'Kt 73W "my jisr!sv WW' '.' '. J f yi :mw " ... .iar w , ' v p . 1 'A i ' 1 " W'M ' ' ' ? if -,-V' EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA. TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 5, 1922 r rv SBViWtc ft. nr fc.i I i I ' w W t e i-r j ' e WfL iti&t I de rr new ?i Yeu will never appreciate i the convenience of a Checking Account until you have one. As a saver of time and trouble, The Check Method of handling personal or financial matters is one of the most .beneficial H icaimte Ui H1UULTI1 UU31- ncss. BULLISH ACTIVITY CENTERED N T NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE TRANSACTIONS Only Afttrneen Rtpert in Phlladtlphla Quoting Full List Mevement of Main Bedy of Steck3 Confusing Reflecting Twe-Sided Trading Your Checking Account may be opened at this bank with as little as $100. Capital, $500,000.00 Surplus (Earned), $2,250,000.00 Established 1S71 IB J I XAPITALS50a,O0O.OOl SURPLUS (EARNED) gz.a5n.oeo.oo New Yerlt, Sept. f. Ax there were no tlls-tiirblnj development attending the Laber Day holiday. Wall Street re sumed business in ra:m KttHe of mind tedaj- and during the flret halt of the session Mrenct i and aetlvltr prevailed H lu the majority of stock.- After mid day tne trading ncr.une mere ttte-iuea because of the mwe acsrelve attitude of the fleer contingent, which caused Increasing irregularity of movement nnd te feme extent conflicting, as slecks In the same groups at times drifted in con cen tiurj directions. There wax ewentially llttV change In the general character of the trading, as a great deal of attention was again de voted te the se'eeted issues. There was MiM'ireiis circumstances pointing te the familiar maneuver of the professional traders of concentrating interest in then; individual teclH in order te de tract attention from profit -taking and diistributien in ether quarters. On the ether luind. there was nlm evidence present of an effort en the part of the bear contingent te force a general re action In organized drive against some of the kneun weaker and unprotected peculative iue Altogether this net only served te give nn active and broadening aspect te the general move ment, but the varying changes also kept the speculative pirit keenly alive. A firm tone prevailed at the uutet. but the trading was relatively light and price movement beiame leniticii as tne M morning progressed Keck inland hieke H through ter a new high, anil I'nieii l'a- iiLwi'rai.iniiiEi'ra'tOTri'nacmnsiiH :ces Laclede Gas Light Company Ref. & Ext. (new First) Mtge.GoldBends,due 1934 Listed en New Yerk Stock Exchange These bends are secured by a direct first mortgage en all the property of the Company which does the entire gas business in the City of St. Leuis. Price 95 and Interest Yielding about 5.60 Complete circular en request Harris, Ferbes & Ce Pina St., Cor. William NEW YORK PHILADELPHIA OFFICE Widencr Bids. Telephone Spruce 704O rii.. Sale In I 100 tllie and Baltimore and Ohie eslcnded their early gains, but liberal offerings of Atchison. New Haven and Northern l'aclrlc resulted in substantial recession' In these shares. Mexlwin Seaboard Is sues were uniUr pressure en the an nouncement of n heavy reduction in production. the common deelining nearl.v 1! points und the ecrtiuVates 1'4. Mexican Petroleum nlse ilrepped ba' k mere than ll points, with smaller losses in California Petroleum nnd J Standard Oil of New .lersev . but Heyul I Diir, h and Pure Oil advanced meder- j atel Retail Stures. Allied Chemi-al I and Famous flayers all establi-hed new J high prices for the jear at gains of 1 j t. U.. points The demand for con- pers broadened, but A mem tin Smelting was reactionary. I'ullman and Mon Men tana Tower ali-e were heavy. FOREIGN EXCHANGE New Yerk, Sept. .". Business was reMimed in the foreign exchange market her today with an irregular and mainly lower range. Sterling was un changed, francs and lire lest 4 points; Belgians 7, Norway S: Danish I and marks a4 Swiss showed an improve. mnt of '' points. Guilders gained 4 and SwedUh . Ouotatlens were' Sterlinz cab's 1 4T14. demand 4 40" ; franc cables 9 200 7D. .hecks 7 T'.tU : Helgl'iU cables' 300 7"-. . haelri. rrtil. tire ,iMr .l". '500 . .... -M-D.- ... ., ( , ... checks 4 "."'j , Sw.-s i itble 10. IK!, checks 10.011; peseta tables !.".. "0. ei.e.'ks l.Y-Js; Danish cables 21.411. checks 21.44. Norway tables ltl.tVJ. chei'ks 1(1.." : Swedish cables I'tl.iVI. checks 2ti..'il; guilder cables 39. 