TI (M 4'iSKSP HfS .(CM. if myxiw rKvrav-w t " fu- Tirfrvh lye, vs.mewt! tJjLmNnr& m mwMMiipnrrit resswiae ! xr 7vf?r ' V"PT. f,'PBWW"J!' . rf-WW npcwiii 'MS- J'j- H "Vf 7VTTO1 jjftlKjJa?,, '.' T , ,l ijpw ;'"; ' v A-r W ywvvrf -.-." - " w?r ." , ? 1 L t ;(& tl Pr -T 'Y-H1 1 L . Jl a" ! & 1 -" faienmg IJubtte 'Se&get w. J PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 5, 1922 ON HER KNEES TO START HER DOG. Mr-.. Henry West "seconds" Mill Hill Midget," in a race at the West chester Kennel Club show at Kye, N. Y. 'pf WBIS&R 1SM&$y rf" rw-rwT - r r -"-"- i OHLIIffKt' "V.-V fcfTTSL " .. HBaGBra abaLV BMPttV; & &SliKl ' M t , 3 EDWARD KREN, Swiss architect, who, it is rumored, will marry Mrs. Edith Rockefeller McCormick t mm mm mm fX fx. c WW ' mi TO IY v '' , ' '.fl DR. C. P. FRANKLIN talks of effect of war en soldiers' tyes, in Editorial Page interview CALLS HIMSELF "A CONGRESSIONAL DAIRYMAN." Con gressman Jehn D. Clarke, of New Yerk, helping with the chores en his farm at Frascr, N. Y. SjpSV ,.7r?vxiaKlt ' . 'L. mv S ' .-"K v vr.-A V, rj FIGHTING INSECTS ALONG ROOSEVELT ROUI EVARD. Park Commission empleyes hae been spraying trees and p'ents for several days . BUSY IN HER "FACTORY." Lil lian Martin, three years old, making n paper chain nt the Friends' play ground, at Fourth and Green streets ivM v ,r BKsasw i U.JZ DISTRICT ATTORNEY CHARLES F. CLYNE, of Chicago, who assisted in preparing injunction against striking shepmen NEW TYPE GLIDER. This moterics ene-decker plane piloted by ISaren Fieyberg-Harth near Rerlin. It has a record of staying in air for mere than two hours CAN YOU f RECALL' THIS BIT OF OLD PHILADELPHIA? y' -' - 6-ffMM sw&L KW?1 TOE HISTORIC OLD BLUE BELL HOTEL nt Islnnd read and Woodland avenue. This building is new the property of the Fair mount Park Commission. Albert V. .Johnsten, 51G3 Funsten street, is the contributor MISS T A L A L L A II BANKHEAD, daughter of Congressman Bankhead, of Alabama, Is appearing In Washington theatre WHERE SEVEN RAILROAD SHOPMEN WERE BURNED TO DEATH. Ruins of the Pennsylvania Railroad's Thirteenth street bunkhetise nt Pittsburgh, where shop workers slept. Firemen are searching the ruins for ether bodies i i ii ii THERE IS STILL HOPE. Rrscuc workers at Jacksen, Calif., report thnt they have heard signals from the foi'ty-seon miners entombed in the Argonaut mine. The etching shows the Argonaut mine buildings '- WATCHING DAVIS CUP MATCHES. Miss Audrey Heffman, of New Yerk; Craig Biddle and Craig Biddle, Jr., in a box at Ferest Hills, L. I. My ikft t:i WiS I.S9& r ' mi,lfM , . vns r'SJ.r '-. .Jfll 1 . v "v"piSJH mMmf-) .. ...ji ra isi Lt' -" 7 T4 Hfei PaiWK:; i:''' litaajiixJWJfet-su.-v S7 V"'s X .ri a V' ;t v ;Wi 4" rffl SS ;-- 5J& 2d rwiw EDWARD S. MILLER, JASPER LUND (left) sure can ring 'cm, and president of the club Jeseph Wcideman, captain of the queit tesscrs THEY CAN TOSS 'EM. Three members of the Merchant ille Quoit Club, who aided in routing the Pitman queit team when the Pitmanites visited Merchantville te contest for the Seuth Jersey championship 'AT. '." y sn, V i &&&:.Jtk tr:v7',A, t KJ-y.za ft . ,u w&Af. miummrv. "f i WaMK '?' v . K- ,'vit '' r - KHKW. RffiW f.r. Ci nMHK ViSRti . r 'vi.Wi !-," i ESMwfcPWTTTTi y.t 3' k-fc tt!rfRiS l - " Ya ? SVW5S W. &r3(J& V-U.i. ZjMXi ' f"'" "-,'- " JIMMIE RIDDELL get ting balanced as he rides en father's shoulders in California aquaplane stunt FUTURE CHAMPION MAYBE. Jacob Wagner, 4 years old, of 1108 Sus quehanna ave., at Straw berry Mansion IPWiTriniwiafcWni NEW YORK SOCIETY AT BELMONT. Mrs. Frank C. Hendersen likes horse racing. She seldom mtBscs the Belmont races BSSSjMHiSSJFn"' i 'Ja. bf siBJiBfli PPPJPPPB!"' .-'''Jt.,i ''' SltRMilB tBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBr '' .: :: fBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB K6?4 "i J1 ' ' VVHwy A. v " B 9 ' i-" j " f.'r ' "4. Aft .J ?l pppapjpppp& .. ' -'.sjpppppppp,.'! pppflppppn'' - iPKPKjWPPPPflPJ . SHE'S IN ATLANTIC CITY. "Miss Rochester" is ready for the annual pageant JUST BEFORE HIS LABOR -DAY SPEECH. Samuel Gempcrs, president of the American Federation of Laber, at Point Breeze Park ' i TWO OF THE RESCUERS descend main shaft of the Argonaut "MOTHER" MARY JONES, for mine at Jacksen, in a carriage. The men are equipped with oxygen years a friend of labor, is tanks seriously ill "at the home of a friend in Washington 8 'l3$& - 0ji W' r M, vj ra -'I'M $i$3l -w ' .7 &;' ' '- a" ' z8&ffll "wJ WptiVg vxvmjmi. .atajasir '? i7X( SOME PUMPKIN. It's in care of Esther Crosland WALTER SCOTT with his Flemish IT RAINED-BUT THERE WAS PLENTY OF FUN FOR YOUNG AND OLD ON THE OPENING DAY OF THE PHILADELPHIA COUNTY FAIR AT BYBERRY BKMaK VW,.,,,!-Jaay . , te&. jsg v , , tfvw " ," -'tv jytr-'iiawiKM THE SPANIARD WON. Zcnze Shlmidzu (left),' the Japanese star, went down te defeat in an exhibition game played at Ferest Hills with Manuel Alonse as his opponent JAMES L. FIESER heads domestic operations for American Red Cress f t TSVff( J'tj '' v j!,,' , V V S ,-- PS' rt , , . - -y-?'f ELLEN VIRGINIA GIBB, of Camden, wen out-of-town baby prize at West West vllle carnival nftnlEIICAiN. STAR M,8 IIeln Snbie, of Newark, N. J., who wen standing bread-jump and broke record in 100-yard 1 hurdles during games in Paris w ; " .' f .... 'J if- s..v.r -s , ."iJ'' 6 b I ' tat