Wmnri' V ' 1T EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER-PHfLlBELPHI;1 THUKSDAYi ' SEPTEMBER 7; 4922- urw rw" ttf- fterlc Town 9 By Katharine Nctvlin Burt CopvrteM. tatt. bu Kath. ' erlna NtwHn Burt. Printed -V arrangement icllh Uth rtttHtan Newpaver BtnHet Q Mary or Heleiset Which Should Win Vnuiual Herot, A Copy-Boek . i-pmu't be new, but 't can, ne Mkal leu will de m.e iict'. Lnlcr' W Ju." .nni.rl vrlnvlni! ter veur JK.lnJB-?,..A,,r, $"iled slowly toward the deer, W-ffi moment," Laurie Midland fTV.n.N clasped bch ml him, leek- e Steadily nnd .euietly. n the eyes. Wi,lc",'.,f i, . hnnd. O cnuirht t? color flooded his' face, he dropped iii' There was a quivering In his u out te my town w,t, -A.)" 18KfU IUO licei""" '"'" wrung his hand, I asked mv .. i, .." aflni "" Ipd turned away. ff wwUllnglr Q dragged himself w M'Mnry Grinscoembo's deer. It "iViJ te be beaten 5 it waB naruer -mm ma nunc "v. ----- ;-- .z IZTfii tattle Only two nays nge feL. te her for applause; it i SsThls nrlde te ask new ler JCtttatien. And, yet, he ffirand he must surely he was her wanted her i and he must sureiy ten ncr, unu Vedd-by. s . ,-, . dldn t come te answer ni ring- ,0."?u.. i.i..1 l nnA lnnVn.1 for SS'te the parlor. At last, their being lf ". j i ,a iimiBi.. hn Bat down in He' stared at the pages grr m Miasm tiaaui mn uibv. 3bUi copybook the last copy or fl-lt was a proverb ahe had chosen Vfi .ite-"SH waters run deep.' fifjjpr "",,,. j nlnncf It Idly, absorbed I.VBBBmaUfW tke 'aching weariness wli.c : nau well! the letters were all blurred. ne must nave bihhcu t u" tiU The page was Diisicrcu nere Wi . -u Kn.1 nrnhntilv hflpn fix. flowers. Funny I she was usu- I ill .....a nlinlll' Af4tf nlnw ju 'n until months later, alone 1 treat plain under the stars, did explanation ui uic i ..v.e -,k. hiutcred nace flash upon Q. rwa-'then the kindling spark of a liter illumination. New, he pushed book away who uh nuimuuu in mint into the kllchen. He Ui 'Het the wish te hasten her en Slice,' but when, in the course of her in nnrUrtnldnes. she did appear, be amt te bis feet and smiled. ndlint and released. Her eyes kept I pereril secret of unhnppincsm, but, for the'rest, she had yielded utterly te tie fint real Jey of her life. She ran lelekly eyer te him. "Ob, Q, whatever can I say te thank will leg. The letter came. It went tiftirtmib ana tnreugn us uue iigiumng i 'JHTeu Snow" she laughed "peer Papa II W SBli mill, lie a uuu lu ut iut m led. ' He went round nnd round the 1MB like a bewildered moth. He waldn't he simply couldn't believe it. Ne you can't knew wlint it will ftetn." "I'm sure glad." He drew a deep inJ very bitter breath. "Then T hcv Jose'iemething even if it isn't what I let out te de." Ble steed, flushed, and began te finle'.OTcr him. He was chnnged. "lint, ,g, yeuve uenc cverytningi" Beheld her eyes with- his own smll- if ones. She ceulcln t see into his rt. She had n sudden nchv feeling tltt no one nerhans would ever see kte it again. "I haven't