mr'f AWWM'''MiW' 'V EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, AUGUST 26s 1922 g-yy wsm i , . i. i i ?L.1 - F r CLOSNG MARKET ft VERY IRREGULAR Persistent Advance In the Face of Unsettling Developments Tends te Promote Caution New Yerk, Atift. 20. BullMi dem onstration in special stocks, which sent nearly n dozen Issued te new liljfh lev J for the yenr. fentured tedny s rela tively quiet stock market. I.iKKCtt ft Myers wns pushed lip S1. points te a new high, while American Tobacco, Consolidated Gas. National Lead, North American. Eastman Kodak, Con tinental Can anil Mma Locomotive es tablished peak prices at gains of 1 te BV4 points. Hall shares were under heavy pressure in the early dealings, declines of 1 te 2 points taking place In St. Taul common and preferred, New Yerk, Chicago and St. Leuis, Colerado and Southern, Illinois Cen tral, Chicago and Northwestern, Jersey Central, Lehigh Valley and Atlant c Coast Lln. Subsequently the list made a Reed recover in response te an ac tive inquiry for Meuenn Petroleum. United States Steel. Studebaker. Bald, win and special stocks, which were sub jected te peel operations Railroad mortgages, especially the speculative issues were inclined te heaviness. Declines of l te "i took place In Baltimore and Ohie , Sea beard Air Line refunding 0. Western Maryland 4.s Chesapeake and Ohie convertible ."s. Norfolk and A estcrn convertible (is and Eric convertible 4s, Ecrics A. Beck Island, Ark and Louis ville 4M.S moved up -V Public 1'till ties were in geed demand. American Telephone convertible lia moved up point and moderate gains were made by Beuthcrn Bell Telephone 5s and Ameri can Telephone 0s. Little activity wes noted In the industrial list. Liberty issues held steady. The thought uppermost in the mind of these having market commitments or contemplating making some at the close of the wee kls hew much longer the barometer of security values can con tinue te climb in face of se many un settling developments in both the do mestic and foreign situation. Of course, it is net an altogether new spectacle of witnessing a niins tide of market value with multiplying bad news and developments. There is, of course, a limitation te the stretching point and for that reason an eUmcnt of caution lias crept into the curient situation. Ever since April tee hope of a favorable solution of tircs'ins problem has been the propelling force, which has stead ily swept tne average price f the rep resentative industrial and railroad shares into new high levels. In quite a number nf inMuncfs prices reached were the highest touched In several years. While the market performance has furnished a pleasing spectacle and dem onstrated bejend all dispute the com plete control of the force-, behind the constructive movement, there has been a singular absence of unison which usually characterizes all the great mar ket swings. On the centrarj, the move ment hius been conspicuously special ized in the constant -.election of a new set of leaders. This has represented an automatic shifting and rehifting of concerted speculative energy among the different groups, in which, in most cases, peel manipulation was the dominant Influence. As a result there, is considerable di versity of opinion among recognized au thorities whether the persistent bidding .nr markins up of stock price lepre sents the discounting or anticipation of widepread prosperity in general busi ness and industry in the fail and win ter or whether it represents an un stable and artificial superstructure built up in defiance tu the contest furred upon capital by the oeumrv'-. labonln labenln terests. If the nrst-nenud theory Is correct the market obviously has start ed en tne much -discussed secondary stage of the bull market of 11122 ahead of schedule, which may upet at le.i-t part of a earefullv prepared set pie grain. On th ether hand, if tup bull movement lm e tin' interruption of the major movement Inst April has n quick sand foundation of artificiality, there is n likelihood of .in attempt of wholesale unloading when the geed ne of a full settlement of the labor trouble becomes public prepertj . Other eb-crvers regard the current market campaign as nn unmistakable forerunner of a l erted of M-inmlnry In flation influenced tv the nbnnrmel eny money market .onditiens and the nat ural adjustment nf the pest -war pe pe ried. Either of the arguments is open te question, but n. the tree lias net been planted that ha ever quite reached the sky the natural low of i-e!f. preser vation would, under the circumstances, at least seemingly invite hetli discre. tien and discrimination. Ne one ever lias gene broke in th market in taking profit and that golden rule 0f the speculative game from angls would appear te be a pretty safe one te fol fel low at the moment. Commodity Markets GRAIN MARKET Chicago. Aug 2'! The wheat mar ket opened steady at um-hanged te 't cent advance -mil arl in the day was quiet with narrow tmrc. changes. An advance of -VI te ",d In the Liv erpool market and a nli in foreign exchange stimulated a little week-end covering. I".' with Winnipeg when selling at ,i ui-'"int under Chicago and net sufficient eiert demand te absorb the .hedging pressure, the trade leuld fen "little n thr situation ,,, en,-eurage aggressive operations en the btiving side. Cern started ' ; rent te -I, rent hizher with wheat, but seen developed a re actlnnarv tendency, owing te ,( mere favorable view of the new crop pros pects nn a. letint of the change in weether conditien1. Prevision. were lower en weak cables but rallied en covering. 'T'n H.irh NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Only AfUrnoen Ripert in Philadelphia Quoting Full Litt Today's sales, 301,000 shares. Yesterday's sale, 1, 002.800 shores. Total for this weelt, 4,420,300 shares. etM 300 300 200 1200 8D3 200 100 tee 2700 310 tee tee 250 tee tee 1300 tee 100 203 000 930 1100 1550 5803 23200 2400 2700 1530 100 3430 300 930 100 200 500 300 100 400 4400 3200 200 600 100 300 303 230 700 100 300 500 430 230 430 tee 100 100 t700 100 1500 230 300 600 830 700 2530 530 500 100 1030 6330 5400 1800 2100 100 100 100 5100 tee 430 13 53 330 2230 100 233 233 17830 530 1630 230 2530 500 3430 103 853 103 530 1033 103 333 333 200 550 500 230 4330 10..0 23J 230 933 2330 533 2130 633 100 100 233 530 4500 300 100 900J 430 100 tee 233 1833 9)3 tee 10e 100 203 100 10n 303 830 330 230 100 200 2430 500 3733 103 1030 1 j) 1733 753 233 1103 1033 933 200 200 1100 3-K3 100 100 DIv. In BTOCrt Hlrt 3 Advance Humely pf. 50 AJftit nubber 12 Alaska Geld Mines. H Allied Chem & Dya 82 Allls.chalmer 5014 Am Beet Sugar.... 