Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 05, 1922, Night Extra, Page 24, Image 24

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rnYTVrt TvrrnT-m T-n,nrtirt,bTrTT' nixrrr.tiTTr M rmrtfcrri; a tt etwifvmiirp'iyp iftOO. ' .
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Nt'teuht HKRivit (in" rrrm.
Si. T1Kft
we- it,' . fc- VsT'BFsW
' fcr.".!!8 hereby given
ftfc ?? nk Car Corperatlc
J u ir' aa" Certificates,
that Oeneral jreer-
tlen Equipment Trut.
.m f. & R atl Til
11. BS. 88, 08. 108.' 112," US. 114. '1241
HB. Idll. 17H. 17.1. 1R1I ieil. Jail 4V2.
2. 400. 470, 478. COO. tOR. (122. 823. B'.M.
Il BSD, 048, 0(18. (Kill, ATA. Ml). 008. 009.
4. II1A fl'JI. line 1117. Ills Itmi mn HS.S.
j, 77. 0118. 702. 703. 7Un 701). 7101 734.
8, 780. 74B. 782. 788. 780. 7H5. 700. 792.
H1U. HL'H. n32. R.ia. H.".n HUH H7R. NH3.
UU4, U13, Dill, 027. D28. 1)30. D31
, 1133.
yj.B.l. , u.)0, lit)'.', U81I. UU1. DUX.
07. 1033. 1002. 1003, 10IVI. 1113.
lift. 1134. 1142. 1130. 1)03. 1171.
1237. 1238. 1244,
1231), 1200, 1201.
1208, 1300, 1300,
1320, 1338, 1341.
1440, 1480, 1437,
1321), 15.10. 1830.
1838, 131). 18112.
1040. HISS. 10B3.
1778. 1703. 1810.
I860, 1872. 1877.
1012, 10.17, 1001).
2004. 2000, 2013.
2032. 2034. 2033,
2104, 2114, 2113.
2137. 2171. 2177,
2301, 2303, 2307.
2317. WIS.
"SIRS. Villfl.
i.'.lll, .nUll, ..1M,
2410. 2420.
2488. 2403,
2332, 2333.
438. 2430. 2487,
BOA. 231?. "MB
M. 2301. 2808.
2010, 2010.
2730. 2781,
2772, 2773,
J7I8. 2714. 2720.
2TB8, 2703,
-eii.s, .nJl
:32.. .nut.
48. 2S01. 273 are cnlle.l for payment en I
tehtr 1. 1022. tit en? hundred two and 1
cn-half per cent (IO2UC0) of
ineir par ,
I Th heldfra of iMd certincata ar re
.traeeted te prBcnt the ame for payment en
rOcteber 1, 1012, nt the office of Philadelphia
.Trout Cerhtiany, Urend and Chcamut ntrects,
IPhlladelphla. teirrther with the dividend
Warrant payable October 1. 1022. and all
.ubaenuent warrants attached, upon aur
'under of aM certificate in nccenlance with
ithl notice the eume will be redeemed by
'pajment of the par value thereof plus a pre
itnlum of two nnd one-half per cent (2H )
'ft laid par value, together with the Dividend
.Warrant due October 1. 1022.
I Dividends en said certificates will caa te
.corn en October 1, 1022. and tha warrants
'payable after sold date will be null ami void.
rated Auiru-t 28. 1022.
Te the llelilrr or
Blret, MertBnue und Collateral Trust Sink
In Fund Six Per t'ent (ield ltetids,
Dated May 1, 1010.
Proposals are InUted te be made te Bank
ra Trut Company. 10 'Wnll street. New
IVerk Cltv. as Trustee under Hie Indenture
itald Trustee, seeurlne the aboe bends, fpr
Vnr(.'ii j.iiit'Uk' J'n at,u - udi .. v,,.-,, ..
'the rale 10 the Trustee ter acceuni 01 1
IPInkliiK Fund preMded for In said Indcntu
the rale 10 the Trustee for account of the
Of bend' of tald Issue at prices net te exceed
103 of the prlnclpnl of such oen'H. pius
'accrued Interest ttereen te Neranwr 1,
,1022. On or before November 1. 1022, this
ICempany will deielt lth the Trustee sum-
elent funds te retire en that d-ite. at prices
Bet te exceed 103T. of the principal thereof,
wlrti accrued Interest te s-ild due bends
dual In nitB-reirate face value of J'.0 i""1
tand It Is the Intention of said Trii'tee pur
suant te the prnMlens of said Indenture, te
applv the funds se te be rccHM te tre
curclwv or redemption of liends of said
.issue, at net te exceed th prlce ihee men-
'xieneu. All tin
f ruled and marl
Ibendi te Plnkln
Empire clas and
,1. mill," must
'tlened. All oreposalj should b) secure. y
aealed and marked "Proposals Ter sale or
Irpnds te Plnklni: Fund under indenture of
nd Fuel company, rtiuea m-iv
be for all or any part of
Ifhe bends offered, nnd must l rece
?ned ny
aid Trustee at Its Corporate Trut Depart
rnent at or nrter te 3.00 oueck r ai
.September 27 1022.
en I
" Advlcee; as te bends accepted will b
.inalled en or before Heptemhet 20. 1022
fcr Hankers Trust Cempanv Trustee
Federal Ineem- T-x ownership certlfrates
iGOVerlnR aeerued Interest stieuld accompany
'all accented bunds.
Hy R (' III ST'M. Vice President.
pated pentmber . 1022
American Woolen Company
(Massachusetts Corporation)
Jfetlee Is herehv slen that the rRjli
nsrferlv dividends nt One Dellar nnd
Rwentr.T-Ire Tents (SI. 731 ner slinre en the
(Preferred HteeU nnd One Dellar nnd Sevcnt-
rlTe tents ixl.7,-,1 per shore en tne common
Rteclc of this Company will Vwi nald en Oct.
I. 1W2. te .toekholdera of rerard Ste
15. 1022.
Transfer books will be closed at the close
r rusiness sept 1 1 mis. pnn win b re
opened at the opening of business Sept. 27.
Bosten. Mass.. Sept 1. 1922
Philadelphia. August 2(1. 1022.
Reeled proposals will tw received at this
Clce until 12 o'clock neon, Friday. Srntem
r H, 1022, whejj bids will be opened and
scheduled, as follews:
. Fer printing and publishing report of the
Frieumenla. Commission
Fer the Installation. Inrludlnjr all neces
sary equipment, pipings, tlttlngs. etc.. of a
Spiremeter, utensll-sterlllslng machine, den
tal cuspidor fleer lamp. Mteui races rer
the constsuctlen of reads and for construct
ing and lalins new cement corridor floors.
