"; I- vJFTV l2i XTvi fl Jl? ttv " . 7 ; tie uauwMewe iviaga -" - -. ---- y"--r- - 7- m. zine plfrf INTRODUCE A HAPPit 'FIUVPAIR I 4 Kan t 5 ,irv4Va .A , r' vfj? rsi rnrAi , 'iM.v.'.il ".(. . IT ,s If' F'-,s V'O-l Lric'wr . ? t M ST v & i" TJ FjiI pstj? ftXtjAr,: P' N J V ' : . '' ?.. .- BM '.MBS Hi rTet jx&jitevftiiST! , .''?,i.5s ltielinrd Bnrtlii'lincsa and IiIh clibrmlng w!?p, jvIie was Mnry liny, nre Itwpnrulile except when "Dirk" Is en location.' Mrs. Uartlielmrss jtcms te Imvc retired, nt least for the present, from the musical comedy stage THE MOVIE FAN'S LETTERBOX Ky HENRY M, NBELT Inci writes: "I am, like met of jour renders, nn nrcleilt movie. fnn nnd Biturally enjoy the ncthiR of .Certain itam mere Ihnri Hint of ethers. "Semes of my fneritcs re May Al- liten. Tlicda Hnin, Hetty Ceninii, Dorethy Dnlten. IinrrKeir Kefd,- KIhIc Ffrgu'en, ltelpli (Jnnes. SesMtc Hayn ltwa, Melly Mnlene, .leseph Kllgeur. Bt Ljtell. Miiy McAvoy. Cenrad Nl. l-Hpn 1'ercy, Kthel , Cln.xten, Jhfodere Iteherts. Cenunj; Tcnrlc, (lUdys Wnlten, Jpra Klmbnll Yejinj:, Ihrrv S. llilllnrd and Sliinrt TIeIiuph. "fun eit tell mi what hna become uf Hrry'8. IllUluril? "'0 one seems 1e mention -Tesepn Kilceur in our cel'imn, although his I' (ice H famlllnr te nil movie fnns. I Mw !ilm en the Murc ln-t hensen wltn Frances Starr in 'The K.islest Way.' and tlieiiRlit he wns really the best actor In the piny. s "Of course there ,flre Heme Mnr.s tluit I de net c.u-p te sec net, but I will net mention their names nn 1 nlwnys try te lie up te my motto, which ls 'li.yeu can't boost, don't kueck.' " (If ever body ndepted jour motto the or!d would fir&t stand still nnd then riump Inte chnes. It's only the knockers who nccemplWh inij tlilnK toward pregr Mssj It's only the man 1k isn't com cem jilaccntl tefernnt of things as they are who fcliews us things ns the ought te be and tells us te go set 'em. Don't knock the knockers. They're a mighty Tiluahle ns-pt te a community. ' JIarrj llilllnrd is still in the movie lpe. He'd probably be glnd te knew that tomelied had noticed him. se why don't write him, 11)011 Wilcox avc auf. Holljweod. Kilceur was rertnlnly fine in "KnMest "ay." He .eems te have entirely de Krtcd the screen for the stage.) M. N. H.: "l'eiils of raiiline'"' came et a long time nge. but m memory is wat Crrlghten Hate iilnveil the Juvp- yiit )"nd and Shelden Lewis was the hcaij." ' r3,is Mar" of ('ni'P Mny) writes: lenigiit 1 Nlw ,y nrHt mevp ( six kB. 'eih.ips thnt's why I enjoyed 1 1 nicli. 1 don't recall hearing about I" In l'hllatMphln "A Weman of Ne ilmwrtnnee"- U'.'nr AVIlde (by the rW l" he still taboo?) Was it played 1 'tp ; '.', vs ven well done, well ncted weighs 170 pound, has a fair com plexion nnd light linir nnd blue ejes. Mrs. Rue Olsen wTltes: "Am writ ing in answer te Thclma Chandler. Shf naked if any reader knew who played In "The Reincarnntinn Of Karma." If I remember correctly, .It was Court lie1 Toeto ns the man. Recmary Theby and Lillian Walker were the girls. "That was some picture; wouldn't mind seeing it again. It was one of the old Vltngraphs. "I agree with you that Thclmn I about twenty-nine. I nm somewhere near that m.self nnd it seems a long time nge. I knew it was between elexen nnd twehe yenrs age that I sew it. "By the way. whnt hnppened te Lil lian Walker? She was ulwnjs a favorite of mine." (Mine, tee. She lias been acting in a New England stock company for a num ber of ears, but last season went Inte