Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 06, 1922, Night Extra, Page 15, Image 15

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Hi a , ',"
KCK O JUDGMENT l-l By Edgar Wallace
tt nans
tu j Mr n htmivb v
rfllllfff. ". r'...iiliti. WlkiMff
. ?' ith aim w"v ."""-
MST te tba ety
;r .:-, -dan. vwzzs&r' xs
j-il Wl ?Vl""i''. m..
If"- .. JWWlfE. flU WWVT"
I W '".--... MuM.
'.. . k .ten ertM
ISWittVir. danhtf ?t B TfW.
ffltHATEIl Wsure than cither of
tef.tVMT;iiiSlnrsh wns preparing
"'S': jiniriure te New Yerk. SUe
Ph vi J nPt leisure In ber cozy Hat en
h. P4ln?fn ,V stepping new nnd
K m HeMtx tlic problem of the su
ai?, nrtlcle of clethlng-a prob preb
An"".lnt itself te nil packers.
5!;n whiles she arrested Iicr In
"hStak of oemethlng else. Kneel
, te tuinn ei ., , , trunk.
it M.D. D7. .... i .m te lenir rev-
SSSmmnV ncccptcrt stnndards
'T?.dcgrc e kedMcss.She
J rA7d e mind te recall nil
f'JStas be hud felt 1" leS
llWBS. t i.n Hetindnrr cans.
K, iinunuiT pleasure In her
"" ..:..i. R m rMnpniDcrca
SMS refused te be drawn Inte
?ftJSa fraud; she recalled her
t2tater?lw with, the colonel
JjaiUlUJH ,.,, (,, .,.; etlt the
Cfr'fnstruc ns In regard te
afford King. " ., h .
te" .hVwn Slad she had
tmrierleusly tried.
rUL m,i .witched te Crcwe nnd
Arightd back again. Crcwe wns th
But hce Ene am ""k " - --
'... .!. Alhnu nml wlllfllllV
KlVd Crce had always been kind
mL-t yl b si I
1 can glvB ytra Bex 0 tentcht,
IMlss Alnrsli," he said
toms. She looked nt her watch again
nnd then remembered the Orphcum. It
wns a favorite house of hers. Hlie could
always get a frce box, If there wen
one vacant, and she had spent many
bf her lonely evenings In that way.
.She had nlwnys declined Plnte'it offer
te elinre his own, nnd of late he had
net been Inviting her.
She dressed and took a taxi te the
Orphcum. The boeklng-ofBce clerk
knew her and, without asking her de
sires, drew a slip from the ticket rack.
"I can give jeu box C tonight, Mlii
Marsh," he said. "That Is the one"
above the 'governor's."
The governor was Pinte.
"Ilnve you n geed house?"
The youth shook his head.
"'e arc net having the houses we
had when Miss AVlilte was here," he
Mild. "What's become of her, mls?"
"I don't knew." said Lelllc shortly.
She had (e pas te the back of
Pinte's box te renrli the little stalr stalr
cnf.e which led te the box nbeve. She
thought she henrd voices, nnd. plop
ping in the deer, listened. Perhaps
Crcwe had come down or the colonel.
I5ut it was net Crewe's voice she heard.
Thn deer wne slightly njnr. and tlic
man who was talking wns evidently en
the point of departure, because she
glimpsed his hand upon the handle nnd
hlit voice wns se distinct that he must
have been finite near her.
three o'clock In the morning.
tker always courteous, iicr rmiiniuu.i t,rc(, ocieeK in the morning.
h all 'bad times. She wondered whntlYeu can't miss the nerodreme. It Is
Ed brought him down te his present a mile out of Bremley en the muln rend
r, .ndNvhy a nlfln possessed of cdu- nluj en (he. right. Yeu will see three
F .-j ..i, nt nun time, ns she
Bit en, anu "w "- "" ------
f , 'bad been en officer In n crack
& under Boundary's lnllucncc.
rshe made n Uttle face nnd went en
Litk h packing. She did net wnnt
think about urcwe mr uuiu n-u-'
v.f no lie had said but he
uj'n'ttald, she told hcisclf.
tf ttlth rlcturcs of her own humilia
tien, tneugn Site mnj iiuieniiui
lis Jeed that she wus capable of feeling
'1..1..1 .f nil Klin fiiuqheil lirr
rank, equcezed in the last article, nnd
ttiti down the lid.
