vv,-s y 'T'-Ki''" P ' W t ' fcvj I I' m m m m wa-- "iTB.! rvu &W E . ir jr T 7VrJK.,, .tV Miawk ;. - - Ji j. -Jf f-isAy":., ' . EtENmfr-EtJBLIO .Db3ElBi-PHTTJADELlHIA.::PMDAY, , SBCTEJMBEB " It 1922 . Qmj'cA; Service Tn buying or selling bends or in obtaining investment information our mere than 10,000 miles of private wire con necting the investment centres of the United States and Canada facili tate prompt and efficient service te Investors The National City Company .I'hlladelpnia 1417 mettnut St. Atlantic City Chalfenta Bleck 1225 Boardwalk PRICE MOVEMENT VERY CONFLICTING Peel Specialties Marked Up. Lew-Priced Ralte Broke Under Liquidating Pressure Nencallable for 25 Years Te Yield Over 6.60 The 6 Geld Debenture Bends, Series "A," of the Texas Power & Light Ce., are a direct obliga tion of a uccessful com pany whose properties are operated tinder the supervision of an or ganization closely identi fied with the General Electric Ce. Earnings for the year ended May 31, 1922, applicable te interest charges, were 3 time3 annual interest require ments en the total funded debt of the Company. Circular upon requett Hemphill, Noyes C& Ce. tlembete New Yerk Stock EichanJ Franklin Bk. Bldg., Philadelphia New Yerk Pittsburgh Bosten Sainton Le Angeles Albany Syracuse Baltimore Wilmington Bridgeport 19 BiiimiiTftj'i SPECIALISTS We make a dependable market In att issue of UNITE STATES GOVERNMENT SECURITIES COMMERCIAL TRUST COMPANY Member Federal Reserve Sjitcct City Hall Square New Yerl(, Sept. 1. Today'" stock utaikct encountered many renflict Ins itirrenti which kept the geneinl llbt in 11 liishly churned condition, villi mnnv Meeks siintelnlne seven1 lees, while i far lunrer Ilt wercd vigorous ad vances. A number In the latter cnte cnte Kery rcRlcterrd new peak for the cur rent rear. I'nrh sretip vvns governed by different Incentives nnd peel nctlvl Uc jilnyed an Important part. Most of the ever-night news was fa vorable, including the virtual ending 'if the long-drawn-out nnthraclte labor dispute and the notion of the Allied Itcpnrntlens Commission at Pails jrhlns Oerinnny n breathing epell. The state n.cnt of the Assoriatien of Railway U eeuthps reporting rapid progress In re cruiting shepmen also wits interpreted an Indicating tin early collapse of thai strike. With this batch of Inspiring news, however, the mnrket did net snap back as many expected. Much of the early dealings were monopolized by the re newed peel activities iu the familiar list of active s)eculatie favorites nnd the further mnrklng up of Mattered high-price specialties. About the time when these demonstrations gave premise of pulling the rest of the market up Midden weakness crooned out among the lower-priced rails, the Krie issues being particularly ulnernhle, the com mon falling !i, the first preferred 3b and the second preferred 3 points. Apparently this was merely an after math of the Chicago nnd Alten re ceivership. It was a natural assump tion a geed part of the selling reflected liquidation bv these who had favored the Kne shares in speculative ventures en tne belief the read might be merged with one of the larger Western sv stems. The Alten incident aNe directed at tentien te the les stable financial neM- tien of the weaker sisters of the rail gieup. There are no Kile obligations nppreaenlng maturity in the near future and the uneasiness in this re spect superficiallv seemed te be alto gether unreasonable. The entire group of the low-price, nils were under the snme unsettling Intluence with New Haven. St. Paul common and preferred, Texas and Pa cific jicldlng 1 te 2 points. Pressure against the group naturally caused a halt In the upward trend in the main body of stocks, but selected stocks con tinued te be pushed up by peel operations. Wm Offer Subject te Prier Sale $50,000 Palmyra, N. J., Sewer Ss Due Nev. 21, 1924 at 10 and Interest Te Yield Over 4.60 Tax Exempt F. P. Ristine & Company Wldener Building, Philadelphia Vw Yerk Elizabeth, if. J, Member ifev Yerk and I'Mladtlotem Stock Exchangee Information Furnished en FRED P. BELL STORES CO. PFD. STOCK THE SHELBURNE, INC. 1st MTG. 6s H.CLAYDINGEE.Jr. 515 Otis Bldg. Spruce 2309 Spruce 2669 If There Is a Market We Can Find It We held sales of stocks and bends every Wednes day, charging $1.50 en trance fee for each item. Our weekly catalogues and post card service leach every mar ket. , We take pleasure in furnishing quotations. N Barnes & Lefland Stock Ilrekem nnd Auctioneer. 