US W ' '" TTT-r-P WANTEDMALE S-rtrsriTV aAI.I-.HMi:N t-i.K.srade salesmen nre uuctci Tr h f v te connect wllh nn Jjpnrtunlir nnjlnla trJttllf com iKm,i'mi support their efforts In tin BEOU'" ., ... nrfereil an nn oiu eiu oiu rempany in meat MA At wnrcn -..,, in me "---; iUC'iSfl ind common meui uimn roei It" f'uVniihed ind esery possible co-opera- !V"-n.,.,nT 77ns ren appointment FE22-r,'n.A central rcnl estate office hM ieEiCwSi1;. for n experienced solicitor In " TJiS5rimntJ splendid opportunity fei tMi'menl "" ,ne rll,nt mn'1, A 231, THB CHICAOO AND 1 NORTHWESTERN RAILWAY rtP.3 PERMANENT EMPLOYMENT TO JS EXPERIENCED "liOCOMOTlVE BOILERMAKERS HELPERS NOT WANTED OFFER 8PECUL ATTRACTIVE m0POSIT1n T O BOILERMAKERS. UAUFJED TO PERFORM SPECIAL ORKi EXPERIENCED MACHINISTS p,V BLACKSMITHS ALSO WANTED. ifPLT AT ONCB TO COMPANT AOENT ' Mi WIDENER DXJXJ. OR 1814 ARCH STREET WANTED BOILERMAKERS BLACKSMITHS MACHINISTS CAR REPAnUIEN SKILLED IN RAILROAD ' WORK STEADY EMPLOYMENT STANDARD WAGES AUTHORIZED BY UNITED BTATES RAILROAD LABOR BOARD v APFL-T TO CENTRAL RAILROAD COMPANY OF NEW JERSEY C. E. CHAMBERS. SUPT. MOTOR POWER AND EQUIPMENT JERSEY CITY. N. J. WANTED BY THE BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD CO. FOR PERMANENT POSITIONS AT TANDARD LABOR BOARD RATES MACHINISTS BOILERMAKERS BLACKSMITHS CAR REPAIRMEN LECTR1C AND ACETYLENE WELDERS A bonus of $1 00 per calendar day will he (ill jll Machinists, nellermakers and Black tmlths who remain In tervlce 30 days or mere.. Time am one half for overtime- free beard and transiortatlen traveling time allowed. Mit of living conditions. Apply Chestnut at. entrance. B. A O PASSENGER STATION. 24th and Chestnut sts. Company's representative. RANTED, In Cnmden. eune white energetic married couple, live In1 woman de plain oeWng man chauffeur Packard car olse Mslst with housewerk: no children: state ex lerlence. references and salary. Address V. It Bex 310 Camden N J. WANTED FOR SERVICE ON NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY MACHINISTS PASSENGER CARMEN FREIGHT CARMEN BOILERMAKERS HAMMERSMITHS BLACKSMITHS TINNERS PIPEFTTTEnS AT WAGES AUTHORIZED BY UNITED STATES RAILWAY LABOR BOARD TRANSPORTATION WILL BE FURNISHED APPLY ROOM 800, FINANCE BLDO. 1428 S. PENN SQUARE PHILADELPHIA .S "QIWEB things desired by the the.,t,i". ! ailseAft.11 "'" bu-ln,aj connection are: ?r p?Smo,,"mn5";,ieDj..S'."lHortunlti tlen.i If jeu 'hasa no. S1I ?."."n,al ""' TO ,?,? " s, "' '- he" ' l:"f"rlll";;' r... '.? ' oriianliutien of nei Im .,i J... serki ii S"""6, they are h ,y Mt pisfthftLfL"Slceme ''"" thv i ranks thi Rlfin"' i.f'"'?.?'".. piciAi:i "Jn5 an' fiwislf anii u.rr"!:, ,0 '"? :n mOSt of tlSttVnii u?i.wi.9.?".' .Yerk"d m T B ?. i...LM,lvA- be:.Mt business. Jpulr V tniJStf&ssr T" tits EVWNTTW Pnmjn T,F,nftKR-PmT; A DEPHll:" WEDNESDAY, HELP WANTED 1T A X.V. ,-, . .. ,-,- ni.AMnrrrTva TTSP.TI A T7TnTvTiYnTTES - . zzz" uaia; auiuinujuijLa uergj AutumujuMKe w-. WANTED general neii.rn renpufFM boiler PennviuN UL,.SCIWW LAjy vmiu 1 1 V L. A1U1I UEXUllAlj 1'Al.Nll.ll I nlnV,.'.... (Familiar with coach and locomotive work). writk en wmn cei.t,rcT (Glte experience nnd aire) TO A. 1'. PIin.S'DKItOAST Mechanical Superintendent TEX AH AND PACtt It" RAILWAY Roem 703. 'r,"L3'!nAan.r.A(Jff,e.1 YOUNO MAN, clerical work, casualty Insur Insur ftnee office, state age, salary and previous WJ. nte', AP'iJf ln own handwriting. A 3'J3, ledger Crfpc General n.ieruiu,viiuH wuitic Traffic. Aaso Aase c latlen wanti rcllable men le qualify for '7 '. uircciinu oemesuo nnd foreign snip ping! 2j0 te $500 menthl, exp. unneressnry. common school education essential! only men of geed character need apply: It willing and doslreus of making connection worth while, write, without obligation, stating present position, age l'lilla. I'. O Bex 414. SALESMEN Writs for list of linen and full particular: cam $2,100 te $10,000 yearly! big demand for men: In-xrcrlencd or experi enced city or traveling. Nat'l Salesmen's Tr. Assn.. Dept 277. Chicago. MEN wanted te qualify for Plremen. nrnke- men. OSO. llnnerAnrt . Irnraniirlnllnn ttti nlahed. Write W. lleggess. Supt., St. Leuis MEN wanted, Gevt, postal clerks, carriers: wriie xer instruction part nnmed her application Oct. 1. r 1421. I.edscr Office. situations Wanted female HOUSEKEEPER An educated, capable woman wanta a rosltlen as managing housekeeper for a reunle. a ulilnw. or nnln- gter; refs. exch M 702, Ledger Office. LAUNDRESS. A-l, white, wlshen work at her home; lace curtains fine clothes pre ferred; best references. rtione Locust 7247. SITUATIONS WANTED-MALE CHAUFFEUR, experienced, wishes position, spare time, afternoon hr evening; can de own repairing. I' (W, Ldger Of lice COOK, alto general housework, Japanese, ex perienced desires position In small prltate family: references. A H3, ledger Office, High - grade factory executive, technically trained with mere than IS years' experience In the man-building meth ods of organization, planning nnd production control system", cost accounting and onalj enalj sis by engineering mctheili tlme and motion etuilj, purchasing nnd stores, ele lslrcs te make a ihanri. M 701. ledger Office JAPANESE OENLUAL HOUSEHOLD work, Bmnll family. Address J, Scud, 112 N. 21t at MAN with ability wanti position with bank as runner or all-around min. exp . at pres ent emplexd, best ref A 810 l.nlger Off. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES MRS ROGERS, 817.S. 20th requires at once several geed cooks, waitresses, parlor maids, chambermaids who sen, laundresses. Infant and chlldnurses, kltchenmalds, girls te train: bcandln.ivlan help In every capacity; butlers, housemen, ref. req. WANTED Wblte couples, laundresres, wait- reises, parlor maids, chlUlnurues, house work girls, references required. Kane, fill S 10th st. 830 N. 10TH ST HousewerKi rs. dlshwnsn ers. pesters, mar and wife. Tep. 0241. ROOMS TOR RENT CHESTER AVE 4700 Twe cheerful rms . near bath; 18 minutes from ITread and Chestnut, bus'ness people. Woodland (1041 W CHESTNUT bT.. 1U2I rurnltficd room, all cenveniences: near bath. CUMBERLAND bT.. W. Reems, second ffoer; furn room for gentleman; 1 unfurn. roem: electric. PINE. Oil (The Carrell) Just opined, cool, clean, cheap heuseki'g single, double. 16TH.. 139 (HOTEL nUniCK-Ccntrul. shopping district near stations; beautiful furn rms elec : spellem. dallv. wkly rates ONE or two refined business men have the exceptional opportunity of securing a com fortable home and choice of 2 rooms In the newly furnished modern private home of young couple, located In very rellned sectien: breakfast and laundry If ilcslrtd; garages available nearbv Fer Information nnd np np pelntment ctll Woodland 0132 1 after 6 1'. M. OWNERS PROPERTY, In fine residential section, has large Becend front room, southern exposure, all cenvenUncej; fur nished as living room nnd bedroem: refer ence l'hene Preston 443H HANDSOMELY furnished room ln laige, modern, nrivate home, electric lights, 10 minutes te fits, Hnll Telephone llarlng 041.1. EXCLUMVi: prlvutK burnt adult." will rent re im le Pretectant man who Is usid te the best permanent l'hene Ovcrbrnek 20yj W 3.1TH AND M'RINll HARDEN STS One. 2 and 3 rooms with bath and kitchen. A F. IIUOWN dlO Lincoln llldg. .Spr. 7301. PURNIMIED or unfurnished living room and bedroom. Theno after 8 P. M. Pres ton 0171 W 2U.M1 Let'l'.iT sr ilne and 2 rooms, with bath nnd kitchen. A. F. nildWN aie Lincoln Hldr. Spr. 7301. 1711 M'Rl'CE SI' One atuF 2 nxims. with prlvstn bith r.JlROWN' 310 flneeln TIMc Spr. 7311 TWO nlceTy furnlHheJ rooms living room nnd bedroom, open view1 ptiviiu ramin , lei- crencc i' n-'i. i."ieer unite BOARDING BIST ST . H . 