Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, August 24, 1922, Sports Extra, Image 1

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TKUiJiSiJ ' ' " ' It
HTlTL' ITS 177 170 Kt K4
VOL. VIII. NO. 294
BAIL PUT AT $25000
'Prisoners Are Picked Out by
Their-Victims at Sensa
tional Hearing
Jew Murphy,' Hymah Geld and
Jee Bolena Are Accused
as Ringleaders
.hiilse Mennghan. slttliiR ns n com
mitting magistrate, today held Jeseph
X(t-f, nllns 'Mew Murphy": llymnn
OeM nnil Jeseph Hnlenn In SUe.OOO ball
Melt for the firatid Jury, us drug ped-
. dler?. ,
' 'They were held nfter n mornings
r ..niinnnl testimony, tlic feature 01
i,' ..i-t. ...... i,n -wlillei cured nt the J
j I Heuse of Correction nre met ty cmls
' ' aarlrs of the "drug ring." who supply
' them with drugs free of charge se thnt
they once mere will become enslaved.
1 Judge Mennghnn Indignantly refused
a request made, by C. Stuart Patter Patter
Fen, Jr.. representing one of the de
fendants for a reduction of ball. Mr.
,, IMttcrsnn argued that n person accused
of second-degree murder never was held
in mere than $."000 bends'.
1 "These men nre accused of n crime
which te my mind is worse than mur
.u, mid the Judge. "Tney are ne-
eused of a crime from which murder
breed". It would be mere humnne If
the peddlers of hablt-fermlng drugs
would sheet n "teel -jacketed bullet into
the bodies of their victims rather than
kill them bv slew degrees with the poi pei
nns shot into their veins by hypodcr hypedcr
. mlcs.
May rres for Indictments
"I have been informed thnt these
men can put up $."0,000 ball if necs-n-.rv.
Terhap that would be tee much,
lint I will give them n chance te see
if thev can raise $23,000."
Jti'lje Mennghnn indicnted that he
would issue bench wnrrnms for the
Immediate arrest of ether mn men
tioned bv witnesses ns having sold
drugs. '.iistant District Attorney
Gorden asked ncrmisslen te ask the
(Irnnd Jury te Indict ethers for whom
warrants are out but who have net bren
found by the police.
. - 'eman Carried Inte Court
T), tvnmnn wlin teFtlflpd tllttt the
rJderB of the drug ring pursue their
. Tlethns even te thb doers of tne Heuse
i. of Coirectien. and cunningly undo the
' work of months by n freely given vial of
narcotics. Is Mary Miller.
Mary was carried into the court room
bv A d'eputv sheriff. She Is new n pa
llVnt. for the second time, nt thq Heuse
of Correction. Though hr mind was
brlcht and clear, her strength was in
tuffielent te carry her from her sent In
the court room te the witness stand.
The deputy picked her up as lightly
ns n child, and gently plated her in ii
thnlr en the stand.
"I was n the Correction n year
.erreeiinn n jrar
aie," sad the woman. "They t rented
n.e. and I wns pronounced cured. I
didn't want the Muff the wnv I hud. I
as happy te think thnt i had been
frred from thnt slavery.
"Then came the day for my release.
I left tlic Ilouse of Correction, but
had net gene far when I saw n man
knew only as '(ieerge. Me ellereU
te sell mi- some mere of the stuff. I re
meinbeied hew 1 had liked it, and the
old desire came up again.
"Hut the stuff costs $." n bottle, and
I had no money, I told 'tieerge' I
couldn't buy any. Se he put it into
my hnnd.
"I was started nil ever ngnln. yeun
noner. l went hack te the hnblt just
like before. And new I'm back ngnln,
and I'm hoping te get free of the
1'ndcr the Judge's questionings,
hleh can be as gentle when he Is
dealing with the tinfortunnte as they
re brusque and terrifying when hard
ened creeks are before him. the woman
told mere of her story. She told of
drug parties," held three times a week
by a man known ns "I'ngey" Miller,
in n home near Fifteenth and Vine
treels The girl hnd already impll
cateij Murphy" ns one from whom .she
"d bought drugs.
. Tears Wrath of Prisoner
Judge Mennghnn ordered "Murphv"
'nd up. "De jeu knew that mnn?"
Ked the ludge.
.,.?i!f', 50ur Ilenr. but I never bought
nj thing fiem him."
., Murphy" looked nt her with n bendy
Heartiness nnd the girl quniled vislblv.
m.. .n-1 J, w"t you te tell tin truth.
i? .' w,i(l ,,,p Il"l(, "Yeu
edii't be nfrnlil of nnv eW." The
jJudw- tiirn-d te Held: "Veu htnnd up,
did'Tr.:".1'1 'J10 Kirl besltntingly. "I
Paler 'i '? f!'",n b,,tl1 l,os( '"""
Cn,i e.i ""l". B,le "H mistiiurn about
Ti.. i j V "-
whiM. i. i' ""'ui'iicu eiucr iiamei
is. i iu J"eSe noted
She said
" au OOUgllt
must of
her drugs
....uru en rngB Mnelrm. Column One
wman, Slxty.elnht. Commits Sul
cide at 1733 North 11th St.
