IWSWP m uws w Y n rr V v W n 4f N EVENING PUBIIC LEDGEfr-PfflliADELPHIA, S ATURDAY, AUGtJST 26,.. 1922 Ms 17 vr i CURB OILS LACK NEARBY SUPPORT ft- Market Generally Irregular, With Trade Showing De crease In Volume v.w Vnrli. Auc. 20. The curb mn.r Vet win IrrPRiilnr tnilnv with biislneM henitiR n decided decrense in veltinip. Stniulnrd Oil Imic. vvliMi Imd for 'nceU been n Htreiij: feature, but Imvc Wll dcclinilltr mr wu- 1111 ir iiiijh. Vcrc without nearby fuinpert nnd these stocks Imd further renctleus, Htimdnnl nil of Imllnm b"in n fenturc nnd Tlcbllnc from 111 te 112. Kph tucky wM down 100, te 100 nnd New Yerk n traded In it 430. . Imbiftrlnl 1sucm were Irregular. gtHtz Moter dropped fiem 22 te 21, ,wM'e Dtirnnt Meters rose aj te :il)'4. Ilnrci Wheel vviih iiImi firm, ncllln nt gQ3 . intercentlnentul Rubber showed a better tone thnn for some time past, j'rnllylnp te 4. In the nilnlnt; stocks Oeldfield He- vd&linicnt continued the feature, that stock tunkliiK a further mlvnncc nnd again UitPiR it hlnh receid. INDUSTHIALS High Lew Lust (00 Acne Ceal 82e 80e 80e ueOAcme raiklmi .... 43e Blie 40e as Am Limit... US. 112.. 141'.. iSoe Atlantle Fruit Iiu 2)H (OU Dddy lluds 1 lj. BOO Chi Nlpnle .... 4, 100 Ce mbla Emerald.. 7Jc 72c 15 l L & W Ceil 102 10-- lOODubller O & II.... 8,, 8 lOUDurant Mtr of 1ml. 14.'4 114 H'n 200 tllbsen Hewell.... 20!jr lU? 104 J400 Ulmbel Bres 4114k 4(1 4 100 men Aiacn v-uui.. u.i 000 Qnldwyn Pictures... 7ii 20 Grant Mtr 03e 600 Haves Wheel .... 30H 400 llclh Steel pref. .. UUV4 I00OC & O rta IrV 100 Hale Kllburu pref. 31 12U0 Man Trans 70c 200 Phlllpsbern 4H 0') St l.awr Feldspar. !' 60 1 Inttr lib 4 J, 800 IrfhlKh Power 104 fj3 A 00c 30 '4 31 N 8ie .viesaui iron l 80J Natl Leather.... 110 N J Zinc 70 N V Tel pref. . . . 40i) Peerless Sltrs. . 400 t'hlllp .Merris . . 200 Pb Ser N J pref (400 Radie enra 1101) Itadle pref . . . 300 Ree Mtr Trclt.. 14090 Seuth C . I .... ROD Stutz Mir M0 Swift Inter . . snn.Te.hnlcil Tred.. ine Teb Pred . ... 11M0 1! S I, & II .... "no I'nlt Het Cnndv . 700 Wnvne Ceal in Swift & Ce IJiinim Reller ePar 100 U S li 1 II prtf, H lf.34 1,12'4 1.12V4 1UII lON 1DM7, . nn'i no eii HiH in ie4 l4'i 104H 104- SH 4 4'J Ort rtrt 3A 14 ifl'fc 40c SIS, n', n't 43c . 21 4 . n'i . 0' '5 . n .lnn . 30'4 l nn 20 1U STANIUUO OIUS tiOOilena Slsnal . ft Illinois n 1000 S Oil of Ky . . . 105OOS Oil of Ind .. 10 S Oil of N V . in nreka CM) Aetna S , M'4 mi ir.T iI 107 .len'i inn llMU .11414 112 1131; .in h:, . luk n:'j 021, .- 2 in 10 13 13 7 7H ins in. 1!l lll'J ll'l fill I'll !'(, 1 4 Mil in, 111V 4lti H. 1 W 1 f. in 211 21. 2I 3". 3", C2n 113" 1 '. 1 V, 2 2 2n4 se'4 ."U M4 3 3 III 1H in init 22'4 22 '5 73 73 21 ic 2 no 200 Alrin 2 100 Arkann N.it aas in Jenn Unone Oil 13 301 Tarlh Svnd 7'i StCltlea Service .. .Ill 400 Cltlet Serv li ctf in 200 Titles Service pref flni, f,en relumbla 1'ete . . 114 ju'i r.rjuuv I'eie prer.. n1 1'i lnn rrderil OH 100 Fenslund COOOIIllland Oil 121)0 Dlenrnck Oil .... 6000 Hudsen Oil 000 nt rvtrel ... . iioeo Kevtene Ranker. 3011 Texas Kentucky.. 300 Lhlnnsten Tet .. 10O MAitma Oil 400 Mirnealbe Oil . . . 700 Marlnnd Mx . . . 80OO Meridian Pete . . . 30(1 Mexico oil B700 Mutual Hef .... ION 4 "4 ItV 20 21 37 Mr 1'i 2T 3 1)1 ine N y oil 221? 200 .Vew Encland ruel. 73'4 8000 Northwest 20c 200 Nore Oil pref ... 2 2 2 lnne Neble Oil 2.1e 2. S.-.c B0OOmar Oil 11 1, 1 200 Pennock Oil ni 0S4 Ol, 800 Silt Creek Pred, n'a Wt iRt, innsapulpa Ucf . ... 3. 1 aJ 1200 Slmms Pet .. .. Rij si; si, tOOil Southern I' 111... in R S 1000 Seuth Stnfs Cens 23 2 23 800 Seuth States Oil. 17i 17H 17 100 Spencer Tet 34 34 34 I0S0O Texan O & L R'le Ma Mc 200 Tidal Osnsra .... 13 13 13 lixiTurmnn 1A U 1A lien wiicex oil n4 n r4 tOOOV Oil 13c 13c 13c MINING lOOAlns-Fr Cel 800 Am Explerat 2 10 17p 1A 20c lie 24 hU' 10 lfle 14 20c nc 32c 24 1 2I ic 3e 32c 20c B.V 41c 24c Pe He 7 4 1,'j 12 3 4 ARe On 7c Ri, IOC 3e Ue lie 3c 2c O-ic 11 De M'.t 24 auc 114 nc li'c 4hO 73c IU 7"e l.S, nc 34 1 14 13c 3c 3e 24 in 10c It. 20'. fie 32e 2 4 It1. '- 14c 4c 32c 20e NIC lie 2c 0c" 7c 8000 Ilelcher Ext 10110 jiic irfone 12000 Hest I Ment 2S00 flojten Mrnt Cens 10' 0 Calumet & Jereme 900H Canada Cep . . 1000 Cnndelnrla M .. .soecons Cep M ..... MOO Corter Silver .. . , 2lOCrcen Celd .... . 60000 El Salvader 2 4 W. 2t 13c 1000 Emma Mlver 4c 4000 Eureka Creeaus . . 33e znoe Eertuna. R10 Gadsden 1000O (leld I)ev lOOOGelrtfleld Flererce lOOn Oeld Zene tOOO Hnrmlll I) .. . .200 IIe'a Mining . ... 