Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, August 25, 1922, Final, Image 12

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$' t "
Kv y
Fighting Jee" Caufficl Jolted Apa-
v thetic Dry Agents Inte Action by
Telling Saleen men te Sell Real Beer
During Convention
V ' -S
yV '
Battling Politician Defies Fees TVith
Revolver He Get Frem T. R. ; Wife
Lets Him Run Things and Satisfies
Herself With Having His Meals
Ready en Time
T7!IGHTIN'r, JOK" CAUFTIKL, boetlcz-baiter and militant mayor!
B.lly Sundav of pelitic1:, perpetrator of a hoax that set 100,000,000
hcad3 cf the Natien wag&inff.
Den Quixote with tencrue in his cheek, finger at his nose, spiritual
brother te the Knights of the Colossal Wink, welder of the redoubtable
and canny joker.
He pave saloonkeepers and brewers of Johnstown, Pa., who "could
comply with the law" the privilege te sell old-fashioned beer and ale te the
thirsty and heaped coals of fire en their heads.
' He played upon the gullibility of
p ought t W 'em have one saloon for j
pvrrv r'.ixn) per. en.. I
"i nlj :i i age lnt week I hell-')
raid e1rrn -iileen. TIip ether day we i
i.t snli.imkrnir who made four jnun
iiiTi under nip drunk ISut irnp-nt l,n
didn't go through. Wn iIhIm t set nnj '
oe. operation The reuntj authorities .
won't help U-."
The county authorities iepH in th.it
that the Majer never lia- enough wit
iip.sp. ani evidence against the defend-
ant". I
"I.a-t wprk I failed for 1 xe'tin- j
rnr. te help me i'Iiw1 up the -.il"Otl.
Dr.lv two men showed up. line of'
them ?ivp hip hi" name, ami llif,'i never
came back. It disgusts me 1 mail"
it), inj mind that this i legal sale of
poi"iii mu-t "-top.
'If the (levernmpnt aynt' won't
step 1. I've get te de H mvself
"Krul.v. . I i ailed leg"thi r the lial
brewers and -nlneitkpeper. I told tliein
I realized Hip water s-upplj h"rc wa
lew. and fill'd with bus-' te beer. I
told tlipm tlicv wire making stuff with
weed alcohol nnd ethe- murdereu
Muff. I f-nhl it veuld be belter nil
around te .p gne, ulil-f.ivhiin'l beer
.-.ml ate. if tlip enlv ntl'pr ii Ink folio
ienld z'' beside li.iil walpr v,a poison
brew. I telc t'-etn. 'ever one of e,i
who MiinpliPS with thp l.iw i an "ll beer
n ml ,iIp. net ncur-bcer and alp. but real
hppr n ml a!".'
" "mi '?.' 1 wild "who can comply
villi the law ' I leuldn't nijself un
derstand hew that was possible, if tlu-j
triel te sell fpul lii.er ; but tlut wasn't
n.v lookout I knpw the tnr would
fpt ejt, nnil ;iiliu' prohihitlen eflinrs
would 1p feri ed te ionic hefp. And.
e' i eurp. i'ipj did
Entire Country Gasped
and Then Had Geed Laugh
'111" Miner iliU'Uid imr t'mt. And
l..i .lih.ililtnilts l'f .lo.il.stewil lllUtkll'ii
his "vpt" enemies, and loosed a
devastativc avalanche upon them.
That's his reush, amiable, ielcnt
way. He is Mayer of Johnstown for
his second term. Ten years ape he
resurrected the Blue Laws of 17t4,
and enforced them with an emphasis
that was mere than disconcerting te
even law-abiding citizens. And in
creased his enemies.
Net "se long age an attempt was
made upon his life. A bullet went
smashing through the window cf his
eccond-stery real estate office en
Franklin street. It mis'cd him, but
only by a hair.
Gun Roosevelt Gave Him
Ready for Assassins
"New, I am fortified." he says
jrrimly, and fishes out of his desk a
tremendous Celt. "Teddy Roosevelt
gave me that."
Today he is under a .-ix months'
jail sentence. "If they don't cet me
one way, my enemies try another."
And he can mil about it. but hi1
very eyebrows bntle with righteus
And this warrie- among hu Prr.i
Bjhania mountains has a son -''ie
"doesn't like politics at all": thrce
daughters who leek upon it a- a
merry kind of came, and a gentle,
unobtrusive little wife who feels
that the best help she can give lier
ardent husband is "three square
meals a day."
