Pi "r" WW0$fKm'XK'fwmX$! lM ijM ft?&SHIKiiiv'i3? ,.? 1 f I. I M ri; m P VS "s i . '- rm ie EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER-PHIX'ADELPHIA, SATUEDAY, A0(iUST ;26,' 1922 MOVIEGRAMS - OF THE WEEK Wallace and Rodelph Beth at Stanley "Mente Criste" at Stanten STARS OF STAGE AND SCREEN HERE NEXT WEEK rS "cvcn-Strphen" next teek bo be twen plrturpfi tlint benr tlie stmlle brnml nml Uipp which nre mlaptntlens from novels find pln. ' Se fnr, tliengli, we'tp nil been unit ing nnd hoping the srrnt phntodrn phntedrn matlst, tlip FCTfcn llnlznc se te spenk. baa net nrrlved, nnd It ! te tlie prent tithers of fiction nnd the drnina Hint the filnvmnkcr.s linve turned for their best efforts. Twe special openings bore en Satur day tnnki next week seinpihliiR of n gain occasion, nnd thp undeniable fnrt icmnlns tlint tlip adaptations have It In qunltty, If net In qnantttj. THE Stanley Thpntrp will exhibit two features during flip week, opening en Mendnv with the screen adaptation of Ilachel Cretliers' Mage comedy. "Nice I'oep'e." nnd switching, en Sat- I enlay, te Hlnsee Ibane.' Spanish i romance. "Weed nnd Sand." 5 The setting-, of these two picture nre ' entirely dlsMmllnr. Thp tirt-nnmed is , nn American tery, 3nr Pnrlirt pure and simple, with tmd Toreadors ,li8tlnc,v modern' at Stcnlcy phnse of younger se- clety. the "Unik "Unik teters" nnd the "jazz hound " The ether feature carries its audience te (Hinnv Spain, ha a toreador for a here, and tends ie chew (nt len'-t: the novel and plav did) the evil of bull-lighting The first-named has Wallace Held in a leading rele: the ether hat Hodelph Valentine. Here nre screen-Idels of the firt clas In n concerted attack en the feelings of the "flapper fan." , Philadelphia has never had an opper- i tunlty te see "Nice People" en the legitimate stage, but m.iy. this -on-en "Bleed nnd Sand" Is remembered from last Bensen's engagement at the Hrn.ul I when swaggering. Inimitable Otis Skinner plnvd the role of Onllurde ' "Nice People" is said te adhere ery deselv te its stage form : "Weed and Snnd''i partially reforms Onllnrde. but does the surprising thing of clinging te ( the tragic ending. i In casting Wallace Held as Billy, the j young mnn from the West who was -e profoundly shocked nt the "goings-en" I of the flappers and their whisky -drinking escett. the maker of "Nice I People" pulled a real surprise. The turned It into amazement by casting Cenrad Nagel n the most prominent of the "hip-pocket nrtlts" nnd the I young gentleuinn who muses the heroine ' a whole let of trouble and mnkes the plot livelv. Here was a juxtaposition that ought te bring ga's from the audience. As "Teddy." the heroine, wp find Bebe Daniels, wl e seems te fit well into the role