SIK P9f??W Wil itiixirtyw '"wv a V J t W5& WSTXl' twA T '.tff'JPA . i t. a.t ithfit't , ZLJ2i&A ST GOSSIP ABOUT PEOPLE fancy Wynne Talks of the Reopening of Many Suburban Hemes She Hears of Delightful Children's Fete at Southampton, L. . . .. miv a.AKnf cpnmit tnltnli nf n LAllOK !' "' " ' ..'Tl l.een nuny for .Tulr nnd ' ; !.nn.p tlir 1nv nf -r I.n ber nif fnml veii knew Imvv mudi lielli iiy P'flnv" If J"" ''' te 'u,'l! for ,,he J-Iit..'i However, tbc men for whom WV, '!.. ...Ii.ltin11v ItitrmlPcl the jm" ...llr liiailllEC HI IIIIVC n pi'ii ui'iv. iiii'i !Shou"e pnrilrs- nn.l iln nt tl... ..rlnlH nMP'J' I ("""IN nine uiihk SSh hilc HiH jieiiiHy. ttOII will m' I'"' l,reef ,lf m-v W0,l,H V . t.I..M lul.llll tilll ll.Hl I T .ka.ii iineklne lomeuow. however, , ,W". I ..... .. ..1M,. hnut ni'Kiin; M""" "" "wi" If 0ll elllllH'P llll" l wiiii km int'l ftrnlmii-es for the crew If VOll r III HT 111." ' "" ............ I - . -i .,..0 fiiv I lie crew, n filming I.. I.. I in Hit IlKlltlll C-fflfifllW ml tlumjtli ?mA .1 ,rmel , meter mill 111 I'llfl mniireiiipailiii''iilHiiiimllyx(n. nwn till ki,r in t!ie iiientli, inimy nre ceimiu ikemeenrl for the .-ports. I fmt. the Sniinlri Lh'w Hi'1 epeiilnciipnll nleiiff 'Jk Mnln Mni. l'ln d'eeiRe ilroekes j,,e'eH'iiMl iliclr home nt Jtliiin (they lire n liriiuiiiin piiiie. hum (.mui-uui f ina n,l nniil). mill the loin New- L, ,ne epe I thi'ii' heiine hIiii'v their tfturn from Ihuepe 11 eiiple of weel.s 411 II. .1.1. 1.. li.iLunlhi ulin linen out In Colernilo fet 11 iiientli mill part of h. slimmer nt Dink llnilier, .Me., lth Jlr IVmiM'h mother. Mm. Aleik Vun jlmliwlner. nie Imik t Id utipre, their place in llo-i'iiient. " i, nnd .Mri. Stanley l'lnsc. .1r who Wc'rein Knrepe for heximmI menlhs. lune 11 '""".:.,".., ,...:.iiiim,w, .; ;,:'"?, 'r.:?.'.:"".."""y tome heik 1" r, imi ,,,; "u'"M""ni Ittcn b-iuitifiil lilnif. )ou Knew. I W Thn marrlnBc of Jp Doretlu John Jehn VUmi lll ""I" W"! '""t I" llntletif ren d-uiprhter of Mi nnd Mr Amliew J.' . .ii,,i,..i..iliiiwr. for llnne MentiMin- .1 Jehnsen, of nr.t N'mmn ...,,..."." St. te be clU'll en Septemtiur l!!l nt i"i,.n il... .1. Andrew 4 IlimNrs me Kck fiem .Miilnc at their fhetlnut 11III nut Hill, ou Knew. THAT pnrtv nt Koiitlininpten en r'rl.ln.N. in whieh the little ones took pirt, must lrnw het n tee Mile for ntl,iiir It K114 trltnu fee I lie henellt f tlie I'lesli Air Heme, which N one ! f the c.i.i.l weiKs nf the icert. nnd It 'item te me a mtlier nweet thine that the children of the well-to-de .l.euhl anil tniu ami l,iueeil te aid their less feitumite brothers and sisteis. Is'ethlnK like itiutiut; in Miung te lemn that etherd sufler and need help. Seme of the little (enuileseeut Mil it of the lieme were in the fient iMti In the elrele of 1 haiis plaeed en the Inwii of Mr nnil Mis. Hufus l'at tmnn's lieme, wheie t hi l'ete was held, There was .1 chorus of children trhe il.ime I i silicttc (binces with their dimiile.1 fwt In re nn.l -oft ohifi'en dranerles emt their little slip, line wrv elite thine was the s'.it called 1 1 1 "ninlie. Ulidie." which described con-I Ttnallens ), t v ecu the bir.lf. Little I'inx nil. I Aiviei Duke, Cor. J.ll. Ill.l.ll.. I1..I .,'e .,.., II I...,.- ..,.,.. I UH.I iiiu'iii- .'iiin ni.11,1, if-,, r, i , v both (hevied as hiniii) rabbits, and te- I retner with hie ether tots (inured an : inlerire!iihen of. "I wlnh 1 could find a enrrnt IVein all 1 heir tney brniuht iliinn the audience, Mnce tbe.i COuM nnt bring dew 11 the house. I WAS a'ad te hear yesteulav that Carter Ii nlj was net bmll.v injiiied In Iih uir en Thui-diiv night of In-t :... ...... ,.".',, .' , v.. ii.-i1 i.-iwich. .111.1 he anil 1 ill lcive a limine there. Thev , have been nvvav 011 seieial shin I visits. fluririK the -milliter, but have kent their, hOUP nilPIl Ht Itnrvili'lr nnil wlielit miinli -pent mueli time there E'i SHI was inllng through the cenn- trv Mltll I 111 In I'.nh nnil bnvlni- n bantlful time, but the bems weie jpee.llng In nnd Nhe began te wonder If feed wnnl.l ever be forthcoming trem the bl; hi-Vei she had seen Aunt Kthel tuck into th,. leiek of fhe ,ar ns thev ltarte.1 forth I- mtilly. she .eiild stiind I it no Ininrer nnd n, -lw, l..i,l 1.,,.,.. 1..1.1 , -r-t - ....- ', .'..I .(.l. ... II. ..... ' IT .m.'.V' "" ''"k f,,p -'I'' tliinf. m. -aid ht: -- ...... ..1.1,, in pi jiiii,, 11 K.uiie ml ! fee Imu imi.-h longer we could go Mtlieut nline-t djlng of hunger " XAXCY WVNXn. SOCIAL ACTIVITIES fXkLl? Man -" "'I wi" -tot ns maid K noner at the man Inge of her slstir , 'y'llai,!,, s Vewlln and Mr Wll- en 5,0 '? 1'"ul uhl('h "'" nla Pi-'-- n,.AurU?" s'l'tember lfi. at nenii In i1UT ' n.f i"1" n.d.emer. Ilryn "awr- T'i" bridesmaids will be Mis neaumqnt Whltnev, .'d. another sis- inn- iniu. mi m 111 iv n cm ne v.. Vi. 'r- ' U SnlH'y Dunning i. '. '"' '" '"" ay or, Miss De vi. t. "" '"esin or the bl l(Ui. V11 i'SnTV Adams Mrs Hrlce Hlynn, r-e-a 1 .win v uuesill I'aul 11 sister of the. "oifKreotn, ami jirs Ileibert Win den fkip 1,1- 1 , " ' lul "'" "" l'"n n)nn ClUrtAlV !"uu', IU"1 Ul" "''1"i, "i " ln.l Mr ,,,eh" " ,a"1 -Mr Sf nii 1 "'.'"rv v ,,n"'' '' " '"-etlii rs Smii- ."leKrnem- Ml James Caverlj WlMiim i ,"",,," of thH bride. Mr K" "l''(! rh- ' Sir Herbert j." ,)" ,w H'Muti.ent Whltnev, lan',1 v, "t'.1-"1'1 '' llr"n. Mr Couir Ceuir Couir Kki","',IW0ljer llalvv. Mr Hoi Hei Mr Phi, "r;',,"' Mr -laiMs Cromwell nil Mi IVi,.,,. .l.,,,. .Mr Nnnni 11 ii..i ... . ; .ylrf fliici 111,111, iii r'1' nnCl HI, Mil ,,111 ul,n n Iiiimlinnn ??. TUfSll.1l. Sp,,ln,.,l..r 10 Xou lhi anil i,tl. lir-, in honor of n' .Miiviin arid htr f'r and Mis .in,,,,.. bridesmaids, nnd Olll .VIS . nnifm fnvr.,1,. Vru,i tl 1 1 upn,rff "'"I'Ude. will entertain at beris. '" tha u'llB'lls-ll en .Septem- iriaim?,Ic,'',T "atneld. nf Moiitgom Meiitgom Moiitgem thiSiT;:..' heitnut Hill has chingml Ueducr . i,:'..,ni 'Pl " will glve te In- t . . "tin ii.iiil' linn' Ratfieid, , ,'?."ivl' int. .uuiiinrei j Mis 1 Miutjaret A te We i.. ... li.u,rS(.'',y- Ptember !'i. H. Hi nn,l 1,1 . .1......1 Sureiw1 . ' ",' 'mnier t.avellng In HI Mil frmn ,r,st,"t '" '-"Klaml and untri -i. 1, ""V" "',xt UMU '" thlM wj. aitiiiiiK in ,, sipttmher IU L,l,... .