.Mr T.i '"'W iK N,i,l " '"'' led
old ., '"" N-niil. slxl. -eight .vcars
in die 'v."'"'"11 Mll,,I,ll ln"' .vcstenlay
IJIrIiI,.. ,".""? " fvU'"' '" "' Nrtl
'wileeiilh street.
te en" f Ti V V .'"M I'wnMen m go
her I i " ,"Ml,0' te pray. When
llcut .,;,' Tme, ';l",nicl0,,s mi'l inves inves
en ,1,0 KnKi ,l,u w"n had lurncl
nluVLe,i,lll,,H,, f;,rl,crIy vcd in the
1 Wu,ri' Mie leek her life.
'W jisn i1
New American e . .7 '"'"v f"r two-year-ehls ever a s'epp.v this morning nt the Littleton Hospital, ,,?,, i "'" "" s'm l0 "'"t with
Neu v , ? Re"ef Head Named i trail.. Bvelyn Suwjer was second and Littleton. N. H. ' When ,,kI e.l if .!,..
Mi.r.1 mi 5hV. A"" -' Ir. Jesse K. I Avalanche third, darner e the win- Mr. Wick hnd been spending the ....J 'l, ", J' ' wu UMnvltP the
, r. i. of N Tro,rHi,ter. Mas,, nee. which paid 7 te B. Ducks ami su.i.i.ier with his fain ly at the 1'relile "" "'ft"1 1 ". f " ',B',ln' n "'?"'
me r . . ""'m"'," "''" R:"rr of I'iiiI"-. ""! '"'""'H favn-ltf. wasi louse. While Mountains. O,, Tuei,da,v S .'i ' r ? JaM the
'iiiriiiui M,i,,r . ..,,, ,," ,''.'..'," ,,.,,.! ii,ii,i' in,,, u f .1...1 he- was taken te the besom miff..,-!., "i-neuieni tunr liuil lieen issued when
.Muru llrf ''''""mined teduv. )r ' rniM' itACU. iii..b. iw.i ,.ir.i. :., crated upon ! Dr. (iulle. of Hanover. , .'"..Jl 'i ,, ' .. " Venm7",c ",
uuriln,, was horn In Turk v mil il .'. 'ur,"nK' r., ,n, ,, ,,.,.. Ik had apparently rrcevered from the ' Ji0,,r,,Ml " ""H ""''''rstoed that the
&,p ' Ib'rlme til .! of t, 'nl ' rViVin siV,er0TieVU,";fi... i':' vf i:? nttuck when ii relapse brought m i 'le";waN l'"' '"t again at the call
T"y of Miehi-n,,"'" ,",,, "f lI,u L'- ;: a fflfi "m. c'lum' iB.i : a I death. Mrs. Wick And her son. Carsen ?? the werelnry, nt the request of either
Knt.r.d .. 8ecend.CN., Mattjr at
" Undr tha Act of
Adored One Premlees te Bestow
Affectlent en Winner
IIStN ler (he leve llf n mnn I'll- ...,.,
.. - - . -----.V ". IIMI.
n witness of the fray. Is sul.l te hnve
told the contestants he would threw
Ills inflections te the winner.
.News of the contemplated fight
Drought the neighbors ns spectators mid
witnesses told In court today of bets
being placed. Miss Palmer landed the
tirst blew, n right te the jnw. Her
opponent countered with an uppercut.
but Injured her linnd. lieth went Inte
n clinch. Miss Clessen broke a.wny nnd
vlicn the ether swung, witnesses snld,
she dodged nnd retaliated with n blew
te the chin for a knockout. Ileth women
were nrrest:d and fined ?10 cneli in city
court today.
Mrs. Helen Campbell Williams,
of Phila., Victim of Thieves
en Way te New Yerk
Spt'inl Diiivnlch te Evrnlna TuMie T.tdetr
New Yerk. Aug. 24. Through the
announcement today of a sizeable re
ward offer. It became known that en
Tuesday Mrs. Helen Campbell Wil
liams, of Philadelphia, nntlennllv known
bb n worker in the Irish Republican
ZVlZ wn8 robbed of a bag containing
SlfS.OOO In Jewelry nnd 5350 in cash.
The robbery took place en n Pennsvl
vanin passenger train sometime before
"s nrrivnl nt Manhattan Transfer.
A" , Property was contained in
n new (Jlndstenc bag. Tills the thieves
i W F,IDS,1,,lt''l in its stead an
other Oladstene bng of like eppenrnnce.
though considerably mere worn. And
te glvp the robbery just the right leuch
there Vns left in the substitute bag a
rubhert ball, two lumps of sujcar nnd
several stockings, children's size.
