Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 04, 1922, Night Extra, Image 19

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    TOVTOXTtXTl "DTT-DTTn T-niTriTT tiett' A Ttriixxt X TUFr-7T a'v" ' aTnTJrnttrTiTr.T? A 100.9. "'"" '" ' "' rtSfeSSf J
J-'-"- uiu iMmr-t Uiit x, xix..., - '---- ' Lj - QfifilJ
SctUrn Town
jT By KathaH
LjF Ncivlin Bun
Jlrt Cepirlpht, nil, bu Kt
V nrint Newtin Hurt, frit
hu arrnnnfrtimttt u.ifh tr
ramllfen Xcimpnptr fleniicn
Mirj or
Should Win
Unusual Here?
By Sidney SmtthM
Mtin'-fl MHO IN "0"
- wi JJ ft.4V
ffSKJi w rlnnt te mam
-irrtftr ORUfSCOOMIIK. a sophisticated
"nSSfrft hS ' "worried, bit AIM with
Kn or ItcMae.
Mitt 0MU8C00VBE. ireMit't cevitn. a
i?Irm("ii vrrl. of rich character mirt ripe
"IS!.! Imt fit JiH e'n. Kfce tteehf
J?S3f8irrtr ". " 0 toremr.
rS entXSCOOUttR. mmt at th' elrM.
wt pr'?it ftr fcrlne il'r Hie thumb e
tiff SALES, a t"t, tmlelrnt nfcj,lflnn, ichu
Pte l rvl (iWnici tn the life of tM
Snmvl(v. He het Urn aviltv of nee
w er'"t " . , . ,
M EJLt.ES. Jr.. who hns helved 0 out m
jii tMberrassinfnt. c out
ttPKlll. a vnltrfst. le icheni 3 '" &
TKitJ, "' h" rd 00'.
MAND along toward mernln' , that
A lady, who wns already scared mid
ffjretfiil'ef running nwny from home
ml mother, enmc nncl slipped n letter
under your deer, tellln' you die luid run
imy and wne scnrrcl nuit want en te go
kick. Would you lie kind enough te
tile her? Is that te'!"
Sales nodded, or the Ferd bobbed his
kttd for him.
"Likely flie put n whole let mere Inte
tltt lette
you wn her last hope
n ticket for n distant Middle-Western
. "T,hc P.001" old fe01 ls drunk, but
linrmlcss," he snld. "I'll put him en
the trnln nnd he'll Bleep like n lumb.
The conductor will tell him whole te
llie stntlen master ctlnned. He had
never seen Hluypenklii'H leading phy
sician, but, If he had, he would net
linve rcengnlxcd the cellnpscd, heavily
ereauiiuR man. 'nie train caiiie nlenjd
stepped nt the slennl for n passenger.
Sales was plucked from his bench nnd
heaved Inte n car. Q saw him prepped
in nn empty scat, murmured, "flood
by; .hit u new trail, doc," mid swung
himself off ns the trnln gathered Its
Sales with dull eyes ntnred out nt the
tall, still figure en the platform. It
steed there, graceful, tense and grim,
te see him go. IIe wan numbly glad
tuat its tnee iefi;eci paie nun f-ct. Hood Hoed Heed
by te Sluypenklil, te cny rewards,
te security, te rest. Feebly be lifted
his big, tremulous fist and bhoek it
nguiiiHt the window.
