 894 16 25 94 14 - 10254 -10414 591-i M654 H 95 74- 1254 r 23 -&7 94 v 102 t.9 8154 178 14J4 85 3514 05 -1454-S474 40 H 12(j 98 1 g Fisher ueuy ei u m j . . Flsk Rubber 12 ft Freeport Texas.... 2JH '3 Gen Am Tank Car.. 67 M 7 Gen Am Tank pf...102 General Asphalt.... 69? 6 General ClBar 82 8 General Electric. .. .170 .. General Meters.... 14!i 6 Gen Meters deb 6 5 .. Goedrich V 35 W 7 Goedrich B F pf.-. 85 4 Gray & Davis 14W "l Great Northern pf. 94 Js i p.r North Ore ctfs.. 40H Guantanamo Suc-tr. "e Guatit Sugar pf.... .. Gulf Statca Steel... ' -, Ilartman Cerp .. HcDdee Mfg . Housten Oil 2 Hudsen Moter Car. 1 Hupp Moter Car... Hydraulic Steel.... "l Illinois Central.... 6 111 Cent Pt "A" Indlahema Ret Tallinn nef.nlne. . . . 121'. 98 t!4 85 21 83! , ii" 19U E'i IIUj 1131, 3i 9J-i b3J4 85 21 - 83 94 2194 . 1954 054 . 111! 11314 394- 9 42 194 4 ii -: 33 54 29 5-4 r 2314 11254 57 94 1794 82 59 54 7714 1454 7 94 3374 85 H 60 48 54 25 54 50 54- 494 45 94 44 99 37J4 0 168 94 79 8Js 4174 4 33 20 H 23 A 11 IU 17 yH 82 59 '7Yt AH 7 94 32 85 H 60 46 H 25' 58J4 4 tt 45 54 2a4 94 54 37 54 a 167 79 ' " Inspiration Cen Cep 42 V, '.'. Inter Cen Cerp..... .. inter Cen Cerp pf.. 'ii Internat Cement... 33 ,8 - Inter Cem fc.ng.... .0 '; .: St Great North wl 2! U 5 lnt Harvester new,.114'4 e lnt Mer Marine pf. E8U Inter Nickel....... 17 . inter Nlcttel vt.... 82 .. international I'aper 60 6 Inter Paper ?? "V .. invincible Oil Cerp 14 .. Iowa Central 7fc . iron Products 3414 '. . Iren Pred pf 85 .. uiand Oil... M .. jewel Tea pf 60 . Jenes Bres Tea.... 49 lCan City Southern. 25 '4 'i Kan City Se pf... S8J4 . KanBaa & Gulf.... Ay2 Kayser &. Ce new.. 46 " Kelly-Springfleld .. 44 ii "0 Kelsey Wheel 99 Kennecett Copper.. J7H .'. Keystone T 4-H... 0 7 Kree S S. .. .. ...168 ,, Lackawanna Steel.. 79 Liverpool Cotten .i.MM. Sept. H. Wpet cotton v.an nulst standard tlma In Nsw Tork. whlc will oecur at mldnlKbt fleptemter 24, Sumrnsr time In tlraat nrltaln will rnd en 0. tuber B. ,nii nr cca Blfmiy en ins nasn navance of !i l-elnts for mWdlles St "9t.. r." 000 'Kile... of whlct - . ml unias iviirn fiiiuti imisiy 1000 bule. ct which Call Meney at 20 P. C. In Berlin nrrlln. Sept. . Effective Bentembur 13. th tiumbpr of paper marka re'iulreil for Impert dutlfa la udvanced te 310 times tha (told rts for customs tariff, compared with 200 le date, whereaa ena sold mark today only iuala H10 parr marks, pwlnit te the acarcltv of money, call money for Industrlul purposes advanced te 20 per cent. H0'. . W . J!. A'VH inas. ? .'rr":K ,- Amirtcaii. I'Utuies wer npei yricn 14.04(1: ernml 2,u.'rV, Amnrican, mUWIln fair VI'.l .'' -..ii:. i.a1ln 10 111,1 -....