fir V w yaw W,,V' "mswwm EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA. WEDNESDAY, 'AUGUST 30, 1922 i'v" .'ttii 9 ST GOSSIPABOUT PEOPLE Nancy Wynne Tells of Newport's Pageant Held Last Night She Sees Mrs.- Themas Newhall in Striking Costume Other Matters mHfl PdBtnnt ftt Newport last ere- Er give" n the nit of thc itn5oe!tlen, wn, cxqulMt. The ...nt followed closely Longfellow'.- Sn or Skeleton In Amer," and Ae eUtumcf and rcefel pe off Ctae Ztlnatn will net neon ba tegottea. Frank Frcunuff, of New Tort, Va'thc Bcennrle, and Mrs. Euntla !,'r.n of Wnshlngten, nrranged Vnmlc Several prominent men lm Bosten's choral Mclatlea went te Epert for the affair and aang cho che mws and sextettes. " ... Mrs arnham, who Is prominent in .ff.lrs' artistic etwc11 as aeelal In wnrpert, conceived the Idea and di rected It all. Yeu knew M"' Q"1""11 ... Miss Margaret McCnll Thayer, a !., of General Thayer and cousin " erdncv. Harry Thnyer and the rest . that 'family. nr daughter Peggy , married at their Newport home i.i. in June of this year. Marin, the daughter, h the wife of Itlccarde zScrmann and live, in Chestnut Hill, where Mrs. Graham makes her winter home. Te go back te the pageant, the Thea tr. Guild clips were painted by How Hew A Hllder and the Theatre Guild Untern was used. It was a perfectly SJeeu. thing altogether. And Miss Longfellow, granddnuShtcr of thc poet, VR9 honor guest of the occasion. In fact there seems te have been nothing left 'out te make it all a splendid at- ''v'arick Frlssell, of Baltimore, was ,v. Viking He Is strikingly handsome nd male a fine picture. Mrs. Marlen K. 0 New Yerk, was the queen. I. a Dl'lle, the, Crate,, Diddles' i.,,Mr was the "maiden" of the S In he scene which depicted the Kurt et the Viking, young Arthur Be, who is the son of the Rev. Key Hushes, of Newport, took the St. and "the child" was Hexnnne KaTherlne Merris, the Harrison Merrises' daughter, gave two specialty dances, an Indian and a barbaric dance. She is very graceful and wears wonderfully smart costumes. Seme of these who occupied boxes for the evening were Mrs. Rebert Gould Shaw. SM, Mrs O. II. V. Bel mont, Mrs. Craig Blildlc. Mrs. Henry Carten Jacobs, Mrs. Harrison Merris Mrs. Tewnscnd Ilurdcn, Mrs. Stuart Duncan, Mrs. HlMia Dyer, Mrs. il linm Payne Thompson, Mrs. Jeseph M. Oasaam, Mrs. T. Suffcrn Taller. Mrs. Charles Hillhouse, MrB. Jehn Thayer and ever se many ethers. A large cos tume ball followed. I TOLD you when Mrs. Tem Newhall came back from Kurepe we would see nenic stunning clothes. Fer Henera Ulacknell Newhall knows hew te dress just about ns well as anybody else in this town, nnd n grout deal better than roost of in. Well. I saw her en Seven teenth street yesterdny, and I made no mistake in my prediction. She wnB wearing a frock of soft gray crepe de rhlne, made with the new long draped lines, and the back of the bodice was in a sort et cape cirect, wnicn lerracu n part nf the sleeves. There was a touch of violet purple semewhere about the gown, nnd the hat was a large model of grny of the exact same shade as the dresH nnd hnd a large purple velvet flower at ene side of thc front, if the crmwi, rni-ed rather Ugh. It's n bit hard te describe, but it was simply wonderful te see, nnd Mrs. Newhall. with her wavy