147 S. 4th St. HARPER &TURNER Investment Bankers Mtmtrrt PttllniltlpMa Stock Extunfr STOCK EXCHANGE BUILDING Philadelphia tng Piatt, Yungman and Company CUT COTTON CROP ESTIMATE 1 Prospective Yield 874,000 Bales Be Be eow Last Menth's Forecast Washington, Sept. 1. A reduction of 74,000 bales In the prospective cotton crop of this year, since the forecast of i a month age, wn.s shown in the Depart- I ment of Agriculture's September cot ton report issued today forecasting the i total crop at 10,37.",000 bales. The , condition of the crop declined 13.8 points during August, compared with an average decline of 7.7 points in the previous ten years, the condition having been B7.0 per cent of a normal en Au gust 2d, compared with 70.8 en July 25. I The condition of the crop en August 2."i and the forecast of production by I States follew: Virginia, condition, OS; forecast, 23,000 bales ; North Carolina. 6T), and 7."0,000; Seuth Carolina. 40, 1 and 087,000; Georgia. 44, and 008,000; i Flerida. 00. and 24.000; Alabama. GO. land 820.000; Mississippi, CO. and 1.003,000; Louisiana, till, nnd 414,000; Texas, 30. and 3,044,000; Arkansas, i. and 1M,!UW; Tennessee, OT, nnd 278,000; Missouri. 70. and 70,000: Ok lahema. 53. nnd 7SO.OO0; California. 01, and 130,000; Arlrena, S7. and 5.".000; New Mexico. S". nnd 21.000. California forecast Includes 70,000 bales from Lewer 1 alitnrnia which are net Included in United States total. In a special repot t In response te a Sennte resolution, the Department of Agriculture announced the acreage of cotton abandoned between June 2u nnd August 2.i amounted te 307,000 ncres, or 1 1 per cent of the nrcn in cultiva tion June 2."), leaving 3-,483,000 acres In cultivation en August C."i. "As the condition figure of the regular September 1 cotton report is nffected bv the ncrenge abandonment," said the Department's statement, "no addition al deduction for the abandonment here shown need be made from the present forecast. 10. ."7.", 000 bales, based upon the August 23 condition figure and the acreage In cultivation en June 25." BANK CLEARINGS Bank clearlnira today compared with eonrspendtnir. day last two a ears lt)2i 11)21 1020 Phlla ..ITT.nne nnn J72 nei enn ins. 224 mi Bosten .. 4S.000 000 44,301,1139 34.730,01(1 FOREIGN EXCHANGE New Yerk. Spt. 1 Following the cabled advices of the compromise reached en Oerman affairs by the repar itinns commission, francs opened this morning at a gain of 1 1 points; Url gians were up 11 ; lire 8Vi ami marks gained lM. Sterling was unchanged. In the neutrals there were decllnet. of 7 points In guilders and Norwegians; 2 in Danish and Swedish nnd 1 in Spanish. Quotations were: Sterling cables Jl.-iO'i, demand 4.45a', ; franc cables 7.70. chcckB 7.75V1 ; Uelglnn cables 7.35. checks 7.3 14 ; lire cnbles 4 41, checks 4. 10V2 ; Swiss cables 10 02, checkt) 18.00; pesetn cabins 15 52, checks 15,50, Danish cables 21 H, checks 21 3s; Nerwnv cables 10 05, checks 10.00; Swedish cables 20.1S, checks 20 13; guilder cables 3 !J5, checks 38.00; marks .0SH. , The premium en New Yerk funds in Montreal tedav was net atmreclabh changed at 1-10 per cent te 1-32 per i cent. The discount in New Yerk nn l anadlan funds was 1-10 per cent te 1-32 per cent. YESTERDAY S f LOSING QrOTT!ONs Ptrllne franc r,lr GulMrrs Demand 1 4fi'i 7 07't 4 I, 19 or, Ub. 4 4(1 7 ni 4 4VV, VJ 05 TODAY'S OPENIVO QUOTATIONS Htrllne Francs Mrn r,uM'rn Demsnd . . 1 4', 7 71', I 4(H, ,(s no Cables .. . 4 W 7 7(1 4 41 31 03 LIVESTOCK QUOTATIONS I'ltUburicli, Sept I HOGS Receipts. 250O hear! Levt(r H'avlea f 'Jlrttl ",0 heaw yerk-r $10 llf in le Hunt yerktrs' SHEEP AND i.AMIth Itn-i. pts Sfte h'ad ritHny ncep si-,u i irntia 113 ,.n CAI.VES llecBlpts loe head Steady Tep J 13 .'0 liiiht lliirTnle, Spp l CMTI.E R relptu 3'0 h'-d Kilrlv -cthe iml tead falveH receipts line he'd A' live and SI hUher IIUUSv ucipn liien had Active I NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE TRANSACTIONS Only Afternoon Repert in Philadelphia Quoting Full Lht Dlr Rates In I 3630 tee 100 100 5800 tee 'ytdeilTt te announces tha ',. Men admitted ince that the tolleulnir have In nn tnfria, (.1 k,t t.i. Of bentepibjr lt. HI21- ' '"" Rowland Evans Hareld Haskins Lincoln Milligan William H. Sassman STOCK H1h . . Arlnms Txpress .... B' t .. Advance Itumely.. 204 3 Advnnce Rumcly pf. 58 . . Alaska Juneau O M lit Allied Chem Dye f8H 7 Allied Ch & Dye pft12 i Allts-Chalrw 58 Vk Am Arrle phem.... 41 V .. Am Beet Surnr.... 8b . Am Ilesch Mameto 39 4 Am D 8h Kdy new 77 .. Am Can 63 7 Am Can pf 110 12 Am Car & Fdy 187 .. Am Cotten Oil 27 W .. Am Cotten Oil of... 54 Yi .. Am Drug Syn 6H 8 Am Express 143 7 Am Ice 119 Am Ice pf 94 .. Am Hide & Leather 13V4 .. Am Hlde & Leath pf 72 Yi .. Am Irlternat Cerp.. 36 i 1 Am La France Enj. 13 6 Am Locomotive.... 1 23 yi 3 Am Metals 44 .. Am Snfetv Razor... 7V4 .. Am Ship A Cem.... 16 Am Smelt 65 12 Am Snuff 148V4 3 Am Steel Feundnet 42 H .. Am Sugar Rcf E5 .. Am Sum Teb rta... 9 Am Tel & Tel 127 H .. Am Tel Tel its.. 3H .. De Odd Leta 3W 12 Am Tobacco 16914 12 Am Tobacco B 165H 6 Am Tobacco pf nevr105 .. Am Waterworks.... 1BH .. Am Watrwks 0 pf 40'4 7 Am Woolen 96 .. Am Writ Paper pf. 31ft .. Am Zinc Ld & Smelt 7 .. Anaconda Copper... 