OT bbbbbbbbbbbbbbTMWbViipi iwifiwiiiiwwwi'i i " i ! h i 1 ii am 'i ' in i wiMW iw iiwininwii iiii " '' i mmnmnmnipn s nfnnPHUvwKymwMr fimiHHiHuwnwnu BfmnTnnnii'AMnnnflBWiwr IS1 . lPTEMBERi;.192ii - P-, rtTj&a MONI&X .t '.V - .. ' . . . I1MW ..-.-.-- .-.. , , fc ; f IP yjuiutf-"" s- Ml t WANTED )" -T-nrHANWIflE MAN AND nUYBTl ' fi?n VAK10IJ8 SMALL WAnKS PrATIIKH OOODS. NECKWEAB. sEif KT ' AIITICLES AND N0 JrrtVB' NO ONE NEED APPLY VSi 'ESS THEY Aim lttJALLY ViwrlFlED BY PftOVEN AIL Ji'v 'IMAGINATION AND EX PJUtENCB! THIS 18 A, DIG OP SSnTUNITY Pen THE IttOHT iPiSli WE VRTsFtni APPLICANTS GnW EMPLOYED IN BIMILAH SnstTIONI DON'T , TAKE UP Elm TIME UNI.K8S YOU HAVH 2H5 AI10VE QUALIFICATIONS. SrITK OIVINO FULL DETAILS it ARY EXPECTED, AOB. ETC., rt A. STANLEY nilAOBTt bragcr of ualtimeiie, ualti- j enE. MD. , WANTED ' BOILEIlMAKEnS f" , BLACKSMITHS R "" MACHINISTS w CAR IlEPAlHMEN I SKILLED IN IUIL110AD V ' WORK t ) STEADY EMPLOYMENT ' STANDARD WAGES AUTHORIZED DY t UNITED STATES h HAILROAD K LABOR DOARD APrLY TO CENTRAL RAILROAD COMPANY Or NEW JERSEY C. E CHAMRERS. SUPT. UOTOR POWER AND EQUIPMENT JERSEY CITY. N. J. WANTED FOR SERVICE ON NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY MACHINISTS PASSENGER CARMEN FREIGHT CARMEN BOILERMAKERS HAMMERSMITHS BLACKSMITHS TINNERS PIPEFITTERS AT WAGES AUTHORIZED BY UNITED STATES RAILWAY LABOR BOARD TRANSPORTATION WILL BE FURNISHED APPLY ROOM SOD. FINANCE BLDO. 1139 S. PENN SQUARE PHILADELPHIA A ii, $' WANTED BY L.ttE BALTIMORE L OHIO RAILROAD CO. FOR PERMANENT POSITIONS AT BTANDARD LABOR BOARD RATE3 'I MACHINISTS BOILERMAKERS BLACKSMITHS CAR REPAIRMEN teECTIUC AND ACETYLENE WELDERS lSen.u1" ' ,I 00 per calendar day will b Km,"1 Maclilnlata. Boilermakers and Black. iui who remain In service 30 days or mere. i aM'.5n'' one hal 'or overtime- free beard Uu ,f"ii,?r,a,,eni. rens time allowed; et living conditions. a APP,1 Chestnut at. entrance, B. & O PASSENGER STATION, 24th and ChestnuKsta. Company's representative. wantJdT In PnnvilAn ...tii.. TT " narruV --..;..,," "u" wmi encrgeue fceklnl m: ' T' 'i '".. ""man de pin n Eiliti.R1" 'Imuffeur Packard car also Hrl'nceU,h.fhou,ewerk:.no children: atate ex. E 11m ,iv.,cnce? nd aalary. Address P. f, iiex .wt Uamden N J. fiilaY'L ..p?;'".n ,'n 'h?. rpnl eatate We-iwa'C n'v'01" "',"" ""X-J."".'!. '..". i? .ive.un9 ma'V who has Initiative Sce nf .,iii J.". n. ee("i salesman! this la a n iinl,mUc'J oi'Pertunlf for the right ft te'llaw,0 ,,?!:. Si"1,'1, Plcnce and "1 e k-Wf'Vaye"''' 0Ur reply' ' O. v... . WINDOW 'I'lllMMieii " fe .SR.'w'Rd'S? '""lil'lOreBalng i?t. II. p if ir;"re' vr. i'er eni S: til? ! n; v.V.'""" -nneu neat, 0 , YOUNOMAN fee mSri,iul "Wwftunliy about lSot'Te J'eunB ";an .!" education. nniinn.:.'' V.W man. '. .' departmAni a'.'i rer efilce work In "purimcnt. Address A 224, Publle ' -'er l).( 4.42iAIsr. WJted , 0il experienced In selling mi, .."P-'e-dale slerei department pro pre eltv aivnmif -Miri. i. iV iTrmAnAnt .. . IUKV te one wilh""' .", "V." satisfactory I:l'i, .-S5?.w eru Inallty, pueh ana $ZZ 'tale fully ..1u ,,r l0" PPrtment S''.lry. bib ,ii,!JW.,n' w''h whom. tJvV1, i emci tu 5reur ",M,- I .' IN HELP WANTED-MALE General TtlANHPOHTATION WOliK Trnffle AiHO AiHO elatien want! reliable man te qualify for Portion directing demeatla nnd foreign ship plngl ?2S0 te KiUO monthly; exp, unnecessary common -aahoel education eseentlnli only men of reed character naed andyi If witling of . maklnr . connection worth whit, write, without obligation. Matin present position, ana Phlliv. P. O. Bex 41 uaiCKLAYKIU), carpentera and builder .w1i8d'.,,.ni1. ,or 'ree b0l "Hew te Read Blue Prints," iuat out! enclose 10 centa In Mam pa for pinna of bungalow and ether urawingB. Aiinrfin uu Id nar Dept.. Ne. 2111, Chicago Teeh, Chicago, III. 3721 8, Michigan ave., BUSINESS HEUVICB CO., 1114 Land Title. Knars, (sales) Central atntlnna, 12800. Reinforced concrete, cenatr. llfidO. SALESMEN O.I. 'high type men. 5AJlA431in)IP- ,,n Jklna- Ihualnesa. RTBNO C. Ceal mlnlnir Ce Other ui,t,ui(utlil tnuxnt ny exneriai- earn t V .. UA ... 1 ' while you learn at home! electrical boeK and proof leaaena frcei aucccas ituaranlecd and position secured Wrlte te Chief En Iflneer Coeke, 2144 Lawrence ave . Chlcnire. VUAHN ll'B WEEKLY, apare lime, wrlllnir for newapapcra magazines! experience un neceaaary: detail free. Preaa Syndicate in. nt. ieuia. Me, MEN, reliable, te sell nunranteed nursery Bleck and appoint Aientai froed pay; heivy demand! steady work! new methedi. Her- rlck Nursery Company, Rocheater. N. Y. MEN wanted. Gevt, postal clcrka, carriers! .w.i te.i 'r Inatruetljn part, Immed, Fer application Oct. 1. p 1421. Ledger Office. AUDITOR Income Tax examination Sept. 20; full partlc. Bex 1038 L. C, Wash.. D. C. SITTJATIONS WANTED-jFEMALE STENOGRAPHER, exp. work! ambitious; per. In Custom Heuse, A 304. Ledger Off. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE CHAUFFEUR-MECHANIC. English, dealrea posiiien, privaie lamuy only; 1 yeara' European-American exp ; take entire charge of cara and garage; beat city refa.: geed wagea required. A 302. ledger Office. CHAUFtBUR, experienced, wishes position, spare time, afternoon or evening; can de own repairing. P (in. Ledger Offlce. COOK, also general housework, Jnpinese. ex perlenccd desires position In small private family references A 221 ledger Office. MACHINI'. age 28. dealrea position with a mechanical engineering cencern: line tech nical knowledge In mechanlcnl drnftlng and electricity; grud. of lO.'O class, tmplejed at present; desires change. A fil), Ledger Off. PRODUCTION ENUINEEIt. technically trained. 12 yenra' business experience In aaln, cesla. mfg. motheda nnd proc. factory management! record of results shnwa nblllty, foresight nnd empleye management; open for engagement with growing concern dealrlng In. crcaa"d production and lowered merhend: aallable Oct. 18 A 238. Ledger Office. TRAFFIC MAN will aupervlse transporta tion, flic cliilma. obtain rate and elasairica. tlen. adjustment nnd repreaent before Rate Commission nnd I C, C: reasonable charge for service. A 218, Ledger Office: AGENTS LITERACY DIGEST WANTS SOLICITOR Man of geed personality, experienced In house-tn-hetiso mllrltntlen, enn enrn nn nually I30OO upward, commission and aalary basis, representing the Literary Digest lo le cally: magazine experience, helpful but net neceeaary. an tl. 000,000 advertising cam paign In street cars nnd newspnners with movie publicity helps you get erdera. Fer details npply Bex 43, the Literary Digest, lift 4th no . New Yerk. SALESMEN Are you tired hunting n mnnev mnking jeM Would an Income of $1000 te J7S00 appeal te eu7 Are jeu willing te hand e , well-advertlecd, dignified, house-te-houie preposition en liberal commission basis for 3 mentha or less te qualify for perma nent position en r-gular aales ataff7 If our enwe-a are "ves," mall Neur letter of ap plication tonight. Mr. McLaughlin Suite HOI, Hess Bids., 300 4th ave.. Nutv Yerk. AT LABT World' grealcar addlni; muchlne: almost human, retalla 818; work enuala f30O machine: 1501) menthlv easily made demonstrating te stores, ertlc-s. garages, facterlea; simple, easy, adds, aubtracta, mul tlpllea, dlldea autemittcally: apcedy, accu rate, dureb.e. handeeme; 8-)ear guarantee; tremendeua demand: nmazlng profits; .liberal trial effer: protected territory; write quick, Lightning Calculater Ce., 500 Smith Bldg., Grand Rapids Mich, SALESMEN GOODYEAH MFO CO . 13-C GOODYEAR BLDG.. Knnais City, Me., hna opening for aalesmen te Inkc erdera for talloied-te-fit rainceats: no experience rcedsd; big commissions In advance, we de liver nnd cellect: cemplete outfit and sales Instructions FREE. AGE.NIM Earn f.Vl-m weekly tiiklne or, Oera silk hesiery: 810 guaranteed! ex perlcnce unnecessnrv: samples, free: we de liver and cellect: become district manager Marvel Ifna'ery Mills 015 Broadway. De- i parimeni lp .cw mr RISK a postal and lenrn hew te start profit able business without eapltal or experience; Ji.n week casv: silvering mlrrbre. reflnlahlna lablewear. rellecters. plating; cdm piete outfit 131 3(10 fith nvc New Yerk City. STATE AND COUNTY AOENTS New patented, indispensable neceasltv te renpenalble man: half commission. 1200 te innn ner week pessible: man of business ability enlv. Denne. Suite 4, 1410 Broadway, ew yerK -y, BEhT selling speclnlty ever offered, ngentf making 18 te 815 dally; positive proof and free sample te vverkeri: no delivering. Write Eaatern Aluminum Ce., 32 N. Wash ington at.. Bosten. Mass. MAKE $100 IN TEN DAYS aelllng Magle Marvel Washing Compound; new soup Hikes nnd 1 lulng piddle: highest eellers. steady 300 per cent (profit bus., free a amplea. .Miie-eii co i.nu i. iim si., en I ( EVERYBODY une ixtrncts, sell Due Diu-' ble Strtngth Extmcts' ee-npletc line household necessities, big repeaters. Wrlt irdav. Due Ce.. Dept. E-ll A. Attica. N Y. KITCHEN SETS. gaH lighters, het pet lifters, broom B-ivers, curinln reds, sheet ellpa. monegruma etc . attractive prices, West Park Specialty Ce , 5'i41 Jeffersen si CHEWINO GUM Sell te dealers: agents make big money, 4 flavers: novel pack ages. Write today for exclusive propoal prepoal propeal tlan. Hel net Gum Ce.. Cincinnati. 