m-iw . s Wmmmmm ,;.. m yT.p -nrATJTED-FEMAIiB ate WEnATOn.n t work ojbey;' AVpl-thlHnB Clothing Ce.. Brid and Wallace ita. - ..nmiAfiiiKii and typist i must re ex perienced. APPlV. Williams, Drawn ft g.rle. I'IB . ". hi. r-hasinm nt. HTi-'NOOBAl'llBn. with credit 8 nrif itnte salary! resident e! credit experience r nnrtneasi leer entlce, rr.-ivrwni aphiir. ene oxperienceu in tne B"iHl,',A1nrVferrd. A HOI. I..der Office. f,.,im. i -,. un-iti for violin In music school In TEAUjLKae V 018. Ledger Ofrtce. telephone opeilvtine A PCnMANKNT CENTKAL OPl'ICE V03U 60MB 01" THE ADVANTAGES OK WHICH BIIOIIT HOUH3. GOOD BALAIIY AS3UI1ED PEP.MANCNCY LIGHT. A1KY 01'KICD INEXPENSIVE LUNCHES CAREFULLY CHOSEN ASSOCIATES orrervruNiTY ren piiometion rntTVn WOMEN IlETWEHN TUB AflE 2 i AND "3 DKSHUNtJ TO RXTimiHR Snnvi-S ION. MAY APPLY AT MY OF ficE UETWEEN 0 A. M. AND S r. M. mips sti:nsen the hell telephone company THE Bl.Mij ahcu BTnt:1.T rKt KPHO.NE operator, experience en prl isle branch exehance. Apply A ex Wolf Welf Wolf inilen hens, southeast corner lDth nnd llullenw ""'' 't 3 TIUVELINC1 POSITIONS MUhT HE FILLED w.llnhle. nationally known Chicago corpora inn waiils 3 capable, women ns tnuellne V..Vreentatle8 r.t ones applicants must ha Trtlucal"t1 and foet-lonsn no that they mi! leu Philadelphia within n wek or 10 Sxtx hke '.'4 t 37: n0 InM'xtment necssiryi te successful applicants we will pay 75 pr .i!c nnd Kle u poed business training, isee IWH Kiitherlne Edle, Held Adclphla. at once. TYPIST Tn the exceptlenallv ambitious eunjr woman, who Is net satisfied te remain a tjplet. we can offer a real opportunity In our correspendenca department: rellnement, edu edu ritlen and an earnest desire, te broaden jiur experience nre the essential require- n"mts' seams. ner.nucK and co. 4010 Hoesoelt Deulenrd WEAVKHS. experienced, en trimming looms, steadv rorltlens: none but experienced ntid apply. INCH rjereer-Aaren .UIC Ce 4rC(l N. 18lh t near Wujne Junction. WOMAN for general kltihen help. Apply i.i.linnii Hesp.. (llinrd nnd Corinthian. WOMEN We hflie an Increasing demand for women te handle responsible pe-dtlnns of trust Icad Inr I" EXECUTIVE cninrlty In our own Internsttenal Orininlitlen. women nine mere than doubled their snlarv In the first te months with us nnd at the aninu time aunllned for advancement: If ner :;." vears of Bite our Mr Jacobs will dve ou nn In terview today. Call ID te 12 neon or 2 te t P. JL 710 WIDENER BLDd. J1R! warte.1, ilevern portions; J120 me : manv ai.inilen, examlnullein Sept, S. Oct. Write fei pos. open I' 1421. L O. ill'SINEhH .SEHVICi: fU lilt Lnml Tltld. Bkprs. and Hlenes . Stcne)., Clerks ceit. HELP WANTED MALE AISLE MANAGER 3lnbl lirelhels have n desirable opening for an aisle mnnneer ene luiWm,- had de. fsnmtnt store experience preferred: must r of reprcjintathu nppeiraiiLe nnd pesbish tecutlve nblllt. Apply Superlntcndcnt'ii uffice. fourth fleer nur. AnLE-HOJIED MEN . ' IIUVCKSMITHS BOILERMAKERS CAR REPAIRMEN CAR INSPECTORS MACHINISTS WANTED FOR PERMANENT POSITIONS PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD 1623 I'lLHERT OTUEET ABhn,.ITJHil"A'' ''rTtviian. w.u.ted; must A i.i IB i '" risiuenini HOW. B'J?Jler. 1100 locust st Fhlla. Carl tiu HAM1I1;IIS wnntpil miM, i.A nu... , ' Apply water st Frank's Gat axe, 330 Fitrl DAO FACTORY PRESSMEN ARTISTS EVQItAVERS 'rse. new ,'n2P:-J" middle West '"rnneinx Is wrsenal InlcrMew addrci, M 703. Ted. Fer Off. I BLACKSMITHS WELDERS BOILERMAKERS MACHINISTS WANTED S'"""" ftni-aiiuN,fwr y Jrr- t,m nni t i ' 1 BOILErtMAK-r-na ' "JflTJJ AND -MACHINISTS 'T'" "KILLED WORKMEN FOR RAILIIOAD bH0P WORK WANTED m UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM i,i3li TOOD CONDITIONS ' " STEADY WORK DESIRAULE LOCATIONS I AA. MEBRASKA. AND WEST I CALI' OR -wihth I NI0N TACinc SYSTEM M' C05JIAL TRUST RLDO 1MH AND MARKET STS. riHLADELriUA A ) BOILERMAKERS & BLACKSMITHS 'J. "UACHININST8 ,D ' AND CAR ItEPAIRMJJN WANTED I 011H GOLL 4 COMPAMT CONTRACTORS 1M1 ARCH ST. !'WR.u,t,tm ' , ' x$ lwc HELP WANTED MALE BOILERMAKERS, It. by Louisville nnd I experience, wanted nnd Nashvllle It. It. Apply 1 1ft N. 1:1th St., Itrem 3, 1JOY WANTED; paper bexesj experienced en corner cutter. Apply Cersumers" nex Ce.. northwest terner 12th and llrewn sts. IIOlLKItMAKEIlS HIriC8MITHfl WANTED font PEftMANKNT POSITIONS PENNSYLVANIA ItAIUlOAD 1023 rti.nRrtT bt. CA'Il nnd air Inspectors', n n. experlence. wanted by lx)ulsllle & Nashvllle It. 11. Anplynoem H, llfl N. Igth st, ' DKTAII.EH and tracer wanted ,y nmnufac turer of automatic machinery: smtn mm. experience and rnlnry. ! (lae Wflrr Office. nttAlPTHMEN Kxnerlenefil illalt. .,.., bulMlnm only these with thorough experl enre In structural shop drafting roemsi no nhlp draftsmen. Call, wrlte or phene Pail Oendell. manager of employment. New Yerk Oniimuii-iiurt f"t n "' VMIHJPni ff , J, aUAIltlH for out of tnwni eryice nnd ex-pellC4mfh r&yuiyr "eyice."6""11 " lADOnEnS. LAD0nER9 (WHITE) ren TRACK WORK I3.B0 PER DAY 6TBAIOHT TIME, BAIN OR SHINB TREE TRANSPORTATION BOARD ADVANCED CALL A. C. B. B, OF N. J.. FREE EMPLOYMENT OFTICB 123 NORTH 10TH STREET HIMDER HIMDER Pearsen -Laborers, steady work, ceed pay, ft Iiducher Lumber Ce... west- merelnnd st nne ueiHware imcr. MACHINISTS BOILERMAKERS CAR INSPECTORS FOR RAILROAD WORK STEADY EMPLOYMENT AT STANDAKD WAGES PLENTY OK OVERTIME FREE EOAItD AND TRANSPORTATION APPLY TO COMPANY OFIICB 123 N 15TH ST. PHILADELPHIA. PA. CENTRAL RAILROAD OK OPEN DAILY. 7 A. M. NEW JERSEY TO 5 i: M. MACHINISTS. II (I by S N. Louisville & Nashvllle It. It. Apply 11 1 ! i n ii., unem :i MAN of tuct -.c)ur.ice mid character wanted for position of perimnnc nnd crcat pos pes plhtllty. P '.2d Leilgpr Office MAN Lxpericnced. te munace tourist office effice office Htate rcfeicnccs and aalury expected, M I.JD, Ledger Office MEN I am Intervlcwlnc men for a position of responsibility and trust. Call Roem rj28, Widencr Hide . 10 te Hi A. M. and a te ft P. M. PAPER salesman wanted In wholesale paper wareheuse: one with experience preferred state ase and selling experience. V UU. Ledger Ofllce SALUS.MAN WU NEED A SALESMAN OF STROVO PERSONALITY T(l RENEW CONTRACTS AND SECl'Ri: N-j.W, HHSINESSi WE SELL A FINANCIAL SERVICE TO LARC1K MCR, CAN'lILK CONI.EIIN3 AND CAN OM'Ult THE RIGHT MAN A VERY DESIRA1ILU CONTRACT. APPLY U-30 TO 12 A. M . 1 30 lO 4 P. M.. MB. HYAN. HUOM 417. 437 CHESTNUT ST. SALESMAN Manufacturer of automobile specialties wants experienced salesman, owning car. te hind!" their line en commission Insls: prefer e.ilCHinan new callliiK en nccessery dialers, Xiireies or hnlware stores, hustlsr can Him bit; money, unusually liberal preposition te riKht man Write In detail, stating cx perlence nnd qtinllflrnllens mergan vra. CO INC., KKENE N H SOLI' 1TOK A centrul re.il (,.tnte office hsi an oeenlnu for 1111 experlencf d sellcUnr In the rent department splendid onuertunlts for ndiancinent for the rlKht man A i'31, I e lr ( it tire. HA LI HMA attention' Our huslress li Krewlnir. and we must Incrtasn our force, Sa.'i te Htart: opportunity te m.ike mere: per ni'iuent. brlnB