124 Very desirable vneancles for gentlemen, home comforts; excellent tnnle pnnne GERMANTOW'N Comfertnhlo home life In desirable re9ldentlal lecality: $20 per week with bnrd. Miss Mncflrath loe Maplewood ave Open Sept B Fer gentlemen: ref. SPRUCE ST , 4010 Attractive home, Ideal loc. ' excellent taeie. nuiinesa people prer. PINE. 4110 Pine locatien: bright roems: steam heat, het water, geed table, ref erences Hiring 0.117 I'K.NNSYI.VAMA Ml'IU'RIJAN WILL beird children from 4 months te B ears. Phene Tleia 0(l"5 J. USED AUTOMOBILES BIG VALUES USED TRUCKS We have a few used trucks which nre In geed running condition, and are equipped with reed tires Jinny rt!e bodies te choeso from, hetti open nnd closed. $100 Cash Cash Ne Further Charges Call at our showrooms mid let us demonstrate these truck te leu. Open Sunday 10 A. M. te 4 P. M. Vim Sales & Service Cerp. Bread and Huntingdon Sts. NEW OR USED DEMOUNTABLE RIMS ren ANT CAn AT REDUCED PI' ICES OPEN SUNDAYS SATTLER'S inei BPniNQ QAnpEV it. Springs Springs Springs TOR ANY AUTOMOBILE T-r nssertment of Heuvs Trui It Springs SATTLER'S mill SPRING GARDEN tsr f'J'L'l. dundav ACME dump trucks, 2Vi & 3Mj ten,, guar . attraclv" nrlce, terin lfsu N, uj.l t, CIIANDUER Dispatch almost new, Inte model. $200 takes It, balance easy terms. neval-Maxwell Te 020 N Proud St. rilANDLRIt sedan 1021 excellent eon II. CVinn ne4T Ellswerth mi. Woodland OMirt M nn tni Jll 7 pass , 10J0, A-l tend, prlce CIlmv for : quick mil. l-iUY.Alruiil I'np SJU DUMP JOHB 1 Whlls J Autecars reauy le tun trices rrusiiniihle JU .S. Sid si fi'i ". r - ; , .... TTTuii -S'e are h n (js"'ern uir ui-e i i erus ' riis ci i" mi m' read If. . ,1,11 l-t 7fl Ul' teilllH ( iriiis-.i ti'i.i . in iinu utc-iiiiite" he-, winiii sr irhnD roadster, leeks tine: tlr.t 18.1 takei F l" iu?y..Miiwll Ce . 020 N. Pread st. JiAXWELL. .IPRBMKM ii!Hi'i7'y"VUfl POlllIMIVCl" UUri'lillMMlTH rOHIIMI'.M " aihuiiaki: i-eri;mi:n MACHIND HHOP rrnii'ir.M . n.w ssristi txwls tout cr l allow SO roer. . 8e tu llwt. isJtriT 129 8. ". .WL tUL. new i i uixwsU Under this heading you will find every Wednesday evening and Sunday morn ing, genuine values in used automobiles. These Cars are offered especially for readers of the Public Ledger by the distributors of the leading new cars sold in this section. They are offering used cars that have been taken in trade cars that have been practically rebuilt and carry the guarantee of companies who have a reputa tion they must maintain. - - We have en hand the following Used DANIELS, completely overhauled, re painted, new rtbb-r and In ueneral first class condition Thce cars will civs .you excellent service and are guaranteed bj us the same as new carsi 1 DANIELS Submban Limousine, 1921 1 DANIELS Speedster, 1920 1 DANIELS 7-Passenger Tour ins, 1921 1 DANIELS 7-Passenner Tour Teur jnjr, 1920 1 DANIELS 4-PasscnBCr Tour ing, 1920 1 DANIELS 4-Passcnger Tour ing, 1919 OTHER MAKES: 1 MERCER Roadster, 1920 1 CADILLAC 7-Passenger Tour ing, 1918 MATHIS MOTOR COMPANY Distributors 674 N. Bread St Toplar 8014 Philadelphia. Pennt. THE ARRIVAL of our 102 SERIES OAKLAND 0-44 MODELS have alreads created su. h Interest nnd lncrented the NLW LA" business te the extent tint we must make quick tales of used csrs n e-der te take care of the volume of business. Therefore, our stock of ' REBUILT AND RECONDITIONED USED CARS Is being disposed of without profit net even adding the rebuilding nnd renntshlng costs If jeu want te buy a, geed car for little money. Just visit us and see whit a value we liave for the prlce we ask All mekes In geed mechanical and rcfin- Ished condition from $100 TO $600 In Open and Closed Medels OPEN EVENING B Oakland Moter Car Company Toplar 407 011 North Brend ht LOOK AT THESE PRICES AND TERMS 1 ON AND USED CARS Plan 1 Onethlrili I'lmi ! rettu per iloien. Bal. small cent dnwn. Small l)eiAicnf BT. lnfrr-1 payments I ti s it r cit en unpaid bal-.ancc ami Interest at mice. I ;jcrlii! uite. Marmen 31 1919 Touring ....$1250 Paige 1920 Touting .... 775 Clevelnnd 1921 Roadster .. 795 Maxwell 1920 Touring ... . 325 Studcbakcr 1920 Spcc'l Tour. 875 Dedgo 1922 Touring .... 775 Dedge 1922 Roadster .. 725 Chandler 1920 Touring .... 