-' u nii. iiiiiv tnlddllnij i eW. ind erdlnirir. li:ntd "Tha erdlnaTy. Tt-: rV'naln open until 4:80 If. "hf.re 'wlU re.nan "fg,1 V ubauJ8 from fVj fnm dairtlBbt savlnal ,te "" 7, - PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 8, 192 Dlv. Snles In I STOCK Hluli 100 7 Laclede Gas of St t. 91 100 .. Lake IJrle & West. 34 200 2 Lee Rubber 25 "4 7200 3H Lehlnh Valley 70 5i lltti P. M. !1 34 2514 6994 210 209 t.ev 91 34 2554 C9J4 210 209 t3 54 1994 59 H 17914 13994 5094 9214 85 100 68 74 37 44 b7 54 5514 G44 41 U 6414 6414 40 U 3094 48 19 130 1BU 190 67 54 1914 17 54 29 H 13 94 3494 914 91 1854 47 94 2274 5914 73 22 94 1414 11 ii 125 1494 58 294 6174 98 1C714 :uu 1Z I.IKffett & Mvern 210 300 13 Liggett A Myers U209 7 Llna Locomotive... t-494 . . Lew'b Inc. ........ 20 .. Loese Wiles 6014 12 Lerlltard (Pierre). .180 7 Louisville A Nash.. 1 39 W .. Mack Truck 5094 7 Muck Truck 1st pt 92 14 7 Mack Truck 2d pf. 85 6 Mackay Ce 100 4 Mackny Ce pf 6874 .. Malllnsen Ce 37 94 .. Manatl Sugar 4414 4 Manhatnn lil Supp 58 94 7 Mnnhat Kiev Guar.. S5 54 .. Manhat Elev ctfs... 54 94 2 Manhat Shirt 4114 Market St pr pf.... 64 14 .. Mnr St pr pf S 10.. 64(4 4 Marland oil 4094 2 Martin Parry 3094 .. Math Alkali '0 .. Max Moter Class B 1 8 May Dept Stores... 133 4 Mclntyre new 1CJ4 12 Mexican Petrelcum194 54 8 Mex Petroleum pf . . 17 54 6 Mex Seaboard 20 J4 Mex Seaboard Oil ct 17 54 i Miami Copper 29 H .20 Middle Stntes Cerp. 13M .. Mldvale Steel J44 Mln St Leulu new 914 7 M St P 4 S St M pf. 91 .. Me Kan ft Tex (wl) 18 54 .. Me Kan & T (wl) pf 47 94 .. Missouri Pacific... 13 .. Me Paclfie pf 59 54 3 Mentana Power. ... 73 .. Montgomery Ward. 2294 .. Moen Moter Car... 144 . . Mether Lede Mining 1 1 ii 7 Nash. Chat & St L.. 125 .. National Acme 16 7 Nat Cleak & Suit pf 5894 .. Nat Cun & Cable.. 2 .. Nat En Stamp... 6394 7 Nat En & Stamp pfUO 6 National Lead 108 54 .. Nev Cen Copper.... 17 54 6 N O Tex A Mex.... 7074 .. N Y Air Brake.... 70(4 G N Y Central S094 6030 4000 800 500 100 700 100 100 200 100 1500 1200 200 100 100 100 100 200 600 100 100 200 1000 100 20100 200 6500 103 100 100J 100 200 C100 1400 400 300 1000 100 600 400 300 100 1300 200 100 3600 400 700 330 5-30 603 3200 100 1994 60 180 139 94 5094 9254 85 100 0874 3794 44 -57J4-5514-54 94 41 14 64 54 64J4 4014 3094- 54 1 107 54 17 54 70 54 70 67 94 P4 94 37 54 32 54 2614 123 94 014 46 54 2614 08 94 61i 2 ) 23 9 11 38 94 4 ei Mi 80 74 76 54 694 4694 94 22 38 54 4474 53 54 714 44 4194 70 9" 74 40 2154 92 54 E7 47 94 f5 13514 40 H S3!i 117 94 36 1614 79 94 5254 53 94 40 54 32 54 71 47 64 54 F8 54 30 4 33 94 5014 3 1374 3 74 9 96 13 4 98 94 1094 93 '4 2714 63 54 1974 11474 11514 1B5 117 54 53 54 '8 57 132 94 6 54 7 3 194 4094 51 i2 -6 54 0 16H KB54 65 1474 " 6 1-2 16 94 14974 112 54 37 94 160 1754 70 J 78 54 C N Y C & St L 84 4 200 "IS New Yerk Deck. .. .J37 94 5700 New Yerk N II & H 23 550 9600 8503 103 100 2403 600 18700 1500 400 7100 600 530 25400 0403 4100 100 3100 200 100 1200 700 21800 400 200 , 400 2630 100 2 New Yerk Ont & W 2694 7 Norfolk ft Western. 