TJv'F W WWHRi ' "J iffif 'WW nsra'ampiwp'ffv!'' jr "f? "!'t;LMifl3giBr7i' wmm ,. vawasae "'f is. lr t ' v:vww . t - " .. e um.1 RvmraB'ina ill j?f . I h f . T J Mt r. ' :'K5IIHKEV Vc t'V , . t- .jrVfSW.J V.L '. mtiKM ? EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, AUGUST 25, 1922 ft '4 JUST GOSSIP ABOUT PEOPLE flancy Wynne Chats of Miss Lea's Engagement te Mr. Woodsen Hancock, of Virginia She Sees Striking Freck at Cape May ICVN'T y t'lflt mfl".v f "" wrft Jmrlced te hear of Katharine Lea's ...St te Weedy Hancock. as lie fK'CilewtMl for Reme tin. Hut nt does "a tP " ""'" ,'rsr' in SrAtlne op PMltlnit. Ami I. for one. ENGAGEMENT IS ANNOUNCED 210S Pe Lanccy place nnd Wynnewood. ".iu uciiik uunKmiutaieu upon the birth ?Lft-.d,V!gh,!fr 1? AiiKiift 7, te be named Janet Cecilia Ilalnsferd Mrs. Italns Italns ferd wan M!s.i Inna Ttte. -M.r' "JA ?lrs. 'Ilm A- "Icltev. of 351 Seuth Thirty-eighth street, who huve been teiirln: th.-cuRh New Ungland nnd the Berkshire, hnye, retumeil home nnd later will re te their cottage at Cnpe May, te remain until October. Mr. and Mrs. T. Dudley RRKs, cf Baltimore. hnew moved Inte their new home In the Green Spring Vallev. Mrs. She nm ter offer tiicni both my heartiest eensrat uiallen. Kathmlne Is a (laughter of Sir. and Mrs Charles L I'. who hnvr. that fc!Milfi place. West Thorpe rnrtn. 5S,tI)enii. I tf member the benne 0"' aV ... rt..ut,,,t Wern Knt inrlnp "' Cd rlr" AW Wl . iS'wll'S 5r"hnrM"r Scend mnrrlnsp. hit ether daughter. r. Perev Hndfen. of New Wk, hiriitR been the child of hi first wife-. The prcjent Mrs. Lea. Katharine's mother. I lireminent In civic affair. Durlni' the war (die nan in charRp of one if l'" foed-f.nliiK division, and traveled nil ever the Slate nddrfvdnf, numbers of women en the subject and deiits a creat cni u keuu of Mrs. Francis Haverford H. Behlun, Jr., of Mr .Jehn I neKrs nnd her daugh ter. Mls Hathnrlnp Heprers, who have, been occupying ihelr cnttnue at Cape taj Mnce June, will return te the Core. nadn October I. Mrs' Theman U Burn nncl her daurh ter, Ml Constance Burns, of 4.M8 Chestnut rtreet, will nail for Hurnpn earM In Kontembei.. u-hrn il... n m . . ...u I.IV.I !( siii;nu nm winier irnveiinp WlSt VieSS' friend. I ' F "?Wv& S "n;,U?r 'P .fiK!lh-r S" llane cU -S' ""Sffir" ,nd .Taft Smith uerc mnrilcd ,tas MIm Kitharlnn HiitnH. whel,.,B Vpcpntlv ,cre en n day h nollce dutinK (lie tjturneil from a atny at Shelter Island. nrl: f-he did uch a levclv thinst. N; hap been the ;ueu for a few days un a lunciieen at I ip J.cnK "' """" m . neicca. TrA tint dt. 'ind Kathnrln" Hancock ; te be one of the Kiiet.. c.1. vunl enme flint Jns reu'tl cct twcnty-feui hours Imvp PPierc sailing, or feiup West Philadelphia tlcnii hae been Irsuefl hing of the hind, nnd he wanted 1 Wnrn, n e fi?" Fl0,0'1' Hrlol.Pe hc ntereed. and. of unte'r; 'mS fi!? course, word wni iPllt te the I.raa Floed and Or McKlnstr Bran. e Inlttlcnn hae been Imuert bv Mr and Mr Wllllim Jeenh Floed, nt ire or Marie an nf 4200 Phtnnt ttrrt nhti-c,,- e.l. ,-x. '; l. eclI MR In Dahlcren Chapel, Oeoifietewn UnherMty, Wash- Mrs KdWArrl Ktirtmn1 f..,.Al.. . Ci'.IC'1?0.' .ha'i returned te her home nt 53JS Walnut Btreet after .1 fertnltrht ! that she ceujd net attend the lunch eon, n t-he was uusiiy euyinj; a wcu dins frock- What did Katharine Ica de but tither thp ether luncheon guesth to te tether, 'and after the "cats'" they 'and grounds' "ami a.hercd nil they ! "' ftl Blm" and A.buVy P.rk."N:' J? could carrj. lhen in meters te old St. Daxid's Church at Deven with their pil. and when the little bride entered the church thnt late aft ernoon fhe faur.d a bower of flowers awilting her. There won't be epcnxlnn, m far nf ne cun jy. for such n dcmenM ra tien for Kntbnrinp Lea's ucddlnci uratulatlens unen tie i.irth of n S,,,- . dav. but I am Mire all her friend will I ter Mm. Reed, before her mnrrlnrje ln'bt with for opportunities te show hew , August was Miss Jean n Campbell, of much they think of her nnd her tin- i