Mrji. Williams, who lives nt 2144
Ciermantewn avenue. Philadelphia, left
Sn.t" p-?ew Yerk ,rnin' lenving there nt
.:.V Tuesdny morning. She intended
calllnt, upon prominent Irish llcpubli
cn.is in, New Yerk and bosten te see
If scmething could net be done te pre
vent the Injunction restraining De Vn
lc. fl?m ,,rnwln8' en the $2,300,000 in
nail funds en deposit in this country.
She plnced her bag close beside her
as she took her srat nnd enened n
newspaper. It was net untit the trnin
was nppreachlng Manhattan Tranfer
thnt she noticed ' her less. A. err
bretijbt a conductor running te her f.
.. Illm "fT bag nnd been stolen.
,, madame," the conductor re
plied. "I bellcre you must be mistaken
there s your bnf up there."
Sure enough there was a bag jilaeM
carefully In the baggage rack above her
head. ,
Hastily opening it. Mrs. Williams
gasped and then stared. A battered
rubber ball tell out nnd bounced nt her
feet, tncent Wlllinms. her eighteen -.year-old
son. who wns accompanying
her en the trip, retrieved it and it was
"gnln lecKed securely in the bag.
The victim is n member of various
i... ., ,., : . :. " .....,t ,u
irisn societies ami tins been acthe In
",, '";' ""'",.,.' ',""' ll "HP- -l"
I .'TaU?, nt r, Wi,,e,il,P T T"
"n Svnillnl 6 " ,!'C St,en bng
we """ n1'' "'.. ... v ,
r,l hT?h, M f Jcwri,r5" I'ta, "-
,, ' bJ !j:Jj"eve8.ere a pair of dla-
........ viiiiu, v-ii Bri wiia n iwe-
carat stone in prong settings; a buttcr-
IIV breech, cnnfnlnlnp n ln ,,t...
with back nnd wings set with dln-
mens; a piatinum nnd geld diamond
studded brncelet. containing nine stones;
n diamond -studded bracelet watch,
studded with twenty-two diamonds, n
diamond-studded cress nnd chain," con
taining teventeen diamonds.
Takes Place of Mr. Curtis, Who Is
Compelled te Forge Trip
?! Associated rrtsn
Washington, Aug. i!4. Appointment
of Hdnnrd It. Finch, Justice of the Su
preme Court of New Yerk, te take the
place of Cyrus H. K. Curtis. Philndel
phin publisher, en the official American
mission te the ISrnzlllnn. Centennial Kt
position, was announced today nt (lie
White Heuse. Mr. Curtis was com
pelled te forge the trip te Ule because
of the illness of Mrs. Curtis. i
Justice Much, who has been n mem
ber of the Supreme Court of New Yerk
since 11115 and prier te thnt h promi
nent New Yerk lawier. will sail with
Secretary Hughes and ether members
of the mission today en the Shipping
benrd steamship Pan -America from
New Yerk,
Mr. Curtis last week returned from
n trip abroad and. after visiting his
summer home In Camden. Me., informed
President Harding that Mrs. Curtis'
health would net permit him te make
the trip.
New Yerk. Aug. 21. (My A. P.)
Secretary Hughes, ncnimpnnled hv
I Mrs. Hughes, arrived today from
Washington nnd spent the day prepar
ing te sail this afternoon for Itle de
Janeiro. Secretary Hughes will be met
late today by Hear Admiral Carl T.
Vogclbcseng, acting ns chief naval aide,
and conducted nbeard the Pan-Anier-ien
nl llobeken.
Ilesldes Secretary Hughes ether
iiienibcrs of the party nie: Heprcscn
tatlvc Stephen (!, Perter, chairman of
the Heuse Perciun Helntlens Ceinniit.
tee. nnd his daughter; Majer (ienenil
Hubert l.ee Julliin. represent lug the
nrmy. and .Miss Kullnrd; Adminil Ve.
gelgcsang and Justice Much.
Milam Filly Defeats Large Field at
Saratoga Track
Saratoga HprliiRii, Aug, 'J-!. fluid's
I'lay wen the Mist nice at Saratoga
I mni itw 'U. .luineaiivitii. IIUI Aiui
nn. Nuen flllif. Remti, II, Batty Weed,
I'nmin. iiipneun. i-rimi, Nuenni. 'Sim
Tinkca Travlr aliq tan.
KerliDsler, N. Y Aug. 121. (Ilv A.
I .) Approximately WI0 pernens formed
?-ii ng 'i1.?1 nlKl,t '" wl,lr" tw" women,
hllecn Clessen, thirty-five, and Sadie
II. rainier, thliiv-tu-.. tnuUt ..iii, i....
OF i;i5.oeo
h. PnUnmc t Philadelphia. Pa,
March I, 18T9-"'
Accountants Assert System
Used by Kephart as Treas
urer Was Faulty
Slipshod Ways of Caring for
Commonwealth's Meney
Are Criticized
Harrlsburg. Aug. 21. The Common
wealth of Pennsylvania needs :i budget
system nnd n chnnge in the methods of
Slnte Treasury bookkeeping.
This is the opinion of Mnlu & Ce.,
certified public accountants. who
audited the books of the Slate Treasury
during Hie Kephnrt term by direction
of Auditor (icnernl Samuel S. Lewis.
