E. ..L &-1Y.1 "b re ' & I if "i i -v f B. i r; it I f I lr?S41 i KR V lif tw v&fVB. -Tt 1 t kfl-fi,. l. V jiv?r M Vi?Ati 3SBTATF. FOR 8ALB yKNNVI.VANIA MUmiBilAN m pfM-y.M'fvv. tiNftKli uniiMiuiiiniMiin .LONG ACRE PARS! 15 minutes from Bread St. Station A SUBURBAN COMMUNITY OF BEAUTIFUL HOMES $7200 te $19,000 Including numerous types and sizes of attractive homes from which you can surely make a satisfactory selection. Central plant heat insures you against 'coal troubles. ' Send ferlllustrated Booklet Today I ImuUtm Bxxa Mm i in irre. 1306-M LIDERTY OUIUDING, OROAD 3c CHESTNUT Ej PRIVATE BRANCH CXCHANOE, LOCUST 7IOO B a? iifiiiQiirrra'ii.iiip.'iiWiiiairaiiii'iiii.raiiiJ'iiiiiinii i iiiiiTii, NF.-slIAMINY rM.l m' FERGUSON'S ,EW -' ?- js""'' i. &?j ssas3-bs z 2mmm vm. I tit' li w " . ""'Vi r 1 1 1' . ."iXTw. jt TTT1' - Wqd lh: Zr-r irti?vE SMrr-Jaif ?iRS ew2s. (Sgyjgtfrjggrar-T'f i Hrmfcaal eMslTBOATINC, BATIIINC $50 UP BUILDING LOTS $50 UP j rr.u: titi.i: iNsritAxrE. jm down $5 i-nn month , 1 Tak nd ln'JCf i1' te UAiUWIl .A IXD and Ic: us tnle mu up after wer.( Yim teuld own D li" nnd i buncnlew for vnt it tvnuM -et ou te r ue nn for 3 'f-Mr XiFhninlii" rnl's Ht.itkm en Kreii'id 20 wnn retniimlnlin-i from ltfidlnj Terminal. Three nm'e n.v ple" nrerei' .-linii-n k..r,.ii.,n nim ,car l0iin ind creeK FERGUSON, FRONT AND YORK STS. nianinnTisea W'them mn 'ipiii-.i 01 mi ii rnrt. k.ndlv send me free booklet 'of rrritum n " 1 ulldinu t.eti rlani of lmtiKalewn. and - - wist i'iin.iri.riiiv Overbroek District Mv methel -in-,.l vhn ether fall llu'in r.nd sc'l-rs of th '"' meii'.rn pr"P"tien In ihe restrli'te 1 Ovcrbi i dtiti.i" mn't hre Ne prop prep ertu k nrr n'ed nt lnl!itM .iiucii A'l miiM l' .ipt-i-n ni'd nnd tnred it rnir ket inlu- Ne stii-culiit'nti. im iharitn for ii 'pr.ilTl fr ndw rtln'n In nli lesdlnit I'hl' idelp'il.i p.l-icr.. filr de i -ln. ustiellid i int tn hnndlln.' of prepertv e-i 'i urefi sle-nl b.isn w'tti the curbsteni" hrek-r nnd apecu' it ir ellmlrated Til, diff-n nt ivim IM n e veur hiiue In lh- fellnw ne . c'ul.e llstlnc nnd M-ct results l'i I. c .-.oil and upw.iru. l.'.in X 021 132! N r.nh ()10t l.nn".l no. cer. 102." N r.e'h 172! N. ltedtl-lil 170 N .-.nth C01.1 Jefferren 1 -,R 1 V CM 1 iivi It- I' . Id cer. t nO", .n- in rd ir.22 X "th. cer n.'l", Itnn-f'rd n Ti'i'il Ji'ffi-rsen. cei ti20t I. ins lowne nv ADOLPH B. CASPAR. Realtor ,00th & I.tnRdeun.- - r.i-lmeiit 4044-4', y Alie et- .dvcrtUcr.ientM In Mnnll tjpe In I f elli ' fellimlnc erliininH. OLNP.Y ONE LEFT 5617 FAIRHILLST. Penutlful 2-story heus Just fin-li-ped, everv rnodern Improve Impreve ni'iit. 0 rooms, bath jaad In- 'est-d pe-cu large let terms te But , open Sunda ant Wednes day from 1 te 0. ether days by hppeintrnent. JOSHPH FELDMAN 2D'J Lincoln Hide. $6400 EACH Wew 2 s'ery brick perch-front homes, het- water heat clei'trlcltv garage, buy right ft the plans route 47. 0LNEY REALTY CO. B51!) X 5th st Wyoming S250 Alse m-p iidvertlhcnienf In small type In Qllewtng celnuiits - j-jrsx-. i y xi sintRnAN LA VM)LK LAWNDALE NEW HOME an ntvr.iiAM ST . . ..1(1250 1 T?wn-stery nerch-frnnt house. het-vyater heat lei-rlc h.irdwoeil llu irs, stitienary i .10. tubs em n for Insp-1 tlen rout 0LNEY REALTY CO. r.riie N 5th 't. Wiemlng 5250 .nnex HILL i:ii;iiiii!iiiui.ii!iiui.iiiwi :l!i!i:!li:i! SHARON HILL On'v 1 1 ni n from Rrnad S Sta or 21) i .in. from with St. Terminal frum Hrna im 'run St $5800 New defs-hecl tiome everv el'y con- El v il n i- en lel 10 hv 12,1 H or. Elmwood & Tribbitt Aves. " Oieit values See them at once. 5'pi see aclvi-rlUeinenth lu mnnll tPc In Uleir celiiinns. . SKW .1 HUSKY SllU' RI1AX FOR A GOLF CLUB OR SUBURBAN HOMES 275 ACRES TW'i MIIES FROM STATION AT NEW BRUNSWICK, N. J. 32 miles from Penna S'.itlen. 1 hour by express train 3me feet frentnge en Rarltati Rler. snmu frontage en both aides of River read Fnci-s trolley line, ndjclns Xew Bruns wick Country- Club- wonderful building If iu plots of an acre nnd up 7 Lllierty f Tu ephene Street. I 1 Certlnndt N. V. City II . . . 74 1 Ine Alse see .iilviTlU.'iiii-nls In small type 111 AIMi hl-c ,iii.i-ri-follewing CllllllllllM. PENNSYLVANIA FARMS 1 20 ACRES JvTTII IS CATTLE J2 "M'l.ES, 3 HORSES 6 HOGS TRACTOR, CORN HUHKEH AND atom harvester hay leader manurg preader, VU delivery rake, gas engln-i. feed grinder Pine spreader nnd drill, dnu ileillsu harrow, h.vy tuldar cultivator. mewing maihliies; In fact a full line of modern firm tuachliiery. old Colonial cut atone house, large bank barn, cow barn, Jl pen. poultry buildings: 7 acres heavy vmxs fyfaMmxy S Qnla A nl 4 rHL "i timber, aneut acres iieiii-iritn .'-- It? r ture. ge'jd soil for general crops less than 11. r - 8 mile te City Hall. Philadelphia, price la Kvj fllht and terms reasonable s-e us nt once. 0 K. C-ATRY ST. .VORRI8TOWN. PA. GET ILLUSTRATED CIRCULAR DESCRIHINO BS-ACRE . BEAUTIFl'L MODERN HOME Write us nt ence for Illustrated circular sUst-iluIng lhl leivutlful farm und country Kme! rsht en mill, highway, nenr town. 5?imlVl t buildings, iili In.nMt-cU Snclllleii! Koe.1 renaen for elllnK. easy GFina te ilaht yr. i?1.. -it ,sa,'aj ......... VMviVf L&JhSi. Vx- t. wjfiMm, ft.mygi.. Pt'F JaV T J I? rn .vi j - . . j j. mtMS2sti. .p?l w "nK ,"l f "i. BE AIi ESTATE TOR SALE. FF.NNJsYI.VANIAHURttBBAN & sjxxm- mm nr a: wwOTMfflMiiii"ii.iiiii!i3 in mnia Wiiraniniw eshmixy vm.i.s TT PaiiEg FISHING NESHAMINY FALLS Name . . Add-es T. REAL ESTATE TOR RENT , riTY lliulnesM I'repertlc nnd Mere BUSINESS PROPERTY VIST nm efj- nivi UPI'T II mr; nn linlf h man ( r jru Umnti Pt irne-1 oti'Illien, iti ii t'.'iitt' ni vi mil i rn or ! en? BARBER. HARTMAN & CO. Kill CIir.STNl'T .-T. I riXK. i.ieht xn sTORn axd H .PKVI'XT CENTER OF CITY C 9 MOI.K f-T l!l:TT''N 1.1TII AXD , lt'.TH .