a; i j... i c K V "V5 -V , 1 ' ' - Ij 'A-J"m t, .' J'-wij "i "W,wi:i HiAliWyjIR JW MMWBWl'IBfllWWflP1' WABHW yjrw FT Kl$ lR'.S'T'tlilJ!- v W-.A!r-iuOTi ,-- '" V v A..i(t;u,ti;)!. W -' A KwM'fUt! -V El f J 2" MONAGKAN PLANS Gees After Men Who Narcotics te Venders I Adclicte Supply and SEES ARRESTS SOON Judge Men.iphnn ' reaching out in bin clniR crusade for what he calK the "third line." On Monday he "111 B after the source of the drug supply "W have the addict pretty well lined up," niil the Judge tedav. ' ailu we have ni"M of the peddler en the run. New we lire rendv te c after the men who supply the -.tuff in the tir'-t place We hope w m te get theve n -ppetiKihle for the preence of the dru in the winiij I'iinil", In thw cits Corener Neville, of Montsemet v County, i ailed up Judge Menachaii last night, mid eeii-ulted him run. em ing a phaj- of the drus trnfltc tint had come te the attention of the P-ut-tewn peliee. Jnme.s (Jallagher. a Uridine lrus 11.er, hnil been arretted en a h-'tin- i ie charge following the .leath of hi- fn n i. Charles Hert tvvents-tive sear oil. nls) en .iddlrt. who died in a cell i) the, police station Gallagher and llerf had been ar rested jut after (Jallnsher it i- 'in. bid given Ilervt a "dinf of dmc The Corener ordered dnllasher held "U the hemli-ide charge Gallagher It U atd ha- told Cv Cv ener Neville iu-t where en ChrMi m f-treet this cits . he bnusht the drug The Corener ha pawed the Infermi'tnn en te the Judge Letter Cliarsei Graft A letter signed ' Geerge Gardner " understood te he a fictitious name. ha been received by Judge Mennchnn lie thin letter the writer charge that cei tain downtown patrolmen and a police lieutenant are mixed up with the drug ring, mentioning name. This letter the Judge will present te Mayer Moere, in a conference earlv next week. lie will aln a-k that cer tain reliable detective and patrolmen be n? signed te drug crusade work Conferences have been held today bv Judge Monaghan and Assistant Director Tempest, of the Department of Public Pafetv. and lieutenant Chnrle I-ee. head of the vice squad Anether con cen fereme was with Director Warburton. of the Department nf Welfare "This is nnlv the beginning." 'aid the Judge "The cruade must be kept up hammer and tngs if we are te elim inate the dru traffic or reduce it te the minimum The drive is new en in earnest We are gnin" after the men whete names hate ennie up In the trials. and ethers against whom we hnse evi dence I will he in ih.irge of criminal court work until September 2. and after that wil sir whenever necesarv as committing magistrate In drug eases. " King Can't Get Bend H.vmrtn Geld, alias "Youns Ma- honey," Jeseph Helnna, and Jeseph Weis. all-is ' Jew Murphv." who were held under 2.-.0in bail by .Tu.Ue Mnn nghan in Thur'dnv. sitting as commit ting magistrate in drug charges, are -till In jail It is understood the head quarters nf the drug ring, in New Yerk City, has tried te get bend from bond bend ing companies, but these renrerns prefer net te bundle the huslness. Eleven alleged drug addicts were held in bail today by Magistrate Ceward at hearings In Central Station Nellie and Samuel Herniield. of 721 Green -treer. who were arrested bv vice squad detectives last night at Tenth and fallow hill streets, were held in $100(1 bail Several pnekages believed te contain drugs were found en them. Angel.) ParplMi' ' 1. 17"0 Seuth Tenth street, Recn Matfee. 2Ti Kenilworth street . Herman Heffman, ."71." Ches. ter avenue, ind Jeseph Patlne, 7."." North Dnnen street, were held m $00 bail each for court Thev were ar rested b vii -e squad defectives at Eighth and Bainbridge streets. Mere Arrests A .letter te Judge Monaghan caused the arrest of Rebert Arndr. 2tll." Seuth Eighth street He was held in ."000 ball for a further hearing next week. Heward Wright, Elglitr first street and Gibsen avenue, and Tred Miller, 417 North Eighth street, were held m $1000 ball for a further hearing. Thev were arrested at Eighth jind Vine streets last night Elsie Whttacker. nf Harrlsburg who was arrested last night at Eighth street and Washington avenue, with William Small, of Chester, told Mas istrate Ceward that she came te this citv because she had been told it was easv te obtain drugs here. She was held in AlfHift bail for court Small was held in a like amount. Features in Tomerroiifs SUNDAY PUBLIC cS&Sa LEDGER Magazine Section He Supplies the Brains for 700,000 Miners Don't fall te rea1 this close-up" article nn J"hn I. Lewu, Presi dent of the I nlteil Mine W rkers. A Story Frem the Zoe An I'i'erestingr study of the trans pl inted rltlzeriB or the V ds Yeu 1 b amazed tn Ki.m hew 6trangtly like us tnerta 3 they ure. The Latest Wonder of Radie .Vew If seu are taken ill away frnm home. m inn li.ne sour own fnm lv doctor prep, rlbe for you anywhere by radio. Touring France "Over the t5hH.plts Agiln With a Pouehbev 'en t mis the fourth aitule of this tunes And New for the Fun rtlng Lnrtlner ,ind Ilenin- Bulmy funnl.r th.in usual Leuis Harilen lliustriites Heme as the L.tst Ke. .ort ' in his "Follies of Hie Passing Shew ' sketches, and the new 'Mark Tw.ilii' sends ethvr het newi from D.iitn.in. Ariz. ALL this, the beautiful HoteRravure, .Section and the Six-Page all-star Comic wheels am In addition te the cemprehinBtMj news sictlens of this week's SUNDAY PUBLIC LEDGER v.i e "Mhke It a Habit" DRUG rat Accuses Her Father Jm!&mim& I ii MVBWU'f t: 8 1 ! j sfflssassew; -- Zzrz. isas!KEKSjsi DOROTHY MOORE Sl year old git I of H.innne, N. .1., wiiese father was found guilt of ludding her hand en a red-het stee until it was burned te the bone 1'lie f.ither. V. II. Moere, was sentenced te one year In Jail. The girl testified against her parent Police Think Holle Stere Where Bedy Mowery Was AUTO ABANDON Sv-'n- Di.r-' " t" " ruhi- Lrds" WHKes-ltarre. Aug 'JO Mi- Abbl Smith Mew.