nurevillp. Then she signed ft contract with a New Yerk picture producer te make a film te be culled "The I''lnpper," the story by Eugene Walter. That wni lust .lune and I haven't heard from her since. Hut she was the dimpled darling, wasn't she?) Cbiqulte writes: "I was se glad te sec that eminently sensible, well-expressed letter of M. TV en the sub ject of Valentine. I think that 'M. T.' has expressed whnt se many of us think en that subject, but are unable te put down en paper with his or her clear ness and fercefulncss. Mere letters of this kind nnd fewer epistle rnvlng en mem wenutu-nn cyps weuiu ccrinmjy heln the Itnllnn actor's cause, ,lAn acte.- that I can ilerT enjoy Is VcrtliytclL J hare hrtrd a 'great many verj complimentary things about him. but fall te sec just why no, nas leunu such favor. Te me he seems thoroughly magy, and his ncjlpg nbeunus with innnncrlsmf'flnd cxnggerntienn of a liecullnr sort. ITenV de yeit feel en the subject of LyteJI? Of rpurae, I knew that h,c has had the milsfertune of hay Ing'had bad stories lately) and that he has net appenred te as much advantage nfThe might lmve;ln fact, his 'Trlp'te Paradise' almost finished me, but even before these evil days, bis personality linri filivnvu trnnfiinil in inn strained nnd linimturnl ; that is, of course, his screen personality. "Aimes Avres is another star who, It seems le me, has1 net enough charm,1 personality or bistrlehic nDimy ie ue stnrred; she should- remain a leading lndy for some male Btar of, the Wallace Rctd variety, , , "When she first appeared en the screen he chief claim te screen honors lay In her1 fresh vibrant beajuty, (some of hef olesc-ups In 'The Furnace' were exquisite), but new even that seems te have forsaken her and her face has a most regrettably soft nnd flabby leek,' nnd no matter what clothes or jewels she arrays herself In, the result is' the same. In fact, (he mo're .she elaborates her dress the worse she leeks. I sup pose t will rail down the criticism of the fans en my head for this, but' I de net mean it in a slut ring, vindictive way. "WJmt has become of 'Mignon'? Has she sunk' te oblivion through the late war waged en her by the Letter Bex fans? 1 am sorry, as who cared whether herletters were grammatically correct or net7 If people would paylittentlen te the grammar of their own language they would And their hands full anyhow. Alse 'Lntrevnska' what has become, of her? "I must say that Iam very much amused at times when you receive a letter from some superior person who doesnet wish te take up the space of your regular correspondents and 'hardly ever has the time te give te the movies and therefore knewH nothing nbeut them.' These people generally write the most Interesting letters nnd always have something definite te say, and it is always apparent nt the end of their letters that' they knew far move nbeut the movies than they care te ad mit. I think their attitude is both in teresting and amusing. "Whnt. would the movie fans of Philadelphia de without your, column? Yeu arc our movie-barometer." (Yeah! Usually predicting sterntj w eat Iter. I think I'm Inclined te ad mire Ilert Lytell n nn ncter. but the material he. has lately had has been simply calamitous (If there is such 1 word). There is one thing toy be Miid in his favor; he has shown a versatility that few screen stars possess. I have been tempted te cry m.r ecs out ever Agnes Ayrc's failure. Cesh! Hew I was prepared te love that girl! Hut