55 .. Ann Arber 22 .. Ann Arber pf 50 i . Assets Realization.. 1 '4 4 Ase Dry Goods.... 58 H 7 As'e D Goods 2d pt 84 ft 6 Asse Oil 119ft 8 Atch Tep & San Fe104m Atch Toe 4 S P pf 95 '4 . . .Allan BIr & Atlantle 3 ft .. Atlantic Fruit 2ft .. Atlantic Fruit ctfs.. 2ft .. Atl Gulf & W 1 8 a 32H 7 Atl Refining pf 117 12 Atlas Powder 140 .. Austin Nichols 30 U 7 Baldwin Locomotive! 30 ft 7 Baldwin Loce pf . ..115 .. Barnett Leather.... 62 Vi .. Baltimore A Ohie... 58 H .. Barnsdall nns A.. 34ft .. Barnsdall Class 1J.. 26 8 Beth Steel 8, pf...113 B Beth Steel B 78 H .. Beeth Fisheries.... 10 H 8 Bhlyn Union Gas... 120 .. Bklyn Rapid Transit 25 ft . . Bklyn R T ctfs of db 20 ft .. Brown Shee 63 H 10 Burns Bres 138 2 Bums Bres B 50 .. Butte Cep & Zinc. 6?i .. Butterlck Ce 21 .. Cadde Cen O & R.. 10ft 6 California ' Packlnc 81 .. California Petrel... 66ft 10 Canadian Pacific . .150 .: Case J I Plew 6ft .. Central Leather.... 41ft .. Cen Leather pf.... 78ft .. Cerro-de-Paece .... 40ft Certaln.tced Pred.. 49ft 8 Chandler Meters... 63ft 4 Chesapeake & Ohie. 77 .. Chicago & Alten... 3 Ji .. Chicago & Alten pf. 5ft .. Chicago ft Or West 7 Ji .. Chi A Gr West pf.. 19 .. Chi Mil A St P 34 .. Chi Mil A St P pf.. 52 i E Chi A Northwestern 93H 4 Chicago Pneu Teel.. 76 ? .. Chi R I A Pac 47 U 6 Chi R I A Pac 6 pf 86ft 6 Chi St P M A O.... 81 .. Chile Copper Z3H .. Chlne Copper 31 .. Cluett-Pcabedy .... t7 4 Coca-Cela 70 ft 4 Colerado A Se 1st pf 62 .. Celum Gas A Elec. . 05 U .. Celum Graphophene 3W 6 Cemput Tab Rec... 77 b .. Consel Cigar 37 ft .. Consel Cigar rt.... 3H 8 Consolidated Gaa...l36ft .. Consel Textl'es 11 'a .. Continental Can.... 67ft 4 Cern Products Refll9 7300 2V, Cosden A Ce 48 H 200 7 Cosden A Ce pf.... 97 62:0 .. Crucible Steel 6 ft 11000 .. Cuban Am Sugar.. i7 2600 .. Cuba Cane Sugar... I5H 3700 .. Cuba Cane Sugar pt 40 h 430 .. Paviaen Chemical.. 3 1003 .. Debeers C Mln Ltd 24 400 9 Delaware A Hudsen128ft 50D 6 Del Lack A Weat...l34 200 8 Detroit Edisen 115 600 8 Du Pent (E I) Ce..13 100 . Duluth Se S A A... 3H 800 Duluth Se S A A pt 8 33J 2 Deme Mines 39 833 S Eastman Kodak new e4 430 3 Elec Sternge Bat... 47 ft 200 .. Elk Hern Ceal 22 400 . . Emersen-Brantlng 9 100 .. Emersen-Brant pf . 40 4433 I Endlcott-Jehnson . . 19 ft 260 X) .. Erie 17 H 8300 .. Erie 1st pf 7 2500 .. Erie 2d pf '8 5730 8 Famous Players L..100 500 8 Famous Players pf.1C4 100 10 Fisher Bedy 112ft 4033 .. Freeport Texas.... 24 H 2000 3 Gn Am Tank Car.. 67 100 7 Gen Am Tank pf 102ft 11600 . General Asphalt 70ft 330 5 General Asphalt pf IC6 1100 6 General Cigar 80 ft 103 8 General Electric... E5 8100 . General Meters.... 14 103 6 General Meters pf.. 84 1103 6 Gen Meters deb 60 6 2330 7 Gen Meters deb 7 100 100 .. GUdden Ce 15 200 .. Goedrich B F 35 200 .. Granby Mining 32 203 .. Gray A Davis 14 ;, 2033 7 Great Northern pf.. 95 833 4 Gr North Ore ctfs.. 4! 100 .. Guantanamo Sugar. 12 1803 .. Gu.f States Steel .. t5ft EB 100 7 Hartman Cerp 65 ft 100 .. Hendee Mfg 22 " 400 3 Hemestake Mining. 72 2230 .. Housten Oil 530 I Hudsen Moter Car. 533 1 Hupp Motorcar.... 2030 .. Hydraulic Steel.... 603 7 Illinois Central 112 100 .. Inspiration Cen Cep 4y 6)0 .. Inter Cen Cep yt 630 .. Inter Cen Cerp pf . . 4H 100 .. Inter Rapid 29 100 .. Inter Agriculture... 10 10U 2ft lnternat Cement.... J3ft 1030 2 Inter Cem Eng 27 yz 233 .. Int Mer Marine 14 12;0 6 Int .Mer Marine pf. 5914 833 .. Inter Nickel 18 50 JO .. International Paper C9',i 200 6 Inter Paper stpd... 75 7j0 .. Invincible Oil 15 4)0 .. Iren Products 34 233 .. Island Oil , yt 133 .. Jewel Tea 17 100 .. Jewel Tea pf .' 62 V 4.0 .. Jenes Bres Tea..., 46ft 6100 .. Kansas A Gulf 4H 403 .. Kan City Southern. T6 1030 600 1100 200 500 7433 100 200 100 200 203 503 1933 100 100 100 500 400 1830 100 630 100 1033 800 1830 1203 500 8830 14100 50 2830 1500 200 100 230 1230 200 100 .2030 200 333 200 300 100 1200 700 100 1000 100 500 400 100 100 1000 14703 200 600 1533 4000 100 200 1000 600 100 200 200 600 5600 1100 100 100 200 200 5000 3603 100 500 203 200 100 4500 600 2100 1000 1203 1830 11603 6433 7600 1000 17500 103 100 1500 400 530 603 103 700 103 2500 400 100 10030 5330 700 200 82ft 21 19 ft 9 Lew 70 ft 20 ft 58 1ft 67 ft 112 57 M 41 47 ft 39 ft 77 62 110 187 27 H 54 ft 6ft 143 116ft 94 13ft 72 ft 36 13 123 44 7ft 16ft 64H 148 42 ft 84 ft U6H 3H 3H 166ft 164 1044 18ft 40 95 ft 30 H 17M 55 22 50 14 58 ft 84ft 118 104 95 3 2ft 2 32 ft 117 140 29 ft 129N 115 61 58 ft 33 26 ? 112 78 ft 10H 120 25 ft 20 ft 63 136 49K 64 21 10i 81 65 ft 148ft 6ft 41 H 78 40 49 ft 62 76 ft 3 5 7ft 17 K 32 50 H 92 74 46 86 ft 81 23 30 i C6K 70 ft 62 104; 34 75 ft 3 3ft 133 10 '4 6ft 118M 48 97 94 26 14 38H 51 K 23 i 128ft 134 115 142 3 8 :9 e3M 47 ft 22 9 40 17 ft 14 13 16 98 103 112ft 24 654 102J, L8K 1C5 80 lt5 1'S 041, C4ft 9 15 35 H 32 14H 94 0'8 12 F4 85 ft 22 81ft i.1 19 8ft 111 41 1ft ' ft 29 ft 10 33 ft 7 ft 14 , 59 ft 17H 57 ' 75 14 23ft H 17 62 Z 6 "A 5 ft 1 SO Nat 1' .m jna-, 811 2 20 ft 58 f 1 J4 fB4 112 58 ft r 41 48 ft 39ft- 77 b3 -110 -187 27K- 54 ft 5ft 143 1t9 94 13ft- 72 ft- 36 - 13 123 44 - 7ft ft 16ft .. 