FvR3vp? i t iw&mrmHMmmrnr-zvwKimBxmmmMmimmmKiim KWF hJH. , . '-.-.- r r w rt fV -,i'!i..-.-,'v - ..., fi i " .;.-:v.w i"-, ,-i:.w. "icvr , , ii.tm EVENING '. PUBLIC LBDaBR--PHIIiAP!BljPHIA, WEDNESDAY, SBPTBIIOBR 6, 1922 , FW.TK tM$T5&- 4 ,r - V ji vj-j.?- ateur Gelf Tourney at Brookline Is Representative of Whole Country KTrriin fll H PPiO N mlLUli uu wwiw I . MS9fctk K4&3 "'W'1 Heme-Run Hitters 10&P &&& JftJ ' in Yesterday's Games WT-gfa VSsM American leaece 4,iM$&m I Im." , : .y )J'1',r Yerk i JS F?5V;- 'A5K"-vV NATIONAL LRVOHE TklTfcl '. . - i , J rrlseh. New Yerk 1 J sx .... caa'WE'x'-j.T vb;"t gm VAIN BKsfSWaJH tBtf Mtlllgi 0 ' bell erJ 1A 1 W an i n cm, 4 tin "tit IctmK, treli ittl TerU, IM npleg tUb . bit loot til Ie li flail Ljjiand Match Play Allew Net a single ehh-wk k ' for Winner 5LLEY HAS BIG CHANUt l ..... nmrilenahlD is a real 1 . . averv nnirle of the . ,a seeker for honors must t'vt, worth en stroke competition rii-neofthe,ewestth.rty Liris no easy m "- f 150 best goners m "Ji ' if he is lucky enough te quail 5plfer who wins the tiUe must l his ability at ma'cn i " "; W11" ,i llntemiin. And ,,1.. five excellent I...-- . Hmtciplar w " """ "--" nwpm':. , w. n. Xltre is a vnni eiucu ... . ltlJMa fine mcnai r'? ' u" ,c"v ,1m at pitting "is """ ...- tun's in a iuu.v.... -. -"-- f Ber or less a matter of cold and bilititi; nerre. ictini way . i":r- ins abetter test ei rc.u p ; Shi mitch piny is no less a test of Land (Uhting heart. ,,,.. 5,rr u: . '".-,-,;,-"; wr. w" ""''- ..i " "' c; il ne even n ne " "- !!!ii. ..wvriivl thn noitien as Enc- & areatcst mcrlnlist. Telley, his r tStF en the ether fit. i looked en as V rK fl'ntst of Ensland's nmntcur mntch tr. mnej't Fine Chance Yet It was Telley, and net Wcthered, L came threucli with a magnificent IQt 111 ll'C IJUI...... ... .iv... j... e IS under the conditions thnt prevailed Brookline nns n plCIl(Ila mm, ana itM Enslnnd mere thnn a fichtine baet te walk nwny with the highest nun In American nmatcur geir. Te!lr Is an Ideal match player. Net K!r physically Is he fitted for the reding test of fueh a tetirnnment, as amateur nlnnys is. his mentnl nnd aptrament equipment is equally ideal. Irae, ne win nei nave tne moral ickinj of wch fine plavcrs ns Cavcn, '(tiered. Darwin and Mackenzie, but it sort of moral support Is unncccs irj, ai "Beb" Gardner proved two m age, when he carried England's iat te the thirty-seventh hole of the ill match In the British Amateur be lt losing out. Gelf la ns uncertain a game As is ijedbT the fens of men, but the odds alntt England are net ns great as they a at first glance. UbUphia's Bad Luck lie break of the luck that brnueht lttcj Greer against Jess Rnilfnrd. coriBIelMT" Beadle against "Bebby" HmBks, "bed Kampman against Frank HKcaiui ana x'aw&Ker fceeiey against MA" Gardner is typical of the mt that has nearly always gene PaUsst our lernl hnnaa in tU -nit ihmdt. " It us come te be almost expected It Fhlladelnhlnns will ha mnt.,1 lAliit the most brilliant stars in the ipmeni in we very nrst round. It is n hiHr i 'e uut Datl 1UCK' ana tne S,ur hemebreds can leek for. wJi ir' ln lualifying four men, Uwelphla turned a notable trick. w though none of them pnssel the reuna. reur registered cw York Yerk York llse went into tli colon. .in that does net actually mean that opal Metropolitan stars succeeded in L .?' T.we of them are Encllsh- B Willie" Hllnter nnH "Trr.' oeur, who nre slated from New Yerk daring their sojourn which has a long one in this country. "iun is jne only ether city te snd Zjr?"v,? ?0n9 lnt0 ,ne flnnl "ay ejrj did. thr(p roTireoonni.o k.:- il'iBx. fi,nij" :''""".""' """ ""..'"' ,aBl years cnnmpien ; 'KS ?raetA Bnl McPhall and P. wi X u v " ccun i. nun); our "jwn the braw and bonnie game Wt Is mentioned. P"'a PallurB ha! i been mnny a long year since lEi. ,8.a u?ual thing, the mnn of nit v"IRn ,n the Qualifying .