I3P ri xpmf-r" fjRSSE . j. .. r u V wl?BffiEftflW jt'AMW., Hr T- h ul TV' V h. ' ' V t, - ---w-t ' ' v A ,y EVENING PUBLIC L3EDGS3R-PHtLADELPHlA, FMDAY, ' AUGUST 25, 1922 Despite Defeat Temmy Loughran Shows Grit and Rallies Before Finish of Beut With Tunne p ttijwi m. . vr u ,A 1 WEIGHT HANDICAP DEFEATS LOUGHRAN Dropped for "Nine" m . First Round by Gene Tunncy, Temmy Flares Inter and Finishes in I Great RallyBefere 22,000' JO .POUNDS LIGHTER nv i-ens ii. jaffk A1IVINT. nwny seniethlnR like en GPnun.l r mere pTkimI tee much rf linn.llc.iP for Teminr Wirnii. ,,, n mi.MloelKl.t. n...1 the Se. .1, Philadrlphlt ,.lnctoenivonr...l.1 today 1 Hint he M.ppe.1 out of his clnss verrPEi ilinmii.ni ... ,........, .... WW nnlnit In elR.it. rounds nt the $ !Sr "- nrr,r,h: tftUiiKh "' ,"" -tn.l finished ii li n inllv in the last three tnlniitps h,t i" hflil the 22.000 fmiM til. nnithPlr f.Pt rnetlns hind for the local enlrv. Tunnev was entirely tee stieiiR fop Tmtsliinit. Me crowded Temmy most if the time intiRhinB Mm .en the riipps 1 Vve.nl times Koferee "1111 lv" Recnn hid t' 'iiiitlim the New uikcr ler unnei-earj jostling. V TllT '''' leund Leughian's lemmkahle irciiperatlee peiras tatcil him fiem' Icing put te sleep. A tcmfif ii'iht-hander. flush en the thin, dropped Temmy iWffi a bant te Ait knees. The youth trial te pet vn nt r-r count of three, just about cnt In his firt near the inpes, ami then irrnt dnun ngain, staying theie until "nine." WHHX he reg'ilned his rnuilihrliini LnuRliinn vviiv "linkj : hut he mnde Tunned inNs nimtlier right-hnmler, fell Inte n elineli and. hy rrnsen of his de finlte vveik. ns 'II hi heMiiiR tactics. T. I'nttlfk succeeded In lifting out the nther 'tnimv einte. Tunncj St.iffffpml Ihvlnc elite' ed the rltic with n dnm tCOil In.e" Up. Tiinne'. nieiltli 'ni toil te show bleed with the eiv first jab landpfl h, I.nicdiriin, (ind uhen he ennip cut for tliP 'pennil spsien fSpue still vni bliPdnu' Throughout "Hint iiprled I.euRhrnn n u.teful, most of tlie time en the defensive, mid he took no einwc-1 The thild rmitid wnn entirely differ ent. As een im the lcnilieil tlie ren ter of the iins I.eiiRhrnn Mdc-Mppin'il n hfty rlsht hiis by Tunnej nnd, with tfap Inttrr Rnlne nj . Temmy elipped him Miln I the e.ii with n t-tar-benrd setk. The Mnu shook up (Jcne, nnd I.oiiRh I.eiiRh ran wa en him, rirlving'beth lmnds te the lirad. LeuRhrnu showed a let of speed nnd cifurnr-H. mnkliiR Ttinnev miss often. while lie muerked ,i Heik of left jabs that eiinrd him this leund. se ihnt at the Imisli of the finer minute.1! It wns te t" one In (leiip's f:ner. luntic dime eit for the fourth riwetiiiR HKlit nffpr right nt Tem's chin, lie Inniled une or two, but I.eiiKhnui weceeili'd in KptpiiiR lilmsplf out of ihe ten of met of ihe New VeiLer's heftv n!lop. Then fJene sltrhpd nnd be-nh Ita-llng with his left, following with n rijht, In one - two fashion. AriiIii Themas v.ns r.hle te keep his feo mis-liiR. L Oir.HlHV flmed after about a ' minute nurl n hnJf nt yA. ... ji. ami he finished stieugly and in a bn'linnt in". He jabhed Tunney tUfflij nnd nfle alie thlving hnrd fijii In th hedy, nnd at the finmh lemmii imm intitled te a e0-50 snltt for the yciind. Tntli; the Intennl between the Y fnirth .nul lifth rounds. "1'hllndel rhh ,la,k' (I'llibn. in Ills Iip.mI.u n Wins niiildlPweiKhi, Middenlj n.nde Hs nppenrniife in LoiiRhr.in'e corner. H" cneimr ised thp l'hllndelpliinn with mice tn koep stepping, te feint nnd te maKp Tunnev miss. Fall? After Miss That's pencil) what I.eiiRhrnn did nt t start of the fifth. In his ninlpty te rpt mop K... , i.in..r. ....!.. ri. A.. tniw.1 Tem s chin by Inches ns the lat- ". ciur(vppiMi nun iipni leu nut en hi f.IlP IlltlWW. l..n....l. !. ..... Ihfre WPlf. pnmi. unmlnli.a .lin iheinjlu Lem-lirnn liad kneckeil down ""f. inn ii i puni'h wits liiiitled. TUnilPV U.IS din nfirriwuMt. tlirnili.li. OUt thnt fifil, ...,,l I ..... I l.,... .. .V i . ' .iini ui-pi i .iiuiil fill lit tte ili'fpiiMu mi Hint while little dnm- jne w.i time the (iethum Rleveninn's XOminr. tnt 11... . . ,.!.! I I.I... t..t.. . , .. , M iiii nit mi mill ie a muiiii; "r the iniitiii Leitcluun Ihipi1 well nt the stmt of tie M(h u,. .i.,...i ,,,i ,,ii, i fiUfl dOtllllil iii r.i(.li..il fltvlil mnuw nit nut it in ii in i im tit i ' t'-ti'ii. i v iifstii .i-t ninnn thn iM,ii..,i..i.,i.i,,., i,n .t,in M lus kiin.