4J0O MONTH taking orders for our special nrlce-smaahlng 83.08 unlen-made raln- ceata direct from factory. Lastern naln- coat Ce . Mfrs.. 017 Roosevelt rd.. Chicago. D1STRIHUTORS In each lecality: eatabllsh own sales organizatien: no competition; vearly icnewnls. sells nn eight. Autn Ov rur.v National Assec'ntlnn Times Hldg . New Yerk ifip.slSHell nutomeblle Btep platen: tre. mendeua demand, eelllne fnaf. eir prlce lowest; aend J2 f?r W,mrL'' .. Cincinnati ij.nin nnd Brink t Ce Cincinnati e A MONEY MAKER for .agents. 0c nn hour; evcluslve territory Write at uni e Ameri can Products t-0 IIU'J rtineruan Jliug., Uln. clnnaii O. SALl SHOAHD 8ALESML.N 100 new classy nilesbenrd nasertmenis Just eut: hut neiinut machines cle . collect ns seu go. Iowa Vevflty Ce Mullln lll.lg Cednr Itnpldi la. AGENTS $3 apiece for levcralble "2-ln-l" all-weather raincoat orders, wear either way. nmarlng seller: sMnple free, Parker Mfg Ce . 017 Bay st , Dnylnn. B7 MILES per gallun maae wn new made patr ented easollne vaporizer. Write rer par tlculara. Stransky Vaporizer Ce., Puk Puk wnne, S. D SALESMEN Salary or com.: txp apeclalty aalesmen. with auto preferred: big re- turns te right men Anply Mr. O'Brien, 11T W. 11th st . Cleveland. ,0, AGENTS .Make n dollar un heur: sell Me'ndntH. a patent patch. Instantly mends leaks In all utenalla sample free. Mefidet Ce . Amsterdnin X V , SALESMAN Salary or com : exp. un un necessnr. perm . gen, agency opening; coed8 Insured no Invest. Federal Nurseries, llnehester N Y POLMET POLI8IIINU UUJT1I cleans an metals IIUe magic, pets enlhuslastle ai- tenilen sells fast at 23e, eample free. F. y,"",k I'n. 17 KdlnNire st Bosten sri I. SOAPS AND EXTRACTS- NO MONEY REOIIIRED LINIIO CO.. DEPARTifENT ii ftT IOUH MO . RUMMAGE asIeB make vmi: rnrea'a wanted 150 rinllv: wa start everv where: perm't bus. "Wholesalers, uuj uivisien ai,, uiuc. "EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES mJTLER. cook, wnltrcsBea, chambermaid, laundresses. vvhlte couples with refer ence", wanted Tuesday! several coup es. Protestant. eung luundreaaei, parlor mads. Mrs Kane nil nun i. nuim-n i. Mil N PUH l ll"uaewiirrri un.inuen era. lioriliie, mm "', , - " " -, ROOMS WANTED W EST I'lllLXDEU'lllA I1US. wnmm warn pirm'l! W. Vhlla A :' rms.. 11 f. family 103. Ledger Office. ROOKS fOR RENT MAHS'lON. N. 8J.18 Vie. -Hth and Alle gheny ave i newly furn. rm 1 new homej ell conveniences PINE 011 (The Carrell) Jusi openee. com, 'fir"'!"" iieuaekPf.. 'ingle, double,. VODOES, N,. 31 Betwi-en B3lh well-furnlshed room, will suit and Bflth: .', private family, rensenable I 10TH N. 130 110 nil. iiui"1'-:-""'f?'i alepplnif district near stations! beautiful ..! 7mT. ee isnetless: dally, vvkly. ralea SSTillVNlJ SPUING GAllUK. nip.- Je, 2 and 3 rooms, with bath and kitchen. A 1 1IUOWN 310 Lincoln Hl'llf. Hl'r. 7301, 2020 LOUWS'r'ST One und 2 rooms, with hath and kitchen, ., A I'. 1I1IOWN. 310 Lincoln llldg. Bpr. 73B1, ;i() nliely furnished rooms, living room and led nenii open view! private family. ,frine p fljfl Ledger Of fire. ;i'i,.i vTivwMM,itnintis In very attrae, anti ..T. ',,. .'. nr trains and trelley: gen llemen nref. Tel. OtnBhOj) W for app'mnt. 1711 SPnUCH ST. One and S roema, with PK?BR0WN: 10 T.mMl Bld. Bpr. TW. iTTitAfrriVR' furn. arts., some itneuaeapg. Walnut at. Sherwood Apt. .venry, laat ROOMS FOR RENT KANCITY K(JHN11HE ROOM for heusek'p'n,! private family. 12J Asbury nvr Ocean City, N.J. BOARDINO SPEND your fall vacation amen the beau iiiui jjncasier ueiinty ninai raiea reanen- able! farm nei rarm life InvltNiratlnm ei i e ectr e ixma and bath, A Maple Farm. Akren . I'a. , BIST ST., fl , 124 Very dealrable vacanclea . for Rentlcmeni home .comfertai excellent lc inniei nnnne PINE, 4110 Fine location) bright rooms! eteam heat, het water, geed table! refer ence. Baring f)fiW7. . WILL beard children from 4 mentha te 8 yeara. phone Tiega 0078 J. OERMANTOWN ORKTNOR, 102 E. Walnut lane Twe un usually pleasant second-fleer rooms i x cellent home roeklnKi Individual aervlcel modern fconvenlcncea. With homelike aur rnundlneaj rntes reasonable. Otn 0H82. i PENNSYLVANIA SUIHIRIIAN UERMANTOWN- r-mrnrtnliln hnm life In dnalrtil.ln rnahlffntlnl InphlllV! X2n Der week with beard. Miss MacGrath 180 Maplewood ae. Open Sept. B Fer gentlemen! ref. DEVON. PA, At1 linilallnllv nt. Iry rm.i Ir ttrmindfc. old ahade & shrub.! lt-claae home tabla; eg. garden. Ph Wayne 837. or address Mra. K. G. Flater. Deven, ra. USED ATJTOMODILES "USED FORDS TbURING, RUNABOUTS AND DELIVERY CARS FROM $75 UP banham Moter co. Ridge and Dupent Sts. Roxborough V;- AC.Ml", dump trucks, 2'i & a VI ten, guar.: attractive price, terms, IfiKn N, fi2d st. 1IUICK, lliin, elee lights ft starter! eteu mech, cend,, aide curtnlna nnd tools; 8125, See Tus, eve.. Bllfl Hedge at.. Frnnkfnrd. CADILLAC 7-passenger touring, model n", splendid conditien: bargain. 