H l"f'ft fc " T R1 tHW tf-.l. ' 'J' w i n , . m .W.W fm ff..5 711 .i Ml. Lf hit 1 A r $vv. Y. is f te! e Daily Mevie Magazine OUT IN THE ducinc cemt :m in the m.itter of dl Itecters. It eenw te me iiups ble te expect hiK plctmes trem jeun; men of Iperhaps high sch el educ'tln nnd li'tle ICcneral experience, no mat:r whit ma terial thej are fiinn te weik with. 1 "et tills cempanj cent.nues te feop feep Inrdizc some of its lict t.irs bj a ncccslen of iiiilnsp.red directors et Ithc caliber of l'r-eti. rernnn. Heer. nnd AI C.reen. while It let-. Niblc ,pe. after one picture, and h' net re 'new a contract with Jehn Ubi'rten "Is it that the brother DeMille d 'Het brook rivalry? r is it fm eeon eeen eeon etny? And )e jeu no' think tint mii h leconemj is saWnc at the spum and Vasting nt the bungbele? "It is great news that Jehn Harrv Harrv .bere is te Ue us 'H.imlet' en the tagc whj nut aKe In pictures? (Wouldn't it be wonderful?" fHamlet In the movies'. (ireat' (With A'alentine as Hamlet and Mae 'Murray or Viela D.ina as Ophelia ami 'Beberts as Polenliis and Turnin as iLaertes and perhaps Hareld Llejd as I .Horatio and Chaplin as the grave- digger! Yes; I'd love te see it. And 'Yankee." should write the title- and in .. . ..I.. ,. tcuii I'r.uuii' mini, On the level. M. V. C . would en Werleuslj like te ec Hamlet ('.one In eel- lluleld? As a matter of fact. New Yerk Bad a him version recently that was 'tnnde In Sweden with A Ma Nielvm as 'Hamlet and the review- were verv fa- .TeraDie. liui it. nas siinpiy nijp- ipearce. p sflsR( T .rjrsw Kr i imK m .,f.n. jLiMKf 7 " f.r: Bt' biiiiiiiiW nHPHHSA bKHKTsIbsbbWfsiiiiiih 4f ;P?33H3Bl sasjsjsjiBjji h HB' S sTsl siisiiiiiiisbsTsiiii W1'.illifEeii tsh if HHIKlBKiiHIHPpBLVH b Ml' H i1 ii i 1 IIIMI mm liHI 1 1 Wlill'iiB Ii i THE MOVIE FAN'S M-Wl$ ' WfiMwi m : letterbox jmmM4 raSI ' I 1 Wl1 n.v hi:xky M. XCELY B -JS JHHi'M I M ' 98. iL iKiili" vV Ji?i2 fr, M9 fA' i M. F. C. rlt-: "I cannot under- mKSmM l't" $m t $ V ' lfe- 6JLS.IJ litnnd the p.ilie . f our bU'.-.-t pre- H1AK' ' tiM 'IM ? 2ty javU dueiiiR t'emi:tn in rV m.itter n di- flBBKKSte "te&i! 8?t -f J, RvtxW $ 'Het brook rivalrjV Or i it fm e.-nn- Wlfeaa(. m fBa&f lacparagtUyg, tl '&tw3i Serry I ran t print veur opinion of iVUJ r , un!U w te in a u-.u nn the tn t the alnnp-c nt attr.i" attr.i" attr.i" "Bloed nnd Sand," but ull hn te Kitty-CIetr-Ui Yeu print Ven's no tlnii.s in th di.Mi. vait until it lia. bpn -pn bvunf up discuss it. ) "Dramatic Student" writes: "Yeu 88k, 'Hew come jeu no n-k 'urn piinr his (Ven's) pictuie"' Why. tin re are a let of us who would like te -en Ven Strehelm's picture printed in the movie ectien. Hut we have lieen leaving it te Kitty Clever, i Hew Mime him write no mere? We like.) Say. Hen, old : I .ame nearlv Baying old top, but with us ou nre After-Dinner Tricks Ne. 2S(I The .Mental Plioneeraph The performer places a record uten the phoneernpli without shewlni; it tn env one. He then calls fnr the name of , uuvi ; v4'-i4 'ina iii nit- jiiiuitj in a lew popular pieces nnd writes each lone en a separate slip of paper. Th Blips are rolled up ami some one select' . .lln rPlia nhxnnnniiili Ic cferl.,1 .. ,l a eiy A.,w i..u...ft, ,,,. ... nuitiiiii ..... .' .. -11.. t. i e . . upon opening m sip 11 n reunn te pear tne name 01 tue selection wnicn Is belna nlayed. The trick is quite tdraple. The pnr former knows what piece he lia put ' -v April Shown, S April Snawcn Y&&ta'&b April Shower? PPWC''' April ShcACri ; C. j,j ! April 5hoeCfi w ' "J" Tlirj? ?,rng4,tdn.nhi,r.f,.lll.V, end ?,r,r,ithe imagination. Thp" "tJVC en. As the no tlens arc called 1. - ll u... .. 11.. Ll.- .1... ."f tie rerd en ,h7nhnad V "; , 'J "' Hence all the slips hear the name th selected record. The remain! . , - - - -.