-TH Charles E. Median, 4 S. Mele St. 1 SANSOM ST. WEST OF 17TH ST.! LOT :,2X''.-, Tn P.r.AR STRKET POSSESSION t SATISP.Vk-TOl'.Y TKRM3 JAMES D. WINCHELL 1TTH WD ?VOM PTS. Alun sre iilvi-rtl-iiiiri'tH In small tjpe Ip ; i following columns, Pnetnrles Wnrrlieiises. Manufacturing rlenr-. DAYLIGHT FLOORS ATTRACTIVE RL.XT 211-221 N. 13th Street 10 ene se. ft or 20 0"u aa. ft. 1514-1540 Callowhill St. 7700 sq. ft. 114 N. 13th Street 1C00 BO ft or 2000 sq. ft. FERDINAND D. FLEMING 1234 W WATT ST FLOOR S. W. Cor. 13th & Arch Sts. MOO riuarn fe-t -m iljie f r tnnnufar turinc m H.ilenr. m-iK m el il.ivliKht, frrlnlvlT syMetn Mascrgei and frrluht eit .i'jr BARBER HARTMAN 3c CO. 12H1 CilF-l M T lT ii i,iii iiiii;,ii'ii!!iiuiiaiuiii!ii nuvm iiL'H'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiui'iiii'iiiiiuriiiiJ ; WANTED FLOOR SPACE Wants 1. 2?00 sij ft ft ,r space for light minufurtunni' Wr.veen 7th and liread st. R.i ar. i Walnut st . power elevn-nr, gi e fall particulars. A 2ir0 Ledger Dfllce fi I ifeiuw i!:ii!iiiai!i,n:iaii.ui!i! VIe .. ndvi-rtUenients In email tvn""ln i following ceiiiiiin-. b I OFFICKh lN'M IKKIVIS. ETC. VICTORY BUILDING 1001-13 Chestnut Street Made New Frem Cellar te Reef Several dslrablt offices for rent Albert M. Greenfield & Ce. 11TH XD CTIESTXt'T STS EcciM) AND THIRD FLiKjRS 1F.RY LIGHT IX XEW llt'ILDING I A.MLi II s .vp n, i; hi- , HETWEEX 13TH AXL ' 1IJTII .TS CENTER OF CITY rU,ls P Mnerrnn fl Q WrA. Qa Uiuia-J i-i. i'i'-'-""i nimv ui, , TH U B E R T BUILDING! 250 S. Bread Street H-ST RFALOOnnipPK-E RI-.LDIXO Alse see ndvertlsiinents In small tjpe lu fnllunlng columns. MORTOAGES THIRD MORTGAGES NO RED TAPE, QUICK SETTLEMENT WEINBERGER & CO. 23 S. 17TII ST. RACE 2028 THE DOO DADS A -U-e C Hey STRANGE-! K? vN,.V Alse he H-O Atzoeuo A let-K r'e. - f f TrSIri Vr- Jf y loersfT MteVi.JVH -,..-., -. .. v ..,., . y. ., .., k'A' .. ., ,.,,' , i... , w., r , m . m , 4H 7 4 TiAVuKTfeiAVt.i' EVENING PUBLIC MORTQAOES THIRD MORTGAGES Large fund available far Immediate use. Don't place mortgages until you see us. 24-hour service FINANCE REALTY OORRfiiAhn FUNDS FUR FIILST A?U SECOND MORTGAGES ADVANCES TO BUILDERS JAMES D. WINCHELL ITT It AND SANSOM STS, MORTGAGE FUNDS WM. H. WILSON & CO. inn W Vt NUT ST $50 Ileal estate security, Immediate settlement Interest en estates limmiit Cneh nt one. $2000 EDW. M. MOLL flhsit. Alse see iiiltcrtlsi'iiirnt hi Mnnll Up fellow li.v columns. APARTMENTS The SWARTHMORE 22D AND WALNUT Ml outside rooms, southern nntl western expesur modern fireproof lutl'dlng. ciin-'er' .pt ',illi-elnii loci leci !m nml Just f rpntmh nwav te he I let suttee luinlsltcit or unfur nlslinl of 1 ni-il i ninmi nnil Imth, .1 reuni" tin I lutlm or lrner, bj th" vcar Mtul reivfrn, llncnn. etr. Leuis H. Cahan & Sen, Agents 1T.2 4 Walnut St. Locust 70-80 FINE APARTMENTS ERIK AVE. WEST OF BROAD lenpM H'nt ind ' inlter's Nervlee l.u.-A nev I.IHV KIINTH J. H. HIBBERT SAW re"-1 'e Xerthp n ('.tilrnl Trim Ce. ii:UMNTIX 58-66 W. CHELTEN AVE. 1 sncexti axd 'muni pr.nuR apts 1 1i limbic ,"-re m i ml- .ith iipsrtmtnu. i i .im h. nt. el i in. ! mil J.imuir TVice 1 ninclt irini Iti-Hil.i,, Ki.itlen. cun Lc , " n ni any time Albert M. Greenfield & Ce. n eon l.vrr ,'. ciiiistxpt sts. JJ ' lllile nnil r-euKicy ui"i-.. iw.nuu Mirire icei, lvi mi niUerlUcnirntit In niiinll tpe In ptlce Jil" enu nnether lnrce site In the north nerth north telloultiir enlitnin,. leiat, l'cnni lanln H. It : 7 ncri-. prlce APARTMENT HOTELS THE BARTRAM 33D AXD ("ItrSTXl'T STIinnTS rrtments furnlelied in! unfurrlshnli Inni nn nliert ti'rm len-ee- home table; ewni-ruhl. mnnag'n -it Preston 2310 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE CITY Kooms Hath 1717 srp.ivr. riArtDnx IT.I'i tinne O.irden . . i 2017 Spruiff tlardcn .. I JiiJl sp- i..j riarden ., 1 2 ml Spring Harden . . ."J1.1 Sprlm: Onrd'n .. 17u."i Mount Vernen . . . 171'p Mount Vernen . . 1721 Mount Vernjn .... i 20. Is Mount Vernun I 21i'"l .Mount Vernen .... -'.'."I Mnmi Vernen ... 2040 W.iilnce 2007 .N Mniiinu . -'4.'4 X Alder 13 1 I 13 VI IS 1.1 11 12 11 .1.1 S 1.-1 13 10 il i ii X llucknell . IK-j','. j"$i . I K.'.l X 1'ber 1 1 I his N l"Ler . I 11144 N V.m IV. t vj.-itit around iivji st ai.n Snm rt st i DAVID T. NEVIN ',2'l X 21'TH hT. '.I, 1. ci.IIARi L.i I) M' m rooms lntr shed eli-ctrli-, i-iedern. at main car 'Ires old n"-v L HOD (lI.L.VWticn Mi: S-ven reim.. bilh. neich. i ."trlc hut uater hc.it i en or horn, lth p,i-i7 lulu V INDIANA AVI! HMrn r.. bith, -li'"trif het-WHtr Iifftt. upt thi.-l fleer. -iilttlMi' r r i.irKi h )iui nr apirtmeMtH ,inj . ji u.-i'.h r-i iiy nine n, me in f.n.. noe.llllon rmii.nl.nl te .-,r. . .nn .....;.. ..... n . ... 7... . it I. SMIT'l Mill W l.ri ne ini.iini:u SCOT X. Mnrvine t . lu rooms and bath. r H-lun J4.'l X Alder st . 7 rooms an 1 bath 1'H4 x, jvTt IV t rt . 7 rooms and bath. PO--I SSiOll DAVID T. NEVIN 120. X 2'iTlt ST 21.U X l.ith st .mn., . 174.) V nun st s.inii 2117 1'anmi st il'iini UIJI Putler fit lieni lfte'i Park nve b.liiii 137 Wvetnlng 10 sne 221 hN ldth t Tfti'il 1S21N 1.1th lit HI, ,1011 3421 Yerk rt . h20n i-.n7 Oxford st 12.00U HUGH F. QUINN Pet, 2''51 lllil elli il In nve Pii-tt .1014 1014 x sill .-I . up u i im nift x iii-iu-n I st let HLx'--- t ri ,r stri-et, room for 'rrivate unruge double property with cen-er ha . n htl. s- ,t iti.r dvyilllng en l.inn I i iiftrnrtlvi. i.rei,. t. linn for Tihslci.,n nr auirfn-iit", Ms n.; ,,-ati', n sacrlfli-e. raR- ' I nn H.vp.TM i' je i-jni I'lu-nnn st. ItEAL'TIKl'I." "ll'i' e" rooms and bath t inclesed perca all Imprevt-ments. up te I I the minute m the iifart of Shcrwnel. aI--e I tlnelv lci'iiii.,1 l i, ding let. Ocuan City X i J J. II. HI HhiiX. 23 Rlfby ave. l.ans I clevvne, i"i C20 Sl'I.l'i E h r . 