Sfce looked nt her wrist wntch : It
us half pan nine. Stafferd King hntl
in isked te tee her. nnd she had the
netlng free. ... ,
Sb bad only speurn tne iruin wnen
A. L.J a1.I llntintln, ilinf fl,n nflllne
Kief had made no Inquiries as te the
Eiif. Stafferd King knew human nn nn
Bere rather well, and he would net
Kile the mistake of auctioning her.
Br perhaps it was because he did net
Kib te spoil the alue of his gifts
j filing a price the price of trench-
She wondered what the colonel was
nln anil T( ntn fl ml Cvnw n Slim
rimnpH lipp fnnf Ininntipntlr Khe .iir hi liis nrni
Kdultlng In the kind of Insanity of "In't It Mr
rblch hltnerte sue had shown no syinp- asked.
red lamns huriilnir In a tr ancle."
.... . r . .' ' .
u lie nerodreme 1 nc put tier liand
J in- HLnmivitici wik LflJl JMT linn
te her mouth te suppress an cuclamn
tlen. Pinte wns talking, but his volce
wns a mumble.
"Very geed," said the strange voice.
"I can rnrry three or four passengers
If you like. There's plenty of room.
Of course, If yeu're by jeurself, se
much the better. I shnll expect you
nt .1 o'clock. The wentber's fine."
The deer opened, nnd she crouched
ngntnst the wall te that the opening
deer hid her, nnd henrd Pinte call the
man back by nnme.
"Cnrtw right." she repented; "Cnrt
wrlght. A mile out of Bremley en
the mnln rend. Three lamps In n red
She was going te slip up the stairs,
hut the deer hnd closed en Cnrtw right,
and making n swift decision, she pussed
his box and enme again into the ves
tibule of the theatre. Presently she
saw the man appear. .She guessed it
wns he hy the smile en his face, and
when he said "Heed-night" te the at
tendant nt the harrier she recognized
his voice.
She followed him, but let him get
outside the theatie before she spoke te
him. Then suddciilj she laid her hand
Cnrtw right?" she
HOMEBIC (new) .Sent. (I Hrpl. JO Oft. 2
liUrSTIP nml wi in it n.i itu
B-VfMIC .- f"ept. SI . 1 Ve. I
v,k,tcenn (ornKNisreNM s. i,im:h-
SSRVLa "Jfitt. ! Ort. 7 Ner. 4
Kittfi Hfllt. 21 Ort.'21 N(l.' 1H
KXttS, Sept. 2.1 Nev. 11
vrritMsmr neticfs
Vn C-IU. 4.1 .101. II
'BLrfWK. ... . ..-. -"' "
BAVE"roK""',""l--,,1-,uuei'. ,.
rjTTSBmn (new) ". . nr. 5
"JSJrd ?lns PiM'tiMr enrrird.
hlTJBlTin (newV.
Utln and thlnl rlnv, n
..fDt. 10
P Re Star Lim
T.TXljYVnfTTir rurnnnrnn vh.i.Ai
IgSaHl c . . ect. un
KSkMy.j.... Pent, in Oft. 21
L"".: .::arsi-i"-83
10V. in
gflt. 23 Oct". 2 Tf e! "2
Hf lt. 30 Nev. 4 Iter. 0
AM) (direct) rtrt 7 J
JIIT.A. llArnimi n.vn
P .Ultlra-CIaM nanMHtCr nntwiS.l
fit fflv Tlinl ahI iwi'itii
UU-AIirU'lltA AJ
grot, in
BPt. 20
MJcIiIbiiii ....(Vt, 1
MnUii Ort. 1rt
Oci. 23
. - "i-i, .
