Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 04, 1922, Night Extra, Page 11, Image 11

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    sn riftM
rV ;
r I
PfH fs; v
. .-- C?.. Ttie Plinn
hyice Thornxen eujr -
Simply Wanted Her te
Repeat Her Story
.., Yerk. RPt. 4. Miss Alice
W X,"'.V ..i.....,..-nv.n1i1 L'lrl
rVhat lcnltc.1 the infly cml ng
f it.. .hnntlilC Of .MCK UPrKni, urn
7,n nlc ?e actor, bv Opee CI me.
'HSurr Inrntlen num. nt lM?e-
SIS' miIii en tlie cn-.e ywlPHlnj.
1" .. .ii 1.- ..Itimtliin ilrttit.
J'erap Mrnlly that .... the ills it of
'? . '.. . ,W.. ntllli moil luut nc-
te ,",-,,'" i , .n.1 tilkeil te l.er p. "';... '...' "
re In e the apartment house flfc ,
?teTri.e II"- ""til .mother erciipnnt ' tV"" he U
; the building, nnrnritu uj mc -
.,t M.,c h.nip been peme ether Rlrl
vi0 ics'ln this building," -be held.
"When I get out of the Cllnc house
Hint night nil I thought of wan getting
home ns quickly ns 1 could. I v.nn se
exalted I dldn t knew who wan driv
ing mc. It may line been Iurllte. I
n In bed nt hnlf past 10.
"I nm wholly without guilt In this
nffnlr. The Intimation that I lurcl
Bergen ever there is ridiculous. I
knew hc.wau going te be there, nnd he
knew I wnn going te be theic. I did
net ask him te come.
"Mr. Cllne arranged nil that. Mr.
nnd Mrs Cllnc cnllid me up In the
morning nnd tisketl me out. I had
told Mr. Cllne about the episode be
tween Uergci. and Mrs. Cllne early In
July, lie did net seem te be nt nil
excited ever it, and I never dreamed he
tegnrded It ns n matter of sufticieiit Im Im Im
poitance te juaify taking a human life.
If 1 had thought thtvc was nnv clinucc
of Bergen belnjc killed ever thcre that
night, de jeu Imaglne for a minute I
would hae gene?
"As I understood It, Mr. Cllne
merely wanted me te face Bergen and
repeat the Htery. Te me it was simply
n .natter of whether I would sav te
Ilngen'fl fate what I had mid behind
his back, nnd I was peifcctlv willing te
de se I supposed that ns coon ns the
fact was cst.inlished. ('line nnd Bergen
would bleak' filcndshlp and that would
be the end. I was justitied in thinking i
cairn milliner in which '
regarded mv story, nnd
lowed te clapc before
Hiking It up ngaln.
"I was never engaged te Jack Ber
gen I lind gene out with him, but I
had neer quarreled with him."
nvrvrHsi, ,
T nnng Men nnd Hetb
Become a C. P. A.
pflrr Ucn.n reure nunllfy for
Stilt C P A Extmlnutlens
eenlnft cnurn
h ilea-
rrictliil 'V , nnJ
10 111 HUTlll'-T ..-i.i.. ...a. ..-".
Arratinllrg flrneral Uuslncna. hile
bOTp. NtpreRMPjiv tinrt In bect
tirlal ana icicnrr irjium,.
I)iy frlioel Optnn Rfnt. ff
Mcht .'rliiiul Opens !ept. 13
of Business AdminLstratien
Write for SSth Year lioeK
IHnc St. VI ct of Rre.td
The William Penn
Charter Scheel
Scheel Open
Tuaday, Sept. 19
Make-up Examination
Monday, Sept. 18
(ntn for Innerlen nn
CllnritU of 1'upIIs. Sept. 8th.
Richard M. Gummpre, Ph. D.