of this character, who be- ' gins by being addicted te cigarettes, the j shimmy and co. ktalK. and ends by' preferring chicken -raising and farmyard i overalls. I The rastins in "Weed and Sand ' is I Just as Interesting. In the first place. I no one can deny that the role of here of the bull ring is an ideal one for the piu piu turesque and thoroughly entimcntnl , Valentine. Whether he is e well I adapted te the particular part of fiul- ' larde is net se positive. At any rate, he will realue thnt uiin and passionate here in appearance. Te play the role e' Onllarde's wife, Llla I.ee was chosen, and thus this I hnrd-werking eung ladv linally comes into her own and can afford te lnugli at her critics. She was made a star tee eoen. but she proved che was a real stai 1 by starting near the bottom anil work ing right up again. In the role of the sinuous nnd seduc tive Dena 'sol. played en the stage by Catherine f'alvert, wp will ee the at tractive Nita Nnhli. who made se much of the role of the evil woman in "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Ilvdc." Fred Mble. who entered the Direc- lm ' j ilillfl lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllk slMIB I HHBXKnHTI - the ntulie need but te hare their plots outlined te mnke It evident where the greater genius lies. However, they have their points of Interest also. "Evidence," for example, features Elaine llnn.merstcln (who went te a pilvute school near Phila delphia ence upon n time), and has n crnckerlack of a cast Including Nile Welch, Helmes E. Herbert and Ernest Illlllnrd. The plot concerns an actress who marries Inte a snobbish social set, nnd then lights for recognition just as Arthur Wing Plncre heroines In the same situation have fought. In direct contrast te this setting of opulence, nnd the fight nftnlnst "caste," is the plot of the Arcadia's fenture photoplay, "The Iinggcd Heiress." which hns Shirley Mnsen ns star. Here lsa case of a girl who Charles" "Esa"'' TAILOR.' MADE-MAN --- Pslt VI i : M4PR44 mm -u, .'-Hi Mmm -1 $rs ZT- . eii Sk ISLllllllllllllH 1-lcle.n. ara aea-ie"hL B F KEITHS THE RACCED HEIRE.SS ARCADIA Br Wi AalH. Gilbert MOMTE. CRISTO" STAN4TQK) TSEPT n UlaiutHarernCTsitln. "EVIDErJCE" ViAR.LTON 'VTUXacc, wtcE. TreiUE:' STXsj LEY -A.'aiSe. d s5MS; yj lacJc 1slK. ' 1 AM THE- LAV VI CTORIA 3sa.ei. Xici BATHING BEAUTIES BIJOU 2xitb7 "DeJ.xneM'ie. 2.S t die Tale: " BEAUTY RF.VUE APOOLTHEREVAS A,ttsJO &A.PITOL Photoplays te Be Seen en Lecal Screens Soen SeiitmliT 4 'H'nerl and Sand 'vlth Itoilelpli VnUnili e, s-.ml. 