-r . ,.i,n v.n,u- .i found whee lieii was teiinu In the basement of t'le Shawnee Drug and when no report wa- received tnrl.n. f'oien"r Themas directed that the bd be buried. I'eli. e authorities beli.ne that .Jehn A llelle.s. muiagcr of 'he Shawnee store, who dlsjpiw.ircd before the find ing nf the b l . has cutne b.ick In this section The finding of his automobile In Philadelphia prove, he was there but a tel'l'lmlie m.age from linn te h friend lead- te the belief that he is Miinewheie in this wintry Medical putheriti.'s here contend that Mrs Mewerv did nor die as the re-nlt of an operation. -. stated bs ( eunt. Detective Geerge (iilliam That is te b detrmine.l b the report of Dr .TantUlin It e new- snld Mrs Mow ers died from an eerd...' : stieng medi me affei ting t!ie heart A w.irran ss.is i-sijeil t..Iav bv the counts authorities iharging Helies with murder. j Heller's nutomehilo ssas found aban I dencd .it Alber atul I'leartield streets Lieutenant n.dshaw located th ma. lime In front of the home of the missing man's .sister who i- known te have admit'cl that Helies- left her home nnls 1 few minutes befer" li'd-hass and et! er drtp, fives- were admitted. The State plin lmrn'-d tedav that Hellev had visited the home nf his parents in Mnhatms Citv Wednesdav esening He 1 "111! te have told hi parent h intende 1 opening a dru st. re in I'lfste'i. I'n Hellev ssas friendh with Mrs Mow Mew erv, svhe was divorced trem her husband tse j ear-, age, aiier'.lng te a confes sion "of Presen Fnhian. of Plymouth, sshe is under nrre-t there. FIVE DIE IN AUTO CRASH Train Plews Inte Motorcar at In diana Street Cressing Princeton. Ind . Aug 26 fBv A l- l rise perse,,., ,. hlll, ,,P serleusls inund toenj when a Chi- Cnin demel khe fan "omellur:'; I!t ! "1? Bh' Haib't;.: lndatten tiI'p- ."'. mi 'i nir j Man nrf w l- llaui l. irn. t'-ii' Msin ; .mines i, Burr.s, his s.,n sesen Mr Burns' two-jear-ei.' 'I lurntei sirs t c s,, lnrs thirts. 'ister et .sir isurris, ant, Fsnngeline S'l'.u- tive-sear-eld daugh ter of Mrs s iiars Mrs hlnera Hur t's, wife .f William Harris, had both lejs c rush.-d and -uffrred interniil m luries The t-'irr was rrturning te ilen-lersen. K , their home, from a visit in St Leuis PRISONER HANGS HERSELF Meyamenslng Inmate Makes Neese With Tewel Fleicnre dreen. i rdered 1211 Se ith slesenti enth si eir, a piln.nee .n M"V an en -ins Pri "ti. ntm " r . i n, ,,, tins icernin.' bs I nngin; ln-r-elf te a .ill deer with a tow. 1 A nutrnn was passing tt-e eel when t-lie heard means linestiitailng, she found tl c w. .in.in i.anijing te n nar of The woenti wis cit down. the i e 1 hut die.! I efere a phssi, lan could be s.i.iiiie..ir-i DetiMls.-s sal,) 'he woman was tn hnse te.u diwhared Men.h; It Is In In ed thai sin . Is leim nttij. ASKS S25.000 DAMAGES Wlnslew Junction Wreck Victim Sues Railway Company Suit for 's'Jfi.llllO damages against the At I. in"1 City Railroad wn tiled in Ciimilen ted.iv bv Rebert W Crem- high, of entuer ity "hp was among these injured In 'he iiielnw .Inn. tmu w.e.k en las' Juls 2. when fight per- sons were killed nnd mere thnn a scorn! injured. I Creinlelgh was paralss-ed In both legs as a result of Injuries iccelved ' " Ring Stelen Frem Apartment Benjamin ewen. 413 Seuth Ninth uticir today reported te pollen of the Twd h and Pine ttreets station that a til t bad entered his apartment and ste ' diametul ring yaiuea at $170. urn jsriu4. mr.s B PATfS III"'!? Bs : i 1 mat 48 i 1 Wm M ' "I 1 1 1 WOMAN BURIED DRUGGIST IS SOUGHT r'. .. ,.,... . .., 1.... '...i.,rt.irt r- .. nw i.... e I,.-... ..ui. -.i si pii. p m :i iipav I'nnpr. Mir urrmisn '11. 'ii. 11 - -.iim- iii-l v.inv-w.i. , ....- mir mm m i" lain-- iimcii nun iwu , , ." j u . fnlsn linnressiniif. nbt.niii in lnrni-wi burl.,1 tdu uitm.it nr K K Jan- Mnall pearls, one ring of the inall , h ct that I served throughout fnl' ' ."V10" ,en n-re" Ireh mRl ' jigian. who .endu.ted the autepsv. erii- snrnc.s. n platinum bracelet, a link J the war with troops I feel it is my duty J.V. nrlrl second that Germany s ct-iIK rep,,,, lns the c.nu-e f .Inath Dr. bracelet with silver lock, a flexible Ml- '" ftate m reasons for the attitude I '"' Znitiens and nrCrln fnc .lanjiglan had been .ailed out f town .r bracelet, a plain geld bracelet, an shall take upon this bill. mlni.mU" m"8, ?" uJ Zv"5jl EVENING PUBLIC DIX MAJOR'S WIFE ROBBED OF JEWELS Mrs. K. E. Kerns Recovers Part of Gems Handed Down by Coneral Grant's Family ORDERLY IS ARRESTED family heirlooms handed down from General Grant and Generals Hent and henten lune been stolen from in, , I i: Kerns, a relatitc y marriage of (ienerai Grant, ut Camp DIx. N .. x- ,T . where her husband Is a major. r . nvi' lU'l unguium i .....j". ( Seme of the heirlooms were reeev- ereu when I'rivate Themas Morene, of i Wagen Company Ne. 2. attached as orderly te Majer Kern's family, was m tested as he walked Inte camp. Mrs Kerns discovered the less of her treasures when she returned from lVn.Mn.lnn fnn,!v She 1,r hcCtl -XIIIIHK-M tUOIIHIIJ -...s . - - - I The discovery of the thefts was si- miiltf,ii,n ..ii. ikn ,iinr.n.ir!.,ien nf -.. muiraneeus witii ine (iisappearance ni ?he rln'nTh'nVm "'" Ml thC rC,,U0St ' the camp authorities. i ... .i";.l,,L.M1 ?" .r .,n."h-a,.' used his best military detectives te aid in recovering the jewels mid ether ar ticles. i Morene, according te the authorities, came into camp of his own accord, and ,wa arrested immediately. tic was "a s v ,,;;,.r .mt: m;;z . k . hswissj..." ." .w sear, hed Part of the jcwelrv was found .m him. Including one of the most val-lnn, ' .! ;:"M:,.", :'ll:. ?:,"??. TV' u..vr uuikp wmci. nan oi-ieugen i. u Mini- .if the Minn Mvl vn nn.l nt SV.in In Morene pockets were found a num-' her nt photographs of !i'in.cir nnd his sweetheart, taken with Majer Kerns' as a watchfeb i. ..'"', w.. i in t,V..