00. eLecks SSW; mark .07' j. The premium en New Yerk funds in Montreal today wns nominal at l-.TJ per cent. Discount en Canadian funds in New Yerk was 1-32 per ient. In the Central European exchanges quotations en Serbian and .luge-S!avinn are nominal. 'Hie feature was wide fluc tuations, with a gain of 24 points, in C'r.eeho-Slevakian. and a decline of 1." rfaaT V 'X ' liwi -IV illhllUI , 41 II' t a WLV. IMI.- ill (M IF prints in iJieek exchange Humanian TTT I gained u jielnt. nnd t inniMi reje 2 VVITIlG iOr IS points. Quotations were: Bulgarian Booklet 776 ONE of the simplest and clearest little books en investment is our"Com eur"Com our"Cem mon Sense in Investing Meney". It explains the fundamentals of secur ities and will help you te safeguard yourself against less. Write for it today and specify BOOKLET 776-Q jj SSW: STRAUS 5c CQ KCOHrOKATID . UTAlUtUU lltl Bteck Exchance Dldg.,Pbil. Tilifkcnt Sruci 561 40 years without lei te any investor ic) 1022 S XV S ft fe Factors Favorable te Canadian Bends With the bright outlook for general busines.-. in Canada, combined with the marked im-prex-ement in quotations for Canadian exchanRC, Canadian Gex'ernment, Provincial and Municipal bends afford in vestors a geed opportunity te invest funds with safety and profit. HiBh-frrarle bends of this character are still available at prices te yield from 5 te 5.75 Full particulars P-95 en request Weed, Gundy & Ce. Incorporate 14 Wall Street, New Yerk Terente Montreal Londen. En. Winnipeg t!." : Humanian .7H: Serbian l.Oil; Cireek 2.b5; (Vccho-Slevakian 2.52; Jiitfe-Slnvlan .27' : Polish .0122: Kin iitsli 2.19; Austrian .0010; Hungarian ' .oer,' A. 1 SATirKDAT S rf.o?ie QL'OT.XTIO.SS Sterilns lYanr I.r GulMfra Imn4 4 4T't T S5ij 4 40 as.t'3 l'vb,"l 4.474 7 60 4 40', 3j nj TODAT'S f'Pr.MNO OVOT XTIONS St.r.ms F!-r,r t.r Qullttrt ri'tvtnA 4.rt'i 7 7' 4 3.Vj SS US .. n.er I 47'- 7 Se 4 30 SO Oe BANK CLEARINGS nr' r Nr'rui tr.1,i" eiipn ti with cer- ruenlir.K Ujt two : f ars 1 2i '031 19I: v T r.in.7oe.noo 3io.5iKi.ein 437 :si,477 Fi a jeift'joeno $ivi enn nnn j7.s.tl4,7Se P Hen . IO.000.OOU SSStl.DSl 3S 118,307 money-lending rates I T.V YORK Men!' en eU both el ff rt istri1 epnd today t 4 per cent f r 1'nllrii and renewtnit pun. nKi.rniA - ru, 4x4 p,r cent. timf t' te 4-i rr -T,t commercial paper. Uir. m iiv n-"ntn 4 ' te 4 'i v.r rent. I.OMIDV Jlenev 1 K pf cnt TMaceunt rn'i" hert nnd thre mentha' bills, 2' DIVIDENDS DECLARED 1 amdlai Onira Klertrlc Cernpiny. nuar. ir m p- tnt en common p"xM Octeb-r 2 te mock of rererd ."eptembr f. I'annda iiri-ad Company, nuartrly li pr '-nt en prefeied, paahl October 1 in t'"i-lc nf ri-erd Peptdmlv-r I'l K h sr""ni1fld Tire Company quartrlr 1 , pr nt en 5 per cent J referred pay- ,,i,i lutrber 2 te Btecu or receru !ptem. Xtei'i-an Jtreum niiarterlv of 3 per 1 t t en onmen. piabl October 10, na reirietertd September IB. anl 2 rer cent en preferred, payable October 2 te ateck of 'r""il fieptmber IS Pan-American Petroleum nnd Tranapert. quarterly of 11.80 en tlaaa A and B steclu. Liverpool Cotten I.lrerpoel. Sept. B -Tbera was an In. creaaed demand for epet cotton today with 1 prlcea ateady en the baala of an advance 1 of I point for middling nt 13 S4d The 1 lnles ere ln.oeo bae The reclpti were flOne hl" Includlne 3000 bales American. FUturea were rjutei I" Hi- --.triv QenunKI ftni-nran itunii.tng ran 2m.t nna IHT- II Mil reed mlddllnif la .',01. fully mld llme. 13 44d. mlddlln 13 :ud low mid d'lny 12 Sd KOed erdlnar). 12.04d, and erdinar. II S4d. W. A. Ilarrimun & Ce. 1NCOKPORATED Srexel Uldfj., Philadelphia ' HKW YORK CniCAOO BOITALO HTnACUSK PtNNA- TAX-FREE BONDS PAUL & CO. KnaWn Vblla. BUcfc Ezchasn '- U CHESTNUT TRIET '.4 Hu KM Cam MlHUMI ' Raw Sugar Market Steady New Yerk. Sept S The r- auaar mar ket 1 neriH-t ateadv tnrtaj uea bin quoted at as?8'tr. nd Torte Ri ane at J'c. for September ehlpment Impertatlnni ue,r 20. 000 bira Cubaa te the National and 1001 iasa rubaa te an Importer Salei reperteil were 33 ''00 1ia pren pt anlDmept Cubaa at 3r coat and freight, te a Vew Tork re. finer, and 20.000 bans cubaa from store, at 1 24e duty paid te a New Tork rflner. The firm tendency In the raw market brought aheut a chanRe of a'ntlment -men- buyera of refined, and the federal Kumar neflr.lnu CemP'tnv and Arbuikle Ilreihera advanced quotation 2.X ilnla te A 73c leea 2 per 'lnt .WOil Ol II1C UUl-l l.llllip im imi.1- In 7c. ! 2 Pr cent, and the moderate demand la reported, at theae ptlcea Londen Metal Market Txinden, Sept. a Standard copper, apet, rt3 2a rtd. futurea. 