?Ty '" z.''" ' MJai-uaaaaaj-jgiL -- - ,-.:'. . . rnlr: 7 - ' -K,,. . . . ,1...-.:. ... 'JV,S fij.VJ, I ''Jim i iiwW J 'JLVUJSBJ TfWfS7JF..... niiWBUVUMitllJ uli'T,',;. JkJjmmmmimLLir'rWfmmmmKtM flH "rtViV-w'ssrW Yfti'JVwT.t,vAf -,'- v-'i ii';jW.rJ'WMlwW','ji.'i i 'U'.ifwniaHiMVKii 1 sEiiiBBjf w vrm?' .- ,mmnw. ,: T J - - -. I I 1 1. I - -- mil VOIR HOME f IT" tXCLUDINO If Lighting Fixtures iDTHUR B. Mfcll-U Ear E ' 6408 WILLOWS AVE. rT-firiVl J. Weed. MSO ft MM MOM. Weed, flieiu Laieiviuuee .tivRk NO. . M4 S3&OT fe 888 ,5m:MWM Lite .Hew K u. new-Walnut 6873.74 1005 CHESTNUT ST. BUNDY TYPEWRITER CO. Nature's Own Skin Beautifier has rightly been said of the won wen derful mineral which exudes from I rocky ledge near the Sun River, Mentana. , It contains organic sulphur, and there is nothing else se beneficial te the skin. Mr Charles A. Miller of New Yerk City that he found SUN RlVEll MINERAL a remarkable treatment for PIMPLES. New obtainable at the fa ! score. Ask for SUN RIVER SOAP. 25c, and SUN RIVER OINT MENT, 50c and $1.00. Su River Ce., A-23, 1914 Broadway, N. Y. C PURE FRESH PAINT Believe Me " r a If it bears the Kuehnle label, you knew it's GOOD PAINT ! ! "Save the Surface" Kuehnle PAINT&PAINTIN6 Vine & 17th. 3ts. SPMICEjW IIACG779 SmAMMlll' NOTK'KS ISTHMIAN STEAMSHIP LINES Philippines East Indies Service , DIRECT SAILINGS FROM ' PHILADELPHIA TO DUTCH EAST INDIES and PHILIPPINES Pcnang, Belawaa-Deli, Pert Swel Swel Iteham, Singapore, Batavia, Samarang, Secrabaya, AND MANILA and ILOILO SS "Fairfield City". .. .Sailed SS "Mobile City" Sept. 30 SS "Steel Traveler"... Oct. 30 for tatn nd particular apptr U KCRTON, LILLY & CO. GENERAL AGENTS, Beurte DldB.. Philadelphia Lembard 6271 Main 244$ BALTIMORE LINE Regular Service M PHILADELPHIA te GLASGOW'S A VON MOUTH SS "Monmouth" . .Sept. IS GEYELiN tu cu., Inc. 108 S. 4th St., Phile. Lembard S144 Main 7791 Mill ildnliln A rent for BALTIMORE STEAMSHIP CO. Operating U. S. Gevt. Siip, (BLAKE LINES Regular Service PHILADELPHIA t " MANCHESTER J I B " rut Maxlmua" Se , g b "H e.t floteniiliii" Oct 7 GEYELIN U CO., Inc. 108 S. 4th St., Phil. Lembard S144 Main 7791 rhlindtlnhli A rent, fn, . A. lll.AKK & CO.. Iaa. Optraling U. S. Cey. Shipi - TRANSPORT LINES, lie. T0MRCE'M-ikA'.NE8 41 Jesl4haway' ' spt. s PS "Carence" Sent 2 (Marteliiee. Genea and Naples " , itQtnea, Naples and Darceien" GEYEN&cq., lRCj M, . 108 S. Fourth St.. Phila. Lembard S144 Main 7791 . J R LBNES'l Upcratmg U. 5. Cey. Snip. Sailings Frem Philadelphia r FOR HAMBURG SS teM:,i.?,"USSB)-Sept. 9 fS Cbickauw" (USSB) Oct 21 HUDSON SHIPPING rn .I V? L0n,K28j h,"lnu St., Phll'a. V-embard53C4.s Main 7311.12 V iAMeftJCA LINE ib nW'OKOTTBttDAM I. Ai.i ""'' "ouleKiir-bufOIrr riS'-"'"" ....Mrut. in lift, si v... MrJi K.u.Vi...' HBiLni.,.":. asr- .f ?' .! I.-'M (nnr vi .L ' ..nrut. ZJ int. i8 lc. l'Ula. life Daily Moyie Magaxin6 A CASE OF MVTVAL ATTRACTION aBalB!HyiWMlHKSSVBalaa& IHBlkli AAkfi?x''' lLrnHftk' "1 'y'wrTlf ''''" aaHllaBaHPQaE' " fOHalaaH-' yS': ' t'SM-'', aiV i HB vlbRB!B VaiiiiiiVMaiiiVBBan mi P I,' i'i t'.'KSN, jUBMHiBlfafafafafafaaVHlirv - r lilli,' W:it Kb,ivlaaTaaTaTjHa' a:' a ., at '.-"''SK aiilalaaRalllBaaaaHaiaHMaa9 tkll aVa BaHbaBBKjfValBHaBaBHHBBBBaVjBaHBBBaBn'aasB M 'BBmlaaW''4 ' X&KcSl lauBartVlHHnBfjBfjBfjBadaBiHBiRnBfj BaHa&lnnBBHaacSBHilBfaiBBBQHaBflBaHB bjbjbKF ajBaHaiBBBaBBBHGHBBBB&BaBBnHt IjHbHJ RjAHK99n9HHHBniri AjBHt aBBBBBBBBBBBBarjBa' 'v& BaBBBVBValBaarjBaaBBBaBflBVBBBBBB aBBBBBOaBiKBHBBBBBHB Altove is n scene from Huge UaUln's Intcst fenturp, "Married l'replp." The lady is the chnrmlng star, Mabel Kallin, and the jeiingstcr with the curly bead Is Hebble Clarke THE MOVIE FAN'S LETTERBOX Uy HKNItY M. NEI-XY luilltb I)e Mllle writes: "Plwihe iiub lisli Cenrad Nagd'H uddrcxs In .eiir I.elt,iT Mux. And miiiie time will mi print bis picture there? I don't re member ever seeing it there. "De you publish nil the letters flint the fans write te jeu or de ou only publish the ones that have an argument In them en which you can shower your knowledge? "Why is It that every one seems te turn against Theda Itnru? Don't any of the fans rare for her any mere be cause she 1h a back number? "Cenrad Nagel Is my type of n sin rere neter. I uhv.iys had the impres sion that lie is net at all