l?'??nIr?iInVWv l )4 I IftM! ,' 'X V 'l-VTI J t T I H n-M - 1 ' I ' 'H -v t i; fT nil it ' ( I' ft. 1 M 1 V ft! ft ! i ,' Ef, K INDICES FRIENDSHIP FfOF FRANCE FOR U.S. W ! i I A . . XFJ -"S' J jjCeunt Chambrun, Lafayette's Great Grandsen, Speaks at West Point Bv Astorlefert Press West Telnt. X. Y.. Senf. fi . n A Phnnitiitin Mltitct.tf. I'jiitiliintnnt lnrt SK , antl ClinrRP li'AIT.nlnM of Triince. xxlie SJ 1 i n Erefit-crnniir-en of the Miirittiw l.n (SL"vnyfttp, nipcfl din nation' true lexc of ' uiAmerlra In an miiln here lediv fit i Jthe coleliiulion of l.tif.ixrtip'a hlrtlulny :7ft a,ivii,li.i..,t l,.. il.n c.... ..e l... lH..1i. rSv i (ft. v",,"u' l-" "j m cm-, in in- ifc'-ui- X- v-uuiil ut- iinnr'nin peiiiii'u nui mm tlic ' iillinltlcs of tlir Ixvn nit'eti ut'rt- net "base-i snip., unn-i i!k enlltnrv conaldrrntleni nnd form-" " imt cie "of higher order anil oeiicoptloti nnd on en on threnetl In Iho ltcrrtx of our peonies " He ritril T'rnnrp's nlil (n the CVonies .;-- "fc.'r'T' K,,V0UtO" "J? V1""" ' ence Rtiertlv nfterward of tlie ilu'lnn- tien of lnilrtHnilntii'i n tlm H'nMiph 1l...t..ii... .l.V .i. ., i . i. T-.......I Stntcs In the World War n prelnt; ''the endurin, peuer of these tip e,rn , in IlDcrl.v for humnnll COOil. "It Ht'ems us theneh .it tneim-nti of "It HeemM ui thptish .U inn,,h of lleert.v. s iieul. lie win. ' tlint lnillinns ei mi man vniees would echo mi eiti.er side of tin- Atlnntli Oienn t. . , ; , .1 """ nri-iiiiiu in i ui t .llt'lir'i, Count upon im Here we tnnd. e!ntu- nllinn of venp rniisn lour llfe In rt"in-,Rn'1 m jiiens ei enr enuse, jet r me in mn-i it vmir ireennin is Tiire.iteiieii. . Ker menus lllvertv ininerileil. e Mliite, en this day of rejeic the clnrieus inst. the b. iclii prusiieet f a lut'ire of peaee. ' BLIND CHILDREN TRAMP FAR. MENACED BY TURKS Youngsters Frem U. S. Scheel at arpoet Arrive at Aleppo, Syria .. ,, . e . ,, n . I Aleppo. Tli. Se t (I (Rv A P I , M3 iif. e hrnthnrlienit In nrms tvrlnv r. I uurre" ' ,'',"',t r l-ninen N J mt lif J " nrotlicrimed tn arms twite re- prVll. p.vercre.-i Cem Friends may call yj newetl and the iinpnrilleled liWtene i Wei 7 t- e P M friendship between France and the , JACKWN!erti lt22, of scarlet f.ver "A TTnltn.l Stitna We hill ns neil n M VROPKKITK lACKSOV dajcMer of Une linnilreil hllnil eluldren iretn the Ameri-nn Hehoel for tie H In 1 In liar- noet 1'nve arrived hee .lfelv nfter a riOO-mlle hike uere-is tlie 'I'tirklsll m -,- terlnr iliirlni' vvlleli thev nisril IS i "nn"? . "'.'7 ', 1..P.'0" threilRh mountains infested with bin- dlts and ever long ftretehes of desert ' t ivhern eamels cirrled witer nnd pre- , Visions I The elllldren are from e en te fifteen . years old Thetr ..lUriniw Is part of the, plan of the Near I'.i-t IVIef te , remove several tluvis.ind Armenian or- i. .. u t i . rn . ., , jiiiuud limn .in ui- i'-iiv- iiM-jiiii- ney ireii iiarpnuf rnnK n tnntitn mi the Inst twentv miles the c' l'dre'i floated d-nvn the V iphrates nn barses ; The new are he-ie I in Ah pjie. whieh ' J . ii the enint li nl Svrin under the French mandate t WATERWAYS DELEGATES h, .Qoverner Names Representatives te ,;vr) Portland Convention $ JTarTKbur-R. Pept c, iu . P ti Gowrner Spieul tnrlnv nnnmrfsil np S 'Polntinetit of the Mlnuins ni dole dele j -JBHtrs te repruient IVnriNTlinnla nt the ' Atlnntic Deeper W normal f'envpn- ten in Portland, M . Soptcmber 12 te in: vjr; Mner AVllllim A Mn?ce. Pitta. burgh; .T. II '.erhev Sr . PiMvlll" ' M. J. r Smevr Phnnnixvllle Wi'. llnm K Doren Ttiimel i; r; V Thomsen, Wil'mef"r', T OstHr-ns Columbia , Mai or W T Iinm-e, f'J.o'! f'J.e'! ff r , A P Pifien 1- 1'irbv C Trnnk Willlninurni, MeiJIt Themn- B Stockham. MrrriM-tlli' Henri Pali er, Lanj.'liernf , William J Cenlpn Vin cent de P IInflrien Jeseph K fiv. telle, Hnnrv C Otinlrp .Tames H On.'. Hart.. TliPiidore ,Tnsr f. u. Lincoln McNeil. D J M irpl.v Ir Heward .T. Sneirer, Geerge A Mnn, Georse I) Van Poiver. W I") Shep! rd Wn'rer K. Woolman. Phi'ndclphi i , H. Paul narnes, Ambler thf Hev II A F Heyt. rjnwjd. nnd W K H.'adlej , ' Chester. Beatljs AOJiniv ni . s. mnn inMvcev ft., husband of Mftu's-ret II " Aen R'la- jivjs una inenas. viie Tim-nun It Put jt ixae .Nr. n-fl F rl M P i Sovereign Consist r A A S P. and or - 11 R fenduii r " i it 2 -. Imt. I the service un Tni-l afe n - a -Ii e cleclt ill I l rt I n iflpi n llt t ninrmenr nriv 1 - rlrmin I TI eler IllTr'"H; -Sert 4 HAHKY lus in I a.anii iiiuers Relatives anl frlnd a se i se are empievea or kuki r nnd rretl,nfr s ar InVlted tO AttMnl fini.r. ! a... y.A. Tiii.. 'f M . at his lite resiteme 812.1 .N' llread St. Int. private Mt. Peace Cem Remains '"IT. fc lle.t 1ei. s te in p M BLATCHLBT. Spt 4, ANVA nLATCH LEr. agd Ud Funeral services Frl , 2 P M.. sit her son's residence, Warren Dlatch 9T. 3286 Kennedy st Frankford Int OivMnwoed (K of P 1 cJem Pemslns may b vlawed Thurs eve BLUME.VS.TEIV At Far Harber. V J en Sept. t 1922 i i mam A. em of Medie ?S.,,.,,,et.l','r M n IHnm-n.te.ln K.".1' Re atl ti rilll friends ali XOunt Pei nn. K. k, u in iiui ,. is. funeral Tnu-- i in i f- , nu nil resldenre 2121 ji, -erv - at .er man Pnsb.'ci inn i i u h f pue leth un P.n5dTr a I 3" P M lin rinlinii jj..iTi:lL1' iuiui il p' 1 nt n i li'e JTi resident: 8 lCi lm inl.Mt.ix Or. WILLI M E limit. ltnt h .nd Irlends ulse . el j u p aid M and all ether r.-ani-itlns of vvh h I was a memW tnvi'-i te funvral er ices T&XT', in1' JI truev at Da II 11 Hchujter H d . Ilrwl and lnarnu d st InL private .7 . CARL opt - mjj i iiiviv a i . band of l; lubeth , v i ar n Hi- in e ana friends ji inv t.-J t, fui rt I , rvl ex - Frl., 2 1 M at iim ih r .i . .ii .- , 8d st Cumden N J int pr i. Knr - i'i .rp"J, 'r,ei,ls n m- 11 in 7 ie i CLAYTON ..rt , ii.. mi K vrldevv of H rv I i i,,tJh f t .1 111 nvvn - tyj.n'.. 0 ui j ii inn ere r rt ti fu neral eervl,e Tin,. i i vt ... ... .... J Wes'ev I'rap i S ns" 1 1 , t Kmen 1 t Int. prhiite '""' DACEY y-p' ', WIIMiM r ln.in-1 ,. Of Asenalh J Ulres itleB Kjll aired 2 " Relatives and fr n Is i I .mih. ,i i' n i ".'