-- .- - .- T -.. .... :.... .. , ,. hanKn"1"1- C-vrieM. 19tt, bv PuWIe Ltdacr Company Where Shall I Send My Child te Scheel? That question can be answered quickly and satisfactorily by consulting the X4ucatlenal Bureau, en ground fleer at Public Ledger Office, Independence mi.iu TTAla vnll rl l .. .Vllflln nnmnlata nn.l .Allc.!"l1ft Infnrmn.lAn nt n n .. I'Mardlns' school for boys or Blrla, military academy, business college, special IacBoeia ter retaruea cnnuren, connervaiery e. music, lecnnicai ana voca tional schools. Our Intimate knowledge of the advantaces et the arleus Inatltutlena will enable veu te make a wise choice. This service Is free and available te iLsl Loeation preferred Ur Taany tuition Kama Address .. Telephone MAIL TO EDUCATIONAL BUREAU, PUBLIC LEDGER COMPANY r CHESTNUT Pi i ,r . Walaat 30M S t COUNTRY WHERE "MEN ARE MEN HPf-: 'tfli1 Pit Wm JiW T-te BMITL'ZK 'WWW54ftSeWfr!'VZ'rtSjrjy5r!ri . ' .. , i'.1 I That melodrama rt '1 Wr'ii Wned, "The S'eim." by I.nnsdnn McPor McPer inii K. has lx-rn Mrtenul with ti m faeiite m the Hading roles. Ter example, in the upptr plume, nre Vugiiii.i V.illi nnd Heuse Peteis, as heroine ami here. Itt low is Jesef Swlik.nd. reinembend from 'The T.np 11. ........... " ...I... 1 .1 l.. ,.e .1... i i i...!.. ...i '. iiui .'iii'ii, . m im- iiji- iiiii r. longer at the top until m redeem jeiirclt. The wnj ou ai ted .ibeut 'he Ven Streiiei i picture u t- nut what wi .all f.ilr p .j. Hut, Hen. dearie , u.an. dear.e man Let mn te'! ve i wnai let s. mi v nile tnej are linvinc imup ine"i ami i lie MiiTia nt piur umi a urentn 01 lit tin uittnn nml ,.lw lu. i .. .-.i . .i -. i. ' .iiwi.iMi n nun iiiiiii-i- ne.-rh have printed. 'Well, hue it is, Klttv Clever ' New that's thai "I used te .lit jour answer- from the paper and paste them Mite a lm.ik and a-" it f. r a kind of tethek. I took jour werl for all of it. until von evr-teppeil the mark bv veur iiukin 1 treatment of one uf our fineM nnd most a ented actors ,. de nt Hk,. ,P,r. in? thst the Letter llex i- for jour own purposes alone, te puff up veur favorites and Mam' the-e wliomveu .... a .. m. i" n"i i arc t'i npiire.'iaic. M.riepr, c thlriU It should In- fr the r-'adcrs of thf column and net 'a en.'-man affair.' "Yeu ju-t av tn that ttibhnrnnp- in you; 'iit nut of hip. Satnti,' and t'lPii ye'l'll bp r in- nun .ulnrnble -i-lf ac.n!n Net for Klttv. ami net for me, t.ut 1u-i for fun ami te .. liew Reed vpu'H fepl." INope! Yeu'rp wien;. If Satan pet out of me. I wouldn't be mjdf it all. Your -uwtien about klttp'ns k1ps me a finp eppnlnc tn say nincthlns about , fats, but It is tee obvious. UpmIiIps. I veu'i-p perfect rJcht in the whnlp thine I ih semptbinjf could be done aneut it i Renald Threi limnrtnn writes; "Did veu hniippii t n .id an hi tide in the Vnprh mnri.... i ii i .r ,. as JJope"; It uas In Kl'labetb I'm- neii. iiimii ir less intimatel ipiimpI te' .Wl .lesppn I About April or Ma, I farther baik. At nrn beliee Maj be farther back. At nn ""': , ' "-'"h tuut ceine of jnui funs reul" "M0 't. etliers rliew It and a ' t it iiVi V ,v" """ " inwui. wnur may em. lu be, a iltt.10 r-ejncliet-tl nRiilnst , Phe'(Ifrania. yet bhe scores spv- ITQl l . (). R. ,,.. . . ... . V mnmnpv ...n'r : . ,r -" , ".".""",.". "'r", '" ..... tinjiiiui,. .1.11 I. vvijill IL . II mill III rj .: ","L ...: ' '"-" nnd cenn-qucnth thp title was thin 1n.1v- ips. as new nreduced. stunt iiipntnl Krnwth, dull lnHtinctti and deuden one's I lli- "' 'bretuthtwith It a series of sterre.,,,,,1 1 OreuKllt with It 11 series of sterretwip.l faclnl expreMieiiH. The hnhltual inm,. .hound is perfectly e.tnnble of writlns 1 captions for hiinselt (mere often her - c iiiDiia rer nimijeu mere eiren .pr S"!J" -SSi"! "le r""" ...S,p ahe blnmeil moile directors for every one everywhere. sex. .Age. AT IXTH STS. Mala 1601 ft EVENING PUBLIC : l - ui in., iifiutiii - ullllll., iiiui'T T; !:i- e.