Standard Scheel
of Filing and Indexing
1012 Chestnut Street
The Globe-Wcrnicke Ce.
eRem a short tntenHe nrnl pnrtlenl
ceurw In the irleui motlieiln of
Wine Cnll. pheiiB or wrlte Director
Thenc Walnut 0350
A NATIONAL Bearding Scheel
en the Susquchnnna, be
tween Philadelphia nnd Balti
more. Faculty of trained Fpccial
istfi. College Beard stand nrds.
Individual ndvisem for ttudenta.
Single rooms. Gymnasium,
swimming peel, nnd all athletics.
Thoroughly supervised. Nine-hole
golf course. Modern granite
buildings. ,Rate $1000. Fer
catalog, address
Murray Peabody Brush, Ph.D.
Pert Deposit, Mil.
fFOlltWKh r
lteculur bchoel hosnlenj becln
jtiurnJa b' nttrnbei 21st
W'cilnesday, fecpiemUir 20th
New boys report Tuesday, Sept. 19th
Greville Has'am, B. S.
Day Scheel
COLLEGE) Night school
f In nerj Jcpnrlment of bU'lnrn Ne
I ethers iiffl applj Imt In t'. e con
ditien of buMmes teilJV. irnin lic-
rl tcem a Bpirlfillst In tlie blanch
et bu'lnec:, snu cloepo.
r, Rrlioel upfn SfPt. ff
Niitht frlioel iirnn s,,t 7
irn Wn'rit t . I'lill trfrlphla
Business Education
In Phllad Ii', a nejrl otrbea knows
of the suierlerUy of atrayer a
ifPtnx ,inrl Acceuntancs
'ii from ttn i.rirtlcal
'f O'lrituJfnt: In Cf.ekldpnin
; Uukht the BuhJ-un
i uur n-.luatfn nre tnorefore able t
,iiij teipeniti le lemticiiH from the crv
i'rt. lrdiHuil in t ruction Tail ,.rm
,irti Sept 1 nU'ht cliBBes Hpnt n
Will III vim ss rOM.f'.fiK
iihI CnllPKe of Ciiniini-ri f
1.10 M ,1 , s, .l,li.l I l.ln
If iflu destr biislneH trelnlni; of anv
kind, day or renins Is, euro te et nir
tlcuhn from strijcri before maltlnz
cennlt arrancf m nts
1000 day ami n Bht itulnt 200 tme.
witters 14 Cukl Ici1t!b wen Inst sear
FD6ftll!!-n. hnrthnnrt T nun rltlnrr
Bceitkwrlng Acceuntin? I' e n m it nahln.
Arithmetic Ficllih nnd Salesnnnhlp
Strayer's Business College
Ml Cintniit strn-t Wiilnut 01-H1
Wanarnaker Institute
23d and Walnut Strcet
Pny rl mil eptrmtirr tl
Atttrneun A I'trnlnir rhoer.
eptemlifr JO
wnn K I Oil CATAI0
u ieirneni iiniHt jtTJB
Healthful locitlen 12 mllca from Phila
delphia. ColleRo etitrnnoe, bnslncH and
sptclal ceufB IIejh taught HOW te
ntuclv. hcpar.ite department for Junleri
i!'erj years old and evci, $050. Upper
&choel. $750 Catalog and View Doek.
MAJOR r. A. hNDi:n. hunt.
llex K, WI'.MINAII, . J.
A da nnl beirtl.ntr school for bej Pre
paration for iclise a tiKciilty bpecliil rate
let .1 dij hnjiJ'n huiriel uludj an I
I li In '.he aftornoen for li hevt a well
iii lui ilern Oin -. nt i inhrr 2Uth.
C'ltalettits nn aptdlcntlen
J. I. JWTTUtSON' Headmaster
IiltnU.N I'I'.ICI'.. Ilrmiil nni) Sprint; (liirilm
Mc. IMiHit.. prepares etudi nta for anv ml
lege or professional fboel. tlie fitntt Ueard
emms unil for buxlneBB ttltti eur e:in
Kept tw Ftire. new
Allentown Preparatory Scheel ,
Prerares for cellene or technical ecbtwt
hmnll clnxsen Individual Inetructlen Alii '
cmmmerclil coume fltudent cevernment
All nthl'lc. Splendid meilern bulldlrxs
I.arKe campus nnd tfvn nislum Sp"dnl ca-e
for yeunuer beB Hn lOO Catalovet
I it WIS M MIAI Tl'lt. A. 11 MmdiwiW
HAliltlhlU'UO. l'A.