-.. l. nlted States Interests herself In Ku- ""' "'"" .xi'v, """ "r--: "'ue- Among the articles stolen were two importance, net because it can prevent I 0M affn,r, wthln n vcr . fthert tIme keep the right of decision In their own high-priced cameras, belonging te Mif- the paf-fR" tLi LV. ,, i i" H in Germany is lest nnd all Jn Cen- hands, backed by the tremendous power for Kerns and valued at SffiiO. and an- ' "use if the bill is vetoed b t ,c Presi- ,rn, -, w1. of he strike. n,h.f hainnin ,.. i'..innli u,, Pni. dent it will give the opponents of the r. -,. .tnt.nnnt fniin-. "The operators are reluctant te make ..imera. .because 01 tnese nsMirunce uiey were The prisoner v,as nuestiened con- i extremely nnxieus te gain Senater lernlr.g the whereabouts of the ether Reed's support for their side. Senater articles, but refused te tell. "Filers" Pepper had declared himself against have been sent te Camden. Philadelphia, j the bonus when he firs-t became n mem mem Trenten and New Yerk, giving a de- i ber of the Senate, tailed description of each article stolen ... ... . , ,. . nn,! .-nl.lii!? the nnllcn tn IneV tnr tbm I n t ()erTl(l0 CtO w Ir Wnnr ' "' Mnsimps Advocates et tne propee;i arid tienni Im. sol( npprexlmatelv $10,000,000,000 """'" n,un l'arnes con in aui.ru i.. iniM, y le lear, MaJ0r KPrns said of the recovery I compensation te the ex-soldier- declnre I uertl of bends te her" own people upenl" Ay nl- realized it. nf Mre ' Ul i'"'1 "'" ii'iruHiiiis .uori'ne i uiui me un. ... ...--.... .-. nic .. representations that she weul.l be re-I i . i i ,, ',' '' , OT IVITe. in, been stealing the leueln for sev- nt least a two-thirds te They , :, 'i,rqp.i hv Germany In cemnllnnce ?lpwl w follews: II. G. Mpycr. Per- rr111,j eral month. He started after Mrs. , feared, however, that several of the-e ' wh tIlp tPrra, f the peace treaty .. ' ,PrcM.ncl" : Vr- A,.,t- -NVer'1,' Found Kcrn, wen, ,n ,,, linv,)ltali ,, clc,ln0(, he w,h xete for the bill in the first i ,"," ,he lest a fourth of her BJoemlng Glenn, vice president; Jneeli up the jnb when she leturned The instance will net aid in passing it ever in an,i,' nml itegether one-tenth J. Myers. Perkasie. treasurer; Aimer ,- rnr "' a" m '" frnm "rant. a presidential veto The belief is. ft"1 Pr' ,errlterv. She issUPI abeu ? MeJ'cr', 'rte.i recording secre- ED HERE Whraten nnd Dent families, and. of therefore, general in the Senate that. , R- 000.000.000 worth of bends dining t?,rS' , V i . Abraham I,. Myers. course, was highly priz,d We hope i lh he aoewMen of Ileed te rhr oppe- ,7 l luiiir-, vus iini. tir.i''i . n.iiit 1 'te recover the rest of the at tides with :1- aid of the police." 1 The jewels stolen Include one ring1 eeanng coat e: arms nem up by etc it . ...,. :,i .i.i i i...r i. i .. c,lrl.e,inde(l hv elcht small i.p.ttIm niih Tvn M rn r-niM nrnrnuMu Ant v,,,. n--, mir riiuy ' GIRL 17, DISAPPEARS Mether Asks Police te Find Anna Usher, Missing 24 Hours Anna I'sher. esenteen years old, .i'r'4 ort i siwansen street, wns re., rnrted by her mother te be missllig last night. The girl, who has net been seen sinee ycsterdai morning, is five feet rail, sselshs one hundred and eight P'unds and h.n brown eves and black hair FINANCIER, 100, RECALLS BROADWAY AS DIRT ROAD A. Stewart, Friend of Reckefel ler. Was Lincoln's Adviser ' Morristessm. N. .1 . Aug 20 At his summer home here today Jehn A Stess irt. cl airman of the Beard of the I nited Stat" Trust Company of New erk, is celebrating his 100th birth da v. Mr Stewart was born in the little Stewart frame family dwelling in Hil Hil eon street August 20, 1&22. when New New Yerk's present-day congested financial district was. still a breHd meadesvland. He played in the svide fields about his house and alenff lower Broadway svhen that thoroughfare was a dirt read lined by wooden sldcwnlks. Mr Stewart also recalls hearing An drew Jacksen make an address in New- Yerk. Since Jacksen s time he has been personally acquainted with most of the rresincnjs. we ssns one or Lin- , ... , nj.i.,L in ,K .ll. ' , j f hp r, WJ m .(islstant Treasurer of VnuU Pftes f..r New Yerk in June. ,.04. i 4 It was less than a year age (hit Mr Stewart stepped making trips te u. ,-r, ,a m f. Will e.,,, , .. . 1 'Bjf u i'es as c a" man e llTSA te hs duties as chairman of the beard nf the trust company. He had gene there three times n week bv automobile, but the fact was r-i t generally known until Jehn P Rockefeller en his own blrthdas last sear remarked that lie had a friend rinetv-seven jears eh who. living In Mnrrlstnwn went te his bank three ti.nes a sveek It then ssas discovered Mr Rockefeller was ln error bj two rears regarding his friend's age. REPLOGLE CO. RAISES PAY Increase of Five Cents an Heur Announced Deser. N. .1 , Aug 20 i By A P i nnr nricement ssns tnnHe trtnr hv rlie Replogle Steel ( empnny of an increase In wages of its einnlesrs of fire cent- 4 hour te beccme effective Septemh. - A veiiintnr.s iiiere.ise et tsse cell's nn hour was granted Julv 1 The mm. nans operate, .furnace nt Whnrtnn nml iiiines at Mine Hill nnd Mount Hepe i. r. ness. noting t. r the cempans. i-lld it was planned 10 open the mines 'it Mount Hepe Mendin . gislng employ ment te Kid men Anether furniiee will he operated in Wharten, seen as the renl and rail situation per mit.' CHILD HURT BY AUTO EdwaPd Strang, 3857 N. Reese St.. . , , . Gets Broken Leg In Accident While tiding a pushmeblle nn Rne avenue early today IMward Strang, fise sears old. BS."" North Heese street, was knocked down by an automobile driven by William CuminiiiKH, of Princeton nnd Poplar streets. The bey'n right leg wns broken and he received nevere cuts and bruiser.. Cummlngs carr ed him te the Samaritan Hospital aim men reported te the pe lice. eal n"ate luck niece a eeltl filiffrpp , l lie passage 01 tnis mil, 1 neiieve, "". - " . .