-tn -ets. Dinld. thev nj . al- wax-. mcs i.'.il book' ie.il nei-' renl eiMliius. H" iluttefs up the -face M s.,i.c i.ii in I'etep tiilmin'i with an i inhniti vaii-tv if infiiuti -imal thiiu- lei aiiuri-pin ic . i.itlier Hi in nt t s -nke. 1 l.c limn K ilKri.irltJ ftntii tin' .i twin "i Ih'Icve ,in trlN Mnntrt a dhp i. " .. i ... ...... ...... .ii i. iii 1 1- ii iiimii unii ill miii- v'ii in iiit in move hnii-e ever nlsfit of the we.' m..'it'i and ve.ir "in uth t word-, th v h.i.e -e.iseti tii-t-t- n.l thev have thou reserved . als v-wi la!'- up- 1'nKteied. e that if tlnv de net .are t. wit.h the i.i.tuie the. cm hiv. a foe.l'e-t "Ne.v that i iiin me-i idiotic win te .1 ..n.'v .wHn;. let one s nwn fiee wllli that I m iiingine Hut nt anv rutc. the moral of the -terj U that they PHOTOPLAYS The following theatres obtain their pictures through the STANLEY Company of America, which is a guarantee of early showing of the finest productions. Ask for the theatre in your locality obtaining pictures through the Stanley Company of America. ADlM I O "D A TrlOMPSO ri wi,i-.v ma TINEE DA1LT LON CHANEY in THE TltAI'" ARHMDRF nlM-lviv-ic. LANCASTER PIKE. ARDMnrtn PA. GIRL IN HIS ROOM" I) l (.III hit 111-; lliL.WI."'!' .Ml1-J. I'il si Muns, n irn.m.' A9TDR EIGHTU,AJ r3 1 VJ1 MAT1NK (J1RAP.U AVt ll I1! T CONSTANCE TALMADGE i tei i nr Tin, i in i.n e a I TiynDC !,lE BAL I IMUKt- E iKl ii HAl.nAlOlttt n .in aat an. zwr. diiKi'x stiiii 'WHEN ROMANCE RIDES" DI ITtTDIOr Jread it busji.enanii DLUHDIjAL' Continuous 'J until 11 DUSTIN FARNUM i ..sthamu: iiiiii.s" rn. AMI A I utn.. Mapi.woea a vv;ii',i-vi 2 au. t ami u 1 it. CONSTANCE TALMADGE THE I'ltHinltK 1 Q hit" FATRMOUNT .Se'e'i JOHN GILBERT . htmii iki.i.iiw siais" , ...-.r.-ri iprM Hread GREAT NORTHERN ", , rniSJQTANCE TALMA St at Kris 11 , 10 11 CONSTANCE TALMADGE In "THE PRIMITIVE HUfll" 1 IMPERIAL Tilt" no. Kvm. I10TII & WALNUT UTS. A J CONSTANCE TALMADGE In "THE I'ltMiniVK l')EU" TlDCDTV UftJAD & COI.UMH1A AV LltJLK 1 T MATINEE DAILT BEBE DANIELS l "A II ME t UK MA" ORIENT Woodland Ae at 024 8t MATINEE DAILY CONSTANCE TALMADGE in "fiii.i. or the 1011.11.V OVERBROOK il.ll) te IIAVEIl- TOItD AVE DOROTHY DALTON In "THE I HIMsQN ( i.AI.I.KXr.K" PALM FHANKFORO AVE ft VniiKIS STUEET ETHEL CLAYTON i iriiii Tin: ni'.ri.Nhi:" Ail.lfil Attr-1!"!. nrnrUi Vmidrl REGENT Market St. Ilolew ITctt 10 A M te 11 P M MARY MILES MINTER 111 "SOI TH Of HI " mi A I Tfl OEHMA.MOWN AVENUK Kl Ai- IU AT Tl'I.PEIIOOKEN 8T. JACKIE COOGAN III "MY HOV SHERWOOD Mi,T Vfa NORMA TALMADGE , In "htllt.lS' TIIIHH.'f.ll" 333 MARKETeTS.Y.HSsS JACK HOLT la THS MAN UNCONQUEBABZV LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY,. : : ' : - hnv' been doped te miuIi mi I'steut tliey cannot stay at home. Tli -y de net . enre te exercise tliL'lt hitelU'i-tt- or they would lme tried leading, iliey iie net like movies with a u-al p'et. If tliey must be cirefnlly followed, that Is their dsmil te g te sli'vp. Tliey de wake up for tlie rnniedj. for It leipilres nbto nbte lately no menial yttnln. rrhnt's a nrettv btead Indictment. and. of reuri'. is inueh eerdinwn, but nt lent tlirte enough trtitli llux tin -itnrnnntli It te make It it matter for mi-lniiu i.nticcrn. Ii'h n nltv .c eau't i tinve .liiilce sietinclinn start i.n antl- I . 