The opinion nppears In the final sec
tion of the report of the ncceuntunts,
mnde public by Mr. lewls today. The
present system nntl treasury bookkeep
ing arc, according te the report,
"neither in accordance with the best
nccjnunting prnctice nor comparable te
the modern methods new found in sev
eral of the municipalities of this Com
monwealth." The report of the audit of the first
year of term of Onirics F. Snyder will
be announced shortly, It was Mild by
Mr. Lewis.
Accompanying the report Mr. Lewis
gnve out n statement in which he raid
copies of the report hail been sent te
Clifferd Pinehet, Jehn A. McSparrnn
and the Cltir.ens' Iludgct Cemmitter,
headed by Mr. Clyde L. King and tr.
members of the Legislature.
The report of the nceeuntnnts, sn"ys
the Auditor (icnernl. "confirms datn re
garding the receipts nnd expenditures of
the Commonwealth ns gl"Yn te the pub
lic by me n yenr or mere age." and
the Stnte new has "nn authentic foun
dation en which te build up n budget
system nnd te nt nil times knew the
true financial condition tncrcef."
Unrecorded Meney Discovered
The recommendntlens, which Mr.
Lewis says are a mutter for the State
Treasurer or the Iteorganlzntlen Com
mission, nre voluminous, and twenty
five pages nre followed by numerous
tables and schedules.
It Is stated examination has shown
the treasury has ocrnsiennlly had "a
large amount of unrecorded receipts en
hand," this observation being followed
by suggestions for n new method of en
tering receipts, for accounting control
In the corporation ledgers, which hnve
Continued en Vngt Bb, Column Twe
Ninety Cars Escape Flames at 3161
Almend 8treet
A fir in the garage of Benjamin
Sekula, nt .110l--n." Almend street,
destroyed records nnd caused .$500 dam
age nt 4 o'clock this morning.
Although there were ninety cars in
the garage proper, firemen kept the
blaze confined te the office.
Shew Unexpected Strength
Against Williams-Washburn in
National Tennis Doubles
Longwned, Mass., Aug. 24. Nat
Nlles, of Ilosten, with ills picturrMpie
partner, Jenn Itoretrn. of France,
showed sufliclent form nnd ste.idiuess te '
lake the opening set. 0-.'l, from the
1021 Davis Cup doubles team of H.
Nerrls Williams, 2d, and Wat-en
Washburn, of New Yerk, in the round
preceding the seml-fimil of the national
tennis doubles today.
The winners crashed through Wash
burn's service In the fourth gnme nnd
then through Wlllinms in the seventh
game. Nlles was broken through In the
eighth, but Itoretrn tin his service cur
rlcd the set te Hie linNi will, a ,.rey
Iilaceincnt te the ba-p IIiip.
'I he former Davis (up players were
unsteady, placing inuny npiurently ensv
shetN into the net
Itoreira tlashnl with hU active leuii
covering nialiing many gets en seem
ingly impes-dhle shots that cave hN
i tit position of ndviiniage. (Iccaslon (Iccaslen
nll.v llorelra encroached en Nlles' ter
ritory, bill was forced te tal;c the pen
alty as the opponents were tiich te
take ndvantagc and lay I heir shuts in
the unprotected territory. The French
man showed te great advantage in his
steady volleying and the speed with
which he covered his court was amaz
ing. Williams was net up te his usual
form en his backhand strokes, although
the eirers he mode en these were .suffi
ciently close te give his admirers' en
couragement lhat they would get better
as the match prngiesscd.
I.N'iiM - iiuroti.i I.N'iiM - iiureti.i .
ii n 'j . :i n t t 12-,- a
i i 1 4 n r. i H t ai it
Philadelphia Manufacturer Sue i
cumea ticr oiemacn uperatlen '
Pniflle Heuse. N. II.. Aug. U L Jehn I
K. Wick, president of the W ck Nnrrev"
Fabric Cen.pany. of IM.Iladelphia die !
thlsniernlliK.it the Littleton I fesplt ,
Pniflle Heuse. N. II.. Aug. liLJehn I
W. Otr, are new nt Littleton. They
Urn leaving iwuicuiaiciy ler x'nuaati
0 puuuc vuangc
k(r ihiv imv bum , aiw -am. -.aatm. mm aim w .isss. Jasw mrmmmr amiH vnv
Shet as Cellins Fell
An Irish-American, of Rosten,
who was wounded In the firing
from nmbiish that resulted in hill
ing of the l'rec State. lender.
Parents' Wardrobes Alse Make Ap
pearance In Line of March
There will be ninny leaky lea nnd
coffee pets in Cnmdcn homes tonight,
for the reason thnt several hundred
boys used these utensils, ns well as
pieplutes for Instruments In a big pa
rade today te mark the closing of the
The kitchen preps were net the only
things affected. Mere than four-score
of fathers and mothers, ten, will find
nil sorts of Injuries te their hUh lints,
best Sunday coats nnd wrapjiers. used
as costumes by the youthful marchers.
