w'fflffliHwys 1 sfl p E Ic IBV i. im B s5V-T. .' SEPTEMBER i. 1922 ".. EVENING PUBLIC' LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY psqualificatien of Ven Elm Again Raises Question of True Amateurismjn American Athletics Hew Dees It Strike Yeu? ' Uj . WHA T IS AN ANA TEUR ? SPORTS WORLD STILL ASKS SAME QUESTION rAnd Finds It Hard te Believe a Professional Runner Should Be Stricken Frem the List of Gelf Simen-Purcs as a Case in Point WHAT is nn amateur? Is a golfer a profcennl hec.iue he writ coif Herlr for a newspaper r sells clubs in n sporting goods Mere? .... Cnn a pmfessinn.il hall phmr be regarded a nnvtbins el-e but an amateur fa golf when lie takes up that game as a recreation? TIie.e and a doyen ether -imilar (pie-ticns have pepped up again since, the United State. Ceif Association announced that licorge Ven Kim hail let bis Manding as an amateur Just what effence thi twent.v -one-venr-eld P'ieifi.:erthvvcst. tr.ins. Miw-lt-Mtvpi rnd t'tah golf vbninplen committed ajalnn the rulf. of amateurism has net been made l ublic. It k under-med th.it he tried in eme n.v tn capitalise I .s celtiiu repii'itum by making -eme n-rnticeiaent financially profitable te lum-clf with a sporting gi.eil concern S- tin gulf .iv-ocutiea deprived him of his Mainline and -et him down beyond the ai.iate ir pale. We held no brief for Vm Kim He was one of the met pmrai-lns golf ers the Tar Vri ha developed in ycir. He wi. net merelj an extr.ierdinai technician en the llnkn. but a e'nth with i trnn-pitl .n-poMtien th.it never fluttered under the fire of competition It i- fe r. d tint he hi- been -e unccremen.nU'd.v -heved out of the plrture ; bur if he hi ought n mnlfe mepev from j'df and -till holds his- aa.utenr -tnn.lln; he ncild cxpe : nothing the. ' Uii llin ilsfiirien ha- again fe ued p.ibl. nffiitinii en t'ie old. old question. " What is .in amateur?" 'J'flE c'Micrr sound caj. hut if 7u firrcl up me'f trouble in !th- lett' rerA.i than any ethrr ene under 1hr blue dome of hewn. The Gelf Professional ' A CCORPINO te the rule of the I'tiltnl Mit,- 'ielf A"ici"tien and the A Royal and Am lent C'lnb of Sv Andrew-., an uun'eiii is one wlie ha- net. 'after attaining the fice of ivwn. c .rried el i'js for hire, received any con federation either dire th or iud.reitlv for il.ivinj r for tmhing the ?ame. or plaved f-r .1 money prize in .1 i..it(li r te inn.nient. or who-p pretit ari"" from hi prominence in eif That is clear and ahotbeard. Its mean.ng cannot be mi-taken, one would tbink Yet ,f the meenini that some ecm te tnVe from it were eener ilh h"ld a let of perfect' pure jmiteur.- wei.ld he hnrre-1 If ! ' i " -iiL-ee-tcd it man were buried for -elUn; ?elf imterial. the tmnir of a rubber plantation that supplied material.- for self ball- could be ceu-tn:cd a u p.itf-.i mal. H dit uleii'; Ye- but nt mere fji than the rulinz- of what cen-titute- an amateur in Other ipnT than ;e;f In the link- pnme 1 ba1l player like IMd'e CelKn- could net be tegarded M a profes-iennl zelfer, and whir, could be fairer than that? Yet. if a celli be b rlav- -umxir b.ill te f.irn tnene te carry him through the next -fme-ter l.e i cervrllere', n pre in every branch of spett, aud veuld net be allowed te cen-.pere en the n.Jiegp ;elf team. RIINnFFWARNFn !. UUItULU ITIllltfl.L' dv m v pnMAfl wu n 1 . 1 liiviiviitiii 1 f 1 r v ANOTHER EVENTFUL VACATION DAY AutiTi1i?.Se(J.IS t?L0OCESTen. .Tme FAMOUS old nSfliwC ,,..- ..... . '.. ........ I Mnui:r it 15 NcrieD von. fishing-CHOONBiM.wti WWERTA05, CODTISH ,COV PlSH CAKES,COD IIVCR OIL , POWELESS WOL -Ll. ICIVI) .or run zsmk "i""" Will Be Suspended if He Meets , Kilbr.ne at Jersey City, Says Muldoon STATEMENT IS ISSUED n Leris 11. .AirE TOT beinc -ati-iu'd -Mth -eparatlns ' chnrnpien- from tl.elr ti'les, the New Yerk Slate I'exim; t iinimislen if addin pore latishter te cli.isrln. Imagine, if .Ielmn Dundee, junior liehtwei.'ht and featherv.M Ight "chum p en of New Yerk" 'neits the real tiile tiile lieh'er of t'ie I'.Vi-peunders, .1. I'.itrivk Kllbane. at .ler-ej t"fj, a- announced, (he Scere'i Wep will l( Kicked out of the titi' un.en in the 1 letrnpell-. In ethei word-". Pundee will bine his licen-e icvek. d ill the Stale of I'm her Kiili kerheck' r if be gee- thieugh with hi-, m.i'cb n.'mii-t .lehn I'. at Mr. l!el. ', -MOl-l-fe.Mi Acn 011 the niqht of September ''. l't liichaid. 