Fer electrical work underground conduit
system, fixtures, lamps, etc.
Specifications, blue prints, forms of pro
posals and Information relatle te the
Spiremeter, sterlllzlns mnchlne. dental cus
pidor, fleer lamp construction of reads,
electrical work underground sstem. may be
Sad upon application te Philip H. Jehnsen.
!sq Architect. Presser Ilulldlng. 1713 San San
eem Street, for the new cement rorrider
floors, te J P n Slnkler. City Architect,
1211 Chestnut Street and for printing and
publishing report of the Pneumonia Cem-
Blsslen, te the Director's Office. 831 City
EldB from ethers thnn these engaged or
established In busintes for which proposals
are aekd will net be entertained ir con
sidered. Dtds nre Invited subject te future
ppteprlatlen by Council.
. All bids must be accompanied by a cer
tificate from the City hoUclter that se.-urtty
has been furnished In accordance with the
previsions of the Ordinance of Councils
approved May 23, 1SD0.
The Director reseres the right te accept
any proposal In whole or in part, or reject
Jill the bids, as he mnv deem best for the
nterest of the City When a bid or aggre
gate of bids exceeds the sum of JlOe, it
will be necessary for a contract te be en-
iered Inte, the cost of which and all In In
Ormatlen relative thereto may be obtained
upon lneulry at the etllce of Mm n, an-
ucuur, jwum SUU, tuy nan, i nnaaeJphla,
Lincoln punnuait. m. d .
Director of the Department.
rRoreMAi.s reii ikni,
Sealed propetals will bt, received by Scheel
District of Lewer Suucen, Northampton
County. I'ennsMvanla. for rtie sale of coupon
bends te the amount of Tweuty-fuur Thou
sand Dollars (JLM.UUO 0O. In denominations
of $SO0,O0. J500.ne and $1000 00 e,ich. dated
September 1. 1U22, mature en September 1
19.12, redeemable en or after teptember f
103U". free of Pennsylvania taies, bearlnc
Interest at lour anu ene-n.ilf per centum
iilACri ., nnniitti luivj,!,. -, . ; " . ... .'"!
Interest en the first davs of Marrh ..,
eepicniurr ui eauv-uu uiic irusi Cumpany
Hellertown. Pa.
The bids shall be Issued In part or In
whole te the hlcnest responsible bidder or
bidders. The Scheel District reserves the
rleht te reject any or all bids. Ne bids
for less than par will be accepted. Ac
crued lirteiest from September 1. 1U21'. will
be added te each bid. ' '"
All bids must be In the hands of rtie
unaersiKiiuu. - mmin i. iercn, pest
flc address, Rethlehem. Pa,, R. D. Ne 4
SB, 1280,
V fee, i28i.
l 909, 1810.
'IMS. 1403,
1 ,JB0. 1B10.
V MS. 1340.
uY 90S. in7.
ft'" jBj. 1703.
r- ij (MO. 1833.
'$". 1 Ki. 1003.
."fit. !. 5028.
i. 918. 2087,
T . 19. 21 BO, 2180.
It. . IB. 22.18. 2270.
n or before 0 o'clock P M, Standard' time i he held gevernmc-nt commissions nuthorli nutherli
Thursday. September 2X. ins:'. jjids will m him tn bup res. piracy. It la net ere.
be publicly opened at a duly
of thrReard efaDlrectnrn"V,u,r!lc'"y Kr-own wh,,t part "f hl" "rTatlens
7 80 o'clock P M.. Standard time Ther" 'm3 ''?. m,uf rumor ch"rnln
neetlne e
choel Dl
1055. at 7 SO O CIOCK 1' M. . Stanrinp.t ,l.
at the office of D. Webster Peffer, corner
SM Alain suu ev "...I iiriirriuvvn. 1'a.
Asher Belp, Ksq., Solicitor,
Easten, Pa.
Phlla. Q. M. Intermediate Depot. 21st
Itreet A Oregon ae.. PhllaJelphfa, Pa,
lealed proposals In .triplicate win be re
ceived here until 10 A. M. (Standard Tlme).
September 1H. 101J. for furnlshlnir all or anv
nart of 123,000 Hats, service. Information
en request
V IV. n.AHK A: CO.. Ilankeru
OfHrr of the IIANt.mt RAIH.VAV A
The Heard of Directors of the Rancor
Railway A K eetrle Ce. has declared the tm
Star uuarterly dividend of one und three.
uarters ler cent (I'U'e) upon tlie Preferred
vT llallway A
Vjlar 'mart!
. v, narterii i
if.' ftpek of u
Uie v.uiiili.llii'. iJnuuia UCIUIMT 1.
lurnituiuciR u, il-.mu mi tile Clese
beiueiuusr u, iu... unecKs will
Bpelal Meeting
ram la lue eivv-iuiuiurre or
fMrsuant te a resolution adopted by the
nird'et Directors of ie Company, a spedi?
EPAtrna of the stockholders of TIIR PKNf7.
tercbr called for the Purpose of consider.
Company from ITSO.000 te ll.oeo.OOO.
lai meewim stii w i..iu Mfc mm
he Company at Ne. COS Walnut
Madelphia, Pennsylvania, en. tha
vctaaer. iaaa. sti iwwnj erawca.
Letters te the Editor
Dees Net Fear General 8trlke
Te the Editor of the Evening Vublle Ledger:
Hit Thcre will be no Rcncrnl strike
culled In these I'tiited States. As long
iih the leadcr.M of lnlier nrc nbove forty
years of age there need he no fear of n
general strike. U'h only young men
who favor such drastic measures and
who foment revolutions.
Age Is net revolutionary. Age H
either corrupt and contented or apa
thetic. Age hasn't vision except 01
dentil. Youth has vision of life.
Of course, the people should own and
operate, nil natural resources mid n
gieat many of the public utilities, such
us railroads, communication by tele
graph, telephone, the big steel mills urn
electric lights, also gas. Te get these
It Is neccisnry te de justice te nil con
cerned, both operator and empleye and
the public in general.
Amendments te thn Constitution te
rnlarge and broaden- the powers of the
(ievei anient should be enacted at once.
All our revolutions should tnke place
"t,,l". ,'! ."' ,,, ,, " ri,L) Urnini l tWni
i-ral strike ill the I lilted btatcs Is loel-
at the hallot-bex. 'Je tnlK of 11 gen
im. hew innt tne people in ami eui 01
Congress rt cognize the necessity for
laws of enlargement te tuke care of the
general welfare.
Philadelphia, September 1, 1U22.
Mere Five-Centers Needed
Te the Editor of the Evening Put'ln Ledger:
Sir Tobncce costs 'have fallen, and
tobacco men say it is possible again te
sell a geed cigar for five cents.