1000 HIM 'lop Nev ... 20) Helllniter .00 Howe Sound TOoe Ind Lend tnnnn i.'.. m. 1.1. 20c 8.I0 44e 24c nc 7r 7 4 14 12 3'i B7c 1 '4 12 34 R7 7c 7c RH inc Se 4ic lie 3c 2e Rc 11 lOe ll.e 24 33c (14 llle 24 lie 4 se 7e 1; 7llc lrV lie 4 IS 4e 3e 70 1000 lvin Rlnr 2000 Chief Cen B 1000 Comateck Tunnel . loe 1000 Comb Fraction . . Se 6000 Dean Cera 4Rc lOOOElv Cens lie , 1000 Celd Deep 4e 4000 Oeld Ore 2c 4000 Henritta Silver... 02e 1HH2 Mornliwien 11 uuiijuinmara Soep Marf h Mn 400 Masen Valley 'l,len, Tin inn Nipissitnr . . BOOO Ohie Cen .ine Ida 24 33c (14 ii'llPey Hercules .... 24 Ieck H'lKhes . 77c .jnOTonep n,iment ... eJJ2IenP nivlde- 71r 100 Tonen Mln .... 1 jl "Trl-nulilen .' .' flc f.oe 1 nity GeM n S J.nlt naatern ... . IN T400 Wet End C 1 J. 'SSnX S-iterin Kendall 4? lOOOTonep Ojpsy . 3c BONDS ! 824 Onn1 V '" 'i. ' ".K "" rB " ni til loon Am T" "a '" lennn Annren,'l '"OP 11 nJ2 Anl-Am oil 74 ineu 10114 me'i 102 102 mm im, in4 1044 nn Rn (Is 1024 'ia.ini ,niS ini4 Winn A.rm.eu.r A Ce 7 ln' Ann, ,. L' r. ' ". -' l"il4 4 imi. iimi&4 a. j.l,1 1014 101 1014 19? llrneklui U f ttr.n. ' '...Pll es i "in .Power Us IpiHie :Z, ?.f.t 5'; l,.?. 1S5S, !.! 3J3.H Sffi U?.?'MW Tire 7s ar.r... .; v i'jk i--n iiiii. iiiii'i iiiii. l.iu-4 ll.u-4 1.1.14 lniij le.lil lftSil 104S 104 mJ iniil ww miii P2V4 III 1124 lnnn!,en'- Huhber 7s K hrnii'inte c 7 n!vln?s,Ce ' ,u lSS Kt','.."J'...T II J H 117 117 V4 in-,il in.vi ieiij nniZ tint J imt 1 nan ie: ms JeS?" ifw- "7. ""4 '.St, 'KL . SV-leVMnV'jSi'' Innii sP ' ',1.",r 7- '! i"T li". 0flncirV,?.tJ"' ,'tt ,00"' ,no' lft0'' "inn i nnlT.' ""' "' '""H HnH inn'i IDvi S V, sPV lnvTTi,s..iniiiJ iniii? inmj LI " libber Ss no, iies no ins ..-.. "'HKION nOMIS Eerie ;;,'n',n., J, 101 D.'i'i Dllil inn', Ii.-.' 4 till US'. 4 loon -J" ." 'i 1 S0 Kln5k?fr,1, i OH in 14 (inu nvt leiH lejii iii, 38 38 38 BAR SILVER &!'mfn,rla ,Lr.. "... jr.". unchanged In HSW4S fijtf" 7n ?5 Ollnre. u . . ""'ii "i - c 11 Hil hlKher, at .13r d oudeu the Watch nwn .-. th. d..:; ;". "" v r leviEs Wlt 111 ; .tV". "tnuir ifwture tvirS Siiau ".!. ' rulr 1" I'l I , IIM'l ,111" Meil."" ..'" 1,v I m" 0114 OKH 200 nt H.,e" " l,,n4 inn, inn. Boe. i!"" , r,,n Rs "i "' 2 mmni. lf'-" J" c . 054 iir 1.-, HI 7 TJT SO NO St) Lr Gfe DailMevie Magazine s 72c 1U2 M 3IH &3 7 one 30'4 UllVa 1. 31 ll.-.c 4Vi It H 4J in. I' 71 DOltOTIIY DALTON ll'c mi'H be glad te publhh the pictures of such screen plnyas suggested by the fans THE MOVIE: FAN'S LETTERBOX lis HnXKY Mnrigelil writes- "Never wiete te .von before, but when liny one criticizes Theodere Kosleflf I muvt reply. Mr. 40c 21 H n? 0', 14 ll, KoxlefT ii 11 Uus-slnii nnd urely 'An Arllvi Fan' must have forsettcn that in the Itnsslnn Chinch the rlsht shoulder is touched first in mukiiiR the sign of the cress. "Yeu say thnt from what ou hnve seen of movie studies it Is small won der no cue knew hew te make the sljjn. I hnve newr been in a movie studio, but I dii knew something of legitimate plujer-felk. nnd it doesn't held true there. They nre nearly nil verv sin cere church-seers. (I wish I could say the same of mielf.) I like nrters be cause they arc hieml-niiudrd and be cause they knew hew te tnlk. "Oen't jnu think jour answer was a little catt.v with i.ist n tmu.li. ,.f ,i,n 100 211, Hi Rl4 r'eninl bntth' bnt,en crllfc and plnjerV ". mi. win rnn i me people who belong in the profession (even though they nre en opposite sides) stick to gether? 'What's all ihe shoetin' ferV " (I giies I was n bit catty nnd te slew j nu my sincere repentance I'll agree v ith jeu in snjin? that actors icrtninh d) "knew hew te talk" if jeu'll just add two words "nbeut themselves." Thete, jeu see hew broad bread minded I nm. Your cxplinatien of Keslnff's mistake would be a geed one if Kosloff had been plnjlng the pait of a Uiisslim in "The iJictnter." Hut lie wasn't. Carles Hivns wns a Seutli Ainericnn and un doubtedly of the Latin Church. S. Prcsser writes: "Hepe the music for Orphans of the Storm' will seen hnve a inline nnd will be published, for I would like te get it. I nm fa mllinr with some of it. The trouble with orchestra music is thnt the dlf feicnt instruments give us such beauti ful harmeiiv nnd fullness-, thnt when the same piece is plujed en the plnim (the only instrument I Unuw ) nearlv all thnt is lest. "Yeu wniii te knew what is wrong with 'Apple Illossem 'lime in Nor mandy' for a battle stone. Surclv ou knew the words of the song. "That 1'nOTOrL.aYS The following theatres the STANLEY Company of America, which is a guarantee of early showing of the finest productions. Ask for the theatre in your "locality obtaining pictures through the Stanley Company of America. 