referemes I'nll 43L' Mniket Bt., Cnmden. N, J., between 1 and 0 P. M, Wednesday. Officii Ne 111, SALESMEN Geed opportunity for live-wire men te con nect with eld-eatnbllshed Ferd an 1 Lincoln lealer havlnc lirce centrai t and Reed renu- tutlen for sales and seril'e, Kiipllrnnts must be iL'sinents or l'lninnetpnia nne oeveio entire tlmi' 10 Jeb, commission busls, Aiply in pire!i, THE SOUTHWESTERN AGENCY S3d and llaltltnore ue. hALEMEN W' nrn prepared te place 4 uund men nti tltv salesmen, ff leu are in- ttreited III u renl llve-wlre pi -position nnd anxious te cenne-t with the lureeM munu- Intturini: cempanv or us ,iina 111 ice c mti trv who will lewnrd miu wnl! for seui ef- orts , cull Mr. llevre Tii-hPi, Walnut lSB? SALESMEN Ability counts td neil auto aute auto neblUs if lilirh standard, innclnir from IftOH te I300D. commission hnsls only. Apply by LETTER ONLY. 1.V10 Pratt bt., Frank ford Pa. HALEiiMKN L.irKe New Yerk cotton (feeds converter has epenltiK for Philadelphia rep iccen'atlies, only these bavins larBc follow fellow lint. Friedman & Krleger White m N Y c hAI.Eh.MLN men uf the Uical nl'i-nlnif for several innre s.ioeo-xnuuu class, icBardieaa of hales expirlenie effective sales plan, with leads Call. ! ,t. Tin victory nuic STOCK SALESMEN Must be first class: weed commission, able te finance self; tell stock of old reliable company, A 217. Led, ar Office. THE CHICAGO AND NORTHWESTERN RAILWAT OFFERS PERMANENT EMPLOYMENT TO 25 EXPERIENCED LOCOMOTIVE DOILEBMAKBR8 HELPERS NOT WANTED WE OFFER SPECIAL ATTRACTIVE PROPOSITION T O BOILERMAKERS. QUALIFIED TO PERFORM SPECIAL WORK! EXPERIENCED MACHINISTS AND 11LACK8MITHB ALSO WANTED. APPLY AT ONCE TO COMPANY AdENT Oil WIDENER DLDO. OR 1814 ARCH STREET tt K. KtidM-., . , x-fltK V WUSjWMWM EVENING. PUBLIC HELP WANTED MALE WANTED BOILERMAKERS BLACKSMITHS MACHINISTS CAB BEPAIBMEN SKILLED IN RAILROAD WORK 8T.EADY EMPLOYMENT STANDARD WAOES AUTHORIZED BY UNITED STATES BAILROAD LAIIOK HOARD APPLY TO CENTBAL BAILnOAD COMPANY OF NEW JERSEY C. E. CHAMBERS. SUPT. MOTOR POWER AND EQUIPMENT JERSEY CITY. N. J. WANTED FOR SERVICE ON NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY MACHINISTS TASSENGER CARMEN FREIOHT CARMEN BOILERMAKERS HAMMERSMITHS BLACKSMITHS TINNERS PIPEFITTERS AT WAOES AUTHORIZED UY UNITED STATES RAILWAY LABOR BOARD TRANSPORTATION WILL BE FURNISHED APPLY IIOOM 809. FINANCE BLDO. 1420 S. PENN SQUARE PHILADELPHIA WANTED BY THE BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD CO. FOR PERMANENT POSITIONS AT STANDARD LABOR BOARD RATES MACHINISTS BOILERMAKERS i BLACKSMITHS CAR REPAIRMEN j ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDERS I I A bonus of SI 00 per calendar div will be iiald ill Machinists, llnllormekers nnd Illaelc- , smiths who remain In service 30 daja or mere. I Time and en half for overtime- free beard nnd trnnniortatlen. traveling time allowed, best et Uvlne conditions. Apply Chestnut st entrance, B. O PASSENGER STATION, 24th and Chestnut eta. Company's representative. WANTED. In Cnmden. eunu unite rncrKetlc married couple, live In nnmun de plain ceulilnff. mull chauffeur Pfiiknri! car ulsn assist with housework he children, state ex. nerlence, references nnd sulnry. Address P O Uex .IfiH Cnmden N ,T WANTED GENERAL ROILER FOREMEN ' 1IOILKR FOIIKMKN nnNERAL LOCOMiniVU lORKMEN MOlll ROI'NDIIOt'si: FOItK.MEN AUtlUtAKE rOREMEN MACHINE SHOP FOREMEN GENERAL PAINTER reilL'MEN (Familiar h coach and locemoilve work). WRITE OR WIRE COLLECT (Ole experience and aL'e) TO A. P. PUENDEUGAUr Mechanical Superintendent