-s snaued :i bit. then Hten- ins In. Tiiiiiie; hooked (l left te the )0l ntiil l. i . . .. i.... r.i mi. . . ...... -.ii-iurii in Nl'llKt'll lOIU. Lilt" C0m nf ,1 i c i I 1 e,t f I'fll'lll IIIUIKI l.OUIIIllU iht1" fnt1-1"''1 '"'! he appeal ed te be ;,- u- ,. .lr,,((. ,,, llls lerner. iiie iiptiii)IR ,,f tK, s,.,.nth found MJgliran lintliiK his tumor still n bit "'l He hnul awin. with Tunney trr "i""'1 ""dliiR the downtewner, liJi "tnieHt te get in or a riRht- K,.if,V.r "'""M P" "P." ti.nl, '" reunii, i.eugnrnn sun- :," "en,i s m.,,,,,,1, pll,l,0,l te have , """' I"1 tit IN iwt sli-pllirl h mill rctl Tunnix bin k with a n-rles of Wnche-, i i,flll ,, ,)0jy J CS1 ?,reic the hrll elnnr,l. en,l. '17 the round, n haid Leu ah ran f'Sht shook up V'imiicy. T HEN enme the eighth. With Tunney 1,1 friuit, four rounds in his Chancys Left Hatters France te Fleer in Second Who,, I'arl France's seconds "'"IlCl! lilt. I the tin., .. l.tl.. I.,, iini. ?n iie ii 1. :.",':... . Ill tlie knnnml rmtttil .st "'(.'lit s hunt 111 the Phils Park, ' "fP I'linn... ., I....I1. I.n- cah , -.. , lllllllllltl.llllll 111 1 ', h"u ""ler Kefeiee Joetiriffe '"smiil live up until that time. It "US tn,, Mliiinl l.ne, Inlnui, ..f tlin of the round iukI a left, te the jaw lid tlie trlcl, 1 I'l'ie wns llnnieil In 11 left .7 """Uiit of nine a minute, and l"irtv t ,r.. I a 11 seconds after the start ;t ti 10 1 . .... lewi., , . "M""' ""l,"K "R', " u I.I vx.tJ, his ,!., r(.Rtms .I"" Inwri ,,, ii,, , ,,. ,i feet. siill giegu'v, and tpn seconds Js .1, .l .. 1.1 .1. . .. later tQi.,1 '.,...,uu nun iiiiiiiiier backZV, 7','!(l tll,s u,ne falli,,B WhPn i'1,""11 lpR l'ni under him. Jbtcan . ! 'i',"'1 l0 hiH f,,ct r" hid h! """Rnnnt hecnuse the bout n,. !," ""I'Pnl, crying: "Ne, no -""""uiun't have done It." Fam Contribute $762.29 te Beb Maxwell Memerial Moving fans of this clt respQinled geneieusly t tlif nppenl for eon een eon trlbiillens te the Hubert W. Max well Meiiieilal l'lind nnd n total of !?702.2!l wiih i'iiIIppIimI. Hy thp per per inlNslen of I'lometpis (iiinnls mill Til) ler, iiiiiielintement of the eollec eellec eollec tieu wns ninth' bv .tee (Jrlffe and Rlrls fiem the (Jills' Hervlce l.enRiie under the tlilectlen of Miss Hese Ostiew paused down the iiIhIcn nnd reee4vetl the cubsi liptleus. favor, two even and one belonging te i.eiighran. Temmy mnde his usual last round finish, rtiinl! niinthpring the I vlBiter with puiiches. The Heiilh Thlla ' tlelphlmi was all eer Tunne like n clenk. Up landed blew after blew nnd hnrtlly Mopped for u hecend in bU nt Inch. In the meantime One floundered around without being permitted te get set. Thnt grp.nt finish of Lnitglirnn fnRcl nnled the big gnlliering. Temmy showed, despite the big linmllciip In weight nnd nlt-e 'l'uniii'j's ndvnntnge in exppilence, he tlid net lack grit, and there wns no doubt in the minds of n majority of fans that 11 different pter would nine been written had the poundage been aiiywhere near eiiunl. ' Brown Trims Met an The l.tniglirau-Ttinnev inntth wns put en following the thild bout, thnt be tween Harry Kid Hrewn and l'.il Meiaii, lifter it hull been curtailed te fit rounds because u slight diiazle had started during the fourth frame of the latter contest. Fer the half tleren rounds in which the faced each ether Hrewn hntl the better of thiee, two were even nnd Meran earned enlj one. This tlctet.s In Hrewn ngninst the New Oi leans Italinn enme ns n big snr lii sp nnd prehnblv bent Meran out of :i ilnte with Lew Tcndler bore. Ter two i minds tlie boxed nt nil even clip. Theu Blown went abend in the third. Meran taking the feiiitb and the next two were Brown's. BWOH'V took the irth hu a trleV mm 17111, shaklwi up 1'al several times. JOT! TIPI.IT.. while he wen almost every round from Willie Herman, substituting for Jee Benjamin, found himself In n tough tussle. The close ness of the tentest enn net be taken bs the number of rounds wen. Tip Scores Knockdown While TiplitJi poked Herman with sufficient punches In lliplmdy te sink a lpss hanh fistman, Herman retaliated with n Heck of punches te Tipple's face that had his features pretty well mussed up at the end. Tiplitz stored a nine-second knock down with the first punch of the bout. II left book te the jaw , seven seconds after the opening reiir. Tiplit. wns floerptl In the fourth inund. Kail Hnlrd went off Inte a lend ngninst Kddle Kid Wnpner In the opener, but the latter came back se strongly and with such Hashes In the iscNciith and eighth ihnt he was entitled te n draw. Jt was u hard bout. ,Tem Put Up 'Real Man's Fight,' I Declares Father Jeseph I A. Kelly rpiin weight wns tee much for me. -- I did net put up the bout of which I urn capable, but I nnve no nllblps." This Is what Temmy Loughran. Seuth Philadelphia pride, liad te say teda.v following his limit last night at the Phillies' Ball Paik with Gene Tunney. "After being kneiked down In the first round I just couldn't get started. It reall.v was net until near the end of thp seventh that I found I wna my self." Mern than ."