775 HERBERT BROS. Chandler ( Cleveland nis'Hhiiteri 203 N. BROAD ST. Telephones' Spruce 4825 Race 7441 Open Evenings DtPtMMlf y&ikt' V.V-W 1 WEEK ONLY REBUILT, IWCOXntTlOS'ED, ItUFIXISIllW STUDEBAKERS AT PRICES LOWER THAN ANY IN PHILADELPHIA Hcre'B jour oppertunltj ! Come In todiel Small down I'D mint - lulume evur 12 mentlia. OPEN EVENINGS STUDEBAKER SALES CO. 330 N. Brend Stiect POPLAR 6400 MVXWKLL teurlnK. iunt fliu tlW takes It Reyal-.SIiirtteUjJ!) II JO N II ead a I MITCHKLl. roHdster or into inodel erlnl nal paint, "K) it bulimic In I juir He) ill-Mux ttell Ce j!!J0 N' E! re i d t OS'LHLANIl imdii i coupe, aplcndld i end. throLSheut. BPtcUl low. I'llcc lilts Oterlind Inc. ask for Mr , Summersc-ile, L'.lilN llread Bt Open ptcnliiKs OVHKLAND model 1)0. flna ccrnd., prlce ut- tractlve. Ask for Mr bunimerscalc. WI1J- Otcrland, Ine . J.lll N. PAian Uttle tl ihoreuchly rebuilt, run tury Utile S.'M takes It. bnUnca In 1 t cjrV.jJ!iJSS.'' " "-" N "read ' ..,.r ivn imif liti. med . rutin line S1II5 tjVkcVlt Kenl-MxwellCj , OJdX Hi nail I ml M1 II teiM) ci.r A 1 cend r.pil'iti 1 ..ri.e t.ri Iu A llrunl Poplar .Ult STANDARD S leurini; leeks und iuiis llke new MOO talti a It ''.iIiiihh In edh juai , Uejul Maxtfell CnJil-'UN !ilua'lt . MrnAil.SS-KNiaiir lUJU. rebuilt teurlnc, geed tires barK V A iiruni, i-op ;ui I r. D ii.:. New 0-veIt. $11; Storage Batteries :Melti ,,5t l ,r guaranteed: rebuilt batteries, 0-telt. $7,t 12 fH.ytin "itiiaranleed HTAIt 'Jill! N iftth STORAGE BATTERIES J--; Jii i.irir t,uar s i Hum iwiiuiri i Mm, 7 l.'tnM Sl' Miiir Hh.rtt VIlS'l.Mh i - ' i lUAMCS'lCllI mmlel lets of rtiii lnc ask for iis'til for di mount! in- prlce le -Ml '. "".V'JI Mr, Suniiiifrscale, Jeu J llread ft. Open etenlngs (ISO CASH will buy, Bulck. Ree. Ferd, Stud.baker. llupmebtl. many ethsrii open BuBd.y 'Zat'uOi WOOD 8 (paklgaid) cr yivsD m USEDCARS USED CARS 1022 Pedire C-paas. Teurtnir. 1022, Medel BB S-pass. Teurlni. 1021. Medel B0 B-pass. Teurlnts. 1021. Medel 4T, TeurlnM. 1020. Medel 4B Roadster. 1020. Medel 43 7-pass. Teurlnts. 1020 Pnlire; B-pass. Teurlni. Peerless Limousine cheap. BEFINISHED RECONDITIONED GUARANTEED TERMS SMALL DOWN PAYMENT BALANCE 12 MONTHS OTHER MAKES IN GOOD RUNNING ORDER AS LOW A3 H50.0O. HENRY A. ROWAN, JR., CO, .905 North Bread Street Spruce 47-2 1022 Pilce Larchment: nuaranteed same as new, 044 I'alee Coupe. 1020 0 SS Pntce Sedan 1020 PnlKe Larchmont, AUe a full selection of Palue Uted Cars ah melels that earn our service uunr untee OTHER MAKES 1021 Oldsmoblle 0 cyl.. S. O. V. 1022 Dodue TeurlnK TrnnMIn 4 pass. M Cidlllae Coupe. Hajnes 4 pass i"l"i. l'.'.'O 4-pass. Haynes. 7t"j ford edin "Vlpr 1021 Pate Lakewood. ' " 1021 1'erd Teurlnc 1021 Talne teurlns. B pars', 1020 Chandler Teurlntr. A small cash deposit Is nil that Is required, balance monthly, r GUY A. WILLEY MOTOR CO. Palce nnd Jewett Dlst. Bread St. at Vine, Phila. fer MEK Reconditioned and Guaranteed Spertster 4-5 pass.; original paint and tires; run only 3000 miles; perfect every way. Teurstcr - 7 passenger; nearly new; nn especially fine car; real bargain. Sportceupe late 1921; a real 3 pnssenger inclesed car. Teuister 7 passenger; thor oughly reconditioned; new tires nnd paint. sedan 7 passenger: a really geed car and cheap. Variety of cars of ether makes at clean-up prices. EASY PAYMENTS L. S. BOWERS COMPANY 245 N. BROAD ST. ROYAL MAXWELL CHALMERS AUTHORIZED DEALERS Lewest Prices in the City Can Be Found in Our Used Car Dcpt. Maxwell Teurinpr $150 Overland Teurinpr 225 Chevrolet Touring; 100 Willys-Knight .$200 down Buicks as low as 2e0 Fords $100 up Several ethers ROYAL MOTOR CAR CO. USED-CAR DEPT G18 N. Bread Open Evenings and Sundays "Jii1.,"- .i., "n .,.l"."r: ...1,01. cnnsfiis in veuu c inilltlun tliriiimhinit nn reasonable offer refueed Phene (larflcld 1 llif) A ldress P O He S.14 1UTO AC ClJsSOUll.S $2 T I R E $3 an3. 3nxi' j; an larse.- Leu up te 37x. LI; If one of tlies used tires preses nnnat nnnat lsfactei within HO d.-s ri'turn with r telpt and Bet nrether fur htlf price, no mall orders ROY'S TIRK STOHF 81ft Seutli llread st, Phlla , near Christian PERSONALS WE PAID A WOMAN , $r,R ' ii r nffered SID mends and full honest for elsetthere hiim- ,iir .nr. Jewelr te us, tt gjiruntea a II honest cash talue dstalilshed 1806 TIIQH R. LLB & CO 712 Walnut it. DIAMONDS BOUGHT "l.,CATO' TICKETS FOn DIAJJONWI TCBLLV A CO . U82 Cliestnut it. fiulte. 