The parade was a "howling s'lecccs."
Thirteen playgrounds closed, thnt the
children could get ready for school,
which rticns in n few days.
Te arouse Interest In accident pre
ventien the Itetnry nnd Liens Clubs of
Cnmden. gnve $," each te the six boys
nnd girls who turned in the hct csnjs
and pesters en this subject.
The prize winners nre Helen Shivers,
eleven years old, CI" Klin street ; Louts
(Juluten. thirteen. G.'I0 VIeln street;
Jehn Zudere, fifteen. 12." Iteckett
street; Samuel Teltelbauni. thirteen,
20" Federal street ; Hubert Ferris.
fourteen. Sixth and ine streets, and
Ourn Zorenick, eleven, 000 Clinten
street. ,
Fermer Youngstown, O., Executive
Charged With Obstructing, Idewalk
Youngstown, O.. Aug. 24; (Hy A.
P.) tieerge I. Dies', who resigned as
Mnyer two months h);e. ufter ii stormy
administration, leilu. was arrested "and
taken te the police station in n nntrel
wagon te face chnrges of obstructing
the sitiewniK in front of his downtown
market. The complaint wns made by
Merris Squires, proprietor of a rival
Squires and Oles have engaged in
bitter personal exchanges through their
newspnper advertisements for n long
period, the former Mayer gave bend
nf SKI for his appearance later for a
hearing. '
Governer Confers With Antag-
enists in Effert Toward
tioverner Sprnul tool; a hand in the
hard coal strike situation tennv when
tie conferred with Mamuel I. Wan liter.
pres dent of the I.ehish alley Ceal nod CMCWV PITV lAITU DIIOO
Navigation Company, ami William A.leMUKY Ul I T WITH BUCS
(tlnsffew, Jr.. counsel for the United i
.Mine v encers.
Mr. Vairiner is chairman of the op
eraters committee which has just fulled
te reach an agreement with the miners
nftnr t-ut ..f ....( .." ii ".v.":
V. l , .... . VT V,r,,","
M.htlta'"? rl1'" f J"1"'
ion. ntul a iccegmzcd force toward
............. . .mm,, ,in.. ,ur. Vlllis.
",0'!!"",;:, . j
ilie (inyerner s conferences tedaj
"'" visieic iruit. out tlic results,
few dn. Aleanvv.ille a new "den ,,'
has Injectcl Itself into the contreversv. .
Hie operale.s are being urged by big'
busineis interests te dose, a contract '
.. m ,..-,,wi-ii. urn ,,. apparent in a
with (lie miners nt mice s n,...- .,r ,
In a better position te de mi new' than
liter, when u big business boom, new i
believed en Its wa,, arrives.
Still another move. In iu. Mi-ike sit
uation will be a ceiifeienee hctv te-i
inern.w between Samuel Compers pres
Ideal f.f the Ainericnn Peil,.r..,i.... ..r
.aber, and Lewis.
Mi. Lewis has heen stning at the
nellevue-hiratferd since he breakdown
of the negotiations. .Mr. tfempers tele.
piiui.-i i ue netei mis afternoon freu
. ii-iiiiiKieii, iiiiiiiiug reservnt
mining reservations for'
!.!.. ... V" I
iiiuseii ami wire for tomorrow. When
ue arrives llie conferences will com
mence. it Is ollegVtliei- likely tif Mr
(.empeis comes ,ee with full knovvl knevvl
edge of the Ailmiiiihir.it inn's latest views
upon the situation. It j, Mlll ,, ,
been In conference with Se.ret.iiv of
J.iilK.r Davis aijtl riecrelary f ,u. .
ivi mr i ii.ev cr
ilie iniiicrH lert the situation up (e
the operaters: .lesterdnv. "vi ..' .i..
. IIUI. .if Im.nllii. I.. ... " .. l!'r
operators Insist en aiblVratle..." de!
""" " '' i.rwiH, "We will net
;...."' . tl'"t, Prepusnl. If the eper-
n ," i ' ITopepnl. If the
L',V W 'll' "' ."Y10 "N ,0.tl,'
' "B" " uii'i ,I,uve.,,?,h,I,K el
tl ?m S ' ' ",ect
else te
tue mlne r operators."
. -----rf "-!
J'flB1 'A.HtePCJggg. fl.ctstw I
mm uuuamsc Trsrsrs. ifcT "
, f 1
Occasional Cracking of Snipers'
Rifles Is Only Sound te
Disturb Silence
After Being Shet Leader Im
plored Followers te Keep
Fighting and Ferget Him
Uv Ataeclnltit Prrsi
Dublin. Aug. 24.-Draped In t''
loved trl-coler of Irelnnd. the coffin
containing the body of Mlciinei '-"'"'
slain chief of Ireland's new Irce State
GeTcrnmcnt. wns lnnded hrre today
from the steamer Classic nnd l
through the streets nmtd nn lmpretsive
tribute from the multitude.