- " - - . i- cMs.?a siher cr s a h.rge ink geld ' " favere.l by a majority of the - based en the desire te protect herself mil -i lath's cell wat.l, a heivv rvice men of this country. They against Invasion. . AMth assurances en -of. cress , uh hi cr ptien " 1 rvl their country well, and nt very this point she will reduce her army Man te IMltl 1 ' ' a G V A b-id-e T niii meager pa, while the railroad men. "The Government of Germany de- Vnd a geld bVb 1. 1 Pi" the munitions workers and the ship- sires peace. The leaders are pregres- Z - . . ' hard wnrker.s of the country, who ' sivelv democratic and the story of hld- LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, SENATE WILL VOTE Unanimous-Consent Agreement te Push Measure Through Speedily REED IS AGAINST BILL M--i.f .. i or I ....A..t. . it UMUUKien. iUK .". uiiuiii- NU TUESDAY mous-censent asreement te take up eil ue wuum "t'l',1".1 " n oe ee the Soldiers' Benus Bill Monday and ! fore the scheduled bout between Jimmy ;; ; " - , ',' ' 1 0' V( ," e n . p r e .1 Inte ' . Snl10. '.' " '""" With a view te getting n vote late Tuesdav It was agreed that after 0 i ,. .-,.,., .. .... .....i. ...... ...... .. V. M. Monday no Senater should speai I mere than once nor longer thnn twenty minutet en any nmenuineiu Heed Against the Hill Senater Heed. Republican. Pennsyl vania, in his maiden speech yesterday in UIO JSCnniP, lirriiiri'll 111!- il'I'l'Ml "J be?.HUl!? TlMInc In armv lmK te 1 H net willing, in arm v sianR, iq - -- : . , iri,,,u, Kni, Heui "r Re d told he Senate it wa M , , he ,d he ,, for the dangers they encountered e, the battlefield, adding that this service rnuld net be aupiaised In dollars nnd cents. He asserted nKe It was idle te I jl I. lit C-All.. Mfl rsat rjB- itixrs rt'iimru limn iin-j !-. " rtv. mj say that the men must be paid te in- I dent, was the guest of Prime Minis ma'llZ teJi'nJ f,..i t if ! " I.leyd Geerge nt breakfat today. , ,m ( rP,pPOtlnB the bill, nnd his vote ' olnirae;j ny l)0th sifPSi New he has , made known te the Senate just hew he e-ard(l thp measure measure PUUllUMll iviu I" fiiiuill lie veto. The latter claim that they have positive neurit nres imm uie i rcM.ieni. that he will disapprove the bill, and I , , ,, : , , ,. f-ltien. the bill will be vetoed, and will tlieretnre lau 10 nnw a law. , S,",or P'U ln' SrrC a5alnst """" .-... "T am nut unmindful of the wise . e, , 1 1 ,, custom of the eeii.'iie which nictates should have been drafted Instead of being wheedled, ssere getting a pay in- ere-ice nlmetf evert- time tlies nil.e.1 Ir Almest everv day svas Christmas in the shipyards, but it xvas net in the army. 'he contrast svas snecKing, and I believe that It is because of that con- trast that the service men of the ceun- :, ' . , --- - 1 "L""" ca ' ' measure. "Nevertheless I am going te vote against this hill. The plain fact is that the teuntry cannot afford te grant this request People nre staggering under n burden of taxation that has never been paralleled and I believe It Is our duts te refrain from adding one ounce te that burden of taxation en any excuse sshateser." DROWNS IN SCHUYLKILL r'Buddy" Hess Seized With cramp Would-Be Rescuer Saved Geerge "Buddy" Hess, fifteen-year- ! old son of Geerge R. Hess, a heating l , , , , .... f , and reefing supply manufacturer, of . 1044 Netrh Marvine street. wail drowned yesterday in the Schuylkill Riser this side nf Perkiomen while In Mvlmmin with sesernl ether beva and j y " two adults. A man known enlv as "Dec." said te 'be n medical student, was knocked unconscious when he struck his head en ' n stone svhile endenverinc te save the tvw Onlv the nrnmnr nnrlr nf nthers ' standing by saved the would-be res- , .... frnm ,,.,, h. young Hess, a graduate of the Tilgh- ! man Scheel, was prepared te enter the ! Northeast High Scheel at the epenins fission tnis ppteranrr. ncwiim w rerr swimmer and had appeared in sev- eral swimming cen'ests i , u u 11 t ' . l h" 1.'. " W" "li" between Schwenkssille and I'erktemen. The svater is about four feet deep where rPl. CnnAnr VAtO la rt f MtA ft"nOt- the swimmers- went in, but Hess swam , While if was admitted that they had I terment In this city, died in the Lan Lan te deeper wnter and was seized with a failed te bring back a temporary agree- I kenaii Hospital early yesterdas. cramp ment which ssns the object of their, Mr Blgelesv, who lived in the A number of Bev Scouts arc en-j trip. Hies expressed hnpn that certain A'lullln Apartments, Forty-eighth nnd camped along the shore of both sides , German preixisnls nesv in their posses- , Sansom stieets, svas taken te the he-,-of the river and with their aid the body i sinn might bridge ever the crisis for n""' "IVP months nge, suffering from was receveie.l svithin a half hour. .four or five months. I stomach trouble. On Wednesdm an - - I - - operation was. performed ln the hope E.kten Marriage Licenses I BOARDWALK REPAIRS VALID ' MrV" Big. AX teM "Xi; Elkton. Md.. Aug 20 Marriage " N. Y. in lS.'.S, of old Colonial stock. licenses were issued here te Jehn I'hli- lins and I. dull M. Williams, alter J Ware and VA-n A. S. hlailt. W.u ren G Rein, r and Iioieihv K. St kel, William W Augustin nnd Made line M Walsh, Fred C Gnibenstein and Atiuu M Miller, Lawunce T. German nnu V.n (' N'usslein, Jeseph Mussnre and l'.leaner .1 Sirkin, Frank J Hasharlas and llellinn M Muller, , Jelm -y. Connelly and Kuthijn Parry r and lieerge ,i. i,nuras nnu Agnes ti. Graham, all of Philadelphia; Willlnm II. Hert. Philadelphia, uud Lea t ha L. Lucere, Kane, Pa ; Wnl.ir Chs- sids, Phllad.lpliii, nnd Nellie M. ,. i ...,,...