-.,-. Mini I) llli ll II LI' I . -IB1 L 7:1 mtl. H..i . . .... 7:. '".z''!"p ri.t --"V- ! UilUl.t'l (1 AIKM hill 1 KAVteAurr ,!',.!?.. Wlllliim AVal F'f. will lm V.r. ,, '" """l 1 arm, nail her ' pirlf, ' ""l"y "r('!",'"',,l t" Bfelety ve en (v ," "','' ""..which they wi 1 "i IlelleVn '1. (Ui- cmbfr IS. at bury, iim !;K""tf0,rt' Ml4 Attei- ' tVi,wm,,ir,;i,rn hen, the ,autp tr,M,'1ich1a.r'1. J Austin nnd ,H dmmh- or Hnu.llnet Cariii, Had -a 4Ull III! .lllullr. m nn.. ' . : Haul . ill .1 r -r 1 1 1 1 it Htrtct, uhu Bpent the 1 nnil. .'if,,,,, ... , 1. i 11 .. - t. n ii 1111111L 1. - iii'i in 1 'inw 11 niniii "tetmiu 1 u ,,,," "' Wednesday. ?!' JtnL?.dPn.ery en Juiiuary 10'"? .-.;"". "ill icavA 11, u ,v...r f,. &wTO w, Will vltit Mr. no. & Charl" 0lbb0 DVlaV.hO hM 11' .4 ft. lemf, nn.l l.m.M e Aim 111 mm hit iiiwu-i imvipr. or (.-lavten, X J . nnd the hrldei meet te inewi into tow 11 about Octo- madi were Ml-i M.iry Ni'telsnii ..r Sr 1. Thev Iiiim- nMllul the Itus-ell j MerehnntMl e: Miss I,nrl Orumbrecht, ftavert hme, 11 1 Twenty -HP.eml nnd "f f"'0",,1"n'1 Ws Dorethy I'uIIewh. eelh.m-1 iiitn another car g,,,n,l It. SuilnU c" mu L n'Z mlrrash.l into a nole. The car was Mr etn 1: Mindherijer. of t h s cltv thinned. 1 m t f'litiinntelv , Carter was Hi bride i III he attended bv Mis (,li (,li net collie fad eneiish te be badlv in-!0;1 c' Klrlqnttld; sm,.r of the 'in id, -llircil. He is 111 lmlne 111 ilie shuns Krenm . -Ml l.dv.ird Watsen will serve -' ' III." lit" lli-l I 'I IIIM 11 fl 1 IIIITIInK I.. Vll.,1 'folleiwa 1 'o'eiiit 4, which wll nd Jll.s 1 ,,'' 1 ,i"u',, fnr l,lH daugliler "i' "hi v;"cl?- '1'WiKlUer of D. "r imiM 11 "'i1.'" ""ullten Jtff.i.v.s Tuesl ,"," , ,1.,w111 "I B'e a ball en B'lle ie s,V, Mlf'. ,prcm,ll'r -' t th nlr i,:1"11"''! 'n lionei of Ml,s lint. wnn .. t'l m.. in"y-",-'end Tillllll P I.... li. "0rn Knginn 1 f ? , l ,re". have sal id I'I'Mi 1 v U!B l0U,1"v "ml will '"' Aumii, " l?n,ulli' Sunday next OvtebeV ,i u,-h llu' f'111"-' "l Blve en ...SI" II iim.. Christian Mreet, nnd her ft lend. Mli lern panning Minn time nt Oloueoster, MmMiiiii".,i,e,urn,t0 1,or 1,ome ' Cheat nut Hill thla week. V'm. I''rA"t'f'n J1,?"- ''"UKhtnr of Mr Kert WnRlilnsten, Iieh been the KUert for n few rtftVB of Mr I.ntirn pnole fit her emnium iiuiuu in I'limnn, .V. J. Minn "rjtrude Unrten. duut;l)ter nr Mr nnil Mrs Oporpe W Horten, 2 in Ilnrvey stieet, who ntpnt AiiKiiit with her mint. Mr Krne.t lleunr.i Hunt' V ? LTr E0151.1" Cni'e Mnv. mil return te her home the. nilddle of the month. Mrs nnlnh Heaver KtrnnniirKer nn.l vii V l ?.1 Nel'nnf:i l'nrrn'i nvvytirdtt alley fieni Mmiu I p. Crane,., whom they eDcnt the month of Awii" Mli Mildred Wlllard will 10 nt Cane Mnv ever the holidays, havliiR returned mm .InmeMewn, It I. n, tletnn m.Vir,V.R'.,oel, p.",rt '" ,,", I.oiiB-eotl Invitation tennis tournament Mr and Mri Chniles A Mark, of 1G1 r.yc.Mim nenue. HnxhureitKh. unneuneu l.lple Price Mack, te Mr. T Nelsen M01 M01 rlBen. of thli city and Oc an City. X J. Mr nnd Mrs C 1: Outler.en. of this ell nru nt the Trnunere AtlnntU- Cltv. te remain for n week or lmi,vr Mrw J 1 red Dleterli-h Is nlne nt the Trnymore Pr. (Icerse V. Mntkuule of isjl Lhentiiilt mrect. nnd lr llrnrv A. J.'ies- am0J,1 I'en0,t A",r'enH Thlrte.titli And SDrilrn MriietM. f...i 1... ''';" and Mr l.euN K Fallet took plnce ,, Sleens MtreetH. Ciundvn Th maid of honor . ,4';'1""or "'"tcra nnd Mr flniwoed U John.ien, a hrethei of the hii.k- West Philadelphia ,' nnl Mis. rmtik K Mer. of :"" south piftt-tti'iiiii ni.u.. ...:......... thn --..---.. ... . 1 1 1 ., (1 iiiiwiiiM-,- us -iki'iuciu or meir .iniiKeter, J ..urB.irei .Mever, te .Mr fiorden I, Heed, of HprlriBflel.l. l'a. yi .Nertli 1 et t. -third street will l(;iet "1'"w that he ,, ill of pneumonia in the Mlsciicerdl.i Hospital Dr ami Mm. ("nil Smith nnd their .'auphters. Miss nindv.s Smith and j5 Mruinla Smith of I1130 Seuth Sixtieth Mteel. hne Jut u-turned fiem a meter trip. ,iMtlnK idatlxes and fi lends In Delaware and .Mankind Miss Adelnlde Goldstein rf f,n.17 Doietln Leck, of lliefl North SKth siteet will leave rrldny nlirht for nn i ende.l til!) tliteuh the West Thev "III p ll-llll Ml n lllllrt lllh limn . I . ;eiis In I'ltt'buiKh, VuutiKstewii. O. nnd Detroit .MI1I1 mni'rin."1'1 J1'? 'I,',,"PH '"'h-rsen. whose mair31?n ten! ,.1.i. .. 1 . An .l.e.. .. ... ....' ". ..'" "' 10 M ....... i- n l Ull l,ait l.plMOpnl (M ri.lit-hith and llniini- ihimh nr.b Imvh "- nuei meir widdliii; ti lp and iniu at lirme at !nn j Mis Hondeisen will be vvaluut ctr it itmembeii'd as wis i.uun .Mien. North Philadelphia An IntereHlnr vveddlnff will ink,. i)lnc, ?.'