Here, if former Vice President Mar
shall was rl,'ht, Is Mihutleu for a dis
tressed land. "What this country
needs," tald Mr. Marshall, a yenr or
two age, "is a geed live-cent cigar."
Time was when such cigars were as
plentiful as flowers that bloomed in
the tpring. Excellent cigars, or at
least cigars that the smokers thought
excellent, could be bought mi where for
that price. Fer .cars they have been
n sweetly mournful memory. Their
return will bring a glow of hope te
thousands of besoms, It will nlse tend
te step the growing uc of cigarettes.
And why should cigars alone enjoy
this distinction? Surely Mr. Marshall
toel: tee narrow a iew. If the coun
try needs live-cent cigars, it needs no
less five-cent pie and tive-cent ice
cream soda. When this blissful trinity
returns normalcy will be achieved.
Philadelphia, September 1, 11)22.
Tweedledee and Tweedledum
Te the Editor 0 the Evening Public Ltdgir:
Sir I was rending an article in the
KVPN'TVfl Pl"?irTn T.riwipti !,. ,,1.m
!,;.,.. n,.,,,,,..,!,,,, - ..!! t., v v 1.
,-;- -" v.ii-imi; , .-.t- ium
it.v who nod catlieretl tin menev
enough bv selling pencils te purchase .1
ini rn viii.k in n,,,i n vmi,,. .p iAn a
walk en. It set me te thinking nnd
:i1m te making some comparisons.
Here in Philadelphia we have had in
days gene by 2000 gin mills or drunkard
lactene? (v(i te speak), turning out
100, (iOO drunkards annually, besides
pauperizing its thousands and dragging
ethers flown te shame. dNsrare and
desolation. Iiehind a bar of Injustice
steed one, two or three human leeches
(with at lent two legs), u white-front
ornamented with diamonds, eight fingers
encircled with ns ninny rings ns the
niekcls nnd dimes he had worse than
stolen would buy, turning out his
beautiful work by the wholesale, up
1 .... !.. .. 1 .. 1.:. .ntnM nM.l ..
".".""" """" " ."'Kul u"u i-'k
hiding it from nubile view-
Never yet have I seen one of his best
productions hung en a hook outside
thec little Minging doers, although
licensed te de the job. If he had half
a dozen automobiles te ride in at him
time and a many legs as a cater
pillar te walk en it was only winked
at. Why? Ilecnuep he was licenced te
defraud the public in order te get that
much needed revenue.
That cripple hadn't stolen money,
legs or car and the probabilities are no
one person had given ever a qunrter and
had taken pencil or nothing, ns the ca'-e
might be. The sher would nabs en with
a level head, a rlear conscience, while !
the cripple would ride en in his little
gig, thinking hew- some day he could
buy with his honest money a car that
would lift him of the ground and out
from under feet in lus declining yeurs.
I may be from Missouri, but I fail te
see anything se terrible, although it
may be a crime.
At all event-, let u get down te facts
and brass tacks instead of straining at
a cripple and swallowing a gin mill.
Hear in mind that begging (If neces
Miiyi or soiling anything equal tc
nothing is no sin, sh.nui' or crime, but
the selling of booze, which Is wiorse than
untiling, 1h a most dastardly crime,
whether legally or illegally disposed of.
May (Jed blcs Yelstcndism nnd the
centiscating of bootleg whisky nnd put
an everlasting curse en light wines ami
beer or anything else that centnins en'
drop of alcohol te ! used as a beverage!
Philadelphia, September 2, 10.2.
1 1
Questions Answered
Captain Kldd
Te the Editor of the Evening PubKa Ledger,
Sir Tour People's Forum has been kind
eneier te answer the uuestlens of school-
l.c.vs nnd ctrls. and I urn auxins you te
ie 1 me If ou please, whether "Captain
Kuld" was a real person or Imaginary.
Heme if my friends nnd I hnd an argument
ever this, and I said I would write te tha
ellter of the Torum and ask him te de-
ti,i KianTii grade:
Philadelphia. September 1. 10'JL'.
Wlllla-n Kldd. better known aa Captain
Kidl, was a real persen, who lived from
I nl.nnf lrt.'.O te 1701. 110 WHS Will in ttCOt-
. lund. went te sea at an early age and be
came a trader ou'. of New lerlt. He wna
commissioned by William III of England
as a privateer and he wna Klven permission
te capture pirates. A company which may
have Included the klrur benefited financially
by tils successes.
Abejt luOrt hla adventures becan te take
en u plra'lcnl chnra'cter. he w-is proclaimed
a pirate arrested In lrtl'il. and nfter a trial,
wrlch sone of his friends denounced as un
...i Via u'.ih mn lemned and exei.ureH. Slnr
treasures burled by him prier te his cap
ture, and tte coast or me united States
has many times been searched. The Quedagn
Merchant, an Armenian vessel which Cap.
tain Kldd captured, had a rich cargo and
part of thin wn discovered from Its hiding
vine en Gardiner's Island off Montauk
Pjlnt. Leng Island.
English Language and Other
Te the Editor of thr Evening Public Ledger:
ilr Hew does the English language com
pare with ethers In number of words?
R. B.
Rending, Pa. August 30, 1022.
English approximates 4S0.00O wcrdsi
Oer-imn, 300.000, Trench, 210,000, Russian.
140. COO; Spanish, 12), 000, Italian, 140,000.
Poems and Songs Desired
"Let U Pass Over the River"
Te the Editor of the Evening PvMle Ltdatri
Blr years age, while attending a teach.
ers' Institute I beard a eon which had
the lines!
"Let us psss ever the river anfl rest
Under the shade of the treea."
Geme one told me at the time that the
words had historical reference. If tills Is
true will you kindly give the Incident te
which they attach and also print the song.
The Peoele'a Forum will appear. dally
In the Evening Publle tcdrer. and also
Iu the Sunday Public Idger. Letters
illscDssinc tunny iyp. " u vriuissi,
aawetl aa raauaetesl peyne. and queetlena
ee- ssHsreu ssww. .. w.
Letters te the Editor should be as
brief and te the point itn possible,
avoiding anything that would open
(i denominational or sectarian dis
cussion, Se attention will be paid te anony
mous letters. Names and addresses
irust be signed as an ovldence of
uoed faith, although names will net
he printed If ren.ue.st Is made that
tfcr-v be emitted.
The publication of a letter Is net
te be taken as an Indersement or Its
Mews by this paper.
Communications will net b re
turned unless accompanied by poet
age, nor will manuscript be saved.
It Is net Ions; aa I recall It.
1ICNRY MonmseN.
Lancaster, ra., September 2, 1922.