get my moon, ' he aald. "Sin's slipped through my feel fingers awnehew. There was another fellow." i Marr was terrlblv. axtenlsh nelv tUte. ' "Heloise!" "Yi. She is coins te mnrrv a renl Ma, and I reckon he's a real gentle nan.', He leeks like he'd knewed reedin' ladiwrltln nnd tarithmctic, history ami geography, languages alive and ad,from his cradle up, Miss Mnry. He mre does. And new I'm ngeln' te e barck West where I belong. May I W jour fnther? I've eemn ta tMl vnn aioed-by." Upstairs, he of the white panache rtlMd.himself quickly en his-'pillow nt Q i entrance. The Grinscoembe face, Wt of pride and bitterness, spiritu ally beauttflcd, Sir Sydney transfigured, piled lipa and eyes nnd heart ut Q. ABd fit felt tlint licr n(- lpnsf in. ryhad Justifled itself. The pistol and Jaactlen of planets for Henry's hap Waw. The Earthworm triumphed Heme day you'll read it, Q?" lea. air T un-. ...ill a;..i i.- .11.1 BO, undcrstandlngly, his education MTlng gained nil impetus thnt no anies in his life mulil Ktnr Je' 'jad some great talks, great Jte Qu .Den l think l Hfln't under- Kind whnt vn.. ,11.1 t , T - . . rii i,t0 ,wl?' you a ceed-by." Jv:1" be..loeli.n5 t the stars above hi WT' salu huskily, "and say t their names that will spell yours wr te me often, sir." TW. ... rM7i. Iv l. pemctning perilously n nva.beut ,th,? ,ittle man ,n bl. He SS. . a 'Jcl,lcat clear vessel filled iTtvI.i "Vr "lulBltely, danger wuy vital. Q,was afra d. He left W room wlHi Kii..,i... . " m his eyes. "" ul ' '"" SS5 hStbli BiitnB-" Ave "Muiea mter jnrv .nniu kint H TnZ'l" heavlfy for BUch a "" tti ih h dcr,rerBeni te watch Q down S Jwr' I" couldn't fellow him te tbeurfc h7i,l.Y "' .??!? l10 Ba.r'ed, as fceked liVu .....b"",e'' emewiM He "all gene-all dead Hallway te the cut looked Wii .,1.1 1 " "uuieining. n B u.???k w" ' dazed, creninc air 'tiriirr ern,i iim . 0I alewlv nml .1 1 X".Cn . h0 Went a young 22d ,0.n ' i?1"? in' lltue ; Sewn ?.. V'fn'lW. he passed treet, tbe shabby- empty little Beside Still Waters ' VflSd. , West-net the West telas own 8nnd 'nushroem cUlc. but and ,u hf dranlf deep e nfBbt 4 whit. ., de J"r umlcr neon skica 5 of ill tar?V breatb'ng the aromatic With daw '., , renewcd acquaintance 'S fctaVeJ ken dcSP-eyed folk and WUenUvevnt n.POny' u,nd he Peered Wlen tenl rih'? exnr'ence. His edit- fy'i deep , Voet 'e8 Wide ttUtumn fewdd I his m,?u .nnd Pendere'd, he te U dedl-nS""0 tl,eufiand ncrcs Meck. 0 hSiS? A0 the raisn'? 0( fine 'f-tighte.i pi ' lis mency a coo'- M camS lavlslines8, se that, before kd "fflli ?,P?SC8se1 his land nnd 5a and f him ,H leK b0U8e P- the aJWK Wtt,,eut and w,tuln' W Baink hlLT!?- ..." was "Vr ...j r . "" ""i'ueu 11, ci?ed k"'u n1" the funilshing he J' as mi ,Zuwnca, et Hluypenkill. Wll n,L "'" H?u"l as fur Mary evjr Si." '. """ lurnisueu it, the influence . qalVt n., 5K.B,.,?,,.CJ!. 