her wonderful personality seems new te have deserted her entirely nnd she seems only pathetic in her obvious struggles te be somebody. I de wish she'd mnkc geed. I don't knew why "Mictien" nnd "Latrevaska" have deserted us., I've felt very much slighted 'by it myself.) ISTRARIDGE -6 CLOTHIEJ i-kt- m- trTYr vi Ail mmmm ,- ictw ibJiri "nv.TjBp.cwr. i . . MMsmm h ftAf i 'Ula v yfeKrvr- :j tkTlKW A DEKRI.K8S flKRMASY Kronemlc titi.salty mily brlDr-1 tbeut a drantlc curtailment of the' Hun'n "pertenal liberu." Hwclal ruble dlepatchre en Kll foreign etenta of International Importance are printed dally en the "Ne of OiMrr Land"" raee of the I'i'buCI.edgis. "Make It a Habit." Adv. De moths ruin your clothes ? Have your closet lined with aromatic cedar by i Tomble8en Ce. B2t WAIJS'UT STREET Lembard 5733 Main 7303 MWWWJWAWWUWWt rHOTOPLAYS PHOTOPJJtVB wi! V1,etORrnnn.v exceptionally .geed, Hi. rnu f"'nnlJ took luiKe qnantl- - iiunue. esperiituy wtlli tne text, Lr.Cl " ,""' "l,irlt et ""' P'nr- AI uh, I de net tleubt. had Oscar any pledge of ihe additional favors, he'd te 11 "!!" 'V l,,H B'nv. J would love wwrliank Ilnrrls' eenfments en it. ujKfJ' I think it was. distinctly flJJiii ,I,p,,lj K0(,(l- l 'lnk 't would r" J fTM.ur 1!WL UK. if jeu haen't ,J& wruples. ulirid i V!V of l"i- Arhulhnet-jvns iu)ff.t7nA,0,l".n,ni I" 1", related Tel V (r ,le0!' ,lp,t-v wc n" "s")? (' Mfm. 7"'-iimiB nueur ner. sue "i lieailly te exhibit emotion. ll ?, ,m" Vt0 did """''I ncted quite ftnr.?t.iK0,,h; ,,( Wfls 1'emely! Fer nrn time n mv llfe-M Tnpp,ine,i ."l,l"nilS llllll lOllITril frt n Tln.lnlnli of nice. Blhuiia. 7CS l " all the Oscar "inuHasts get jeu "het Un." f n!l T .r ."'". "icieMiig a "rl M linees In enn. couple all lOU're ,ln,l , t , . -- -......, nin ic i nnirn r niir t AVlliln'u l..,u V ,1,11-.... I . . . v- " I'll.. 13, ,.- thin ."'''"H-s hit clpvenmss mete dldn'f. nini.. .' w-reng l i JW arDlvenln,, l.l ..!.. .'. . "". I I1PVPI. At n. l.t..,.l ,1.-.. 1 -. 1,1, llllll I'll 111 1.1 "s mil nnimuncement The following theatx'es obtain their pictures through the STANLEY Company of America, which is a guarantee of early showing of the finest productions. Ask for the theatre in your locality obtaining pictures through the Stanley Company of America. April I f D2D t THOMPSON ST3. ArULLU MAT1NBK DAILY THOMAS MEIGHAN In "THE nArilKl.Otl HAU11V" ARDMORc. AnnMeiiK. pa. "FLOWER OF THE NORTH" AKUMOKK. THEATRE KEVUK icTne' eighth . ainAne ave. AS I OR MATINEi: UAII.Y RICHARD BARTHELMESS In "SOM" BALTlMORb &-. 030. st. ut. JAJIK'' KIRKMOOn In "THE MAN FROIWHOME" BLUEBIRD .SMaS!rS" DOROTHY DALTON In " fltlMSON CHAMjEXIIE 7&i7.n A I Gtn. A Maplewne.1 At: COLONIAL 2.30. 7 and 0 V. M. WALLACE REID In "THE lin'wnin- FAIRMOUNT . (llrard Ae. PMI.T FRANKLYN FARNUM In "Titr. .-t... -... ...... Bread Ht. at Erla in i k n P. M. T.W IS hTONK le V9 rtn w' ..,mr lc,,lnr "'" '"'n't been . . .. ... . ,. Wed 1,1 2 .nn 1 jHBlIsli company nnd "re, tlinn-i, ,"1 '"vr iiinue pictures tti.i 1 'Bl' !l 1ms appeared here In "" 'te riel'.r uirn)', she is no rea n,Jctt? Coinpsen". . Wrt in fJ.ri' U10 l.'crsenal ''llrunn" fjerrr things, It was fntnl yet, 82j .Thank S SCrletlS. ,,, nntfr I rnn'f m.l.llbl. 'tynin tihiL-n,!. r bu,t thp nrc ,l ,nt Si i1"01'1" ' "1 li SJwile.1 te ..niy .,,re,,lt HiilBrlently 'frill h M ... '"'""t"i;d such erudite "'''mplndi.