geld hair and splendid carriage, was the cynosure of all eyes. AND, speaking of smart costumes, Emley Cook Wright is wearing a while homespun frock bound in black and a mnll black straw hat. Yeu can't think hew geed looking it is. and becoming, tee. The Witney Wrights l.ave a enttnee nt Cape May, you knew, and Witney and Emley nrc much inter ested in thc ball te be given down there en Friday. ELEANOR Is a lovely girl nnd very pretty and attractive, but heaven did net bless her with nn nbundance of hair. Am it is easy te remedy such deficiencies, nhe hn managed te worry along, without, however, taking all her friends nnd admirers into bcr confidence en the matter. Imagine her feelings the ether day when, descending te the drawing room te ureet n suitor, she beard him nk small sister: "If I get you a dell, dn ou want It te have long eurls like jeurv?" S. S. replied theughtfully: "Yeu knew, I b'lleve I'd rarer hnie one wlv linir vnu could take off end put en like. Kl'ner's." NANCY WYNNE. Pefn Sn"6?,1 ')!? bunMw at Plum i eint en the nk Itlver, Md, Colonel and Mrs. Frederick Tayler ESST.. A!Td, taM"ena for yth5 ffi Vtf.R .'" dttdKhter. Mlas Char- 'JSh V" ,takf place en Saturday nfter m.i. Tsfp,tcmb?r , 23. nt 4 o'clock ut Maple Linden, their home near Llnea. krni. ...".' v"u"'" '.Veu. uver- tJ.ii " "rD parsing a month iuu, ucean city. at Halcyen !? Vi, Jd rfl- Alexander J. Hamilton Jm" .' of thc "aitlng Apartments, this city, metered te Atlantic City WcdncBday te imenit a fortnight as the m M Mr. nm! Mrfl' nheTi I- Tatcm i? em P,ote'c .back te Atlantic City ?Hndiay,haxlmT BPcnt a week with friends In Cape May. m.nII??Mllrfrnret Hees and Miss Kath leen Hewes, daughters of Mrs. n. Wright "wc. of 4430 Sansom street, who i have Lake, I,. Y., will return tthla week. mnRJriiehnur- ,CuUln announces the cAHnfMh,te '.?". Ml? Mnr' Ane If' i Mr" Chariet Henry Heefner ffltirSr"-'18' ln st' Joachim" ?! pMuarlckefrd' by th nev- Francla Mlas Mary Ursula Greenlee, of Havr. Sunday. Among the guests present were r IL"",.11??1 "ar' "ly. Mis,, Anne finnlnl. .. """" "U?8 K- Virginia ?n...I2, M!sa.An8 Bernadetto Cav- Snaugh. a" II- IU" Marl v- Wcst Philadelphia Mr. nnd Mrs. It. E. GlenMwpfc .n back nnViglVira rV,'99 Catharine Stone Stene JflJiw,1 Mlss EIoner Steneback, of i3 walnut atrcnt. win ai.,, .V..ii whmr'.SoAlembur x- 'rm Ventner, N. j., ey,..have been spending the w,mmr 0MI?S Catharine Steneback SkU Jl?av". September 20. for Penn Hall. KhcSl bUrr' Whr "h0 W"1 attnd Mr. and Mrs. James J. O'Drinn who th0r 4?!Sr,r?d JU.r 8 I" I Church e" and iv,aflJFuraUenl. F'fty-Afth street ?heir .Miavenu?' have returned from AulnMe0" tr,1P' fln? haV0 eOM tC uii ?i iri.0.'1?' iwher5 thcy will remain will l,ftteJ:abw0r ay- Mrn- O'Brien will he remembered as Miss Isabella Ileavcy, cf 6309 Pine street. '""" MIsb Irene Fcld, of Scranton, Pa., Is spending some time In this city, as a BJ.1 5,?lM, Alma Sternberg, 781 Jt0riiPlr,.y'n!n.lh atrcet after which hll K AtIantl City for a short Mr and Mra. Winiam C. Becker, of pcrbroek, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Iiudeclte. Jr., of 5024 Larchwood ave nue, are touring Northern New Yerk and Canada. Mr. Edwin Warfield and Mr. Alfred McCrea are visiting the latter's grand parents, Mr. and fs. n X. Chlselm. at