'nterler j "nil. Riui, " iu .',"'" l"u rntner ucau- lk,i.:, P7 long bhelveH nr im,,k .A." Dlra tO ellOUKn Mm lll' n., ' ? ibl. h!!Rquent letterH ln w'1,lcu he H tfn?i. Vte.r. t0 articulate his soul. w, writu ,en tne I)08es n big I0" d gnlii.,i '. '""'oreus, mnicu no tewSuJKa "?.! her pMHw q i?k' 80 'P'rthfiil, tart and hoi 0V.V. waHMny when the lest I r uuukr nuttlne.l 11 i I'franM ,-. 1 "..' "". " B'0(i 10 I.Wra, a";.v"' ," nis Dig, clean living IwibjI "" Jt uncurtaiiiPii. ti,- .i iindeg uncurtained. Deers anil ..... 1 -.., lUUIfl HUH li H,.0lt"' n,,1 through .them Wi7nd unc of emernld-tipped . 1 ikaa nuiiH'H iivifa iiintna -. UMU 1U1IIIIV 1 Girl's Footprints in the Snow , Lei up te and away from tht locked window of the murdered col lege president' itudy. With tuch evidence,' detection of the murderer appeared ilmple. But read the solution in The Mystery Girl" Dy CAROLYN WELLS Begins Tomorrow at crystalline chords of bird-singing, a wistful, aching medley of sight and smell and sound which seemed te be trying te repeat ever and ever an in expressible delight. Q paused in his arranging of the volumes and steed with his eyes half-closed. He had never se poignantly felt the spring be fore. He reached ever te the top of bis shelves nnd opened Mary's letter, which he had been saving te read at his leisure. Suddenly, with spring ln his threat, he couldn't wnit. . It was brief and unsteadily written.' The little father was dead. "I think happiness was tee much for him, Q. He bad. never in his life been happy only brave and pnticnt. I am glad he lived te see his book. Aunt Seldn came te see him nt the last. After he had sent her some money she hnd lent him. It seemed te hurt her terribly his death. She cried. I am going away from this house. I can't bear it any mere. I'll be teaching somewhere." Q put down the letter. He looked pale and fierce. He strode out, whistled te his grazing horse, swung into the saddle, and turned toward space. All afternoon he rode, his hand resting for comfort en the pony's neck, nnd, dark coming upon him far from home, he picketed the animal and lay down be fore a fire under the stars. Up there beyond them new the little philosopher was free. Doubtless, thought Q, he sat nnd discoursed quaint wisdom te the spirits of just men. Whnt didn't he knew new? What didn't 'he under stand? the shaklneps made steady, the watery eyes clear, the lips healed of their patience, the brave pnnnchc lifted into light by the glow et the tamp fire Q re -rend Mary's letter. It was blistered with tears. And that released and explained a memory of the spatter ed copy-page. She must have been crying ever it crying ever his lessens. Why in the name of wonder? Why? This small problem he pondered half the wakeful night under these con stellations Henry Grinscoembe had named for him once in a July harvest field. And, before dawn, guided by the one small light, he slept with an Illuminated heart. Miss Myrtle Clayten, very slim, very languid, very much waved as te hair nnd very much manicured ns te finders, minding the desk nt the River Hetel, was Instantly aware of a gently spoken question nnd lifted