65 J 148 11 !8 ft ft "h ' 1ft ft "'ft ft 2H "'ft H ft H ft 1ft ft H ft 42 ft 65 ft- U6H- 3K- 3 168' 165 105 18ft- 40ft S5ft- 31ft- 17H- 55 22 - 50 - 1.- 58,- 84 ft 119ft 4- 1ft 104 95ft 4- 4 3 2ft 2 32 ft 117 150 30', -r 130 4 115 62 ft 4- 58 ft 34 ft 2 1ft 1ft ft ft 14 ft ft ft ft ft ft ft 1 5 ft H ft H ft 1ft 26 H 4- 2ft 1121.- ft 78 54 1044- ft 120 - 2ft 25ft- "a 20ft- 1ft 63 ft 4- ft 138 4- 1ft 49K- ?4 6X 21 - ft 104 81 65 ft 4 ft 149 - ft 6ft- ft 414 4- 'a- 78 - ft 40 ft 4- H 49ft- 14 C3 4- 1ft 76ft- ft 3ft 4- ft s ft 4- ft 7ft 18 K 4- 1ft 33ft- H 52ft- ft 934 4- 14 76 24 47ft 4- 1H 86 ft 4- ft 81 v 23 - ft 31 - ft C7 - 1 70ft- '4 62 1C4ft 4 34 75ft- 1 37 - ft 3ft 134- 2ft M 4- "a C6ft- ft 119 48ft ft 97 1 i2 95 ft T 1ft 27 4-1 1544- 14 40 H 4- 1 53 4- 1ft J4 4- ft 123 ft T 4 134 115 - 1ft 1434 4- 1ft 3H- 1 8 39 - ft 84 -t H 47 ft 22 9 -r ft 40 1 f84 IX I5X- 2ft i5h- 1ft 17-2 100 1ft 104 4- 1ft 112ft .. 24ft- ft 67 f 2 102ft X 69', 4. X 1C6 -I 3ft 0 - X 186 4. 14 '4 X 84 ft 4- ft 99ft ft 15 354 4- 1 32 4 X 14X - ft 94 yt 4 14 40 ft - X 12 5ftT 1, 85 ft ft 22 4 ft 72 r 14 82ft 2ft 21 19 ft 4- X 8ft- ft 1114 4- I 41 X 1ft .. 4ft- ft 29 ft - ft 10 33 ft ... '7ft- ft 14ft- -59 ft 4 ft 17 X- ft i8ft 4 X 75 14X- ft -3ft- ft X4- ft 17 - ft 62 X 4- 1 ft 46 ft I- ft 4 ft - ft !5ft- ft Dlv. Sales In t STOCK Hlah 410 ., Kaysf r A Ce new. . . 47 200 .. Kelly-Sprlngfifllrl .. 43 ft 200 8 Kelly-Spff T 8 pr.102ft 100 6 Kelscy Wheel 96 250J .. Kennecett fepper.. 37 X 1103 .. Keystone T A R.... 8X 203 7 Krcsge S S 166 300 . . Lackawanna Steel.. 78 100 7 Laclede Gas of St L 91 X 200 . . Lake Erle A West. . 34 2300 JX Lehigh Valley 70 100 .. Liggett A Meyers T200ft 4100 7 Lima -Locomotive... 65 X 6200 .. Loew's Ine 20ft 1100 .. Loese Wllca 64 500 12 Lerlllard (Pierre). .178 1333 ..Mack Truck 56ft 500 7 Mack Truck 1st pf. 90 203 6 Mackay Ce 105 122 Mackay Ce pf 60 X 400 .. Manatl Sugar 45 !22 7 Manatl Sugar pf... 82 400 .. Malllnsen Ce...... 38 200 7 Manhat Elev Guar.. 54 X '00 .. Manhat Elev ctfs... 53ft 400 6 Market St prier pf. C5X ?30 4 Marland Oil 41 100 2 Martin Parry 30 !25 Mnh Attall 47 '00 .. Max Moter Class A. 59 2 JO .. Max Moter Class B. 19ft '00 g Mav Dept ster 130ft 100 ; Mclntyre new 19X 41030 12 Mexican Potreleum.199ft '700 6 Mex Seaboard 22 400 6 Mex Seaboard Oil ct 19X 23301.20 Middle States Cerp. '3X 2930 .. Mldvate. Steel 34 X 2300 .. Mln A St Leuis new 9ft 100 4 M St P A S St M.. 70 K600 7 M St P A S St M pf 87 ft 1200 .. Me Kan A Texas.. 13X 1700 .. Me Kan A Tex (wl) 19 930 . . Me Kan A T (wl) pf 47 ft 100 .. m Knn A Tex 3 aw 34ft '500 .. Missouri Pacific... J2X '303 .. Missouri & Pae pf. 60 700 3 Mentana Power.... 76 X 330 .. Montgomery Ward. 23 '00 .. Moen Meters 13ft ?200 .. Mether Lede Mlnlnsj 1'ft 300 7 .Vat Biscuit 159ft '00 7 Nat En A Stamp pf 97 X 200 6 National Lend 107 X 200 7 National Lead nf... 1154 100 . . Nat R R of M 1st pf 10ft 100 .. Nat R R of M 2d pf 4J4 200 .. Nev Cen Copper. .. . 17 100 .. X r Atr Brake 76ft 3430 D N Y Central ?8ft 330 R N Y C A St L P4X 300 E N Y r A St L 2d pf 90 8100 .. New Yerk N H A It 33 X 103 2 New Yerk Ont A W 76J4 100 2 N Y Shipbuilding... 15 200 .. Norfolk ft Southern. 18ft 400 7 Norfolk A Western.UOft 830 B North American.... 95ft 200 3 North Amer pf 47 1603 .. North American rtf. 26ft 2800 E North Pacific 89X 4930 .. Ok'a Pred ft Rer... ?ft 100 .. Orpheum Circuit.... 72 100 8 Otis Elevator 158 200 .. Otis Steel 11 200 2 Owens Bet Mach... 36 '4 200 .. Pnclfle Devel Cerp.. V 830 E Pac Oas ft Elec f3ft 8100 3 Taclflc Oil 58 ft 26300 6 pan Amer Petrel... 04ft 7600 6 Pan Amer B 80ft 2100 2 Pennsylvania R R.. 47 ft 1830 .. renn Seaboard Steel 7ft 100 .. Peoria A Eastern... 22 X 1230 .. Pere Marquette 394 633 3 Philadelphia Ce.... 45ft 12930 2 Phillips Pet 51ft 430 .. Pierce-Arrew Moter. 11 X 100 .. Plerce-Arrew Met pf 29 1833 .. Pierce Oil 7 fi 100 2 Pla-gly Wlggly Stere 41 2100 6 Pitts Ceal 70 ft 100 6 Pitts Ceal pf 99 ft 530 .. puts ft W Va 39 ft 100 6 Pitts A W Va pf . . . 91ft 400 1 Pend Creek Ceal... 22 1 9.nn r v-i .. m . mK .., u j-esium i-ereai j v. . Producers A Ref.... 46 X 8 Pub Ser cer of N J 97 8 Fullman Ce 131 X . Puntn Alegre Sugar 51 ft 2 Pure Oil 39 X 8 Rallwnv Steel !nr..ll7l4 uu3.i itand Mines 34 700 .. Ray Cen Copper.... left 2200 4 Readlnir BOM . Remington Typew.. 40ft . Replogle Steel ... 33ft . Repub Iren A Steel. 69ft . Rep Iren A Steel pf 94 ft . Rcnublle Mters 3ft 3 Rej-nelds Teb B... 53 X 1-80 Net p M. ChM. 47 4- 1 43ft 4- ft 102ft 4- 2 96 4- ' 37 8X .. ' 166 78 - 1 91X ft 34 - 1 69 - ft 200ft 4- 'X 64X . 