mi',w "ft. ;&? i r s I I K. I 1 ka? t' fckr bcsj: j BI(M ,i . .. B.V"fj Aliening Itebltc ffiebaer f PHnJADEEPHIAi FBIDAT. J SEPTEMBER & " 1922 1V i . .v., s ... L Tt, v x r xt.; .i ' ; . j?r. Si 'v S ' , s '- X V, ,J I J .-m UNITED STATES-TO-BRAZIL FWGFHT km halted far a time wba the Sampoie CerreU waa wrecked In a forced night landing. lieu tenant Walter Hlnten and ether member of the crew -were enhnrt. WRECKED SEAPLANE SAMPAIO CORREIA. This view was made as salvaging was in progress off the coast of Cuba, wher the piano was wrecked I m Si '" ?1 Vfelwr K ?sf,: S iBBBBBBiBBBBBBBBBfliBBBBBp98lMHiBBBBHVHBiiBB9BRSSsXni4 BRITISH PASSEWOBR TRAINS IN HBAD-ON COLLISION. Tteee men were killed and many injured when trains met in fog at Milten Range Hal, England, Seme of the cars fell into the canal WINNING A HEAT. Hiss lines, of the English team, dur ing SOO-meter race, in Pershing Stadiem, Paris .mJ tNL.SK SifKi' KS. bis& a w y; x-i W'&tH 7 w fiTPHp iivv h' v J.. .3T l KinTni. x v- yi swv ..-vtf-J n ' . -f-' s 'v v W " PTsW.' .. W .i iPM'iiii tj M t ctivh iwviBiiaiaBrjK r a W"W jamm we. HIkIIMI 4 L4& U .Kk . -3-sB kW" T ' uhrf mi&$avJMta Imimh l&mi'-J' MjmM& ! fw K AV- fief ' ei '1Wwi4mwb Bnugtw' '4-"t: ?m. sri iJBWidl feSmWj&Jtt -m&&iL&Jii Mi.i,2siwi3cl 1 'uinKmm.W wwwwp WV(V,Ta' ; ' r . rfcfcjf('v ii tf' "- .3lBJsTWv!sSSslHEi v T ' x"1,r ytC !"'"3(0' s-r, .A' ; ' ' vsrVij1 f ? ''''&' Tsf 'sbbbsT 4 ' f"y shb TlB'i ',' A ' "'VffSas S j" BaaaaaHRbHsasBasaflHsaBaaHPsaat ' " vfSi uSs HBSHBKcLSai Hsa &''j3MMBasaaaaaa:BaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaH, rAJsal TAKE TOUR D00 AQUAPLANING. It's a wet. derful 'way te give Rever a let of fresh air. Mn Geerge 0, T. Remington, of Philadelphia, wm snappea ai etuimuu, uu. nem ms ;VJ sssssssRSW? flP'BSSSSSSSSaSwkil "" HPlBBBBBHBBBBnBBBKl' ssHBHsafSsKPf.t "'J tV jf iX vsTi .''. aF'SXAs? ;ff' -v- C-'.rv silP,'; 'R sPPB i saaamllllHBfW1 BaaaaaaaaaaaaKf i MK jiW " 4 9'fta mtjM THEY TIED IN THE HIGH JUMP. Miss Nancy Vorhees (left), the American, and Miss Hatt, of England, snapped after their efforts at Pershing Stadium, Paris "MISS PHILADELPHIA" (Mlra MISS JEAN WHITE, runner-up Kitty Mellneux) in beauty contest AT THE "CONGRESS OP BEAUTY? in Atlantic City, next week, Miss Mellneux, who Uvea at 1414 Seuth Forty-ninth street, will rep resent Philadelphia. Miss White took second honors LOIS MEREDITH, stage and screen star, sailed en the steam ship Paris, from New Yerk, She's en a European ten GRAND PRIZE WINNER. Helen Adams was acclaimed the host of them all at Asbury Park's annual baby carnival MRS. JOHN WALTHER, of the Kenllwerth, Oak Lane, sails tomorrow, with Mr. Walther, for long European tour MRS. RAYMOND R. DONGES, member of StatevDcmecratic Com Cem Com mitteeerSNew Jersey TOM HEWINS, of Cen. tral Y. M. C. A., nhvsl. cal director Lewer Mer len Scheel, Ardmore I uV?iiiKKsSSSSSSBBufa3laEi!