()() neighbors nf the Leuglnans awaited the return of Themas Patrick, tiding in nn automo bile with Father Jeseph A. Kelly nt the head of a score or mere ether machines, tint St Menica's Naval Battalion Blind, led bv Al McGljrin, trailing and blaiing behind the car which carried1 their "licie." ' When he loathed his home at 103-t Ilitner stieet, just as the midnight chums were sounding, Leughian lm nudlatcl.v entered the. house amid labld L'hi'citnp and slmuts for a speeih. But Tem was net in the humor tot talking. Within Lis abode the jeuih was In tc.irtt. "I knew I didn't put up mv best fight 1 can box, a let better," he said, sobbing, u Ills relatives and seveinl clo?e fiinntl. diitsidv.', en the doorstep. Father Kellj was tallilns. He told the path erlug that t nine fiem blocks around Hint "Teutuiv put up a iciil man's tight. lie 'hew id me and even one there that he pen-esses the ipuiHlicntieus of a chaiiiplen, and M won't be long before j oil all will b'1 thierlng n title-holder light here et this doorstep. Tonight Teminj fined the renl champion, nor the siinposed-te-he champion, mid the lm did remarkably well. "Tunnev himself paid Temmy his biggest tribute whin he told me that he hud just been given the hardest battle of his carter." ( Scraps About Scrappers Sum ninsktsteii, former amvteur welter welfcht mil mlddlewrlBht champion of thn .Middle Atlnntle Xtales and who has been bexlntr successfulb as rre for SBvernl months will npp.ar .11 the wind-up at (he Cambrli tonight Opposed te lilackln will le Jehnnv llnulm of Vv ilinlnittmi J1 Hank Mcilevfrn va Cier(!e Helium la thn tend Pie lima, Al Fisher Jnhnni linn's Artie McCnnn i Churley Mack und Andy Jtar lull vs .Mickey lieldrn Al Tlinmiis, a p.-etcnn of 1'ranlcle Hewell, will ment Jee Ir'tasli In th semi tlnal te thn Nesre welterweUlit match letween XII 1 1 I.enB and Jen I Ibbj at the N'aMimil A A i.niUht I.unn l sp.irrlnn partnei for Jack Jehnsen nnd ( harlej Cress Is inalcInK 11 11 effort te Iwve the 0110 time heavyweight champion be ' lh" rlnslde tonight. VVIllus Ilrllt. or this cits U maklnir a tour of the .Seuth and Simtlnvi t with a sttina of boxers A iusirni.1 from l.eulsillle Ky , with Drill s sliijiture slates Kveryllilnii is levelj 'lh buys nrn seInK meat " Jiinnii f lnhhy. after beln In Australia for seven icxrs wilt nnkn his ri turn appfarsnee In America at Mlchlcan City. Ind , I.aher Day in e len-reund bout with Jimmy IMrsV. TART EACH PCNDAV WITH A LACO and keen happy th rat of th week T Iti.p? all-ir Comle Beetjen In the Hunrli con na geed belnnin. rmtlO I.BPeia jnaR Uak It a Habit." .adV-A i WEIGHT TOO MUCH, I SAYS LOUGHRAN I BROWNS WIN FIRST. 3 101; RETAIN LEAD Shecker Holds Yanks, St. Leuis Gaining Full Game in Amer ican Race BIG CROWD AT TWIN BILL HT. t.OLMs NHW YOH1' nl) r li 11 n p nli r ti n n Tnljln.rf r. 11 1 ft n n Vltt cf 4 0 110 0 Vnsfr.nb B 1 1 .1 3 1 Dtm'n.lb 4 1 1 e : u Hlslcr.lh ,1 1 2 7 j ii Hutli.rf. I e 1 a e e Wl'ms If 4 e n i e n l'luti.lli. I e ill! 1 n IVnn cf .1 1 1! 1 (i n fli'nK c '-' 0 1 " O II MrM'uSli I II !! 4 4 II M'..lf. IO12O0 Sme'iI e IOIS 0 Wiiril.21) I O 1 a 8 0 riiTli'r s 4 0 1 '. ! n Scott. m .10 0 2 ." 0 Sh'ker.p 4 0 0 I 0 Hml.p 2 0 0 0 II II - Smith loeooo Tetnln 311 3 10 27 13 1 Mur',p O O 0 0 0 0 Tetnls 12 t 7 27 11 0 "t. t,eu! . n 1 e ti e 2 0 0 0 3 New Yerk 000 0 0000 1 I Twn-lmfce hit Teliln Three-ba'ttn hit Seer. 111. Stelon tiRfn Sl.ler. Hnrrlflin hit HchanK Dnulile h!h Plrp. Scott nnil Wnn! Left en tinsr N Yerk. II. St. I.eiiIk . HniCH en Ijnlls Ilejt, 2 Htrtick irtlt i'v I'eM 1. hv SNirltnr, A. lilt liv Pltrhei IK Hrlioclter 1 tsChnnB) Vmplrcs i:nns ttnil .Merlam. ritne, l.'O. New Yerk. Aug. 2." The St. T.eiils Browns Increased their lend In the American League rnee bv n full gnnie, winning In a great buttle from the Yankees here this afttrnoen In the first finens of n twin bill. The final sceie wns .' te 1. Despite thientenlng skies nnd n strong ipnst wind, moist with rnln. the crowd swarmed te the paik enrlv, anil the snle of grnndstnntl souls wns stepped before the ilrst game bt.uted. 1'rlniii Shecker, the St. I.euls nee. .wniiied up for the first giiiue. Wnite. iiext. iniiKt'es euiiiiiii put ning star, was called upon te pitch bv Hugglns. A drics'le began te fall In the second Inning. Hy that time the entlie stad ium was t'lewtleil, with the exception of a small space in the tenterfield bleachers. St. I.etils 'scored one run In tlie spc eml. Jncobsen openeil with n single, nihnnccil te second en McM.iiiiis' out and scored en Severeld's triple te jrlght Oerber mid Shecker left Scwtpiil, going out en earn Hies. St. Leuis get te Het in Inc sth inning nnd put ever two runs. Tetter nnd Sislpr led off wilh singlts and Fester advanced te thild after Wil liams dieve ii long Hv te Witt, A pnss te Jacobsen filled the onset. McManus lined the fust pitch te left for a single, scoring Fester and Sh ier. Severeid hit a long Ilv te Uuth. while (Set her was tossed out nt lirsi b Waid. A spectacular double play pi evented St. Leuis from scoring fn ihe ninth, after Murray went fte pitch for New Yerk. (Jcrhpr letl off wilh a sinplp, but Shecker's attempted ncariCce was contorted into n double pla.v, I'ipp tc Scott te Ward. Tobin doubled but Scott tossed out Tester nt first. Xevv Yerk's inllv in the ninth llicketed out nfter one run stored, St. Leuis winning. Dugnn epeniil with n single te light mid Until singled thteugh McMnnii'), his first lilt in four games. Fester innile