her head. "Can I have Roem 00 en the fourth fleer, lady?" ' She looked into the speaker's eyes and there her observation stepped and steed quiet. Miss Myrtle Clayten pushed forward the hotel register. "Yes, sir," she said. "Roem 00." The stronger wrote his name, Q. T. Klnwyddcn, and added an nddrcss. Then he turned te a blend elevator boy, who dropped his jaws and dilated his prominent eyes. "Hulle, Rill," snld Q. They gripped each ether by the hand. "Aren't you tired of your buzz-box yet? Have they given you a raise?" "Nope," grinned Hill, regretfully: "I'm lucky te held down my job." They mounted slowly. Bill swallow ing some incomprehensible obstacle un der his cellur. "Want te go West?" asked Q. "I haven't any buzz-box in my hotel, but, say. you can learn hew te chop weed. How'd you like te roustabout for a chnnge of air and wages?" The lift faltered, fell, caught itself together and bounded upward, bound ing te n step nt the fourth fleer. Q murmured something and stepped out precltiltatcly. "Geed!" he said, ''things is just as dangerous in these imrts ns they used te be." Bill tumbled after him along a reno vated hall. In Roem 00, also renovat ed, he began te stutter. "S-say, mister, de you mean lit "I sure de. What you waitin' for a tip?" ,., , "Don't you dast give me one!" Bill shouted, nnd, crimson in the face, he belted, slamming the deer nnd reeling along the crimson hall, drunk with the thought of change, of liberty, of un restricted here-worship. Q strolled ever te the window ana. looked down upon Main street. It was unchanged still a cress between Sugar City and Oil Corners, and no compli ment te either. Q bathed and dressed nnd ate his dinner soberly a better dinner, served by a far lesa striking wnltress. Miss Sherman nnd Miss Winters were away. Scheel had closed. It was ulready June. After dinner, the Westerner, with a white face and brilliant eyes, strode down Main street and turned Inte a familiar lane. The beating of h s heart disturbed him. He found it difficult te breathe. The house was net closed, the deer even steed open in its old, informal fashion. Q get himself across Its threshold and steed, dumb and breathless, in the doorway of the tiny parlor. It was stripped of the familiar things. Mary looked up from a trunk before which she was kneeling en the fleer, clapped her hands together, nnd, falling back against her heels, sprend both theso small, hard-working hands ever a throbbing, flnralng face. She was In black; very small and slim she looked her hair sparkled ruddtly. He came ever and lifted her up and, shaking uncontrollably, drew down her hands. "Miss Mary I haven't forgotten your copy 'Still waters run deep mv pride nnd my will was set wrong, biit it wus you my heart wanted from the first. Only I'm surp the gel-dcrn-dest iqnerantest grewed man ln the Sbe"loekcd up, flung both her arms about him, and, shutting her eyes tight, she put her mouth quickly against his. And speaking stepped. A little crescent moon above