TEXAS AND PACIFIC HAILWAT Roem 1UI, 'rje"ifA 1TENAS0n0ral 0'"c, HAROLD TEEN T Veu res such ft ReASftKrr (W, LetJclb HftveYoe cflu., Bof. (jNlR3tiTUMATei.y ' UtAvr. ToeiM TeMicsHT . lw.rAl.Sili-T-i-i:li- ',' j - ''- e,'.' '.iMVi'.n.' ni c s Jl ' K-. LEDGER - PHILADELPHIA. " TUESDAY, HELP WANTED MALE THE fintE"n thlmfi deslnd by the )heuuht (ul man In his business rinnectlen nret 1. adequate remuneratien: 2, opportunity for promotion, nnd a, censenlal associa tions! If ou hne net nil of these you lire net retting the nest out of life, there 1.1 in l'hiin aeipnin ceesful delphla an orKnnlssutlen of l.ien who ere puc heentiAn thnv ueA hAnnv In ppy in ineir vterkl they, weleome In'e their, ranks the r, man of weed ch-irncter. personality and nm bltlen, who la secklnit te make the most of himself, and who will work hard te attnln that end! this Is nn active, honest business, and you ewa It tp yourself nnd your family te make Inquiry. Call nl 103 Land Tltle ry. C'alj ft) A. M 111 Mldg . between nnd 1 P. M. Grnrrfit HERE'S MY OFFER TO YOU . If you are a man of (reed appearance, honest, ambitious, clean-cut and ever 2D, I'll llke te met ou. I don't core what you arc werklnir nt new. If you meet the requirements of mv corporation na n mun I will glve you free of charKO a business course nnd a position cnpable of producing mere money than veu have ever earned be fore. If you are sincere ceme In inil sec me. 10 te Vi neon or 2 te 4 P. M. 710 WIDENER BLDO. TRANSPORTATION WOIiK Traffic, .Asso ciation wants rellnhte men te qualify for positions directing domentle nnd ferelun ship plnir: $2.10 te 5i)0 monthly! cxp. unnecessary common school education essential: only men of ceed character need apply: IT wining and desirous of mnklnir connection wertn while, write, without ohllfrntlen. slntlns; present position, age Phlla. I'. O. Bex 414. BUSINESS SERVICE CO., 1114 Land Tltle. Ehicrx. (sales) Central stations. 52e00. Reinforced concrete, censtr. IIROO. SALESMEN e.I. hlith tpe. men. CLERKS Ullllnn: typists, lcduer. $20.J25 MANAGER Exn. In haklnir business. STF.NO & CI Ceil mining Ce Others MEN wnnted, Oel. postal clerkn. carriers, write for Instruction part. Immed Ter replication Oct. 1. P 1421, Ledger Oatcc. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE CHAUFFEUR, experienced, wishes position, npare time, afternoon or evenlntr: con de own repnlrlrg P (in Lrriger Offle COOK, also cenernl housework, Jap1n'",, ex perienced desires position In small nrlvate family: references A 223. Iditer Office. AGENTS .STATE AND COUNTY AGENTS New patented, Indispensable necessity te refponslble man, half commission. $200 te JflOO per vve"k pessible: man of business ability only. Denne, Suite 4, 1410 Broadway. New Yerk City. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES 63(1 N. 10TH ST Houscwerlters. dlshwasn ers. porters, mop nnd wlfe. Tep. 0241, ROOMS FOR RENT CUMBERLAND ST., W. Reems, second ffoer, furn. room for gentleman; 1 unfurn. room, electric. 10TII. N1 , 13P (HOTEL RUHR') fentrnl, shopping district, neur stations, beautiful furn rms elec, : spotless; dally, wkly. rates HANDSOMELY furnished loom In Inrtte. modern, private home! electrjc llithts, 10 minutes te ( Itv Hall Telephone Hnrlnvc lltlfi. FURNISHED or unfurnished HvJni; room and bedreiitn Pheno utter 8 P. M.. Prts- Ien H'.7I W. EXCLUSIVE private home adult, will rent loom te Pretectant man who Is used te the best permanent. Pheno OverbroeK iiOu3 W TWO nicely furnished rooms, llvtntt loom mid litdroem: open view, prlvate family, ref erence, V fl2f. L-dei erflcts CHESTNUT 101M Furnished room, all con cen veniences: near bath WT.ST I'lllUXDEf.l'IIIA ONE or twu rellncd husliu hs men have the exceptional oppeitunltv of securing 11 mm mm mm fortable home and cholce of 2 roeniM In the newly furnished modern prlvate home of veung couple, lecntul In veiy refined section, breakfabt and laundry If desired, snrases nvaltable nearby. 