Hanisburg Academy
I'rrinrea Iver I
fiir Cnllrnr
R.ntnr nnd Junier Pepartmcntn . MMiirau
ratea 1'er catalog I. addre Artliur ti.
Ilruwn. Ileiulin i.ter. II HrrMiuric. I'a.
lJiparu weya ier uh iu'i,ii "'. wmuim
(.l.oeU .sjedtrrfte term CatulOKUe,
AuJr E M. IIAKTMAN. rd. .. I'rlnelpa!
ll III "N IV
leiir Drreri rir..M rr..,i
AlJv. IlltOjf h d.i !.. !., IV f.
CM veu ciiiilnul1 will Jein.
none V nut ui'ij ' j., i... i,,i.i.
'I, ,i ... 7 ,"".::'.' '"'L''
..ie eiiiiiiu m rnim.rr
IIe'4l2. I.iti.ruBter. I'e.
iieunr.NTiiwN. y. J.
Tlieruui.li preparutlen for collcce or bUil bUil
neB. l.tllclcnt faculty, email clanseii. Indi
vidual n tuntlen Military trnlulng 38th
jear 1 -r cutaloirue nddnss Druwir C-22.
Viil. X. I. I.iiniliui. IloriUnteti, N. J.
I'rlnrl-Ml mid Cen-minilint
ltON. N. Y.
' Hi mi
ntit aa ,KnnBTiwr!
ftamlvleJ- ""'H '-ch-ene for Urn
th. i,??4.1"1"1"""- ,h" nh"r denllni;
emclM 4m I ' mjr .men Knall. cum
Vlir, l -' 's,nd ter catalog
- "''"U I hl-h A . sail 4 haiiHum St.
,ff?X'HWUrt1 T - -
YOU CAN LEARN '""' i"-1
rn. ii "rt"1 irum uc-
ie )..r,SiT.v '' ' mim.ne hcnoei.
-"""I1 tlllll I'liliiiu Hiring lllll hi.. 111
nuj i-iNi ,r
A rutlielU ItiMnllnirlllBli Scheel nnd
U. S. Oineriiiiieiit l. U, I". tl. urn-
ducted bj (he llrotliere of
the ClirlalU". bilijHilij.
Wtille clanaril " tBhiniliillr military
nheil. the "cliwluntle eik lwji take
iVeuiVeiite. Mllll'ry "'! Atlilitlc nrrf-
er,nii ere iltpenilcnt uu iiciideuile MunJ.
Ini H mcleiiH fcrumiiU. rtellnutfuUy M-
uut-d n Leiik iBlaiid tsuunij.
Rav. Brether A. Jereme, Director
CUben Mllllurr Aiailunr. Ilrent N.Y.O.
Teietuiene lycnu-t'iv. "v
- 5 -I fiU
"Ii ii tin M, ml,,, ou. Ill
ni. inn, il..: ,., ?.!" :.r"
KftlHNlOWW iii.msVt,
II s' '""VrJ'l'""ii Aie.
Uf'N I APOD !!, 17
nm iv ... r.:"l"vi "
!(:. ".' " i n
!!iiIln,,,, 0""
, NKrtl I M-AT.
1 x'rl Mnn li'rrhll
i .nine: --.iiiiHr list
U Utll I' irk 4 ul.(iueli inim ,r,
I I III i u lili ItMH nn
'fHftr iL .,! 'u.r !.n Ul" lnU l'ey Mil
VSSl'e. 1 iffiL., r.'.",f."''.ry J. Un.,r:
- . ., 1 TO S 1 1 tit
PlAlNLltJJ lelliKe I'reimriituri
.... htiu 11 nilten from hr.icui.ti.