the still, high tops of (Irs j below, a camp lire glowing dimly, ponies cropping en n dewy hillside J up there a Miew-pcak dizzily high Q lay in his blankets and watched the crescent moon. A shining figure seemed te shape 1 itself below it, dressed In eilvcr it were a small nnd scornful smile. Q turned from it restlessly, rose en an elbow and stretched out his right hand. It grasped another hnnd, warm and small, and Mary, waking, sighed contentedly nnd looked up like a child from her sleep. "Mary," Q whispered, "I had te ask you something. Was Sir Sydney Grinscoembe your great-great-great-srandfuther, tee?" "Yes, deur." ner fingers clung a little and she smiled. "Thank Ged for that!" eiald Q. Triumnh for an instant conquered the serene, contentment et nM face. THB&jib .... Sv- "v . atA."W,..vi : k ',.i.jfiia f...fcW-, r. ,'r tr: V THE GUMPS James, Anether Sundae' By Stdttey Smith .... v w V ml 9Tt? tt&Mf IH tNtM Mt OVflUUgM VeuRmvtt vr VlOKAV- vit Am f ceMiAvrtae ftwM we rwcuui Vfttt? WfX'.K UUEmMSttl3mt- Wt MMt. come te rwe OUT HOW "tOV yTAHO u tui UQUd. Qotsneu- . hr J fflMHMtMMH. W V . 1 urtMrnm r2K m ( ' m.h lflrMPP. All 5 m tar meyv0"?-' ill sm rs - rmriaW 1 i-J(vi' :j rirn in ljEjm aw ih a m.r- w - 1 . 1 -bhhhhiiih i 1 i wmrnmr i r bh. . - i - . . : aw x a 'v amaaav la Wm& .:. mm ' wmitm aaaaaWL I Tii aaaUW-VfeaULM A '.& intlXt- aaaaaW.W I Til "aaaaW 1 vXllaaWSl rtiin IkaaaK'? TO XTIVTC laaaaaaaaat teTY " 'SFTlfln lAVaaSaBA -f? MUTi & W 5 rl V VZKr aaaaaaaH..SL iXl yHBaBsF I- - Jmi'f v X -SUJ-A i IBRhJrwMZSm Wt&A Wm if inf ( BaaaaaaaFn.raam. r xXN4mkmE kJl. vfeh. aaaaaaaaVL v m I (aaV I aaaaaaaamnul )W 11 llaWHITf83 MM (0 JUI-.JfS. A TO U AMtMfAeWt M.tt T COUWIW eeNt w- coeess hs no rovett. Te KMtMO TWt COHTTOTION- Ge TO WXW1M6TOt 0M6 WOHtJfctD V. CtVPT. OlC "WE PtOPL'e- mkRV.W Nt rtVACK.fct- TO VO THE. SlttlNCi OV TjlE MWOfcVTx OF Mt CONTiTUttftt - HKV VlOVt WKT i'cW 6MV4 Trte CONteHCe Of Trtf 000 fee?. .vc AS 0 SO THNT OM n6 ITU tAS OT WCXT NOUtftt. TOW WIV.LC TO THfe YOULK Ay TMT k CKOSS IN THfc SQUvK DCVOH MX NMA. AHP f,.V- TH tOW UJE XKMl TOUf- OUtH A3 GOOD AMEHACAN CVUZtM' -WOMT 'fOU HAVE A GV.A9 OF ISMONKDE JMPA VICte. OT I CAKE. TJEtOHt. U dO SWtttMIT SOMEBODY'S STENOGIn the Hands of Bandits FT !le1tUre4 U. B. Patent Offle AlCM tl'.Hl6HAJSS-W.KAiOWS H&lRc A DUCHESS. CAUSfS WC TOiwt A LurreR that said "DAR DUCHESS -V6 dUST -sr6u6ht vup te this ajice comfy cave se we. Could tX-k business' WE'LL TREAT yVi0 IF VftnAf TRY FUYAJT ( BUS AeiS. WHERE HAVfi -r au i i n- - "- v.w Hlb, T MitjriAte.55 r V.OH OtAR'J I THOU6HT MiBGBKf'VQJ.tiT WMmvZZ -1 WAAH'TO TALk BUSIAiBTiLS'SeTrW l T, wKyvjtp UP&OI HAD r-UG XI If lit fir f0 V MB.PK fVVHe Wl? A Jittf-n AAP&. iJji'JIlJ.ift. mrjmmKm. I . jL m JJ "3 "Mf vA'aWv Eaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaly yvawS I I J. Wf Y Jf - J t m 'HaaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBtBBBBBVBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBU'Vyv7 I U- 1 r I I . X. f ihaaaaaaaV