Oak Greve Plantation, North Carolina. Recently Married iHIIIIIIIIII. ''siK'i ill.l.l.l.l.l.l.m -', ''-MlliiiiBlb. liiiiiiiiiiiiiHP 'iHK -TBrV ' ',' '4? ', '' ' '"'A' J, -1; ' , 'j Bl. i . " ; ' lA -JL&Uk rhote by Phote-Cntfttrs. MRS. BYRON P. WEBSTER Who wat Miss Edna Schefield, daughter of Mrs. William P. Sehofield, of net Seuth Forty sixth street, before her marriage Seuth Philadelphia Mrs. Frederick Dl Plotre and her nlece. Miss Ilebecca Kelly, of 2329 Seuth Sixteenth street, who have been spending Reme time in Aiianua (Jiiy, ex pect te return home after Laber Day. Mr. and Mrs. Jehn Bardsley, 1638 Seuth Sixteenth street, have returned home, after n two weeks' stay at the Breakers, In Wlldwoed. Miss Helen MUnomew, of 171B Rltner street, Is spending several weeks at the Delaware water Gap. Mrn. M. McFetrldce and her daugh ter, Miss Marian McFetrldge, of 1887 Seuth Eighteenth ntreet, have, returned home, after a two weeks' atay at Cape May Point Mr. and Mra. Charles Riley, of Cel- wyn, Fa., are entertaining Mr. Cepes will spend the week-end In Chel sea, with Mr. Cepe's aunt Miss Jean Paul and Miss Betty Meadow, of Seuth Philadelphia, nre spending two weeks at Atlantic City. Th Avlla Club will give the, last dance of this season at St. Acnes Hall, Blackwood, N. J., en September 9, Helmcsburg JbY. J. W. March and daughter, et 8039 Craig street are visiting friends In Yardley, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. Philip J. Ieary and their son, Master Philip J. Leary, Jr., are en a meter trip through the New England States. Mr. and Mra K. Glenn Haines and their daughter, Miss Florence Haines, of 3015 Rhnwn street, are en a trip te Niagara Falls and Canada. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Caster, of 8204 Frankford avenue, are spending a few weeks In Ocean Gate, N. J, A, German, street. Of 1042 Seuth Rebert Sixteenth Miss M. McBlhene. of 2118 Seuth Eighteenth street has returned home, after a week's stay ln Cape May Point Miss Genevieve Munn, of 2889 Seuth Sixteenth street will go te Atlantle City ever the holiday, Mr. and Mrs. .William Fitzgerald, et 1713 Rltner street, have returned home, after having spent some time ln Atlantle City. Mr. and Mrs. William Aull. of Six teenth and Rltner streets, who have Norristown Miss Anne SwarU, of 904 DeKnlb street, entertained at bridge cm Sat urday In honor of Miss Helen W. Paint and Mrn. Edmund C. Wlngerd, of Cham bersburg. Mles Palst will be married September 30 te Mr. Jehn Reth Roberts, of Jenklntewn. Mrs. Wlngerd In the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mra Jos Jes eph A. Celeman. There were twelve guests. Mr. and Mrs. Wyette Rowden, of Chain street, are receiving congratula tions en the birth of a daughter. Mar garet Elizabeth Rowden. Airs. Rowden will be remembered an Miss Eva Alrcy. Mrs. Jehn Ward Harrison has re turned te her home In Fert Werth, Tex., after belne the truest of her father. Mr. Geerge W7 Watt, of West Main street Miss Sara Louise Hlllegass, of De Kalb etreet Is visiting Mlns Betty Potts, nf Great Oaks Farm. Chester County. Pa. Miss Hlllegass and Miss Potts are classmates at the uaiawin ucnoei, uryn Mawr. Mrs. Martin K. Fnrrell and her daughter. Miss Margaret Fnrrell, of 400 West Main street, are spending two