17 rooms. iet 21'iP ti street tn rar. .1 hath reims, Improving c em i it pnpiriv fl ted ter npiMtmeni prer-j- itlen. i-neni prep, rtv, possession at one... RAltllCR H.VP.TM VN A CO.. 1201 C'hest- nutft 211 E rih'HERS AVE perch rr nt Karage. Pe hardeil n ,ors throughout, het-water heat; Immellnie lossesslen. hu'lt yiar age. at- tractlie preposition. UARHER. HARTMAN & co i20i i hestnut st. S.iftnu lie mi tul sllbulbnn hullie. neir llur - helnu I' irk Cheltenham. S rooms and , L .th rtec lirhts I verth Jillliii lit 2.1x12," ! I 4il.1I V ii h tF "'lv,ll 'IV lit Hint D1I49',! I.UDI..E it CJ. 1 w'i i iil'tiu UtiV 1 A S?If )M . trif .-AviTi I perch-front dwu, 20.il X 33d ,t : excel. . i j r ti,ey tycre sittlnjj en frost cord is. at settlement, well lln.inced; i -v"" ""- i , -,,, Innef nu n harrain te quick buer. llurns & Schmidt. IilOUIltlUlls of iCO cream. In,t Oil a jii7 . 2'ith at. i brown ihni'elnte peak nnd .Im-k en n i fi i -'i x i i' hi? hetweex lni'H axd ' tiink bttawbcrr.v peak. Itolew them 11TII- Wonderful locntlen for llnanrlal or ' ,.11PI,ip.i two rivers, one n rul river of "fi'um'it bu,,lne"' la""' let ,hreush t0 1 root b.'ei and the ether n slhery river I "'"'"' westxey. set LiHertv nidg , j ()f lftmaiKiili1. The deg fairy had Riven I 20 I'll nT . about 17,1 ft north uf Chestnut i tlipm the very first things for which i . rner property, let lsx.12. stere front.'. .. i nub,.,!, ,,r.,..,,, i nm.eiMinlv for mv busness. new I "I' llll'l "'"'. . . ,, s ,,ery elf.ee building being erc-..ted oppo eppo oppe sue 110 000 P 111 II Ledger Ofllce j.-.Mll) .w liemes, nenr Ileulcvard, 0 rooms. bath, basement iaunar . eneiric, niu-waier I heal, let 00 ft dee;, te 20 ft. driveway RIDDLE A CO.. 411.11 N. 8th ':.t; it1 yl di.v cuZu?0?Wi bu . 1-urK. for quieK boie Aiipiy eniy 10 i HCiI !; I Tiall A. U.H4I.I li.i. imn g ifjrrisi. ' Kj7 3TARV1XE ,ST Tive-story hflck dive., .--JLL,. ,,'"," i (I rooms and bath, price $37.10. iiii2iirGres t'ER I34h jjigjiK T'sU'uo1.elleVParrpr.criaVohnab...UPhln THOMAS A WATCHORN 3028 Rlds nve. ou x. ni h s'l 3-ai.ri h rooms, geed let V ... I..., .,i,.e .Ltrhln iiktn.l dlitar,--e t) M ; t ' . .reup pre. em kaiuier, diinu i iek. -u ... '"' n "' 'V,' the1 or of hew they were going te b op ep ,.Ai.Ttv am 1201 chestnut st i mountain en yl 1 Hue sat, and put the )et unllI R u (oe h l l-nl X DARIEX ST 2-slury. 7 rooms, .r-vvar prl g""d location IiARIiER, h.vh'1-mvx .( co I20i cn.stnut si ,,,Hi x .-jn si-- i e r''""",i yr.H". frl.rl ric cundlilu'i possession. Jhefj'l COHH 23 W .semerset et. Modest Confession ??. tWj LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, . KEAIi ESTATE FOR SALE city H34II X. IIODINIJ ST. Hlx roetrn nnil bath tirli'O $18.11) U, J, MAUTINi 145 N. 64th. PMinrnt 8fiH4 LMIH ' III1.TON' HT, Two-ntery ilwelllm. 0 V.'.,.rn P.".lJ J'tth. ummer Itltchen. V.'.M t.lXDnn. 1S2.S Cheiitniit t. . nVO itiirv. hruwnitone, n rooms nnd Imth. clwlrle IlKhtSi Orat! ftbove Yerk; poises peises poises flen teitM'lT PF' tlMAN', ;no l.lnrnln nid. IMS IMKT'l.N AVn. A ti!c Uttlf heme: cenvi-nlent nplKhtiorheoit: prlce 12700. resTl'lt. 134s Snmcrset t RI0S .N SHI Hr.- Two-mery perch-front aelllnif moilern; lmincllnti poncuslen. reSTf.U. KI48 Peninriipt ft. 1122 .ij lll'ti: Ml'. 2(1 rnm . ft liMh; lop 22x 212 In li' linrwv nt,; 2.y Bur. r 10S.00O. WflSTVIlY. PiU l.llwrtr niilg :unn x .MAUrtllAl.I, HT. r Hcvrn rooms, perrh front. A-1 condition, II li. SAtl'i'H son w, Tle nv. Tlllllli. 2-t"iv ilrIllnjT, vicinity of 23d nnd Hpruiv ts.: imen rnch. .IfiMt'l'IT nviDMAX nnn T.lnei'ln llldg. 1722 X 7'lll 'I hrrc stv., 1ft rma m-rfrrt re'nl p.im hriti Ernt for npt. I1H. 4001, :27" X l'f'IH'Y ST ,SI toenui nnd Imth. I .ehrmn f- Snvdir 1201 Rrle nv, Tle n'.'.TI. HAVJ: evor 700 prenertlcp. nil erctlens of rhllftd-lphln llQUKhcy. P20 Wnlnut nt. 2.V7 X 1IT1I IT --Klcht room nnd hsth. W11.I.T3 WIXrilKSTRlt CO., gft S. 18th, Me tfi' iiiUrrtlerniriiti. In Inrcr (5Pc In priHrdlni? ceIimiiiin. Aimrlmrnt 11enir i rs errr.n snvnrtAt. T.ATier! ArT. iinfHi's von H'.n, nANxiixe ix ruin: ruriM t.ivenn te ssm.one and I ulli.lviV.t 'I'lltl V1T I.T-T-lTtlXU it Ort Tt fll'MI il 1111. .... llUlh...- 'l V '' v. ii:k i i:vt rt'i.r, nBTAit.s tvu.i, in: OIYIIX IT"X niltll'KST. MOHHIM A. BVUSHIK. 120.1 rr.XXSYLVAXlA IH.DO. I.OCl'flT 7730 HiilMlnr lel. rmmrr Slte rtf. SITI' for 00 heunes in finest eectlen of Oer Oer ln.inieuii. cemenlent te both railroad Mft tlnn and Uernuintewn ' trolley, ripe te 1iu J 11 Mcrerthy, 8721 Uermuiitewn menue l'T in; 2."i(p. 2". COO rh ft., 3 sty. frent: will dulde. Id. al lie. for factory nlte. earns or common- .U Md . orper. te get cliolce loc. it hetli rnllreads and trel. : $32,500. I!. p,.i'.r ( Ce, 1B0O W. Venango, WHARF PROPERTY "W 1 J.l'H I'TTOX. Lincoln TIMg. l'iirtnrle Wirrlinnne, MurTnf iicnirlng rloers INprSTIUAI. nnAi. rsTATn extra Bround, power 42 '00 pi'U ire feet, plnnt. rri"' S1-11 '"i" s i, nnn 'ni ir.- f 't. ,.l ,t,f erlr 122." 1100. exlra ereund. power : e ii it) dniare feet, power plnnt. IlKht en , ..I.!.- ,,r rt Jitn.fiOft. SrlniUl luillillni! mte, I'ennsvlvnni i II, II., SUl," en. . anewiT mrse iron in in" norm nerm ent. (1H ft fiuare feet, with I'ennsU'nnln H It 3'i n. re, near llee-l!rluht Kail llirlne W'cirki. prlce 40.000. r, ncres, nitni"I n'P. n"d lslnnd reul. SftOOO per nere ,-"i ni rt near Henrn-nentiuek, rennsyl- ant.i 15 11 . Price J.1."00 ier ncri- .- ire nitcntK for many line properties nnd n.illi it Miur Inquiry. cm:4Ti:it d. lieTTNnn. & co.. l 'zi. t netnut n , tl'-ri I'KIIT rn'liund frent: let 21 70n sq. ft. I nan. WI'.STXKV. 2"3 Llbitv, llld:. I AImi iee iiihertUeinentd In l.irce Imiq In urn -ding i-el'ininn. Oirncen 1 I Ni:u'. ;ie,lin. el-llBhted Raraue or eervlce 2 lni'ldlni; r.t Itrend and Heulnirl "OxllO: I,' 132 Mi" fur liunied. sale. Apply TI: XICI.1X V It -il'lTZKU & CO ITiOQ W V.