aaV aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatyr j uzwevsr' Timmmmwz? W?ss s- reuss 3iRus.we?e WilUIJilitil f( C.U6HT XA BUAtCH t Iflfl I ( CfT Qr BAA4DITS ! MQ SBT-AVWf UMllllWWffll YC 0 OMB OF '&'& WALKIAKS UPjHiiMi Y 5 AMO OOWAi WITH A ""ijBH l WMaaaal "D0Mt -VS WAT THB rAMiUT J00U IF H&U 3eT them AMb&umsr (?BLATveS Te SEtHt 50,Q0O ATOce n mimM l tOKIaaaaaalBVi &rW. 7?, W a hu.vwo.ae V- Ofnw. itn. y rwWb itjff, c. The Yeung Lady Acress the Way i i i ' i The young lady across the way says automobiles and trucks must be of great benefit te the railroads, they relieve them of the trouble of carrying se many passengers and se much freight. ALL THE FOLKS ARE STILL CELEBRATING THIS EVENT By FONTAINE FOX rTB' THB TWO 0IGOEST rjz . yr r Roap-Hoes in tha County ""Wi. 0 COI.I.lOt IN ruki. VIEW 0 TMft CANO ft SZ . AT THe GgMERAfa STOKfe. f SCri GOT, HAYS Here vw mb , vwat hwje ved ffer ita sftf ftg vwgseiP iun 3Arj VW) A0 NT Rfm IS SCHOOL AV.U OKI. I TiMtt et HlSHT Te PLANED , H00K1, Crti uhvh vihat ve A 6RW40 NO7I0M Te 00. m H-Kn-M. WWAXs TrtW. tf Rffl SQUHWi. ' srtwr ewj Neu"0 euVTnT TS PUrt H0O e J ClTs mReh4( I I Hn.il l.au.41 -ttP'rL NSVJ- UMM VCA) wikW'? i - "ft CULPM7-. PETEYIt Worked - I 'fceA.UV Pe"TMlMkfTIS ObeK ON Oaiwc owEiSwiitPewee. AweTfT. AACUB OP MCMTAL. SOCCRSTteN HAS OmbTmihc Te it . raTiasfTc VAiORK IT 014 PETE.V TO CORE VHrA OF M0K(H- MC fRuiW EVEtfTrMMC Vim CIGAR SMOKE AMP ASMet KlP5 MSrtACm 6,4 r J -1 V45H 44E O fiVMB UP SKt0LJC! , I VAltSH ME'D CWE UP 5N10WW6 HE MOST ewe up SMefclMG !i . He mut ewe up smokiue -U. CJttKwxt mv XViauur iwc OP 3e Noe KMOW TiwK i'll cwe SMOKIUS ? fc) 4 Se,Qt AMD TaCE- UP CMCAIM6 y ,:s W l JBY . m GASOLINE ALLEY Directions Followed te the Letter HOW "YOU. UNCA WATTS AVlfAV TOU 36 A C0OO BOV fOR RACHCL. HINO VOO. OOMT YOU CeT INTO TMfr fWP-Yoe ceep That SUit Nice am IVHITel HAR?I -nmmwMmirw iiiiiiiEJiimi.iiii,,,nn,iil,iiin,inm 1 - "aaam. bbwbbi iiuiixii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiii i iiiiini sr. r ji itittt n i . it t i rr. ttitt . . . - -?aW d.m linil & l ll l III I fill III III llll II I III Za 1 1 I Mil II III lllll IH aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaW TTT1 TTT I f r. . II If I . II TT?TWi"waivavBBBjBBBBBBBBBBiBBaal ' bkbbi Mini vrz. ii ii i ii i ii i ii i iii in iii iii ii inn v - iii ii iii 1 1 1 ii iiiiiiii iii aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaau nn in iiiiiii ii ii ii ii i inn a cn 'i i i v,. mm iiii"iiiiim i i r u. 5: i.i.im, ,,,.,-. v, -M rrii mil 1IIHHIU I aaaaaaaaaaaaWST ii'iiiiiu- -v II TMf, n V -" aaaaaaaaaaaaaV .r d l '-Irl am.ir 1 mPV fmr. V It " aaaaaaaaaaaaav VI S? 7 vuwwnwa-a. f I Mi h n a ' ' lrssirrl-v V, chile V 1 1 " ) w tS -- - - -' -"' Avi'f ..,.,. ... . , if..., ww...v ..r v. 1 ,. ... . ..)A,r..d te'Vf.C1iW,'M'A t.l!S:A'frW?t,-;1 t.t , ,;..yj is.. .' .tf.1-1. .,JU,WJll'Tr!f' MMSi ite - SMT Z,i ft ifU By Hayward . Bu DWIQ Vlui C. A. Veighi '! Bu King :i "''i?l t3fi' m LMSr . -I ii ' '. ?r ..-