n grent l mining catch of 1'ipp's foul. St hang funtutl en thiee pitched balls. Meiisti singled te finiM. Dugnn scoring. Until taking third. Wurd tnded the gii'iie with u pep-flj te Fester. Shecker held the nnks te scvph hitn. His recqrd ngninst the Yuukees this 'cnsen is1 new four viuteiies mid live detents. Nineteen Swimmers In Race Nr erk sue JTi Nineteen of the leji Irs- lenB-illmnnte swimmers et the Cut nn' compete, tomeriow nfternoen In the ehtht m'le swim untler thp aut-plces of the Park Inn fliuhn A A. The start will he off Ker Herknwny I'nlnt ftn'l the nrfhh In front of the haths. The swimmers .mil their pilots have icen erdi-reil te report Hh.irn at neon Adventuress First in Saratoga Opener Continued from I'ne One 3 Menarclella. 113, Tenre 3-1 4 llnie, 117 3S Vlnner Tnke All Suspicion also ran out i and ( enpleil SECOND HACK steeplechase, three.jenr. olds nnrt up ahnut 2 miles 1 r.renndlei, 1IJ linrrett .0-1 13 out 2 Xmw Ilavtn, 114. McManus 12-1 7-'. out Time 4 35 Hbslnn (fell) also rein. THirtD HACK B'llln?, thrte-jcar-elils tind up, (1 furluncs- 1. French I'tirze. 10(1, J Cnllahtn 7-1 ft-2 r,-r. 2 Sen Mint. 121, llle . . . F-I 1-1 .t-'. ,t. Reulntle 1011 .Mnrtz .. 3-1 7-.1 2-1 Time 1 l.'i Snlt I'eter, I.ftn .Mrsfii IiuncH Cup Illue Tei! Ira Wilsen, Deves lleust nnd Pr Jehnsen atfe ren. CONNAUGHT PARK RESULTS rillST IlAi 1 or three enl olds ind up ii fin lenKs l XI nml e Jumbo 110, i nema. ''nn i . . jc in 2 ben 110 tlejle X 40 in ,'1 "I j Miss lid 111 1, It hiii . 4 de Time. 1111-X Primitive I ndv l.uxtirv. (Ircat Hawk Dancer te ci nl Murpnv i.aneilet itimi sneez' i'ruicnri ihe 1 UclHien c. nil Ciceronian also rnn SKCDVD HACR. milden two seir-elda , furieiiKs ....-.. l jeeiia J . ill .einn ,ii'w s ni 94 en ' i ArreKussa. 114 Amhrne 5 20 4 Oil I .1 Athlete 111 William .. Uitnl Time. 1 (12 1-X IIIi.h Tenes 7lnB, rtec-I rarden Allen Water Tax Dixie Dick Ilatj Arrew and IteKlopells also ran rillllD IlACi: rlnlmlns' threes car olds nnd up, foiled In Cinad 1 I mile an 1 70 ards 1 Anmut 100 i:nc'txi n ?S fle $3 7X $2 20 2 lllarnej Ilov 114 P Wnlts . 3 10 2 le 3 ncnKeie 111 Ambrose 2 l!i Time 1 11 1 n ximl Mnv, Azrael and Mal'nw met also tan Saratoga Entries for Saturday l'lrst rn.e cendltl'ns fillies three-year- olds n furlenss Xlav Illossem . Ill Ilairldan 117 Niti" I" 117 Her s wax . ,, .110 T.vll 11 Secen t race the Hiratesm Steeplechase Hondli xp four v.'ar olds nnd up, about 24 miles . Peccxnt leJ Ilnudlnl , , 1li Wisest Teel ' Declslce . nil The Trout 13. Mlntnna 1.14 Hull's l.''i I 1 I Ihlrd tace the Hnirnwav. for nlll"s, twn vmir nlds "tlt furtenits Ivless. m Time 112 (un"Hn IP. film Thlstla 11J ndlit 121 rntl.I in 1 Palli s Alley 10 1 Urecade ll.' Ileum , . 112 Tnjcxna . . 112 10l -. j . I ion Mlli Tnsiel I ire i m Star ( rcnta Mem lie ill im Wew 'Ihessats Klv hv Da 112 . .. 11.' I'eurth race the Mtrehants and Cltliens' Hiindlcap, thiee cnr-ulds and up. 1 3-lil miles llisi Pal IM Divaatatlen .. .104 Hen llonune inj le'in 1'xul Jenes lift iIicn Lag .DI' Mai Hatter . 1.11 1'ruiUrj lis fifth raie th" sxiat.iRa Spaclal thres venr old champion ii l ' i' tnll.s lluntlnu !-,, ri'lce 1J0 Kal Sanic 1." Hlxlh race ilnlnilnK three ear-olds and in 1 mile Hcettlsh t hlef i 1 1 hick cent HIV Klrklevltinten 1 1 Simniianl 100 Pliiff H Nermal 107 CJueeii lllenrls 101 "Hun It 110 IllllrUalnnn Ill HU U.i 111 I'd in.1 stui Court Spuers llrlul. Cnrini'iicltn Dunlel V Oiertake Ira VMIsen Secenth race the Waterford Ilnndl. np two c ir olds All fill I. inns Nassau AnniiN mnus ItumpInK Heme lleiemnn Certain Shamrock .. Newhampshlre Daniel , ... . , 112 Wlldrnkn , 1 Oil Pennen l is I Oil II.". 107 12.' Ill 114 111 Newmarket 117 DeuEhereann 114 Caveat Kmpter lit flelden Hele 114 'levi llellsv .Me .10n Ferest I .ere 100 rrinca iiepteni ,..iua Apprenticeship allow anee claimed. Weather, cieuay; uack. neavy, X LOUGHRAN GETTING UP AT NINE ,. .. 11 I- r. "" -V v i i i . i ii 1- In the first round Temmy I.eiigliran sunk when n Tunney right (aught lilm en tilt) chin. He Is seen getting up at the count of nine, (ileve en his chin anil nit ainaed leek cm bis face, Loughran appears dazed by the blew FRENCH TENNIS STAR LONG WOOD SENS A TION Jean Borotra Could Be One of World's Greatest Players, Says Tilden Caused Upset of Williams and Washburn in National Doubles PVY VIIXIAM T. TILDKN. 2P Niillnnnl Tennis Clitimplen Bosten, Aug. 2.". ever the winning shut mid tlie stiadi- HT ITTLF BILL" JOHNSTON nnd JLiWallatc Johneii. Nathaniel W Niles and Jean Boretin enterpd the vnmi.riniil leund of the national deu bles tennis clmmpienslilp nt the ('best MIPS tenillS ClllUllIllimS I , 111 111'' . ii' i r lllll ..niti'i f be loneweod Cricker , tlllt HIU ceillt Of 1I1P l.oilgweoii v-riws. i Club heie .vesterdny nftcrnoen. . Tin. eliminated: Klnsev brothers, of I . 1,1.111. ... . . . ..,,, Sail Francisce, nnd K. . iinnins. of Bosten, nnd Watsen Washburn, of New Yerk. , Beth lnatches went the limit. '" and Hoietra winning. (!