weeus en a trip te ueireii, Alien., ru agara Falls and Buffalo, Delaware County Among these who attended the supper which wns given by Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam S. Mclntyre nt their home In Moy Mey lnn, fdllewing a nwlmmlng party, were Mrs. D. Sp.'eul HlnkBen, Mrs. A. Robin son Miller, Mra. R. Somers Rhedes. Mrs. Hnrry Rreughall repler, Mies Martha Cellins, Miss Sephie Delany, Miss Mar Mar eon Jenes, Mr. and Mrs. w. Franklin Mathues. Mr. and Mrs. Rebert W. Mc Curdy, Mr. and Mrs. Jehn Winder, Mf. Jehn R. Sproul and Mr. William S. Mo Me Intyre, Jr. Miss Katharine Franclscus, of Media, who is ependlng a month at egunquit Me., has returned from a four days' visit at Peaks Island, Me., where she has been the guest of Mra. Charles Jef ferles, who In occupying her summer home. Miss Cera E. Teager, of Media, who metered te Ocean City a few days age, where she passed the week-end. has returned. Mrs. Walter V. arlscem, Mra. T. Rhodes Friable, Miss Mildred Rhodes, Mr. Raymond Wllklns and Mr. Frank B. Rhedes have returned te Media from a meter trip through New England. Mr, and Mra. Charles Frederick Squler, of Rese Valley, will leave ln a fortnight for a meter trip through New England. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Far- MC NEvl RACH RAIT LDREN STUDIO SITTINGS ON&Y TWBIVB FOR TBN BOMAM im cnmryuT a. ANNOtW BAC POR1 of CHILD num, of Glenolden, tnem. will accompany The Onlr Oridnal HELENE SALON fermanent cJiaiWaiint OIL METHOD S15 te S35 Big, Loeit Natural Weett 102 S. 13th Street Ktanedr Bidg. Take Elrraeat raeBMi Walnut 7t8(-76U 'ML ina J 1530 Locust St. New Housekeeping Apartment Heuse S. E. Cor. 16th and Locust Streets. Absolute fireproof building. Several available. also desirable Doctors Offices. Inspection invited. All modern equipment. Refrigerators, laundry, separate maids quarters. Private Branch Exehangm Many New Feature i L Haifa tialSa avi ! 3- j , j h a fcaiirE liii 11 steil'iSiil'lll HSIliffl ii iLn SL K1 j KNiTTING WOOL MlCiW Hrnrt Yeu flsmptes Werste Par ex. . We'll OlaAJ Hemilitcliini BEADS EmlirelJerinf Novelty Embroidery Ce. 15 N. 10th St. 1007 Filbert St. Ulrcctlen ate nley Cempuny et Arcaflca. SffiiPS 1210 CHESTNUT ST. TWO FLIGHTS VP Manufacturer te Yeu Shewh 0- Neckpieces 1 AJ.....J Showing of Fall and Winter Ceata and Capet rV manalactttrt all of ear own garmtntt in ear 3d deer factory. A gtrw'int iaving te entry caitemtr. $800 Value Kelinsky CAPE Oorceous effect: mane et e 1 e rted nalt: muit be aeen te be appreciated. $385 A BMA1X DKI'OHIT WII,T, RESEBVE ANV OAItMEXT Call end have me give you rer ettlmat en repairing itnd remodeling. Z been teurlus through Burepe slnce Ma; nre new travelling tn i-.niancl, nn vlBlt .Stratford-on-Aven this week, Ml Jennie Keating, of 2605 Seuth Seventeenth etreet, has ifene te Colum bia, Pa., where she will remain for a week. Miss Catharln Conaty, of 2036 Seuth Fifteenth street, has returned home, after a week's stay In Wlldwoed. Mr. Charles Elwee In entertaining; Mr. Jeseph Snnsene, of 709 Seuth Ninth Etreet, nnd Mr. Jehn McLaughlin, of 2315 Seuth Fifteenth street, at the Bellevue, ln Atlantic City, this week. Mr. Rebert Barker and Mr. Andrew North Philadelphia MIm Anna R. Lawall. daughter of ir. anu .Mrs. Marry w. Lawall, of 