haughty and vain. Am I In nny way correct V "Whnt has happened te Myrtle Sted man? I never henr of her any mere. Alse Mndclaine gtarhill? "In the show 'The Ordeal.' s-tarring Agnes Ayreti, did the colored mammy poison the lmbnnd, or did he die be cause bis wife (Agnes Ay res) did net grve. him the digitalis? What i that for nny w ny? "Is Cenrad Nagel married? Alte is Agnes Ay res married? "May I ask another question? De you pick your screen fnverites by their acting ability or by your knowledge of them outside of screen life?" (I don't knew hew I pick them. Hew de you renllv think 1 de it? Address Cenrad Nagel nt the I.npky Studies. Hollywood. Yes. he is mar ried and has a little (laughter. Agnes Ares was married, but eecurcil a di vorce last winter. Nagel isn't haughty and ain at' nil. lie's just n little mere studious mid sincere mid serious serieus mlndel than most of the idols of the flappers. Myrtle Ktedman Is -still acting. You'll fee her in "Itleh Men's- WiveV' seen. Madelainc Starhill Is still with the "Follies" in New Yerk and being very much photographed nnd prcssv agented. , , Ne; I don't publis nil the letters I get. Couldn't. It would take a page a day. I have te pick out these of general interest or (hove that say nasty things about me. I.Ike urs. Whv shouldn't every one "turn ngains't" Theda Unra? What did she ever de te deserve praise? In "The Ordeal" I gathered the im pression the colored mammy djd the job. Dlgltnlis is something for the heart. Ne wonder jeu didn't knew.) Edna wrlles: "Here is something tee feed Ytet te tell. Yesterday I saw The 'riinltive Lever.' The theatre was in, the class generally known as "better," and the folks who go there appear te be reasonably Intelligent. "At the very beginning, ou knew, there Is a shipwreck scene Kenneth Harlan, Harrison Ferd, Constance, nnd n goet, en n raft regular old-time melodrama and then some. "The audience virtually as a whole watched In sympathetic and almost tearful silence while Hnrlnn, with much effort, heaved his client thrice, prepara tory te mnklng the g-r-r-rent bacrihee, while CepHtance emoted and emoted, and while Harrison Ferd did one of the funniest travesties of a dying man I've ever seen net a ery funny subject, I'll grant you, but well you've prob ably seen it. "Frem the moment Harlun dramat ically announced that the gnat had gene dry. I shook tilth laughter while 1 endeavored, In view of the vault -like silence around me, te be silent. Ordi narily I am n well-behaved person, but? in the eeurbe of that whole episode sev eral most iindlgnllleil squnwks escaped me. The fact that I heard a few filmilar convulsive sounds scattered ever the nudlterlum made me feel a little better. "At the point of the triple chest heevings, old style, n truly noble guffaw rushed from my threat. A woman In the row ahead turned around and gavn me a dirty leek eh, n very dirty leek of righteous indignation. "Net until the point at which Har lan kUscs Ferd's wife Constance, of course geed-by, nnd Ferd weeps con vulsively while peeping nt them between his lingers, did the dead ones realize that something hnd get past them, and that why, my denr, the whole thing was u joke, wasn't it! Hew delicious. I noticed that the shoulders of the lady-in-tiie-rew-nhead had assumed u rather crestfallen nlr. "lint enough of that! I could bore jeu with another pngn en thn density of the crowds which putrenlzn the mov ies, but I don't lfkn te write essays, and I won't. "What Is wrong with Temmy Melgh an's digestion, or has lie .been unfor tunate In love lately? Is the grouch temporary or will it be permanent? In his most recent pictures he looked about as sweet-tempered as a deg dnprlved of a bone. That Is Tery sad. De jeu knew whom I llktf Vmm- rice Flynn. The only time I have seen him was in 'The Weman Who Walked Alene,' but. believe en me, I certainly could see him. He's get geed leeks, personality, a magnlticeiit smile, and a certain 'sparkle,' if jeu get what I mean. "Ieng age I saw Florence YIder in Fex's Tnlc of Twe Ciller. ' She was cast as the little seamstress, just a tiny purt but I remember it te this day. Her acting there was exquisite per fect. And In the pictures In which she hns starred I thought her absolutely flat. Funny!" (Oh, Kdnn, hew