"I come, from a family of pioneers
and fighter"," a;. His Hener with
excusable pride. "My great-grand-father
and his three en-, we:e ki'lcl
fighting Indinn. M; great-gr.md-mether
was the Inn werran t' irsi
the Alleghenie. I'm Scotch-In h
for a foundation, and 100 p-r tent
American after that. And 1 ha-. e a
family Bible in my possession that's
400 years old. It belonged te honest
fighfng ancestors and I'c been
fighting in this town for the last
twenty-three years. '
On all sides of the busy little town
swell hill.--, rugged, but pay in t'n
sunshine. As the, have withstood
the iaginp elemmts, a- thr little i
town lt-elf has risen aboe the trag
edy of its death-yielding flood in
IPSO se does th" Honorable .fee
withstand his ani ient enemies. His
six feet ani inches, which carrv his
head nbee the a eiuge citizen en
the street, his severe and hravj jaw,
his large and roughened hands, lus
undiniinishing energy, expre-- s nie
thing of the strength of the erlast
!ng mountains that frame his little
bee-hnc of a city.
"I h.ite this liquor traffic king
Worse than b'n.es! And the folk, r tn i.es.b.ltty f roelur; tl.Mr
Who can't learn te live within the r..il.ll mn -id m.u. . nibt.miH ,
law had better get out of Jehns- " '"' "'' " lh" i
'fnl up with the liflj-M'ven dlffenuit !
t,ewn' I Mirta-ii' s of poison mnfiHTiuIing as
Wants Capable Men Utrens drink it is said that Johnstown
ta Fnfnrce the raid 1"lM "1"'"t 'rry ',,rir,y of fert,Kn"r
Maver Caiillud, who-p Idea" rush t lts fJ particular brand of poison and
Upen him f: I'cr e'Ipm than his lip-. (s ,, Vcll, the men folks summed
enn cpres them, who-p dramalic en- (1(, M1IJ(lMu Thr wanted "('.iulh"l s
crsy swells te Mich an extent that he . ( .. nn, ,,M Kt jt fr ,. w anted
fersets he It eiilj within Ins litt'.e (;n Stale Prohibition liirnier Iliuh
office mid net en l iblle nutriiiii. , llir,ln i,, Johnvtew n. re.ned the for fer
pnuniN his llut-teppri desk Willi a hand i In,r .IK,ni, e. It. Htltflci . and appiin'ei
nnd eluipieiilh ciifs- (. p spineue in his pirn And for
i a ilnj iu.iiu Johnstown wn- linne-div
"Hut Ihe.x are celtlm; their peliim
ftgnln, sum lllr .'i."i in i"1 "in.
In 'llj 1 1. ill jestenlaj. "Yeu an't
take a mail who uusn't R 1 eneusli
(in n preacher te keep his Jeb. and
make him ever into n piohih.lien
agent," he added, with arch allusion
te the Itiv Jehn I ''
lint the .Majer h.isn'i Riien up hej e
1 1,.' ui.ii2 le in(i!.i .lelin-tiiwii .lr jet
Thcie are s 'in folk. In I In i In. via
il. vvle wh vr that "I Wh'l'i .lie"
wiimi'i rci'lj inlns M im:i n Inn
nil. Thai he liliimlered into n
cffectl'i! bit of 6elf-mJcrtlinj
alwajs honored in their own eeuntrj
any mere than prophet are
"There 'vns a h nu-ter In this town
who Sundiij ni jht siicseMcd that I
mav have -een bus iu the fain it- of
in v heini . but f list t tin wen n't in anj
hedv rNi 's f.iici-." entitriluited tin
Ma' or. w th n hint leek in hi.s ejiw
"Hut 1 m l'li'ij J mi J lint no muii
who ii-e-iel.Ps ill lie IHllllIt eliclil I'll
slander a iniin who i
v hat's rlsht like that.
von that he lcidii t am call te iliu;
mv famllv inie this tcjht I cmiMilcr ,
what he s.ild a relleetieii mi tnj wife.
And I want te t'll him and the world
that my hmi-p i- a- e'ean as hi . and
I ian n-suie mhi that all mj fnniture
at least. Is pii.d for "
The niieulent M.ixer walke up and
down, piithn? '.'oreiislj at his cir.ii .