- "",ss S vttW'" "' Ji iuic" ,?l!lli0Hr l,Uu,' !,n,1,,, ' f'l t (a v V .i ' t-'""lfy the NinceV eWnilMB ''? ?l!ln," "''ter-nnd that' feife el ,, ' l,k ,,,! WWW besver.v ,lWf,i?,1?.,,'M.lq cnd you 'his .'awfcerpV I r m ,0 .1,,m Address, ,Vr 'T '' t H Ualx feet tall, miMssffli A FOOL THERE WAS THOMAS MEIGHAN Ol'lt 1EAHINO CITIZEV: T-TiVrVrvfVUBO" COI.UMWA AT. LIBERTY MATiNnr. daiut THOMAS MEIGHAN ORIENT V"5B?tw'iJaiW 8t' AGNES AYRES in "TirrLi'-g-UEAi-:: rVrfRBROOK 03D &i DOROTHY UALiun .. "THE WOMANWnOJ&JIK1' AI.0K:' LpAWATnen,,s; "THE MAN FROM HOME" rent AetM.rn P MARY MILES MINTER n ..biiiTH OK M'VA" . AGNES AYRES In .'TIIB.HKHKAl." re The NIXON.N1RDLINCER -THEATRES W BFI MONT B2D ABOVE MARKET MARJORIE DAW 111 "FKEE AIR" rcnAD ceth & v-""',v 1:30 nnd 3 CEDAU AVENUE 7 and DP. M JACK HOLT In "THE .MAN l.NrONQUERAIH.E" COI ISFl JM Mr't bet JPth ft 00th JACK HOLT In "THE MAN UN('OMlUKRAniK" JUMBO FTtONT ST. ft OIRARD AVB. Jumbo June, en Frankford "I," ' AM.-STAR TAST In "THE BRONZE BELL" F FADFR 4,ST LANCASTER AV. DOROTHY DALTON In "THE ntpiMUN CIIAM.ENOE" I Of! 1ST RJD AND LOCUST STREETS LLH-U.31 M,,.. , ,30t 3i0rt. i:vR11 n 30 t0 j, THOMAS MEIGHAN In "OUR J.EAMM) riTIZEN" e3D'& iiAvnn renu aviu xriTrtrt:ff7:nr Mlb ft llalllmnre Av SHERWOOU HAT. 2i EVE. 0 30 THOMAS MEIGHAN ln ..IV OV KMEE Kf. IT'S MV'. '-',- A DfCT HWK -T THBATRB 333 MARKL Ha. M.entui p. WALLACE REID ' t,iB,I0TATO, , . . NIXON'S AMBASSADOR ? AvV Matlnefa 1:30 ft 3: Epnlne T ft e Marjoric Daw in "Free Air" NIXON IID AND "' 7"Jn-d , THOMAS MEIGHAN In "THE MIRAM.EUAV' fiQTH ST Tbeatr.. Opp. T.rmtnH ...... 2 no, 7 and B p, it. 1MUMA5 rVltlUHAN p "01 R 1.EAI)MI CITIZEN" STRAND "" ATvnnUe5an?? . WALLACE REID In "THE DICTATOR" AT-OTHER THEATRES MEMBERS OF M.P.T.O.A. GERMANTOWN TvT&Sl?- AM-STAIl CAhT In REX IIEAOn'B "THE IRON TRAIL" PRANIT 40" "iiSAnD Am""1"" LlINrMN 1 Mat Te'liiy I 3 ft I 30. T ft H Star Ce.it in 'Welcome Children' Adilfil Hwinil 3 nt "V l-ttlhfr 1'iulura" JEFFERSON28!.' THOMAS MEIGHAN In "OUR I.EMIIMI CITIZEN" DARf RIDC.E AV. ft pauphin sr.i r Afxrw Mat. aits. ev. nan it CLARA KIMBALL' YOUNG U "THE WORLDLY MADONKA" September Has Brought Many Wonderful Economy Events for the Heme! Vacation days are ever. The familyVinterest turns from- the seashore cottage or country house .te the home that will be lived in during the many long months te come. Naturally every woman has planned some-new arrange ment, some unique decorative scheme, some addition that will make Jet greater beauty or greater utility. We hayeplanned for you and many timely home-furnishing events await your visit te-morrow. Savings are One-fifth te One-third in The' Great Semi-Annual Sales of China and ssware Semi-Annual Sale of Lamp: Shades Housekeeping tn no Mpp Heusefurnis ties lungs, tee, are Gla Sale of lailete-ad Beerarai hii Fer many years experienced house keepers have regarded this Stere, by rea son of its complete stocks, its dependable Reeds and its low prices, as headquarters for BedfurnishinRs of all kinds. And new en the threshold of the cooler season yemcan cheese your entire winter's jiupply of Bedfurnishings at prices that are ad vantageous indeed. Here are but a few of the many wonderful value'greups: WQOL-FILLED BLANKETS in the Sale at $10.50 a pair Cotten warp; white with pink or blue borders; size 70x80 inches, WOOL-MIXED BLANKETS in the Sale at $15.00 a pair Fine wool mixed with a little cotton; white with pink or blue borders; hizc 70x 84 inches. ALL-WOOL BLANKETS in the Sale at $12.00 a pair Pure wool; plaids in dainty color com binations; 70x80 inches. COTTON-FILLED