1 4 I . 1 ' ADfll I C J2D THOMPSON ST3. tVJ--J MATINKB DAIL.Y BETTY COMPSON In "OYEll TUP. II01(Ili:il" ARDMORE SrSfS. I " Hareld Lloyd, "Satfer-Made Man" ntANK KKCNAN In "LDADKH DICIV' IneflHKOQyi TKIO ACTAD EIOHTII It G1I1AKO AVE. AJJ 1 KJl MATINEE DAILT r.rrriv.1. PKenucTinN "WHO AM IT', BALTIMORE ,r S &Al .lri HOLT nnd rr'K IlVMr,! In "North of the Rie Grande" DI I I IT DID Pi Urea.l & Susquehanna DL.UE-DIIxL' pnnin.ix..4 ' until 11 LON CHANEY In "THi: MI1HT IIOSK" COLONIAL ?." vr r RICHARD BARTHELMESS In "SO N N Y FAIRMOUNT lZlT&ii?- TOM MIX In "THE KlIlHTlMi HTItrUK" GREAT NORTHERN ,,r. "WZft RICHARD BARTHELMESS " In ''SONNY" IMPERIAL TIII.VI9,; RICHARD BARTHELMESS III I'MlNNY" I ID CD TV I1HOAU COI.UMUIA AT. LlDXl'K I MV'vrju DAIUT TOM MIX In "Till; lldliriMI sTKKAK" An IPMT Woodland Ave. nt 2d Bt riu.ii 1 Mifivrn nirr RAYMOND HITCHCOCK In "THE Hi:l'TV SHOP" OVERBR0OK USD & IIAVKItFORD AVKNUB WFSI.KY (n"CKlrfc HAItHY In "PENROD" DAI h KUANICKORIl AVB A PAULINE STARKE In "WIFi". AI.AINT Will." llllll'll ! KI'H'-K VAI'HKVII.I.K rr,,nM'T Market St. Ilelew 17t Ki1.LjLMM 1 ie v m te u p. si. MAY MncAVOY In "TUP lliniF'.l'l N VAMP" r I A I Tn aERMANTOVVN AVKNUB Kl AL. 1 W at T"M'KIincifKN ST, uDOROTHY DALTON In Tllr " l'1 tvtyi ' m '' n i 1 1 2 f;' SHERWOOD M$A lx,$?;9 ELLIOTT DEXTER III "fill 1M) f iWPFS-V" jee RIADfc'PT BTftKBT THKATHK 3$5 IVlArvMl I n a. if. te uus r. ir , TOM MIX In "till'. ri(illTIN( BTIHSAIP WiiJ IT ' ' ' ' ' m sl! VI a ' aaaaaaaaaaaaaSilaKS.SSSSsS ' 4iiiiiiiHihiiiiiiB iH M. NEELY answers everything. .Songs nhnuhl net be used unless they nre appropriate te the scene. The teiniKi of the song did net suit the action. The street wn filled with people in n c'nsh between the Inlanders and the Itiisiani. I think it wns; soldiers 011 herebnck were sup posedly tramping their victims under foot. "Sometimes I hear just the opposite. Once, when I had te stand '.n line in the lobby of a Market stiect theatre, I heard the most divndttil clashes of the ejmbals nnd well regulnr meledra FARM AND GARDEN 1S$tfttkm s Luscious K Strawberries Fresh from the Picking THEYadd the crowning clery te the home garden plot the final satisfaction te the per fect meaL Their culture is a pleasure their flavor a delight. riant Tliem New nnd I'lrk Your Ou.11 mm I.OVKTT'S I'OT-OUOUN BTKAWIIUKIIY 1'LANTS Euch taken from an Indivlduil pet and shipped te jeu reuly for jttlniT out In veur own sarden. Selected from the nurerier etecK of America's foremost berry culturlsts, ,,,An attractive little book. Ne lOS. telle nbeut the varieties, pre paration of the Rreund anil their culture. Mailed with pleasure 011 request J. T. LOVETT 447 Sycamore Read, Little Stlver.N. J. ,m&?X obtain their eictures threucrh tfTheNIXON-NIRDLINGERtftA VJI THEATRF-S BELMONT B.2D ADOVB AUKET ili. 1'30 A 3. II. 10 j 11 P. J. uukuihy DALTON In "THE CKIVKMIV hum i-..-., - -.- . ..HIH.IJ.HI CEDAR 0TH & CCUAU AVKNUH 1 10 and 'A 7 4.rul U 1 VI FRANK MAYO In '.UVN WHO MAIlllini UK e.V WIFIV COLISEUM ?';rlct ut-50lh oem PRISCILLA DEAN In "M 11.11 HON icy JUMBO FP1-N:T tST' OmAItD AVB. ..J"Tlhn Jurc en Frankford "1V: HOOT GIBSON In "HKvniv.' ii;sT.. LEADER 4,.SJ0 Y?Ss,n AVB" DOROTHY DALTON n "THE 1III1I1V H-lie u.uiin, . r n-y NIXON'S AMBASSADOR Dlir Matli ee i 10 ,n .1 no renlmr, t"1 l9 -BEYOND JHERAINBOW'' NIXON 6"D a's7d mahket btST II illn. '. . DORIS MAY "" 'n "fiV AMI DKVu.itt.,.. 69TH ST. Th7a'"-5P . 'TrrnTnTI 2 30 T and 0 P. m BEBE DANIELS . !" "A l.AMi: t'IIIIKi:.S" STRAND Germ"'"wn Av at V.n.n,. THOMAS MEIGHAN ,0 " '" ""fit LraniMi nnzi:.V' AT OTHER THEATRES " MEMBERS OF M.P.T.O.A. GERMANTOWN 8afSTwn,.;4.. A TLI I V V1ARSII l I. r.,1,1 :im , tpViiiV . "TOO MUCH BUSINESS' GRANT iiaTv.,;; Mi-sriit 1 m 1, "GYPSY PASSION" jEFFERSONr15 BERT LYTELL In "SIIKHLOCK IHtllW.N" PARK 111UOB AVE. T DAUPHIN UT. kMANfR6M0ST,BRIeR ecrry rreucri f,.rjreni t . . UWZEXlH Jer Almest Ki. rLm?BiM Haifa PHOTOI'LAVa I LULUS 1 "tie." srSiiiM Is Matrimony a Failure?" matic music, 'hurry stuff some, call It. I crnncd my neck te get n peep ilt tin' screen te see whnt it was nil about. There wit two men In nn office cnliuly tnlklng te each ether. It wns no llnh. then back te tin exciting scene, but held the scene awhile. .The music in pnrts of 'Wny Down Enst,' was -penltlvely neisv. that's nil I