-nince Ht. 4 sp 'i tir.R.M VXTOWX AVK - Rear ftnxinn; ft ! med. excel Investment. S.in.nriOj holds .10 1 rirs F II Spllzer S. Ce.. IftOil W Venango. Stores nnd Duellings 1 I iH'.Al'TIPl'L. cer pre"rtv, ter", nil med. li r invent mris. S W cur 37lh nnd Mellen ' I his suitable for nn business, veil ilpinced; lUvriln 1'lirns .t- hmldt. 2147 X 2flth st il.srnRr, en l.iJi'e a0- "liev Dlaiuiiiiil, prlc-3 r- iennblc Thomaa A. W.itthern, 30J1 U'.u-e nve ivi;sr l'Hii.ADr.i.i'iiiA MMi'2 Sl'ltl.Si.l ILi.D Avr. - I milt rne-iis SPKl.Siil'IIJi.l1 AVK - liitht nie-iis anu biitn. .ami irnuj iuel n iu ma iimi inili. 1103.1 Irving st.. ii rooms anu ntiii. r Bh' for nlten tlen Inte ntere llli h .I2d: i-.-ii Wnlf st . 7 nuin nnd bnth .120 .lUfflln lv j, rooms and Uith; rent, 3'.iin Il.iltlmirre , 1(, -jiixGO ft. suitable for tarage, steles ,r mn'iufin"url lg purim-rs. A. hhetz & Ce., -! i vv'niim- .i ; -n 1 r,')7 GOOD BUY tins lerut st,, :m-sier mn 'th home; 10 rooms. 2 baths. lee , h w. !!unr. het.vvater t , , Inii.-l. h.i ri-si . ,,'tw , .si inirnnim " v,i i,,i r i mn l . nl lmiulr,, veur IP I il Ml IH'U Ir UUI 1 I II" inUire JUUT e-vii lii ker or Pheno llirl.ig ir :.i 4' .,.-, IM.m; ,r N-vvly built ' il"-freiit I est ilenii , .' st .rv wicli rjarag' 4 rooms, and .t. .. l.A ...i ieir Llth tniMl.ln iihiuipr! living h'.ll. 1 i li'it renni. lire ikfnu loom an. k.tciirn co, 'Irjt doer: liule.-il perch. with h.iru.voe.l I'.eir ami nni';i. i enu-u ,r rl-i -i h it-vvnii hi-it. electric. !!:ht. hard- IvcVfioers tliiounheut. Agen an premises Sunday and i.aier Jjay. DREAMLAND The Ice-Cream Mountain Hy DADDY Jack and Janet are girrn three vishei lu l)nJ titarliilht, tlf il'W fairy. It n ci het day axd -lark kisk? for a mountain of trnirbcirv nr fi-nim and a liver t,f runt Incr, while .In net u iihvn for a mountain at vhocelate ve mum ami liter of Irnwnade. niAlTEIl II Toe Miirli of a (Jewl Thins JACK nml Janet never m innr uvea l.n.l l.nn.1 niliri. llStl Jll IsllPll . Willie trvinc te think of the llin'St vvisllCH in ,-, ., i.i . ni-l of the linn fuirV. , till the world te nt-k Ot tlie UOR I a rv , tlicir lltw linil speken wenls they uiun t I i xiillr inf'llll. lllOV lllUl Mlltl IHOy '..,.. .'C(i nKvlintnins of k'O fl'enm II lid ' i u f nmt hepr nnd lcinonitile. Thnt a . Iwiim bcciiiihe the day wus het nnd they ... - I - I - I "Oh-cui:" CTIOII ilWl in nismuj. ' "TIllTO III) tVVO of 111' VV MlCS 1111(1 1 didn't intun te line them thia way nt Oh-oel" cried .Tuck. Neither dial I." , , , . .lui'k beijan te slip-down the peak of htr.ivvherrv Ice ereain, and Mopped i A . 1. .,. I.... tlA ..-Attn. I II 11-11 - . ...... U ,-. - ,, " , " , i , ;r,'.n vviih very fold. Jack nut , ,(rH ,Ill( his ni0llth te wnrm tl.i'.n, A glad leek of burpri8e raine , en hi, face. , , , , "()i. nil!" he routed. " This Is ' dnnilv Mrawbcrry ice cream:" . ' . ,...! i ,:...,..- !..... !. 1. -.,. , unh-i i .- ! "Oh-oe!" she Kpiealed in delight I "This is dandy ehneelaii. lee cream!" - Hut Janet was iiuzyieii 'Hove are we going te ent our lee 7a i1! T9 vmz7' ,v m . 1 i REAL ESTATE TOR SAL1U wit riiii.AKi.rmA 3418 11AC13 HT, Kxceptlenal apartment propesition: let .40x134: Inrxn aide ynrdi iplendld conditien: nttrnctlve price) immedl immedl nte powieMlen. llAnilUlt, IIAimiAN & t:Q., 1201 Chestnut el. , 8421 IlAOll ST .1 atery, 10 rooms, lartu let In reir belenns te preperty: rArtment Preposition; treml conditien: Immedlnte txis- eeasl in. llAHUnit. HA11TMAN & CO.. 1201 ncmnut t 111VI"U ST.. fi900 niXJOIv Jtx rooms and until, nlrllte neme: meaern inroegnoui; perfect condition. Kllver, 32 H. 00th st. Mnerwoeii 2M3ti. HPItrrn ST.. O200 IJLOCK Seven rooms A bnth, modern throunheitf, n beautiful home, In perfect condition, Sllcr, 32 9. 00th St. Hherwoed 2Srit, 0031 CIIUHTXIT (5T. Modern, 3 story. 10 roems: let llx9: very desirable locatien: prlce attractive, IIAltlinil. HAIITMAX & CO 12l) Chestnut si 644H MASTDH ST -Ker sule, 2 story, 8 rooms, steam licit, new roef: possession new: price attractive, llAHUlill, HART- MAX A CO, 1201 cnestnut st. 111V1NO i3T.. 0100 HI.OCK 4-bedroom lioue modern throUBheut: perfect cendl' lien. Silver. ft2S. HOth st. Sherwood 2850. r.UOII H1.0CK .MUNTHO.sk ST. Twe 2-story porth-rrenl uwemnKs. e rooms nnn uaini icellent mnd ltOl.HTTlin, IHth ft Merris.. :843 H. 01HT Twe story, 7 roems: modern. ci.ti.Ki. i" tn. Ilnslness Properties nnil Stores STORES Jut finished tn won derful business location, Eeuin siue et j.epanen nve west of nr,th st. SIOPS A TAYLOR, llulldersj and Owner 05th mid llnddlncten sts. Stores nnd Dwelllnrs 2D, 132 N. Stere anu 2 aDts. i dec. new heater; S22.000 easv terms. Richard P. Powell 202 S r.2d t Alse see iiiltertUrnients In larcc type In preee cling eeluninn. ni'nMANTOlVN $S00O Beml-detaehed dnclllnB, sleetrle, het. water hent, 8 rooms and bnth: convenient te Scdswlclc Station, Chestnut Hill, P. and R , or (lermnntewn axe. cara: net quickly. H. C TOURISOX. 7014 lleycr t. Pheno Oer- mnntewn 0300. 211 IIAXSIlTJHltY-ST Three-story, ami. detnehed stone and brick modern dwell InT, 12 rooms, electrlcltv. het-water heat, let 2ft ft by 220 ft , trnrnire entrance at rear; $11,000 11. A HAVRXS CO.. I.ind Title m,ir. 124 ):. PLUASAXT M-, perch front, 4 bed rooms; nil cenv. 11 .1 Martin, 145 N. a I th st. Phene ne'nmnt 30S4. AUe nee ndirrtlnrnictilH In large tnie In preceding columns. l'ltANKI'Oltll PILLIXO ST. 4UIKI bio k, med.: 0 rme. nnd Imth: garage; lnree let. Agent en prem.. or Dlinftr fi- T'.VANV 1007 Lincoln nidg. ntr.sTXi'T iht.i. ATTRAC'TIVH srml-ilelnrlird stone dwelling 0 rooms. 2 baths nil modern convenience! near Htntlen und Lincoln Drive, price refc refc senable. Hugh S. Walker 0:3 V7n"lc- CHDTXrr HILL "sec . seml-det.: Colonial hull, il chambers, dec ; h.-w, ht : iwpt 1 fine end., l-rar snr'i.e, let lftxflftO. IJ. Perry. 