A Held-Up
When he had climbed up te his small
room, already possessed through its one
nnrrew window by sunrise, (v) did net
carry himtelf like n conqueror. He
looked, rather, like n vietlm of the
melee, white and dusty and grim, with
u set mouth and painful eyes. He
dropped down en the ent, tee tired te
tliinl;, nml told himself that lie had
- . . . . ' - ' J
THE flFJMPR Mnhin 7n fn 4Un n . I
- - AIM. M j ifM. U-flOf K L f JW IrBlV M lf 1 . . "
j ' - s r : ,m
; s ill A I cixJess uec:THt VKat , I UEM x sit? w ex t V I -fAim
1 ' II ... I , , . I . ,1 - . I I II II. l
wen Ills girl. Refere he had time te
analyse his emotions, a bushiest for
which be had small antitiiile. u slccn
She was seared silly nnd i of entire exhaustion smothered out
Kiv r!ee slin 'even uie nr.t tremble et n tliengi-.t. tmly
,iu-i jc nr nii iiiiiiMML. nu iiuhfMi iiniltin
"les, sir, I did," Sales spoke almost
"But. doe. whit use did von make
of that lucky letter, eh? S.iy, you didn't
trusted en. Anil te you loeu net-neine, i f th(1 mnM,011H nl ,),,, ucenf.(.0ut
get her way quiet from the ninn, nnd j unwillingly disentwinlng. he endured
bflned her He te her pa. And ou kept n itrange experience. Frem the summit
,ii.... ...,i ,..n 1 ent imp si.prpt fur "'fined deiie. he dropped into n
the letter and jeii kept hit s.ciet tl,rrlWp nb1 of fnllllrp nn,,f ,0,Bi Ile
Knew tlint Ileleise leveil lilm Mie hail
told htm that she would give him any
thing, everything he wished, and she
knew his wishes well but in the know
ledge there wis only n bitter desela
tien, as theitgli the crescent moon had
thnt. hnd he been lesi exhausted. It
miivf have driven him te the rescue of
full consciousness : but, before he could
struggle nwny, blankness overtook him
nnd he slept profoundly.
At neon, bathed. brush"d, and fault
lessly attired, he presented himself at
.unry orin&ceomue s i our. It was
BMjnur ircret ag'in t!ie laily, diil you t , wunered te iiincKtiess in Ins
Te,, didn't Uneaten that peer lady with i "r:L,Tt,wnR A !
tellin' her father or lettin' Slnypenkill
prick up its ears or nothing' of thnt
Mture, dm J en :
".e, I did net," said Sales, nlmest
u roundly.
Yeu liar! murmured Q. 1
Meken the boys will have te have jeu, ,open, nnd nt the sound of his step she
after all. You're tee duty n pack for "" 1"ick y out as tneugu sue nnu
"" ' .. ,, I been expecting him. In n dress of soft
me te liimdlf. trt,arina mtiilln petals, she looked like a small
"De mi blame a man for furtl erii g , wl,tc n (,n, (, rain.bpntPn
Bis career. ier in in,; , " row. Her fare hn.l thiiinml. nn.l this
he hail helped and saved and shielded
from disgrace further it ier mm.'
Q ramie no nnswer. They were near- I
Ing Sales' uoer nnu preseniiy iiie inirmr
ieunil himself, a steel hand en his arm.
led back into his own house, through n
iltting-roeni te his office nt the rear.
There Q switched en a light and looked
It Ms watch.
"Net much time but enough," 'he
aid. "The bejs are en their way.
New, Sales" he pointed the big. wan.
ehiken body te the patient's chair and
eeated himself in the doctor's usual
place tyUnd his dek "this is where
jeu tct a diagnosis of your case.
"You're a liar and a coward and a
dirty bully. You're n blackmailer;
you're dern near te belli' n murderer.
All your smoothness and your sinllin
accentuated tin- beauty of her Irish eyes
nnd left her sensitive mouth almost
tee expressive. She took him by both
bends nnd looked up nt him.
"Yeu foolish Q yeu'e worried m
dreadfullv! What made you go nwayV
I want that story of jeurs badly you
didn't imagine I thought Dr. Sales
had the right of it!" But. seeing the
hawk glitter te his eyes and the sharp
triumph that lay nleng his lips, she
changed her expression swiftly.
"What's happened. Q?"
"I've get my girl." he whispered,
and she clutched his hands tight before
she Chopped them.
"Come in. Tell me. Yeu are wen
derful !