20ft 4- ft 63ft 4- 2X 178 4- 3', 56ft 4- IX 90 4- ft 105 - 2 G8X4- 9 45 4- X 82 38 - X, 54X4- X 53ft- ft 65X4- ft 40 ft 4- ft 30 4- ft 47 59 4- ft 19 4- X 130ft- ft 19X4- X 195ft- 1ft .21X- H 19 13X- ft 34X 9J4 4- V 70 - ft 87 ft 4- 1ft 13ft .. 18?4- ft 47 - 1ft Tiow 46 H 43 ft 102 98 -6 ft BX 1C5 78 91 X 34 69 200 ft f4ft 20 61ft 177 55 ft 89 X 105 68 X 44 ft 82 38 54ft 53 ft 65 X 40 ft 30 47 59 19 130ft 19X 194ft 21 X 19 I3X 34ft 8ft 70 85 ft 13 ft 18X 47 34ft 34ft 4- LOCAL TRADING CONTINUED TO LAG Lehigh Navigation Met -Profit-faking After Making New Tep for Year 8500 1430 3100 1100 10C0 430 1530 700 20C0 300 200 1433 11400 4 13 Reval Dutch N Y.. 5714 200 .. Rutland pf 45 ft 1630 .. St Leuis San Fran.. ?0X 730 .. St Leuis Southwest. 34 X 100 .. St L Southwest pf.. 51ft .J3. ' Seaboard Air Line.. 6JJ 1403 .. seab Air Line pf... 11 X 1300 .. Sears-Roebuck 91 X 100 .. Seneca Copper 12ft 100 .. Shell Un Oil pf A.. 96 15300 2 Sinclair Consel :4 ft 10200 .. Skelly Oil Ce 10 J, 400 . . Se Perte Rice Sugar 50 3100 6 Southern Pacific... 94ft 3100 .. Southern Rail 27 ft 830 .. Southern Rail pf.... 63 X 500 .. Splcer Mfg 20 12833 4 Standard Oil of Cal.114 1300 5 Standard Oil of N JIE6X 330 7 Stand Oil of N J pf. 1 18 53e 3 Sterling Product... 53ft 530 .. Stremherg Carb 54 ft 33330 10 Studebaker 131X 2600 .. Sub Beat Cerp 6ft 200 .. Superior Oil 71; 300 . . Temt Cern A F "A" I !4 100 .. Tenn Cep A Chem.. IC'i 11500 3 Texaa Ce 49X 303 4 Texas Gulf A Sulph 50 1530 .. Texas A Pacific.... 22ft 4303 1 Texas A Pae C A O 27 ft 100 .. Tidewater Oil 128ft 353J 6 Tobacco Products... 58ft 403 . . Tobacco Pred A ... 67 103 . Tel St L A W . 61 8603 . Transcontinental Oil 15X 100 2 Twin City R T 58 300 6 Union Bug A Paper. 72 ft 2400 .. Union Oil ly$. iiuu 10 union Pacific iri v. 100 3H United Drug let pf. 48X .. united itetau stores BO ft . . U h O I P A Fdy ... 35 ..US reed Products.. 6X . U S Ind Alcohol 66 ft ..US Realty A Imp.. 78 ..US Rubber 57 ft 8 U S Rubber 1st Pf..105 E U S Steel 1C5ft 7 U S Steel pf 121 ft 2 Utah Copper 69 X . . Utah Securities 18 X . . Vanadium Cerp .3 ft .. Va-Car Chemical. ... 29 ft 6 Va Iren Ceal A Coke 57 .. Vlvadeu Ine 1314 . . Wabash 13 .. Wabash pf A 34 ft . . Wabash pf B 23 1 Wells Farge Exp... 62 7 Western Elee pf ..10bX . . Western Maryland.. 16ft . . W Maryland 2d pf. . 4 . . Western Pacific.. . igi2 0 Western Pacific pf. 61 ft 7 Wcbttrn Union Tel. 118 ft 4 Westing K A M.... t4ft .. Wheeling ALE.... 15 X . . Wheeling A L E pf. 26 2 White Eagle Oil 26 ft 4 White Moter 48 X . . Wick wire Spenc Stl 14 ft .. Willys Overland 64 . . Willys Overland pf. 39 1 wrlgnt Aure inu 5700 500 500 500 300 1200 100 21600 400 2600 100 2100 100 100 5600 3200 1600 100 433 530 4730 100 203 200 203 1433 24.0 103 100 200 103 630 100 5UU Ex-dividend 1 Ex-rlshta 2ft 59 76 22 ft 13ft lift 159 97 X 107ft 115X 10ft 4 ft 17 76 ft 67 ft P4X 89 ft MX 26 ft 15 18ft 117ft 95 47 26 eex 2X 22 158 11 36 ft 4ft 82 ft 57 X 83 78X 46 X 7 ft 22X 28 X 44 X 49 ft 11ft 29 7W 41 69 99 ft ?9ft 91ft 21ft 92 X 46 ?5ft 130ft 49 ft 32 X l'7ft 33 ft "-ft 79 ft 39 X 33 68 ft 94 ft 3ft 53 ft 56 X 45 30 33 X 51ft 6X 10ft 0ft 12 ft 96 33 X I Oft 49 ft S3 ft ?6ft 62 X 19X 111 183ft 117 53 X 54ft 128ft 6 7ft 1ft 10 ft 49 50 31ft 26 ft 128ft 57 '4 C6ft 61 14X 58 72 I & ft" 149ft 48X 79X 35 6ft 65 X 77 56 X 105 I04X 121ft 69 1BX 52 29 ft 57 12X 12ft 33 23 81ft I08X 15ft 'A 19ft 61ft 118 13ft Mft 26 26X 48 ft 14ft 6ft 39 10ft 22ft- 59 - 76X4 23 4- 13ft 4- 11ft- 159J4 4- 1'4 97 X 4- X 107 ft- X 115X4- 1ft 10ft- 3X 4ft 4- X 17 - ft 76 V 4- ft 98ft- ft e4X4- IX ft 89 ft 32ft-?6ft-15 -18ft-117ft-95X- 47 26 ft .. E9 2X- ft 22 - ft 158 - ft 11 36ft 4- 1ft li ft ft 1ft X X 4ft- 83J4-T-57X4-83 -78X-46 ft 4-7X-22 X 39 -45 ft 4- 51 ft 4- 2ft lift 29 7ft 41 -70 4 99 ft -. 39 ft- 91 ft 4- 1 22 - X 92X- X 46ft 4- 1 r6 - 1ft 130ft- ft 51 4-32X-117ft4-34 4 16ft 80 4 40 ft r 33X4- 69 J4 .. 94ft 4- 1ft 3 ft 4- ft 53 X 4- X 17X4 45 -30ft-34X4-51ft-6ft 11 -90X4-12ft 4 96 34 ft 4-10X4-49 ft 4 94 4-J6X-62X-19X 113X4- 2X 186X4- 3H 118 4- 1 X X IX IX ft ft ft ft 1ft ft X ft ft 1ft X 1ft 2 X ft X "x X Ji X ft ft X ft ft 53X- 54 ft 4-130X4- 5 - 7ft4- 1ft .. 10ft- 49 ft 4- 50 4 32 - 26X 128ft -) 58 ft 66 ft 61 - 14X .. 58 -72ft 4 19X 149 4. 1 35 6X 4- 5X- 77 4- 57 ft 4 105 f 105 ft 4 121ft f- 69 - 184 4- 52 ft 4 29ft- 57 13 4- 12X 33 ft 23 - 81 X r 10bX 15X .4 19ft -61ft-118ft 4. 3ft -6X-48X4- 14 ft 6X- 33 10ft- ft ft 2X ft ft 'ft ft ft X ft X 1; ft ft 'ft ft X X ft X 'x IX ft ft ft ft 'x Winter Wheat of Peer Quality WtiHhlnstnn, Sept 1 This jenr a winter MONEY-LENDING RATES DIVIDENDS DECLARFn 1 II ..-l.l .A.. C...... 1 f Ul- . . . ,-. - . . - - " " - - - - - -... b .,i,ii ""imi jvie ,,iiii.n .'Jffnnn (juuripriv -i.ii iitifif if. otter iifiiv is. inn rnlwl line !,,., ,. ,, ninl. i... , , u. S per cen'. rasabit hniteml.er in i .i r ,Vi,..