1'er Information and ap ap pelntment cull Woodland 04N.'I J after T P M mv ,n:itm:v sKAiieiti: en: in cirv FURN. room for heuvekeepliiic. nrlite fnm ll. l'J'J AHbury nve.. Occnn Cltj, N. J. BOARDING Rl.sr hT S. 121 Wry Ueslrnblc vacancies for ffntlcmcn, hume comfort, ctcellent liililn rilinne PINE. 411!) Uni- locitlen. lirluht rooms; i Hlenm heiit. net wutcr, eoed taDle: refer- rnci-. Unrlng fifilt, WILL beard children from I months te 3 cara Pheng Tlecn nn" 3 CERIANTOWN OltBTNOU. 102 E. Walnut line Twe un nsinlly r'ea'Hnt necond-lleor room!: eit eit eit ocllent hem cueklns. IrnlU ldu.il sorvlcei nedern conveniences, nllti homelllie isur rimndlniTs' r.ites renwiinnln. Gtn riSSg. PENNSYLVANIA Sllliunn IN TOWANDA, PA (Sunn side) Meuntnlns, b.itlilnB. Iniite ureunds i-nd perches, elec. baths. frullH, ck , milk and cseu The Misses Lamb. UEUMAN I OWN I'ninfortable hem,i lire In deslrable residential ncn1l! , $'.'() p-r week with biuir I. Miss MticRrnth 1,'n Mnplenued ac Open Sept. fi Ter eentlcmcn. ref. (SurmBlde) USED AUTOMOBILES fP USED FORDS TOURING, RUNABOUTS AND DELIVERY CARS FROM $75 UP BANHAM MOTOR CO. Ridge and Dupent Sts. Koxberough ACME dump tricki. 2'j -. H'a ten, uuai , attractlvn price, term" '-",-livL ' It CADILLAC '", teuiliii:. ii-nalnt d. lenlckvled let of xlras demonstration, .'illl.J l.cbjiiun B n after I' M, CHANDLER sedan, lfi.'l i-ncellint condl cendl tlnn Uflf Ellswerth s- n dl.mil i.Vni M DUMP JOBS. 1 Whlte. !l AuiiK.nrs, ready te run. prices rc.isonuble. I'll N. 2-0 at. Snruce 2.1 SB. S MAXWELL, new series, trade our cer In new! we allow 20?i mere bee ua first. Maxwell Denleis 7:111 " llruad Wal. 0.114. pl(!E teurlnK car, 7-iiaHenBer i terli tup. In he sold at public sale Wednesday. (,,M,t -il at HI A. M.. it Uient LariiKC. -IJls Haltlinerw ave. AUTO ACCESSORIES $2 T I R E $3 30x3. 30x313. S2: all li.ruer slses up te .ITx" SI If one of thebe used lliea prtnes unsit unsit lfacler wllh'li 110 ilajs, jeturn with le. inlpt and Bet another for hall price. no mall ord.r.iiey.s TmK 8r0UJJ MB Seuth nreud st lJNrj1 1 tt neir Christian " Te Hlri. If) HIRE 1 nnd 7 piss teurlnu llmeuslns 11,50 pur hr. up Pen 11,17. Park 1130. MONEY TO LOAN HOUSEKEEPERS GET A LOAN $15 TO $300 FROM THIS LICENSED. PONDED II.VNK 1NU DEPARTMENT SUPERVIhL'D Ce, FILL YOUR COAL BIN NOW Ver easy terms. Pnwnents airanired te suit our cenenlence Ne ft es r ,inv k'nd ihared, only Inli'rest at Hi rata prmldc.il by law. An Inaulry puts ou te no expense and does net ebllitate ou 111 any wn. Cull IODAY nr If In a bpiclal huiry. use llcll Plione Locust 7,',37 PAY ALL YOUR SMALL Ot'TSTANDINO HILI.'l AND OWE lll'T ONE CONCERN HOUSEHOLD LOAN CO. 240 Seuth 15th Street Second Fleer. Roem -01 Cress llulldlnK Member Phlladclnlilu Chmnb-r of Commerce 7 ,7 -riy u -Veu ea lue BcenTcftveuCa HUHis! FeQ AAOKTUS XeiT rVvV Luck! AMO I ArA BETUraMliMCiJ OT 1U (NSISTEMT Up 4 C.Aii TT --; .uu-ifWL 4X - jwrf - ju - ft -. hub. iriicii n l$X WU ''111; I mm zm jztvi' -" TJSED AUTOMOBILES PEERLESS USED AR These who buy a used PEERLESS in prefer ence te a new car of another make when both are possible at the same price, prove conclusively that the