1-Imer T. Wn'id. 1710 Cambridge st Toplar 2H00. DON'T trade veur old car In. let Fayamns overhaul It for yeu: 3 months' guarantee, : .1 mnntna' guarantee, Dla. 8371. Park 3223, JUST LIKE NKV :w. 2220 N. Marshall et DUMP JOBS: 1 While 2 Autecars; read: utecara; ready 211 N. 22d at. te run: prices reasonable. Bpruce 2n'i. HUDSON. Inclnaed Ferd, Andersen cara for ' sale: part down, balance weekly. 2211 N, Park ave MAXWELL, new series: trade veur car In new: we allow 20T, mere. See u first. Maxwell Dealers 720 H Bread. Wal. 0fi44. TOURING CAR. new wds, extran, real 227 Ttennep st. nan' rerceq in sen. 1'RlVATK OWNER wlshea te dispose of twin alx Packard. Fleetvvoed roadster, perfect condition; can be seen at 321 N. Bread at. Ne dealers. ytUTO ArCKSHOniKB $2 T I R E $3 30x3. 30x3V4. 82: all larger sizes up te 37x3, 3: If one of these used tires proves unsat isfactory within HO days, return with re ceipt nnd get another for half price: no mall erdera nOY'S TIRE STORE 815 Seuth Bread at., riilla,, near Christian. Tqjljn. TO HIRE B nnd 7 pass. 81.50 per hr. up Ten touring llmeualne. HUT.. l'nrK -wail, BTJSTNFPS OPPOE.TUNITIKS PATENTS Protect your rights: befere dla drains Invention wille fe- booklet and blank form Evidence of Conception, te be algned, witnessed nnd returned with rough sketch or model of )our Idea, upon receipt of which I will promptly i:lve opinion of pitentnble nature and Instructional nn charge ter preliminary aavice; nignesi reierences, prompt, poraenal nttentlen. Clarence O'Brien, registered patent lawer, 773 Southern Bids., Washington D C. . BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY 2" per rent of entire stock In going business. Incorporated 10 ears age! Penna. State charter: manufacturing patented household device nnd ether rnpldly selling profitable articles: nasets ever 840,000; no obligations or debts', man with ability and 812.000 te Invest can have position paving 841100 per annum; will negotiate enlv with principals In a position te make Investment. A 232, L. O. Hl'hUAL COPY 0step Farm New 8, contain, I 30,01)0 words, pictures, peemi, Oev't quo I tntlens full lnfermitlqn lifetime cash Ineome from Invest, iie me.; rnaiieti aesniiitely frue. William lrfe I'ephnm,' Editor. Apalachlcela, rin. WANT -MAN with 11000 te J500O In orgnnl ergnnl orgnnl ratien of new iesurltlea corporation, serv ices net absolutely necessary, hut required later: character mere Important than amount i()f Investment .M 113-'. meager urnce. $125 TO 82O0O Is sufficient te establish JOU In n caah buslnesa; no bad debts, free In formation. Dept. Ne 100, Fael Kaje, 140 Broadway. New Yerk. CAPITAL wanted te exuand manufacture et patented cas and oil heater. A 230, Ledger Office 1150 ACRES well proven erty Bldg. coal lands, Dauphin County; 8330,000. Westncy, 203 Lib- WANT te hear from owner having grocery or confectionery business for sale. Jehn J Illicit. Chippewa Falls. M, Is. ESTABLISHED manufacturing Jeweler de sires te Interest person with substantial cnpl.al for partnership A 220. Ledger Office. MONEY TO LOAN HOUSEKEEPERS GET A LOAN $15 TO $300 FROM THIS LICENSED. BONDED. I1ANK 1NU DEPARTMENT SUPERVISED CO. FILL YOUR COAL BIN NOW Very easy terma. Payments arranged te ault jour convenience. Ne feei et any kind charged, only Interest at Mie rale provided by law. An Inquiry puts ou te no expense nnd does net obligate you In any way. Call TODAY, or If In a special hurry, use Bell Phene l)cuat 7537. PAY ALL YOUR SMALL OUTSTANDING BILLS AND OWE BUT ONE CONCERN. HOUSEHOLD LOAN CO. 246 Seuth 15th Street J-'ecer.d Fleer. Beem 201. Cress Building Member Phlladelnhla ChnmNr of Cnmrnere MONEY ADVANCED Te housekeepers or home owners On easy payments arranged te suit our own convenience. In Amounts up te 300 Dollars nt lawful rate of Interest CALL WRITE OR PHONE SPRUCE 7500 Prompt nttentlen given te all Inquiries without charge Confidential, courteeua treatment Industrial Lean Service, Inc. E V CROPPER, Mgr SOS FINANCE BLDG. 1428 S, PENN SQUARE Supervised by Penna. S'ale llnnklng Dept MONEY TO LOAN LOW AS 2 ON DIAMONDS, STOCKS AND 12S MARKET ST, 'DS, STOCKS -1 12S MARKET ST. RIEDER'S BONDS OLD GOLD OLD geld, silver, platinum, plated ware, old style Jewelry, teeth plates bought for cash. Eat 1817. J. L Clark refiner. 