8-82 seoend (Irinr. evtr ('rinds nit. wiinitKAiieuTs op Mian cniin 1 am known uildrris 112 K 1MI) t ,N. y , te I er itdtantBB.' Wr te Hrn-st It-ick In. it tnd Hesplta J7 Helt n r' S' y cijv TIIH IIOMH cf tiilnt d and , e furi tui SSe paint and ,1 iiiilt or tlnisli natural tour f.'rnltuie ltu.fli.en 1313 llldse ate I'ep.ur inJ. itnie anm P1I11MANKNT WAVLS'O HOUIiKD IIAIIt, tis i.e. 112 POS-1 KETfllM 118- LO.S'd IIAIIt 8IDK.S AND FJIO.VT. mar; l .Ud.MlHIVWni k V44S4U Bi, VIOLET RAT. electrical, radio lurht, vlbr. teryi massage, tut icaip. uitm a ifs j. S8 KISSEL AUitt eC3i IX Brlsrne demonstrator. Jull guarantee. lOBe cash, or easy terms If desired. Kissel Speedster. J00O.0O. Kissel demonstrators. 4 and 7 P"; Pull Kuarantee. About one-hair or regular price. $300 down, balance en terms. Ree touring ID25. WIllys-KnlBht sedan J000 00 Willi s-Knlaht touring $300 00. Chevrolet V. IJ. teurlnn $278.00 Brlscoe teurlnir. reflnlshed. overhauled, geed tires new tep: a splendid bar gain at $273; costs ery little te operate. KISSEL TRUCKS Drnnd new, v, , in, 2V4. 8'A. B ten: big discount from list price: full guaran tee: liberal terms, GRIEB & THOMAS, INC. Distributors Kissel and Columbia Moter Cars 300 N. Brend Street APPERSON 1920 Appcrsen 7-pass. 850 1921 Appcrsen 4-pass., new car guarantee. . 1800 1918 Apperson Sedan, $1000 1921 Apperson Tour Teur stcr, new paint, new car guarantee 2200 1920 Chandler Sedan. $100 Time payment if desired. Apperson Meters of Penna. Direct Factory Branch 158 N. Bread St Locust 816T wm Moter Cars Paipe Larchmont, Calif, top. $850 Willys-Kniptht Touring 350 Packaid Ceupelette, Twin Six 675 Moen Touring, California tep.1250 Moen Touring, reconditioned. 750 Mnibehm Sedan, G passenger 500 Jeffrey Touring 200 Lexington Touring 300 Moen Touring, Light Six 1150 MACKIN MOTORS 855 N. BROAD ' POPLAR 7380 GREATEST SALE OF SLIGHTLY USED T - I - R A I I. sT.SS'P SI. Ii SI M l.N rillM l-I ASH cnNDITJii.s inn I alirle Cord Tiiben Ouar I I res llr"H Oik. ,ir $1.73 $2.50 $1.25 Rlres 30x3 30x3 Ja 32x3 Vi 31x4 32x4 33x4 34x4 2.00 3.50 1.401 ""34x410 H? 35x41. 2.50 3.25 3.75 4.00 4.00 4.50 5.00 5.50 G.00 G.50 1-w 1.70 1.80 1.90 l rti tifUCIH muni 1H uc-LUuipiuiICll Check Or 111 II ,, . ou prompt chlimrnt Sr.ul orders rfilupej fhiik, .in W . w. i HERMAN HITS' Sl'NDAVS ALL I317 PACP Rl Plilm.. Pa MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS KSTAl!I.I1li:i IHS'J HUGHES BROS. ".in AND 53J N inni ''I PHILA. limnri. ulaters urd rrans 1' nr Km. arp net elfcrcl for shI. n- i. , In Pnliv We oller tlrnt (Iiikh pl.t us mil plaw'i tt tilth delphln If seu Iniend lu l-i- ,i tlnie It will put ten le ee ours erfr '.'i rut COI.FsilllA Urndinln, $1D Hi'lllTl" model), with 0 lO-'li. ileubla faic I records (Vi is-lei-llens) II H Tedd HI' i) Arch st I'l S.S'OS, J7R cisti ft'i. II v celt, for mag nificent Un piano i used decided peri-iOn II It Tedl IIQ'I Aicli tt VKT.IIUI.A VI, ttlth il l't I D P rewords J3-J "i0. resl bartaln 1 Ii Tedd. 1300 rce st nml iir,'i unrsii mi si ave u-ter. 'unrutit. i3u cost iseii. KUitr geed con. 11. n Tedd 13IM Arch st" " ' I'l CARPET CLEANING Telephone KeimlnKten 2HI 2SHI 3IID7 QUAKER CITY CARPET CLEANING CO. 1123 te 1137 li. Columbia Ate Cleaning and Dyeing Ladles' and gents' wearing npptrel, heuse. held goods, Oriental and demestla rugs, car pets, tapestries, blankets, curtains Damp Wash Laundry WALLACE XHSil S' JOTIl s piiim''ii ' ts'i nTX WANTED bill HM HASH mn, lilnei ttunlel ler tut t'ne. lenzlng rullliur. bunehlna sheet ml must handle 1"vl20 sheels, 310' plilck macmnrs. must oe practically nett, i' TU4, Ledger Office. WH llUY and sell gecend-hand furniture. People's Furnltun. -18B1 Miller st. WANTED Newipaptrtl B0 eer 100; mirt lines, rags; urep peitiL 47X2 ilukit, gt. 8EPTEMBEB 6,- 1922 - . USED AUTOMOBILES KIRKPATRICK & HOYLER . Used Cars of Merit The following arc guaranteed cars: 1921 Premier Touring. Cadillac Phaeton; new tires and paint. 1921 Stcarns-Knight Spert Medel. 1921 Dedge Sedan. Medel 10-O Hudsen Coupe. 1921 Chandler Coupe. 1920 Stutz, 4 and C passenger; new tires and paint. 1920 Ree Touring. 