- - " Leenard, Atlantic fits, Chuile-. n- denmser and Amanda J. SirunK. Rendins Cameren 1". Cressent and said, aslniise M. Sayler. Remllng ; Chaile-, P, Sweeney and Kntherine M. ll.uth. Al lentewn. Pa ; Jehn It Steudt (.lid Ixntheriiie A Wllliani'. Meiitcies, Pa.; Jehn Iienlej and Mnrv 11, M -Vnugli. Chester; William C. Maslin and Laura M .McM.rnm. Clicstri ; Ames peters and I'l'en M Meraii. Chestir; William A DiMine-nn, Neithcasi. ti n.l Lilllniu M McDeuglinl, Cherrs Hill. Md Carl Gantvoort Seeks Divorce Jn Angeles, Aug. 20. (By A P ) Carl Gantvoort, former grand opera sinner and new motion picture jiotei, today lllcd suit for divorce against Anne Gantvoort, an actrewi, whom he charged with desertion. DR. STRATON BARRED FROM FIGHT ARErtA Spert Fans Net Eager te Hear Re vivalist's Message Syracuse. Aug. 20. (Uy A. P.) Thc Rev. Dr. Jehn Reach Strnten. pas tor of Calvary Baptist Church, of New Yerk City, who 1 conducting n revival service here nt the Christian Alllnnce Tabernacle, was: barred from the nrenn last night where he had genn with (if teen Mngern from the tabernacle in nn announced attempt te "bring n mes sage of Ged's word te these people," just before the main bout of the weekly boxing card. Dr. Strnten preached Thursday nlcht en his personal impressions of the TAMtttenr.PnrnenMer flpht nnct nnnnnnn. i iyc"M"-w -,, it "-- Darcy and Eddie Recerd , ONLY U. S. CAN SAVE EUROPE, SAYS COX -i Speedy Ruin of Germany, Bringing Disaster te France, Foreseen by Him DEADLOCK ON REPARATIONS liii Asifirtnttd Preu Londen, Aug. 2(1. .Tames Cox. for- mer Democratic candidate for Presl- " night Mr. Cox dined with Colonel H', 5r- H"'". who is visiting here. -'" going c rr " rj-. dence Mr. Cox quoted Premier Wlrth of Germany as saying: "Unless the "Tt, n.funi, nf Inrnnn n pa rianrl. ecktd en the reparations question, There seems te be no relief en this side nf the Atlantic. The master key is i,u .. ,i,. i-,,itj jfnoe Vn .iiiixn bv England seems likely te be accepted bv the Trench ' "There is no respite, and every hour is fraught with danger. It is well te I snnimarizc the contentions of both France and Germany. Since the end of the vnr France remains as a floating debt. The fiscal state of both countries without eco nomic stabilization portends but one result. Twe False Impressions "In the midst of this situation two den nrms, witli the exception of unlm . pertant sporadic community Instance ,'t .ni-n fleMnn fjernvmr lins Oil eifVl . I (rOO mere people than she can sustain i except under high industrial stress . nlei-s relief Is granted shops will .een be closing, millions svlll be out of ' employment and the winter ssill bring , t-.u i.' ...,... ...'.. ..- .....,,, ...., ume. I "" "T"11' lf net CPr"llntJ-. of starvation -with economic collapse the Gov ,,, ,,.in .w.n ten. if r:e mav faiis France is without reim- ,,,..,,,, ".,,t Mnnt .nctein th ieu , ,,,,1., 'iti,,,,,, rirl, .'",...,.' .'., Mr. Cox also adsecates the designa tion of Hcibt Hoever as nn Ameri can repiesentntlve en the Reparations Commis,ion. Praise for Hoever "Mr. Hoever holds the confidence of Europe.' continued Mr Cox's state ment. "Peeples nnd governments trust him. He can analyze tl.e economic sit uation in Germany. His decision as te what Germans- can pay beyond much question of doubt would be accepted by France and thnt means by all parties. t Mi(,vt, pvpr run,.0ir j Europe would welcome his coming. The mere ' announcement of his selection would 'tahHUe things . "The "V of!.th' ?"!:Ld . ?. lH hands or .xmenca. iji sasieu in procrastination nesv wUl bring years of self-reproach later. Frem Europe, the. ' base of early ancestry, prayers go up , that Amerlcn will understand nnd un derstanding, will net falter.- Paris, Aug 20 (By A P. ) Brit- lsh reparations officials svill mge that another hearing be given Germany bv the full membership nf the Reparations Commission before final determination of the reparations question Is made, it was learned in an authoritative quar- I ter here today This became known after the return of Sir Jehn Bradburv and Eugene Man I clere, British and French representn- tisee, respectively, ei tne cemmiss en, "I". .'." fnw days ff for i tisee, respectively, or tne commission n ,.nfeience with German Government officials en reparations. ' Supreme Court Approves Plans feri Ocean City Improvements M, Cii0,"er V'T Trenten. Aug 20 (By A P.) Sii- j" WItV the exception of a short time preme Court Justice Katzenhnch today during sslilcli he was n partner In the denied the application of Merris L. "el linn of Blgelesv & Wnlcten Wnlcten Jnhn'en for n res lew- of the appointment helme, the last twenty-two years of his of londemna'ien commissioners t ac- i "fp vns sPp"t- as head of the Swift A: enire nrenertv for the Ocenn f'ltv i Ce. office here. Benrdsvnlk The commissioners were named In the (ape May County Clr- euit ( eurt. "The relocation and reconstruction of the Beaidwnlk at (lean City is a pub- He improvement which should net be delayed unless it Is clear that there is an invasion of the property rights of Mr Jehnsen. I can see no such In vasien, Justice Ixntenhach said. Bey Causes $500,000 Fire Wlnstim-S.ilrm. N. ( ., Aug 20. (Bs A P i William F Cliimnan. an eiglitcen-siar-eld lies , Ik snid by police te hnse lenfessi-d lesiienslhillty for a i fire which did damage estimated ut u half million dollars early today In the downtown se-tien of Winsten -Salem. A building e.-. upied by the W W Smeak i Hnrness Ceiniiaus and tli" Crawford 'Mill Supph Ceuipaiiy wan completely destresed and several ether buildings damaged Police officers say that Chat man, who is under arrest, confessed that he saturated the harness company h premises with gasoline and applied a match tn get even for alleged iBUlticc dune blm by the bead of t AUGUST 26, 1922 ARBITRATION PLEA Calls for Strike Settlements at Rounlen of Meyer-Myers Familio& at Porkasie SEES NEED OF CONFIDENCE The principle of arbitration was ad vanced as the ideal one by Senater Pepper, srenking at the Moyer Meyer Myers family reunion at Pcrkasle this afternoon. He also declared all at tempts te crush trade unionism nre both foolish and futile. Mere than 2000 members of the Meycr and Myers family attended the gathering, the eighteenth annual event of its kind. It was held in Menlo rark. Senater Pepper In his address referred te the three great strikes the hard coal, soft coal and railroad. "It Is hard net te be apprehensive when viewing the present industrial warfare In the coal fields nnd the rail' read world," he said. "Even in the face of the menace, however, we must keep cool. Intense pressure of public opinion is working te bring a settle ment in the near future. "The cause for the long duration of the strikes is lack of confidence. The operators distrust the union in the coal strike, for instance, and the unions distrust the operators. Where there ib n deadlock between disputants, hew ever, the normal thing te de is te In voke the intervention of n third party. "But here again lack of confidence makes Itself felt. The unions are re- !,uc,nnt t entrust any third party w Per of decision for toibpev Itb power ""J UiSreeincniS lUat IIOC.1 HOC UI1IIHW the strike, because they fear the power '" "" " iikbwisp ee m.ufi-u. umiw these conditions the thine te be eagerly striven for is a public opinion se ebvi- i ,usl5' i"st. "n(1 fair as t0 arry cenvic- tien of righteousness. I "We must restore confidence between J" and man. and te this end we u.,ts be conscientiously fnlr ourselves and lttttsf nrienlntnlr rofiite tn kPft rvl Thfir ' n ta nlnlitTt rt nmtiln I i miH (iimtn ti n t f t utr jr.iiLB n nuur ill iiii uitiiiiiiiii j PEPPER IS HOPEFUL FOR END OF STRIKE Senater Pepper declared today he could see no serious obstacles te peace in the hard coal fields, and is hopeful that seizure of the mines by the Gov ernment ssill net be necessary. "While I can make no definite fore cast," lie said, "until I have had the same opportunity for a conference with the operators like that I have had svith Jehn L. Lesvis, head of the sverkers' union, I see no insuperable obstacle 1 ,n nn amicable agreement, nnd I am distinctly hopeful that the disputants win nnd a way te avoid tievernment seizure of the mines." The Senater arrived this morning irern uiune, aiiu hi. once preparer! ler a trip te Allentesvn, sshere he addressed a political meeting. He talked escr the phone with Sec ' retary of Commerce Hoever concerning the situation. He will spend tomorrow nnd Monday at his country home in Deven, where lie svill piebably talk matters ever svith some of the operators. Samuel Gompers, president of the American Federation of Laber, who came here yesterday te meet his svlfe and confer en the coal situation svith Mr, Lewis, left today with Mrs. Gom pers for Washington. Questioned concerning the result of his talk svith Mr. Lesvis, Mr. Gompers snid: "There's nothing new. King Solemon said that thousands of years age. He was right. I cannot discuss anything regnrdlng the coal situation. See Mr. Lesvis; he's handling it." i.cwis unci nothing te 0y. He Is here- standing pat awaiting develop ments. .A "eijference that mnv be productive ei results is tnnt scheduled for today between Secretary of Laber Davis anil Samuel D. Warriner. chairman of the anthracite opeiaters' (ienerai Policies Committee at Mr Warriner's summer home nt Binghnnipten. N. Y. Committee. This svlll take place nt Mr. Wjtrriner's summer home at Blng Blng hampten, N. Y. ARTHUR C. BIGEL0W DIES: WAS LEADER IN WOOL TRADE Lecal , Head of Swift & Ce. Suc cumbs te Malady at Arje of 64 rtrtnur f nige nsv, ter mnny years president of the Philadelphia wUnnd Arthur C BIgelnsv, for mnnv years Textile Association and a prominent figure in many movements for cislc liet- tracing his ancestry te Jehn Alden and I In addition te his business Interests .and ins ssnrK ier rivic eeitermcnt as a . I t .1.. ,' 1.. . r ; mcium-r m mc uiuiniiieu ei nesenty and in ether capacities, Mr. Blgelesv found much time te devote tn outdoor ' f-perts, II" was a charter member nf the ' " IiltemarMi xnilev leuntry flub, a inemiier u uie .igricuuurni committee of the Chamber of Commerce, and held memberships lu the Manufacturers' Club and the Pine Valley Gelf Club. 0PP0SELADYJST0R Unemployed Persons te Nominate Candidate for Seat Plymouth, Aug. 20. Organized un employed peisens have decided te nom nem inute their leader, Geerge Kbury, te op. pesu I-ndy Aster ut the next election. He will be the second prospective oppo eppo oppe nunt of Iadv Aster when the sent for the Mutten division of Plymouth In the Heuse of Commens in contested. The. ether eandidntn Isftlr. It r Tl n T 1 tf lllltt tfttrt tn f t ! An m n A ll - IJUjiJl 1liu Me IIUIUIIIUIUI 1(1 IV iuv vuueciyutivcBf SOUNDED BY PEPPER NEW YORKERS ROBBED IN NORRISTOWN HOTEL N. L. Schaeffer and Wife Lese $12,000 In Jewelry Norristown, Pa., Aug. 20.