1 24 74 6 North American.... S5 94 3 North Amer pf 46 '4 . . North American rts. 2614 6 North Pacific C9 . . Ohie Bedy & Blewer 694 .. Okla Pred & Ret.. 3 '4 .. Orpheum Circuit... 24 .. Otis Steel 11 4 2 Owens Det Much... 40 H .. Pacific Devel Cerp. 4 6 Pac Uaa a Elec... 84 3 Pacific Oil 59 54 6 Pan Amer Petrel... 82 H 6 Pan Amer B 78!4 . . Pnnhandle 5 4 2 Pennsylvania R R. . 4694 5 Peeples Gas Chicago 94 .. Peoria ft Eastern... 22 .. Pere Marquette... te 3 Philadelphia Ce 4474 2 Phillips Pet 55 94 .. Pierce Oil 794 . . Pierce Oil pf 44 Vi 94 54 Plggly Wlggly Stere 42 0 i'itts coat i 6 Pitts Ceal pf 99T-s . Pitts & W Va 4054 1200 300 114 Pend Creek Ceal... 2174 3100 6 Pestum Cereal fi94 600 . . Pressed Steel Car. . ( 9 2100 Producers & Ref 40 54 200 6 Pub Ser Cor of N J 95 14030 8 Pullman Ce 13694 100 .. Punta Alegre Sugar 49 94 2300 2 Pure Oil 33 54 1030 8 Railway Steel Spg.. 119 ' 2003.41 Rand Mines.. 36 400 . . Ray Cen Copper. . . . 7830 4 Reading 100 2 Reading 1st pf. ... 100 2 Reading 2d pt 600 .. Remington Typew.. 703 .. Replogle Steel 1530 .. Repub Iren ft Steel 300 .. Reynolds Springs... 5200 3 Reynolds Teb B.... 1694 80 94 52 54 53 94 41 3274 24 27 54 55 69 94 96001.13 Royal Dutch N Y.. 100 200 1300 100 200 100 1200 300 13030 100 3000 1100 2000 700 1603 16700 900 930 100 100 633 1200 21603 200 100 2200 200 10000 j. 930 100 2333 4200 4800 200 100 4200 1400 330 1930 300 100 300 1003 100 St Leuis San Fran. 30 94 St LeuIb Southwest., 3371 St L Southwest pf . . 5114 .. San Cee Sugar 3 .. Savage Arms 1374 .. Saxcm Moter 3 74 .. Sears-Roebuck .... 91 6 Shell Union Oil pf A 96 14 2 Sinclair Consel.... 34 94 8 Sinclair Oil pf 98 94 .. Skelly Oil Ce...... 104 0 Southern Pacific... P414 .. Southern Rail 27 54 .. Southern Rail pf... f4 .. Splcer Mfg 20 54 4 Standard Oil of Cal116!2 4 Stand Oil of Cats 10. 11514 5 Standard Oil of N J16614 7 Stand Oil of N J pflHyj 3 Sterling Products... 5314 3 Stewart Warner Spd 48 54 4 Strembere Carb.... 58 10 Studebaker 1j3' .. Sub Beat Cerp 6 54 .. Superior OH 7 .. Sweets Ce of Amer 354 . , Temt Cern ft F "A" I 3 Texan Ce '954 4 Texas Gulf & Sulph 51 54 .. Texas & Pacific.... 32 1 Texas ft Pae C O 64 C Tobacco rreducts.. 894 . . Tobacco Pred A . . . . 67 7 Tobacco Pred pf....109 . . Tel St L ft W pf. . 55 .. Transcontinental Oil 15 94 6 Union Bag & Paper "7 .. Utilen OH 19 10 Union Pacific 15154 7 Union Tank Car pf113 2 United Alley Steel.. 37 94 5 Vnited Cigar Steresl65 .. United Drug f 314 3 '4 I'nltcd Drug 1st pf. . 49 54 g United Fruit 153 .. Unit Rwy Invest pf 32 .. United Retail Stores 15 94 . . U 8 C I P & Fdy ... 