1920 Buick Touring. Kissel Roadster. AUTHORIZED MOON CAR DEALERS 1831 MARKET ST. 1 Pppjce 0"i11 Ilnce 41.52 We offer ?pefiiil inducements en used enrs this week. Wp need the room and will sacrifice nil car1?. They are nil reconditioned and guaiantecd. Following, makes in both closed and open medels: Auburn, Cadillac, Moen, Vclic, Studehaker, Picmier, Oakland, Chevrolet, Ree, Xatienal. Be sure nnd leek at these cars, as they are being sacrificed be low the market nlue. Easy Terms Arranged PIERPOINT MOTOR CO. 611 NORTH IlIlOAD Ped. 3COJ OPEN EVEVINOS ir &u y rip3 srv Custom Tjullt te Your Order nenmer Cnbrlolet. PentH thrce Ile. Ile. Ile. conclltlericil nml rcpalntel. Suit able for doctor or a lady. Hnnmer 1')22 -lrmonstr.iter xxtth f ill feri 1 1 top ThN Is a rnmpletp omluiiatieii open ei c ul c lr lurprain I.eanir-r. four-pj-senRcr Teurlrir Nc. top ,,e tires. e)eri, lufl,i and rcpilnted nu.iranted, $1000 Roarner 1922 demonstrator, only 2300 inlli8. Iceamcr Ioailter nun less 2600 miles l.k Ile"v ,PSS itun than timt: puMrvrs if nrnn:n Phila. Reamer ,Ce. 842 N. BROAD ST. Toplar .'JtU - E - S SLIGHTLY USED I.M.M1 1'lVll N ' I i 'I ItVK'i; ' rl i jbP, ,. s'r-"- uM'.r f-'rs 32x1 1,2 1 ill I ?1.25 4.25 4.75 5.2e 5.50 5.25 5.50 5.75 t?U.00 2.10 2.20 2.30 2.40 2.50 2.G0 2.70 exr 7.25 7.75 8.50 0.00 9.25 9.50 9.75 36x4 . 33x5 " -35x5 37x5 s.r te hie TIRE CO DAY AM) I Minn m . A'N" LAUOFl l I nr t Ism MOTOR VAN "SERVICE" TO SVV DiaTW-r. pnTS'T i Pr'klS IDrtlin I If Dtne. 1 ul,l....... , . .-.. -. j i j p i i 'HI I I'm 1 lie DlGT 4 4 1 aiisfpi' Cn Tnr . -,. . 37lh in 1 M irl , ? w. lli'l- l.'ei MllS'ISl) of n I k nl- ' t S ,rK .llm,. AVllH'llnLt ) mil IliiiU'ur!. il sP 7,m VICTORY STORAGE riOd Pit umr I-ni.. lie ment inrr, enr estimates Meler tens Ps.lHn and erni; FIDELITY rsr,.rin"rsr J V'?";'!'iua c Tj, t ,, ' ' ' ,"' ' ,s' ' 'rket AM n,( 1 ,,, . tlr n oef i n-lrnrtle i irons. ,u psi mn- I'SI'I ( The Jehn Rhenck Ce. U!;- .V rir Pn( 1 lie- St Ii is.,,i I i n 1 n r - M V M.l-ll lit" I , IK Tlllt A 1 - ti in -pi i, v n iii.ii: PtCMSd I WALLACE Is. n v j1PTM S'3 CIU'UCU LV.SK C1TN PAINTING AND V APEKH ANQINn WAl.LPAPI.'Il HAIP-Dj our ettn pap.r. hanging Be snle i oil up tilth ei wli'ieut heidirs I'rnet r 471d Vi idlniul wu Jt IUX'Mb pip. ii I mi 1 iii,i t,,i n lien ,i i0i $ Pett lli llrn is n I, , "in1,, OLD GOLD Ot D'i,e d si er MUn i i i i ," ,,j tl J te j, lil i I, rl I uKht for mun Kst 'S17 J I. Clark renn.T 7 BinJem CONSTABIiES' SAIiES CONTENTS of eRlcen Desks, chair. te."T selied for nntl.At 12 Walnut.aL. Beem 201, 208. Wtdneidiv. fiist. B, a, il A. Jt A1IM1M jr-ji jtj xT REAL ESTATE FOB SALE CITY ELUiiiciiRin!rninrinHiiiinninainnmii u DnniiuRm.namiinmffliniiiniimnininimninuiUTa raijainm'aniaL.nniniiniwninmBBKHmnciii a SwmMiimraiiiiiiiJiraiiiiiifraiiw BARBER, HARTMAN & CO. 1201 Chestnut Street OFFER INDUSTRIAL PROPOSITIONS FOR SALE OR RENT LOCATED CENTRAL "OR ADJACENT TELL US YOUR NEEDS anirawmM itiiH,irainii!KFi.iii!iraiii!iii!iiJiiii!iMi inwn ihiiiih.ii ihwifiiiimii VALUABLE BUSINESS PROPERTIES (Nes. 1102-4-6 Gcrmantewn Ave.) Cor. 2nd and Germantown Ave. AT. AUCTION Wednesday, September 27, 1922. at 12M. AT OUP. HnALSTATEALESnOOM J.HTNrT ST. PHILA. SAMUEL T. FREEMAN & CO., Auctioneers i!"r"l!l!.l nun iiiii!iiimiiii!!iiiiiiiipin,nf nwy ' TIOGA 1 27th etrret above Allpirhcnv apnu. New houses cfintulnlnt; 0 rooms bath ami luundrs , alt meOnrn connl cennl fnce. h4-foet atrent. car fTXlct. te all parts of cltv for mi furc. luw price tasv terms Apply GEer.di; w zave, 3242 N 27114 st iwmiiriiiiiriOTiimiw.fiiiHiiiniifii! imiiiHTi Mipiii,ii,iii!iiiiiiiiii,n'i.iin"iiiiii!.i!iiiiii'ii1i!,,i iiwnraiii! miPTOiira m nni 13 TUl I rPI ICT CT & H Knur pterv mutlcrn TeaMenc. in rm S S 20 ft frentaic tiesspssinn. npn bv m g mn-ilntment pxclusHe nelirhlorh'ieil H S must le scrtn In onler te at.prclatrt g g ths flr nrramcinerit of rooms unJ S p xrpllpni censtr irtlen j i Mastbaum Bres. & Fieisher g srfu iiimnii mil iMiiiwiWi m u iiri'i'iiiniipinii'i'iiiiii'MMiiiiiiiw AN OPPORTUNITY te evn. our own hem at less xpens than rnt Ch"prfiil cemf'.rtrtbli an1 convent' nt te cars school fir SAMPLE HOUSE 235 EAST INDIANA AVENUE i Oren sll rts. Wcln"fla or I H n .'MITH MO W En a i 1928-30 SANSOM ST. ! 