iA i s. ' 1 ' . ' ! rr-H: .. 1 : . : ' . i-J .. '. : ? "j " " i : T ' '" ' '"' A SENATE RESUMES lnt Hnnlini M nnil ihn Ai!mlnltmMnn. court chaplain, died he" yesterday after W AltheiiRli rnll entnnglcments nre still te a prolonged lllncfs. Dr. Drynndcr for mnny yenrs wns b leading figure In the religious life nt the Ocrman court. Ie wan n prime fa vorite of former IJmprrer William, end both before nnd during the war wai n stanch supporter of the Emperor. Dr. Dryander officiated at the wcddlngH of all the children of the Imperial couple who were married at court during his Incumbency. STRAVBRIDGE & CLOTHIER m inCcd, tlie Admlnlstrntlnn'R nnllnv In thpt regnrd Is neon te have been uefl- COALBILL FIGHT Industrial Situation Will Preb ably Be Discussed at Cab inet Meeting nltely cast In the Injunction suit. V-Il EX-KAISER'S CHAPLAIN DIES Dr. Ven Dryander Was a Prime Favorite of Wllhelm Berlin, Sept. R. (By A. P.) Dr. Emit von Urynndrr, former lmperlnl Beating of Tem-Toms Make Re sort Wild West by the Sea V GOVERNOR IS TO ATTEND LEADERS BACK IN CAPITAL ji ni.nflfch te Brenhtff rubric Lttetr ' 'Ha N. 4.. Sept. fi.-Indmn rtltb nnd wigwnins, cowbers nnd cow .. -.i i. mppBxnnt bent of tem- tZ hve temporarily made this place ...,i.i wMt lir the pen Btnaff nrc Btrelllnn the Henrdnlk JJln-nrm 'with pMcfncc. without wnrrlns pib "'" u"1- "" - mewing tunc pence reigns inv f their tribe (mptlmHn is Minremc. 1 !i.ii u n mirtlnl clanrc at the setting for the historical pageant which opens Lri tonight for one wcr)., under the ! "pice, of the Wnpella Tribe of Red . The Daughters of Pocahontas are dln practical co-operation., n,rnni crowded 'with unique treats premises te keep all these who lapfen te be at Camp "Wlldwoed en ttrlS5IJehn Tumor, chairman of the psgenat. will ihnt tu,I,K, nre kcnt Vremment'men from nil parts of the fitJtc will vilt here during Hie rero rere nL Governer Edwarfis and his 52ff Senators Edge nnd Freyllnghuv in are among ethers of prominence he have been invited. Following Is the pregram: Tonight at 8:30 o'clock, flag raising, community singing, clam bake council f wnr and smoking of Jnlmncts. Wed tt.Septen.berO, 8:150 P. M., llag Wng, community singing, attacking ind burning of leg cabin h' warriors. ThurFclnr. September i, 8:30 P. M., flnir raising, community singing, sun iMce by members of vnrleus tribes. Mule bv tem-toms. Degree teams will tlve drills and irmrohes. Friday, Sep tember 8, 8:.'10 P. M., flog raising, com munity singing, corn dance, drills by degree teams. Saturday, 8:.10 P. M., rnisinc. remmunltv singing, com- 'jnunttv songs, snake dance, music by , tem-toms. Sunday, 8:30 P. M., flng Wllng, community singing, landing of Columbus, tnblcaux, ex roast. Men- I dny, 7:0 P. M-. l'arnde by lied Men r in'd Degree of Pocahontas. Line of ! march will form nt (1:30 .haip en, TunipT avenue. Pnrnde will march from Juniper nenup te Pacific nvenue. i Pnrlfic nvenue te Andrew nvenue. An- I drew acnuc te Renrdwnlk nnd up the Boardwalk te Ocean Pier. 5) I'-vM.. tnauerntle ball at the Ocean Pier. 10:30 1 M., automobile given nwuy. GREEKS BEGIN EVACUATION OF ASIA MINOR, IS REPORT Safety of Thousands of Christians at Stake, It Is Said Londen. Sept. .". (By A. P.) News ef the successive reverses suffered by the Greeks nt the bunds of the Turkish Nationalists In Asia Miner is believed lere te forecast early evacuation of the entire area by the Greek army. Indeed, the evacuation has nlrendv bejiin, according te the Daily Mail, which quotes Greek nflieinl circles in Londen us declaring the niinv will he out of the country within three weeks. The newspaper attributed te its Greek official infnrmnnt the statement thnt the nrmr is worn out with lighting. The Dally Telegraph's diplomatic correspondent s.'ns the Greek Govern ment notified Gie.it Britain en Nut tirdiv of Its decision te evacuate Asia Miner, including