33 94 6 U S C I P ft Ipdy Pt 72 . . U H Feed Products 6 94 '. . U S Ind Alcohol... (7 ..US Realty & Imp.. 8214 , U S Real &. 1m S 30 62 U S Rubber t694 8 U S Rubber 1st pf1C4 . . US Smelt & Ref. . . 43 6 U S Steel K514 7 U S Steel pf 121 94 2 Utah Copper 71 , Utah Securities.... 1954 .. Vanadium Cerp.... !-2 . Va-Car Chemical... 29 6 Va Iren C 4 C pf . 82 .. Vivudeu inc 1294 .. Wabash 1274 ,. Wabash pf A 33 94 7 Western Elec pf... 10974 .. Western Maryland. 15 54 , . W Maryland 2d pf 23 54 .. Western Pacific... 19 74 0 Western I'acinc pf . . 4 7 Western Union Tel. 11974 94 54 54 54 54 2 54 94 v u 154 54 54 1 94 14 314 14 54 154 94 54 54 Vz 1 00 4954 153 32 83 33 54 72 94 (5H 81 81 1C3 43 1C4?B 121 70J4 19 54 29 82 1294 14 94 3314 109 94 1494 2274 19 74 63 94 117 J4 100 100 8203 530 200 500 4600 600 300 8 5-4 74 54 194 Ii !i 154 54 94 4330 800 100 1350 J 400 2433 100 1700 100 100 3JJ 330 530 1100 6200 1000 100 430 830 600 26)0 930 400 3500 1030 1100 600 700 700 100 100 300 54 14 54 1 94 ( 54 ! 54 5i Westlngheuse A BrlOl 14 WdsHhc E ft M.... t4 54 100 Sl01Kz Wheeling ft L E.... 14 54 Wheeling ft L E pf 26 White Eagle Oil.... 30 White Moter 50 White Oil Cerp 8 54 Willy overland 7 74 Willys Overland pf. '5 WlUen ft Ce 40 94 Wisconsin Central.. 31 Wenh lumn ft M.. 44 14 6 18 54 4t 54 OS's V94 44 31 44 1014 2 94 54 ii 54 94 194 4 i Wright Aero....... IO94 3 9i Kx-dlvldend. t Kvrlshts, BAR 8ILVER Demestic bar silver was. unchanged In New Yerk today at OD'.ie per fine ounces ferels-n, OOTsc. off (it. In Londen the price wua isd lewer, at aSUd, Allentown Girl Allcnteun, Pa., Hcpt. 8. Thcrenn Unger, flve year old, is 111 the Hatred Heart Hesnltal in a critical condttteu Leh the rrsitlt of btirni.i pluyinx witu matceei. CONTINUED ACM DEMAND FOR P.R. I Net Ch. 54 1 H 94 5 '1714 Apart Frem 4-Pelnt Jump Brill, General Price Move merit Was Colerles9 In 6374 W 54 1 474 "94 54 Continued ticllrc trndinjc In l R. T. supplied tlie principal development of the operations In today's local mnrket although dealings In the general lint were of n broader tcope thnn for fonie Utile lime. With the exception of the 4-pelnt bulge In Brill, price variations variations were narrow nnd net enanges unlinpert ent. . , 54 94 154 154 54 54 14 54 54 t.4 A inlriy goeti-Hizcti turnover was innde in 1. It. T. advancing the quoin quein tlnnn In the enrlv trndlnc te :i.1. Med erate prellt-tnking subsequently brought n reaction at tftf. At tetiuy h price the stock wn approximately 4 points above recent low mark nnd was within 1 points of the high mark of the year. The underlying Issues continued te gain ground slowly, with Union Traction reaching -12, 8 points from the low of the year, nnd within a point of the top. Jjlttlc change ivns made In either the Philadelphia Electric or