used PEERLESS is the best value in their judgment. They knew that the used PEERLESS is better finished, is built of better materials, will last longer and give better quality service. They believe that a new car at the same price is expensive in comparison. We have reduced the price en a small let of used PEERLESS Touring Cars and four-passenger Roadsters te $1400. They are in fine mechanical condition, have been beautifully refinished and are fitted with new cord tires. If price is a consideration and you prefer quality, permit us te prove in any manner you may suggest that these PEERLESS Cars are superior in every respect te new or used cars costing hun dreds of dollars mere te buy and maintain. PEERLESS Used Cars have been preferred te new cars selling at an equal price for the past twenty- tioe consecutive years. AUTOMOBILE COMPANY Peerless Distributors 2314-16-18 CHESTNUT ST. Spruce 1446 nJMuuLm DEPENDABLE USED CARS When buying a meter car it is well te consider the quality of dependability. The purchaser wants an automobile which he knows will net fail him and which he can rely upon te accom plish any transportation task. We have Cadillacs in all models available at very low prices. Alse the following used cars of ether makes. FORD Sedan 6-48 PIERCE-ARROW Limousine 1920 DANIELS Limou sine 1920 STANDARD 8 Sedan 1920 STANDARD 8 tour-pass. NEEL-CADILLAC COMPANY 142 North Bread Street Phene Spruce 0210 BRANCHES: Pottsville, Pa. Reading, Pa. CARPET CLEANING Telephene Kensln (tun .'Hl-'J.'Sl-aBOT QUAKER CITY CARPET CLEANING CO. 1121 te 1137 L Columbia Ae. Cleaning and Dyeing l.i, lies nnd i,entr' wnrinis uppirel house. I old heeds Oriental and iletrestle runs, cai pets, lipeatrles, blankets i urtatns Damp Wash Laundry WALLACE I stl N -.1 CHI lt( II J0TII ,ANE. C.TN DUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES C'XNDY m'siM. i-ciR SALE (liilni: inml specl.ilu in mi'.nturlnB busl ness U,nlt Phtl.ideli h' sale nearly $1 no ene unnually fei pist J -.eirs te iand, k'riirer nnd dru Jubbers ., .ind-lu-ceut stores, eha n steus and reuille-s excellent distribution and mnl.-eidn Imslneaj, fcoed uppeitunlty tj Intreise luslnx. alie add new eainh Items, well w-uth prmupt Inves Inves iii'iillen .Address CHS M !,.:, lxjJuer Office. .ST MAN with Jtnoe te J'.OM) In ersanU zitlim ut new securities eipjratlun. sei if i s net abbelutely ue -s,,i but required latir tharnter mure liupm t mt thin ainuunt ,,l tinistmellt Minjl edh r llfllce ll.Mi ALl'.ES coal lands Diuihin County, well pi men, IU50.00U pstne JI03 Lib erty HIilK TYPEWRITERS AND SUPPLIES 11 WE uui old twwwrlter iibult h ch rade wuil, ears of ptiutliul expel nm Walsh HiU I s j.., at i hauled 1. I by 'Ihemus 1 VJUlTH MY ftUriT DCeAPMOSeP -fi& rvserera. Vte jiiittiu!, . --JMVii-. . kl'sA rwu,i .) J -feu. ve- VcTcei ) s a "if aam . nnc Jv " ' , w Ff!vwlWWW:ilP ' V SEPTEMBER 5, 1922 USED AUTOMOBILES S 1920 STUTZ 6-pass. 1920 STUTZ 4-pass. 191G PACKARD Phaeton 1915 DODGE Touring 1921 STEARNS Coupe 1921 COLE Teurinre 1920 COLE Touring 1920 MARMON Camden, WE PAID A WOMAN jns ,-,e rer offered J 10 inends nnd a let of wirv he for elsewhere liilnir hnil btn sour iIt- full honest cash n.lue sl..wi r,?U'.B TIIOS It T f'l' JP. il-t -tt II, .'" ":.'"J " '- Hinut at i: DIAMONDS BOUGHT AND PAWN TICKETS FOR DIAMOND KELLY i CO UL' ( I estnut It ult. .' :j se. enu nenr m-r I'mlds' Ra, st wuriiEALei ts or ns! i.r la cehr Labt Known ud In h II.' I ISih r . ii h.r an intj-" tlu- lin.s' Hack' In. wjwd lIesidMJ :7 lb. t.-i rl N y c" l PEKMANENT WUI.VI1 MUliriKD HAIIt 1 lis I.I'MI HAIIt SIDF.