General Cellins' body wns met et the
deck by large throngs of """rncr,H-,'?,:
eluding Richard Mulcnh.V. chic of BtafT
nnd ether prominent representatives et
the nrmy. The body -wns tnken en n
gun enrriage. preceded by n band or
pipers, te St. Vincent's Hospital.
I'm vers were snld ns the precession
pnssed In silence, broken only by the
distant crack of snipers' rifles In vari
ous parts of the grief-stricken city.
The cortege was flanked by fi Hne. or
Dublin guards machine in Mew time
with the muzzles of their revolvers pro
truding from the holsters. A l''1
ment of civic guards in blue "n"0"""
followed. They were the only unarmed
uniformed men In the precession.
Immediately behind came an armored
enr bristling with rifles held nt all
..t ...,.n..i.lrnr nn incnnerunttR ene-
li,ff n' he mournful nrocessien. SevJ
ernl men who were wounded in the
fighting nenr Unnden, County t prk. the
night when Cellins lest his Ufe, ac ac
cempnnled their beloved cadcr s body
en the sea voyage te Dublin.
Bedy Lies In State
The bedv wns Inter removed from
the hospital mertunry. where it wns
first taken, te the hospital chapel. '
dcr the yes of n guard of honor chosen
from the Nntlennl Army the dead gen
eral's relatives nnd friends visited tb
chapel during the morning nnd large
crowds passed by the bier throughout
the day. ..... i
Cellins' bedv wns nttlred in the uni
form of commander-in -chief with his
revolver still left In its holster. Lven
in death the pale features of the nn nn
teonnl iert were the nppenrance of de
termination. Cellins lay dressed exactly ss he met
his death, the uniform bearing the crim
son stain which told the ery of the
end. Poignant scenes were wltnetued
ill the little ehupcl ns the mourners
came nnd went.
Miss Kitty Kicrnnn, Cellins' fiancee,
nnd his sister. Miss Powell Cellins?
wftr.e among the first te enter the
chapel. After them, ethers came In
a steady stream, many of them linger
ing before the ledy nnd reluctant te
leave It. Many kissed the forehead of
Ireland's dead commander-in-chief.
Meanwhile, nuns moved silently te
Continued an Psre Nlnetrrn. Column Fire
Jehnsen Is Cobb's Hurler and Har
ris Works for Mack
Svlvesler Jehnsen, for whom Detroit
paid S40.0IM1 te the Portland club of
the Pacific Const League, whs Cobb's
selection for the feutth game of the
scries with the Athletics.
.lnhusen came te the Tigers along
with Plllette, but has hurled in only
three games se fur this season, nil of
which he wen.
Cennie Muck called en Slim Hun Is.
who hasn't finished a full g.mie in sev
eral weeks. Perkins was behind the
bat for the Athletics and HasMer for
the Tigers.
Itliie. first inen up. hit n home run.
Jess Winters and Brown Are the
Opposing Hurlers
lllll. I... I. W t 114 fS ttl I
. "i-'"K'i. .. uig. -i ine runs
llo"Ue,l 1 with the Pirates for the n
,"" in ''ItthhurBli leda.v. with a r.cer
0 fur.
11M,.eil nil f i tu. 1 ruins f..n ,!, le.
The Urns are going fast new
their wn.x te the tup. with ambit i
te get at least second place befe
I vlelier l anil Winters nun
n I m f a, ,g , I e , la lie
received the l'hils' asslgnine it. while
llrevvn was sen e f ,
IMrates. memm mr tnt
The weather was cleuilv and llirent-
cning rain. I
ui HL.UU di uummiOOIUNCni
Expulsion of Pupils for Refusal te!
Submit Declared Valid !
Jehn Lnrlght, Scheel Commissioner, I
en an eiu controversy concerning vacci
.. " ' i .mill, ;
natum in ine Merlin public schools.
Commissioner Knrlght decided thnt
Mrs. Lena Slivers Is Inlurerf tn
m. m . .. '
Fifth and Market Streets
----.-- .
Mrs. Lena Silvers. Ill North Slxlv Slxlv
M'ceinl st reel, slipped ns she alighted
mini a liflh street car at Market street
today, fell le the street and fructured
three ribs.
She was taken te llm .TonYi-en 11,..
Pj'nl ; fourth police district wagon.
?,rs Ivers was shopping In town with
her husband. ,
i T !s.-
tlli,,,,.s"ir,,l,,C!JllV,w',r,'n f. J?",-"H "1r"r ' ,!;) ". "tcc under 1" a boathouse colony along the Schu,. Mrs. Julia Wad ,. "' Mrs ,SwXr"i
U s fu'r Ve X 1 r. "JV1 ,'IJ.Ut' rilr-i' '' "-"1 lV''"v t,, r..i.i.l In kill River near Cirnnl Point Ills '"elher. Mrs. Svvclg,.r dec'ares VhJt In
niiid. ,pfUh",, ,e '" t,,i,,n hi a0s'weT,nl!:r',1(,f;Vfm,,h:,n!!,V!, ".r,1 tlLni nn- iimnAn"
The fa hers were lined by Justice of ' a two-,' '" , , 'e"' II , U' ,,H'1 " '"' ' mnrsh. n d" live 1 vU.l ''"!& Jl V'
I&Amw&uI?1 -lrt ';'hW. ' W UI. - -.! near the U,a,heue n.' '.nib r J ft S'h i'lerce
miimm bbmsm mmmm imm
- iliT.Sl.,".S'";i r""IW. "I- , Ml.. S.MI l.l tin., iWkW.t. .IM.mcT .IU Win. w ,TI . Il5
breaks ribs in fall B&cB ? s iffl p1p1ri, ir-a'triK'Vfc'fflSS?