't l-undcr-toed, ha- ti'ia'iitnl ihe Uiiiiuic Kilbcne cen'e-t. which the New erl; Cetiinii-h w luts te crimji. Heie - w'-it W ''inn 'iii.'denn. ch.ur man of the conimi--ieiij 1 ar- in -n . "It tm 00 tint I), in Ice an I Kilb.me will meet in Iele's 'i'hirty Acie. but if thei de I inl- ' !iiui-e be ill New Yerk St it wi'l be tevuUed. Kll bane is un lr -ti-pi n- en for rcfu-a! te difcnd t!ie tltl- he held. .Hid stll 11-ctn-ed hevr umltr the law- of New eik State wbe 11, est- Kilhunc c r any e'lier su-pi'iide I li i 1 will be aulo aule uiutli allj -u-perded "This itiineiiin esr.ent rf pelicv by thr eeinmi.-d..;! wii- cliarh stated 4tfis sbw.is umtrie-nJeY ceTupiiie fishimtd various A1ilJiJ,i:'SirjlL 2i! . tTuV n, T vccTflfiTAIL ADD THUS. 1W6Y SLKB OUT THE 'BACK 'DewE iHtiUSG fERYrmirtr Wtf A FISH EyiCCpTTHE SEALC5 ,AP THETUSE MX 10 Uit-UM iHh- KI1H III ,1L , ....rnriffl&llllttHr wwwMmm 'yugzfimmt &fcwmmmLs ags I ' ' I ?AY.kiV) . . ViS 3SSS?ssr?gi3 , p6ewT vKrni A liST , NICKEL IFT i,"! jp jJlH'Oftr-isK-J , I ' i(ijii,niif, l'JJJ, by I'xtbhe Ledger ( empanu Athletic Appearance Australian Grit A Juvenile Driver By THE OBSERVER i KfSB PIRATES HAVE CHANCE ' HAMER PEN und'r the W jiIKei- iw -heuld have 1 I l( li V IL.3 tc i lull I 'HIS teuwl neither ey-'j' nor 13 1 if (OHfiim"'.' ffcc riiiiimritM nf comnen ruc Thorpe's Case THE cale of that r.eble child of the wilderness. Ji-.'. Thorpe, who left his imprint en eveiv .rhletic -pert he er attempted. i one of the me-t famous, in the continual a-jusient of the j-nwrr- n- te what ' 0 illy ren.-tltutes an amateur. Thorpe wa one of tr-e fin.r Thletes ever hewn of fie-h -md bleed. He could run .and jump and threw the di-cus with expeits in tW r widely vatied line?. Ne one ever intimated th.u he reielved menej for empeting en thi track. European critic- hailed him as the ideal representative r,f phvsical Anerica, and his work in the Olvmpict of 1!H2 was .1 m irvi I te -ill of them. Then it was found 011 tint during a previous summer ' had pl.ijed barcball with a club in -eme jerkwater miner league .Tu-t hew 'Ht m ide him a pro fessional runner 1- ret very clejr. but .Jim wis ferihwt1. de hired a pie and forced te return all the prizes he had honeiablj wen in Sweden. V A M.iTEf'R nthlrtiri should be Upt unt'initril hy roeMieiiTnm. " Every one nHmit that, hut the itat-j.i of a rcnl amateur should he mere clenrly depned. The Old-Timp "Ringer" SOME ye-irs ace a champion -printer, who-e amateur -finding was unques tioned for a long time, flourished and broke record- Then it wts discov ered that he had inaugurated tip well-known "linger" font-race scheme that has taken se many thousands of dollars out f the pocket- 1 f the rural citl enry. Th" idea is is old as the "geld hricl," new, hut it wis freh as the blushing violets then He would se in-ognite te a village that hens'cd a pnn"r of em pre pre tenslen1 and challenge him te n rice for 1 heivv -id- bit lieul n- the count rvran mlcht be. be ueu'd h'lve -mall chance nf -Viwmg hi.- heels te a world's champion When tin- Irunpien's shadr method- were di-envrred 'ie preinpth- lest his amateur standing, and the record" he had eemplcd wr 1 ut out of the books. A strong hand i- nece-Min- in dealing with -e-cnlled "amateurs' of this tripe. There is no que-tien of that. P.ut another procedure should be found In handling the real amateur- in one sport who make money in another. The Real Amateur AC. P. MEDUINGTON, one of the most prominent men in English golf, has this te say of amateurim: "The old definition has, in the past, been translated by squeezing in as nn amateur anv man who, by birth or educa tion, might be regarded in the mere restricted sene of the word as a gentle man. It needs overhauling badly." Se it can be seen that our friends across the water are also bothered by this amateur problem. College football has caiwd as much talk as any ether "pert in regard te amateurism. Me-t of the bevs are Simen-pures, ind the talk about big ealaries paid te college men for their gridiron a'tivirle- i, te n large extent, the well-known het air. There are conditions that -heuld be pmcdifd, and doubtless will be In time. JT UHOVl.lt net he thewiht that the n ernie nmeteur is net all that he theuld he. He m honest, four teunre ami the backbone of American sport. J he fault lie? uith thi definition of amateurism. The Professional Athlete TUA professional athlete in thi- ceuntrv is net looked down en as he in, te a ceitain extent, in all Kngli-h sports save beting. His business W a .oer .eer fectly legitimate one, but one tunnet miV it with amateurism. A man either plays a game for the love of it or he plajs for ineni v The motives should net be mixed. Let our solens of amateurism, for the sake of the many athletes who hive se desire te de anything but play