. Ce (rtaiikfirl INrni ur- int ' I ii attend fune-n I lr S 0 .r from th ", t'ln.'ral "I'lirimmts tf Harnd II Mill inn lOth and (lermint in ,i II th m vt Edward Chun h Hi V M Int Ilolyr":ul Ilelyr":ul chra Cem. , DICUIVSliV Hudbnj vpt 4 at Moereatvwn N I lliWAHIi il n MM . PUri HI Ilia tl.illl ir 1.m,ip..I u.r.l.- Thurs, ? de p Jf i eel lei v. i ' h snn In-law. W ilium 1 Hmey .17 E lirural ,,. ave Xforrl'.'ewn N J iin?il1,B"n,n,y''! 4 PH" '' HIVER r llAltltll.ua ni.il franl. ..I .n I..I V. .1 V"l ,, ..i.... tun., ,. .i.iiill e e rf. v liiviieu in iunrui in lllur lay mernlnii at I) 11 clock from bis lutn itsilenie 331 Willow nv Wnne Pa Slmn re quiem mass at St luuhirlm's Clmr h at It) A. M. Intirmrnt Hi IlinU' ( emeter PUN'AUJHON W Wi.l I li -i r n v-.fi .-rf 4, I H J-'. MAR 1 HA E wlde.v of Jinn . Donaldsen exeil Hd jeirs FuneiHl u J Thumduy aflernnnn Sept 7 at 4 h r'ni k eayiiani'savinir i;nie irem rer late resm-nei-SIB 8 IIlBh at . Went Cluster lnteimtrnt '''DONNELLY fept 4, 1022 I1RIDOET F .Mi DONNELLY Relatives and friends ulse all "I societies of which she was a member, In--,vlted te funeral, Thurs 8 3t A M re. .Widence, 02J3 Htentnn ave nermantiivvn ir (ielemn requiem muss iinniacuiate i entep itn llnli s.inii... tien v-nurcn iu a a Cem. ' ELDER Of Penlar ave Wavn .f Chestnut st. I-1. e r.m.t.rv. Interment at 1-uurul Ilia . r vi.nvit of isi IK. Pa. suddenly en epl i in.'.- iirviix- i K,Y ELDER, son of the lute Heniy I. and Marl. '..Vtill Elder Relatives ind friends nre Invited Rie the sen Ice, en Friday mernlnit at II sTTo'eleck. at th Mlver II Ilalr lllds If. .Ml V " -"T-." . ' ' . yUSt KOOLEY - Rent I ANN widow of Den hla Voeley Relntlves nnd friends Invited te funeral Prl , h .1(1 A M from resnlsme 1122 Ilrandywlne si Helemn reuuiein mass fl.lfMw. at HI, Aaatha's Churon iu A it Hit tit liSlrS &snls, Cem Kviv'i. FOSTER Sent. 4. nt Wlldwoed N J IUi-VXlAtUlAltLrr A , vylfe of the lale William -f ;ufe.;irn!er. area 71 iKji, ylUvl te Mttend funeral servile- ,J!F08ier axeu ll. iieiuiivfH hiiii iru'iiis Pn - 1' a.t hee son-in-law's residence P ( ten, 4084 Uuffleld st . Prsnkfer.l. Int t Cednr Hill Cem Irlends nuy call e. eve. iHTUH, Sept n .viAiluih. vviuevv ei nutr, i esisr. anea i uwisiisye nu i. also reimnere et iisvnssua rresey- JJVkn.rtW - ami all nrv.n lit I Inns nf r-rnr,vr death which she was a member, nre Incited te nt It nil funeral xrtlcti, Prl 2 ' M pre clsely nt her late residence 130 Prank Prank feri av. Int private North Ced-vr 1 1 11 Cem Friends may Mew remain Thurs , 8 te 10 r. M KHAMCEL Pert 4, DANIEL, husbind of Leah Krsnl'.el aged M Relatives nnil friends, also Samuel Mandril Ledge. I O II S . Lady Mentcflnre Ledge, 11 Nnth Jeehu run Lndae Queen Father I eds, Invltnl te funeral services XVel, 2 1' M prcrlselv, at hie Inte restdsnee Mi Hesehlll at (C at, and Roosevelt I!1J ) Int. at Mt Carmal Cm FRENCH Sept 4 VIROlNtlA ivlliw of Hiirtv French nelntlvcj and friends are Invited te ittend funeral servlfns services, Thurs .11 A, M residence of her grandson Dr. F, n Mathers Ji3 K At Untie axe, llaiMen HMghts, N. J Int prlvite Fernoed Cem Ilemalns may be vlewel Wad eve OAIUND Pert 2 IUCH XRD J, eon of Anna nrd la's Oliver 1 Oarand lLlatlves end friends are InMted te attend funeral. Frl TO A Jt . late residence 101 S lid e' Colw)n P.i Solemn huh maea St Clemenl'a Church 10 A M Int Hely Cress Can aU.VI "erf AVS'A . ulf. of Ten F tll.es Fun'ral esrMces Thura 2 P J rrecl'ely ftt residence. SSS K F.eicher t nt nrlale Verth C'dtr Kill c ni IVnj, mnv lir renln Veil i te in p Jt OltjI.ETlK At hla lite res. lenee nnd V Sunquehanna nve ''cpt t ICiJ, WII MAM A OII.M.RPtn Helnthes and frl-nds InWttd tn funral eerMks Frl II A M nt the chtp"! of Andre-v J Ilalr A Sen, Arch anl IPth ats Int prliale (joencs srt ivu tiie(mas a OOODCS In his nnth ear Finr-il arcr 2P M at lh. re.lleV. "t Jc or 4n Wlu-ird avH ltoxberouch vife h i nura ; Puntmen Int prl 1H1I1V- "ept 3 1P2J msmi .. nnji 'fnrm-rty of Manavuni, 'neiaV-, -ii I frlem's are levlt.d te attend funeril ii HTnsrd ind Jiarv Hartv (riee tV. inur a i" .n imm me rsi(i,.ncrv of his brother In-avv Alexander Ollln alii ' V 2th st "e'emn rwiilm ram nt Church ifthe.ulOA M Int Westminster Cem sXV'h'Xnf n,1?' I.immer It itlv-. mlfneila also off , era anl dlrectrrs f wi-a tin rtii' Unit s0 nnd ,l?,r'T' uVJXJi?'' '.? nn .., f,,,.r.i i-fi it v t i, ... dene 3.123 N I'r al st siimn rqulem mass at ?t -tvi-t - r i- -i iu v vi jnt 1IOI3 rpuinrp i "in t llVIT e; l in.'." I r lv p hit band of itt'e ias"i Huts r iteiitiv fr'ends ale.1 e-rr'eves of VIctT Ti V ,r(. Mi(.hin , Cnmlen e ie Ve ni i iicit" -Jei" i in;? rp K s t,n es i1 E a'e invit-d te attenl funert sen res Thurs lii M nt the home of V p, it son Psdcnc 1700 it.- Fr mn ford Int rrlvat Ne funern KNeisr-s.pt i nn'trvir or li winne ii K-ieuss itii friends Invite! te all f inernl rervl tlrst ave Pheinlxi' Pa T' nr II Int Merrl" lii rrtnls Wed 7 te U P iif , it .' Pist I uermnntnwn KRA.MHH pt 4 MAYMrj Edvrln A Krimer (nee Mv.r) Ualatlv-re and frlecds tire Invite! funcni servicea Tnur lid resllence 1120 H West laurel Hill ("em 2 P it H Columbia ni h rlndi i ii .i "?'.. ."""J" N l ' Jir&r? JKtisV;'! frlnds. also Mister C-vrpenteri (n Mis'r- Hullders i;ehan.e II llerlih I le N.. '',3 anJ A M Oriental Chapter V 1S II A M Pa b-ire-i Indue K of P narpapert I.ed(t Ne 31 I O F s of I 'nvtted te attend funeral Thurs 2 P II j'.'hJrun Cem ''"' 1,uU"kl n" Int v,"h LASHEK On September 4 nt PssBi,ni "'" IT VNCIS eldat en of th- Int. wVrfv'cf.V "nVe Y end daj 4th ins: nKuncc tdew of ftir.TJ' kiTrS' "frl t?u "," ',", ,"' Trends Meeting Heus ,th net Mirk sti coreTn j iittn-uaj 7th 2P II '-a. .15J..A I.IPPIVC1TT 1rt 3 LE VN-l-inn r- husliind of Pella 11, Llorlncett (ne Ilrmn Illatives nnd frlenc's ilse L e M :4 1 "' of c und J .Ve 11, are Ipvi'ed te a'tnnl funral Frl 2 r M resld n l.'U t-insen t Int private Itemiilns mav be v.ec-1 Thurs 7 te 10 P M I (iM. -rHK.fH ieerd-dii .Ninth month 4-h 1H2J Mertms LriNesinnn Rn ttves nnd friend" vr Invite 1 ti attend ft nril Fi'"h-div Vlnth-ment'i 7'h . 