- ia I lahipened the greens and It took Ing. She picked up a knife, she said meet. "iirfcta te
t..titv. wHu " flMnrlftT.
""""'" 5epyrTht. 1922.
Jehnsen and Bns.slrr Hen is nnd Perkins. Connelly, Guthrie.
Wiulcrs nnd Hrulinej Brown nnd Schmidt. McCermlck, Itiglcr.
NEW YORK (A.L.).., 1 -
Morten nnd O'Neill; Jenes and Schang.
ST.LOUIS...w 3 G
BOSTON (A.L.)... .. O O -
Kelp. and Severeid Karr, Fergusen and Chaplin.
CHICAGO (N.L.)....
(. I.VC1NNATI (N.L.) .
ST. LOUIS (N.L.).....
HABBISBUKG, Aug. 24. The first application for commu
tation of the death sentence te he filed for the September meet
ing of the State Beard of Pardons has been made by; counsel for
rred I. Kerr, Beaver,
WINDSOR First Delhimer, $27.50, ?8.45. $3.65, wen; Stote,
53 75, 92.SO, second; Harmonious, 2.70, third. Time, 1.13 4-5.
Ten Cnn. King Jehn, Bill HcCIey, North Tower and Black Betty
also ran.
' HARRISBUBCr, Aug. 24. The State .Water Supply Coimnls Ceimnls Coimnls
Bieu has approved plans for tbjree new bridges in Lycoming
County, six in Allegheny, one each in Lancaster, Laekawanna,
Columbia and Somerset, two in Cambria and two in the bor
ough of Tyrene. , . . ,
HARRISBUBO, Aug.' 24. The Public Sen'icc Commibsien
trill have n? executive sesBlen until September 5, having ad
journed the sessions this week. The vacation period, in which
executive sessions are held bi-vreekly, will end this month.
SAN SALVADOR, Aug. 24.-A Central American ctnteicnce
te be participated in by Honduras, Guatemala, CeatH Rict v,n'
lagua and Salvader, is planned
is of wide scope, some of the subjects te come up btin- piiUls fe,.
dibtrlbutien of all disputes arising among the countries involved
the unification of moneys throughout Central America, a cus
toms union with a standardized tariff and better arrangements
for the exchange of Central American product.
Detroit Gelfer Sheets 69, Three
njnr d. :.. n ..
w..m. , ., in vMuniny- .
, '
ing Keund
Mich.. Aug. 'J4. Mike
! Orn.
n HmU .. i. :i .1 1 ' "
i 1111M' uiinr inr in mm ni,L ,. i......
i,i ,1, 1. :;j. " l" f"r
... j...., ....ii r.n-i-ii.
Unti. i-...i.. .. ...1 11....1,
he type ;;fg;df lhat Apen.edly brought
cheers from the gnllerv. but eich lest
chances for below pur Meres through
faltering en easy nhets.
On the tirst thrct :ieles Brady was
Owtloneen rej.,Ttnu,Lc.ln,B-Th; j
lDO, P" jrAsr a jebt titeiib am
wS?BJ' ? hm mrrttMTfn ih, ftii
tWnt4 column today en pa SJ.--.I4uV"1
h. rf Detrnlt wlu. lm i,..ti i nl.l . .. a ...ki.a.i .1...1. 1.. ..,.. I.
BuWrlptlen prle IS a Tr br MH.
br Puwle Ludsar Company
. ..-- i
for next December. The aendi
Prisoner Says Man Tried te!
r- ...
rerce way into rieme Near
Girard Point
in munen
fiftv-i-even carsl
; , , , ! " mit", pur nn
niiii iiinn fnKi-. .1. . 1
""V, "V". ."'"". ""r l,,c "our uiuue a
mriM' in ine (tarn.
'""" " I" 'ness
Sll( Pl'Kl the knife Inte the dark-
IT". 1f,pv,"r,n11 tlm'"'. "be wild, nnd ll.cn
Buckley disappeared. Cnnvvare that
, '' "?" "bbed the man and bellev.
IllflT Unit Iiu mtrli ...I..... .1 .. .
tables and chain 1 against the doerand
tciuriiFii te neu,
The detectives before making the ar
Continued ; I'aa. Twe, CaTtimn Tbrea
j Jeseph Itiirkley,
i .:-
"DP TO shepmen;
New Rail Session Would Effect
Settlement by Individ
ual Lines.