07 Hansom. CONSTABLES' SALES CONTENTS of restaurant. lU-lS Ludlow St.. Tuesday, Sept. 3. lit 11.30 A. M. HAROLD TEEN : : : ' : : Off Again On Again I (---) feu; mi mi ! nTT'll fsstrz riT-e "1 ioet.TIsiiwe.-THBjEaiT I oueaiwie-w. K )S, Ib4B3I --7-- ES? U ,1 Vf A jVjc ltV 1 - " - O't' 1 l-' ri'Tvty ft ''i.tf " -"". . - 'V tfKV " t "i if jV . s J.A'iWljj.Iri, . r4.'1,-.''tJJaal REAL ESTAT11 jremSALB CTi raetorie."Wrehetiaeii.MamifaftiiringniMira ujMMiBuynfiHitlii Central Warehouses or S. W. Cor. Delaware & Seuth 5 Floers 90,000 sq.it. Fleer Weights, GOO lbs. te sq. ft--Sprinkled Truck Entrances Entrances Twe Heavy Service Elevators Light Three Sides. WILLIAM C. MORRIS BUILDING, igiBmire iiHianiiii WKHT riHLADELrillA 4 & f Bedrooms gallic 2 Baths Ample Closets G-feet Attic ' Only four of distinctive homes left one a very dtjslraule cerner. Come and sec them today you will find 'UG)i them exceptional in every particular. Fully meeting the requirements of med , em convenience ments and details of carefully restricted every standpoint. Yet the prices are cost te duplicate. CI arence Agent en the 40th & Lancaster Ave. Pass Xerth en Sid Ht. Ne. 70 te S th nnd Clninnr Jttl. V. II. II. te Wynneflclil Ave. Uu auto through Fairmount Park FOB SALE TYPEWRITERS RENTED VISIBLE 3 MOS.. Id 50 ANT) UP Factory Rebuilt Typewriters ALL MAKES AOENTS FOR REMINGTON PORTABLE American Writing Machine Ce. 802 CHESTNUT ST. WALNUT 21511 MAIN 1205 HEMSTITCHING t. plcetlng attachment! su perior device: fits any aewlng mHcnlne. at taches firmly, easily adj.; prlce 3, dcllv d. with comp Inst and aamplea of work; erdera filled promptly. Superior Hemstltch.nc At m t Ce . 501) Starr ft . Cern-is Chrl.nl. 'lexna BILLIARD HKADyUAHTKHSf . BllUnrd tables, new and second hand! lievvlina n,- livs anl aupplles. Rrunawlck-Bnlke-Cel- lender Ce . 1002 Arch at REFRIGERATORS AND rlXTURES Terma If dealred. 331 N 2d a. II. T. Rnmlnll A Ce. BIO reduction eh all used store Oxturea. re- frlKerater. counters, ecnles. silvers, meat blocks, cutlery and safes. 500 Callevvhlll St. TYPEWRITER. Smith: Reed condition; Phene Llinerrh 441 J. $30. WOOD for sale, cord and stove lenRtha. R AYnrren ninsslmre R V. D. Ne oak. 1. GOOD 88-nete music rolls. 10 rts. up. tie Antique Shep. 3 Seuth 20th et. Lit- GOOD Victer records, 3 for $1. 3 Seuth 20th street. BAY eeal fur ceit. SUO: value $1S0. Shus terman'a Fur Stere. 1210 Chestnut. $:i5 Raccoon fur coat, 10 In. lenes a bnrir. Shusterman'a Fur Shep. 1210 Chestnut. CUNNINGHAM-KOKEdT piano; first $150 ensh take It l'h. eve Aharen Hill 407 FOR SALE Movable portable pxture ray chines. Ap 2010 N. 15th or ph Dla. 1720-J, PRINTING presi. 10x15. Celts Armery: con be seen runnlna. 4th fleer 710 Snnsem Bt. STOTIAGE AKD MO VINO MOTOR VAN SERVICE TO ANY DISTANT TOINT Weekly service for amnll ahlpmcnts between Philadelphia and Washlniiten The Big 4 Transfer Ce., Inc. 37th nnd Mnrliet ata Baring 1201. MOVING of nil kinds; New Yerk. Hnltlmnre, Washington nnd Hnrrlsbura-; our specialty, In and from nil Henlmre points. Insurance Vntnns Stir-e 010 N ITth st Pen Hill. VICTORY STORAGE 5"00 ril.BERT. nienn nelment 4070 for estimates Moter vans. Pirklng nnd cratlnif C IDPI TTY hternee nnd Warehouse Ce , rlUCL-ll I lsnn iru and 181.1 Market. All bullJInca fireproof construction hTOUAGE, PACKING HAULING The Jehn Rhoads LO. Lanca'ster"ave Storage Parking Moving Carpet Cleaning. MONARCH iiORAOE CO. SK70 LANCAJ TER AVE. AUTO SERVICE STORAGE. PACKING. INO-DISTANCE MOVINO. WALLACE 1820 N. 20TH 253 CHURCH LANE. GTN. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS ESTABLISHED ISS2 HUGHES BROS. f.30 AND 532 N. 10TH ST . PHILA. Pianos. plnverB nnd organs. Cash or lime. We offer flrHt-class planus und plieera which nre net offered for Bale anjvvhere in Phila delphia. If veu Intend busing u piano It will ptiv veu te see eura before veu buy. COLUMBIA Grafenla, $10 10 (1175 model). with 0 10-lp, double-faced records (12 se lectiens) 11 B Tedd. Einil Aich at. PIANOS. I7B cash, IfSS, SI week, for mnif- nlllcent 1330 piano, been used, decided hanmln H II Tedd 111" Arrh st VICTHOLA VI. with 0 10-ln. $311.50, real Inrnaln. II. Arch st nnd Hl'-"t Chestnut D. P. record. II. Tedd. 1301) st PIANO, Ix-ster. uprUht, J130. cost Mil). Kuar, ceed con. 11 11. Tedd. 1300 Arch st HORSES CHESTNUT SORREL GELDING, 16 hands lilsh, 0 sears old nailed and bridle wise, broken le harness, Rued read horse. Hay mare, black ne'iits. rt jenra old, 14 hands. hlBhl saddle nnd bridle Heth these beraei are safe for Hie most timid rllci. Mrs. 11 8. Seldt. 