-..i "-:""." 2" c". ''Old clasitc 111..1 urur liu 1-iUlu jv. Hunt 'i I " " "" '""" 1 of record Aueust .11 . i?ii ?'La' " " V1a' Bl 4 W Per cent 10..iW.. ,nT1,U'!,,v?i7,.. M,?b" ' Ith' """ 8ver a'"1 4!i7 " -"l "'I ' International Sl.v.i 1 empany quarterly I Wm'lnFini 'r"1"?. hHfc,Ll' VN'U I.A.VHh IWdpii Kine 1 th crop Is below trade .Ne 2 accerdtns te1 ' Per ctnt en preferred pei'ble UUeuir time 4U in 41 .. .,."" Pr nt; hj.;. Acme t.umu, S0 ,ewer ,.,,.,. nnd tlmalc. ... , j 1. V the Department Of Agriculture. The nu,n. euarterlv SI en ureterenrn iinrt, r.t.vu(- Itnle Dntn IV, Oct 'i2 t-,)', l).c C. S. IV.1TON S: CO. Oil A . ! I , I 1 , BANKERS m . hAIX.KK "iijhVKV.seN itensla and stiif k, M'Jthl and told. mbr FIU. Stee It Tf h.n.e, 111 T-l'l uep !!(' tM'f Mn w: " 11 ! 1, , (T. Iiiiiu inM 5 '1 ''i ' iji J ", ' sB 1 1 1 i'i'i r I vs. J 'I1. Pe 10 '. t 1 X Mar l:d t41i 6eDt lUl'll tlty KradlnK wlew .Ne . was 40 4 per cent last year and .!) R per cent In 19J0 This year's grade Ne 1 wheat wr, estimated at 13 J per cent, am nst 10.7 per cent last year and iO ft per cent In 10.0 U. 8. Certificates and Treasury Notes Int Maturing Illd Askeri VM "I (esleld 3 '.' I I'll te e'd n I ltd 7-12 tn leld 1 3; 1 inn v id inn 7 in a 17 me 1 in 1 tin i m ,i )( r.i.s ' ''', ?-.'.' I'll1" Nr" "rk. Sept 1 The N... erk r,nn fi' n'rV ' 3- VJ 'tii. for Mr slh-r .' dnn.MI iBnwa. ii1. ('.in nn !i . i ! f"l'l '"lay fr"m ''Sc te !m,J WJL" 1 1 I tl IU Kill 11. Ill I n nnr. fin'l Tne Th ,.J,i,n. ..'.'' I ?! ' . !!' I 10 1 bv the inrreased cost ,f ' V,,""" ."","' 100 11.1- 11, ettliiK te th. fact lhat th. nSim.Vrf. Reduce Price of Ear Silver 100 t'jtejnnt from Fed.ral normal incem. tai I new accep Inir dtllviry of si tArrentable for sivnunt of (nrnm (ax ,i,,. j. . "rt'ViV.''iT l"rl! .1' .?" ''.i.l m.ii.11. " "" "n,'rr in- 1-iiuni.n eri at ine mi. irn lil. wvirjuer ti as reh-iHicjea neinemrter n American Woolen Company quarterly nf $1 75 a share en both preferred and com mon payable October 10 te Heck of record eeptember'IS. Manatl Sugar, quarterly per cent en preferred, pamble October -' te eleck of r . recdrd .September l'. Cn,ten. , liee h Creek flallread femrm), quarKrly 'flu'n.IS,. Ml .niH pinabl. i) tuber . in sn k 'i Philadelphia r md epleinber 1.1 !, ewlHiiij Itkhinenl tlania BAR SILVER uu.ase Oemesilc bar silver was quet.il at nn',c M'nnojpells Reserve Banks' Discount Rates Official rediscount rates at tha twelve Fed eral Heserve Hanks are a, follews: vjr purchased 't-rnne ounee In New lerk teda, a drop Kanus C'lly hnatead of at tn. Philadelphia itlaU din U. 'quotation.' uralt'e.d a't SaVd. Hi7t-i ' BLH . ..', If' ..,.' Mfl.rVrTii'., . m ii?w:,ilbilii.. l - ajKAta. .n,-" f-rjtiViv a rrea,. I.lh. ( em. nkr clfs l"rrta rates, accent h if k h i'i 'A if 11$ P !V ft Despite rcveral atlmu'lnting news de velopments, overnight trading in the innf etnxi.-a rnntlntied te lnir and price chnnges In the mere important stock" were lncenetiiientinl. Lehigh Naviga tion started out te repeat jMlcnjny f. performance, making n new "ten for the year at "OVi, n point gain, but en prelt-tnkriig. which was nnttirnl In view of the rccen, substantial advance, later surrendered most of the improvement. Unless there fdinll be some unseen hitch the nnthrneltc mining' suspension will be a matter of history before the week cletes tomorrow. The event, however, has been se generally expected the actual t-ettlement would seem te have been already discounted. There Is also the likelihood of quite n geed deal of profit-taking en the strength of the old street axiom of selling with the geed news out. Pennsylvania Kallread earning state ment for .Tulv was in a sense better than anticipated, although the effects of both the coal and suepinen s strike were strongly reflected. The action of the company, however, in ordering the new entiinmrnt foreshadows exception- nlly heavy traffic nnd large earnings during the remainder of the current ;ear, which, in turn, adds additional assurance te the early restoration of the per cent dividend rntcO, n ques tion which the stockholders nre mostly interested. The trading In the stock was featureless, with little variation In price around 47, which seyins te be the stumbling point for borne reason or ether. Indifferent nttentien was given te the utility group agnln. American Stores dropped back e 147. the additional point decline extinguishing most of the gain made en Wednesday. Wefrt .Terse nnd SeaMierc continued te bring 30, a few odd lets changing hands nt that price. Westmoreland Ceal moved up te 7Hs en the Improved coal outlook. Electric Storage Battery, after opening '8 higher nt 48, reacted te 17. The principal trading was still en the His Beard. FlneQrde Weel' Moving Batter nosten. eent. 1. The Commercial Bulletin will say of the wool market tomerrow: Tnere Is a