Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, August 28, 1922, Final, Page 15, Image 15

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    l HW 'if!
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'fitr& Wilsen Gives Proper Directions
& fnr SertSlntt the Tf ' 1 Mi
yk j, .... . '
B fable Should Be Set Very Carefully, Se Tliat Every Necessary
,' Utensil Is in Its Own Correct Place
- mm M. A. WILSON
' J.-,.w. nit. hu Mr: it. A. Wllieii. All
,FW" HeM$rtaervta
".' ' .' 'I,':"' T. . ... . r- I , T7 , . ' " ' ' ' fl ' &.l
Quedn of Carnival
sP ' . . ..!- I ..- M..1 nf
THE rvliig ei me iiiinuw
(he day has much t0 de w,th the
il guccess of home life. I have irtmcd
' VhU service Heme Service, te dlfctln
Lulih U from the scral or formal serv-
Xb arrangement of the table Is im-
ftant. for no matter new- weu xne
2 prepared, a pper table arrange--S,t
wl poll the entire meal. Al
ttr plenty of apace between each cever1.
OMKiemllng at the table ha. made
nanr'a lad "ll the tablecloth by up
Something. A email able or
JS "art l necessary te hcrve the meal
'.Viv- the little table en wheels
S3 It vy handy ferthe housc heusc
Sfc se that she will net teny heed te
rile from the table during the meal.
Lay the ellence cloth; this cloth mar
k-wnimade. or the regular table 'pad,
S5d Xn "pread the tablecloth. he
S2? of centerpiece Is. optional, and If
Sd eheuld I be low and flat, rather than
hW. A Pwtty dellle, a small bowl of
S- m flat d ah of ferns are al al
S?filSed taste. Thtnlay the silver
far each cover, placing two forks, two
knives and two teaspoon, a soup spoeu
kin soup Is served, at each place.
SftneMPMn -the rlglt, folded lu
ntat sauare. Next place the water
riiu at the tip of the knife, and be
ildethe glass place the bread and but-
U,plate MENU
Blemie of Clams Toasted Crackers
Radishes . , Garden Onions
Pet Beaat of Beef, Brown Gravy
fracenla Potatoes Crushed Cern
ft Caledonian Garnish
Cheese and Crackers C6ffee
Te prepare the meal :
Clam Bisque
Mlnee fine four large clams and drain
11. Measure the liquid from the
claims and add sufficient milk te mens
nre three cups. Place m saucepan and
' One-half cup of ttfted flour.
The prepared elami,
One-half teaspoon of grated onion,
On teatpoen of finelyminced, pert-
, 'bne teatpoen of taltti
One-quarter teatpoen of white
Blend well and cook for ten min
utes. Strain and then return te sauce
pan and fold In the white of stiffly
beaten egg. Serve In cups, with toasted
crackers. Te toast the crackers, spread
2.ljR ii?k,ng.Pa." n,ul Pla-e in het
even Until nicely browned.
Francen Ik Petate
Select mctllum-slzed bweet potatoes
and cook until 4nf nUni .... j..-'
Drain, and remove the skins. Place
2?m'la, fuPLf Reed shortening In
i I!fi .end whcn..Mnekln? h(N. brown
in potatoes, then 'lift te the kettle with
tiie meat, adding the potatoes about
nftecn minutes befere serving the meal.
Hew te Serve ThU Meal
When the feed Is ready, pour the
clam blwiue In, cups and place the
cups 6n the. suueers and place en the
table, dusting each cup with paprika
after It Is In place.
Lift meat nnd vegetables en proper
d shes and cover with het dishes and
place en serving table. Place dessert
en lower shelf, with the cheese and
crackers nnd plates for serving. .
Fill the water glasses just before the
meal Is served and place pitcher filled
with water en side table.
. She ?.ffee me be mn'l en the side
table with percolator or brought te the
table nnd -wyed with the entire meal.
, J,f th,e carving Is te be dehe at the
table, it is always .best te spread a
carving cloth before this place, for It
Is almost Impossible net te have little
bits of either meat or gristle fly from
point of knife. Te serve the gravy,
you will find a small pitcher much
nicer than the old-fashioned gravy
oent, nnd it also takes up less room.