1153 10a Kleetrelytlc pet 70 .1i future, 170 13a, Tin, apet. HBO 12a 0d- futurea. 110. Tad. apet 24 na; futurea, 23 10a. Zinc, apet, (31 fia, futurea, 30 10a Parlt Bourse Firm rarta, Bept. S. Prlcea war firm en Oi neurae today. Threa per cent rentei. 1 franca SO centlmea; exrlianga en Ionden, 67 franca SO centimes! R per, cant lean. 76 franca 70 centlmea. The dollar was quoted at 12 franca M't centlmea, BAR SILVER riemeatln bar silver was unchanged In New Tork ledar at "!" Vr flne ounce, for. e!n. 70i a an ndvance of f In Ionden the prlce waa Hd higher at 35Sd. WHAT'S TOTC TKKND OT HUfllNIMBf I fn(rn&tleimlly. ( nd F&rb hv tnUreaUnf cemmtnt ' Jtasv fc mmv " BTOCK tilth tow 3 Adx-ance rtlimK- nf. B8 S8 200 . . AJax Rubber 1 1 H 1 1U 13700 4 Allied Ohem Pye. 91 M 89'. 300 7 Allied Ch A Dye pflM?i H4I4 603 4 Allls-Cha'.mer 59 S8U 100 fi Am neach Msfrnete 39 Vi 39 li 100 4 Am n ah Fi1y new 76 76 100 7 Am II Sh K pr naw.MO 110. 1900 ., Am Can 63 !4 62 i 103 .. Am Chicle 914 9'i 1200 .. Am Cotten Oil 28 M 27 100 .. Am Cotten Oil pf . . 55U 5SU 400 . Am Dmr 9yn. .. . 6H 6I1 203 7 Am tee 118 117H 100 6 Am Ice pf 94 94 500 .. Am Inttrnat Cerp.. 35!4 351i 100 1 Am La France Enn 1314 13 '4 BOO . Am IAneed 36 ?4 3H 1203 .. Am Mnneed pf 56 S5H 4000 Am Locomotive.... 123 H 122 100 ; Am Uce nt 120H 12014 103 3 Am Metal" 4614 45H 230 4 Am Radiator 117 117 1003 .. Am Safety Razor.. 711 7 600 .. Am Ship & Cem 16 H 16!4 2100 . Am Smelt 63 H 64 100 12 Am Snuff 158? 1584 1500 3 Am Steel Foundries 42 H 42 300 . Am Sugar Ref 84 83 U 3500 9 Am Tel & Tel 127 126 4420 . Am Tel A Tel rts... 30 H 30 'i 600 12 Am Tobacco 168J4 16614 400 12 Am Tobacco B 164 163U 100 .. Am Wntrwks 6 pf 40 40 2200 T Am Woolen 96 H 95J-S 120 T Am Woolen pf 108H 108i 100 . Am Writ Paper pf. 31 Vt 31 J-i 6300 Anaconda Cepyer. . . 56 5514 100 .. Ann Arber 21 J4 21 '4 100 . Ann Arber pf ... 49J-4 494" 1600 Atch Tep A San Fe104 103 100 6 Atch Tep & S F pf 94H 94 U 200 . Allan nir A Atlantic 3 3 700 : Atlantic Coant Llne118i 118 3100 .. Austin Nlcheli.. . 31 '4 304 100 7 Austin Xlchela pf. 85 !4 85 Vt 11800 7 Baldwin Locemotlve132i 1?-9!4 2300 . Baltimore A Ohie . 58 J4 58'4 300 4 Baltl a Ohie pf . . . 55Vj 55U 1500 .. nmdalt Claaa A.. 37U 35H 200 . Harnett Leather.... 62 i 62 '4 100 .. Beechnut Packlnr.. 31 31 '4 100 S Beth Steel pf..113 113 900 S Beth Steel B ... 78 'a 78 400 .. Rklyn Rapid Transit 254 24 i 200 . Hklyii R Tctfs of db 20 U 20 V 100 S IJrklyn fnlen Gas.. 119 119 100 .. Breun Khee 63 63 2200 10 Burn Bres 13BU 136 1100 2 Burns Bres H . ... 49H 48 '4 400 .. Butte A Sup Cep... 30 !i 30 '4 200 . Butterlcl; Ce 20 '2 2014 200 . Cadde Ccn O A R .- 10!i 10'j 503 California Petrel... 65 64 S 100 7 Calfernla Pet pf 95 95 BOO Cal Zinc and Lead . 8H 8U 2033 10 Canadian Pac.fic . 149(4 14814 400 . Central Leather 41 y2 40 100 .. On Leather pf ... 77 V, 77 !4 1300 Cerre-de-Pasco ... 41 U 40 ' 1600 6 Chandler Meters . 63 62 830 4 ChesnpeaUe A Ohie 76 H 76 600 Chlcafc-e A Alten . 34 3 '4 900 .. ChicaRe A Alten pf 6 6'i 600 .. f hlcage & K 111 . . 38 H 38 'i 100 .. Chicago A Gr West 7i 7 V 600 . . Chi A Gr West pf. . 18T4 18'i 2000 .. Chl Mil A St P 33H 32' 3000 . Chl Mil A St P pf 52 50 K 3030 6 Chl & Xerthwestern 94 H 93' 100 7 Chl A Northwest pM24 124 3200 4 Colcage Pneu Teel. 84 i 82 4 15300 Chl R 1 A Pac . . . 4914 47 H 400 fi Chi R I A Par G pf 8Ci 86(4 300 7 Chi R I A Pac 7-e pf 97'j 97 8700 Chilt- Copper .234 2 J 600 rhino Cenner . 31 'i 31 '1 B nil St P M A O . . 82(4 82 O.uetr-Peabedy ... 644 6AU 4 Ciisu-Cela. 70 70 700 Celutr. Gas A i:c. .104(1 1034 100 .. Lelum Uraphophene 34 3' 1200 r, Cemput Tab Rec 7b H 74(4 100 Consel Cigar 3614 36( 200 Continental Can .. 66(4 86 3003 f Consolidated Gas 1374 136(4 100 S Consel Gas of Baltl 1184 1184 4000 .. Consel Textiles. .114 11 100 4 Cem Products Ref.. 119 119 5500 I', Cestlen A Ce .... 4954 48U 13000 . Crucible Steel . . 98 954 JS 100 T Cruclb'.e Steel pf . . 99 99 4800 Crucible Steel rti.. 4 ' 1200 .. Cuban Am Sugar .. 27 26 'a 200 .. Cuba Cane Sugar . 15 H 15 300 Cuba Cane Sugar pf 39 "a 39 '.s 100 Davisen Chemical.. 52'a 52'a 400 .. Debeers C Mln Ltd 24(4 24(4 900 3 Delaware A Hudsen129('i 128(4 400 Del Lack A West . 134'i 133'i 600 8 Detroit KdUen 117 '4 116 300 2 Deme Mines 39 38 Ta 2200 S Du Pent (E 1) Ce..149'4 1474 100 5 Eastman Kodak... 85 85 1700 2 E'.ec Storage Bat . 46 J 46 4 100 .. Elk Hern Ceal 22 22 700 .. Emersen-Brant pf . . 407-j 40 900 5 liidlcotUJehnson . . 