better tone In the market tnia and even the fine grades have J"'n mevlnt better. Price, generally are firm. An early Passage of the tariff is fleeted, nj.y1'"?; new stand, with the . probability that trie Set rate en wool will be lowered sllfl t from tha rnte in the Senate 1' ' b"?KJr,n from the geed, market Inillcnte "lajke Ing In demand, although a fnlr volume of bus neM In light weights has been done, llrndfer reports higher prices en merino tens, goon Australian warp 4s being quoted at BH pence for December delivery, row cress. hTirtS are barely steady. The Kajt India sales have ruled generally arm. .vienair i In fair request and steady. .... a. i... s-.i.il. -! "5 ruin euB. . r.i .jr. ecilVi V, . New Yerk. Bept. JP-,Th raw.iugarMd bet ( rairiv active ana nrm. with fi..i...r- prompt nnd September- shipment eraetVi 84e te 8c. cost. and freight. . Bales f terday inciuaeti iu.whi Dag. ex-store. a j.i. dutv nald. te the Warner ft,,.' fining Cempany: 20.000 bags same terms the National Hugar lteflnlng Company. 21.000 bags afloat at Bc, cost and frefarl also te a ler'al reRnery. Importations ClUOOd fcll.uuu liiiln iuiiiia le inn Natleni ellKHr liriinniB ,u, .,,,., , mm uuiiij t tiLiiinntnefl tn Arbuckle llrethers. Th t. mnrket la (Inn at prices ranging from . i te 7c, less, 2 per cent for cash. Henne report nn Improved demand for the shk nt the fl 7.1c basis. Hales offices of the luS rimers win nv wunqu imm luinani uai Tuesday mernms nei Philadelphia Stocks 1:IR Net Illeh Iiw r. M. ehge. 100 Am S & C 10i 10'i 10i W 85 Am Strs.,148 147 117 1 r0 Ten Tr X J ."1 fit fil 115 Elec Ster. 48 47 47. lOOfErle .... li 14i', Mft 3 25Hun&B TO 0 0 U 600 Lch Xnv.. 70 'A 7Si 70 U. 257 Tcnnn n It 47 40 4fiT Vb 5 l'enna Salt 80 SO 80 . . 30 1'hila Ce cum pf.. 44 44 44 . . 102 Phila Elec 32 31& 31 V 54 de pref.. 31ft 31 31 ?s V 220 Phlln R T 324 32 32 . . 40 Tone Min. 2 2 2 -f- 4 205 1'nienTrac 41 40 41 Vs 10S U G I pf.. 55 54 55 30 W Jer&S. 30 30 30 .. 5 West Ceal 71 71 71-f tNet change made by comparison with last sale en New Yerk Stock Exchange. riiiLADKi.riiiA iiexns 3000 Liberty 2d 4'4s '42 100.12 110 Electric Pee Tr 4s ctfs 08 3000 Phlln Electric 5s 102 2000 Phlla Electric 0s 105ft 1000 Phlla Electric 0s 100 COTTON MARKET New Yerk. Sept. 1. Itegarding the news ns much mere bullish this morn ing, cotton traders were geed buvers at' the start nnd first prices were 23 te 20 points higher. Japanese interests bought October nnd January. Liver pool v as a geed buver and Xcw Or leans and spot houses sold, the latter against jcsterda's purchases In the Seuth. Cables were firmer nnd both the stock and foreign news mere favorable, while dry weather continued ever the South west. After the start the market held steady. Prexlnus Clese Open 1PM October 'J2 Wl 47 V'2.70 22 '.,.' December ... . 22 0.'Wn 22 S i!j 17 January !!J.4itflVl 22 70 22 21 March 22 .12 .",11 22 SO 22 31 May 22 43 22.70 . . July 22..13 . . u DIRECTORS Gee. ncnxruit, J. Ateit D. Atipniwi Wiuiiu Weed CltlnLXS WltggLEl ClMB. li. INOSBSOLL A, A. Jacksen Siucel M. Ccnwsf CLIIENCI M. UHOTN 8IEVINS HECKSC11U J. JlAIITON TOWNSESB C. Fsed'k C. BTOOl Benjamin ness WltLIlM Pest Clement D. Newbold CltlBLKS E. MiTHII HiUSI K. UiKEl lT Mr. Walter Erben, President of the Erb'en Hard ing Ce., Mfrs. of Worsted Yarns, said te us: "A business craft with an efficient crew and a steady hand at the wheel will sail bravely in fair commercial weather. But in times of stress, the support of a faith ful banking connection may serve as a hard-fastened anchor en a lee shore." u Central Nations! Bank of Philadelphia Chestnut Street at FiMi Capital (1,000,000 Surjylus and Undivided Profits Earned (4,700,000 m SEPTEMBBR 1, 1923 WE TAKE PLEASURB IN ANNOUNCING THAT Mr. Edward Brylawski HAS BEEN ADMITTED TO GENERAL PARTNERSHIP IN OUR FIRM AS OF THIS DATE NEW HALL, GROSS & DIFFENDERFFER Jtfemfersi New Yerk Stock Eaxhang Philadelphia Sleck Exchange Chicago Beard of Trade NEW YORK Knickerbocker Building and 32 Broadway PHILADELPHIA Real Estate Trust Building Bread & Chestnut Su. ATLANTIC CTTY Cor. Boardwalk atvl Pennsylvania Av. NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET Xew Yerk. Sent. 1. The local cef fee futures market opened quiet this morning, with trading confined te n I couple of lets of December nt 0.43 c, an , nnperrer eeing tne tiu.ver ami a com mission house long the f-eller. First prices were 1 te 3 points higher. Cnbles reaching here have stated that 'he recent ndvance In the Brnyll markets has been due te active covering of shorts. This encouraged local senti ment te some extent nnd at mid-day, prices were ruling about S te 10 points net higher, but the volume of business was rather limited. September OcteVer Ii ember .March . May July .. . August . . . Bid. Pre Clese Open ft 4n -) an n tn 4i n is, in n 41313 . I( Tiff? 4fl (( 40 . 