U. O. I. In dues. The Philadelphia Company is suck remnlned ntendy en light trans actions. I.nke Superior still had strong support, reaching 8Vd against 7's touched lent week after the publication of the nnntinl report. The se-called cealer stocks held firm pending the rat ification of the strike settlement hy the miners' convention. Pcnnpylvnnln Hnilrend ran off n fraction te 40. Lit tle was dene in American Stores, but the stock wns Mill strongly pegged at 148. 40 19 133 3 1814 193 , 3 54 2014 1714 94- 914 91 94 '.3 59 54-1 94 14 96 54 54 1 73 2294 .. 14(4- ' 1 14 - 54 125 11 16 4 58 94 -4 ii 294- 54 6294 ii 110 14 Philadelphia Stocks 54 74 2 54 74 94 54 H iiiit P. M. 2."i 148 Net chse. lllnh Iw 30 Alii Insur. 25 23 45 Am Sirs.. 148 148 98 54 84 94 3714 33 2614 . 12414 95 46 14 2614 3 23 94 1114 4094 4 -04 5894 8174 7814 694 4694 94 22 3814 4474 5414 714 44 42 71 -99 74 40 2174 U0tAmTcl& ., Tel . . . .lSl'Js l-:tla J-.,!s-f ", 440 Brill .T O. J53 50 ti- -r" 0 Comb Iren 41 41 41 it 74 ' 54 94 ii 54 'in 54 1 IVi 154 94 54 120 Elec Ster. 48 0 Erie Light prcf.... 20 nOtOcn Mtrs 14 y. 80 Kentucky Sccttr . . 17 M; 150 de pref.. 00 180 T.nkc Sup. S'j 10 Ieh Nn v.. 78 100 Lch Vnl.. 70 42.! Pcnnn 11 it 40ri4 SOPhilnCepf 3:1 1)0 de cum pf 4' 27(1 Phlln Elec .11Ti 48 48 - Vi 211 14! KlVi 00 8 is 7S 70 40Vi 4ItVj 20 .. 14Vj M 17j.. 00 .. H Vt, 78 .. 70 1 4ttii- Vl 43 Vi. . .u-;i UV-U Va 35 de prcf.. 'AVM 31'Ji 'M Va 1002 Plilla It T 33 33 33.. it lOOTone Helm Urt l 30 ITnlenTrau 42 41 4 94 94 '"h 194 14 Je V ti I.... tn'i " ", 20 de pref.. 55 55 55 t.N'et chanR-e rrude by i.omp.irlsen with last gal en Nw Yerk block Exchange. JKx rights. rillUXDKU'IUA IIO.VDS 500 Liberty 3'jh '47 100.00 25000 Liberty 2d 4Uh '42 100.30 1000 Liberty 4th 44h '38. ...100.00 300 Amer Gins & Electric 5s. 00 1000 Hell Telephone 7s 108 1000 Keystone Tele 1st 5s 80 2000 Lake Superior inc 5s. . . . 35 1000 Lehigh Valley Ceal 5s... 100M 3100 l'hlla Electric lBt 5h. . . . 100 ............. 1 4 J t 94 9514 294 f9 2 48 - 95 -126 54 4994 3314 118J4 36 - 1694 80 94 52 54 53 94 4014- 32 54-7114-2714 5474 58 94 30 94 33 94 51 14 3 1374- 374 90 54 96 54 34 98 94 1014 94 54 4 27 9i 64 20J4 115 11554 185 54 117 54 54 57 133H 6J4 7 3 - 194 "894 51 32 -2614 58 8674 109 55 15 76 54 19 15094 113 COTTON MARKET New Yerk. Sept. .8 First prices in cotton futures were 5 te 8 points lower, but tlie market wns steady at the de cline. Easier cables, with selling by New Orleans, the Seuth and Liver pool, caused the recessions. The buy ing was mostly by yesterday's leading sellers and Wall Street. Later, there wns buying by the trade nnd also local covering. Prsv.Clese Orsn 1 P.M. 14 14 94 ' 94 94 54 94 54 14 174 54 54 54 Octetwr . , December .tunuarv . 1M.U0 20.05 21. Id . 21.,JSSf2B 21.17 . 