'Metitt ("rtste ' with JacU i I'll" it, Mniten, ' alley of .Silent M- n. ' with l) f'eil . Alillne 'The Bencl.M Wern n w ih Uettv Compson K irlten . Tht lren r.i 1. w't'i Pure'hy Daltcm ArcTiln IfT i 'ilfl Cige ' with Gleiii Swanson Victeria. ritriiliiT 11 "The Three-Must-Get-Theirs i-h M.i I.lniier, Aldlne Ceniiiik nun I'r'.aeni'r of Zenda,' with Lfi e Stene, The Storm ' with Hius, I',t-is terlal Hall of Kame with his "Three ! company euglit te innke a new version Musketers" production, directed and Sand AN( . source of til- week, and again. Tailor Who Jrpert, !-"-vs: Ul, Dared Fate filmmakers h a v e , ., adhered very Ul ttim cleely te th. eiig- ,..L J,' ,,n'!s 1;,n,jn," Escapes Frem ether than "The Tailor-Made Man. j- that most delightful reniedv -in wlilcn Grant jlitchpll starred at the darrlcL a number of ears age. In the role of Jehn Paul Part, the tailor's assistant, who. bj daring des tiny, rose te unexpected heights through the aid of a dress suit, we thid Charles Ray. This is Ins first production at the head of hi new organization, ami he has been wie ere'igli te es new di rectorial honors and ftick te acting Unfertunateh. Ita's rwent pictures in which he served both a star and di rector, hove fallen wav off in cpialin Te support him in his first separate renture, Kav chesp th following east of well-known ninip-ltes lth'i (Iran din, Themas lib kc'ts, pmigl'is Or rard, IMjthe Chapman. Kn" I.estp-, Jacnueline I egan Stanten Hp'-k. IMdip Grlbben, Michael Dark, I'rank Iint'.er and Charlette Pierce New that 'het vp done this Cohan Cehan esque plnv ahe'i' a 'ing man who laughed In the fac ..f Fa'e. some fi'm wm dlir aillllllllllllr IBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBH 3- 1 V- H llren in want in th lfin f htlj rll rll lalneus relations use her rightful for fer fer tune. Jehn Harren. brother of the lamented Rebert, is here. It is in the "great out-of-doers" and "under the spoil of the snerihland" that the Victeria' story Is laid. The authorship Is rather clouded at present in a lawsuit, but it's about "red blooded men" and Northwest Mounted Policemen and young women in dis tress. A great cast, which includes Allce Lake, Kenneth Harlan, Neah nnd Wallace Beery and Oasten GIebs, appears. The Regent's opening will be May McAvoy in "The Homespun Vnmp," wlilchAjs a comedy with a bucolic atmeBjriere and concerns the revolt of a little farmhouse drudge against a earcnt-mada marriage. IFVOO BEUEVETTIT5 30 PALACE. liloeel I of Hairy I. eon Wilsen's delightful '"Hunker Iirun,' winch had a meie ei less casual s.r(ftiiiu tlnee or tout Is the years age with .! i k Piukterd. Aldlne's feature next , rtur.r- ..- "i i m i.i.it.' 'i"i,i, mm net a piujj, scrvni 7 1 thr basu for the Stan Stan eon') fell eprmnq ninth eatm en Sntunlwi. 