-!i. 7-.i. .. -0 (1-2 while Johnsten nnd Jehnsen weii. 10-R. s.ii, r-7. i-. f.-:i. I rndniibtedlv, the feature of the da.v was the upset of Williams nnd Wash- . ., -i.,, ii...:.-. ...... i ntnni mi num. me i v-1 1'ipis ' nr " -v..,.. -. i hv the scintch Frnnce-Ainerlcan com cem com binntlen. Seldom hns n fiuer exhibition of doubles p'.y been seen fban thnt et Hnretra. , j iieceiving no mere ,,n .. m- - pert from his part nei. he ei ,r ed t e first two sets bv the most reniaikMbl" court Veverlng anil velle.vlng that I lure ever seen. J hi ground ihnts equaled ht aathty and nit tnme. lloieiia neuld he uue of the giratcst tmnis play CM ill the Ull) Id. Credit te Borotra Williams nnd Washburn weie net nt their host. Hew much of this wns due te the mm prise oic.isiened b) the sen vntlnnn n nv nil el noretia, linn 10W i, ...I.... ,....,. ...n ... - i..i much f it vvastiiie loanei ua.v is, ... te sin. niii ""," i,' ".,niV ,f V ." I lie 1 leiu iiiiuii. ui-.-i.i-, ........ --t. .- nnn.llc f, tlw seemlnclv lioer sliewing of Ihp Americnns in the tnst two sets. Boretin tiled in the eaily games of the third set. which icstiltpil in a less of in turner ln his velleviug. Williams mid Washburn seied their opportunity antl ran tliieugh the third set with the less of three games. Tlie iesr did net seem te iniiterlnll.v aid Boreti.i, although the ether three men appealed fresh when they again took the court. A break of Boretia's delivery in the first game of the fourth set gave the former American Davis Cup team the lump, and with this aditecl incentive thev ilnsncci inreugii i chimin; niu mntch. . , , . . ,. Psrcholegical brenks occurred In the , second and third games of the fifth set, when Williams nnd Washburn passed up . ... :.! -. U..nb flints nnnnliiiiitil 1 OppCirilllllll.'S '" iniiin "" " "ri'V ' I delhcrv and wcre then broken through n ""'s.-i,.-a. Xtlcs, u-he up te ttntr had been playing hh niciage name, lifted it abeie that of any man en the court, and, tlntiuqheut the icmmnilcr uf the match, nut the dominating ftguic. This, oeuplpil wilh Boretia's return te his spusntieiial feim of the first two sets, tnirlcil tlie lnteinntieiinl team te a 0-2 vlcter.v The outstanding fea tures of th" match weie Boietra's vol vel levlnr and letiirn of service off bis bickhiind. and Mies m.ignniLent pinv in the fifth set. A Fatal Iipse Johnsten nnd Jehnsen justified thPli "seeding" ever the Kmsey brothers, but enh nfter live sets of the most bit terly contested tennis of the tournu teurnu merit, I felt thnt the Klnse.vs tossed nwnv n golden opportunity in the first set 'when Ilevvnrd diepjied his service when hading ". This Inpse gave the ethprs a chance xv Inch thev immedlntelv seized and thev rnn out the sPt at S-(l again breaking Ilewnid's servile, tins time at love The second set was a lepllea of tile firt, vvith Beb Knisev the victim of the only service bieak. Johnsten and John John Jehn eon piessed 011 te what seemed a certain straight-set win when thev led 5-1 and match point en Heward's service, but thev lacked the necessary punch te put What May Happen In Baseball Today I lub N ew Verk ??. iuia NATION XI, Xen . . . m (Ml . nt et 6(1 411 IIS I.KAOt'K I et P (', 4(1 ,1101 .11 ,.1IM KU .Ml M .fill .in .mi IIII .Ift.i 71 ,J(10 in .a.i.1 W In Lese .tun ,mrt ..ill .fiHi I I III. iiKU l'lttslit.rch ,MH .(111 .537 .487 .81111 S1' ..1V Mi ,3.Ml .I7U .117 ,3J0 ( Jnrliinnll lira jlcljn . l'hllllra llestnn . AMKUHAN lXAt.VK en Lest P ( , . . ii 4ii .sin 71 411 ,Mi cm nn .mi . . ,H III) .,11 J AS CU .4HS f lut. St I-ellls New lurk IMrelt ( leveliinil ( hlraicn VV ni.hlngteii Athletics . llestnn . 11 In l.nse ..MIS .11)0 .1111 A 1.1 .Aid .4SH .470 .iii 383 ,3H7 .1J7 ,.10H .1711 .171 .11.1 .37A . ,17 A3 .470 411 OH .1111 . 4.1 71 .37H YESTERDAY'S RESULTS NATIONAL l.r..mvK I'lltstninch, HU Phillies. I. New ivrk, 2i ( Im Inniltl, J, lil.ae, 4t llroekljn, 1, ll.vsirni. l.'i Hi, Ieuls, tl. AMKKIfl.N LLAOUK Detroit, lit Athletics, ft. St. lamia, l.li llnslen. 2, Washington, i, fhlcuce. II, INTEBVATIONAI. LKA11UK Nenvark, 2 IliuTnle. O. IJalUmere. Ji Hechester, S (first a-nme). Hiiiiiiurr-, ui av'viis7 rrt 4w9 CitT. Si Tirijte 1, nesM of tlie Kinsejs Ipd tlipin into three etreis in a row, tielng the sctne nt five-nil. TIip Klnspys, ns usual, jumped into ine aggressive linn ciy nremcing vmii-i . . . .. ,-.. .. ' liu'e s wim in the twelfth gnme they r "'"",. ., .L .., T-. i Tliiouglieut the fourth Pt the Kin- ' , , , ., .... . 