the Smyrna enclave. ind asked the assistance of the Allies In nn.inglng nn nrniKtice. It an nounced its inability longer te guar ntee the snfetv of the Christian om em nunltles throughout the ceuntrv or the allictl nationals in Snijrnn and mbse Quently put forward the ideii that evac uation of nil the Christian civilians nh well ns the Greek troops would be neccsnrv. The safety of these thousands of Chrlstlnns new seems te be the chief concern of the Allies, w!iem warships lone, it is said, stand between them nd possible annihilation. A Greek communiitue reports thnt the Greek nrmy in Asia Miner has re pulsed nnd routed the Turkish Xation Xatien lists cast of Ilrusa. Bv Aaiectatcd .Prem Washington, Sept. 5. With the con vening of the Senate and lloese after ijirhfl Laber Day adjournment nnd a meeting or tne raeinet today, tlie uov uev ernment was again centering Its atten tion en the coal nnd rail situations, llcturns of officials nnd labor leaders who left (ewnr te spend the holiday or te fill speaking engagements were ex pected te further bring te a focus the industrial situntlen after the brief lull In developments. Attorney General Dougherty, who has been absent from thecnpltal since his trip te Chicago te institute the Government's Injunction suit against the striking railway shop shep men, was among these expected back. The Administration hill te prevent profiteering in coal prices was still be fore the Senate today. Chairman Cnm lulus, of the Interstate Cnmmcirc Cemmlltee. was prepnred te continue his efforts te have the Sennte substitute its own bill for thnt nlrendv pnWd by the Heuse, which he has stated he be lieves gees outside the jurisdiction of the Federal Government by ntxlei InUinc te regulnte Intrnstnte movement of coal. The constitutionality of the Sen nte bill also wns under discussion when the Senate ndjeurned Saturday, several Democratic Senators raising the ques tien Discussion of the Industrial situntlen In the light of the Government's In junction suit In the rnll strike, nnd nle the virtual settlement of the nn thrnclte dispute, were looked for at to day's Cabinet meeting. The lntter de velopment Is generally viewed ns hav ing very materially lightened the bur den of the Industrial crisis for Presl- MASKED KLANSMEN MARCH, DEFYING WIZARD CLARKE Ttke Part In Laber Day Parade at Atlanta Despite Ban Atlanta, On., Sept. 5. In direct dc Unce of orders from Imperial head quarters, fifty Atlanta Ku Klux Klnna tntn yesterday marched In n Laber Dny parade fully masked. Hundreds of JMn, evidently ether Klansmcn, lined '"treets and cheered with the sheut: de te it, bejs, Clarke can't dictate te us. fcdnnrd Yeung Clarke, noting Im 1.a , Ufard of tl,e K" Klux Klan, Me tlgned an order forbidding Klnns JMn te appear masked except In ledge joems. The men who dlsebejcd him rc members of the order's drum and DU!e corps. He s out of town. Fert Werth, Tev ev. .Tnkn,a, A,-. O'fin. Itiuinils" County Sept. his parish I'urien neusn Sunday night by ten B. The priest at was taken from JnUi ."."-," :." V "9" chmi . ". "la llsSed. lie wns nc nc teaed .' b?',?R " American nnd op ep W1 te public school). BABY GEJS QCEAnTaSS B"-n en Ship and Can Travel Free for 21 Years Yort, Sept. B. When the Fred "" HI. of the Scendlnnvlan-Amer-"a Line, decked nt Hobekcn yester- ' BU0 nod n brand-new i2"' lrc"(,r"n, the fHo-dny-elt! I." OI -rs. .Marta Dogedn, of This Hall Lantern fn hammered burnt brass finish adds a j I c a a ( n e touch te tic O et hie or Tuder Hall. . iffHERE is grace te Sthe plainest and simplest fixture that graces our showrooms. There IS art in sim plicity, you knew. Lighting Fixtures BIDDJ.E-GAUMER CO. 3846-56 Lancaster Ave. Tak Ne. 10 Car In Subway Open Saturdir Till 12 Cnean) I'henc IlARIns 07(10 T70R Centuries the homes of civilized people have, by means of furniturej decoration and