Jnst Hew te Serve
Use n tablespoon and fork for serv
ing feed te the Individual platter, and
learn te held the fork ngalnst the
spoon In the right hand. Place this
silver for serving each Individual dlfh
In convenient spot en the table.
The salad Is eaten with the meat, se
that no extra silver is needed for It.
Hew te Use Silver Laid for Earn. Cever
One teaspoon or bouillon spoon for
the clam bisque, use one knife te spread
butter and another knife for feed.
Teaspoon for coffee and fork for des
sert. Te Serve Dessert
Clear all dishes from table and re
move crumbs, refill nvater glasses and
pour nddltienal coffee if required. Place
the dessert nnd the. cheese upon the
table. The family rise from the tuble
before removing the dessert dishes.
, Winner of West Philadelphia pep
ularity contest, who received dia
mond rng as' crowning event of
carnival given by Spanlsh-Amerl-
can War veterans
Mitt Alice, Winkler la Winner of
Popularity Contest
Miss Alice Winkler, 10 Seuth Red
field street, is the crowned queen of
West Philadelphia. The royal diadem
was placed en her head Saturday night
ns the climax te the carnival of the
Spanish-American War Veterans at
Sixtieth nnd Ludlow streets.
The contest was for popularity, and
there wcre many contestants. Miss
Winkler received a diamond ring as a
prize, in addition te reigning for a brief.
period ever the merrymaking. The
contest began two weeks age.
Weman Wounded When Revolver la
Discharged Accidentally
Mrs. Lillian Themas, thirty-two
years old. 137 Mount Ephralm ave
nue, Camden, accidentally shot herself
In the right leg early this morning with
a revolver she had obtained for self
protection In. the absence of her hus
band, who Is a night watchman. She
was taken te the Cooper Hospital. Hjr
condition Is net serious.
Mrs. Themas was examining the re
volver, she says, when It went off.
Their Custom te Ask Chief's Heepl
tallty in Each Town, Tney eay
Twe yeunk men, dressed In read-
worn army uniforms, appeared at the
Central Police Btatlen last nignt ana
requested from Sergeant Jehnsen the
gratuity' of n night's lodging. They
said they, were W. .Teff Adams end
Franklin T. Barrett, both twenty and
ftam nnltlmnrn. Thev nrp. they said,
seniors in the University of Maryland
law school and were walking te ni
man vln N'pw Yerk nnrl Detroit, which
journey they expected te, finish by the
opening of the term en September 18.
It was their custom, .they, said, te
ask hospitality of the chief of police
t whatever town thev hannened te find
themcelves'ih. The previous night had
been spent in a cellroem In Atlantic
Cltr with four very drunken men
"This," aaldithe sergeant, i "is net
much or a hotel either, buryeure wei wei
remn te Its best."
He assigned them te cell Ne. 1. After
a long sleep and a hearty breakfast
this morning the undergraduate way
farers set off In the direction of Tren
Saves Family by Dropping Them
Frem Runaway Aute
Lake Plscld, N. Y Aug. 28. Dr.
Herbert Adams Gibbens, author, of
Princeton, N. J., yesterday saved hfs
wife and three children, but was himself
Injured in a runaway automobile crash
near nere.
ur. morons ana nia lamny were
touring anu stepped te ask directions.
The chauffeur had barely left his seat
when tne car Btarteu down a steep
graac, i
' Unable te reach the brakes. Dp niU
bona dropped, ene by one, ever the aide'
of the rapiaiy moving car nis wife and
three children, Christine, thirteen years
eld: Lloydj eleven, and Miml. nine.
He had just deposited MImi in the
roadway when the machine crashed Inte
a boulder. Dr. Gibbens received a
sprained sneuiaer ana lacerations. Mrs.
Gibbens and the children were slightly
Carlisle Weman Bequeathed $15,
000 by Man She Met en Train
Carlisle, Pa.., Aug. 28. A casual nc
quaminnce ui kbh innn an neur en a
train Between Uhameersburg and Car
lisle last October has resulted in Mrs.
Harry Myers falling heir te $15,000.
. A letter from Jersey City contained
the information that Dr. Hurrv Wnif.