1, i. , , com linlil tin, cltllntlnn Mell In linn.l n,,'.l l,l, ,...), i.i ,,, U., i,, ii lUnti nnd, nltlieugll ilesel piessetl. held their ndvnntnge' te the end te tarry the con test into the fifth set. The turning point enme in the iceend gnme nf the final se7 uhen Heb diepped hi drhxety after lend inn at )0-lnvc. Hill Johniten aainrd a S-lei e lead in a tinci af hard fought rnllici. all of nhuh u cnt te the I'hiladclphui-Snn Francisce pair. A cestlv decision en the baseline np.ilnst the Klnse.vs gave Johnsten and iJehn .,.j em, w, , prnetit.nly ... . .. ..,... ' pttlp'1 U"' ""'0,"t' , Twe Hard Mai dies i Nlles and Borotra tedav will mppt Pat Weed mid Genld Patterson, tb' , I Australian Imvis Cup chnllengeis, in i one seini-finnl bracket, while Johnsten i and Jehnsen meet Itlchnrds nnd mvsclf en the ether side. Take your pick for the final leund. Aine'd W. Jene5, of Providence, will meet Lewis White, of Texas, for the junior title tomorrow b.v virtue of their if i1 respective victories ever Jehn vvhit- br(.,j ((f Xpw yerk nn(1 W. W. In- Ki-'ihnm. of Providence. I lie imvs title iesN between Pavld O'Leuglillii. of Pittsburgh, nnd Mal Mal eelni Hill, of Longwood. who wen llielr ii iitfhes from Stun rt (linness. of New Yeik. nnd H II. Whlthcck, of Hronx Hrenx vIIIp TIip probable title winners me Jenes and O'Leughlln The indefatigable Boretn wts net satisfied with his verk in thp doubles, but plaved two matches in the nitienal nitxptl ileublps paired with .Mrs. Mav Sutten Bundv. They entered the semi-final round at the cspeme of the Iradma Spantih Dai ! Cun itas, Count dr (leinar, uhn played with Mrs, Henri, of l.ei Angctcn, !',, (',.',, and' Mantel tfoiMe, whose partner icas Umj W'utih, of Philadelphia, 6-5, !.7. Saturday's Connaught Park Entries First race r limine threcear-elds and i up 0 fu let ps Tlfinla .Mike (lelden Chan.e I Ilantfale.p I I.sd l.inurv , Ku Mux 110 Propaganda. 110 110 Prtmltlve l'li VI ''emmander CdlnlO', 111) The lte,1n 2' 110 Ids l.aun Miller ins .107 I'.nrontlne le;, clalmtnK three-ear .11 Is md Me, end race up il furlencs The Nephe v Thi Declslun P ItsburK i I irkieii Purl Dole Melodrama Third race up (1 furlongs liens It. I.umi . remen.i Tmer I'mpress Vibrate DimliiK Olrl Pilsneil 7eat Pr. 112 110 - 107 American ir-isle Hohekus Springs lie Iletslnda 111 110 Ills 111 111 lll 11. Medmon 110 union 1 J 107 clnlminn. three car n'd, nn, 11.1 Tamest 1US liebxdll 10" Max (lild 3 l) enn I"15 CJU I-e 101 Je... Heffman 110 ln7 104 .110 IM 107 reurth n.r the Avlmer Purse e Is. d fin longs two year- riau of 'Iruce 120 (aixtiss Taft lalMi.wlc riped 112 Klh'l . hMrni lIvviiinK star 0s Siths t emeti I M icii.iIm 101) inn 107 ley (xirh iiiixm enti j Pitth rai claim. n three enr-elds nnt up f. al. 1 In tan.nU t mil., and 70 ,, 1 U.tiBiH Id'i utit I In n- K 1 Seus- . let Prim . , Mell C utpurs.. Ud ranaii of sweet Iteitiuei 1n7 War Fex t,m J cck hhr iw Kid Hi, u suk tni lndlnn Prln e 7 iii xnp ,..' llrtRbt Murium: P1 MIishhh p, , J Sixth rice clilni nt three imlii ds nut up 1 8 Id miles '" n"J Plzer 10(1 llarrj M stKx.ns ten Sr.PiMlP.llir Olrl 0I Thistle Que, n 01 -nut nan i nil. 101 ISiOnnMIM lu.i Sil Oeerke 10i 101 POBK nics i04 North Wxl.-s inn Orel' Hawk ph'l Snin m.-re, ' U m'nS """ " and bailer ill I'lnnterrde fii ' innterrde inn lert .Mr Jnr nak- , nl Mnvlftorater p. . . ins pi.Ii a lf,ri 10.' comment l " I icnmer Iler'llles Hcudfiil iv a Cuba lvurkv Ciirl (ii Apprentice allowance claimed. W'eulher clear track fxst POLO FIRST PUBLIC OFFER OP BOXKS, l'ABKINc; SI'At l.S AND SKATS TOB Till: International Pole Tournament September 13 te 23 n,i,Sv5!? n veurrpf erxnt inn teclnv .uie te the Philadelphia Country (-lub Bala, l'a.. or te Cenvvav'n Ticket nmce :j3i, Seuth nrentl Strpct. Reserved Seats j. se (nr S20 fur the series). tlramlstnnct heats H,m), (ienrrnl .Atlmlsslnn S1.0O. Ilnxes, hel.llnir fl persons ms for hr series,'' PnrkliiK ipiicTs 10 per i!e,or 73 for the aeries, Remittance by chpek or money order. PHILADELPHIA COUNTRY CLUB BALA, PA.. t BRADY TOPS FIELD IN WESTERN GOLF Detroit Gelfer Has Three-Stroke Lead en Jeck Hutchisen for 54 Heles LAURIE AYTON IS THIRD Birmingham. .Midi.. Aug 2.". -Mike Brady, of Detroit, held n three-stroke lend In the western enen golf tourna ment evpr the Onklnnd Hills course nt the entl of the morning round today with n sceip of 217 for fift-feur boles nnd eighteen le go. .lock Hutchisen wns second with 220. Mike mnde u 7(5 this morning nnd Jeck n 75. Laurie Avien, of Chlcnge, shot him self info thlnl place with a 72222 while the rest of the field was (nttere'd. .Tebnnj Fnrrell, Mnmnienei k, went out In IK) and enme buck In 15 which gnve him 2.'l(l for fift.v-feur holes nnd virtunllv eliminated him from it chance at the title. I'lav started wilh Brndv. leadliiR with 111, Hutchinson second with 113, Far rell mill D.ive Kobeitsen tied for third 1 with MS pneh. lock cut two strokes off Mike's lpnd Jen the first hole when he s(lul u birdie tin cc ngninst Bindv's five. Hutchl- I son nnd Bintlv tinishid the fust nine I with .'!7 eni'h, eimbllng Mike te nialli tnln his tluee-stieke lend. Feet putting kept Jetk from over coming Brndj's lend, for be took six en the pnr font tenth and missed a short putt for n birdie en the eighteenth. Mike also putted badly. The turds: llrniK I Out .I 4 3 in I 4 4 4- 37 IIutchleti I Out .1 4 4 I . n 3 8 3 IT 1 ltrxl i In ft 4 .'. 3 I .' .". 