"Inie.xii a'lns liiiimr is ihe i nu-e of
the ine-t. If no' u'llte nil of the mis
fries of our people. Its invars have
tilled ihp jaiU. avlunis and peic -heiiKs
of our State l.lipier deahis
have ceiiibineil forces with the politi
es 1 hes.ps nnd ixplmteis of the pio pie
p''s' rlbls te I'efeat everv preiesi(.
incisure deniandi d bj the people.
Helped Minister fray
for Down and Outer
" U I i",in i,hi r liert I I.i.is'T
peer fellow was down and out.
I srahljul held of him mil t -1 .
feice him te siRII Ihe pledge lie
a Meiheill'l I'm a I'reshjteiian -
I took him ever t his parson and I
told ilia' p.ns'ii te prav for liert. The
parson did. and (hen lien bege, d tliit
I prav f.r him. And I did Ami
I tell von the pl.v p never heard in h
pravrrs as wptp i.iispi that i'.iv
"It's ti i r hie this poison i ' I
mAtmnmm I q"uuw : '
' -rSMtt sZfeyAlUfi HGH3BHBfNt9frxv f.AACttJT?CfAvlj lBdaxfV ?a
L si fsttt-l I jjBfes' V Jx L Xsf. "r( Vt-Js C vi ("trl t Csv4tsw llv -T'ssfTjt, NBE9HKBi'''r' JEZ 1
I YLTw "-Mrsr-rsyrv l3rlcfr 4 vJn4T--nf!p BBBSEBMP-h' ?' 1
In .Sumerset . (Hinlr, -w lw 9fxJm A (H JmSSwEKBKmMm. .':''.'"' '"iBif tM
his father. Himel M. (.ailfhci, -' (sJtS-fj VM WKUU&eB&BimmBM'''-&G?'M.i JDHH
faiiuer and biiihler of ch.nceal burn- cT7 pHHHHmHgi. ''Mi&? MM- Hl
Canfliel attended public FMMHSSHHHHfir mtirW?!7s HH
schools. Later he ,ok u twe-jenr nor- c ty. Irnlt new Mation am rearranpeii WnWfllmWWrWWm if E, WfHlBHI
imai school i. en. i.. v. hen he was (wen- ,.,,,. vr,. ,., i,is ,,r, ,,.. n un. KMMmmsm'KSssUUmmm-vw. fwZ jdHHmHaHiB
one he opened up his le-il estnte of- nn adveiaie if citj ownership of public IflMlfflBMItejlMTOlflMlSBwK' 'Jfy '.'' ' &5fflKUUBKm
.... i .. BWTffnrfi T"n ""JmnriilT "W MJ:xi tJMBHHMiKi4H
tli p. which has pij.!icil nlen' with .lie- -enhi- -...-,.,... WKf ilfLIWWi ' jJjJJIIilMMMHI'Bt' jfT' Mi' JlHiisHKSlfSHIH
I t-p.s. New he is assisiivi in the busi- U3SyHH!!BSBHvSKSfDHflHf7 . &r ASHHBHH
tichtluc for no. In his .en. Meade, who will be a n Ulv honored a time In tSmfmSBwmSmBi ---'' JliflHIIH
I want te till junior al 1 1. 1 mi, "old ellce in the !! Ills enemies declare the second v&3jSff3!?f9llWBsiSJ&!?mmMA Xv. AHByBllil
fall. election was en a lliike. And thej jjjffiHBmSefcilfenWBP. yjaHWB3wWBHBIWIMWBBBMJBIMB
prei II e.picianj since mis imieni-
Sime the oeeniii" of his lea I'M.iii'i i,i,i t. ...... .t,u ,.., ...,oi-ie '
Unc inln'ht expect te line such a man - ft4Z2n
-- -ss" XiKi Majer Jeseph Cauffiel, of
" Zs )rS Cl Johnslewn
and .New Meiie. j '' Ss"vv v -ST'' A
.Mr. I'iiiifliel mart led Mi-s r.riutea I SSs T5SsJ r
S'Mei., il.iujthn r of 1'iel mill Uehcu Sy sS. uC-tfil
Sill, is, !u .lime, lv.is. 'rii,.;, lllt '3C jl QJn I
thiee .in, ill sirls -- M.u parelia, Mai , ,, . f&vNvxY!3i
II.. i:i.anm and one ten. .. V MMMi. XVHA f
T.8l.tI..B J" l.asCf, Repuhl,- .& m3Sv ! -c4-$ ' 2SHBC F'ft
V 'mVXrJm' t5-! ' r5W5e3rlBr wJ&&S&mBKBGsab? J R $r-ll WSSMmaMSSKytV t3&&A , I
,MrlH111 it x- r fiWMf Trr FiXHUJUfiniBKmfii ? l Hi l!f,.v&iilHKa.K2rra& 1
1 ' V -Tr7r"' V1 'ys:t' m i rTTTDnriffi iPtaPHtipitnr ffgfijmilrf rimWfMlwrmWnmM
Csr JBfe?; , K Iff bSnrffiinMSr OSSi JBSSSSWTT-RBs, ' I I ill
.in '& rfrn .'J V iV ,' L&m&z&Cim tk TTIniiiMflTWI P&FfiSr i a Jr-!r
Cwy flu J
"y MVJ vA VV M . - The Cauffiel home
'T5f S9HHw vH&tJ
greater poitieu of his time at home.