pioeltlj-11. .V y. Mr. need, a former felnh character. Ne. Weeden Han- ' li0 i.if' "as 8radual'-'tl from Yale cedi is net a brother of Katharine i unc Hancock Smith, t-e there was no re- M'm Leuis Uderkln of 4S3fi San nnntic reaf-en for deins this. It was i f0m , street who, with her parents, is Jut leeaiife slip f a peach or a s'.rh V .. i ""miner at their cot Lib; and wanted her fiicnd te have a VniJ cl,p '" J18 her ?ueat miss Orace beautiful floral piciurc te remember Anr-Ct,c Farrfn- "f N-w erk Arerfi Philadelphia Mr. and Mr Eirl k Mmiip ,. i,n. marriaffe took plac? June 21. h'ap re turned from their we.-Mlnr irin n or. tpnrinp the remainder of the summer i .vuiuiiic Mrs Mueller will be rt"V!?b';re, "3 MlM Melissa M Kelder, of C03G Klnsscsslnsr acnue .caI1,,"?11 Mr''- "artpy a Reed, et ievj .. iimui sireet. niu rece Inr fnn for that weet little sad wedding. 1'nrtnintPM. Ja hmith came home tafe from the war, and he and his wlfi II D1.1 til' f our nt Stenton nvpiiut and Met - ! vii'.u8 Iebert l Slbsen. of 4fi23 North wld lane in Chestnut Hill Se i th"evr.0, Hl ,Wi L1 t.n,ertal.n JA.J1""41" here and etre.uelj well liked. He ihl,- r,, " Mr" Daniel I Murphv ind tue son of Mr. Hank Hnmeek. of , ?? 'i'" Murpny. of us North UiirlotteMllIe. Va.. and enme up te te OveVbroek wSSV. ?i i'.- mew "hv a.tend college. He ifc v.ell likcd in j heusinGreen ?um fti""6 WkCn a the xeillictr -et. nnd lirn. been relmr I 1 ..?""' "''"" te nil the balls nnd partlrs. Ne date has been frt for thp ueddiiv, hut U s net lil,e. they will wait till rpring Perhaps it v 111 he a late fall wedding. WHAT Mrlklng frocks Mrs. Alpy CllIlM WCIirf. thnfin ilme ,1.,.... nt Seuth Philadelphia Mr neb'.-rt Sullivan of 1714 Merris street, win spend this week-end at the summer home df hla parents In Wild-weed JJ I lipp wears these dnjs down nt 5IJ'' T'erence OpIIrr Cape Mar Yeu knew she nnd Alev ,n,h n,Itl McJCcin Mrei ha;e a cottesp there mul Nnncv Is cer-1 last ntck ln Chlsi ffher. of Klcht- treets. spent aeme elsea. tilnlv one .Htiactlie-loeklns' prMn Mlfs Mary Mclntyre. of 162B P.ltner Blip was en the bench one nfrnmnnn pa. street, has ntumri hf,ne rmm , -.,i,' eentli with her little dauRhter Ciarn 8l,v ln Klrkwoed. n'J ii0,"i.iwi0 ' :,ri0I'1 nnfl h a, P01- ! Mr riantc Hunt, or ifl3J Ritner street feet lamb with her Rold-breun curls. , left last SMturdav for an exteVisle trip Nnnc.i's dress was of rose-celorcd Jreijsh Niagara Kails, Canada and the heavy canton crepe nnd the i-kirt had Nertncrn tatc?. Inr-et panels f white en either &ide Mr nnd Sir' Jehn i arrell and famlh and wliltp piail buttons down the flout f -A-'! Seuth .Sixteenth street, are of the f lock. Hpr hat was rose. colored i s'7en"'n ,he tenten In Wllduoed crepe te mat.-li the die-s. and fhe were Mr Ralph c Campbell, of 143' Jick. 4-rai me. kings nnd Mlnpera. Speaki.iR ' Kn street' ha, left for i tour through of Uar.i ( hpp lcmindR me of nnethei Canada and the Northern States ers et t in :iine niaterinl peeplns below "PendhiR some tlm. at Atlnntlc ctty the frock. Bteppinu at the Ambassadei Hetel. The ( uldipu nt Cnpe May are nlwn3 Mrs Dn-.ld Vellmer of 2231 Seuth wonderful te ire. Yeu see, the usuallv ' evpntpnth street, nnd Mrs Charles spend the whole season tlierc. and thev ,trebe'. f lr5 West Susciuehanna avc. ....... -"-- .......v.. ,,Wi,, iHiti an t'A IR'.'V', y"."l '-!" 3wH KS-fe- - - -3v $r-i'M ' i' ;VX' ' '-'i SH, , 'f-:, Photo by rhote-Craftera. MISS MARION RE IX EKE Mr. Albert C. Rehickc announces the engagement of his daugh ter, Miss Marien Reinckc, of 12JH North Bread street, te Mr. Jehn P. Drethcrten, son of Mr. and Mrs: Martin Drcthcrten, of Cynwyd. Miss Reinckc is the granddaughter of Mr. William J. McMullin, with whom she is spending the summer at Cape May DR. ALFRED C. WOOD MARRIES IN PARIS University Hospital Surgeon Takes Dr. Dorethy Dennelly ae Bride ,'i.T"fa - jrfJJJffc TWO DARING WOMEN SCALE MT. OLYMPIA JACE 6' JDQUEfr :-: By Edgar Wallace Who's Who In the Story'iu, nA.v