Oenernl "Htenewall" Jacksen, the Cen
federate commander, died Muy 10, 1863 hav
ing btcn mortally wuui.ded by his own troops
al the batlle of Chanccllcrsvllle en May 2.
Ilia lust words are said te hnve been: "Let
us puss ecr the river and rest under the
ehnde of the trets "
Mrs. Murenret Junkln Treaton, born In
Philadelphia in 1S2S. wna the wife of Prof.
T. L. Preston, of the Vlrelnla Military In
s'ltule, and sls'ter-lndaw of General Thorns
Jonathen ("Stonewall") Jacksen, whose first
wlfe uus Hllner Junkln
By Margaret J, Preston
What are the thoughts that are stlrrlns
his breast?
What Is the mystical vision he seesT
"Let us ras.i ever the rlvsr and rsrt
Under tl.e shade of the trees."
Has' he crown sick of his tells and his
Sighs the worn trlrlt for respite or ease?
Is It a moment's cool halt that he asks
Under the shade of tha trees?
Is It the rureie of the waters, whose flew
Ofttltnes haa come te him burns en the
Memery listens te, lapsing; se low.
Under the thade of the trees?
Nay though the rsjp of the flesh was se
Faith, that bad yearnlnss fax keener than
t'nw the soft aheen of lbs Thitherward
Under the riiade of the treesi
Caucht the hbrh psalms of ecstatle delleht.
Heard the harps harplns, llke seundltuja
of ,eaa.
Watched earth's aaselled ones walklns In
Under the shade of the trees.
Oh. was It etranss he should pln for r-
IC.ISd i.
Touched te the soul wtth such transports
as tliete.
He who se needed the balsam of peace.
Unfier the shade of the trees?
Tea. It was noblest for him It waa best
(Ouestlenlnc nausht of our Father's do de
crees) There te pass ever the river and rest
Under the shade of the trees!
"O Sole Mle" In English
Te th' Editor 0 the Evening Public Ledger:
Sir Will you kindly print the English
words of "O Sole Mln" for Mrs. M. E.
Philadelphia, September 1. 1022.
(My Sunshlre)
(Twe. four time. Key r.)
The lovely sunshine, cemlntr nfter shower.
Recab n diamond en etery fleer.
And all the garden, sweet with summer
H?,,frt"rhp'Ll'"mVnJ?,h, "V "? reposes,
Hut eh, the sunshine I dearly DrlM
Is still the sunshine of our dear eye.
My etn. the !ai,ghlwr sunahlne.
Of our dear ees, if yejr dear eyes.
Miss MnrJerle Verity, of Chester, Pa.,
send the fellow Inc erslen:
The day Is d.vlns.
The sfft breeds slchlns.
In smlltns blue sk.es;
T'.ie raindrop ttar dries,
I 1 Id the breeze brine
r -rMrV-.
Operate at Maximum Capacity Upen Minimum Ceal Consumption,
In addition te the creation e f complete buildings, the engineering
'department of the Steele organization has designed and erected power
plants for numerous industrial purposes.
The members of that department are recognized experts and
their technical training and many years of practical experience has
equipped them with a dependable knowledge of power problems. The
15-panel switchboard illustrated in this advertisement was designed by
Steele engineers and installed by the m.
If your power plant fails te meet your requirements, or is consum
ing mere fuel than you think necessary, Steele engineers will gladly study,
your problem,
"rt5yj;. Stbeue & Seejs Ca
The sentr that I sine
Te you who watt my serenade te hear.
The sparkling stnrllcht that corns the sklea
Is net se rndlant tia your dear eyes,
I stand beneath thy window
And sink- my sons as daylight dies.
Chorus is 1 created,
"I Wandered by the Broekslde"
Te the Editor of the Evening PuMle Ledger!
Sir Yeu will Kreatly eblls-e me by pub
lishing a ballad cnlled, 1 think. "The
Broekslde," or aamethlne like that. Tha
last lines of each verse be;
"Hut the beating- of my own heart
Was all the eeund I heard."
Philadelphia. September 2. 1022.
lly Lord Houghten
I wandered by Iho broekslde,
I wandered by the mill:
I could net hear the brook flew,
Offered for subscription at $102 per share.
Stock certificates will be issued en. September
15, 1922.
All subscriptions r must be accompanied "by
checks and will be given preference in order
Temporary receipts will be issued bearing
interest at rate of 6 per cent per annum. until
September 15, 1922.
Subscriptions "should be addressed and checks
drawn te the order of W. T. Saveye, Treasurer.
rCj InMsvKn (Jrf 4' etiV-4i?Se5 iKrHssJsSsSsfH iyiJrf j i' T.
MsBMMsMllI- Will -WriUffl" 1 " IT II '- Triltri2'"""1 .. .,-.T......-JJueJiJuaJi.s...B .t ,s ' L, .ss tmm.
The noisy wheel wes stilt
There was no burr of 'grasshopper.
Ne chirp of any bird,
Dut tha besting of my own heart
Was all the sound I heard,
I sat beneath the elm tree I
I watched the long. Ions shads.
And, as It grew still lenrer,
I did net feel afraid)
Fer I listened for a footfall,
I listened for a word,
But the bcatlnir of my own heart
, Was all the sound I heard.
It cams net, no, he cama net.
. The night eame en nlenei
The llttle stars sat, one by en,
Each en his celden throne.
The evening wind passed by mr cheek,
The leaves above were stirred,
But the beating of our own hearts
Wea all the sounds we heard.
Past silent tears wers flowing,
When something steed behind!
A hand was en mr shoulders
I knew Its touch was kind.
It 'drew ma nearer nearer
We did net speak one word.
Hut the beating of my own heart
Was all the teund X heard.
O. V. Reynolds, Wllllamstewn, N. J.
The poem you request Is tee long for pub
lication. Send a self-addressed, stamped en
VJltpe and copy will b malted. ,
Chester, Sept. B.' Shifting their
Attention te drug stores selling liquor
without the necessary prescriptions, pe
llce rnlded the store of Fred S. Kussa Kussa
heff, G17 Welsh street, and confiscated
fifteen gallons of whisky and fifteen
gallons of alcohol. Russaheff lives at
1014 Church street. Philadelphia. He
was held under $1000 ball.
Tttrr.T.strTn t ....-,.,., e ahp near
father, ALIIERT -HELLWIO. who departed
this ire sentr e, 1021, .....
ma iviFu and chilprew.
ROSS, widow of Presper A. Uaratet, ru
neral sorvlces at her late residence. 120 w.
Wayne nve Wayne, Pa en Tuesday, sept.
6. 11 A. M. Int. strictly private.
UlTTERS, Sept. 4, HARRY, husband bf
Edna Hitters. Relatives and friends, also
empleyes of Kucler's nnd Promoter's, are
Invited te attend funeral services. Thura..
3 P. SI., nt his late residence. S125 N. Hread
st. Int. private. Mt. rence Cem. Remains
may be viewed Wed.. 8 te 10 P.M. ,
DLUJIENSTEIN.At Egg Harber, N. J.i
en Sept. 4. 1022, WILLIAM A-, son of
Charles and the late iMInnle lilumcnsteln.
aged 1ft years. Relatives and friends, also
Yeung People's Society, are Invited te tne
funeral, Thurs., 12:30 P. M.. from his into
residence. 2123 S. 18th st. service nt Oer
man Presbyterian Church of Peace. 10th and
Snyder ave., l!30 P. M. Int. Fcrnwoed ccm.
Viewing Wed. eve.
HOUCJ3. Sept. 2. 1022. Miss KATE B.
130(103. Friends are Invited te attend fu
neral services. Wed., 3 P, M., nt the parlors
of D. II. llevven & Sen, both nnd Catharine
sts. Int. private.
ItOn.H. Ment 1 lUftwnnA M. T..
JOSEPHINE, wlfe of Benjamin Bees (nee
urrw. jveiaiiyes nnu rricnas axe itivuca iy
attend lunerrfl. Wed., 0 A. M.. from rest-
dence of her daughter. Mrs. J. King. 2021
jencreen si, solemn requiem mass nt.
Ludivlg's Church 10:30 A. M. Int. private,
Helv Cress,
JJOWMAN. ?opt. 8, 1022, ANNIE, daugh
ter of the late Jehn "and Annre Uewman,
Relatives and friends are Invited te attend
funeral services, Wed., 3 P. M residence,
100 E, Duval st,, Oermantewn. Int. private.
Friends may call Tues. eve.
HRfNNAN. Sept. 4. Sister MAIIY CLO
TILDA (Urennan), of the Order of Ooed
Shepherd. Funeral Wed,, T A. M.. from
the Industrial Scheel of the Immaculate
Conception, 30th and Pine sts. Mass of re
uulem In the chapel T:30 A. M. Int. private.
BROOAN. Bcpt. 4. THERESA A., widow
of Richard Dregati (nee McCabe). Relatives
and friends are Invited te attend the fu
neral, Thurs., 8:30 A, M., from the resi
dence of, her sister. Mrs. Patrick Doyce,
232S Vine st. High mass St. Francis Xavler
Church 10 A. M Int. private.
URYCE. Suddenly, at his reildence. S.
W. cer. 13th and Neme ste . Sept. 4. Dr.
WILLIAM E. I3RYCE. Due notice of the
funeral will be given, from the David II.
Schnvler Rldg.. Rread and Diamond sts.
M., daughter of the late Jeslah and Anna
(1. RuntlnR. Relatives and friends are In.
vlted te funerali Fourth-day, 2:30 P. M.,
from Jier late residence, 1000 Summer st.
Int. private
CALIAWAT. Suddenly. Sept 2. 1022.
CLARENCE C. husband of Catharine Cal
laway and son of Careline and the late
Leepold J. Callaway. Funeral Wed.. 2:30
P. M., residence. 070 N. Hutchinson st. Int.
Fcrnwoed Ccm. Remains may be vlswcd
Tues., 8 te 10 P. M.
RELL, aged 80. Funeral services Tues., 2
P M.. late residence. 321 Market St., Cam.
den. N. J. Int. private.
CARR. On Sept. 4 1022. MAROARET
EDITH, daughter of Frederick F. nnd Mar
garet E. Carr (nee Mollenkepf). Relatives
and friends Invited te the tcrvlces. Thurs .
2 P. M., tit her residence, m East Phll
Ellena st.. Oermantewn. Int. Chclten Hills
Cem. Frlends may call Wed. eve.
Slst year of his age at his home at EJasten,
Pa., en Sunday. Sept. 3. Funeral will be
held at Trlnltv Episcopal Church, at Easten,
Ta.. en Tuesday. Sept. 5. at 4.30 P. M.
Int at Easten Cemetery
CORNELL. At the residence or his son,
Randall. Laueherne, Pa., ABSALOM COR
NELL, aged 83. Relatives and friends are
Invited te attend funeral, from MIddlotewn
Friends' Meeting Heuse, Wed., s P. M. (day
light saving).
CRAWFORD. Sept. 2. ROBERT H.. hus
band of Mary E Crawford (nee Delsterllng).
eged (10. Relatives and friends also Oothle
Ledse, Ne. 010. F and A. M.: Fremsn
Chnpter. Ne. i-13. ar.d empleyes of N. Snel
lenburs & Ce., Rutr Dent , nre Invited te
funeral. Wed. 2 P. M.. from his late resi
dence. 2138 N. Marshall st. Int. Northwced
Cem. Trlendj call Tues. eve
DAVIS. Sept. 2. HARRY P.. husband e
Mary Davis, aged 38. Funeral Wed., 2
P. M . late residence, 100 S. 30th at.. Cam
den. N. J. int. Orecnmeunt Ccm. Friends
cm Tues. eve,
Rel.itlves nnd friends, nlse Division Ne. H.
A. O. if , invited te funeral en Thursday
mernlns nt D o'clock, from hla late residence.
230 Willow nve., W-iyne, Pa. Solemn re
fiulem mass at St. Katharine's Church at 10
a. m. innrment Ul. Denis- cemetery.
220 N. Teach st., aged 70. Funeral services
Wed.. 1:30 P. M . nt 151(1 N. BOth at. Int,
Hillside Cem. Please emit flower,.
FOREMAN.-Sept. 3. REBECCA S.. wife
of Jehn L. Feremnn. Relatives and friends
Invited te attend funeral, Wed.. 10 A. M.,
from her late residence 1020 N. 13th st.
Friends may call Tues,. 7 te 0 P. M. Int.
ul Pottstown. Pa.
FRENCH. Sept. 4. VIRGINIA, widow
or narvey frencn. iteiatives and friends
are Invited te attend funeral servires.
services. Thurs.. 11 A. M., resldonce of her
grandson, ur. -, rc. winners, U3 u. At
lantic av.. Hadden Heights. N. J. Int
private, rernwoed Ccm. Remains may be
viewed Wed. eve.
OOODES Sept. 4, 1022. THOMAS A.
GOODES. In his 00th yar. nt the residence
of J. C. Dummoor, -IflO Wlrnrd nve., Hex
borough. F-.it ther notice later.
HILLY. Sept. 1. 1022. JAMES C.. hus
band of Anna M. Hilly (nee llurke). Reli
tlves nnd friends are Invited te attend fu
neral. Wed.. 8:30 A. M., late residence, 1002
S. 4!th st. Solemn mass of requiem Churrh
of St. Tranels de Sales, 10 A. M. Int.