She seated herself with an uncens-
ii .) M1 i"Uieiiiiini-i mill rut riijii4ii I , ., , . , ,
ml ,.,,. li,lin' ,.!,, nrnln' te lw.1,-, CleHS nil" of Stll tPlillCVf; In her FellOel-
u liny new. Your career i icnchin' I m:um.'.!- 1,:1.1'1'' her riiffled d.iintiness
rtantw inQt TV.M.- f ii.nt ,...n;,i. spremliiig ntxmt lier, lier small hands
document of yeurn I mean. Miss
Grinseoembe's letter. It's in your
waistcent peeket in a leather case; I've
feen jeu fingerln' it when she was
gettin' reAthe. Hurry up, man."
In the silence came n distant shuf
fling of feit.
Ihe doctor pulled out the leather ense
numbly, nnd numbly handed n cleselv
written sheet te ). He glnnccd nt it
Md put It in his pocket. Then he rose.
",Vew." lie said, "I'm ngein' te run
Ku out of town. Here. Put out that
jht. I!y (nil. the're en their way."
He gripped his prisoner, locked 'the
office deer, and with all haste and
Mlenep the two men, Sales slmPUng
frantically ahead, get themselves along
I MfcMge. through a rle-e, ile.in kit
chen, and out into a garden.
"Quit ieur shnkin'. man." Q mnt
ttrnl as they plunged down a hill,
threuch a brook and into a lane. "I left
note for them en jour desk, tellin'
Ihem I had took care of your case. I
had te have them en their wnv, te
uiueeze the truth out of veu. Pros Pres
ure. Ah! Here's my boss!" Tliev
Wre almost upon the pony tied te n
tree near the roadside, before Sales
Mwit. He started back violently.
. wuitling softly through his teeth,
? t 5 (l.,'r" from thp Western saddle.
bought me n couple of these here
jwnies seen after I come," he said;
1 mewed they'd come in useful. Yeu
wm me once, doc, you'd run n couple
WJOungMcis out of Slnypenkill."
II.K? ' 11,,(,,lll'K 'e sounds and seeing
?.. ",p ,he,p in ,lls house, breathed
M,f.n'' nl'dlbly.
Well, sir nm ngein' te run you
Z'n "t"fn"r mn"hs age I railed
jeu up te rnnie see n woman took sjek
h heart tmuble." Here a rope set-
mi.iT'1, '"''' . t,0f'J . bis hinds were
!"""' ""i et imii nnd
vwiner nt tlie wr kts.
deftly fastened
',, . iis "'"""P'f '"te the saddle.
Jeu In ' T h wnH (,)0 b(111 " "iBhti
uS ti i 'i'"," 1,Ptt"r f"- tll(,ln rah-
' Ptetty thick when n nom- kik. it
U thli l.,',!"Mi. veu ."",'1,,'t ,,,ive
"."i mill null. Miu're
'I this
'W te run ,A..L..i . T. ',.'"" "Ii " ii "'
yeiiV i.-. .".'"'. K ". new. jeeulil get nwny
...... ..""'" .'" run every Men or
.v. '-' s
-u)ie tlie (Jullv. I've L-et ,
PPln'-rvn"'1.1 lf" k"'" mi f'"1"
MlssfJrh e V' ,rnrk,- Yel,,vp "''
lo"ye W ent ,I"st : "w t(,1! me
The nm, (" ,l1" ,,"8t0 of " "'irself."