Hill when he es (hoc he wants le be
(omfei table. And he .. One liniplj
has te leek at Mrs. Cnufhel le knew
that. Sin- Is the old-fasiem d ple-hak-
liiK mother wlio.e children idelie her ,
nnd sin; Isa merrj, cliiiiiituy kind of j
mother. v nen mie siamis or mis, her
children ipiile naturally drape them
selves about her because' they love her
se much.
Mayer Has His Ideals
and Leves a Fight, Toe
The Majer is Midi an enthusiastic
iheie i uppiime.t ill his
111 public. ' he hud is.iiil hcl'ei
he wasn't. He loekid ever the
crowded niidilei iimi with a
.Mayer and Mrs. Cauflitd and their children
"We neid law ami order men who
will enforce tin- laws'
That's been his (reuble in Jehiisluvvn.
he Insists.
'This Is n I j of chinch people.
And I can't umlersluml why I don't
jt mere help. It's my corrupt po pe
Htlcal enemies. Had liquor has been
flowing nil ever the place And the
enforcement oilmen liuw been iia
tlirtlc. "I'm lienill'j oppe-rd In 11'pi'ir ihe
Vlty It's been abused lleci nnd ale
pu a ti per cent basis is a bcwiujje
but any true who sells enough of the
t4tC e ninke a man drunk ought te be
M Mt e( Town. Yeu can't clone up
Htetat;, It jeu.releaM bter. Maybe
le i i, e Je1 a. low II I isht for
ihe ui.intieh that . lure new. Ten
iheu. ami I1. (I. S. of A '. I didn't
want ilani te k.'l them-ehe. wnli ret
I didn't want Hie hnwer's bl luu.e
te roll imr them, I wauled them te
have a Reed mm. I didn't want (hem
te commit sub hie. Ami I thought of'
that hoax."
The day Majer ('.inflict was vis
iled in his efl'n e ae slnets of his ulv I
wetp fpstoeiinl with llass and pennanis. (
Thousands of vihiiers pat tided ihei
slrref. and Id inds blared Inieriiillieiitlj , '
"I'm Reini le nddiess the ceiiiiii,
In ii in a lit tli i I lie. ' 'aid tln Maji r
'l e'l 1 1 1 1 -! 1 1 1 Hue Hi" u ml listen. I n
hi lu-v I Mjiildn'l wiile a Mil spcec'i.
lue.v, I wm.i annul nvcnij -four
vi ry I hours i veij d.ij.
Hut, I The Majer 1ms a growing biislnrsH
naturally, public officials are In for a number of businesses, besides that of
that aert pf criticism. Tby are net belnj-Mayer. Ula life hs been n Tery
,iu ever since h s first vote I.alir,
in nidi nt Ke i.i m It ehihuMii.t. he join
id the I'iekichc and Wnlllll!!tll
pintle, mid he new is mi Indepeiulent
lie was elutid Majer for Ihe first lime
November 7. I '.Ml. Il was the fust
political position he ever held, and his
iiiliiiiniMintinii was a slermj one.
Made Citizens Realize Just
What Blue Laics Mean
Willi nn enthusiasm that seemed te
his enemies te amount te fanaticism.