3 51') 37 7(1 HM'chlnnn In (14 5 3 14 4 3 5 3S37 7.". Sctii iw Mlk llri.U Dotielt 7r,.2l7' lerk Hutrhl urn I'hltTMi 7H .'.'". Jnhti S'lrrnll M.itntirn nk S2 210' llnrr Hu.nptnn H.-trelt 77 1 11 Ilnli Gnilk-hiinU VVVmHeKI 7()-2Ts I'runl lrnilt Glnrn. III si 211 llr tire HiuKney. Atlantic C'ltv N I 71i-2ln tuik f.nrlnn )iirfa1ii N Y.. lli).J?e I'.ili Mime liPtrelt s(i 211 Jehn Klphli'c. De troit Sl-'Jl" Tem Kcnn-tt Mntte" n. Ill 712.1 II Klllt? C.pvpliril, se 211 Pit I'plrnnrk Nutln, N J. B1-2S2 c'hurles Hj mr i:rt i'a S4 IN. I "' .-.w.im 0i i.uin f--i .... .. Kenm Telne. si .'13 lack JJtcke't Nut (i SI 241. I.aurle Aten fhl.ni.-e '- '-"" Omw SrKcnt Celuml.tm. O 7H 2.'7. Art Itomiirelt- Snllnn Knn si ji7 1- ltl-.. 1--U,-. U1 O.f. Tl. l". Pat Dee St. l)ul SO 210 J v 1C Helsert ChlCace 83 24H .lelln l'l r- rill, Monvvrenetk V V, 82148 210 Chlek i:w,ns. ChlniKe 71 2.'7 Maurice Wells. Grand Ilaplds. S7 210. T W Huntet. D. 1 trelt S'l J',0 Alex Ress Detroit 70 J34 K Kenl Uidferd .Mich SI 217 (1 Nelsen. I.nraette Ird SJ 243 Hl- 1 mir I.evlnit Hoval Dak Mich s: 2IJ T Morten Kreepert III S4 211 1 i: Ho He ers Das ten U SJ 213 I. Clu'llrlcsen ! kiilh 111 S4 24J Oil Mercin Dixen III Sj Jill Inmei .stamllsh D trelt s7 'j t .-, CleoiKe c-rne. Crllnvlllp 111 si .'4 1 Pel HalnlnB Hvanslnn III . sn 2"l iinri Tuinbull Chicago Se 23 J r Cnili rr , l.a Cirans" III S2 .41 V e Ilirt .Man ettn (i se- .'41, Jehn llackbarlh. Ann Ar ber. .Mich SS 24H Llddel and Preston Play for Title ,,,...,.....,, .... .... -, . ,- l ittsLuigli, la.. .u. ..i i. . Llddel. of Housten. Tex., defeated W. I). Slecklev. of the Pittsburgh Field ' '"" ln "" "l'i,rr un" KCI "' ll" MMU" ,innl round el the nnniinl Invitation teurnamenti en the Plitsburgli Field Club links. W. C. Preston, a member el the home club pllmmattd It. C. Leng, the Stanten Heights veteian, in the lower bmcKet. Rain Halts Grand Circuit PniufhUerpslp N . Aue 2'. I! i n ctuert postper ment of th.i (.rimd ( ir.mt races here sterdll afternoon V steidn's fients will he stnitid te.a in I th. ens scheduled for today wilt be. held tomorrow Devenshire Entries for Saturday Flist nc. rurse $inoe claim ni? three xe-ir-ilds an! up f ial el in I anidn ' fur. len5a I Itlle ( illeen 'll Vnrjerle Wells 100 l.n lv IVIIx ion 1 . neuth Hi i a in" Heinlsph" H' Mutim In", hlr i i-irne 1 Hi sernn 1 rat- purse fioeo c almlnic. maid en twe-nir e els, .". fur' ji Alhanna .107 Hurt- He les Vlrs-lnl-i I"et 11.' I "it Annl 11.' Petllrt Dear I1J Ftu C.lllle . II J Dlxl Dli k . 11.' Th-seiis 11", Third rc pur Jl'n' clilMlnr three if ir old" and up 1 mile lltcken in- Hiue wrack inn 101 Jehnnv (i cnnell lne . 101 I.tadlnc Star 111 ' 10H Aln elidible ..Hn Pkeer rice 101 1 14 Naphthnlius . M t i ldl Fair Virginia UK1 101 bummer siuh . 10l (lilt Frinue Idna 1) Dr Use, nej alll"ii ... Serbian Hlack Hackl" KtnBlInu 21 Pirate Mct.ee reurth rrce twe.ear lids .104 purse J1200, allowances for us lurinnKs Marie ltlnnch" lrr.l nentxrla ion no in ii;. HU'kwheat 1 10 Citrnmra Iccien 113 llUr-hes dr lham Uird CJranlte 111 I.ads lies Hu. ado lis Fifth race purs J2u00 the Windser Handicap thrre ve.tr-elds and ur 1111 rellf s . it nl i n . t'J i "Mt !n Hlossem K'nsr lehn (is Merrlmr I unsi Huck II J il'ii urmxn 1 . Il.il.m 1-" . (b'l'hl'l ps li ' unnife. entr Sixth ri e purse ciuitu chimin ,.,.r iii Is a-. 1 up 1 1-1" in. p I7 1 II 100 four. rin Hlah .. . a.' "I i an t"1 I'm Tmxl.ni: 10U '1 in mis I'm si (e-rmain 110 Vis... ellitlble lln Xlxkh'en Kin -Pit inn Hibherisnlhbii J lutcj. lac.tues tlreenlanl Frank leant t Walk fp elltv 1 nn ii 101 Si en'h race pur neon p'nirmns thre ecr-eins iin'i up Toedl"" Tulsa Lmrmlte ... Slt. r l'le Jein of rc lleesw til? Clrlfldx Kelixblli'i J.w 1 P ppr ri e a Weather i ud 1 m.le Tnd i rds nl Hepe 1U1 Wlldrlewer 1 . 1 epmast 1117 Alse elmll IPs lllth rifiir 1 II '1 nst.T I'll br 1(1.1 'Allirne lul Dr ( has VV e nn wan e ciri t .d trai.i 'ast tn ins U"l 114 inn 111 10, BASEBALL Today, 3:30 P. M. Mlllir. PAHK. 21ST M I.l.HK.II in. llll. 1TK - ih. ( IIII .0 HescrvPil seats nt lilmhels nnil sixlrliui. Boxing Tonight National A. C. J UK I.inilKi is IIII.I.X in.M, i emul t.eiiii net is - i di -I T STH nun - reMe-juT1 DlJUU IN fONJlMTION VVITH , 111.5 111 UI HSrC SHOW I 12-Fast Bouts Amateur Boxing-12 CAMBRIA A. CLUB j:r?."l''''"i a, .. i u . . v t iimliria st rrltlaT Fienlna A. .cost S3. ii2 i OI'KN-in 1I0IM ' ' JOllNNX IIM'IU i. MM! in XCKISTON Jehn Maple, in Hospital, Yearns for Gelf Links Oakland, Calif., Aug. 2,". Jehn Black, diminutive Scotchman who was runner-up In the recent national open golf cliniiipleiislilp tournament lit (Jlencep, 111 , pieppctl In a wheel chnir In Menltt Hospital here, Is eagerly looking ferwaitl te the day when he tnu grip his driver nnd tee off vvi' the best e' Ihcin." Blatk wns s(.crply injured several weeks age in an utitomebile accident which test tlie lift; of bis friend Herbert Hamilton Brown. The doughty gulf inaivel is waiting for n hndlv bruised bead nnd several cracked ribs te mend. "Tell them I've line sunk mv Inst putt," he snjs ns be pulls en his old black pipe Kiislein and California piofesslenal golfers are nuanging a series of In unlit mutches for Bind.. MRS. MALLORY TO MEET MISS WjLLS ATJIET AGAIN Champien and Runner-Up Reach Final of Longwood Tennis Bosten. Aug. 2.".