. .V00" " Weilnesdav In Chaml.eis. ;,:'-", .' . " "" l'r",'.vterlan Chinch, nrea.l and ,tiriice stnn 1..... m.,.. "S nest in Ml rv ii'.iiiitiK fei ti. immediate iriemenj at th r inline will fellow th It iz-C.irlten llettd. l1'' I' H llTnett Of nn!in Cntlnrr.y 'SITllt and Mrs Vnim .Mum., ,. ti.i. inn mii-ei nn.i Aiieginnv avenue am upending a month with .M13 M iiree'.i daui;ht..r. Mu Wllllnm John-en of Cleveland. II ,, JJr .i"11"! M,!I r IM',nt f th' Hetel Majestic june tnlun aparttmnts at Slx tecnth and Locust aueets, which thev wl.l eccupv Hhertlv Thev are spi ndlnif the month of September at the l'hllmeut Count! y Club Seuth Philadelphia Mrs Mnrv McKeen, nf 13 U Castle. .Tveime, cnteiti.lned luferinnllv it her simuner home In Wildwood 01 ei the holl hell lavs Her Kiie.sts Included Ml Antheny I.emhar.11. .Mr lYank Divenpert Mr. I-ee Telen Mr Jehn Dought rtv and Mr Themas White MIfs Catlntlne Marie Hnney of jnns Seuth Tivelitlnth stKet has Ktlllneil home after a iv.ek Mijeurn In O11K Line where she was the giifst of Miss He. en Mc.Nutt -Mr Oiven .McCJeiern of 1503 Kltner street, has returned hum,, after a two wieks' stay in Wlldwuud Mr .lelm Cartell Till family, nf L'(!27 Seuth SKteenth htr. et hive rctiiru, ct home after un cnkhsIvu stay In Wlld w oed Miss. I, M Stteet of th s section hnii n turned home after a trip thieugh thii Whltn Mountains. Along the Main Line Mr and Mis David S l.udlum of Hosement aie epteitnlnlmr Mm )tii .Inj no Hiilleclf, of Mount Veinen, X V, at Onketiblc, tlulr camp at Hll.ibeth Hll.ibeth tewn, N V Mr and Mrs. Arthur C Staples and their dauuhter l.ave retunieil te Xai berth ficm a r weeks' Western nip, where they wem guests of In and Mis II e Helmes in Tolule, (), and aNe vviin eutertatiuxl for a fertulghl by Mr and Sin. Onion Clay at their home In Mlincle, Ind. Mr. nnd Mis. Clny will nrihe In the Kast this wetk nn.l will visit Mr and Mrs. Staples for several duys Along the Reading Miss Kithnn M (iraham, of HlUlns I'arli and Ml-s Hslher O'Xull, of Okdiii, left Inst wed, te spend the week-end w'th .Mis U u .Meer, of Ilaltimore. Md t Mr nnd Mis ChII Tavler, of Oak l.ane nnneune the miirlage of tin 11 dtiightii Miss D dercB HlUabeth Tnvlui. te Hi IMwnnl WI ham Suluadei en An trust Jt! In l.e1 Angeluu, Calif Mis. Taer and daughter, Mien Vliglnl.i Talor. will seen rut urn from a three months' lour of California, Germantown Jtr nnd Mrs I-'rnnk W Ivldd, of -103(1 Oteeini ktrcel liave left for nil utfiidil tour of tin) Cunndliui Umklea und thu Piiclfle Const They will return thu iiuly part of October .Mr Jehn c Kehrninm, of 7 Queen Inne. iiniieutices tlie niarrliiKe nt IiIh dnutthter, Mla.i Klcaner Miirnnretta Kelii.inim, te Mi Amhieie Jimesi Winder, den of Mr und Mm. Jehn Winder, en Aufrust J I Mr nnd Mr. Ilnrrv Sarlis, of 1100 Went I'ltll-Kllena Htrei't. h.ive letiinii'd fiem llu'li Uy lit Atl.intle iMlv Muhiit IiHter S.u Im nn.l .M.iHiir llmninniii'l S.uUs hnvi' iitiirii".! home fiem Hcliiuun LllUe L'llinp .V V "- , A orristewn Mr nnd Mti Itenald lli'iliiu'i' rf the Alunce Ap.u iim nt .I.ieelij HtH'i't. urn lieilvlHK ronitrntulntleiiH upon thn Idrlh of a Htm en Silemlii'r 1 Mth lleeh. net' Was formerly MIsh Arlene Ide. The Rev. and Mrs. Cyrus T. Gleaner, of 1009 West MurshAll ulroet. have re turned from n monOt'e etay. ln-Iittnea-ter and Berlin, Tav, ''. wn Mla Vnnml . . - I. i..t- . Ill lllll. Engaged l'hnle by J Mllchfli i:illet MISS DOROTHY K. 1IEPF0RD Miaa Hcpferd's engagement te Mr. James Milten Wilcox, son of Dr. Starling Wilcox; of Co lumbus, 0., r'hs recently an nounced at a luncheon given b Mian Hep ford's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chat lea K. Hcpferd, of Glfnehlcn, I 'a. MARRIED THIS MORNING IN ST. GREGORY'S CHURCH Miss Fagan Bride of Mr. O'Neill at St. Elizabeth's A ptettj wedding took plnce this inetnInK at U e clock wltli 11 nuptial mass in St. UroKen's Catholic Church, rifty-kccut.d and Warien Ktieetn, when Miss Mary Acnes Oct medi, dnui'ltter of Mr and Mis. Murtlu K Dciniedy, of liO Nuth AIIIbeu stieet hecnine the bildn of Mi. Peter S Srim. of GO J I Merlen menu.) Monslgiier Henry T. DruiUKOOle efllclatid at the ceitmen, ntter which a lueiilifnnt fellow li! The hi Id.) was attlied In a gown of whlte crepe tilmmcd with en still heads Her mjII of tulle was anauced wltli eintiRu lilosKeniH In a lorenet She ear ned a mieiier beuiitut et whltn roses 1 nnd llllc'i of thn alle Miss Isabella IJLimed, a ceuniii of the lirule, acted as maid of hoi 01 .Mr itlclinul I'll ne was best man I'peu their i tin n from an extensive wedding Hip Mi and Mis. livinc will be at home lit 10S Net Hi l'uey uvenuu, Lelllngdak' (VNr.II.I.-KAnAN The imrrlaRi- of IIps Hthel De IMith Kikiiii. d uiBliter of tb"' late Mr and Mis De llarth I'.iBan and waul of Mi and Mrs William Meale.v, of Mabanev Citv, te Mi William I" V Xi 111 Mill of Mi l'at! IcK .1 U'Xelll, of Mnh.inev Cltv, took plain en Satunlnv incinlni; In St nil.abeth'.s Cliunli, Twcntv-thlicl mid I("iKj streets. The Hev Michael V. O'X'IU elllclated. Miss l.lilaner Weiner was maid of honor nnd Mr Walter Daunhirtv lust man After 11 bieiiKfaat at the home of thn bilck's utuln and aunt. Mi and Mis l'i Uic Is I Huniias, 1'ISS Ninth Twen llelh stie-t. Mr and Mr" O Xeill left en a weildiiiK trip IT.NSTON- IllAiuM The man Inge of Ml-s Anna Illoem, iljiiKhtkr of Mi ami Mrs Human I. Willoeui, of iiJJO Webster stieet, and Ml David C Kinsten cf r.U4 Walten ave nue loe'i plate esterdi in the Shu beil Diawlug ltoems. Seventh stittt mi, I Cebimli a nvciiue. ltabbl Usc.n lav In elllclated at thy ceremony, vihiili was lolleviiul In a lecapllen 'I he brlde .. . 1 , r 1,,. r,ti, , . hlH, ,,,.,., ,., 1. ........ wan unaf.indeil l 11011 heli lutiiiu fiem a wcilding tilp Mr -ten will be at home at stieit .Hid Mis l'lii bJJU Webster imteiiAM- nii.T. pretti hoiiie wed. ling tool. lilac 0 Satuiday at ii In whin Miss M Melt 11 Dill, daughl, 1 of Mr and Mis .lames 1! Hill, of fiii.'.' avenue, bnamel the In iile efM: .lamcM i..ailv llilgham ' nf tilJT Ite-s stud A illi plieu fel- I low id Iniiiudlatih nfti 1 the intinein which was iieifeimed b Ine I'laiik 1, Slivvmt, past, n of the Si 1 emt Hi - 1 fiirmi'd l'lesbv ttrl ill c'hiiiili. Sevui-i teenlh stieet below, assl-t,d In the Hev Miller .1 Taj ler -istefii nf the Mould of K. reign Ml-s,,,i of llm UIIIKU I'nsiijiei 1. 111 i iiuicn Misi, KUzaliLlh Pill was maid of honor mill Mi Wi-ten It 1!jIl, of ilei maiitewii, bi st man Attic a wedding tllp Ml and Mis llrlghain will bi at home it Oleliside Kii:i:AS cun'wav One of lhe e.illy fall weddings toil, place toil i in the Chun h of llm Ini Ini iiiiKUlale Coiueiitlen All, nl, i 11 whin Mls litii vi, ve Mercedes Cenwav. d iiieliti'i if Mis Cnthailue 1 enivay. of IR Nmlh Second Mint, V lelilnvvn. I'.l , lix.inu the In Ide of Mi .les, ph Hmdall Kier 11.111 son of Mr and Mis H, maul I Kbni'ii of this, It, The Hv Wll liam .Magulie. H M, nlHln et the bildt bildt bildt gioetll pel feu lli.'Cl the ,1 I, llieliv While thu Itev lMwaid Muiph, leitoref the (huiih eltbiatid the uiiillil mas Tin In ide was given 111 111 11 iiii'i' bv her biethti Mi. Jehn Cenwav, of IJu.i IJu.i Utiteivu Un uiuiidantrt wuu Mis I low aid K I) ib el Amsii iiliiui, Y, as 111 itren of honor; Mi-c Anna Mc K111I1I1 u, of Alleutewu ns maid of lionei mid Miss Marv Kiumiu. el l'hlladil nhl i, sister of the In Idem 00111, and Miss Madelliiti Spain,', of Allnitiiwn, us bi Ideanalds Miss Itnh, un luliv and Ml s (leiicvicvti Hal, , nUiits of Hil bride aitid as Mower Klrls Tin, bi Id, gin, no bid hi- inusln Mr fleeige I. n.iUK'i! Mv is in 111 .mil us his usheis Mi Jehn T U'tlsh and Mi I'm, ill Vlagllile tint li et this , 1, and cousins of lhe In Idegroeni , Mi In i', in i'iiiiw.iv, or J il il.crlew ii in im, u l of thu hi Iilo, and Mr Jehn Tell ml I el thi.i . .tv n,.itleii and Intiiltti t JTnl'evved nt the llli-. In Allentown ,r. Ciiuw.iv, of lil il.ertew 11 in ph, u ilie, famlliii and a few in llninte frleniN Mi. and Mi ' Kleinnn after r. turntni; fiem nn extuiided vvcildlnir tilp will live In Lce-buiK, Vu , vvluie Mi. Kieman H iiiK.iirnd ill IlllMlllCHH ' At the weddlnif hienlif.iHt the oniMKe eniMKe meiit of MImh Mur Klei nan, ulster of the Kreeni, te Mr Jehn A Toland, of I'hll.idelplila. vi.ih unneiinced Strawberry Mansion Mr and Mr Michael M.irltx, Mini Iireiu, MnrliH and Mini Johanna Murks, of 32J1 Clifferd utint, who hav.i been upendlnir tlie slimmer In ('tieuiej, will lt'.ive today for .New Yerk te at tend the vveddlllB of llie'i nuphevv, Mi Trunk llniim After himiiIIiik wvuial d.tVJ In New Yolk tliej will letuiu te Alliintie City for the pasiant Mih J Mundi'lanhn Mr and I' DIIhIii liner und XPss llvleti helinei. of 30JI IMatnund Mie, t. Mis DIN. have Lake their leturned from a month tt may ut llopatcenir. Mr nnd Jlrn Tills Well nnd family, formerly of J92J Nlohelna Htreet have returned fiem Atlantle City nnd hnve tiikcm apartnientw at V'f'eentli Blrcet and Columbia nvenue until tlie completion of their new home In Ovur Ovur Ovur hroek. Delatvarc County MKs Kattmrine dimmer, d.uiRhler of Mr and Mth. lldwln D Olauser, of Chenter, will etiteitaln at u uildga pirty nt her home In Piovldence mud TueH day, September 12, in liencr of Mlsa Anna Healtle, whose ciiRiiirement te Mr. Wlllnid Olamtr vina icc-uitly mi-tieuuc-i'd Mr and Mrn Oeetijn T Iluller, nf Midl.i li.iv ii letiuned from a Mmv of Hevitill weekH at lllir Moeso, N Mr and Mis William M Powell, of Cluster who nie tnoteilni; tlueuitli the Whltn Mountains with Mr ami Mih Wcndil Sivlnt. of Wilmington, l)el , will l etui u te th.ilr In me thin week Dr. and Mra Hurry Armltnire nnd Dr. and Mrs Ocorge Arinlluj-e h,ve returned te Chester from Lewea. Pal., where they have been spending-- nvcmtn, tttbtHottavim;Uia.reb. 1 JACK O'JIDGIBT :-: By Edgar Wahct Wie'ii AVIie In the Btery COI.OXUti DAN nOVUDAKY, tat, ceurn-uralnrd but riHeenntll cltvtr uaaer e; a nana 0 creek. ha 6oem ciupn. avtrnl bubtlV law H ticnnlttitm It m t.lm ti Atnnm. wa. riefefta oathcrtne around him lv com cem Plaining te BTAi'PpnU x:rt, of th Londen Crim inal IntflUatnce rerct. I'lXTO StlA'A, a Hcek man about town, itP'l h!n. attentions enran actre, who rtene him. Sht It HAIRIH 1VII1TC, ilauehter et Rally Whlte. out of the Onne who ielhe te retire. Nhe t Intiiested in atajjerd. LOLl.tti MAKSU, a dell-taccd hut clever Blrl, who acta e "iemi" 11 the black mailing eang "BWMLl." CIIVWE. enca a gentleman. new u creek. "TUJIPIXU MOSES!" said lhe y colonel softly. "Detcctaphenes !" He took Pinte's knife from bis hnnd and pried one of the discs loose. It was attnehed te a wire which was em bedded In the plaster, nnd this the colonel tevcicd with a stroke of the knife. . "This is the business end of a micro phone," he snid. "The vel.el" gasped Pinte; nnd the colonel nodded. "Of com ie, I wns mad net te guess thnt," he said; "that's hew he heard ami that's hew he spoke. Xew. we're going te get te the bottom of tills." With 11 l.nlfe he slashed tin plnster nnd exptiM'd three wires thnt led stinlght downward nnd npparentlv thieugh the Heur. Thn colonel rested nnd eved the debris thoughtfully. "What is under this lint V s office, lm't it V Of course's!" he .-aid. "I'm the feel!" He handed the knife back te Pinte, took an elect! ic teich from his peiKct and led the wnv from the lint. They l'11'.