89 88 760 - . Erie 164 15 '4 2100 .. Erie 1st pf 26 !i 25 400 Erin 2d pf 174 17 4 13200 S Fameui Players L..107 102H 2100 ? Famous Players pf. 1074 105 300 Fed Mln A Smelt . 15'-j 15 3100 5 Fed Mm A Smelt pf 5914 57 4 100 in Fisher Bedy 114K 1144 100 S Fisher Bedy of O pt 91 91 100 . Fisk Rubber 12i 12. 2400 . Freeport Texas 24(4 24 600 3 Gfn Am Tank Car... 68 65 "4 3000 . General Asphalt 70 '4 6914 500 General Cigar 82 '4 82 Is 200 I General Electric. .. .186 I85"a 12600 . General Meters 14!, !4'4 100 7 Gen Meters deb T 99 4 99(4 euu .. tioearicn jd jyi 300 . Granby Mining .... 32', 32(4 2000 7 Great Northern pf. 94 ? 94 '4 500 4 Gr North Ore ctfs.. 41 14 41(4 100 .. Gulf States Steel... 74 14 74(4 100 . flablrshaw Electrio. 2(4 2 '4 100 3 Homestake Mining. 73 73 ,600 .. Housten OH 81 80 800 2 Hudsen Moter Car. 21 21 '4 200 1 Hupp Moter Car... 19 18 14 2000 .. Hdraullc Steel.... 84 8 100 7 Illinois Central. ...Ill (4 1 1 1 14 100 6 111 Cent pf "A" 112 112 300 .. Indlahema Ref 3 34 830 .. Inspiration Cen Cep 42 "i 42 100 .. Inter Cen Cerp 1 4 14 500 .. Inter Cen Cerp pf . . 4 44 100 .. Inter Agrlc pf.... 384 38(4 100 2ij Internat Cement... 33 4 33 J4 700 2 Inter Cem Eng.... 27 54 27 100 6 Int Harvester new..1 11 111 300 .. Int Mer Marine.... 14 14 1500 6 Int Mer Marine pf. 58 4 564 900 .. Inter Nickel 18 174 100 .. Inter Nickel pf.... 82 82 14600 .. International Paper 60 K 57 700 6 Inter Paper stpd... 76 75(4 100 .. Invincible Oil Cerp 144 144 100 .. Iren Products 33(4 33 )j 200 .. Island Oil H 4 200 .. Jewel Tea pf 63 6? 4 2100 .. Kansas A Gulf.... 4K 4H 100 .. Kan City Southern. 2514 25ft 300 .. Kayser A Ce new.. 47 4 46 4 300 ,. Kelly-Springfield .. 43(4 43, 5700 . . Kcnnecett Copper. . 38 37 4 200 .. Keystone TAR... 8H 8S 400 . . Lackawanna Steel.. 80 se 100 7 Laclede Gas of St L 90 90 Nat Chse. 4 1H J4 1 H 1 1:30 r. m. 58 II H-t- 91 1144 4- 58(4 394 76 -110 624 94- 28J4 -r 53(4 f 6 4 1174- 94 334- 13(4 4 3514-!- 24 56 4 -r 14 123H 4 120J4 - 4 46 (4 Ts 117 - 24 71'. - 11 164- " ' 64 4 - V4 1 1584 r 4(4 42- V4 ' 84 - '4 1 1264- ! 1 30 '4 ! 1674 4- 2", I 163(4 - 14 ' 40 95 ?i :- 1084 4-31(4-55 21 Ji -49(4 - 103 - 944 f 3 - 1184 ' 31 T4 - 1 85 4 ' '-4 132 - 24 58 4 1- V 55 4 3614- a 624 4 31 '4 - 4 113 !s 784 - 1 Dlv. Salea In I PTOCK Hlh 200 . . Lake Krle A West pt 73 U 200 2 Iee Rubber 2614 2700 34 Lehigh Valley 69 la 7300 7 Ll"m Locomotive... 65 K 8000 .. I45w' Ine 20(4 200 .. Left Ine 124 300 .. Loese Wiles 934 200 12 Lerlllard (Pierre).. 1784 600 7 Louisville A Nash.. 140 J 4 1300 .. Mack Truck 57 100 7 Mack Truck 1st pf 90 Jl 100 6 Mackay Ce 103 100 .. M&lllnsen Ce 38i 100 .. Manatl Sugar 45 200 7 Manhat Kiev Guar.. 53(4 400 .. Manhat Kiev ctfs... 53 H 2000 2 Manhat Shirt 414 300 fi Market St pr pf 65 4 1600 4 Marland Oil 404 200 .. Math Alkali 46 4 100 .. Max Moter Class A. 59 100 .. Max Moter Class B 19 4' 100 s May Dept Stores.. 130 . 100 Mclntyre new 194 18800 13 Mexican retreleuml97(4 200 s Mex Petroleum pf . . 984 12500 fi Mex Seaboard 2114 100 , Mex Seaboard Oil ct 204 lea I Mlam Cerner 30 4l 4 t.i u 4 1 4 114 4 4 1 54 4 4 4 i 'i e 4 244 20(4 r 119 -63 138 -t-484 -30 ' r 20 4 -104 64 4 -95 r 8'4 1484 - 41 4 T 77 4 - 41 62(4 - 764 -i 34 6(4 - 36(4 - 74 184 - 32 ?4 - 51 - 94 -!- 124 82H -43 i -864 -r 97 234 31 h ' 82(4 r 644 -70 1034 - 3Ts 74 J4 - 36 4 r 86 - 1364 - 1184 ,- 1 Hi r 119 ; 48 4 -982 99 4 26 Ta 15 -39 4 -52 4 -24(4 . 129(4 1 1 33 4 -117(4 r 38 ?a - (a 1 48 I 4 85 -i 14 464 - -i 22 - 4 40 884 4 154- 4 264 r 14 17 ?4- 4 103 1 ' 4 106 H - 1 !4 15 4 Hi 384 : 24 1 1 4 4 -r 14 91-4 12H 4 24 67 4- 34 6001.20 Middle States Cerp. 134 . . Aimvaie Kteel 35)4 . . Mln A St Loul pew 10 4 M St V A S St M. 71 . . Me Kan A Tex (wl) 1 8 T. . . Me Kan A T (wl) pf 464 . . Missouri Pacific... 23 . . Me raclflc pf 59 3 Mentana Power. ... 75 . Montgomery Ward. 234 . . Moen Moter Car..'. 14(4 . Mether Lede Mining II '4 7 Nat Biscuit pf .. ..120 . . Nat Cleak A Suit... 56(4 . . Nat Cen A Cable.. 2(4 . Nat En A Stamp... 58 4 6 National Lead 109 . . Nat It It of M 2d pt 54 . Nev Cen Copper.... 17(4 fi N T Central ... 98 4 5 N Y C A St L 85 . New Yerk N H A H 32 4 2 New Yerk Ont A W 264 7 Norfolk A Western. 120 f. North American .... 94 4 3 North Amer pf .... 46 S North Pacific 89 'A . . Nunally Ce 10(4 . . Okla Pred A Ref.. 24 . Orpheum Circuit... 23 S Otis Elevator 158 4 2 Owens Bet Mach... 37 4 . Pacific Devel Cerp. 44 5 Pac Gas A Klec. . 824 3 Pacific Oil 57 4 fi Pan Amer Petrel . . 84 4 K Pan Amer B 79 4 2 Pennsylvania R R . 