1" P M frev his lit r"l lenee ni Pmin v. ij no 1- 1tontienrv Ce Pv AH s vv II n ett .nn l"ivlrc P.cadln Trtrtral 1 11 1 II 1 iM v'nit) T (ltn. "ntl n i.oTTi:vnfne':n pt, iiaprv v son of U't W.lllam and nlrib-'h I, t-i Vuie'r a't J ' ' Fu-ernl Thurs 2 P 1! from rsiln of Mrs C rklt-rt 2" I F Pimers't ft Int nt ' edar 31 I Cm Friends a. cell W"d ev IJSUOHVliY - Sept i CATHARINE T. wife of tie lata Cnrtaln Jehn Leuichncv aired b7 vears Rlatlva and frl'nJs nre !nvltd te attenl f inril Thursdaj.UA M from hr latf resldeme 4241 Westminster ave Se en n r"0. m.iss In A M n' the i hurch of ur Mether wf Sorews Int He C-ess Crr MneMVIKiV '' ftt th Cnv'niten Arts , CI.ARV lMDF'l vvife e I hi MnrVih m rirrnl Krvt"n st r-' rs hufii 1! an i Pine sts Inurs 7th rst 2 P If lit P'lvate MATFK "ep 1 lOT-f r J- be. level husbant of Frtnces Have- (ni 'Tans rrann' anl i n rf h ulsi f liiv- (n briiarffl r 1 th" lat I.i'jls F Mavr In his 4 Hh " U atlvs ar 1 friends nr mvite-I at".-.1 airal Thurs ie A 1! from h's la' residence. 201 IV Diamond st Solemn reqjem mass St Henjf-ie n t hurch 10 A M Int Ne v Cathedr-vi im McAMTFS On -;t . in::. RnllF.nT J McALEr'' r Relative, -ind f-l"nds se (npi"i ' Rea Uv iv -hp N'e p H T a-e !nv"d 'e fv c "erv !- uv in sri, f."ernoen r' Je rk at h s es dnr 77rt V 41st -t 1- - nt l Ml Mr, , m e e-v Fld' r-T Clil 1 ie- la v en nir TeCOVMt l.F ""' 3 T'lfiMAi. i I i -1 huslanl f J i e l( i ceil re h -vasi l- a r and friends a. r T . .rnJ funril TI J-s h 111 A T rrn Ms lata relderce. d41 1. ( jrnwa ' I , iTn bIKh mm ut th Ascension Churr'i In A M Int Helv -'spjlehr Cem MII.IXR Sept 5. .MAROAUrT, vtfe of. A exunler H Miller, of 8048 Washington ave Due notice -I rjnerai vvm v siven MONTGOMERY 'pt. 4 l'J22 JOHN H . , husband of the Ute Jlarj A Montuemery ,Pativus and f-l-ris ar Ir-ltrl te attenl ' f jnnl Th.rs in A M from his ,r In la r s.dnce 7'l 11 si F -. Clu PM, u lllah n'( ss at M iVcella i ( urch i 'ii a II In' irlvf IIV I It IUNT.1 Surl n V nn illi Insf . ft vRUIET A ivlfu of I.ee Mulroenev lln Frj Ien .xei Invlttd te f J i.ed 34 l'Utlve und friends ars f jnera . I rl 2 P M . realdence. 372 I. st Int nrtv.itu Vnrlhwftnrt I em Ilemiiins m) b viewed Thurs, 1 P. M MURPHY Ssnt 8 MICHAEL J., hui hind of Mars E M'jrphy (nee Robinson) n-mu ei .-iari i. vpjrpny inea itoeinsoni erfts 'a 3'?r'n- rn,r "et""!." at thurrh of Our Lsdi et Mrcj 10 A M. Jni ui ite s i ress um. NAIt ent 4 11122 HARRY M hu I bard u! K'liat I- Vault inee Uessertl i vs and f- id. rs0 .mrleye- of th- Parm lriM l, I . t,,r, rrl ...ni -.I I-rl I neiiv JI.S l J f e n k 1 mm I lil i id i em lew i I N I I -l 3 IRV A vv Te -if ilevree I I t ' - li! ') el R-l it vs nl I 'i i ll .nv ej i fun-riO Wed 1PM. fr tn lejilenr- .S',.' N' ntij st lr bes dl ' .Vhns li irci flth ard Du'ihn its j P M pi.' - i Int at Hlllld- rem n'TIR", ii, At he- IiIm r-IJi . l',2 I AV bl irpiairf t Otrmt. nt iv r '-ei " 1 J.' ANNA B dannhtcr of the i ii Anil I ' V r ik I'i ir i-i nn 1 m-n I . ' ' r . i-i p ii nf A aid Ami i - r'utf i in 1, V) m an I 1) of J ,i , -I i at end firiera I hur . P 't tr p ih ihipsl v! Ai lii I I1, - A. n Ar i , nd 1 l'h ata Inl i helteri H s ( ti nn We! 7 te U P I PAHP - S-"Pt 2 PI v' Aim H I i I r 1 , of iIim Int,, rierep'A i: Pirr '- lit est ' p!at is nd fMnde Uivlti tr, f rr, ., r Ires VI pr P M ut ht I I - IMS'" ire. 7JI W estrrjirintgr uv !nt p, rniv ej (tin P VT rEl.su.N 'ent 4 lulls a Ir r,n of Jehn A enl Annl" M rans- hn Jltn ur !llitl es at J f er 1 M") ") funeral Kr 7 11 a 'I ii r-ildn''" 1034 Ar h n Vr emr in In lr n u ' hirrh of n.r I.m'i ' n ii.s ' nirrh of ').r I.hi'i M li ' llelv r'ress I'VTTOS' vn 4 in. 2 a. ii Fh mas Pntteii I ' itlvie fin 1 fr wlf r N of vit-l te funeral ll iri 1 i t r, ,,, lr it rerldir M N' 1" t tr 1, mr hi. i"'iulm nia-s ui 10 AM- Ami s ur i tmh ar J sirlic liKilnr , rt lli'y f reiii I W.ll. IMV'l iT t, h.r-it ' I (i tl.i if Ji di, t i of Anile E urd th la e Y. J J'muUnet Km ral en ll.ursdn in ,rn , l.t K3i e rtecji fr n. tl ., i, i r-r H lU'r I Ii Is 1S20 rheetmi' s- Ifvni.em hr . . f. r. .... . .. .. . i n t' -I r mn'ii I l sM I 11 li at 1 It tenru'it prl hh PIH I'D II A' I .s ns I n- finn tt I- I. r rs ! 'e i I 1 i2J W tLLKM js r, 1 of I'laru pr,i'nr Re ml i- r I ' I'll Is ar ln1'el te tie ii-nl'i en T1 i . nf rr r n .1 V 30 " ilg I xt th il r II :;.lr Hi 17 I'tO ' 'iann.it ,t I tn pr'vele til t Wlrieii m i nrf ROITY 1 d1n , gent 4 II MIRY V husbanl uf lale Annie lebey (nue Husi Itflattves und f rlt-t d invited te serv h 'rl !t I M t reldne of i nit law Hell 0. W'ldlels R rhardien anl Paxnn aves Anda usl.i Iljrks Ceuntv p Kr'ei da may enU Thurs after 7 1" M In ' rt r-Hif s r IV I sr'HAAI' Sen 4 102-' KATIE w fe rf f'iir.id hclnud Ilelallves 11 d fri Is ars inv 111 il te fun-re .etvlr.s Thin . p M , t Mia i.dn - 117 J ,n .1 1 r 1 It fn,,! let at IMxne ! cem Frl nd, ma ,n vl I le li ' M ri"HI il ?I'IED -'!' I W i tr Isrd of Dur.lhes I -iee I 1 li - r ,. axed 71 ears. Relttllvss nnd fr ends also ti.i-mbijie of K nslntnn Ii'l.e ,'n i ur j A M Krnslnmen f hsplnr .li .'1 R i L'.n.tiiiitnn Ceinmin erv , i "I IC of T Ln I.u lempli J I H tr II ' n isi Hnr'ety Phila Rlfl Tub ' nd r , ,. ere Invllsd te attenl funeral sirvl e B P M, ut his late resldnce 4SI n I'MlFftrXUKItl EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY. DKATHH Mh t Int private, nt Mt Vernen Cem Friends may call Tuesday evenlnc. from 7 ,0SHEHMnn Sept . KATH T lfe of AVIIilam T Shermer and daunhler of 'Wells and Careline Head HelatUea nnd friends, ale Washlnirten Camp .Ne 12l, P O.ef A ! Quiher City Council, Ne 17, D of I., ara Invited te attend funeral eerMces Thura 9 ' M At her Inte residence 100 r. I III ten st Int North CedAr Hill Cem. Friends ma call Wed ee SKIMiMlN On Sept f 10S2 VHICHNIA ADAMS daughter of Dr and Mrs Samuel Hurt Sklllern Jr . aed n menlha. Serlc Wei , 3 P M at pirenta residence, .12(1 Pembrelie read Oynwyd, Pa Int. prUate "Mil It- Sept 4 Al'Ul'.ITA (nes Hums), , wife of Trank Smith KelatUrs nnd friends are lnlted te funeral. Tburs . 