V f A J-, 'i ," K'. JM BW '.. 1 .T.".."" "(.Ti .J1 r 1- XN1" MiSL KnadJtt- SEPTEMBER U 1922 ' ""-'" ' ' i EVENING PUBLIC LEbGER-PHILABELPfilA, TUESDAY ' W aaaaaaaaaflnUT 'h ' 1 tawi n ( Brief- but complete AD the essential de tails of trading pro cedure in New Yerk Curb Exchange stocks Hscplaincdforyeu- jnresters&1raders Guide" .what yen should expect ' from your broker -technical market termi explained -bl of InTetting and I trading .wart iteck may be bought The most practical book ever published en this busy market. OH, 'phone errvrita for copy Jenes & Baker Members N'eu' Yerk Curb Exchange - DifMp7lviti"wiri KraTetk Chlclle Doilea Phlladalaala rittii DdieTl Rilllmsra C'leMlind PHILADELPHIA OFFT.CE Wldener Building TcfcphenM Kcy,tene . Rlce 5B6l BALTIMORE OFFICE 433 Equitable Building Telephone - I'luzit 8401 HPBgHMW.UI 11HI Qsr WHOLESALERS Bankers nnd Investment houses arc invited te use our service when desiring te buy or sell any Govern mer.t Leans. "A Natien-Wide Marktt COMMERCIAL TRUST COMPANY Mtrnbar Federal Reiervc Syitcm City Hall Square Isiiiitipelii Water Werki Secur. 6 1948 Oaiaa & Council Bluffs St. Rr. 5s 1923 Olie Trscticn Company Ss 1936 Itdianapelis St. Ry. Company 4s 1933 rittilsrie Railway! Ce. Gen. 5s 1933 Jmir City, Hoboken & Pat. 4s 1949 Stiti Line & Sullivan R. R. 4 Via 1929 Caeeliw & Menpliii R. R. Ce. 5s 1949 'kill. & Reading R. R. Imp. 4s 1947 Lake Stere & Elec. Ry. Ce. 5s 1923.1933 St Clair Cecaty Gas & Elec. 5s 1959 Olie Traction Company 5s 1936 Atluiic City Gas Company 5s 1960 liiiorteo Utilities Company 6s 1929 PsHic Service Cerp. of N. J. Perpet. Ctf. TtrrHaute,lnd.& East Trac. Pfd. & Cem. I'niea Traction Ce. of Indiana Stock Asiricsn Pipe & Const. See. Pfd. Stock SAMUEL K. PHILLIPS & CO. Member l'hllnilflnhlu .stock Exehunre Sf7 Cheatnnt Nlrret Pacific Coast Securities TACIKir OAS A EI.KC. fiS. 1911 BecmrnN ,u i:ihsen fl. UI4I great wHTr.n tower v. iota str.Rn. a sax vkaxcisce n :.. id:e Mcinr eas a rr.rcc. rrn. sennttrtx cai.. r.nmnN com. ies ANOKi.rcs rc. te. lt I. 1030 MSDSKHELX&Ce. ."!''" S'tw yrk S(0(-,fc cAari7e iw,?J" T"- Il,c,er 78M Direct 1'riiate Wire te Pactfte Coast Information Furnished en FRED P. BELL STORES CO. PFD. STOCK THE SHELBURNE, INC. 1st MTG. 6s H.CLAY DINGEE, Jr. SIS Otis Bdff. Sprue. 2309 Serui 3?e Masen City & Ft. Dedge 4s, 1955 Lehigh Valley Ceal Sales Kirby Lumber Pfd. m.C.Orton&Ce. " 51, N.Y. Tel. H.nerer 9690-9697 PURCHASING AGENT AVAILABLE fe?.n" iuim10" 'I.'.0' co-erdln.- i"'ln 1).; ,7,T"V." " . "lanaua -.,,.: v.i ciiru "'.""iraiKd Rl.llll.. TH'ieimRn, nr.""" ih i-h.; :-. "r w III' and nnrl will accent rnmpany of jyiaasrg ttR&e E- Brw & Ce. ,BrA? LUrBHC ACCOUNTANTS H?Wtlaai.AV.8s?ATK TIIUHT BUM w.-Su'adrfssn'-iec R''?t. ttw uimVji', "1" ! .' nl Asiuw:?.r cmVrm'ar,'"5K'0. "i ac ftp IflM BUSINESS ON CURB ACTIVE IN SPOTS 80 8.1fi one IS li 114 Standard Oil Greup In Geed De mand Glen Alden Ceal Shade3 Fractionally New Terlt, Sept. r. TIip curb mar ket developed slight Irregularity after the opening with trndlng active In spots. The Standard Oil group wai In geed demand, especially Standard Oil of Indiuiin, which, nftcr an up turn of nearly 1 point, eased off en profit-taking. Imperial (ill of Can ada moved up 2 points. Angle-American nnd International Petroleum were fractionally better. Cltlea Service rose 2 points; Olen Alden Ceal nud Dublllcr Radie shaded off fractionally. Willys first preferred yielded 1;4. INDl'STRIATja 2800 Acme Ceil . . . HIOO JJuddy Muda . . . 100 Cnr l.tuht rM . .100 Cent Tnresa aujt . 1800 L'hl Nlppln . ?.. 1100 Chi ..ppl H . 1100 ClrrrlaiuT Aute 200 t'enley Tin Kell . O0 Cent Mutnra . . . 100 Cubnn Uem Hust . 30i) DHnl-ln Met . .. 100 publler C & It 1000 Uurant Mji . D(i0 Olnibet Hrej pf . 2e aniflttft s n 2200 (Jln Alden Cen I . 1300 tleldwjn I'leturxn UOu Geed) ear Tire . 100 noeavcir i.fd 100 Haics Wheel .... 100 llctli Steel 100 C ft O rn .... BOO Mucy Ce HPO .Micy Ce pfd . . . ltilOO Prima Hedlo .. . lint Meuth Cftl ICdheii 501) l.lnvuln .Mlr A 7R N Y 1VI pfd 30O I'hllip Merrl nie jui, scr X J pfd . HOO Itndlu com HOn Itadle Dfd .... 100 Ilea Mtr Truck . SOU Hchu'.t" Hters . . 1000 Seuth 'C t 1 . 300 Htutr Met . . 200 TechnicM Prnd 100 Tenn Kl Tower . r.O Tedd Ship ex dlv . 400 U H 1. ft l r0(i 1'n Profit Kh nw 0() fii nt C'andi 200(1 Wiimi,. Cenl . 