7'im i .iTOj'n Danten 'r "w l;fjlia,l .a..W ". IF ,. .. ., 'It' II It , l II II I f rnfe," vhuh " na te"Thr'J hrrr Dnntci jeemi te have Icen reinrnrnatrd U 'h iffr," tec inth rentidrrnblr arc and fnithfulnrtu, letrd mere than anything lUe te read He tt phjvrd bu a yeuiui fclletc. Jack Sccx.e. from SILAS NIXONS MANNER AM&A55AOOR Gilbert, but rXe eharnrterisotien i ap- parently an outstanding one. And, such a surrnuntting cast! Rebert McKun, c!uaii the impec cable villain, is He Villcfert; Spottii Spettii Spottii tceodc Aitkcn, the imprisoned Albe Faria; Wifft'am 1. Meng, the sneaky Cadcreussc; Geerge Seiemann, the re formed pirate, Luiai Vampa; Kstellc Tayler, Mercedes; Virginia Faire, the fascinating llaides, Gasten Glass, Al beit and Ralph Clemnger, Fernand. The first part that ts the treachery of I'd Din nd Dantcs' supposed friends, his imprisonment, and final incarcera tion in the dungeon of the Chateau d If, then later still his laborious and eventually successful struggle te escape is said te be almost identical ictth the novel. ... j SO Ml'CH for the four films based en stage productions or works of fiction. The four that were inarte In or about WOODSIDE SemcthinK Doing All the Time Eent of the Season TOY DAY Wednesday, August 30th 300 Valuable Toys Distributed FREE Come Early and Get a Coupon Durhane's Concert Rand Ercnle Durbane, Conductor Edna Wallace Kinney, Contralto Fireworks Every Friduy Evening - "; A PHILADELPHIA INSTITUTION TT v $ sti ttm trim riiiTvi t s,ihi;t:t norm 12TK .Titr.KT The Best Shew Where It's Coel and Comfortable! Next Week The Ditinguihed International Dramatic Star! EL ATWILL n Teur'-sy rf Da 11 P!aee Supported by a Specially Selected Company In "THE WHITE-FACED FOOL," by Edgar Allan Woolf ARTHUR WEST HALL, ERMINE & BRICE ETHEL HOPKINS qHM Tn A N'ttrt in ' ciy MnTm !I!'ft n V t Oi LESTER CRAWFORD & HELEN BRODERICK FIK'M M''SI-AL r MHDT Trc'B'iSES TV a "MILK OR TWO" dancing McDonalds A -' 'I s 1 A I WYETH & WYNN JAM & ETTA MITCHELL Tun in the Air i lis if I UK DAY UrKA ADDED AfTltAC TIO-N JK.NETTJ- AND EXTRA DDED ATTKACTIONI EISCKETT & DELMAR ritESENr TIIKIK 1-KRAT Itl'.VtT. "THE JEWEL uitii nr.w or m:iTirti. f.iui.- HABBT CA-SK" SI J fc 1 1 r . I'T ft .' Kcxf Hi- H Alvunr s.lc Nlgtitn. 30e te rhor.e FIRert 330.1 fSf MfttliifC" NIXON'S KnlnK fjff HJll30 & 3:00 1,,AUH 7 A 0 1'. SI. ULJ BOTH AMI riI.TIMOKE AVE. MONDAY, Tt'KSHA A WEDNESDAY 'THE CALL OF HOME" THI'K'.DAY EltlDW A SATI KDAY "SILAS MARNER" nEOROE EI.UITS TAMOrs Vdvvi WMR'tm- BtTLHED f HTERrAINMfNT OS O CDF 11. ij SEIlVIC'i: CHAIttiC. !.( L0RETTA McDERMOTT & EDDIE COX AllTIbTU I'KHSiiNAI ITIE3 "MARVEL." WONDER OF THEAGE DELANO DELL LATK MlHI V DItT ISO CO S' K CHUMANNHEIN World' (Irrutnt Contnille AT (iAHDK-N l'IKIt TIIEATUI ATI-NTir CITY 8unl"T AfterniMin, hnt. 3. nt 3 e'clurk "WUi. I. 1.30. S A J.30, I'lil- Way tii. Btata liuvv uu nlu lit tlux Otlre CH1 rlr Ie auld illmtiielntmiit. 