334 SOUTH 16THST. P"l Still'. Merris lilrlg Seruc. l3t ! ,ln ker. MihrrlUfnirnts In ,miII tjp In fnllnulrg rulnrnns. rnrlerles Miirelieiisfs, M.innfnrturlnc Klenrs FACTORIES Warehouses floors factor sites I. L Stevenson 6c Sen Lf,J"" Alse see iiihertlH-nirnts In em ill tpe In f nllnu lnc relumtiH llullillnir let" r-iclerv Slte Ktr. FINE FACTORY SITE A tout RJ M i"iUTrH tft fih A. Ontario Ft 5 thr front i. ard nil Mrppt Im Im preptienTM nr J n I A lim 'i J . n n ur 1 1 - -- ANn rc mUerllM m-nts In hmill Upe fellimlnc rnliiiiiiiH. TOK SALE Central Heuse Wrecking Ce. S. W cer. l.'th and SprlrB (iarKn sts. New and Second hand HLIl.niN'l MAT Kill L NP.W l.r.MliKU ANP MILI.WURK PLL'jnit.S'l AM 1II'TIN5 St I'l'I ll's .sirM isp iierwvnn nrirens 1 iiu' i n it") nt viL njc-jnis 1TPEWRITERS RENTED si-iiii.i: a sies je v i ip Factory Kebuilt Typcwiiteis ALL MAKES i ren ni:MiNc.r-)N perta ule American Writing Machine Ce. i .0J t lli:?TM'l' -T I I MAt VI T LMVl MIIS' 42-)?. FUR COAT BARGAINS fier ii reil sKunk Irlmm d i i luskrat , , his 10 iiuhn I na JH" tinl eih rs ,i n- 1U a nl irirtii'tit, en .ppr 1 1 I'll. -til N l-'.l Lim 111 I"'." I skunk irlmm d ' i i 10 Incli.s 1 na JH" Hill s nl ir i nn' tit . en i'll .s -111 N JJ'.i Lim specialT'saLe OFI-TiT PAUTITIOS'S. J3 Per Koe; and t'p OPIe Furn ture t'nuulb Cheap Huv New pns-s'v errici: puiiniti'iip re oil SS'alnut 1102 Arch i.i n "in-ill II T TVPnvml Cni are HI" I 1 I 11 I at our own fncter fir rlW'ens ' aid irl us nre or the hluhi t C" I ri- n'M inn! all I'llhert "1 - I i Slllrl & lUti)'- TVI'FSSKlTr.n CO IJ i - Uth st Phlln lelph i Pt i prii r. iMiiTlTins ion ft elec mi mail 4 tut piirtltlnn with' ,",in fi c. 1 kin, t-oed as ne,t ....I ... ,,r j i i . d l pr ft IJtU ,, . i u 1.1.1 1 n hi - I 1 1. 1 I lil 'ii a ' i i rier Mllltnl tallies ii '! ,-, l .".' liTMdi-e'ii'r"' i'e . nils iinin-tt..k lii'kr lellenler le 1.JOJ A- n ' RRFRIGERATORS rlee'VfY,1,,". i H T Itlill'l i l i :m s .M s IIU S' I.P.i iiitli li and "ir old one for choice ?niln I iia IhKVles ,tch Sclhcrt's, .".1 MM n Jitmli !J TAWdTs ASli CllSIIt NLW nnd I'-iI'D fe iniurart nml He tirem p.rlera ( 1IAI11 r' 11 SSIlF mr Ch -nl Vlnejits inc. iiMiu.ii.i'i -n 1 1 us i r,r ,, ;' .. frikiriiler mun r fcii'e sliM-rs ran I F. ,r, lIMuiHs re- l.lnckH cutl.'rt inJ nf- .mica lewnin si out H n" l mil " 1" " l,l' '" Hi. Snli.iue -su j, - -!-ln'-t HAY i-e.u fir rml Jll" tallie IWI h-ls j.jnnn . Fur M;jri Ul ' hestnut J-ifi Inrinim fur cut 10 In Im u a larir Shustcrmin's Fur hip I'.IO i hestnut GUI mi sTLtur lJieifS. I for j I 3 Sciutn -0th MONEY TO LOAN HOUSEKEEPERS 1 GET A LOAN $15 TO $300 I Pin M THH 1 H I S'SI Ii linS'DI D PANK 1NU Hl.PSUIMEST fi lUIMiill) m FILL YOUH COAL BIN NOW i n' tt rmri l'Bnnta Hrmnqpfl te null ir " nv-nIPfe Ni f v i T .in kti i I rlmrKl ""11' Interett ut V rrvi. provide J in An inniilr puib tti te no xpt-npe nnd il' net eblUutp uu ttt n w.n Call V1 'A 1 Or 11 irmui nun; uae 4)611 rhPTw IXfU"t 7P'7 rvY all, Yeun Rrrr. et ttandive IHUUI Ai- s.'I- ill 1 I'M- l U.Ml,Jli HOUSEHOLD LOAN CO. !Mfl Seuth lfith Street Ce- .. .. tl..n ill .--.. - I1..IUI.- rrcui.u ' i'ivi iv.i'iiu w . (ui iiiiiK.iiiH Memler Philndtlulilit i mnuierre Mrsvrv AMMsirrs M0NE ADVANCED Te houaekeenoi.s or home owners mn.entcni,;,.cel.,l"H u,r"-'" " "u" ,uur 111 Amounts lip te MO DellaiS at laitful 'rate- of In.erest CALL Will Til till PHONE HPltL'CR 7.1011 Prompt attention t-ltrn te all Inquiries ttltheut charca Confidential courteous treatment Industrial Lean Service, Inc. i: p citeppnu Mr U08 KIXAXC'C FJLDG. in1 1 1 ss' inn aiii. S ipertl'id lit Pei ii i . nl Mink iit Dept ' MONEY TO LOANT" LOW AS 2 ON PIAMOND3. HTOCKH AND BONDS 128 MA11KET BT. D3, HTOCKH A 128 MA11KET BT. RIEDER'S . - -31,, JVRAT, VTATE FOR BALI CITY H ntwniininn;iHi'mnuiHriiinanrinnrnn.rn.Tu.rnmTiiii;tiiiininHiHiTnmnBi .1 (Jnrnirei iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiininRiiniiiinniiiiiiiiiiniiii Bread St., East Side, North of