American Line
l. W HASiBrnjp vi rr.vMOUTir and
$CHiWPA (3U r'Tnt. 7 Oct. 12 '.
rafleii" "nitjl Oct. an ,
MUAflU'lc tt
en U..(jevernmentdhips
Nfcw Reduced Rates
rastest lime
te Rie de Janeiro, Monttvldee, ondDuenea
Aires. Finest hlp American service
American Feed American comforts. Salt
ings from Pier 1, Hoboken.
8. S. Southern Cress . . Sept 16th
S. S. American Legien . Sept. 30th
8. S. Pan America . . . Oct. 14th
8. S. .Western World . . Oct 2Bth
Fortnightly thereafter
Ferdescnptlr booklet, addrmn
Munson Steamship Lines
67 Wall St. New Yerk City
Mtnijlnft Operators for
ATMNTin TlMveniw, , .!
PHif.Aiiv .". v y.y'tr
m. I I W Wftmnt.Tn Xli- a nr J?
tw -J lj iJriirt iiivj a.3jilj jj
i. rii
KK?.''S -fefnt. 13
r-"" ...UMit. mi-.
JJJ"'!'AN I). VUKRIf 1 f .1 VB
i!?KUl"nte Marine Ce
;f ltl.ii.
nidi.. I'l.lia.
J Y., Plymouth Havre-Parii
sWlSHRtl' S''n I? 0,t- Nnv. J
l'A!5Tl'.ST MAII
te t lirrlteurir vnd Scmtlmni)liii
. .. i- t. a. . .... a J. :.....
nr.iiUL.. in J..I Ifclll'j;
stent 12 Oct. 3 Oct. 24
IIKKF.MIAIIIA Mi't. 1! Oft. 10 tut. 31
MAI KETANIA Sent. il Oil. 17 Nei. 7
N. V le Plymouth riitrbuure and llnmburtr
SAXIIMA .... M'Pt. U Ott. 14 n'ev. :e
fAKO.MA ,. Oft. B Ne. 4 lire, e
l"?AHYMVSlX0b.h. .(Ql'teN,:;i,rn.1) M'l.i'h"P'
Ulll.MA niiu (lit. H
XT V n T nnllfiTiilapril n ml ll
IA (new) Htnt. U Oct. 7 Ne
-v. V
rOLI'MlllA . Scut. Ill Oct. H Nev. 11
""""IS. ''VI'" .
ItNt AMA (new) hpyt. 0
a K. r tM4 uiriw nryi, nr . .-
T)ntei. te I.ondendcrrj und LUrrtxtnl
lUlnn. n (1la..iu M, "
-iafirv s.L Jiff?Hi'T
Tin nt fin tn Dnennutnu n nil T lnnr,....i
TYnilllKNIA (iiih) . ' ..
rhllailelpnm te lnilen
VlIKill IA nrt.
1.1 .!."
"i ?i.,uO.
SSV.- ,U P.".- 2'. Nv. 18
' ' 11 (II-
JfPt. 10 Oct, 20 1
V,g0 (sPein)-BORDEAUX
,'" fur'd.,:,,. hr"- !J "c- Nev. 23
Emile C r ? I'1' or wrl"' t0
1335 37 wyiel'n,c Gene"l Agent
"37 Walnut St., Philadelptia.