can you ider is one of niv extra sneclul en thusiasms and here ou go and say she is "auMilntcly lint." I was tempted net te print that part of jour letter. Generous of me, isn't It? 1 had much the same experience as jeurs when I saw "The Primitive Lov Lev er." I'm afraid we'll have te admit that the average movie audience simply ennnet "get" nnjthlng iih clever ns that and that's one reason the tillums have te he made se blatantly obvious and free from subtlety. Otherwise they would fi.ll Hal mid be commercial fail ures. I'm getting somewhat hopeless about Meighun. I don't knew what's the matter with him, but the old strong, compelling personality isn't there any mere.) Wnnna Leu writes: "Memories are just the ghosts of an unforgetlen es es terdey, aren't they? And the 'film ghosts, every once in n while they come creeping back. Particularly the curly haired w raith ei .uaztiaicnc .uerrjuins. leu remem ber Mazdalene, of course. There simply wasn't nny thing sweeter than the in", genue star of the well-known Kiuit-Hee-Wurss Films. She was, five or six years age, the acknowledged queen of the screen, but an awful let of things have huppencd te all kinds of royalty since then. "One of Mnzdalene's specialties (there were exactly two altogether), was the shy and ((emme country gal, one of the species that went our of existence in Harrison's administration. The first glimpse of Miss Alerryums ns little Yerbcnn Perkins, the pride of Celery (.enter, was in a meadow or garden or ether location in the great outdoors. Verbena always had a big bouquet of roses or. sunflowers or something and she stared straight at the camern with these start y ejes. The sun was nlwajs shining en tier beauti fully ma reeled curls. And hew that sun shone! Iielh indoors and out, and all nreund Verbena's golden head. Never once missed it. "Hut you couldn't keep Verbena down en the farm, by heck. She went right off te the wicked city. (New Virk was the only "citj " in these days), and, 'Ions about the middle of the sec ond reel she met the villain, livery one knew Ii I in because he had a mustache, a sneer and an evcr-rendy cigarette. "Then an oveidese of what the agi tated scenario writer called 'diabolical plots,' glided cafes, hard-hearted land ladles, a ceuple of second-hand villuins in addition te the main guy, and the bright lights of HrwMway. "Oh, the thrllliiniH of the fillums! And when the scenario man became tired of the whole darn business he had only te drag in the hentst country boy and a final fade-out against a back ground of the old homestead, a corn field, and eh. yes, the sun at its old pastime of shining en Verbena's golden head. ' "Mnzdalene's ether specialty was the tagged mountain girl of Old Kentucky (with New Jersey scenery r. Her pa was always a moenshiner nnd, like daughter, used King I.nrdneriun dic tion exclusively. "After n reel or se of 'Little Wuo Wue bell' registering joy by running around like a demented Hottentet, the hand some rewuue officer appeared en the scenery. At first she hated him be (iiuse he was a 'Neitherncr' nnd then discovered she lined him after he'd been shot ns the result of walking into u friendly little feud. He ncnrly died, loe te the t line of 'Henrts and Flowers' or. If the piano banger felt that way, 'Oh, Johnny, Ci,' or 'Peer Uutterlly.' "After that it was only n question of tlme until the fade-out, with the bud, etc. "The ghost of the bright star Maz Maz diilene isn't the only spook that comes back. Here's the slinhy Nhadew of Wceda Warn from the days of old when wimps were bold; at least every one thought they were. Oh, Weeda was wicked, though; she, even Nineked cigarettes, "Nowadays you'll hare te admit it'a Dcr Tag vef Gleriela Delish, the scin tillating auper-Btar of super-director Cbeeell De Chille'a Buper-Stupendeua Productions, The cornfield and meun- i ' tnlns arc gene nnd In their place we hnve 'art' settings that arc n cress between Follies scenery nnd Cam O'Flage's iden of what's 'what In In terior decorating. Curls arc gene mid in their place we see coiffures cop cd from ii sub-deb of the bunny beiith Sea Isles. "Oh, well who wents Mazdalcne tb return? Or Glorleln te stay forever.' They used te fe-d the audience niigar nnd spice nnd cvervtblns "lce. New It s almost entirely spice. "And all the. while that great mid mighty being known ns Humanity In looking down nt the grotesque little marionettes that ere supposed te icpi-e-sent him. And, probably, he s smiling n bit tolerantly. Or laughing." 