46 U Penn Seaboard Steel 7,4 Pere Marquette.... 38 H 3 Philadelphia Ce 444 Phillips Pet 52(4 . . Plerce-Arrew Moter 1 2 4 . . Plerce-Arrew Met pf 32 4 3100 100 200 1400 1900 100 300 400 2603 1C0O 3600 100 100 200 200 800 400 tee 100 100 4300 2C0 6200 3700 100 2300 100 400 2200 100 2400 200 100 1700 15300 2100 200 4000 600 200 4200 500 2400 100 3400 F50 700 . Pierce Oil pf. 5 Pitts Ceal. ... 6 Pitts Ceal pf Pitts A W Va . 400 14 Pend Creek Cea! 74 . 70!j . 99 4 . 40 . 21 4 . 9414 .110 2100 s Peatum Cereal.. 200 X Pestum Cereal pf 100 7 Pressed Steel Car pfl00(4 19300 7 Producers A Ref pf 48(4 1 100 fi Pub Ser Cor of N J 97 4100 8 Pullman Ce 131(4 100 Punta Alegre Sugar 50(4 7200 2 Pnrp Oil 33 M 50 4 Railway Sec 70 4 200 S Railway Steel SDK .119 4 3003 41 Rand Mines.. s 35 164 80 4 4H4 74 4 1 300 Rn.v Cen Cenner. 1400 4 Reading 200 Remington Typew 200 .. Rem Typew 2d nf a 4100 Henub iron . Steel 724 100 Replogle Steet 324 100 Rep Iren A Steel pt 934 1000 Itepub.ic Meters 34 100 Reynolds Springs... 29 , P 1 00 3 Reynolds Teb B . . . 53 4 a 106004 13 Royal Dutch N Y.. 594 4 4 2'i 54 500 .. St Leuis San Fian. 30(4 100 .. St Leuis S Krau pf 56 200 .. St Leuis Southwest. 334 1000 . St L Southwest pf . . 51(4 100 .. San Cec Sugar. ... 3(4 200 . Seaboard .Mr Line.. 7 400 . Seab Air Line pf . . 114 300 .. Sears-ReebucK . ..89(4 200 . Seneca Copper .... 12j 7001 55 1 Shell Transport .. 40(4 3100 2 Sinclair Consel. .. 34 100 8 Sinclair Oil pf 99 4 1100 . Shelly Oil Ce 10 4 200 . Sless-Sheffletd 50 1800 6 Southern Pacific... 94t; 500 . Southern Rail 26 H 3.700 . Southern Rail pf... 644 300 . , fiplcer Mfg 20 5200 4 Standard Oil of Call 14 400 5 Standard Oil of N J 1 84 4 100 .1 Sterling Products... 53(4 200 3 Stewart Warner Spd 48 4 500 Stromberg Carb ... 554 18700 10 Studebalter 134 4 200 . Sub Beat Cerp 6 1500 . Superior Oil 74 2500 . Sweets co of Amer 2? 6500 .1 Texas Ce 49 3100 4 Texas Gulf A Sulph 51 (4 400 .. Texan A Pacific 32 4 30J 1 Texas A Pne C A O i6(4 1500 6 Tobacco Product. . 584 2100 . Tobacco Pred A.... 864 300 7 Tobacco Pred pf.... 1074 400 .. Transcontinental Oil 144 100 7 UnderwoeU Typew.. 145 1400 6 Cnlen Bag A Paper 75 1100 .. Union Oil 194 800 .. Union Oil rts (4 1300 1ft Union Pacific I50J4 400 2 United Alley Steel.. 38 100 x United Fruit 154 4100 . United Retail Stores 81 H 1600 . U S C I P A Fdy... 34 4 600 ..US Feed Products 6 4 1500 .. u S Ind Alcohol... 664 100 .. US Realty A Imp.. 7714 2100 . U S Rubber 57 K 100 S U S Rubber 1st pf104(4 8300 5U S Steel 1054 1000 7 U S Steel pf 121H 5100 : Utah Copper 71 4100 .. Utah Securities.... 204 2800 .. Vanadium Cerp.... 53(4 100 .. Va-Car Chemical... 294 700 .. Vlvadeu Inc 13(4 800 .. Wabash 124 1200 .. Wabash pf A 34 400 7 Western Elee pf...!09H 1200 .. Western Maryland. 154 100 .. Western Pacific... 194 200 Western Pacific pf . . 62 300 7 Western Union Tel. 120 1600 4 Westing E A M 64)4 200 .. Wheeling A L K 144 500 2 Whlte Eagle Oil.... 27 (4 i) 100 4 White Moter 484 100 .. Wlckwlre Spenc Stl 154 7500 .. Willy overland 8 4200 .. Willys Overland pf. 46 500 .. Wilten A Ce 45(4 200 .. Wisconsin Central.. 29 300 .. Werth Pump A M... 44)4 Ex-dlidend. t J.-runta. Iew 73 26 ft 69 U 63 U 20 1214 62 4 170 140 56J4 90 J4 102 304 45 53(4 53 4H4 65 39 4 46 59 194 130 19H 1914 98 4 20 204 30 13H 34 4 10 70 184 46 4 23 59 73(4 23 14 US 120 56 4 2(4 58 4 108 4?4 17 4 98 4 85 314 26(4 117 924 46 88 4 10 4 24 214 1584 37 44 824 57 4 82 Vt 77(4 464 7 384 444 514 124 31 !4 74 69(4 994 40 21(4 92 4 1094 100 4 46 H 95 4 1 30 U 50(4 33 70 i 119(4 33(4 16 4 80 41 74 4 70H 324 93 4 3 4 29 534 58 30 56 33 K 504 34 7 104 88 4 124 40 4 334 99(4 104 50 93 4 264 63 4 20 1124 184 5314 48 55 132 4 6 7s 2 4 48 '4 50 324 J5T4 58 86 1074 14 4 145 73(4 19 4 1504 38 154 80 4 33 64 65 4 77 4 56 104 4 104 4 121 'j 70(4 20 514 29 ?i 13 12(4 334 109(4 15(4 194 62 1194 63 H 144 27 404 154 7H 42 44 29 44 1:'0 Net. T, M. Chse. r73'4 V 26 4 I 694- 54 64J4 Ji 20 4 1254 62(4 u; 178 1 140J4 54 87 4 90 Ji 54 102 2 38H .. 45 - 4 534- 1 53 41 H 4 65 40-4 46 4- 54 59 19$ 14 130 - 54 194 H 195 H4 9B4 .. 