47H Am rtesch Magneto 40 Am B Sh Kdy new 72 Am Can 61 Am Cotten Olt 27 yi Am Cotten OH pf . . . 52 14 Am Dru Syn 64 Am lee ill Am Intemat Cerp.. 2tV 1 Am Ln France Eng-. 1314 8 Am Locemotlve....1l9 7 Am Loce pf 119V, 3 Am Metals 44 14 .. Am Ship ft Cem.... 16 Am Smelt 64 14 Am Steel Foundries 42 .. Am Sugar Her 83 .. Am Sumatra Teb rts H 0 Am Tel & Tel 123 Am Tel A Tel rts.. 3 13 Am Tobacco 155 12 Am Tobacco B 154 '4 7 Am Woolen 93 H .. Am Zinc Ld ft Smelt 18 .. Anaconda Copper... 55 H Ann Arber pf 4gi2 6 Ateh Tep ft San Fe103M .. Atlan Blr ft Atlantie 3 U 7 Atlnntle Coast Llnel17 .. Atlantic Fruit ctrv. ?! .. Atl Gulf ft W I 3 S 30 U .. Atlas Tack Cerp.... 17 W .. Austin Nichols 30 7 Baldwin Locemotlve126 .. Baltimore ft Ohie... 584 .. Barnsdall Class A.. 32 5 Bath Steel B 7814 5 Beth Steel $ pf...113?i 8 Brooklyn Edisen. . .117 .. Bklyn Kapid Transit TDH .. Bk.yn R T ctfs of db 21 8 Bklyn Union Gas... 1194 . Brit Em Steel 2d pf 34 10 Burns Bres 13514 .. Butte Cep ft Zinc. 7 .. Butte ft Sup Cep... 20 54 .. Butterlck Ce 22 !i 6 California Packing. 81 V2 .. California Petrel... 61 U .. Cal Zinc ft Lead.... B S 2 Calumet ft Arizona. 62 10 Canadian Pacific. ..15!i .. Case J I Plew 6 '4 .. Central Leather.... 41 .. Cen Leather pf.... 78 . . Central of N J 1 94 .. Cerre-de-Pasco .... 40 8 Chandler Meters... 60 4 Cheaapeake ft Ohie. 76 .. Chicago ft Alten... 9 '4 .. Chicago ft Alten pf. 16 .. Chicago ft E 111 4H; .. Chi ft E 111 (new) of C2'j .. Chi ft Gr West pf . . 21 '4 .. Chi Mil ft St P 34 's .. Chi Mil ft St P pf.. 3 B Chi ft Northwestern 88 H .. Chi R I ft Pac... 44 Chi R I ft Pac fi pf 66 7 Chi R I & Pac 7 pi 97 5 Chi St P M ft O 79'j .. Chile Copper J3h .. Chine Copper 31 .. Cluett-Peabody .... 63 H Coca-Cela 724 3 Cel ft Southern.... 48 .. Celum Gas ft Elec..1C2 4 .. Celum Graphophens 4 6 Cemput Tab Rec... 68 !4 .. Consel Cigar 38 8 Consolidated Gas... 140 .. Consel Textile 10 .. Continental Can.... 83 Vi 4 Cem Product Ref!17?4 24 Cosden & Ce 47 S . Crex Carpets 25 .. Cruclbie Steel 65 7 Crucible Steel pf.... 95 U .. Cuban Am Sugar.. J5! 7 Cuban Am Sugar pf 94 .. Cuba Cane. Sugar... 14 .. Cavuen Chemical.. 52 Vj . . Debcers C Mln ita 21 'i 9 Delaware ft Hudsea129 6 Del Lack ft West... 132 8 Detroit Edisen 111 2 Deme Mines 3? '4 g Pu Pent (E I) Ce.. 133 6 Du Pent 6""e deb pi 85 6 Eastman Kodak new E6 ' Z Elec Storage Bat... 47 .. Elk Hern Ceal 21 H 6 Endicott-Jehnsen .. f5'fe .. Erie 17 .. Erie 1st Pf 6' .. Erie !d pf 19 8 Fameua Players L . 2 14 8 Famous Flayers pf 1 02 5 Fed Mm ft Smelt pf ?3 in Fisher Bedy 112H .. Flsk Rubber 12'j .. Free-pert Texas.... 231 . General Asphalt.... 67 r 5 O'neral Asphalt pf 101 7 Clen C.gar deb pf..102 General Meters. 14 6 Gen Meters deb 8 81 J4 7 Gen Meters deb 7 7e 53 4 . . Goedrich B F 35 '-a . . Granby Mining ;2'4 . . Gray ft Davis 14' 7 Great Northern pf . . 3 4 Gr North Ore ctfs . 41 A , . Greene Can Copper 32 . . Giuntaname Sugar. 17 V4 . . Gu.f States Stel .. , . Hablrshaw Electric. 7 Hartman Cerp , . Housten Oil 2 HudBen Moter Car. . . Hydraulic Steel 7 Illinois central. 13? 2 E5 79 21 'i 9 110 111 Cent pf "A" 112J4 , , Ir.dlnhema Ref 3 , . Inspiration Cen uep 41 ,. Inter Cen Cep 1 H , . Inter Rapid 31 2 Inter Cem Eng .... 18 , . lnt Great North wi. J3 C lnt Harvester new. 110 , . lnt Mer Marine 14 6 lnt Mer Marine pf. ES . . Inter Nickel 17 . . Internat.enal Paper 17 . . Inv.r.etble OH Cerp. 14 ' . . Iren Products 23 , . island Oil . . Jewel Tea pf 65 '4 , . Jenes Bres Tea.... 45 . . Kansas & Gulf 5 . . Kasr ft Ce nw. . . 44 Vj . . Kelly-Spr1rKf.?M . 43 , 8 Kelly-Spg T 8 pf.100i Lew 5714 11 81 V 58 474 40 72 cev4 27 52 '4 6'4 111 3414 13' 11BV4 119 444 16 63 H 41 '4 82 122 214 151 '4 150 93 J4 18 54 49 102 314 116 2!H 30 17'4 30 '4 124 57 31 r4 78 113 115' 25 21 118'4 54 1-, 134 6 3014 21 ' 814 C1 U e 62 145 614 41 !4 77 H 193 40 60 4 76 9 '4 15 40 62'j JO 4 2414 51 68 444 E6 97 79 4 C2 31 63 72 48 101 4 4 68 4 38 130 4 10 81 117 4 25 1; !3'i 55 U ;sv4 E4 13T4 51 4 21 '4 129 131 111 37 Vt 133 84 W 6311 47 14 ai 54 17 '4 76 19 91 1 00 ! 53 1 1 2 14 12's, 22 C6 100 4 102 13 8M4 93 i. 55 ' 324 14 !2 41 14 32 1214 12 h 2 (5 79 21 9 109 112 4 2 41 I.J 31 27', .'3 100 3. 14 V, 55 17 16 U 32 65 4514 4 4.1 - 43 100 4 TeiWyi Nt DlT. CIem Chi. P1. m 1 57 4- H4 3100 ., 1 1 - 14 500 . . - '4 100 7 T2 114 830 J8 4 14 200 7 47 3i 100 . 40 - 1 1200 U 72 - ' 100 y 6014 ., 6500 ? 27 H 600 52'4- 1 1000 " 64 100 '- 111 , 100 ' 34 Vi ' tee i 13Vs 3000 119 803 ; 119- 1 100 44 4 . 203 ,; 16 ' 10C0 12 (i - M I 7030 g 42 I 430 C2- V 203 S 14- Jj 700i. SO 123 14 500 .. 1i5 3 , 2030 .. 154 4'4 I 500 , 53 4 - '4 , 1200 ,.' 18 1300 .. 514 - I '033 .. 49 - 1 I 1100 .. 1C314 '4 3633 , 314 V '03 3 117 - 5 , 100 214 ' 1200 0 30 330 . 174-4 1 10) e 3014 2103 j 126 - '4 300 5 53 - 4 603 .. 31 '4 - '4 103 2 78 - 14 tee 7 113- 14' 9333 6 117 1 1 203 8 25 - 14 ! 2100 . 21 - 4 1 4030 6 119 1 H 100 ,. 34 tn - 100 .. 13514 1 1030 .. 7 4200 . 30 -i- 100 .. 214 S 100 .. 814- 4 I 333 2 61 '4- 14 I 230 .. T '4 '733 6 62 t, 4333 8 14514 63a 6 64 . 200 .. 193 - 2 I 4'03 .. 40 I ,35 6 CO 4- '4' 10J3 76 1035 3 P4 4 853 2 15- 200 .. 4114 -r 200 .. fc2 4 - "4 ' 200 2 21- 4 350 .. 34 4 - 200 1 12 ' 1300 5 88- , 1053 .. 44 . , 833 6 f6 - "4 2103 g 97 1U ' 4 53 .. 7941 1830 2 "'3 4 4 103 S 31 ' 233 ,. 63 f 1 . 1435 4 72 4- '4 453 .. 48 - 1 14 203 .. K2t4 - 14 105 .. 4-4 333 .. 68 4- 100 .. 38- 4 3530 1 1387 1 100 7 10 . 1030 4.13 83 4 24 203 .. 117 '4 4 350 .. 47- 4 653 .. 25'4- I 14 I'00 13 '4- 1 200 . 95 4 - 14 103 1 :514- 4, 233 .. 54 -f 4 630 . . 13 TB .. 950 .. 2 4 4 103 .. 4114 .. I 100 .. 129 - 4 233j 2 132 10 50 .. 111- 14 100 .. ?74 32JJ 6 138 - 1653 .. e4U- , 553 .. 16 - 4 230 .. 4714 - 4 ' 100 8 21 4 -r 1930 4 5 4 - 4 230 6 17- t 2.0 7 26 4- 4 100 3 1 9 - 4 2 10 3 92 ' 450 .. 102 14 glJO 10 53 433 .. M2'4 - J4 2J3 .. " : 105 .. 3 I 5533 3 67 j 333 .. 101 I n7 1 102 , 25)5 0 14 , 100 7 6"4 4 3'00 93 4 - 4 203 . . 35 T 14 105 .. 324 - 4 12D0 14- 14 333 C 3 - , 105 .. 414- 230 .. 32 - 4 I 65J 10 1214 303 .. 63 4 630 .. 2 .. ! 350 .. 65 - 4 ' 4100 .. 79 - ' 120-3 .. 21 4 4- 14 100 6 9- 4 430 .. 09 - 1 ' 2030 .. 1 1 2 4 - 4 I 230 . . 3 -4- 4 I 1100 .. 41 - 4 1 100 k 14 1055J t, 31 1 2233 2 :7 f 4 430 .. T3 - 14 2333 .. 110 - 4 233 .. 14- 633 .. E8 - 1 1033 .. 17- 4 130 7 17 -1- 4 3933 .. M 253 .. 33 J4 t- l, 100 6 '. .. 83'J 7 05 - 1 4 R30 4 45 I'J .. 5 4- 4 205 .. 44-4 150 .. 43 -t- 14 300 .. 100 4 50 J RTCVTT ntch Kenneeett Pnnif. . 3714 Keystone t n. . . . flt4 Krejffe S 8 166 Lackawnnna Steel.. 80 4 Laclede Gas- of St L 93 4 Lnkcv Krln JF. Vt. H 10 Lehlch Vnllev 68 Wtfsett ft Myera....200 Lima LocemotlTe... 62 flew's Ine 18H Loese- Wiles 54J4 Looses Wiles 1st pf..103 Mnck Truck 55 i vinekay Ce pf 6714 iniilnsen Ce vyt Marlncrf net AT. Math Aiknti "".... 4(1 Stclntyre new 1 9 '4 Mexican Petroleum. 183 "ex scnbennl 'u MeT Renhrmrrl nil lfiW Miami Copper 30 4 Middle Slates Cerp. 13H juiuvaie Steel S5V4 Jt St P ft S st M.. 7014 Me Kan ft Tex (wi 1914 me Kan ft T (wl) pf 46 Missouri Pneine J3W Me Pae pf 60 MontRemery Ward. 24 Moen Meters 13 . Mnthc.1- T nA Vflnlne 11 Mentana Power.... 73 Nnt En ft Stamp... 594 National Lend 1084 Nev Cen Copper.... 1714 iN' O Tex ft Mcx 71 N Y Central 9014 N Y C ft St L e6 New Yerk N H ft H 32 New Vnrtr Cnt W 7 14 Norfolk ft Western. 117 4 North American.... 89 North Amer pf 46 North American rts. 22 erth Pacific 88 Neva Scntl.i SAC. S64 Nunally Ce 11 Ok'.n Pred A Ilcf... 2?4 Orpheum Circuit.... 22 utis steel 11 Otis Steel nf 54 4 Owens Bet Mach... 25 4 Pacific Devel Cerp.. 4 4 Pac Gaa ft Elcc 79 4 Pacific Oil 57 Pnn Amer Petrel... 79 4 Tanhandle 7 Pnrrlsh ft Blnshnm 15 Pennsylvania R H. . 46 Penn Seaboard Steel 8 Peonies Gas Chlrjina 2 Pere Marquette 39 Phlladelnhla Ce 441,1 rhllllps Pet 48 Plerce-Arrew Moter. 12 Pierce Oil pf 43 Plcelv WIbcIv Store 42 14 Pitts ft W Va 39 Pend Creek Ceal... 22 Petum Cereal 88 4 TDprtrt Mnnefl A. Tn AA 1 Pub Ser rer of NJ 96 l'jiiman t,e lb's Punta Aleere Sugar 49J-4 Vllrn en ?i nallway Steel Spc..1124 Ray Cen Copper.... 16 4 Reading 78 4 Remlncten Tvdew.. 37 '-i Keplojrle Steel ... C3 Itepuh Iren ft Steel. 73 4 Rep Iren ft Steel pf 94 Reynolds Sprincs.. 29 Revneld? Teh B. . . 5314 RonehN Teb pf....116 Royal Dutch N Y.. 54 4 St Leuis San Fran., cl St Leuis S Fran pf. 4 St Leuis Southwest. T4!4 St L Southwest pf . . 10 4 Savnse Arms 10 St Jeseph Lead 15 4 Seaboard Air Line.. 7 Seab Air Line pf... 124 Sears-Roebuck 89 Tb Seneca t-eppar 1 1 Shrutuck Ariz Cerp. 0 Sinclair Consel 22 4 Skelly Oil Ce 10 4 Ple-cs. Sheffield pf... 79 Southern Pacific... 94 Southern Rail 27 Southern Rail pf.... 62 Sp'eer MfC 20 Standard Mill 124 Standard Oil of Cat. 109 Standard Oil of N J1E3 Stand OH of N J pf. 11614 Sterling Products... 53 5tw.irt Warner Sed 46 "a Stremberc Carb 15 St.idebaker 129V, Sub Bciat Cerp C CiinAt-lrir Oil fiti Ttnn Cep & Chem.. 10 Texas Ce 4P Texas ft Pacific... ;2 Texas ft Pac C ft O 75 .i Tobacco Products... c6 Tobarce Pred pf . . 105 4 Tobacco Pred A.... f 5 14 Tel St L ft W 62 Tel St L ft W pf... 54 Transcontinental Oil 1414 Union utk a i-aper. u Vnlen Oil 19 Union oil rs 4 Unlnn Pac.Ic 1E0 4 United Drup 0 I'nited 11" v Invesi. . 154 Unit Rwv Invest of 22 United Retail Stores 75 ir iieiPi ir,i v r. 1; U S C I P ft Fdy pf 75 4 U s reed I'reaucta u V S Ind Alcohol.... 6 TT S Rraltv ft Imn.. 73 '4 U S Rubber 57 4 U S Rubber 1st pf..104 U S Steel 105 Utah Cenner 0?i Utah Secur.tlrs .... 10 4 Vanadium Cerp 2 4 Vivadou lnc 11 Wabaih 13 K Wabash pf A 34 4 Western Elec pf...108 Western Maryland.. 14 4 Wetem r-idflc .04 WeHt-rn P.icltlc pf. C2 Western Un.un Tel . 1 1 7 Wrstlnu i: i: M. . . C3 W Il'Icwt.1 ffne-nr- Stl 1 r, I : Willys uvirjand.. .. 6 Wilsen te Ce 43 Wlscens'n Central.. 314 Werth Pump ft M.. 43 Lew 36M 0 166 7914 S214 72 67 4 200 61 18 50 103 55 67 4 38 414 48 19 181 T4 19 1614 30 134 35 7014 1914 46 23 4 59 H V3 1314 11! 73 59 4 1C6 17 4 71 67 4 85 4 31 27 4 117 4 E6 4 46 20 4 7 4 26 4 11 2 2114 11 54 4 25 4 4 784 56 4 7914 7 15 4614 7 '014 3BH 4 48 12 43 42 39 21 4 88 43 6 124 49 52 4 1124 16 4 78 4 37 4 22 4 73 4 94 29 52 4 116 4 30 r4 234 50 10 154 7 4 12 4 69 11 8 32 10 79 i3 26 62 4 20 124 1084 183 H6J4 53 46 4 T4 4 127 6 64 I0h 48 32 25 Vj 5 1054 14 62 54 14 4 C9 4 1f 4 '49 4 te 15'4 32 74 4 35 754 74 65 4 7' 14 t6'4 104 103 84 10 01 11 '2 ice 14 204 62 1'54 ' 14 154 6 4 43 31 42 Tea- rt Clese Chr. 37 4 14 8 .. 166 1 GO 14 ! E34 14 72 - 1 68 W 200 5 61- 14 18 H 5414 6 03 ..ra 55- 14 67 4 Vi 39-14 42 14 48 ID 18114- H 1914- 74 1614- 14 30 14 - 14 13 4 35 14 - 14 7014- 14 19 4- ' 46 14 23H- Vt 60 - Vi 23 V4 13 H I 1114 73 - 1 69 4 14 10814 ? 17V4 71 9814 V 86 32 27 4 - 117 4- 14 88 2H 46 222 88 li 3614 14 11 - 214 22 '4 114 11- 544 35 4 - 14 4 4 14 79 4 - 57 79- 7 4 15 1 46 4- 7 4 ' 92 4 38 4 .. 4414 f "4 48 14 12 43 - 4 42 - 4 39- K 21 4 14 884 44 96 125 4914 52 112 4 16 4 78 4 37 4 53 73 4 94 29 53 116 44 31 54 54 0 4 10 -15 4-74-124 89-11- 8 -79 Hi 26 -62 20 -i-124 108 4 -183 -1164 53 46 -5 12914 6 -64 10 - 48 32 25 4 - cnyA 62 4 144 70 19 - - 14 - - 14 - - 4 14 - 1'4 U. G. I. REACHED THE YEACT PRICE Many Interesting Dividend Ac tions Are Anticipated in Next Six Months 14 14 '4 14 ' 4 4 1 14 114 114 ' 4 4 - '4 ''4 24 t 14 - 7 1494- 4 0 1 5 4 - 32- 75-4 36 4 754 .. 74 . 6 4 114 7314- 4 57 4 4. 7t 104 4- 14 lt-5 1 68 4 t 4 18 2 - 14 11 4 '3 4 54 4 103 14 4 .. 20J4 62 - 4 1164 r L3- n 154- 4 64 . 43 4 31 Vz 43 .. The fairly nctlve demand for TT. 0. I., carrying that specialty te 5i n new IiIrIi record of the yenr. sup plied about the only feature of Interest te the limited trading In the local market. During the first part of the session the general list showed a dis position te sag, which vvaa the result entirely of the narrowness of the mar ket and moderate taking of profits. Pennuvlrnnln Itnllrnnct iniirlp, an early dip te -KIVs. which, while representing only a fractional overnight less, was n decline of 1 from the top price of the week. The Philadelphia fclec trie and Issues and I'. It. T. were dull and steadv, while Union Traction made a small fractional gain, ndvancing ia 41- . , .. Unless surface signs are misleading. there is n probability of a number of interesting dividend changes being made bv Philadelphia corporations within the next six month". Prospects pf n big fall and winter business boom, which Is generally anticipated te fellow the set tlement of existing labor disputes, tend te strengthen the hope of their fulfill ment. The rough reads, which nil cliisse of corporate enterprise were compelled te travel in the pest-war period, have long been left in the rear. Paring the last eight mentl's. there lias been n steady and encouraging up building, both In financial nnd physi cal conditions, which is rapidly bring ing the earning power te a normal posi tion With elTielnl nssurance, they would de se nt the earliest possible moment, the I'ennsylvnnia llnilread manage ment Is expected te restore the long leng estubllshed 0 per cent dividend rate en thnt stock befete the snow covers the ground, new since the soft coal mining troubles are a matter of his tory. While official confirmation is lacking, many reasons nnd signs nrc present, indicating n larger distribu tion later thi. year or early next yenr for the U. (5. I. shareholders. The little stock-ticker says, and It seldom makes u mistake, the Electric Kteraije Mattery directors will raise the divi dend en that stock te SI n share. It does net .sound as big ns Sit! en the old stock, but it means the snme thing and will leave the company unmolested from legislative investigations nnd ether unpleasant eritlclem. Plans, It Is snld, en geed authority, are being success fully worked out for payment of ac cumulated dividends en American Rail ways preferred stock. Seme special distribution is confi dently expected by the I.ehigh Naviga tion shareholders when the suspension of mining in the nnthrncltp fields Is lifted. Leeks like nn unbreakable dead lock new, but It Is always the dark est before dawn, disappointment will be felt If Lehigh Valley docs net j go e-.iei; en tne old lu per rent rate. A juicy melon is coming te the Rend- Ing stockholders when they get the seg. regatlen tangle unscrambled. If busl ; nes-c keeps en growing en the same i scale. 8 per cent will net he the best ! the Philadelphia Electric holders will get. , Se. ns 1020 nnd 1021 will go down in history ns years of suspension or reduction of dividends. 102.". will be I recorded ns the dividend-making year. I That Is why there has been a com I prehensive steadying broadening nf in- terest in nil the local shares nnd the i market has demonstrated forcibly It uns- net se dead ns many unresponsive I critics would have us believe only n few i months nge. I FOREIGN EXCHANGE New Yerk, Aug. 20 The week in (the foreign exchange maiket ended ns sensationally ns- en nny day re-eiitlv and. In fuct, the widest fluctuntlnis nn" ; any day were established in t'r.nn's j There was a difference, however, in that , tin' market showed some re.stance te the pressure nnd, nfter n slump of 12 points, half the less wns qulcklv re- covered. The market did net represent ;nnvthmu' but speculative plunging , IV the first timi', of Inte. sterling , wns nITect oil by weakness in the rest of the market and sustnineil nn extreme less of u point te the lowest Wei in t,.v. era weeks ptiht. Italian nnd IJelsinn I exchanges iigalu bore the brunt nf epe". ! '' cm"-.-, nut nise mncii' recover ies fiuni llie extreme low figures Late quotations ueie: Sterling ca bes 4 Ifli... .iMnnml 4.40H: f.nnc ca- IT -Se' cl!Pck,s 7-4,i 1,p,KIa -- 4..10. checks J.'JOVi: Swiss cable,. 111.07, checks 10.01: iicsetf. c-nMe irr-r' Danish cable-' 21.00 Nerwny cables l".2.'j' Swedish cables 20.70 check 1 .11); marks llnctuatec fmm 051. e.irlv t .0STs, afterward leMnB' the ." The premium en New Yerk funds in Mentrenl tedny was unchanged a.;j.i per cent. The. discount en Canadian funds in .Npw Wk was .'!.,12 per (.nt The feature of the Central European exchanges was a new high record in f zeche-Mnvaklun at .'.Ml. Tlie rest of this market was Irregular. Quotations were; Hulgaiinn. .OTi. Rumanian, 70 Serbian, 1.10; Ureeks, ,'t r ; .ruce-Slii. via. .211: Polish. 00120; Finiiish ' '0 Austrian. 001.1; Ilungnnan, .00 ' TESTHltKArS c-I.O.sINi; Qt'OTATIONS COMPLETE NEW YORK BOND TRANSACTIONS J LIBERTY BONDS AND VICXORV NOTES itith 102. (SO 101,04 101. lift iei. ae ion. se 100.54 102.00 101,7s 101. te 101 00 100.80 lot.eo let. sa 101.AU tne.ns 100.00 rtstiie Sines Dtt of tus unit June S, '21 July 11, 'St .. Ut -My S3 Aur. July July July Julv July July Julv July July July July July July Mv Apr. 1 1, '23 38, 3'J an, '23 24, '22 2, '22 14. '22 20, '22 24, '22 24, '22 23, '22 20, '22 2.1. '22 27. '22 20. '23 20, '22 li - tjnvf 80.00 80.14 S3. 00 83.S0 81.40 81. 8(1 00.00 84.00 84.00 81.40 83.80 88.80 82.44 82.44 83.00 04.70 04,03 Range, '22 High I9W. l.jn v.b May ID. '30 May 10. '20 May 30, '30 May 31, '20 Juna 4, '20 May 21, '20 July 30, '20 May 80, '20 Dec. 28, '20 Pc. 20. '20 May IP, '30 May 20, '20 Mar 20, '20 May 20. '20 May 21, '20 10 101,04 101.A8 101.80 100.80 100.84 102.00 101.T8 101,40 lOt. 00 100.80 101.00 loe. sa lOt.Srt 101,82 ioe.os lOO.tO 04.82 98.70 07.80 08.60 08.80 1)8.00 08 00 0S.8H 04. OS 08.88 98.T4 94.72 98.80 08.70 100.02 90.84 Liberty T.lberty Mbrty Liberty Liberty Liberty Liberty Liberty L'berty Llbarty Liberty Liberty Liberty Liberty Liberty Victory Victory latu lllia, 1032-47 Ilvii, reglatered ....... let cv 4, 1B8247 lnt ev 4. registered ... 24 4S. 1027.42 2d 4i, registered let 2d cv 4Ua. 1032-47 lit cv 4'ia. 1032-47 .. 1st cv 4'4a, regjatered 2d cv 4V1, 1027-42 ... 2d cv.i'ia, registered . 8d 4U. 1028 3d 4 Us. reglatered .... 4th 4 He, 1083-38 ...... 4th 4Ws. reslatered ... 4-ili. 1022-23 4, reglatered !oe:SS -ei .... , , ,, tt lo'e'.ii lebl'ji leblii ,n Illlth 100.74 100.80 Lew 100.06 100.50 lob'.se 100.70 100,-ji 100.10 100.40 loe.aa 100.74 loe'.oa 100.52 100.20 100.14 100.38 100.21 100,84 lfKl',88 100.82 100.70 100.24 100.10 H'0.44 100.80 100.74 100.80 100.82 .04 .08 t:eJ .04 Arge Rep'c Ba 3 85 Arge Rep'c 7a 1.... 1014 1.... 102 1 .. 101H 1.... 101H Chlne Oeve't ILK nty 5a 2 84 City Berne 8 1.... 112i City Llerd'x fla r. 80H 5 804 1 80 City cf Copen. hagan BH 1 03 1 P3 5 t3 City Lyona 6i 4 80S 1 .... 80H 2 80V4 City Mars'a 0s 8 80 2 .... 801, 5 804 Cty of Monte video 7a 1 B3H Ctv Pole Ale- gre. 8a 1 ..100 Cty rtle de Ja- nerle et 8a 3 0OU 8 ..100 Cty Pae Paule 8a wl 1 0914 4.. . 1004 City of Sola Sela Sola aena fla 1 7S-i 2.. .. 78W 0 78 City Zurich 6s 2 .. 114 KXaale) 114 1.... 114T4 1 115 C)!echo-31evak Itep'e Stf'w! 2 P4H a. .. 04 2 P44" 1.. 04 '4 Denmark Cen ct A 8a 3 .. 110 Dpt pelnct 7 87 S FOBKIO.V DOND8 (SALES IN J1000 10 . 1.. 1 5 4 2 3.. 3 87 S 67 , 87 U 87 i 87! 87 87 D Canada '20 . 3 ... 102; 2 ... 102i 10(i.alc) 102H 5 ... 102lc 1 102, D Cjnada '31 2. .. 100 0 ... 1 .. 1 ... 1 D Can 3... 4.... 8 2 ... 100 loer; 1O0U r.s wi 00 H . . 00', .. nn'4 . . 00'4 . . 0014 . . dO-4 E Ind' 1 47 .. 954 . . psi; . . e; . 05 , Dutch 1" Ind'i rcta '02 3 OS 3. 18., 10., te., 1., 1., Ceva't 051 05VI 05 5 05 V4 05 French n 7Ha eta 10 P74 1 07 14 0 07W 5 07H fi(sale) 07H 1... 5.... 2.... 1.... 10.... 4.... 20.... r..... 2.... 1.... 4.... 12.... 14.... Oeve't 0.... 13... 1... 4... 8... 20... 3... 8... 6... P7V4 oe, 07 H 0TU 07 M 07 H 07 Vi 07 Vt 074 07H 07 H 07 U 074 R 8 100 H 100H 1004 100V4 1004 100 4 1004 1004 1004 1004 Jap Oive't lt 0 P4H 1 044 Jap Geven't 4a 0 80 8 70 K Belgium Its 1 100 K Belg-m 74 ' 1.. . 1004 1.... 104 4 1. .. 1044 1C Belgium as 14... 103 0aale) 103 1.... 103 1.... 103 1 1034 2 . . 103VI Kingdom Den mark t)a l 2.... 00 2.. .. tiflS 2 . . 004 1. . 004 Klntrdem Den-i ja. mark ct 81 lS(aale) 744 1 744 1 75 Prague ct 74 a 4 83 5 83 Queensland 0s 1.... 102 7(aale) 102 1..,. 102H Queensland 7a 1.... 1114 1.... 1114 1.... 1114 Republic Boli Beli via 8s wl 1 .. . 07i 8 07 1.. .. 074 8.. -. 074 Rep Chile '2fl 1.... 1024 Rep Chile '41 1.... 103H 1 ... 103i 8 . . 103S 3.... 1634 10(salf) 103 4 Rep Chile '40 5.... 10 9 . 103 10(sale1 103 1 Rep'e of Uru guay 81 2 .. 1, Stale Rie Ci'e Du Sel 8s 8 t,t,li 1 .... l lO(sale) 004 Swlti'd Cen 8i 10 ... 13 4 . . 1204 10sale)120 4 1.... 1201 2.... 1204 U K Ort Brit A I'd 1022 1 ..108 1.... 100 7sa!e) 100 B(flat) 100 7.. 1 . 23.. 1.. 2. 5 . 10 1004 1004 1034 1084 1084 108 1094 4 llOTi 2 ... Ill 2 . no; lO(sale) 110 1. .. 1104 8 ... 1104 K of Nether lands 0s U K Ort Brit & I'd 1020 2 ... 100 100 100 1 100 lU K Ort Urlt I jr. 'A 1P3T .... 1044 074 074 974 074 074 07 H 074 074 8.. 6.. B.. 8 . 1.. 1.. 2.. 8.. Erie Oenl Lien 2 B7 2 87 4 .... 07 3 B7!i Erie R R cv A 2 54 10 644 Erie R R cv V 80.. 10.. 10 . 15.. 2 . 2 . 2.. 1.. 544 54 544 54 544 54 541 04K Erie R R cv D 3 .... 88 3 584 8 50 Erie RR Ce 4s 80S 084 084 80 00 2. 1... 1... 10.. 08 074 OS 08 074 Ner- 12 . Dutch rets 0. . . 0 .. 1... 1. . Kingdom way ct 89 12 ... 112 G(anle) 112 3 .. 113 lOtsale) 113 K Scden fla 5 . . 104' 1.... 10441 rnrla-Lyena Ml Oi wl 8 7 17 3 14 1; 7(al) 1 Mat) 3 ... 13 1 75 75 75 75 75 74 74V, 74T 74 71'. 744 2 1044 1. .. 105 1.. . 1044 2.... 10.1 1. . 1044 U S Bra 7 wl 2... . 014 1 014 3 01 1 014 2 .. . 01 2 ... 014 Vn't B Brazil 74 a rcta 1 874 L' B Braill 8s 2.... 1014 1 1 ... 1014 B 1014 1. .. 1014 3 ... 1014 U S Mexico la 10.. . 134 1. 0. 10, 5. 1 R 10. 434 . . I3i .. . 43', . 43 Mexic" .".i . ... 57 DOMESTIC BONDS Am'n Agr'c & tlre.vd'y & 7th Chicago Mil 4 unem os Ave en 8 85 , 2 ..78 Am'n Agr'c A.rtroeklvn Edl Chem 74 a rnn p 7 1- 1"S 2 . 17Ti 1 lrt 1. . 10S Anierlc'n Pmlt nkn nap T 7, & Refg 5 1 . 84N 3 014 n nap T c. 7l 1 05 3 m American Sug 7 ... 84 It'f'E 0a 1 in.. Ki 2 ... 103. Brooklyn t! Bir 2 JUJ j lat sta'd Cm -r JL 'I r!t a: " " ...I - .-"-CI HI.. B4", n n?r''-ann'1lRn n!Chlcagn Vnlen 1 .. 0341 i-fe n, W I atll 4Vt:i - - l" I 1 103. I 4 03 A Tci & Tel 5i t 103. Chl UV 14) 2 00'4(-.ln.-id'n Nthn 2.. 77 S ('.(sale) 094 1 fl'i rcta 'C 4 V I 7' 1 l'";l 1 . 112'l 1 ... 1024 "' iCnnadlan N 7a, Chile Cer'r Oi st r cv b 2 ... 70 7 .. 70 Chlcige Rall- V(R'V 5s 5 . .. 8-', c n i 4 i' w 2 . . . 8.14 1 ... 844 B(Bale) 814 I 1 si; I 1 .. . 84; 'C R 1 A P 4a I 1.. .. 854 I 10.. 834 hooks chrrKs hecks checks ir..-5.1: 21.5.-); 17.17: 2(1. C: ; A Tfl 4 Tfl 6 2 . . 115 5. 114; 0(al) 114S 2 . . 1154 U . 115 Amcr'n Water Works 5s 1 . . 81'. Ar.ien .Tureens U Marc W fe 5 ... 81 Armour 4 4 4 . 1134 1 .. 1134 Cana'n Pac 4. 2 ... 824 1 82 1... . 82 1 824 4 . . . 82 1 B 8 . . 5 .. 1.. 044 014 04 V. 05 054 Chile Cep'r 1. .. 1134 C N Y 4U,03 i .. S2'i( 4 ..108 rt I of fla rn C N T 44'71 1 .. 100; I 5 . insi; Cen'l nf r.q n Cl'd Cln Chi 4 .101 Si !. m , 5 n'- Ctl 5a 1 . 834 ? W 4 084 Cl-d Cln Chi 4 A T ft S 1 4. n ns4 St Leuie 1 n3V 5 . 084 2 101; 1 I" ' 4. 08'!, 1 . I01i 4... 014rnri Tie 1.1 1 10, 13 OH'. I 2 004 ,Clevel'd Union r. . -i'. Cere de Pas'e Tr'l54. 5 . aj rnp-r 8 13. . . 034 1 127 f'3'...-hea ( e 44 e LOCAL MINING STOCKS Tonep-th Wheat -pptember December May t-'ern September December May Oats feptember December Mas "leu. 1 01 , 1 nji. 1 ,t, n, , 1014 le.V 1 03.' 01 ; 1 '. 1 0,1. in, in," Jim Ru'ler MarNvmarv MH1-.iy vi'sr-ch Ex'nsl"n Mnntani Verth ?'ar . rtf si u Tnnnpih Exierslin Wr: Find I West Lrd Cnml-3. Divide tins. 5V, 32. 34V, s J'erk- Net eiueted Lard Peptembr 1" 21 October 10 31 Ribs September October net, ,-.8 v.", 31', 3-1, Ol. .111, 14 37i; nil, .1.1 v,' 31', 31', 37 1" 4" 10 47 1 21 11 1.1 I" 40 10 7 0 87 9 48 COTTON MARKET New Verli. Auk. 20 The retmn market opened ctnr-rnllv ra,jrr this niernlnt: with clprlim". of 12 t .-, neintH, cxcppt Mnv. which ns 2 points fiiRher. I'nfiiverablp strike develop. mc-nlH evernicllt and rnthrr m-ilrn C' 5! Southern wllJng offset thp cnutiniirtl B Let weather In llie .Southwest The iCStf''1 traae, wan eirrn nnu western in- Y.T - Aw.tteCn 1nvU ntrlV hlllP.t nh..yl.l. ,Vvncn ,...- ..... ,...j., iiu-1,1 CIII1H overnight elllns orders through com cem com feil8"len heusen. The murket, Inter, tiecanic atnmser and rallied nbeut 20 ixiintN from tlie lewestt opening levels. Crep udvices S. JtHIIuei very euiiini. Irv. Cleas Open Hlih Lew .1.11' 22. OJ Clea 1 T,l n no.,. r, '.V. 21.04 i'Cia st.vs ai 7 ai.a EH'.. i'lQ4 31 t ilil !? 2e ty . ,,.. 2i.arsi.veLij.v ai.wi iW?M,5"-Kl V-- . Blrr Plvid nvhr i:v'"nlen PMrt rm''l Ksteniien Oc'.l Zen Oeldfleld r-rark-r Jck Flnrer.'-e CJeKlfell r,nldflM 1 'ins tumbn Hxtenplen Kanae Lene Fnif Rd Hill" Tlnrence ,lr ri'k Spearhead Mlwellanrnua Ampvre Ariznn Lnlt'd NVvaila Winder ... T" "pa M hue 1 -IP" V title i'p. Ktena!n IV -1 14 51 70 12 0 Q4 '1 en 10 VI 1 12 1 AIKd rtO t 'J I (1 8 0 8 It 4 :e 31 21 II 3 Philadelphia Stocks j NEW Y0RK BANK STATEMENT c wr. X&wVVbsi H h 1 w 3 1U Am Ptrs. 14 1 ! .1.111 HI.-.- Ster. 1 -J7 . r.' r.i'f Nnv 75'2 7.-' ."OtNnr I'ne l S enr. rv-unn it n im, ic, .1(1 I'enna Suit M SI MHl Philn Ce cum pf 41 II 37(1 ihila I'.ler X21 .1.' 0 de pref . .11 'i, .11.1, 2IVI l'hlla It T 3J1-. .11" 70(1 Teii'i lid 1", 1", .KiCiT'itie Mln. 2 A 'Jt, ;S 1'iilnnTrnc 41 .dT, es.i v a i . ."in, ."..".', 202 de pn'f.. "i ,"." Nt i ."se rhce 11 .. 47' i, itr rifi-rvc T.-'s- "j Ss'.,- 1, HI'S ', SI T J 14 .. 32 I. IP, . .12'-. . IV,- ', 2r.- A 41 -r fs r.'', '. fi.-iU.. I AV ,. -a i s ... 4 1 1 -fh in nu'ta nnd rrm)""r , t.nrki rt'-,e -n m-m-I r hapke and r.serv-i tinkH R rvn In Hi'e I hjrk and tiust i "ime.imta P're In d-cit lark, ami trust . irrpruH dfjvjsi. rla N. demand de. pr. 1 1 1 . -3 1 ! dtelta ' lcr jiat .Jll I'ruttdSlatesde p.iMlts deducted KRAOC Till.".ivr"!t Last VV.e'K HI k,e til 11.1 TOVi 521 170 or.e 532.ini.ftV,',; '5- "-H "'"I 1017 .154 OOlj 5fl 017 001 .',.',. 774. 00n .107.744 000 Rll1 707,000 Sterllnc Kran a Lire (luid... p.mand 4 47.V 7 47 42l)i. an S cable. . 4 47 A 7 174 4 2'.J 30 q 11 e "i-r,.-i.-vt, l'iJTATIONS " 4314 S3 te Demand LllblcS Pemand rabies C Lf'SIN'S CIL'JTATlONs bt'r'liv fTjne, i.,,, Gulli,r. "'4 -I.. V3m gg S3 32 03i A cciaft I. 1 It 5 85 Atl f I'rult 1 Atl 4 14 1 0 0 1 1. 1 Bff 1. I' I. O cv 1 10 n 1 Keale) i"ha'e i He .Cem 01". 5 10511. . 105 S 10,1 , Cabl la 75 At! Mil ct ll'4a 1 10V. Unit li Ohie cv 38V. 5s wl 01li K.alel 01 00 'r-hea'e i O .'. f" 5 103 U 01 ' 1 103H ffBlChefnt-ake nr.ln cv 5 OOtj Cen'd Ceal Ce 01 e' Md 5s 01S, 1 01 tuna C'e r cv 5 no 5 00 Cuba C'e Hug 8a sta'd 1 207,000 0 r,;i ivki .171,001 Porphyry Output Increases j Colerado Mirlnit,, Cel, Aus. 28 rrej,,, 'lien of copper uj the ftafi Vhlnc. n.1" c.-onfelldjttd un 1 .Sail Coneii,,ti j .".V tuni.ii. rct'im'l la, 1 Anrli in., ..'?".' shutdown of a sr. st.edily lncraff,i jUrini ch mnnth nf Apr .If an. I t,,.. ' "'.'"& 0.233.000 0 4.1 een 8 ajji 350 nne 1fi7 cin 000 .lcis.221-0O11 3 38 SiiT.iXril 58 070,000 50.330.OO0 in.' 10 the r'P'MH vt the sr nn.t ,..;.":'": I l-i.'I iniid" publl. here tedni V th M rV, -,.,., "in "Apr II "S- ViVl,""rJ',ny .nM.n; prndurtlen Juim-d te (1 i82 371 found" iml ' 6 1 7. IS 1 1 Unit 1 9 Bait 1 87 sn'i 87 .7i ine .lull.- l-i-u'i'i'ii .," 1. 1. IJV-J rmilnrfu the r.pert e'-i-J Chlne a net prod u.?ln,, fi.r the three months iva iu ' , j Syi". ! round", for April lil7neSl fn" j,.""J 1 Cin Ml fnr .tun. In,'. -...-..' ""I Net ehanre made bv cmrarleen with last ale en New Yerk Stick Em-ranee Total rales. 4442 eharce compared -vlth 400 thnrtn verterdav Thus far 'hla week. 40 740 shares BANK CLEARINGS Dank rlearlnis tednv compared with cor cer reavvmdinc day last te year. J70.000 OOO $35 COO, 000 70 0.18 344 l'hiia DIVIDENDS DECLARED Swift 4- 'e luaiterlv 12 payable October 1 te Bleck 'I rf nrd iSeptember 9 llosien .ind Albany Kal'read, quarterly 2 payable Hrpiember 30 te Bleck of rec rec erd August 81, Pennsylvania Water and Power Company, Suarlerlv 14 per cent en ateck. payable cteber '.'. as rElstered September 15. flttaburth. FXeit Warn and Chlcate Rail, read, nuarttrl'- lit par cent en common and preferred. paj-ablVictebtr 1 te October 3. iaspcctlvely, te JUBt of record September 0, 2000 ."100 1(V) I 1000 loeno 100 neon 2000 r.oeo 1100 3000 TitrO 1000 1000 6000 Total, terday. MS. MS . rniLriKi.rm iminds Liberty 1st 4',s ".) . .. Liberty 2d 4',s '12 .. ih-rty ,lc 41.,, Liberty 4th I'jh Liberty 4th 4 'la Vlctnrv 431H '2.1. City 3V,i '.12. .. Luke Sup lnc tin Iht1a Ce con r3 , . l'hiia niec 1st ,1s l'hilii Klee 1st r.s I'hil.t Klcc Ti'b . Philn Klee 5 Vis .. I'hiln Klec ih .... I'hjln Elcc Ca 137,800. compared vrtth 180,800 yea. inui iar (ma wwt, set,UDQ, ". ....... 100 OS .100.30 . 100.22 .100 li.s .100 70 .100 .111 . nr.'.. . 35 " . Ml'i . 100 Rh . 100' a . 102 .lOUs 105 105Vi nv, rtscrve .'e re, r.,nnr etc 1 nh in vaults A member banks ItierH In rnem rer b.mks nnd reser bnka rteiere In fc-late banka nnd trust r.mipanles rte-erve In fltftie banks and trust rr.mptny deiosl deiesl deiosl terles Ni demand de posit, . Time deposits . circulation t" K deposits deducted ACTVAL This ceK 7 DM .".110 521 531 010 ."..'. enn een f.fl,t week Jl 020 500 507.180.nen 4, nn.' 7.30.OO0 54 054 000 53,381.000 , lu V, 750 S2 pound, for Ap 12 ,07 'ill Iter M?v and 2 Hit 30 1 for Ji m liii'dij 113 n 14 pounds of copper In ere sent di rc-u te ihe sm-lter Nevada'a nures for th. three men'hs ere April 2 1 11 i"il rounds May. 6 103.177 pounds, Sd junu 1 4 '.'gel T41 IH.undii -cunu. r 504 770 000 7.174 000 0 5R4 000 i 30 ei noe 49 I. SCO 000 33,701 een 5.10. 09.1, 000 7.O39.0OO 0,752,000 3 8.10 R47.O00 510 402 nne 83,778,000 58 O7S.O.I0 5MOn,000 Reserve Banks' Discount Rates I official rediscount rales at the tweU p,d. '.-..I neaerH lUnks are nn fMl . r c'c- vemi Ukrs rates accept 4 ft 11, P BUTTER, EGGS AND CHEESE Ne Vnrk Aug. 20 ni'TTKFl firm. Ite. celnts 14.430 tuba i Creamery, firsts (88 le 01 .tore), 32H 030c. Other vradea un changed EOQ8 firm. Receipts. 18,783 cases, Que. Htlena unchan6 . .w rnnr-HR Arm. Receipts. 27100 baxea Oun. l.ilAiia enrhinft .... i- -- official rediscount r eral neservci lUnk.i a -1 re. . ctfs. . 4 . 4 41; . 41, . 4H -n Lesten , New Tork Philadelphia -Cleveland . Mkhmnnd Atlanta . . . Chicago ... Pt Leula . . Minneapolis Kansas City ft. Ilea Ban I'ranclsce Til. bends 4 4 . 8 4W t IP il Hi ft COTTON8EED MILL8 ASK COAL Atlanta, Aujr. 20, An effort is being made here te obtain enough coal te operate cottonseed oil. mills and (Int. Mill owners say they face a less of millions of dollars unless they get relief, 7 P0' & e a'js . 05 0 44 & Ohie 4a h7'4 . e.8 . 81 88 88 ti G-.te -Is 02'. Halt & Ohie 0s 1 111S 1. . 101 t. t01'4 nalt 4. Ohie S W'n 3V4.S 1. Halt 5 3 1 2 3 ru Chi n i t 03', e:iv. 03 H Tel 4 s 71H 71S 72 72 2 8 e. n'ic 2 . i ii. 8 rjarned'H Cerp A 8s 8 .. 103H Dell Telephone of Ta 7s 4 108H Beth Steel fd 8 .. . 07U Deth bleel 1.... 100T4 8.... 100i 3.... 100T4 l..r. 10OM l.,..,JW ) 081 08 08U . 08 ec; Alt 3V,s 51 1, 51 . r,m 51 u 51', char 5 00. ft Q 5 11( 1014 r'(El 5s -il 13 84 I2(sale) 84 4 3 84 4 Chi & O W 4p 5 0JH Chi Mil A rm Sound 4s 5 78 Chicago Mil S1P0 4I 1 ..88 Chlcajn Mil 4 SIP 4s "28 2 884 1 88H 2 . . 80S 2 88U 1. 88S 5 . 84 Chicago Mil StP cv 44 a 5 754 Ms.le) 78 fl ... 88H 1 75a, D 75 1; 1 75U Chleage Mil BtP fd 44 si s eH 2 5. 1.. 1 11 . 044 034 03 4 03 ; 03 'i 03 Cuba rt ltd 5s 2. 8114 2 854 Del & Itue v os; ft Den 2 1 t ., A 2 D ft n ft n Hud fd 03 Vi O fd 47H 474 48 . 47. 474 47i' O 44s 834 Det Udl 5s '40 1 . 07 net Edl Ce 0s 1 t Det 1 Det 5 101; 114 Gas 3s tens n 44s 84 Dener 7 vl 2 OS D de .Vemnure Pwdr 74 a 5 , . 1874 1 1084 8 1074 7(sala) J 07 4 Dill Light fla 8 A 1.. 1.. Empta J 04 4 1044 1044 1044 Oaa ruel tHi a..,,, BTV O,, jf, c u'.'X r5 1 10.. 2.. 7.. 3.. FIsk Hub'r Ce 8s rcta 2 ... 107 2. .. 10T Pram'n Indutt Dev 74 a 1 .... 034 Franclser 8ug 74 wl 2.... 1014 OenM'l Elec 5s 10.... 1024 1 1024 On Ilefrac. terles 0a eta, 1 P74 n K Ooedrlch Ce 4s rcta 8.... 1024; 18.... 102S 1 ... 1028. Geed, -ear T ft Rub'r '81 1.. 1.. 2 . i.'. 1.. 100 100 1004 100 10 0 1004 Goodyear 1 ft Itub'r '41 13.... 115 20 ... 115 Or'd Trunk of Can 0s rcta 1... 1044 Gr'd Trunk of Can 7 3 ... U8J Great Nerth'n nly 04s 1. 1. 2. 1 Great 103 .1084 1034 1034 North' n nall'y 7a 1 3 ., 5 .., 3.. 1 . G Hay 10 .. 1. 10 ., 5 IMS 1114 1118. 1114 HIS vv . 174 . 17 . 17 10'i Uellsnd-Am'n Line As 5 . . 884 Hud A Man fd Ksale) 804 1 .. . 80. 2 . . S0 1 88. Hud ft Man In 20 .. 004 10 . .. 0(5 Humble Oil ft Kef's 54 a v I 4.. . 1004 IIli Central fd IS .. . ni4 2 . . 014 Ills Cntl 04e 2 . . 101; Ilia Steel 41,, 10 02 Indl'a Meel 8s 1 1004 lnt M ct 4 4 4. . 144 lnt Met ct u 44a lian Elev'd 4s 8 OBtt 2 084 Market St Rly 8 Fran 1st 2 8RU 1 804 At Oil ct 7Vvi 1.... 1124 M Oil wa'd 81 4.... 1204 Mid 8 ft Or 8a St 1.. 1., 1., ft S., 0., 8., 1., 2., 2., B., M l StL fd Ba 1 48 B 484 1 484 M StP ft S Ste Marie 84a 2.... 1014 Me Kan ft lea aj wl 804 004 00 4 L 4i 484 40 484 40 40 40 40 034 034 03 034 034 03 024 83 884 024 034 03 03 03 i 15 1 11 10 20 63 3 25 6(aale) 2 14 12 10 10 Me Kan ft Tea 8s wt 11 80 1 80. 10 88 Me Kan, ft Tex 6s wl 10 074 Me Pacific 4s 0 004 16 004 15 00 4 15 en. 1 .... 004 8 CO 4 2 . . . 604 Me Pnc 6s '28 2 ... 07 4 Me Pac 5s '05 2... . 034 Me Pacific fls 1... 1... 1... 0.. 2 .. 2. . 8 .. 6 .. Ment's 4... 4.. . 103 . 1024 . 102 . 1024 . 1024 . 108 . 102 . 102 1. Pr fie . . 00 034 Pae T T 6s 084 084 084 A Tel 2. 2. 8. Pae Tel Ba rcta 1 03 B 034 B 044 2 084 Pi Him 44a 1 1)44 1 P44 1 044 Penna R R 6a 1.... 1034 Penna R 84 a 1.... 1104 Peoria ft B In 10 884 Pere Marat Bs 2. 2.. 3.. Phlla 1.. 1.. 1... rierce, 6... 2.. 1084 1004 . 100 Cnty fd . 1014 . 1014 101 u en os 108 10O Pub Berv Cerp N Jay 6s 2 87 7 874 4 874 4 874 Punta Allegre Sun co "s 12.... 100 5.... 100 Reading- Ce 4s 8 SOU 4 80 4 80 10... . 80 Ksale) 854 Rem Arms 0s 1 044 Rie Crande ft W'n clt 4s 1 70 1... . 004 Reck Il'd A ft Loul' 44s 10 844 6 844 10 85 St L I Mt ft Ct R ft CI dlv 4s 5 ... 804 10 804 10 804 1. ... 8S St L ft S F a) 2 84 4 2. 3. 1 Union Tae 0a 10.... 103 TJ Tank-C 7a 1.... 1034 V B Realty ft Impv't Ba 1 084 l()i!.'.."074 1 .... 074 2 974 V 8 RubVr Bs 3.. 1.. 2.. 1.. 2.. 10.. 8. 00 4 004 00i; 00 004 00 4 80 4 V B Rubb'r 7t 6.... 1024 U B Rub 74 s 2(flat) 1084 2. 7. 4 .. 1... U'd S 4... 1004 . 100 . 100 . 100 Steel 6s . 104 3.... 1044 8.... 104 3.... 1034 Utah P & L 81 1 03 1 034 Va-C ch cl 7a 4.. 4.. 1.. 4.. 4.. 1.. 4.. &.. 08i 08 V. 084 084 084 0Si 00 tl Va-C C cv 74 . 2 04H Va-C Ch 74s 2.... 103 2.... 103 2.... 1054 1.... 1034 lO(aale) 1054 Va-C Chem cv war'd 74s 4...,, 074 2....; 07i B 074 Va Rwy Ce 5a 3 OS Warner Snttt wi s aa 2.... 108 1 ... A, , I- . . . .ue-a Wea'n Elee na ' """i Wea'n Elec g 2.... teg B.. 104,4 West'n lid a 1 84 1 V9J Wcitinihi'tB a 3. . . . 1Aft WALE 44( 7 .... 72 Wilsen Ce 1st ... 1014 3.... 1014 Winchester R Arras Ce 74 g 2.... 103V Tartar' sale . , , , Yeaterday'a sales.. Total for this week, f 4.010,000 11.847.000 14,905.000 The Ll8t Committee of the local stock cxchnnRC hns today admitted te the tin listed department, American Telephone nnd Telegraph Company warrants de llvcrablfi when itmucu. n. 6(sal) 1 . St L ft 3 10 . .. 2 ... Kaesau Elec'c Rwy 4a 3.. . 54 Kew Kng'd Te! Ce 6s wl S. I StL ft is 1.. 1 2.... M Or' a ft 10 1.. . New Or Tex Mexico 6a 2 7(14 New Or Tex A Mexico Oil 004 00 ' 004 T 4e 70S 81) Series 3 . 1. 4 . 84 ' 84 83i 84 '. 844 84 i 80 r In 774 78 78 78 I-ran y.......w. llllilllhfet SPECIALISTS We make a dependable market in all iisuet of UNITBP STATES GOVERNMENT SECURITIES COMMERCIAL TRUST COMPANY Member Federal Reserve System City Halt Square 74, 71. 74 2.. . 73; StL & 8 Fran Series D 2 884 1 89. StL ft M Fran Serlea C 1. .. 100 StL a. s Fran 54s wl C S. PATTON & COT" ID J CHPOTNI'T RTS. BANKERS Bneeewera te JAILER BTKVENSOTt Sonde and ateeka bought nnd MM. Members Phlla. fteek Exchange., 17 1 1 2 8 4 N T 8., N Y 2 X Y 2 8 3 , 2.. 2 1 , 10. 25 . 30. 12 1 4 3 I N t 5 , 1. 10. 144 5 14',' 1 15 ,N V 144 2 14V 2 144,.V T Intbo'e n T fdi Leuis 1004 Cfl 344 . . 814 Cfl 44s 004 Cent' I 5r ... OR', ... 084 ... 01) .. 00 ... 00'. ... Oil ... 08 . . . os; . 0S4 .. 0S . en . H04 .. OS', . . 084 Cent'I Oe . 1074 . 107 4 . 107". 1074 107S . 1074 107S Cenfl 7f . 101 1 105 Chi 1 St1 1. 1... I . e StL 10 , II , 1 ., v., 1 05 , . OV4 .. 110 ... 00 Hw'n en , . SO , . 80 ... 814 , . ML,, , . 82 S24 fan Antonie ft A P Rly 4 3 . .79 4 1 . .80 4 Seab a a I. fd 2 ., 4- 2 . . 41. 404 404 4Ulj 404 41I4 Mr L WANTED A reliable d'(al nsent who ean aell ssoe nne worm of stock In one of the finest mnvliiE picture t'.ieatres en the Atlantic eeabeard Adrtren F L. H.. Uex K54. Atlantie City. N. J . Lawrence . Brown & Ce. CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS 1050 RRAL KSTATK TRUST BI.D0. lnveetlcnte nnd adjunt cnriioratlen and turtnershlp accounts and srepara Income Tax netums 2e2 8 2 .. 10 Se.ibe d Sta'dls 01 Seab'd A 1. 0s 0 . FINANCIAL ProeAnla 1 e' 3. 12. 13. 1 7(i 10 18 20 5 A 25 1. S 4s 7(snle) lnt R T fd cis 15 . 72 H 31 72 In'r'l ft Oreat N'n aj wl 1 . .. M' 10 ... 54t 30 5. . . 54H 8 54 H Inrl & Crcat N'n ct 5a 1 . 80 I M Marine 04 02 72UI 1 001; 721, N Y Edl'n Ce 734 I 0Vs rets "; 1 ... ins 71' 1 . . 11114 72 New Y N II 4 72 H cv 34 a 72 I... . 51 72 4iNew Y N H ft TSHl H 3V4s '54 724l 1.. .. 81 72 (New T N II ft 73 Hart'd Km T24 1. ... 0 1 nif.iic) 1 3.. .. 1 New Tk ft .V 1 5 . 3.. 1.. 1.. I) 1. 40 . 32 . 10.. 1 2 . 2.. 77.. 70 701, 70N 701, 70H 7m, 70 70 70 70 70i. 701, 70 00 S Sh Steel II 81 1 08 v. 1.. . OS', Sinclair C OH Cerp 7a rcta 72 ' 811, 84 i R4i. 84U 4, 84', 84'. Susi "n fd Bit, 3.. 1 I li. 130 1 5 10 10 5 5 5 0 024 02 02'; 02. 03 03 03i 03 4 03H 2. .. 03S 03S 1 03; 2 034 tnt'l Pap b 5, 1 SOH 1 80 14 3 . 80 1 80 1 f0'4 Iowa Cent'I H t . . 45e 5 41'. I 45 Julius Keyser 4 Ce 7s rets 54i4N Y TeleV '41 1 107 N Tk W c Hest 4H 1 2 ... 57 4 . 57 S 4 . .871, 5 57 Nfk Se'n R 5 2 1 1 5 Nfk 3 1. 70't .. 704 70. 70 '4 W-n 4 . 03 03 Wn 1. 1 Kan c Mem a 1 . 8 . Kan C 2 .. Kan C 1 O R Kinney & rn 7H 1. 07, Lack titeel '.n 3 .. 100H Lena- U'd R fd 1 .81V, 1. .. 81 L ft J Rdie 4s 108 105 rt B A Is 81 824 83 ft P 3s 72 4 R Is 02W Norfolk ft cv 8a 1 net, N A VV Pcce's Ceal te 4j 3 87 14 N A l'.dts'n Ce 0 rets 10 . 0314 5 Oil, 10(sale) P3U, 8 04 N Dhln Trac ft I.lirht fla 2 05 I. . P514 t . 00 1 oil North Western Dell Tel 7s 3 107', 10(sale) 1074 3 107', 1. 107 V. N Pacific R 8 1 . 044 N Pac R Bs wl 10 . DO', 20 nnvj 14 .. nv 2 ooh H 00 N Pacific R Op 1001, 1001, 100 10'H, 100r4 100 l. 11 . 07', "(sale) 00' 1 00', 1 O(svle) O0' Sinclair C oil . Cerp 74 s 0 . . 103, 1 . . 108. Sinclair Crude O P Ce 54 s 2 .... nes .1 . pnu lfXsale) tiOi. 2 00H 5 . . . 00 V, lieu Tel :.s 2 901, 6e'n Pacific fd 3 . . 02 3 021, 1 024 R P Term'l 4s 2 844 7(aale) 84. Sn Railway 4s SCHOOL lll)l'K AT ASIinm RNK. TA. for the Cheltenham rhnel Dlctrlrt Se.iled ptcresals will be reced by the Scheel l)lstri.-l of Chelten'.iam Township, for Omeral or Structural verk and for tr.s riumblnc et rrovered Ashbourne school Heuse all of said work te be cemp'rttd en .r lfere the time or times eel feith la the fetm of proreais. Plane and tpeclflcatlnns may be obtained nn or atier Ausust j. irem nernert v.. Wle. lteirlsleied Architect. 1116 Chestnut street, l'hlla . upon d-penlt of 125 by bldd;;. for Hie neneral conetruitien work and II' by bidders for the ether work, which depejfi. less the rums of JO Hnd $3 respectively, will 71. 71. 71U 71. 714 71. 714 71. 004 83 .. 884 . 834 Nash 4s 03'i Nash 7s 108 llsnstl Burar Ce 74s 2 VIIMI 5, ,, , , 1 4 . 2,. Le ft 1 Le ft 7 00; 004 OK 1 2 2 2 Nth 8 2 Ore-w t f .... 100 100 '4 1004 1004 Parr 8s . 044 04 4 rt k Nav Ce 4a 1 84U Otis Steel ,a 1.... 101 I . . 1011! Oils St ct 74 a M Pae O ft E Is an It-all y (14 , 1 1034 4 1011. . 1 . 1034 Standd Oil of caur 7a I 1 ' 1054 I 1 100 Jerrn'I R R A or St L 4s J -- . 814 5 f,? Third Ave aj . 07 1 . 074 P 08V4 Tidewater Oil Ce ct aVia 13 m-n, ' , 103'i Teledo Bt L ft West'n 4s , . 75 Ter II ft n 4, I ... 85 Union lis 4 Pap fls 14 . nn Union Tar nv 2 . . 0.14 2 nau t'nlen Pae 4a 05 05 3..,, , 05 I.,.,. 85 I .... K& ..CnnH.H tinnn (he ritlitn Af ,,M ClltlS and sneclf.catlens with the proposals N hid will be considered unless submitted ac cording; te th form and schedule attached te t'.ie specifications. A Surety Company's bid bend for 5r of the amount bid must accompany each bid. Bends uubject te tne approval of the Scheel Heard. A Surety Bend subject te the ap proval of the Scheel Beard for the full amount nf the contract price, condlllenei for the falt'atul performance of said con tract In accordance with the plans and specifications, will be required te be flled by tah fcucersful contractor All rroreHls sealed and properly marlisd shall be dellveied te and recehed by Herbert C. wise RceM Arcnitert at the above address, net later than 12 o'clock neon, en the 12th day of .September. 1022. Ne bids otherwise vr elsewhere fubmlttel will bt eemldered Bids v I'l be opened at the HlFh Scboel nulldtnp Klklns Park, at 7 30 P M of ire same day. Hours named are Standard Time. Tie K'heel Tieird reierve, the rlht W reject anv or all bids Bv erd"r of the Beard ELIZABETH B SCARBOROUGH Secretary ElMns Park Pa. Iin,TIN(i AMI VENTILATINO KLKCTKICAL 4)RK Vcr 8che;l Heuse at AlinOCRNE, r. fnr the Cheltenham Scheel District Plans and epeclrtratiena of the Heatlri and Ventilating also plans and epeclflcatleni of the Electrical Werk requlied 1.1 the pro posed Ashbourne fehoel Heuse may be obtained en and after August 28 at fie office of Menslnu ft Company, Presaer Build in I'hllv nn the deposit of fi.l J13 t which will b" refunded upon the return e slid plans and specifications with t h proposals All particulars and conditions the lame as abeie stated for ether portions of tb work By order of the Beard. ELIZABETH B RCARBOrtcirC.H Secretvrv I.IWris Psrlc. DEPAnTHKNT OP PfllMC miKKS ni'Rff IF HKiKM.WS Itnein 232. ( IH Hull Phlludelphli ntF.n 1- nt'NLAr. Chief of Bureau Auuet 13 1317. Sealed prupcis'cls will 1 recelcel and opened In Roem 210 City Hall at 12 o'clock iiiMin, Vrldny. Sentemher 8th, 11123 f" A I-'uur-Unlt Refuse Inclneratlns; Plant bavins e- capacity of 20 tens of mlx'l refuse per 24 hour, at "O" street ind R mnna avenue, Hi the City of Philadelphia The City will construct the foundation, bulldlnia te house the plant and chlmiieya . Bidden, must be responsible and hive haij experience In the construction of plant of Ihe character and size Free flcatlens proposals and furtnsr in formation may be obtained from the above "Ynqu'lre at Roem 2.12 City Hall .. KRANK H CAVEN. Director. RTKAM Miir NQTirrs nAMMMCAUHttJ lAMsIHICAUNf NEW YORK TO ROTTERDAM VI rijimoeth. lulofejp-fiur-jlfj , Ryndam , ,,,8ept. . J Oct. 1 WOT. ta-itPiil. felVt wii;-iJVfWtVty Li flivv. ,. 'lB .. m&tLa"'' -4ft i . ftiTBI v JZZ