'SHORTY' O'BRIEN IS DREXEL COACH Fermer Swarthmere Star Suc ceeds McAvoy as Football Tuter at Lecal Institute WANTS A FIGHTING TEAM Harry .1. ("Shorty") O'Hrlen has been appointed athletic coach at Drexel Institute. He succeeds William .1. Mc Avoy, who tolled nt the ' Institution across the river fdr two years and who has accepted the nppelntment te the University of Dclnwnre. "Shorty" O'llrlcn needs no Intro duction te Philadelphia football fol lowers. Playing quarterback at Swarth Swarth mere iii 1000 nnd 1007, his work was se geed that he received prominent men tion by Walter Camp in selecting his All -American team in 1000. Camp said thnt outside of Eckersull, of Chicago. O'Hrien was the best drop-kicker in the country. It was en October 13. 1000. that O'Hrien wrote his nnuic high In the halls of fame nt Swarthmore College. Swarth Swarth mere renlizcd the height of her football ambition when, en Franklin Field, she humiliated the Red nnd Blue by the score of 4 te 0. A beautiful field goal from the .10 .10 yerd line by the diminutive O'Hrien five minutes nfer the opening of the second half was the only score and de ciding factor of n hnrd-feiiglit struggle. On November I) of the same year Swarthmore defeated Annapolis. 1K te 0. nnd once mere it was O'Hrlcn's nifty tee which predominated. He kicked three field goals and u goal from touchdown. Again, en November til, Swarthmore defeated Amherst In the final game of the bcasen, "1 te 0, ()'Hrien'sleiig runs, his two touch downs, two goals from touchdown and one Held goal being the feature. Successful Conch O'Hrien has been coaching for ten Florencejenrs. In 1911. 1012 and lltia he i-n.ii'ird nt t he Lie I.ancey scnoei nere. In HM.'l it laid claim te the Eastern preparatory shoel championship. in 1014 he took chnrge of the ntb letlcs nt Gettysburg, where he remained two years. With an exceptionally light team, he came te Franklin Field in the fall of 1014 and held Geerge Breeke's eleven te a 14-0 score. In line one of the best games Gettysburg played was against Cernell nt Itliacn. Cernell was due fe win bv nn overwhelming score. but they only defented the battlefield collegians by the score of 1.1-0. They repeated against Franklin nnd Mnrshall in their annual game that year. Frank lin and, Marshall had defeated Penn 10 fl and were the fnverites te wallop Get tysburg. The latter team, however, wen 1P.-8. Fighting teams are the kind "Shorty" tuniR out. "I realize that my job Is no sine cure." said O'Brien. "There is no doubt but what we will nil hnvc te work hard te pull Dre.xel out of the rut, and I will leave no stone unturned te de velop n geed football team. After all, a college's athletic rating is based en its football team. Hopes Team Will Fight "I understand we will, have two baektield men nnd nbeut five linemen wlie were regulars last year back with us. I bepp the backficld candidates especially will be geed. Yeu can make n geed lineman, but you can't make a geed backficld man they have te be born. Hut, ablive nil, I hope thnt they will fight. "I put it up te the players this way: A game lasts one hour of playing time During this time the actual playing time is cut In two by the lining up, calling of signals, etc. If u man can't give thirty minutes of hard, aggressive fight in nn afternoon for Ids college he is net worth.betherlng with." desses start at Drexel September 2.". se Coach 'O'Brien will have but little mere than two weeks te get his system under way before the opening game. He will be confronted with the following schedule: Yerk Agricultural Cel- Octeber H Njw icjtft at nemp. October 21 (' C. N. V nt New Yerk CMeber iS Junfntu C'ulltKe al llunilng llunilng (Jen. rn. November A fet, Jehn's Collesi of An nupnlln Ht home NeMnbr II Jehns IlupUnn L'rilfrsltv at Hnltlmere November is Penn Junier arslty at hem. Neember 25 O.illnudet at hemn. Te Ferm National Chess Assn. Ijetilsvllle, K.. Kept. 6. Pinna for tha erganlratlnn of a nntlennl body te be Known ns thn American (.'hPSt Anorlatlen were fermulateil at