1. It. .1... ...... I.. f.ll 1.n tlOpP eruilin " "r inuii-n, uui wit treulile Is se nn uce tne sum unii n would eaue n evere shock If we bad n iln uiilinitt It. Xethlnc will ever cure the habit except n mere cnllKht- encl public cnc 01 tne artistic ami dramatic. As that Is srewliiR all the time and creulnc fact, I den t think the situation is altogether hopeless.) S. B. E. It was Shirley Masen, net .Viela Dana, who appeared in "Trcas- tire Island." Yes, they arc lter. I Ileal name Is riiiRrath. Come fiein ltroekljn T!te don't ftar In what jeu call "popular p!as" simply becaue there isn't sufficient popular demand 'for them. That's .ilwnys the answer ' te that nucMien nbeul anybody. "Dreanier": You'll have te be mere specific when jeu ak me my opinions of thins Hew can I tell the people ou mean when ion give only their first 'names? Kodelph who' Wallace who? Which (tlerlu? Mlllnn nnd Dorethy what? t'leae be definite. When jeu speak of Ames, tell me whether jeu menu Ames rutnmlnpi or n moxiuite and when jeu ask about I.lma, specify whether you mean Peru. Ohie or beans. Sylla K. Dorethy Phillips was berii In Halt mere ami educated theie. She Is new llMns at lelO Laurel ave nue, Hollywood Calif. r.:t(.TiN.i ttOt ll SOfH QB TSffv77w MeverBothCempony ic larcest commercial art or- canizalien in the field, offers you a different training. If you like te draw, develop your talent. Study this practical course taught by this widely known institution, with twenty-two years' success which each year sells te adverti'efs ever ten thousand commer cial drawings. Who clse could give you se wide an experience? Commercial art is a highly paid, intensely interesting profession, equally open te men nnd women Heme study latlructlnn (Set facta before you enreIHn nny school VV rile for our 11 liistriitfd book. "YOU! OPPORTUNITY." for oee-half the cost et moiling four cents In itemju. PHILADELPHIA OFFICE 1214 Walnut Strait, Dept.41 MEYER BOTH COLLEGE of Commercial Art Business Education In Philmlelphta np-irly eveoliedy known et the superiority et StraM.r'8 Business Celles". If u dKlri tiulnp! tra'nfnu rf any kiml .lay or evenlns te sure te ct rnr tliular" from Straver s tcfore miking aifinur- airanRpmenl lnoe On and nleht (ituitpnts 00 !p rltr 44 lie.d i'il. wen lart imr. SrivlilMfs S'.mrtind TvTenrltlnu rieekl.plnr Ar xjitlnir. IVnmanahlp. Arlthmetlr Ln?llh und Filcsmnn'hip Strayer's Business College in hlmit strict VViilnnt (H.8I nut helnm strit 1'itr.iMiti: ion a itr.TiKit i(sitkin Our ceiiibi" In Bfincrai buslnpjs ti inlrc also Ptenecraphv I.e 'kkeepln nnd hprre. inrlal have fitted miny eini: men and I .".::.'' ,L"r T'A' '."'',' L'".,nn in.iuwual niii i ut nun run i!"rm plans sepi i Nljijt -ltses Men Tues and Thurs. Sept fiS ..,Vi "nitvi- n. ... (Igrtf 'nd r" 'f-c 'f ( rnlnVrrre NjgE i;m m trt.pt n. I'hll ldrliihi,, r,..,,Tl.., ,. .,,,.,,. .',- Vhiladirnhi u retiri, If'i-h'.Vm" C"ifiuJis , -JL. mi mi u, vstiii i tun Ztckwtr-Hahn Hhilailelphia Mmical AcadcrnT vinin iii . mi: s,,n,,r Mrpf(1 Vii""en rtet-.j ration .spp'ernUr 1 flasse s(p,,,m rilOTOPLAVS iTheMXON-NlRDLINCLRi THEATRES 1 BELMONT 52D AUvn market -ii-lYiJiv I i 3n & 3. 0 31) te 11 p. it ETHEL CLAYTON '" i:t run Di;ii;.sK" CEDAR WITH S. CEDAR 1 SM 1 AVENUE A P 11. 1 1 I..ST til I A.1 '.. "THE CALL OF HOME COLISEUM Mark,",nnj'-, 'eth & eth .,. "i-vr.iccvri ASHAMED OF PARENTS" JUMBO VRSl HT- ""lAn AVE. 11 , V. Jumb0 Junc' en rrankferd "L" ..iiil C- fAflANNr.-H I'ltODlfTlflV "BEYOND THE RAINBOW" LEADER;18? S4,??vT "WHEN ROMANCE RIDES" LOCUST Ms?.lN1D,0Ii?f,r?r "TitrJSTi ..... JIa'a J 30 3 ,:vK . 