Inger, of New Jersey, whom she met en
the train, died lest month and left Mrs
Myers the legacy. Mrs. Myers la the
mother of niteen cniidrcn.
illHnilil lu ill I li
1111 Hun im sp J &rf $;.$- Iffl li
aW H Bl BVBfB T M. .Bjar 4 Br f LA LBF V V
We presume you are planning- te return home in the near
future. Needless te say, you will desire a daily supply of
A pest card in advance, telling us when te start, will in
sure your daily supply of fresh, rich, wholesome GOLD
MEDAL MILK, or telephone if you arrive late at night te
Bell POPIar 3503 : Keystone Park 5441
or our branch nearest you. Delivery will be made next
If you have never enjoyed the quality and service GOLD
MEDAL MILK customers knew, learn by a trial new.
rn. ' ' .
CSg- 1 i ' i . "..". .. '. LL'i LL ' ' i 'J I1J!LLL' . . ' '
VOMJI fc . s . . .
Wanamaker's Down Stairs Stere
i " ''
New Arrivals in! the Early Autumn! Sale of
Women's Cleth and Silk Frecks
Fashionable Cleth Medels for Street and Daytime
Wear Interestingly Priced $11.50, $13.50, $15 and $25
W .j' K H'iflw - Mil u tytsf ,!n
4Sl fljHSl VilW M
mil frllilm If II4
$25 v ' j riTO' i" $11.50 l I ifctff $i3-50
ll H ;' li M" fl '( I Jl lHM Wm'Uah bbw
rfSBTHrHlllllllllll'ffifi m -fn-mt4MBmflt!mKlfaBiM Mffffl C ifflTTanrfflrffr "ff iff H Hft......vEffl. .J iTlTiTJi?7 twtirnfiiiiiajri
$11.50 fef ' smart navy blue Peiret twill Redingote
model, youthfully trimmed with brilliant crimson under
facings and lacquered braid. Sizes 14 te 18 years.
$13.50 for a dark brown Peiret twill frock, reflecting
the season's vogue for dignified simplicity in its straight,
long lines and simple braid trimming. Sizes 36 te 42.
(Benn Stairs Stere, Market)
Early Sale of Winter Coats Gees
Splendidly Forward!
New Tep Coats and Sports Coats
Are Welcome Arrivals at $10.75,
$16.75, $25, $2Z.50 and $42.50
Just the sorts of coats women are asking about for
everyday, knockabout wear. Splendidly big and warm
and serviceable, and with new features of line and finish
which distinguish them from any we have seen heretofore.
It would be practically impossible te tell all their geed
points at these very moderate prices.
' At $10.75 there are smart plaid-back tweeds in
nut brown colorings. They'll give no end of service!
At $16.50 there are knockabout models of invisible
plaid coatings, yoke and sleeve lined. Alse silk-lined
sports coats in nut brown, with cut-in breast and
patch side pockets.
At $16.75 there are exceptionally fine tan chin
chilla cloth coats, silk lined throughout, belted and
with leather buttons.
At $25 there are hand-tailored'medels of herring
bone tweed, with the new wide sleeves and clever new
scarf cellars. Silk lined te the waist.
At $27.50 there are luxurious belivia coats in dark
brown and blue, with wide sleeves and silk stitchery
trimming. Silk lined.
At $420 .there are handsome coats of genuine
camel's hair in the favorite tan shade, beautifully
silk lined.
(Down Stnlri Stere, Market)
Specially -Arranged Sale of
Women's Heuse Dresses, $1.55
Pretty, .clean-looking, housewifely dresses of excep
tionally nice quality striped or checked gingham.
Every one fresh and crisply new, considerably mere
attractive in style and better in quality than any we have
had te offer recently at about this price.
Full-cut dresses with geed, deep hems, admirable as te
finishing touches. Big capacious pockets and perky sashes.
Trimmed with novelty white voile, as the picture shows'
with either Peter Pan or rolling cellars and vestees. Elbow
sleeves. There are four distinct patterns and several colors
in each pattern. All sjzes te 46. '
(Dewa atftlra Stere, Market)
Famiai Clear away!
Women's Summer Dresses
Marked Down te $2
Every popular-priced Summer tub frock must go
at this one exceedingly attractive price.
Figured and dotted voiles that were a third mere,
new $2.
Finer voiles and dotted Swisses that were mere
than double, new $2.
Pretty figured voile dresses in extra-large sizes
that were mere than double, new $2.