-l M FIlOVl'' IJU ( STEKNOi K L'll MM. hT. MAIL KPT e,s ill- 1 CAhll paid fur old cnl s her and antlaue cK-cks iteneis. 4, s 17tn t. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS KSTAI LISHEI) IssJ HUGHES BROS. 530 AND ,'ilj N 1HTH ST PHILA Pianos idieers and e-i.ins i ,i, nr time e nffui tli hi ilass 1 1 nub nnd ils rs whuh nte nut e.Tered fi i piIh inmlit- w n Phlla i,elphla If Mm intend Imvlnu u niie it wll pay ou te se, ours 1 1 for ou bu PAINTINQAND PAPERHANOINO HAI 1 PAl'l It h M L In, i iMti.Ini;. ."n s.nvle inn up hoi, I, is Pr l r 171 it W i our i ' with i nl ml n nip, r w the.it IKHj.Ms piiK-rel i tul uilii! I irat. 5 Pellir lil.ti) 1 ran 'U st P. I in 1 JJtnl JuiT TtEAG. , V,IV KCWUli 7m I.i ?l N. J. PERSONALS i t -v ux 5?sF y-- "irons' V sj- . JteOBU n .'i(t viHts .1 v - REAL ESTATE FOR SALE CITY MM.WIMIM SAMUEL COHEN & CO. Real Estate ANNOUNCE THE REMOVAL OF THEIR OFFICES TO 225 SOUTH BROAD STREET PHILADELPHIA RERNATtD COHEN KA.MUEL COHEN raeiji'ii fiin-inr'innpiiiiiiiifEtin'iniriniRniniiiiiKiiiiTtPi'i ii,jpiiffl.iiiirn'tt.Hii(.Pi!iiiii!i inrare imi'ipn.(;imfRinii WEST IIIII.MIF.LI'IIIA WOT PIIILADKLPHIA ft In the 69th Street Center 16 Minutes te City Hall One Fare Tlie place where six trolley lineH beRin and eriil prnc tlcally at your very deer. .Ve plncc HVce It In the pntlre city for quick transit te anywhere and In any direction. A Few Choice Cerner Hemes On lets 37 feet wide. Priced at $10,500 Only $56 a month te carry, plus $17 te pay off the mortgages. !l IM 1i l Nete These Many New Features in These New Cerner Hemes WestlnfrhoUEe Sr. Hadle Phene's Built In Ulc-etrlc Ventilating Fan In Kitchen All-Ceppi-r Ou'ti-rs nnd Spouting Cedur-IJni'd ClethcH Closet lilcht r'lesetM In Heube. Mind Veu JJnlJm Heuse Metal Weather Stripped Breakfast .Voek Inclcnoek Klnplace Three Oolf Courses Clese By COME TODAY AND PICK OUT YOUK FUTURE HOME JOHN H. McCLATCHY Builder of Hemes Ofllce nt Operation, (i'nh St Opposite Market St. Elevated Terminal. Open Evenings till 0. Phene, Belmont 7133. 1J All Sizes Het-Water and Steam BOILERS AND RADIATORS WE HAVE A IW LA P.OI-: STEAM IIHATI.Ml mill lilts 1420 S. 8th St., Phila. riREOON n:i74 SPECIAL SALE 0 s ,''-i ," hZ , " ',.1 i reR SALE IZ "FmJvn . OFFICE PARTITIONS. 13 Per Teet nnd Up OfRee Furniture Unusuallv Cheap. Buv New. PENNA erriCE rURNITCRE CO I Oil Walnut 1102 Areh r.WTORY TO YOC MADE IN PHII.A. FOLDINU CHAIRS. A'-SEMIH.Y CHAIR0. ' CHURCH PEWS P V L P I T CHAIRS. 'SCHOOL desks. THEATRE CHAIRS I CHAIR EXCHANGE. COR. 11TH &. VINE; I TYPE. PMli presses and cutters: Primers' Sumil It Llpr birualns. s nth st HAY seal fur coat $11" a'ue J10 Shus- lerman 1 ur store i.-ie cnesinui Jl-r- Kieroen fur coat 10 In, Shusterman's Fur Shep. 1 lone n barff. 210 Chestnut STORAGE AITD MQVIITQ MOTOR VAN SERVICE TO ANY DI'TINT TOINT Weekls- serlc for Bmall shipments between Philadelphia and WuhtiiBten The, Big 4 Transfer Ce., Inc. Tth nnd Market sts nnrlne 1201. FIDELITY" -t trace nnd War, hnue Ce , Him lhll nn ln Market All build'nr flrerrnef eenstr-u Hen STuKaUE PA1 K1NC HA1 I1VH MOVI.Nt if .ill kind" N'evv Y Ik II iltimere Washin.-ien mil H irrlsliurs i,ur spec-l iltj te and r mi in "'"'i""' '" "" Wn t-en's s- r.ic-e II 111 N 1 i Hi -t Insurance. Pen n"41 VICTORY STORAGE "!"pr, FH 11ERT. Minnn P-'ment trtTO for' etlmi'" Moter ans Packlni; and prating The Jehn Rhoads Ce. Lnew'in Tehn Rhc $.