100 West En J Chm 300 Willy Cerp 3011 Hi I.ftur Kcldinar ;00 TlmKen II Ucaer 4 'i 4S aj 84 n .1114 2N 30 13 13H 18t Hi U IIU HJ ' Kb l' 1? Hi , 101, tf.S 4HS W 10 102 22 223 22. :i IS um eji n. e't leU e4 in'i 2 'a 2!i' 2ti 2 jij aa 7J 7.1 7S l i i M'4 f.i r.4',4 107 107 107 ,11 ttV 1A no no " no in. in in ies1. iiir.'4 iu.-'i a 4', 4tJ HA 3 3 13. 13' 1.1TJ 44 42 42 430 1.1c 4Sc 21S 21 2l'i SI .4 nfi 14. lllf 14' ll'l 1111 '( r h in 7 7 T 7 l)) (1, .3 a 72e 710 72e ri 21 21 1(1 10 10 2'i 2llS 20 STAXDAKU OILS 1(100 Angle-Amer e:i .. 2(i' 20S 30(i Imp Oil Canada 11.1 l3 in Ohie oil 21,i 2St3 240(1 Stand Oil of Ky..li).Vi 105 380(1 Hland Oil of Ind. 11.1i lift "5 Crescent I' I... . 3.V, Si'n 20'; 113 283 10.1 nr.'i 33'", ixur.ruxiiEXT OILS i 200 Alran 1000 lloeno Oil 1' 7(10 Cerlb Snd d;4 33 CltlM Srlce . . iniltj 70H Cltlei Ser pf . 70 amid Kniclneera J'elrjl , 23y BOO Kedernl Oil ... 1 ,V 200 (llenrrrl: O 1 1,', 3u00 lludien OH . . Ise r.00 Int Petrel . ... 2-' filiuu Keystone ItHnxer die I'M) Klrby Tele .... (I atie I.lrintsten Pet . 1U lun I.en.s Petu . tl.1i- fpOO .Mnriralbe Oil ... 2l't 300 Mexico oil 14 200 Mountain Prwl . . 1 1'n HIUO Mutual lief . . 101, 20ii Sew Knglnnd Ki'el 711 Kill Nuce Oil pf ... i' tllMMI Red IJanlii 24c ".3011 Ilan Conn . .. 8 400 .ilmm Pet . . H'-i ldOO Southern I' ft ft . . 4.1c iUjii Nauthem HUiC oil II11 IWiO Texan O fc I. etc Win Turmnn l' UOO M'llte Oil . 0", .MIX I XI 1O00 Am Cem .... 4c 400 Alas-Ilrlt Cel 3'j 200 Aim e Am . . 20 l.'OO Am Eplerat . . 1' i'OOO Delehcr riu 7e 2000 Ble U'dse -ic 3000 lleM ft Ment . 1.V 1000 Uet Ment c'jrni 1A 6000 CtnnrtA Cep . . lie 200C'anirle '"op .. 2'i 1.10UU Cendelarla M .. ."Vic 2000 Divide i:t .. . i:,c moil Kmma Sller . 3f 3eui Eureka Creem . 31c 4700 Geld Dnv . . .1.1c 1000 OeldfleUI I'lorence 2iic &000 Ueld Zene He 2CI0 Hecla .Mlnlnir . 7i 70ii Ilelllnt'i- . 12V 1(11 Howe Sound . . ' 070O Indtpend Lead etc 900 Jernme Verdd Uh . A7. 100O Jumbo Kxt . . . Hi llM Kirr I.4kn -, 2WI0 Curl: Prev ... . 2uc 3000 Deans Cen . . . 1,1c 20OOU Mornlneteu Hi 11'OOHed llella Tler M- 1000 Sandstorm Kendall 3c loe t'nlied Zinc. l' 1000 Vlitnrv 2- 7000 National Tin 32c ltloe New Dominion . . 3 .100 Nlplailne . . . r. lOeu Nixon Nv .... :..- (M0 Ohie Copper . . . 10c l.'.uij Hay lercult . . . 2' 200(1 nex Cene He lOOOStenart -ir.n he IDOil &iu-cea .Mln 4sn .'00 Teck IfURlKS .... He MIOO Tennp Iili Ida . tn.- 100 Tonep Kxt 2,'t 10(10 Tuolumne . ... 71u SOU I'liltid Knmurn . 1 "1 IO01) Wat End C . . 1 ci 30011 White. Caps . . 1 tc 10OO YerrliiKten 3c 4U0U Yuken Ueld . . .. 1 1 12. (IS Hill III! '4 2lc IA l' IS. 22'. t.Sij il IS IISi 20, U 14'2 MS 7ti 8 4.1c MS tlin- IS .'S is P.v OS l'JC.'-j 7(1 28c IA IS 18c 22'., .'.80 (1 IS (ISe 21S Mi 14V., Ill', 70 ali as NS 4.1c MS OOe ; as 4c 3S 2n ' li lS fn 2'4 3Si 1 "C 3.1 31c r.2c 2i ic lie 7 c 12S -hS he as 200 4 il iac ic 3 c IS 2c S)c ) . OS ,1c 1.1c IOC 8u ISc Sic ''r, - r '' 1 le 1 A IS 13e 3c 1 BOXDS 2000 a 1 rik 2000 At Pack OOuil Alum 7a Mini Am Tel r.ilOO Am Tel Oa 82 8 11 1 1, 33 . 1001, 0 22 100 (la 21 Ml". M2'4 101 lOII't 10.1 lll'l loe'. III3t . no 1'JIJt, . 101 lll.l'l 104 H . 11.1 . H71J .10,1 . 102i .101) . Hit 101 . OH . H7S . .Kll'Z 4tiiK s-nii J'et I'M w-w. 102 1000 Pub Mer X .1 7 .1031, 80110 Rebert Qalr 7 .1034 12000 Sears Iloeb 7-1 '23 102 I neus O N T 7 '27... 100', BOOKS O NY 7 '3t. Ili.'IS anne Swift ft Ce 7a "25 IIU lOOOf-wift ft Ce 7a '31.1l)3i jniien in fill tei ti" . I01' 1000 un en rreii m. 1,1000 Weel P.lrc 7i , 2001) llnel-lnc Valley Ba.let 1B00O I II T 8a ctf .... 0.1 11000 Wayne Ceal 0 ... 70 kheigx neins 100 7,1.! . n.v,i . 00 . n.iH .100 .10.1U . 42 30IK) Anacon Cep fl Hien Anacon 7a 20 2110(1 An Am Oil 7'-j 2000 Armour Ce 7a 4000 tan N Ily Ki 7 4000 ( hi 1'n St B BOO11 Cena tl II Ui ;i00O Cen Tex e IOOO K Cub Su 7- loeoo Ked I-d Ilk 4 4a 3OO0 Uen Atiph 8 . I MOD (lulf Oil 7a 31O0O lnt II T Ra 4000 Kan tlaa (Is . IPOO Kennee C 7a 0000 l.aclnde (I 7 4000 Ma Cep 7 1 000 Manlleb Pew 7i 4000 Am I (Is W IV 3OO0 ("It Seiv 7 e . 2000 Nad Acme 7S a I'Ollll .1 1 ,n 11 u 1O0O Phlla Kite BMia I01S I DOS 107', 2000 Arcentlne 7a ... 23000 Berlin 4a .. . 