713 North Twenty-third street, will be mar rlcd en September fi te Mr. William M, Andrews, of this city. Mr. and Mrs. William H. 8euder, of 4017 North Twelfth street, are new making a tour of New England States and Canada. They expect te return be fore the end of September. Mr. and Mrn. Ellis Davidsen, of New Yerk, are visiting their mother, Mrs. C. Davidsen, of 2017 Mount Vernen street Dr. and Mrs. R Slrger and family, of 1218 Seybert street, have returned from a summer's stay at Doylestown, Pa. Miss Helen MncDenald. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Newton MacDonald, of North Sixteenth street, hxn cone te Ocean City, where shft will visit friends until after Laber Day. Mrs J. Llebcrman and family, of 2S&2 worm l'aric avenue, nave returned from Barker, Me. Mra M. Brooks, of 3642 North Fifth Htreet, Id spending the latter part of August and September at a beach-frcmt hotel, at Atlanta City. Mr. and Mra. A. Oser, 2923 Columbia avenue, announce the marriage of their daughter, Mlas Mlnnle Oser, te Mr. Herman Brown en August 27, You'll taste the difference! ninii 29 asce Coffee lb A rich, rare blend of coffee goodness At all our Stores tn I JLLlJ?jrlCJ& nufl lninniiiin'nnirjTniiniinMJinOTnnnBinaHBiiiDDij" SOCIAL ACTIVITIES Mlsi Mnrgaret McArtoe, daughter of Mr. mul Mrs Wllllnm MoAdeo. of Kin Pawn fort Washington, who ha been pending thn pummer at Ileafr Camp, for Kennebunkport, !e., where hIie will e the for a fcirtnlprht of her Jinclp nnd mint, Mr, nnd Mrs Henrv McArtoe of Fert Wanhlngten nt their ' junittif r place Mss Mc dee will make i nr dflmt Rt a tp.i which her parents I will rUp eti Wednesday. Ociober 25 and I will he i!. e Kueat of honor at many en- I twtalmni'nt'i I Mr nnd Mrs Henry S Paneeast, of Cltjtrmt Tllll, will give n te.i en Sep- , "inber -j from I "30 until 7 o'clock in hepnr of thdr son nnd dnuchtir-ln- ". 'r nnd Mm. Cl'arlcs i: l'anreaFt. 1 Mrs Iinren?t n Mls Kllr.ibnth .carhniniiKh Knight, tuKhler of Mrs .'Iwnrd J Knight. Mn, Knlglit has Ken an 'ip.irtment nt 2,15 Seuth Twcn-ly-thlrd Btreet this yenr. Mr and Mrs Franels I. Oewen, of ueip'len,'. r lmMniit Hill, nre unending 'ine teks nt Vhglnla Het Springs ?'r and Mrn (lewpn were KU'-sts of !,'"''! at " lunrhoen gUcn en Sunday n. n"'1 M,H Jt- K Ingalls nt In In Hilten mi. ri. f' ,T 'Ipl'eiisrie nnd her daughter, is J. mm, fl,.UouHe, of the Latham, ni..n ""' ","1 Walnut Btreets, who "Wt p.irt or th minimal at their plnca Mr. n" ,Uv' n'eniiinled by Mr and JiiW ''oerK'' ,re spending soma re.,?J". '""Wioiie Park. They will sVptimi!0 lhla ''"y tl10 latter )!lrt of FERDINAND KELLER 216-224 S. Ninth Street PHILADELPHIA August Furniture Sale Auguit Firtt te September Sixteenth Inclutive Offering exceptional reduction! throughout the en tire KELLER collection of fine furniture and deco rative objects. LIvins'Koem Furniture, Including Davenport, Sefaa, Secretaries, Detkii, Tablet and UpheUtered Chairei alie en unusual collection of Antique Needlepoint Chalra. Dining Roem and Bedroom Furniture of all period, original and reproduction In Important act and odd piece. An interesting collection of Early American Furniture. Ship Medels in n bread variety. Hcnutit'ul Antique Cabinets for Victrela and Itadie settings. ,,x'r nd Mri, In"r tniiK Mr O Tcrcv nrlftht and M, ui," -,lr tnutren J HrlKht anil are , . V. " ' Hrlirlit. of this city, who Pa r "''''.""liiP the Hiiniiner at Montrese. Ventmw. mete .n Septcmlier 2 for ,.i . nil .nil here tluy will Bpcnd the early of cuvi S,IrH Hl,r,y w- nutterwerth, iieNciiv laup, uydnl who are BPend Witn," MU'niniT it their cottage ut Mrs. 1. ".ru interialiilnK us their urNt X j ' A. Auatln, of Orunge. Jehnm",MrB s w I'uwnere. et "uest if Mr nnd Mrs. iulteruerth M -.. . .