7 30 A M, from mother's rcld'nce. 121(1 N Deter at Mass at St l-ranela Xevler'a Church,' " STHVliNSON On Sept. n 1022, ItKM.A I ,T , wlf Of James A Stevenson Relatives nni rriends nlse rrembera of Orica Preshv. lerlan Church are Invited te the eervlce, Wed i l l , ai ii"i ursi'irnce sinu VVBI ten ave Tiki Ave Int. private Frlenda ma call I hiomi,"ev sert i cATiu.ntNn ic. , wife of Fmmnnuel Tho-npsen (nen Klneev). I asel S7 Uelatlves nnd friends are Invited ti attend funeral rervlj.s Thura .1 p M . hr inle residence. urlvite Ml Vernen Cem Friends call Wed 'uj i iiiiisc ave, int. s te 10 IV M .... WUSWIUOHT Pept 3. MATIY WAIN MtU11tT Funeral services Thurs . 2 p M , n he Church of St James th Less He n'a n mil b? .Mjj;l at Adirn C staneer s Wei eve 4H0 Trnnkfenl ave int. St f,. ih Less Chtirch tlreiind ! ' NsFI.PON -Sept 4 JOHN C, beloved 'hu'tnnl of Mir j J Mnn Jnee Johnsten) I rte itlves and frl-nds also Dlv Ne. (IS, A ' ,1 it nnd emnleves or l( and li It are MnM"l te attenl f ineral rrl 8-10 A I fm hi. late resl 1-nce 1'02 8 Ouenther'eY i -lemn requiem m-ve at et Oabrlel s Church M in A ji in " 'i -r'" .lAllTKNHY "ept 1 1P32 Vtet.t.tlA VI v Iff "' l' Mfrel Whartenby and diush- ter of Chnrl.s H and Clara H Uertermrn ffly.V!nT"ch5r,V. ' rrKnVsS j? i lenhim st Int Northwood Cem If inalna mav he vlevv d Wed 8 te 10 p M nn her 301(1 inal'ns mav be view d Wed 8 te 10 P M it.i;iN.-iN hert 1. ANNIE a wir.. KIN'S "in Ilentlves and friends arn Invite I te ntten 1 fun-ral services Thurs, 2 P M preciseb nt her late realdence. 1317 W Alleshenj ave Int private PARCEL POST" Ferd Owners, Take Netice The Mnlsh llnRiirte ltrenk Timer li.m no .iirtui mire te wear Thla quality com blnatlen of Muk nete and Timer Blvea our Ferd t h c lllL-h Class iBUltlen which a Mnpnete itives te lestly cars Kllmlnatea a 1 1 Jerkv motions common te Fords equipped wltli a Mte Tvpe timer The Price of ii 'llmer Is well vverth the menev Invested In our Ferd Net the cheapest hut the hewf '1 (mm PATI-NTUt en the Mufket I'l.I'l P I tedsv A 111 Seller nt the nt 1 nvv Price of ipO.WO Parrel Veii I'c rxlra -' t r nn- v i.r "t Wanted BURNSTINE-WALSH, Inc. Phlln. (tniie 127 V llltll St. COMFORT 1 srlcese elns fallen arches I mven lee ttnd nil ether le troubles will find eertnln. accu-1 rate auprirt thr ubIi the u-t of l RLI.s' I.ACFD TCKINOS Tirevv aivnv teriurlnir elastics or trnuhUsems bandages anl fe-tet leu treuMs Corliss Lac-d Steiklncs made te measure I vviineut elastic wear rer man months vvnshuble and sanitary I'eht nnd durable Cost only ti 7.1 each, or two for the aame limb. M.21. and jeu'd Kladlj pnv myh mere for the auppert enl eae attained Call and l) lneesuied free or write for Felf.meneurement blank Ne. 0 I all adjusted at home a nlse make nlidnmltnl belts (pins' c or nan elastic) te order I Stere open n te 5 dtllv. also Wet nd Hut Fim 7 te 0 l'enna. Corliss T.Imh iieehltr Cn. i 41 V B?d St . Phlln. Pn. I Fiinnerls- of 4Sn Heeil lllllc. REUPHOLSTERING e the Iliuhir Grnila RerenstritctlnK. Iieflnlshln Tour Old I'irler l urnlturs Kuuil tv new. SPECIAL l'lIKESllfltlMl AI (IF8T. Nciv Living. Roem Furniture Ijitsst stvlea In beautifully Cesliined Tarestrlea. Velours an! Mehilr-l"lushs te erdat nt minuractiirere prices Bedroom nnd Dining Roem Furniture Itl.FIMMII'II AMI P.OI.milFI) OI dlrB. Palntlm nnd Hardwood Fmlshlns Dene liv Kxiert .Mechanics. yilu Cevrs Iade te Drder WOUK11ANXIIH CiI'AriANTEKn Cft'rmtea iMwn eherfully en request. Quaker City Upholstering Ce. Lembard 43't 20O-202 Chestnut St. BIRD MANNA MAKES CANARIES WARBLE 'Tis ire se ret preparation tird bv he vi jry Hreeders of t An r isi er te resiore mm cnri t ir t t hed i'i nu seub un i tr- ." ,en Irem becotn becetn Inn I i i I by DruKIIHs I Mnlrt f(ir 1 ". i ('At thin tirl Manna I" e!d in.v n 1 Mhlu Mr r il ( ips wtin this Trade ..latk tn rtl Hew nre of linltntlenii. linniv us ( k.i: iiiites me paes iau tlfulli i utiatel ahenlna; canarlei In the.r niiiirn i-nl - T- 1 1 1 1 lnrnrntnt lun en i anl rur irirles Hew te bread them for pn ih funis nn meir uibvuews win iv Al fltwut parrots nnq new 10 A most complete book .V, . ,. ,A. iviiii i i.7T ith tnr I "' s ThlrJ '"" Philadelphia. Pa HOME VICTOR WATER HEATER mil (OAL m r- i ' naiant sur- p 2 l'i rmlens lc ll-m i I at ' 'an Triors l ru lat ns jjui-d 'len I r iv i' Mat tXT .Steves 1 j-i a etc Pernierlv ina l v The !ljrandt i l-li w Steve f e Reevei Steve & Foundry Ce. 3H . 2il St . I'lillu Pntindrv Camden V .t ROOFING II('K TO PRE-WAR I'HIf r. in I uue, covered will, four p y felt t hg iruerntB"it for in rw f - the jrt of I'O nil M 3 S harf N' W ',21 Lan aster ave pel f)H7 PAPER IHxit"fe Wholesale A Itetull (iiiminrd P.iih r T tue Maehlnie 11111I Pniur I" nier ( mm Ice ( rwra lleiei Wn Paper EZRA LEVINS0N, 26 SOUTH 51 H l'l.iiiiM I i.nil.iiril H27II Vll.i HH7H WILLIAMSON & WILLIAMSON piienvs l32 ARCH ST., PHILA. HjIU. 0 le .ll Mull, am' lliurs. l.ve.. 7 te 0 Razor Blades Re-sharpened MNtll.E 2C DOPHLE ec EDOE EDGE ou Regular Rn70rs Ground t. Hend, 31e l. i nipicil uriiiiiiiie . i 1111111111115111 THE I'lI.IIKKT (.ItlMJINO CO. li!2U 1 lll-rrt HI. I'lillii Pa. ,15 GLASSES Lrcrwa73 TA-VLXL.l riilvANS0Msf.'Ti fetsKBTpTiem Tacste. AawncMU. Iru Iksti A "Wire Your Heme," New I "Pay in 10 Months" Our Murk of Fixtures Is ( iiinnlete flheii room Open Fteninpi We vll rt i ter estimates dav or evenln: DAYLYTE Et-EtlUlU UO, irvn nun " xi r niM.s' . (h n 11 Have your old Felt "7C Hat mide nw . " te Vrnri experience nt Your Service 1 Hi,.' the llnKer 1211 niheit hi., num. r 'e Hb1.Swa SMSsdl3esjSMBsK Hi' A, c 7efiK Leng Range Telescope rive-sectlens. Hrass lieund Tulsis Peiverfu' Lenses. Klvt mil Range Htrenaly mads ijua"nt'5. Valus f 1 00. Sent C. O. D. for llENNKR CO..Dpartmen S. Trsnten.N.J, PABCEI. POST IB' Resembles Snlitairp I Seti.n seua Pliti man HAND CARVED 1SK WHITE GOLD MOUNTING. THE MOST SENSATIONAL RING OFFER EVER MADE. TtleV el It m lnlli.nl steel Met unules tllstses Ji m sued It s ittrit preceu la a tstllaf ( SOLID PLATINUM eet se closely together that only close Inspection will distinguish It trem a 1 H K soil telrc TEN DAYS' FREE TRIAL Yea lilt no ceaact If It Is net satisfac tory nt the end et ten days, or II you can dupllcatu this genuine diamond rlnu In any Jewelry atore for less than J75 OO.