- The natien.il women s singles tennis rliampleiiMhlp dual wen lnt week nt Ferest Hills bv Mis Media B. Millien, ever Mis Helen Wilis, California girl stnr. will be fought agnlu tomeriow its the ic sult if the semi-finals in the singles teiiruaiut nt nt Longwood lednv. Mrs Mnllurv ndvnnctd tnslly ever Miss Mnithn Bnv.ird, of Short Hills, J . ('..It, (5-11. but Miss Wills wen her right te contest in the finals enl.v after a stiff hist set tussle with Mrs M.n Sutten Biindv, 7-,", 15-2. CRICKET CLUB CADDIES WIN Defeat Llanerch Bag-Teters, 8 te 7, In Gelf Match The f'rleki t Club caddies scored their scientl stialglit vlcter.v evtr the joung jeung sleis from the LKineidi Ceuntrj Club en the hitter's home links fhl nf'er nf'er neun bv the wmr nf s. le 7. therein dint lung their t la iii te the inddj (hninplnnsliip of the citv The four-ball miiti lies m the morn ing ipstilicd ns fellows . I.r.ASTRI'If ( RK-KKT CI.UI1 M I.en-(faiikill T ncamr-Mnreh (,oe.Jh ln-J I Mnn (i Iteinkp-lllllpr I'ypi'niian-Iw la 1 s.,tnFfin. j Hiad n I) rit?nitrkk milium I 1 I Met drth -Illicit It n .1 Malene Marnnn 1 0 Kich Kullr 1 3 I The nfternoen mutches were wen bv thp Cricket Club boys ,", te , but the low si eies of the daj weie turned in b.v thiee LliiiPich jniiths O'ltcunke and (Jaskill getting 7-ls and J. Ljens a 77 Still After Games A first class home term hi' Ine Suniav a't.rnoen and desirous of ebialnlnc a poed TMractlen can L'et pime in the Nerihwesi I'refesst pais M inaser Hoever s nine has me i,i the leading teams arrunl the it and hie .iM.n them ke id battles ddrrss 1 Hoeer 2n.1r. N irth m'rlcn nsttepi (r phone ( elumhla niilie Tn 2d 3d nnd Ith of sp emi ,r a-e also open Kelley te Bex Wilsen Bosten. Aur J Johr ni Wilsen ''111 meet Himtiene ICell- If the Inner defeats either C-etK- rtohlnsen lack M'Meliand or Pat Mc( arthv The Ma-sachusetts Uexlne Cem nlt,sen hid refu""d le pern it a bout between, the champ en and Kelle pit vfstrria sad that If Kel m defeated either of the three men named the heu wen 1 be san-tlencd PiB.Whife&Ce, Philadelphia's Largest Men's Merchant Tailors 808 Chestnut St. m '' - "J.H i issism, $$ .i k i.riA. wux;i.z -va if . -s i TOM M ALONE Y Manager of P. B. Wln'e tt Ce., Mcrcl avt Tailors of ius Chestnut St. YOUR CHOICE OF Fine Worsteds Pencil Stripes Silk Mixtures Checks Plaids Tweeds Herringbones Sun-Proof Blue Serges This sale is for a limited time only. Come early and take your choice of these fine suitings. PiB.White&Ce, Philadelphia's Largest 808 Chestnut St. OPEN MONDAY & SATURDAY UNTIL 9 P. M- Australians Win in Net Deublem Mm Pnnlltiiiif frnm Pnrn llnM punctunted In freciticul lelibjlng and ft $ in Vthls .tlepnitmcnt tne Ausirniinn listinlly vveiked Iheniselves lulu enrned jellits. The Aiuiks wen the set (1-1. Bv br-nklng through ( Hunt WoeiI'h service, Niles antl Herntrii were nble," te take n Itatl which Ihev strung tint te i"-2 before the Australians again get start -d and wen live stinlghl gmnes anil i lie set. "". Nlles at tlie stmt wns vei.v effecllvn at the net, piling up points en his (ulck chop stiekcH that went fin cress-court plnieinents. With Boietia seivlng lie1 took tlie old Wnrd-Oiivls positions nnd was leadv te punish n'tiirus te his 4 ipiurlcr wlille .tln speed.v Frenehinnnvj tore into hautlle straight shots. T,j The uttuiMte lebbvilig nf the Alis tinliaiis, who weie clever in their deep lobs te bnse line and their ability te eulgeiiPial t he opponents in passing llf r the fast Willi. villi;, seen biellglll the, overseas team te the fore. Boiettu 'ceiiied dishenrtened when wlnt he believed was n p'i l"t t nee was if tallttl a fault. He then di tipped M seivlte nnil with l'ntttrnelk next te hfive things took a different lighl I'ntteiseii evened up the games and lv placing low te the opponents' feet during Niles' ei vit was nble te put his it am in the lend O'llain Weed. ii.t in seive. (nine tliieugh stmng and Irltked nwnv the second set I I 1 CE. SEAMAN, a Marietta, reports 31,800 miles en a set of Goodyear All-Weather Tread Solid Truck Tires in the draying business. They are still going. He used them all last vinter without chains except in deep snow. Goodyear Truck Tiret are sold and serrictd by the local Goodyear Truck Tire Service Station Dealer. GOOD Fer Sale by O'BRIEN & HOOVER, Inc. Distributor 22d and Race Streets PHILADELPHIA Belt End SALE Tem says: After our sea son's business, I have en hand j ever a thousand belt ends, just enough te build a suit for you. I will close out every one of these at the one flat price. Made te Measure VALUES UP TO $49.50 Men's Merchant Tail ors Mm Ml wu m si' r. V4l 1 41 tf a .s t iU1 yi sn tt. r ii-,.,