- MimVh.",1 :Irs- fI Hutsell Fex and Sft tl,, ttU ''', of 1203 Walnut ttieet, k. '"v vtiiiv ii irr nr tinu tnniuii -w w III!" tllUllkM fnr Ocpn n ir-knu Ui murtni ISa . - ttuuau, gn iiiiiifv.uvi wimbtr untU the latler pHrt et IV" nw 2as l ,r' rw TWi, hM Uin pjer4"1 ni rairfHOBrai srnvan ansa Far Storage and Remodeling at Extremely Lew Rate LUIGI RIENZI CORRECT APPAREL FOR WOMEN 1714 Walnut Street FU Mn mm August Sale of COATS SQUIRREL n.nj . -;.4k.. ij I -f. ?7 '",' 1 OffSSSE? S&wrtSA L& t l iEwrfi tPfiriyirrtDii mwm w FAITH IN THE ESTABLISH. ME NT FROM WHICH YOU PURCHASE YOUR SQUIRREL COAT IS OF FIRST IMPORT ANCE, FOR OF THE MANY SPECIES OF SQUIRRELS AND NEAR-SQUIRRELS, ONLY THE PELTS OF THOSE FROM RUSSIA AND SIBERIA STAND OUT AS PRE-EMINENTLY THE FINEST. THE HOUSE OF RIENZI HAS ANTICI PATED THE NEEDS OF HER WHO DEMANDS THE BEST. 475.00 SQUIRREL-HUDSON SEAt-CARACUL-KOLINSKr-MINK 'Repairing and Remodeling in Our Own Factory at Most Moderate Cost Stere Open AU Day Saturday zfi..-. .5 lSiW )-."'M r" ' F "3 l , , Z 1115 CHESTNUT ST. COppesite Keith's Theatre) Stere Open All Day Saturday BBBUBlBBBaKHV WPOT9 W sS ' n NINKTKKNT1I A AIAIIKMT 11. 1'80 n-M. 5:30, 7:0. 11:30 A William de Mille '; rnoDUCTieN Nice People A PAIIAMOUNT riCTUItn. WITH Wallace Reid, Bebe Daniels Cenrad Nagel and Julia Fay COMEDY KEATOnn FtllBT SIIOWINO BEN TURPIN In Heme-made Movies iV Last Day Tomorrow August FUR Sale At Savings of Mere Than Ys Off Winter Prices There are many extraordinary values here for you tomor row, the last day of this Sale. Because of the intense selling we have experienced, numerous lets have sold down te only a few of a kind. Since they cannot be duplicated for these low sale prices, they have been still further reduced for quick clearance. Come early in the morning tomorrow, as many lets will net last out the day. Winter Price 7S.00 4ttftW A SMALL DEPOSIT WILL RESERVE YOUR PURCHASE There Are About 1000 Fur Coats, Capes and Wraps te Cheese Frem, Though Only 17 Are Pictured Here ilwfiSrri TWO wi:kkh only, cemmknciktj THIS SATURDAY YOU CAN HKK TUB I.ONO-AWAITBD PAIIAMOUNT MAHTHrtl'IECB RODOLPH VALENTINO "BLOOD and SAND" With LILA LEE & NITA NALDI TJIK MIOHTIHHT SMNHATION KVKIt M'liriENnD! NO ADVAN'n: IS I'lliCEfl STANTON 10TII AND MAItKHT REOPENS SATURDAY NEXT AT II 4. M. Indefinite Engagement of WILLIAM FOX'S Gigantic Spectacle MONTE GRIST0 Frem Alexandre Duma' vrorld vrerld vrorld renewned nerel and drama of the same name "THE WORLD IS MINE" ALPINES CHARLES RAY IN I'ICTl'lUZATION OV PX.AY (A Tailor-Made Man 1 2. . 0. 