the nnnunl med In of th Western 1'hesa Apxeclatlnn J. T. lteckner of I.oul.ivllle, wan re-elected nrenlilent of thi" latter ontanlZHtlen aivl N T Whltnkir. of VnHhintnn. uas cheaui unt of the three Wee nrealdenta. PITCHE K MANNING Drexel Coach 1IAKKY J. 0'IlltIKN "Shorty" O'Brien will direct tha dnstlnles of the Drexel Institute trld team tills season, succeeding William J. MeAver - V"- ' WON OWN VICTORY His Deuble in Second Scored Only Run in Game With the Sphas ARDM0RE LOSES Oil ERRORS INT MEM ADLQCK NINES IN DE President Pike Calls Meeting for Tomorrow te cheese , Field for Deciding Came GLENSI'DE WINS PENNANT Of nil the Independent cames played i Hareld ( Pike, nresldent of Hie yesterday none steed out mere preml- Montgomery feunty Baseball J.eagui , nentl.v limn the innrnln'B contest wen I tedav sent netlics te the teams In Hint bv Shannhaii at the expend of the Seuth organization te mpet nt Souderton te- i-niuy neDrewH nt Ferty-clglitli nnu morrow niglit te (leciiic wncreuiu i" Brown streets. . off game for the championship of tlir lhe.se teams have staged several , second half will b-staged en aatuniay highly sensational combats recently nnd a record crowd of fans was en hand for the entertainment, nnd they were rent nwn.v In a hnnnv frnme of mind. especially ns the winning team was en tne long end of a l-te-0 count. Pitcher Manning was the hurling se lection for Shnjinhan nnd he was op nosed by "I.efty" Vann. The Sphas had the advantage of the bits, eight te peven, but it was the timely work of the winners that resulted in their ulti mate triumph, And the nltehep nt the West IMiila- delphlnus wen his own game, adding te his performance. In the second ses sion "Ty" Helfrlch doubled and then Manning followed suit, nnd the run product! hy his extra base blew hap pened te be the only one bcercd In the game. When It comes te Ieslnu cln; Rimes raR th Ardmnre teum The Main I.lnera palil n Walt te the Houth Phils anil were beaten 4 te 3. fin ceney wn In fine, form and hM the downtennirs te nine hltn. 'It was errors behind that were, rcepenMble for most of the. downtennera' runs. Zephl was the win nlnir hurler, haWng- returned te the pitching staff of the Phlla. Anether pitcher te win his own (fame wns "Dee" Skis, of lllllilile He onpexn.l tSe A. n. O, of Indlnnapella. anil wen the diclsleti, tl te '., it a hi alnslu In the aeventh eendlnit home the tUnit ami ln ulnit rune. Sindtep and Oeerue Jehnum alfe clouted out home runa. the latter get ting lila tucntj-seicnth of the season. i "feftj" Nelan, manager of the rielsher varners. came te bit In the ninth Innlne of the game, with Hrldcaburg-. with the ecere ' lieu ei eeven mul ItamnEer en lias". "I.efty" picked out one of Islle's (helee shueta and deposited It ever the rlKht-fleld fence, and the nrnera wen bv the score of 0 te 7. Ward atartcil te pitch for llrldes. burir, but four runa In the second saw his flnlah, and IMIf, hie successor, did well until Nelan delivered th deciding blew. The. North Phillies and I.ea-nn ncln clashed at Teurth and Wlngohecklng- streets, and once aualn did the Phlla demonstrate thelr complete superiority eer their neigh bors. The store una I) te 3 Beth pitchers were, aroerded miserable support. The Phils wcre (tulltv of rue mlsplajs and the Ixik.'im Ites a half dezn, hut these of the visitors resulted In runs. Hay Stelnader was en the hill against Hlmk. C'llne A, A. and Neta-eme played te a. 11 te-11 tie l t .vnd Veil i two streets until Jupiter PluWus put a stup te the came with one run across for the hosier makers and only one nut, Netaseme pounded NaEle for sixteen lilts and desered te win, but errors behind liurnctt and De Haen nere costly. Once niraln did NatlWty and Kensington CenareKatinnal clash and once mere did th" Richmond Churchmen romp off with an easv Wctery. Tener was en the hill for Nativity and held thu CotutregntlenullstH te ten hits, while thn winners pounded out sixteen. The final scere was 8 te 3. After tlurhnrnrh (Hants had tied the score In their half of the ninth, Chester managed te win out by scoring another run, making the count 11 te in t"le home runs, two by I.lejd and one each by Swlg ler, Baldwin and Duncan featured. fileueester sprang a surprise en Camden City by a nlnth-lnnlng victory, score 