'huni- 7i'8 WILLOW GROVE PARK ; COilU OUT TODAY .WD TOMUItHOW TO 1IEAK : SOUSA AND HIS BAND fill CeactrU by Urtat Band GARRiCK Brilliant Opening of Season Monday Ev'g, rim i(j ictntK trksents, THE M.W COMLI M ITU .Ml SIC SEPT.4 SEAT SALE Men., Aug. 28 "ORANGE BLOSSOMS" WITH CT or sTiics EDITH DAY AND A ieROEOCS GROCI' or (ilorieis niBLS Story by Fred De Gresac Lyrie by B. G. De Syltr MUSIC BY VICTOR HERBERT IOSTIMES hI'ECIAI.I. Iir.-KiNEIt AND EM.llTED IN TARIH IIY MONS. I'M I. l'UIUET STAt.E SKTTINt.sI)I.iltiED in NORMAN IIEI, GEDDE VICTOR HERBERT WILL CONDUCT THE OPENING PERFORMANCE I'OI'l I.Alt I'ltlf E WI.DNEMIAY ,M TINEE. 77r TO 2 lll'hMMi OI' SEASON WORLD'S (jimTI'.ST REVl'K Monday, Sept. 11 bffi,.M-f-E??f-j FORREST SPICE OF 1922 VAir. pi itATT. nan HAi.rritiv nrnnnin pmrn a srirni atiit; cast BROAD eW'.n Monday, Sept. 11 K.ft'fJ"' 1 1 ii LYNN FONTANNE (lEOKGE (. TU.EIt nnd mlll IV" II. II. I'KAEE rrrxrnt UULVf I FOR tIENEFITH AT THR HBOAD, KOItREHT AND OAHIUCK THEATRES. AVl.Y AT THK OliNBnAI, OFKICE. IIROAD RTIIKET THKATRR. 7Ucen BSD Ilfl. MARKET ST. Ilnllv nt 2;is I trnlncH, 7 A I) 5-ALL-STAR VOD-VIL ACTS-5 oCeeaC MI) A I.OCCST KTS. I -in A 3- 0:30 tn 11 A I.I. NEXT WEEK TURN TO THE RIGHT Frem Wltnhll Smith'. Fatnei-. I'K. 3?rl St. nh Mnrkrt IrtO It fl-30 te 11 .in .-ri rrK TJet'hveKt ETHEL CLAYTON "FOR THE DEFENSE" Ue,kcL t rcrmantewn Ave. cnanne St. .MONDAY. Tl-KHDAY A WEDNESDAY JACK HOLT in "The Man Unconquerable" TlirRSDAY ntlD.W A SATUdi Y AGNES AYRES in "Borderland" 69th St. THEATRE erp. TERMINAL MONDAY. TCESDAY A WEDNESDAY ETHEL CLAYTON In "FOR THE DE-E.S.sE" DOROTHY 0 oprune TUCnHDAY, FRIDAY A SATURDAY Bert Lytell, "The Face Between" MARtll'FKITE SfH.KTTE. senr.n. IIt A I.iinruetrr ,r. '.. "1 te II rnitian i tjivnrsm Monday A Tiindui Betty Compson, Over the Berder Vrlnrilnr nnd ThurMlnr AfiSKS AYRES In "THE OHDl'Ai ,, rnaur nnn siiiuritiit "WIIF ROMANCE HIDES" Ab BIJOU BAT 8lh & Rce. M Ntil II kAir wik priES "90"J0 Allurlnr Nrmph 20 yVS W"h i7' Bertha Delmonte !Wi?- AND AI.UHTAH CAST - uiiAinu frill ii y Thern. 'if UiMit-Yan Night' 5 PHILADELPHIA'S LEADING THEATRES, DIRECTION LEE & J. J. SHUBER' " THE HAIRY APE' will take rank with the great plays of tha century. It the first play te dramatize the problem of unrett that must be aelved if the Re public it te be preserved." Arthur Hobten Quinn, Dean, College Dept., University of Penn. LYRIC MON. MAT., SEPT. 4 (LABOR DAY) ARTHUR HOPKINS TRESENTS THE PROVINCE-TOWN PLAYERS' PRODUCTION OF EUGENE O'NEILL'S ORE.T hlCCIISS THE HAIRY APE A COMEDY OK ANCIENT ANjb MODERN MFC. WITH LOUIS WOLHEIM SETTINGS IIY nODEUT EDMOND JONES AND CI.EON THROCKMORTON PEATS TIIl'RS MAIL nilDERS NOW. PRICES NIGHTS INCI.fDINO SATURDAY NIHHT AND SATURDAY