arrangement, accurately portrayed their owners' morals, culture, tastes and refinement. These homes rep resented and spoke vividly the individ uality of their possessor. Of late years there has been a tendency te embrace hectic colorings and overfurnish everfurnish ing. This in addition te offering a ready welcome te le. dernier cri in various articles for the home all obtained at the expense of personality and character. A recent investigation, conducted among three hundred homes of supposedly correct furnishing and arrangement, showed less than twenty-five per cent any degree, individuality. te possess, in Valiant's have ever sought te express, in both furniture and decorations, the indi viduality of their owner te assist him in selecting such articles as will convey character and taste and at a moderate cost. Valiant's extend te you a most cordial welcome te visit their several departments, where a courteous and helpful service will offer you advice and assist you in making the selection you desire. VALIANT FURNITURE DECORATIONS "Valiant Service ta Cordial Valiant Prices are Moderate" Baltimore 224-26 North Charles Street Philadelphia 1822 Chestnut Street II Hill f n brand-new Hrrlvnl 1 rcdenkn, the r of MrB. Marta wty. O. Atlntl ' ,ia,l', tn In mid tern 1,f,?",1.J.,nnu?1- nccerdliiR te ciin ffi,U(." ,h0. Bl"P. .I'nptnln J. ! round'.. , L'"e ""i:ntj Gnve "" t Jear V vl KUU" ,or iwenty-one nie'r. Vn?nvT- , The emcn piin. ffika'T'?,, Clt'"''! f0r th0 BlnU a te stock jlsmn erpimu asylum. MAN INHERITSJ5 SQUAWS Jliine,eta State Senater Gets War inland Feathera In Indian's. Will Cw8?MT; ".-Plftcwi Indian ''taliuuerm11,1"8 n",, 0,1,cr nle airf'Sdimnn ftI,int,rr' f Walker, by Lake I.n""?1:"11:0'". of the Leech ti, vim,''," ,n Northern Mlnne-iB-:...,Ul. died recently, the ,.,. -.uuunrpii . n. ,- ' b ' JveilTUHV Benat ctded the Senater Mrry. said he was unde- what V.. 'i,1? ae nnae , ,mt he wuld de with the be- Remodeling and Repairing at Moderate CestT. Purchasing Agents' Orders Accepted 1115 CHESTNUT ST. C Opposite Keith's Theatre) Mail Order a Promptly Filled ODD FUR LOTS Te Clese Out at Tremendous Price Concessions The response te our August Fur Sale was greater than we antici pated. The intense selling during that event left us with a number of odd lets and incomplete sizes. Since these lets cannot be replaced, except at much greater cost, we plan te dispose- of them new. Here is your opportunity te secure Furs of FORBES' Dependable Quality at even less than August Sele prices. They have been drastically reduced for quick clearance. The small quantities make early shopping advisable. A SMALL DEPOSIT WILL RESERVE YOUR PURCHASE SPECIAL FOR TOMORROWA GROUP OF ONLY THIRTY COATS (11) French Seal Coats, embroid ered linings. Brown Mai met Coots, self trimmed. , (6) Fiench Seal Capes chin cellars. (4) Leepard Cat Coats, trimmed. Full-sweep Chin- French Seal $59 TOMORROW SPECIAL AT $85 (11) 40' Marmet Kuccoen Brown Coats, TrlmM. (6) -length Natural Muskrat Coats. (10) tf - length French Seal Coats, Skunk Trimmed. SPECIAL AT 7.50 Natural Squirrel or Natural Mink Chokers. Other Fur Coats, Capes & Wraps at Great Savings (1) Brown Marmet Ceat $ 34.50 (7 French Seal Coats 48.50 (3) Leepard Cat Coats 59.00 (4) Brown Marmet Ceat3 59.00 (3) French Seal Capes 79.50 (11) Brown Marmet Coats, raccoon trimmed 85.00 (10) French Seal Coats, skunk trimmed 85.00 (4) Bf own Marmet Coats, raccoon trimmed . 9800 (9) French Seal Coats, squirrel trimmed. . . . 122. '00 (3) Scotch Moleskin Coats 125.00 (5) Muskrat Coats, raccoon trimmed 125.00 (2) Black Caracul Coats 140.00 (3) Caracul Capes, squirrel trimmed 165.00 (2) Scotch Moleskin Capes 165.00 (4) Natural Raccoon Coats 169.00 (2) Hudsen Seal Capes 195.00 (4) Hudsen Seal Coats, skunk trimmed ... . 