100(1 Can S fl 7 1000 Ktnsr at Null ila BOOO Klmc of Serb 6a 2000 Rep of Peru 8.. (100 fl Swlaa Oev AHa . SOOOO U S Mcx 4a S2 114 S Mil 100 101 IIU let M3i; 101 111 1001; 102 S 00 I00, 101 10.1 1, 104 'J U3 117 'j 103 102VJ 10U IIU let 03 07S 8ll' 101T; 102 1034 10.P, 101', urns ie.is 102 103S lop; 1004 107S let of, 71 ion. 7.1c fll'i DO 0.1'j ine 10.1S ll'i 4c 3S 2d IS 7 c He 1. li IS Oc 2'4 30c lBc 3c 31c arc L Oc lie i7c 12S :iS CSc as 8n 3S 211c 1.1c 13c 4e 3c IS 2c 3c 3 MS .ic M.- 1H- 4ie Sic Mr .:-'' i Ic 1 , '' 180 3u 1 R2 UlS Mil', 100 . 1014 10.", let 103 lt 10.1 111 100s 102 s ItD loes 101 10.11, lets il.1 117 ' 103 10214 lull DU Ml ud i'7 S 80S (II ' M2 11 K 11 13 S 102 Mtm 103S 102 103S MHi 100S 1074 101 0I4 74 loes 7.1e OB'4 0(. Of. 4 100 10.1'. 41S LONDON STOCK MARKET Sentiment Cheerful, but List Spotty. Heme Rall8 Hard Londen, Sept. .". Notwithstanding the settlement, trading In securities en tlie stock exchntiKP was brisk today. Sentiment was cheerful, hut tlm mar kets generally w'erc spotty. The oil group was strong, with the feeling con fident. Heynl Dutch was 38'j, Shell Transport and Trading -1 aud Mexi can Engln !i. fioed trade reports led te additional gains in the Industrial list. Hudsen's liny was (t 15-10, against OTG yester day. Changes In the gilt-edged depart ment were fractional nud Irregular. French leans puttied further ground. Kaffirs were firm, hut dealings were professional. Fresh buoyancy wai, noted in diamond Insues. Heme rails worn hard, with the fee lug geed. Dellar descriptions were quiet und unchanged. Doubts about dividends had an unfavorable effect en Argentina rails. Rubbcra were dull, in sympathy with the crude article. COMPLETE NEW YORK BOND TRANSACTIONS nan since Dale- of Isu nance, '22 ..-ex IHI. In... 11.1. T, lt.lv T ..,,. Iim'SS V,y 5' ' 8000 ''" - '21 l'l.2 .8l Ml 2 $", -1' v' ".l July 11. '21 101.01 04.82 1111 E ? ' y. ?.0' !2a M0 MftV "' S'O 101.01 U.1.70 If '. J.u y ?? .'-' 8a''5 May 1". '20 101.30 U7.R0 J iaV sit 21! 81.10 May 20. '20 lOO.HI) 03,00 inSa v ? ,n "M MV Bl. 20 100.31 O3.B0 101 " . - .'.i' .Si 0"'0" '"'" ' '-n 102,00 IIS 00 mi in t y ?? 22 M-pl) May 2- '2I) ' P"1-'10 ,?n ! u y r' :3 81.40 May 80, '20 101,00 04.01 ISiaX u!y 2!l' .'' tl3 R0 nec 23. '20 100.80 H.I. Ill Jiii 2 ?"' '-" -'' fl',-l" ""C 20. '20 101 00 00.74 !n?'25 'uly 2r'- '22 R2-41 May 10. "20 100.80 01.72 J2.S2 !" ' ?74 "-3 2.44 Mar 20, '20 101. sd t'.I.S'l Jn.VSs ,J!,!y 2n.2 82.00 May SO. '20 10102 03.70 !I!-S1 My 22' S'2 ,,4','0 May 20. 20 100. HI 100.02 100 00 Apr. 8, '22 94,68 May 21. '20 100 00 00.84 L1BKKTY BONDS AND VICTORS NOTES laiue, Uhirty 3S a 1032-17 . . Liberty S'.jn rnltred . Liberty 1st cV 4 1H32-47 . . Liberty 1st cv 4a re14.... . '. . Liberty 2d 4e 1B27-42 Liberty 2d 4a fK . , ........ Liberty )t 2d cv ISa 1032-17. Liberty lat CV 4'Sa 1032-17.... l.lherty lat cv 4S a r'lf Liberty 2d t,V 4Sa 1027-12 Liberty 2d cv, 41i 1 re Liberty 3d 4'1 a 1U28 I.lberty 3,1 4't.a rec. Liberty Liberty Victory Victory Uh 4',t 1033-35 Ith 4Sa reir... Via 1022-23.. 44 a reif Utah 1U0 7(1 100.30 100 12 10021 100.1)2 100.31 ioe ill 100.311 100.71) 100 32 Leir 10U 70 100.30 Mfl 13 IOO 12 100.02 100.11 ioe' 32 100,20 100 OS 100.30 1 .10 P. .It. 100,70 100,3(1 100.12 100,20 100.02 100,18 ioe'.an ioe.au 100.08 100.B2 Arm 30 1 . 20 1 1.. 23. 10 . 10 Fen'c 10: MIS 102 101 S 102 101S 101 S 101 S ronr.iex nexns 1SALK3 IN J1000) 7. 3 .. . DOS Dem llep'c B 7 03S 3 tlS'4 Dutch H Ind'a rets '47 Chlnea" rjeve't IMC Illy B 1 . B4H City Ilerne 8 1.... 113H 1 . . U3S 1 .. 114 Clly Ilerd'x r.a 0 .... R1S 0 ... 81S a 81", 1 81S City of Copen hagen C'-ja 1 1 J . . 1. 1 2 . B. Cc3l O' t 4 ... 03'4 1 .. 0.1 S 30 03S 10. . 0.1S intent) MS B ... 11.V, 2. . . . H3S City Lien Ra 1 ... 82 City MarVa ill 2 82 1 .... 82 2 .. 82 1 . 82 Cty of Mente. video 7a 10. .. 03W Cty P.'e de Ja Ja Iierle ct Ri 2 .. 100S J . 100. 0 ... 100. Cty P.le de Ju- nerle tii wl 1 . .. HO 14 1 00H Clly of Sola Sela eon Gs 1 . . . . 79 ! B Cltv Zurich 8 Cinie't OSS 0.1 S 03 S OS 03 OSS eas OSS 1. .. 1 .. B ... O(aale) B B . .. 2 ... Dutch E Ind'a rcta '02 1. .. IMS H(aate) 01S 4 (flat) OIS 2 04T4 3 ... 1 . 7lel PBli II 5 S no 03S Ner- 03 0S 04 S 03 03 IMS . 03 . HI'l . IMS 03 HIS French 7(aae) 14 1.. . . Klnrdem wny ct 8s, 1 3.... 112S 2.... 1I2S 18 ... 112 IC Sweden ll 1.. . 103S Paria-Ljena M Oj wl 7BS 73 S R 7'i rcta . i .-. 1 0.. 3. 1. 1 1 2 24 . 1 . 