(1 1 acklntr Mnvlnj Carpet riennlna t( N VllCIl SiU IIAGK CO !7e I.A..U TFIl AVE AHTO SERVIPF 3 H RAOE. PA Pit IN'O LONO-niBTANcn MOVINO WALLACE I8JII N SiilH :1 CHI-RC1I LN'F HEAL ESTATE FOR SALE CITY 1928-30 SANSOM ST. 334 SOUTH 16THST. rui H Stull Merris Illrtir Seruce 1J1 l-ii M iidirrtlseiiitulH In small tpe 111 follevll'K lOllllllll"- I Itii'.lni'-H Properties mid stores ' I KIDiil 1' ' I iMini'iu Fourkterts i M inn in ' l.l'l" "(Inn b U F Siisen' prl e S4200. ,'1, . in,, -t r inn ml DauL ill HvlUM'S ill I litis lies- Jll, Idlll Ii,!!1 1 , 1 1 'nr I r ,i i en btl stele en K iM"i nn I t I' 1"1 KI.N- l.i 1 H-T 717.". inril 1U i n- ii l'i-K- ii ted Sesdul-Centennln, irreunds, 30 000 eq it m.t ibU f, infh i f it k i I ratre serxlie station ninNinir i cfuies no re strictions. JOSEPH FI l.DMAV JiJ 1 in, e ii nidB Factories Wnrebeiises Mnnurirliirlm lToers FACTORIES urvt uuipi flner fm feri altea J. L Stevenson & Sen '-J'"' FACTORIES & WAREHOUSES E. S. Tomlinson, Jr. 1 INl i I N HI liil Factories, Warehouses & Sites l tit: pvriiiN i.i, i i" is I l-ii mi- :.ilwrlUi'iui ills fnllewlnic lulunirs, In siiiull tipe Page Lillums, Pronte! 33 O'B&V! AiMT MB r tippanV- Trt' fcir4D op e BEeiLera. UP TJuLieT5 AciDCGSS1 v cfiI'l'l OkSu a . us .lh V" U'H'J.i - ' J Y 4 w X .iMMsltl 1 ,7'i.ew itnfvcrKna ' ifiw il:,.VVZf h'li'W'K? I r'iiMt'i-. . ' rX'i.'-j vt -ar L'hVl WMgB?3r VM'O'VBWA "3? fa iS 1 f:.'mm.... VKKrmZM'ri rL 25 i i ,iii iNJ: ' REAL ESTATE FOR KtM'fm CITY VS "" raiiiinifiiiiii'iiniiiiiiiiriiOTiii'niiiiiiiiiiiJiiiiiiti ? w.i Ml 3 m :j Vi 4 1 e,.i n Wf ii-iii I iimliiilijijf A NeirV Built Heme Exceptionally well built, en a wide, main street, ad Joining City Park near churches, uchoela and trolleys. In a rapidly grow ing neighborhood. Crittenden St. Bet. Price and Haines St. Germantown $5500 Six rooms, tile bath with rhewer: het-water heat, hardwood floors, real open fireplace, basement laun dry. Large cement twin perch ; whlte and mahog any finish. . Takn trolley te Chelten Atbi and Stenton Ave , walk one b.eck te Crittenden St. Sample Heuse open, C802 Crittenden St. J. HARIER CHAD WICK 2123 LAND TITLC BLDO, piienl; si'uucu esji .UL MT l'lllLMlKI.l'IlIA ' WJIIJffllliraMOIPIiQ,1III!W!iM1 a A Complete Modern Heme 69tB S4. Seciien em:HHILL HD. IJKL CHESTNUT H frherh.,rn,'i,y"rn"1 ""in tu w Ln, ,Z' ,n",a n"r" Wily of closet f,r l i, , , '.?im "Tmm ,n '""ement p aril laj.st eleetrl-nl arranitemente. fe 'h.ireuehly built and eriulnred with 1 ffeuunv "e7,t,nit """"" UnJ ce,I,tr I M A tip' en premlsen or te p Rebert Biilleugb Emalder .wne ami uuiai sts Germantown g..i.n'"jBi.'iH piaii iinniiiiraiffliKHMiiiii'iiiPiteM'i'imirBiB r'a,iwwifflHapm,p 69TH ST. SECTION ALLTHOMriMLUKATIAfiT $13,000 ."cSA1 ",one- " ba,h'- $12.500or?rhe'i,,,,',rO ' E1"a,'-' " ayDUU J,1"'' i'ret renin, of larveit rnnma me In till. ...iinn n " -"' room uniaH I7.-.D ruth, CALL ME KECJAUOINO THESE WALTER A. McCLATCHY .NSDiu1nV"KI:r A, .... f liit M iivitnlni'u ! t I D e . 1 . ': ' lj.i Overbroek Section PI HI L( . I.Y AIPUINTLD I hi - hi.. r seini-d In hm residence U . umbels ntitl J in idi rn luitlu. Lira. innns i'i In pr'eet order Keuilim."! i-is,sure. untrJl heal Inclesed n..i. $17,500 SESH DETACIILT) ,i,-",?,'L,r.r"'AV....',Jj'n'''r-ri.. laree rooms Puce , Jp u, u.. . Hl-I. I-AIIKWAY Htreet home. (1 looms .mil 111 ha lb w'l planned und roomy. Price., 77cn Francii J. Lambert ilJS&ffl Hpert,Il.t In QvArnq(i3lwu!g I I H ..ji.LH,llii.aiiAMiivi,t..l&S&;ij.4'& ,n, Xl!lt1aJ.J. . ,lBBBk J Ji, ' 2u5 i.c Vt.j 'a..e i r1 !B T'A ;' it I i - ,.rs VJ r. a Vvf 9 'fifiSVi M4X JT 1 S sl"fl"l'Jr"l T.''J?I)1 WWiJl i A? &is;iy z&s w !' ' -II ?WJrt'M,r&'iM., :&-.- Aw