nevsttAtiY, tat. ceartr-eraltifrf but uncaiitillij ettvtr leader cf a carta of creeks, hat becem nlarm'd nt receipt of a hnav et elubi, iBiitrt "Jack e' Judgment." after several of his exploit), all of whtch are ttibtlv arviird te enrich Mm without risking fJi law's penalties, lie tries te disarm mi mi McIehh oatherlne arevnd him bv com' plaining te STAFFOItl) Ultra, of the Londen Crlm. Incil Intclllatnce rerce, I'IS'TO StlA'A, a sleek man nbeuJ fount. tones ill nltciifein en ait aitreas, who rebuffs him. She Is AtAtHIE WHITE, daughter et Setlv White. one of the eana u,he wishes te retire, Hhe Is Intirestid In Stafferd. LOU IV. MARSH, a dellfacrd but etcver girl, who nets as "tumii" et the black black mnlWe 09110, "KV.'SLl," CHEWn, once a efiitlemnn, neiu a croefc. perhaps seu did wisely, perhaps you did net. I should imagine that her explanation is a very simple one." "What de you mean, sir?" "I mean," said Sir Stanley, "that unless 'Jack e' Judgment has the Rift of appearing In two places at once, she is net Jack." "Out I clout understand, nlr. a tight pinch, if I wished te terrify this man, that was tlm role te assume." Sir Stanley nodded. "And the telec, of course, was easy." "Hut hew could jeu lmltnte the voice if eu have never seen Jack e' Judgment?" "I miw him once. Slip shlveied a II t tic. "ion seem te fereet, Sir Stan- "I menn," said Sir Stiinlcy, "that , ley. that lie rescued me from that dread Jack e'Judgment was in ihe celnnpl's i fi'I heusp. room Infct nlRht, was in fnct sitting bv thp colonel's; beduldp wIipix tlmt gentleman nweke; and according te the Htntement which CoIeiipI lleundary tunde te tue about two hours age In this room, warned lilin of his npprouch nppreuch ing end." It was Stafferd's turn te be aston ished. "Are you sure, sir?" he asked in credulously. "Abselut ely"' said Sir Stanlpy. "Yeu don't imaglni! thnt thp coIeiip! would Invent that sort of thing? Fer some reason or ether, pevlldy te keep close te the trouble tbnt's coming, the colonel Insists upon bringing nil his little chitchat te me. He nskpd for nn Interview about 10 o'clock this morning nnd reported te me thnt he bad had this visitation. Moreover, the experience hns hncl the effect of upsetting the colo nel, nnd for the first time he seems te be thoroughly rattled. Where is Miss White?" "She's here. ir." "Here, eh?'' said the commissioner, i "Se much the better. Cun jeu bring ' her in?" A few minutes Inter the girl sat , facing the tlrst commissioner i "Nev.-, Miss White, we ip going te nsk jeu for n fpw facts ubeut your "MY Fnn:XD-" llQ brenthed. "I 1V1 don't knew what I'm te de with jeu new I've get you. but I certainly am going te register jour face for future reference." "Xe. no," said n- muffled voice from behind the mnsk, "no, no, don't, 1 beg of jeu!" Hut the mnsk wns plucked nwny. and. fumbling in hl, pocket, Stafferd produced his elect rle lump and Hashed It en the face of Ids priMjner. Then, with n cry of amazement, he stepped buck for he hud looked upon the face of Mnlsie White! Ter a moment there was silence, neither speaking. Then Stafferd found his oice. "Mnlsie!" lie said in bewilderment. "Malrltf ! Yeu .Tack e' Judgment?" She did net answer "Phew!" whistled Stafferd. Then, siftim- en n trunk, he laughed. "it is .Mnlsie, et an people in 'e-1 masquerade." said Sir Stanley kindly, world. And I suspected It. tee! .., umlenttltm, tmu yml nI,ppnr,,i The girl hnd covered her fnce Wn wearing the costume, und giving a fnirlj , her hands and was crjing snftlj and KOm mtatinn of the eice of Jnck e' he moved toward her and put his arm .Judgment. New I'm telling you before about her shoulder. , 'we go any further that I de net believe "Darling, it is nothing very terrible. I for one moment thnt you are Jack e' Please don't go en like thnt." Judgment. Am I right?" "Oh. jeu don't tmdeifltnwl. you i s?i. nodded, don't understand j" she wn; "j . "Perfectly true. Sir Stanley." she itnnfnil tn nntt'll Silv.'l. 1 I'llPSSPlI Mini . , , 1. .. , , . '. , , : " ", :, - ' f t.i Mini. i iron i kniw wuv I cun sucn he wns coming nert h " ,,f '".! mnd thing, except thnt I knew Pinte blackmn ing rips, and followed 1,1m f wns rcnr(1(, of hnu , fc , fc f "I followed him te Up "r: l my dress basket and made the mask said, "and then I wntc lied h Im fre.i in ,f Ye , , , . k whether nine cuwns ..