Iu elulinpleiied the old lilue I.HWS. H
doted iril slercH. cie'eries en Sun
dajs, let no li licks iiimbe ever the
ipilet strict i nfni n eertnln hour, bud
null, ilelivired Snliinlav iiIkIiI, i lesed
toltieie shops and mude niiinv ene
inn Hut It l III M.ivef's helicf, nil''
I iv-limeislamh. that he believes III
the 'ilodeiislj pi verse Sim Midler con cen
vlili'n th.'t a iniin niislil te be jinlueJ
net bj his frleiub, but by his enemies.
Wliile hi first term was tcarlnif
alenK triumphantly,. he tecurcd a com cem com
mlsien lattn- pt 'geTernment. for. bis
In a far different home than his nc
niullv i. One niiplit expect a kind of
terlicss lush en u ciiiK, witli haith inents
culling shnrplj the skj. Hut his home
radlnles (onileit. Allheiich he Is tm
sldeicd le he a man of wealth, his hump
Is a inlhei unpretentious-looking place.
It is small, In ihe middle of a bread
Invvii. The peich I. screened. "Jack,"
lilt; family doc. whe.e lildn lias (lie
rniigliiHss of blai k and brown carpet,
plnjs fallv about the feet of the Majer's
"Ne. I'm net politically minded."
latiKheil Mrs. Cuuflicl. "(if ceui.e, I'm
luleiesteil n what my husband Is lining,
And seinrtlmiH, I am depleted hec.nisp
se mil n.v el I he folks in the cllj don't
appreciate what a snuggle he Is making
for their geed I go le the meetings of
the wmmn's Itcpiihlican club, nnd I
vole wliheut fall, Hut that s us
as 1 go in politic..
lighter that
tin nn miiie.t leii.iantiv, the lasunl ul
seiver would feil, the idial. for which
he stands. '1'heie N no linl i-imi about
them. One is itnpH's.cd lij I In it- sln
cerKj, and jet one is (ou.ideus (Tint
the'J .11 e the Ideals one is iiimimiiiiiciI le
bear mi the lips of ixcrj politician limn
ruitluiid, Me., all the wa.v mound the
world le Portland. Me., again.
Thej aie the "geed old sentiments"
nothing especially new nlmui them,
nnd pel hups that is whv Majei' Cnulhcl
believes In Iheiu se steadf.istlj.
"I have what I call mv thiileeu
points- net feuilcen!" wild the Majer,
i grinning. "Thej ure mj own pailicu
, Jut baker's de '.in. I stand fei while
j supiemacj," he submitted his tit'. I
I point, ami because tin ie seemed te he no
iiiiiswtr te such n stand, he lenlimied:
' "I lielieve iu the Ipiotectien of our
pure' weiiiauhiHid. I believe in jusllavss
ami libcitj ; iu the cle.ei' lulntieiiship
between canilal and lulier.
"I'lfth, we luusi upheld the t'onstl t'enstl
tiltluii of the I nlted Stales, and sixth,
we mint upheld the buvuicigntj of our
.States rights."
Ills en 0 insp a pitch ns he next lie
(lined his conviction that theie should
be "iintiainmeled fieulum of speeih ami
the iicss. I'urlln rnieie, I bellevu iu
HKI per i cut Aineih aiiUin ; in the pre
vention el unwarranted strikes by
feicign labor agitators. We luive tee
many aluns around us, ami my next
point is te urge the limitation of immi immi
gl.Uieii, He paused.
"The much-needed leial leferius!"
Iln paused ngaili fei a meiueiii, looked
seveiely nt the two i(r-eiis in (he III 1 1
loom with him, ami then puftnl out
Ins lips, "That's mj eleventh pnlnl.
Heshles w must have law and elder
men who will enforce, same. And last
of nil, but net the least, we want
Americanism ; we hu.xe no loom for
ethers but Americans in our eeuntrj."
Mr. ('aullk'l rend bis points fiem a
slip of paper, which he had drawn from
his pocket. He sat down again in Ills
ehnir. He pulled nut a i ignr, lighted il.
"Heie." he said, wilh an iilTahililv
that hindered en bluer abandon, -"have
a i Iriii'. IIiivi urn I I have plculj
I made tlim neli la-l uighl. Heeii
fur1'-" iii',J. ' uaven t hail I me le prepare
in speeidi for (his convention."
of his citv of Ml (HID sun's. Up steed
up amidst a deal of applau.e a ven
l.'.ble giaul in long the men who scorned
se little en the li e.i il "lage. lie wa
hi a light black suit dressed tnMifullj.
bill infuiniallj.