COMFORTABLES $3.00 v Silkelinn covering ever cotton of geed quality; satine border. WOOL-FILLED COMFORTABLES $7.50 Figuicd silkoline covering with solid color satine border; pure wool filling. v WOOL-FILLED COMFORTABLES $10.50 l Figured cambric covering with solid color silk border. WOOL-FILLED COMFORTABLES $15.00 Oriental designs en- covering of fine satine, with solid color border and back. Stranbrldm ft Clethlfr Alilei 11 ami 12. Fllbrt St. Save One-third en These Heavy ' kmlmM Rug; Because they had slight irregularities in the weave, these Bugs were secured by the Department of Lewer-Priced Fleer Coverings at a price concession of one third. They are a very heavy grade the product of ene of America's leading mills and there isa wealth of designs and sir.es te cheese from. Autumn home fur nishers will de well te profit by these prices com fertably1 housed in spacious, litrht quarters en the Fourth Fleer. The convenient arrangement of the really comprehensive stock will de light any housekeeper. Hundreds of things te make housekeeping easy, te lighten housework, te insure proper preparation of the meal, are here assembled and in the Sale at savings of 20 te 33 per cent. A few of the many values. Systematic, thrifty women will make out a list of the things they need, and fill their wants from these and the hundreds of ether oppor tunities. v ALUMINUM UTENSILS 83c Yeu can ''save about one-third en the many Aluminum Cooking Utensils by tak ing advantage of the remarkable values. NORTHLAND REFRIGERATORS $18.50, $23.50 and $28.50 Three convenient family sizes, holding 60 and 80 pounds of ice; hardwood frame, well made and white-lined. WHITE ENAMELWARE AT HALF REGULAR PRICES Teakettles, Saucepans, Boilers, Pans, Pets, etc.: .slight imperfections in the fin ish are icsponsible for the low prices. LAUNDRY SOAPJ'new $1.90 a case Household Kitchen and Laundry Seap, five hundred cases of 100 bars each. WALL AND CEILING DUSTERS in the Sale at 85c ' Lnmb's-woel Dusters, with long handle. HEAVY TIN DISH PANS new $1.00 and $1.23 Krcntner's heavy tin Dish Pans, 10 quart size at $1.00; 12-quart size at $1.25. GALVANIZED IRON GARBAGE CANS new 90c Deep covers and strongly made. STRONG CARPET BROOMS 95c Best grade of corn, smooth handle and light in weight. PORTABLE GAS HEATERS new $2.75 Copper leficcter style; 21 inches high, 12', -4 inches wide and 0i inches deep. Piral.rMB i. luthUr Fourth Fleer All during the Summer months we have been making extensive al terations The China Stere is new located in spacious new quarters en the Fourth Fleer. The decorators have completed their work, and new the Semi-Annual Sale of China and Glasswares is presented in one of the most beautiful sections of its kind in the country. A visit will be worth your while just te feast your eyes en the beauti ful things that abound here. How ever, these and the many ether Sale values make such a visit essential: CHINA DINNER SETS AT $12.30 Blue-and-white decorations; 41 pieces. Unusual at this price. CHINA DINNER SETS AT $20.50 Broken border design; also with border decoration in medallion effect. FRENCH CHINA SETS $22.50 French,Havilnnd Dinner Sets, in beau tiful new decorations; 52 pieces. PORCELAIN SETS $3.73 te $11 In a great collection of pretty designs; containing from 32 te 51 pieces. CUT GLASS PIECES $2.60 te $28 Many pieces of rich Cut Glass, including Butter Tubs, Sugar and Cream Set,-?, Water Sets, Competes, Celery Trays, Howls, etc. Hundreds