1 30 te 11 IIIA IMIKAM'S I'lttlDI fTION "TURN TOTHE RIGHT" NIXON'S AMBASSADOR jT (iMlltdi: KI.KIT'si I'XMIII " N(.'ii',?d J "SILAS MA.RNER" NIXON C2D ANU MAHKBT'iST" VIVIAN MARTiNSOand In "SOXH OF THE s) ," 69TH ST. Th""..pfP IX-T.rrnTnTT BERT LYTELL In "THE I'ACK IlETMI.h.S" STRAND aT3'en,Sw,S nVT1" AGNES AYRES In "IKIIllll KI..XMI'' AT OTHER THEATRES "RES .O.A. ivibMbbKa OF M.P.T, GERMANTOWN L,?ilrnantewn Av. JtATI.NKE DAILY CONSTANCE BINNEY In "THE M.KKI'H.u.hiHt" GRANT 402 0IARI) AVE VjIM1 1 Mal -,f,ny ,, GLADYS WALTON In "8KCOVI1.IHM) itn Mr.' JEFFERSON 2Uth & Duuphln 81.. MATIVl (; daily VIVIAN MARTIN In "TIIK. HIIMi or ,i FK" PARk' WDOB AVE. & DAUPHIN bT. rrtlXTk. Mat. 2:15. Evg. e:5 te 11 ALICE LAKE la i'HATK" KlltTATKINAl. lletli Htm College of Liberal 7 Arts and . Sciences The Bacheler Degrees Standard Curriculum based en best academic experience. Embraces the six great fields of learn ing, English Language and Literature, Mathematics, Foreign Languages, Pure Science, History and Secial Sciences and Philosophy. Write for Information and Bulletin COURSES OFFERED Bacheler of Art Chemistry Degree of B. S. in Chemiitry Technical Ceurae (evening) Civil Engineering (evening) Construction Mechanical Design Surveying Architectural Drawing Pltvn Reading & Estimating College Course for Teachers Economics Medical Preparatory (two-year course) TEMPLE UNIVERSITY Bread Street Belew Berks, Philadelphia, Pa. Higher Accounting v II j. . . Li.l7P j &Kv.U3L PEIRCE SCHOOL OF BUSINESS .ADMINISTRATION Day Scheel Opens Sept. 5. X Pine St. West Write for 5Sth &JLNKS NIGHT SCHOOL FOR EVERY YOUNG MAN AND WOMAN hn wnnia the Knowledge and tr.lnliiij t'.int will (Uillfy him or hei for a oe! ra Iiik renltlnn nnd te advnnci. n.nl. U In tHislnesK Cnminerrlal. .-rreinrlal Shnrtnind IlUKlrcH Adnilnlntr.itlen, C I A. A.ceuntlnv lull se-lce Tenrhern' Trlnln;. Salfmnanhlp, Huslnenu rn a I.w ilramninr Silim! Puhllc hrenkhitf Cnuree AN "AC f ItKniTfU" f MlMKIirii. vcllOOI, 1200 WALNUT STREET Voting Mph ntl 1eh SAINT JOHN'S SCHOOL, MANLIUS College Preparatory Among the hills, 11 miles from Syracuse. Elaborate equipment. 19 buildings. 120 acves. A happy school life with well-ordered recre ation and athletics. Fermer stu dents new attending 44 colleges and universities. Business course. Alse Junier Scheel for boys 10 te 14. Fer 31 years under present management. Fer catalog, address GENERAL WILLIAM Bex 27 llelll icxeH A Are Yeu Grewing? Trnln irmrpelf for u tetter position wlivieut Interfering with jour present wnrl Pelre eenlne reursfa offer practi ce thoreuph Inutructlen In llunlneBS Artmlnlfctrntlen, Accnuntlntr, lienenil HulnesH S.ileHmnnhli Sttnnernntu nnd In Secretarial and Teacher Tralnlnu, Day Solinel Openi Srpt. B NlBlit Scheel Opens Sept. 18 PEIRCE SCHOOL of Business Administration ll'rttc or S8t Year Heek T. I'lni" St. Wl of IJre.nl 6CI100L 01" COMMERCE 38TII YEAR The day nnd eenlng schools of Short Shert nand, 'rypewrltlng and Bookkeeping open Theetflres are open dally from 0 A. M te 4 P It., and teglrnlng August 30 the offices are open In the eenlm.a with the txceptlen of Saturday. TKMIM.ll rNIVKKSlTY I'hlljdrluhla QTAMMERENG cSV Venr Nneern Ilererts Cerretel 4141V uuuv. 4.n,vwv i,mv-.iw Club vnu eirnfuallf will join. TIIF. KINOHI.KY PIS Pheno Walnut 1002. Send for Booklet " Wulnut St., I'hlla.n; The Franklin Institute Scheel of Mechanical Arts Drafllng. Mathematics, Mertianlts. Machine Leslgn, Structural Design. Naval Architecture Registration Dally 1,1 H. 7tli St.. I'lillu,, Pa, Friends' Select Scheel Fer llnyg nml fllrlu The I'l.rkHii,, Clirrrj und lntll Hts. All urades from i'rlinary through High Si hoel htands for thoreush work und I hrlstlan character Begins Ninth Me., 18. Cataletues Offlce open for rniiference. W -Iter V HnTllnrd I'slnelnnl ACCOUNTANTS " "!?d ,"'",ta .i. .. i.. Accounting Is only one of tn thoroughly practical business reursee at . UNIVERSITY OF PA. EVENING NrilOOL JuSXejan HsJl rbea Bartqg 100 Ste. M SEPTEMBER 2, 1 r " : ....' ' - 1922 y KntTCATIONATi llith f fs . Psychology Secial Workers course) (two year riease eend me Bulletin of ceuracn marked X. Name Strrrt CItr State . i i - , K. Led. 9-2-22 and a Higher Salary 11 Jk Never did this interesting and lucra tive field offer se many splendid