1H27 Real lt.ite Trul Hid. Walnut 17"fl. J.OCAN HK1AX Med II rm. house, painted and papered threuuhuul reed location, IVye Ti(l J. luil.vx .M31 X 1.1th St.. 11 rms nnd hath, nedern Imp., poss V D. Chambers, 4li::.t .V nreml st Wyoming 0712 LlHlAX ,11)2.1 X 1-ilh ht . Ill r & 2 hatha: med W I) 1'hinilers letl X nreid st. LetLVX .lii.ll X. 12th: 10 rms. A 2 baths: Inim poss W D Chambers, .1033 X.Rread OLNllY 628ELKINSAVE. T rooms and bath, het-vv.iter heat, electric, twin, nr train and trellev: excellent loc, ARROW RHALTY CO. V.M Olnev ave. no i: i-tsciii:iis avi:, Seven- rooms Seven- rooms, bath, all modern conveniences; w in Knr.ige- .-xe'uenv lecnu .n. nenr train i.u iteiiey. let j.xi.ii. rtrrew tceniiy CO., M W c il? av.-. M.MI-DK'I.M'IIDD. 32.1 W I.lndley ave.. 7 rms., t'l; bath, h.-w. floors, etec, h.- w heat. Ilrc.pl.ire 2 car stucco car. en s d" let. Sim nr,Oj)3 N .Ith nt. We. M73 IV OIA'I.'Y IP HI N. 4 til st : detuch'd. h rms., 4 bedims, and bath, med ; $il.V)D. Ceorfe-e .1 llruntrau-i-r, .1410 X 1th st Wvn ".031 W IMMEDIATE poss.. 122 W. Ashdale' st. 0 leeins. b ith, eler, h -a heat, h. w. floors Slnex, ftOO'l X. ftth st. Wyn. 8173 IV. ' Alse see Hdvertlsruiciits In lurge tpe In preceding eeliininw. OAK l-ANR , SEMI-DETACHED 3-st.,rv brick: bargain for I quick sale. Call Oak Lane 0321 M. TllKiA , I VKNAMJO 1424 Penh. 3 story. 10 reams. baths; excellent condition; $0000. ADVENTURES cream? We hnven't any dishes or spoons." Des Starlight, the der; fairy, grinned nuin nu- ijiikc nu vvi.icii sue hat. 1011 might vM-11 ter lUhjirs nnd spoons," bhu nnnseu. "leu eaili nave another wish left." .Innet nnd Jack f-hoek their bends very promptly. ".Mi." mi Id Jack. "Wi ni.. ,,t?,t. .,, u,-, ,.,, il.u.l ...ii .... hv,.,,p, i rn , v ,,.it- limn VYIMICS flS a'iiiiu.v lius urn. v (' i.i.ty need them te get us out of trouble." Deg Starlight grinned broadly "When fell.R wish windy they don't get into trouble," hhij barked. "Yeu don't need vvinl.es te find a way te ent your ice-cream. Yeu cun eat It as dogs de." She showed hew dogs cat Ice cream by putting her mouth te the chocolate mountain and lapping the teft surface with her tongue. "Hurrah!" cried Jack, witching her. "That 1h the way we eat ice cream cones. And lie followed the deg fairy's example. .Timet tried the Mine plan, but found it much easier te nibble off rough edges of the meiintuln than te rat the lce cream nH hIiu would a cone. "Oh. 00! This In geed," shouted .Tack. "I m going te taste my root beer river!" "And I'm geine te taste my lemon ade river," cried Janet. The wlepes of the ice cream moun tain wen; steep. Te get te tin. o,lce of the rivers .lack and Janet had te slide. Away they went ceastlni; down the Ice cream mountains as I hev wnulil down a 1)111 iu winter. It vviih an evening elide. They shouted with glee as they idiot toward the llveis of rout beer and leiiiuiuiile. Faster and faster they went, They thrilled with fun. Hut they didn't think of wheie the Mlde was taking them, (De you knew where their slldn takes litem'.' Yeu will llnd out in tomorrow's chapter.) 'rw ,; 1 i SEPTEMBER 15, 1922 REAL ESTATE' FOR BALE TennKsnAi.B TOItniCSDAI.K. PA , for sale, fine homer, 12 roems: ItG.OOO; 2'i acres: possess, at once. Apply Pax id Vrlitnt, Turreidale, Pa. WtMHlXOMlNO VIHBONLMINO Don't buy a hem until you see this beautiful T rm., semi-detached house en Terresdals avenue: excellent location for heme or Investment: price low and financed: llltle cash req. Pheno Prank ford 12S7 V. . iiuntinA park VACANT 31140 N. 8th St.: 0 rooms, bath nnd laundry: med.: b.irnnln. Ueorite J. Hruntrar..r. ft-IIO N ftth. Wyoming 8031 W. 12ft N. MARSHALL ST. Hlx r., b.; med.: ft2PO, nruntrairer, ft4lrt N ftth.Wve nmv PENNSYLVANIA WlinOBIlAW Ven SAL13. en a erv desirable corner In Haverford a conveniently nrransed house, 13 rooms nnd 4 baths, that with very little alterntlen could be converted Inte soverat riice npts., for which thcre Is a bis demand: nenr Haverford Colleen and schoel: n won derful opportunity for somebody te make money, The present owner has been asked many times te alter the house for the pur pur pese. Pheno Ardmnre Bftft LANSDtJWXK lllir, hlKhly Improved corner let, In wholly residential street, close te Pennn, II, R. and trolleys, churches, schools, steres: heuse detached: 10 larixe rooms and hall, thoroughly medern: congenial, hleh class nelKhbers; convert heue into 2 Inrne nparlmctits, small cest: ampin room en let for another house of Illte slze: barcaln price, M 034. Ledger Office. Ni:V COII11S CIIKIIIC SRCTIOX Attractlve variety of med residences, seml and dot,: all cenvs.; no coal troubles;' heat from cent, steam plant; small amount of cash req.j prices J07.i0 te $10,000: less than cost of reproduction. Pheno 'Woodland 4180 II or IIRPMimrt.HI. S prucn M170, nitvx MAWB 08-ACRC country place en Steny lane. near WajTie MncVelah estate. i Wn.STNKY 203 Liberty Illdr. reATrsviiXK SAI.U Kast Lincoln HlRhway, Ceatesvllle. Pa,: handseme cut-stoue residence) thoroughly medern: II roems: 'perches: linn lawn: 80-feet front and garage: fash ionable residential sectien: the nrlce Is rlBht: will finance. ARMSTRONO. 42S N. B2.1 st.. Phlln. Itelment 1073. , TYNWYII l.AUGi: double corner let, elegant location, nit street Improvement. WALTHR S. SUTHERLAND ll.iln-Cvnwyd. Cvnwvd 2J2. BTONi: nnd lilnster. Colenlnl, 0 chutnbers. 8 bnths. with nnrnKe. WALTUR S. RUTH- nm.AXP. llaln-Cvnwvd, Cynwvd 212 I)i:i.AWARi: WATKH CAP HOTEL, cent'ng 30 bedrms: opportunity for some ene te own nnd manage an estab lished bus,, conducted successfully for evor 20 ears: nil-) car-round hetel: will be sold us nn entirely: real est,. furn., furnishings. feed will, etc. Ter pnrtle, ceasjlt WM IXDER 1328 Chestnut st. drrxrl nn.i, SIX new detached homes, 7 rooms, hot het wnter heat, hardwood floers: 1-rmedlatc possession- ranging from IHOOO Je fle.OOO. Lvnch, Drexel Hill, I.insdovvne 2182. Open evenings, MODERN. Colenlnl: 4 bedrms: garage: barr. C. II. lllhlmaler. 