11 SOfa 1(1 'l 40 iff 4S . U 3ftG40 40 . .. . !( 30 GRAIN MARKET Chicago, Sept. 1. Tlie vvhent market opened firm nt e te ftc advnnce anil early in tne tiny snowed n strong under tone. There wiih active bu.ving en the German moratorium by these who hnve believed that a change in the foreign financial Mtuntlen would menu n turn tn the mnrket. 'llie Liverpool market was d te r'sd lower, however, and, while the West reported that mere ex ex nert business hns been done reivntlv than has been reported, theic was llttl? cvyience et mucn activity in expert circles here. Cern ndvanced Vc te e wt, hent and ruled lirm with a geed demand from commission bonus nnd shorts. Oats were firm at 'in te ',jc higher with a fair trade. Previsions vveic ensv en verj lienvj deliveries, hut an ndvance nf l()e te l."e In live hogs checked the decline. Cern ' I'rev tlesn open l y ji September r,n inu in n (is un December niS M'J i r,s ft.-,u May 53 SS'ifei SS'j 5U heat September . en', l.nes i oe1 December I ill 1.H14 Wl ni4 1 n Mts " 1,U"h 17"'S107S4 1 07S September . 81 3t. 31. Marb'r... I7,S Hii9 " gjf ne ' Sepn mter nil. .n; December "(111 I.unl September 10 2(1 1 12 October 10 ,ii) n 22 ' ' Januaty , i jii Liverpool Cotten I.ltenioel. Sept 1. There wan enlv a meileratB demand for spot lotion today w th prices steady en the basis of an advance of 4 nelntK for mld.lllnir at 1,1 70,1 The sales were 4000 bles The rccalnta wr .-.nea hiu. i. i,ii,. ,.,;"?. receipts i; i ...v..:. ' .. '""".'". 1-"", "lies Amer ""' iivaiiy ill tiui ,,rli nrirae tuaea a 1 - lean KuturcA (leallnKn Hpet nil Idling fair.- 1 1 eW," goedmlddllrtr la Ti'S" fully mlddl ng H(M, middling 117(11 low ml Idling. 13.2J.I. geed I erUlnVVV. VJ. Ad Kllil nrillTihrt 11 (ili.l ' .-.IVii low and iirduihr .,,,1, 11 nnd Londen Metal Market , .'"Jideii, Sept 11 stand inl copper sum HU Ss. futures. (Hi 10 Ule tiuiil i??,' ten lus, lutuies, (70 10s Tin. anet fi.ii f utui ea. Cllll 6s Lead. spot. (24 VwVf u ' isstm"' ", Zlnc- W. . Mjiirtt: J1 The Chicago & Alten Railway Company Three and One-half Per Cent. First-Lien Fifty-Year Geld Bends DUE JULY, 1, 1950 In view of the appeinlment of receivers for the Chicago & Alten Railroad Company, the undersigned committee has been formed te protect the interests of the holders of the abeve bends, of which 22,000,000 are outstanding. The members of the committee represent large holdings of these bends. A do de posit agreement s in course of preparation under which the Farmerc' Lean and Trust Company will act as depositary and the committee intends shortly te issue a call te the bondholders te deposit their bends thereunder. Dated New Yerk, August 30, 1922. F. H. ECKER. Chairman BERTRAM CUTLER J. H. PERKINS J. V. F.. WFSTFAt I COTTON F"ANKUN,(i AgA W,NG - Committee THE FARMERS' LOAN AND TRUST COMPANY, Depositary 22 William Street, New Yerk City F. A, DEWEY. Secretary. 22 William Street. New Yerk City, GE0.A.HUHN&S0NS Member et the Philadelphia, New Yerk and Chicago Stock Fxrhangta. New Yerk Cotten rsrhnnire STOCKS & BONDS benclit nnd sold for cash nr rarrled en renservntlie mnriln. llellevne Court Illd.. lttH Wnlliut St. N. V.. in nrmilwnv NEWBUnGER, HENDERSON & LOEB Members New Yerk and Philadelphia Stock Exchanges 1512 Walnut St. In Continuous Business SOffcaW MOVER r CO. MaJ AS4L4.VAV.4 9TQ(M tt(44t Bankeus & Brokers 801 Chestnut Street WHY lias no huenter ever lest n dol lar nf principal ur Interest en nny ereurlty lieuxlit of S. VV, Mrnus A Ce, 7 Write (ur our booklet 2-( mid leant the reason why. S. W. STRAUS & CO. Bleck Eailiunge Uldg., I'lilludelplila, FINANCIAL Illvldenils TIIK WILLIAM ( KMI 4 hltNS HUH' AM kmii.m: iiiii.niMi (iiMi"ky u Dividend .Netice , Auuixt 11, lll'i' Ills Heard of Directors Ima Una d.iv"de. cUrid a iiuurlerlj illvldeinl of f, IS no ,, share), pa ible Seplenilier 30. VJii. te sieiK. hnldtra of record nt ,i I' .VI ..,, si..,. . ..' le. lOiJ. Il.i. tnn.fei books of ,e " V wni ''ll le "I"-"1 '!" "if purpeee or this dividend fiem 3 1'. JI. September 15. ll) " until at A. U. October 2, 1UJ ' tUAULiB T, TAVI.OR, . Treaiunr, Any man who wishes te knew trading procedure en New Yerk Curb Ex change stocks should have a copy of "Investors Traders Guide" the latest and most in structive book published en the profit possibilities of America's second larg est stock market-38pages of real information. Ask for free copy Call, 'phone or write Jenes &. Baker Member! New Yerk Curb Exchange Direct PrVvaVeWire New Veilt Chlcsre Doiien fMlidelphli I'iiuburia Octrei! Ililiimere Cltlnii , PHILADELPHIA OFFICE Widcncr Building Telephones!1.'" Locust 4730 P Keystone . RacaSSOl BALTIMORE OFFICE Emersen Hetel Telephone Plata 845 1 '- I Ml I I Saiinat Deurtmtnt ) I First National Bank 1 or Philadelphia .:ffl,l3l " ' BiBBiailf - ) id wemLl'S igr, iiwJ-yMtjtAU- UJ, -I ' '- stYJASJ