- . vm cuuniea en te clve t RT,i.M..u.nt,9f hlmse,f ln the matches; CHELTENHAM PLAYERS IN FIRST PRACTICE v?rrtr ,- ," yf, , lenal Mi faW. MO" Ste I.KnUE TOTAI.3 American I.encus 4jjj National Lcniue ,, 439 ported te Coach S. Welcheans en th Cheltenham gridiron. Nene were mole skins. They were clnd In old clothes. A few were running trunks nnd jer sey, while terbes, the center, wnsx'lnd in n one-piece bathlnj; suit. All, hew ever, were loeionu snees, READING-FORFEITS CAGE FRANCHISE One of Organizers of Eastern Basketball League Decides te Quit Game ' FOUR TEAMS ARE READY . The Eastern Basketball League held a meeting te get plnns under way for the 1022-23 season last nlsht, but the outlook for the veterun cage organiza tion Id net be geed. Anether team Iiiin dropped out nnd the fnnR were rudely shocked this morn ing te learn that Heading hnd decided te forfeit its franchise. Itcndlng is one of the organizers of the league. On) four clubs have signified their Intention cf facing the barrier. They arc Trenten, Camden, Centesvllle and AVllkcs-Barre. The last is snldte be rather lukewarm te the proposal nnd is net really anxious te start. The ether managers would be mere than pleased with n new team te take the Barens' place. Mnny of the players who formerly played ln the Eastern League will be seen ln the Metropolitan circuit. The mngnntcs then Issued nn order which prohibits any plnjer in the Eastern Lcngue appearing in any games In which Metropolitan League teams ap pear. The outlook at this time is rather dubious bh te the personnel of the league. A couple of teams in this city should be pnylng prepositions, but ns yet no one wants te get Inte the game from all accounts, The Karwoed tlMerves. clghteen-twcnty year. A. Nemrtz, 1503 Seuth Twenty-ninth trcet. HILDA JAMES RETURNS British Swimming Champien Sails for England en the Mauretanla New Yerk, Sept. 0. Miss Hilda James, premier all-around vweman1 swimmer of Europe, sailed for her home in England yesterday aboard the Mau retanla. She was accompanied by her coach, William J. Howcroft, and Mrs. Ilowcreft. A delegation of star American girl swimmers was at the pier te wish the plucky British champion a safe return. While ln this country Miss James broke the world's record for 300 meters and the Amcrlcun standard for 300 yards, both in n race en August 5 in the Brighten Bench open-air peel. She also is carrying back with her the American medley championship, as -well as the glory achieved ln finishing third in the Jeseph P. Day Cup, international ocean swim of three and one-half miles. BIG WEST PHILLY GAME BUTLER WILL PLAY ST. WITH JOSEPHS Captain of Crimson and Cray .Will Be in Shr.pe for Cridrien "WILL BE BACK" MILLER It was the first time thnt Wnlrhfnn hnd charge of a Cheltenham grid tenm in four years. He tutored nt thnt In. Mitutlen hack in IMS when he left te Bartram Park Will Play Archbishop coach the tennis of tne Army nnd Navy Academy, at 'Washington. D. C. He returned as successor te Jehn It. Bow Bew man. Twenty-two candidates worked out under the direction of Conches Stan Cefnll nnd Jnck Orcer, of Catholic High, en the K. of C. grounds. The iirnctice marked the first time that a local scholastic eleven ever held a pre liminary out of town. Cefnll. the -new Cnthellc mentor, was pleased with his boys. IIe said that he hnd enough material te give Catholic a "winning team this fall, nnd that the ether teams will have te step lively. Orcer, who was head coach last year and who will assist Cofall this reason, was of the same opinion. lie said that prospects weie better for Catholic than they have been slnce 1017 when the school wen the city championship. 