AND HOLIDAY MATINEE. $i 5U TO Blc POPULAR MATINEE WEDNESDAY PRICES BOc TO 12.00. "Superbly produced. A turbu lent and tremendous play, te vital and interesting and teeming with life that these playgoers who let it escape them will be missing one of the real events of the year." Alexander Woellcott, New Yerk Times. "The Hairy Ape is the best play by an American we have ever seen. The play is a whale." Arthur Pollock, in the Brooklyn Eagle. "Net te observe this tragedy of the man who didn't belong, would be te lese one of the notable dramatic incidents of the year." New Yerk World. 1 MAIL .order; NOW I SHUBERT SBKS3- MON. MAT. "A'&SK: SEATS THURS; N ARTHUR. HAMMER.STEIN A vS 7A MUSICAL COMEDY REVELATION .;..&! HE IflTTCM '"tpLut ii 1 1 en i BoeiTay otte harbach and william caqy duncan. musc by ruoelf Mini VA RICHARD CARLE DISTINGUISHED CAST ' A I0ST OF CFTEO SPECIALTY AHTS7S ! 30-CHORUS OF PLAYFUL KITTENS 30 1 WHICH RAN FOR SIX MONTHS atihe SELWYN THEATRE.NEW YORK WAI NNT ST.THEATRE tTALIiUI walnut at ninth J.P.BEURY SefeOMer CCWANAMAKER fc BElLPICW.m.M9 LIMITED ENGAGEMENT CCDT AP BEGINNING MONDAY jCKI. V but above all- -5 -L I.Z. . c 5 news Ter one price NY V.W0SU FascinaTind rhiff" tie r fv rn rf t filW YORK WOfiLO Hi really dets ueu The mys'TGru of Tnusferics 1 n IJ-Y EVENNO l POTT TL. i-Z 'i.'ll :Lu L: i J. L f my aevu iu dq uu u lime iu u iiuiiic i Adelph Klauber'9 NIW YDM AMERICAN CHARLATAN NIGHT9 and SAT. MAT 50te2?. .WED.MAT. 50nol.5e ""iKDiHIBWSW'"- Ih it a 4i'eatQittei'faiimetit I'er lli-nfttth at ler llii-utrrn, Anply Umetlt Drpt., C'hmtniil M. Oiifrn llen. nidK,. "" fh...tn.. Doieiv 11th. Walnut "''" lIEr6PER (HIMSELF) AND HIS BEAUTY REVUE WITH THAT FUNNY Til A MP rriMKpiAV EDDIE FOX AND A CAbT O?" 10 PRINCIPAI.S WITH 1 flAND-PirKKD priAf'HKS hXI'HA ADHKD ATfRAUTlUNS THK WHKSTI.INO OIRI, MODKI.S , TAD7AM " TUC IIAIDV ADC" IVrfrrt Flgure ConleM l'rl.l.ir - 1 Atti, Ail, lilt II AIM Alii AND THK N'KW VDRK IIII'PODRO.MKTEATURB GONZELL WHITE'S JAZZERS 10rn,nulpiinAvnWH10 fiDlRECnON STANLEY COMPANY OP AMERICAHj It A. M. TO 11:111 P. M. ALWATS PERFECTLT VENTILATED NINTEENTH AND MARKET FIVE DAYS ONLY COMMENCING MONDAY William de Mi Me PRODUCTION NICE PEOPLE A PARAMOUNT 1'lCtUUB WITH Wallace Reid, Bebe Daniels Cenrad Nagfel aJulia Faqe. ' Hachel Crethcr's Great Stage Hit Made Inte n Greater Picture VOCAI. FEATURE OL.ADT8 IUCB. SOPRANO TWO WEEKS BEGINNING SATURDAY NEXT RODOLPH VALENTINO BleUd and Sand I LA LEE NITA NALDI FIRST HIIOWINM Qn M Frem the Nevel by VlcenU Clatce Ibanea and tha PIbv by Tem Cunhtnan Jiei Serene isljness W$t Count of iiente Criste Presents the Assurances of His Distinguished Consideration and Bcga the Hener of Entertaining in Persen fje public of tytlabelpl)ta en the Occasion of His First Appearance in This City J?ext Ibaturbap, z$ttuibzx 2b at 11 A. M. Stanten jjeatre 16th and Market Attest: OTtiltam jfOX, Septan, "Qftt Wevlb is Mm" and g I 'HI WS " CHESTNUT JH V I 1 E ( H y WEEK ONL.V CUiUrUNClNO ilONDAT UNITED AHTIbTS PRESENT Cuttfluww, TAIL0R-NAD1 mmAmM run FROM POPULAR PI. AY OK SAME TITLE 'yT;I8TH&WALNUT MATINEE DAILVl'g,l;l ! 