-rd down the half darkened MiiIm te the Meer beneath, en vvlilch was sit uated the three Fcti of elflces. lhe colonel tool; 11 bunch of ke4 nnd tiled them mi the deer of the surveyor's office. Piesentlv he found one that fitted, and the deer opened. lie fumbled about for the electric aw licit, found it uutl Heeded the room with light. It was 11 ver.v ordinary cleik's elll.e, with a smnll counter, the Hap of which was lalsed. Inside the Map be t.a iv -emrthing while en the lloei, en. I, steeping, picked It up. It was a lad.v's hun.lKen hlef. "I.." he wid. "That sounds like I.ellie. De Milt knew tills. Crewe.'" Ctewe took the hniulkei chief and nodded. '"I hut I- I.ellle's," he snid -hertlv. "1 thought se. This is where she was when we wire looking for her. line wltli .In. k e' .ludgiueiit, eh'.' Let's ti.v the iniu r nth. e." The inner elln 0 wn- locked, but he had no difficult 111 gaining a.lml ion Inside till- was u piivnle ethec whi. !i was simply furnished nnd liiid In one dirtier what nppenied te be u telephone be. He opened the glass deer and tlasne.l his lamp m-i.le. Iheie was 11 Utile tie- le-k, 11 pair of teceiici- fastened te 11 head lice, and a sum viieanltei tran-mltter. 1 "This is white he sat." ai.l the colonel me.litntivel , pointing te ti -tool, "nnd this" he lifted up the. uir "is hew he heaul all out vety interesting (onvei-atlens. (le up. stalls, Pinte. I want te tty tliii miltei." He lied the receiver te his cms and .. ..:i..t .....t .....ii. 1... 1 t .1.. I Miiii.ii, .111,1 .i,-,-ini, in- ii.uiii in- ,1,,. I , , w,,,l ,.' l, ile-lng the deer of the loom upstalts. Then he spoke thieugh the leceivtr. ., .. ... ... . .... sinivu utrsnitTs Aii.vNnc rnv v. . Special Sepierab Rates er .CT! E3& lia , m I rnenrwr n ,1 Tennesim n,e noir D"" ' l,,l'r,!1 ,'"" (,"V,"" "u!' .V" '".'"' ' . W lt",,.li ' """t "'"' l'"lv"',M -"""- Running Water in All Reems Use elleiil ! 1,1,1 'elMLt, lioel.lLt res l cse'nbl I II ir me It II T.l liy Willi M I' SPECIAL SEPTEMBER RATES GOOD TO RKMKMKKR C!XIv:E:R.rre: 1 S Kwituckj At. nr iraimiaaift nensium iieies Nawli renovated and refurnished : eleva tor, electric llht. private baths, het & cold RUNNING WATER IN AIL ROOMS Ajiut. clun (with meal:) tl 00 ud daily. HxCVil weekly. I run llnthlnic (rcut Hetel. 1'laune A. CJ. 19d0 Heek let. Owneiahlp On llii, Hem li I 1 out llu- ralea In rllrcl Snpleinbar IStk le iThruary Ul, 19:' American Plan En'.'icly. Almm Open -iurle Ituuiu, ttutuiuiji Vt'lr 13 Od -i,islr llnria, I'ri, ale 16 00 la 17 00 Reuiii, KuiiiiInK VVtlrr .11000 lluuiilt Ituen. Prlvii'llmli III OOlellZOU 1' ;,l llutllilr It.... I.I. I'livuli, ll.lil. i Ocfan 1 run! t erner. )14 00 K Ownfnhip Min,cm'nt Phene I l.'ii 'AUZ32S:JZZXX n M k', - " It, milL'il SuntfitliliRr i it4 TiiAli. With runinni: nnr l , i Jl Im ' ii 1th W iih imiiit I .th It t i Ji up week), Kurel e in t in in ,iu,l. riu in, iniu ArK,,.j lilerli from Millien D, llai PI, r Hrelieiira I uurf lialhlnu (latum liun'.i, t nLurae&Ba? in, 'e,i, i ii. i.. l'i Iniu ""r i et) .. er"j; ...... i- i heuiir ter I'lieiiu n.'se vvvi vi nyi.i:'iT f REEN GABLES HOUSE He Iillnela ave. eri. Traymore and lv. refined etiilrenment Prlv batha Jtun. I llrltphliin llnlrtM O.tMun il.w Pt.Im. ' water in all roetna l'jrrllent rut-lna. i nil. vv r, dwr: Prep , Ei)t l&vtnktva On Oil, nil I'niiii PI reproof American and Enreptan Plans Oolf Club prnti. lest'". OaraBeeniiieiiiisci,. bensible ralea. IIKN (IOIM1 11) AlLAMIOCITlT Virginia uve Vj blk. le bch. A Steel Pier. Hun. water In every room Menree llutchlna. TARflR IN1M Oiean enfl Connecticut At. JVUUiviini jjal Knll0lli ,urei Blry roema. Bpeilal Heptrer ratea. 20th ae-men. Owner maimueiiient. 1 P & A M Uunu. r.-lLn-(rl Always open, aiwajrs L0ntin6Ilt&I ready; lernn med.raia. Writ or ptioea. M. WAI.SII UUNOAN Hetel Boscobel ?1m uv. nr. beaiti tlilnir lltt ud TAetkli. Telephena 117 A i: MAIIION vv ii Dvviinn n. j. The Centre Houw , J!,., I ir '"Ihri Henineu I nnur Imai IwalK, full MItH T PCKMAIIT .ii enn vlrw CPI', MAY. N. J HOTEL WINDSOR ,:' ,10 liiitlia AinerUiin Mill nnil,, I ra.ue ,lur liiv month ul tvintt'intnr I, lul iliinaie txceUeilt tallu mil cili liiiHlcin U IIAI.I'IN Owner Prep SIMIIM1 I Altr. V. .1. On the Occnn, Spring Lnkc.X.J. Harraunded lr (Ireen Ijimiu und wStVuSba. Vr. AS.urtrWjScr. .. .iiiiiiM, n,ii,ui in imiu uiiuni'r IniifTA r A E A lr. f vr 1?T- Kr, k ,.-.-- JiUw "De you hear tne, Pinte?" "1 henr you distinctly," unM Pinte's veire. "If jeti're n llnguim, Crewe, you'll hnve henri of the phrnie: 'Snuve qui pent.' It menus '(Jit!' And tlmt'fl tint advice I'm giving and tnlilng. To morrow we'll meet te liquidate the Iteundnry gang nnd Bpllt the cantf fund." He turned his coiniuintens out te Ret what sleep they could. Fer him there Mils little sleep that night. Hefere the dawn cninii hu was nt Tvvlrkenhum, ex iiinlnlne n blif meter launch thnt lay In 11 beat house. Jt was the Iniinch vvlilch it w is iin iiiuncii wiiilii should hnve carried I.ollle Marsh nnd Helby en their river and sen Journey 1 1 was provisioned nn.l ready for the hip, but ill nt the colonel had te take fiem 11 locker In the stein of the beat a small blnik box and disconnect the vvlies from ceitnin tei-mlnnln before he Mopped 11 little dork which ticked noisily. He had timed hln bomb te go ...V nf tm,r tt .1... .....r.l.,f l.,, . Ill, Il ' ,11, .,, .Wl.l ill llll- JJ1VI I.IUKf '.T !!.' 