WpggHng 1. .yrc70Urn.i
4??5b d McC0RMACKf INC.
wmb. 038S M,.in 7r.i.,
- iikini ii i(r e
I'hUadPiphln te Olbriltnr Milia AlpxnnJrla"
ii-irui Tripoli, rnmneusift (Ujerus)
H. h. itni;u ak lis mii n
. Miur Ixn-al ft'NAIin Aupnt. or write
ri NAitn a ANCiieii unwur n-vi.s
lni.aiatlfraa. n.T1 1mil lffllnn, O, M. ' '
I'fluai llipatr fliflr
rrrl.ht Olllff
lSdO Wnlntit Pt,. PMli!;
llenr.i. 111,1,-.. i-hfliV
1 'i ?.." TieTd"-- uv0AfA-. wV I'i'A.
i cla.J"J " i-J. 1'uc fle iuura
JBrWeiii ?." pt.
r S B"IIH UCl.
if E1"' st. tf.'ifi0 L!s
RR jeivt senvict with
Br New Amn-lcan - FUx Stearacra
III sitl.t'ri: srpt. 10 Ort. 17"
ItlXIAM I tlct. 3 Oft, 31
Sailings every Tbur lay, by the ppo ppe
lar stramcrs Mount Clay, Mount Car Car
eoll, Mount Clinten, llanta, lUyem,
Wuerttrmheri, null jpccinl cabin and
improved third class accommodation.
UNrran American Lines, inc.
21) llriHiilmi-, N V. or l.nciil Affenti
"The Comfert Reut"
Nf Yerk Chrrlieurir
riouthuinuten lliunburr
nitniTV . fpt. 11 Oct. it Nei.sn
01(1)1 N . suit. Ml Oil. 21 (. go
OlttH'K.SA Hcpt. 81) Nev. 4
2U llreadwuy. N. V., or local aacnl
Ha looked round Inte her mllln
face in surprise, tnkli.fr off his hat.
"That la toy name," he eaid, with
a ninlle. "I don't remember "
"Oh, I'm a Mend of Sir. Silra," the
said. "I're heard n let about you."
"Oh, indeed?" enld he.
He was a llttle puzzled because he
thought thnt the prejecttjl flight was a
dead secret, and she, guessed his
"Yeu won't tell Mr. Bllva I told
you? He begged me net te repeat it
te anybody, even te you. But I knew
he's leaving tomorrow morning; isn't
He nodded.
"I knew an awful let," she said;
and then: "Won't you come nnd have
supper with me? I'm starving I"
Cnrtwright hcsltnted. He had net
expected me chnrtning a diversion and
really there una no reason vthy he
should net accept the invltntlen. He
was net due at Bremley until early
in the morning, and the girl was young
and pretty and evidently a friend of
his pmpleycr. It was she who hailed
tiie tnxl, and they dreve te a nelcct
little restaurant nt the back of Shaftes
bury avenue.
"Yeu're net seeing Pinte ,1 mean.
Mr. Sllvn agnln tonight, are you?"
she asked.
"Ne; I'm net seeing him until
well, until I see. him." He smiled
"Well, I wnnt te tell you something."
He thought she wai charmingly em
bnrrnssed, nnd in truth she wns te In
vent the story she hnd te tell.
"Yeu knew why Mr. Slha is leav
ing Lnglnnd in such n hurry?"
He nodded. She wished she knew,
tee, or hnd the slightest inkling of the
yarn which 1'inte hnd spun. And then
the mnn enlightened her.
"Political," he snid.
"Exactly; political," Rhe fald eas
ily. "Hut you will willze thnt it is
net necessarily he who is making this
"I did understnnd that he wns rank
ing the flight himself." snid the avia
tor In -surprise.
"But" she w'as desperate new
"lin he never told you of the ether
gentleman who wns coming, the ether
political person who really most re te
Portugal at once?"
"Ne, he certainly did net," said
Cnrtwright; "he told me distinctly that
he was going himself."
The girl leaned back in her chair,
baffled but thoughtful.
"Oh, of ceurse he told you that,"
she snid with a knowing smile. "Yeu
see, there arc seme things he is net
allowed te tell you. But de net be
surprised if you have two passengers
instead of one."
"I shan't be surprised: I shall be
pleaied. The machine will carry half
a dozen," sold Cnrtwright readily, "but
I certainly thought "
"Walt till you see him," said the
girl, waving a finger with mock solem
nity. He found her a cheerful companion
through the meal, but there were cer
tain interval-, of abstraction In her
cheerfulness, intervnls when she was
thinking very rapidly and reconstruct
ing the plnn which l'lnte hnd made. 80
he was ene of the rnts who were desert
ing the sinking ship nnd leaving the
colonel and Crewe te face the music.
And Crcwe that wns the thought up
permost In her mind.
Wllpn aim nnrfn.1 ft.- .1..- .-,11-. !..
had only ene thought te worn the
colonel of Pinto'e treachery and te
warn Crewe. And somehow Crewe
seemed te bulk most importantly at
thnt moment.
What should she de? It was her
sense of loyalty which brought the col cel
pncl first te her mind. She must warn
him. She went Inte a tube-station
telephene box nnd rang his apartment,
but received no answer. Her quest for
Crewe hnd ns little result. She drove
off te the tint, thinking that possibly
the telephone might be out of order, or
thnt they would hnve returned by the
time she renclinil thnrn hut ihnm -me
---aw, aa.av -. a 1 1, . u .I1J 1
no answer te her ring. She went out
again into tiie street in despair and
walked slowly toward Ilegcnt street,
alien she snw two people ahead of her
nnd rcceenlzm! tlm uinn nt ii. Li
enel's shoulders. She broke inten run
and overtook them. The colonel swung
round ns she uttered his nnme and
peered nt her.
Te be continued tomorrow
Cevvrieht. MeCtura .Vnespar.r fliia,cat
a ! I ! 1 ,IMa
r v . VCXV
v VJ
Wanamaker's Down Stairs Stere
Opening the Scheel Sale of Shoes
for Girls and Beys
All at One Price, $2.90
i . i r -s rfrm ji ir" "
"COME ON, NOW . . .
Put the Words in Their Mouths
Every $
for the cleverest dialogues submitted in the
great "Supply tlw Dialogue" Contest every
week in the Sunday Public Ledger.
A aeries of everyday incidents, cleverly portrayed, with
the participants fairly speaking aloud their emotions.
What are they saying? What would you say, in the same
predicament or circumstances? A gre"at chance for
nimble wits te make money, together with an oppor
tunity te afford entertainment for the entire family.
Attached te a page of the SUNDAY PUBLIC LEDGER.
Sept. 10, wjll be a picture, together with a coupon for
your answer, name and address. Sec the last page of
the Comic Section.
Each week of the duration of the contest a new picture
will be shown, and CASH PRIZES of FIFTY
DOLLARS paid each week for the cleverest dialogues.
Prizes of $25.00, $10.00, $5.00 and ten of $1.00 each.
Answers submitted each week must reach the Public
Ledger by Wednesday following appearance of the
Prize winners will be announced the following Sunday.
Order your next Sunday's Public Ledger today te avoid
disappointment, because everybody is going te get busy
en this entertaining contest. Laughs for the whole
family. Fun and Profit combined.
Read the Rules of the Contest as
They Appear in the Public Ledger
Sunday, September 10th
Order your copy tedau, te be sure of
startirtff with Ne. 2 of this contest
"Make It a Habit"
of Philadelphia
CYRUS II. K. CURTIS, Publisher
New, then, the children's shoes!
Wanamaker's Down Stairs Stere has geed news ! The children's Shee Shep will held,
beginning tomorrow, the first Scheel Sale of Shoes at this one price, $2.90.
Shoes' for the youngsters of three years I
Shoes for the "almost-grown-up" suh,deb of 12 and all the yeais between.
Shoes for boys of 3 te 12 and a little elder,
Geed, strong, sturdily built lacel shoes of dajk tan leather with solid leather soles
and perforated tips. Comfortably wide straight lasts, se that youngsters' busy feet can
grew naturally in them without "hurting."