21.11 M18 21.07 . 21.21QI23 21,14 . 21 17W2U 21.12 O.OO 21.50 21. SS 21.31 Murch . . . my Julv .. Offered GRAIN MARKET Chicago. Sept. 8. The wheat market ndvunced V2C te ftc ut the opening nnd ruled quiet and steady with small re actions from the initial tigures. The Liverpool cables were 3id te 3Vid higher, which was better than expected. There wiih only n slew demand, us the trade was disposed te await the pub lication of the Government report. Expert interest was small and the demand nt present is largely for Cana dian, which some authorities believe will result In the lowering of vulucs from American. Cern was c lower te Vc higher at the start, and becmed te lack buying power. The Government crop figures were expected te be smaller, but may have been discounted, nnd country of fers were larger en the recent advance. Oats advaned c te c nnd were firm with n fnlr demand nnd small offers. Previsions were quiet nnd steady with narrow price changes. Hogs open 94 154 "l4 1 94 154 l ed tirm 1 I'.AI it;S ,ist 01, 1 nn, 1 08 (I as 38i 14 14 194 1 Open altt 014 1 ncmsn.efi's 1.02401 03 1.08 fll.OSti 37 94 4 165 4-25 tuj-a -r 4914 153 32 B3U- 33 W 72 t- " 6 Yi 81 - ez !$ 103 -43 3 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 1H 54 154 'li .15 3B as IS 3St & 70 -' 0 3.1 NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET New Yerlt, Sept. 8. Reports that the balnnrc of the heldlntts of the Urn zl (levcrnment ceffee In New Yerk hnve been dlBpescd of Bccms te have brought about 11 partial return of ron ren fidenee in the eeffet ftittircH market at the Ntart this niernlnB. There was a fair coinnilfcwien-hoiifec demand in evi tleiifc, lli-Ht price- being 4 te 7 points blither. , . , , Ateund neon initial nainH were being fully maintained UieukIi trading mik iiuli't. The movement of Hpet eeffte con tinues te Improve and Kurepeun re ports arc mere ent'euraRiiiR. Recent advances In this market may hae re flected a tendency toward n readjust ment of values, as this market had ruled 104 '4 121 70 1954 . bla 29 -02 -1 12 12J4 33 Jj 109ft -1 1514 2314 19ft 64 110- 54 ft ' 54 H 114 1 Hi 2 5i ii H li 1 "54 2ft 154 1 far below replacement costs. Yest. clee 1414 14J4 :c ie?4 50 0 54 7t 5 -4 10H Open li In 11 r.O d.ii'iwTn KeMlcmlipr VAUip'eO November December .... March May Julv Hid. tOffeied. fi.fW 0 0.1 ll.ilil U.05 I) 7207a 11 iiurj t Reserve Banks' Discount Rates Official rediscount ratra lit lh twelve Kcd. cral Iteserva llankH are aa follews: Treas. I.lb. trs, 4 4 llnsleu Nuw Verk . . 1'hllade.phlii . I'lefland .. . Itlchmnnd Atlanta . . t'hli'ane ..... Hi. Uiuls , . Minneapolis ,, Kunsaa Cliy . Dallas . . . Han Kranclsie .4' 4 41 Hi IS Burned Tlura is l'lfty liellnrs in It for nlmbla wis. .,oek for the humorous sketch, with ai.irr.ated charftctersi "put the word, n their rneutha"! you may wla one or tbi thlrtean nrlfes offered each "week for the best l"a.8liablt-4V!,. mue LM "Ma". TkiULd wub 'Previous C'lOb) Cern Sept IIS Dec M Slav . . . . 