,men. i" :,,,. hi bulldlnua. 1 il
iMall, i iiuii'ii" - - - -
i Athli
. 1 n Ikft. tl t .
, i.i i-vt -.., : i.
HCP'" Ainu iit
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nilten from hr.tcuti.
10 buliaint.il. l.'i)
HuelnesB cettine Ame
Vnr .14 eurt undbr Ol.N
K I i Hnx 37. Mnnllila J T
PSrTTT- - "rUii? iiimlmlstrtw.
uhRMANJTr.M'svt nr.T,TT,r
otneoj Yrer Onpn, c..i,. ,n.i
ter I ur 'tin. i.l i,ii
'e.. I .IM.lntiiv i ,.......,
laSHPul ic i :..'.' ".'..'" '.1.
L'"J1 PHrtlnitari.
'WltlS LMtvnn.. si,- . , ---
leunit VS ntieu andi OlrU
. .. vTrfrfMr it r.
r list 1,'Mi; 1)1 MON Practical ceurses li
e?k t"ch exiert inatnKtei latent mete-
SdJ and .! "l" -s"' A
Sind for tiitulinr. . M. r. A.
mm Anli M. 101.1 lelilxli Av. fiid A .aneiD
Mhoei ler Ulrla. Overlirejli
leKu preparatory aun ii '
Ml" riuyvturil M
r.tV at Veura AWiletlc. Uemtlc Hci.n-.
"rrlaiH tf I. for JVVl"w,tta iP I.
mi- . i'"'-.f"-,""'. vr'v.:,A,:l"KruVSr
priiiur "" -.---,, ,,..-,-,..
Illnnn I'rln. llm U
i'ii"i,,iiiisn I'a
I'rltnury melhelj
AU'ire- .. t
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t-e rt I , i J , , , ,
ww lntrue.
1 eiiUkeni ln.-
"'" II iv A r.'.
.r.'"1 4 1'in. V""1."' indiutrl tl .in.
!Ll . .'.?. Scheel epena Oct. 1
HFC Iltr III a. U..1 lT".
rn ilB i"-ii.uMi""':.J!!a
'"II nw . l-niini,
rill 1)HI INI.ION -sIMINMIJ. inc.
.ii-hr "lle e i.i-imh ( "!
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( i lb ke I" fi'ih'ti 1 1 wiiir,!
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in., i.l i i llm i i .' "in", 'or i fe
, , ,'. i. n
11 1 mi i. nsiki ( rniN
Zeckwer-Hthn PbiUdclphi Muical AcaJtmy
Main Bthael. 1617 Hpmce ttrttU, 58,t mjn
Wanamaker's Down Stairs Stere
Opens the Autumn Season With a Stirring Sale of
Autumn Coats All NEW $18 te $78.50
JzhS W (WfP j u fl
r1X ktJ m K hut
v rv ta
S18 $38.50 $48.50
Mere than SEVEN HUNDRED Autumn and Winter
coats have just arrived and will be shown for the first time
tomorrow, Tuesday.
Ninety different styles!
Sizes for women and young women!
This Sale will open the Autumn season with a big whirl.
It presents the time and place te cheese warm coats for
every occasion at surprising savings. It is one of the cus
tomary "important occasions" that occur every new and
then in the Down Stairs Fashion Stere.
The Central Aisle at Market Street will be used for the
display of sport coats in the Sale. In the enlarged Ceat
Stere and the Ceat Salen will be shown the fur-trimmed
wraps of belivia, velour and fashionable soft messy woolens
with their many trade-marked names.
Prices are be particularly "special" that it may be a
little difficult te appreciate the real quality of the garments
just by reading of them here. They come from several of
our regular manufacturers who willingly co-operated te
make this an unusually interesting sort of "Opening Sale."