I'm never cinb,tti,s.e,l when I speak
. And
li.iturul si 111 lighting nn
call t say that Maver Ci
(ilcnl but he ciirrici the tone of deep
est sincctitv about him. and mofeiiiul
sliciigth. n begun haltinglv le infmm
his audlenie that he did net mine te
I lii'm as Majer.
"I come te jeii enh as mi Ameihan
i ilien," he s.iid, ami thin mine
steinlv ; vj. viand ler Ameiiuin pilu
riples ami American rights."
The audience, iutriguid, listened
cmvfiillj .
"W'luit we need teihn." ciied the
Majer, "is men of honor, men wilh
metnl irage. The tieuble is Iheie are
loe ni.iiix geed men iu ibis wmhl
who 1 1 nil v don't i.ne what happens te
the world. ThingH confront us teda.v
which we have never hi en loufienied
hel'ele wilh!"
It h no ninaing thing that n man
win, Hppareiulv has sin h a paucity of
oratorical ideas tan icallj he such an
effielivu Majer, lie ii.ul nlira.es like
"Hed's own ulliitl x .' "ehsliules le
"l ne," "we view wilh alarm,"
".eparale the iliuiih from the Slate"
iu u m, iiiiii r and with an iiielevaucj
1 that is as.ecialcd wllh-the least dis
tinctive of pulittt al slump Sieakei-s, And
IJU the iiiidnnce applauded thunder-
lake most political spenUeis, tee.
after ach empluitic point he siietelied
ferwanl his gieal head, sipiaicil his
iwmsive jnw, looked giavilj mound nt
has auilieme, and then sudileiilv imficd
out his lip-, hk,. a fiiint explosion,
which be-uuuu thu (iiiutcs.fiicu el ion ien
vn 1 11)11.
"I'll stund nnd light for the Stars
nnd Stripes,," he .hound pcroia pcreia pcroia
Hen, hand uplilted, "of mv leuntiv,
even if the kill me for doing it. 1 ti..
Kiel thai I am mil one Jee Cniilhel.
wish 1 wen. a theusnt.d men, ii. I etleu
sii.. in wen, ter in. people u this
eeuntrj. '
j.iil if lie hndn'l nppe.il d the ,isi, put
evcrj one hew-s te his force of cli.tr.iurr,
Ins nigged honest)
In December of last jear Jinlge liar
net, et I'errv tmintj. senteneed lnm t)
sixty dajs In (he ceuutj jail, tagglni
en te that (lie cost of pro.ecutien ill
.n.iIIO besides. He was found guilty el
nsnuit ami n.ittery iltirlng Hie UK
.March term of ciiiiiinal court
Tlie Majer's conviction was the out
come of n ia-e tried in the .lolimteii
police court, of which he was jnnjis
tr.ite, implicating a Mary lWzenskl
who nnd neeti charged in iiiiniijnieii
etleis of intimacy wilh her pnipbtn.
ai that nine the girl protested lier la-
necence, but the Miner foiled Iter te
undergo an cxniniiiiitieti h) Ir, Itertba
I v iiiiiweii. i ue gin was tmimi iniiecfnt.
It is generallj rumored (lint Ixhinl
Ihe prosecution of the Milisispient tut
against me .Majer were the liquor la
I "My enemies u.p pverj tnelhed te get
ine uesi et me; lie smiled. "And
ht.ve le keel, xcij wide aw.ikc all tb(
It se happened Hint even llien Majer
; aumei nail u club ever I lie head! et
his pci .editors-. He is said le liavpdis
covered u "wet" naitv that would df
mell.li the entire political niaelilne of
i umlnni Ceuntj.
Makes Drastic Threat
te All His Persecutors
. Ihe "nffnir" disceverd b Mr. Ciut
tiel was a whisky par!, which
supposed (e have tur.cn nlace nt t
Hetel 1'ert Stanulx, bv members e( Ihi
( iiinlirm CtHinty bar as u lestlmenia
Sincerity and liluntncss
Wen Plaudits of Crowd
ine plauditis for (he
own wlm
pel. eus of
nole who doubts
hslie te ie (he
"V..H. j imagine i help the Mayer Had Message te Deliver
best by jiibt giving him three geed. . - ...
thumping meals a day and bemctlmca te Large LOnveniten
i i iM ttia uuei iuuq nernrfl
.W.SI W.-W ' i - . - -- .v
ZlbM7er4a toe;buBy-tc.fepa tha packedvtbt?av,
" '" njM-tnrr rr
i-iik iiiiii mini, lie had evidenth ion.