-sardepeillwlllktrtiucg'ta tarsi. Stid oelr SZ.OO and ths ring gees te you in a bioJiesis lilt bei, casiits paid. A legal guarantee Tend as te quality and alue accompanies each ring. After ten-day trial pay balance, $4.65 a month, for ten months. Pricoeoty $48 50. FREE ROYAL BARGAIN BULLETIN ILtUSTRVTES AND DESCRIBES OVER JO SPECIAL OFFERS IN DIAMONDS, BATCHES AND JEWF.LRT WHICH WE ARE MAKING THIS MONTH TROM OUR HIS MONTH TROM OUR tj K. SENT FREE I H .605 Ettab.1895 Ej 2,(JW,U0U 31Uv.lv. Aiireit Dtpl, . . it v .i 'JTI-JOIV HOWARD VINCENT PIANOS UPRIGHT and PLAYER BARGAINS 3 Girard Uprights. 2 Edouard Jules (Heppc) Up. 2 Leenard Plrs. (F. A. North). 3 Angelas Players. 5 Heppe Uprights. 2 Chickering Players. 8 Lester Uprights. 2 Knabe Players. G Cunningham Uprights. 4 Knabe Uprights. 3 Stcinway Grands. 2 Story & Clark Players. 11 Stcinway Uprights. 1 Vese Upright . 4 ninsius Uprights. 4 Chickering Uprights. 2 Marcelltis Uprights. 5 Schemackcr Uprights. TheEe' instruments arc only a few of the hundreds of most every known make In our stock nhich we are offering new ECC up from J)00 New Pianos, $195 up New Players, $275 up. Baby Grand Pianos, $225 up Terms $5.00 Down $1.50 Weekly. HOWARD VINCENT 83G-838-8 10-8 12-844-846 N. Sixth St. err.N men , wisn. and rni. r.ves. Myers Electric j Iren Cord Helder A Wendrrful Invention' Attached te veur Irenlnn Ilenrd as per Illustration. It will prevent the trouble ieu rave kerplnx the cord out of yoer way while Ironing It will also save, wear and t a r en the cord and lire- Pat Ne 1.418 060 vent wires breaklns at contact plue 00c I'estuald. PHILIPS & PHILIPS Hex SI ... . Arlington, N. J. OLD PARLOR SUITS MDE EQUAL TO NMV R c e nsLructed, u n h Istered and pellshel S15 nna Ull Plrst r1 iss work mnmntevl Vlln ( ever" Mnde tn (Irilfr We rirr a larua s t i k of upliul- materials at wheesaie pnics. American Upholstery Ce. Illdret and l.urKrit llniise of Its Kind 125 S. Second St rite or 1 hniie liinti i nl 11117 ZmWllOYilOB! , Geed Werk Lew Prices We xiinriirlre yoe e itlsfactlen and Painless Dentistry At 1-evrest Ce.l In PL In. J nlllnis. i Bile & SI Dr. Hyman Dili A Market and Itrsnrbes DIAMONDS BOUGHT Ilrlntf us your diamond If you want te realize the hlBhest pessibls pries for thara. Ne matter what ethers tall veu tlisy are north, et ur prlca beforsyeu sell. V im IS On te MOD 00 for ssce diamond mere than nrtiers pay. r-e us and ue convinced XV e huy any aire, shupe or color. Pawn tickets for diamonds hetisht, ItPI I.Y A CO. CALL 03H CIIKTMIT "T. Phntiei Wnlnnt 1JI4 u lie 1.1 I'rtrnte nfl'ee d fleer - riill'le' Rett. TENTS TENTH TENTS .. ..li ' .- " Xr ' - " -n . Ull iriHSi iscvri I.Vi 0'txl2. 12.1lil lixH, u.liS 8.15 lbrt B80Q. nncujr ieii, ,viu B, A. llumhrya' Bena, 101S auewniu ryr iff u imr Jf no uvfm m keu Iwf JmrAPV gm m DELAY I ffiJ JTJM m&'Sr 1 nvrggsfJlrSflmi ffv i M JTtriTl ' 1 yeiillOWy&u can vrtlhl. tandbrmc . Jct 13 scar I I 1 i-umatr'd guld title i biarelel Wuh I ' I ABSOLUTELY FREE I I I Remember, with eir tUn It ' reit 701 1 crcU B H .i.ctli. iMiiiUcddrFslEWMCIrUI I I iiiimk if'iTi.v (ii un Nrissnii hi . a Hiiraiet uivn fMnii in villi ill sin fibeuiiib ra I Dent i)2n v y ritv I r ss TisiTirfirli.liiiilmMlsa sMtvvNtetas' m 'Mi 1 ffi$$$ v -w ,T1 jiWL"tA13 Z$rF PARCEL POST CLOSED ALL DAY LABOR DAY Special Prices BARRELS and KEGS Until of these liens nre cenil solid nnili, net vvnxetl or pnrnlTlnril en the Insldet lieweer, the so se Iccleil kega nre nmile of Hl'E CIALLY KEI.KCTKD TIMIIISK nnd will satisfy the 'most crlllcnl buyer, A-l OUAI ITY NO SECONDS S-lO-le-pal. add 2.'c for postage Alt sites nbete Hint ne'll ship by express or frclclit. charcrs collect. All Kegs Gunrantced Lenk-proof FRUIT PRESSES Value Will Last Yeu a Lifetime Established Over 15 Years Bell 'Phene Kensington 1933 Keystone 'Phene, Park 1486 FREE CITY DELIVERY riierk or money order should be mnlled with order. City anil Cnmdrn orders we tend c. e. n. KSAM'L n ASSEK 3 Stores 1217 N. Lawrence St. 2938 Kensington Ave. 17 N. 2d St., Phila. CANDY Wholesale AM Ollll It .VIUvK. MTCIAI S mil THIS W I'.KK pp.nw (iOehs Mnrslimillnvi Ilurs . . 120 S .7 (hue. I mih ( Icira . 120 .117 indv Pencils , 1J(I .07 Wax Whlilles. Pines Autes. Hella or iieveiver, l Kllnl te iiex izii .17 Is .fill .011 .fit) :8i, .iu .110 .2 .11 .111 .OS .03 NewhelTH Kendiiis Pretzels (Irnnse .lellv Ilim lid 1"!0 ( hoc. Cr. Mints . 120 ( poe. Mnrslimullevv . . 240 ( hoc. NmiK.itH W0 Wrapped Pan tu rumple i! riec. (.qrameis r IB Allnts.. Isrnlli lflni Cum 161)0 S'ewheJT ('nndy & Dell Premlum.InO Nevvnnff 1 nrnllTir lmiiiltii.i ian 100 Nevvheff Meuth Urdu Premium 1110 Acwheir Wokeii Premium 130 iiaii (.aniiM Vun Mnltl Itnlelns In Ilevrn Imt. (oeeiintit with (liclrv Vsit. B cents wrnunril Peus I ren n Trult Jell Dreim Krurtli ('hoc. fr. Mint In Feil. Iloeton Hllk ( hoc, Sut Pure lloeton (hue. vanlllri liars ii t .m 1 .70 lit .ill l!4 ,fi0 .24 .nil .ft .4 it .43 BTATIONKRY A SCHOOL HCrPI.lKS Scheel remntnlBna an. I .75 tier. .85 aeden Hrhoel (ommnlenV Carben f Nherts 81S JVrltlne Tablets Se. 21)00 Ulxeii Penholders Ne. 300.1 Heup, Ituhliers Pencil Minrpenera Ne. 110 Nrlmnl Hl.nnu u l In dex. (ler. dot. let. ilnr. .40 .10 l.eii .in .43 l.K". .10 .7 .a Nclienl Htrans loose I,iif Nete Hunts Hlxnn "Pride" l'enclls dot. ,!P,.7,0rilA. .""" Wrltlne Inks dot r.iiiiiiiii i-iiftiil ( eniji llniilc dm. r n roreoit I'ens In d07 'inch PinellB Nn i eirs . fnr, .r, .ww lllIZ .11 DtriiliU In .00 .! '.niienerv I ine N Incem 1 rue, lluallts nnd Xnsurtment. ClflAPv, ( HJAUI TTI -. I'TC Cimels A LucU htHkes 20' 1010 HO 15 Plover Hnnd-Maile Pirfrttu se's I 70 l.rllll f Irr iru "ii i-i HO fl.45 rresn .HO I.i Pallna Trlunirileres Maletj Mn t lien LEWIS NEWHOFF whei kii r. oMi-.tTiesrp. (IKNCItM MrilllllMll'il, L 255 Market St., Pliila., Pa. OPKN I!U,MMiS TO H p i Murkrt SI 10 Kst. 1H9H Vluln Kill Quality Harlware 816 Chestnut Street Scheel Days Will Soen lie Here AND KVKItY lUU AND liIHL WILL wast one or 'ihi:,m; BOSTON PENCIL SHARPENERS ' Knves time nnil slniriiunH iiericlls n It hunt miiklnn ni iv illrt Attn'lies In ili'Sk, tnhle or wall I'lnel) llnlslieil Regular OCr Postage $1.25 0J 5c extra i , , SHANNON 816 Chestnut Philadelphia hfsv-UJxuJf J f If infTTrMiT'Ps CT Hi:i,KCTF.l) SOLID H Ml I OAK If & mil I n Onllnns $1.0.1 W III 10 llnllens 2.S0 IMl lllil 13 (Inllens S.OO I II J KL 20 Onllens 4.t0 Ml 1 fWM as (loiiepo 4.2i Bflal I SO (liillena 4.30 I II I ,10 Onllens 93. AS ' III I m;iv KOMI) OAK II ml hvaih lMt a IIL' R Onllens V1.R0 WM I UK 10 (Inllens 12.23' Wm I Wff is Millien 2.73 M I 1 20 (Inllens .1.30 Ml 111 23 (Inllnn 73 IlijU W SO (Inllens (14.00 ffif Ik ,10 (Inllens f4.90 Ml A i"fff 1 1 S?3 I I wmsmm ( J Hew About Heme Meney en Dla N inends and Jewelry? hates Iewaa " i-.risJSav Ut,' SEPTEMBER 6, 1922 PARCEL POST ARDWARE :empanv Ridge and Midvale Area. On the East Rirer Park Drira Just Belew the "Cafe Ln RWiera" Fruit and Lard Presses Fer making jellies, etc. In three sizes. TTn trlr (nlr Price 1 . 