Jogtret. J Martr',1 ,,own ,l1" l,ni nt n
CbiiS11 0f ,re,,Kh co""-- r'""'
VfieMa ,'nrfBh apple erelmrds and
that Wn, rr n, '''erlnc sky of stars
"'I" Of sL'n". fn'',B J"'" ,,I1W. f'
Mdrv elllf "l"1 ft'"r "1 ""glllSh
WJhJen!, the ,1"C(0r ,",ni11H"1
puttlnc n , l'lllBte,, ,l,lln elT carefully,
"." he mm ""l'if rnlUv"5' J,,,lrne
P'tk te SimUi0 ! ure net cemln'
te th. .i ,""-'". put your
P thrffii v ,,lera"Jr. the editor
Ntten,Ua,hMv1HI' ,n,"1 ,l'" f''" f''"
'"fhlatery te ,n"11 knew (',,0S1' f
1 the ,..L Jl " J'0". r worse. Vve
M u5.,,u:'IIh nbeut Mr. pi ' . .i
? mneamV,,mt7el'"VhnV',lled
If "way inP n1'0'1' Wf,'r(' """""B
an, V. Jl?rr- n "wider, wiser
.-uan, Thnrn ni. : i"i"iuer, wiser
bf- doc. Yrn".n " ' " fl'""' for you
2. I don't l ,, ,u 'T ,mn "
t0?ntlon1!,.b,',jri;ei:mfn.1; nt feelln',
Slea.Cn,,t wnlk," cheiied AVillfum
tmJ$ Common"5 p fnr "" ",0 s,ati,,n
i hy truv l ,,i i'i l.ve KOt J'011'"
u.Si"1''' Went nlnnV. i ,,,N'l,rn insn insn
J'ltlen. n ,i nK,tM0 reftd te ft small
U,& Met en1''1 hls. burden llke a
,UUd erct te ih"." tlla benches,
,w te the ofllce, ana beubt
folded together en the tab'e. She razed
up ut him very steadily under the arched
eebrews and liliriirllng laslies Me
I steed opposite her, turning his nft lint
in Ills iinnd ii in 1 looking slowly nnd
wistfully about the room.
"It wasn't my education that wen
her for me, Miss Mnry." he diawled;
she could net fail te discern his bit
terness; "it was my fists." lie looked
down nt his hands nnd she, Instinctively
looking nt thorn tee, saw tern knuckles
nnd bruised lingers.
"I reckon the moon has get te be
snatched nt, Mi&s Mary, rather than
prnyed te."
lie smiled and dropped into his place,
putting out one of the strong and
shapely damaged hands ncres., the table
toward her. His face threw off Its new
mask of victory, und sweetened color
rushing Inte Its tunned pallor.
"Yes, ma'am, and Sephie's get her
Laurie-boy, I've done pretty nearly
everything I set out te de, and I'm
plumb near te bein' satisfied with my
self." "Yeu leek," Mary shrewdly observed,
"very much farther from self-nssurance
than I've ever seen you leek. Q, please
tell me the story of your methods with
the 'Sephie gel.'"
He did, gently nnd patiently, net
letting her startled "Ohs" disturb his
drawling, half-Irenic description of the
tepsy-turvy melodrama.
"And new I'm going te New Yerk."
"What are you going te de in New
Yerk?" She sat back as though pain
made her unable nny longer te keep
that dainty erectness of attitude. He
Hushed het anil high.
"First. I'm ngein' te buy the finest.
elnssiest ring ou need ever wish te
see, ami next I m ngein te take jour
pit's book te visit with n publisher."
She forget one pain for another,
slinking her head patiently. "It's just,
dear Q. come buck with one of the
horrid slips. e laugh, rnpn nnd I,
bill it does hurt. We need the money
prettj badly worse than I thought we
did ! That is new it Is even mere a
matter of pride te pay it hack than we
ever thought it would be. Oh,'' she
broke out suddenly, "if I reuld only
make a let and a let of money, if I
sometimes I feel thnt
for one breath of free fiesh air I'd
give my soul! Don't leek nt me that
way," she laughed shakily, mid drop
ped her eyes te her hand; "you linve
such ej-en!"
Thev brooded ever her nnd through
her. ''I was thinking," he snld slowly,
"of free fresh ulr," nnd his Chest lifted
en n struggling breath.
The tiny room contained their silence
levnllv, its clock ticking tlje eternal
consolation of going going gene! the.
two gieat glebes, terrestrial- and ce
lestial, gleamed like mysterious hub
bies thnt could vanish et a pin-prick
into space. Mary nt last struggled
nwny from thnt silence. She went ever
te her desk, gatheied together n vast
mass of mnnuscilpt, put It Inte n clean
brown envelope and brought it te O.