-r-v. I' Schaeffer, president of the International Cnllophene Corperntl6n, of w,Jf: and his wife were robbed of 512,000 in cash, Jewelry and securities yester day at tlie Hetel Hamilton. A man registered as .1. h. Lewis, of Bosten, who occupied the room next te the Schaeffer apartment, disappeared just before the robbery was discovered. Last night when the Schaeffcrs re turned te their npartment they found all drawers searched. Lewis arrived at the hotel Thurs day and was said te be a representa tive of the Llbby Canning Company. He had red heir nnd waa about thirty yeats'eld. COURT FROWNS N F Agent Arrests Truckman Who Offered Him Drink After Salvaging Truck 'DISCHARGED,' SAYS COURT A teamster who worked for three hours yesterday helping prohibition egtnts te drag a truck out of the mud near Smithtown, Bucks County, Pa., was arrested svhen he asked one of the agents te "have a little drink." At a hearing before Commissioner Mnnlcy today Smith was discharged. The prohibition force from this city had just cleaned up Reading nnd were en their way back bere tWth a truck truck lead of seized evidence when it ran into n mud bank near Smithtown. While the agents -were sweating nnd fuming Jehn Smith, of Flemington, N. J., enme along with his truck. It took Smith three hours te drag the car out nnd when it was nil ever he made his kindly offer te Agent Vought, who accepted and then told Smith he wa under arrest. Smith ran, but was caught. Vogt. the agent svhe arrested him. wab teprimanded by Assistant United States Atternej Andersen. Smith's counsel. A. Lincoln Meyers, and Cem missioner .slaniev. "Didn't ou knesv you were out of your iurisdietien svhen jeu went into New Jersey?" demanded Andersen. "Did you pay this man for his three, hours' labor?" inquired the Commis siener. "Didn't one of you give him the liquor?" counsel for the defense ssanted te knew. While Vogt svas floundering under this volley of questions Commissioner Mauley discharged the prisoner. "I consider this a temarkable evi dence of ingratitude us svell as ignor ance of the law." remarked Andersen. "The lusv does net expect every man te be arrested who carries small' quan tities of liquor en his hip. It is de signed tebreak up traffic in large quan tities." Harry Allenback, of 3200 North Mar shall street, svati net se fortunate. Al lenback svas riding in a Ninth street trolley sshen the truck filled with liquor dres-c up alongside the Federal Build ing. As the car passed. Allenback lenned out the svindew and seized a hnlf a pint. He was held under $."00 ball for a further hearing Monday. RAGPICKER PICKED UP FOR PECULIAR PECULATION Jehn Norwood Gets Clese te Ambi tion by Getting Clethes of Neighbor Jehn Norwood, a ragpicker, of Springfield, near Darby, said that some day he would get te the top of the ladder. He realized this nmbitlen last night, the police say, but the ladder happened te reach the second -story svindew of the home of Fred Grabb. The svindew was open nnd Norwood, it is charged, entered, took some of Grabb's clothes, and. putting them in his ragbag, descended the ladder again. Grabb missed his clothing later and started en a hunt. He found the rag. picker in the weeds and there was n quick conference. When svnrds failed Grebb grabbed Norwood and gave him a black eje and a few bruises for geed measure, While the battle was still en Con Cen stablo Williams arrived. Norwood could net explain hesv Grabb's clothes get in his bag. When pressed closely he said they were given te him by a sailor. He svas arrested. U. S. GUNBOATS ORDERED TO HUNT CHINESE0UTLAWS Attacks en Merchant Craft Arouse Foreign Powers te Action Pelting, Aug 20. (By A. P.1 Gunboats of the foreign Powers, in cluding the I' S S. Isabel, flagship of Rear Admiral W. H. G. Billiard, commanding the American Yangtze River patrol, liase been ordered te the Yangtze Gerge district, svlth instruc tions te exterminate the bands of dis- ! organized soldiers who are firing en foreign merchant craft A Greek surveyor and a French en gineer and his daughter, Using nt Shan. hew, province of Heiinn, have been kidnapped by brigands nnd are be ing held for $100,00(1 ranem, accord ing te ads ices received bv the foreign legations here The advices added that towns in the neighborhood of Shanehesv have been looted, HOMER FRENCH, ALLEGED CON MAN, TAKEN IN WEST Arrested as Member of Million Millien Million Dellar "Confidence Ring" Demer, Aug. 20. (By A. P.) Hemer Frenrh, mid by leral autlmri ties te have fcerved a sentence in the Federal penitentiary at Atlanta. On., and te lie known in New Yerk nnd Atlantic City, was arrested lan night at Kstes Park, Cel , In connection with the arrfbt here yesterday of thirty -four aliened members of a nillllon-de'l-lar "confidence rinB." Philip Van Clhe, District Attorney, who brought the prls-ener te Denver today, charges that Trench svas in volved ill n ,f 120, 000 confidence finnie nt Minini. Kin. A tip that French svas in KutcN Park yvns received yesterday at the District Attorney's nflice. anil he svns traced labt iiIkIh with the aid of Stale Hnngcrx, Van CKe stated. Dlf-trlet Attorney Van CKe etnted te. day that Fieiuh had nilinltted that theie Is an indictment ar;nlnst him in Flor Fler ida lu connect ion with an alleged fake neck promotion scheme In Miami Dr. Stephen Smith Dead at 99 Klmlra, N. Y Auk. lid.-(Bv A. P.)- Dr. Stephen Smith, used ninety. nine, years, noted nlivslelim. .Ile.l tn. day lii Menteur Falls, near here. He f .una U.i.l J-. . L- 1... -. . .. " "J?.-", nl dfer of the Amerlcau Public eai RY INRA1IIUD Y V'n v yWf iMlil TO CLEAN UP STATE Washington Enforcement Oft." cials Tell Director te Hit J All Suspected Spet3 . .M FIRST RAIDS A "STARTER" SbcdIeI Teleeram tn r,.Mr. ... v Washington, Aug. 2(1. PrrAiMii officials announced today that SK? ,ienn x. unvis, et Pcnnsvlvmii. T under orders te "clean up" the r'(. ' by making a scries of raids In one d ! after another until all Important limi' centers hnve been vllti.,l ' nl "" Raids conducted this week In Fa.. Reading and Allentown nre only the T' g titling They will be followed; ethers. If nrcwnt plans nre carried cm, l uwr me direction of nmlinvur here. And with l,n ti.' ..","".erl" oral prohibition ngent sent i fr.a' ether districts in the State, as Jf. the State Constabulary, the ',,." forces, led by Director Davis, mnv u emeeterl tn lirnnn .1...