could mil it. "Then there's the imitation of horses hoofs en the turf. One would think thnt the heiscs were cluttering ever stones. Don't 4-011 think it would be n geed idea te have the same music used us was lised dining the rehearsals of the plav? I undeislnnd Mime of the companies hnve special music te bring out the best thnt is In the actors. "Heard a man say net long age Hint the storm scene in 'Foolish Wives' wns the most thrilling thing he ever saw in his life. It wns the noise" there. I think, that Impressed him. I didn't see anything se wendeiful In it. The KIUJCATIONAt. Iletli hexes TEACHERS' COLLEGE . Courses for Teachers Twe groups of regular courses, four and two years in length, leading, respectively, te B. S. in Education and Junier College certificate. Hours for classes convenient for Philadelphia teachers. Medel kindergarten, elementary and high schools for observation and practice teaching. Junier College certificate based en high school graduation and generally recognized. Geed teachers in great demand. Regular Courses for Teach ers (B. S. in Ed. and Junier College) Academic High Scheel Subjccti Commercial Education Elementary Education Heme Econemici Kindergarten Education Music Physical Education Special Courses for Teach ing and the Trades Cookery Educational Gymnastics Drawing TEMPLE UNIVERSITY Bread Street Belew Berks Philadelphia MIGHT SCHOOL FOR EVERY YOUNr. who wants the knnnle,! n.i ...... reed paMnc ne.ltinn ..A . ." -V. AS "At'CIIKIUTKn" iUU WALINUI STKEET Bs3JHAi3jSfS?if9jLfir3ft-s fJuOi : Beth Company i largest commercial art or ganizatien in the field, offers veu a different training. If you like te draw, develop your tnlcnt. Study this practical course taught by this widely known institution, with twenty.twe yenrs success which ench year sells te mlvrrtisers ever ten thousand comma cemma ciiil drawings. Who else could give you be wide en experience? Commercial nrt is 0 highly paid, intensely interesting profession, equally open te men end women Heme study Instruction, (let tacts before you enroll in eny kcIioeI Write for our Il lustrated book, "YOJjrt OPPORTUNITY," for ciee-lmlf thecest of isa. hog four cents In stamps. PHILADELPHIA OFFICE 1214 Walnut Street, Dipt. II MEYER BOTH COLLEGE of Commercial Art 1 . ii x- . fir 0 iVJ :hU n J J W. PEIRCE SCHOOL of Business Administration "Pine Street, West of Bread Philadelphia cempli-.ti: iusim-.ss tkaimmi Our niurses cover Blenesraphy, Tvpenrltlns Hoekkeoplni Accounting S.creturidl mil ceneral business Jt-tlnlnfc' Our irridumes sre nlwajs In deniand Pall I. rni starts Sept, f.. MslU clussea Slen , Tile, and 4.n4rs pei'i i, I atillOff PIIILA, lll'SINF.SS (-01 I.IMiU nnd College of Cemuu'rie HI" Mirket SrT. Pl,lluilel,il,l,i STAMMERING Your hneeeh OefertH Currestrd II j ak annul nineuey Club in II ciue leu eieaiunni util It jl TIIF, KIM1SI.KY 1I.A Phene VV'Binut I0II2 bend for '' ""' VViiliuit HI.. Plillu inla AN lleeklat Friends' Select Scheel l'r ' 'I'e PiiKum. (Iierrj nnd I (It l'"At-.. A bit nf uiimy In the heart of theili All sr.nb let veen Ivlnderisiii leu nnd c. lew Mlniidn for Ihernuuh work un.l i.l . ' i i,1'!' ''..' . ,r . ' iieiiiis s..u'.i Me.iln JMH peller , HivIIiimI, p,,,. Friends' Select Scheel ,!,';; ""- Tlie P.irkvvt. nirrry ami iflili'si'J, All . -rad.s ftnin Primary thorough lUh gcboel. fltands for lhoreui.V, work and Christian charae er. Ttenln. ml.iv, V; ".'.'." n...lA.ii.i Mm ....-". ,-,'.w" 1' lien for eenf-Vi-i;- ' U.,WCWV. ;-?' I land. I-Hnel7.il """ r Mev ssPthe 1 B 1 J" worst storm I ever heard never ninde the racket I henr in the imitation t'f one nt the theatre. "What de you think of synrlirenlred music for the nlcturnsV It sound. all right for the rnrly runs, but hew Is It ( going 10 nt in Jl 11 r one operator, men another, and still another ciitii Inte the scenes te ripnlr tiie film? "People can tie informal with you without being disrespectful. en see, I knew ou better thnn jeu de me. Hnve seen win let of Union; .wiiir np pcaiancc nnd iiuiiuht ceminund ie sped. The fun de net Knew jeu se well, some net 11 1 nil. They must think they 'ire talking te some of their kid friends." "Command respect!" Oellies. (lint's geed. I must show- that te the l.ady Who Oecs te the Movies Willi Me. They ccrtnlnly de overdo the music thing with the movies, and et I think it hns been definitely proved that pic lures without this exaggerated music de net "get ncress" te hnlf the nudl enccs. It Is unfortunate that the" vast majority of picture fans hnve net been ) educated up te the point where Ihev inn nppreclnte the rpileter nnd mere subtle things'; jeu buw te "hit 'em vith in ax," te usenn old vnudcvillei expression. F.nri'ATWNAf, Until Srvcs Dressmaking Heme Nursing and Hygiene Industrial nnd Manual Arte Institutional and Household Administration Millinery Playgrounds Story Telling Vocational Homemaking i . Please send ma bulletin for the ceurse markd. Name Street City State K Led S 20-22 ii HSI 'ISaaWWSaW )! i I E-v m ' v fi DAY SCHOOL OPENS SEPT. 5 NIGHT SCHOOL OPENS SEJ. 7 man ani. woman ........ t. ""'"" "".." " t"i mm or nor :or a rOMMKUriAI. SCHOOL , Y. M. C. A. SCHOOL OF MUSIC 13th Sanson , Offers superior courses in applied nnd .'.'ir;.' lcM . m"'!" 'nimum netrurtien vi Ih plm uf course adiptel tu pupils' ni ecl Cla.jea In some branches Put Me n nnl tlubs, etc. Courses for mn women and children. Open day and ew-rim; V--m!?c7 rinne j:Bnii Yek , ,urp vieMn feMe Harmony Composition. Motion-! '.'nre ?""'' Mandelin. Ilanje C.u.tar. p,B,.S Tunlnc. Dftin at nnv tlm i. t ,r ltnT Ciit-iler II. I.. Ivneedlrr. I) rrrtnr. nt t.,i. t. ---.,.. ..,. a. , I, ,-., If Yeu Think r"''' ' " " "1"' . , xphci pi firn m hie ' write or telephone us tndav (Unlnui n'l sn for the picture arid umi of r ( Ut K U Neill, who was the mother nf fe jr , hlMren when 1I10 t ok her course n ,v.miiii, ip lieie. and who Is new e-irn.na $1 a v,.,r Married or sliwle, women ..in e!iv e.irn jnenev who Kraduate at IITIUICIIS if if bu.lnnssM.hepl thnt cunraniei ,., 1 D,i I Mini" J.07 I'he.tnut street 1 HIGH SALARIES ". nMiTrn.e,i ... , , . Hiilf.in.'i. Ihere I. j tlinreuslilv iirnrllral iiiur.e In sulrs. I iinn.liln nt . , i'mm:ksity or pa. eyhninc srueni. IDS leitiiiillull Pliene Ilirlnc iril ij. "an IIIKVIIHTnY AMJ PMMlVIXtY rtllilSFS ir MlllpJelPhli, Cellete if I'h ,rn.7ry I itil.i? yn5Ien nnil llev AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL Certificate 'Car h-. v... u Phlla Aute Tr.x.le Assn (Jeneral Mechnnli'al Course Itepulr Shep Practice yjnltl in. St.irttnR and Meriting Stor.ifre Uatteiy Cour.e Short Course for Owners I i-mv ana i.venimc Clist . ieK n V e,i 15 Compute eiiurnieiu Th r mji, , sept .-.nan cias.es Tuition rii m ie, ,. Mrlte or call for Inform nlnn Y.Pd. C. A. AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL , I4.-1 AHUI ST in-, ifr.reu st tMTs.j,aa. BUILDING CONSTRUCTION inoreurjh, I'rncticnl Courses r..r, "rrS'c'"- Jnurneimen drift, silP'rintetident Y.M.C.A. TECHNICAL SCHOOLS 1181 Anil M. 10.U,,, A, n.(, A iSl BessaBBaaHBaatsa issi The Franklin Institute acnoei or Mechanical Arts ..,......, .. inipmai ra ST. am. a M i, hm. Leslsn Siruriuial I),-sin a"'1"' -".i- nine Naval Architecture li"r,iIi"i,!J2Zi'iiriL?'tli t , Phlla S.III.-.1.-SI.I1- llll.l, AIMIII'VIY PrAr.r,."t;en"n?,b0f,1''' W ',? b. .y boarder. n. "l ,th"u L PATTF.nHOV. Ilendma.t.r PKNNNOTO. . j. PFlMlMIWr.TnM cnrt. r iwimnuiuil nv-nuuL for' YOUNG MEN AND BOYS Pennlnsten Scheel prrpirei veiinc- m. for colleRe teohnlenl nr-henN nml h! modern equipment; pymwisiun, ,,r nilnu I'oel -, hlKh moral atindnnlV: InsniV" ntleiial fnctilty. between New Yerk . i , I'hllnilcllilila Wrlte for "The Penn'lnV I ten Idea " I-rnnrls Itnrvnv Urecn l Lltt, D . Heedmaster, Het 90, Pennlnfc. ES TAB LISHED 1838 1 ju,,ie Women nnd lilrls The Gorclen-Roney Scheel gr "iri in. Mmire Mr re I S"!' '5ni' c"u'r' P-enaratnrv Ce..r.. Hoef C.arden etil r- in Mlns ,(l'KY (,! MITMLAI. INSTHI (1 (iv Ztckwer-Hshn Philadelphia Mu.icsl Acidtmy f'"'.Bf " S.Pruca street, R3J ..... ,W.,i.M',en. D'jrnen epic J Bi i B EI.F.CTHIt l. I.N.STAI.I 110N i'l i vntiw Keitu.Ky ave near beich. every modern 1 lieaister .Veui e.. , ''"" imirevemeiit r.utt. 122.10 upwuly. Halt " r ' ew Srd or Catalog On all xsr JOHN J SU HI'IIY. Owner rUIMMRIl HEHOHTrV ATLANTIC! CITY. N. .. LABOR DAY SPECIAL Saturday, Sunday and Monday 50 Reems at $10 50 Reems at $14 50 Reems at $12 50 Reems at $16 Tliee ralea per each person two in n room Sleep where life is safest and enjoy your vacation BRICK, STEEL AND STONE CONSTRUCTION HOTEL PRINCESS ATI.ANTIC CITY'S LAItOEST AM) IIKST MOtlKltATR UATK IIOTF.L weekly. American Plan. Oarane hoekibi Aute read trap end street (tiilde mailed free PAUL C. ROSECRANS, Owner and Proprietor i ESsVBsKSsMGEHS The courtesies and conveniences of two hotels at one rate fS.SO Par Tp. Amerlenn IMan (With Meals). Special Weekly. Our Ruests may live at either heti'e and still enjoy all the comforts cf both. Ttilu