Hunting Park tp tn-ilntp imrii gp room for 100 cant hnii.Hntf r..iv? 14 nnrpin'en. I I Mastbaum Bres. & Fieisher' & r: I.IMI u tilTW SOITAnW fflminnmnrK !:!1p;l!iiiiiH!'mi'Hiiin:.nru:i:a,-miiitnimran!uninm:ra3i Hiislni-ss Prnnrtlrs nnd Htereii 61 3 MARKET STREET 4 STORT Let 1 10x1.1.' ft te Cemmre ft. Posrslen Januar 1 1923 PIIII'B ATTHATTIVE JOHN I. SOMERS gni H A VII SVVnilli AVK WEST PIIILMIKI.PIUA $6000 Only 5 Left Out of 37 Pentridge St. 53d te 54th St. 6 rnerrs and bath all latest Improve ments (arrjuetrj floors throughout, hot het water heat electric light: basement laun Irv Sample heufe M21 Pentrldite. Terms arraiiBefj te tult purchnren. BAKER & S0Nv nJ:U. ni!llllll!lllll!l!!!lllllll!iI1'!!l'lllll!:illllliri!f,ill1ll!ll!lflll!trtIIIIIIIIE I S. W. COR. 52D & CITY IB LINE AVE. 339x404 ery aesirame piece of creuna te p eret punuinKs for nemet, immeaiais ti ofSMeswIen easv tei ms surreund.d ' ill) fine home" Mastbaum Bres, ck Fieisher 1121 S Pt.'' IQI'ARR n!irn;iiii,i'ii,iiii:;il,it!!iiin'H!lMiiii!iiH;:;liH,Hiiiir1iiimiiiiiii(iiii,iii In i v nUrrtlsriiienta In small JT ! fellow Inir rnlnmn. MACHINERY AND TOOLS TURRET LATHES Hand Screw Machines Se hn e a Urire aasertment of Warntr a int .arln, Ilardena Oliver. Jents b. LllllhhOll 1 osier atld ether make nf nearh new turret ,athes and hand Screw mw chliif . iii au wnnieu sizes send for Hat. an pnc MONARCH MACHINERY CO. ' Phi ulph a a Machinery Merchants" 300 N. Third St. SMALL MILLING MACHINES r.iRARn MACHINK?YOPMERlTf MACHINERY CO., Inc. M 401 111 N' 3D ST . PIIIIA. Ts IM fi t .... TWO fl, ,-, T'- 10 is, 2,T 30. 100 H. F. met y ".! ltni.mes ether sires Ller. .Mnch ncit 110 N 12th Racs 378T or i i ... I H l-'.r r PI n. "ftle ' ""ALL tool. machine tools of high qu.l- ,, ,, fi u H() 14t r. is prices and guar. (t juiualnt Airen .Machinery Ce., 234 - . BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES CASm IR'sSK.s.s FOR SALE rielnB mn I) spclnltv manufacturing; bail. nesH, M 'nitj I'lilladelphU nalra ntarl Jlnd oeu aiinuallv for past J jears te candy, Kincerj and lru; J hhers 5-anii-lO-cent fiirsia i Ytn n vim nml Fainlleu ...! , " ri ,,, " ", ' ' ' " ,7"-, ,:"","",". """Ti u, ,, .. ,.1,,-MBu tuaiunp. also AQu new randt liemK tvull tterlh prompt Inves' ilt'atien .sddrces C II s .l OJe, Lcdgsf Ulflcs. nmnrliinlli i I ....... .... I...ui -i - . .. STEAM LAUNDRY Fullt rrjulppeil and delnir a nice busln Is rf"rd fur uulik fule en account disselu tien enli. include all routes and a trucks: prun sjj r.en tt.iins, this Is a real bargain: ! ttt'i h univNcrcd ... . .- , ,Eal waicvuii call CleMii Lubur D.ti Conf.. Ice Cream, etc. &T" i inn J.lOn nrek p. he $.1000 Tacenj : rent. $ y-i eniM imth ul modern cenvenlenws, tip in datt Mxturts trltata garane and drlvt . tt Musi im tills piaie te realize ths - luiiuiuit tinrreii i riaiiie lu ettriiu COWEN-McCOOL 4,1 N. 13TII ST. r Kestaurant SV!gh ave.. prkt M',1 0 rent 1 125. deln ISIS nut $000 afier Sept estab 11 years. Deu Lie store a rr-ni"P first tlme up for sail. COWEN-McCOOL 45 K. 13TH T. .- , . . ,. RnnH HniKP1' " a llurt d"u tinea -nut .sinnlK Ce., IS roerai. nirni-e nnd ciiitli dv liar lining $209 weilc. '"' " """" ,,ul tf i oeu price 123,000. COWEN-McCOOL , - ' Wanted: Yeung Man With Capital A ,0 nnime Placing of a dependable foreign rflljk "J. "'""! T'sfli," 'e?. ."tlV" "' J Mates open A 311) Lednr Office. jj H IP YOIT WIBII te buy or sell a builaMsl otiperiunlt). get In touch with TE 1A "nwKN.Mrrnni mm & M lr COWLN-McCOOL WWS? Dltl'li HKJIi: ttell lec.ii.rt Cntrl, KTl . lite lenn little competition, geed en low uterhead eaerlflce for cash: mh.. i en erintii tilMP iMMl I nen M 707 ladder Office ' t rtw AN INl'HI'AI. prentable drelng ,nd" Inz business esiab. nn i.m.. M tLJZ sale. 13500, owner retiring account 7 iii.f-iii.i iumr iy.. tjeuinilWftft. DKLICATKSSEN lunch room, VI ni 1'M.wrt . ..uw... miitii riieni. y Dreadi wendsrful aniwiriiit.(i.. low rental. 813 Wnit Bad TruVt rt isii BUT 8 10-yr. bend with cltaa. ivi f T i " VK3Ek gV mm.' A V ' 08 V1, m ' 4 I V; .- i J JI! ttctuari writ SSfWeh ,arf ..& nlujt &L"VVaielVs'