202 Liberty HIdg. Lec. B00J. niiiiiiing i.nts l'OUR wcll-sltunted building sites en original trnct: all Imprevements: terms, l.yncn, Drexel Hill. Lnnsdewne 2182 I.LAXKKCIl STOXH-AND-STUCCO HUXOALOW Nine rooms, 2 baths', all med cenvs.; stone Iireplace: same stvie garage; A-1 order; rruit trees, grape arber: let ftftxl07: photo. c. p. PETKRS i. SOX. (108 Clir.STXUT ST. Meniti: NEW clot, house. Or., li.. -lee.. ete.$ftft01 Med. house, 0 rooms, bnth,, garage ft.100 New bungalow, 0 rms., bith. Inrye let (1.100 New house, corner property. 7 rms. nnd bath: all convenience 800U R. H. ALLEN 'ttrf9" Phere Ridley Park 411 V NAUIIKBTII HOI'SE, 7 rooms nnd bath, electric, meaern througheut: sacrifice. Call J. A. Caldwell, Narberth 1733- home, 10S7. Narberth, Pa.. epp. station DETACHED stene-nnd-frnme reeldftnce, 8 rooms nnd bath, het-water heat; con venient locntlen; price $0200 RORERT J. NASH. 121 1 Lerust st , or Narberth Station. OVKMIINT OAKMONT On rcsirli-ted Stotesbury tract. new Colonial renter hnll home; all modern conveniences nnd appointments; stucco ever ren"rete tile: $12,ftnn Haverford Township Reil Estate Ce., Inc.. Hlllcrst nnd Darby read Onkment I.lanerch 105 R. OAKMONT New 0-7-S-renm med." detached liemes In course of centructlin:prlcs $7800 and up. Rvan. fjOle Market St., or Klrklyn. nesLVN ROSLYX IlungnlewM and 2-story houses, nearlv completed; nil cenveniences: prices re-isnnnble. Call Ognnta 02 W. IIILL TROllPE REALTY CO.. Reslvn. Pn. ROILVN PARK ROSLYX WOOD, aboie Glenslde, nt Reslvn Stntten and It) trolley (Easten read); Just opened a number of unsurpassed home Bites. r.nlM), overlooking" valley, wonderful old shade, water, gas, electricity. FERGl'SOX & JOHNSON 2050 Germnntevvn ave, Diamond 7153 snriiF.itTewx FIXE farmheu,- with 1) large building lets: fnult and shnde, .1 minutes from station and trellev: Jft.ien. WESTXEV 201 Liberty Rldg. MH'TI! ARDMORE SOUTH ARDMORE Modern (let. dwelling, 4 bedrooms, tile bath, hardwood floors, hot het water heat: let ,10x12ft; possessien: $1R00 cash. $44 month, no chnrge for financing. R M KARNES, 14 N. COth St. Theno She weed 2101. SWXRT.IMORF. TO SETTLE ESTATE S. W. cer. Yale nnd Park nves.: let 243x100' ripe for improvement, en trellev: near sta' PETERS & SfJX.nes CHESTXUT ST .PIffi.A WAYXF. WHITE OIJU'JJOARD HOUSE, living room with fireplace, dining room and kitchen i chambers, hath, het-water heat, electricity gas; let 7S ft. front; $3,100 " J. M. FHONKFIKI.H. Wayne. Pa Altai are advertisements In lni-crn n. i preceding columns. NEW .rKKSF.V SrnUBBAN Ai'iiunnx AUDURON. N. J, There I ,n1c little tract of land that enjeins auuuiiiiii. ... .1., ii i.s caiieu the L.Nweuij iiv.vvi: me .vinunt Enhrnlm atntten la right at the corner, It Is only 4 ia nil.es from the City of Philadelphia: there nre stores, schools, churches and. In fact, everything that m.iken life worth living; we hnve a few very desirable letB left that are selltns from $105 en up; the terms are within any one'e reach: u may purchase n let en as little as $10 down and $.1 per month; It li net necessary te wait until the let Is paid for befere v.eu build, or we will build our Jieri'e for ou and nnnncs the snme; we hnve nt this time a sample house nil finished, te which we Invite your In spection. The prlce Is (3800 1. Flve rooms all finished In1 white. nd m iheganv. Modern bithroem. 3, Electric light. 1. Running vvuter. ft. Let .10x12.1 feet. 0. Xe cost for flnanclnr. Dees this Beunn goeuT ir se, come, out and leek It ever and be convinced yourself; our cars nrc waiting te show you the abev lets nnd nu nre under no obligation te purchase unless absolutely satisfied, there Is an agent always en the ground at our L1XWOOD efllce, or you may call at the en lce et T. P. ABBOTT Agent for Llnwoed Land Ce. Opposite station. Audubon N. J. Or 212 Broadway, Wcslvll'e, N, J, Open dally und Sunday, ,"1 1. " fcw' V -' J I REAL ESTATE FORSALE. NKW JliBHBV StmUHilAN . 3 ACRES CVS?M$&1&U SSKW s?a? Au'KPHg'Rffi PETERS & SON.II08 CHESTNUT ST..PH1LA HKM.MAWB UvROK 14-room house, with lode f,00",0" .i,iV,i fleer, suitable for dnnee halll.bath. ;., . . wr..i li 1. . r- Gloucester 08-R-6. Mount Kphralm. N. J. IIBVKBI.Y Beverly Bungalows rXXt .. ..... rntnmti tiiinirninwn !S" re't SSTl.. ' ?w& ManorVthe-lan word tin suburban const,: every cenv: Ideal for cemmuters: nrir.es m i"; - "";:, -in HRLY LAND CO,, leverly, N, J, Phene 80.. CIYTON SUHURBAN dwellings, with cenveti lencej. Communicate with L. n. LEDDON. Clay- ten N, J FAinVIKW SIX ROOMS and bntn. eml-detache4 brick house, all modern Improvement! WBOJI JB00 down, balance as rent. S. ROSLNEn. 1393 Cellinga read. Inlrvlew. N. J, MOOBKSTQ1VN IP LOOKINQ FOR A RAHflAt SEE THIS 12-room heua( all modern Imprevements: let 100x248 ft.: old shade nnd frulti near school and golf 'greunds: $0500: Photes. PETERS fc SON.008 CHESTNUT STPH1LA t,IK)ATri . TUB REST RUY TODAY IS A IOT IN MAROATE! Just two of the many we have listed, en the south slde In restricted residential section each 61x80. near the new 80-ft.-wlde Vcntner Parkway prlce today Is $1000 each, part rash. WARNER LINDSAf. JR. R 11 A L T O n 1R07 Allanlle ave. Atlantic Cltv, N J. BIVKBTON The I'OR SALE River-bank estate; $20,000. Ter detnlls nddress M (151, Ledger Office. Alse see ndvertlsfnients In large lPe In preceding eel'inins. rKXNSYI.VAXIA TAR.MS 11H-ACRK poultry and fruit farm nenr ninnufacturlng and rollere tewn: less than mile te depet: panoramic view for miles: at tractive ft-room bungalew: neat barn for 10 head, pig sty. corn crib, poultry house, bearing orchard, mixed fruit: superior soil; snap for $2300. $1000 cash gives possessien: some crops Included. Communicate with . It. ROTHENI1EHOER, 020 Main St.. I'cnns bnrg. Pa. . 