Bpl,'': "' " '' EVENING PUBLIC LEDGEBr-PMlLADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER (5, 1922 J, it-- a ' zone y y W-- TWTAP te deleft sHews 1WIS.. SSM08 !Jk -ach a logical unit for TISSJ m$k sales and advertising F t . &v J :A ftlfcft 'MP' ,?. ' u !HI, 114 Rank The CHICAGO TERRITORY among American Markets 6 -.JBeifcOLV 23.3, t - Zane& 1 4 40 0 , 85m 8 Wp Zenes '"'js . Zenc?v Population THE Chicago Territory (Zene 7), with only one-eleventh of the area of the United States, has one sixth of the population. Crep halite THE VALUE of crops in The Chicago Territory bears exactly the same ratio as its population te that of the entire country 17.2' '0. " 2 7 IS S12? Olher ilZ t ln,dushie3 (p-.T. V 1 NanT1" c STUDY the map and charts en this page, then consider this additional fact: The Chicago Tribune, with the prestige of 75 years behind it, reaches one-fifth of the families in The Chicago Territory. The Chicago Territory is a market in which New England manufacturers can profitably develop sales in 1922, net only because of its wealth, but because it contains one powerful medium for sales promotion. Reaching one-fifth of the people, The Tribune sways far mere than one fifth of the purchasing power. In cluded in its circulation of approxi mately 500,000 Daily and 800,000 Sun day, are the most important and in fluential men and women. Fer in stance, investigations have indicated that seven or eight out of every ten re tailers and jobbers in The Chicago Ter ritery (outside Chicago)' read (TKe Chicago Tribune, Furthermore, The Chicago Trib une has developed te a point of high1 efficiency its system for insuring the success of the campaign it carries by, means of thorough co-ordination of sales work and advertising. The Chicago Tribune has mere than thirty men trained net only in ad vertising but also in merchandising in the actual direction of sales cam paigns in The Chicago Territory men who knew from repeated contact with jobbers and dealers in many lines what can be done, and hew tole it. Several of these men are stationed in The Tribune's New Yerk Office at 5 12 Fifth Avenue, New Yerk. One of them will call en request te discuss the possibilities for developing the sale of your products in The Chicago Ter ritory in 1922. Manufactures ALTHOUGH peerless as an ag ricultural section, The Chicago Territory produces a larger pro portion of the nation's manufac tures than of its crops. Industrial diversity MOT ONLY is there splendid balance between agriculture and manufacturing, but there is no de pendence upon any one or two branches of industry. wIX MTHB WORLD'S GREATEST MgWJgPAagrM Wtf At fK? 4"Y 0 &)0i&&tt lxmm& The Tribune's BOOK et FACTS en Markets and Merchandisme win be Sent te anv Sellincr nreraniTatinn rpniicrt-ifr I- , U,.: . dress our Eastern Advertising Offices, 512 Fifth Avenue, MnF'Yadt, S&Li . ? . , v pflPIJWffli W' fT "-1 ' - fefejp$ta4gffiq f&KffVm - , - wir(TiWWwl,rB mmmmmmmmm