11 lime, lie .calculated Lollle Marsh nnd her escort would he well out at sea. Ter the colonel regarded no evidence Hint might be brought against him as unimportant. The colonel was sleeping peacefully when Pinte rushed into his bedroom with the news. He wna awake In a second nnd sat up In bed. "What!" he said Incredulously. "Sclby's nneited." Mild Pinte, his voice shaking, "It's awful! It's dreadful! Colonel, we've get te get away today. I tell jeu the Ml have 1 (s 1 ".lust shut up for a minute, will jeu?" ieplic.1 the colonel swinging out of bed and seuiehini.' for his sllnuers wltli the deliielnd Interest or one who was hearing, a little gossip from the uiernins papers. "What Is the charge against hlmV" "Loitering with Intent te commit n felenv," said Pinte. "They took him te the Millien and sen relied his bag. He had bieiiKht a bag with him In pieparattnn for the journey And what, de jeu think thev found V" I knew what thev found." pnid the I'oleucl ; "a complete kit of burglar's tool-. The feel must have left his hag 111 the hall, and of cours-e Jack e Judgment planted the stuff. It is 1 simple!" I "What enn we deV" Pinte asked' 1 plendinglj. "What can we deV" i.nguge the best lawver veti can. 1 .,,1.1 .mi. De it thinllgh one of jour pals, ' said the colonel. "It ..111 .. i.-.i ..1.1.1 ,.,.1..., ,., ... Selbj. He's had lien." "De jeu think l'llll.l. I. in u . inn-, Luiiiii 1 he'll talk?" asked mid haggard and He looked jellmi h had much te de fiem 1 lmttcrltig te knp his teeth "Xet for n tlaj or two.' colonel, "and wn shall he then. Dees Civile knew V" Pinte shook his hi.ul. Mild away the bj I haven t any time te 11111 about ttf ter that swine," he snid iinpaiienth . ell, jeu 11 lielter no a IU t It inn iiiug new, 1 hen." said the 1 iiliiind ; "we maj want his signature ter the bank." "What ate jeu going te de?" 1 "I'm going in draw evetv penny we've get, mid I advise jeu te de the -line. I suppose jeu haven't innile 'nu.v piepaiutiutis te get aivaj, have jnii"'" "Xe," lied Pinte, lemeinbering with tlianktiilnes- that lie hail leceived a letter that uieiiiing frniu the uvmtiii Caitwright, telling him that the ( MVll.'l 1U0IIT It'' Mil IIVM.NN. J. VTTKM'TIVI. -1 I'ri'.MllI.IC HAT1 THE ENGLESIDE Vch ,"". Ni Jerfii, V 1 liUHlrm 1M' ntinent l'i ltd Imths 1 an, 1 r, 1 , ,or inn 1 nMls cuurt'i II I" 1 N'UI.K Urin. 1 nuiwvsi mii.i.s. n, .1 PIG'N WHISTLE INN llrmiu's VllllH.lii-tlir.rinm, . j On tlie Ue of tne,lir!d lnlti" T.'.'T'N ,".11.1'"' ,"f ."xciIUmu inoterlnr; from I'lul tilcliililu Coel, charmlnB. ntlciu8 furn 'HitnKB, tui,nte, 11 ncrCH of ureuntlri lik Ian llahliiK i-vniieliiif. lathing tennis trap, sliuntlns illnner ilan,H c' iterlnu 1,1 banquet 11 Mivilal I.nbur Day ratea. llenklet. 1'eni. I prien 3h3 I ivifKvvcier. tt. j. LAUREL T'NE PINES THE LAKEWOOD, N. J. OPEN DURING SUMMER.1922 GOLF TENNIS RIDING GARAGE VII I'll! UNO. I'A. THE ELVIN ' IMICIIMI, l'. 1 f r I ftll III,.., (1. t. ei- il Km nhn. ivute,. Pi Unto bi'ths bhi.i en n n I' , li ii Klit . V 1 sr.t'TTKIl THE ONTWO0D ?" '" ,-Mej,.rTr I rjlm.tfJ?y,fcl,t V ' & "j "y'lxffTMAV DM.AVV.Mti; wvTritdAt. r.. The Glenwood Delaware Water Gap. Pa. I aUKCIIV I'lO )l, t vK II lfl Iiiih ha 1 iuuii . errneairu in I mriiuu UlllllOlUl II r ,1 I. 1 mniUNr KJHW nnil aiinpllei I tiivnminediiilnni nt nieJurate latei lir loeklet IIII I' HI. l.r DELAWARE HOUSE ei Water llp IleatlnK liatl.iiii.' lUhlnc. Klrenrnnr loot en inn , ml r, Prank fnrrlrk Miiiru vaaii i: (i.p, vnmivni.i riuujc ."" T.-r, f! B n t- I Bpeelal ratea for Bert ileilern; lie'melika I icllent riiln all Rtri'i" iinntH fluraae. MUtlM'.INIIllVli; PA. Spend rear Sept. & Oct. Vacation al MONOMONOCK INN Mnutitalnhnm. I . I ic Hetel 1 V VV II 11. Cresce Station n I'oreno Mountains, I'cnna. Roem with runn tin i i ,,a ... . ftrul ri t " vvrlte for Ile Utf r ten I.IIN1K-.II 1 I p. Tlie Highland Uelljh'f , f-ltuatefl en H ii li Itiimfuln 0erloeKlnw' the famniin I .' men Valler. Ilapteintwr and Octelwr mei.t taiitlfUi ineiitlie In tlie i ear. ltchii'fil rnleii. Writ for tieuklat IllBtiian.l Mm I etnpiny. J IIOVVAllO kiui-w r,.Hlnl SUNSET HALL WtriifrNvlllt. 1'u, fii O uian! fe3t iim ,i Wrt: uver'CM K iib leainlful and l,illllillll TAl,r. . ' 4 t ... 1 MIIIUHV.C1I Ai'iiuii niity M lui n lmprove HutMrlitr tnltlA Cil'O (.I r, Mrr. VAVT HMIT1IN N . One of the Grandeit Sights in America ii the Adirondack Mountains in Early Autumn Paul Smith's Hetel .'" .,hl? eenter of all Adlrenila U l.niellni h ii I Sports (I P I. N 1 .N T I I NO V. I firwr ul Allium , IiuIm n , llelflllir rtktilner tennw niul renl i nnifirt Paul MiiIIIi'h ll.itrl Vn.. p,, v-mltl,'""1 .rV! I (J pnxiii ii vi M mrer iiesriiN. vim HOTEL PURITAN "-oirnaenwvaJUiAw oeaton ThsDisttnctivc iMMtnn Heunn V of tte meat heirnniai lu)tIa Itvthe world. Qpj'Slle. lr. Send le tlUi IU ara& te UUlerki I Our Ooateo "3aV I j KA X my marhlnn was in geed order nnd rendj te stnrt nt ntiy moment J "no, I hnve never theuRht of getting nwny, rnlencl. I've nlivnyn Bald I'll tlck te the colonel " "H'ml" palil the colonel, nnd there was no very grent faith 111 Pinte re vealed in hla grunt. Crewe came along en hour later nnd ecemed the least perturbed of thn let. "Here's the check hook," anld the colonel, taking it from 11 drawer. "New the bnlnnce we have" he consulted a llttlu waistcoat pocket notebook, "Is eighty-one thousand, thrce hundred and seventeen pounds. I suggest we i" .;:: . ... ."..... i. 'r"w ''Wiy ""''" peunus, spm n three parts and separat'e tonight "What about veir own private ac- I count?" asked Pinte. ' ''That's my business," said the . colonel sharply. He filled In the check, ' signed his nnme with 11 lleurlsb nnd I handed the pen te Crewe. I Crewe put his nnme beneath, saw Hint the check was made pnjable te bearer, and handed the book te the , colonel. 