245.00 (3) Natural Squirrel Coats 295.00 (2) Hudsen Seal Wraps 345.00 (1) Alaska Seal Wrap 360.00 (2) Natural Squirrel Capes and Wraps 395.00 (1) Natural Mink Ceat 745.00 Hudsen Seal i dyed Muskrat; French Seal is dyed Ceney TOMORROW SPECIAL AT 125 (3) 42" ninck Caracul Capes. (5) 40" Natural Muskrat Coats, Raccoon Trlm'd. (8) - length Scotch Moleskin Coats. SPECIAL AT 14.50 Stene Marten or Raura Marten Chokers. 85c 85c Thousands of High-grade Aluminum Kitchen Utensils One of the outstanding features of the Semi-Annual Sale of Heusefurnishings new in full swing is this great collection of wanted Aluminum Kitchen Utensils from which thrifty women may take their pick at 85c. There are Covered Cooking Kettles, Beiling Kettles, Deuble Boilers, Pets and Pans of every description, Percolators a variety tee great for detailed description. The saving is one-third, and in some instances mere, at 85c. The Sale also includes ether Aluminum Ware, as well as Enamelware, Tinware, Woodenware, Breems, Brushes, Seas, Cleansers, Refrigerators, Ranges, Steves, Sewing Machines everything for efficient, sanitary and labor-saving housekeeping at savings that will delight every thrifty woman. The savings are 20 te 33 per cent. - Straw brldite & Clothier Fourth Fleer, Ontre Fine Hand-Made Blouses, $2.35 This is a small let of the very desirable Perte Rican Hand-made Blouses which have been greatly reduced for immediate disposal. 'They arc all of fine white batiste which launders se satis factorily and every tiny tuck and bit of drawn-work is daintily done by hand even the fine Irish lace and filet lace edging used te trim them, is hand-made. These are just the Blouses you will need for your new Autumn suit. Strawbrldje & Clothier Second Fleer, Centra y s& A New Cleth Dress of Unusual Style Distinction One of the new twills that affects the new waist-line, the tailored wide sleeves, the fash ionable side-closing with orna ment fastening, and a side drape of silk crepe that adds te smartness by adding te its length, and gets right into the inner circle of fashions by means of its circular influence. Others equally nttracti-c, of fine twill cord and Peiret twill, in smart coat, panel and straight-line models, some slightly diaped toward a side closing. Sonic have smart bleuse backs, ethers with nu merous tailored panels. A few have loose draplngs. Black, navy blue and dark Urewn. Contrasting color facings and vestees s.hewn en many models. Prices $25.00 te $100.00. HtrnubrldKB & Clothier Secen 1 I'loer, Market St. Fine New Wilten Rugs -Have just ni rived nnd, by reason of their matchless va riety of sizes and patterns as well ns moderate prices, are worthy of special comment. Besides, Wilten Rugs are net tee plentiful just new and a shipment of this size is un usual. Nete the prices ROYAL WILTON Ruga, 6x9 $',7,50 and $52.50 Rugs, S.Sxl0.0-$?3 and $78.50 Rugs, 9x1 J $75 00 and $82.00 Rugs, 11.3x12 feet new $120 Rugs, 11.3x15 feet new $150 SUPERFINE WILTON Rugs, 6x9 feet$7i and $77 Ruga, 8.3x10.6 $102.50 and $114.00 Rugs, 9x12 feet $110 & $125 Strawbrlilie Clothier Fourth Fleer. Weet Autumn Medels in Over-Blouses $5.00 te $10.00 Tucks, fageting, embroidery nnd beads are the tiimmings used en these lovely Crepe de Chine Over-Blouses in navy blue, brown or muffin. Many show the new roll cellar effect, while ethers are effectively collarless, with long or short sleeves. BtrawbrliUe & ClethUr Second Fleer. Centra 41 -Piece Dinner Sets of Real China for $12.50, $17.50, $19.50, $20.50 An outstanding feature of the Semi-Annual Sale of China and Glassware is this collection of Dinner Sets at these remarkably low prices. The patterns are duplicated in our open stock ware and, therefore, you can add te the number of pieces whenever you wish. Dinner Sets of real china at these prices are a rarity these days $12.50,. $17.50, $19.50 and $20.50. The Sale also includes hundreds of ether China and Porcelain Dinner Sets, Fancy