01 Wheat Sept 1 nn'i Dec 1.02; May .... 1 m't Outs Sept. .. . ; Dec 8S1 .Vay . .. 3Ht ItJC Sept Drc Mnv Iird Jun Cem' I llkrM V bends, rates accept, 4 J i i w ih ivf i Va 1& i t V 114 I if I." iy 4w W . f' V4 4(5 1 A r- lit T. 1 t3SWSrMS&S!JSSM!SMBJEM3R Seaboard Air Line equipment trust 6 certificates 1 Philadelphia Plan Maturing February I at 1926 3,000 1,000 7,000 40,000 17,000 40,000 20,000 30,000 23,000 20,000 1 1,000 36,000 36,000 30,000 13,000 16,000 23,000 28,000 25,000 10,000 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935v 1936 Government Plan 1,000 14,000 23,000. 3,000 20,000 26,000 14,000 Price en Application STROUD & COMPANY Incorporated PHILADELPHIA NEW YORK IjEfgrgrggrgrgrgrgrgrgrgrgr ) assssasMSssssssssssssssssssssssMsassasMSMsaMssssa , High-Grade Investments We always carry a large list of High-Grade Investment Securities and will be pleased te furnish descriptive circulars en request. ) rownBretluers J &C0. T. 0 FOURTH & CHESTNUT STREETS New Yerk PHILADELPHIA Bosten 0 BROWN, SHIPLEY & COMPANY, Londen m-mmmru iiaiiiiyiiiyiffitiiirffiiffliaiijiaiiiiitiiraiffliiiniiiiiciiti'jffliaisiimnsirffl W SiRl i- '.jyj wMn -1 KJ - a f INVESTMENTS OF PROVEN MERIT, BATTLES & CO. Established 1890 Independence Square (East), Philadelphia 61.1 jiiJitisiiiiniiimiiiwinrjffiniiiiiiniHraramiimiiiirHOTiniiiiriMniiijnm JIIIIIIMUIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIU RAILROAD STOCK DIGEST We have just completed an analysis of the railroad stock list with a view of aidinrr our clients in their selection of the best railroad shares. Copies of this analysis are available for public distribution and will be .lent upon lequcst. West & Ce. 1511 Walnut Street Philadelphia Member New.tiirk Hleck I'icliunse I'lilliidrlplilu Merk liVilunre il mttlltltlllllllllllllllll IIIIMIllllttlllltllllllllllllllllllltlllltllllllJ IMttltlMJi? In Continuous Business SOteaW MOVER r CO. MXM SaUMUM tutu lltffil Bankers & Brokers 301 Chentnnt Rtreet Main AND COMPANY CKKTIFIKI) IHJIIMC AriOl'NTAXTH Finance DIdg., PhiU. Lee, Higginson & Ce. EstablUhtsl 141 S8T?iSLE.39,c-t...5!?'CAqe Nw Utnnrt .w "wvi " "UMQcipnu : '-ft Maturing Aueu.i 1.. SI 1926 fj 1927 'J 1928 1929 I 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 tf eV. n m 1936 Maturing January lit 1925 1926 1927 1928 1932 1933 1934 MIS 36 Wall Street New Yerk HV We wish le buy Macen Terminal 1st 5s, 1965 . Atlantic & Yadkin 1st 4s, 1949 ' Atlantic & Danville 1st 4s, 1948 P P Rutins & CO. m '' ,. Wid.a.r BuildiDf, rWWiWJWll Stock Jrxchai j-jmI turei, 130 IDs ,r.