1 "Here, Pinte," T3ie colonel de- I Inched the form and blotted It. "Take it taxlenb, see Fergusen, nn.l bring the ( money nt might bai'ls here. Or, better , still, go en te the New Yerk (ittnrmity nnil change it into American mene.v " "De .veti tiust PlnteV" asked Crewe' bluntly after the ether had gene. "Nn." said the colenel: "1 den't1 trust Pinte or you. And If Pinte had plenty of time 1 shouldn't ipecr te -fe that meuev again. Hut hi s get 1 I te be bark heic In a couple of hours' and I den t think he can get nvvav ' before Hesides, nt thn present juuc ' ture, be leilected, "be weilldii t run awav because hn cleesn t Knew new forieus the position is " "Whete are jeu going, colenel''" asked Crewe curiously. "I mean when jeu get nwnv fiem litre." P.eitn.larj 's bread face crea-e.I with -miles. 'What 0 foolish iuetien te a-k !" 'he -aid. Timbiittoe, Tangier Seuth Ilucnes Aire-, M idrld, America, China "Which tell, nnd Crewe. "Where colonel. ' means jeu're net going te I don't blame you," said nre you geme ' 'If jeu're it feel n-ked the jeu'll tell me " Ciewe shrugged his -hnul.leis. le jail. 1 guess, he -aid bitterly; . . . . j . k. 1 r ..,,.,. ..,..'. . .mi vun 1,111 vi) iin-ivere.i the ciies- tien Mm put te me," he -aid, "but I'm r Im Dan 1 . . . , 'going le make a light ht-t lteuii.larv is ten old in the hones mid hates exercise tee nun h te survive the keen air and the bra. nig emplevmeni of Dailiuoer if we ciei get th. re,' he - lid omineuslv "What de jeu tiienii?'1 ileiuaniId Crewe. "I menu that, when thej've photo graphed Helbv nnil i in ulntid hi- pie tuie, sotnebedv is eiitnin te recognize lii 111 as tile man who liaudul the t:la of wniir ever the head- of the crowd whin llan-en was killed." "Was if Selb'' ' ga-pi .1 Ciewe "I wasn't In en It I knew nethiii' about it " Tlie colonel laughed again "Of coins.' J.ill'le net 111 en .1111 ihilii," he bantire.l ' t r. 11 w 1 Selhj : and It is ten 1,1 one tl. it the Usher would neegiiie him aga. ' if he saw him. Tlint would me in- will, the don't hang folks nt D lithium " lie looked at his watch ...'.in 'I e- p.ei i'lnte will lie uti.ii 1 111 limir anil a half." he -.ii.1 i 1 llll 1 M i-e S VPII It KI.-IIKI-I I'l'l'i: sli N m s S ARAN AC INN Miiihrn, Ciiilf. -l -te l!ii 11N. I) null, if ImnU lthll.11;. I nnr ", 1ru11.11 N V Tour New England This Fall MI1TOK IIV1U W i:i. -Ill II T ltd Ml. ws. itici: v rjn: himi vik iim l.MIt ( IIAMMM. MIM sill M VIVII'Ifs Itl'IA riKV III VI . 1 I MN's s( K hi- AMI (.(II 1). I.N.Kll M.VV 1. SCI AMI 1 lis lll-T ' m Aiirit riu: iv. 111 a OIAINT VVV.)i: INNS. VIDIIIKN H (II V IIIIII Is OK 1'AMOtS Itl.-llltTs M VV Ml Mil -nil for 'rev I lilstrnteil Ftea 1 Vac l 110,1. "Ni I nirhiml Tmir. " t"' llll i i 1 ni PNt.r M) I hi. As-IK IVTIIIV 1 -' 1 ,,fl t O I M I et tha beat 1 t, 1 .,1 ,1 i,i, rl . Wll I IVM M llrii r II MMIIM.I,. Pecrei ,r N iniimiiteii M - nrnvirnA Hetel FRASCATI Bermuda A moil dulllitful uter front In atlsn reul hrreps l',iniuU finest ea lnuhln fret. I j u-ue-tn I n riahlrv Tenn a niniin Twe i.i f , iron envnlrni Cpen nil year Cenia . Dotsrfien, yur Cape Ced and Ne,r lUicUmt Point Dttllr .Service All tear ttiiuin Cencertt Af trrnoena and hvcnlnga Lr. Pier ll.N.H..rviltentt.6.30 P.M. NEW DEDFOIW LIM:-Te Nev7 Bedford and the Islandi of Marthas Vlneyaril nnd Nantucket Steamers leave weekdays only from Pier (0, N. a., feet of Housten St.. 6 00 P. M. KKW LOMT10K LINK-Lv, Weelcdaya only, Pier 40.N R .Uoueton St.,5J0 P.M. All Schedule- Daylight Saving Time IteJuced ratea en automebllcii when ac companied by passeruxer. Tickets and Information at all piers and Consolidated Ticket Otfices. Vas mi it- PteMTOi : I I s-ermr-T.-n. .- - .. .TTjTeT"m'"-l- T::7 - 8 -Day Vacation Tours 83 9 Days, in. nitilnc All 1 ,nn,i Teura In Via Palatial Vii-v'V 7 " ' ' XiZMtimfJ va htm n'lru tien . ., ii lUainl In , t S. S. "FORT VICTORIA" S. S. 'TORT ST. GCORGE" siilllni'H Meihni.iliji, ,, r. ,,,,!, Coel in Summer All Sports iVirnike siiiiiniir rrniiu i iln,- . Pdedern Hotels Ne Passports salllinr, II llilnc CviIIiib. inim, ,. Iirlilim Ceif I'Uhliii lineiiitr '.. .Vitnl Air Snrrtnl Suwiner 7Wi lte,J, t FURNESS BERMUDA a nnieaa-miity . Ce.. 1. 1, 1 . Ileiirne llhlg ST. OVaennil IIIITKI.. lUrmudn -Hi -peneia. Uelf. Hwlnuulna Peel, lloekinaa. n(iuMu,l me," he added with cjpornte polite pelite iicm; "I hnve a let of verk te de. lie cleared the drawers of his writ ing table by the simple process of pull ing them nut nnd emptying their con tents upon the top. He went through these with reinnrknble rnpidltj, throw ing the pnpers one by one Inte the lire, and he was engaged in this occupation when I'lnte refill nod. "Hack nlreiidvV" snld the colonel In Biirprlse: nnd tlieti, after a glance nt the nthcr'H fucc, he demnnded: "What's wrong?" Pinte was Incapable of pccch. He just put the check down upon the. table. Te lie rnnllmml (omerrovv Corurleht, McClura Xrwtvapir Hvndlcata GARRICK Tonight 0 r.KTl'Tin AT 13 I'ltci.MJ'Tt.V (IAI.A OI'KMM, CIK IIIK Hl!bON KDWAltD Itrnci: I'renenli ORANGE BLOSSOMS A HpnrlilinT comedy Hi'h Muale with Edith Day and a Caatc of Stars BROAD Next Men. Evg. J Till; c riVfCDY- D U L C Y I f, e S l(i ifmnn snrt Mare Connelly win. LYNN FONTANNE FORRESTM. Sept. 11 ;,; lil'ATnST or AM. MCHICAI. Ili:VUJJH' SPICE of 1922 - -ir Cnt- iilnikn lurnlt '."in Iln 'fin cjeerKie I'ri. r i.'nprM iitnl n C. Vltlll.N III' I 111 IIMtll ( IICIIH 4 LYRIC MAT. TODAY i:ve III Si'JII. Scuts New