4A Sn CA1K I'arcel rest i. 141. m.ji v-..w ,,, Kxtrl, 4qt. 9.50 6.76 1 0 qt. 15.50 10.35 2E$ Wire Gauge Drill Set Hires 1 te 00 Iter. Trice. 7.B0. (hir nrlce without CO Oil stand P4..&V Stands PAPCEI. POST. luc r i u 'White Cress' Electric Iren one of the lln est lllectrle Irons en the market and ft I IK bamnlnnt our special price All melnl p art s nlcelv nickel Plated M Iron Iren Ins surface as tr I ft s a iieei stand. IVeljht (Hi lba Complete wltti (1 ft. cord and plug. 110 volts. He. 47 Sfl Pur 3.95 "rlce. . " - " price -r - Parent Pest. 20c Extra Tree city delivery en all articles vertlsed. Telephone your orders. Pell Phenes, Mnnnvunlt 1H15-1818 Keystene Phene. North 0US Open Monday, Friday fi Snturday Ktcs, PUHAHWAttEG) iKidsje and Midvale Avcx Phila EYES EXAMINED FREE. NO DROPS USED SPECIAL Jft $3.50 Bifocal Glasses Geld-Filled Frame f2.50 f-pcrlnl Value afl.QO All oreacrlptlens filled at a savins' et 25 te nu"n Ulasses mads en ths prenv lea while you wait MYERSON OPTICAL CO. 8 NORTH 9TH ST. Open Men. & St. Efi. Till 9 P. M."" ROOFING! We will Ceat your old reef at small cost and guarantee It Fifteen (IE) Ycnrp.. Or will eell the Coating ready for use $1.00 Per Gallen, or Five Gallens, $3.50 Write for Hstlmatc and Circular ROBERT A. MAYS nXl'KUT IN ItOOFINO 1242-12 14 N. 10th. I'beue Poplar 8041 LOST AND FOUND l'UR Lest i idece mink choker fur. elther en Pennsvlvunl'v train leavtnx Camden at 1 2S P. M Haturdav. September 2 or ln Indl s Maltltic room nt Uurllngten, N J,, Ht.illnn I.lb"rnl r'vvard If returned te Mm lfntlmn Schroeder R130 Chestnut st.. I t ilTil"(phti llirlnir 71114 Pl.Hl'Hll'AI. PIRi: POLIL'. Ne. Mini ii. eued bj the United Ilremen's Insurance, Ce . In the nnmej of Wm and Themas 1 iicnaereen, nuieunis j,iiriu iieiurn le Tar I null & Crawford, 400 Walnut st. KINO Lest, In Phltadelphla, 2U -carat dla rnnnd rltiK, blaik enameled Ilnljh. rpwnrrl W O Daniels Personnel IJnpt , Sun Shlp- Oi 1 1 1 1 1 iiiy ,, . iii'.irr i u COI'PUNH Lest. 2 coupons of Wllmlnitten ana unesiir irnetien ue ilevvnrd if re turned Hnmiifl H Hlblwird ."01 .Manee reuu v pri-r usrev i- u . i-nttn W'A It'll Lnl, lnl's Wllst wnlcli. Tues das even'nu nt trolle stallun, Clementen, N 1 ti revvirl A 122 ledger Office UAH List nn Wediipxiliy A, -M en Markit .t, lietvvcin .IJd and the bridge blacit wniras irainer unir, nrass meunte.1. con tnlnlnrr n ehltts marked B. M If. Call i.ecu3i suuu iiewaru. HELP WANTED FEMALB I ADX'EHTISINa Youns- woman, capable of hen (ling mall advertising dept.l stenot stenet raphei and copy writer preferreip state ase 'exp. nnd ailary. P. O. nex 1531. Phlla CHOCOLATE COATERS. mit, steady work werk ers exp geed pay 114t Woodland ave. I HILL CI.LRi: Cetnpeunt bill clerk with knotvledce of lioekkeepin nnd some clerical , expulenie In fncterv office, replv must state lime ixrerlenie end salrry desired Ad n p ni p n finr I47n ! O.N RON DIPPER experienced, also with selling experience, must be neat soed pnv .1341 Wendl ind nve CLERK About 21 te 2.1. order and check up Ilradstreet und Dun reports must have had considerable credit desk work and be a tend writer, this Is an unusual oeDortunlty i with a lnrne nnd busv concern for person i wllllnir te becln nt bottom, state one, school- I Inir exierlence minimum salarv desired and teleih no number Credit Clerk P O Bex 711 rhllsilelthla I LERK Widow 110 te 35 ttrenit nl hcallhj for file ,md malllnir riem work must write n neel hnnu, coma well recom mended nnd Inve Heme llllnu experience '('ill Tuesday or Wednes laj 2 P. M old , XX'Hener Hldir CLERIC HrlKht utrl under SO te operate Rurreurhs lalculriter, larie mfir concern llread anl Chestnut sts , state age school Ihk expet lence and mlmlmtim snlar desired, Culrulater P O llex 731 Philadelphia, CU11IC. chninlieim.Od vvalirees and heusn. w rk jjiri wne want tesli ions Miss Rem jrniiHiiri e iui, mi am ave work MILLINERS XX'E REQUIRE EXPERIENCED MII.LI. NERt. Al.L-YEAH-ROUM) EMPLuy MENU. GOOD X'AOES APPLY LIT HROniERS SECOND FLIKIR 7TII AND P1LHERT ST3 UI'PICL AHSIhlANT An ercillenl iw,.liin for a stenographer and bookkeeper In manu- i rar luring dullness, pleasant sur-ei4rnf geed hours (Jnithluvv A Mchel Celli in and l.rna stn 'j suuaru eist of mnn (leimun. Invn nve ' nPPRATORS wunleil In work en tnys' coats; reed wnrklnv conditions .Applj the SnelllncliurK CI ithlnt, Ce, lireud and XVnllace sts OPERATORS XVIIcex i A, ?'W !Meck EhM.J&LL.lWmi '4t Btenten avt7. awmamewS; " Ce" iSxM$Km$ I sTVsUlitvSliC !N4 OI HI Se ritr.i '"?'iJLhWUiVi:ij Hiynuiwfliiiiiiii'iiiijiiiji lirj.viurvr i HA'itiit i i aniein Nn f i .ui 1. 1 neon atim nmni-A ,aniAi . ' r., , ,u, , ,jUn r,,,,,,., ,nu.i ... r r, i ii t i nid.nsinii sneii ierti nn i . .. . ... --...-..., ii i rui.iM.i ... i I.... ... li ell nnd ilemuiiHlrale extunslvely ndver- '"',, '! nr,. r" ' ' ,r'd" desk wtrk nnd In Imler liavlng I irK ceiilratt nnd "."Sj tlui I toilet article In derailment mil drut ?L' r,,t"r this H an unusuil oppertunltv tain u for a lies nnd service, applljaanlsni"" nor. i nliii ruferenies rermlnil ApnlC w !J) " la", ,n,l hiisi ceniern for n r"i n ' s c .l.l-iit . f PhllmWphla .and ilevete eanri MeiLhandlsliiK Deyartliunt, first fleer, Public xvllllng le begin nt bottom Cull, le v t'me te Jib. reminlBslun hu'ls Aimr lulu I le n I' M XVeiln-sdav e-wrlt. EJ..11 ' .f,1, W'ulnenl u or Thursdaj, (0 H-imn HOUSEKEEPER Working man with 'Ti nIn r -,m-K - I -rm- MuiiTinvrTPrtN AOE.NCT I P.