1 . r. 08 nan .DBS HI', (in, S'i HSi-i ORS OSS 01 S ins 0R. 01s 08S i 7 2 10. 14.... ft.... n 23. ... 14.... 1.... 1.... 1.... I.... a.. . r. Prnitue .10.. Queensland 7 3 ... IMS '.'.... Ill 1.. . HIS P.epublic llell- lift Ha wl .1. ... no B ... 00 2 . 1)0 Rep Chile "41 2. 1 eas Itep Chile '40 75S 7BS 7SS 70 73S 70 73S 73 S 70 7S R2S 1 T. 3 3 1 Perte I 101 103S 104 104 im; 103S Hill 1 .. ur. Cecho-Sleiak Rep'c Sa wl 3 . .. 03S 8 . . 113 2 ... 03 2 ... 03 Denmark Cen ct A 8 1 . 110 Dept Seine 7 .. 80 P SOU ROS 80S 8!) 14 btiS RO',4 D Canada "20 3 . 100H I) chnadA '2ft 13 . M2S in ., 102 B . 102 1 M r Canada Ml ioei. 1. 10 3 10 1 .1' 4 3. 1 1 e 3 1 ! 1 4 . .. D Can 1 ... 1 .. 4 . . . .1 . . B ... 1 .1 . . B 0 . 1 .. 10 4 . . . 5 . ion MO S 52 wl . 00", . Ofi'i . DOS . 00 s . en s . no s 004 . tins US' em (18 imi H8 14 n s ion; 101s MIS inn, 101s 101s 101s 10114 MIS lets lets lets 7.. . 101S Jap Gevc't let 1. ... IMS I Jap Cleve" t ?d 1 . . tns 2 .HIS1 Jap Geicn't 41 81 10 S 1 .'.(aalel 13 K l'.elc'm 1 ret. 102', 2 . 102S State Ille G 0 Du Sel 8 8 . 101'4 Swltz'd Cen 89 0 ... 121 1 120S 1 . 120S V K Ort llrlt A I'd 1037 1 M3 S 1 . 1 or. 1 . MB 1 . 103 C.(e.e) 105 V 8 Ura. 7 wl 4. MS Cnt'il H r.razll 7 '4 rta 2. . . 11 1SS Ura.:ll 8 101 80S 80S 81 SOS 80S '!,,! L" S J t I.. I'. 1 lets 10IS 101S MIS 101 H I MIS I (ale) MIS I : . 102 1 MIS ic S Mexico la . MIS 8. .. 4ri 1 . MIS .1 . . 431. , 1 104 S I 2 .. 4. IS ' 2 104S 11 43 K Uelcium 8 7(ale 45 1 . Mail it s Mexico B 27 00S Krl Penna 4a It) ROS 1'rnm'n Indust D'V 7Ha 2.. . 04S Iranclei.e Hut 7 '4 a wl 1. .. 101S Gene' I Klec lis 1 ..107 a.. . MIS Ceneaee It 0 5. .. SlrtS II V Goedrich Ce 0V4a rcta 1.... 102 1 ... 1021; Coedyear V b Ilub'r '31 B 100S 4 .. MOS Ciedyenr T A Ilub'r '41 1.... 113 1 115 G'd Trunk of Cnn 0 rcta 1.... 10T4 2 .. MIS 4 . . . MIS 4.. . 104S GrM Trunk of Canada 7s 1 ... IMS 1 ... 113S O Hey ft W b B .. . US Crcnt Nerth'n niy 5H B . 104 B .. lets 4 .. 104'. 2.. 104S Orent Nerth'n Kall'y 7 2 IK'S 2 . 112S Havana K Let ft Pur 3 1 . 80S Und ft Man f.l 1. S7 Hud A Man In 10. (IOS 3 IHIV, 2.1... . OH, : . . no', Humble Oil A Unf's BS a wl If . Ml) 4... . HUS 2 .. MOS I. .. 1001, Ilia Cen 4" '5.1 2 R3S 2 ... R3S III Cenll OS a 1 112S Ilia Steel 4S 1 . . . 02 Info Mefn ct St.Vd 4Sa 1 . IBS Inlbore p. T fd 3S 10 ROS 1... . ROS 7(.ale) ROS Mln ft, St T. 4 1 . .. 4B'4 4 . .. IBS 51 ft 811. en 3 . .70S I 70S t SIP ft U Ste Male 4 fi .. . ROS IS. . HO It HIP ft H Ste Mate OS 3. .. 10BS 3... 100S Me Kan A. Tet nj wl 10. 1 1. 13.. 04 04 nas 0.1s 03 S 03S T 4e R1S R4 B. SO. 2 3. 3 M Ivan ft, B (1 Mi Kan i. Tex la wl 22 . . 71 Me Kan ft Tex C wl 1 . . ROS B .... ROS Me Knn 4, Tex 0 wl ' 10 . . 07 '-4 Me Pacific 4 IS . .. 01S I . ... ORS 1 . . 01S Me Pacific Oa 1.... 102S Merris t: Cem pany 4S a 1 .... 88S 0 .. RSS 2 8bS New llns'il Tel Ce fla wl 1.. .. en 1 00S V Or'a ft T 4s 1 ... 80 'cw Or Tex Mexico 3s B S- Y 1 V Y OIi nis IMS PIS nts 1 (MS I Pa P. mil IS , 2... . tll'il Penna, It II 3 ! Union Pae 4 04 ; P4S HiS IMS fl', (MS 03 I .. I 3. . . B 4 . Penna, 1.. , V .. 1 .. 10. a 37S IPS .in'. 3 3 ns 1 701 Air 71 fl . 101,! Cent' I I . H2 , . P2 Cent' I Be (fit) PSS (flat) HIS . PIS . HIS . OSS . 08 Vi .. OSi.4 . P?ij Ccnt'l e 107S 107S P .. 7SS 1 .. 10714 73H N' Y Chi ft St 1 73S Leula 4 30 7.T4 10 . .. POS tr.t ri T fd ct J Y Kdl'n Ce 1 73', OHa rcta 2 7.1S I 2. . 112 in . 73SIVew v N H A Intbore P.apld I H 3'4 'SI Tren 7s wl I .1 ,-,i i, 3 . POS Nmv Y X H A. V Y 1 1 il 0 2 B H . X V 1 . 1 N" Y 10,11', , 10,1 M2S , 1021 102S It fl'4 , 110 . 1M!4 , 110 110 110s Penna n n 7 1.. 11011 Peoria, ft K In 3' (sale) P 7(sale) t. 17(aali) 7 (nnlc) 37S Phlla ( nty fd 2 .. Ml, Pitt cm Chi a St I. ft B M . 103 2d . 1"3S 2 . . 103S Pub Serv Cerp N Jny B 1 ... RP4 2 . . HO Pitnta Allesre Sus Ce 7c S ... 110 1 .. 110 nenllna Ce 4 2 . . . 8.1S 7(nle 85 S M SO litem Ann fl I 1.. . PIS irtep'e 1 s a I 10 . . H3S llei-k Il'il A ft Leul'a 4SS 2 . 83 S 1 . . . R3S 8 HI'. St I, I Mt A S I II A O dlv 4 2 . . . (id 2 PO 2(sale) 00 St I. I'll Mt ft S Tlly Sa 10 . .St I. ft I ... 10 01 B PI 7 PI fi... . ('"S 1. ... DOS S'n P.ic iv I " P.T-, 1 .. . P3S M, ... H3S if Tnnk-t 3 . . . . PIS 3 . M3v4 2 ... P3Mfni'il Drue H 4 ... in S I .1 .112 10. .. e.i' s , ins Pe'n Paclf.c Bui -j 1)2 1.. . MlSlfnt.! I'ucl A Hn rtnllway Is nn C, 1 . . 