opportunities as new. Peircc day nnd evening courses qualify for State C. P. A. examination. COURSES OF STUDY Business Administration (two years) Accounting (two years) General Business (one year) Secretarial (one te two years) Stenographic (sis te nins months) Salesmanship (one year) Teacher Training (one te two years) Night Scheel Opens Sept. 18 ept. 18 Ii of Bread Year Boek DAY SCHOOL OPENS SEPT. S NIGHT SCHOOL OPENS SEPT. 7 seiinc Men imiiI lln LIU W VERBECK, Pmident Msnlius, New Yerk . AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL Ccrtlflc.ite Courses endorsed by Th I'liim. juie jraue ABsn. General Mechnnlcal Course rtepalr Shep Practice Iunltlen, Starting and LlehtlnK Storage Battery Ceurau Short Course for Owners Hay and Uvenlni; Glauses benln Wed , Sept. n Complete oulpment, ThoreuBh cnuraes. Small clnnsei. Tuition rates moderate. Write or mil for Information Y.M. C. A. AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL 1121 ARCH KT( 1024 LUDLOW ST PREPARATORY SCHOOL ELEMENTARY SCHOOL ENGLISH FOR FOREIGN-BORN TUTORING Classes merntnir, afternoon, evening, epsn Monday. tept. 11 Individual attention. Ex perienced instructors. Rapid progress for earnest students Werk planned special for mature men and women, Bend for Catalog Y. M. C. A. PREPARATORY SCHOOL M21 Arch St 1013 Lehigh Av S2d & Sansom am CHESTNUT HILL ACADEMY A d.iy and lieardlnir school for bejs Pre. luiratl.in fur college ft spcclalts .S.tlal r,lt for 5-day ho.irders Suiwrvlsed study and Play In the flarnoen for dav boss as well us bcMrders Open HrptPinlirr Kith, CaliileKues en application. J I- JTTKUHn.vJtcadinaster i'imgiimi'nnnii (ilrTs ( ON( DUD. MASH." Concord Academy A small bearding and day achoel for alrls In the historic town et Concord. Massachusetts situated en the beautiful Samuel H.Mr estate! The school life Is planned In dee0n ths rjualltles of lnltlatle nnd self rellame (e stlniuluta InlellectuHl curle.ilty, bn, t0 .,,, thorough preparation for college Catalemie en reauest. Application riieuld be made te Elsie Garland Hobien, Ph. D. roxrenn, mass. iiea.in.uir... The Gorden-Roney Scheel tar girls (lit Heme M &l,n&rg& KncrATIONATi. Veunir Mm nnd Beth ACCOUNTING AND BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION An vnlnir iiehoel of unlvsraltr KI"d,?n ferfmr practical bualnm training for ran and woman. Evry ceura taushl by n man of standing In the buslnfiin verld. Accounting Schoel-thrco-ycar tlple: ma course IlttftiB for the C. r. A. ex aminations nnd for business adxance- Pre.Aeeeuntlna-a special ,-eX course In BoekEecpIn for '?v wf5" want te equip themselves qu'cK'y '" rntrance te tfils achoel. or for a prac tical knowledge of Boekkeoplnp. Business Administration 8eJ0.'-three-year diploma course, providing n thorough practical preparation for UUSltlCSS SUOC089. Thirty Certificate Courses from which the student mny cheese. KnU?neV llSi.'ttar. nflnAf'nclpf.. g SF0Unt'M ffielssa' Kssri-kwi C?e"dl(sC4 CouJctlens roreUn Biehanw trea"s 1'urchaatn and Stores KMD1M Tncterv Orfranliatlen and Manairernent nmce Organisatien and Manaiereem Feremanslilp apanun , Send for catalog te neare$t ( Y. M. C. A. Fthoel of Accounting an Bnslneas Administration HaiArchSr. lOHLchlghAxa. BSdASanaemBta. THE EPISCOPAL ACADEMY (FOIINDKD OVERBROOK ItufUlar Scheel Seaalena begin Tnursday. Hoptpmber 21tt He-Examinations Wednesday. September 20th New boys report Tuesday, Sept. 19th Greville Haslam, B. S. Headmaster rKNMtNUTO.N. W. J. PENNINGTON SCHOOL for YOUNG MEN AND BOYS Pennington Scheel prepares ynuns; men for college, technlcat schools and bus! nesg. Junier school for boys; 84th year: m eaulnmcnt: gymnasium : awlm. mine peel ; high moral stnndards ; Insplr. ntlenai mmnj " --.d.y iur ana Philadelphia. Write for "The Penning. ten Idea." Francis iiarvey ureen, A. M., Lltt D.. tieaarrmaier, uu u, jfenning jfenning ten. N. J. ESTABLISHED 1838 PARCEL POST I'lANO AMI I'l-AYKK-riANO 1IAKI1AI.NH HOWARD VINCENT. 