2.1 ACRES, near 1'hllemnrsh Country Club, en I-'Iourlewn read, adjoining several well known Phllndelphlans: less thnn mlle In City line nnd Chestnut Hill: central suburban spot for commuter; level tract with 4 acres In timber In reir: modernized 7-room stone dwelling with electrlcltyi'newly built barn: piggery for several hundred head: speculative buy. REESE t. LINDERMAN. 0 E. C. Airy St.. Norrlstevvn. Pa PROPERTY for country home development between Main Line and IVest Chester Philadelphia pike, the "datewny Reute"; HI ncres rich, rolling land, with weeds, scat tered timber nnd atream: old sriuare stone heuse with center hnll In elevatien: several hundred feet from rend. surrounded by old trees; stone barn, sprlnghense: wnter pumped te heuse bv water wheel; $200 ncre, J M. TROXEPIELD, Wayne. Penna 1)0 ACRES nenr Newtown. J 'a. extra .nice set buildings, all recently everhnulefl. In cine shnee: timber nnd fruit: only $11 an ncre. WILLIAM T. WRIGHT, Now New town Pi, 10 ACRES Dandy little poultry farm: geed let buildings: only J 1000 nn trolley line. WILLIAM T WRIGHT Newtown, Pa, NEW ,li:nSF.Y FARM" ONE OF THE FINEST FARMS In Atlantic County, 2 blocks from Sea View Gelf Club: ever 500 acres; 2 large houses fullv euulpped; prlce, $30,000; cost. $.10,000. all modern Im provements; net eulck Applv owner, THOMAS O'CONNOR, 131ft Rnardwnlk Atlintla Cltv N. J, $2.10 IllTYS ii 5-acre fruit nnd poultry farm In best section of Seuth Jersey, no build ings: Jinndv lei lar.-e niarkets climate, soil, water unsurpassed: payments $1 weekly: lienklet free. GII.RF.RT & O'CALLAGHAN, 70.1 Walnut st . Philadelphia. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE PROPERTIES all locations, for exchange. Berry. 1027 Real Estate Tr. Rldg. Wal. 17n CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA land and Income property te exchnnge for property In Colerado; send for catalogue. Austin Realty Ce., Oakland, Cnllf. REAL ESTATE SALE OR RENT MAIN LINK FOR SALE OR RENT OUT ON MAIN LINE Haverferd: a modern 12-room residence, with 4 baths; has 8 bed chambers, with larse closets; heuse Is arranged for convenience, pleasure nnd comfort In heusekeeping: a most hemev house, with pleasant outlook; convenient te statien: rent, $200 per menth: If Interested, request te see it, with further pvrtlculars. by addressing C. E II.. P, O, llex: 31, or phene Ardmere 855, REAL ESTATE WANTED AROI'T 10 acre,' stene house, at least: B bedrooms near ichoel nnil station. Apply R C LOVING. 000.1 Drexel read, Overbroek. FACTORY SPACE WANTED TO RENT Bone SQUARE FEET: GIVE LOCATION AND RENT 3 DAYS P 113.1, LEDGER PIT. HAVE huer for geed investment houses nnywhere In Philadelphia. ISADORF. MARTIN. 0 X 42d St. HAVE buvers for Seuth Phil i properties. P. P McKBNXA, 1,132 Point Hreere ave. W. 11. HALL & SON 4KB nnd Tllle Rldg. PENNSYLVANIA SUBURBAN MAIN LINK MAIN l.INL. I. hedroems. 2 baths, hot het vvuter henf. large let; garage; pusscsMen Sent 20 Cull Cvnvvyd QUI REAL ESTATE FOR RENT CITY 307 S. SMEDLEY ST (.Kith nnd Spruced Seven rooms, 2 baths, vapor heat, electric light, hardwood floors, laundry tubs, window shades, screens, grny and Iverv walls; 4 bed bed bed reoms: complete small central dwelling-. PAUL M. ROSENWEY Land Title Tlidy MuuC'Rhi house. 1H3I) Falrmnunt ave., jb rooms, 1 buth.t open by appointment. ARTHUR ROSWELL, 233 N. 13ih st. 20U7 E. CLARENCE ST. Six rooms, bath" perch: geed condition; Immediate noises! slen. SHUTTLE WORTH. 30BI ljeslngien av9 2022 W. SUSQUEHANNA AVE eTmsTand bath, rent $13 per month. Dla. 0724. W H HALL A. SON 4.1S Land Tllle Rbu OFFICE-!. RUSlNias ROOMS. KTC. TWO veiy desirable efr.es ter professional purpesus; fspfUnlly ndac-.eil fur dentist splendid light, Maeee & Iln,wr, i.',i Ixicust st I'liene Snruce 02u7.(i.'(is FOR KENT. 1200 HO.ua.rci feet oltlce space ,. ,iit i't , ,.,., i. u, ii.,u,l., 1UU1 ilU.lC I.STKY III.DG DESIUA1ILE OKVlt't-.!'. ALL OU'ISIDE: RENT HEASONARIH APPLY EM'EY RLDG. 1701 WAIA'ptt NICE ernCE In lawjer's suite. Inimedlnii possession. 008 Lincoln RldB. phone Spruce. 1275 "one DESli space for rent with steneifranhie serl" lce lu lteal Estnte Tru.t Hldg. P ,J' Ledger Office. h' -' ' SOUTH side of City Hall, li.ixter lIMi-" large flrst-fleur room, suite uf 3. n.'i2 nfline 'Hei. DESIRABLE office space, fireproof bullein? c.i-vater service; moderate rent. AedIv E ,1 ELLIOTT. 1114 Chestnut et AllllDl'T litriLiiivri Desirable eiitsld.i offices, rnit reasonable X E. cer Rrnad and Rare sis, ' CENTRAL OFFICES, Ke,i lleht, ieas7m able Wlllla-Wlnrhestef Ce . 2.1 S l h.'!."".1' OFFICE space. In Insurance district its Walnut st Mr1ymiMciirimtin r.i 3S70 225 S SYDEVIIA.M I'll st.imr freiii tip WlfR.LI . SOX 13S ,:"n,l 11 i' ? ' Alse hen uihertUiini-iiU 111 luritc lpeln is l ding columns. ,,t " prc By Arch Dale I -tr- 4f5MtV ' .-e,yj'3.''s.,v- .'ii rc,fii.-rW-a; , siflfpl REAL ESTATE FOR RENT MTY Rnslnes Properties and Blore 904 WALNUT ST. LAROH DAYLIOHT HTORH IMMEDIATE POSSR8SION Eitat DAVID M. HESS, 1104 w.tn... 1727 SANSOM ST. 17TH AND BANSOMBTH. 2043 CHESTNUT STREET BOO fl, ft. fleer jspneet newly renevataA w.vt. i.i.-NUBiu, 18Z cnestnut sf. KOR RENT Very desli, pi eperty. lit neS and basement of SO M 0th st "ncle? Filbert st. Ineillre of Lnuher. 21 N. nth ,t AIM) see niivertiscmeui in lnre in,, i; preceding celninns. Factories, Wflrehnnae. Manefacirjrlng Wcw 1210-1212 ARCH STREET DESIRABLE MODERN RUILDINn BASaENOER AND FREIGHT ELEVATOR8 $7ti0 11000 $1300 $2000 $31100 OFFICES ntJStiS RALWrmeOMii CRESSE. 