20 54- 154 20H V 30 134 354 10 - 54 70 184 4 464- 54 23 59 75 54 r.3J4 1- 4 144 r 54 114 ALMOST DEAD L OCK L OCAL MARKET Fraction Shaving Ir Prices Re sulted Frem the Relatively Light Dealings The local market apparently was un able te shake off the restraints of the holiday Influences. The ebsencc of many traders resulted In relatively light deal ings with little price variation. Few exceptions occurred In the Inactive stocks, but In se far as the usual active list was concerned It was merely a. matter of fraction shaving. There was n noticeable absence of Initiative, which was easily treceable te the growing disposition te nwalt the lead of the bigger market. While there was little inclination te extend or make new commitments there wns,, at the same time, n nlmllar Indisposition te pert with existing holdings. The re sult was the market virtually worked into acemplete deadlock. It wns generally felt the settlement of the hard coal strike removed prac tically last of the strike difficulties, as the shepmen's walkout was considered broken by the report of a steady drift of men back te their jobs. Although there wns a possibility of the agreement reached by the operator' nnd miners' lenders being opposed at the convention te ratify the pact, it was felt Mich op position would be enslly overcome. Yet naturally there were quite n number who felt It would be wiGtr te ueier . further netivitics until the matter wn completely settled. I The absence of special demenstra- I tlens contributed te intensify the dull ness nnd emphasise the narrowness of the market. As n group, the utility shares possibly received the most at tention, but even In these stocks the dealings were of a Tcry small caliber. As 11 whole, however, they displayed n firm tone, with almost stationary prices. The elimination of labor troubles in the coal district found direct reflec tion in the ndvnnce of nearly 2 points In Westmoreland Cenl nnd the point gnln in Huffnle & Susquehanna pre ferred. Trading in Pennsylvania Rail road was lighter thnn for some time, hut the market, according te the beard 79 4 ji Imports, was well supplied with buying 46 4 ' orders under 47. 120 56 4 24 58 (4 - 108J4 4- 254 5 14 174- 54 98(4 85 324 - 26 4 11954- 93 4 46 88 4- 104 24- 22 4 158 4 37 44 824- 57 H - 834 14 4 Hi ?4 (4 What Is Meney Werth? A prominent busineti man sad: "Meney is a business tool and nothing mere. Translntc money Inte terms of what It will buy and you have the real value for flfrAirinfr its worth, ir tne in vestment of .$500,000 will make for you $1,00,000, you can afford te pay .out 5250,000 te the man who furnishes you with the money; he in entitled te a rea rea Kenable profit en the tool which he sells you for your use." Which is bet ter, pay the priee at which you can secure money and make a profit en it, or re fuse te pay such price and lese tne profit? 1 7 54 30H - 44 H f 524 1- 124 - 32 54 r 74 70 r 99 4 40 214- 14 944 4 110 4 1004- 4 48 14 97 2 1304 2(4 50(4 .. 334 1 704 1194 1 35 164- 4 80(4 f- 4 41 -74 4 72 54 29 -534 59 4 30 -56 334 -504- 34 7 4 124 40 4 334 Philadelphia Stocks Rich 10 All! Tnsur. L'P'j 25 Ruff & Sus t c pref. "3 25 Cam Iren. 41 lOOenTrXJ 5t 2S0Elee Ster. 47 200 Lnke Sup. 71 113 Leh Nnv, 1 is :tt Ijeir r M chga. 244 24 1 Vj liB 53 -fl 41 41 .. .11 51 . . 4ft1i 47 .. 1 ! "-4 Tfi1" 78M, 78,$ Vi The price of money is simply a question of supply and demand. The price of mer chandise and everythinp; else is governed In ,the same way. We cannot get away from it no matter hew many Iswb are placed en the statute books. Many large concerns openly offered usurl usurl eus rats, as high as 10 and mere, for plain leans during the war period. They get it and saved themselves and their Creditors and possibly the Creditors of their Creditors, and se en down etherwise this country might have experienced a most disastrous panic. Give us a sum, probably less than the dis count you offer your Customers, and let us buy their accounts when they won't dis count them. Dees it matter materially whether you have their Cash or ours if you pay us no mere for the menay than you offer them te discount and the essential difference is that we will buy their Ac counts when they wen't: uijiJiiflt them. Commercial Credit Company Caah Capital and Surplus li.CSO.OOO BALTIMORE SAN FRANCISCO Represented at Philadelphia, 1210 Stock Exchange Bldg. (Phene Spruce 0544) Affiliated with COMMKRCIAT. AOCETTASCE TRUST COMSIKRCIATj CREDIT COMTANY. INC. Caah Capital and K arpltnl 1.600.000 Cash Capital and Snrplua 1800,009 CUICAGO ' NEW ORLEANS ilfflHKBIIIII 270 I'enna H It 47 Wk -i . . Stl Thlln Elec .IMi IlH'i .'11 i ht S5 de pref.. Sl-V, 3iaj Z Vv 235 Phila R T 321,3 32 324 205 UnlenTrac 41 41 41 . . 5 V O I pf. 55 55 55 . . 20 West Ceal 73 73 73 1 rniLAnELPHiA nexns 1500 Electric fc Pee Tr 4s ctfs. . 7l',i fiiHiii Kieetrie cc i'ee l r is cus. . 7 4 JKKXl Lehigh Valley Ceal 5s. 1 54 (4 4 ! 