unique privilege Is net extended by any ether hotel. ElBEROft EMOQUOIS and fireproof Annex. Tennessee Avenue Seuth Carolina Avenue, lust off thl near beach, ojipesllo Catholic and I'ret- lieard-vslk Convenient te all attre sstnnt ch'irehe I'hene 2701 t1nn r.tevitnr Hinno 1H w RUNNING WATER IN EVERY ROOM P-lvate battis. Cuisine and service unexcelled Fresh vegetables White service 1'enutlfiil solarium Open tirreundlnits Orchestra Dnnc.nc Heflned pafenaxs reMIUNHD CAPACITY 900 Windows screened. Bathlne from hotels. Garage Writi for tmklet nnd auto map. Beth hotels under personal direction of R. B. LUDY, M. D., Owner 1 BEST MODERATE PRICE S?2 veub co.iireuT-orjK sucekhh mm Isllchlffsui At . rem heath. And Iletvrdwilk. Atltntfe City'i meet hnutlfal hotel te, cer.rer.knt te ill churcbrj, pltn ami theatre: modern In crtrj detail, open lurrnuQrfinva.aJi cheerful e'jUiOe new rtsemn, newly farnisiiad anJ deeornted thneut 6,000 tq. ft of perchaa, jrarn(r arrnmmoilatfena. Het and Celd RUHNIKG WATER IN ALL ROOMS Slnfrlcer enmte. privata hatha; electric HghU. elavater lerTlce.luxurletia tun parlor, attractive nelle and dance rwn Free bathing prirtlefe. OUlt TAIU K te a apeWal feature; wonderful home eoeklriir, frih Teetatilxtj Uet the market afTerle, unite erritr Am trie an pian, mmup aauy; European plan. SI (0 up daily Special weekly Fuena A. C. Of Ownarahfp reanaemeat. SPECIAL SEPTEMBER RATES GOOD TO KRMKMHKR IUVERTO CentsrkyA'e nr beseh snii Dnvrdsrslk Itcasennbln Scnsilile Itatea Newly renovated and rcftirnlehed : eleva. ter, etectric lluht. private baths, het & cold RUNNING WATER IN ALL ROOMS Arurr. nlan ( with men!.) M no nn Hnllv spi-Ail weekly Fren llnthlnc frum iietnu rienne A. l. I".) Hoeklet. Unnmship MansKemnt. WiIELI!LsSBSRd hTtuk Ar nrar btuch, ter luft. epfrt Furround Furreund Inct, center of rttrnctlen bnd pler Kiinnlnu water In rocime. private bathe Uthlri(e privileges from hotel bheMer 1'ithe Llevatcir fti etrrct lable uneicdU-d. MS0 up flaiiy, epecial wrtkly Arreririn llan Orchtiv tra, Dnneinj. Garua. fboee 496 J Booklet Oventxiblp U'rectloe. JIALPI1 MICLKY capa crr re e Pacific & Arkatmae Ave. tli jp vvemly, Jl up dally with r.uali. tl Mi up European Plan. Kun nlnu wntr. Private baih, orchestra, dancintr, escrllent table. Hath heurc" fe- surf bithinsr. GTB4to.tieoUUt. Pbenea WM. M. H ASLEn :ALEfiOIH M. cll.Kl.i.- I'l.Vtl AMJ 1IEACII (.ap.ic.tv Suu h.iery appilntiiieiit In cumna and hervlce Uunmn water Private bafis b; u luus few r and luunhlnh' rooms Solarium. Oteutlv reeuret rill riiten Des. rlntlve bK.t MCltiMV.M HOTEI. i OMP.VNT F$2 day up, Ecrep. plan (Reems enlv) - STRATI! HAVEN "SrWr PenutlftMv rem 1 led M"dernly euulpp'd liathlns; prl iltne. Pir Ine lllMil.l; nrt' Owners mer-iC 80 INOIVIOUAL AN3 OISTINCUISHCD A3 Th.eSENAT02 VIRCIN AVtr.Uti & LVOA,RDVeAlrV n c '"in (r nt t lei I'rl w renqini ' or u . n ' e.l 1,. ir st T r h -.verl -,u P j 1 i t n a It i 1'en .. e" epienil er 'tl v - 't , r t J 't EINSTUCKY Kentucky ave, neir Bench Capacity SOD. itnrn.nir writer. Private hatis Orchestrs. Danilni: ti &0 dally, special weekly Phene 'liue - w. . hii. i i;niiAUT Atlnnt t 'vrnsi-i hueii n . i ipicltj .MO A! e il.ide alr rr r h Ii. hoc Irnni late ji -.1 ir 111 Spe. I il uf U I iirnrin inn ne.'iuruu nnneciel Mlt- M Till IIHKK r 4nrrLS9 ravTf HOHr rnMmim. iSEl liiavI2ELll.i3lT3 Oc. n en I New Yark Ate ksientia.ly modem i itvr elr. tr'c llahu I CCKkinij) lloeklet I as II Wued.Jr Mj, sj) rrivn'e rmii runnini? wi Itnnie 1 d cuisine (humc 1 Ownership man tat Cfca CresteB On CVcean fr mt nt M ntpel er ave bulls with irlvate bath rurn ns water n all reumi tlevaier Amin.in I an Pliene "ue v II. M. HI.1.V1..S MILLER COTTAGE , 'tn-.l ,:. ,,r u, J 1 up In li'- ,',., K , ' ' ' '" Ll' '""l.'r 'iihi.ei M p Continental Aiwuvs open. anvivi re'"1Vrirrm" m 'lerai. M.WM IIIJIISCVS ""u"r- Vacation Days 'IP SlemF ti nelti uuewuci , ,..;,.. " Pure I" IW rs wn n. . ! ' " r " ."'' ' Jerm h i arre I. Sf D ....I - rhnn. ll,"i,4iynB.,, ?.. DeiyaVriP SI 32 Wk"s2?, i""J M'S I.'-'LV ?.""'."'"'' ' U'Mll te at eSi S dvcb , v, v;".,- ,":.': '& tKlL5iON DAY BOAT is! ?h..n. a ' 2,n1uT.11''J,"",,,"Wl i,,r intnie, t mid rn,.. Ownership M( FOR BAITIMflRF , -e attend fun. r l )r, 1) A M lslir.il. I .Westminster )!"" Ave nr . , n,r!ncV e" n,L, r? !:.W.:.,!."V.: A "nV' ! "'! hiJ?.m. ' '. ' '"r Private Imtn. time) Ewnr Til.i ti, "L".-;11! if. mi v m, u. 1. ."'''""" i nuren I 'riiTA sV "T.. ' 't ?i,SJ ,Z"',W j" n?.ttmn,." ",je .'vv:!-rt'p.rAM . I LVJUVlll ...... "... r.. """..11. WHO hi i.j.i. i . ...w.. 1T.UUIUI riOS out n I I r '.I .t A Wllev of .in.,... Z. I r. . t -.:- '" -K "',N:ii '""' 'e-i '-. v-ir. ii'iativ., ,,n,i ;,,.;'"''-";: I NeW Clarien "'""'ky Ave Juhi ea CLt!,l- .M Snprill s,,n,U p , invn.l ,.. intend funeral rervlr. Haturd 1 I t2zr. - r",le""vlk s.K.lionlfae. fTTT;-., PeC,al auiul3y tXCUnieB -' P M ft-.m .1 P Prankenneid n"n, 'jem, t J I ESTELLE ''-inc av. itunauvs D .'" '" ".uhl" ,' '-""l""' i-ert,ud "",' ,r'" "'ij'"'" " lm Mt Slerlah. j, ' ' h??v ,", 3 H0 Dl'ar Av. cK Hsarv ihunh IH I and CaHnwhlM .t. 4(1 I TOIHd 7S'-u''n.nBld..,,i:i,t...vim.Aw'II77'l -l'rv relailvSa ami frl-nd. '. V. - r.r. i, ,i ,, , ie .Hi. rid funeral 1 us H 30 A St. ' '" I m in. erfi.c din v M Helemn twntiflrii fi j ' iii-H I" M Int .'utt.edral rvm C ' I1 A nscfrwuinK heiiduv at small , Itlnht fn nl.... J .. . NO PASSPORTS NECESSARY iloetlr is uml full tntnrmatwn reit, THOS. COOK & SON m Seuth Flftjenth Street, Phi Uddphf a Bermuda Offiyei HAMILTON," West Chiirch Si i.tjmmeix nKnnT ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. Seuth Carolina Ave , nar nench. Clee te Steel ller, Steeplechase l'lcr and all Mlractlens. . ... On direct line with Tcnn. n It station rnd vvltViln three blocks of eluht lesillnc Prrtestant nnd Cathell" ehureViea. three theatres and main posteITlte All modern conveniences Capacity R00, Itt'NNINfJ HOT AND COI.I WATER IN ALL OLI'.sT ItOOMS Private baths Elevater te atreet level, nathlnn Irem hotel. Uathheusea anl showers. wlUi entranee directly from boardwalk, free for use of iruta. Trench chef Excellent table. Atten tive and efficient whlt service Orehstra nnd danelnc. Hates J4 up dally, special HOTELS IN ATLANTIC CITYn Laber Day Special Saturday, Sunday and Monday with Meals 25 Reems at S12 25 Reems at Sit 25 Reems at 1G WIS Pjelflc anl Ilunets nve lefn tn bea li Modern, nevv'y reneva-ed nar ''lurches sinuens ana mumenli Kunniiicwat 'In room-. liathin fr m hmui c.r,.n ta '.n tl,wrLi a"fi ' 'ni ah r;r f-rrnr v prnn T'reFff Tin T Special September Rates NONTKELli) r...u.luc r icij au4im m M, flnaat and meat pepuiaj-ta, '. ercbeaira, CLr.ritkt. elevaur. I t rlvnte tttrva III RUNNING WATER IN ROOMS Wrtu i for becklit and Jiite mil BATHING FROM HOTEL rwfnrhlp met Ttf-A TTnltlnt:- Spccial September Rates HEALV,S n' lh L IvPn urk e nun- i int r ti r n-vrr $1 -,i n JUliCJ1 ' T'h irri rn Hi. 1 PITNEY iS,vr, er.k Ae- nr- '"ach. Ht- .. furnished and redecorated Kt. cellent accommodation, with borne eoekinj IA dnlly SperlHI Wfekly J IIIC1.AH. CALVERT ;irim Ave near Ueaek. " J;en i venr Xle.l-r' rate nneiinii pp.iti iiAitn TOl'RS te tlOSe?N Cape Ced and New England Points wauj service All Year Hound Concerts Afternoons and Evenings Lv. P.er 14, N.R., Fulton St , 5 30 P M. NEW nEDFOItn LINE-TO New JJedferd and the Islands of Marthas ineard and Nantucket. Steamers leave weekdays en'v from Pier 40, lv. R., feet of II iut,ten .S , 6 f0 I M. NEW LONDON I.INE-Lv. Weekdays cnly.Pier-IO.N R .H u-enSt ,5.30 P M. All Schedules Daylisht Savlnn Time lieduced rates en outemobllcswnea ac companied by pts.enRer. Tickets and infermTticrTat ell piers j. uiiu v.u5uuuaicQ i icc.ei unices. Up the Hudsen te West Point Slopping at Bear Mountain Personally Conducted Exclusive Tour, u.-inp our own train and l"-at, resening seats lmth uay.. Trails leave Tre ' St Station! 7:30 A.M., Sunday, S'ept. 10th Limit, G50 Tickets; Price, $! Rp-.ci-vntieiia ft n te iom iem pa'iy' etllce wi'l br ,e'ivt"-ed bv tvni', meisi pfjer or CO.) Sharp Vaca Tours Ce. , . ,;.,- y"w...,ivv snu op riTn 1 ..'" "". Guides. . Glitk OritinjltJ Hound Ihe World Crm... C rr,' l.,h ( "'' l'bnirv 3 192J .n.IP,Ti MEDITERRANEAN IPRl0' S(-TI AM) 2rtX) Grets T', r ."DAYSCRUISJ'.S6n0id,p Ilurtlnt Tour. e.. tM He. ltth SkT bi NIGHT SlfcAMtKS FOR UALUMUKt in BERMUDA ' cejf &3S3aial 5 -.. I 3304 Kensington Ave. ?.!rf I'- 'Vr'.V 'rr'd, ""' " ' ' , Tti ' P SI . Ini rri'nte 1 Y1.!' -On'v nc 21 tei. KTHEniVM Gl.rk'i SrdtJriiine.JsaeirsZl iem ,v VOY,' ,: '.""" ""ehn v ide v of f)r Raliii ROUND THE WfiHin ,( u"?'. n" ,".,;B "n'1 ' in u nviiVl t'2 ATLANTIC) MTV. N. J. 1 ';,.. aj ewp 3fniK,' JHMsff!i51 J ewjflkBifcZi5Br ir ' Special September Rates ELBERON St Kirtproef Annex, -lennejse ave., nr. ben, i 'an . 400, Central, open suireundlnKst epp. Catholic A Protestant Churches. Prlv, (tains, RUNNING WATER IN ALL RdOMS Excellent table, fresh vegetables. Wndewi screened. White service. Hoeklet. (laran. H n t I'DT M I. ' Hetel Esplanade iLulltlijlktfJUej: Whole Bleck en Ocean Frest SPECIAL Laber Dav nnd September rtates Aute bus meets trains Hoeklet Capscltv BOO r)Tprsilp direction W F SHAW l LABOR DAY SPECIAL $JQ SATURDAY .TO $1 A MONDAY OSBORNE Cor Pacific and Arkansas vs. Trlv. re frlRerntinK plant electric kitchen open for !nar- ti.m runnlnc water, all outside rooms; scrupulously clean. Kiev . prlv baths, bath- iiii irem neiei. ujtlilieuse and showers fres. ;r'iisira. uancins. vvnite a"rvlc, Karat. Tle.tkit. RT t HOCKKN'nUltY, GERSTFi S BLACKST i. .... . . . r. r .. . T ' Yiymis Anue snl uch. Atlsntle City Entirely IUfumlihd and Hsnersted American and European Pltn "GKKSTKI.'S FAMOUS CIIISINK" Sp'clillze en IlunisrI'n Dishes aad Sea reed PUttera Commedloys Grin. . JVt" Cr Fnttrtslnraeat. Het and Cle Runnlna S.s Wstr In stl baths. Ale Oerstlng Uerstal's !.lnd Hetel. i TABOR INN c'an ph'i Connecticut At. " --... , inenlen lm. irv rr.r.n,. e ... i. "TP1 loi-.inen. lame, airy QLinUr-Trv0 1tiSSr. Of 'KAN t IT n" J "STOP AT THE BEST American I'lae ALGC!r HATES Hoeklet en Kequesl 1NCO OCEAN CITYNU e..'J. Unfs1 Sixth Et. near Beard- Seaside Metel walk E,rythinB new and modern Ilunnins water In all rooms. Ste farm v rales Am plan loin nlclitnnn W 11 DVVOOU, . J. D0RSEY Amerlran plan 14 dally. J'.'O we kh- Capacity L'00. J K WHITH.sni.L ItlVkCH llVK. THE ENGLESIDE" . . Deach Havan, New Jersey. 1 modern appointment Private baths. i nnd fre.h water P've tennis courts. it.'i.i ii. S r.t rate. K F. Enle. Manager. IlKVtll IIAM-.N. .N. J. pflr rfrnilirn A. kit write Pernuah CIrk NORTH UATHK ClAP. PA. FALLS VIEW COTTAGE -NlAAR "' a Lnher Dav and Ka'l Hates. Fit N KLIN CQLX1. PA. u Alp of Anenca' &gm R5vQ5jr7i wueuuvm UUIC RIOCC MOUNTAINS ece vista smut, fiiiiuii ceinn, r. A strictly niedtm bete! with ee llent ubl aad rrlre lOOprivslebsthi.espseityMO. Altitude W III Keiu.iln Open until Nerembsr .lOll.N .1. t.llilte.S'H. .liHiiacer. TORRKmAT.K TA. THE MORELTON INN APPI.LNliID place for the week. end night en Delaware River; enlv f rtv mlnu'es from City Hall. C-irl eut'l-'e room. American plan. with ex'eMent cul.ine rioeklet. ' TOHRKSlI.K. PA. M T Tliren. Prert. Terre.dale 7033 BCftth.fi AI t !-v F.rhth Menth I4th WILLIAM F h. .1-n.l of the .,( siirv Lane Allen. t 1 'Pi rf Sin jel nnd the late Sarah D, VI en i8el 70 Helatlves and friends in l'e n funeial en Pecend-Dy. Elchtb VI .nih a.tb 11 rleck from his late resU den e ni'i 3l st Int at Friends' Smihwe.tern BurvlnK Grounds LTLMIS -At Ment, lair N. J., en Vuf :i in.'! W'Al.VK Hl-nilCS. son e? .he late I dw rd J and Medira I.. Altemus. It. I.tlve. anl friends are Invited te th '",ll' ,Sat 2 IP M at the Oliver H Ph r IlidK USD Chesinut St. Phlla. IntI v . d'-.nd I em PMtlll.R At An-intlr Cltj N J . Aur. .". i.Ui illilh. VV husband of .Marcle U. nirin ..m in tuhs 1 P si. at thai "i.r II Hair Hi.u 1.0 i-hestnut s .. I lit i 1. i pri He ?,"',. A,"e, -,;i 'nIVAI. K husbana ef I.U II II" 1 1 ine Hi, is.) .laed 70 years. 1 in.nl er I os Monday 11 A M at Qua. ' Innller lajl S. uns, 1,21 ' 13th ... Int. ir Uv iiun I'l Mil.lt "n Any ;i AI.HERT hue. Imd ' Kiibeth llend-r Hlliv.. ...4 In'y I'ri Ami 2 MMtV nilADWJT wif ..f iuh Itrlck Urad- lit mil f i l 7 ,10 M '"! iiirn i. iriviTeii in fn. fn in if rnMl Ui.n mia a 1 1 1 n -i Mllin I ll ll llixaa -r. i . . r-aV .,!,., P A M in. If.;. T,"n '"""' Dl- AMI l.'iN At Shunn Conn en Prl ".n."". - ,(,i'',',,,: X CXMISIION. of V'.h .".,.""' h.'"J '""' "'-rmantewn. i-VHHKI .. i -.'I i VMI.I - .jjr 2n 1022 RUll'ltr. T lu,.l ml of Mary II Han .11 Knn.r.i '..- i - ai ll.-'h.iiiv sr K I hiireh of Csmditi. N J rue, ' p si n, ,.,,, Arllnalen ' .in I i l.n Is may .all 0n T te ll P m" t 4J1 and ih.attmt hv. Slerch-ni.iii:' SIerchantvl( N J liANi rr I'einlvtll. N j An liUJ HljIK F wlf, f rank UanllJ ag.d Ml l-un.rui s.rvk. Slet, 1 1 a" , iMn.lar.l lima) ut SI K Church Pointy,"; Jilr-KKY Auk 2'. HWIU'Kr. B l....h.n 'M.ryl pirkey Puneral .irvlces will h2 Er '.1 1 N I lie K ler .., I u.. a "" Pa Monday Aua ' .. "? """""Wert, tuferil Pa t I II Jm iDrJlHJ liWfmJW JNe t - " -u int. m li'.. ....IK niu. dene. 1S3.1 Wolf ,1 'iSFtfn? 3 ?i M J3 M J iffl 1 k v. IV Wail.. ,. ' , .. . .. . . ' 4 & . a. .V. -t .,' " "T ' "' " ' i ss. -ifrT. i iVMieV.'i?' c." nundsy V MMSSalMii T il il 'i IF ' l - ' ''" r . .t a . " J. . , .7. ' . tTn . , tK j .. , , . . I I 'aanBaU laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalaaaaaaaaaaaaalSSaaaaaaaaaaaaa ''" s1l. rl l sn ' "" "xwvsaw m iM?l