Sample Capes at $38.50
Fine trade-marked materials with fur-cloth, Paisley
corduroy or silk linings and cloth or fur cellars. Seme of
them are reversible. Only one of a kind. x
Spert Coats
$18 $20 $22.50 $27.50 $38.50
$18 coats are of plain colored tweeds with contrasting
plaid backs and plain or plaid cellars and cuffs; these are
very soft and woolly and built en loose, athletic lines.
College girls will like them.
$20 coats are of substantial herringbone tweeds with
checked backs; gray or brownish mixtures.
$25 coats are of tan sports cloth built en loose mannish
lines and essentially "out-doers" in type.
$27.50 coats are of chinchilla in tan, brown, navy or
an appealing shade of robin's-egg blue; lined throughout
with peau de cygne.
$38.50 coats are of English-looking tweeds in almost
plain colors; the shawl cellars are of natural raccoon; they
are lined te the waist with peau de cygne.
(Down htuira Blore. MurKet)
Women's Autumn Dresses
Specially Priced $10 te $25
A number of new styles will be shown for the first
time tomorrow, Tuesday. Braided, embroidered, pan
eled, draped or gratifyingly plain in crept; de chine,
Canten crepe, crepe-back satin, charmeuse, Bcrge, tri tri
cetine, Peiret twill, velour.
Sizes among them 16 te 52.
(Down Stulrs Mere, Market)
Tub Frecks, Suits
and Rompers
Specially Geed at
$1 te $2
Such an assortment of them
and every little garment brand
new, as a glance at their unusual
designs and trimmings will as
sure one.
Plain color and checked ging
hams and plain chambrays in the
favorite rose-pinks, y e 1 1 e w s,
blues, greens and browns of child
hood. $1 for creepers of plain cham
brny or checked gingham trimmed
with a bit et hand work. Sizes
1 te 3 years.
$1.10 for the widest assortment
of pretty di esses we have seen
lately at nbeut this price. Mether
Hubbard, pinafore and really
truly grown-up styles, 'aried
with trimmings of plain, con
trasting materials and atitchery.
Plain colors and checks. Sizes 2
te 6 years.
$1.50 and ?2 for little boys'
plain blue or brown chumbray
suits that have straight, well-cut
trousers buttoning up en the
blouses. Pockets, long sleees,
nnd just a touch of embroidery en
the cellars. Twe styles, both m
sizes 2 te C years.
$1.60 and $2 for aderable little
romper suits of phun-coler nov
elty chambray or checked ging
ham. Seme of them have nursery
figuie pockets. Sizes 2 te 0
(Down Btulri Stere, Ceutrnl)
Wemeis Linen .
1212c and 15c
The plain narrow hemstitched
bordered ones that college girls
nnd business women like te have
by the dozen. Plain white, 12Msc;
pink, blue, tan, green, bund nnd
maize, 15c.
(Down btrelrn blere, Centra!)
Satin Princess Slips
in Dark Celers, $5.50
Women hae been aV.inff l'er
them te wear with their ne v Fall
These nny nnd black satin ones
are cut en seve.ely stt night lines
nnd have four-inch hems nnd
hemstitched tops.
(Down HUlm Mere, Central)
Frecks for School Schoel Scheel
Girl Daughters
A new let of geed looking
frocks of plain color gingham
at $1!
Particularly interesting because
their designers have followed
closely the lines of the new cloth
dresses. Round of neckline and
long of sleeve, shirred into a
peasant cuff. Bound and trimmed
with appliques of Japanese crepe
and with zephyr stitchery. Blue
or tan. Sizes 7 te 10 years.
Regulation Frecks
Many mothers and school girls
agree that regulation frocks are
the nicest of any. Thcre is ex
cellent assortment in white jean
nnd unbleached muslin, priced
$4.50 and $5.50. Blue, brown,
green, rese; red or heliotrope
cellars and cuffs. Braid and em
blem trimmed. Sizes 7 te 12
(Dena Stulrs Stere, Mtirhet)
Scheel Umbrellas
85c te $1.50
A child with a man-sized um
brella is at the mercy of every
caieless passerby nnd evcrv
strong gust of wind. A small
umbrella is the thing he needs and
Fer Cec cleselv woven black
cotton umbicllas en solid frames.