Helv Cress Cem.
HULTS. Sept. 3. 1022. TRANK S.. hus.
band of Attle Masen Hulls. Sr Relatives
and friends, nlse empleyes of Victer Talk
ing Machlne Ce., Cnmden Aerie, Ne. 0.',, F.
O. E.. are Invited te attend funeral services,
Thurs . 10 A. M.. at the home of W. B. M.
Ilurrell. 427 Market st . Camden. N J. Int
private. Evergreen Cem, FrlcndfJ may cnll
Wed., 7 te 0 P. M.
KF.FFER. On Sunday. Sept. 8. 1012.
IKIir.MIAII M.. beloved liushnnd of Mary
E. Keffer (nee Kali-.), In his nftth ye-ir.
Relatives nnd friends, nlse Pacific Leflce,
Ne 200, I. O O. F ; Pennn. Council. Ne
R42, Reval Arcanum: membcra of Clraci
Baptist Church and officials and empleyes
of S. II. & II. W. Flelsher. Ine . are Invited
10 the service. Tuesday evening, Sept .",
t s o'clock, at the ll.irllst Tcmn 0. nrend
nnd Berks sts. Interment private. Kindly
emit flowers
KNOUSE. Sept. 3. FLORENCE E. wife
of H Wlnlleld Knouse, Relatives and
friends Invited te all funeral services, nt 231
First nve., Pheenlxvllle. Pa , Thurs., 2 P,
M. Int. Merris Cem, Friends may call
Wed.. 7 te U P. jr., at 02 Pasterlus st..
KRAMER. Sept. 4. MAYME A., wlfe of
lMln A. Kramer (nee Mers. aged 80
Relatives and friend t,re Invited te attend
funer.i! services. Thurs., 2 P. M . nt her
Inte residence. 1320 K. Columbia ave. Int.
West Laurel Hill Ccm. Friends may call
Wed . nfter 8 P. M.
LAM. Sept. 4. CHARLES M . husband
of Jtunne Lam. Relatives and friends, also
Master Carpenters' Ce., Master Builders'
Exchange, Mt. Mnrlah Ledge, Ne. 15.1, F.
and A. M. Orlentnl Chanter. Ne. 188. R.
A M : B.irbareBa Ledge, K. of P.: ltappa-
lrt Ledge. Ne. 35. I. O. I", S. of I.. In
Mtcd te nttend funeral, Thurs., 2 P. M ,
I ite residence. 5022 Pulaski nve. Int. Aduth
Jeshurun Cem,
LAWRENCE. At Rancecaa. N. J.. Sec.
nnd-day, 1th, 1022. REBECCA, widow of
Themas Lawrence, aged 83 Services at
Friends' Meeting Heuse. 7th nnd Market
sis , Camden. N J , Fifth-day, 7th. 2 P. M.
(dajllKht sivlnr)
LAYTON. Sept. 3. 1022. WILLIAM J.
.AVION, in his 87th ycir, formerly of
Hickman. Del. Friends may call Tues , 7
te II P. M , at his late residence IS02S Wash
ington ave. Services Wed , Wesley' h Chapel,
Burrlsvllle, Md.. upon arrival of train leav
lug Bread St. Station 7:23 A. M. (standard
,rvi.'RyADr.i.';t', U lr2?1 FRANK
H.VND. se.i of Themas V. nnd May If. Led
yard, aged 21. Relatives und friends, also
Harmony ly.dse. Ne. C2. F. and A Ml; Co Ce
lumblalt. A Charier. Ne. 01. are invited te
nttend tunernl .'ervkes. Tues.. 2 80 P. M.
at his late residence. 1018 N. lth st. Int.
private West Ijiurel Hill Cem.
j.u0,n!,..'l'll,I;-;Ti,.-Hc'en','dny' Ninth-month telephone number. Credit
4th. 1022, MORRIS LONOHTRE'l II. Rein. ' 7.M Philadelphia.
'" "!'l jie'ii'ia are invileu iu nttend fll
nernl. Flfth-diy, Ninth-month 7th. 2-30 P.
M . from bis late residence, '.I'M Paxson ave.,
Glenslde, .Montgemerv Ce., p.i Autes will
l""0.'. train leaving Readlnir Tennlnnt 1 13
P. M (rtivMht sivlns) at (llenlde stntlen
i.uuwl.L.l, Dcpi, J, tATUAlHNU T.
wife of the lata Captain Jehn I.eughney,
aged 87 ears. Rclntlves und friends are
Invited te nttend funernl. Thursday, 0 A. M .
from her into rcsldence. 4211 Westminster
ave. belemn req. m.vm 10 A. M., at the
Church of Our Mether uf Sorews, Int. Hely
Cress Cem.
MAYER. Sept. 3. I.Ol'IS F.. Jr., be.
leved husband -of Frances Mayer (nee Olanz
Ln1nn2.an1 ,8?,n .f . Lul '. Mayer (nee
'm?1"" " '! ate Leuis F. Mayer. In his
40th year. Relatives and frlmda ure InvliLi
te attend funeral. Thurs., 8 30 A. M . from
his late residence. 203 W Diamond st
Solemn renulem mass St. Bonlfnce's Church
10MA,'MiVjntv:Ne Ca'hedral Cem. "
ilCAl-KTLH.--4,T Klttlt l llinu t)nnn..
J. McAl.KES. Sr. Iti.atlvi. "a'nd friend,
also empleyes of Readwuy Shep Ne si.
R. T . nre Invited te the service, Weilneiday
afternoon, nt 2 o'clock, at his rcsldence. 77
N 41st Ht. Interment nt Mt Merl.h Cem'
McDERMOTT.-Sept 2. PETER, husband
cif Margaret McDermott. Relatlvea and
friends Invited te funeral, Wed.. 8.30 A M
from residence. 21107 Martlin at. Solemn rel
ciulem mass at bt. Ann's Churth le A M
Int. New Cathedral Cem M-
.v,.Ic.VPVI7s,it'.-' ,nefI!' diuehter of
the late Jehn and Annle McDevItt Rela.
J,'.! ".n"1 iar"lnv."e'1 at end
neral, Aed., 8:30 A. M. , from tier lnt
dence, 3,125 N. Uth st. Solemn reajfei n
mass at St. Stephen's Church 10 A M we.
clsely. Int. New Cathedral ' ' Pr
MC1IA.LE. Sept. 3. MARY J daughter of
rrjiita new, tne luture
aawakutitui, AOOei
Mala OfOee Qlea
uuhi. -i......i ?r""
mea-mieaiiae. FavnsT Hbi i&m.
fr lLys" BROAD a.d I
trueMMsmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmwmm iwtnnnjiil
James and Susan Mcllale. Rstsii...
inviiun, ttiiu j. v. ..1, oeuauty of
BHdget'e Church! Dlr. IS. L. A. a
.,...i .,- t, se M-...."'r"
nre invited te attend funeral. Wed . h
M.. from her parents' resldeeee. aiin
nyslda ave.. Falls of Schuvlklil RAt.l-"?
nnlem mm, nt St. IIfMit.i'. ni....l"" ."