20 Gardner ave , Gleneldcn. Pj. Pheno Sharen Hill iSS W. PAINTINQ AND FAPERH ANOINO i ., . ,..,.,,it Uii .1.- IV,, w i,., nun n.ina.i IVAIml II "' .,.,- -v .. m,i.. ,...-- , hatmlnm no single roll un. with or without borders Pineier 471H Woodland nvn ROOMS papered and painted, material Incl & Petter. 10J0 Erancla at. Pep. 3U0(1 HOUSEHOLD GOODS I'UKNITL'UE (private), dining Ibetter grade), Hale & Kllburn, makers: would ou pay J50O7 Couldn't duplicate $1300. Alae bed room. Men.. Tuca .1737 Walnut at. BEAL ESTATE FOR BALE CITY Krterle. WnrelTeiisea. MannfnetnrHiK loer !lllW4MMM(l,1lHW!lillllii: IfflirnlianaWanawamaWaWjg Factories "With Sidings S. E. Cor. Frent 8c Bainbridge 7 Flders 100,000 sq. ft. Heavy Construction Sprinkled Large Offices Power Plant Light Four Sides. " BENKERT PHILADELPHIA WKST PHILADELPHIA Artintic Lighting Enclosed Perch Garage Large Lets Shrubbery these unusual in appeinlv construction location and desirable from less than today's E. F OX Prcmisca, or Furnished Sample Heuse Open Daily and Sunday Until 0 P. M. CITY 600 SIMON BUILT 600 HOMES 14000 Bllng Sun ave. below emlng ave. .......15500 $4200 22d at nnd Snider flve..00OO $3(100 2Xth ami Dickinsen st..$450O $0500 20th and Sparks st $8000 All latest modern Improvements BURTON C. SIMON ON PREMISES Main office, 20th at. ft Paasvunk ave. MACHINERY AND TOOLS WHEN YOU NEED ELECTRIC MOTORS DYNAMOS MOTOR GENERATOR SETS or kindred equipment, tell ua jour require ments: VIA Wltl fltpnlah llln rlvht' MHllnm.n, at "get the order" prices and remember I eacn mncnine la nncKed by nn Iren-clad cuarantee. which assures ou satisfaction. R. SCHEINERT COMPANY 123 NORTH THIRD STREET Machinery Bargains Boilers, cheap. 2 150 II. I. before removal generators direct connected te engines 2125 , K. W. 2300 volt. .1 phases, 00 cycle. Fert JNavne G E te Ei le City 4-valve engines;, 8 filter t-vnks 0x0 nnd SxO MOTORS AND DYNAMOS ALL SIZES Gee. Sachsenmaier & Ce. Office. 926 North Third St. WAIIEIIOI'SE AND SHOP 1)2(1-30-32 NORTH THIRD STREET ELECTRIC MOTORS ELECTRICAL REPAIR WORK IS IC. W. Oeneral Elec. Balancing Set. 18 K. W 110 A 220 volt Westlngheuse Oen. ANDREW I. MEHAN CO. 309 Race St. PHONE MARKET QUO STURDEVANT n l"r nnd erhnilst fnn Ne 1 nnd ene 7S Denne single acting verticil t.il'ii'A jjuiiii, ii, r 9,11,'t iiu luiini'i uan iiir same due tu Installation of elettrliai equlp- meni appps -uni.rinipriueni. i. r. uewt-ea. 1 112". !n-nii' st DEANE, 7xn yintle acting verticil triplex pump nnd S'urle int meter nnd eihnust f,n. Ne 1 f ir s le no further ue for sme due te Instnlliiti n of electric il equipment. Apply Superintendent. II. F. Dewcei, 1121 Snnsnm st SMALL toela & machine tools et high qual ity, new . used, at reas prices and guar. Get acquaint Arrew- Machinery Ce.. 234 N.3d MARINE engines complete, ready te Install; 14 and 4-10 h p . best offer. 843 Broek- lyn st. 43d and Lancaster ave. COMPRESSION T'OI'l'LlNGS. PULLEYS. HANGERS SHAPTING. BELTING. HALF PRICE MOTOR EXCHANGE .127 N. 3D NEW exe : and 2d-hand machinery bought. Beld, plants dismantled. Grew. 1003 N 3d. FEW mere thimevnd ft. new H-lnch conduit left priced te s-ll get busy. 30(1 Race at PERSONALS DIAMONDS BOUGHT -"&? 'cas ?.,DI,A.y mile g-gj second dner. nvr Chllds- 'n... PENSIONS for seivl-e durlnit Spanlah-pTiT-. Ipplne War, act June .1. 10.0. Consult Mlle 11. Stevens &. Ce Uterneys, O23 v a( Washington. Eslnbllshid lhlU. ' PEHMANENT WA I.NO IIOIIIiHD HAirt" $18- LONG HAIll SIDES AND FlVevv 11.' rOSTEUNOtK. 214 VINE ST. if All" KET I184. J1AU' CASH paid for old ke.d silver and antlaim clocks. Remrs. 4,'i S 17th at. un1ue WANTED 1 win pay e iiuimii-M iiir Dunnies ami bale scrap paper nlee will 1 ay highest nriei for Iren, metal and all "'her kinds of Juiii, Nil, QUANTITY 'IO LAItGE Feil ns J' Gii'.rs iisu HAVEiireriD ave. pi-ii-S TON 1H72. itua- w -...I, .A .. ...... 