49th Annual Midsummer Sale Best Quality Rep Negligee Shirts Guaranteed Fast Celer Jp 1 a55 each Formerly Sold at $2.00 and $2,50 Silk Lisle Half Hese were 35c, new 25c pair Marshall E. Smith & Bre. Men' (Incorporated) AthUiie Furmihing 724 Chestnut Street Geed w-uu can ee counted en te clve a 2eunc Of himself In tl, ,.,.l... Hh. J Ar Marfiten hat been stepping K 'J? bt clip of his mere thai! IK? ,w.ee.r- wen the I'cnnsyl FT .championship for the second BEi. i. r ln'lln a11 the " tour teur rrwin which hn ttai mn..i... w an excellent showing. "'th.e.vt,"':f0"t.t Hit thf ... , "e et l" ClOUt - 5VwL Urn e1 th0. Rroekliuo links Bi J. e ?n Saturday. Max could . a uiint'i- n n tt AAn.iiiiu. i t . 1 wed for that, But the rnln i "'"vi ii pwJ Beadle ':" Ea'bl'erytha ?2inV debu; "re ,n tdl8-"ls E""'Je,,nny Beadle, who Is a club J." Greer's nt Mnnoret, Ant.. z',".0. who is the ;. -r: . an even hnrHnr flr.i,t notables. By PAUL PHEP "VOU can bet your life he will !" This was Heinle. Miller's answer when asked if Jack Butler would return te St. Jeseph's I'rcp Scheel this fall. Butler, captain of the Crimson and ' "'Gray eleven, was Injured in nn nutomeblle accident en the White Herse pike bctw ecn Phila d e 1 p h 1 a and Atlantic City. Accord ing te reports, bis shoulder blade was broken, and he was (enfined te a hospital at the hhere. Then word was circulated that Butler would net re- turn te St.. JACK BUTLER took a in. "i t0 Jenes' 73, while r ..uu.D u,a Swt. 70 t ?? TV.. '.. " .' WE?W ".."' . PhUndel- M th,,tl,1,Le.Pin9 Valley expert, fell 7 Parler Hu rrnn? udchaur, t Otida. . !!ley needed defeat at laV A ,verl nanus. TWt'a f..c,?5 two "-champions. hi.uL wverlte and Hfi,-J ' "UwB" U)0 much feV r rcp- Jeseph's Prep te captain the Cnthellc Schools' League champion football eleven. It was said that his shoulder would net permit him te piny tne gnu gnu Iren game for a year at least. Coach Miller, however, says ar the present time Butler Is, in perfect condi tion. "He will be back," said Heinle, "and I expect him te lead St. Jeseph's thieiigh nnether luctcs'ful season.' Jnck Butler is one of the beat centers developed in Philadelphia In recent jenrs. lie has played the pivot -position for the last two seasons, and suc ceeds the r.reat Lee Breslln ns the Crim son and Gray captain. On the attack there are few centers better than the St. Jeseph's enrjtaln. He Is accurate in his pntslng. nnd he can keep his opponent from breaking through the line. But It is en the offensive that Jack rinllr kMiips. Ife nlnvB a revlntr came. nnd is a sure tackier. He Is noted for his ability te smnsh plays. Twe Teams Held Initial Workouts Beth Cheltenham Fllgh and Catholic High held their initial practices of the icnsen vestcrdny afternoon. Chelten ham worked out at Elklns Park, while Catholic's drill took place en the K. of C. Country Club's grounds at Eddlng Eddlng ten, Pa. Approximately nrty canaiaates re- Ferrest A. C- TOUld Ilk tn hnnlr !. teams willing- te exchanra dates. The team Jehnsen streets street Ryan Team Tonight The Bartram A. A., composed of btrlctly West Phlladelphinns under the management of "Chuck" Francis, for- merlv of St. Ciirtlinee's tpntn. nlnvs fhn 1 Mreng Archblshen Hvnn chin nt Vlftv- .'