IJieiei again He wlls bill nnetlier
plain blunt man. who ran swav ciewds
'I'd bj eiaimv. hm h.v the vcrv fene
or his ihiiiacier nnd cmiMciieu.
mere me manv In .lehnsi
ine net ii em v t . I'mfli.
I UMlfil-.IJ . i, th,,,,
1 his coin igc m ,,
! light i lung "
I Seiiii. call Mm "uimiev-makei" with
I'll ts-p"l'liil siyillic.itic,. In ihelr 0,. s
soma persons call ,.u.Vi wWl. 0,ipil,
who cVcr served under the huh; home,
ere linnnv in .. ni.i .i.. "'..'".'
Uai tb-malaect la under' 3dL wK, & weuldui in
tlmnnlat III
.i .. . .. . . --". .t ... .. t ....... v,...
iisime , e new 1 elected mill letirillC illllCM.
iiiiiiii is eie- , intimated at that time that unc Jmtici
et the Mipienie Conn of (he State ani
seven Judges of the lower eeurt 1
"If I go te jail." said Hie Majot
succlnctlj, "TH have plenlj uf wu
pany." In Mill Mr. ('auilicl ran ns nn Inde
pendent candidate im- imiuiiiaileii te
me goveriierHbip of the- State. HefuM
in that altempt.
Mid it did net decrease his iutetwt
in the welfare of the lemmunitj. TW
inleiest he will never lese, any wen
iluiij he will ever lese his interest la
"I haven't time for lieliblw," ll
said. "I haven't time te de iinjlMnl
hut leek after the (hiivlng biislnf.'i ej
Hiis city mid mj own personal mailer'.
. loe, he doesn't phiv golf but be tela
his exeicise what with ruslilnj: about
tijing te solve municipal ineblenn.
Over in Cjij J lull, th officials !'
Hie profeiindcst ic.pect for liim. TW
g" luithei- (hull Hint Ihev like bid
He IS "His llonei- lle. Mninr" ubtl
Jbej speak of him, but Ihej tlilnkrf
him as Je", with the cmwsfi-t l"P
"I. Us clieeks mid the iiuessunt twl""1
iu his CM'..
He it, net only hnll fellow- well met
te (hem, but he is a substantial fcllexi
a man who can be depended upon J
ight te the Inst lick for wliuteverl'
ncllevee te be just, a mini of his unl
Is Like J. Ham
Except the Scenery
That's the ii-asen (he boelleggcrJ, '
MlloeiikeeiieiM, the blew eis, tear H"
Hu has: threatened le tun tlieni e"'
of (own if thej don't slop irltJ'l'l
pol.eu mid tlit-ic's no doubt but wl""
he's irelm- te .1.. ii
Stimigelv- cnemih. Miner Cs
siiggestn former Senater J. Ilmiaiiui.
I.evvls, because' Iu mail wajslicl'
dlfTeieiit and in many vaS se l'J
"righting Je." hasn't the inetkuW
colei il,.. . r.. 1 1 .. ...I ml. IU
-.-.-. , ...vi i tiii-,,,ii(v ,ii-ss.i, i ,
siiiiIm. iln, i,i,,l.- ,.i,i,. lii.tprii. I"i
Htnnds at ihe ether pole iu that re
SI,..., I II.., I.!., ..IT....1 .... l.lu Hill (W
I-.... ...it en i-ui'ci nn en - .
and his (eiistitucnts. leeiiis le he t
the same as J. IliiinV. Ileth are "
of pelliiuil hokum, pel haps both rf"J
,i t. ...... ,...'.,. . ..." .rilVlO'
ii. .ti liny niic, mini iiiu mw ' ,,v
i i,, "-
Si cat
iu u iiimni'i sciii-cidj ciiilmhV
Iheir hiickii ved, long, dlj
car, oiiiiericm piiliise", ,.r
In Ihe mid. ti.it Ii ni-c huliest ill.1"
.i .. .i. i ,. iiiid rv
i oil n l Hillr. limn mi vi- rini. - .,,.,
tliiisliism eiieiuh le tljht le the, I"1"
end. . ' ,J
"I'ltfliltnir .Inn" in II I1IUII Ot."
first of ull, and lined up leubtW)
ine aiue et ine everiaaung "-
Ji i-JS!.H
h -