0 te 3 The (jamdenltes had taken the lead by coring a pair of markers when the home teim came b.ick arid counted twice, winning out. It was the first of a series of set en games fur thu championship of, Camden County. In ronnertten with the Clan-na-Gsel games nt Nerthenst Field, Kajwoed and Ht. Columba met en the baseball diamond Kay w nod wen 4 te 0. when O'Donnell turned In a ne-hlt game, Charleston Wins Se. Atlantic Flag Charleston, S, C, Sept. It The Seuth Atlantic As.oclatlen closed today with Charleston winning the p-nnant by a safe margin. Chirlette by defeating Columbia In a deuhle-headnr. finished second. Spar tanburg was fourth, Augusta fifth and Greenville last This Is the second pennant eer wen by Charleston. Perknslc nnd I.nnsda e have cntlcd ' the sensen In n deadlock. Kneh hns wen seven and lest three. Lnnsdale hns enp tured seven in succession nnd is play ing the best ball of nny team In this section n the country. I.nnsdale wen twice yesterdny, de- fnnltni. f 'nnfcllnlincken 111 the morning. l.'I te tl, and blanking Souderton In the nfternoen, 15 te 0. I'erkasle trimmed , Doylestown. .t te 1. In the morning nnd put the county sealers out of the race. ' The rnilreaders wen the 1 M. fuss i from Conshohocken, 0 te .1. Their triumph was costly, ns "ied Donnehy, the best renter fielder In this locality, suffered n broken leg in the morning game and is out for the season. I On Neutral Field I The game te be played by Perkasie and I.niiMlnle en Saturday will he de cided en neutral ground. I.ansdnle is i tiie choice of every one but IVrktisie rooters te win. ClnrcncR I.ewnes' champions were the victims of the toughest kind of luck all during the first and enrly part of the second half, i If they win Saturday and capture the second-half title they will then meet Perkasie. first-half winners, for the league championship. This will also be a one-game affair en neutral territory. I.aiisdale Is expected te cop the deci sion, as with Wllklc In form he should be able te turn back his opponent. I.nnsdale wen tne championship le'st seosen ind the fans of that town are wildly excited and nre willing te wnger their lust dollar ou their favorites te come through again. Glenslde Wins (Jlenslde hns ngnln wen the cham pionship of the Suburban League, but Its perfect league record bus been marred. The ether week the team suf fered its first defeat In three years nt the hands of Ashland, .'! te 1, and wns ngaln turned back yesterdny by Wynd mnnr, 4 te 1 , t (Jlenslde has always played n series with the champion of the Montgomery County League, but this will be elimi nated this season. During the season Glenslde wen eighteen nnd lest but two. The first-half slate was clean, but the two defeats mentioned marred the final series. Hntlsire finished second In the filial series with six wen and three lest. Referee Halts Tacony Wind-Up Open-air boxing bouts were conducted at the DIsHtun Pall Park. State read and Unruh street Inst night, Iteferee Marr halted the wind-up between Jee I.lbbey nnd Andy (Kid) Tavler In the second round, after the latter had kissed the canvas four times. Hill Harmen and Al Hkhards drew In iW rounds, nnd In the ether bout Hill Sell knocked out Jimmy Still In the third round PENNANT FOR ST. PAUL Big Lead Assures Club American Association Honors Sa. Paul. Minn.. Sept. .". With the American Association pennant prncti (ally cinched, St. Paul went into the seventh game of its series with Min neapolis here today, fourteen and one half games in front of the Millers and fifteen games ahead of Indianapolis and Milwaukee. St. Paul has thirty-one games te play, five of which are with the Millers. In order te nose out the Saints, Min neapolis must win nil of its thirty re maining contests while the league leaders take only fifteen. Negotiations will be started seen te arrange for the -miner league champion ship series with Baltimore, Interna tional League lenders. Willie Ritchie te Re-enter Ring San rrnnclsoe, Cnllf.. Sept 3 Willie Ifltchle who was lightweight champion of the world- from 1012 te 111 14. Is te re-enter the ring this fall, according te word from pel Mente, (allf., where the former title- boiler Is p!alng in the California Mate golf tournament. Claims Recerd for 2t)00 Meters