Latest Gathering With Railroad
Executives Surrounded by
Utmost Secrecy '
Hv Atiecititrd I'M
New Yerlt, Aug. 14. "It'p new tip!
le ihe shep.nen." said a spelninn for
the llig Five Ilrotherheod chiefn this
afternoon nfter they hnd conferred nl
the Yule Club with n committee rep
resenting n group of about n score red1
en the preposition for effcci'lng sepnrnl
settlements between Individual read
and striking shepmen.
Nothing efficlnl could he learned carl
this afternoon epncrnlng tlic latest set
tlement prnpetnl, If one had been
fnmed. One unefiicial report, which
could net be confirmed, was that nine
teen reads, still refusing te reinstate
strikers with full seniority, had agreed
te take them all back and let them,
through merit and efficiency, work
themseires b'tck gradually into their old
This we, taken in some quarters IS
indicating that representatives' of the y
running trudes and representatives of
reads totaling about 'Si per cent of thh
mileage of the I'nlted Slates had
reached some sort of definite proposal
for settlement, which had been re
ported te the sheperuffs at a meetina?
with the mediating brotherhood chief
which followed the session with czce
utives. ,
Turn Dawn Proposal
A member of the shept en's Knfltera
Strike Committee made this comment te
newspapermen :
"I II tell you thnt there's going te be
no settlement with nny nineteen rnll
reads. Yeu cnn put that In your plp
and Fineke it."
Representing the score of reads In
terested in tedny'n negotiations wag a
committee en which In addition te Mr.
Wililard. there served A. II. Smith, of
the New Yerk C'entrnl, N. 1). Mabcr,'
of the Norfolk end Western, nnd Hale
Helden, of the Oilcigu, Burlington and
"We are still mediating." faid War
ren S. Stene, spokesman for the
brotherhood men.
The chief of locomotive engineers d i
elined further te dlscu&M the meeting,
which wns surrounded hy the utmost '
secrecy. He hastened te the Hetel v
yoedstock te confer nt labor head
quarters with leaden of the stationary
The railroad executives remained at
the Yale Club, hut it wns understood
would resume their conferences with
the mediators this afternoon.
Wlllnrd Replies ISluntly
Asked If he had any comment te make
en the morning session Daniel 'Wil
lurd, president of the Baltimore nnd
Ohie, nnd chairman of the group new
in conference, answered gruffly:
The brotherhood mediators spent
their lunch period with the leaders of
the shop crafts unions.
Te make the secrecy which surrounded
the morning conference mere emphatic
reporters were ordered from the Ynln
Hub while the executives lunched, and
no .statements of any kind wen; given
Encouraged by n belief that Individ
ual settlements might yet prove the
basis for peace, the big live leaders
conferred until nfter midnight with the
heads of n score or mere of executives
who, when the general conference ad
journed, expresM-d n wlliliiLMicss te con-
tlnue negotiations, although rcnflirmln ' ,
.,! :.i ,.";. -------;- i
i innr i "niuiuii Muiiil against ine union
seniority propesaio. m
Thed. when the executives left, agree
ing te renew their pence efforts today,
the big five returned te their headquar-
1 entlniifil en Pise Mnrtrcn. Column FOBJ
Husband Asks Police te Find Hunt'
Ing Park Avenue Girl
I Martin C. Meehm. '."Jtl Hunting
j 1'nrk uvenue. has appenled In the police
I te locate his bride of six months, who
I left horn" jestenluy morning after he
, went te work, and has net jet icturned.
Mr. Itcihm is said te have worn
two diamond rings and n wedding ring,
and te have had S''.."i() in cash. 8h
were n white shirtwaist, plaid skirt,
black stockings and brown shoes. She
Is twenty-one j ears old, and has brown
hair und blue ejes
i Husband, of Rutledee. s,.rui e
. "
enteen-Year Sentence
A sii for divorce was i.ie.i tn,i
I 'he Delaware Cmint.v Court by Mrs,
i.mmn rswciger. iwent.v.tvve venrs old,
of, ii,1',p,,k,,j ''", "C'lnst Pnui Hwclger!
wi, N H.,.ving from seventeen te twea-
t-twe j cars in the Western I'enltea-
tlary for high wnv robbery.
m i ... 'u:. "':'' . .
..ii. nun ."iik. fiBHjiT were married
Suggested for Ceal Beard
Va.sliliiKteii, Aug -j (y p
Appelntuieiii of Wllllnni ', lllfijey,' pre. ,
fesstir -f econetiiicH nl Harvard Culver,
slty ns n member of the proposed Fed-
..till ii.nll iittnnlL I.... . . -
" ' .....limn mm urgeti today ',1
by Represeiitntive Rogers .lining a tJ. t
.v.-..-.. ...... 1 ivnmnn naming, ,j
-At '
te.Ai. ,u x K t
v .. .. a y. 4fr
. ,:Hf'J,tf M ,
1 I tf
.ijZ&4i- .- w . Mex -k v,e? .
4 fi
it ,