- -" "''"," .. I might want It, but I thought that in of the rend. De jen knew, l wen- " dered whether jeu were here, tee, and I , - looked everywhere for jeu, nut nppnr- Of course," said Sir Stanley "And you imitated him. did jeu?" He turned te his subordinate. "I'm accepting Miss White's explanation, Stafferd, and I ni!vic jeu te de the same. She went up te watch Silvn, ns I understand, and took the costume with her ns a sort of protection. Well, Miss White, are jeu satisfied with jour detective work?" She smiled ruefully. "I'm afraid I'm a failure as a de tcctivp," she said. "I'm nfraid ten are." Sir Stanley laughed ns lie rose and offered hii hand. "There is enlj one renl detective in the world nnd that Is Jack e' Judg ment."' Te lie continued tomorrow Cepurlghi itcC 'urc Senspnp'r S'jndlcnt 7 i Hi EITH'S THEATRE THE MEISTERSINGERS In AT TUT' cr.i'll' ELIZABETH BRICE BEN WELCH Wrr n Iti-mn' A I'n Menn A Mirk THreilrr''unrt,nitT(iiii-thp (cnn. hit Tit Ti'i:rs FutM,ANr WILLOW GROVE PARK TO Itr.AH SOUSA AND HIS BAND tet CltMine ntnn ft tlirecllen 'Jtunliir Cerepsny of AmrtjK WSZ6, . A. ftVtrW -li n a 30, rfse. 7-ae. o.te f A, GLORIA SWANSON IN A 1'AUAMOt'NT rtCTUnB "Her Gilded Cage' Ntt AVck Ntrt', pnept.K.", ."J UAT.T.ArR ItKID AND TIKTlR TlANtK ' ) Mi ONKI TWOI THItKEI rfiftw IflTH AND MARKF.T REOPENS SEP? . 2 AT 11 A it WIS&AM "MONTE CRISTO" PiCTUKR "TitK wnni.n is MTNrr' ALDBNE lUth and 11 A. Chratmit Ttfarifen PALACE IA 'it P. M. MAY McAVOY ; w Next UVck rHAKt.F.i' HAY In "A TAIt.OP-MAln MAN" 12. 2. B H unit 1 P M. S IUtOAT A nti:sTN't'T Kathcrmc MacDonald in rill-'. HKAI'Tltn I. 1.1 n ' 12TH AND irAltKET 0 f. A M. te 11 P JL Munm "(ne CAnnr CnlV Henry D. VICTORIA fflTS? ..VA"!?!? "THE FAST MAIL" 1 srl nn T.lnreln CwrlrrN Mrlni1rsm ARCADIA ,eTr ncmn Dehm "THE UNDERSTUDY-' CAPITOL TO! VXlKFiZ Nerma Talmadgc r.. JUNIPUK AND .MArtKrT 11 n 9 POPL'I.AR V..J :n SAT1PFTINO " ""vs-vmu PRICFQ GLOBE SlhAWflinut MnfTeiliv BIG JAMBOREE " KPANK Hl'NTBR entlv there' was nobedv in sight when I'inte came out with Lady Sybil, only a soldier." , "I was thnt soldier, said Stafferd "T illKPeverefl where Mr. Cietlll llted land came up lntpr," slip went en. "Of American Teachers First of Their 'course. I hnd no cry clear idea of ...... a i I was going te de. nnd it was enlj Sex te Make the Ascent ,)y tll() Kr0a?p,t irit that I found thp ( Washington. An?. 23. (Hy A. r.) ulnitnw df the llbrnrv enen. It wns . .t 1-. .. ....1.... n..A.. '' ulm entl ,.!, Miss Winona Hailej. of Seattle, and '" ' "" "'" "'"'" "'" In ii i'Ii. Mrs. I.auric It. r razcur, of Chicago. I wnn-t pe lnlirh your luck as my have scaled all four peaks of Mount ' forethought." Stafferd smiled. j Oljmpin. nid te be the first women' . "N"w I wnnt te tell you about Jack , ' , ... , ., t . 10 Judgment, hie began, but he, known te have' achieved this feat, ac- topped her. cording te a letter received from Miss i ,,, tint explanation wait." he said. ' Uniley 1 Dr. Cera Smith King, of this "T10 ,)nint j, that with veur evidence ' city, formerly of Seattle, where Mie i nn,i M1B. ,Ve linxe l'lnte bv the threat. founded thn Mountaineers' Club of that citj. Mls Tin ller Is a teacher of Latin nnd Ciiepk in n Seattle High Scheel, and Whnl was that? There wnh the sound of a shot. "Probably a poacher." said Stafferd nf.A.. ,, wi...ftit T im't imniinn Tinfr I hs fraseur holds a like position In a I ng n gun. Resides. 