. v .. -v-- -- - --:-. ieurtii street una oecimml ajuinue this I the strong Lincoln Giants of New Yerk. J he liartram was recently reorgan ized under the leadership of Francis, who has welded together n crackerjack team of home boys. Fer the remainder of the season they will play en their home grounds and nre anxious te hear from a few strictly high-class teams. " Tut Jacksen Suspended New Yerk, Sept. 6. The State Athletic commission has announced the suspension of Tut Jacksen, who played the part of a EV,nchlP.lt.l"1B for ""y Wills: his manager. JJ ! b; Palmer, and his publicity promoter. William JlcCarney. The suspension will re miln In force until such time as the clr- i-utiLs.uiii.ct uru uiesuHiiiru. ine cn&rffe S at ;i..n.h """" lw maneKer Is that he mlsrepre mlsrepre treunas i at Thirteenth and ,-nted the facts ns te Jacksen's physical i. H. Feldman. C07 TaeUer qudlincatlens and also his flghtlnir ability. SPRING GARDEN INSTITUTE N. E. Cor. Bread & Spring Garden Sts., Philadelphia. DAY CLASSES Electricity and Automobile A nine months' course ln electricity, both theoretic and practical. A two months' course In auto mechanics, repair shop experience. NIGHT Machine Shep Practice, Machine Shep Mathematics, Pattern Shep Practice, Automobile Electric & Mechanical. Fit yourself te take advantage of the trained men and women. CLASSES I Radie, Electricity; Mechanical, Architectural and Free Hand Drawing; Boek Illustration; I Arithmetic, Mathematics. opportunities open te technically EXCEPTIONAL FACILITIES AND LOW HATES ALL CLASSES OPEN SEPTEMBER 13 SEND FOB ILLUSTHATED BOOKLET FOPLAK 310B ENROLL NOW Fall Announcement Extraordinary $2950 FOR NEW SILK-LINED SUITS JVIEN'S and Yeung Men's " suits which we ordered built weeks age up te our own specifications and standards by a New Yerk manufacturer of clothing noted for his ability te put Fifth -Avenue styles into his fashion designs. Besides, they are silk-lined, built of very handsome all wool materials in tweeds, pencil stripes, Tartan checks, diamond and herringbone weaves. Every suit in this group is worth at least $40 and you will agree with us when you see them displayed in our windows. Sizes clear up te 4 2 -inch breast measure. Every suit spick, span and NEWI $29.50 William H. Wanamaker 1217-19 Chestnut Street 1 - - 9j ViiBsi mmB&dH bhh h r r.Y-Aal-J' -" . , IDMT-KLVItLnbt.K 'after every meal" miynOTiiBrairsrag3 PHILLIES v. BROOKLYN SEATS AT OtMriFXfl AND SPALDINOS COMPANY "C" rnenble man II one nliht a ex- P Scored for Week Mjjxree Big Leagues N'ATfni. . . ?H S'A'.t. w. T. v. h h am Ljif. m " Kit" si :: "'O ,. - - " " e k a m l'. 0 0 23 " ium i r it '' ; - hT " n e ' $i:.10 J": :::::: :: e, " n 15 i .tk, " n u." a ii .. ., 17 lead Enslnwrs wants eTTlr man ureferrni. Drill ..lf n.,n vnnPAIf fop the nrart invrrpnnv. nnd bnlld up rear phrsiuue. Pitntr of chnnce for adTiuiremrnt. KWr tne privileges of vrimm nesdav Armefr( nlld up renr pnrsique. rientr or en druncempnt. ,EnJer the privileges, mW peel end rifle rnxe, Apply r6 te fe P. SI.. Xugt. IJmi rr. Cor. Ilread nnd rallenhlll Sts. if n Werfi mated, DAILY Of "WI T 8TII Si HACK, JUT, DAI BIJOU BOXING TONIGHT In fonJ"nrtlen With lll I'prLvK H,low Flinky Kauffman ti. AI Heltzman temmy PAHrriJ, s. Pini, ImewN EDD1I5 IIUOWl t. Jlllir. ilHNDALL b BlallVftr'Bj ct fL i vcsm i ; Sfci ? V lci" (Zaia&'i -& Men's Hats bys and imedeleq yl and Velours. oft.. Inte.iaust sty reuimmsa new Derby Ilemei nvies am equal te Jefferion Hat Ce.. 135 S. lOA St Aute Lamps Repaired Nickel Plating Silver Plating Wrapped iri m Geed for valuable premium C120 1 K"W'i , - UjAfl ' 1 U , I T-J v' M !LW m i M il " va ip v31is. WJ4 rm m up IS ;? r ,H . t 31 !!7 1H II 1 & :. " ' " ': - - ?"! 4,, k" ! zzzlz: - n" r t XV k .-.tifrMt-, J A ftif t v " tn l t m w .ha ..M v. .. , 'frti.?rfirfA&iJfcJbti uJ)W,m