- XVrltaXMHenm.in.lU4N llancecU .",' DI.1AII.KR anl ,,. , ,, ,,y gSVHmSre ax. LAUNDRs i;xin.rleni.ed feedsra folders and .!; ne iS.i' ln.',r,,,l"r 'I U im I hund lreiurs. AdpIv H50I) AsDen i J..S2 'ilJSIlCr 1" d salnrv fiig r nr)r , ..V' HELP WANTED FEMXXB I'APEIt DOXKK Experienced leverers. nn; Ishers and toppers Apply Censumsrs Pet Te , 12th and llrnvvn . BAI,nsWO.MKN , mt ltneTHKits nBQi'tnn ai.bswembn ren VAnietrs niiPAiminNTS Ai'PTf nuitmu or umpi.eymi:nt. skcenu KlXXIIt. 7TH AND PIM1KHT STS. STHNOCIKAPlinnS Ambllleua And well-rducnted eun; women who am hleh school frail uates will find our offer of In terest: expcrlcnce net essential. RKAns. nennucic and erf. 40(0, Roosevelt lloulevnrd Sli:NOmAPIIi:it, experienced and enpablei desirable position! pleasant nurretindlnitsi lerntlnn northeast reetleni hours 8 te ft, ex cept Saturday, nil enri slate past expert ence, rellttlen and references. Address I,-37, p f) Het I-iOii , B ir,.SOUItAI'Ili:il and tvplsti must be ex perienced. Applv Williams Drewn A Parle HIS Chestnut at. HlUNOGltAP!li:it with credit experience pref, j state anlnrj . resldent of northeast rectlen prer. Apply y (izz iecmer enme STUNtKIIiAPIICIl, ene experienced In th paper bus preferred A anl. Ledger Office lKAClinns for violin In musle school In Camden; reference 1' (118 Ledger Office, TELEPHONE OPERATING a rnnMANENT ciivthal erncK posi tion se.vn or Tim advavtaees op which AUE: SHOUT HOURS, GOOD SALART ASSURED TERMA'NENCr LIOHT. AIRY OFPICE INEXPENSIVE LUNCHES CARErULLY CHOSEN ASSOCIATES OPPORTUNITY POR PROMOTION TOUNO WOMEN I1KTWEEN THE AQES OP 18 AND L", DEHIItINU TO ENTER THE pnercssiON. .may apply at my or- riCIl HETWEEN A. M. AM) 0 P. M. MISS RTVENPON TTTE DELI. TELEPHONE COMPANY 1031 ARCH .STREET TELEPHONE OPE1LVTOR, P U. X., must li ixperlcnced Apply the Farm Journal, 2an S 7th at 3 TRAVELtN'O POSITIONS MUSI' HE PILLED Reliable, nationals known Chlcasre corpora tion wnntn 8 cnpable women ns traveling representatives nt once, nppllrnuts must bn well educated nnd foet-looso re that the can leave Philadelphia within a week or 10 davs: nffe 21 te 37: no Investment necessnrj: te successful applicants we will pnv J78 per week and live a geed buslncsa tralnlni; ibee Miss Knthorlne Edte, Hetel Adclphln, at once WOMEN We hnve an lncrr-ilnK detninl for vvnmn te handle responsible position of trurt lendlnn te eeiitlve cnpurltj In our own International nrtmnl7atlen. women hive mere than doubled their salnrv In the first 2 months with in nnd nt Hi" name time quallfled for advancement If ever 2" ears of age call fei lnttrvlen tedtv, lie tween 10 and 12 A M or J and 1 P. M , at 70 Vnndnm lllds; . 1001 Market st Oenernt (URLS wanted. Govern rosittensi 1120 me : many vacancies: examinations Sept. It Oct. wrlte for res. open V 1421. L. O. HELP WANTED MALE ABLB-DOJIED MEN HLA CK SMITHS BOILERMAKERS CAR REPAIRMEN CAR INSPECTORS MACHINISTS WANTED FOR PERMANENT POSITIONS PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD 1038 FILBERT STREET ASSISTANT Touner man. nhnut office of manufacturing cencern: must bet!1 reed penman nnd nccurnte at fluures, Keed JlL oppertunltyi state exnerlt nee nnd mur ex - liected P 7a.Jv-irpfflce - AUTO MECHANIC and helper, exp lunham Moter Ce . Hoxberough, Phllndeii hla DAO FACTORY PRES3MEN ARTISTS ENORAVERS Larite new bar factory, In Middle West Is expanding wants highest grade men Vn? per-ennl Interview address M 703 Led Off BLACKSMITHS WELDERS BOILERMAKERS MACHINISTS WANTED Seventi cents an hour for 8 hours time and tinlf evrtlme Call New Yerk Centril Hull, read. ?0'J ShuU.t Illdi; , 230 's llread st ROILERMAKERS. 11. n experience, wanted bj Leulavllla and Nashvl la R R. Annlv IIS N 12th at.. Rcem 3 Apply BOILERMAKEIia BIjACK SMITHS MACHTNINSTS AND CAR REPAIRMEN WANTED JOHN QOLL & COMPANY CONTRACTORS 1B21 ARCH ST. ASK POR MR. JONES IIOILERX1AKKKS nnd IIUXCKHXIITHS WANTED POn PERMANEVT POSITIONS 1I"NN.YH.ANIA RAIIROD l?il 1 ILIIERI' ST I ''X P'llh-rt t .. !' ..- " . ! IWU euu. llfeil II ilu CAR and nlr Inhnnters R R expert! nre I Ar " ' ' 'T.' ' ,' - ' ' 'e, Nashvllle it t i dv Uiiiisvllle "Tje 1 111 N 1 Jih ft ;. . CLERK nbeul 21 te of, u 7ler i.ti nlC llllVl I.1.VI ;X l-il uanl.,.1 i w?,rk !"'nnent reslilnns center of ui loentlen P 702 Ieli uni e tUy Industrial (H'AHDS fnr eat of town Pieferied. ,lv I.M i.Huirt 'n,,,W ,1V"'" ix m rv A 'ill l.lirer Office - - ia, LXHORERH LAIIOItEHs 'WHITE) VP. TRxrK XX'ORK 13 .Ml PER DAY bTRAKHIT TIXIE HXIN' en f,m.SK FREE TR XNSPOIITATION HOARD ADVANC ED CALL A C. R n op N J PREE EXIPI.cn MI M- (jpp,.n K3 NORTH 1.1111 Snil.'Kl' LAI10RER.S WANTED Apply Jes. p, (,'at- ne eueriv und (Isu LUJ11II.1I Laborers, steady work nmj Poaraen t. Ljdascher Lumber he "tJ1 mefeland at. and D.luwar. iti.r00' V ay. Dsluwara River. eat. . 9eM HELP WAWTBPMApjvT?1 i machinists boilermakers caii 'inspectors FOn RAILROAD WOnK BTEDY EMPIX)TMENT AT STANDARD VVAOES T rLENTT OF OVERTIME FREE BOARD .AND TRANSPOnTATIOt APPLY TO COMPANY erncB 128 N 16TH 8T. PHILADELrillA. PA. CENTRAL RAILROAD OP NEW JERfl qpSS DAILY 7 A. It. TO 5 p. j MACHINISTS. R R. experlenca. wsnuTT" LoulaMlle & N.6hvlll R. 11. ApSy"!! 1 12th at.. Roem 3 " UJ K, MANAGER of new business depsrtm.nT old established firm of cortined iuhnJ1 ceuniunts te solicit ne v business: aSni.?' need net be nn accountant, but mu.f k4! hml selllnc txporlcnce nnd al llliy . ! ness and sclllnir experience In first l"ti.?wIu applications will be confidential, ii l.M leaner Offlie. ' "li .MAN Call Spruce 8203 for niTapMinTr:, with the employment manager of iS! BanUttlnn In which there Is a place fn.. man who Is nnxleus te rlss, caser in ..! and vvlllInK te fellow Instructiens: lueV J man has new an opportunity te make a m,. nectlen which Is very attractive, both present remuneration and future ressiblli! MAN If leu nre Interested In hiinmi - neclcil with a corporation that affords ! liertunltlcs ler auccess of the unususl vi.j call at N03 Land Tltle HldK , Utvvwn ft A. M. and 1 P. M. Te nusllfv the ,m I cant must show that he has ceed charitis. nnd porrennllty. eufllclent mental abllitv i. il.l. I. lln Ift crl"iB. Ik. ...! """lir IS ,-i, ..!.