1 don't think he ' flucnge High Scheel. They reached . mrries one. What did he threw at, tlm i iiiuiml.i iinii.t 'i ..! ,..... T il. . ... the summits AuguM 3 and August 5, tlie icttcr win. mary baker te marry Mccormick next month JOU' I "A knife," she said, and he felt her l shiver: "it just missed mc; But tell i me. hew have we get Pinte?" Thcj had left the shrubbery and were ; walking tewnrd the house. She stepppd i a little while te tuke off her long black ilenk. and he saw that she was wearing j a shin -skirted dies heiipnth. "We must compel Cretin te presp- s-wv , :-. ants. A. C. WOOD The maniage in Paris of two well- known Philadelphia plnsicinns Dr. hi-i ihc mrii wenicr u irewn horn nml. mn-kii-eil Inlr l hnvA r, ... i ,cn""1. M"" inreuKn tne west Thev i .in i, ; . . ., c frpr S,CP"' , ' u'rf lnc Buests of Mr and Mrs William jui-t lev. te i ret down along thn (and Hatchel and Mr and Mrs Martin Veff. et en alternoen te watch them. mcr of neveinnl. O and Mra. Christie BILLIH Is tie, but he's net tee, tnnnf tn clmn 1,:,. ! ant fine ferling. if he does tense nt timer.. The ether day auntie wns help ing him and his sister Betsy te dress for Betsy is a ult elder, but temehnn HilK was rendv te wash first, te auntie said : "Betsy's net quite ready, dear; .win g0 In nnd wiah jour face end hands nnd then auntie will put en your derm Miir." Se I5llj went nnd with true five-year-old deterit wns seen out. but Instead of running for his suit he put his head own en the bed and auntie heard hint fobbing "Why, Billlc." said she, 'whit i, the matter?" And said the little ma a. I f - fet-1 te mean Ynuse 1 wade HetM unit again te g.-t washed twlar. "uuse 1 did it en purpose ves tedfij " NANCY WYNNE. i Hlmbaek, of Klj rla O SOCIAL ACTIVITIES t.$n Interetinir engagement announced te'lav t tit it of MIfs l.ucile Pellc Car. .vi. uaijn-er nt Jir. William K Along the Main Line Mrs Jebn hanfften nnd Miss Oertrude I.anrten. af Oerbroek, ar rtajlnc at the Chalfet.te ln Atlantic City. Mr and Mrs A h l.anners. of 0cr. brook, have cene te Atlantic Citj, te stay at tha Ambassador. Miss Marv McNnlly Miss Jean Mc Xally and Mr Francis K McNnllv. of H3n Oerbnek aenue, will Ieae to morrow for Cape May te spend a week Germantetvn Mr and Mrs B V McCarthy, of fiermantenn. entertained at a children's party In honor of the seventh birth day of thcslr son Master Dald Mi Cnrthj Amenc the guests were Mlsa Alice Powers, Miss Mary Powers, Miss Margaret Powers, Miss Mildred Mich ener. Miss Constance McCnrthj Miss Ursula McCarthy M-istn- Jack Powers, Master Walter Mtchtner and Master Daid JlcCarthy rr Jehn C Schramm announce. thi Cartel , mr.rrlsge of his dnughter. Miss Eleaner Mri ,i . 'cB,e Hrnelce, (formerly Margaretta Schramm, te Mr Ambrose ;. ;',. ' ''' M 'ninuei j iiecves jenes inucr. feii of .Mr nd Mrs. Jehn 1 In Utrniantewn. St,!. . U i11 Mr:' navlcl ltcees of , Winder nn August Phoenix P.irk Phecnlxlll Miss car- iii ,r,'i",r"t''1 l,,lH Wl'"k ficm u xlslt of r i i Mr til"'8 "lMl h'r father at Newport l'ranliOVd 'r uep i n in ether of llss lar Rce nnd Mr William it neevr..,' 'rr I Mrs Jese lity and d.iuchtcr, et htdglcv ! irni, Phecnlxvllle .Miss Mnigaret llc. of ill? Herbert nui't'i, uru tic imuuii tur l.i Weddlne te Be "Somewhere In Britain," Hssltant Heiress Says Londen, Aus. 2." Miss Mar I.nn. l cute." said Stafferd den Dn't'er. Chkaije heiress, Allister "With our evidence nothing can -ave Mef'nrmlek's tempct.imcntal sweeiiicait Pinte, and piebnblv he will drag in who has thrice left lier llance waiting at i the colonel, tee. P.xeu jour evidence teh church, deputed for Scotland jes- isn't necessary," he said nft"r a terday with a pnrfv of house guests memcntV thought, "and if it is pos that Included McCermlck. i sihlc, I will keep jeu out of it ' Simultaneously It was announced thnt A woman's scream interrupted lilm Tiintli. n.,,., .11.. i ti.. n.. i i u" J"" i-"uur. iiui-i me previous t c- i nere s ireuuiv inviy. uv miiu, uiri )oiethj Dennelly and Dr. Altrc.l ( ,ay, cf ,p hesitating biide. are finally race.l for the house. oed. cdilef of staft at the Heward te he married "semeh"re in iipimi.." . "What is the matter?" nsked Staf- Flespitnl -was rude known tedav in between September IS nnd iM. ford, ns he viulfcd ever the parapet. a tplegmm ent te a ss,Pr of the bride. ,Tl'l "'T1 ha.v"; W ff,,.r 'V01-'" han ,",M,1'' I'1'111" llHl' shot, lllm,f' """ r, ... ,, ,, ,, , ,, , ,n nwntli nt the home of fnends net far said the butter in quavering tones Di. I lerence L Dennelly, of Lonshe- frnl Ablngten McCermlck wns invited Twelve hours later Stafferd King re hcicken. The wedding tMk place jes- te join the party in Julj and accepted Ported te his chief, giving the ih tails terdaj ui,h alncilty. of the overnight tragedj The' news is i siirniUe te filends ! !efere the dcenrture for the Scottish ' "Peer fellow :" snid Sir Stanley. "I Utleugl, It un kne i that hev wre S",,nR C ,C('-am" l!no"" ,hnt Miss was nfral.l of it ending thnt way." engaged it wa" no exie' ted h. t thev ' ""''T' ,he LlOS ?' ,,nI Kiv,M ''" nal "IW ' '"' benB black would be married before the end of vr')U(' U' l" ,ls ,bri'1" n: 10",!l- I mnne.l?" asked Stafferd. i,?."v' ')0...T'CI. .Cf,".i P.J ... MlV Raker's last wedding stutter Sir Stanley nodded. ke iVlnce here """""- '""'" perhaps was last .January, when "Wm had u report which apparently Dr Pennelh sailed for Pari xvilh 'f hlc?R" s 'V 'Na- U'ft ,n " "manatetl fiem e' Judgment, who Dr WryTunUa n. e Jersej " tj? en I IXn Vt rftr Urth Prcsbt'i f ll't,.1'as ?,nr,wl ?""??. h "g1," June 27 te engage in medical research. I ( nur(-h ln " city. , munlcat.ens t me direct. said Sir Dr. Weed sailed a month later en a ,. ..,., " nn.,;( t n. of iw-e. de net h- semewhnt similar mission. DUKE OR M NT D RECTOR I "'K U' l ' I ,' l Ur ftvlhn''" "J1 ".llffi- The bride is a giaduate of the IMUn OCTC UOTcT imnrr-e "'"' , V"" " ' w Ji?" ?"d? ' " Weman' College here and scivcd as nn "kH0 GETS HOTEL S TE? h0'en'1 ui " ., He thought f,,r a interne nt the hep,tnl of that instl- - - - , ,.,. .... .. .. ...,.,, . uuU- tutien and later at the Philadelnhln San Francisce Mananer I in e,., i1'0" ""'l,.r. ""'e-H we had Cretin te General llespitnl. Dr. Weed is n e.rad- ., - . , Mippe't jeu. liate of the Cnlverslri nf lVi.i.svlv-imln. aarS en necm question nnd a surgeon at the University Hes- San Fi-anei-ce. Aug 2.1 The man (LA iNU Wfi InH, Mi (Cri J5? i t . 3&SBfJi'HKfJlBB' pe'Tr Iffi 0 pitnl. Ingemcnt of the Hetel St. Pnucis bete snl'' The hrldn lier leln,. vnl.l te.lnv In. I tllllSt decide llV SOIlie tlme l.min.r.,,, tends te abandon her medicnl iiriictice. whether a duke and his duchess and evebiew.-.. eine win live witn ur. wne'i at L'li.i.i ",11" '"' .""e pieeeiieiicp ever the u"- vvninut street utter thej icturn lieie uirccter or tne i nite.i Mates Mint I n n ...nnl. I 1 in iMa inc n n.. j. I .1 ! 1 Siafterd cleared his thienr. I have a second witness, ir. he iiii hive?" Sir Stanley raised hi Who wns jour -ecend vvit- lack e' Judgment," 'ix Stafferd. ne.t month. GLIDER IS UP 3 HOURS ti.K , sii.'fi, itru tic imuui Mr - , aieiine v. Kemnk, daughter of , , Mr Mrs Oustaxua Hemak ami li ,"' n.l Mrs rellx StIKlPnt at Illn Manr will l.n In. the tlllirr .IRA of their jreductd at n tea tflvcn by her parents Alice Tener, te Mr Themnn J riesney, In th e&rij r- II. ' " en AllKsr 10 Mr and Mrn Iteancy German Student Breaks World Rec Rec ord In Moterless Plane Berlin. Auk 2." (Pr A P.I A new record for sustained flight in a moterlp.. nli-tilnne urn. knt irsterrlnr Ki Ilerr Hentzcu, (Undent flyer'ef the linn - i who formerly was Anna Gould, of .Vew ever Technical Scheel, when he re-I Yerk are te lie here fren. the nrth . maineti in me nir mere tnan three west, nnti nnve nsfce.i ler the pnwiden pnwiden heurs. j tlnl suite. The hotel maiiuger is in a The fllcht was nude nn tlie ceii.dudins euandary. weeks idav of the gliding conipctilien, helil In' - - Tener announce daughter. Miss (lie Ulieeii Mt.ui.taiiiN. near (iersrcld. Barnard College Girl Mlsslne Hentzen's machine Innded tt50 meters Ve... x-ni, ,7 - ""eslnQ above ihe .starting point. . llent.-en Is n,0' ', " . ."-V. BPneial the tlvci who stiutlet the vnilti. of """,''. ' ' 'U ?" "A " peuee v.