Fer !;1 and $1.50 black cotton
umbrrllas en specially strong
steel frames.
Beys' umbrellas have creek
handles. Girls' have bnkelitc rintj
or mission handle with wrist ceid.
(Down Mulf, Stere, Murliel)
College Girls'
Blouses, $1.50 te
Pretty tub blouses add a touch
of daintiness te the slcoveless
frock, the suit, or the sweater-and-skirt
$1.50 for business-like white
striped madras blouses with con
vertible cellars and double cuffs
button holed for cutf links.
$1.(55 for 3triped dimity blouses
With Peter Pan cellars, and trim
turn-back cuffs. Trimmed with
cotton ftlct piceting.
$2.25 for finer sttiped dimity
blouses in buttoned-in-back Peter
Pan style with simulated vestee
front and narrow fluted trim
ming. All may be had in sizes 34 te
New Middy Blouses
$1.75 and $3.50
Fer sports, gymnasium nnd
class room wear.
$1.75 for white jean middy
blouses with double tailored
yokes, roll cellars and long
sleeves. Finished with turn-up
cuff which fits trimly nt the
?3 50 for all-wool flannel middy
blouses in nnvy blue and cherry
red. Regulation style, with white
braid and embroidered emblem
trimming. Cut-in pocket.
Sizes 34 te 42.
(Down Mtelrn fitere. Market)
Beys' Scheel Shoes
Get hard wear. These will
stand it.
Tan lace brogues en comfort
able, bread tee lasts; nice looking
and mighty stout and serviceable.
Of heavy, mahogany-color leather
with thick, velted soles. Mannish
perforations. Priced according te
Sizes 9 te 13 at $3.75.
Sizes 1 te 6 at $4.25 nnd $5.
Beys' Brogue Oxfords
Have Dropped te $2.75
Sturdy, broad-toe tan brogues,
marked down mere than a third
from regular stock. Stout uppers
nnd thick, welted soles. Size3
1 te 6.
(Dewu Htulrn 'tore, en the Gallery,
Girls' Scheel Shoes
Sturdy, broad-tee shoes that
nllew plenty of room for growing,
active feet. Tan or black calf,
high lace style with wedged
Sizes G te 8 at ?3.7G
Sizrs 8 te 11 at $1.25.
Sizes 11 v4 te 2 nt $4.75.
(Dewu Htnlri Stere. Ctientnut)
Weel md Down Filled Quilts, $9 te $12.50
Quilts se soft and warm that one actually leeks forward te long Winter nights
with the mercury dropping and the moon cold en frosty window panes.
These warm quilts will help, tee, if there is a scarcity of coal in the cellar.
At SO. specially priced pure down-filled quilts with figured snteen front and bnck. 72x72 inches.
At 512.50, specially priced pure down-filled quilts with ngured sateen top and plain
Specially Priced
All-Silk Charmeuse, $1.80 Yard
A find for the woman with clever fingers. Firm, smooth
silk with deep lights in the folds, and enough body te han
prettily. Celers that remind one of flowers and jewels anH
changing sea shades. Orchid, old rose, maize, pink, corn
flower, turquoise, jade, marine, battleship gray, beaver,'
African brown, henna and black. 36 inches wide.
(Deem it.ilr Stere, Control)
Women's Silk Stockings 75c
Smeeth weave and geed weight make these "seconds"
vei-y desirable at 75c. Mercerized cotton tops and soles and
seamed back. Black, cordovan and nude. Sizes S'j te 10.
(Down tttulra Stere, Central)
Women's Cotten Combination Suits
Regular Sizes, 50c
Extra Sizes, 60c
Fine ribbed cotton combination suits have built-up
shoulder and shell or tight knee. First quality.
(Down Stair Mere, Central)
Interesting Bead Necklaces, $1.25
First of all, they are new. That means they are longer
than we have become accustomed te. and most of them slip
en without catches. Plain, graduated styles in the loveliest
color beads imaginable!