8 A in r tl imOAD AND CHESTNUT EUisine Hammer3tein kviT)IbNcis- a I rT? 1STH AND ilAHKET PALACfc n-4r, a. m. te 11 p. at. THOMAS ME1GHAN Vt.'fe' iriTTAni A NINTH & MAP.KET V It. 1 UlMx 0 A. M. te 11 :15 P. M. AI.ltK LAKKeu CATION I-Al. , ifiwi-TII II VI'.I.AN HO-EM KY TIIKI1V NOAH nrr.nv WALLACE nn:nT A DP MM A 16ri1 CHESTNUT AKLAU1A 10 A M te 11 P. M. rTOif Y"THE RAGGED HEIRESS" C A DITfll KIQHTH AND MAKKET LAHIUL 10 A M te IflB P. M. "A FOOL THERE WAS" rJgJLM M, . .JPM at I AM THE LAW JUNIPER AND MAUICET 11 TO 11 POPULAR VBUflvllIl POPUIAR atipvtve auucvmc t TYTr-rq GLOBE Nitaral Mutkrat Coati 98.50 Brown Mamet (Raccoon Trim'd) 89.00 Winfrr Price 15.00 xESr?BBam MIT nffln mm rnlkm IV1 Hit I Mi, Immwie LSfi'i thm' MSi u 1 mf mm Black Caracul Coats 149.00 Winter Price tlO.OO jSZ3eyh mm fiJlffllPiUL mm ilff'ISl Hi xlifl -'"Ml IP IlfVY I Natural Squirrel (Rlenkejr Trim'd) 795.00 Wlntn f cv 1200 00 . Hidiei Sal (Skaak .Tria'd) 245.00 WMer Price S7I.00 Wlnlrr Prica 110 00 7 W iP Speciall Tanpe or Brown Wolf Scarfs 7.50 W Infer Price 12.50 Speciall Squirrel or Mink Chokers 7.50 Wlnlr Trice 13.SO I Special! 1 Stene Marten Chokers 19.50 Inter Price 30, OH Black Caracul (Fitch Trim'd) 445.00 Winter Price CIS 00 Moleskin (Platinum Fex Trim'd) 495.00 Wintrr Pi ( ISO 00 flM(TCTejl r laricLr rajaw-ai-i tJvwm MAt if'- vSSt Sfl5sflu Sal H French Seal (Skcnk Trim'd) 88.00 Wfnfri Pi fr(. US 'JO TlTlTntrn "HOPKINS PreVcnU- Tta Provlncetewn Plajrcr Production or EUGENE O'NEILL'S GREAT SUCCESS The Hairy Ape Wltt LOUIS WOL1IEQJ LYRIC 6g& MAIL ORDERS NOW ."EATS TOMORROW TSHUBERTc .SEPT4 'OPENINfl MOH MAT kBOR CW E.TS rOMOU. M ll. (IUI)KltS NOW ARTIII'R HAMMEHSTniN prent A MI'MCAI. f'OMi:iy linVKLATION THE BLUE KITTEN with RICHARD CARLE DlKtlmrulslid Cunt of Munlcnl Ceniedy Ihmi'Uhs nnd "h rut of I"n(ul Kitten MALM T AT OT1I Beg. Man., Sept. 4 Senlii Tomerrnw THE WORLDS GDEATEST MYSTERY VY Adelph Klaaber'a yie. WALNUT ,a Wth ttt M.. t V.V "" C.t MIC O XI All Vlcht A "nt Mil ,vi. , nn Hudsen Seal is dyed Muekrat; French Sail is dyed Ceney Caracal Cap (Sqtirrtt Trim'd) 168.00 yVMer Priee no.te Llf .'I .' Sm m inn 11 wi Up w m ?Ji rcr5rci3i-rifA kW$ m f I iTnY Mel ,W A 162.00 I TjJ y EITH'S THEATRE Mi,i.,M".:j'CTv:T,","4B"v1r10 In T1 a While l'iee1 Foel'"' Jeaurttr llin Ui-tt . Iltlmiir Ilam PreaBiit T' ir ltiiic With & llavf of Knnntlrij r,,rt Cr.ntferil A llruili'rlrk iir Vr II,' I .. r. - he HeiikiTiH line Shew Gari-iclt Next Men. Evjr. . . . r . ., Ne" I limn I i i i . Pr !! ten ORANGE BLOSSOMS v i ' S'.IH I Y n I ! i ' W t r ' t I ' e H J Natural Raccoon Coats 170.00 Wlnfri Ptirr CCS 00 WILLOW GROVE PARK SOUSA AND HIS BAND J P. R. T. Empleyes' Big Picnfe MlMLllltSt. U'UM. tMlt MINUTl I in i .iur( suiiiiiMltnr 1lJ" Imii.irruM sol s Iy Winter Price 105 00 HcUdY" M2raiaiP Natural 5"' B Squirrel p" tTOF Ceu 225.00 'JIVJ 263.00 1ni?,,r Z-V Winter 9'I.Ot V 410.0 A Large Assortment efExtra-Sixe eata and Wraps Up te 5U Bust- mm )K 740 iJcU w w 1 CASINO "M?&3&Br', I ,',V4' BEAUTY REVUE nter Price IQS0.00 MANDO nitlUM lia il a t i t,(t,llK ( f t .i ' Ui ' htpr uur UI 1 " I l K .11. il 1,1 , it Kemeven Hair t- fi-eni a i r u ft 1 1, i if j vi lily t ,'l , as n t! Uep nn im N r, . i d ' t 1 1 1 n I Mi. in Jesephine LcFcvre Ce. ".5. . . Is"' Weel. PlilliiilHiilihi, l'i lrlteri ..iii fn, lJnti,uter and ARnnti ' w ,'t GRAY HAIR? Quick. barmUn and tiiifarler tt ca sn.lked of drain, kair. Sptcial f JENNY SELTZER'S 3M viiMinui-nAI, I Seeeni; far nU. -a , ..(Jl I' " 4M1', ai i , . JSf S i" .'. a,j : 4 J" '' i t f. ii .LMr&lW