China, Glasswares of all kinds, Pottery and ether Art Wares at savings of 20 tO 33 per Cent. Jb - Straw bridge & Clothier Fourth Fleer, Whether a Weman Pays a Hundred Dollars for a Fur Ceat, or a Thousand, She Wants the Best at the Price, and She Gets It in The Sale of Furs New in Progress This is a Fur Sale founded en the unassailable policies of past Fur Sales, and en which the reputation of future Fur Sales will depend. We have great traditions in trust, and this Sale of Furs is worthy of them. A Child Could Select Here as Safely as a Connoisseur Every Fur is named right and marked right ; every Ceat is made rightt-and in the most approved style. Cheese the most becoming at the price you wish te pay we assumed all responsibility for quality when the Furs were bought. HUDSON SEAL COATS (dyed muskrat); JAPANESE WEASEL COATS, of the best riegant plain meacis, etners beautitully trimmea quality S31M.00. with beaver, skunk, squirrel, Australian opossum 5290.00 te $623.00. NEARSEAL COATS (French Ceney); trimmed and untrimmed effects, beautifully lined $155.00 te $295.00. SIBERIAN SQUIRREL COATS, fashionable models made from clear gray skins $535.00 te $775.00. NATURAL MUSKRAT COATS, ranging from the jaunty 40-inch model, te the rich dark black muskiat pelts made in a full-flaring style $115.00 te $900.00. COATS for street serviceable for auto lengths $150.00 te NATURAL RACCOON and diess, and paiticularly wear; 32-inch te 45-inch $533.00. RUSSIAN PONY COATS dyed black; all finely maiked skins, se closely resembling the broadtail, trimmed with selected natural skunk $125.00 te $230.00. NATURAL RUSSIAN PONY COATS beautifully made and lined; trimmed with natural raccoon $123.00 te $2:53.00. I Mrabrld" 4 (. mr tr errentl F'oer F lhrt St. MtV WW terakfft A Single Price Clearance! 300 Men's Suits, $23.50 Many With Twe Pairs of Trousers Three hundred Light-weight Suits 'and Medium-weight Suits from Spring and Summer stocks, marked at a single clear-away price te-morrow. Men's and young men's Mvles, well tailored of sorge, cassimere and worsted net all sizes in each pattern, however, which is the chief reason for the great reduction $23.50. New Autumn Suits, Overcoats and Londen Tep Coats new ready. 3 - Strawbrldn 4 I'lethlcr frf enl Fleer, Eat 300 Autumn Seft Hats te Ge at $2.85 An unusual opportunity for 300 eafy men, each te &ocure a smart new Felt Hat, oesing from an excellent selection of Autumn sV s and colorings nnd paying only $2.85. v ( -btral)rldsB A. Clothier Si-ceml Fleer. Market Kast 3600 Feur-in-Handk Half Price at 25c Net a job let but an excellent collection of fine new Four-in-Hands, secured at a concession that enables men te cheese them for Ie3s than the usual wholesale price. Foresighted men will buy four for a dollar. - StrawbrlcJre A Clothier Market fit. Cresi Alile for fc Ji -. Off! JTOi JHKiw cSrv i "mu b - X X KT J, '. i rai About 2000 Shirts at $1.10 Te-morrow Depleted lines, and Shirts that show signs of iiuiiuiiiik anins ei een-stnpe madras, mercer ized stripe cotton pongee, and striped percale seme cellar-attached sles of various white fab ncs. They'll go quickly, se men should choeso enily, while the nsseitment is at its best. :V-- straKlirlJue i. L'lelVler Eai Mure Klghth St. "Maratheif Socks 6 Pairs Jfer 70c Of fine combed cei.tsh, &tfi extra strong heel I tees. A brand noted for service Black e and gray, I! s or Sizes 9j te IPj. - StrauUllKC &,Clethler All 3. Market St. 2000 Men's Nainsoek Union Suits at 65c ribbed back-band of a comiennDioaiiuetic style, cut full and roomy, nnd with checked nainsoek. All sizes from 34 te 4C. tt Strawbrlde 4 Clothier Atele 2 Market Bt. Well mnde MARKET ST. EIGHTH ST. FILBERT ST. Strawbridge & Clothier MARKET ST. EIGHTH ST. FILBERT ST. X- it V w m fa 't m rd Sixe Coats up te 5J Biul 'j--. T 4 t . t "V H N V' "v $?&$ c-t J ' ' J.'- brti li.riLt ,t "At !&L .-