Shimmering crystal necklaces, with scintillating facets
which catch every ray of light. One style shows the beads
set off by rendells; black with crystal, crystal with black,
sapphire, aquamarine and topaz colorings.
Stunning opaque bead necklaces combine metal links
with the colored beads in jade, sapphire, coral, topaz and
aquamarine shades.
(Deun Mulrit Stere, Ciulriil)
Fur Trimmed Coats Are
$32.50 $38.50 $48.50 $58.50 $78.50
Majority are of belivia or belivia-like trade-marked
weaves. Plenty of brown, navy and black. Plenty of sizes
16 te 44. Seme are embroidered, some are delightfully
wrappy, some have the new, long lines without belts, some
are belted, some have the new tightly cuffed sleeves. The
coats at $32.50, $38.50 and $48.50 have black dyed astrakhan
cellars. These at $58.50 and $78.50 are samples and have
luxurious cellars of beaver, nutria, gray squirrel, dyed wolf,
caracul and dyed gray, blue and taupe wolf.
72x72 inches.
At $10, pure- wool-filled quilts with figured sateen top anil plain back nnd bonier.
Pink-and-white and blue-and-v.hite.
(Down Stairs Stere, Control)
border and
72x50 inches.
Wilten Rugs Are Real HOME Rugs
Weel Wilten rugs assuredly will wear you can tell by the firm backing and the
closely set nap. Extremely nice looking, in beautifully blended patterns and colors. Fringed
ends.' Useful sizes. Moderately priced.
8.3x10.6 ft. Rugs $65
9x12 ft. Rugs $67.50
27x54 in. Rugs. .
4.6x7.6 ft. Rugs.
6x8 ft. Rugs
Standard Axminster Rugs in Many Sizes
9x15 ft.
ft. Rugs,
ft. Rugs.
18x36 in. Rugs
22Vx36 in. Rugs..
27x51 in. Rugs.
36x70 in. Rugs
4.6x6.6 ft. Rugs
6x9 ft. Rugs
7.6x9 ft. Rugs
. $2.50
. $2.75
. $1.25
. $7.50
. $25
9x9 ft. Rugs $37.50
9x10.6 ft. Rugs..
9x12 ft. Rugs
9x15 ft. Rugs
9x18 tt. Rugs
11.3x12 ft. Rugs..
10.3x13.6 ft. Rugs.
11.3x15 ft. Rugs. ,
. $60
. $75
. $60
. $65
. $80
8.3x10.0 ft. Rugs '.$38.50
Weel and Fibre Rugs Wear Exceptionally Well
Reversible ru'jf, of unusually heavy quality. The colors and patterns compare favor
ably with these of much higher priced rugs.
6x9 ft. Kiigs $9
7.6x9 ft. Rugs $12
8.3x10.6 ft. Rugs $14
9x12 ft. Rues $15
(Down SUlrt Ster., Chestnut)
9x15 ft. Rugs $20
12x12 ft. Rugs $22.50
12x15 ft. Rugs $27.50
?-.7." $i..-e nec
Fresh New Heuse Dresses
90c te $2.75
In September the thoughts of all geed housewives turn
toward cleaning or freshening up the house after the rav
ages of Summer dust. With plenty of these modestly priced
dresses en hand she won't be bothered with the problem
of "what te wear."
At 90p one r"'iy cheese percale or gingham in leng-wnistetl, broad bread broad
belted or liisi -.tjkb and in I i lit vm, is rohe, b'ue, liuender, yellow
and breun et n piacticnl mv blue wlh small white dots.
At .fl. If) a tl $!.ri0 hhg nri hat the same materials, a little
mere elubeiatny ttimmed perhaps, and in a numeer of c'l.tnnintr
At $1.75 nnd $2 75 the may hne black satetn ones pleihinply
combined with bright imerinc.
Small, medium and lingo sizes in each model.
(Dewu Btulr. Stere, liurket iud Ccntrttt Alile)
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