A. M. Int. nt Hely Bepulchre Cem.
sicivtiL.. eept. a, jez, ELLA, hhul
lUghter of Dav d and Nera. mic..,0.TI
ulherlnl. nffeflsK7. Relatives .in .i.'f
nlse R. V. M. BWallty, are Invited tn ..J
funeral, Wed., 8:30 A. M residence of SS
parents, lnuii . nisi st. Hnietnn -ur
mnas. Church nt HI. F.nmnnrt'. ."!?,"fl
Int. Hely Cress Cem. v
Uvea nnd ft lends Invited te funeral' xsEI
6-30 A. M., lete residence. 831 NT Mr.
Yneiiiinni. wiir dl rrnnk! ,M"iviims.. :
nt nipn masa nr rpninam i'Hiiek -
Methor of Borrowa 10 A. M. Int. H0I7 Cri
vium'iii. eepi. b, jvuiiiiAJSL J v,
hand of, Mary E. Murphy (nee Reblnm
Due notice of funcrnl from late res dS
2448 N. Qrati et. (10th and Chimb,ri
NASH. Sept. 4 HARRY M husband '.
r.llinhelh Nash (nen Ressert). n,i. !...
of funeral will be given from late realdeni?
nloe IV TAfTAV.nn at 'v."aOt,
NICH61.S. Suddenly, nt n-incecas, Mil
Sept. 4, 1022. EDWIN II, NICHOLS, .Al
07. Funeral AVcd..-2 P. M. (daylight snvhfJil
from his late residence, Rancocas. N. J. tl
ILInivrB M -T. Alltns Will tn... V..,B1
from Philadelphia nt Masenvllls. V t "
NOLL. Sept. 8, MARY A., wife of oiersi
E. Nell (nee Schlleske). Relatives aw
friends Invited te funeral. Werl.. 1 ti v
from rcsldence. 23B2 N. 13th st. Services l
P." M. precisely. Int. at Hillside CemL
evkhuuiii'. euiiiieniy, en sept. 3, te
JOSEPH A... husband of Emma Ovrs.
frlendq nri Invited tn nervier W'evi irT.
A .M.. ut Zlen Lutheran Church, fipriu
City, Pa. FrJends may view remains Tuh
CV1,. HI lO' aicri.l,i. I. ni.a. X'llllel, 1
PARR. Sept. 2. EDWARD H huibipi
nt thn late Florence E. Parr In.. tr.ITs
Relatives and friends Invited te funeral HHM
a.. W.l . ! 1 I.. n hi. 1.,. ..".""Si
6724 Westminster ave. Int. Fernwood ciiM
i.-ri.nrt. run -roes. evn.. h tn in --..r'.
PARTENHEEtlER. Suddenly. Benti
1022. ADA. wife of William P tf.L."
helmer. Funeral services Wed.. 2 P. u '"2
the resldence of her husband, 134 State .1
Camden. N. J. Int. private, HarleUh cim
Friends mav call Tues.. after 7 7: M 7
PFANDER. Suddenly. Sept. e. itM
tl'II.t.tAM. hlishnnd of thn 1st M. t,..:?
Relatives and friends, also Samson LedJi
NnmiAi, T ..:
rve, ui iv. ui 1-.. anu xuea atide. Ne 9ft.
and Ynha Trlhn M."SfM
T n T Sf nrn Invlt. .a K,.J . V' .IS, I
services, Wed.. 1 P. M. precisely, resldsne..
4323 N. 20th st. , Int. Mt. Merlah Cem. Ut'
mains may de vicweu iiies., m te In p u
HVrTt.T.V Hani, n Ifien Iits.ntAl.'vai
band of late Elliabith Reiliy. Relatives .
frl.tis nlan St. Hdwarrt'e Tl V sf V!:!-
and Hely Name Society, are Invited' te attsnS
funeral. Wed.. 8:30 A M.. late resld.nw
2423 N. 1'ith st. Bolemn requiem ma, rVt'
thre Ccm.
RIGOS. Sept. 2, 1022. WILLIAM C.. has.
band of Minnie K. RIggs, aged 08. Reli.
tlves and friends nre Invited te attend fu.
neral aervlces. Wed., 11 A. M.. at bis lit.
residence. B30 Bensen St.. Camden, m' t
Int. private. Hnrlelgh Cem. Friends mir
..11 n...... t .a e r t .
ROSENFELD.' Sept, 2. at Ventner. N.
J CLARENCE son of Jehn and till.
Rescnfcld (nee Dreyfuss). aged 11. R,,;
tlvea nnd friends are Invited te attend fa.
neral services, Tues., 10:30 A. M. precisely,
at parlors of Merris Rosenburg's Sens. 200
SCIIAAD. Sept. 4. 1022, KATIE, wltt
of Cenrad Schaad. Relatives and friends an
Invited te funeral eervlces, Thurs.. 2 P. M."
nt late resldence. 5137 Jacksen st., rrank rrank
ferd. Int. nt Mngnella Cem. Friends mtr
call Wed,. 7 te 0 P. 51.
band of Dorethea (nee Ucbete Schmalirtel,
need 71 years. Relatives and friends, tin
members of Kensington Ledge. 211. F. aniL
A. ii. ; Kensington napier, me. 23J. Jt, A.
C : Kensington Cemma ndery. Ne. 84. K.
of T.. Lu I.u Temple. J. F. Betz BeneJlrt.1
Society. Phlla. Rifle Club nnd Canstatteri..
nre Invited te nttend funeral services, Wefl.'
2 P. M at his late residence. 4813 M,
Mh st. Int. private, at Mt. Vernen Cem.
Friends may call Tuesday evening, from 7
te 0 P M
SIIERMER. Sept. 4. KATE T.. srlf, f
William T. Shormer and daughter of Weill
and Careline Read. Relatives and frlendj,
also Camp Ne. 120, P. O. of A.: Quakir
City Council Ne. 17, D of L.. are Invited te
nttend funeral services, Thurs. 3 P. M.. it
her late residence. n00 E. Hilten st. tat.