71 S Sn Ilnllwny S 10 PPS 1 (US 10 .... P3S 2 P3 S Sn Unify fl'4 2 Mi 3 103 1 . . 103 Htnnrl'i! Oil of Calif 7s I .. . tee 2... 10.1S Steel Tube Ce of Am'n 7 1 MO Third Ave aj I 3 . I Third r, . . Teledo 01 .. 08 SI .. 08 '4 - OSS J Ave 4 1 .. fill I (HI ! St L A I I W n 3'4 j fi. ... P3 I f nlen Dan ft I Paper fl ' 4 . . . . pe s ! 3 . . . OPS I n ... lift-, I 11 ... 100 L'nten Pne cv I 1... . 1 .. . 3 .. StL 4 S RCS S f al . 84 . 81 841, . 84S . 84S MS Fran Series A 1,1 4 .. 1... 1.. 7IS 7 IS 74 S 71 10. I PIS PBS OSS a ... ni Hi',, f S llubb'r B 3 ... P0'4 3. . POS 1 .... POS 1 ... PO'S I... . PUS 1.. . POS S. . . POS 5 pill t . 00 s 2 . PO 14 1 pn4 I . COS HOS, C .'! llubb'r 71 1 .. 102S f S Hub 7S I . inns ,f S Smlt II A ! Mln'K 0 3 Ml f S Steam S n Cup il wl I ... P3S 1 . IMS V fl S Steel 5s 2 . IMS It . . 103S 1 . ieas Va-C Chm 1st 3 100", Va-C Ch ct 7s 2 . PR. I . PIS I P8S 4 . PSS 2 PIS Vn-O Ch "Sa n.... ieas 1.... 10BS 1.... 105S Va-C Chem ev war'd 7 ',4" R PR 1... PR Va ny A r B 1 .. . R3S West' 11 Md 4 1... . 07S Wcs'n Pac 1st 1 87 1 ROS Weat ahere 4s 2 MS Went Shoie rcr; 4 0 .. 12S W Union 0'4 1.... uas Welln(jh'e E ft MfC 7 n ... 107S 4 . . 107'4 2.. . 107S Whl ft L II 4 I .. 70S f . 70S -,(Wleknlrn Spnc Steel Ts 1 . PPS WOen Ce cv .1... en; 1 no B. . PO',, 1 :m 1 . . . 11.1s Wilsen Ce 1st 4 ... Ml 'a B . . 101 B ... 101 '4 1 MIS Wilsen C 7i'j B ... Mil Winchester It Arms Ce 7'4a Hrnle) 103 W C Sup ft D Division 4 .1 SIS 1. 103S Kingdom Den mark ct Rs 2... Ill 1 1 1OS PPS IC of Nnther 00 Si lands Oa P'lS, 7 . TO HP'4, 3 pf, POHl 26 . . Ptl 03S ' 2. . 3S 1 2 3 3(Ksalc) B 1 . . I'M S l.aiBe 10 . . . Intern'l Cep'n .1 0 . . , Asr'c no.iiF.srie itnxn Alk G M ci A 2 .. . 100S I.e. 0 j 2 MOS Am n Asr c ft 1 MOS IRS B8S BNi, BR4 38 B84 1 ass M-xiee 5 53S 1 7IS Rl 2... 81 IMr'l ft Great Ner aj wt ... .144 . B4S . SIS . .14 S . 54 14 CIS Mnlnn 0 P3S 20 17. 4 Chem 7S inrad n Cep M 2 1014 I Cemp'y 0 2 . MIS 1 2 . . 00S .1. . 1 0 1 a M . , , PH4 1 . MIS, 1 0S 1 .. 101S Ukn Itp T 7s Amcrtn'n Smltl 2 . 80 ft Refc Ba I 10 8t! 2 04 14, 11 Rap T ct 7 PIS 1 . 84', B . US I 5 85 1, 3 PIS Ukn Rap Tran ,1 . HIS I ct 7s at'd 1 . IMS' 8 Rl 3 . OtSiHl.n P.ap T S American Sue 1 105 Ret's 8s Bkn U Oa 7 2 10ISI B . 117S B.. . MIS 2, . 117, 1 .. MIS S . lt'S 1 ... 104S 2 . 118 2 104 S Canadian Cenl A T clt, Klec 1I3 wl Am 2.1 . eas 2 . P3S 2 . 03S A lei ft Tel .Is 1 . 100 A 11 A 'Id "' 4 1 . I n e 3. . tin 111s up 11RS 11RS nss 1 1 ur-. Amer n Water Werk Cs 3 .. Rl Am Writ P Us 1 . . 80 Anten Jumena f Mars W n 3 ROS 11 ... SOS j 1... . ROS ROS 04 Canad'n Nthn 0'4a ret 1. . 113 Canadian X 7 1 .. 113". 4 . 113S Cana n Tan Is 2 . R2S 4 . 82S 0 8.! 1 . . 82 7 R2S Cent I Pac 1st 15 . . DOS .. HIS 3 .. . POS 2.1.. . DOS Cere de Pae'tt Cep'r 8 B ... 121S B .. 128S 2.. . 121 I. . 128S 10 Chu .ie Mil ft Stf fd 4Sa 3 . 07 '4 1 . . 07S 1 H74 2. ... 07S 2. . 07S Chicago Mil ft St P em IS a 2 .. SSS Chicago Mil ft HtP cv 3 2 . 77 2. . . . 77 Chlcare Rall- vati 3a 1 .. R2S Chi Reek 1 A Paclfle fd R5 4... 4... fl . 4 A. . Chi A 1... 1 .. W RIS S4S RIS 84 84 S I 43 77 70S Chile Cep'r Aa Armour 4Sa Ic'hes ft O 4Ss . 01 SI p,, .. 80 A T A- S Fp 4e rj ft O ev 4Si 1 . . . P3S 10 ... POS 6 . .. t'3'41 2 . . POS Atch T ft S Fe 7(alel OOS Y. O Dlv 4 Chea'e ft 00U 2 .. DBS' cv Sa All C L 4S" 13 . . 01 10 1 3 1 C X 10. C N 2 C N 1.. 04 ... nis . PIS P4S Y Ih Ml . 1001, Y 4 '3'J . 100 Y 4Ss-01 MOS fl. 03 S H.V 03 1 O.V StL A H Fran Series 15 1 . . RRS 2 HR'i ' a . . SR'4 . 12. RIS itl. ft S Fran 1 Srlc C 3 me. ' 1.......1 n- l ..u.. u .1 at tj ,s,V'n en , 1 .... 83 I 1 en i , ! 8.1 j Sf, Sew Y Sua A gn, ft H Fran W'n jtm 3a 1 .... .14 I X Y Tele'e, 'III 2.. . M7 I B . ..M7S I 107 4 . 107 107 w c & 4S" . .17 S W'n 4 . tn ! 114 1 A Wn 6S wl 1 10. 3 03 S b Be . 811 . RO Cenll 4r .. 44 43 '4 X Vk Coit B s'fu .' 3 1 PaSVorfelk H3S 1 ev tl 1 9t p 1 A S Line IS P.1'4 P.Vi B5S PBS 00 K C 14 20. 1.1 11RS 110 IMS IMS B(sale) IMS 0 IMS 2. IMS Int' I Pap 3 10. Iowa 1 1 Iowa 1 Kan C Ft S A 'Jleem 4 I 3 . . nS 2 . 83 I s ... eS U11 1 C ft S fl. North Weetcrn Pell T 7a 1 1. 1. Se-ib'd 1 . . 1 M 0 8.1 83 I. ,-lJ 20 S 20S 21S 20 21 S 211, 2-S 2SS Seeb'd A L fd B te 2. . . 40 3j.rHi4 a 1 .1- Centl ,1s,.v A Kdls'n Cel ,-, ,. ,1111, 80S ' Oh rets u ' ' .