2 (4 14 a 4 54 4 "4 54 14 4 i 4 1 ' 994- 14 ioh ieh 50 94 26 ? -63 4 20 113 4 1844 53 4 48 4 55(4 . 1334 t- 6 - 74 ?4 i- 48 H - 51 32 4 , 'Sh - 58 86 4- 1074 144- 145 75 194- 1000 Lehieh Valley Ceal ann fis. 122 4.000 Phlla Electric 5'.j 102 5000 Phila Electric 0s 100 COTTON MARKET New Yerk. Sept. fi, The cotton market opened easier nt n decline of 1 te 1) points under .Southern hedge selling, which supplied the demand from Japanese and spot interests. There also was considerable profit-taking at the outset, although this lessened after the start and quotations rallied en re ports of continued het, dry weather in the Southwest. Trav elea Opn October ... 21 (I422.02 21 AS n.c6r 22.225 22 12 January . . 22.C91T13 22,02 February 22.03 March 22.1.r.iff 20 22.10 Mav 22. OS 10 22.0.! July 31.85 21.60JJ8S 1 r M. 21.43 21.M U 47 2l!38 150(4 1 3B I- 154 - 814 33 4- 64 - 66 77 4 . 56 4 - 104(4 105 'r 1214 70 4 20 52 4 294 13 124 -334-1094 154 194 -62 1194 .. 64(4 J-144- 27 54 48 4 -154 r 74 44 ; 454 1 29 44 NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET New Yerk, Sept. 5. The reffce fu tures market opened withtrndlng ijuiei nnd prices 4 te fi point higher thl morning, the demand probably influ enced b.v the firmer showing of fantes. i? which came in 275 te 450 reis hither, ri , .- L- f f - ..-1.1- V 1 ann te im; rrLi-uiti ui a iniui: i rem L fillllO?. DU, lug . .'Itltni.-i ;, Jirill. M loons UKfi nirrner advance en arreunt Ot rf.ari.11 UL li-jriiiiuir m-ii'i.uiiiic, The local exchange makes the world's vlplble supply of coffee en September 1. 8.812.00S bags, an increase of 212.- 32S bags, with two peinta estimated. I.e. neuville, of Havre, makes the world s visible supply 8.751,000 bags, nn in crease of 164,000 begs. Futures worked about 10 points net higher nt raid-day en a amall volume of business. The strength of Brazil cheeked w.ling and promoted scat tered trade covering. Prav. cleaa Orn 8ertmbr U.tritHl n Octebrr 0.45 l,4n Nevuntwr '(MO riacember f.4!V04. O.nOfflM March !). 4047 n.lfifliBn May 0.4Sft47 0.40650 July 0.4MJN7 '(MS AUKUst 9,46-1347 .. . Hia. H H 4 4 H 4 4 4 4 H 14 4 4 54 H Vi 4 4 4 H 14 94 H H (4 14 4 2 14 14 Public Service Corporation of New Jersey We shall be glad te send en request an illustrated booklet describing the properties of this corporation, together with an analysis of the capitalization. Bonbright & Company 437 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia NEW YORK BOSTON CniCAOO DETROIT dm The responsible business LOCAL MINING STOCKS TONOPAH STOCKS Did .09 09 Net marely Evans and Fer1 ana inie; Lr in KM W 117. PHI epuitna Caah Bey Jim Butler MacNamara. . ... Crascant Midway Mltpah Rxtana'en Mentana North Star . ... Rmiu Eula, . . . . 'Jonepah Extension Wnt End Weat Tonopah .OH .04 oe .08 .08 .14 2S 03 .07 .10 .0.1 .13 .07 .12 .10 .10 H 1 treat Band Jumne Kxtnsloe . Kaa-anai Lena fctar Ore Rd Hill. flUl.. Til, I. lipearhead .!""! AlnnarA Arliina Unitd alnlenU nilJCIrirt. OOVi en 04 ... .08 02 5,00 10 e: inSCElXAENOUS 60 .01 IU I Emma Hllvar DIVIDE BTOCKfl Alllad Dl1d 004 Alte Dlvlda 01 Belcher 02 Belcher Kxtenaten 00 Breuiih Divide .OR Divide Extension ,. .14 Divide Cen 02 Dividend 02 Eait Dlvlda 01 Harmlll 08 Knox 08 Rllvrr Kins' 02 Butherlsnd 01 Tonopah Divide 79 Tonopah llaibreuek 01 Victory Dtlda 02 Verda Divide 01 Zena 10 OOLDKrELD 8T0CKB Beeth 04 Combination Fraction 01 CrackerJack OS iiiamenaneia niue jiiui,,,,. Florence ,.. nniaeald tvn ............. Oeldflell Pev .,,,,.,.,. .03 Qeldfleld ,. .,! .04 Itlll Ten Eureka Croteea Eureka, Helly . . Iff la. Marah Mether I.eds . , . Nevada Hills .. Nevada. Wonder Success Tecopa MJnln . Volcano Whlte Ca.p .... Wllbert . .10 . .en . .87 . .03 : . .00'. :6 .12.00 . .01 . .28 . .43 . .18 . .82 . .14 . .03 .01 .08 .05 .H 03 6 no .12 .03 1 05 .in .08 .te .04 IV .34 01 6 14.00 .02 .32 .47 .22 .84 .10 .07 LIVESTOCK QUOTATIONS rlttsbargu. flapt. 6. ItCK38-.Ieii. 100JI head, ateady. Heavies. JeTS" heavy serkera. It0.25n0 8s. light Writers lart I0; tl. I0.23W9 f,ii. ' yerxers. S3.7S 8HEEP AND tMBS R.celrts 120O head. Steady. Tep sheep, IT.BOrtep lmbs, eld ou. 'Al.VKS Uecelpta. 450 head Tep, J 14. Steady. Reserve Banks' Discount Rates Ottlelsl rediscount rates at the tele Fed eral Beterve Banks are as fftllnira: Treae. Mt Cem'l Bkra. Ctla. bends, ratea, accept. Beaten .,. New Tork I'hlladelphU Cleveland ....... 4 Richmond i Auanta yniei ,,,,n,, 4 li, t, 4 milt) i an St. Lmila ITInnaeTWilla kaisas city ... 4 4 . k H 44 4 4 ChloAve, Bept. fi CATTLE Beceltit. 22,000 head. Slew. oed nnd choice wide,' beef ateer.. jearllnna and beef "wf and heifers steady, ellmr gradei weak te 15a loner. Early top matured beef ateera ,V.i yearllnta. Ill: bulk of ft nitlv. .t"r,n0dt Quality and condition te xell at IS.TSif te "5 bulls weak te lOe lper. veal calvea lariely" 28e off early: packers paying SU BOuflS: jteckara and feedera alew: undertone weak te lowers bulk fat aha mock. 14.100728 iVlJSlW bu"' ,a-853'10i bulk vealirs eii.oegriz, ' JIOGS Beeelpts. 48.000 head. Market gen. erally 18JSe lower. Bulk 170 te 220 pound averagea, B2ri0 4l Tep, 0 4.1 early' hulk 290 te 20 neund h'Jtthera, 18.00i!IO,lB. 280 te 300 pound butchers, 18 4098 70: hulk l7.B0f8. heavy. t7 7nHS.Ce: mndlurn. 88 80 e.40: light, fn i(ffn a. light Ughta! 8 3r, 0: packing aewa. emoeth 10.4057; park. Ing aewa, rough, 0tr 0.50: killing pigs, 17 211 ?n.?8. SHEEr Beeelrta. 22,000 head. Natl lambs meatly 16 If 2.1c lewer: eulla. fiOe lower. Tep natives, 112.75 te city butchera. 112.80 te paekara: eulls mostly IS.St; Vi'eeteyia slew, bid weak te lewer: few sold. MJ.fiOi etnsri neia.nigneT. ineep uii; tenein lower; feeding lambs slew. GRAIN MARKET Chicago, Sept. 5. The wheat marlset opened steady Jit 'Jc decline te c ad vance and early in the day eased off under netive hedge felling. Develop ments ever the holiday were net im portant, but the cables came better than expected, with Liverpool Jd te 9id higher, which partially offset ex ex pcctatleiiH of very heavy receipts in th Northwest nnd Canada. Cern Mnrted firm nt Nic te ic ad vance en geed commission house buy ing, Dascti crop damage reports, but wen ' : '! eir en expected large receipts at ( hicage and with wheat. Oats v re steany nt "&c te 4c ad vance en small offers and scatcred buy ing. Previsions were lower en a decline of loe te aec in tne neg market Cern i-revieua cioee ytwning ,tua ia ui M'4 (S r.niL 60H SB4 Espensible man never enters en his summer vacation without leaving a memorandum of instructions te enable ethers te carry out his plans. Yet many such men delay the making of their wills and may nt any time leave their families without provident instructions for their futures. There is but one way te in sure the fulfillment of your plans for your dependents nnd that is: Make a Will. North Philadelphia Trust Ce. Bread St. and Germantown Ave. Above Eric Ave., Philadelphia September jjeeemrmr . Slav Wheat FeTfember December . fy .. .. Oate September . December . May nye September . December . kard OcteN-r . . December . r.i4 .!) 09 l.Ol 1.064 82H 84 37H 004 l.Ot'.a fft.OOTi 1.07 1.06 83 844 37 67 10.2 in.in 9. 27 1 T M, (11 A74 00 934 1 01I 1.074 34 844 38 87H 004 10 12 t-iH jiar,. iuii... fSli June. WW... t'8 June, 1024... ..all llent . 1024 .. U. 8. Certificates and Treasury Notes Int. Maturlnr Bate Date Bid AaVed Yield SW Oct.. 1022. ...100 Teyleld 3.2.1 3 Dee., 1032. ...100 Teyleld 8.33 t'4 4 Dec, 1022.... 100 7-82 Teyleld 8.81 .iuun-iii iuu f-ie n.nT .100 1.10 100 8-10 3.48 .102 18-16 102 18-16 4.03 . KI2S 1021 4 07 t4l Mar., 102ft.. . .101 -l 101 11-83 4 IT t44 Dec, 10S8 .. .100 17-33 tee It. 10 4,15 tT Mar, 11130. ...101 ll.lii 101 37-82 4.17 t44 Sept.. 1020 .. 100 8-tO 100 11.32 4 18 Eiempi irem jeeerai normal income tax tAccuptanee for patment of Income tax due en date of maturity. 8unday Scheel Leaders te Meet The Delaware County Habbnth Scheel Awoclatlen will held ith thirty ninth annual convention at the Darby Presbyterian Church ThuMejr, Octo ber aej. We announce the opening of an oflice in New Yerk at 40 Wall Street Telephones, Jehn 1853, 1854, 1855 Mr. J. Fred Underwood in charge Private Wtee Connectiett icWh Philadelphia 6caraENEBeENNiNG & Ca Investment Bends 1615 Walnut St. Philadelphia iiiiJUAAAaa Estates of $5000 ? Statistics show that estates of $5000 and often times mere nre disipated in a few ycara where there is no trusteeship. We assume the responsibilities of a trustee, which assures the future of tho3e you wish cared for. A consulta tion With UB mnv set veur minH nf hmk en manV of your financial responsibilities. THE REAL ESTATE TRUST CO. OF PHILADELPHIA Bread and Chestnut Sts. VedieU 9res. & (Six yuliIU BtUttu 0rurU1ta mtatb V5Kttian(Ut OulUHite, JJtrlla. Am. Gns. & Elec. 6s, 2014 Lehigh Pr. Sec. 6s, 1927 Springfd. Wat. Cens. 5s. 1926 sBia4sMt)sa tk.... . .! r. ara aMUiHifAV 1W SgfB L BANKERS 321 Chestnut St., PhiladelphU Established m? ' Member New Yerk and Philadslf Stock Exchange K r im ii . Ly.y.9rg3ff?.. -.,.,. . uw- ' ul rt i'l