Imported and domestic ginghams in clean-looking
checks and plaids that were a third mere and te twice
as much, new $2.
Serviceable frocks of striped tub silk that were
mere than double, new $2.
All these dresses show signs of handling:, but a cursory
pressing will make them fresh and new once mere. Practically
all sizes from 16 years te 46 in the groups, but net every size
in each style, of. ceurse.
(Down Stain Stere, Market)
Fashionable New Bags of
Duvetyn and Meire, $3
Prettily made, attractively
lined and daintily finished, these
bags are among the season's
smartest accessories.
Duvetyn in beaver or toast.
Striped moire taffeta in navy or
black. Fulled en metal frames.
Silken cords and tassels.
Step-in Chemises of
Seft Nainsoek, $1
Narrow lace edging across the
top and at the side openings is
the only trimming needed for
such beautifully soft, silky nain nain nain
seok. Cut long and full in a wide
range of sizes.
(Central Aisle)
Small Girls Play
Frecks, $1.10 and
The budget for the chil
dren's clothes doesn't seem
half se small when one sees
what pretty and serviceable
gingham a n d chambray
dresses may be purchased
for $1.10 and $1.65. Fresh,
new-looking things, well fin
ished and cleverly trimmed.
At $1.10, checked gingham and
plain-color chambray frocks
trimmed with white linene or con
trasting colors. Full skirts and
belted waists. Pink, green, maize,
blue nnd white and red and white.
At $1.65, plain-color chambray
dresses with gay animal pockets
and cellars in contrasting colors.
Full skirts hung from a yoke.
Blue, maize, pink and green.
Sizes 2 te 6 years.
(Down Stair Sture, Central)
Women's Patent Leather
One-Eyelet Ties, New 75c
Geed - looking patent leather
street and dress shoes. Welted
soles and low heels. Limited num
ber in smalr sizes only.
800 Pair Women's White
Summer Shoes, New $1.75
Styles which have been popular
all season. Rounded tee, low heel,
one-strap pumps; Cuban heel one ene
Ftrap pumps; sandal and novelty
effects. All of white canvas. Net
a complete range of sizes in any
Children's Lew Shoes,
New $.40
Tan Mary Jane pumps in a
broken line of sizes 9 te 1. Sturdy
tan leather sandals nnd play
shoes, sizes 7' and 8 and 13 te 2.
(Den Stain btere, Cheitnat)
Children's Cotten
Stockings, 12c
Just out of the cases are black
and cordovan ribbed cotton stock
ings that slmpe themsefves com
fortably te youngsters' chubby
legs. First quality, sizes 6 te 0V4.
("n Stain Stere, Central)
Clearaway of Fine Corsets
Tlelf "D: ei ern i. &rr m
One seldom finds Medart, Gossard, Mavis, Finesse
and ether such well-known makes of corsets at the prices
offered in this end-of-the-season clearaway? Back and front
lace corsets, hinrh bust nv rnnlesn nnrr n. nAt. i.i. ,
t5eJotJ,.S!ze,assertments are broken, and some show simi
94 i aft y y werth-Wnle buying. SIzm
- w ww. (Down Stair. Stere, Central)
This splendid Sale started with mere than 1000 new Autumn frocks, and new fashions arriving fresh from
the hands of the designers keep the number well up te the original figure.
s Tomorrow we shall specialize in cloth frocks,realizing the need of many women for just such smart, moderately-priced
dresses as these for late vacation, Autumn street and all-season wear.
Isn't it wonderful te knew one can secure an Autumn frock at such interestingly low prices? As every
frock offered in the Sale is absolutely new, it would be unfair te attempt a comparison of values, but our experience
has taughtus'that dresses like these are ordinarily much mere expensive.
$15 for a specially geed-looking navy blue wool crepe
dress, featuring the loose, pleated panels of Autumn. Sizes
16 te 44. Other equally interesting models at this same
$25 for a particularly stunning hand-embroidered model
of fine Peiret twill, long and "slenderizing" of line. Sizes 16
years te 46. ,
Season-End Clear
away of Women's and
Children's Shoes
Decided price-drops in two
groups of women's shoes.
t-'l'M.ll,u...t ... r-X lV.-W(krH: wA.rv
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