1828XCHESTNUT ST. FACTORIES, WAREHOUSES' or fleer asaeT ... k... niM nti..in i.i "jr "pavem ci'ii. ...v, .,,-. ..,. ppnie lata A FACTORY, wnroheuse and fleer peclafi" ARTHUR H. FRASER, 21 fl. lath I.1"'- Alse see mil erlleenienls Jn larce tJn preceding enlumns. " wkht rntTr)Ki.pniA LOCUST ST., 4420 pes. 10-rm, heu i baths, with show. J decs all cenvi anrr at once. """ (1KR1IAXTQ1YN LINCOLN . DRIVE. 720(1 ihreo-stery atone dwg. ; prlv. snr.; new and desirable. Bhsr. weed Apartment Acencv. 13.14 Walnut t LAXaiDOtYXB 28 IV, Greenwood nve., Lnnsdewne in r av b.) gil. loc P. 't. McCann, 6403 Spruce. a Woodland D08ft J, " XIAV JI'BSKV SDIlUBnAN ' ROAD HOUSE within 10 mlles of CnmdaT new Inilldlnsf. newly furtilshed, iii.it equipped kitchen, large dining room, 18 bed. rooms, running wnter everv room, heat arM electric lights: n llve place for a live man the year round- Apply M 1131. Ledger Orf'e" CAMUF.N FOR REXT 5.1 Market St.: store and dm RAYMOND L. WARHEN 537 Federal St., Camden. FOR BENT FURNISHED 1- ( TlOflA FURXISIIEI5 HOME Runt free te married vV- couple In exchnnge for rooming and )v.a Ing owner and wife; references exchanged. Call between I) A. 51. and 5 P. M. 8214 M. Curllsle st. MORTQAQE3 ATPLICATIOXS wanted: first and eencl mortgage funds. MAGEE & R0DGERS lyr.O Locust et. Phene Snruce 0203-0207, FUNDS FUNDS IN ANY AMOUNT IMMEDIATE POSSESSION RUILDINO ASSOCIATION MONT5T DEMPSEY t CO.. 27 8. 10TH ST. $ 1 50,000 fircS5n$r Mortgages R TAYLOR MIDD..BTON. 703 Walnut st. HAS your mortgage been called' Funds for llrst nnd second mortgages always en hnnd II E Smith. SOO W Erie nve. MOXEY TOR GOOD FIRST V.ORTOAOES. mi.i.i.h.wi.NCIIKHTLR CO.. 20 S. I8th St. $5000 1 TO INVEST In one or two mortgages. i- his, linger urtice. MTO meney.lst & 2d: quick action. E. Berry. '"-' item instate Trust HIda. Wnlnut 178B. Alse see tlclinrtlsf-nifntu Tii hipffn 4.. l preceding columns. APARTMENTS 5 SPRING OARDEN ST.. 2004 Twe. 8 n4 4 rooms and bath, electric, steam heat hardwood floors :'heusekeepln-r nnd bachelor, DAVID T. NEVIN r,20 X 20TH ST. WALNUT ST. Select neighborhood, near Rlttenheuse Sounre nn,l 20th at.; beautiful 2 and 3 room npts.; hdwd. floors; will furn. tn suit If neessarv. Phene Preston 3042. FIVE Inrge rooms nnd bnth: nil eutslds rooms' het-renter hent, electricity hird- weed floors; cenveniences: $00. Cobb, 2223 W Somerset st. 337 S, 21 ST ST. North of Pine. 1 and 1 rooms with prlvnt bath: hicheler apt, beautiful furn.: nil rami, Imprevements: Just remedeled: some heusekeeping: permanent. S E. CORNER 17th nnd Summer sts. New npnrtments for heusekeenlrs: 2 roemn and huh: Innllc- service Apnlv en premises l.TTH ST. X 1.107 Apnrtnents. furnished or unfurnishcl: 3 rooms and bath nd Itlfclienetie nil conveniences. IIACHELOIfS APARTMENT Twe rooms and tiled hath het-water heat, electrle light: central Phene Spruce O207-0CT8. LARGE APT , furnished or unfurnished: at! conveniences; for (rcntleman: phene service. 1110 Pipe st. p POPLAR ST., 1T.2S Completely furn. 2-rm. hkpg. apt : run, water, gas nnd electric. 221ft N IHTH rurn. npts.. 3 rooms, prlvtt bath, electric: S12 per week. Cel, 1742. FOUR ROOMut nnd bath: Janitor servlc. Anply S E. cer. 17th nnd Summer sts. wpst pnii.inKi.pin 4112-41 PARKSIDE AVE. Apis.. 1. 2. 8 rooms and hath. Ueht heiisMieening, un furnished SPARKS & WHITLEY. 401-02 I'renir,. Hlcl- Walnut 012'' . roi'll-reom-ind-bntti npt., med. Msgee A ReilTers. 1en l.ncisl Snruce 0207-0308 r.F.RSIANTOWN WAYXF, AVE. nnd Walnut la., S W. cer., med. npts.: benut. Inc.; cenv. tn P R, . s'nllen Prehv ft rv-nns Lincoln )Rdg. yC ,1014 NEWHALL ST Second-fleer apart ment, 4 rooms. Imth ind kitchenette; $n. W.n T.lnder 132 Chestnut st. rF.NNIYI.VANIA HIintmBAN DBEXF.L 1IILI. SECOND FLOOR APT. Six rooms, til bath, maid's Quarters: 1-car garage; 1 squnre te Pelicy: S125 per month. Lyneh, Drexel Hill. Lnnsdewne) 2182. Open eve- nlngst Alse sec advertisements In large type I preceding columns. i HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS THE T0URAINE 10T1I AND SPRUCE ST3. Philadelphia's largest fireproof heusekceptOi x apartment house Apartments of 0 rooms and 3 bth n4 7 reems and 2 baths. Pheno Locust 4841. 257 SOUTH I6TH STREET Twe try 'IfnlrnWrt npnrtmentB one contain ni? - pfurnnmi nnu uniu mm inn mnji bedrooms .And bnlh. Apply te HUperlntenJent, en "r-misi-si L0CUST.ST.. NO. 1530 A few desirable npnrtmenta .still nvallatil In this new Hl-stnry fireproof hnuskceplnt apartment house; Inspection Invited , ATTRACTIVE hkpg. apartment Four rms. and hath: medern: centrnl Mngee & Bej. Pers 1200 Locust at. Th. Spruce 0207-020S. tTviS. bath and kitchen, open fircplaceal 2200 Pine: $00 and $05; corner building, PF.XXSYLVANIA St'BI'BBAN -. NEW HOl'SElvEEPIXG APAIITMENTS WITH PORCHES, AT CTXWYD HOUSE IS minutes Bread St. Sta., 1 block Jlsl. Sia,: large grounds, ejarnge Cvnvvyd T' FURNISHED APARTMENTSj TutTVaLXUT ST. (Hlfril-A LLYN) On or 2 reums, with bath; will euulpped: full serviced, wu.mvneii , W1LPWOOD CREST Very desirable 3 and 4 room apartments; bath: near beach; poa pea poa aeaslen after Sept. 7. Apply Mrs. M. Reger. 128 E Hand ave. APARTMENT HOTELS THE GLADSTONE 11TII AND PINE STS. ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF AFAi'.TMENTB. FURNISHED. UNFURrTP IX)NG AND SHORT TERM LEASES THE DELMAR-M0RRIS W Chelten ave. GERMANTOWN .,- 20 MINUTES' TO BBQAI) ST. STATION Hetel or unfurn suites housekeeping P'-. HOTEL COLONIAL 8VTVf '6tt SUMMER RATES., C PITMAN IIA1""1 '' Mensarer THE SWART1LMOKE. 22d and WalriS Furnished. 2 rooms and bath, and 1 room and bath; linld service und linen" Included. Phene lirfit 3182. L . THE LITTLE HOTEL, 225 H. nread si.-- Quiet, scrupulously clean and well con- dm ted: a geed nlaceSe live while In Phil. THE SHERWOOD. 83th and, Cntnui--'fwe . rooms and bath: ale Invla room; cn t tni Ubi. I'ben i'raitea ou. i vii M m a "n v If M V f ". .ttAii..,!1.,.. cc 'h