830 te H10 N. Oth St. HELP WANTED FEMALE CLERK Mut be eulck nnd accurate at fig- urea ana intelligent rer errice work; ex perience necessary. AbraalNe Ce., Tacony and Fraley t . Franhfenl 1S00 CLERK for cert depertment: muat be comptemeter operator. A 200. Ledger Oft. HOUSEWORK, gen. half-Urn. In nfternoen; Idry.. ref.. wnea ?0 4401 Walnut, Apt. 4, LAUNDRY Experienced feedera folder und hand Iren.'rs. Acnlv 4809 Aspen St.. ready fur erk OPERATORS wanted te work en boys' ceata; geed working conditions. Apply the Snelllngburtr Clothing Ce , Bread and Wallace ats. SALESPEOPLE Lit Brethera require experienced salespeople for their trimmed millinery department, permanent position and geed salary. Apply Bureau of Emplejment. 2d fleer, 7th and Filbert sts SALESPEOPLE Lit Brethers require salespeople for their arlmn departments. Apply Bureau of Em- pleMnent. 2d fleer. 7th and Flltert. bTENOORAPHER in pleasant, centrally lo le cated effice: permanent. Interesting posi tion with geed salary; must be experienced, a high school student and Protestant. PiflOS Ledger Office. STENOORArHER wanted in office of manu facturing establishment In Kensington state age experience, reference nnd salary" Address Q 43, P. O. Bex 3170. ". iSrHNOOnAI'IIEU ante.l In office of flnan. . i.ii insuiuuun niKn ncneni rauuate pre terred Male age I 010 I.eiger Office STRDfO WOMAN TO DO PACKING fhlna'and house furnishings goeds: packing room located en upper floors. Apply Em Em peojment Bureau, fourth fleer. OIMBEL BROTHERS TELEPHONE OPERATOR te take chars of small snltchheard and de clerical or sten esrarhtc work, must be experienced. Berke ley Knitting Ce . 1820 Vine st , Phlla., Pa. TELEPHONE operator with tfpewrTTlnsrex rerlence by large manufacturing company bright opportunity for conscientious worker state age and experience. P 012. Led Off ' General MAKE MONEY AT HOME Yeu can enrii from 11 te $2 an hour In our spare time writing shewcards. quickly and easllv learned by our new simple methed: no canasilng or soliciting, ie teach ou hew, tell jour work and pay ou ensh each week: full particulars nnd booklet free. Write today te the AMETl. ICAN SIIOWCARD srilOOI, 230 Rirlc Bl.lg.. Terente. Ontario. Canada ""c OIULS wanted. Clevern. positiens: $120 Ine": manv acancles, examinations Stpt & Oct. Write for pos. ejien. P H21. l' q HELP WANTED MALE ABLE-BODIED MEN BLACKSMITHS BOILERMAKERS CAR REPAIRMEN CAR INSPECTORS MACHINISTS WANTED FOR PERMANENT POSITIONS PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD 182S FILBERT GTREET BLACKSMITHS WELDERS BOILERMAKERS MACHINISTS WANTED Seventy cents an hour for 8 hours time, r.4 half eertlme Call New Yerk Centra? nan read. 30'J Shubert Bldg., 230 8. Urea.? 8" BOILERMAKERS BLACKSMITHS MACHIN1NSTS AND CAR REPAIRMEN WANTKD JOHN GOLL li COMPANY CONTRACTORS 1B21 ARCH ST. ASK FOR MR, JONES I HELP WANTED MALE Alien ITKCTURAIj draltaman, wantedi niuMK iav experience In rea dent ali.wnrV W!iJB A. Zlegler. 1300 teeuat at., fhlla. " 4 ItOAni) HOY wanteit by membrra Jtew ti: ,t' i.nd Philadelphia Bleck Exchange! In 7.i " state age. rrevleua cxrerlencei oppertunl J t for capable boy. A 225. Idgtr7ftfa;"""y s tmlt vtit A inrna " ' , and nhACKSMITltfl WANTKD TOR rnrtMANRNT POSlTIOMa I'ENNflTtVAiIA nAlt.rtOAD 0NS 1112a Fn.mcrtT st. IIOT13 wanted for full and part "time. Arnft a te 4 P. St. noem 000, Heed Uldc.. lik Filbert at. R ' '18 CAIllNBTMAKEIlS en flrBt-elans ter ri7. ii.rea! ulendv work, ltlrarh A rn n." .4 . --..-.....- ... "" "Ha II rt n inrwi. .VW.U.tfc n.n. DnAPTBM EN Experienced det(ttlfr" en te7i bulldlni: only thei-e with thorough xpil enre In structural shop draltln roema!Ji hlp draftimen. Call, write or phone fui Oendell. manager of employment. Nw Terli Shlpbulldlnir Corporation. Camden, if, j " ELECTnO-PLATER Qoed, all-around ieh .uah .....m ..Alee. tuu. win. .... -. xw work Elmer It. CatTln Ce., 808 Uth it N. W. Waahlnnten, D. C, KNITTEn MECHANICB MecfiatlcB llrlnten necktle machine who make erljItiM "lealtna need apply. p0ltln in New Yerk. Write Bex 842, B06 Fltg; terald Bldg . New Trfrk City, LABORERS. LABORERS t (WHITE) FOR TRACK WORK $8.60 TER DAT BTRAIOHT TIME. RAIN OR 8HINB FREE TRANSPORTATIOrf BOARD ADVANCED CALL A. C. R. R. OF N. Jj FREE EMPLOYMENT OFFICE 128 NORTH 15TH STREET LABORERS wanted en concrete construe. tlen; rate 35c per hour. Apply 8SU act Lansdowne ave. LUMBER LABORERS: steady works roe4 pay. rearien & Ludaecher Lumber Ce., Weatmnreland t. and Delaware River. LOUISVILLE AND NASHVILLE R, K. wants experienced It. R. machinists, boiler, makers, car Inspectors and atr Inspectors, Apply 11B N. Uth st. Roem 8. MACHINISTS BOILERMAKERS CAR INSPECTORS FOR RAILROAD WORK STEADY EMPLOYMENT AT STANDARD WAGES PLENTY OF OVERTIME FREE BOARD AND TRANSPORTATION APrLY TO COMPANY OFFICE 123 N 13TH ST. PHILADELPHIA. PA. CENTRAL RAILROAD OF NEW JER81T OPEN DAILY 7 A. M. TO 5 P. M. MACHINISTS' AND BLACKSMITHS STANDARD WAGES. TIME AND ONE. HALF FOR OVERTIME AND SUNDAY. UtEE BOARD AND TRANSPORTATION JO M1DDLETOWN, N. Y. "APPLY TO COMPANY OFFICE. 1000 ARCH ST., PHILADELPHIA, PA. NEW YORK. ONTARIO AyD WESTERN RAILROAD CO. MAN Tltle and trust efficer: geed opportunity with faet-crewlnic section for ambitious man, progressive company; an suerlng;, give experience, age and salary s pcctel: answers confidential. P BOB. Led Off MAN Experienced, te manage tourist office; etate references and salary expected. M fii'l, Ledger Office . MARINE BOILERMAKERS AND MACHIN. TaTfl U'lVTPn pin I nvn.ni..p tnn, ALSO A FEW BLACKSMITHS: GOOD MONEY AND WORKING CONDITIONS. SEE MR. ZEBENFIELT, 40 N. 10TH ST., ALL DAY. MEN A large organization of national scend reeulres men te work Inte KVKCIJ TIVE POSITION and very rapidly therefore we need men who are quick te learn and who will aprly themselves energetically and laumuiiy luii spruce vim te arrange ler nnlnterMiw. . NKillT engineer and watchman wanted. Apply te Becker, Smith & Page. Water nnd Smder ave 1'AIM' TURKMAN en quality high temperi turn enamellnflr of steel nreducts: must he thoroughly expeilenced and capable of pre. during efficiently P COO, Ledger Office. PAPER salesman wanted In wholesale paper wareneuse, one wun experience prererrea: tate age and selling experience. P ail. Ltdger Ofllce RAILROAD MECHANICS Mechanics, new Is your chance te get steady Jeb and make a real home for yeuf family, where sunshine, clean air and geel water are always at hand, where coal Js a small factor and 11 buys 100 cents' werts of the real necessities of llfej no even crowded cities and their discomforts te con tend with: think It ever, and If you are real mechanle and can duality for the below named positions ceme In und talk It evef with the A, C, L. man: free beard M transportatien: open-shop conditions, BLACKSMITHS BOILERMAKERS MACHINISTS Apply at 40 N. I6TH ST. 1004 RACE ST. rLASTERE'tS wanted 111 per day. APJ1. Mr. Celeman. Atlantic City High Scheel.' Atlantle City, N. 3r SALESMAN wantei experienced for bre4 wagons. Apply 2 oleck, Frelhefer Bjklnl Ce i-m anu unesinut sts, unesier, i SALESMAN WB NEBn PERSONAM' AND SECURE CAN 1 ILK CONCERNS 1 AND CAN r .OFFKB Tllie liimi'i. t , . liLiilw nL-uIll AULB CONTRACT. APPLY USO TO 12 A 1:30 TO 4 P. M. MR, RYAN. ROOM 411. 437 CHESTNUT ST. A SALEBMAN OF STP.O.T1 w mtsiNESs. wg aiu , I ' ,.i' Vi & Sk m tA Jtu'i, A tv 1-U.fti V; ' (U''(. 1 (