4M W BROAD A CHESTNUT Y At 10 A. M.. 12, 2. 4. 0. H. 10 P. M.T A Next Week Select Pit lures l'rehfnt fPALACE: T 12TH AND MARKET , y 18 A M. TO 1H1B P. U. TeEOINNINQ HJwN. I T menday rmmr Wj I I A ( VS''' V)1 l I A PARA- 1 'I I MOUNT I f T picture r ijm, I 1 t 5f ! TliamasAteidhan i J 'IF Yov l'M It's Xe I )T A ffffMMHM THEODORE ROIIERTS and PAULINE f STARKE IN THE CAbT f ACADEMY OF MUSIC S SEP.25 RETURN ENGAGEMENT BY POPULAR REQUEST RUSSIAN GRAND OPERA COMPANY TWO SUBSCRIPTION SERIES ' SERIES A SERIES B ' Men. Kir., f-fpt. Mtli 'Mirgniiretchka" Tun. Kve., hept. 2Blli ''llerU" Wed., Ee.. 'rpt. 27th "Riinalku" Thnr. KTe.. Hul. 28th "I'lque Dame" 1 l'rl. Y.t., ("ttit. 20lli "Dfiuen" Hat, Ktc cpt. 30lli "Ciar'ii HflUe" I PRICES. EACH SERIESi ORrilESTRA, M.BOl OKC'MKHTHA CIRCLE, SB.OOi IIAI.CONY (IMT 2 ROUS). IM.OOj IIAI.CONY (OTHER R01h), il.eOl FAMILY CIRCLE, 1.1i IIOMN ISEATINCI 0. T1.H() IKIXKS (HKATIN'll 4). tll.OU PRICED. MNHI.K I'EKPOiniWCl'.H. (11,00 TO 3.00l AMPHITHEATRE. $ 00 ADD 10 HAH TA T(l ALL OIIDKRH. hri.ilAi, fi.uiiiK.iiA.Mr; mat. .hi.ii,i"., nr.i-i. suiii, "i.a jimvk," at RI.HII.AR PRICED. AIIDRKhb ALL bUIIHCItll'TIONX TO ACADEMV OF .MUSIC TICKET OIT1CES. VICTORIA NINTH AND MARKET n A M. TO 11 1R P M NEXT WEEK A nOJlANCE OF THE NORTH 1AM THE LAW WITH AI.IfH LAKE KENNETH HARLAN ROSEMARY 'I HEI1V II H TON (it. ASS NOAH HEI'.RY WALLACE REKRY GLOBE JUNIPER AND MARKET CONTINUOUS 11 te 11 POPULAR VAUDEVILLE AT POPULAR PRICES V I'VT .PI.MT A TAIU.OII)vi'hK'AL COMKDT "DOWN ON AVENUE A" Sl'.MPTl'OURLY STAOED ORIOINAL MUSIC PRETTY OIRI-S ADDED ATTRACTION MARRIAGE vs. DIVORCE A NOVEL SATIRE ON THE .MARRIAOE QUESTION , OTHER ACTS WORTH WHILE I ARCADIA SIXTEENTH AND CHESTNUT NEXT WEEK SHIRLEY MASON In WILI IAM FOX PRODUCTION "THE RAGGED HEIRESS" ALHAMBRA LON CHANEY TWELFTH Si MOIUUrt AUDEVILLE & "ACE OF HEARTS" -s PAPITm 8TII & JfARK" tMrllUL, je a m te n in v ' WILLIAM FOX'S NEW I'HOIIfCTION A FOOL THERE WAS Kflflle Tnjler. Unl Stene, MarJerl Diiu, .Mahleii llmiillten uiI Irrnr lllcli l! COLONIALUTNjkcHOLT "THE MAN UNCONQUERABLE" REGENT 17TH ft M WtKET MAY McAVOY la "A HOMESPUN VAMP" e flit EAT JIROAD A !'J',E ORTHERN WtVtffw "HER SOCIAL VALUE" I IIUIDrDIAI "l'lTII n.l iyAI.JJ. mi fciirMMV.. tues.. ": 'TURN TO THE RIGHT V tfl Kfc A .V. y- ' . iy "-n'f- "- ri ' "'-IMTftlW'ii ?AV vWl i-lv rtffry .ii-.,: -Wlttyifi.,,; . vt,, , j Tta.,j1,iVM.r, ,t .