-s I'lie hotel hns a nresl.lenrlni c.t... and Sir Stanlej juiniieil te hit feet with a private elevator, tluep bedroom' "Jack e' Judgment?" he lepcutcd. ii ilmincr rnem nml n Irl. ,.!.,. . ' de von mean''" nntlnnj; nf a salon nnd servant's' nnn'i . "Ja. k ' Judgment was there." said t ter. Just new J. P Scebev, director StiitTeid, nntl told the ste-y of the ro re of the mint nnd formerly a' business markable appearand' of that nivstcrleus i man of San Antonie. Te.x , nnd cle.e tlsure friend of President Harding, is in the "'' '"''' evervthlng. rcsert-lnc the I suite He plans te remain ln the suite identification of ".lack" till th last, for sem" time. i "And tlpn v.iu (lashed the lamp en t i .. .. . ..... .:.i e... ....t.. ...i... ' i mum i 'ms , ihiwevit, me Duke in.i. mm ,-m ,11.111117 , iveti, inllevrnn.l le rerlgnnl nnd his Du'lie-., v"" u'" " . .Hill-Mr- C.liH OlilUOril. "Ceeil l.nrd !" Su Mnnlev walked te the window and stun I looking .Ait. ills hands thrust into hi-, peikct. Present), lie turned I here s a bigger mjsterv here thnn Make Delicious Blackberry Jelly or Jam Takes Only Few Minutes With'PEN-JEL Here Is Hew Yeu De It 1 Dissolve a package of Pen-Jel in 2 cups of black berry or any fruit juice or juice diluted with water, as you please. 2 Bring te a quick boil. 3 Add one pound of granulated sugar, and boil 2 te G minutes until jelly test is obtained. 4 Pour into your jelly tumblers and you will have from 5 te 6 6-ounce glasses of clear, firm, pure jelly. See Recipe Booklet in Package of PEN-JEL for Makinc Jam .'." .'. '" i." !.. i,i ,,. , .,,. ... ..,, n-, , ... n . ,,.. .Mr ana m.. ,-. .. initi uiru irnun iiuni a nuuuiiiK ' I', tiv ntlen list ratur( ,l iv remain hi ln . , . .. ' '" liCKi. te von M leli.ViUoerUpSaU5S.j:ri.cfor 'P at home at 800". Kdmend street. ?l,e an" two holies'' Vu ? ln e !!n,ls "VCr -'.' wW ('lk'gP, ""' "V" "' "turnlne t. ihi .'entlneet Ur. w n Allen and her family, of breaking all records l,j a considerable "! "? Vi'V'1 frtm k. ' t tf I I . lt .1 A HA A A m. KA.,11..,. ... M,. J.l IM I II (Mill VUKllSI I I 1 lilt llllllf . fftn'llv i"l'",'!NI I'et'lnsrn and her , eral weeks In Wildw'oed ' Ail man Met-ch. of Darmstadt, took l'?!" V!:",P "irh," rPfl"C!,t "r ll0r mother, P-JUal h.ln i rummur .. .1. . '""' "."" NJCIlOlIlK.-im . ...,,. ... ,. . nfflwlnu tin. V,.vcn,.L M .. ... . .. -'"s. " TOO ..Ill-U.l. f. Prank L " r pnipnii", .Mr ami Mr." ' mii.ui- rvrnm ui neiuiinKien anil , ..--...,..,,, ..i ,u Trr . r .rr, n"1"1 '" 'heir hummer hemr at i fatiu'v of Pvre street, have re-1 nl'd dcplte Mpiallv galea landed en Its ,p ir.?.B'!nwtt PUr will lftnrn te thtnltuncil from a several weeks' stay ln summit Ilcir IIiu Liiiiin. nkn of ; .. n .....h,.., .-. B . ar" hi SppKmbei Wlldwned I Dai mstudt, landed .'t.'UJ meteis above hi-, , i row OUll VACATION- unuic .iir n .. I . . ... I 1 Misperieu. no .aii -1111.0 you nsked Mis White for nn explanation?" St iffenl Khoek his hiad i iiieugiH it i)et te r.pi r' the matter r. neiiitp l ake.l her te " ininiiiale hoi se'f eh? Well. ii'. rii .hi IB! .'iii'iPM,! pjpi, "'! niii' ,i i, wirrn laiTi ir, j ChMtnut no . Nr,,1,lnll Knowles. uf j,.'.",!1"1 hive decitle.l upon Tues hleh f,n'00l,,.,l,'.,0l,er ,0 ter the tea a"liter M vll rK( t" Intioduce their "filter Mis .N.mev Knew lei, her 'l'1 Mr"1 .Vltl-KuBene New bold rrents ..JU.I,,,S J,r,' N'ewbuid's wiiart.ii hnM"T nml rrf" OeerKd M uTi ,ll,p,Vlr ln N'oitheast Harber, tember J u,n t0 "''', L'lt ''bout Sep- n'Lrrf .,xlf,"'liilcr Rrlnten foxe v.ll early fall at (Jreen Hill w inn "1 II' If Itxrhrnnl I0''tr Si'ini'1"', Jelm T ''"wlc Jr ' of !' "in no ?" "lu.a.e spendlnr: ("J ' I rpty nn "''Kbten, Atlantic ' Mini inber ' al,out ",B m!lllll Mrs Sallle A Kelrr, of 2207 nrldce I !,tar""K v"Un atreei. n.n returneri rrem cictan Mreve. .V J and .Streudfbum, where she spent a fc.v months Mr nnd Mrs Wwcett Burke, of 18i; Knulkrcid ntrect, are en a meter trip tlueuBh UtieudsburB and the rocenos .'tin i' P Sewltt and her daiiRhttr, .Mlsa Mvitle Hewitt of Orthodox gtrert. are spendlnc vveeka at Aabury1 Park Dclavan Smith Seriously III riiir.iKe. Auk. 