1-..., . .. T?" hundrel CARPET CLEANING WALLACE 1120 N. 20TH 231 CHI IICII LANE. QTN DOGS AND BIRDS HUNTING DOOS Coonhounds and combina tion hunters for coon ope-urnm, skunk, etc., jabblt hounds .sent en trial Catalog 10c Cevlngdale Kennels Covington. Tenn. SEWING MACHINES SEWING machines bought, exch. Sleeker, 70S Arch sold, repaired A Lembard 7013. HEAL ESTATE FOR BALE ftajitj)f rArtaiaffftatltllAN rliiJ , , Laber Day marks the beginning of the rush of vacatienists toward the City from Shere t Mountain. Many will be looking for homes. Te tnem we one a P ; '" . , , Why net continue te benefit from the Summer's outing by living In "Phi adelphla s Suburban Fairyland"? We have homes at every station en both the Pennsylvania and V t Reading Railroads nnd problem. Then" examine Twe blocks from Allen Lane elation atone, semi-detached corner prop erty (built m JM Lincoln Drive 1021)! lat fleer contains Ilvlnx l Section room, dlnlnc room, kitchen. encleaed perch; Ihree bedrooms nnd bath en second fleer! two bedrnema nnd hath en t'.ilrd Het-water heat. Oarnae Let 35'xl30 Screens and kitchen linoleum Included. A maenlflcent Colonial home that you will be proud te own. Attrac tive 1 I v l n k 5) 4 I Wynnefield room ann en closed perch, both with flre- c ie places, i i n n dlnlnic room nnd breakfaat room, 4 master clumbers, 2 master baths, ampin servanta' quartern, etc inrue let with 2-car iraraae. Geed locatien: reasonably priced and a home that tins our recommendation, 8 is ff CV R We probably have just the property you would like. Write or phone te WMeIi. WILSON l CO. 1617 Walnut Street ft 1 5 ?3S?S5S5 CITY 1928-30 SANS0M ST. 334 SOUTH 16THST. Paul If. Stull. Merris Blda- Spruee 1881. AUe her advertisements fnllimlng celnnina. In small type in Biiatness Prenertlei nnd Rlerea 613 MARKET STREET 4 STORY Let 1R 10x13.1 ft. te Commerce st. Possession January 1 1023 PRICE ATTRACTIVE JOHN I. S0MERS 20Tir AND SVYDFR AVE OTH GREEN, near Parkwnv and Seaqul-Centennlal Grounds. 30,000 aq, ft., suitable for mfK. of any kind. Karave service station, moving pictures: no re strictions. JOSEPH TELDMAN. 200 Lincoln Bide. Factories, Warehouses. Mnnnfnefqrlnr loera FACTORIES & WAREHOUSES E. S. Tomlinson, Jr. LINCOLN BLDO FACTORIES arrheuaes floors, fnctery sites ficSen.J"" J. L. otevensen Alse see nilvertlsementN following reliinillB. In small type In WEST rmi.Ki.rniA 6250wifL GARAGE Ridgewegd St. .5 6th te 57th SOUTH OP WILLOWS AVE. Sample Heuse Open DAILY AND EVENINGS Take Bny car west te (10th st. and pass south te Willows, walk east one block direct te operation. Kershaw & Crewl 5215 Chestnut St. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 710 N. 63d Street OVERBROOK SECTION Ver desirable h me, stene perch, South Seuth trn rxpesure j.v me detiched: screened hirdwoed floors, het-waler heat mol dealmbln tome section In Philadelphia: price 13 SO" will finance; fi bedrooms. etc.. UoreuKhlv nedern Owner. Open Sunday for Inspection Frem 1 te 6 P. M. ALSO ALL DAY TUESDAY - Wm. H. W. Quick & Bre., Inc. 8 S. 40TII ST. AH Classes West Philadelphia Real Estate Secure Our List OVERBROOK HOMES $5000 te $25,000 Will rinance te suit purchaser EDWARD M. MOLL Lnnsdnwne ave, below Ud St. HELMONT 80711 OPEN E ENINGS Alse see ndiertlseinenls In following columns. mall Ijpe 111 I REAlS EBTATB FOR BAL PKNNRYrVANIA SIIHimnAN at a very wide range in prices, some of these homes with us. Only 0 mln. from Onth St. atnllen la a new atone nnd stucco detached heur1. Living room (wlHi fire- Qiikiirhnn Place), d I n I n R nn first floors 4 bedrooms and bath en second fleer; third fleer ready for huer'a plana for retlnlah InB. This house, en n let r0'xl30', la a delightful place, and should A Investigated. An Indlvldual-atyle home, centalnlne den, living; room, dlnlnar room, kit (hen. pantry en . . flrat fleer; .1 bed- I ane-fialP roema. hath nnd ansuatL nn room en "" " " "" second, storeroom en third fleer. Modern In every reaped I fine lawn and 10 acrea of land lilRhly culti vated. Oarnue for 2 curs. Mod erately priced. Phenp, Locust 7380 OERMANTOWN siiiiiiniyminM "'jiiyTkV eVs,S " rit and Value in each of the wonderful little homes we are offering en Hertter St., at Germantown Ave., 6600 North. Real Quality Hemes Built by RAYMOND 33 individual sales speak volumes as te the excellent values offered. SMALL CASH PAYMENTS will purchase for you one of these thoroughly modern homes, and your total monthly carrying charges thereafter will be considerably less than rent. See Them Today! yaBgaairaTT:t!fllllfflllltaiBB BBBaBBBaaBCBinMSBHEBnfifr 1206-11 LIBERTY BUILDINO, BROAD fir CHESTNUT' PRIVAT-- BRANCH EXCHANGE.,. LOCUST 7IOO g- imrre i nn umi i nti i imni t mm iiuh. h rm Hi i u i -a uihuhi m i a ui h i u ' icj i r ffa j uniiWHn ATTRACTIVE detached atone residence In excel lent condition with i'-car (carna-e. let 100 feet front by 272 feet In depth, with fine old shade, residence con tains llvlnir room library, dlnlne room, pantry kitchen, laundry, 7 bedrnema and 2 bnth, electric hot het water heat hardwood fl tore 3 open flreplHiea, white paint and attractive lecoritlens und fixtures convenient te Cheatnut Hill trains or Gorman German town avenue cars The price at which this property la held iavery reaaenable. Or perhaps you would be Interested In a new detached or semi-detached dwelllnK In this n.