--. . '-- '" . 1.. . nw,Sh Stel II 8 OSS H8 s R 01 All Coast L 78 1.... MR All c Ref'K ," 1 ens 2 . PPS 2 . . DOS Ealt ft Ohie cv 1 .... 80S fl ... 80S 1 80S 1 ,. . ROS 4. .. 80S milt ft Ohie 4s 2 .... R8 B . . . . HI B 87 ti Dalt A Ohie Bs 1 . UO Halt A Ohie fls 1. 1 1 4 1 111 I. 11 a 101' 101 101s MIS MIS 101 S Ml'. 101S 101S MIS MIS 101S nalt ft Ohie H W'n 3W" 11 . . nas J I . MS B , 03 1 . . PS Ilell Telephone of Pa 7 1 MO 1 .. 108S BarnBil'll Cerp A 8a B.. . 103 Deth Steel fd B 07 B Steel ea Ms 7.,... 04" Data Steal fla 2 ... OR' Chi ft Alt'n 3s S , B4S 2 B4S 2 .BIS 2 . . B4S f.4S 34 S 0 . l(ale) Chi ft Alt 3'4a 3 R 4 .... (13(eale) 1. ... 1.. . 1 .. 1 Sfl SO 83S 314 80S . 8(1 .IBS . 80 . 30 S . 30 S . 37 S . 80S . 3iu; . 30 3S char 8 100 100 CI'd Cln Chi ft St Leuis fl 1 MIS Cleve!" ft Union Term I SViJ 1 ... M3S 2 M3S Cel lndus'1 3a S 77 8. ... 7f Columbia O ft Kite lat st'd 2 .. PCS C Tab ft R fla .1 . PI 1 . .PS Cuba Am 3 8a 1.. . 107 Cuba U'si ti rv 1 (flat) fi:n; 1 80S Cubl C' Sus 8 eta'd I .. . P3S S .. P3S Del ft Hud cv 1 711, Kelly Sprlns'd Tire 8 1. M7S Lake Shere M S'n 4a Ml 1 . . OSS Lchlth Val 4r 2 ... R3S Leuis A X&sCi Mone 4a I . 81 Le A Naah 7s 1 . 10SS 1. . M8S Manatl Sueur Ce 7M 2 ...OOS M.irl.et St Rly S Fran (Is 4 P4 3 ... 04 2 ... pis M Oil ct 7S 2 .. 112 1. . 112 Mex Petr'm Ri 2 . 100H Mid S ft Or 3s 1 .... FOS M7S 2 ... M7S 2.. . M7S X Pacific it 4 1 ROS X Pacific 14a B . . . DOS X Pac R B wl 1... . OOS X Pailf.c It ns 2.... M94 1 MOS Crep Conditions Thy American f'teet nnd Wire Cnmpcnv'a u'..',k y.urn report wis "There lu. be'n little chnnBB In the last week, in most In Jtninea teniperaturea were IiIkIi i.nd the lr wenther condition spoken tf latt we.-k hale continued, nltlieusn there were eeme hewet. theae li rnnpt cae. were- Inade quate. The chief imoe-i aufferlrir from dry. nee arc corn, petati.es and cotton, Insect depredation In cotton re unmewhat r diice.t by the het d j ueatlier. nevertheless, much of this einp need a troed eal.lnrr r.iln in mature bell preperh Repert In fllcaie that In ir.ai- BeeiienH belia nrc open Inc prematureh and that the plant I net making new bel'. ihla will l'mlt the crop I? th? ep'ten that la no-v en the plant. In the Seuth Atlantic States there ure mnnv aectlan that .1111 tee m t Thl condition liaa nrentij fnuircd lel! we-ill In this Kec Kec tten Th Middle AMintle State', with the i-i iitlen of p.irt. of il,a State of Mariland continue te report i-op, In 11 coej Is ery Keed comlitlen In the Ne-v Knulnrid states potuteea nie iiufiVrltiR fietn blltbt nnd ret Xe-v Yi.rk e!e.i lennrla these cnr.. lit. en In lutatei Tii" Upper MIIsIdp! Ilanln State., cemninnly krtnin a, the tr.it rrrnln le.t, r.t the urejtet nifferrr from itnnese thl week iilth th- .rceptle.i nf uklahema nnd T.-n Cern In the-e mnte.n Is ehewlnB siuna -if ilrlnc en the hlKhla:.ds and In etl-ei- section-, I net flllln 1. ne' :, it should. In Iowa uhlrh ha had auffl, lent meitute. corn Is Jutt cemlne through the mill, mage and Is tjlilnij eeid premise of n lnrr.e nep. While tliere he bon rnme daniiiRe. It Is net yet aerleue. nnd n trend snaklmr rnln umt this tcrrlte-y. folleved b moderately wnrm w-itner. veul-l Breatlv Impreie the outlook for the corn crop. While report Indicate that a larae wheat ncreac Ih contemplated In the Stats of Kansaa as veil aa In funis of the ether iihent-preducinK Staten. the Kreund al the present time I tee hard and dry for proper prepiratlen. The potato ciep. ewl'ie te ndierse wenther condi tions, I cttlnx mere preblemiitlcal, cspe enll 11 rewaidi the lnt arletles. Here, t -e. tain at the pniper time, vl.l either mk nr In-ak the crei Fi ult repe-t.1 continue n, be weed. The Pa.lfe Cei-it S'.ntei complain that lack of tri. importation during the last few wclf hrn err euslv affeited the v!-je of the early apple nr.n (irape crop. The eli-u-.tien. howevet , has l-en Hum-ii li.it reljeiert durtiiK the lest fe .Inu Sweet nutelces Hre ntlll repei . 1 te h geed. There la net much di.en- .m...n lii.iiteck nud the m dustry mav h" h.iid te be in (reed i-oiuiitlen The eeuntly nt l.ir,(B this week lanks abej: aorae, or alln'htlv li'J" Receiver for Chas A. Desalve & Ce. New Yerk, Sept 5 An Involuntary petl Men In bankruptcy was filed In the Federal Mairlct Court today uiratnst Charles A Disnlie A- Ce. tock brokers, of BO nread strut The firm n.embcis are given a Charles A Desalie and Sel Klein Liabili ties arc et!mated at about J10.000. nsseta. fCOO Nth S 3 Pwr Bs I Sinclair 1- oil Cerp 7s ret 1 MO 7rilf MO Hl') MOS ( . .. 