IIellngrer. Sept. S Paae Nurml im. terdnv ran ::len meters In 3 mlnufs "(13 seconds. It la claimed that thu ia . ,. "t.i - record rnoTeri,AYs rllOTOftJtVH The following theatres obtain their pictures through the STANLEY Company of America, which is a guarantee of early showing of the finest productions. Ask for the theatre in your locality obtaining pictures through tha Stanley Company of America. STOltE OPjENS 9 A. M. D & TftOMPSO.vSTJ. MATINF.K DMl.l APOLLO THOMAS MEIGHAN In "Till: HA IIKMIrt I)A11V ARDMORE CS&PnSA- "FLOWER OF THE NORTH" AKDMOIti: Tlir-ATKI. UKVIT, flftrThe N1XON-N1RDLINGER M. UJ THEATRES T?f BELMONT Vm-WE " 1 30 & 3; e,30 te 11 P if. MARJORIE DAW , In "IKr.K f A OTVD EIGHTH : OIRAIID AVI ASTOR1 MATINEE DILT RICHARD BARTHELMESS In -sevvv" BALTIMORE W. IrSS? JAMr KIKKWOOn In "THE MAN FROM HOME" "BLUEBIRD JreM 1 4k MifttiLPnn Conttnueu- - until 11 DOROTHY DALTON i "TIIH fttlMSOV 'l!AI.Mtl!K" & Maplevroeil atm 1L rti nkll A I Otn LULAJlNlML. : 30. 7 and U P, WALLACE REID In "TIIK llKTATIIIt" CEDAR OOTH A. In Ch'DAlt AVRMIIE. t ln . : --- ..w .,vKa;7ADPM TlinjUN J NI.Nn EBAni.K" I COLISEUM ""tVI', 8rh 1 .HI 1, 7 fj p - JACK HOLT - in "I'": "jMiiMiirmn,,,,., JUMBO K"m; v aiKATS-TvF r. a 'J ,?. J"l n ''"kferd "L" DAVID POWELL III "TIIK MIMI.Ki IIO.UI-. T- A hi i vl 1IT 2iHh 4 Olrard Ave. r-VirlVl-vJl'S i rATINEK DAILY In DORIS MAY Tin; i MiKipsTrm; UiACM IWIMUUMijin 7 A n p M Ilreud St. at K'ne KSTK1.I.K TAM.OK A I l -Tii-sr In "A FOOL THERE WAS" TA'DicfAl, uerii walnut hts IMrtKlAL Mats J 30 ! I THOMAS MEIGHAN In "(ll'n IVI1I. ITI.KN" CULl'MUIA A. UUI.T 4 UN'CAMTi'i, . ...." 2 In t i nn t .-.. " lll'.JAI) A SIATINKK LIBERTY THOMAS MEIGHAN In "nru.l,rliN' V?Z1'. (SD1CMT Woodland Ave. at 01 UKlllIN 1 maTini'u dail AGNES AYRES in "Tin: nmirxi " .-1 au u.ll) A. havi:ii- rOHD AVE OVERBROOK DOROTHY DALTON In "TIIK V4HMW Mllll U l l-l) XI OVI DAI y THA.MvI-'OItU am: rAL.IV! Mill It IS STREET 1IOOTII T.IIK'M.T(IN" "THE MAN FROM HOME" IT' X PMilMOI'V I'ICTI UK DCPCMT Market St. llelew ITU Kn.vtlN 1 10 A. M te 11 P. It MARY MILES MINTER In "siqi TH III' sl V Ul:U.M..N I OW.S AVENU AT TU1.PI.1IOCKEN ST. RIALTO AGNES AYRES In "rilK OHIIKXI" SHERWOOD MiT ,!?.,,,,rB7i THOMAS MEIGHAN In "IK HIP IIKI.IKVK. IT, IT'S SO" 333 MARKETfrV;iiAZ& WALLACE REID la "TUB DICTATOR" LEADER bJ DOROTHY DALTON1'" In "THIICKIMSON uiXM.KNr.K.. LOCUST n,,VTs THOMAS1 MEIGHAN ,0U In 01 It I.UUHM, tllUKN" VIXON'S AMBASSADOR ,en . -Mali I A ;, :B, V "alt Mariorie Day in "Free Air" 1N1AUN "U AN1J "AHKET J THOMAS MEIGHAN ;."" 'IIKAtl.K MVN" 69TH ST. Ttsf. riT-Trn THOMAS MEIGHAN " 'n "1 U u:.t.Nt, (iT.:.N.. STRAND Cermantewn Av and Ave STa. and 0 WALLACE REID in "Tin: iiicT nm at ViniriBa ' 7 A !. I i AT OTHER THRATHE-IT MEMBERS OF M.P.T.O.A GERMANTOWN "Vr'iTPfSrR Av: AI.I.-,sT,lt CX.st In kV rlPilWT "THE IRON TRAIL" GRANT iHA!urA"i; iicnara laimadge, Watch Him St iiiuni- niiiinii a or "The Leather I ep ""hers" 20th It Dauphin Hit. XUTIN'HK iiin.v 1MUIV1AS MEIGHAN In "Ot'B I.IUIHNd CIT1.KN" JEFFERSON PARKRIDQB AVU- DAUPHIN 8T. rMIIV Mat 2115. Ev. At43 te 11 CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG la "TH WORLDLY MADONNA" 'CLOSES AT G:30P. M. . t) STUIMDAY, Hi:i'TKMUi:K 5. 1022 l,Vi" NELLENBURGN ENTIRE BLOCK-MaBKETIHlSTREETS Ml J ' Finest Stocks of Beys' Weil-Tailored Scheel Clothing in Town! Ready in Splendid Assortments of Styles, Materials, Celers and Patterns At Our Famously Lew Maker-te-Wearer Frices Beys' Twe-Pants Norfolk Suits at. Latest models in all-wool fancy cheviets, tweeds and cassimcrcs in wanted colorings. Dur ably made, with all -scams hti enfrly re-enforced $10.00 Sizes 6 te knickers. 18 years. Twe pairs of full-lint.d $12.00 Hi w,r Beys' Twe-Pants Norfolk Suits at All-wool faney cheviets, tweeds, eassimeres and hemespuns in tan, gray and brown. Best and largest assortment ever srunvn. Smartest ncv models full-lined knickers, fcizes u te la years. Beys' Twe-Pants fi1 O nr Norfolk Suits "Right 01 Q Norfolk Suits at. D3-d ' Posture Make" at. . . . tJ?