square, formulate n' sensible definition that covers every sport. OJ.UO.V fiT.VSjp refute te permit uj te beliei e that a man it c professional in football or golf because, he has received money for playing baseball. i m l-'UHler-toeii. ,n man who hePls 11 ! f-vf, t0 heN jn pu erk can meet jK'.Ibine, Wll-011, (ireb or an.v oilier -ii-'iei.dni hover, and the nmy a- well I undu-tnnd this once ter all." I '-.lnsnni Disputes i.uls Aiigeln s Title, I. ul- Angcle Tiipe s net the heavy weight ihninplen ((f Seuth America. Tl. it'- what Knockout Snn-em, of i!ii- citv. -.a-, rurtin rmere. K.in-ein .n-iniiati -. "I am." Hern in Iiiiiiieri Aire- Argentine Rei ublic, Santem. whi-e nnl name is Tli. vim 1 i?nntarrle. liisi 1- that Tnpe his never di tented him. -e that lie M-i-enn ha.- a pi rfe t 11lit te di--,' I.ui- Vugile's (him te the IiukIm et Seuth Au.enca. Sar.-em I- no newcomer in the ring He has had a let uieie eperleii e than Hi pn mid a miteh bet.veeii them prebablv would rrove that the Knml: mit 1 er-en would net hi n ti'h for ihe hlg ti 'le'v who i- being teutid in Seuth AinerWa for a bout with .laik Dempsey. Among the -tat- ag-iln-t whom San- TO OVERHAUL GIANTS In Second Place for First Time Since Early Season, Bucs Arc Just Six Games Frem First; Hornsby Gets Thirty-fourth What HI ay Happen In Baseball Today N SIM, HE Cliih W.iti Ii-t l'.r. Win Ti-e .spilt Vew 'Vert. :a ,',n ,i01 .C,l)l) ..'iiit .(.(li rillsliiiri.li. I IlKJUO S. I ( ills. f Iticliin itl llr'iekli.n Cliilllrs lli-tell . 71 TO e i.:i . 41 . 41 ..in j t..ii(i ,SV1 '.SSH t-S" ..VM .W18 t.Sli ..M'l ..Mil t.Ml .nit .son .i'U .v .son t.mi .un .:" t nil . ..'.se ..-iMI .i.is .son ,y,: ..;i!i -em h.i- -Lowed his sk'll aie f'nptnin I'.ob Reper. Mike O'Dewd. .left" Smith. AMi'.uirw i.r.Ar.fr: PPOIT'V's T (VZF (ZROUD ""'' Hm tl l'.C. Win l Split Gig Gcnthner, Last Year's Tackle, Alse Absent Frem Mount Gretna Squad 53 TO BE IN THE PARTY SOME years nge a frail, pale boy nervously approached the coach of his hlk school track team. "1 wnnfa learn te be n runner," he told him. The conch squelched a temptation te smile. He looked at th lenn legs an the thin aims and the Hat chest. He wanted te laugh, but there was such ta carnett leek In the eyes of the youth, he could net discourage, him. , "All right, son." he said, "I'll try you out. A prnctlce sprint was staged. The new candidate flew along the cinden like a gust of wind. lie outclassed his competitors. After careful coaching and tedious training, the boy developed Inte a ph, nemenal scholastic sprinter. Even after a few years of success, the hey failed te take en the appearand and build of an nthlcte. College coaches looked him ever and thought little of his prospects for tb future. "He'll never make a college sprinter; he's tee light and tee 6mall," Mj one famous tutor. Twice this boy bent ten seconds for the 100 last year. He wen the Inter collegiate championship and in te doing equaled the record for the century. New he is the favorite for the uotlennl sprint title and ranked among thi greatest sprinters In the country. The frail, pale boy was Alfred Leconey, of Lafayette. Appearances deceive? Mnke your, own decision. . ' IF HAROLD DARIJON can coach ns Iw can run, he'll matte a al al uable assistant te Jimmy Curran at Mercersburr. Earl Thomsen will attest te Uarren's speed. The Canadian was chased te the tape in the Oljmplcs by the former I'cnn State hurdler. The Oameiiess of (lie Australians THE 1022 Davis Cup series will go down in the nnnals of the historic inttf national matches as one of the greatest ever held. Tlie mutches played in this country have been exceptionally thrilling from tlie semi-final at IloMen through the final at the Germnntewn Cricket Club and the challenge round nt Ferest Hills. Onn of the outstanding features unquestionably hns been the gameness of the Australian team. The Anzacs lmve been en the read In quest of the trophy since April. Aft unparalleled successes nt Wimbledon they hit a bit of bad luck in this country hut held up gamely under the iinx. Andersen, second singles player, wns stricken with a severe cold and had te retire. This lett the burden te the crippled Weed, who was suffering from neuritis In his right shoulder, nnd the weakened Patterson, who was hobbller from a sprained tendon. T'ndaiinfed by the physical reverses, the Antipedenns swept through Franc nt I.ongweod nnd then took en Spain successfully here. After le-ing the first two singles against America nt Ferest nills, Patterson and Weed showed the spirit of real fighters and wen against Richards and Tilden, who had beaten them In the national championships. Australia may well be proud of its sons. V.y .JO'-KiMI T. LARRVM nr.i: the 1m t time since the J week- of the -evnn. Pittsburgh I-iidin- liii'i ""'I ,,'"v I" cenrl place ou tli fabei Pov Uanked a- -ei'eMl dj v 1-1011 lenti'imVi- kite in dune and eailv in Julv. the It n - h ive mad.' one of the i-i.-ite-l ceiwliaei.s 111 niscnan uus m-.i-'nn. When r.ill AIoKcchnle took th" mnn- ccr'.al 1 !ns from Geerge lii'i-en he b i "ht l.rftv Un 'ell and made 11 couple ,..- Aan-ec in the tern that have beine te the T'lltiil Stntl' finm lt.m,..f A.rt. ... -1.' - .. i-tifiirln-. -WiniT . , .... ... iiiiws .iiic-i iruu 111 iieiii'-i'-'i- . ,1 when I e w 1-fiftmi vear-eld. 1 nreurd ihe E.i-t dnrl'is the month "i ' S. tetlls-. ' Penult . . ' lei 1 1 mil. ' ( lll I- r.i ii'i 111 iiii (.1 nt ir ,!VKS ..'illl (..lill .r,:t .:,n -Nsni .."ok ..vm I.eiin I'Ml '..'illl 1.1S1I Twe of the most prominent members of the University of Penn-ylvnui.i feet- -'' ball team of last year will net be with ,.i, , vv i-miiu-tnii .-,11 70 .11. ".inn t,4.ii E1- Vll.lwtl.k l.I -1 111 I 111 1 I t i.ii.ii.u . no " '.ail liiia ti.ms Win Ivm. )! ese te. Ivniwnp li. ..I -;... ' .....-.., ..!.. .Mil- I.fe Ileuek and doe 1 aacKie 1 iiiru. i 11 -cm. .lad. Iiurkc I'eriell San-ein is twentv -three war old. wiiii in 111111 111 pareniiige, atn' le cii'ne rse 1 ..'im ! .41X1 ,4.-8 i ' .MaUiiv; Rejily for ficgular Seisnn P'i pariMeii .un hi lug nri le for the rf:uhr i'c.'L'-Sr. sea-.m in Pluladi Iphia. The Olvr.ipia is the first of the loci I ii.b- 10 .11 neunee ikhmtelv It- Kopen Kepen ing The (I, Hi is Sc 1 n 111K1 p Is. no, I it i- iiui.ir-tend that Willie .1 ick.-en will I m-it .lehnny Sliugrue. who -evunl, weeks age wen a refeiei'- di i-len ever .leli.m.v Dundee in the wind-up tint nieht 1 '1 i.e loe Pilnce a!-e will get under' win the latter Curt of the nuniih 1 .If liimv iiuiiis, who iiiii lift v -1 we -h. vs I a veal, will g. t hicl; Indriers with lu- ("uiliria liei- the ja-t weik In S.'p- .in'ier, and one or two -miller luh- wlP ie i-Mllllig 111 dlfli.ellt -11 II in, of I tUH eltV I ( '.'i.'ir'c f'ris ia, been piometing 1 IOiiulnr-.ilce bouts at the NntMnal iluruii tin warm wi-vther. but nutl.ir.,' definite hns been alineiini ed about thi- nciHar sim -en at the Eleventh strict arena. . nt he I'ii ites home en tl 10 lied A iifi t ,..,". ,e , uiMin- stPi'.ll: t,,rlt H" i 1 H'l "i r . . i. thl-ieeil le'tme it wa- SHU'l"" " "" 'iiints T! e in-ttin ictiiis took a fill out of I'llt-'i n'-li. with the le-ii.t 1 that they . .. 1 ......!. i .. ni.. 1 .-.inn- lOVllil 1 OUIMI lO'irill lU.n "i"t -'...- i--n.- n. Mi, but alvvay wunin -uikihk di-tnnc" of the top. .New Hint nev j am irfunv: the we-tern teain. all of 1 whom in In the iaee te stay, the l.ins nn- il-ivine better bn'l. On. of the ren-011-. and prelnhlv the ,Te-t liipeitnnt. is the ceiisi-mit hit tin.' if H'b Ku-sill. the fi 1 ,ut Wl 'te 'ex I'tchei. nun the gene-.i! fe, tne 111 ss of the i.lt.!iri Tin- whole te.ia is hittin; lift.r, which fr."t ir -itte-ted , te in thi Idling ive'.ii:!"'. "-in 11 -in . 1 r.iitinii-ri' at in-mini: i,. mi ml n s nf the n""ie."itien hi'li"'i 'Inriiiiin it I'.iiITiiW igr "Ii'i i..! three mere betwi en ,2M) 1 .111 1 2'tfi YESTERDAY'S RESULTS n mien l I.UXdli: e 'V.prk. g I'lillllra. 7. I'llt-liiirch, 'It ClilenRO, 0. Ilniekljn, H: llii-Kin. . t. I.etils. ii: ( Inrlnnutl. 3. AMERICAN l.KAtil i: Iflrnlt, 4; -t, ,uis. a (i-letrn Innlnus). ( let I mil, 11: I Iik ise, e. M jhlilti.tnii. 111. Ilo-ten. 3. TODAY'S SCHEDULE -.wins i. 1. i:(.t 1: Inrnltur dmnes ( lilmcn al ( liiilnii ill. .-( I11111I. nt rittsliursli. Afti riimin tiitmrs ririMiklvn ut rliilnil'11 (two btiiips, 1 :30-3i3n), Ne Verk nt Iln-ten (two Bime). Clilr.u.11 nt tlnclnnntl. ,-l. Iwnils nt l-itmniirEii. a.mi'.uh .s i.:;Ar.n: Mernlr.s (iiiniOH Kit ifilt 111 lilraiT'i. livi'iaml nt St. l.eul-. Afti rnmin domes lllilftirs nt M .iKlilimlnn (two KOnies). Itusliiii ul m Vnk iln c inir-). Hi ireit M Ii'i'iibii. I tevi I mil ill St Liiuls. ivriJtwiHiwi, i.u(it 1: Mnrnine (i mil's GREENLEAF TO PREPARE FOR MATCH WITH ALLEN Champien Will Play Anether 1200- Point Series With Huesten Ralph tirieiilinf, national pocket billiard champion, will devote the next 111 mih te tin i ti inir for his matdi with I Ilenny Alb 1, of Kansas I itv. who In. cl I.1J1 nged (,i-(euleaf for his cruvvn. The title i.'t will be stagtd in this city in le ilu r 1 P01l.1t billiard fans are talking ef1 a pe-.iiilf. inatih be'vviM'ii (iieenleifl uiul PraiiK 'lnhcr-kl, tne i.iiri I chiim- 1 pien Pi, ink Speins, the tlllelieldi r s I iuunai,i. -av- tiieeiilent is n-adv tnr ' chalhuui s and certulnlv would net u- ' futi' 10 feii-ider one from Tiihi'i-LI. tirei'tilnii ha- In Id the world's title during a period of feui veins nnd his en tniee occasions engagi d in ihnin-i pUiii-hlp miitehi s without losing a gunie I In the -eric;. I.nst IMiruarv he T..1 .1 1 ni w liin.li - run lunik in a hiiiiipien-hip , inateu with Tem Huestnn. seming loe ' leiRif- 111 siiict inn 1 mil timi m 'v tin' la-t tlin e month- he im 1 ,1,1 and this tei.t. 'J Ins afternoon ut the National Aeailniiv. (! Neith Thlltrenth i.ir.i I li" v. Ill start I i prcp.ir.iuum for the vrui luaiiii wici 11 j'oe-point enntest against Hue-ten. "ill" i'ililiinq Staff Cooper, the -telling left-hander and ie , of the b-st -euthpaws in the lc.v'uc, Mind- se-enl te P.np.i .lepthn Kmv in . inn- win with nineteen, "he luiniT Phil ha- one rime In additi. 11, II 1111 1111 nten. Minn-mi. (Jl.uncr nnd Adams have all bmi hurling winning ball. The additmn of Walter Sthtnidt te the iHiard of tiategy, that n'se in'ludes ISiwIuMrr nt Pvrani-e. Afternenn d.mies .fpr'n'i. t I Is ni .Newark linn KUines), 11 illlmnre itt Hi iiillnis 'If.runte ul llnlTaln. Kurhe-ii,' ut -iyi-actme. the party that leaves We-t Pliilndelphln 'station tomorrow morning at 11 :'-" dnllght-saving time, for Mount (Jretna, where fifty-three candidates will put in three weeks of preliminary practke. filg ti'cnthner, the former Brooklyn Polytechnic star, who was a tackle last year and th" star of the swimming team. failed te pass his examinations in the spring and will net letuin te the I'nl-vcr-itj liemuse of his size and ex peiieme he was counted en heavily tn be one of the bulvvaik- nf Haleid tins tins ten's line this season. The ether plnver is 'fox Ilamcr, tlie lfiO-peuiid. sl-foei two-inch back, who tliullci the -pectateis ln-t year. lx, net the be-t student In the wm id. has been in -chelu-tie het water for a long I time. All of Ids tumbles dnte b.uK te un illne.-s two veni- age that fmeed him te leave -clioel lie ha- been studying nssidueii-lv during the summer nnd expect- te p.i-s off his i-nmlltleus when the ie-eiiuiinatiens stmt. In the meantime he will de all his enrlv -easen weik en what pint of Franklin Field is net c'uttered ui with building mateiial Several ether players who am making up schelnstic vvmk will nls 1 foil; out en the home gildlnm cleng with Il.inier. Jnhnnv Humes, who ni hil id his knee hi-t year and who has been serving letteis nil summer te get into condition, will mpnrt in about a week en th? home let 10 finish up tinin ing for a place oil the team. The ll-t of flftv -tin 1 ! men who will leave tomorrow 1- (enipn-ed of former varsity, scrubs, fie-luneu and pln.eis who were ineligible 1 i-t year because of the one-year elis'ibilitv mles. They will TUB Ya niters can rht games without Ruth, but the dollars at the gate don't come se easily. James Baldwin Juvrnile Driver JIMMY BALDWIN is a spoke off the old wheel, se te speak, ne's just bit of a lad, fifteen years old, but hew he can handle a herte. .limmy's dad, Jehn Baldwin, was hurt nt Downingtown recently and then wns no one available te drive Clark Pntersen, his man pacer, In the West Chester Fair races. Claik Paterson is a right smart stepper and it looked ns if ther . . chance for a victory in the 2:1S pace. But an experienced driver was lackinx Jimmy pleaded for n chance nnd get it. He held the reins ever Clark Petersen like a gray-haired veteran, nnd his track generalship was as keen ai the brainy tactics of an old-timer. Five heats it took te decide the race and the fifteen-year-old boy drove bit charge te the front in the third and fifth. In that one race Jimmy showed tlie instinct nnd ability of a prespcctln master. A juvrnile who cnn outgeneral di Ivers twice his age has talent worth attention. rjEOROE SISL.ER leads the league with aji avcrace of .411 and htw VJ hit only scen home rims. Tilly Walker has clouted out Uiirtv-twe four-ply blows and his averagn Is .'J05. Draw your own conclusions. whe (hat Hornsby bad made his thirty third e-tcrdnv Ihe f ards -tnr batted out , pmctirr under the watchful eves of Jehn SFDNEHUR ST BEATS McNeill. McGcehan and Padgett all cut of the game with injuries. . The North ThllH dsfetltll th K-nn.lnrten A A. 8 tO 4 in .1 lnf1t r-nm m 1-a.i.iIi L'""'"?.10" ," 'ie bnttlnc star with I Tem Friday Pitches Well, While Winners Bunch Hits for Four Runs in Sixth homer in the nrst nnd eighth Kdille Biirnii of lit. Cllltu-. -non hid own ?. JieiiiisL 1 eris eiriiin vvara, at Sixty iv r,i."n1. ,I-P'',"n"n "venue After tki w irders had takin the lend, nt 7 te 5 with ihie runs in the ninth, the Saints tlrf tbl it!.. .,! thn Burns delivered th two twe ?Jts"r ,hlt "cm ,lB al3J finn?d twenty his thntv -teurth off lliey. in a game wen bv the I nrds bv heft swatting, while Nehf held the 'Reds -afe all tlie way. liuncan al-e Iml 11 tour-ply snot. Manager M'herhme and mux I arev. during the contest, 'has lull id He team censideiablv Rp- The Dedgeis hammered Jee Oci-chger gnidi I a- one of the "' . IrilUnnt all mi,r tll(1 (,t nn(1 hiin.U-1 ihe Brave. i.mleis m the game, the holdout lini!ia nft, inrmg. (itiuii s in Id the Be.in-l,r- ii-s.-t.il 111 tiiteiinc the veun; pttih- ,.,l(.ls K1f,. ,41 t. Wln, (;Me, a rookie. eis(.wil ihar .111 01 uieiu n.ivi "''".' I finished tlie gmne ler .Mitchell "nil snow oil .a -11)1 Islll 1 arlv -1 Hi I. I1.1t hi- ... Uei I I.V tl I. -,,1 lib 1 will CARMAN FEATURE PACED RIDER HERE Scraps About Scrappers Serseunt Ita.v Smith will be tntlriJ tnr h' future match...- by piu llut.e- or,J llrne Ailtcrvveibtit fharnrlen n tt, I'mi 1 Si nis .Murine Cerrs Mnlin im, 1.. . ... ... ' .1.. 1 . . ..... . I II.. 1 QU ...i......... , ... .u. ". -. i...e-i ": ln,ci ureme. ,.lgnt hail te be called IJm' nU'S. w, m up i".. i,' ",d "ii ec. uu.-ii in we.iiuer conditions. r-als in form nvi their .ii w ik. 1 no of the Pirates' nttailt bun noticeable in winning , I 1 1 n the timely henu is iiuidc in. One lav Inst v.eek Uus- thii p in n (b.iib 1 -brader. all -. ted runners nlu.id of him. V-t!'li '.ii.'bee smacked out nit .ie nndei t1 it bieke up an 1 lew n-intilu, ,!nei vniw. 1 1 lie feuner Phil nnd Hum- V. i''i two out in the eleventh Cerey ing'nl mill -tele second nnd Ilih.ee 1 ill. 1 1 Mi t eutsiue tee p irii. jiuiii- ,'i.,n 1 1 ul Iml -fvu; 1 it 1 .n ci w. - te iml for ten. King 'lliu.vis Ciaiue Away If ., di ,ut pit' her- ' ntinile l!ie;r 1, ,-ei .i.Ie work th- I'm -if- ;' ' 1; in i lent iliiince te 1 erne through In tii 11 1.1 1 tietih "e '"it "l bv 1101 1 1 . I,ii'e-, made the iie''nin twnler h.i.It Ilk" a let of bushel . S. ..it, the all-in nuiier, was. ine eiuy tint te i nn k in However, en deir nights thousands Tenlrht nt riimner STifi-ant nay Smith Mill m. . t Tm i.i...n In i I.Vi '.. D,llm turned out for the races and several 1 ,,r"-'""n iii'iu'iin thr-e Mi,.r' imcin'i lllnht. er...e,lu cl 1 1 1 000 r I '.'.".' "",. ,' !.' ",.",'" "V M . "l''u n'J " nnv --M-M- "... .......... ... ,..,..'.! iiiljl. wril ..'' ueilii.liii in im I li. i urr I mti.r nit 1 . .. ... . . V.lilti. .. II t . Lr .-. nn 1... ! v. in r 1111 -, u, ,,., c... D. ,"''"' t no in attfn.iancj.. ,,,; win t J, . uarinji. .'.,' p, T'Y", Ularuils;-? naa un i uui "'& ' ' mmi iireKiurn et ruccie cnmpe- .'ir.cr hiii pr.iii.n vim, s.iii ,1 i, nr,vr; but uiieii is MiiiiniH", ter next inursduy lr.l.,1.1 T, .....!. . ...I, I .. . 1. 1 1. mi ml , r of the (.e-llj witli n win. . , t. id iv had it net b( en for some bad bi-e limning and .eually peer tiel'l ing the Phillies would have werrd v.idin evir tlie (Jiant- Ait -Nenf. the star f,eiithpaw of ihu team. w.i maud roughly bv AVillielm'B men am' v. is lencl te Iiee lb; giuie 111 th" Ml, nuiier a benib.iidi.Miit of hit. .lenii.ud. who sun ceded lifiu, 11U0 wnu id it of -tuff The Vu '.s wei" idle, but the lirewns iiccomnieilated them In losing Tigers and the hi f gunie le-t en Sat urday w is iniiile 1 1 j A single bv His nej in the I'eventh gave Dau-s the vir vir teiy iifier bis t -animati , bed bai l.ed him up brilliantly Wrighl and Piutttweie both hit hard bv the ubbiuen Wa-hlngien uided the A's in their efforts in it main rut el the cellar by defeating I In lied Sex 10 te .", in thy fin il game of the srries. I'ulluieii and Ku ell proved melreetive, while Znchary wa- geed nil the wav . In one 01 the fu te.t ganus of the -enr-en- li required en'v one hour nnd Hteen mill Iti- (lieive I hie blnnked thn White Sev with si hits, while In, ii.ate. made ilcvin off lilauki u-hip and Coin tin, v. TENDLER SEEKS ANOTHER BATTLE WITH LEONARD le s Winters -tinted for the Phillies, ut bit the liiillnrd in a huuy dining nt inllj in tl nnd Decisive Victory Over Hammer May Mean Title Beut A decisive vlrtniy ever I'ver Ham mer, Chlrnge lightweight who kept both fdt en the lloer nt ull time- In ills ten-round bout with Jienny Leenard hiM month, may lie a stepping i-iene te a i r nit ii in. inh fei- th( title, fifteen rounds te a difi-ien, for Lew Tendler, leuihpaw i ( e Tendler has challenged I.eennrd te a J ct in ii meeting. in let, the second h i -nn lullii-lnii between the southpaw llei-innn, head (each; Tem Uavles, Dr. Dinner nnd Leu Yeung up in the meun tains, nvvay from the citv. where the greedj eyes of enemy scouts will net be seen. According te advance leperts, every member of tlie squ id has been doing some klinj of work ever the summer peiird te k.'ep In tip-top shape Seme have been acting as hrakemen en the 1 illina'N, etheis have done fiiiiniii't weik, some lmve vveikul en the lead- and ethers e the i have taken tin tr exeiei- en tin beaches et tlie diiierent -i a uere rt-erts Mnnagtr Jim Coinpien, the hustling weslernii, bus eveivtbing in nndine-i for the srnin.l up nt Mount flietna. and expCLts them tn thoieiighlv mev their trip. Nnrd Intensive drllliiig v ill be the nnUr rf th" dav ler the lu-t two weeks, with morning and afteinoen piactke-. Dining the thiid weik the siiind wi'l he divided leughlv for -dim- mage. While the legulnis aie nut of town Tem McNaiiiara. Ihe srrub tutor, will leek after die leftovers en rranlJIn ricld. The freshmen nie due te mpnrt i te Dr. Jehn Keogh rcune time mound the middle of the month. The complete list of athletes for the preliminary training fellows' Linemen Dein, ltrvden, Adnir.s, ItecUus, Hjpus, Sweenev, Pnpvvnrth, Kellv. (JialT, Kaiiffmnn, Kittrblge, Kicking, Pnttnn, Thin man P. Dew hirst, Leiiluim. Miu'Denald, Wallnre, Staples and Cullen. r.iiils- Pali child. Craig, Jolmren. O. Lrtresvang, Westcott, llebb Primeret, Swan. Peanev, S( huff nnd P.rei'wer Hnckf Captain Miller, Wlttmer, Sullivan, Lnngdnn. King, McMullen, Mrtirnw, Flues. Curtis. James, Plerer, Veegelin, Heady, When, Wedc.nl, (ireve. Hcllly, J. Devvhii-i. Ilnmiilen. Celemiin, Whltehill and Could. The rtenehtirst bnsebnll team, the club that has set the fans talking bv its wonderful showing In the West Phlln- j delphia section of the Pliilndelphln Baseball Association, added St. Car- tinge te Its list of victims yesterday nt ' j-itt -nun and sntnuiine streets nv the shutout route, the final count being 4 te 0. Slenehurst Is idle today with the e e cepilen of n twilight contest nt Fifty fourth street and Llmvvoed nvenue with Lit Prethers, the game being scheduled for H P. M. In yesterday's affair Tem Friday was en the pitching penK and he op. posed tl.illjghcr. Friday held bis op- pO tJ penent- te six hits. All the Stenehin-t t inns came in the sixth (inllagher c-ln.le.l bv hltlln" Cntelmr Mlniif.ii nr.,1 lrnTnr ........ .... n .- iii.i llnll BASEBALL TODAY 2 Garnet NATION W, Midi C l-XHK PHILLIES vs. BROOKLYN rntsr tiAiir: at i:se i. m. SeitH un i-alp ut (ilmlitN and Snnlillnrt MV53 then four slnglch nnd a double spelled CORRECT fall styles la Deihys and Seft Felts, mnda in nil the ne shndrs. Ms defeat. , A. ft'i. DAVIS. 131 N. 13th Street ei. v-iiriiiuge wns .a rut cnppieii wifll own Evenlnc t Cherry M. ie si i 'i . it in iiiiim. .1 i.i l.tid i liiiMinieii w is s i lac In tin. im.kln j. KBCBS Deninu muwr uu, .,.g r. g n , ndTuVman v-il. L'i? -"""' VSS? ' AU' ? villi th "d"f a ' "'' Tr ndler almadv had rrrp the 1922 in Philadelphia Xrr In "three'heati nfTe?r mcfnj tTThrJlS 7v I " l!" wU all !llvN fnt.lt. In the u , ms etfeied by Ten, , ,'iteiirke. f New nnd Willie Sneiicer will snrinr three reucler Allen a rendend u,e iud..' I .,in,i, with two out, a weak grounder I "'" , . . ,, . , . . . hce, against (Jrlunde Piani. -,u-ci.ien a- shot down te Leslie. Ulng inn i '"''"' ,""",,, P. nh darrncr Carman, of Jamaica. L, I.. Tin se events have h.ei, postponed d.m Kxn will t en ,h nhnn, ev-er e cover the hB. find Instead of ;r . r'"1 iV,' "or! rtl(lsPPnVioennr?r Veteran follower of the meter, bus tvvice in the lust two weeks owing te Kmui- 5.t""r "' Kniiy i.attie at ,he i"J"n ci.tchlng the ball lit it go Ihieugh him. 'st. "t the- I i ie l. rounds. .eennrd, Vl Z nest consistent winner; nf the rain The first brat of the Cannnn? IW.JlfU lTW & .'r "the Perdham flash scen.l al hewrvw. le 1 - h " "I, wdur, eaten at the Philudv pi a Velodreme, Maddona event was under way. with ')t..'r rntehe en thle rJt,i wf iRbw the wnv from bwend with the winning "r ' y "" ' " "".'.', ', lMn.(SH SSn Brew" Park thn Italian lending en the seventh mile. ' .n?' 'lSnln,,v.Jlr;m,5 rin" I run trip te this city . October 1 J. ( elunibus JrOtnC XJiCtai i i u. i .i..i. i.. .i . "! , nrm v lietJIV In a. Hen w h t t lt r.n. - un. . . t , , .. t..., . I Tj.n. liml linen snt im Mm tUtta fm. . InPt ymr Vlncnwe Maciunntt, tne wi uif ui h- Meppea inP rnre. rmni I jimn y nrewn v nt Hn.j,er;; ,inH "k i I A triple piny, in win i ". . -;";"" '" i lri" ,,' V l"" iiii. ii iiir nui'iit, . " - ------- v iKiii. ..'" ..- --- . - rriiii . 1 1 mi - -- - -- -- ., . .,!. i . m . ' p urvrnnrr i ki 'tint iiiwi I I -.. ..l Temmy i.eugnrnii, mtaiiieweigiit liexer Cv Williams' twentieth neni' r ei tin'i "'"" ,h " . , """K, i nur ktniiinir n C. i r nf rieiltll I'lllllli elpila, W bu nt the1 '"" 'ellflll. "f 'ftn Atntmy. N J 1p. .. lflU ,,,-c. featlUe- nf the contest tli.it pini'iie- in me uue.- oilier eiKUl-rnunu Mnnnee.-hn.,. .,.,. AJtl,.. twecu Carmiin and Mnddena. ii" natninw Jlun. m ., ie. Ai ciS Hnrnsby Tups Ualktr lai.Kin-tei', will trv te slop the knockout e smii ssfull) t uinril Imrlc Slmiiiilmn Anether big feature will be the Pcnn- wltl,ln ",e """ f"rln,,ht Heger Hemsbv took the heinc-rui, stienk of (leerge (K. t).) Cliauey, of "ILh"Vn (1",hi r '"'a. rl' l,y "' ''""Kh- sylvai.ln mmiieur championship at ene ,. mnnri,r "TTtrnienteun p ,, lead i.vviiy from Tillle Walker. The IKiltlmere. ertj will pitch for Stnnehurst. n.n.. A llmli .,r nnlrl.i Imivi. In,.,, ... .,1,","5 ."""" "'. V i "i?."'.0" "'. . J ?-i I a . 1.1... I stnr en ev ei I he em for n f ew , Itnl.hv 1 nrrett. the C Ifton Iteli-l.te in.,.. .. .,.". ... ......... . ...,,. ..,, i r - ....nun iii.i in KL't.n. ii, .& niir-n n inn in. jvl iirin .,- '. -'- .-.-. ---- - . . . ...-.... . ..-.., ... . ........ ..-....... Vl.lliin rtltllllllll - . . . I. .. .!!.. ...n.l ll.lu uinLnn But no wns iiiiiiuiiiii'i" w "" it--is... wins te nn Injury suffered In nn curly rncci nnd as u result he wns unable te compete in Phlludclphlu for about a Of hlH victories here four stand out rnnsnlrueiisly for Ciirinan. Ilu ile- y r-.J.i At,,, hi, urn in n match race, vven U. the Intrrnntinnul derby, annexed the Oeldcn Wlirrl. (iini wiwi n-rij- i,n- ttmee captured me iiuiiiui-uenv.... tfcun event from Motlilena and Geerge tatee'n race nlghta scheduled At BIG TWILIGHT GAME Lit Brethers and Stonehuret Meet Tonight at 54th and Elmwood While nil of the teams In the city will be engaged in two games today, playing morning nnd afternoon, the managers of Lit Urethers and Ktenclpirst decided hi nun u tvvingni ceincHi te their pro gram . The tennis- which nre contestants In the uries for the West Philadelphia inir.ei.aii cninnpienbliip win mingle nf FJit. & IW? crived, and half a dozen heats may lmve te be run off before the final. A number of veungstert) hnva been showing geed form in amuteur,competitienH here. A Class II professional race also will be held. uith Tummy I'lnlllMi. of ' ttalnirvh .. dmiru !. mukluL' lis tulrtv-tlilrd elt rel heriil. will trv In Itcht hln vvnv l.nek -. ..-;..vi ! .te. ...,.. .....? """"!.."' v. ..... .".;.. : .'...". ;. " - - . balled "lieAiAlV. mSnSJS. '"n-giiiSfflS i eh ShawKM in u e seem,,, game e me , nte the lightweight picture t.y dlspes- for j.en3iiy ie inngt a mcai atar llgnt- iiuiiuie-iieii'ei ..-i.i.ij, ,-...s... ,1,1 wiKei ai lies iiyriuin ui me uirmpia info i i""w m.nt et we avnuns a-udiie utattr for fltv jiroe. te must a local .tar light, (leunie-lienuer i-muiiiiiij, mui, uui upenlnr of the Olympla I dentally, Heb Hasty wen by his best vlnnS xSliMlUtJSgrV'ltSfc PltchUw whlhltien of the year. Later ing of Kailer Frredmun, of Chicago The opening battie will be a return meeting between .Toe Tiplltz.ef this city, la the afternoon word drifted evec the and Pel Meran, of New Orleans. Sarazen and Kerrigan Win ItuntliiKleii. I.. I.. Het.t. ttarnu-n anil Kerrluan vven iui jxhlbltlen four bill mat")! of thlrty-alx tielen from Duneiiri ami M llclinll at the Huntint-ten Country Club. 4 and A Sararen wan winner et tlm Indlvlrlual eceri prle. Th acerea werei Baratcn, nf. Ki'r. rlM-an, 14fl Duncan. 119; Mitchell "ti. Knl . ,, nn i i i im i, M fc Most BtRuii fid Car in.Jlr,isricA ' I Km , , , . t f I MAKE US PROVE IT TODAy ) WrJ "" SI WHEN yen step en the accelerator of a B meter car jeu want action prompt and I 9 unfailing. Yeu want te feri thr Ran "take I KM held". Kide with ua in Paige Six-GG. I Call Spruce 1410 for a Demonstration I I m a. wjlisv vmm C9 I H iPaige and Jmeett Distributors I M eineAn ;teppt at"Uimc 'duu oftneuift l Associate Dealers I s. mtOAii st. I'Ajf.n j.m:s re.. maim.-, .-.tkntev iiotek sales H Pfl 'Jlllfl nmith llrnnd M. AM) MCltVKH WM .. (Irnritti llrniliiiinii. I'reri.. H FSS I'ENt 11, MOrOIt rnvtl'ANV. or llnlii'M M mill Menton At. M " N'h M M. l.lllM,rM.10"THS7iB. faj HAMILTON 0lt OlT :i23 Huwrfi.nl Aie a Iliirii!'.i,l1ni,n,.Vri;r'' , hNMint imes.. JTO utui nun wiiinut mh. r.tjil (.iriiiiiilewii aw. Suburban Dealers I M LanruMer'vr ''lirhVvV'' I Mllll IH'AST UAH l!i:, , I gM iiunmaitr Ave,. Hr, vnr ,M M,,i,,nl; j.(,, 'rinil.rerd 1 C'LAUK'S OAK Mill. I H L lleurluHii, l'u. J a -m-Ji: 'Mh