'Si Delman Smith, VAN DER BURCH TO SAIL Acting Censul of the Netherlands, Going Abroad A l1 .an tier llureli, netlnc consul of the N'ptlieiliiiulf. here and local pas seiiKcr apent of the Helland -America Line, will fail tnmnriew en the Het- teidam for n month's stnj abroad, lip Is accitmimiile.l bv Mrs. van der I their urn. Muster Ulrk van der Hurcli. Why Net a TAPESTRY PIECE? IMPORTED and DOMESTIC BENCHES-CHAIR SEATS PILLOWS ETC. Ill Sflert Amiertnirnt (Juit Itrcrirril Anether Slilpmrnt) AlK. BEADS GIFTS WOOL Germantown Novelty Shep is iv. it, ii. ... .... ,r.. g ... ........,, Iu y0t j rasffi Jf 1 ! H Everv nillinri nf f nnelln S Hutter contains the pure S B r i c h cream from 10 quails et milk! a pnblishe, of the Indianapolis New,. ; , ', 'H"'M" 7 ; ;, r ' ; ffi joperted tedny te he .ritl.ul, ,, 1,(,,I,,llI,h ,,, ,,,lle Ml., ,, ' hea.t trouble u lis .akrloret ,Jm. j,P n,llM i',,,st, Wt.l.erM Vewklrk mer home heveral bleed iraimfusis ,:il tieiier mul l.een tie Smith JllfS M.,., .... ....... 1 "dMlii. Vr ""wiiliili llilleupll, of "re p.ii.i i.i ii....- i. .ii .linn.- ,n r fn he'tHii,i'i wl,n wl" llp mairled Smith took part III thp Pnniinia Pann Vr Jeliii .., ', "l i""'"i, Mmxm le ' conttevprsj- witn tne hup Pres ten E '"'.. ret Ker uin i,,. iicu ! ..i. n.,.i !,..,. ..t .. ..n..... .-'-.tue llnrl ,....i , .".' .' , llOII'4l. I'll I. nil. iM.t.i.r,' ,, no .1111.11 ,11 crl WMli, ?n r Ilr!? ,7,rtVf.i -ef.Mr nn" Mil Smith's ..ewMtaper. he wnn asHlKued ' her biiucw,. u' of ,hN l,l- as 0,,M,v Mr. Itoevevelt te the former 1'ivsl- dent h fniueiiH "AnnnliiH ('lub." WWVVttAVtWV Mlfi xt tn:v r"ir r v iv,ni..M . . ,4 Mi's Marun.fe.vvwec,' "s h8 Kuest W, and m i.-... . V t '" s.e ft(nfeTd, or rseriETV is tiik rsrict. or reauine Kverf memln from vetv corner of lh eciet world r InUrMtlnit bit efnw tnac vcrr wumtH iuiv 10 ctiiu in PUW.10 UNNi "UW II Itntiiriilni? en tin. kteniiilin, 11.... ) j. .... u tliiui. which Is i no te dm k at HoIieUimi toiimirew iifternoen ni' .Mlvs riuines K (inkferil, .Miss 1 lerence Clotluer, Mrs Walter Cloihler, Mr nml .Mr-. A. lt. Weiiner, IMuiird ('. Dixen ami i:. Austin Dixiin. nil of I'hiliidelphiu. Alxe Dr. (icerup W. MclCeiale and a parly of car, neM anil threat speeiallRtN wle took a mimmer noht-fcradunte eeursvi ut under tlie Instruction of Drs, Aleita.udcr, IJujck, Neumaun and ethers, BUli.Ji mzuwaza Wicker Furniture I Cemntets haw miwi, t rock bottom prlwa Kac- yl lerv illtect le hi YinK ui miajicniairi nrent B.H. Detncitlt Chiirt, $5.50 i S aide Armchair , ... 7,50 St. Geergo Chairs 8.50 KcrUrrn en rnch flulr. SI. 00 ntrn. VB I'"', a full Hee nf Srttrp Tablei Tdble jnd Fleer Larepi. Frn TV.xix. nnd lllrd Cnsei). GLflSSBEF.Q WICKER MFfVfin ' 2018 N. Frpnt Si. fp n,u. frmvvt JSTIS, JTMM DUUMea XWI 45c lb carton In our Phila., Camden and suburban Stores Makes The Jeljy Jeffl NEVER, FAILS PEN-JEL is pure cane sugar, pure fruit pectin, and tartness in exactly the correct proportions te "Make the Jelly Jell." PEN-JEL is net a liquid. It cannot spoil. Yeu can use part of a carton of PEN-JEL and the remainder will keep indcfinitclj. ever. PEN-JEL contains no animal gelatin or nnj animal prcduct what se- mm I nernlr. FUW4Q MMM, "il. II ii.J.j. llailr V...'.. -A ltd"' X .ien.rriaL Fm Ulln J IC .V PEN-JEL makes jellies, jams and marmalades of any fruit juices in a few minutes. It saves time, sujar, fuel, work, werrj and fruit. Order today a package of PEN-JEL of your Rrecer. Pennsylvania Sugar Ce. Pcn-Jel Division Philadelphia, Pa, Uiijut Kisuassnti ii.. nakes the Jelly Jell ' i ti;i if. i MTirU"4J jj.i-h l ' ' i-1 ! ' n WtM9iSmK .B IT,?' H7- t1vrtatJJ ,m i SS TH'r,,.;ecpiis,c0,.: fs PENNSYLVANIA SUGAR CO .?i'.''',T,0 " tV WIT. PJ frT.ii... '"vw .AW H yrOT,Trr;cg, 4& ','! J-7 A I 'Jy h ? I It f5MWvA- n:mSSfS. tOisi !A. j-y lijfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffi , w.v.t.jawtrarc i AMuiJTSSSSBtttfPtt 4&fl