1001, 1 100 7(sal) 100 lftat) MIS 1 IOO fl(rale) M1 1 MOS 1 ... MOS 1. .. MO'. Sinclair C Oil H4 '4 HIS Ore ft Calif 5i 1 . . Ml Oreuen S L I 2... . P44 2 ... IMS ... 04 '4 Coast , . . 83 O A K 1 Pac 1 Pac 1 B Pae 3 Tel rcta Cep 4 . a 2 10. 1., 10. 20 in.. ft. . 1. P3S Vlnelnlr Cru ll.l S O V Ce BS PI 2 . .. POS Tell 2. PPS Se'n raclflc fd 1 a Ml', MIS MIS MIS 104 '4 MIS 101S 10IS 104 S 104S A First Mortgage en a Pennsylvania Electric Light & Power Company Te Net 6.30 Net Earninga 2?4 Timet Intereat Charges Baker, Yeung & Company JUblU'II W. bUAIN. Jr.. Munarer Land Title Bid. Bosten Philadelphia --1 Financial Briefs rn m inn wmiiBi i wnm. i.iiii niii'uijuijiMm New Cernelin Copper Company Au- giiRt output vwih U,S"-4,ls". peuudR, ngalnst 1.78R.0ri0 in .Inly. The average price of tlie twenty nc- tlvc indiistriuls mlvntu imI 0.01 per cent 011 Saturday te llll.JII, while the twentj railroads declined 0.31 per cent te 1)1". 10. Resources of the national bankH of the country nnieiintins te $JO.70!1.- 000. 000 en .funn ISO mIhiupiI mi Itn-ronse in, . 7 . . 3 .. 4... 4 C ft A 3 3 . Chi 11 & O ni 3 02 Chi U ft Q B 3,. . MIS C- 15 I Ba Ml 1 .... R4 Hit ft O W 4a t. . . BOS 1 .. . BOS 2 . , BOS fhlcavfl Mil A St P la '23 fl B 1 1. I Chicago Mil A StP ev 4S 13 714 1 7B 1 74K JOCaale) 74 H RIS 8.1 RIS "I H S3 1 .. Del A 1 . Del C 1 . Den ft B... 4. 1 . . 00 Hud fd . P.1 Gaa 5a 100?, K G Be . 82 . R2 . R2S Vnlve centa planed in poeitien and new vnlvei furnished. All kinds of engine repairs. Phene Wnl. 1811 nnd Main 3414 I lBnflMrtr4aeh'.r,la)VairB XttEDTmi Federal Reserve Bulletin en Credit Insurance A copy of a Federal Reserve Repert, containing valuable in formation, will be sent free te any Manufacturer or Jobber upon application te The American Company. ' This report is an intensely interesting and valuable Study of Credit Insurance, by the Federal Reserve Beard. It appeared in a recent issue of the Federal Reserve Bulletin and we have reprinted it. t Every feature of Credit Insurance is covered, netably: 1st. The rruaranf.ee that a merchant shall net suffer from bad debt leises which are in excess of the Nermal Less incident te his business. 2nd. Valuable a.s collateral with a bank. 3rd. The Nermal Less, and hew it reduces the cash premium ; aUe hew this Nermal Less may be lowered by the "Merit Rates." 4th. The ceverafre of accounts, which assures protection en eich and ever' customer with a designated ratine. 5th. Ferms of policies, Limited and Unlimited, and the content? thereof. 6th. The Collection Service, a potent and constructive factor in preventinrr losses. 7th. The simple and satisfactory method of adjustments. 8th. The lower percentage of losses sustained by merchants with Credit Insurance protection than by merchants without it. 9th. Hew the present day policy may readily be understood by merchants. Don't fail te get your free copy of this valuable report. Write or phone for it new, while the matter is fresh in your mind. Unlimited Policies. Limited Policies at lower cost. Payments te Policyholders ever $11,000,000.00 jL AMERICAN CREDIT-INDEMNITY CO. of NEW YORK E.M. TREAT, president ISSUES STANDARD UNLIMITED POLICIES VV. J. Merphy, Manager J. F. McFadden, General Agent 1011 Chestnut St. Phene Filbert S503. Philadelphia, Pe. Tax Free Municipal Bends City of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 41-tre Serial Bends Coupon or Registered $12,700 April I. 34.200 April I. 9,200 April I. 24,200 April I, 9.200 April I. 7,200 April I. 4,200 April I. 4,200 April 1, 4,200 April I. 1925 (a) 100.57 c Int. 1926 100.79 & Int. 1927 101.00 & Int. 1926 101.20 ftc Int. 1929 101.40 6V Int. 1935 102.42 & Int. 1937 (f? 102.71 a. Int. 1938 102.86 e Int. 1939 103.00 f Int. $4,200 April I. 1950 $4,200 April I. 1940 fa) 103.12 ec Int, 4,200 April I. 1941 (a) 103.24 &; Int. 3,200 April I. 1943 103.47 & Int. 4.200 April I. 1944 103.57 & Int. 4,200 April I, 1945 103.68 & Int. 4.200 April I. 1946 103.78 & Int. 4.200 April I. 1947 103.87 c Int. 4,200 April I. 1948 103.96 Int. 4,200 April I. 