North Cedar Hill Ccm. Friends may call
SKILLEr'n. On Sept. 8. 1022. VIRGINIA
AOAMS. daughter of Dr. nnd Mrs. Samuel
Ruff Sklllern. Jr.. aged 0 months. Service
Wed., 3 P. M.. at rnrents' residence, 331
Pembreke read. Cynwyd. Pa. Int. prlvati.
MnmtElt. widow of Merris Skrebanck.
Relatives nnd friends nre Invited te attend
funeral services. Wed.. 2 P. M. residence,
1033 N. Lelthgew st. Int. Oreenmeunt
Cem. Friends may call Tues. eve.
SOURBIER. At her residence, 238 N.
Cleveland ave.. en Bcpt. 2. mzz. ANNA M.,
widow of Albert Seurbler. 'aged 78 yeiri.
Pervlca Wed.. 2 P.
at ine uuver 11. uair 1
RldB.. 1820 Chestnut
Vlnwlnir Tiles, eve.
st. Int. private.
STEEL. Sent. 3. In Lancaster. CARItlE
ESTELLE (nee Jerdan), wife of the lit!
James W. Steel, runerai Wednesday. spt.
C. Interment private, Woodlands Cem.terr.
STEVENSON. On Sept. 3. 1022, BELLA
J . wlfe of Jnmes A. stcvenaen. Re'atlvti
und friends, nlse members of urnce PrM.
terlan Church, are Invited te the service,
Wen . " P. M.. at her residence. 4030 WU.
ten ave. Int. private. Friends may call
Tues. eve.
1 -.. n ...I Thnmnmn n.. 11.-1
WU" l UllilllUHUCI .HVHII.UII ,tV-3 4IIIDV,,
aged r7. Relatives and friends are invite!
te nttend funeral services. Thurs. 3 P. M.,
at her iHte residence. f221 Ridge ave. Int.
prlvate. Mt. Vernen cem. Friends call WU,
8 te in i". si.
THOMPSON. Sept. 2. 1022. JOHN M.
husband of Bertha Thompson (nee Plank),
aged 41 Funeral services Tues.. 2.30 P.
M., at r.fil.'i N. Pivlctherp st. Int. prlvite.
Friends may call Men., 7 te 0 P. M.
WEBB. At the Naval Hospital. Parti--rneulh
Va Aug. 2S. 1022, Corporal MAR
TIN BENSON WEBB. U. S. Marine Cerpi.
of m.tlarta, In Sante Dominge, In his 27th
year, ten of Martha. S. and the late J. F.
Webb. He leaves a widow, Margaret A. i
Plowman Webb, and his son, William Den- '
son Levy Wenb. Burled In Arlington Ceme
terv. Fert Mver, Va
WELCH. hept. 4. 1022, HANNAH, widow
of William Welch and daughter of late Marr
A Paullln. Funeral services Thurs., 1
P. M. precisely, residence, 1213 Buttonweoil
st. Int. Mt. Mnrlah Cem. Remains may t
viewed Wed.. 8 te 10 P. M.
WHARTENBY. Sept. 3. 1022. NELLIE
0 . wlfe of C. Alfred WhArtenby nnd daush
tfr of Chnrlcs It, and Clara II Berterminn
Funeral Thurs.. 3 P. M.. residence of her
father-in-law. Charles O. Whnrtenby. 3J16
N Sydenham st. Int. Northwood Cem. Re
mains may be viewed Wed.. 8 te 10 P.
TMN'RnV. Relatives und friends are InvltM
Ne nttend funeral services, Thurs,, 2 P.
precisely, nt ner late residence, ion
Allenhenv nve. Int. private.
WILLIAMS. Sept. 1. LOIS E.. daufhtef
of Qeorge W and Leis Atkinson Wllllame,
aged 0 months. Relatives and frlenai in
vited te attend funernl. Wed. 3 r.
parents' residence, 0141 Mardsden st.. wit wit
slnemlng, Phll.v. Int William Penn Cem,
DOO Ixist. Saturday, male Bosten terrltr
brlndle with white marking en heads 6M
ears. Liberal reward If ret, te 4010 Loeu'k
HON BON DIPPER, experienced: also wpJ
selling experience-, mutt be neat: s00"
pay hihh wnedinnil nve
BOOKKEEPEK Accurate, palnswi""!
jnunjf lady te take monthly and tn"
baluncis. with retail etere cxnerlence TJ''
ferred. The Bedell Ce.. 12th and Market suj
CHOCOLATE COATERS: neat, steady wert'
ers; exn. : geed Pv 3313 Woodland s
CLERK About 23 te 25. order and check
. up Bradstreet and Dun reperts: must n
had considerable eYredlt desk work snd.fj,,;
geed writer: this Is an unusual opportunity
with a larg.0 and busy concern for r0""?
willing te begin nt bottem: state age. ""JJj
iiih, -Ai'rtuiice. luiiiiiiiuiu aMiij "V, ivil
uierK. .
.I IMii- M.i-i a. . n. ...nn9 ST1
healthy, for file nnd mailing room wers.
must write n geed hand, come well recem
mended nnd have some filing experlinc'.
Call Tuesday or Wednesday, 2 P. .. "
Wtdener llidg. -
CLERK Bright girl, under 80 te eperstt
Ilurriiuehs calculater: large mfg ceni"i;
Bread and Chestnut sts.t state age, school
big experience and mlmlmum salary Jeiire
Calculater P. e. Bex 7M- PhlladelPgiii
COOK, clmmbermald, waitresses and heuiej
w-jrlc girl who want positions. Mls '""
Deimherty. 1313 C.lrard nve.
CORRESPONDENT Girl. 2U te 23 y"'h.
nge, who lins thn ability te express nw
thoughts en paper clearly and coneleely. w
position offers wonderful trnlnliut ana en
pertunlty for advancement.
. MRS. PATTON , -.
Curtis Publishing Ce eni Hansom a
OIRLS, ever 10 years of ngel steady
positien: soed waiel.
son N
r !ioj !iej
4000 N'
Derger-Aaren Mfg. Ce.,
18th st., .near Wayne
OIRLS. under 10. for light table ww
Frlcdbergsr-Aarcn Mfg. Ce.. 4000 N. BlB
st., near Wane Junction.
HOUSLiiEhPER. neslstant. In large InstU
tutlen, under 40: stats experience '
liandllng help and salary expected. 1
Ledger Sjhftlee -
H0USEK1:EPER Working man with J
fitni. Write Wldennian. 1134 N. Hancecka
LAUNDRY Experienced feeders, folders 1
hund Ironers. Apply 4S08 Aspen St.. ""
for work. ..
PAPER BOXES, arperlenced oevererev , m
lsbera and teppere. Apply CenunM
9m Ce,, IZtk and Tw aia. (
W9a sB"SpeieBWisssw
$$u iW.Ay.i
,-.w. .
" A,: