atm m;-v . -jJUtW V-Wl1 V'VA'7lW VJS IJJI 4 '.Afl WWS s.-v- IFWTUirjTI K T VJiIf v - V-yj f t ,-j EVENING PUBLIC LIODUEK PU1LADELPMIA, MONDAY, kEPtfEiVBEIfc A, 1022 j . v IkU) Jf V, 1 & . i.1 a.' ?iV ft W. & Y Philadelphia, Monday, Septeniber"4ri922? K i Stere Open 9 A. M. te 5 P. M. GiMbel Brethers MARKET CHESTNUT :: EIGHTH NINTH m t Fer Tuesday K c Proper jrla$es de mere than save your eyes tlu-y often .(;ve ether bail feeling. Gimbel service is exceptional. I'l en examination, e( course. Oncidn Community ninkes silver-plated Irtblcwarc of rare quality nnd beauty. A Sale, of two beautiful designs is en. Fer Tuesday a ? Vl 19 .Wage Levels Maintained in Face of Unemployment and Reactionary Employers INDUSTRIAL PEACE URGED Paris Millinery Opening Our Thanks Are Especially Due te These Great Premieres of Paris vVCT vrsjwsr- r -" . .fl.l S ilf "" J-, . .l 7. V JSfsC'X' yr,&cw ; m 'yvi V, "S".' " .KT JP MR PASTWAR RISI Y MK TJ''J'Vir-iriL . .Pv k m ivfi T F&ffizrw tStiQJ fM . r-, i rnin ES. I w i ti 1 ;VV! ' tj lMOfelru f'"' ' BfoesfliPMl. III.. Sept. !. Amerirnii labor li.i m.i V '-Ji -nil'- I" Hi'' 'a' year, Sim- t-i ItinN f tti- l.nlT Ivi'Mrltiifiii cki':i-rl i l.i iii n l.nher Hay niMn - In - ii- m' uneinp'" tiicnt. In- -in. I n h:i feiclit ..IT .ill mi tempts I.. .In i'mt unpi l''N -ft P durint; tin', unit NifHj in I n war crlK , , "Dcpili- (lip prfsur' if n tiemr-u-drills nrn-n nf iliH'inplmi'il. ilc-jiitc the ,fferln of n f u rftirtiniiiir. inipleT , (he .rlfiIih .iiichi te tnK.' nilvniitne.' t)f tin1 ilIMrei nf lnhnr ainl tin- Nn Nn 4len. kept iIip umenil Ipm'I nf npps u ' de "I nut -iif ' In "iijIir iIip ii'-rnsp niinp iiiiilen of' the ntiii . i,, mil," t.iii.u l- within n few u .'in 'if lnt c wn ,i irir US". nil'l - I..1 c I'1 IM l -"l I'l' crrn p (ni iii .! f I ;li v bp ' '.p! . Mr r,li .id I iit' .1 1 ri'.j i" i r ii U thf Iii I 'i ' I- ..M-p is winiM lnrrpfl'i- 1 1 N i. "ii - Mi-iLniiu l ' r I'lierr In' I ' -n iili' t .mHn llP S:ill P Ii I I .II.- I" till' II I IM1-. I ill I Hi"! tcxtili' -ml, - ttlii. Ii I. im iiip(iiii "hi cntnilnlilp '"--.' .urn 1" tlint "v 111 yrHi li fun ninn, woman nn.l rluM in' JAnr-rim ' i "Olie irprprnilitp thr-rr- I" te cenfinupd jimst.- en tin pntli of pre".. rprlt..' Iip "UiiltiiiPil . "tlint 1- indiii ' 'trlnl peni'p Kmplnynr nml unrUi" Mint join ferpp if tin cnrnpaicn iB te J)p rnmplp;p' i. pful Sup I . Amen, an i;pniu i-iin sln.l n v av in put it ii I nii'p In erili-r, te brine In nn rul tlint flptni'tlp nirfiir. tlint fnp- thp vprj llfpt'leixl of pnerp- unci priwppriM " ! After . eii.lpnmin: instanrp" of vte-l Ipficp in thp t.iil anil mliip -tnk''s hp ftn iii : i "We mii't ami mil fiml a win te pml i this fra'riiulal Mrifp In inilutrv. "e I 8iut arid wMI tliiil mpnni te .ptt) tlip inrliltrial .li-piit( without rPPeiirp ' thp futilp nrl itranipnt of ferpp. Aiupr Iran lniluiti" mnt Hnil n tmtliel tin' 'lll nvpit tln-p imln-tnal ill-tiirb.iii' . -nd will Sim te tlip AniPii'.in Mi man nn ndpipi.ite'p n xnm; wa.' "I pntii te m Out in t in dustrinl .1 -( nt ..'it nf :i t'leii-n d ' ! -tvrr Ii'ph p. rin.itK n'h 'Pttld exr. ir n enp n li iIip ii' 2itnit'nti nf r i- Bennhlp huh. in n ip nalilp finnip ..f mind, who -ir down t. dt-rii- iIip Iipm in a -plrit nf fn i pii - mid perntini We tnn-t ultiiiian te the -t.itp .if iip;ei tntien for -ptiIp-Tnpnt. Wli iiitiiint up put thp pca " eenfprpm p lioferi' tli.- -trnscl.'' Win ! cannot i mnkp iIip .ippeal t ri-ii-. .i find fairies brfore wp ni.ike thp .liM-tn' lind nii-.-eiippni'd npppil te f'lrip' "I am a firm b'ln"r in 'Iip ultimi'p fnlrnc.'.s and j i-t i ! ir-riknn! I l lieve that no iliffupj.. f lipfin . n pleypr ami in in - trp.'n ii it thfT C.inneT n dj i'ri if b.i'i -i ' ytl cathrr nr.niinl ' . i t .11. 1 spirit of f 11 ii' "p-r !i ' Cuticura Talcum ,Fcinating1y rrayrant Always Healthful 8ropIfrcefCaUcarfc Librftterli SfptC MUilac, KM. Erer7whr a' 'WW a - f n lb Chestnut Street t t WllPI LLEWELLYN'S . ' 15IS Clicetnut Slrret .-. ....-..'.'..'.a:'. ., ', , '; ws-rKga Real Cowhide Traveiing Bag K 3 510.7S t-'il"t ' .p. I .ind - -tiitr ,p 1 framr f - in i eern r-, loathe It,, , I, r c- Ifinir. Regular 15.00 Value Next te Keith's Thmtre Where Shall I Send My Child te Scheel? 1 1 .it up tien tan lie an mm r-l . . tj nnd Kiitlnf.ic turi I 'in jiiuik nn- i.iiu. ('Dii.'l I i'au en freiltnl tloer sit I-jtilii. I.pi1k' r OIIU-p. Ii 'Ipp. nil. In ' Jlcin oil tnn .lit.. in ifiiiiplPtn unit i.iiulil. infiii iii.itiiui of' any liiMnliiiK hi imul for be) or CHIm, inilit.i ... .id. in) luifl I. cn'li , pi ''I ll M ll'.Oll f . . I. i : i il i iiil'lif ii . en n ,li it if tinl-ii , ' oil. (je or iiniwrsi' nur ml tiiiiie l.nevltilK if tin- in I. Hit irph of Hip in ions instliiitiens will rimlile j en te liwke .1 wlsu I'lllllCt This sptMce In frcp an,d anll iiIiIp te eery ene eery w lmre Public Ledger Building CHESTNUT at SIXTH Walnut 3000 Alain 10' 1 I XL - S,-r e m ii .r3 v & ?.- r ' v?' v 1 J Philadelphia's Most Important Buyer of Women's Dresses Cables Frem Paris : "Openings very interesting. Silhouettes vary. Many important dressmakers still showing the straight line for afternoon; ethers show new, graceful drapes. "Sleeves longer nnd often closely fit tine Egyptian note strong also Persian; and Chinese effect especially in em broidery. "Favorite skirt length eight inches from the fleer. 'ehcts cry -tienpr. Ale trope .eac?. a u'l a Imth plain and embroidered metal-doth. "Clek in all its variation? very poed for coats and suits. "Lending colers: Browns, black, geranium, and v hue with shades of yellow and of bronze for evening wear." ""She refers here te the "French geranium -hade," which i in a beauty-class all by itself. m F5 $250 Fur Coats at $169 f Very attractive models in fine natural ..' "t. mukrat in the ncV lone lcncths. And natural leopard-cat, trimmed with extra-fine quality natural raccoon. Silk lined gorgeously, of course. l'ur belts or silk cord girdles the gird!e are newer, but jeu may have Inches or you like. J$400 Fur Coats ai pye m:j 1 ?T U rt i' Vi-iS fell- t 'L' ti ,. Hudsen 'ea! (dcd mus-krat) coats plain cr trimmed. Per-ian lamb coats with skunk cellars and cutTs. Rlack caracal coat-, with contrasting cellar and cufTs Natural taicoen coats exceptionally '.nc, dark skill's. lilmlirU alen, llilr.l flour. Maisen Lewis, Suzanne Talbot, Vasselin Filletard, Rcbeitx, Gcdrgcttc, Lancrct Maria Guy, Evelyn P 'aren and Rese Descat Each of whom most graciously put Gimbcls first in his or her planning for America's femininity. Each of whom, wen entirely new acclaim in Paris for the models created for this winter. The be3t from each, awaits you. And te the Skilled, Artistic Designers of the Justly Famous Gimbel Millinery Workrooms who have caught the very inspiration of Paris nnd who have, in their turn, created new glory of millinery for Philadelphia. Besides the Paris Originals, Besides the Gimbel Originals, Besides the Gimbel Adaptations, Are Fifty Originals Frem Other Artists of Paris Thirty French hats te sell at $23. Twenty French hats te soil at $20. Gtmbtls. Millinery Salens, Third fleer. " One of the Best "Scheel Specials" a Girl Ever Saw! I'laid coleur kiltie skut made en a sire-. cle's "body." Special at 5;i.!).". And the serge hleup te wear with it nay blue with Peter Pan cellar of carlet or tan crepe. Special at S:i.i3. I'.-te-ll-vcai -I7C. Beth can be worn separately as well as teget'ier, but together they reproduce the iKt $10 dress of the -easen! 8-te-18-ear -i7e. ( otten Blouses in the new ted or in hunter's green. Special nt $2. 8- te Hi-ycar S17.CS. lml)p. of lrp. rhlr.l fleer. Women's Dresses 1$ Five "General Wear Medels" of various Canten-weaves. Special at $29.75 Including the newcst-ef-all model pic tured, with its wheel-motif treatment each perfect little wheel made of cords covered with the same rich Canten crepe that makes the gown. Twe models in Canten crepe with panels of inset laddcr-tuckings. A model with the famous "left side drape" and the new, big, cut-jet buckle tassel. And the fifth Canten crepe model has the new girdle-drape the girdle bordered with Dante blue, Venetian red nnd gray. r.lmbi'U, SiiIeuh of llrf, third fleer. Fishnet Vestees With Cellar and Cuffs te Match Reautiful sets with insertion of real filet lnce, edged with filet pattern picot. Twe style cellars roll tuxedo and the popular round two piece models. $1.50 value E nt jyec - Cilnilicl. llrt fleer. Children's Weel Sports Hese In the smart three-quarter length of heather mixtures, with novelty cuff top. The most practical general-wear stocking for the school child. Sizes 7 te S)l; specially l?0 priced at OOC , r.lmlirl. I1rt fleer. Oneida Community-Make Silverware "Tuder Plate" 20-Year Replacement Twe Beautiful Patterns A Sale Heavily plated ever all with special sec- fc tienal nlatinc at wear peints: "Duchess" and lV "liarenct." 6 Teaspoons for $1.50. 6 Dessert Spoons for $2.73. v fi Tablespoons for $3. 6 Medium Ferks for $3. fi Dessert Ferks for $2.73. G Medium Knives for $3.75. EmbeJhcd handles. 6 Dessert Knives for $3.65. Embossed handles. 6 Medium knives for $8.23. Hellew handles. rucHH Dessert Knives for $8. Hellew handles. hikwet besides a great variety of separate pieces and ether pieces for sets. 5lmbfl, Urt fleer. 0 Stainless Steel Cutlery In the September Sale of Heuse Furnishings The opportunity te purchase stainless steel at such low prices should be grasped. At no time heretofore have we been able te offer (this class of merchandise at such low prices B Inlilp linhf.. Krpnrti vnarl . .... i-i'-- mail, or nil wulr r unl 0 Inrh Mulnlrsj l"l Snnlula. TB. I'mliirh 1 .'.". i . JC iii.m. nl ru-,tprer. t.e QC - nd l..mli ;fnl .teel Mlr,r., Milliilp. Strrl nltrhrn ! r I n E arh at .. 3C Knlir.. n.ertf.l luppf nn.l h-n 0(- flinch tilnlPs teH tliilrlr' Inli. " .'fiilarly .10e te Cfif i. OJC mpe liHmllri. insularly 11.25. TC fl lllllr. hll(ll liHdf ..f b'nrk ht pacli OC i i,,.rl rjib!r. Rtmnl-m e OC Orniu. ' Trait Knltr. ntalnlsa OC nml iii'proef t . pO.UQ ,ei rfguRrv ,,n, . al OOC Itilrlirn.rnrlnc Knlirs, B.ninir, ,i.i ,bony nnd com handlrn, ifKii ir1 r"ic nnfl n"i', rhele ci.rti a. 35c f.lmhflu, Srptrmhrr half. Ieurtli fleer. $45 Dinner Sets at $34.95 In the September Sale A Very Unusual Value 106-picce open-stock set complete for the service ei! 12 persons. An exact reproduction of a beautiful French set that sells for $165. Gracefully shaped dishes with coin-geld handles and border design in four colors. A really remarkable set at .$31.95. Value S-15. i tilmlwls, Fourth fleer. MKOTW omen's $8 and $8.50 Oxfords, Street Shoes at W r s Brogues, Beets, ! $3.85 Styles Fer Early Fall The types of shoes needed for Fall nnd even later. Russia Calf, Havana Brown, Tan Calf, Black Calf, Patent Celt, Black Satin and Two-Tenes Lvcry pair carries the Queen Quality guarantee, and the big purchase brings the shoes te you at less than average half price! (Ixtrn salespeople and a wonderful variety for cheesing. $3.85 regularly $8 and $8.50. (ilmlirlfc, mmiii.U fleer. Mail and Phene Order Filled Same Day Received 10 Lbs. 50c St. James Coffee, $3. 15 ST. JAMES COFFEE. Pride of Philadelphia, high d 1 OQ grade popular Coffee at 10 lbs. for $3.15, or 4 lbs. for P 1 0 GIMBELS BLUE MOTTLED LAUNDRY SOAP Makes white cak f V ' f 10 Cak0S SpcC'al nt ?,';i0, or 10)dRc PUKITV PEAS Carload tender Karlv June NEW MACKEREL Lenex dainty Norway white CtrnAl 11 ttn . , . J X;, vjuue, case w;ib, , Msli, 10 - lb. pa s d 1 Q g dozen or Vz 1 1 I special JJ) 1 .OO "FW IjTiVVwniii?20 GAJAYA JEMA' HALF PRICE i.irlwiJv5RRY ' F,""Wn8 finest packed, cum t PRESERVES t dozen $6.50, dez., 'iHC Lenex Brand b e-h P-r...,ln .i,i , .i i.. . , ' ' - e I rr uui, iiivs ni giass .... i , fruit preserves, 45c containers. """vii jam oi.e.i, tie7en case "' or .i jar Jets at Oi i Ot MAINE BABY CORN Lenex fine.-t Maine sweet Cern Fflt1l- n..rl ...! 1 tT - .. -0,.l, J SL -"" iiu puunuu, iiec cans, uiiau KS' FernRaKTASTn ""t- l n I 1 C Chen -il Tr,.f00ilnOn,T Quaker, IMPORTED SARDINES iV..?.ta$llSS,!rr:14c "" '"i-. "-lire ioe.i Merf. llientnut Mrrrt .nnr, TOMORROW In the Subway Stere Girls' $7 Jersey Dresses te Be (he Ar Sold at pO7D r. excellent for Scheel and m After Scheel Wear v,.y r'A a The cute two-piece Peter Pan models 'hat are se popular right new. With nd cufft. Sizc S3.95. ij hj'4 'bat are se popular rig ' .i L- l"?5ft?A dean white linen cellar a r' r tSyWfrl for girls of 0 te II years. .4Vj wxm; i ,... ,, i mtm Girls' Weel Serge Gym Bleemen and Shirts, $1.95 te $2.50 Full pleated. Sizes C te 14 years. Girls' Bleemers or One-Piece Dresses at $1.95 PS alue. Of excellent quality gingham. Sizes 0 te 14 years. GlmbeU, Subnnr Bterf, V. -i Ziihi t ir-i Qfsf.i s' and &'' Wearing uuiuu ' iVeci Necessaries for Scheel Wff 4 V M JH I He! Fellows, Scltioel Opens Friday! Boys'AU-Weol Norfolk Suits With Extra Pair djQ CA of Knickers O.OU The warm, serviceable kind of clothing for school wear I Checks, stripes nnd fancy weaves. All nizes 7 te I 6 years. Beys' AlI-Woel Tweed and Cheviot Suit With Extra Pair ef.Knickcra, 8 te 18 djl O CQ Beys' Oliver Twist and Middy Suits Corduroys, Cheviots and Ail-Weel Serge 3 te 8 years, at (.Imbrli, Huhwny hlerr. $3.95 Tomorrow at ?l 83 Sics up te U for boys, girls and .small "Big" Beys' Shoes for Scheel Wear at Sizes 2'i te 5'rj. 'immammmammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmM. J ; I i i I cr children. Fine value at i $3.45 (ilmbrU, Sunns Htert. , A Subway Stere Opportunity! ' 1500 Pairs of Children's Scheel Shoes $1.85 Every Iair a Special Value Streng, fturdy-weariiiK little shoes that will give excellent service durnifr strenuous school davs! I fr fM 32.4 .. tetj. '.jfV'-!ijaAj: