'.7.w 1 IV.' i'l 7 r5' f&0. m j? ,0, w fc-4 K jf i u- I' f ! A flc at Their Openings nn-nlrtg thentrlrnl scn-ens nre like . ' nu YOU M-w iiiuiii uv iiu ,rng,l?"t However, the Hne-un for J0" J .iLl' Dnv ilpbut seems te he nt new tbe ""v.r ileflnitclv arranged, lour eaStu pffi Iflmale bowel will open their eTAF.'' let, Eugene 7,iijVm will cemn te the Lyric O'Nel'l drams, "" Welbclm WAorlBlMalPWteftho Ortnw'BlowemB," new "com- i m, inuxle." nnd the first offering W Srd Koyce ns a producer will cf Liitte" j k ThcIltrej victor SJrba? be wiete the score, will con Et the orchestra en the opening Ji!t Edith Day, who has been play fJ In Lemlun. heads the cast. ,BUhe Charlatan." n wew melo mele .i ,,? i.ri'M'iitcd by Adelph Klnuber, imenen h" Walnut Street Theatre. P Vlidcn Teen here Inst jeiir In "The fid MnnV' wlU Play Count -"". .S"Bluc0lKltten. Arthur Hnm Hnm nerAein's musical comedy, will be pre SnVerl et the Shubert Theatie, with Eire Carle, nlwnys popular come dian in the leading role. Otte Hnr S.V.S nnd William dry Duncan wrote hchboek amlJyrlcs and Rudolf Friml, he music of this musical f.hew. At least two mere shows will make heir autumnal bows en September 11. Their nttiactiena i will be : .... .1... iim rjnnrpp Knufmnn-Mnrc Connelly comedy, with Lynn Kentanne. LJlllfi. w "'-"e" Deflns in n week earlier te open the Bread's season. , "Snice of UKX!." the Jnck Lait re- m mrtlng a leturn nnd Jenger vls.it te 'he city, coming te the Ferrest Then- rc. Vnlekn Surratt, tieorge Price end Nan Hulperin will have the leading "The only house whee opening date ii net definitely set is the Adelph;. which announces Guthrie McCllntic s production of "The Dever Head," com cem edr by A. A. Milne. "Dirly In Sep tember" is the closest te an actual date yet announced. ...... , On the ether band, two theatres al ttadv list their second attractions. The Osrrick will present, en September 18, a new comedy by Clare Kummer en titled "Pomeroy's Past," with Reland Yeung nnd Lnura Hepe Crews. The Ferrest announces for the first week of October the rnuch-tnlkod-ef "Music Bex Revue." with the original cast headed by Florence Moere and William Cellier. Has Noted Stage Family Harry Clarke, who will be seen In Arthur Hammcrsteln's production of 'The Rlue Kitten." which opens the teaeen at the Shubert Monday matinee, September 4, is the son of the famous! Cresten Clnrke and Adelaide Prince ind while n child played In Shakes pearian productions of his fnthcr. Al though he was born in Gnlvesten he tpent mnst of his boyhood das In this city and took parts In many playR nt the Girard and Park theatres. While here he went te school at the Chestnut Hill Academj. Ills first big stage part was with Miss Lulu filascr in "Miss, Delly Dollars," when the United States entered the war, he enlisted and served until a month after the armistice. He then joined te "Kiss1 Burglar" com pany nnd lntt season appeared with the "Blue Kitten." Clarke's family In the old days lived en the site of 1 built for his grandfather, Jehn Sleeper ' fi.i, Belasco Star at Keith's Lionel Atwill, who is having his first ttPte of American vaudeville tub sea ion, h equally ns well known en one Mde of the Atlantic Ocean as the ether. Before becoming a Iteliince star he ap peared with famous English and Ameri can nsrs in Londen and New Yerk. Ills most lecent successes were scored as leadlns man for Fiances Starr in Ti;er, Tigpr," and later as the star cf "Debuiau." When it wn- sug SC'ted he take n fling at vaudi'ilU for tl. summer season, he hesitated, but vnen he put the matter up te Belasco tnnt piuducer said, "lie ahead, it will w a great perience for ou." This decided Atwill. nnd he intends te re main in vaudeville until Helnsce has anew plaj icady for him. He come te hcths ne.t week in a one-nut plajlet, called "The Whlte-Faccd Foel." English Favorite at Garrlck The premiere of "Orange Blossoms" at the (iarrli'k Theatre en Laber Day night will mark the first American ap pearance of scleral of Kduaid Revce's carefullj gathered organization, includ injl'lnlhs I.e Grand nnd Pat Somer set. Hhen she was but sixteen, Phl ijs Le firand was one of u little group selected bj Mr. Reyce :is the nucleus for a training schel for future stage star., fclnce that time she hns been notably successful in net only musical comedy K9, but also In the lending parts of ccmedj and dramu. At Daly's in Lon Len ii? a,n,1,nt ,lle Adelphla, and for Sir Alfred Lutt and Rc.heit Ceurtneldgh amenK ethers she haw been a lending eemechpime. She steied hltn in "The m and in j)las by Pinero nnd in ine (mint of Luxemburg," "Going i-P. aud ether plays with music. Cooper Shew at Casine .emedy ami feminine benuty arc the ti..urMJn Jlmrale Cooper and His ueaut Revue," coming te the Casine i.t ? nPU ucek- There Is a cast of irtiSi our 11e"ri1''' whl(,b includes, in W'lltien te Mr Cooper. Hddle Fex. no sings, dances, plnjH instruments " 1 an I'MlfM'f nnrnliti, T.Vil tlw -,--.. in iniiui , Vt.-l( !.- tiriw. . "uu,. uth Osberne; the EL'nnila' I!c,t'y Rurrnughs; Betty "emente , Ingenue; Geerge Murray and ,.71,1)n"l'er, ns "the dancing feels." U LI tnmai,"ff. known as "Tarzan. the iiAJ "'"' Aineng the added uttrne- th. . rc '.'"'izcll White nnd her infers the featu WU'SIIIIIL' Hlk A nnvnl ndilml ten " . .u" ' " penect Ilgure con K. with apprize of ,l',"i, open te all. 'Bathlnn nnnl" , nn.,, U1M II 111 t, a !. i , tJr i H,,,,,,JS Realities" will be the S Vi ? "! ,l"' I5J" Theatre for one E. esjnnlng Monday. "The Bathing Selil ,. "v ""'"'"'d " n musical kurleim nt',em"h: vaudeville nnd Tided ? ll,p ""f-lnl comedy Ih di cpalsnn'! nuu n,'th' wi,h '-VPn I"-1"-and d .' " vhVH of c'Bhtcen singing Rer.hn ir,('0,np' a Philadelphian. and CattliKn . ,V'n,",P; I,rlm" ,l0,,,,a- ThP (lie, i V'le!,'dM Hnrrv Keelur, Charley e,LM''U',!slV,,1 J"l'ls I-cennrd, Rae CnM and i.,,gRy Dilv, liex,n wl Pnlehf i en, w'lnesdny nnd Friday ,U'S In cnnbini'fini, ...in. .i. ,i. IDOW. -" .. Illl IHO tl-illiui Pay's te Open Laber Day Theat'il'8? UttrP' Stevenson, of Fay's re,l.iVUJr,kln t0 lluve t,lat e L "r tbp PC'B Laber Day. et, lnf that the Mine quality 'auleui ,?""' r,'lRtlK f high-class Mala ti "'' .Mature pictures will kas n?,; alens f(ir the opening week lnunJiM.li 'li"r"ly cemplete.l, It Is W ar,v'rllP fe?ture I'lmtenlay will ' "nj Cjuey Jnjriie Kickback." New Kummer Cemedv Cemlnn Llen.Vi'i8 s'0,"l attraction of the sea Lt'i" the Garrlck nMivntn.. hnnin. SSSt Itn. iBi x?ara H. Harris" wlfi Erv2 in01"!? Ye"K and Laura Hepe K7"H 111 UlUre Klllnllllr'u mtn.,l. BgfjrsPMU' Pi. i " T w"' r Theatrical Billboard for the Coming Week Vaudeville B. F. KEITW8 The headllner next week Is the distinguished stage star, L pnel Atwill, in a one-act play, "The White-Kneed Peel," by Edgar Allan ) oelf ; also en the bill are "The Jewell Case, a revue presented by Jeanetto Hackett and Harry Del mar and com pany of eight; Wyeth and Wynn, comedy and song Lester Crawford and Helen Brcderlck, In "A Smlle for Twe, pengs, dances and chatter; Arthur West, comedian, In "What the Crltlca Satd"i Herace Wright and "ene Dietrich, slngera; Hay Hall. Edith lMmlne nnd Louise Brlce, nov elty; Ethel Hepkins, singing; Dancing JlcDerialds, new bteps, and Jamea and Etta Mitchell, thrills. QLOBE "Down en Avenue A," musical comedy novelty In two scenes, heade next week's bill ; also, "Marriage Ver sus Divorce," satire presented by big cast; Rellly and Rogers, comedy setig'i rnd chatter; De Pace, "musi cal wizard" ; Jackaen Tayler and com pany, fun and music; Morgan and "Jeran, coined la iiB, n "Mickey nnd Me, skit; Cullen and Madisen, senga nnd dances; Orvllle Stemm, athlete, XlXOli Monday, Tuesday and Wed nesday, Kelse Brethers and Eddie Qulgley, late stars of "Peck-a-Boe," in comedy; need and Selinan, lit "On the Reef Tep," musical comedy; Joe Merrl3 and Winn Shaw, In "The Mos Mes Mos qulte Trust"; Flve Tetrevas, Euro pean novelty; Joe Armstrong, the Belgian Rese" ; film is "When Ro Re Ro rnance Rides," Zane Grey story ; com plete change of bill Thursday, with bong of Seul" aa film feature. WALTOX ROOF Complete change of bill next week, with Leretta McDer McDer mett nnd Eddle Cox, In u novelty; Marvel, hilled us "the wonder of the age, In dances Rnd imitations; De De laeo Dell, late of the Melly Darling company, In eccentric and grotesque dances. Burlesque CtS.VO "Jlmmle Cooper and his Beauty Revue" will be next week's attraction. In the cast of thla sparkling burlesque are Eddle Fex, Fred Harper, Jim Daley, Ruth Os Os eorne, Betty Burroughs, Betty Del Del niente, Oergy Murray and Lew Druther. BJOL' "Bathing Beauties," two-act musical comedy, with Charlie Geldle. Bertha Delmonte, Harry Kcelcr, Charley Marshall, Jack Leenard nnd Peggy Day. Chorus of eighteen ; box ing Wednesday and Friday nights. TROOADBIIO "Pem Pem Girls," (opening Saturday night) Including two burlettaa and many vaudeville specialties and a chorus of twenty four. Guide te Photoplays for the Week te Come Nev Photoplays STAXLEY "Nlce People." adapted from the 6taga comedy by Rachel Ciethers. with Wallacu Rcld, Bebe Daniels and Cenrad Nngel In the lead lug roles; a William DeMllle produc tion; commencing Saturday, "Bleed and Sand," with Rodelph Valentine. STAXTOX "Monte Crlstc," (commenc ing Saturday), plcturlzatlen of Du mas leinance, with Jack Gilbert und big cast. ALDIXB "A Tailor Made Man," adapted from the stage comedy suc cess, with Charles Ray an Jehn Paul Bart, the tailor's assistant who dared Destiny ; In the cast nre Ethel Grand. In, Jacquollne Legan, Kate Lester, Themas RIcketts and Stanten Heck. KARLTOX "EUdence." a society story, with Elaine Hammersteln, Nlles Welch, Ernest Hllllard nnd Helmes E. Herbert In the leading roles. ARCADIA "The Ragged Heiress," a "heart-Interest" story, with Shirley Masen In the role cf an abused daugh ter of a criminal father. VICTORIA "l Am the Law," a story of the Northland, with Alice Lake, Neah and Wallace Beery and Rose mary Theby In the leading roles. REGEXT "A Homespun Vamp," Btery of a farnvhouse drudge who found romance, with May McAvoy In the leading role. Preleusly Reviewed PALACE "If Yeu Believe It. It's Se," a story of a creek's regeneration, with Themas Melrfcan. Thcodero Reberta and Pauline Starke. CAPITOL 'A Foel Chere Waff." a modern version of the Perter Emer son Browne stcrrv about a vampire and a man. Estclle Tayler In the former role. IMPERIAL Monday. Tuesday and Wednesday, "Turn te the Right," with Alice Terry: Thursday. Friday and Saturday. "The Primitive Lever," with Constance Talmadge. ALIIAMBRA Monday. Tuesday nnd Wednesday. "Ace of Hearts, with Len Chancy: Thu&sday. Friday and Saturday, "The Fighting Streak," with Tem Mix COI.OXIAL Monday. Tuesday and Wednesday, "Man Unconquerable," with Jnck Helt . Thursday. Friday and Saturday, "The Primitive- Lever," with Constance Talmadge. MARKET STREET Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, "Senny." with Rich ard Barthelmebs ; Thuisday, Friday and Saturday, "Man Unconquerable,' with Jack Hclt. GREAT XORTHERX Monday, Tues day) nnd Wednesday, 'fHer Secial Value." with Katherlne MacDonald , Thursday, Friday and Saturday, The Primitive Lever." with Con stance Talmadge XIXOX'S AMBASSADOR - Monday, Tue'rtay ana weanesnay. me v,un of Heme"; Thursday. Friday and Saturday. "Silas Marner.' with Crawford Kent and Geerge Fawcett. BELMOX1 "Fer the Defense." com bination mstery and society story, with Ethel Clayten, " ernen Steel and Mabel Van Buren. LOCUST "Turn te the Right," Rtfx Incrim production from famous Wlnchell Smith comedy stage success, with Allce Terry and Harry Myers. STRAXP Monday, Tuesday and Wed nesday. "Man Unconquerable." with Jack Helt: Thursday, Friday and Saturday, "Borderland," with Agnes Ayres. SIXTY-XIXTIT BTREET Monday, Tuesday nnd Wednesday, "Fer the Defense," with Ethel Clayten; ThurB day, Friday and Saturday. "The Face Between," with Bert Lytell. LEADE R Monday and Tuesday, "Over the Berder." with Tem Moere : Wed nesday and Thursday. "The Ordeal, with Agnen Ayres; Friday and Sat urday. "Wildfire." r,.r. Mrfnv "MleVev." with Ma- r.uifi """y-'i.. -v- - n if Heme." mrlSEVM Monday nnd Tuesduy. C"Th Vermilion Pencil," with Sessue Hnvakawa ; Wednesday. "Reported IneshiK." with Owcu Moere: Thurs day and Friday, "Silas Marner" ; Saturday. "Ashamed of Tarents." Shubert Vaudeville Plans Announcement has been made that WhRnU.tr Ray will again be in charge of the Chestnut Street Onera Heusa when thnt theatre opens shortly with Shubert vaudeville. Meanwhile, mnny of the Shubert "unit shows ' nre start lnc rehearsals. Including Oconto ,Ies sef's "Troubles of 1022" ; "Echoes of Broadway": Eddla Dewllng's "My Radie Olrl"! Henry Dixen's "Mid night Revels" i Jack Singer's "Helle, i.w Yerk," nnd Oeerge Onllnsher's "Mulligan's Follies." It Is announced that Kvn Tanguuy. the cyclonic come ceme dienne, will In all probability head a unit show. , 'Dever Read" Premised The Adelph! Theatre will open early in September with Outhrle McCllntic s production of A. A. Bllne'H comedy, ''The Dever Read," coming from tlit) lllteu Theatre, New Yerk. The enft Includes Charles Cherry. Winifred Leu llinn. Melly Pearson, Reginald Muben, Lyimcl Watts. Geerge B. ltlddell. Ann Wlnslewr, Arllna MacMahen, Edwin H.tMorie anu uwrw wu hpl Nortinne lurauej. with Heet Gibsen: Wednesday aim Thursday. "The VermlUen Fencll": Fridav and Saturday. "The Call of EVENING PUBLIC Waiiamaker's Down Stairs Stere Offers Sale of 1 000 New Autumn Dresses Weel Jersey at $2; Silk at $11. 50 te $25; Cleth at $6 te $25 $11.50 $13.75 $15 An astonishing event. Mere than that, a really help ful occasion. Here are hundreds of new effective dresses for such small sums that a woman at home could net hope te duplicate them at the same cost. , Hew can dresses like these come here for 80 little? Largely because of the great volume of orders given each season by Wanamaker's Down Stairs Fashion Stores. Alse because it is the beginning of the season and every maker is anxious te "get started" even though he sacrifices profit. We selected carefully every dress in the Sale made sure that the materials and styles were of fashionable merit and that linings and workmanship were right. Frecks for college, for ever the Laber Day holiday, for all the Autumn and Winter months. 142 Weel Jersey Dresses at $2 Less than half the standard', price, as one can easily guess. Sleeveless slip-en style. Henna, black, brown and navy, braid bound and pocketed. Sizes 16 te 42. Limited Greup of Serge Frecks at $6 One geed style in navy blue serge, straight of line, with a saucy sash that ties en one hip. Rows of fagot-like embroidery from neck te hem. Broken sizes, 16 years te 36. Women's High Lace Shoes Marked Down te $2 Price-lowered because we are discontinuing the styles, and because the size range is limited te 2 te 5. There are just 455 pair of them, and last season they sold freely in regular stock at three and even four times their present marking. They are geed, serviceable shoes en conservative lasts. High lace shoes with patent lenther vamps and gunmetal tops. High lace black kid shoes with Cuban heels. High lace gunmetal shoes with Cuban heels. High lace tan sheea with military heeTs. And two ether geed styles in a very bro ken size assortment. $2 (Down Stair Stere, Chestnut) Women's Silk Stockings, $1.25 A nice weight and weave in these full-fashioned silk stockings that successfully preserve the slimness of one's ankles. Leng-wearing mercerized cotton tops and soles. Tiny imperfections make them "seconds." Black and white. Sizes 8ie te 10. (Down Stair Stere, Central) All-Silk Taffeta, $1.35 Yard There's something irresistible about taffeta, its combi nation of crispness and softness, perhaps. Ne wonder that women like it for things as diverse as dresses and lamp shades and for dozens of things besides. This $1.35 quality is nice te the touch and has pleasant high lights. Navy, midnight, orchid, turquoise, brown and gray. 85 inches wide. (Down Btstra Stere, Central) New Dress Ginghams, 22c Yard Pleasant, bright-colored patterns for the wash house dresses that many women find most comfortable for all-the-year-round wear. A weave that premises long service. Plain pink, yellow, blue and gray. Large, small and broken checks include these colors as well as lavender, black and red. 32 inches wide. (Down Stain Stere, Central) Yes, This Is the Luggage People Are Talking About The geed-looking kinds at such moderate prices. $5.n0 Shiny overnight cases black fabric and attractively center lock and catches. 18 Black enamel suitcases finish and are deep enough leather straps all 'round and lid.P24 and 26 inch sizes. Y") (Down Htlr LEDGERr - PHILADELPHIA, SATUBDAT, 52 BtBBH&JtH $3.50 at $3.5D are made of enameled lined. They are fortified with te 22 inch sizes. at $5.50 have the same shiny te seem all-absorbing. Leng leather corners. Pocket in the Stere, Central) $13.75 $11.50 118.75 Tricetine and Silk Dresses at $10 Well-tailored dresses of navy tricetine and pretty crep de chine in softer styles. 23 Styles of Dresses at $11.50 Tricetine, Peiret twill, velour and lovely charraeusel Sizes 14 te 88 in the cloth dresses. Sizes 16 te 42 in these of silk. Seme are samples and only one of a kind. All are much below the standard prices. Navy and brown mostly. Charmeuse and Crepe Dresses Are $13.75 Delightful fashions, as the sketches indicate. Either the newly popular charmeuse or geed durable crepe de chine. Pretty draperies, embroidery and waistline orna ments distinguish them. Mostly navy and black. Sizes 14 te 42. 20 Styles of Dresses at $15 Peiret twill with the new Chinese-like embroidery or introducing a gay note of red, or with mere sedate black braid te give the season's formal touch. Charming crepe de chine frocks at this price have draperies and enameled metal ornaments. Mostly navy blue. Sizes 16 te 42. (Down Stain Stere, Market) Moderately Priced Table and Household Linens Geed kinds such as housekeepers have come te knew they will always find in the Down Stairs Stere. $1.90 yard for heavy Irish linen table damask, firm of weave and fully bleached. Four pretty patterns. 70 inches wide. $1.85 yard for all-linen silver bleached table damask that Is ab solutely free from dressing. Pretty satin finish. A splendid linen for hard, everyday use. Seven patterns In the 62-inch width and one pattern in the 70-lnch width. $5.50 dozen for Irish linen napkins. Fully bleached. Five attrac tive patterns. 21 inches square. 25c yard for all-linen crash kitchen toweling, heavy, closely woven and absorbent. 1G inches wide; red or blue borders. This has Just been received and is a new and better kind than any we have shown formerly at around this price. (Down Stairs Stere, Central) Many Kinds of Towels at 20c te 50c Big, soft cotton huck ones that school and coHege ceHege coHege beund students like. Small "guest" sizes which are nice for doctors' and dentists' offices. Larger ones for everyday family use. And tea towels that one's silverware and glasses may be bright and shining. 20c for all-cotton huck towels, nicely soft and absorbent 18x84 inches. Plain white with hemmed ends. 25c for all-linen huck guest towels, 14x21 inches. Hemmed ends. COc for exceptional all-linen huck guest towels with hemstitched hems. 15x22 inches. 50c for big union-linen huck towels, soft and absorbent, size 24x38 inches. 60c for typed a?l-llnen tea and glass towels, bordered in red or blue. Hemmed, ready for use. (Down Stain Stere, Central) Colorful New Cretonnes, 25c and 40c Yard Their bright new colorings put te shame the faded, jaded tones of the draperies which have done sucn splendid seiwice through the whole Summer of sunshine. 26c for well-covered pretty cretonnes in floral and conventional designs. Plenty of light effects as well as the desirable dark back back srreunds. 84 inches wide. 40c for new Autumn cretonnes in patterns that remind ene of old-fashioned challis; or quaint chintz: or daring futuristic designs. Light and dark colors. 85 incheB wide. Standard-Size Window Shades, 65c, 85c Water color shades at 66c and oil-color shades at 85c, Twe shades of green, two shades of yellow, terra cotta and white. 86 inches wide and 2 yards long. Complete with hardware for hanging. (Down Stairs Stere, Cheitnnt) Women's Underclothes, 50c te $2 Seft, pretty, not-toe-expensive things that will help out a college girl's wardrobe decidedly. 50c, cress-barred white dimity bloomers with narrow blue stitched ruffle at knee. $1, roomy nightgowns with shirring and hemstitching outlin ing the pretty V neck and tiny sleeves. White with lavender, and pink with blue stitching. $2, dainty pink lace-edged pa jamas with ruffled trousers and V-necked ribben-ticd Jacket., Blue shirring suggests a waistline and holds in the fullness of the pocket, r (Down BUIrefBtere, Central) AUGUST, 26, 1922 Unusually Geed Seamless Axminster Rugs Rich-looking patterns and nese figures and plainer effects. Standard sizes at prices considerably lower than they will of necessity be later, for the whole sale cost of these rugs has already ad vanced. 