-LO Well tailored of all-wool fancy . cheviets, tweeds, hemespuns and ' cassimcrcs in newest colorings. Up-te-the-minute styles, with two pairs of full-lined knickers, bizes inej knickers. Kxcellent dress C te 18 years. sujts. gizes q te 18 years. Beys' Twe-Pants $1 Q Kf) Beys' Twe-Pants 0Q KA iuiuuru euus ii. . Twe pairs Newest weaves in all-wool fancy cheviets, tweeds, home heme spuns and eassimeres. Newest styles, with two pairs of full- Norfolk Suits at. "Right Posture Make" Fifty patterns from which te select in all-wool fancy cheviets, tweeds, hemespuns and cassi- J meres, tan, gray and brown. Latest models, with two pairs of I full-lined knickers. Best kind of ' tailoring. Sines 6 te 18 years, i Beys' Twe-Pants Norfolk Suits "Right Posture (tl C Make" at tDtJ Exceptionally well tailored of all-wool fancy cheviets, tweeds, i eassimeres and hemespuns in choicest colorings. Twe pairs of full-lined knickers. Sizes G te 18 years. Norfolk model coats, linnd with khaki and full-lined knickers. Wonderful school suits, worth at least $3.50 mere. Beys' $3.00 Scheel Pants at Hxtra geed tiualitv fancy che che veots, full lined. Si?es 8 te 18 years. Beys' $3.00 Black Rubber Raincoats. Best grade, heavy-weight rub ber strong and serviceable. Sizca 1 te 18 years. SNEL LNBJRajS Third Fleer S2.25 S3.95 All Set, Beys and Girls? Fer Anything Yeu Need in SCHOOL SUPPLIES SNELLENBURG'S Where Prices Are Lewest Wonderfully fine last-minute assortments of every thing needed te start off the school year right, some in brand-new styles, and all specially priced for the school opening sale, making these savings the greatest ever! Waterproof Scheel Bags fl m. Equipped With Composition J 17 tlnnl- Trrhtft Rltr Zrrntrh Peisl. and Pencil Assortment In Leatherette Case sr v.vrir i II yj, ,y ; . . yjm i ii'j-gWi e Complete $1.59 Hap I well maile anil streiifr, lined mid leather bound, web strap, we curely meted. J,arge outside peckAt. .Wall orders filled m order received as quickly ai jieisible. 89c Anether Complete Equipment at. . . . Choice of Canvas or Leatherette llae Containing I pencils. 1 pen holder and pen 1 eraser. 1 tablet. 1 compo sition book, 1 box ci a ens Mail orders filled Automatic Pencil Sharpeners, Very Special at 89c Ce lure d opaque ri , f p tnele for clnpn r n amenta! n well ns In d 1 s pensably ii efiil II II H I O II sh.iipeneri at janie prliv I , Introducing the Sew "Gelf" Medel for the Eversharp Pencil, Special at I Midget ?p red, with RU.inl ur tlmin i Itllilinn (IiiurilN for Same, Complete Line of Other Medels in hvursharps Frem SOc Up 50c rltis for nne i;aeh Pencils Without eraser Geed me dium lead, per dozen With erasier ellew llcx aK'in per d'ij!, n MoiikeIh nnd VeKtts- Ileal inaUes here jier dozen 25c 35c 60c 100-Paffe Composition Beeks, Each Per Dezen, f0c N'umereus ether s'lcs and prices up te e.u h Mali Orders Tilled 5c 35c Small Nickel-Platcfd Sharpeners cr oeer and ellh lent, ,ur passi'S nny ethers en market, sj r each 1UC A Full Assortment of Scheel Bags Frem 69c te $5 Each Cainne, leatherette, fabrlkeld", leather and etc luvpuv and sale In Main Arcade, I'Mrst Meer Sell-Filler Safety Pen, 98c jysnw: 'IS Highly polished hard-rubber barrel and cap. Fitted with a 14 karat solid-geld pen and a patent clip; also a model as above with ring instead of clip. Pen Repairing Dene at Xeminal Cost Quickly Complete Atlas TQ Glebe, RevTsed, Each C Crayelas i The best Knevsn and iinler:all recommended b the lioel beards IlriRht, clean wax eoleis H (r ii) (das 1 Ac 16 I ru.wilu In lliiki vf In ii,, a Vi Crojelus SI gc 'II rn.ielHs III Bex , i v In II, m. Banner Loese-Leaf Beeks Complete with filler, all en sizes aSOC ICxtra Killers, per paik aire . . Mall Orilere rilled Chalk In box, sterllnR Pranks Water Celers S pans of colors and brush in Japan, box l'i pans of colors and 3 brushes In Japan box 39c 79c 20c 25 9c 12 Sticks Colored Chalk cer blackboard use, per box Hluukbeard Uruscrs. each 15c 10c 144 sticks white, nt 144 sticks tn box, Au-du Septic, duitleas, At 35c 59c N. SNELLENBURG & CO, .ri00 Sheets 8',xll Manilla ''"Per 45c 500 Sheets 8',xll White Bend I'nper '. 55c 500 Sheets 8zxll Colored Copy Paper 29c .TOO Himine-ss Knvelepes, 6$ Hize, for 85C 12 Scratch Pads for 35C 12 Tablets Ooed Paper for. . . .35c 00 Sheets Tablet, 8',xll, for 19c SNFLLENBURflS First Flew III 4Ui m "J- THH vAi "TBtn" "".. iiVteriii; k v 1 I r i K fJ.ni' tf jkV , ) ,ll? ,,. , rftj ViV W&.M lC,Tt. .iA-SJ7.J'!" " "tib.k, .. Jiysl,-.( 'J " J, V . .-''jSsV! ?. . vr" , ..Wj' . i !t f'-J