1949 104.05 6c Int. 104.14 & Int. Te Yield About 4re County of Clearfield, Pennsylvania 4'-'we Read Bends Coupen: Principal May Be Registered $34,000 7.000 7.000 10,000 20,000 May I, 1927 101.71 c Int. May I. 1928 (ft) 102.03 Int. May I. 1929 (a, 102.34 & Int. May I. 1937 CB 104.59 Int. May I, 1933 104 60 A Int. $10,000 May I. 1944 105.72 & Int. Te Yield About 4.10re $20,000 May I. 1939 104.82 &: Int. 17,000 May I. 1940 (a) 105.00 Int. 20,000 Mny I, 1941 105.19 & Int. 20,000 Mny I. 1942 105.38 & nt. U.UUU May I. 1943 105.55 & Int. immtm - a"t Slfr BROWN BROTHERS & CO. Fourth and Chestnut Streets Philadelphia J of $r.l.".),000,000 ever tlie M.,.v r, ,-nll KfF&J)iTh?'l and an advance of SISS.OUO.OOO ever1 feMi 1,J JViw Tunc .1(1, ini'1, nccerdlusr te un niifil-i f&Ja) WMlWS?'ir4rcO of leturns for the last bank call is-uied I JCaHIDCHl. I Dlntll Pecurlty I'nrr'n Sa 3 . ., 40 Oui? I.luht 0 2 10II.J Duluth A Iren lUnge 3a 3 . . 100'-, Kmplre Gaa A Puel 7ia B. .. 071, 4 .... 071, 2.. ,. 07H 1 07", 10 07U Krle Oenl Men 1 ... Bin 2 ... B4' 2 . B.r, B ... f.4, 1 MS i7ri nn cv a B2 Krl., mi ev Jl t . 83 iKrale) B2 i:ri nn cv n 2. . . BB'i 1 B3 1 B44 3 B44 Kris RR Ce 4a J OOJ, by Coniptieller of the Currency Crls Rincer. Mnrlnnd Oil Company net earninrs for July, before rcs-ervet, were J451, 072, n decrease of $70,000 from June. The balance sheet ns of July Itl she. current nsiets of .$7.tXw.D0S and cur rent liabilities $l,"4.'t,tiut). Geld priuliicHeii of Iltune Mine. Ltd., in August was valued at Sfl."i2,77l. against ?.....i.2."-l in July, nnd ss:ni..":il - ln June. Tue mill handled itu.OOO tens of lire. The rise of CiO points In Kirby I.iim- I ber Company preferred te l.'lU'-j from I this ear's low of MM. vcllectB the e- i liectiiilen t lint MnclcholderH will -oeii be asked te cutibidpr a plan loeliiiiK te the funding of accuuiulatei tlhldcinln i en llie $.i,OlMI,(rOO 7 per cent cumulative I preferred pteck eutRtandins. Tlictn i back dividends new amount te about JSftNj rer cent. TerniR of the plan arc problematical, nccerdiiiK te I'reRldent Jehn 11, Kirby, but It is expected te take the form of an lmie of new iftnek. l'tnh Copper Cempanj Fharcs touched 71 last Friday, the hittheRl price -luce 1020, when thn range was from 80 te 41VS. In 1021 the stock wild down te 41Vji. l'tnh resumed operations April 1 last, and in the three iiieutliti ended .Tunc 30 turned out 22,100,000 pound". at the anniinl rnte of ever 88,010,000 pound. Output expanded in .Tune, when ever 0,p00,000 jjpuuds were produced. ROOFmGMFO.CO. v ERiJET'aS SltAQ . NINETY-ONE YEARS' EXPERIENCE BUILT INTO EVERY BALDWIN LOCOMOTIVE TnHIS guarantee of service is te be found in the lighter loco motives built by these Works for industrial purposes ns well as in the heaicst locomotives built for the great rail way systems. Many Baldwins arc privinp; geed results today which were built 20, SO and -10 cars ape. THE BALDWIN LOCOMOTIVE WORKS Philadelphia fsggssn ROOFER'S WOOD Cord Weed Selected Fireplace Weed Wholesale Only ROGER H. CLAPP & CO, Ardmore, Pa. r DenMtir A thea, 1837 Mark a. 25 nit: rtorUheluets Annual Meeting A.NM.vi. mij:t7m or im: nf. the Cr.inbi-rTy Iren fur lha eurDOBM of ehctlnir a Itdartl tt li rcctera te rere ter the anaulnii ear. and for auch ether huatneaa an may ba breuaht bufer lha raaetlng. ,B, FjsjrER, . - . - c- eratarr.- CO. C. S. PATTON & 3D A CIIKTM T STS. BANKERS Hucotrtnern te HAUaUR A HTUVKNSOV Bend And aterkiv beusht und told M?nibrr I'hlla, hMck Kchanrc J HIGH-GRADE BONDS Helman, Watsen & Rapp I.aeJ Till Kldl. m MACKIE, Investment CR0USE Ce Securities KKAI, ESTATK TH. BIJDO iit ities I DO. I Current River 1st 5s, 1927 Te Yield Over 53 e We will buy 400 shares of Cities Service Ce. Preferred Stock at 69' j per share HENRY L. D0HERTY & CO. 604 Merrii Building:, Phila., Pa I'lienc: Locust 1J,.',0 efr,!heIVs"ri "if """latarj. I.enrf. part S,hn.?maV teUrTrie."ri.M-uV'E7j F. P. Ristine & Company Widener Duildinp, Phllad.lphlat New Yerk Ellaebatli. W. J Utmbera .Vete rerfc nnd PMlodttektm atoek Exchange v T Amer. Tel. & Tgh. Rights Bought & Sold MORLEY, WOOD & CO, 333 Chcatnut Street MemVra X. Y. fhlla. U, KaaaV U-v P.CK i . '4 fvjl l -- m & m nn ft m& m ftia v, m jrtr , wP, 1-1 Vim Ji Vfi i i 1 ts:. t "St 1 it . r-jtfyt.y-.. ,"-wi .ffln.et.lt.ta!-:.