4.6x6.6 ft. Rugs, $16.50 and $19.50 6x0 ft Rugs, $27.50 and $35 7.6x9 ft Rugs, $37.50 and $42.60 8.3x10.6 ft. Rugs, $45 and $52.60 9x12 ft Rugs, $47.50 and $56.60 Seamless Axminster Rugs in Hard-te-Find Sizes 0x10.6 ft Rugs, $40 9x18 ft. Rugs, $75 Seamless Velvet Rugs With Fringed Ends 6x9 ft. Rugs, $25 8.8x10.6 ft. Rugs, $42.50 9x12 ft Rugs, 147.60 $18.75 $2 Crepe Back Satin and Other Dresses, $16.50 Seft, heavy, gleaming crepe-back satin frocks such as one would naturally think far mere costly. Alse canton crepe dresses of the sort that seems te wear almost forever. Berne have the new long sleeves, ethers have leng-line draperies and Jet ornaments. Navy and black mostly. Sizes 16 te 42. Nice, Simple, Geed Silk Dresses, $20 Just a very limited number of Canten crepe and crepe de chine frocks in sizes 36 te 44. Seme of the new bro caded black crepes de chine included. Navy and nut brown as well as black in the ether silks. Extra-Size Dresses at $25 Thirteen styles of silk and cloth dresses in sizes 42 V2 te 52Vjj. Designed by a maker who specializes in correctly cut frocks for larger women, and we think these are particu larly geed. Crepe-back satin, crepe de chine and tricetine included. Navy, black or brown. Pleated, beaded or sim ple with fageting. Early Sale of Winter Coats will offer, beginning Monday, two hundred women's new sport coats at $12, $16.50, $25, $29. Seme are in the popular invisible plaids, ethers are of plain sports cloth. Fur-trimmed coats are $25, $38.50, $58.50, $78.50. (Down Stain Stere, Martlet) BOBBINETTE SWEATERS Why Net Make One? Large-meshed, creamy scrim is the foundation for these new sweaters that are great fun te make and charming when finished. Seft yarn, in any color or colors one pre fers, is flashed ever and under the meshes of the scrim te make a snug firm weave. Sweaters like these are a challenge te one's ingenuity. The models show blouse and straight styles, collarless and cellared kinds, and there is no end te the color effects possible. 1 yard scrim, 80c yard ; 4 balls yarn, 25c te 50c ball. (Down Stair Stere, Central) CENTRAL AISLE Fiber Rugs Hand Plaited in "Tile" Patterns, 60c Mere of the rugs that sell out in a few hours when ever we are fortunate enough te secure them. The neutral tan of the fiber is interwoven with blocks of a deep brown with extremely pleasing results. House wives will think of a hundred possible uses for them and will welcome this new opportunity. Size about 20x39 inches. Women's Initial Linen Handkerchiefs Bexes of 6, $1 i-ji.,11?1 1" reetMns individual about having one's "hankies" Initialed and the fact that they're daintily boxed adds te that effect. Of sheer white linen, they will make most acccptaWe gifts. (Down Stain Stere, Central AUle) rleasantly Lew Priced color in r.hl Wilten Rugs 27x54-inch $8.50 and 86x63-inch rugs, $16.50 4.6x7.6 ft. nigs, $25 and $32.50 6x9 ft. rugs, $ae and $55 8.3x10.6 ft. rugs, $65 and $80 bxD ft rugs, Ov.U PWted (Down BUIra tare. Che" U) - -i mm t.ui , 11 $11.50 in Twe rugs, Dependable Qualities 9x12 ft rugs $67.50 and $84 0x15 ft. rugs, $100 and $125 11.3x12 ft. rugs, $100 nnd $125 ll;3xl5 ft. rugs, $125 nnd $le0 $9.50 Reversible Weel and Fiber Rugs All year 'round weights, patterns and colors. 6x9 ft. rugs, $7.50 nnd $9 7.6x9 ft. rugs, $9 and $12 8.3x10.6 ft. rugs, $11.50 und $14 9x12 ft rugs, $12.50 and $15 Hit and Miss Rag Rugs Woven of Clean, New Rags 4x7 ft. rugs, $2.65 8x10 ft. rur. X7.KO $4.85 flx12 ft ruW a I A, Rag Rugs in Twe HT v.. v . w r A.-m.vna ...- n wimm mmn ' t--w .... tr KWH mkib. ,.u.'i.n , m .SifH le r7 V tklx Hi . Mi ?; i j ''I IfH I .,