- I.. '."". W ...... . ... ,..,, ,,,,,, lu scores nt communities in the next few weeks ,. lee enn,llflne li..... "sPkSnj . eest liaison betw... Dnr k nnrl nfllelnlu Here .. ,i. ."WM The State Director is in dailyffi' with "dry" headquarters by trlephe and is acting under direct orders fr0Q Commissioner llnyncs and E, ( v,i lewlcy. chief of general prnliihitie, agents. m Washington. Aug. 20. (By A. P,) xsim-ir. iiiictiiun Kunoents et the for. elen Pess-ers. Incltullni. ti,. tt.i.f. States, te proceed te the Ynngtze dls. trict in China te exterminate bamh t miMiihuii . i'iiiiih-iii were sum Dy r)Tl efliclalR here te have been Issued under the international agreement establish. ing the Yangtze River ptrel. The Nbtj acjjcii tuiviii jiar, net uven niiviserl eflj. dally of the dispatch of the expedi tions. , REED, OF PENNA., PRESIDES IN SENATE; UNIQUE HONOR Occupies Chair During Debate en Berah Ceal Bill Washington, Aug. 20. An unused distinction was conferred en Senater Reed, of Pennsylvania, today when henater i ummiiis. et lesvn. president pre tem et tne senate, summoned him te nreslrle ns-er Ita ileliherntinns. sunn... ' Reed occupied the presiding efficer'ij cnair ier nn neur ami a nnir during tie tli.bntn no tlm ltei-nb ennl hilt Afv. l?eeil srne relles-erl nf e r.,AM. sshen Senater Cummins called Senater Townsend. of Michigan, te the chair. While Senater Reed, of Pennsylvania, ssns presiding his colleague of the same name. Senater ".Tim" Reed, of Mis seuri, spoke In opposition te the Berah dim. Deaths of a Day Charles Wilbur Patrolman Charles Wilbur, sixty-rut sears old. of 7.TJ North Frent Etreet, Camden, for nearly twenty years t member nf the tiellce force 111 that eltT. dleti of compilcntienr, today in tne Cooper Hospital, following an attack of illneMi while en his wicatlnn. He would have been eligible for retirement in six months. Delavan Smith's Funeral Monday Chicago. Aug 20. (By A P)-Fu-neral sersices for Delavan Smith, pub lisher of the Indianapolis News, who died last night at his home in Lake Ferest. 111., will be held at 4 P. M. Monday at the home. The services ssill be public, but burial at Lake Fetest will be private. Mr. Smith, who van bachelor, sixty-one years old, was a cousin of the late Charles Warren Fair banks, one time Vlre President of the T'nitcd States. The Indianapolis ena, it svas learned, will be conducted as formerly, without change of policy. Samuel Byrne Pittsburgh. Aug. 20 (Bv A. P.1- Samuel Bsrne, aged siMv-live, editor of the Pittsburgh Observer, a Catholic v.ttVtllent ln,i nml one nf the hest knOWH newspaper men in the United States, rllel rnrlnv of tinetimenin. lie SVflS bem ""- ;-, , -. j In Irelancl nn svas educated in in land, Ireland, trance and tiermmi). nKTii HEt'KER AI.HERT I" h-.isbnnil of De' I Becker I'uncral cervices Tuesw. ecw ln". f" . ,., hai. b-in'l of Ellxjhrth Weern'r HHatlves ;i frlentli" rc Inslterl te ntf.nd fun'-ra "'"(! I Sinn 11 A .si nreeipeiv as ini i. ';: ilence, l-"il. N .'.arsten ft Intrrmfni suk Ve XesinS MJI1U..5 I" ' I .' ,.. ren of Frcil anr Uffle Pl'tcher In his 8JJ vur lie Hlises nnu J ' "', "JiVOfirlii attend funeral Men 2 PJI., fl slnO residence rhllment. Ti Intermece j-erc lll'll" emeiery ,. .,,1 ipfi'v-i-irin w e, IDA IBM I Dahmn) wife .,'f Jeseph 'llnt'enflel. 1I')" ind friends are Invited te ni'end fuiwf" i.ers.re .sien .' r .si iaie ''"'"WJHA F SVIlt st. tnterment privet' Oresnni" rmeterj Friends may ral Sunday ' 7 THOMAS Auir 2R AAPOV I. hurtjjrf of the late Miry E 'lr"?",JBS ... no n.intiven and trie. la 'nvltiew iiiftend funeral Wed 2 r. M . '"m 'V residence rhapel ese nnu re.'j. ; , I n.l.l Merrhnntv lie N J lnt"n' roieftevvn Cemetery Vlesvins Tattuy " "'iflNOWAI.T -Kntercd into reft l : Pj Instnwn Pa Auc 2" M -.JSlt TON w re et J r Jiinuwi. "l, "', tUM' ! Philadelphia Ferls and interment m '""J.' . ... nn n, ritmin, V, 1 . i"ii:ac. .-i". ,eu"f -ue, ;,d cbipm". nela sVa and 'fnes Invl-d te fun""' I Ti.endas- ut a F M from re Id'WJ lVe,t ese Interment Mannlnth 'n'Vr7,V IsVavne Pa Relatlse, nnd f-icndu rt iVrrrVmemTuJ " J"- ttni,n fil fmeiei It ."" I I Rain r Va . nturn C niaui-ew en aub,, -f" A't,;:r m . h nil .iniir.'iii a r . and friend am I -reAfc'l.iv 4 P ? elnvi-ed .e th; " M it the iiliser H . s,'t -hestnut M Interment I'ldK H20 Che Attte N V. .... .. i k., il, OYfl At her home -.-U' i rhitKI F 0,nI Netlee et fun Vr'iii-V Hof mrivv.n Sur 2.1 It U Ml I .."1.1?" u I.csl Cooper ared fit "',,' ,, Asih ul A M. at the frecbU'r a " y p, areenvvav nse Interment l'i "P""', et ADAMS Aim "S F.IA ,N .1 Vn-r....'-W H.m. nn, djimhier " VS.. I.csl Cenper aexd fit ' ,' " . ' 8h W 1, 1, J 111,'iiu v- ivmiii" ...... - . n nri enrk and Caiherlne I-t.lt is-1 -1 4 fJ. tlvef and friend nre lp,ile ""'j, (, neral eerslces Men.lsj - 1 ',nt(rre'' late reeldence. 3.1IS N tOih H '"'" private . ...inrnT lcn. ADAHt -Aub 22 , t"'.'?, f1' rirrl of Annie and late Jelm Ad- t 'ujnt'i Mnnl.s. 2 V M frnm, hn '''' 'iTveflrl; 2727 r. Cleat field rt Iniermenl W" ,t ten i-enii tery ' KemainR M w Sundav after 7PM ,nitv huit, VF.TTi;itLF.lN sue 20 JCUI, n,n,rjl or .surs Leuie s''""", ,",... ,m ierr'i from his Lite rei Idence 11'; ' 1, " intermest r-...,r,!.,,nu Snni.iv. 1 I' M """ N"!!'"".1. ... e. ,,,oe stiLTOV ?:. himbind of Katherlne '-f ... Hill W"' Menda, 2 30 P M al Un r'" '.' hll i iran Chureli rrlendi tna, rill ' ! j ( lei-ldenre inrrenHIll r-uiida fieni" 1, 1. 1. 1. 1. if -rfil .-" .'I... ,., SerVI." " m:iNi:n -Aim 2d Utni.lNA .?,, -!( of Alhert A Itelner iic-d I-' ,'!""T,,Utxit'M M,, I .1" V, .'I ,.',,'- e.,snn A,.nlA,rM ut Mann (Mil da, 7.10 A M tieni h i - -,w cii ..: ' ' ..".:..... m,.e. iiu.i .1 - -..i.iaerain ur,eJeenil s tlnrv inirrmeiii .,iu" . . rli,ia , Martin. Itelatlve. ''' '"'V'i 30 V. "' attend funeral service-) T;!""'1. .iiVet.l i in lier late tesidenre Sd.'l T',l' ItajneWi XlifneWl uttir inllliz Interment private C'em.'ler, mi ' u-i:im piiii.ADKi.ri"- Am NBAtl Clint AND WAt-Kin-TfelSSV room modern hemjt let li'i!.' , 30 days. BCOTT. 0788 Ota ,s .'ft ,w AtW u A 4 i i , i.a.. A A