-ctlen. Come see what we have te offer. Sedgwick Farms Ce. 7014- Beyer St. Gtsnu PHONE QTN. 03C3 AND 074S eii I iMTOiiaiii:iira:iiiiiiiiiiuiiii j Im .! advertisement In .mail fn. in 1 I fallowing rnliuiips. OLNKY ' ONE LEFT 5617 FAIRHILLST. Beautiful " story house Just fin ished, everv modern Improve ment, 0 roema bath nnd In In ceosed perch larce let, terma te aull, open Sund.j and Wednea day from 1 te 3, ether days by appointment JOSEPH PELDMAN 201) LinLOln llldg. Alse nee iiilverllsiineut. following column,. in small t,vpe PENNSM.VA MA sl'lll HHN ipiiiiiiiini'iiiiiiiiiiii: UII'IIITIIIIUIIIIIIIUIUIIIIIE'IIIIIjDIII'IIIIiI'' OLD YORK ROAD ATTRACTIVE COLONIAL HOUSE of brick, 10 roema, 2 bntha hard wood floers: ell conveniences, let lOOx 17B, prhe $17,000, HERKNESS & STETSON 1831 LAND TITLE Irt'ILDINO HinWIIIIDBIlM I Sedgwick I r.iiiuiuiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiii.iiiiiiiraiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiainfliiiiiiiiraiirni'B i i myDDDMij .. . t , - . ' t .tfv BmAf a cr at-M iji.w tr.MMVI.VANf A MITRITBHlt A A Come in and discuss your Eapecially attractive all-alone resi dence! center hall, larye "vine room. library, dlnlnir . . room, etc., 2d flvnrnrnnlf fleer 4 cham- JvCTDTOOK. yt. 3 bathe. -- " one with closet ahewer. 8d fleer. 8 chambera, storeroom, bath. Larce let with Southern exposure, Karaite! troed residential sectien: convenient te train and trolley. Exceptional opportunity In this pop ular Suburb. Beautiful, atone and brlrk. Enallah-alyle home; room la rare lame llvlna; with flrenlBce, encleaed perch Merien nun nrepiace, nin- Inir room with fire place, i master chambera. 8 maater baths, closet ehewer. aervanta' quarters, sterane room. etc.. elec tricity, het-water heat: 2-car raraire: ery larae let with many old shade trees. Thla property la In the beat residential section, of tlie flneat possible construction nnd haa many features which enn only be appre ciated by an Inapectlen. De net mlaa thla opportunity. &&&$ OKRMANTOWN nni " nm in iim n nn 'jh 'iir. i h r-Ttiiitif r n n rt .if rnrmnrrnj rrn in m r mn !TwwfT-a-afcaa-Mf )HHia PENNSYLVANIA SfBURnAV WE HAVE connections which enable us t offer ou one of the largest Data of horn im DELAWARE COUNTY. PA. We are Just around the corner at 10 B. ITUl street WALTER C. REDDING FOUNDED 1882 llulldlng Leta wnn!Uiiiiiiii!iirjiiiini:i!iiiii!!iiiiniQiBii!iini Suburban Building Lets I OLD YORK ROAD ; 100x100. DESIRABLE LOCATION Attractive Price HERKNESS & STETSON LAND TITLE BLDO. !5n!iMiM DREXEL HIIX DREXEL HILL Overlooking- clubhouse and arreunda of Arenlmlnk Gelf Club la a beautiful corner home the interior haa many ex ex cluslve distinctive fe-itures. of course. It hi a larce Inclesed perch with open fireplace, glass inclesed breakfast nook, etc thn Kreunda are ample nnd laid out as nn ItalHn Harden by present owner reardlea of expense. Incidentally it haa a 2-cnr sarag-e. The owner Is about te transfer hla real, denee te another city, therefore the price anil condltlena -will be rliht. This Is only one of the many homes I have In Drexel Hill and aurreundln luhurbs ranclna- from J12.000 te 121), 000. WALTER A. McCLATCHY 7nth and Market ata. Lnnsdnwne 211(14 Weat 1107 Open evenlnes until S 30 and all day Sunday MKDIV Recreation or Club Center 130 acres, 20-rnem stcne -nansleni near Glen Mills Station, beautiful lawns; very fertile land with 1-mlle creek frontage; 0 1 e 1 1 v financed, quick possession. BENJ. T. LEVIS "SSBKS8- l'hene Me,la 430 QVEnimoeK I. gTittTuiiiiirijiirninmriinmiiuiimiJitiniiijicEitmimuiJUiijmncnm OVERBROOK $16,000 MEAR station; stene house, large let, central plant heat, all modern conveniences. Six bedchambers, 2 baths, large clos.et, open fireplace, Immcdiate possession. ' W. GORDON SMITH "Fine Residence Property" Overbroek 8700-01-02 MiiiniMnniuuiBi WHARON HIM. p!IILlIiail!llilttll!ffllIIIaBWsl!ltmM SHARON HILL ?J OnV 14 mln. from Hread Ht. Bla mf) iie mm. from iijjii ni. Terminal jli $euu New detached hemea every . :s'& .'! Elmwe'kTritMlS venieae vnf ibi r. .JiMmS i i van ll " Vf.' L mi fil .If WL. -X'MIe '-.." .'"-