&flKVW lir ,L AT RUMSON, N. J. Mm. William RubseTI Grace Geft) and Mrs. W. Avcrfll Harriman, snapped during the tourna ment for the Herbert Memerial Cup :?)! TOW TTi rte-' ii; jxriik - Sti? vim sLLi v Sqk' f TiSiH l4?h & lw xSk ?wt f4 && SsNaS '& uK "KmI mm frnJIi mk m mMWM HI a WHPJIgp' '? l$ -rMimy illii K! L-v;aaesBjyy i .MnBr ill if iTiilil ig??3??i?? caw ' ri r a fmsmm . m& saBr -:( F. (ll u'''-iV S34 MS6.V u Ik KSE? Sm $KissssssssssssaMI3 BROWNIE, the famous deg of the mevie world, doing nurse duty. Brownie seems te knew his job LOOKING DOWN ON LOGAN SQUARE. In the foreground, at the left, are the remaining buildings of the Medice-Chl Hospital group. This view was made from Seventeenth and Arch streets M. EDITH McCREA, of Chester, who danced before the International Associa tion of Mastera of Dancing, in-NowYexk ON THE "BEACH" AT WASHINGTON. Talre a peep yeull sea Assistant Secretary Roosevelt. The party was resting after a swim in the Wardman Park peel jvVi ft' H W-fl ' ?' '3, UvfcVV' J '- "'$ ' fii rSiir " V yi"li . s . t V i ' " f ! , 1 'cAN.yeur .KgCSEI. THISi 'PIT- Ofr OLD1 VHlLAD'ECrRI?:, v - . '.' 'srjcjrmii' mimmmmi' 'mr' iiMffjn TrffiT ST- T Vl AVfWrfc-mA. SJ y 'T VA V M fv i;iSW s!52Wi(iiM w Hcmft t3JU IHit. it SAi MB 3SM tWlkr . -0te.?i 'Tic ifaHM jdt. . r-.i iW',r vs v c i-ta ?S! vcr'. w.jV'.M! v ., ". . ..atd I'HnH SB 6 SA FLAPPERS PUT ON NO FRILLS when it comes te water melon. "Ne fork for me," declared the fair one, at Ocean City, N. J, DR. CHARLES E. BRICKER, pelid surgeon, whose advice is always seugm when drug raids are made. He's assist ing in the present crusade SECOND AND FITZWATER STREETS, as it looked in 1886. The bunding in the foreground was built by Jehn Lancaster in 1847, being improved in 1885. Mrs. T. C. Whenten, Sr., of Millville, N. J., is the contributor. Send us your old-Philadelphia photographs .'A .VW W. ryzjwb'. ?iz 'rs'SSH !V 1 SJ nt f i - v-tnrtt- .-r I'j-tf y-KiT "Wikau,tfk '' .i -'i-MBfcfcM,. ' "1 ..i-B-v-wpwfrM'Sey 'AQUAPLANING STUNT. Twe California swimmers are A SMART BATHING WRAP. Mether la. lending a helping hand along after a, fast , en ha beach at Deauville, moterboa France SA13-J:Tr"OERI1nN,,?"B0A.T ni mi, thc beat waa be!nff ta,en out t be nsed " target practice K sank near Cape Henry, Virginia, The crew of the U. S. S. Falcon was ordered te raise it. The conning tower ja new far outef the wate See members of the Falcon's crew en a pontoon. fVrfw& OrivLBPV BkbHHb MISS RODENHEAVER assisted in West Chester Homeopathic Hesnitnl ririvA CHESTER COUNTY ffAHl bt,vrezxs .thte WnXIAM JENNINGS BRYAN was me speaker of the day MRS. CnARLES LUKElj helped a let in work of fl tio-eporative Ceuncu jrea4wravjrn.jioaeeUUy-tho' photei Sitaf iLt .. ,ti.iiiit. y