The girls' shoes ceme in tan or blnck leather, I The boys' shoes mostly have rubber heels already
sizes e xe a, ti" te 11. lltt te 'J. The lievs' shoes , uiuitucu.
ceme in sizes 10 te 13 .4 and 1 te 5'4.
The girls' shoes have spring nnd sliphtly bl&hcr
heels, according te size.
The girls shoes nrc in the Down Stairs Phne
Store at Chestnut Street. The boys' shoes are in the
Down StaiM Shee Stere en the Gallery, Market
Central Aisle
Something- Special!
Deuble Mesh Hair Nets
60d Dezen
Many women really prefer
them because of their long-wearing
qualities nnd their firm,
smooth appearance, but have felt
them tee expensive for general
wear. New here they are- at this
very low price.
Cap or fringe style, made of
real human hair and in thn rijc
4 Vnnted shades blonde, light, me
dium, and dark brown, auburn
end black.
Single-mesh hair nets in the
same shades are -10c dozen.
White Leather Belts
Specially Priced, 25c
A manufacturer's end-ef-the
t-oahen clcaraway at just half the
earlier price.
Whit in plain or perforated
style. ANe white combined with
blnck or colors. All have pearl
1500 Bandeaux Just in
at 35c
Fust we've had in a long -xhlle
te sell for se little.
Pink broche and basket weave
j with front or back fastening cut
te fit well and wear long. All
sues from 32 te 4 1.
(Ilium liln Mnrr, Oiitrnl A.nli)
Men's All-Weel Suits, $15
Seme of them have been en sale before at .$15, but the
size and style assortment became se broken that reinforce
ments had te be called in from higher-priced groups. They
are all all-wool cheviets and cassimercs in plain blue and
geed-looking novelty mixtures. Thoroughly reliable in
quality in fact, we believe they are just about the best
suits $15 will buy. Sizes 34 te 44 in the group, but net in
every style.
Palm Beach and Mohair Suits, 38.50
.j i1 fUirly p,oed BcIcctin. in the let still plenty of "wcarinc
iw September never gees out without a parting shot of warm
weather. Light and dark colors. Geed, conservative styles. Sizes 31
te 41 in the let, but net in every .style.
(Down Rtalrs fltnre for Men. en the nailery, Mnrkrt)
Te Outfit the Scheel Girl
Is the particular business and pleasure of the Down
Stairs Stere for Girls just new. Here every apparel need
lias been anticipated, and the result is an uncommonly inter
esting collection of well-planned, moderately priced school
girl apparek
m New gingham frocks for the classroom have just
arrived, priced $3.25. Checkerboard block patterns in green
or brown developed in straight line, low-belted style and
trimmed with a bit of zephyr embroidery. Anether model
in blue or brown checks is trimmed with white pique. Sizes
7 te 14 years.
White jean middy blouses for school and sports are SI
te S3. Regulation and novelty styles, with white or colored
cellars and cuffs. Sizes 8 te 20 years. Weel sorge bloomers
for gymnasium wear are S3.50 and $5. Navy blue or black
Scanter-cut bloomers of black sateen are S2. Sizes 1 te 6
years. .
.. - Tweed knickers in various colors and patterns are
5o.e0. Well cut, cuffed at knee and finished with a trim
belt. Sizes 12 te 20 years.
(I)invn Mnlr-i Stere. Market)
30-Inch Japanese Crepe, 35c Yard
.... C4ri"kIy crepes in brilliant shades make the eaucict of frocks for
little tots. Just a touch of embroidery or a bit of centinstintr crone
nnd the trimminp problem is settled. '
Orange, yellow, blue, green, lese, pink, brown and white.
(I)enn Stnlrn .Stere, Central)
Wilten Rugs for the Heme Beautiful
The ideal background for a comfortable, well-furnished
home, with their rich colors blended in attracts e patterns.
Se tremendously serviceable, tee; firmly "backed" and with
a close, firm nap. E.xcellent range of wanted sizes
r'.x &4-inch Hugs, ?8.e0. i 9 x 12-ft. Rues. sr,7.r,n.
10 wjiMuneiry
Opening Day in the Down Stairs Stere Mil
linery Salen, planned for women who really want
te RL'Y their Autumn hats new, while the style
ideas are newest and most interesting and the
assortment of models is at its best ! Surely, there
is a becoming hat for f every one! Big, flaring,
dashing hats. Small, saicy, chic hats, flats that
frame the face or that fellow the line of the
coiffure. Velvets, panne velwjts, metal-cloth
novelties and duvetynes. With rich, glowing
black in the predominance, the rusts and hennas
the royal purples, blues and tan.s make equal
claim te admiration and beaut v. Aboeall these
hats are se eminently WEAKARI.E. And the
price, we think, is extremely moderate only
(Iuii ilrs Mnr, MurUit
1.6x7.6-ft. Rul's. S26.50.
6x9-ft. Rugs, .$39.
8.3 x lO.G-ft. Rugs, $65.
ll.nwn Slnlrn Stere, ( lientnut)
0xl5-ft. Ruirs. S100.
11.3xl2-ft. Rugs, 100.
11.3xl5-ft. Rugs, $12.5.
Cerselettes, $2, $2.50
and $3
They are light, they aic easily
adjusted, they launder well
three leasens why women find Un
combination biassierc and girdle
perfection for sports wear. Made
of pink bieche in back-fastening
stjle. Skirts have clastic section-,
and ery light boning. Tops haw
tape shoulder straps. Size.-. .51
te 16.
(Iluun s,r.i sinr,, (,.,nral)
Women's Cotten
Underclothes, $1
$1 for bloomers of pink batiste
or p.nk and white sateen with
hemstitelcl ruffle. at the knee
C'aiefully icnifureed.
SI fei .soft white batiste
numse. ;t(l! an,i c-mbieiderv
trimmed and with built-up shoul sheul
di r. Sirs .'if. te 11.
1 for white nightgowns in
thue h i 01 cmbreidetv ti i mined
i-t. li ,. All hae short hleec.
Si.is i.-,. C, 17.
ilium, -iuir s,,rn (.nirnl)
New Frecks of Cleth and Silk Enter the Sale
el Autumn Fashions, $6 te $45
25 W $35
Interesting new arrial in the Down Stairs Fashion
Stere, many of them "copied of ver much higher-priced
models. Designed with the utmost regard te KOed style
executed with a nicety and finish truly admirable.
Prices begin as low as SG, at which one may cheese a
geed-looking frock of naxy blue serge, nicelv made out
lining and effectively braid trimmed. Sizes 1(5 te 10. At
$25 the selection is particularly interesting. Smart 'coat -frocks
el Peiret twill are $2,-; trimmed with a new kind of
gray embroidered braid and completed with the girdle
ornaments. Sizes 10 te -10.
The larger woman who must wear carefully designed
clothes and yet would fellow the fashion, will like thedis
t.nctive model of peiret twill pictured. Straight and slen-'
doming of line, distinguished with trimmings of braid
embroidery and tiny beads. Navy or black, sizes U te 52.'
1 no price is S35. Canten crepe dresses for larger women
are only $17.50, and crepe-back satins only .$30.
Other Cleth and Silk Dresses, .$10 te $45
m... MPC d dli"0' Ca,,,te i-iepes, Peuet twills, mignonettes sotires
"m-y T;n Kv"yth,nK fre,,ihe Pl"in' ines"likl. f eek 'for
ceiy day te the costume dies. Newly len-r of line manv Htrikl,,,,
ttonewr color-note , uiniming, many InUllS: ZvU Auffif
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(Dinwi Stalri fitnrc, Market)
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