AltTHt It HOriilSN I'resentN Th I'ri 'n "(own I'liicrs I'rKhjiilen of EtiRene O'Neill's Great Success THE HAIRY APE . . ''; , I null VVnllirlm m SIIUBERT J,,l,d.r VV: T.n,1'T "AllTIICn II M.,M,r.,s!B-prr;!i"nr;W A ML-iltAI IIVI1.U ltl.V ill TIIIV THE SLOE KITTED HTAH CST AND CHOI'.I PHILADELPHIA COUNTY FAIR r mm ki;., mj'tkmi:i;k i-e i:lilliit-. lliiflnir, Vmiilinllle ntn -l,u, I lr -Ipik anil i'niiltr -him Diirln-- sl.l-.liiiinilni: Ait nnil Itlir MI,,Tiiy Al HI KM l.s-s ITI UII1. shl'T. tl -ieilil fnili - IV, m Kenillin; rerinln il Willow Greve Park COME OUT TODAY SOUSA AND HIS BAND MM Mal.e 1111- I.VI'.CIi: l)V (II TIM. 11 iiii, nr .in, 111 I ul 1 v 1 11 f. K, - n EITH'S THEATRE Mr- M1I111 v Urn, I'r i lllll, -Intrii .V ( 11. . -" 1 1 , ur it, , U" lull iin.VCI'D.irr-l'etrlil.i. s 1 A A n 1 , 11 ,ir ft .4 t un , llw I rink-I I' I' II I . ul en it a 1 l'i , .M 1 1 I I v J 1' .VI III II 1 lux It, TR0CADER0 llll" I'l'M I'uVI r. I'll HMiMnNV illltl.S I ,1 It Tin it; ermuda An AH -Year Resort Me passports reqnlrad. Reduced fares new. Ratiis $82.50 up, 8 dayj (4 in Bermuda); S88 up, 9 days (5 in Ber muda); $104.50 up, 12 deyi (3 in Berrtude); S121 up, 15 days (11 in Bermuda); S126.50 op, 16 days (12 in Bermuda). Indade flrt.cUi 5 S. trcomniedation, reel, hetiti and ijhurrjnj Departures September 6, 9, 13, 16, 20. 23. 27 and 30, als.e twice a we;k in October. Get the Booklet Raymond & Whitcomb Ce. 1MB W!nn St. Tet. heran, biicix Up the Hudsen River i n our iit k1 i i i -im 'II rnmluiuil ami What Yeu Receive for $5.00 -"! lllf ( 1 ' 1 in Iiii , h i llii. ' it mu , , T 1,, i - i 1. 1 t III I VI 7 le ! 1 utifn, - i V VI II ,-.- , I UP lii VV 1 s I p . I 1, uir n H , I lllll 1 1 in. ,r i I rn in m i I , Y,ri.t i lil ii u i I , i h. 1 V I II trii r )n We I ,, '"I te a It" I r u, til II I H. ,r M tt 1,1 II ml ,i nu vi' K I I l'i lurr 1 I I tl I, H Ul, I f, i, s - vv f III I i in,l ,l a an Hex., tti Irll, ill im r , til l If I I . Sharp A'aca Tours Ce., Inc. I 8& Wll IP I'-MM-IIM-M I'.nri in Steamers LINE 3 M MU I. Ill All hi . III,!.' KV 1IIUIC I'lillmlrlphla r Any Teurlit rnt S iwwni Mm a aa 1 m Wnlni-t r,T"t T,m'' rJ uainuiTentitht sun &l&Zrn ! tr-i- - 1 S3 J I 1 i i i. i 1 " I if t i) MU tA I MM,il I "r:",'V,"u.illurnihed Pine.i Cultln.. - .. i,. . . iiixniiM v t, & -r"--. Une, Kew Yrli, AittK. Dlrrrllen fllsnley C'emtiny nf America nim:tekntii a maiikkt II 10, I 30, .130, n 30, 7 30, 0.30 Tina la pahameiwt wkkk a here's n tdctuie yen dun't )im vn le hi nrmiil te nee V n knew you bnva bean Haitian for It! Ever body ban. RODOLPH VALENTINO Bleed and Sand j Llln. Lee nnd Nitn Nnldl A "Upcrb pliturlzntien of Ibatiex'fl re lebrated novel and hc play In vvhlili Otis Skinner started I'm eirne Mi I t n' tint "THE WORLD IS MINE" inni wn maiiki.t COMMENCING TODAY 1130 1 II) 3 10 ;, in, T 30, 11 30 AES& V el 6.uarr 1 a alI Daily 11 A. M. te 11 P. M. Mntinees, 35c, 50c Eveninrjs, 50c, 75c Saturdayi and Holidays Evening Prices lath nnd Chentnut 11 te 11 Tills is I' NT IV CKK JAVII " OI IVI II ClItVViHH) STOUT 'Valley of Silent Men Alma Reubens & Lew Cedy 1, s v 1 v 'in'AnT" u j . .1 H nnil 1 0 I M, Iii,i i a c urs-M'T 1- 1- I'MlVM' t NT V Fl:K BETTY C0MPS0N J 11 - I i I li li II MID UIX IN "THE BONDED WOMAN" PALACE ;T", Avi , W'SL Mil- I i, win, - 1 VV KhK ,"NiCE PEOPLE" -Mill ! Wnllnce Reid, Bebe Daniels t Mtvl n Mil I Trivi--kfI MS, 1 AM. VfAKKKT ViL.lUri.ia i. v 1 . 11 r, i'. m. lis is I' Ml M in N 1 I'KIC GLORIA SWANS0N IN 'HER GILDED CAGE" ARCADIA til A c HESTNUT V M 'oil IS P M. ,MiAM it vt wt.r:ii Dorethy Dalten in '-iitr M'.KN CAM." CAPITOL I I, .11 111 AND MMUCUT , V M 10 11 1.1 P M 1 Miwti i'st wkv:k Agnes Ayres & Milten Sills IN "BORDERLAND" GLO Jl NIPER A.ND KW FV, ."." Ve ,1 10 ACTS VAUDEVILLE POPULAR PRICES Ml - - I H'VV HII.I. ALLEGHENY RE-OPENS THIS AFTERNOON I J( INKrulIU VNI V r ,IKNV " ' mediennes Eva Tanguay n vs tm i: -vtvn .si.Enrs" AM) 'i M JACK HOLT i . i- BROADWAY into vn and -Nvtirit Re opens This Afternoon t t m . 'e;,,0t,.jn cvsT I ,v ! -..-..- op 15 JACK HO I ' - vviiii.i UA I PHPfi I - I l t V 10 tt ! rrrnet KEYS LKUai IOTH A.ND VI MlKKT 'Miti'ivi T(U i VY J 18. VAUDEVILLE - v n n p si. Yip Yip Yaphankers I'.;,!,': SlNl! FRANK FINNEY UllVlP v MEW REVUF NEW REVUE IIM H- v"i- AWS&&!&jit& i itvn Te Vacation Lands via A LINE On your way te the vacation lards, of New Yerk State, New England or Canada you can break Uic monotony of an alt rail trip by taking that de lightful sail from New Yerk en one of the Hudsen River Day Line's PALATIAL STEEL STEAMERS 'VV rliir,gli,,i Jriinj" UrntJtlct, lluillun' ' rt lulturi Vlluiiy" lip Will I linlnn" A trip that will refresh and Invigor ate you in body and in mind Man niflcrnt eceuery, apacleu deck) fine music AUe Ideal One-day Outinga .'nil CirlcrM ecreptctl, yete Yerk le .lIUiiii AHkihi fe ,sw y0rJ Write (or llluatrated Llterntur Hudsen River Day Line Street Pier New Yerk ..r'1- ERICSSON LINE ...... . mu iii iiviei'.k 1 UAY ISUAT "'! ""'"iij. Iliuradar NIGHT ZOATWTJWtfc Sunday Steamer ",', : " w j ou s-iiil fur I'liini'lilr't ' "' PIFK i s(l lil' M IP I' KIIH LADOR DAY. SEPTEMBER .TH UUK rier w Clrntf JJIramyr w II av Phllailelnhla for Ler- z xl ffl&YA ess Na a t wQ fir m aHL M ' TciiVTrrri "pVi M Ifjvv !fv&wriy S-tlfiS1' , IM WG ffl1 ii v v " i V1" . imiiiiiHiiw ki n't loci In Tii '5 i n nmrnlnc (lUtllriil-aavlnv tlni). reliSliiii .in' ' frpni loreweod Orev l earn nlaW.T . Vt 'viw,: f t 'ff-rfj' .', 1. i. v.. tfrr1. . .ttiA'lw. Ixjltbt ,-lW( . ;' f w t'. HVttl V.vlt iff- u ?ti n , j t , 1T. ,H 1 i