of Lamps and artistic Shades te add new brightness and cheer te the home at far less than usual prices. Al Al eost our entire stock is included at re ductions from regular prices. Tn addition, we have made large special purchases at price-concessions which are reflected in the Sale prices. Fleer Lamps, Table Lamps, Bridge Lamps, in a wealth of ma terials, styles and colorings te cheese, from. THE ELECTRIC BOUDOIR LAMP SHOWN ABOVE IS IN THE SALE AT $3.00 A tyical Sale value in old ivory finish. Complete with paneled silk shade, and wired ready te attach. Strawbrldce Jb Clothier Fourth Fleer, JIarktt Bt. Semi-Annual Sale of uTers, Picture The greatest collection of Mirrors and Framed Pictures we have ever assembled for any sale event. FRAMED PICTURES, in a great variety of new popular subjects, at re ductions of 20 te 50 per cent. MIRRORS for every nook and corner, in styles and finishes te match every in terior decorative scheme, at savings of worth-while character. Fer instance ' POLYCHROME CONSOLE MIRRORS, AS SHOWN ABOVE, FOR $4.50 An unusual value you'll agree. Oval and square shapes, some with side brack ets for canJlrs. All with selected plate glass. Sirabrilsr 1 CletlUer Fourth Fleer, Eit These Reduced Prices Net the Only Reason Why Yeu Should li True- Mew -the fine Heusekeemncr and Dennrntivn T.inena i n,: ci,. marked at less than our regular low prices, and, therefore, present an op portunity net te be passed by. But the real point is this: Under the pre- ijwuu mim eunuuuie snerciy te De adopted by the Government, w hardly expect te be able te sell future arrivals at prices anywhere ne Jl.SxlS feetfii.75 9xlS feel$S5.7!i 9x10.6 feet $31,75 9x9 fcettSS,75 T.exlOf ft, ltl.75 7,0x9 frtt$U.7j 6,9x9 feet 938,75 4,6x6,6 feet 910,75 .16x6.1 inches 95,75 87x5 xnchee 99,75 BtrwbrlM A Cletbr Fleer tt. FIIMr Strtaj FINE LINEN NAPKINS $5.00 and $6.00 a' dozen Full-blcached, excellently woven an,d at- tractive!' designed; 20-inch $5i00; 22- I lach ?6,00. ) pre- e can nvinna nmni'h rt snM mm low as these. Linens bought new are geed investment especially at these prices: JJ liLbACHED LINEN TURKISH HATH TOWFTJis 25c each $2.85 a dozen Full-bleached, correct weight and weave te quickly absorb moisture; size 18x36 inches. TABLE DAMASK. new $2.40 a yard A beautiful quality in weave, finish and design. Full 70 inches wide, nnd worth one-fourth mere. Napkins te match, 21 inch $6,00 a dozen; S',. inch $8.00 a dozen, " DOUBLE DAMASK DINNER CLOTHS $6.00 te $9.00 Frem Scotland fine Linen Dinner Cleths in beautiful floral designs; Cleths te scat four $0,00; te seat six $7.G0; te scat eight $9.00. Naulfiv tn iiinl'h ?. STURDY LINEN ii'uCK TOWELS 50c and 63c Of serviceable weight and weave, with daniask border; size 18x34 inche, Hemmed Towels 60c. Hemstitched Tow els C3c. Teircls, 22x44 inches 35c, or. $4.00 a dez. LINEN GLASS TOWELS new 40c With word "Glass" typed In red en bor der; size 22x03 inches. LINEN KITCHEN TOWELING, 38c Just arrived 1 Durable Kitchen Towel ing of pure round-thread linen. A quality that gives excellent service. LIN.EN PILLOW CASES, $2.50 a, pair Fine round-thread weave, with hem stitched or scalloped liem; size 22,jx3G inches. HEMSTITCHED LINEN SHEETS, $8.00 and $10.00 Of high-grade linen; single- and doubie deubie bed sizes; ?2x9fi inches ?8.00 a pair J 110x96 inches $10.00 a pair. fltraMdt Cleth(r AUlti II and 17, Owifk ac if! . i ' - f A ' V - fpF r t U A At-flS "' i itiii , ift .'&& tfcJw .at t