- ...... . n.r ,,i.i luiiunmcniaii nf ,ir, ,i,j..v ...h it.iiiKiiraii ig Vveric I Instructed ' ' MAN of tnct enurnite anil character wintij for position of permanence and ureal "k,7 .11, mix p i.'n t.Mli,r nriir. mw ni. MAN te drive wheesaie prevision vrneT 4011-goyN"'effst';',"0ni S"r 8. MAN--Uerlenced, te manaxe tourist elfleT. stote references and salary eiDectil Msrr.R MECHANIC wanted, one famiTlit with electrical meters, D C, and all in Diinuiirn. rii'uirBB -v u, Jwruscr UlnCI .iij.cii..Mi.n vvnu vvuuia iiKe te sell an wanted: a Imevvledee of eelllns; net ntct sarv. we tnln jeu te sell leadlnn autnmeiiv. treducts Write, elvlnsr nge, experience, mia, citlen nnd rnlary expected. P (ISO, Lediu CUIVU "" MEN. 2.1. WANTED A rellnble Philadelphia bankln cemratu his nn eppnrtunltv nt present for 23 men te become members of its Reallxailnn riti XX'e ere eeeklnir responsible men prefertblr with a IiIkIi school education nnd some lull, ness rxpTlenre, who deslre assistants In eecurlnir a better position with their prewst emplejer. or co-eperntlvo aid In Jelnlnit lemi ether nrranlzatlnn In which their eapiblll ties will be receRnlred nnd properly coo ceo coe nensnted The men whom we ehall choesa mtrit (t ambitious refined and Intelligent and ban at least ISO canh te deposit with this com cem panv, which Is en of the membership re quirement. Yeu are entitled te be. abundantly itis cessful. and personally te possess a rca.ett nble nmeunt of mnnev This plan pelr.li me wa. vvrue lis remprennnsiveiy A 818. Ledger Office MEN An orcinlritleti of this type rarely uiti the wnnt im ilium for help: we arc Keine te (Iff n rpal opportunity te several Christian ran of chnrnctcr whero past can atand Investlrt. tien, te renll7 their drenms of a REAL success ou must nnve AUll.ll Y and (noun PROOIUiSSIVENESS te come back con sistent In spite, of tempernry disappoint disappeint ments: don't waste our time or tours, think first nnd If you hlleve jeu have the sbers nunlincntlens call for A PHELIMINAM EXAM i.nai iw iw iY can after 12 ti P uoem .J3. ion uncstniu st. Ask for mule. 1 MEN Every man , wnlch Unu-ual Is Interested In that the word "unusual' it- scribes the opportunity offered by this ll ll vertlsemnnt te ti number of men of reed chnrnctcr. personality and ability, In order te avail eurseit or tins opportunity rl must have sufficient Initiative te reslr. rnurage te overcema difficulties and ambition te ect out et me ordinary salary tarrdU clnss AiUlresn .M 7UO. Ledger urnce MEN If you ero a Gentile of charsciif and nre dlsnatlsned with your present w eltlen bernuxn It affords no opportunity, l would like te talk te you, shifters, iteck sn'esmen and hnhltunl job-seekers need Mt apply (nil uoem 4n. mil unsstnut it, nfur 12 1 1 P M Ask for Mr Inula MEN Applicants will be Interviewed fw responsible posltlena from 10 te 12 A. It or 2 te J", -il appiy at our enice iuj Vandam Hldg 1001 Mi barney hi, MEN 1 am Intarvlevvlna men for a poilties of responsibility and trust. Call Roots 122S, Wldencr Hldg.. 10 te 12 A. M anil te fi P M. , MULTIOIiAPIt OPERATOR, experienced ll every dtnll. Including printing atttcV ment. atnte age. experience and salary t pected. I 0"4, Ledger Offlca PAPER ROXES IJey xvanted. experlttiesl en corner cutter. Apply Consumers' Ui Ce , N. vv cer. 12th and nrevvn. Tin-stAN. Cnlt's Armery, must be sxMrl eumd en prevlni; half-tone color proetM plates en Celt'i Armery press, none etmf neeu qppi liiwi' imc. m cT t T-a f .WAfirtHK ft dlarrlet and ers mipngers vvunted who can product reiulll for li tensive eraanlzlntT drlxe In sseurUI inirnbers for a ri owing- asm. I exp. In sillltl educ InD . securltlea or In fraternal en ergnnixinv iii'-ai vivi js ji. hcu vm SALEWM-AW XX'E NEED A SALESMAN OT STKW PERSONALITY TO RENEW CONTRACT AND SECURE NP.XXTHUSINESSiXTO SEfi A FINANCIAL SERVICE TO LARQE X4CT CAN1II.E CONCERNS AND CAM 0 THE RIC1HT MAN A VERY DEfllRADtl AfmT. . .t- .iwnrv n.an Tn 10 A. SL 130 TO 4 P. M. MR RAN7 ROOM 4H. (37 CHESTNUr ST. TT.. ....... n. nr'n.j.r.Ll. ,.l .Uf. sall-wa t or a-iiuaucu'iiii. "'".. i;,.j rounding territory, prefer man aequaintw with stationery and variety store , rstnhllshed paper special business, salr J; retntnlhslrin te man of preven ability. ' r.pl, rt.ue age. past nnd present empwr mint und references, replies cenfldetiti XI 7ni Ledger uujee SALESMEN .. ... .. . in ren- unna opperiuntiv rer iive-irr inn, - --- SALESMAN STUUiv. . ,h, I vint even slntk salesman who T,a5;,Ji nil tn tome In and sea nie, I have ins ,a s. llln stock Irstin 111. Phllnde phla and wi te rlese out the bilance of tills Ur" ,,,u the next 2 weeks . . ,h. i..gi 'ih, . .,..,,. i,.,i iu 7 ia. old nnd me ! Is s per tent prefcrnd paitlclpatinf (loed lommliilen Eiem 10 A. Ask for E II FOXV 1 11 1 XX'ilnut st Plilladcliihla, I' SALESMEN i nre prepared t ,.;!'. gred men im illy snlejtnen If J"," jnJ HAIESXll.N wiintid Heveral B,00(1". iu' ni i Min-n an v mted tn sell le:""n,.,1iiii( m.itlvi. piodue's enl) nun who r" '"" ,, ter 11 luniiniKiil. iielltatile venn-ct en . vvunti'd XX lite, giving age experlr-n 5.r i.illen und silirv expected, I 701. ' ' umie -r. . . .... ....ii 300' i. vi i -ri ill.', ini,e ,-veii r, i .' -u, --re. i.imitir Iiih opening for 'liliu WP "M0. iiiiuiliM enl; Uiore having urge ii"YC ng Pil Iniini ft ICrern- '! XXThll" s'-U-1. .l l.MVII.N llll,e ,Ne insrji f-lTi.- r SXIIHH N i oral nimiug ler severAI n nun if tin t liiOO-V'.llOi) i ! ,''., ia of sues i.i.iiltnte. fltsctlva ,; '" "hilV, n.iils Lull ll.l'J nr 2-8, 716 , Victory Jer te 8O0Ot lornmiiiijen bull SSJStl 1 1 ritnit-ii in a reil iive-vvue v '""; m.ntl liiiiMeui te i mini i with the jarg"' ",. I fni luring lepiinitiv nf its kind J' .'.out (' irj ivhn vvMI ii'imril .veu "Oil for nMf m i liii .Mr nuxi ii i ii'iu u --.-,,. 4 ,t. 'a: V J. .. rAi'- Ti).; itrikferiwsBi Lil -1 SJSJJsasrvjMi ffffyf-.