"Theie," she snld,, smiling, "tnke It
and find out for yourself whether nny
publisher will ever rend it through!"
"One is ngein' te rend It." He rose
nnd took the bundle. "I've get te get
my trnln," be snld soberly, touched her
lingers mid went out.
Anether man would have written te
his lady, or seen her, or sent her a mes
sage. Q, used te enforced absences
and unbrldgnble distances, did net even
think of calling up Hclelse en the tele
phone. He had his own theory of hnw
tin accepted suitor should net; n part
of this theory wan that an engnged man
should appear with n ring in his hmid.
The clerk at Tiffany's liegnn by be
ing patient und ended by being en- I
tliiisiastic. (J'h head almost touching ,
Ills ever tlie counter, mey cxiunineu
jewel after Jewel, discussed setting upon
setting. The final choice wns a pearl
like u full moon with nn arrewy sparkle
of snpphlrea and diamonds pointing
nbeut it. .
SOMEBODY'S STENOGThe Girls Have te Break Camp Today
RSllerM V B rUnt Office
HtJ(?f?Y UP IP VTllAi' Tr
READY ' r7vrr?r-
T wee" Take.
me TweAiTy
s s.4 i ' . I
' Ss. V . u
v;'- . w
? ,
ni iffir.t AtJ-r je
r, r-JrX. ' rf.i
run j u.--s j-v' v " "
,sj-s-. - vci .
trrrs T T,
' i V
I VS. l-m
By Hay ward
Dropped OAiE I 3eT FROM The. Bess -
I CA4.'T FlAlfc IT AAlY-WHE.RE!r
N. V 3. 7l
Wi& $&
-1 J I
L5 pX
Ja$)J '
m! 1 ri
itsez'Dear Duchess. II
Ofva. of" The Bunch
Oh Baud memtaw'.
SbT THE. 1
f si'. , f 1 X)
TWKL&, .
She. ha
reus WITH
t-et T
X ''lie
A F. 4.VvARf - OwifR Ittt. tv rWe Uiftr C.
The Yeung Lady Acress the Way
t i i
The jeung lady across the way
says the prohibition law should be
enforced te the letter and every
bucket shop should be closed.
2aHL Nl
' e Cilrxr
'"' s
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..i ,c Av"
n- . tfc.-
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rVrKl if. .
X V r- 1. A I
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- -
PETEYHe Saved His Scales
- --
rl ( GC5rt. N6 wewDCR tD AiT
s" 1 wetp n.. Hr mawj'I
Ir- MKUicIcel -BfieL
-MereVa- F I Fail
By C. A. Voight
.- r :
i r i . n... .. . r. t- .., r vv " " -c
i mm yk i fii-v iri-urifc.iirMjr.x. x 'v s .-- i -rr . r-r . . .
WvJSiff vdlt-ffiim. ftvM0S f 1 . . ( TS v2S JKSBni
J 1 iii, r'r-i . S I a 1 . M . '". ..----.--.-- -
j -- vrprc, ) s i -hat y,vrcwARAaEF, Dispesm em and
W,- rSB&iKV i fe. V S 5 rl .3A' 'This wj, stzzs
. " ' -- iTimj
GASOLINE ALLEY Walt Joins Avery's Tew
"S "' '
5 ift
i 1 1 i :
j OL' TOP. ! HOWS Wbut lT-n cIL l f.T Tf WAT RePCP ? SsAT i TvTh,S ,S ' T BeWVE HAD A FIMevS I
" '. ' '$$- ;l
. .A W'MWJ.lrftlk jLiUi. ..... j,,,4. Jte!. , .M.J.n,
iji4itj Jj .,
,. j.p,ya.',fl-ttl'v'ii,ii
vW!WfJiy,r. .AMfc.e